gatsby-starter-minimal-blog Public
Typography driven, feature-rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highligh…
BSD Zero Clause License UpdatedDec 30, 2021 -
Realtime-Simple-Chat-App Public
Forked from WebDevSimplified/Realtime-Simple-Chat-AppJavaScript UpdatedJun 5, 2021 -
tradekit Public
Forked from hackingthemarkets/tradekita collection of open source server components and Python libraries for financial data projects and automated trading
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 28, 2020 -
lppls Public
Forked from Boulder-Investment-Technologies/lpplsLibrary for fitting the LPPLS model to data.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2020 -
Car-Price-Prediction Public
Forked from krishnaik06/Car-Price-PredictionJupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 3, 2020 -
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