- Microservices is an architectural style in which application is structured as a group of individual loosely coupled services.
- Microservices interact with each other using very light-weight protocol.
- They are deployed separately.
- Advantages:
- Scaling is easier.
- Easy deployment.
- Technology usage. (Independent technologies can be used for each service).
- Faster to develop, and understand.
- Loosely coupled.
- Disadvantages:
- Interprocess communication.
- Distributed transactions.
- More resources.
- Debugging issues.
- One application which has every services packed in it.
- Advantages:
- Simple to deploy.
- Simple to develop.
- Simple to scale.
- Disadvantages:
- Technology dependency. (One technology for all services).
- Engineering focus.
- Scaling data layer.
- Overloaded VM/containers.
- CI/CD tests (Build and conflicts).
- Understanding.
- A technique where we break down the existing system into smaller different modular services.
- We decompose the whole application based on the functional areas.
- x-direction: Horizontal Scaling (Adding more instances of similar services).
- y-direction: Functional decomposition (Keep decomposing the service to certain degree).
- z-direction: Data partitioning (Processing part of the data by a service instance).
- There are three patterns to access data from Microservices:
- Direct Call: Client makes direct API calls to all of the microservices and gets the information needed to render the page.
- Problems:
- Too many request , Complex JS/Android code to handle
- Protocol difference of micro services
- Tigthly coupled client and services
- Performance issues
- Scalability issues
- Problems:
- API Gateway
- Direct Call: Client makes direct API calls to all of the microservices and gets the information needed to render the page.
- An API Gateway is a server that is the single entry point into the system.
- The API Gateway is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation.
- All requests from clients first go through the API Gateway.
- It then routes requests to the appropriate microservice.
- The API Gateway will often handle a request by invoking multiple microservices and aggregating the results.
- It can translate between web protocols such as HTTP and WebSocket and web‑unfriendly protocols that are used internally.
- Advantages:
- Authentication
- SSL Termination
- Load Balancer
- Insulation
- Disadvantages:
- Increased hops
- Complicated system
- API Gateway also helps to implement:
- Caching
- Managing access quotas
- API health monitoring
- API Versioning
- Chaos Monkey Testing
- A/B Testing
- BFF is essentially a variant of the API Gateway pattern.
- It also provides an additional layer between microservices and clients.
- But rather than a single point of entry, it introduces multiple gateways for each client.
- The BFF is tightly focused on a single UI, and just that UI. That allows it to be focused, and will therefore be smaller.
- It is a pattern to identify the network addresses of all of the instances of microservices.
- We use service register for this purpose.
- Service register is more like a separate system/or a database which contains the list of all of the instances of every microservices and its network addresses.
- Ways in which service registry can happen:
- Self Registry: (The microservices automatically registers themselves to the register).
- Third party Registry: (The registry will ask microservices about their address and updates).
- In discovery we access all of the informations in the registry.
- In a monolithic application, components invoke one another via language‑level method or function calls.
- In contrast, a microservices‑based application is a distributed system running on multiple machines.
- Each service instance is typically a process.
- Consequently, microservices must interact using an inter‑process communication (IPC) mechanism.
A synchronous microservice is one in which data moves to and from an endpoint of a service in a blocking interaction.
A typical example of a synchronous data exchange is an HTTP request/response interaction.
- Easy to implement
- Easy to handle different use cases
- Realtime
- Service Availability
- Response Time
An asynchronous microservice is one in which a request to a service and the subsequent response occur independently from each other.
The general practice is to use a message broker technology, such as Kafka or RabbitMQ, to act as a go-between for services.
- Faster APIs
- Decoupled Services
- Works even when services are down
- Complex design
- Process latency
- Monitoring costs
A design pattern which is used when there are services that are interacting with other services.
To protect our microservices from an excess of requests, it’s better to interrupt communication between the front-end and the back-end as soon as a recurring fault has been detected in the back-end.
- If a call from one microservice to other microservices fails, increment the number of failed calls by one.
- If the number of failed calls goes above a certain threshold, open the circuit.
- If the circuit is open, return with an error or a default response or cached response.
- If the circuit is open and some wait timeout has passed, half-open the circuit..
- If the circuit is half-open and the next call fails, open it again.
- If the circuit is half-open and the next call succeeds, close it.
Closed state:
- This state implies that the service is up and running(properly).
- Then if the number of error responses from the needed service passes a threshold limit, the circuit breaker will be tripped (ie: goes to the open stage).
Open state:
- In the open state, the circuit breaker will trigger the fallback method.
- A fallback method will handle the case if the needed service is down.
- After a considerable time, the circuit breaker will go to half-open state.
Half open state:
- The circuit breaker makes a remote call to the service.
- If the request fails, the circuit breaker will go to the open stage.
- If the service gives the proper response, the circuit breaker will go to the closed stage.
- This state takes place after spending some time in the closed stage.
- Cached response
- Fallback mechanism
- Recover
- Problems faced in inter microservices communication:
- Load Balance
- Service discovery
- Metrics
- Retries
- Circuit Breaking
- Timeout
- Service mesh: A component which runs along with every microservice deployment and helps to do all of the above problems.
- It is a sidecar pattern.
- For every microservice instance, there will be an instance of service mess which is running in that container.
- It also implements proxy design pattern.
- In service mesh, there are two major components:
- Control Plane
- The centralized hub or a single hub which acts like a control panel from which we can configure configurations for all of the proxies which are side loaded whith every microservice running in every instance.
- Data Plane
- It is comprised of proxies and all of the requests goes through these proxies.
- Control Plane
- Deployment goals:
- Scalability and throughput
- Reliable and available
- Isolation
- Resource limit
- Monitor
- Cost effective
- Patterns:
- Multiple Servers Per Host:
- Advantages:
- Efficient resource utilization
- Fast deployment
- Disadvantages:
- Poor isolation
- No resource limit
- Dependency conflict
- Advantages:
- Service per VM/container:
- Advantages:
- Isolation and secure
- Manageable
- Fast(containers only)
- Autoscaling
- Disadvantages:
- Slow (VM only)
- Not efficient (VM only)
- Not so secure (containers)
- Advantages:
- Serverless:
- Advantages:
- Focus on code
- Pay as you go
- No scaling worries
- Disadvantages:
- Runtime support
- Expensive
- Vendor lock
- Debugging pain
- Stateless and short running process only
- Advantages:
- Multiple Servers Per Host: