All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Correct make docker-build
- Ignore parser error and continue to parse
- Modify docker-compose env
- Use new context to shutdown as main context cancelled already
- Adjust pulling timing
- Enhance the missing crawl timing
- Skip holiday
- Adjust makefile
- Correct generate package name for cronjob
- Remove CircleCI due to security reason
- Add stock market indicator
- Remove sumologic logging and fix cronjob addJob always return error
- Update the concerntration source and adjust the parsing performance
- Update crawling url
- Support TDR stock parsing
- Solve 1,000 price parsing issue
- Adjust stock list pulling time
- Solve price_diff space trim
- Trim all space for price diff
- Always restart docker image
- Support kafka keep alive
- Use password on sentinel
- Debugging redis sentinel
- Update sentinel addresses
- Update redis sentinel master issue
- Update TWSE three primary endpoint change
- Update k8s resouces and update linter config, fix lint issues
- Update coverage upload (#5)
- Update push branch
- Remove old changelog
- Add
- Refine logging format and add sumo logic support
- Support kafka channel to trigger download manually (#3)
- Support k8s deployment
- Update operational files and update Makefile
- .DS_Store banished!
- Adding testing env param and refine issues
- Remove unnecessary print
- Correct test case failure and update cronjob timing
- Remove unnecessary dto and refine the config
- Update
- Add
- Initialize the project from jarvis
- Use kafka-go higher level Write to handle reconnection/retries
- Construct docker-compose environment and adjust the format of consumption
- Force timezone set to Taipei
- Upgrade yaml.v3 to fix security issue and add more proxy selection
- Create codeql-analysis.yml
- Create
- Update dispatcher shutdown
- V2.0.0 Release (#1)
- Update docker-compose route and refactor kafka implementation
- Parser using strategy pattern and refine html parsing logic
- Rename converter initializer
- Increase test coverage and refactor redis distribute_lock calling
- Add parsing protection and more test cases
- Kafka producer init config
- Adjust kafka producer config
- Add timezone support and README
- Update Dockerfile to not use test.json
- Helper testcases
- Add more testcases for parser/crawler
- Increase test coverage for redis and helper
- Apply mock-gen and add more test cases from external services (#2)