The list below includes 2786 deleted tweets by Lauren_Southern.
There are also 95 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 11 November 2021: Binger is actually right wing pro second amendment and taking one for the team. More plausible explanation than this being real.
- 11 November 2021: The judge has seriously had enough of the prosecutions shit.
- 9 November 2021: Need one of those "autism is beautiful" ads but it's just footage of this autistic photographer obliterating the prosecution in the Rittenhouse case.
- 9 November 2021: There’s a reason I’ve got zero criminal record despite the insane shit you people accuse me of. Twitter isn’t real life. Nor are your schizo video essays. If all you breadtube freaks had any grip on reality Kyle’s prosecution wouldn’t be looking like this right now.
- 9 November 2021: There’s a reason I’ve got no criminal record despite the insane shit you people say about me. Twitter isn’t real life. Not are your schizo video essays. If Twitter and all you breadtube freaks had a grip on reality Kyle’s prosecution wouldn’t be looking like this right now.
- 9 November 2021 (live): Millions of people were gaslit into believing Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderous white supremacist by both the media and their very own president. The Rittenhouse trial feels like damn good therapy.
- 8 November 2021: Travis Scott is actually just a PR rep for the Satanic Panic.
- 7 November 2021: I could not humanly report on this story instead of just giving the family $2000, or crowdfunding for it.
- 3 November 2021: Airports right now are a special kind of hell. Watching people get rejected at check in repeatedly because of constant changing protocols, wrong tests, vax status, tests not received. There's a guy sitting beside me as I type this making panicked calls about his delayed results.
- 3 November 2021: Can you guys get new catch phrases and jokes? You're like pull string dolls. Next you'll be going off about orange man or something. "Omg instert republican I dislike is JUST LIKE insert nazi.... 🥱
- 30 October 2021: Imagine thinking the Lincoln Project are Republicans. Mate one minute on their timeline could’ve helped you here.
- 30 October 2021: For those curious left is dummy round - plastic primer. Right real primer. One way you can tell from the back.
- 29 October 2021: @christinafreund @TerryMcAuliffe lmfao this is incredible work
- 29 October 2021 (live): Big if true.
- 26 October 2021: Gonna assume they didn’t remove my steaks voice box. Either way, factory farming does have issues. Which is why you should hunt and kill your own meat, the most ethical and sustainable approach 😎
- 26 October 2021: Rust crew member "there are massive protocols to stop these things from happening" Including... wow who would've guessed? "very lastly, the actor checks the gun" "check the gun, no matter what's going on on set."
- 22 October 2021: I’m not suggesting he did this intentionally by any means. However clearly there was a weapons safety mishap here, one I reckon we’ll learn more about in the coming days.
- 22 October 2021: There would never be any circumstance where clearance would be given to point and shoot a prop gun at crew who had nothing to do with the shot being filmed. You’d have a point if it occurred during a filmed scene with another actor perhaps?
- 22 October 2021: Perhaps we will see more information that clarifies the details later. However, from my readings on prop and weapons experts on sets - it doesn’t appear there would be any clearance to ever fire or point a weapon at crew who were not in the shots.
- 22 October 2021: Prop guns in films like this are typically not “fake guns” - just guns with ammo that doesn’t fire but makes noise or flashes. Yet can still be dangerous and needs to be used with care. So yes, real gun safety should be used.
- 22 October 2021: It was a rehearsal. The people shot were not even actors in the scene.
- 22 October 2021: Here is proper prop-gun protocol. Something was clearly not followed here.
- 22 October 2021: Yes, that is 100% an issue.
- 22 October 2021: Wtf are you talking about? Prop guns are known to be dangerous and should only ever be pointed at the actor involved in the shot, and after clearance by a designated expert. They’re typically not even used in rehearsals.
- 22 October 2021: No it’s not different with a prop gun, as prop guns are known to be dangerous and therefore should be operated in the same manner. Actor Brandon Lee was killed in the same way. Prop masters must clear and check the weapon each use. Typically rehearsals shouldn’t even use it.
- 22 October 2021: The Alec Baldwin situation is really tragic, but highlights an essential frustration of legal gun owners. Their critics know so little about what they critique. It becomes second nature as a trained gun owner to never point a weapon, even without ammo towards other people.
- 22 October 2021: If this story were true, it is your responsibility to report him. What about others you are putting at risk by leaving this definitely real maniac out there unchallenged? This totally real individual likely got away with this today because no one reported him before.
- 21 October 2021: Tfw Satanism goes from burning down Churches and being outlawed to making colouring books for kids that are featured on Kickstarter. Very edgy!!
- 19 October 2021: The foster system can be seriously messed up - but that doesn't negate the fact that there are seriously abusive and dangerous situations kids need to be removed from sometimes. I don't understand all the cheering for this I'm seeing on social media without more context.
- 19 October 2021: Indigenous community in Canada are preventing social workers from apprehending a child, claiming she broke her collar bone in the system. The story is seriously lacking in fundamental details. How did she break it? Why was she removed in the first place?
- 18 October 2021: We're watching the same show and on the same episode... it's actually a well done show though lol...
- 17 October 2021: It is literally observable on a day to day basis that vaccinated individuals are getting and spreading the virus. The claim that this isn’t true is denying both reality and officials who repeatedly acknowledge this.
- 17 October 2021: I have heard repeatedly from health officials that vaccines reduce symptoms and severity but doesn’t necessarily stop you from getting or giving the virus. Where is the absurdity in that statement?
- 17 October 2021: Go reread this interaction please. You’re the one who claimed it was absurd for me to state the vaccine doesn’t fully stop the spread the virus.
- 17 October 2021: Taking everything you’ve said as 100% accurate still doesn’t make the statement in question wrong. “vaccines don’t necessarily stop the spread of the virus” They don’t. That’s why you still have to wear masks when vaccinated.
- 17 October 2021: Because you can still catch and spread the virus while vaccinated. That is not even controversial. The statements about reduced transmission are still “may” and “might” reduce transmission because research on that is still occurring.
- 16 October 2021: Looking for PMC for security a job. Must be American. Must have experience in CPS. If you’re interested email [email protected] Include languages spoken.
- 15 October 2021: Obsessed with this
- 14 October 2021: So in other words you're just going to write great artists (and genres) out of the canon because you don't like their politics? Sinatra was man of many talents. However if he doesn't suffice - how about Lovecraft, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Jorge Luis Borges, Elvis, Dave Mustaine?
- 14 October 2021 (live): Frank Sinatra donated $4 million to Ronald Reagans campaign.
- 12 October 2021: If one more person asks for pics they’re gonna get the toy gun
- 12 October 2021 (live): The Matrix tragically 😂😂😂
- 12 October 2021: Just found a cursed childhood photo album that includes me dressed as Morpheus for Halloween as a 9 year old. I’m done.
- 12 October 2021: Hey guys, I know you were planning on travelling abroad after college, or going on that retirement trip. I think you may have forgotten you’re not famous though, so stay home! Watch Will Smith live out your previously attainable dreams instead :)
- 11 October 2021: I was wondering if it were true, and if so how large a scale / when it would be picked up.
- 11 October 2021: I heard about airline employee walkouts causing cancellations months ago. A family friend who flies to Alberta for work befriended some of the staff on his consistently cancelled flight and was told it was because of walk outs, the customer announcement said mechanical issues.
- 11 October 2021:
- 7 October 2021: Question, there were two main websites back in the early 2000s where browser games were played, one was Newgrounds - then there was like this omgpopbingo site or something ... anyone remember what it was actually called lol?
- 7 October 2021: ok imma delete this because people are taking it seriously - sorry my bad
- 7 October 2021: A white man shot up a school in Texas - was arrested by police peacefully - and was just RELEASED ON BAIL today. It's not trending, and is barely getting any coverage because the media don't want you to see this obvious systemic bias.
- 7 October 2021: Why yes, I interacted with capitalism and was good at it. Does this make me a capitalist? Certainly not. Read theory.
- 7 October 2021: I’m gonna lost it if I have to point to the per capita sign one more time 🤡
- 6 October 2021: Also listen I wasn't asking YOU guys whether public schools are irredeemably evil peod rings lmao. I was asking Ethan, because I reckon he would call you all conspiracy theorists for believing that despite this steaming hot take.
- 6 October 2021 (live): You are twice as likely to be sexually abused by a public school teacher compared to a Catholic priest. Do you believe the public school system is irredeemably evil and a haven for rapists and pedophiles?
- 5 October 2021: And this isn't like a political movement where you can change hearts and minds! You can't turn back people who have already complied - so you better think of a way to work with them if you dislike the current political landscape.
- 5 October 2021: I'm actually beyond irritated with people who think the only approach to opposing mandates is through non-compliance. Why? Because I don't like mandates, I want them gone - and if that's your only solution you already lost. The growing majority have already complied. THINK.
- 5 October 2021: I am against the mandates. I simply oppose the idea that it is impossible to oppose the mandates while also complying. It’s historically illiterate - and ignores other effective ways to oppose mandates as well.
- 5 October 2021: Self awareness check. Goodnight.
- 5 October 2021: The 90 year old lady that maintains your community garden is doing 100% more for the advancement of civilisation than any of us could ever hope to achieve in Twitter.
- 2 October 2021: Found an old hard drive which included pics from a brief trip to Alaska. The first thing I was welcomed by what someone throwing this at me. 100% thought I was going to get murdered until I saw the full bear they were skinning.
- 30 September 2021: Is that the neighbour getting pissed? While this is major public freak out, ngl I’d be upset if people went on my property with megaphones all day and night then told me I was going to prison just because my of a crime my neighbours son committed.
- 29 September 2021: Lmao, nothing worse than walking into a massage parlor in Brooklyn and seeing mattresses everywhere. I always wondered why no one talked about this.
- 24 September 2021: Interesting data debunking the “missing white women syndrome” theory. Read more at:
- 24 September 2021: okidoki just logged in and time to log off - have a good one on twitter dot com everyone
- 16 September 2021: Orphans in 3rd world countries desperately wanting a family listening to this chick “educating” people on how racist it is to adopt them. Lmfao.
- 14 September 2021: The only fit I wanna see politicians wearing At least Melania kept it real
- 14 September 2021: When the dominant cultural choices are radical Islam & radical progressivism
- 13 September 2021: Remember when everyone thought I was a far left spy like 3 years ago because some sub room temperature IQ right wing youtubers leaked a clip of me saying I met with Hope not Hate? Welp, I finally get into the details of why that meeting happened in a video going up later today.
- 11 September 2021: If Jeff Bezos had any confidence in the ability of internet socialists and marxists to break up big corporations - Twitch would not exist. It exists because he sees them as a meme to make money off of.
- 11 September 2021: C.S. Lewis really out here subtweeting us all
- 6 September 2021: Hoping this doctor is like rolling stone one
- 5 September 2021 (live): 😂😂
- 5 September 2021: Trying to balance my love of free press vs my want to ruthlessly punish the media for their crimes against humanity 🙂
- 4 September 2021: I got owned
- 2 September 2021: Call into The Gauntlet tonight mate :)
- 1 September 2021: They’re trashing everything and asking if we’re civilisation sympathisers
- 1 September 2021: Gang gang gang won’t leave until we give them honey
- 1 September 2021 (live): Big Canada moment. Currently being held hostage in our house by two bears on our front porch while my dad is stuck in the trailer outside 🇨🇦
- 30 August 2021: Give me my quote about Sweden in that video from two years ago you lying little weasle lmao
- 30 August 2021: Would love if people could help me go through this and find if there's any evidence provided in these articles showing right wingers started ANY blm riots last year. So far I'm finding none within the provided links.
- 30 August 2021 (live): What did I say about Sweden in that clip from 2 years ago?
- 30 August 2021 (live): Ffs you're actually mentally ill. You found a compilation of me briefly mentioning Sweden from 5-6 years ago out of thousands of interviews I've done. No, in the past few years of my life I have not given a shit about Sweden or its immigration. Get a grip dude lol.
- 30 August 2021: I have not once been to Sweden. I’ve not once investigated immigration in Sweden. I’ve never even looked at the numbers there. Why the fuck would I debate you on it? 😂
- 28 August 2021: Is it true that metokur is alive?
- 24 August 2021: “Men need there own spaces Lauren” Duh. Choose a positive one that’s actually gonna help you’re life though 👌🏻
- 24 August 2021: This looks like such a wholesome place
- 21 August 2021: Does anyone know if there have been other charges of this nature from Jan 6th? ie. absurd ones
- 21 August 2021: This is Twitter dot com sir
- 21 August 2021: I was making a joke - but this is unironically true. 💀
- 17 August 2021: This seems like a really odd thing to defend sis, but ok 👀
- 15 August 2021: Am I losing my mind? I got this vid just posted on Lana Del Rets YT in my feed with almost no views and can’t find it publicly 🧐
- 13 August 2021: Guess who is free??
- 12 August 2021: If true this is messed up. However - I literally cannot find a single thing confirming the story in this tweet. HoopsBank has 200 followers and was just made. Outlets reporting on this are only referencing the tweet. Millions of people are engaging with and sharing this 🙃
- 11 August 2021: how do I rotate pdf (i need this image as a png, fellow young people)
- 11 August 2021: Should I upload my video on Serfs Tv now or wait until the morning?
- 10 August 2021: Last tweet deleted as I had a dozen wonderful writers reach out to me lmao. Looking for a VIDEO editor. All though it's becoming very apparent I need someone to read through my tweets before I send them. Paid job. Feel free to send your work to [email protected]
- 10 August 2021: Looking for an editor. Paid job. Feel free to send your work to [email protected]
- 9 August 2021: Damn ok guess I'm wrong! Marxism is clearly the government enforced shut down of small businesses whilst propping up large corporations and expanding the wealth divide. Whilst our "revolutionaries" loot some stores for... ??? .. progress?
- 9 August 2021: While I know you don’t particularly care - neither of those things happened.
- 9 August 2021 (live): I can assure you I wasn’t trying to do anything but see you like a human. If I recall I think I mentioned I had gone through similar stuff with the right - and we didn’t talk about politics beyond that. I don’t need to agree with someone politically to see pain.
- 9 August 2021: No you’re right. 🤷♀️ It was wrong on my part.
- 9 August 2021 (live): Nah you’re right. I just shared hearsay that a mutual had told me - but I have no proof so I shouldn’t have said it in the first place. I was just hurt, thought we were on friendly terms - and had a terrible response to feeling hurt. I apologise for that.
- 9 August 2021: Apparently you’ve met in person plenty - but thanks for confirming you know him 🤷♀️
- 9 August 2021: She just called me a grifting snake publicly. And said my DMs simply asking if she were okay were snake behaviour. I assume that means all friendly DMs are over.
- 9 August 2021: Your Proud Boy friend from Austin - you know exactly who he is. 🤷♀️ You can go ahead and pretend you don’t know but I’m just content knowing we both know the truth. Also he apologises he meant 2018* Not even that long ago!
- 9 August 2021: Ah sorry you’re right, I got the date wrong. It was 2018. We have mutuals from your old friend group in Austin, Merrick. When you were asking your Proud Boy friend to put you in contact with Gavin.
- 9 August 2021: I actually don’t understand. I never pretended not to be a conservative. I just saw you as a person - and thought what was happening to you was shit. Disappointing response 😞
- 9 August 2021: Man why are you people like this. Yeah I actually saw you as a human being and felt bad. Apparently that doesn’t go the other way. You were asking around for a job at Rebel Media in 2017. Don’t act like we’re so different.
- 9 August 2021: Whenever these leeches slander you online - always know - they could never say it to your face. All I needed to know, thank you Lance!
- 8 August 2021: Looking for someone to design a Twitch stream overlay for me. Paid job! Feel free to send your work to - [email protected]
- 4 August 2021: @theserfstv I even asked him to provide proof that he worked for you before even considering the debate. Which he did, and repeated that he manages getting in contact with personalities for you. He also provided proof - but I’ll avoid screenshots so you can go chat to him. He’s a nice guy.
- 2 August 2021: I didn't make the rules of the game, just pointing them out.
- 2 August 2021: They're beginning to ease border restrictions for the vaccinated in Canada. Yet the vaccinated can still spread COVID. If this is about preventing outbreaks, one asymptomatic spreader who assumes they're safe & is out & about is far more dangerous than unvaccinated in quarantine.
- 1 August 2021: All of these random video borderline snuff twitter pages with 0 followers that appeared the last couple of months that all share each other are starting to get weird as hell 😂
- 29 July 2021: Tfw the government force you to pre-pay for your food in the quarantine hotel but the only restaurant they allow you to order from is closed by the time it’s lunch in your Timezone 😎👌🏻
- 28 July 2021: I’m comparing this to Australia FYI. Obviously I’d love to just go straight home lol.
- 28 July 2021: Way easier on people financially compared to paying for 14 day quarantine hotels even after a negative test. A lot of these expensive procedures have severely exacerbated the wealth gap and opportunities denied to the working / lower class.
- 28 July 2021: Gotta say, the Canadian system for airport arrivals is surprisingly sane. Tests are super efficient as soon as you land. Get sent to a hotel. You can leave the hotel when your results come back negative. Go to home quarantine with a take home test. Well done 🇨🇦
- 24 July 2021: Wasn’t required or asked for in the submission - but I did have that fully filled out and ready for border force if it were required.
- 24 July 2021 (live): I am a Canadian citizen, I am allowed to leave Australia to go to the funeral of a family member. My one year old son has been refused permission to leave, despite him also being a Canadian citizen. I'm his primary caretaker. I don't know what to do. Please help.
- 23 July 2021: The only two memes that matter
- 23 July 2021: If you do absolutely nothing to enforce your border laws. If the majority of your nation vote for open borders. I really don't want to hear whining about "uhh muh illegal immigrants are destroying our culture" No. Your nation is destroying its own culture. It's a YOU problem.
- 23 July 2021: I’ve got a midnight deadline. Playing SAW irl.
- 23 July 2021: They just checked their will and it only says “child” 😂😂😂 Bruh I’m screwed
- 23 July 2021: I'm currently trying to prove that I am my mothers daughter for a government form but the old birth certificates did not include parents names when I was born. I literally cannot prove I am related to my mother and I'm about to pull my hair out lmao. I hate bureaucracy.
- 22 July 2021: Elbows too pointy for you?
- 19 July 2021: Kinda wanna be more burdened by this. Massages regularly sounds amazing.
- 19 July 2021: This is so true. The worst part is if you reject it they take that as a personal insult and ensure you’re punished for it. Joining the more trad spheres of the conservative movement will have you addicted to cocaine quicker than being a Disney kid.
- 17 July 2021: South Africans have been preparing for nationwide collapse for a while. While the media and governments talk a big game, it's the man in the arena who really knows what's going on. These men clearly knew.
- 16 July 2021: 🥱
- 14 July 2021: Freedom Phone just dropped - with the very first free speech based operating system & completely uncensored app store! Use CODE: SOUTHERN for $50 off! Amazing work @erikfinman
- 12 July 2021: I’ve had South Africans messaging me claiming that the police are not only ignoring the looting, they are partaking in it as well. #SouthAfricaIsBurning
- 9 July 2021: I could not imagine actually believing this.
- 8 July 2021:
- 8 July 2021:
- 4 July 2021: One would like to the the divide between I like this country and I hate this country Would be between the nation and an external force 💀
- 4 July 2021: Just last night in my home city Vancouver!
- 4 July 2021 (live): Hey Canadian men. What are you doing tonight and why isn’t it setting up a lawn chair and cracking a cold beer with the boys outside a Church all night so it doesn’t get burned down 🔥🇨🇦?! Ladies, make them some snacks. Or join if you’ve been lifting 🏋️♀️ 🤷♀️
- 3 July 2021: Really sad tbh
- 3 July 2021: The message request box on insta is a strange place. I got dozens of voice memos from a guy just talking about how he didn’t know what the point of his life was. How damn lonely are people that the only person they have to msg at their lowest point is a rando on the Internet?
- 1 July 2021: Disgusting.
- 1 July 2021: Derek Chauvin was sent to jail after mass public outrage & protest. Spears situation has also received massive outrage & protest. Spears father & manager are wealthy elites. Chauvin is a nobody. You're given the illusion of being able to make change.
- 1 July 2021: BROOM
- 1 July 2021 (live): Non-gendered alternatives to “bride” and “groom”. Hello fellow Wedfolx.
- 30 June 2021: Dudes will literally join the international elites and sacrifice children to Moloch instead of going to therapy 😭
- 30 June 2021: The memes write themselves
- 29 June 2021: Just found out @SydneyLWatson is like 10ft fall and am losing my mind.
- 29 June 2021: Paul is in a k-hole somewhere and Trump is also probably crypto Canadian
- 28 June 2021: As much as Zoomers are a scourge upon this earth - they have good taste in music. Very into the reverb vibes.
- 28 June 2021 (live): A reminder. Know your place Yank.
- 21 June 2021: If you are in a relationship with anyone - you are in a relationship with no one. Exclusivity is the basis of love & value. “I love you & choose you” in every aspect of life. To give my time, body, makes your partner special. Exclusivity is a beautiful thing.
- 21 June 2021: I literally have no idea what you’re talking about - I did go to the barrier reef and really enjoyed it though!
- 20 June 2021: Ah yes leftism when you don’t really like it when people do coke with their supporters money every night!
- 20 June 2021: The online conservative sphere spent so much time ensuring women rejected feminism, became mothers and embraced a better lifestyle - that they completely forgot to hold any of their male leaders to account and now they’re all off doing drugs! Absolute mess! SAD.
- 20 June 2021: I don’t know this candidate, and don’t care what their views are - but this feels like the media are helping spread revenge porn and that feels wrong af.
- 18 June 2021: My dudes literally let her sleep for the rest of eternity just to virtue signal. Driving around with a passed out girl forever smh. @Adweek
- 17 June 2021: You’ll notice if I were doing it myself this confirmation notification would appear at the bottom of the screen. It doesn’t in the above video. @NoorBinLadin
- 17 June 2021: This problem has been happening to me for a few months now. I’ll click follow on an account and twitter will immediately unfollow it automatically. Sometimes I don’t notice and end up never seeing the account again. Anyone else having this issue?
- 17 June 2021: That’s nice
- 16 June 2021: People I agree with politically doing a bad thing? Heh. Impossible.
- 15 June 2021: My whole TL is groypers telling me I have no eggs (despite being married with a kid) because I dislike pedos. A very healthy and normal movement!
- 15 June 2021:
- 15 June 2021: No resources 😩
- 15 June 2021: Where did I say that. I’m talking about grown adults and children.
- 15 June 2021: Ah yes I’m a horrible e-girl because... I think having sex with 8 year olds is wrong. Log off freak and stay away from primary schools.
- 15 June 2021 (live): Me when I see right wing twitter refer to underage girls as "young and fertile" or left wing twitter saying kids can be "kinky"
- 12 June 2021: What does being a racial minority or intersex have to do with being gay ... or even trans for that matter?
- 11 June 2021: Furthermore, other studies have given out surveys asking people if they regret transitioning, but this one used a different methods which could lead to misleading results. A good study would be one that uses applications for legal gender reversal, surveys etc. PubMed
- 11 June 2021 (live): 3rd study: They defined regret rate as "as application for reversal of the legal gender status..." This assumes that all people who transition will submit an application to reverse their legal gender status, but not all transgender people who regret transitioning will do this.
- 11 June 2021 (live): 2nd study: It's from a single clinic in the UK, so their numbers only apply to those individuals who attend this clinic. Because of this issue, it doesn't allow us to extrapolate this data onto trans people who do not go to this specific gender identity clinic
- 11 June 2021: AJ: "Hey guys just so you know this isn't some random guy saying this, here's the Obama administration & the NHS saying these things" Y'all: "HE'S JUST A RANDOM GUY" You're deliberately ignoring all the medical professionals cited. Bad faith af.
- 11 June 2021 (live): This was not an actual study on transgender individuals, it was asking surgeons how many have transitioned. It doesn't measure trans ppl at all. It's based on doctors with no verification of whether the numbers are accurate. Stop misrepresenting data.
- 10 June 2021: I don’t think the “what she wore” comparison is accurate. I think a better comparison would be a big group of guys holding signs saying “we are predators, and will assault you” and the girl going to see them. Still not okay obviously. But we know antifa are savages.
- 10 June 2021 (live): Agreed. I find it silly that people suggest you can’t do your investigative work through others though. My report finding illegal NGO coaching of migrants only happened b/c it wasn’t me on the ground. O’keefe gets stories all the time by hiring people who will go unnoticed.
- 10 June 2021: This isn’t even a controversial statement among left wing academics and doctors.
- 10 June 2021 (live): I’ve got an hour long video on transgender treatments, the politics, and the data all coming out tomorrow. Anyone who says hormone blockers are confirmed safe for kids is unequivocally lying.
- 9 June 2021: Every internet show dedicated to gossiping and drama eventually goes down in a dumpster fire of drama. That shit seeps into your soul.
- 8 June 2021: 🤷♀️ ok guess more recent versions of the comic state this. That’s not what the trailer or Norse mythology says though.
- 8 June 2021: Yes. He’s sex fluid. Gender and sex are separate concepts.
- 8 June 2021 (live): You’re misidentifying him though. 🤷♀️
- 8 June 2021 (live): Everyone’s super stoked about Loki being genderfluid - which fine have your fun, but.... he’s not 😂 It doesn’t say his gender is fluid. It says sex. Which entirely makes sense because he’s a fantasy character who can shape shift. No one can fluidly change their biology irl.
- 7 June 2021: Is obscure political ideologies in bio (ie. theocratic-monarchist / anarcho-primitivist / trad-cath) the right wing version of pronouns in bio. Or would that be your Meyers Briggs in bio.
- 31 May 2021: Welcome to the internet
- 30 May 2021: Ok it appears Moderna have ongoing trials completing in late 2022. Hence the need for emergency approval. Once again. I’m not saying don’t take your vax. I’m just a strong advocate of doing your own research & informed consent. I’m glad Moderna are making their studies public.
- 29 May 2021: No asking these questions is not anti-vax. I have all my vaccines. It’s called informed consent.
- 29 May 2021: I cannot stand people who suggest asking questions about the COVID vax means you are anti vax. I have all my vaccines. It’s called informed consent.
- 29 May 2021: This is the Moderna approval document submitted to the FDA. Can anyone tell me if those more clinical trials around VED happened? Or if the people taking it now are the trials? Genuinely curious.
- 29 May 2021:
- 29 May 2021: Me when I see politicians gearing up for a global war
- 28 May 2021: I got banned from Airbnb while I was on a public hiatus... for my political associations 😂 Hotel gang 😎👑
- 22 May 2021: When your friend gets their first wiki page
☺️ ❤️ - 21 May 2021: It was a directed studies with selected students. I mean, you can choose not to believe me which is fine but you’re wrong.
- 20 May 2021: If you want to argue with the peanut gallery to get Twitter dunks and name call you can go to someone else’s page and go bait them. Let me know when you’re interested in a good faith conversation. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else here 🤷♀️
- 20 May 2021: Alright so we’ve both made one wrong assumption about the other.
- 20 May 2021: @TimONeill007 @rmathematicus @swanson_dwayne1 @jofraw @fakehistoryhunt If you’re genuinely interested I could speak to my professor about forwarding some works. What’s your email?
- 20 May 2021: Lol
- 20 May 2021: Yes my professor (among with many other scholars) would argue Augustine was correct in critiquing those who blamed Christianity. I doubt with your erroneous judgemental attitude and admitted “Atheist” bias you’ll have any luck considering such approaches though lol.
- 20 May 2021 (live): I completed a directed study on the book last winter. With lame insults like that, it should t be my intellectual abilities in question here. 😂 I also love how you progressive men always jump to the sexist insults. Like clockwork every time.
- 20 May 2021: Pretty sure she’s white. I was referring to her being a woman that is really tough. Y’all too sensitive.
- 20 May 2021: When you have to make it damn clear you weren’t the affirmative action hire 😂
- 20 May 2021 (live): The fall never came from Christianity but an abandonment of it. Read Saint Augustine The City of God. Honestly the same thing is happening now. The leadership on the right is so beyond morally sick. We blame God for our own failure.
- 19 May 2021 (live): H/t
- 16 May 2021: Ew, a freak
- 16 May 2021 (live): Being a terminally online schizoid is not better than being a "normie". That's the tweet. Make of it what you will.
- 15 May 2021: "whatever, fuck do i care about opinion's"
- 15 May 2021 (live): Bro, don’t be a fucking weirdo on the TL. Not a good look.
- 15 May 2021 (live): I just realized this was a Tesla and I could've made a much funnier tweet. Still stands though, dude probably has a generator or second car.
- 15 May 2021 (live): I know everyone's mad at people for over-stocking during a fuel shortage... but honestly, I don't blame them. Who else are they going to rely on when shit hits the fan? Communities are dead. Common morality shattered. It's a free for all. Not saying this is good, just reality.
- 14 May 2021: Only 86 people in the online survey had actually been through hormone therapy - so yeah not 20000.
- 14 May 2021: I did engage with the data. That was actually the problem. So many people just want to throw studies at you without actually getting into how they were done and if they are representative of the general populace.
- 14 May 2021: EXECUTIVE DISORDER I'm live on my chill channel with my terminally libertarian friend. Chat soon!
- 13 May 2021 (live): Medical consensus means nothing unless the data is good. It used to be the medical consensus that homosexuality was a mental illness and that we should sterilize "feebleminded" people. Stop using bad data to justify using kids to prove your social theories.
- 12 May 2021: Apparently you’re a fascist if you don’t like the new government commissioned Piccadilly Circus art. Listen here bigots. Microsoft paint truly is the superior canvas. 🎨
- 12 May 2021: The second you see someone reading pickup artistry books run. 🚩 There’s no shortcut to make someone like who you actually are, only temporary masks.
- 11 May 2021: I was googling the storming of Versailles and didn’t realise it was a TV show name as well. Genuinely thought people were trying to find out why the royals were “cancelled”. 😂
- 11 May 2021: I feel perfectly fine because none of that is true and I actually read the intel report instead of using a tragedy to virtue signal online. Stop using the deaths of innocents to try to get a twitter dunk. It's gross.
- 11 May 2021: My critique of Systemic Journalism and its crisis with dehumanization, classism and capitalism. This piece is not just a summation of my own thoughts, but the inward criticisms from friends of mine within the legacy media who wished to remain anonymous.
- 11 May 2021 (live):
- 6 May 2021: Yet*
- 6 May 2021: This is still an active investigation... so we don’t know anything for sure get. If there are any doctors who could let me know if there is a history of blood thinners causing blood clots I would really like to know... Or any Canadian lawyers who could help us get more info...
- 6 May 2021: I just had a beloved family member pass from a blood clot. Doctors told us it was due to a blood thinning medication. None of this made any sense. They then informed us she received the vax a day before as well. Pray for my family please, and pray we find out what’s happened.
- 29 April 2021: If you work in politics there's a direct correlation between making moral decisions and destroying your career🙃
- 29 April 2021: Prime husband material here ladies. Line up single file please, no fighting.
- 22 April 2021: “Cops are not supposed to kill people.” Yeah, the families of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold should totally sue the Columbine police for killing their precious teenage sons, you’re right. 🙃
- 21 April 2021: This is a 100% serious post. Yes 14 year olds run the world.
- 21 April 2021 (live): Our civilization is being held hostage by a bunch of 14 year olds on twitter. Gotta give it to em. Impressive.
- 21 April 2021: He’s a fucking bear Osman.
- 19 April 2021: Honestly we need to replicate Africa’s healthcare & pandemic response systems. Their deaths are incredibly low. I’m not a conspiracy theorist so I also 100% believe the data collection methods have been accurate.
- 16 April 2021: Exporting my breadtube debate recap - up soon!
- 15 April 2021: RIP. Was just about to RT his latest CNN vid too 😢
- 12 April 2021: Lmfao imagine seeing a bunch of dumbass wizards holding open borders for Hogwarts signs. Harry Potter is actually right wing.
- 12 April 2021: Uh... yes? It’s hot that my husband can change a tire. You’re lying if you say you want a useless partner, woman or man.
- 10 April 2021: I hate this. I hate everything we are becoming.
- 7 April 2021: So you agree, it was the system?
- 6 April 2021: I like how the LP say this as if high individuals wouldn’t just get shot for trespassing in their ideal society.
- 6 April 2021: actually I’m pretty bad at white supremacy considering my husbands Asian. However I do make a mean beef pho. 😎👏🏻
- 6 April 2021: People like this need a good slap in the face. In Minecraft. Even if that’s the airlines stupid policy. The child was actively eating. This was just people getting high on a power trip.
- 5 April 2021: Whoa. The prosecution is gonna need to work fast to come up with a way you can suffocate if someone is kneeling on your shoulder blade.
- 3 April 2021: Why the fuck would a drawing of a scientist on the page masculine make women feel not accepted in stem. The drawing of a girl playing baseball in F for feminine in no sane world would make guys feel like they can’t play baseball.
- 2 April 2021 (live): Multiple reasons. One - the poem doesn’t just talk about masculinity, it says it’s okay to be whatever kind of man you want to be. The same reason we have a sports star in F is for femininity. Also scientists can be masculine 🤷♀️
- 2 April 2021: I feel like I’m on a safari
- 2 April 2021 (live):
- 1 April 2021: HMMMMMMmm
- 1 April 2021 (live): The ABC’s of Morality was created to combat the woke takeover of children’s literature with wholesomeness instead. It’s okay to be masculine! Bravery is good! Don’t fall for the trap of group think. Pursue virtue & wisdom! These are just a few of the lessons in this book 😊
- 1 April 2021: I am SO excited to announce @GPrime85 and I's new children's book "The ABC's of Morality!" You can pick it up on Amazon now:
- 31 March 2021: Idk why I find it incredibly difficult to dislike her. It all feels so performative. I literally watch these vids and I’m like “oh you, you’re so silly”
- 31 March 2021: Don’t believe the myth of “functioning” addicts. They’re just better at hiding the chaos and hurt they cause.
- 31 March 2021:
- 31 March 2021: A little teaser of something @GPrime85 and I are dropping tomorrow 🙈😁
- 27 March 2021: I’m not even offended, just bored. Oh wow you dunked on Christian’s, that’s so edgy. Lmao, maybe 20 years ago? The problem with these artists is that actually being cutting edge is risky, and means facing genuine career threatening backlash.
- 26 March 2021:
- 26 March 2021: The problem is I think crony capitalism is inevitable.
- 26 March 2021 (live): Capitalism has problems. Admitting that doesn’t make you a communist or even anti-capitalist. Not admitting it means abuse of workers, tech dictatorships and eternally losing elections.
- 25 March 2021: In fact to anyone who successfully gets a mainstream journo to publish a fake story in the coming weeks - I’ll send you a copy of my book + a signed copy of Farmlands. 😏 The more ridiculous the better. Email: [email protected] To collect!
- 24 March 2021: Authoritarians don’t need a specific cause, they just need an excuse. We gave them one. Really hoping some people out there are at least having this moment:
- 23 March 2021: I've been in the hospital with my child for two days, we just got out. Sorry I don't give a shit about twitter when I have more important things to do Peter.
- 23 March 2021 (live): If anyone is able to track media reports & twitter trends around the Boulder shooting before and after the shooters name was released I'd be fascinated to see that data... not that we don't already know what it will say.
- 22 March 2021: Momma “never let the heathens rest easy” Southern scanning the background of any photo I send her for blasphemy 😂
- 21 March 2021: Not one thing you write here makes sense
- 21 March 2021 (live): “Proximity to whiteness” what the fuck 😂
- 18 March 2021: Tired of progressives that used to champion issues with the military industrial complex pretending it's just disappeared.
- 18 March 2021: random question, did sargon appeal his patreon ban?
- 17 March 2021:
- 17 March 2021: Really sad that many are just completely ignoring the non-Asians killed in Atlanta. They mattered too. Just not to your narrative. If you want to talk about anti-Asian racism, let’s talk. You don’t want that conversation though, because it can’t all be blamed on white people.
- 16 March 2021: We’re you teaching kids to throw gays off roofs?
- 16 March 2021 (live): Where did you go to Islamic schools?
- 16 March 2021 (live): My intentions are to send my child to a Christian school. I was making a political point that I think public education has gotten SO bad, that I would prefer an Islamic school - gun to my head. I agree Islam has severe issues. I do not believe every school is as you describe.
- 16 March 2021 (live): It’s amazing to see all the people here calling Lauren & I islamophobic for our previous criticism, the other half disgusted that we see any merit in their thought at all. You’re all shocked by us. I’m more shocked by the inability of people to think with any complexity at all.
- 16 March 2021: Don't want to dox my families town, but I'm one of many who have witnessed this first hand. Kids are told by counsellors they can call child services if parents refuse them hormones. I've watched a grown man cry knowing his daughter who can't even vote, can make herself infertile
- 16 March 2021: While I am not Muslim, my family are Christians. I know some very wise Muslims, and learning about Islam & the similar biblical themes would have value. While still establishing a Christian home & values. Far less damaging than irreversible gender procedures made at a young age.
- 16 March 2021 (live): I tweeted that after a TV discussion on progressive gender ideology in schools - and transgenderism & hormones being pushed on young children which make them infertile. Yes I would prefer any school that wouldn’t push that on my child, Islamic schools still believe in gender.
- 16 March 2021: currently tweeting from my forest hideout, gotta move again. chat later
- 16 March 2021 (live): I learn something new about myself on twitter dot com every day
- 16 March 2021: It’s objective that I did and am not mentioned in the reprint once. What is objective is that you are using a tragedy for political points which is sick.
- 16 March 2021: I love how this game of telephone just keeps getting wilder. 😂
- 15 March 2021 (live): She posted a video that’s been taken down because she has no proof lol. In that vid I discuss my film farmlands and how I think talking g in radical exaggerations in unhelpful for actually solving the issues.
- 15 March 2021: I play D&D. What conservatives are out here trying to to censor Harry Potter and D&D in 2021 😂 Last I checked it’s progressives these days that are pissed with Harry Potter.
- 15 March 2021: Friendship ENDED with white westerners. New friends - migrants and non-westerners who aren’t too “smart” to deconstruct reality.
- 15 March 2021 (live): Non-westerners are much better at pointing out simple truths and reality. Westerners are far too “smart” and detached from human struggle, they can spend their days concocting new realities in their imagination. A culture of mentally ill children.
- 15 March 2021: Genuinely want someone to explain to me why Marvin Haglers death shouldn’t make people concerned about the COVID vaccine?
- 11 March 2021: Obviously I’m the number one preference for cater though 😜
- 11 March 2021 (live): Westerners have become quite cold to children culturally, and nurturing instincts are suppressed. Was in the Phillipines last year and couldn’t believe how every woman there just adored my son and wanted to care for and play with him. A very “it takes a village” mindset.
- 11 March 2021 (live): Interesting responses, many seem to agree. When it has to do with my child and his safety I’m extremely discriminatory, and don’t care. I’d even have cultural preferences for someone who were to watch him. Western is actually not at the top of that list.
- 11 March 2021 (live): Is it sexist that I wouldn’t take my child to a daycare run and operated by all men?
- 10 March 2021: As a culture hate men until we need them.
- 10 March 2021: “Markle refuses to say which member of the royal family is racist” As if we don’t all know it was Phillips 99 year old ass making some senile quip 😂
- 9 March 2021: Nah, they’re always quicker to the story.
- 9 March 2021 (live): Me watching the Huffpost layoffs
- 9 March 2021: Derek Chauvin trial - jury selection livestream. Super interesting to watch.
- 9 March 2021: Been thinking a lot about how disrespectful it is to use “Neanderthal” as an insult after we arguably wiped out their entire species smh @JoeBiden Neanderthals had feelings, hopes and dreams too 😭👏🏻
- 8 March 2021: I don’t know if that’s necessarily a bad thing. They’re trying to assess if the juror can judge Chauvin fairly - surely they would consider someone who were a BLM activist unable to judge him fairly.
- 5 March 2021: Ok idiot. I didn’t create the theory. The official report says he was radicalised and intended to commit terror well before I even published my video citing the theory I once again didn’t create. I’m not mentioned once in the report. Once again, you’re an idiot.
- 5 March 2021: Does anyone have a link or archive of the first autopsy report for George Floyd? I can only find the secondary private one.
- 4 March 2021: Lmao you won’t find a single quote where I’ve said that.
- 4 March 2021 (live): Opposing illegal immigration is not an extremist or racist stance. It’s the policy of every established nation in the world regardless of cultural or ethnic identities. No one questioned this until journalism became a game of ideological gaslighting instead of reporting.
- 3 March 2021: All I’m hearing is “no don’t expose abuse because it’s politically inconvenient for me”
- 3 March 2021: Hey @TwitterSupport is this a glitch or????
- 1 March 2021: These aren't my professional associates, they were random volunteers I didn't hire nor organize and only interacted with for that brief picture. You people are actually insane.
- 1 March 2021 (live): This is exactly it. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, if they can use it to abuse and chastise other human beings - to make them feel lesser - they will. It works even better if they can do it under the guise of moral superiority.
- 25 February 2021: I regret clicking on the Patreon trend. Why is it all furries.
- 25 February 2021: Imagine being this dramatic about mr potato head (a toy, let me remind you) not being trans or gender neutral
- 24 February 2021: I actually can't tell anymore if you people make up lies maliciously or you're just genuinely stupid and believe everything you read. Either way it's pathetic.
- 24 February 2021: 6500 migrants dead in Qatar. No outrage in the streets, no protests or celebrity song covers to raise awareness. Apparently migrant lives only matter when there’s a western white male politician to blame for it and spin for political gain at home.
- 22 February 2021: The lie is that that’s objectively untrue, they are quoting a NYT journalist who falsely stated this and then deleted his tweets. Sadly it already made it to print before he deleted them.
- 22 February 2021 (live): I've had legal notice sent to @MehreenFaruqi . Her tweet, when read by the ordinary person, gives rise to an imputation that I inspired the Christchurch terrorist to murder innocent people. This is unequivocally false, and defamatory. I will not let this stand.
- 21 February 2021: The left tried to destroy Gina because they’re terrified when conservatives are good at art / acting. They know that’s their most powerful influence on culture and don’t want even the slightest chance of it being compromised by other perspectives.
- 19 February 2021: My video guy is very upset with false accusations
- 18 February 2021: At least he realised and admitted what did was wrong, while meanwhile y’all are trying to find excuses. One of those excuses being “he did it too”???? Lame
- 18 February 2021: At least he realised and admitted what he was did was wrong, while meanwhile y’all are trying to find excuses. One of those excuses being “he did it too”???? Lame
- 17 February 2021:
- 17 February 2021: Chamberlain government
- 16 February 2021: Smh not even double bagging
- 16 February 2021: I hope you’re wearing your bags in your heads bigots
- 13 February 2021: Just saw an elementary school age boy scootering to a girls house with roses and a pink gift box. Don’t settle. Children can figure out decent relationships etiquette 👏🏻😂
- 12 February 2021: The only time the media will make a correction is when they are absolutely forced to. It's not about truth, it's about throwing as many accusations, misrepresentations and straight up lies at their political enemies until one sticks. The barrage will never end until you're gone.
- 12 February 2021: She’s 5 hours away from any case in the middle of nowhere
- 12 February 2021 (live): My husband and I booked a lovely BnB 5 hours away from Melbourne on the NSW border for Valentine’s Day. The poor BnB woman had to cancel half her bookings due to lockdown. On the most profitable weekend of the year for them. Utterly destroying her business for no reason.
- 10 February 2021: People want to live, they want to be able to put food on the table. If we can’t even guarantee that why would anyone follow us? Cancel culture should’ve been dealt with ages ago, censorship should’ve been dealt with ages ago. Now the only choice is to get creative.
- 10 February 2021: Most people don’t care about politics, and rightly so. Politics exists for the sake of giving people better lives, not for the sake of politics. If all conservatives offer is cancellation & societal rejection in exchange for membership to a failing ideology we deserve to lose.
- 7 February 2021: Our society is in chaos because all most people have got is the bottom two needs.
- 5 February 2021: If we all spent half the time we do telling strangers on the internet about our problems - talking to therapists, family or tackling the issue itself instead, we’d be a lot better off. Talking can be helpful, but it can also be a distraction from actually doing anything.
- 5 February 2021: I see ADHD trending and get a strong urge to jump in on the “let’s talk about my struggle” thing & “omg I feel so seen”. I actually feel outsourcing our personal struggles to a bunch of strangers on the internet is not particularly helpful though. It‘s just brief validation.
- 3 February 2021: I once had a friend tell me if you want to be massively successful in modern politics bang your head on the wall as hard as you can at least ten times before you tweet anything.
- 31 January 2021: Sadly it’s often not about stoping extremism it’s about creating an organisation just pushing more partisan politics and trying to recruit members to their new beliefs. Causing the mentally ill to flip flop from one extreme to the other, and others to take no interest.
- 31 January 2021: If anti extremism organisations were actually interested in anti extremism they’d have members that were normal conservatives. Not just leftists. They fail because their options are you’re an extremist or a far leftist. No one genuinely flip flops like that.
- 29 January 2021: I’ve decided there’s something endearing about the unmitigated hatred on this website everyone has for one another. It reminds me adults are just children in big bodies writing fan fics about how they want the world to be. ❤️
- 28 January 2021: I feel like y’all might double your numbers if you try Occupy Wallstreet again ...
- 28 January 2021: This radical Islam?
- 28 January 2021: It seems like the mods are being very positive and trying to keep things calm from a genuinely undeserved censorship attack.
- 28 January 2021 (live): I was actually referring to the discord ban
- 28 January 2021 (live): The censorship of r/wallstreetbets shows tech censorship really has nothing to do with stopping “extremism” or even politics at all. It’s about crushing those who question the established entities.
- 27 January 2021: I had a friend a few years ago tell me he planned on moving out of America because he was scared for the future of his freedoms. I told him that was madness as America would always be the freest country on earth. Yeah, I deserve the big fat “I told you so” that I received.
- 26 January 2021: Twitter to rely on users for moderation? Oh I’m sure this will go well 😂 Twitter Heroes anyone?
- 26 January 2021: Oh I see, the evidence is an entirely made up claim. A handheld road flare, does not shoot. It does not fire. There was only one, used for lighting and it never left my hand. This is the equivalent of calling a flashlight a laser gun. Disgusting liars.
- 26 January 2021: Hey Cathy, I’d love for you to provide evidence of this? That would be awful - if it actually happened. Last I checked shutdown of illegal trafficking significantly reduced drownings. But life saving realities must be rejected if they don’t fit your narrative I suppose.
- 25 January 2021: Lmfao
- 25 January 2021 (live): I was told Australia Day was controversial here. Yet almost every single person we spoke to was celebrating it! Had to go to super lefty Newtown just to find people saying invasion day. Honestly it’s only a controversy on the fake world of Twitter. HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!
- 24 January 2021: As an immigrant to Australia I’m just curious.... why are the Greens massively unpopular in highly Indigenous areas like the NT but successful in white liberal cities like Melbourne 🧐
- 24 January 2021: My husband using baby bottle pieces to fill bullets with gun powder. All is well in the world 😂
- 23 January 2021: Love a man that makes his own ammo. 😍🔥
- 21 January 2021: My mum hasn’t gotten to see her grandson for 7 months now because of lockdowns. She just mailed a bunch of gifts and watched him open and play with them on camera. My dad sent a pic of her watching... she’s the most resilient and joyful woman I know ❤️
- 21 January 2021: The idea that anyone is responsible for the actions or beliefs of individuals who donate to them is absurd. No one can be expected to know every individual who donates. Chuck Schumer got tens of thousands from Epstein. Should he be locked up? Should he be deemed responsible?
- 21 January 2021: Subscribestar is down.
- 20 January 2021: My Australian husband on Trump: “Nah mate, he’s not done. He’s a hard cunt and doesn’t like losing, simple as.” 😂
- 20 January 2021: Before I start a documentary I always do a big PDF of the goals / outline / costs etc. to see if it’s even possible and if there’s a story there. Just completed a new one 😉 here’s a lil hint.
- 17 January 2021: I don’t care that much about Trump or Biden. I care far more about the people whose lives they impact. An easy thing to lose sight of.
- 17 January 2021: Before I get yeeted for sharing this
- 17 January 2021:
- 17 January 2021: Diplomats are trained before going into the field generally, but non-politically correct lessons were cancelled.
- 17 January 2021: I hate feminism not b/c I hate women but because it doesn’t prepare women for the real world. Just spoke to a woman who was sent to Pakistan and some of her colleagues were raped, but the dept cancelled the assault defence courses b/c feminists complained it was victim blaming.
- 16 January 2021: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch.” - Benjamin Franklin I suppose you think we can’t criticise the democratic election of Adolf Hitler?
- 15 January 2021: > invest in best encrypted messaging apps like signal > cause mass censorship and breakdown of trust in big tech > 40 million new signal users in 1 week I’m on to you buddy @jack
- 13 January 2021: Video I made on big tech 3 years ago: The Imminent Digital Exile
- 13 January 2021: You don’t have to worship capitalism and ignore its faults to recognise we don’t have a better system. You don’t have to reject the arts to hold onto facts and reason. If you can’t reconcile these things irk what to tell you.
- 13 January 2021: Worship of capitalism and rejection of art was always a recipe for disaster.
- 13 January 2021: Y’all @GPrime85
- 13 January 2021: Lana stans before and after they discover conservatives like music
- 12 January 2021: “You only have to be worried about tech censorship if you’re a fascist” Ahhh yes squints Ron Paul the infamous fascist.
- 12 January 2021: girl get your ass back here, they wildin
- 12 January 2021: Actually I'm shouting "my house is on fire too" because it is, whilst you're shouting "no only send the fire engines to mine". You realize other races have issues too, and are also shot by police? Latinos and whites at rates comparable to blacks.
- 12 January 2021 (live): Imagine thinking this is a shocking statement.
- 12 January 2021: Anyone know if this is true?
- 11 January 2021: Peak house wife
- 11 January 2021: He asked me to clean some things in a box in the garage today for him. I was never under the impression he was normal 😂
- 11 January 2021 (live): Trying to think of ways to convince my husband Lord of the Rings is a Vietnam war documentary so he’ll watch it with me
- 11 January 2021: I do hate people with faces
- 9 January 2021: If you’re worried about psychopathic con men spreading lies and half-truths, what do you feel should happen to the media Sam?
- 8 January 2021: Gov security for BLM vs Police opening gates for MAGA crowd. I see both sides asking why and I think it’s a very legitimate question.
- 7 January 2021: Nancy Pelosi - “I don’t care that much about statues, people will do what they do” Well, apparently people didn’t care much about your office.
- 7 January 2021: Republicans did next to nothing that fix tech censorship, now their leader is literally banned from one of the largest communication platforms on earth. I hope you all built something meaningful outside of this digital colosseum.
- 7 January 2021: I am shocked I tell you. It is entirely surprising and astounding that Donald Trump was banned indefinitely from FB after the election. Completely unexpected. No one I knew predicted or guessed this. Stupefied I dare say.
- 6 January 2021: My Aussie husband just woke up and I told him what was going on at Capitol Hill and his first question was “Did someone climb the flag pole naked though?”
- 6 January 2021: Everyone thinks their political causes are important. Maga would feel their cause is more important than BLM vice versa. Hence why no one should be told political violence is okay.
- 6 January 2021: tRuMp CaUsEd tHiS? No. The legacy media have defended violence for an entire year. Do you think republicans don’t watch you? If Capitol Hill were a BLM protest the headline would be “Mostly Peaceful protest” with a fluff piece discussing how they had no other choice.
- 6 January 2021: Republicans didn’t deserve this... the republicans party on the other hand
- 5 January 2021: Either way, it’s just a bad idea all around because you can’t be certain what a girl is actually comfortable with when she’s so young and eager to please, and also a fan of yours. It’s just smarter and probably healthier date girls out of that category.
- 5 January 2021: It feels like there’s just endless scandals with male YT stars and teen girls. It’s not that hard, just don’t date teenage fans. If a girl is a teenager she’s eager to impress. If she’s a fan of yours, there’s a weird power imbalance. I’m not sure why you’d want that anyways.
- 4 January 2021: I just accidentally posted something on my main political FB page that was for my private meme group and I have ptsd now.
- 4 January 2021: Looking for artists and photographers in Sydney Aus for a project next month x Send an email to [email protected]
- 4 January 2021: Leftists: Lauren is a dirty far right bitch I'm going to donate to the SPLC Leftists in my inbox: Plz findom me mommy the SPLC doesn't really need this money
- 3 January 2021: Why would the effectiveness of a mask change in 9 months. Were the “experts” just guessing and stating this as fact then? If so, how can we trust them going forward?
- 3 January 2021: The point is appealing to the experts all the time is silly due to their seemingly endless inconsistency.
- 2 January 2021: Lol. All “established journalists” do anymore is steal stories from independent journos, republish it as their own or write an opinion piece saying it’s racist. Journalism in the mainstream is dead. At best they pay some poor bloke $100 to send them a photo from a war zone.
- 2 January 2021: Policing has undeniably reduced high crime rates, and high crime is just as awful to live with as tyranny. See countries like South Africa. We shouldn’t have to settle for either though. BLM shot cops, and we saw cops marching with them. Where are the anti-lockdown officers?
- 1 January 2021: Thanks! Funny you should say that though... I’m green eyed 😂 so maybe the darker colour is making them less visible.
- 1 January 2021 (live): Something something new year new me xo
- 31 December 2020: We’ve all have also seen fundraisers for big political causes that just get siphoned into people’s personal accounts to ingratiate themselves. It can be hard to trust anything these days. This way people will know their donations are going to exactly the cause they support.
- 31 December 2020 (live): FYI if anyone is wondering what the Lively Journal Society is: I’m currently in the process of shifting all of my film making to a NON-PROFIT society. I’ve always operated putting every donation I get into my films / work. So it’s been running that way anyway.
- 31 December 2020: Hey that's super strange. Processor told us they can only accept CAD, and thats the issue. Sent you a DM, lmk! If it's a pending transaction when it clears it will be in CAD.
- 31 December 2020 (live): Sigh turns out the program my web team and I pay for to take donations was converting US donations to CAD 🤦♀️ so if you donated to Crossfire you probably saw a lot less come out of your account! Was banned from Stripe so we couldn’t use that. The joys of dissident media lol.
- 31 December 2020: @pluffyphil @SeanSemanko Yes this is all an elaborate scheme to create free expensive conservative content to squints expose BLM for my leftist handlers? Take down NGOs for Hope Not Hate? Expose SA farm murders for Antifa??
- 30 December 2020: I don't understand, but yes.
- 29 December 2020: Someone just sent this to me on Insta 😂😂😂😂 BRITS SEETHING
- 29 December 2020: A literal mood considering I couldn’t go there if I wanted to 😂 Settle down brits
- 29 December 2020: Mood
- 27 December 2020: I’m case you still thought cancel culture was about “justice” or making us better people:
- 27 December 2020: In c add you still thought cancel culture was about “justice” or making us better people:
- 27 December 2020:
- 27 December 2020: Would you like a turtle?
- 27 December 2020: You clearly didn’t watch the video. That’s the exact point I make.
- 27 December 2020: Do you just put your tweets into a random word processor and hit send?
- 27 December 2020 (live): Peter, you are missing the point. Nurses should have fun, this is a terrible way to do it. Lockdown is happening under the premise that they are overwhelmed. Suicide rates, domestic abuse, depression all of it through the roof. These videos imply it’s all for nothing.
- 27 December 2020 (live): Guess who else had a tough year? Literally everyone Peter. Too bad we couldn’t tell our politicians to fuck off with their fun policing or we’d get curb stomped for the sake of flattening the curve.
- 25 December 2020: It is. Don’t disagree.
- 25 December 2020 (live): It’s gonna be okay, God loves you, you’re not too far gone. You’re incredibly and wonderfully made ❤️
- 25 December 2020: I need 4 more drinks to get into a lawsuit
- 25 December 2020: Ok I’m officially drunk tweeting - AMA or 10 minutes
- 24 December 2020: If everyone could keep their street radicals on a leash I’m sure it would happen.
- 22 December 2020: You can’t send a nation money to change their ideology. Its like an absent parent giving a kid a stack of 50s to buy their love. It’s ideological colonisation. And it’s a waste of money that will go into programs that the people there don’t want and are generally unhelpful.
- 22 December 2020: Crossfire DVD pre-orders are now available if you want to go old-school! We’ve also brought back a 3 DVD pack with Farmlands, Borderless and Crossfire for the occasion 🥳
- 21 December 2020: My elementary and high school teachers told us this too. Tfw grade 4 has higher sourcing and ethical standards than the MSM.
- 21 December 2020: I feel like people have truly glazed over the real problem here: being sponsored by Bang Energy drinks
- 21 December 2020: I'm not narcissistic enough to think I'm an essential worker.
- 20 December 2020: I despise when people act like offering false hope to migrants, charging them thousands of $$ & encouraging them to take a dangerous journey to countries with no jobs or housing for them - is the kind thing to do. What's right & what socially looks good are different things.
- 20 December 2020: These people are soulless. I told him I deleted the tweet due to the issue being too personal & not wanting to argue with strangers about it as I’ve had family die from OD this year. He proceeded to mock me for that so I blocked. He’s now pretending it was over an “epic own”.
- 20 December 2020: And billions are spent on disease prevention, but no ones ripping the chicken nuggies out of your mouth.
- 20 December 2020: This has nothing to do with being a contrarian. I buried family this year due to OD. Hard drug addiction absolutely harms others and is absolutely contagious and spreads through populations.
- 20 December 2020: If you think addiction is a choice you know nothing of it.
- 20 December 2020: Ok so if it’s about ICU beds are we just trying to flatten the curve to not overwhelm healthcare? Or are we trying to eradicate the disease? The goal posts keep moving.
- 20 December 2020: Never said COVID deaths were ok. Simply pointing out if this is about saving lives at all costs even if we have to sacrifice freedoms - why aren’t we taking similar measures with other issues. If it’s about numbers for you say... Smoking deaths? 480k ✅ Obesity deaths? 300k ✅
- 20 December 2020: Yeah never said COVID deaths were ok. Just that if this is about saving lives at all costs even by if we have to sacrifice freedoms why haven’t we done something about things like.... Smoking deaths? 480k ✅ Obesity deaths? 300k ✅
- 20 December 2020: Christmas dinner? 🚨👮♂️ Doing heroin? 👍🏻 ✅ No worries!
- 19 December 2020: Stop it.
- 17 December 2020: The media are going to get their last few desperate shots in against far right bogeymen and Trump. As soon as Biden is in office they’ll find a pivot. They need a new villain. They need to keep the viewers hysterical.
- 17 December 2020: Hope whichever one it is!
- 17 December 2020 (live): A friend told me to follow your stuff cause it was great ... went to do that and was like damn what did I do to her 😂 Don’t think it’s too odd to wonder why! Thanks for the unblock though and hope we’re cool whatever it was??
- 17 December 2020: Someone suggested I chat to her so I went to check out her account 🤷♀️ literally never even spoken to her or had any exchanges. Damn lol.
- 17 December 2020: @Timcast producer
- 17 December 2020: What
- 16 December 2020: My husband just told me I keep colonising all the space in the house. “You’ve just left me a native title block, that’s it” 😂😂😂
- 16 December 2020: How tf did I just find out slaves didn’t build the pyramids. Dreamworks bible movies are RUINED for me.
- 16 December 2020: I say this as someone who adores the Moscow underground, loved the Russian people and culture. The crimes of communism cannot be forgotten though.
- 16 December 2020: People often forget authoritarianism can create beautiful things. Slavery created the pyramids. We often confuse looking good with being good these days. A tragic state of confusion that harms many.
- 15 December 2020: Not only did I not say anything about free land - the Atlantic actually edited that part of the story about the “French chateau” because it was bullshit. It was the cheapest option and The Atlantic journo set it up for me. Never trust the MSM.
- 14 December 2020: RT with an opinion people wouldn’t expect you to have. I think socialised healthcare can be done right and be good for a nation.
- 13 December 2020: 1. Conservative artists existing doesn’t mean we don’t need more talent in the area. 2. Perhaps it’s not other people’s job to look for you - it’s your job to get your work out there. I don’t get upset when people haven’t seen my movies, I think it more ways to attract them.
- 11 December 2020: Love all the leftists in my TL pretending to care about political extremism by falsely accusing me of promoting violence which I fully condemn. Meanwhile I get this kinda stuff from freaks on your side every day.
- 11 December 2020: I gotta say, “the nazi @Quillette crowd” is a new one.
- 11 December 2020: Seeing journos still using the geriatric term “alt-right” in 2020
- 11 December 2020: Hey @TerryforTexas So glad you’ve taken it upon yourself to protect criminals from victims of assault, rape, property damage, theft and murder. Truly an incredible feat.
- 10 December 2020: EXCLUSIVE: I spoke to a google contractor and was given access to their page ranking guidelines. GOOGLE IS CENSORING YOU. Here's how they do it!
- 10 December 2020: My dad just called to tell me YouTube has unsubscribed him from @Styx666Official multiple times. He watches him every other morning. I’ve had so many content creators say they’re losing subs every time they upload for seemingly no reason. 🤨
- 9 December 2020: Tfw your boat sinks 🥲
- 8 December 2020: I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on this @kevinroose ? Will you ever take responsibility for your hand in radicalisation?
- 8 December 2020: Did you thank a journalist for their service today? True heroes. Can’t think of anything more brave than sitting on Twitter & sifting through stories photographed by someone who wasn’t credited, written by an unpaid intern and then called racist by journos for 6 figures. 🦸♀️
- 6 December 2020: A family friends high schooler wanted to do the climate sit out, and her parents were like awesome! Go ahead, but you have to walk to school. She immediately changed her mind.
- 6 December 2020 (live): Millennials / Gen Z are the generation of desperately wanting to appear socially aware and politically active, with zero genuine investment or follow through in our beliefs.
- 3 December 2020: #Crossfire : How To Create a Criminal A snippet from @TrueLegendFilms and I upcoming movie. Featuring @colinflaherty and Marlin Newburn here.
- 3 December 2020: This work??
- 3 December 2020 (live): Sorry need to re-export that last video I posted. Android plebs didn't have working audio smh.
- 3 December 2020: #Crossfire : How to Create a Criminal Teaser of @TrueLegendFilms and I's upcoming film with @colinflaherty and Marlin Newburn.
- 30 November 2020: Anyone who buys hardcore Chinese gov supporters feigning leftist sympathies & using progressive platitudes to destabilise the west is a certified idiot. Don’t you have people in Hong Kong to oppress and sweat shops to keep up? I’m sure your social credit points are high enough.
- 30 November 2020: How much are they paying you in the bot sweatshop. I’m sorry. Hopefully you can escape x.
- 25 November 2020: Here’s my son and I doing yoga. Please cheer up. Twitter isn’t just for being mad about politics.
- 25 November 2020: Sorry to break the news to you @RobotTimBlair - your rhyming habits are very problematic.
- 25 November 2020: “Pining for some Pangolin pie" is racist because it tries to make a funny rhyme about China. Also if you don't mention Africans eat bats too you're racist. You can't make this shit up. Someone got paid to do this study.
- 25 November 2020 (live): Headlines like this rely heavily on their audience not actually reading the absurd studies. What do they consider "racism" in this study by @alltogethernow ? Irony. Irony is the first thing listed as racism in the study.
- 24 November 2020 (live): Counting my blessings this morning 🥰 love this man with all my heart.
- 23 November 2020: Assuming the vaccine works out. The pro-science position should acknowledge for vaccines to be considered safe and effective the process is at least 2-5 years of testing and retesting. Issues like permanent brain damage from poorly made vaccines are real.
- 23 November 2020: No the problem is people are seem as hypocrites because of said high ideals - which are good. Re-read what I wrote:
- 23 November 2020: Gettin the DVDs ready 😎
- 21 November 2020: Intolerance towards ideas is precisely why the long March through the institutions occurred. People in society were not receptive to communist or socialist ideas - to the point of McCarthyism. So they hid their views until they were tenured and able to make change within.
- 20 November 2020: A ton of people are getting messages from this scam page pretending to be me asking for their info. They blocked me so i can’t report them. I’ve tried reporting these pages before and FB said they found no issue with the account 😂 Thanks @Facebook
- 19 November 2020: That’s not me or my channel. It’s a re-upload with a hundred views a few months ago which hasn’t been suppressed yet.
- 19 November 2020: Borderless is where most of my real troubles began with shadowbanning & suppression began. People in power REALLY did not want the NGOs exposed and really did not want the migration scam questioned. Look up Borderless documentary on google. Refuses to link to my channel.
- 18 November 2020: I think it may be because you're in Aus - there are no printing facilities there so you have to order from the global store... sorry it's twice the price because of this :(
- 18 November 2020: Damn chill friend - just came to mind as an obvious explanation as she’s ESL so it would be an easy mistake. Obviously my fault for not reading through it better either way hence my apology.
- 18 November 2020 (live):
- 18 November 2020 (live): Last chance to get your typo edition 😂 file is still updating, probably have half an hour.
- 17 November 2020: My apologies there’s a typo in the first batch of Henry the sheepdog. It’s been updated for further orders. And somehow I managed the typo to be the first word 😂 (I actually think it was the person I hired to format it though)
- 16 November 2020: Upon further thought I actually don’t care that much that Harry Styles wears dresses. I care that we live in a culture hostile to people who reject doing that themselves or don’t find it appealing. I care that the traditional family and gender is being actively deconstructed.
- 16 November 2020: Many think if we have foreign exchange programs people will return home and spread the joys and love of western culture. They actually return home and reiterate “these people are idiots, they think you can change your gender, no national pride - we can roll them up in a minute.”
- 15 November 2020: Did you know 40% of Americans don't believe elections are fair? More importantly when asked democrats overwhelmingly held this view with 48% of democrats claiming they don't feel votes are counted accurately. Where did those voices go? 🤔
- 15 November 2020: Great... despite having unlimited stock (printed by amazon) My new book has already been made unavailable and you can’t search for it on Anyone else having this problem?
- 15 November 2020: Thanks for being an inspiration for one of the shitty “journalists” 🤗
- 15 November 2020: The other children’s books on Amazon ....
- 15 November 2020 (live): I've written a children's book on how the media spread lies, in hopes to read it to my son one day. Hopefully this can help other parents who have been lied about and slandered by the media. <3
- 12 November 2020: I did report it because he said I would get what’s coming for me in the email too
- 12 November 2020 (live): I wish I were joking but I then got emails from his audience sending me pictures of beheaded women which was totally normal and great 👏🏻
- 12 November 2020 (live): I asked some MGTOW YouTuber to remove a video with false claims about me. Mentioned I figured his community would care about the damage of false accusations. He then cut the bit where I pointed out the lies, published the rest and screamed censorship. They’re total hypocrites
- 11 November 2020: Growing up journalism was a really impressive and respected career - just in the last five or so years when I speak to anyone regardless of politics the word “journalist” is always spoken with a hint of disgust.
- 7 November 2020: So what happens when an unarmed black man is shot by police and Biden is president? (Which will happen) Biden isn’t going to abolish the police. Will Biden be protested as a “fascist leader”? 🧐
- 6 November 2020: COVID and policing are far from the only or most important issues - and I'm Canadian.
- 6 November 2020: Nothing about COVID or policing will be different under a Biden presidency. Dude probably would've closed the borders significantly later - and as if Biden is going to abolish the police lmaoooo.
- 6 November 2020: Yes let’s just write a relief bill for the entire world. That makes sense and is very sustainable.
- 5 November 2020: Republicans: "hey uhm, here's heaps of evidence of extremely questionable behavior that really needs to be investigated or this could be a fraudulent election" Dems: "look at these sore losers, cope harder, are u mad?!? just like the meltdowns democrats had when trump won" ok
- 4 November 2020: If you have personally filmed videos of people at the polls that I can use please link them below :)
- 2 November 2020: As if there haven’t been MASSIVE attempts at voter fraud on the democrats side. @JamesOKeefeIII and others have exposed this. But of course that want mentioned.
- 2 November 2020: . @PhillyD says this election is @realDonaldTrump vs democracy. So what happens if Trump is democratically elected again? Is it only legitimate democracy if people vote for who you like? Cause that sounds like quite the opposite.
- 2 November 2020: Never thought anything of this until I watched that Rogan / Jones episode. Saw them bring dozens of underage boys into the side entrance of Bilderberg in Germany right before being detained by police there in 2016. Could be nothing but damn it’s weird all things considered.
- 2 November 2020: Hunter Biden Ukraine CONSPIRACY Trump Russia Collusion Nice @Wikipedia very impartial coverage of US events.
- 30 October 2020: I could not conceive of anything worse. 2020 really pulling out the big guns.
- 29 October 2020: @ unethical life pro tips
- 29 October 2020: This is literally gonna be every CEO in California when they bring in the new LGBT diversity hiring quotas for directors of companies. “Welp boys, get the eyeshadow and pick your new identity”
- 26 October 2020:
- 26 October 2020 (live): Daily reminder that social media isn’t real life 🤗 and acting like everyone agrees with your hyper progressive politics actually comes from your social circles delusional addiction to social media xo
- 26 October 2020: Pretty sure Crossfire is going to be the only movie in existence that has both BLM and @colinflaherty in it and just lets them speak without any deceptive editing.
- 24 October 2020: Haha my little auto cue foot peddle didn’t work! 😂 James saved the day though.
- 24 October 2020 (live): Catch me on @SkyNewsAust #Outsiders this morning! We’ll chat a bit about my upcoming film #Crossfjre
- 22 October 2020: Why do some people think using the words simp and cuck is a personality
- 20 October 2020: I certainly did not kick him. And of course he was making a joke - never said he wasn't. I get that, The Atlantic don't and are trying to make me out to be some mad vicim. Lombroso is the one who is kicking him.
- 19 October 2020: I never lived in the US at any point. I have never railed against socialized healthcare - I actually like and support it for the most part (with critiques here and there). You need to stop thinking about people like stock characters that fit into your perfect ideological box.
- 19 October 2020 (live): Never retreat. #Crossfire
- 18 October 2020: Online political activism is LARPing. What's more romantic? Fighting someone w/ slightly different views on immigration than you, or fighting Voldemort? Can't admit the humanity of your opponents or it will challenge your own self-concept as a hero fighting irredeemable evil.
- 17 October 2020: There was never going to be a reckoning. No accountability, only retreat. You can lie about a woman, manipulate her for years & try to force a fake story and journos will share it with glee. If @TheAtlantic had a modicum of integrity left they would address this.
- 17 October 2020 (live): If you think for a minute there isn’t “sexism” on the left you’re delusional. I’m not your fucking story to lie about your political opponents you opportunistic “feminists”. I can genuinely say I’ve felt more violated by @DanielLombroso than any man on the right.
- 17 October 2020: RT @wearescvm: Just Promise Not To Tell The Atlantic | Lauren Southern @DanielLombroso emotionally blackmailed a 22-year-old girl at her…
- 15 October 2020: I literally don't know what is going on with Hnter Bden b/c my timeline is just people talking about how they can't talk about it
- 11 October 2020: Tweet at any “get out to vote” campaign by a celebrity thanking them for convincing you to get up and send in your ballot for Trump and watch the reaction. Challenge their feigned bi-partisan activism 😂
- 11 October 2020: I take care of my child full time, my husband is just gladly taking a weekend with him so I can pursue something I love. Perhaps take a break from being a forever online and have a family of your own to understand healthy dynamics 😂
- 10 October 2020 (live): Really excited to announce I’ve been working with the co-producer of HOAXED @TrueLegendFilms to produce my new documentary Crossfire! It will be out at the end of this month! Thank you all for your support ✌🏻
- 5 October 2020: I’ve vastly overestimated the superiority of Western culture. In my travelling I’ve often found a level of simple unashamed honesty outside the West. People don’t pretend to believe things they don’t to virtue signal - and when they do believe something, they’d die for it.
- 5 October 2020: Democracy 🙃
- 3 October 2020: Morality is just an identity for these people. It’s all posturing.
- 2 October 2020: I don’t like celebrity-led voter turnout campaigns. If literally the only reason you registered to vote is because Kylie Jenner posted a thirst trap or you want to win a Tesla from David Dobrik... you’re likely not invested in or educated on the state of your democracy.
- 2 October 2020: Yes, I totally believe you are a serious fair minded person and not a Left wing hack reading this. Good job. Now discuss the environmentalism that inspired him. Or perhaps discuss the inspiration for 9/11. For some reason I feel your critical thinking will be sharper there.
- 2 October 2020: Your tweet is vile. I am disgusted by the NZ massacre and do not share his views. Even so, The Family Research Council shooter was explicitly inspired by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Does the SPLC get exiled from public life? No. All forms of politics attract lunatics.
- 2 October 2020: It's already out there, so I suppose I'll post evidence. Luckily they haven't put further details. What else do they have in these leaked documents though? They have the details of my initial visitor applications. They have officers notes. This is insane. They have grant dates.
- 2 October 2020 (live): I am happily and peacefully raising my son in this country with my wonderful husband. I am not a threat. The possibility of radicals working within government with access to all your information breaching legal protocol are though. I’m deeply disturbed by all of this.
- 2 October 2020 (live): Even if you disagree with me politically, how do we know if anyone else’s information put forward to the government isn’t being handled in a similar manner? Are the documents of other immigrants being thrown around and leaked?
- 2 October 2020 (live): I don’t know if they have the names of my family members now. I don’t know if they have my address. I’m terrified they might. I do know that they have the ability to get more information if they can access leaks like this.
- 2 October 2020 (live): Such leaks put my family and my child in danger. It wasn’t even leaked to a mainstream outlet, it was leaked to an extremist outlet with an editor who refers to himself proudly as a “communist” and “ASIO target”.
- 2 October 2020 (live): The government have a duty under the privacy act to ensure everyone's documentations are handled with care. Yet it appears this breach occurred, possibly because of a radical working within the government with access to information or due to another weakness in security.
- 2 October 2020 (live): It appears that last night personal information about my Australian visa was leaked from the Department of Home Affairs to a radical left-wing blog. Dates, purposes, notes from officials and perhaps more I have not seen yet.
- 30 September 2020: Just an idea that breaks windows and burns down cities :)
- 30 September 2020 (live): "Antifa is an idea not an organization" is one of the biggest lies told in this debate @JoeBiden
- 30 September 2020: He's kinda making the point for Trump though that racial insensitivity happens against everyone and these racial sensitivity training policies don't take that into account. 👀 don't think they're addressing oppression against the Irish Joe. @JoeBiden
- 28 September 2020: Tfw paid more than Trump in taxes because I can’t afford an army of rain man clones
- 28 September 2020: Looking to hire a videographer in Orlando Florida for this week. Email [email protected]
- 27 September 2020: Most people in the West are Godless today.
- 27 September 2020 (live): If you know a pastor or church leader in Los Angeles who would be willing to interview on the state of of the American soul in the face of police / protest tensions please email [email protected]
- 27 September 2020: If you choose politics over family and commumity, you’ve misunderstood the point of politics entirely.
- 21 September 2020: Saying some large companies or banks need to be propped up and bailed out by the government because it's "strategic" is a nice way of saying the rest of us are too poor to hire lobbyists.
- 21 September 2020: To even pretend for a SECOND that officials, politicians and elites aren't breaking lockdown is an attempt to gaslight every day people. Politicians get a slap on the wrist. Joe blow gets nearly curb stomped for not wearing a mask. We know this.
- 21 September 2020:
- 21 September 2020:
- 21 September 2020: I'm not sure why people bother lying on TV when the viewers can just look it up.
- 21 September 2020:'s%20police%20chief%20says%20he,being%20dismissed%20today%20in%20court .
- 21 September 2020: My apologies. A slight slip up, Corona can actually only get us in the wee hour of the mornings. Also I decided to research the point of the NSW arts minister that I was "called out on". It actually just reinforces my point. He DID breach lockdown, but got a slap on the wrist.
- 18 September 2020: I’m currently doing a free vacation draw in the comments! If you’re attracted to children please comment “Cuties #1 Fan!” below and tag a friend for a chance to win a free all inclusive trip to Nigeria!! Enter fast, limited flights available!
- 16 September 2020: Now do the third world @kaichoyce
- 14 September 2020: Can’t sleep without his ute. 😂
- 13 September 2020: Girl. I watched this film, did my research on the writers past and I’m about to rip into it with the fury of a thousand suns. Somehow the context literally makes it all worse.
- 11 September 2020: Are there no limits to deconstructing traditionalism. “Ha I showed my traditional upbringing by doing heroin at 12!” I’d rather not post the video but I think we both know it was not just participating in an innocent dance contest.
- 11 September 2020: It wasn’t a flare gun. It is impossible to fire it. It was the equivalent of a really bright sparkler 🤦🏼♀️ absolutely ridiculous.
- 11 September 2020: There had to be that one dude
- 11 September 2020: There had to at least be that one sound guy who was like "what the actualy f*ck"
- 11 September 2020 (live): Production team: children dancing like strippers? Hell yeah let's make it. Parents of actors: sounds like a great role for my child! Sundance: very cool! Netflix: we'll take it! I'm finding it hard to comprehend how this film wasn't stopped somewhere along this line #Cuties
- 6 September 2020: I’m being muzzled by the state and I know you can all tell and I’m tired of it Fuck this
- 5 September 2020:
- 5 September 2020: How’s stealing someone’s entire identity working out?
- 3 September 2020: Vice literally would never interview and try to understand a cop who shot someone. They would never interview Rittenhouse. They will interview a radical Antifa member who shot someone though. Guns are bad and shootings are never justified... unless it’s “their side”. #MSM
- 3 September 2020: The absolute f*cking audacity of statements like this. I don’t care who they are - they’re saving a mans life after being shot while you’re nitpicking on twitter.
- 1 September 2020: The absolute state of the media
- 31 August 2020: Y’all being clowns 🤡
- 30 August 2020: Quick PSA: You can be the victim of a shooting and still be a band person. It’s not a partisan issue to say we shouldn’t make martyrs of PEDOPHILES.
- 28 August 2020: Ha that’s not me!
- 28 August 2020:
☺️ 🎥 - 25 August 2020: “Shut the fuck up you’re just mad because it hit a nerve and you took it personal”
- 20 August 2020: Exactly why fair and balanced media is needed. A white guy killed in the exact same way George Floyd was by the police.
- 20 August 2020: Got excited that #bluey was trending, was just watching it with my son and thought finally a topic I get from being a mum! Aanndd nvm it's not wholesome conversation about an adorable kids show. The cartoon blue dog is being cancelled. Almost forgot: no happiness allowed here.
- 17 August 2020: This is not the plot twist in our reality I expected: Fortnite taking down big tech
- 17 August 2020: The lack of Italians on air is appalling
- 17 August 2020: The lack of Italians in air is appalling
- 15 August 2020: Sounds like I’m going to have to watch #MillieWeaver ’s new documentary.
- 12 August 2020: The world isn’t as dark and bitter as you’d like to think. Take a break from the internet for a bit. There’s a lot of beauty when you don’t put all your energy into anger online.
- 12 August 2020 (live): It’s not racism to oppose lying to desperate people in order to steal their money - win elections - and trap them on a continent with no hope.
- 12 August 2020 (live): It’s a tragedy for both the European people and many migrants themselves. With only traffickers, terrorists and violent criminals winning in the end. All of this is covered in my documentary #Borderless
- 12 August 2020 (live): It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t even exist for Europeans. Now you have migrants stuck with no hopes in a continent culturally At odds with their own. With no border restrictions they - and Europeans - are now stuck with the very extremists and criminals many attempted to flee from.
- 12 August 2020 (live): With all the discussion around migrants crossing the English Channel I figured it would be good to remind everyone of why they’re doing that. Traffickers and progressives promised illegal migrants a paradise in Europe. They never found it. They keep searching in every country.
- 9 August 2020: I don’t agree with her solutions either. I just find it disappointing not many people on the right acknowledge the problems with crony capitalism and borderline and assume you hate the wealthy if you do. I’d love to see republicans demanding takedowns of political market abuses.
- 9 August 2020 (live): Republicans counter signalling this don’t get that most people are sick and tired of crony capitalists abusing political power & tax dodges. You don’t have to hate the wealthy to support the working class and be against elites who don’t play by the same rules as the rest of us.
- 4 August 2020: I’ve missed you Twitter dot com
- 3 August 2020: I’m always happy when people oppose censorship. I’m not making any money or getting anything from this myself.
- 3 August 2020: I’ve gotten A LOT of emails re patreon. Rest assured I will respond to all of them. Just getting eggs in order & information pack. Thanks all!
- 1 August 2020: I believe the filing fee may be around $250 ... working on funding for those who can't afford it atm. I realize these are difficult times. Will keep you posted. Also covering all the bases on what sort of risk you are open to before anything is filed x
- 1 August 2020: I've been corrected: Apparently Patreon's TOS are in direct violation of CA law & The cause for action applies to ALL past Patreon users. If you were a patron of mine but don't fall into these categories label your email "Patron Arbitration Group 2"
- 1 August 2020: Looking for security (preferably with a military background) in the US who are interested in helping out with my upcoming doc pls send a message to [email protected] if interested. 🇺🇸
- 31 July 2020: Good question actually... perhaps just don't log in and I'll get more info.
- 30 July 2020: If you fall into this category you can file yourself, but I've also spoken to legal counsel and would like to connect everyone. Send me an email to [email protected]
- 30 July 2020: If you were a patron of mine before I was booted off the platform and you have a - deleted your account b- not used it since the recent lawsuits Do not log in, delete your account. As log as you haven't acquiesced to new terms you can file arbitration.
- 30 July 2020: Me watching the Patreon lawsuits
- 27 July 2020: I should be more specific, live near Sydney lol.
- 27 July 2020: lmao
- 27 July 2020: If you're in film & video work, live near NSW and are looking for a gig send an email to [email protected]
- 23 July 2020: I said we never have to. You can feel free to watch my last doco if you'd like to see engagement with the real world.
- 23 July 2020: Journalists, youtubers, online intellectuals etc. We have the privilege of never having to engage with the real world yet opining on it all day. We are creating an elite that fundamentally never engages with reality.
- 25 June 2020: lmao no, he's not black - I'm not sure what @THR are smoking.
- 25 June 2020: lmao my husband and I were equally surprised to find out he was black from @THR this is why we don't believe what we read online.
- 24 June 2020 (live): Will be back on twitter next to announce the new doco project. Chat then x
- 23 June 2020: Why don’t you read before commenting.
- 23 June 2020: To those who care
- 20 June 2020: No.
- 20 June 2020:
- 20 June 2020: I genuinely hope you're ok. You don't need to get this angry about internet politics. People are allowed to grow and mature in their approach without being "frauds". That's a very narrow view.
- 20 June 2020: I'm out. I'm gonna go make meaningful content instead of circle jerk the same talking points over and over again and create fake e-drama for views. It's meaningless. It's not helping anything. It's the actual grifting.
- 20 June 2020: Not a single person asked for my side of the story when I left politics because the truth isn’t very interesting is it. It doesn’t get clicks. It doesn’t go viral.
- 20 June 2020: Also I’m sure it would be very interesting for the public to know my producers who were allegedly betraying Tommy were still working for him well after I finished Borderless. I’m tired of these fake internet fights for attention. I’m tired of pretending they’re real for views.
- 20 June 2020: I was having a baby. That's where I was the last 18 months. I've been banned from countries, payment platforms, events etc. it doesn't matter though. A call for nuance really shouldn't enrage you so much if you aren't (in a cult) afraid of what the other side has to say.
- 3 June 2019: Thank you Matt, I was enjoying your work before I entered this political world and hope to be enjoying it long after. :)
- 3 June 2019: this is some OG stuff right here
- 3 June 2019: You're one of those wonderful friends I'll have fond memories of during my time in this crazy political world. Keep up the good fight <3
- 3 June 2019: Farewell ❤️ I've enjoyed this all greatly but it's time to start a new chapter of my life. Thank you to all my incredible colleagues who I'll be cheering on in their fight for truth - and my wonderful supporters who made all I've done possible.
- 1 June 2019: Ok for me but not for thee!!
- 31 May 2019: Whoa, someone who knows what the word conservatism means on twitter 🤔? I figured we had just thrown out centuries of tradition for the modern pop definition.
- 31 May 2019: April 23, 1910, Theodore Roosevelt - “The Man in the Arena.”
- 31 May 2019: Case and point. Woman talks about a left-wing media outlet referring to her as a sex object. Left wing media figure complaining about harassment and anti-PC talk blocks her. This is because his tweets are political, it has nothing to do with morality.
- 31 May 2019: Vice media have literally referred to me as a "real-doll" before. Implying my only use is for sex. A journalist did this, not a comedian. You're free to not find any of this funny but it's clear those outraged by bullying/abuse only care when it comes from one side.
- 31 May 2019: I’m a boomer on here, so may not start one for a while. Just discovered stickers, very fun! I suppose this is what the kids are up to these days.
- 31 May 2019: If you still want to follow Nick Monroe’s research and posts you can check him out on his Telegram channel!
- 30 May 2019: Two of my favs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 tuning in now!
- 29 May 2019: The problem with the word smuggling, and where the debate begins is smuggling does not involve exploitation / coercion. Trafficking does. The promise of paradise / safety + the shooting of migrants who challenge these people puts it in the very least a gray area of trafficking.
- 28 May 2019: "Journalists, the last of the last men." - George Grant 1969 CBC lectures
- 28 May 2019: I called sobbing on the phone about how I didn’t like seeing people being so nasty to you and others & how I didn’t want to become jaded by politics. In the middle of my vulnerable moment as friends you started inquiring about an article. I said I wasn’t sure then said no.
- 28 May 2019: Hope you all enjoy being restricted to watching curated late night shows and Ellen because all the indie Youtubers were barred from making a living 😂 At least Dr.Phil is pretty ok.
- 28 May 2019: This doesn’t just happen to political channels either & not just conservatives. It’s well known that YouTube targets “persona non-grata” accounts. They take down advertising, suggestions, trending etc. I’m still baffled that people think corporate meddling is a conspiracy.
- 28 May 2019: Oh and there are plenty more emails like this. Just grabbed a few.
- 28 May 2019: I don’t post when this happens because it’s just normal now, but I love when people tell me there’s nothing odd going on w/ my YouTube despite this being my inbox the last few months.... these include videos from 3 years ago & videos that are not political like “A New Direction”
- 28 May 2019: Yes
- 28 May 2019: Fair enough, after the pile up of issues including ones that could not be explained by video errors ie. community messages - I did say censored. Willing to retract that if a reasonable explanation is given for all this. As pointed out by others “connectivity” makes little sense.
- 28 May 2019: I genuinely cared for you as a friend and still do hope you are doing well. It was a heartbreaking experience and I would never bring it up because I don’t care for personal drama on here. I will defend myself if lied about though.
- 28 May 2019: Where did I just yell “censorship”? I said Borderless has officially been made unavailable by Youtube. People are not receiving notifications or community posts. The video is not displaying in my videos... all factual things. Not insane to think of potential censorship.
- 28 May 2019: Cathy I would rather not publish our personal emails but I’m looking at the one sent Aug 30th after that personal phone call where I said “I’m stressed” and “need time before I say anything”. That was the last email sent before my next one saying “I said not to put that up”.
- 28 May 2019: I’m very open to tech failure explanations as I mentioned to Chris. We haven’t lied about a thing that happened. Still waiting for YT to explain how it could play for 12 hours fully processed & how this connectivity issue would also impact people receiving community messages?
- 28 May 2019: No, you published a private conversation I had with you about it - where I literally said I was uncomfortable with nastiness on the internet and from the far reaches of the right. That’s why we stopped talking. Not because of any falsely applied ideological changes that I had.
- 28 May 2019: Are you suggesting a (at the time) 21 year old girl can be wrong sometimes? 😱😂
- 28 May 2019: Also I’ve never quite understood people’s contentions with my Spencer quote. We were discussing how to debate the alt-right and I was arguing people needed to understand the terms first. At the time Spencer referred to himself as a WN. That may have changed since that point.
- 28 May 2019: Cathy and I were much closer and chatted much more than you and I ever did @RubinReport . We even did a speaking event together at University of Michigan. It’s disappointing to see this and I wish her all the best - but if she’s going to play guilt by association games.... 🤷♀️
- 28 May 2019: RT @KodeyKC: Just watched @Lauren_Southern’s Borderless, and I’m in tears. I feel terrible for the migrants being sold a lie, for the Europ…
- 27 May 2019: Bizarre, I appreciate you looking into it nonetheless! If you’re still in contact with the rep could you ask how an account with over 700k subs only has a single engagement with a community message in 30mins? That can’t have anything to do with alleged tech errors on my end...
- 27 May 2019: @ZanderKelly30 @YouTube I’m very open to tech failure explanations to this but YT ghosted me. Would love to get a more comprehensive analysis @TeamYouTube. Especially as to how it could play for 12 hours fully processed & how this connectivity issue would also impact people receiving community messages?
- 27 May 2019: I’m very open to tech failure explanations to this but YT ghostsd me. Would love to get a more comprehensive analysis @TeamYouTube . Especially as to how it could play for 12 hours fully processed & how this connectivity issue would also impact people receiving community messages?
- 27 May 2019: Thank you so much for the support! If you watched borderless and enjoyed it, please rate it and leave a review on IMDB! I would love to read what you all think of the movie ❤️
- 27 May 2019: I never realized how prevalent stalking was until the last few years online dealing with it as well... also how freaking dedicated they can be. Sorry you’re dealing with this 😞 I know it’s a nightmare to actually try to address even when the police do want to help.
- 27 May 2019: Lots of people have been asking us about backup sites, we filmed specifically to have the movie published in 4k however some sites have uploaded it in lower quality. We spoke to bitchute and in the next couple of weeks they should have 1080p availalbe which will be nice!
- 27 May 2019: Actually I've shown proof to the @NewYorker and the author of this article that this was untrue. A few weeks ago they told me they would publish a letter to the editor due to the new information. Just sent a follow up email to Ariel. You should see it on the site soon.
- 26 May 2019: Thank you Syndey! :D
- 26 May 2019: Thank you so much to those who have begun adding translations to #Borderless . We already received requests for full English subs from deaf watchers & it'll be great to make this a globally available documentary as well <3!
- 26 May 2019: I wish
- 26 May 2019: My favourite part was when you texted your mom before our phones were confiscated saying "I love you so much mum I may be going to jail" and she just replied: "oooh sounds very midnight express!" 😂😂😂
- 26 May 2019: "at least I'll look fly as heck when I go to jail 😎"
- 26 May 2019: We were super blessed throughout this whole trip, and I'm incredibly proud of my team who even after being told in certain situations "your life could seriously be at risk" decided to go forward with me. Thank you so much @CaolanRob @georgellewelyn & security.
- 26 May 2019: Here’s the footage of our arrest by Turkish military. After 10 hours interrogated & forced to sign a waiver to NOT let our embassy know where we were. We were extremely lucky to be released & had to leave the country immediately after shipping out hidden hard drives #Borderless
- 26 May 2019: You’re the bot I made back in 2011 to prepare to send this one tweet 8 years later. Thank you for your service.
- 26 May 2019: We were super excited to use Premiere mode - and it would've been far more financially lucrative for the team to do so with super-chats. We also lost 70k views. Obviously we're stoked by the Streisand effect and taking advantage of it, but it was pretty devastating initially.
- 26 May 2019: Happy to, here's the back end. 12 hours after it was viewable and fully processed in 4k. Also happy to assume it's just a random error but that doesn't explain why it wasn't showing up in feeds, or my videos section and why my community posts weren't showing either.
- 26 May 2019: yes it was fully view able in 4k and had completed processing.
- 26 May 2019: It would be one thing if it were just this, which like you said is impossible... but it wasn't showing in my videos, in history, lists etc. and no notifications. MAYBE this was all issues with that video, but no one was receiving notifications for my community messages either.
- 26 May 2019: SAD!!
- 26 May 2019:
- 26 May 2019: Honestly the jail would’ve at least had warm showers I assume.
- 26 May 2019: Yeah they sent me a link to speak to customer support. I told them the issues then woke up a few hours later and the video was fully taken down. Quite the fix 😂 Still no explanation.
- 25 May 2019: We actually did spell Libya wrong on one of the maps so tbh the whole documentary is cancelled and nothing in it could possibly be accurate.
- 25 May 2019: I just got owned on twitter dot com
- 25 May 2019: The emergency backup hasn't been taken down by youtube yet haha.
- 25 May 2019: Yuupppp. We uploaded a backup of it today! Looks like that one is being left alone luckily. We have been working on extended edition + creators commentary DVDs and will likely be putting them up for pre-order today! I suppose they can't just take a DVD off your shelf haha.
- 25 May 2019: It's a shame to see leftists lashing out in anger to this documentary without watching it. Most of the stories are told by migrants themselves. They could truly help more people if they understood the damage caused by selling a false dream that can't be fulfilled.
- 25 May 2019: That’s a story we’ll tell in good time. Give us a few weeks to sort out the doco and we’ll write something up / make a video on that.
- 25 May 2019: Went to the hospital in Bulgaria at like 2am and just walked into the emergency room with 2 nurses/doctors chain smoking cigarettes in the triage room 😂
- 25 May 2019: Going through old phone footage from borderless and it’s bringing back all the good memories of food poisoning, no baths, having rocks thrown at us ... 😂 @CaolanRob @georgellewelyn good thing our film team doesn’t have an HR department.
- 25 May 2019: Not sure how you missed the all caps EMERGENCY BACKUP, friend. I wish it were fake news 🙁
- 25 May 2019: Hopefully the backup here works for those still trying to watch and share! Please go give it a like and a comment since we lost all 70k views etc. on the last one! Borderless (2019) | EMERGENCY BACKUP
- 25 May 2019: Lmao it’s saying the video stopped processing. So it stopped processing 12 hours after it was available and fully updated in 4K 😂😂😂
- 25 May 2019: We have uploaded and are just preparing the backup but we want to give @YouTube a chance to respond. How can everything fail on so many levels for the launch of this movie and now it’s just been made unavailable? #Borderless
- 25 May 2019: Really heartbreaking when our team has put months and months of work into a project just to have it censored by @YouTube . It can’t be a coincidence that it’s not in notifications, shows as deleted, not on my videos list, doesn’t show in recent history...
- 25 May 2019: @rraveheart Imagine not watching the documentary you’re shaming & therefore not realizing it’s about the plight of migrants caused by people like you who are more concerned with signalling their moral superiority than educating themselves on what will actually help people.
- 25 May 2019: I'm chatting with the youtube team right now, they said this definitely shouldn't be happening!
- 25 May 2019: Thank you!
- 25 May 2019: What an adventure! If you enjoyed the movie please share & comment as we are dealing with some YT suppression! We published totally for free so if you'd like you can also tip the creators and watch on the website at will work on DVD's soon :) #Borderless
- 25 May 2019: Someone has to be messing with it. The premiere wouldn't go up. No one got notifications. It's all set and posted now and it doesn't appear in my videos. Deleted video when added to lists. Don't want to be conspiratorial but this is ridiculous @YouTube
- 25 May 2019: RT @TheLaurenChen: I followed a link to see #Borderless, but I just checked my sub feed and it’s not actually there 🤔 Weirdly enough, it’s…
- 25 May 2019: @YouTube good prank but it's gone a bit far!!
- 25 May 2019: @gemmaod1
- 25 May 2019: That is an actual place in Greece right now that we filmed with the drone... and that pile is only getting bigger.
- 24 May 2019: You clearly didn't watch the doco.
- 24 May 2019: Oh yeah, but the traffickers advised them to rip up their passports to avoid deportation. I guess when you screw people over it's best to ensure they can't get back to give you hell.
- 24 May 2019: About 600 euros for the fake forms, imagine paying up to 2k euros to get there, taking the dangerous journey by boat, spending your time getting attacked by radicals in the camp, paying 600 bucks to get to Athens then ending up under a bridge in Paris. Tragedy.
- 24 May 2019: When you keep getting tweets about 0 notifications for your YT vid upload so you post a community message but no one can see that either. Nice 😎
- 24 May 2019: We've just allowed for community contributions to languages and transcriptions on #Borderless . Fire away my linguistically gifted friends!
- 24 May 2019: Thank you so much Brit <3
- 24 May 2019: We made it free to watch! There's a tip jar in the description if you really enjoy it, but it's most important to us that as many people see it as possible :)
- 24 May 2019: That's my hope too. Many lives have been ruined because people virtue signal without actually looking into the consequences of the causes they support. We have far more footage and stories to tell and will be working on extended content :)
- 24 May 2019: Oh I had no time for this, Caolan and George insisted that I couldn't just wear jeans and a black t-shirt the whole movie though 😂. I referred to it as the lesbian magician look.
- 24 May 2019: It is 4k ;)
- 24 May 2019: Exactly what we hoped to do Martin! Thank you for watching! #Borderless
- 24 May 2019: Oh you don’t know the half of it hahaha. We didn’t actually get out of Turkey so smoothly. That’s a story for another time though 😜 Thank you so much for watching!
- 24 May 2019: Thank you so much Stefan!
- 24 May 2019: That would be lovely!
- 24 May 2019: We started filming September last year :)
- 24 May 2019: Youtube Premiere mode is officially CANCELLED
- 24 May 2019: #Borderless is LIVE!
- 24 May 2019: This is actually wack, we can play it in the back end but it refused to start publicly.
- 24 May 2019: Hi all, ok so we are working in the background trying to find a solution with Youtube to the premiere issue. Go make yourself some snacks, get some coffee and get cozy. Backup version is just processing HD so either way you're seeing #Borderless tonight.
- 24 May 2019: We uploaded the premiere like 12 hours ago it should be totally processed hello @YouTube ?
- 24 May 2019: Hey guys premiere is totally uploaded and should be automatically starting soon. It's all on Youtubes end. We have a backup uploaded that we can make live out of premiere mode if Youtube doesn't get it together soon!
- 24 May 2019: Premiere starting in 5 minutes! First processing may be 720p, it should be fully processed in 4k by tonight :)
- 24 May 2019: This documentary has been made to spark conversation between the very people who support open borders and those who oppose them. So don’t expect it to be an ideological lap dance. It’s my hope that everyone feels challenged in their perspective.
- 24 May 2019: Or has our inability to discuss this conditionless invitation to Europe lead to disaster for the very people it was purported to help? Disaster for the very people it was imposed upon, and chaos for the future of an entire continent? Watch #Borderless !
- 24 May 2019: The migration crisis is one of the greatest debates facing Europe today. Yet it seems mired in dishonesty, cover ups and pre-scripted narratives. Has this all been for the greater good?
- 24 May 2019: After 6 and half months on the ground of painstaking work I'm thrilled to present #Borderless tonight. The biggest & most comprehensive documentary ever made on the European border crisis.
- 21 May 2019: Where tf is the last book though. Also I second this.
- 21 May 2019: Where tf is the last boom though. Also I second this.
- 20 May 2019: I’m not saying the political process or voting is useless. I’m simply saying jumping ship every time you’re disappointed isn’t the obvious solution to this problem. History has shown Tulsi and Yang will almost certainly have the same failures to implement their perfect visions.
- 20 May 2019: No I’m not saying the political process or voting is useless. I’m simply saying jumping ship every time you’re disappointed isn’t the obvious or solution. We will always be disappointed by politicians. History had shown us this time and time again.
- 20 May 2019: Nope. Not what I’m saying.
- 20 May 2019: What I said is “it’s not the obvious conclusion” as it is being portrayed as. That’s not to say we don’t continue to strive for solution. 😉
- 20 May 2019: My point being I’m hyper critical of all these same things about Trump. I don’t think people “jumping ship” to another politician who like all of them will disappoint on campaign promises and what they can realistically achieve is the obvious conclusion to such disappointment.
- 20 May 2019: No. I disagree with people I like all the time. Just cause they happen to be female doesn’t mean it’s a fight 🐱
- 20 May 2019: > actually thinking any politician fulfills campaign promises (tulsi and yang included)
- 20 May 2019: It almost felt like the show was actively creating plot lines not to push the story forward but just to fool the viewer. I feel pranked. #GameOfThonesFinale
- 19 May 2019: Agreed. However purely thinking about economic benefits can be devastating too. Look at the analysis of New Zealand by liberal prof Clive Hamilton. For temporary economic benefit they lost much control of their country to China. What sort of long term impacts will that have?
- 19 May 2019: I’m using the classical definition of conservative here. The classical definition of liberal would also be quite the opposite of what you’ve described. You’re correct in popular culture definitions though. All the changes makes conversation difficult eh 😛.
- 19 May 2019: Maybe I misunderstood? My point is I disagree with the notion that out current economy is a totally natural occurring product of human wants / needs at the moment. I think our wants, needs, demands and the “free” economy or market itself is being quite manipulated.
- 19 May 2019: You are using the wrong definition of the word conservative my friend.
- 19 May 2019: Better create government initiatives to fix this! Oh wait they already do.
- 19 May 2019: Don’t mistake that for an uncorrupted market either libertarians. They’re not too concerned about your freedoms even when they placate us with talk of it whilst offering massive tax breaks or restrictions to the anointed corporations and the rejected.
- 19 May 2019: Don’t mistake that for an uncorrupted market either libertarians. They’re not too concerned about your freedoms either.
- 19 May 2019: “Labour” parties no longer serve the worker. “Conservative” parties no longer uphold tradition. Both serve the market. It’s a rare sight to see a politician put human fullness of life over GDP, economic gains or losses. We are not creatures made to simply serve an economy.
- 19 May 2019: The labour parties no longer serve the worker and the parties of tradition and culture worship the market as well. It’s a rare site to see a politician speak of human fullness of life over GDP, economic gains and losses. We are not creatures made to simply serve an economy.
- 19 May 2019: 👀
- 18 May 2019: That is a v good purchase. 🐱
- 18 May 2019: "I Am So Proud of This Community"
- 18 May 2019: Getting prepared for Borderless launch very soon. Haven't forgotten about y'all 💖 these things always take longer than expected. 😩
- 18 May 2019: This is a weird thing to tweet from a political account but I actually think the whole James Charles situation is an excellent lesson in how drama news, extreme bias & fake media spread for his young viewers. There's always another side but nuance doesn't make a great headline.
- 18 May 2019: I love how once again people are utterly baffled by election results world wide. Is this not enough to tell you there’s a massive disconnect from the press and the actual people?
- 17 May 2019: All good questions!
- 17 May 2019: The main argument of pro-choice that I’ve seen is not “even if it’s murder I should have a right” it’s that a fetus is not a person and therefore it’s not murder. Once personhood is established then further discussion of whether “murder” should be allowed in this case can occur.
- 17 May 2019: Ok and what if that isn’t available? I understand that’s not always a problem in the first world, but this philosophical question even as a hypothetical is fundamental to whether we get to say a fetus (if deemed person) has a right to be cared for.
- 17 May 2019: The baby can’t fend for itself even if you leave it in a room full of baby food.
- 17 May 2019: It’s completely unhelpful and why I find myself utterly confused when trying to follow people’s arguments on this issue.
- 17 May 2019: Questions of consciousness, what defines a person, our responsibility to other individuals or our freedoms as individuals are all in the realm of philosophical discussion. Philosophy is unknown territory. We prefer to level accusations against eachother like “murderer / sexist”
- 17 May 2019: Or do parents have some sort of responsibility to keep them alive at least until they can be transferred into the care of another?
- 17 May 2019: That’s part of the debate for sure which I have added to the thread. Whether someone has the right to live off another or not doesn’t become a real question until personhood is established. Babies cannot live without care from parents. Is it okay to put them in a dumpster?
- 17 May 2019: Within sects of libertarianism it doesn’t matter if the person will or will not survive without your help. You are only responsible for you. You are correct when it comes to wider belief in our society though. We do see a responsibility towards those who rely on others.
- 17 May 2019: I’m just saying there would be a libertarian argument of it doesn’t have the right to live off you. Once viable to survive on its own outside the womb then it wouldn’t be violating anyone’s “private property or resources” etc. I know not all libertarians believe this.
- 17 May 2019: It makes sense to me for libertarians to be pro-choice until a fetus is viable to live outside the mother’s body. They believe in extreme individualism. It doesn’t make sense to me for socialists to make the “someone doesn’t have a right to live off me” argument.
- 17 May 2019: I suppose once the argument of personhood has happened there is the other debate of responsibility to carry or not carry another human. Whether the fetus has the right to live off someone.
- 17 May 2019: Gluten is an nwo conspiracy. Don’t fall for it Amanda. Join gluten free gang we offer salvation from tummy aches and muffin top. 💫✨👏🏻
- 17 May 2019: This is inaccurate. In Canada abortion is allowed through the whole pregnancy and this goes for some states as well. It is often also argued that putting any sort of timeline is restrictive and anti-woman’s rights.
- 17 May 2019: One fairly classically liberal dude with only a single political RT of Tulsi on his timeline does not represent the rich historic tradition of conservatism. An outlook that does promote duty to society and even skepticism of too much freedom if it does not benefit human life.
- 17 May 2019: I see what you’re saying and I haven’t misunderstood it’s just difficult to be clear on twitter at times with limited characters. By “human” I assumed people understood I meant the debate of “humanity / consciousness” and not just that of biology. I could’ve been more clear.
- 17 May 2019: Well I appreciate the civil conversation nonetheless ❤️
- 17 May 2019: Right to life isn’t based on whether other people want you alive or not though. Hence why we have laws against murder haha. Lots of people who don’t want others to exist.
- 17 May 2019: Interesting. I guess I see it differently. I’d say I’ve been blessed with the experience of life and this child hasn’t yet so in a “house on fire” scenario I’d save a baby/child first. The question of abortion however isn’t a house on fire scenario. It’s not one or the other.
- 17 May 2019: No worries. I appreciate how calm and reasonable you’ve been in this discussion 👍🏻
- 17 May 2019: I’m certain they couldn’t and wouldn’t if given a timeline for when they would wake up. “In 6 months your loved one will be awake, would you like to take this chance to pull the plug on them while it’s legal”? I just don’t see that happening.
- 17 May 2019: Yet I don’t think that’s the argument people are making. I haven’t seen a single pro-choice individual say “as long as it can live outside my body it’s fine”. So I don’t think it’s off topic.
- 17 May 2019: 22 week old fetus can live outside the mother’s body.
- 17 May 2019: Explain how I’ve misunderstood.
- 17 May 2019: That’s an interesting point and it certainly seems far more on topic. So is the determining factor of whether someone has a right to life consciousness? What about those in comas? What about newborns? They don’t really have conscious experience until 5 months old?
- 17 May 2019: Ok, following that logic should abortion be banned at 22 weeks because the baby can survive outside the mother at that point?
- 17 May 2019: You have to be able to understand eachother first to get anywhere. People may as well be having yelling matches in different languages at the moment.
- 17 May 2019: If you must mentally edit the post to say “person” that’s fine, I’d do it if I could to avoid minor semantics debates - my point stands the same. This person vs non person issue is the debate not all the other goal post shifts people are bringing up.
- 17 May 2019: I’m not making a point in bad faith like you assume I am. I’d go back and edit the post to say “person” if I could just to get rid of this minor semantics debate - because I genuinely did not see the slight nuance.
- 17 May 2019: I’m not fully understanding the debate here about me using the word human vs person. They seem fairly interchangeable.
- 17 May 2019:
- 17 May 2019: Abortion is about termination not expelling / removing from body. At 22 weeks a baby can survive outside the womb.
- 17 May 2019: Person is a synonym for human. I’m confused.
- 17 May 2019: If the fetus is not a human it is not murder. If the fetus is a human then it is murder and it has nothing to do with the rights of the woman. No one has the right to murder. It’s about the rights of the baby. I don’t understand why people can’t just stay on topic.
- 17 May 2019: I have never seen so many terrible arguments in a single debate than the one surrounding abortion. The fundamental debate here is - is a fetus a human or not. No one is arguing for what they see as murder. No one is arguing against women’s rights. All I see is derailing.
- 16 May 2019: Pro-life argues abortion is murder. We can impose laws against murder that the majority of society religious and non religious agree with. The pro-life argument is very simple yet many try to argue / derail with comments about freedom & big government. See first tweet.
- 16 May 2019: It’s actually not strange for a conservative to say that at all. Conservatism is an ideology based on natural law and duty to society. Liberalism is the freedom / individualism based belief. People have just confused them as of late. “Conservatives” included.
- 16 May 2019: That’s what the debate is about.
- 16 May 2019: I’m not arguing for or against anything here. I’m saying he’s derailed the conversation when it’s about morality. This question of natural law or absolute morality can also exist outside of religion.
- 16 May 2019:
- 16 May 2019: The question of absolute morality, natural law vs humanism etc. has been one of the greatest debates in history by some of the greatest philosophers. It’s not ridiculous to point out the debate is in this realm. Nor is it ridiculous to call out when people try to derail this.
- 16 May 2019: This is just bad logic. It’s not a question of freedom but one of absolute morality. Are there some things humans can never do? Ie. murder / genocide. No one accuses arguments against genocide to be anti-freedom. Pro-life believe this is murder. You have to address that claim.
- 16 May 2019: They actually sealed up the trash bins in the Starbucks milk / sugar stands because they weren’t allowed due to potential bombs being placed in them. They clean up trash pretty quick but yeah no where to put it for counter terror reasons. Deffo not near major transport points.
- 14 May 2019: The reason you got steamrolled is because you tried to make it a “match” in the first place. You were supposed to interview us. Yet journos are told to simply combat and disagree with things they admittedly haven’t looked into and don’t understand. Now you want a rematch? Lmao.
- 14 May 2019: It’s not me
- 14 May 2019: Grant mentions that we can’t rely on reviving old systems of meaning as well -
- 14 May 2019: Grant mentions that we can’t rely on reviving old systems of meaning as well - and that were in a search for something new.
- 14 May 2019: Nonsense from a modern Christian pastor? He’s Canada’s most respected philosopher and you’ve read but a paragraph of his work lol.
- 14 May 2019: Will have to listen to the @thierrybaudet speech everyone thinks I’m referencing but I was actually just reading Philosophy in the Mass Age by George Grant.
- 14 May 2019: "The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk." - Hegel
- 14 May 2019: Buy local, buy free range when possible & if you can afford it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
- 14 May 2019: I don't have much problem with that argument, I feel vegans would have far more success if they framed their debate as meat-industry reform not "you're all murderers". I realize not all do this, but unfortunately the loudest do.
- 14 May 2019: I remember protesting the shooting of a type of antelope when I was in SA. The locals looked at me like I had lost my mind. They explained how they had no predators in the area & would horrifically starve when over-populated, killing other species with them due to overgrazing.
- 14 May 2019: I only mention this because I think it is often overlooked what a bourgeois first-world endeavor this is. I believe there should be reform in the meat industry too. Yet I realize there is often a necessity to cull animal populations for sustainability. A necessity to eat meat.
- 14 May 2019: Ok so it's not that you see the death as animals as having an exact equivalence to humans, but rather want suffering for them reduced when possible. That's fair, I just often wonder if vegans realize what a privileged position it is to be able to adjust ones diet to that extent.
- 14 May 2019: I don't like the meat industry either, and personally try my best to buy free-range / ethical meat when the option is there. However it bothers me how many don't realize the majority of the world don't have the wealth and accessibility to stand on their same high-horse.
- 14 May 2019: Ok, what's the answer?
- 14 May 2019: Genuine question for vegans inspired by a sense of moral duty - Would you consider rural tribes like the Inuit who have no other choice but eating meat for nearly 10 months a year immoral? Much of the world don't have access to vegan options & would die if they did not hunt.
- 13 May 2019: Dragon (her child) dead, best friend dead. Most people only need one of those things to snap a little.
- 13 May 2019: is this the femcel rebellion?
- 13 May 2019: "Those were bad guys though Lauren" She almost sacrificed the entire realm of man because Jon refused to bend the knee and she was more concerned about her status as queen. Are the entire realm of man bad guys? Also mental-breaks in people never seem "in character".
- 13 May 2019: She almost sacrificed the entire kingdom because Jon refused to call her queen. "Bend the knee or I'll let the entire realm of man die" lol. She is not as moral as people think she is.
- 13 May 2019: It clearly wasn't a calculated decision and was a mental break. People described this behavior as something that ran in her family. I thought they made that quite obvious with her frantic wide eyed insanity look on the wall. Calculated calm w/ advisers it would've been different.
- 13 May 2019: Someone at the millennial ad firm forgot the "micro" in micro-dosing.
- 13 May 2019: She was showing signs of madness long before this from crucifixions, burning prisoners then going full Stalin great-purge level paranoia over her obsession w/ the throne. Her best friend & dragon get killed, it triggered her generational insanity. Idk why this is surprising.
- 13 May 2019: I liked Tywin.
- 13 May 2019: “yOu WiLl AlWayS bE mY QuEeN”
- 13 May 2019: At least she won’t be distracted by her hot aunt
- 13 May 2019: Sansa should be on the iron throne don’t @ me
- 13 May 2019: Idk who made this, but yes. Welcome to twitter dot com 👏🏻
- 12 May 2019: With him right now and he says hi & hopes all is well! :)
- 12 May 2019:
☺️ ❤️ thanks... I’d hope so. She’s always been a stunner. - 12 May 2019: Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women out there today who raised us xo you play one of the most important roles in the world. ❤️ Love you to the moon and back mumsie. 🌙
- 12 May 2019: Porridge got cancer and went to hedgehog heaven after a very happy life of enjoying food more than any hedgehog I’ve ever had. Beans went into the care of friends when I was on the road for months for filming and got very cosy there. Both wonderful pokie bois.
- 12 May 2019: Meet Mr.Anderson 🐶
- 11 May 2019: 8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined H... via @YouTube
- 11 May 2019: Tfw there’s trouble in your dating life but you wanna look like you’re in control of the situation 🍷
- 11 May 2019: Link? I genuinely didn’t see this in the news.
- 11 May 2019: Watching all these career collapses the last few days it’s been interesting to see the response of absolute schadenfreude. People make their life about amassing followers then forget this is just a digital colosseum. The crowds will cheer just as loudly when you’re torn apart.
- 10 May 2019: I’d be worried but when China have massive economic & political control of the West they’ll have none of this lol. Not that I endorse it, I just find it amusing that no one seems to realize their liberalism is fleeting in a world where there’s no cultural protectionism.
- 10 May 2019: Plenty of languages like French where objects are gendered as well. Feminine / Masculine. Guess when our liberal social imperialism spreads we’re going to have to totally uproot and re organize entire people’s languages. 😂
- 9 May 2019: It has certainly been interesting to see the reaction from the mainstream to pride flags being combined with Christian symbolism in a Polish protest vs my near identical demonstration in the UK simply replaced with Islam. I support the freedom to offend in either case.
- 5 May 2019: Should I sue @oneunderscore__ :)?
- 4 May 2019: Looking into it atm ;)
- 4 May 2019: lmao @MattBinder
- 4 May 2019: It's almost like I've never advocated for white supremacy and always said I respect and think we should protect everyone's free speech and opinions regardless of race.... suppose my mistake was including white people in that equation.
- 4 May 2019: That would be a screenshot of me holding a handheld flare that we used to light the footage of a protest against an empty ship that was being investigated for criminal activity. The ship is now impounded for said criminal activity, and that flare never left my hand. Nice try tho.
- 4 May 2019: The winds of censorship are blowing in their favor for now, so they desperately dig up trivial distractions to make those who protest pariahs. Hopefully they realize sooner than later wind is a fickle thing. Will we let tech platforms dictate "acceptable" political beliefs?
- 4 May 2019: Are you ok? Where in that article does it say a single word about me firing flares at immigrants? I’m actually concerned about your mental health.
- 4 May 2019: Cool a very bias Washington post opinion piece that says nothing about me firing flares at immigrants? No dignity.
- 4 May 2019: Hi Ben, I’m not a white nationalist & I never shot road flares out of a boat at immigrants. You’d think working for NBC you’d take at least a minute to fact check a claim that ridiculous. This is why no one trusts the MSM. Will you have a shred of dignity & delete this lie?
- 4 May 2019: “Is war with Silicon Valley a Trump 2020 strategy?” “This could be revered as a watershed moment. The renegade president has taken the side of the internet sans culottes – and embarked on a new crusade against Silicon Valley.”
- 4 May 2019: Massive salt-mines over presidential retweets complaining about “how dare he defend conspiracy pushers!!” Stay in your lane. Y’all screamed at us about Russian collusion for years now. Despite that ending up a massive conspiracy I actually support your right to discuss it.
- 4 May 2019: Massive salt-mines over presidential retweets complaining about “how dare he defend conspiracy pushers!!” Stay in your lane. Y’all screamed at us about Russian collusion for years now. Despite that ending up a massive conspiracy I actually support your right to be discuss it.
- 4 May 2019: that's a yikes for me
- 4 May 2019: I don’t think anyone outraged by this wouldn’t have a few criticisms of the parties banned. Squabbles over how one feels the word conservative should be applied hardly feel important right now when we may not be able to have those squabbles at all soon.
- 4 May 2019: I did not expect to wake up this morning to my straight edge republican father telling me how he stands with Snoop Dogg and the Nation of Islam 😂 He’s been sharing Farrakhan posts like mad demanding FB ban him. Mad lad.
- 4 May 2019: I hope I’m wrong. I truly hope the people saying this will eventually fix itself and alternatives will succeed are correct. I simply fear it’s wishful thinking. Coming from a very libertarian background I do understand your skepticism of proposed state enforced solutions.
- 4 May 2019: Let’s make our own universe?
- 4 May 2019: I deeply appreciate competitor sites like Minds & GAB however the idea that they hold the same weight as twitter or FB currently is a fantasy. People use this platform to engage with all sides of politics, elected politicians and celebrities. This is not possible elsewhere.
- 4 May 2019: I don’t have all the answers but one thing I’m certain of is that the assumption that “the free market will fix it” will leave us w/ a heck of a lot less free speech. NA is not a pure free market. There are tax cuts, labour laws, subsidies, restrictions & monopolies as a result.
- 3 May 2019: I’ve been banned from multiple platforms & I’m not so naive to think I won’t be banned again. I expect it to happen to the dissident left as well. I hope I’m wrong. I’ll gladly sing from the rooftops what an idiot I was if the censorship stops here. I don’t think I am wrong.
- 3 May 2019: I don’t compare the “far right” with most republicans. I’m saying the media don’t care to make any distinction and neither will tech companies - so if people want their platforms they better speak up now.
- 3 May 2019: “B-b-but I disavowed “extreme rhetoric” like 40 times last week” Buckle up bucko, doesn’t matter cause we’re all on the same censorship train here 🚂
- 3 May 2019: This actually goes for dissident leftists as well. There have been some seriously great conversations happening about censorship - and I’m thankful for that. I just wish more in the mainstream understood they aren’t so far removed / safe from it.
- 3 May 2019: This actually goes for dissident leftists as well. There has been some seriously great conversations happening about censorship - and I’m thankful for that. I just wish more in the mainstream understood they aren’t so far removed / safe from it.
- 3 May 2019: Lmao at establishment conservatives who think they won’t be labeled the new “dangerous” / “extremist” voices when those to the right of them are all banned. Good luck with that one guys 👌🏻
- 1 May 2019: Extreme ignorance of the inter tribal / ethnic violence in Africa, Asia and ... basically the rest of the world. 🤦🏼♀️ It’s amusing that many accuse the right of ignorance & uncultured behaviour while completely ignoring the equally bloody history/present of the non-western world.
- 30 April 2019: Yikes
- 30 April 2019: I was just at a till a few days ago watching 3 Canadians talk about what a lovely picture of the young Queen this is.
- 27 April 2019:
- 27 April 2019: My heart goes out to those who were harmed in this attack. Thank God for good men who act in the face of evil.
- 27 April 2019: Nope, get a whisk and make it frothy and add a bit of vanilla to it for a latte. 👌🏻
- 26 April 2019: Yeah I guess being Capricorn is a disability lmao
- 26 April 2019: I know you wanna get into a cat fight on twitter to give you some entertainment for your day - but you know I don’t identify with fascism and you know kicking someone out of a house for being a Capricorn is a silly thing to do. Plus I’m a bit busy living my non-sucky life. 👋
- 26 April 2019: I guess I just don’t find kicking people out of my apartment for being Capricorn very fun. 🤷♀️
- 26 April 2019: "Sir have you had sex or a girlfriend in the past 5 years"
- 26 April 2019: It’s not an end all be all argument, especially if you’re like “I hate x people” then say “it’s ok though because I have x friends” or something. I do however find it to be somewhat worth consideration at times. Especially if we’re just talking about countering accusations.
- 26 April 2019: Also to clarify, I am not advocating for any religious rule of law to be implemented by the state here.
- 26 April 2019: Stalin tried to purge the Soviet Union of all religion and criminalized homosexuality. This is simply an untrue statement.
- 26 April 2019: You’re right there is some discussion to have there, but it’s not the norm for Christian nations as of late... and the worst of the purges etc. are certainly in Chechnya.
- 26 April 2019: I mean I certainly could whip out the guns and just go full out “Islamic countries execute gays how dare you support this religion” but I’m genuinely trying to get out of this mindset at the moment lmao:
- 26 April 2019: The difference is are they being forced on you, are they being put into law? Today’s Christian majority nations do not actively persecute homosexuals, and in fact in many churches preach love towards them. I don’t believe we can say the same for majority Islamic nations.
- 26 April 2019: It’s not an argument. I simply hoped to counter your implication that I had a deep distaste for the rights of LGBT people, or some sort of personal hatred. Because that is untrue.
- 26 April 2019: Christian rules apply to those who have converted to Christianity. It’s not about force or taking away peoples rights. It’s a choice. If you choose to not be apart of it that is up to you. I have many friends I highly respect who are LGBT.
- 26 April 2019: I don’t disagree that there is an attack from modernity on traditional faiths. I don’t disagree that there are similarities between Islam and Christianity. Not just in text but in modern struggles. It doesn’t change my mind about cultural compatibility, but I do understand.
- 26 April 2019: I won’t pretend to be a biblical scholar because I am not, however my understanding with Christianity is that touching the opposite sex is accepted, however it’s about intention. If that touch is of a sexual nature or not. Jesus Christ himself touched both sexes w/o concern.
- 26 April 2019: I know it’s not you specifically, you’re actually fairly consistent - but what do you make of the overall trend?
- 26 April 2019: So why the attempted alliance with the social justice left? It won’t end well for Islamists (or vice versa). I’ve never quite understood it tbh. I suppose it’s just for convenience? Temporary political alliance while the right is critical of expanding Islamism?
- 26 April 2019: Article won’t load for me for some reason 🤷♀️ I’ve definitely heard there’s a sort of an ignored or tolerated gay / trans sub culture across many Islamic nations. It could never be overt and at times the gov will flex their power and do an execution or imprisonment.
- 26 April 2019: They’re doing it through a progressive lens not the Islamic view of male / female relations.
- 26 April 2019: Imagining some mass conflict 50 years from now where all the evil dictators are chicks and people are taken prisoner / monitored based on star sign. 💅🏻 bombs your air base “hehe I’m such a Gemini”
- 26 April 2019: I’m not sure if you want to be celebrating the social justice / Islam relations my friend. Some sects of Christianity have drifted far from their original beliefs because of that. If this is the future you want for your religion I guess that’s up to you though.
- 25 April 2019: Had a lovely conversation with @TheLaurenChen on my documentary #Borderless coming out next month! Thank you for having me
☺️ - 25 April 2019: Why are your elbows so pointy
- 24 April 2019: Yeah actually. She supported a far left group on a campus that had that slogan in one of their initiatives. A slogan I doubt she ever even saw, and something she never said. I don’t agree with her politics, but I know what it’s like to have the press apply false quotes.
- 24 April 2019: It can take up to a month and a half just to fully heal from giving birth. I genuinely think people are just jealous she has a very blessed life 🤷♀️ that life still includes a lot of travel and event attending which logically yeah she should take a break from for a bit.
- 24 April 2019: Unpopular take: Markle doesn’t really say much of anything but is somehow constantly in the press & always hated on. Cool she’s taking a break from working w/ charities to be with her child. Despite press bs she’s not raising it genderless. She doesn’t choose the headlines.
- 23 April 2019: I have never seen a parent on a plane put “very little effort” into comforting a child. The best parents in the world often have troubles stopping crying. They aren’t just sitting there basking in the crying enjoying it.
- 23 April 2019: It’s almost like people want to help out those who have an investment in the future of our society and have taken on more responsibility. 🤦🏼♀️ A child can’t control their crying. You can control your attitude. No one likes it no matter what class you’re sitting in but that’s life.
- 19 April 2019: RT @FTerryArchitect: If I got the commission to rebuild Notre Dame’s tower I would replace what was lost faithfully. Paris has suffered en…
- 19 April 2019: This is probably exactly why he unmatched, Lyz 👀
- 18 April 2019: It’s confusing, ambiguous and horribly written. If you wanted to write a sentence meaning all 3 spread false information, it would look no different. Not that I’d trust your judgement about the others written about in this piece who may not have had the time to fact check you.
- 18 April 2019: Hey mr. “tech and disinformation journalist”... Still waiting for you to enlighten us all on the misinformation I spread about Notre Dame? Just one tweet? One quote? Even a retweet I made? Anything!
- 18 April 2019: It’s actually shocking how these “journalists” get away with straight up making things up that they want to be true. In articles that are literally supposed to be about condemning misinformation online. It’s exhausting.
- 18 April 2019: Oh they put in a cheeky edit like nothing happened. So do tell me @alibreland @MotherJones what misinformation did I spread about the Notre Dame fire? Cause I only made one tweet about it lamenting it’s loss. You somehow still manage to write bullshit even after edits 😂
- 18 April 2019: I believe in the rights of all people’s to have sovereign nations without mass immigration or invasion destroying their way of life. That doesn’t mean 0 immigration, that doesn’t mean only for white people. This is a pretty standard viewpoint worldwide.
- 18 April 2019: Borderless is starting to look good 😇🙏🏻 get hyped for May!
- 18 April 2019: I’m not a white nationalist and I never had my check mark revoked. Why are you guys so shit at journalism @MotherJones @alibreland This is literally an article about the problems with the right sharing misinformation too lmao 😂
- 16 April 2019: It is an interesting trend, the majority of Protestant / non denominational churches look like malls / rehab centres. Even modern Anglican churches still have stained glass.
- 15 April 2019: Precious things are easily lost but not easily made. It won’t be long before many pieces of our history are gone, we were a blessed generation to see much of it. I can only hope future generations have a passionate love for beauty that springs from their ashes. #NotreDame
- 13 April 2019: Only The Dead 👍🏻
- 4 April 2019: RT @Lauren_Southern: @ChrisCaesar Nah to both. Not a Nazi and I’m also pretty happy less people are dying in the med while a huge criminal…
- 3 April 2019: In my biggest & most dangerous report yet, my team went into Morocco and uncovered a human trafficking ring making 1.2M$ a day bringing migrants into Europe. #Borderless
- 31 March 2019: Editor Nblund has linked to the SPLC to support his argument of allowing Wikipedia to freely interpret my views without citation. In an earlier attempted revision of this section, those arguing with him were given "edit warnings" showing admin support. (screenshot via @LwGareth )
- 31 March 2019: Interesting conversation going on in the "Talk" section. "This link to an UMich guide has an infographic published from the PEW Research Center as to the biases of media. Almost every source referenced in this BLP falls on the left side of the spectrum."
- 31 March 2019: Every. Damn. Time.
- 31 March 2019: I know I'm not alone in this. Most people just let this slide because they're used to it. It's time to talk about the serious Wikipedia bias. Has there been any investigation into the political leanings of Wiki editors? Any investigation into neutrality of articles? @Wikipedia
- 31 March 2019: My @Wikipedia might as well be an opinion piece from Slate. The section about my views on race has nothing to do with the topic. Some citations used prove the opposite of what is written. The article is entirely curated to evoke a negative reaction. No mention of my triumphs.
- 31 March 2019: For two weeks my Wikipedia said I called for the bombing of Australia. After heated editing wars deciding whether to say "bombing a city" or "bombing the country of Australia" someone finally decided to add in the fact that IT WAS A JOKE calling for the city NOT to be bombed.
- 31 March 2019: I had to email Wiki a few days ago to inform them that their reference for my support of "The White Genocide Conspiracy" was actually an interview in which I tell the host it's not a genocide. They corrected it. I've let this Wiki stuff slide for far too long. They're atrocious.
- 31 March 2019: hahahah yeahhhh I had to learn that the hard way
- 31 March 2019: . @IBTimes made up an opinion of mine with no references, and someone attempted to address this citation on Wikipedia. Wikipedia editors response "we don't need proof" very good! @Wikipedia
- 27 March 2019: Just saw this response. Really sad man. At least others can see what I had to say though 🤷♀️
- 22 March 2019: Fascinating expose of how the media edits their interviews with dissenting opinions. @OzraeliAvi Many of us know this feeling all too well but didn’t have the foresight to set up a camera!
- 19 March 2019: In my latest report, we went inside one of Europe’s largest NGOs and recorded their organization admitting to laundering €500,000. Here’s the shocking investigation.
- 15 March 2019: If you’re going to use a tragedy to “dab” on the cons at least stick to things remotely close to the truth.
- 15 March 2019: Not sorry that 3 years ago I forgot to put quotations on quote regarding a topic I had spent all day tweeting about and most people at the time understood the context of.
- 15 March 2019: Not that anyone cares for the truth these days, but the second tweet screenshotted here was a quote by a man named Matt Doyle. Not me. Despite not agreeing with his actions I vehemently disagreed with the fact he was arrested for writing this & along with many shared his tweet.
- 15 March 2019: You were wrong and falsely attributed the quote to me. I’m not sure you’re even worth talking to considering you can’t even tell that second tweet is a joke. None of those things are races or genders. You’re desperate to demonize and have no desire for understanding.
- 15 March 2019: What you likely did was just advanced search the word “Muslim” and my username so you could not see the accompanying tweets. This is a quote by an individual who was arrested for tweeting this. I don’t support his actions, this tweet was a protest over arrests for tweets.
- 15 March 2019: Don’t you dare accuse people of being unable to feel these things simply because it’s a politically convenient move against those you disagree with at the moment. It’s sick. 6/6
- 15 March 2019: My heart is broken and my soul is shattered for these families. I have no doubt there are Muslims who have felt this same way when watching attacks by radical Islamists. 5/6
- 15 March 2019: So to act as though this was the logical conclusion of anyone's peaceful rhetoric or political criticisms is utter insanity. 4/6
- 15 March 2019: Whether it be problems of cultural clash and immigration. Global warming or environmental decay. Poverty or world hunger. All issues that seem unsolvable. Never will the solution be to shoot innocent people begging for their lives in the streets. 3/6
- 15 March 2019: No, most people rationally come to the conclusion that we should not hold all of them accountable for the disgusting acts of one individual. 2/6
- 15 March 2019: I’m utterly disgusted by those sending tweets along the lines of “are you happy?” to right wingers. Would you send this to a Muslim that has never advocated violence on the day of an Islamic terror attack? 1/6
- 15 March 2019: Utterly revolting and cowardly act. May the shooter burn in hell with the rest of the worlds terrorists.
- 13 March 2019: Our investigation has started making an impact and people are starting to wake up. I’m going to make #Borderless completely free to watch and bring it out just in time for the European Elections in May. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
- 13 March 2019: Right it’s just going off their word for sure. One would have to be able to get full access to the camp and investigate further to get 100% confirmation. Unfortunately we were being followed and threatened with arrest for reporting in the camp at all. We had to be very secretive.
- 13 March 2019:
- 13 March 2019: My latest report: Atheists & Christians attacked & killed in a refugee camp by 'members of ISIS'. Absolutely shocking. Watch here -
- 10 March 2019: Thank you! As with Farmlands we will have subtitling open to the public :)
- 10 March 2019: Borderless Official Trailer (2019)
- 10 March 2019: We met with her at her UN office for migration data analysis. She likes to keep her position under wraps in order to not conflict with her streaming career. v cool!
- 10 March 2019: Got a lil too excited on Crowder, it’s here now though 😂
- 10 March 2019: Official trailer dropping soon... like one hour soon 😏
- 9 February 2019: Are you comparing tweets defending a misunderstood black woman to the severity of the calls for death and destruction in the 1930s? Pretty obvious you’ve never experienced any real oppression in your entire life mate.
- 9 February 2019: Are you comparing tweets defending a misunderstood black woman to the severity of the calls for death and destruction 1930s? Pretty obvious you’ve never experienced any real oppression in your entire life mate.
- 9 February 2019: Any nations. It was a general statement about being pro-nation. Badly worded obviously. But what do I know, maybe I misunderstood and she reallly was going on a wild rant about how genocide is a great thing. That’s definitely the most logical conclusion 😒
- 9 February 2019: She was clearly talking about the nationalist part of his ideology. I’m not the type to always jump to defend rw figures, in fact I’ve made videos criticizing TPUSA... but it’s actual insanity to imply Candace supports genocide. I’m still not sure if this is a meme tbh.
- 9 February 2019: Like trains running on time? Literally Mussolini. Animal rights activist? Ok Hitler. Anti-Nazi? Whoa calm down Stalin. Like poetry? Hey there Mao. This is some room temperature IQ shit.
- 9 February 2019: So people are outraged because she said: Invading other people and forcing your politics on them = bad Protecting history / tradition = good It’s way too clear to be a misunderstanding. You have to be trying pretty damn hard to find something upsetting about this video.
- 3 February 2019: Thank you so much 😊
- 3 February 2019: It was a repeat clip 🤭
- 3 February 2019: It’s up again with the edits made!
- 3 February 2019: Changing My Mind On Immigration - My EU Speech
- 3 February 2019: New one is processing, there were some editing errors :)
- 2 February 2019: We had some quality issues with the original recording so we tried to refilm... had some more errors though. Will have it up again soon after we fix the issues pointed out in the comments! :)
- 30 January 2019: Attending the Free Speech in the Age of Censorship event at the EU before my speech about #Borderless tomorrow! Both hosted by the lovely @Janice4Brexit #DeplorableTruth
- 29 January 2019: A few diamonds in the rough though... @Janice4Brexit 🇬🇧 😁
- 29 January 2019: Someones been putting posters up allover the EU parliament calling the MPs 'criminals'!!! 🤭🤭😏
- 29 January 2019:
- 28 January 2019: Worth it.
- 28 January 2019: Of course! We did the same thing with Farmlands :)
- 26 January 2019: ʎɐp ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ ʎddɐH 🇦🇺
- 25 January 2019: don’t forget the DEMOKKKRATS!!! 👀
- 25 January 2019: Having been on the ground & seen the migrant crisis from both shores - those shrieking about what a great injustice it is to stop the trafficking of humans across the med are utterly ignorant of the catastrophic impact this has had on both migrants & Europeans. #SalviniNonMollare
- 23 January 2019: Been making a movie, literally have no idea what’s happening in the world anymore other than immigration and trafficking info 😂 Gonna be a bit of a boomer on the internet until it’s out. 🤷♀️
- 23 January 2019: Journalists: haha oops we all make mistakes, only human 🤷♀️ Also Journalists: did that person make a slight error, misstate something or have the wrong political views? Welp better get them fired from their job, ruin their reputation and call for a public lynching! 👀☕️
- 6 January 2019: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.” - Theodore Roosevelt
- 6 January 2019: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.” - Theodore Roosevel
- 5 January 2019: Australia is as rich as Russia, and per capita richer & better standard of living. Russia is more powerful though. 🤷♀️ So idk if that matters.
- 5 January 2019: Crony capitalism, corporate bail outs, massive tax cuts and political favours == capitalism For all the screaming the GOP does about opposition to capitalism in the Democratic Party, maybe they ought to make sure they’ve got it right first. @TuckerCarlson @NRO
- 5 January 2019: You can be entirely opposed to something while making a matter of fact statement about it.
- 5 January 2019: “So what you’re saying is...!” 🤦🏼♀️
- 5 January 2019: They’re delivering on Maos policies, not to mention gaining power in the South China Sea has been a consistent goal for ages. I’m also talking about forecasted policies not necessarily already executed ones.
- 5 January 2019: China’s orwellian leadership & century based policy will give them global dominance in the next 50 years. The west’s democracy & morality paralyze our ability to get anything done & will make it impossible to compete. It also makes our societies worth living in. Catch 22.
- 4 January 2019: Y’all are making her more powerful 🤷♀️
- 3 January 2019: It seems many have decided that rather than just reject the agenda falsely propped up by compassion, we must abandon compassion itself. I do understand, I've been like that for a while as well. Just a bit of introspection.
- 3 January 2019: I have seen some of the brightest, most sensitive minds of my generation transform themselves into cartoonish supervillain-esque caricatures of themselves simply because they thought that only supervillains are allowed to think freely. 4/4
- 3 January 2019: Can we not still feel compassion for migrants while understanding resources are limited and we must also be compassionate towards those within our nations who need support first? 3/4
- 3 January 2019: I do wonder how necessary that was if at all. Is it not compassionate to care for your neighbor, culture and children's future? Is it not compassionate to tell the truth to women rather than push them into careers that will make them miserable for the sake of “diversity”? 2/4
- 3 January 2019: The right has abandoned compassion almost entirely because the language of "compassion" as of late offers nothing but learned helplessness. It is for the purposes of corporate friendly platitudes and political campaigns. 1/4
- 12 December 2018: If you keep your borders in check it’s the best of the worst 🤷♀️
- 12 December 2018:
- 12 December 2018: Let’s completely erode democracy. Let’s allow unelected officials to run our nations. Let’s ignore referendums. Let’s give huge corporate bailouts while increasing taxes on the working class. Let’s censor and ignore the people. OwO why are they so mad! Let’s talk about this!
- 11 December 2018: Got to pick up this one early 😉 Genuinely helpful reading for any girl looking to navigate this chaotic modern world. Full of love and hard truths... great work Brittany and congrats!
- 11 December 2018: If you want to see where the rest of the West is headed just keep your eye on France.
- 11 December 2018: What Firing A Comedian For Old Jokes Is Like via @LewSpears
- 10 December 2018: Wait... why are all the top racist countries in the world non-white??🤔🤔🤔 I thought white people invented racism? I thought only white people could be racist? This is all very confusing.
- 10 December 2018: I for one completely support transgender players in women’s sports. I cannot wait for every single women’s Olympic record to be beaten. I cannot wait for us to see where PEAK equality takes the western world. At the very least it will be entertaining. 🍷 🍿 🤷♀️
- 10 December 2018: We’re the same humans we always were. We’re the humans that have enslaved and slaughtered millions. We’re the humans that have sparked revolutions. We’re the humans that built and inspired empires. The times have just made us more docile. Times change.
- 9 December 2018: Time to invest in some yellow vests eh....
- 9 December 2018: Despite our protest being vindicated, and the government shutting them down... I will never receive an apology from Patreon. Nor will they reinstate my account. That’s because it wasn’t about morals a year ago, it was about politics. Nothing has changed since then.
- 9 December 2018: The Aquarius operations have now been totally shut down because of illegal activities, multiple government investigations into its operating NGOs partaking in human trafficking and the dumping of 24 tonnes of toxic waste into the Med. 2/3
- 9 December 2018: So I got banned from Patreon a year ago for a protest with Defend Europe against a boat called the Aquarius. My “manifest observable behaviour” apparently was wrong because this was a ship set out to rescue immigrants. 1/3
- 7 December 2018: The migrants themselves told us this was all just a business. Nothing to do with “humanitarian aid”. Everyone will know the truth when #Borderless is out.
- 5 December 2018: To discuss European influence on modern culture and what it would look like without it is fascinating. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you here. I just think it deserves more than 5 minutes. I worry the reason people are so quick to dismiss conversation is b/c of taboo.
- 5 December 2018: That’s fair, I was just saying in general exiling certain debate topics makes people flock to them. I don’t believe this is just some random waste of time debate topic either. A lot of people have questions about it and are looking for clear answers.
- 5 December 2018: If you believe there is a nefarious hidden agenda at play and his being given a platform may advance it, wouldn’t the most responsible thing be to debunk it in the battlefield of ideas? Deplatforming and refusing to offer a full counter is a great way to make an idea grow.
- 5 December 2018: Don’t take the bait? How about have a productive debate and convince people of your position. I’d love to hear this discussion! I’m sure @RubinReport or someone could set it up.
- 5 December 2018:
- 4 December 2018: At one point I’m sure it was 😂 things have sure changed since then. Thanks for breaking the mold.
- 4 December 2018: Whoa. This is a very rare Twitter moment. Mad respect.
- 4 December 2018:
- 4 December 2018: Well because you’re speaking in a localized context you don’t have to worry about being thrown off a roof for your sexuality or being slaughtered by other tribes. Which confirms my point that being a liberal comes from a place of privilege and ignorance of the wider world.
- 4 December 2018: Maybe you should travel a little my friend. You’re thinking from a rather western privileged perspective that most people could never relate to.
- 30 November 2018: 😂😂😂
- 29 November 2018: I’ve got a great film you guys can check out soon @globalcompact .... 😏 #Borderless
- 27 November 2018: I’ve experienced tear gas many times... it sucks for a bit but it’s a great deterrent for people not complying and does not leave lasting damage.
- 27 November 2018: Being a liberal comes from the highest place of privilege, ignorance and decadence. Imagine having no fear of neighbouring nations/ tribes murdering, invading and plundering yours, as they have for thousands of years... Only someone far removed from reality could feel this way.
- 27 November 2018: Every nation has the right to a border. If you think that’s “bad” or “intolerant” you likely say that within the security of a country that still defends theirs. Good men do “bad” things to defend YOU from criminals. To defend YOU from foreign invasion.
- 22 November 2018: Good point
- 22 November 2018: Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and followers. Nothing is more important than God, family and country. Take time to cherish those things today.
- 22 November 2018: RT @CaolanRob: Just found these beer coasters in Ireland.
- 22 November 2018: The mass takedown of establishment criticis continues... one by one they’ll disappear but no matter how hard these people try to shut us up they can’t kill an idea. Keep your spirits up and your voices loud.
- 21 November 2018: It’s a history class. The soviet flag was hanging on the wall in my history class and I never found it particularly offensive.
- 20 November 2018: Oh dear 😂
- 20 November 2018: Apparently!! 😂
- 20 November 2018: The article says Korean students but I don’t doubt there’s a whole lot of non-Koreans playing the outrage game for them. The usual. 👀
- 20 November 2018: My old highschool @sd35wgss had some fantastic history teachers - unfortunately they’re now being forced to remove the rising sun flag from history classes because Korean students are offended. If you start this game no flags will be allowed.
- 14 November 2018: "Today’s imperialism is known as globalism
- 13 November 2018: People in Moria told us ISIS has a significant presence in the camp, but according to Buzzfeed my production crew and a phone recording are the real danger.
- 13 November 2018: I tend to get a lot of press credit for this stuff, but it should be noted that @georgellewelyn got the incredible scoop with his undercover work ❤️ so proud to be working with an amazing team on #Borderless
- 13 November 2018: We’ve gotten a response from AA confirming it was their directors words. They’ve deleted their FB and twitter. We’ve gotten response from the UNHCR.... yet still no mainstream coverage 🤔
- 13 November 2018: Advocates Abroad are an American 501c3 tax-exempt organization.
- 13 November 2018: We may just have to do our next investigative documentary in Estados Unidos 😏
- 12 November 2018: @Georgetown
- 12 November 2018: . @Cambridge_Uni @UniofOxford @UKParliament
- 12 November 2018: Advocates Abroad have now deleted their Facebook page with nearly 140k followers. We are still awaiting comment from various partners like Cambridge University, Oxford and UK members of parliament.
- 12 November 2018: Advocates Abroad have responded confirming the voice in the recording is that of Executive Director Ariel Ricker and that it was indeed Ariel making those comments.
- 12 November 2018: Thank you so much :)
- 12 November 2018: Looking forward to seeing what else you find on this story!
- 12 November 2018: We’ve reached out to all the partners with Advocates Abroad and have received a few statements back.... will keep you all posted.
- 12 November 2018:
- 12 November 2018: Director of a major NGO in Europe tells our undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie & pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police. Last year they worked w/ 15,000 migrants. The UN has responded to our investigation calling it 'alarming' -
- 12 November 2018: Our undercover NGO investigation is LIVE NOW:
- 12 November 2018: Our #Borderless team went undercover with NGOs working on the Greek Islands to bring migrants into Europe. The corruption is so much worse than you thought. Video going live in 30 minutes!
- 12 November 2018: The true reason I was questioned under schedule 7
- 12 November 2018: @Sarsath_Brony Yes
- 12 November 2018: 11 am EST tomorrow. BE THERE.
- 11 November 2018: Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, Though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.
- 4 November 2018: Sad. Hundreds of thousands of illegals and criminals coming over the border and being allowed into the country... meanwhile it’s always the people who try to do it by the books and who want to assimilate who suffer under our new Borderless systems 😞
- 1 November 2018: Hoping you’ll be at the premiere boo 😘
- 1 November 2018: We did get security! They saved our butts more than a couple times as well... so huge thanks to everyone who helped us hire them!
- 31 October 2018: Not sure yet but the official trailer with some more substance will be out soon!
- 31 October 2018: Sneak Peek: BORDERLESS going live soon!
- 27 October 2018: Almost think we nailed it chief
- 27 October 2018: Don’t forget the corduroys 😎
- 27 October 2018: Be nice, they’ve been through a lot 😜
- 27 October 2018: Y’all ready for this trailer? #Borderless
- 20 October 2018: Lmao if segregation is the solution to discrimination Jim Crow must’ve been hella progressive for making all those black only spaces 👀
- 20 October 2018: Boo
- 18 October 2018: Glad you liked it
☺️ - 17 October 2018: I was swiftly reminded why I don’t read women’s magazines after I found a cosmo lying on a couch. 🤢
- 17 October 2018: Why are the EU using European tax dollars to involve themselves in foreign elections?
- 17 October 2018: At the EU Parliament discussing Europes involvement in the Migrant Crisis with @Janice4Brexit for #Borderless
- 15 October 2018: They have a point 👀
- 15 October 2018: It’s been a pretty crazy month on the road for #borderless 😏
- 13 October 2018: This is amazing. GOP 2018 is lit.
- 12 October 2018: Good morning. #Borderless
- 1 October 2018: Don’t let them shut you up! 😉
- 30 September 2018: My old Uni joining the wave of censorship on Canadian campuses. Wish I could say I didn’t have similar experiences when I attended. 😞 @goUFV
- 27 September 2018: Revolting.
- 27 September 2018: The filming of my new documentary #Borderless has been incredible so far. We’ve gotten ourselves into some crazy situations but it’s all been worth it. Thank you for your patience and support! Maybe you’ll see a trailer soon 😉
- 27 September 2018: Whether or not you find her ideas ridiculous is not relevant. She is in the top 3 which means she is a representative for thousands of people whose opinions deserve to be debated if our political process is indeed democratic.
- 27 September 2018: How can we call this democracy when there is clear silencing of political candidates who oppose the status quo? #LetFaithDebate #TOpoli
- 19 September 2018: Made some major breakthroughs with Borderless. I’ll be MIA until it’s safe to release.
- 19 September 2018: Yeah I don’t wanna talk about how Swedish I am
- 19 September 2018: It says “no longer in estimate” for everyone confused about that
- 19 September 2018: Yeah it removed that
- 19 September 2018: So I updated my Ancestey results and I’m significantly more Scandinavian and no longer Spanish at all 😂 wtf.
- 16 September 2018: Isolation is a big factor, this also causes for the murders to be more gruesome. People can be tortured for days without being helped. Another factor is stirred up racial hatred as well though. Major parties within the SA government have openly called for the killing of whites.
- 16 September 2018: Laura had hot coffee thrown on her face by a Muslim woman while she was protesting the murder of a young Chinese girl. You are delusional to think she’s the hateful one here. #IStandWithLaura
- 15 September 2018: Let the adventure begin! w/ @CaolanRob & @georgellewelyn #bordeless 🤗
- 15 September 2018: Let the work begin with @CaolanRob & @georgellewelyn #borderless 😋
- 14 September 2018: “Where’s Trudeau?” We need to put Canadians first. Absolute tragedy. #MarrisaShen
- 14 September 2018: Yeah tbh even if these things were mutually exclusive I’d still dump the heels. I can live without a little red lipstick but dying alone without kids & grandkids around is pretty tragic.
- 14 September 2018: My mom wears heels & lipstick and looks amazing. My dad played video games with my sister and I when we were kids. 🤨🤨🤨
- 13 September 2018: When I say “SA politicians and activists” I address that she is an activist. I did interview politicians as well and BLF is a political party anyway. I had a feeling you weren’t asking your first question in good faith. Desperate to nitpick rather than admit whites are targeted.
- 12 September 2018: Zanele Lwana. This is just a short clip from the full documentary if you would like to watch it here:
- 9 September 2018: Uhhhh @VICE
- 5 September 2018: Hard work can still get you somewhere for sure! I just don’t think saying younger generations should work harder is an acceptable excuse for mistakes made by the current gov and older generations 👍🏻
- 5 September 2018: @pandemoniumcirc Yes because a country with basic human rights competing with child slave labour in China is totally a “free market” 🤗
- 5 September 2018: “Why don’t you just buy a house and settle down! Entitled millennial brats!” 👀
- 5 September 2018: "Why don't you just buy a house and have a family! Entitled Millennial's!" 👀
- 4 September 2018: 😂 this thread is amazing
- 31 August 2018: I’m practicing my rugby skills to catch that bouquet tbh
- 30 August 2018: If you see any articles saying "South Africa Withdraws Land Distribution Bill" don't get too excited. They're just removing one bill to make room for a much stronger constitutional amendment to steal the land. Annoying that news outlets are spreading misleading headlines.
- 30 August 2018: Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🏼
- 29 August 2018: Ok, now put it back.
- 29 August 2018: Also “white nationalist” is not an argument. It’s just a weak attempt to try to discredit a serious debate on a crisis people don’t want to admit exists because it’s counter to their world view of “white people are always privileged”.
- 29 August 2018: “Unused land”.... The black tribal homelands are a mess due to uneducated farmers not leaving them fallow - the land is destroyed. Of course any good farmer will rotate the land they use. Also I’d suggest you look into the elected politicians calling for murder of whites.
- 29 August 2018: SAD.
- 28 August 2018: As long as you change the laws to say you can steal from people because of their skin colour then it’s a-ok! Cheerio!
- 25 August 2018: A reasonable man in the SA parliament - you should listen to him @CyrilRamaphosa !
- 24 August 2018:
- 24 August 2018: Thanks Lisa 🤗
- 24 August 2018: 😋
- 24 August 2018: 🎶regrets... I have a few...🎶
- 23 August 2018: No republicans are calling for the murder of innocent people based on their race. Elected South African politicians are. Trump has never taken peoples land b/c of their ethnicity. The SA government have. Yet the media call Trump the racist and extremist? Utter Insanity.
- 23 August 2018: REALLY @globalnews You’re getting your fact check from JULIUS FREAKING MALEMA? The guy who sings about killing whites and said we won’t start killing them “yet”? This is fact checking treatment in the Gulags with Stalin. You absolute morons.
- 23 August 2018: @CaolanRob does beautiful work ❤️
- 23 August 2018: From the shores of Sicily to the suburbs of Sweden... my new documentary project will be on the European border crisis and clash of civilizations! WATCH the pitch NOW:
- 23 August 2018: People are having their land stolen from them because of their skin colour. Successful politicians in SA are calling for the murder of whites. What are you talking about “Fox News Identity Politics” this is reality. You’re all so desperate to cover this up, it’s disgusting.
- 19 August 2018:
- 19 August 2018: “Religious parents lose custody of transgender teen for refusing hormone treatment”
- 19 August 2018:
- 19 August 2018: Some nice stickers spotted at #Copenhagen pride! #DiversityIsStrength 🤗
- 19 August 2018: Decided to watch #Insatiable because of the SJW controversy around fat shaming... I think these people seriously have their priorities out of whack if they’re still focusing on weight issues when the entire plot is based around pedophilia. 👀
- 15 August 2018: RT @StefanMolyneux: Within 24 hours, my @YouTube channel has received two community guidelines strikes - likely as a result of a mass flagg…
- 14 August 2018: Thank you ❤️❤️
- 14 August 2018: It’s a compliment tbh ~
- 14 August 2018: Marxists will always want to alienate you from your family and community. To fight them live a healthy happy life 😉
- 13 August 2018: She’s great as well.
- 13 August 2018: This man should be leading the Conservative party in Canada.
- 13 August 2018: Multiculturalism, and the changes that it will wreak are not something merely superficial or simply cosmetic. Multiculturalization is a radical and extreme idea that uproots and overturns the very essence of what a country is.
- 13 August 2018: He’s right you know 🤷🏼♀️
- 13 August 2018: Excellent! The world needs you! 🤗
- 12 August 2018: Plotting w/ @CaolanRob
- 12 August 2018: I have no animosity towards peaceful immigrants, in fact I completely understand their desire to come to Western countries. However, It’s our responsibility to defend our borders and limit immigration so our welfare systems don’t collapse and our cultures remain the same.
- 12 August 2018: Lmfao yes I sit up all night reading old brittle nazi papers by candle light to formulate my tweets.
- 11 August 2018: Ok, let me know your address and I’ll be sure to send migrants there.
- 11 August 2018: Exploring with @BrittPettibone ❤️
- 11 August 2018: They say destroying Canadian culture and history is putting an end to “cultural genocide”... “And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee”
- 11 August 2018: Ok. Enough about immigration. I’m a good girl conservative plz don’t ban me twitter. Tax bad.
- 11 August 2018: Molenbeek or Marxloh.
- 11 August 2018: Bring in 1000 Russians to your town: you get a group of people who will have to assimilate to succeed and will bring some interesting new perspectives. Bring in 1 million Russians: Your town becomes Russia. Now replace Russian with any group. It’s not that difficult.
- 11 August 2018: Yes.
- 11 August 2018: Yeah everyone wants to come into places with Western culture.
- 11 August 2018: Rule of law, freedom of speech, democracy... these things all came from thousands of years of cultural cultivation.
- 11 August 2018: The one everyone in the world is desperately trying to come to 👀
- 11 August 2018: Gavin and Proudboys banned. 😔 Current mood towards Twitter:
- 10 August 2018: Hardcore individualism and nihilism is a result of liberalism. If there’s no identity or duty or purpose in life the only thing left is to consume. Our culture becomes hedonistic.
- 10 August 2018: Consumerism is a consequence of liberalism and the destruction of the family unit and community. It is not a core tenent of Western culture... although I agree some neocons and crony capitalists would like us to think that.
- 10 August 2018: You mean the culture that has created the most innovation and prosperity in all of human history? Is that the one you’re talking about?
- 10 August 2018: On a layover in Europe. Looks like my documentary on Farm Murders is restricted here.
- 10 August 2018: What’s going on with this @YouTube 🤔?
- 10 August 2018: While other republicans ignore the truth to keep their mainstream popularity - @IngrahamAngle will go down as one of the few voices willing to give America a dire warning. Your culture, identity and future are disappearing in waves of immigration beyond assimilation capacity.
- 8 August 2018: This interview we did was from 9 months ago. Why are you pretending we just did it.
- 8 August 2018: The interview they used of me in this video was from 9 months ago and they pretended they had just done it. Bizarre.
- 8 August 2018: I meant in this sort of sweeping manner all at once. I’ve been banned from many platforms before but not in this same coordinated manner. Just semantics.
- 7 August 2018: Infowars is just the first in a long line of companies and personalities who will be wiped off social media. They started with infowars because they knew many in the mainstream wouldn’t defend them. Stand up now or lose your chance to later. #infowars #freespeech
- 7 August 2018: Diversity means a variety not “a variety of good things”. It’s silly and utopian to imagine you can bring in the worlds cultures and only get the good without the bad.
- 4 August 2018: We had a sold out show & an agreement with a venue that was broken. Other venues couldn’t be used because of government intervention or threats of violence. That’s not the free market. Also very ironic to see the left cheering this on after their outrage over gay cakes.
- 4 August 2018: "We're not hostile to free speech, just certain free speech"
- 4 August 2018: A blatant display of the limits of "tolerance" and "diversity". You say you support multiculturalism / different views / diversity - but you can't even support different opinions being espoused peacefully for one night? It's all virtue signalling nonsense.
- 3 August 2018: Event Canceled: New Zealand Is Hostile To Free Speech via @YouTube
- 3 August 2018: Love you guys ❤️ there’s a silent majority in NZ who want free speech. Praying you win!
- 3 August 2018: Multiculturalism is so inherently volatile it cannot afford to look itself in the mirror. Censorship is a necessary part of the multicultural project.
- 3 August 2018: You stand for women’s rights until that woman disagrees with your narrative. Do you have a string on your back that we pull and you just repeat “we love diversity”?
- 3 August 2018: 😔
- 3 August 2018: One does not simply walk into a venue in New Zealand...
- 3 August 2018: 😂
- 3 August 2018: I can’t
- 2 August 2018: whoa
- 1 August 2018: Oh let me know when he gets to the part where they start putting people in meme camps!
- 1 August 2018: Tommy Robinson has officially been freed from jail! #freetommy
- 1 August 2018: Calling criticism of a religion “hate speech” probably means you aren’t a very good “free speech” expert.
- 1 August 2018: Can’t even know if I’d like Lakemba considering I was kicked out for being a critic of Islam 🤗🤗🤗 Wouldn’t it be great if curated images for political propaganda actually represented communities?
- 1 August 2018: Why are you liking comments slandering my report when you clearly have not watched it? I concluded Farmlands by saying it was not a genocide. As a journalist it’s important to address popular claims and not avoid them because they’re deemed “scary” or too controversial.
- 1 August 2018: I don’t find this shirt offensive or racist at all ....
- 30 July 2018:
- 30 July 2018: Yeah took him about 2 seconds to block me 😂
- 30 July 2018: Oh shit it’s a doorway
- 30 July 2018: Islam Is Winning Because The West Has Lost Its Identity via @YouTube
- 28 July 2018: Yeah she was pretty quiet when I asked her if Lakemba could have a pride parade.
- 28 July 2018: It’s like they are so uneducated about different cultures that they think multiculturalism is a purely superficial/cosmetic thing 😂
- 28 July 2018: Right. That’s why the police told me the area is “highly religious” and it would be illegal for me to criticize Islam there. Totally a normal street in Australia. Learn to be a damn journalist Eliza. Lying for a living is a sad existence.
- 28 July 2018: We have the recipes.
- 28 July 2018: Yet you quoted the video of the mosque incident. I saw you walking with us - but either way you can’t plead ignorance. Don’t try to worm your way out of this. You blatantly lied to your readers.
- 28 July 2018: My security notified me afterwards that one of the camera men stated they were tipped off by the police. That’s why the story looks like this. Media and government are always doing each other favours. Don’t let them lie to you.
- 28 July 2018: Second page of the telegraph today. @ElizaJBarr you watched the officer deny me my right to criticize Islam. You watched them say I would be breaking the law if I spoke to anyone. Yet you reported that absolutely nothing happened. You are why no one trusts the media anymore.
- 27 July 2018: The riots spilled into Lakemba. Tickets to my event are not $700. All the MSM there were hoping to get a vid of me embarrassing myself. Because I was almost immediately proven right you’re all desperately latching on to any mistake I made instead of reporting the real story.
- 27 July 2018: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭 I loved your cute posts.
- 27 July 2018: Gday c*nt, gotcha loicense on ya?
- 26 July 2018: Thank you for all your support! Free speech will prevail 🤗!
- 26 July 2018: This is huge news for free speech in Austria. Congrats!
- 26 July 2018: I’ll read it.
- 26 July 2018: If someone wants to legally come into the country, speaks the language, respects the culture and has no intentions of taking welfare 🤙🏻 great If you don’t fit into that category - I think it’s entirely reasonable for Canadians to be skeptical.
- 26 July 2018: Please send your evidence for that claim.
- 26 July 2018:
- 26 July 2018: It shouldn’t be a controversial thing to say “put Canada first” to our politicians. If you are a legal immigrant that actually pays taxes and contributes - you should want reform on this as well. It’s all our pockets that these billions of dollars are coming from.
- 26 July 2018: I never said stop all legal immigration - I was just pointing out there’s a large amount of legal immigration that is still harmful to Canada. People will interpret my tweet how they want. All I’m asking for is for our politicians to put Canadians first.
- 26 July 2018: We are a western country founded on western values.
- 26 July 2018:
- 26 July 2018: Yes the preservation of identity through mass immigration is certainly working well in London and Paris 🙄
- 26 July 2018: Conservatives are supposed to “conserve” a decided Canadian identity that was founded on Western culture. You may not be a liberal but you’re certainly not a conservative if you’re not trying to conserve anything 😉
- 26 July 2018: That’s passive, be a leader - it’s suicide to Canada to bring in people who drain our resources and destroy our culture. The majority of Canadians want less immigration and more assimilation. Represent them. We already have a liberal party, we don’t need two.
- 26 July 2018: One of the few actual conservatives left in the party is @MichelleRempel
- 26 July 2018: Why should we have any immigration that is not beneficial to the host nation? We have enough problems to solve in our own country. Our politicians should stand with Canadians first.
- 26 July 2018: The Conservative party of Canada will fail if they do not start a platform against mass immigration. Even legal immigration from the 3rd world to Canada costs taxpayers billions annually. Liberals have already abandoned us. Who will stand up for the Canadian people? @CPC_HQ
- 25 July 2018: Until the cultures who don’t believe in the “live and let live” mantra become the majority 🤗
- 25 July 2018: It is perfectly normal. That’s how nations form. Which is why I don’t understand why we are allowing Balkanization within our countries through mass immigration and multicultural segregation.
- 25 July 2018: Yeah an in group preference for your host nation. Most nations put their interests and their civilians first. Why shouldn’t western nations? Why have mass immigration that harms the current populace & causes segregation within it?
- 25 July 2018: They could just do business with everyone instead of having an extremely tribalistic in group preference that segregates them from the rest of the population 🤷🏼♀️ doesn’t seem like that’s happening though which makes it pretty fair for the host nation to be skeptical.
- 25 July 2018: Just got to Sydney and already seeing the lovely impacts of multiculturalism 🤗
- 25 July 2018: Either way I’m not for any migration that is not beneficial to the host country regardless of race.
- 25 July 2018: Not true - I’m against mass migration into Europe based on the lie that they are refugees. I also think Syrian refugees are better settled in safe countries that match their culture. South African refugees are easily assimilated into Western nations. Therefore preferable.
- 24 July 2018: Skin colour is one aspect and identifier of race, it’s definitely a lot more than that - I didn’t really get a hot second to finish my sentence though 😅
- 24 July 2018: R a C I s T D OG !!!!!
- 24 July 2018: Window licker may be an even better insult than “absolute spoon” 😂
- 24 July 2018: I was actually getting to that but I don’t think they ever intended on letting me get past the first word lol.
- 24 July 2018: Didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence now did I lol.
- 24 July 2018: I didn’t get an opportunity to finish my sentence 😂
- 24 July 2018: Why do they hate dogs so much
☹️ 🐶 - 24 July 2018: I’m thinking of doing more of this 🤗
- 24 July 2018: 🤨
- 24 July 2018:
- 24 July 2018: #Farmlands has officially hit 1 MILLION views in its first month of release. Alternative media is winning. #plaasmoorde #savetheboer
- 24 July 2018: Loved Melbourne and Perth 🙌🏻❤️ Now ready for Adelaide tonight! Get your tix at to see @StefanMolyneux and I!
- 24 July 2018: Dear progressives, you’ve spent the last 5 years trying to get right wingers sent to jail for jokes and fired from their jobs for supporting Trump Now outrage culture has been unleashed on you. I’m having trouble finding sympathy 💅🏻🤷🏼♀️
- 24 July 2018: . @golfrumors just got suspended from twitter for showing a Senior Buzzfeed reporters old tweets. Comment from him “flew too close to the sun!” I guess they can’t ban us all if we keep sharing them 🤷🏼♀️ @JasonLeopold
- 23 July 2018: I didn’t ask for the police. We hired our own private security who kept me safe. I’m not going to pay for people trying to assault me. Very silly!
- 22 July 2018: Those are still people 🙄
- 22 July 2018: Those are people.
- 22 July 2018: They actually shut down my account a few months ago lol.
- 22 July 2018: Us owning the libs on our first date 🤓
- 22 July 2018: A general rule for people who think free markets and no government will save us. Government is created by people & markets ruled by culture and social pressure. We need to remind the people in our nations to retain their culture of freedom and stop importing people who hate it.
- 21 July 2018: “Self described puppy murderer”
- 21 July 2018: Why would we publish a video of people just saying “hey I love your work” you moron. We cut out people who recognized me because they didn’t say anything funny. You missed the point of the video friendo 🙄
- 21 July 2018: WHAT. Lmao the Australian media are literally just making things up now. You absolute spoons didn’t even spell fascist right...
- 20 July 2018: Brave attendees got in alright and the show is going fantastic! Protesters just screaming at nothing outside 🤗
- 20 July 2018: Amazing crowd here in Melbourne for @StefanMolyneux and I! Thanks for the Antifa donations as well & for helping us test security! They did amazing!
- 20 July 2018: I don’t think you know what that word means
- 20 July 2018: I just explained what instagram stories are to @StefanMolyneux
- 20 July 2018: Discussing the police in Melbourne fining me for riots 😂
- 20 July 2018: Me: "On average women are less likely to enjoy positions like CEO according to studies, there are of course women who are perfectly happy in that role and do a great job at it though." Media:
- 20 July 2018: "On average women are less likely to enjoy positions like CEO according to studies" LAUREN SAYS WOMEN ARE LITERALLY RETARDED IDIOTS WHO CANT BE LEADERS
- 20 July 2018: Current Affair: Look at these different races hanging out! Clearly this means multiculturalism has succeeded! Welp, wrap it up boys. A white dude hand lunch with an asian man. Clearly all ethnic, religious and cultural tensions have been defeated.
- 19 July 2018: I heard australians were good shitposters but this prank may be going a bit far 👀
- 19 July 2018: I forget how ridiculous it all is sometimes. 😰 Ty for the support! ❤️
- 19 July 2018: Someone at youtube just spilled their tea everywhere and fixed it in seconds lmao.
- 19 July 2018: I actually really love Australia and there have been so many lovely people in Melbourne. Mostly supporters - keep strong Silent Majority! ;)
- 19 July 2018: Should We Kill Lauren Southern? Full Video:
- 17 July 2018: “K one minute lemme flex”
- 16 July 2018: You did your best Croatia. For a country of 4 million to compete the way they did is a feat that should be celebrated. 🇭🇷
- 15 July 2018:
- 15 July 2018: My heart actually aches for this kid. It is NOT his fault. He has been thrown into a cruel world where adults are using his life and reputation to signal how progressive and “cool” they are.
- 15 July 2018: A responsible adult needs to throw this child’s laptop in a lake and take him to play hockey or something. 👀
- 14 July 2018: You'll notice the most anti-border nations tend to have borders on water or other Western nations. Northern Europe? Canada? It's a luxury they take for granted.
- 14 July 2018: @PeterDutton_MP congrats on 3 years without human trafficking by sea! I’ll be in Canberra on Wednesday if you wanna talk immigration 😏 love your work. Xo, Lozza
- 14 July 2018: @PeterDutton_MP congrats on 3 years without human trafficking by sea! I’ll be in Canberra on Wednesday if you wanna talk immigration 😏
- 14 July 2018: It should be 100% though. Just sayin.
- 13 July 2018: Thanks Avi 🙏🏼😉
- 13 July 2018: Thank you for having me on the show @RitaPanahi 😉 I had fun.
- 13 July 2018: You’re a spoony bard.
- 13 July 2018: It’s not provocative you spoon.
- 13 July 2018: It literally means they don’t integrate. It means to have multiple cultures. It’s not that difficult friendo.
- 13 July 2018: Trump is out here pushing the Overton window while most “conservatives” on the hill are still too afraid to talk about anything but lowering taxes by 1% 👀
- 9 July 2018: Russia Welcomes Afrikaners: 15000 Boers Plans To Move To Russia From Sou... via @YouTube
- 9 July 2018: To the people saying “she applied for the wrong visa” I’ve taken the advice of immigration lawyers from day one. This twitter lawyering is silly. I have no interest in being banned from Aus and am still attempting to fight for my extremely delayed work visa.
- 7 July 2018: Congrats #Croatia
- 7 July 2018: Watching #Croatia play here in Toronto. They’re just a little excited 👀
- 7 July 2018: “That there needs to be a debate on Islam in New Zealand is itself a ridiculous proposition because when was the last time we needed a national debate on any other religion” We always need debate. About everything.
- 6 July 2018: No system will survive if it is contingent on shutting down any discussion or criticism of its issues. What kind of faith does this inspire in your ideology if it cannot be questioned? Does the "enrichment" of diversity come at the cost of our rights to speech?
- 6 July 2018: Hey friends in New Zealand ~ looks like you've got a free speech issue there! Can't wait to address it with @StefanMolyneux .
- 5 July 2018: Holy, just opened my language submissions tab and noticed we've got Finnish, Portuguese, Afrikaans, Dutch and French ready to go - Hungarian was just published! Just need to review the rest :)
- 5 July 2018: Мой южноафриканский документальный фильм теперь доступен на русском языке! Глянь сюда:
- 5 July 2018: Мой южноафриканский документальный фильм теперь доступен на русском языке! Смотреть здесь:
- 5 July 2018: Imagine thinking @TheRebelTV is alt-right lol
- 5 July 2018: What dorks
- 5 July 2018: This is so dramatic it’s almost comical. I like how one of their reasons to protest our event is the screening of a documentary on the persecution of whites. Really shows their true colours. @StefanMolyneux
- 4 July 2018: ❤️
- 4 July 2018: Luckily YouTube has a verification process for those who just want to throw some gibberish in 😏
- 4 July 2018: If you would like to contribute captions yourself I’ve made it so the public can add them! Just click the little gear button ~ it will credit you below the video for your hard work 🤗
- 4 July 2018: Both would be great! I’ve added the option for the public to contribute if you go to the video and click the gear button.
- 4 July 2018: Farmlands is now available in Spanish and German. Hungarian will be coming in the next couple of days! Thank you so much to all those who have contributed captions :)
- 4 July 2018: Well for all the disagreements I had, the great thing about anarchists is they'll actually engage with people who disagree with them :)
- 4 July 2018: Earlier this year I went to an anarchist convention ( @Anarchapulco ) to debate them on open borders... despite the people screeching "statist" at me I had a damn good time ;)
- 4 July 2018: Just remembered I’m Canadian logs off
- 4 July 2018: Have a good America
- 3 July 2018: I had you guys tagged originally but I wasn’t 100% sure! Saw the yellow and figure it was one of your lads 🤗
- 3 July 2018: Your comment doesn’t make sense. The mainstream media was ignoring the issue of human trafficking here before I got involved. I also highly doubt you disagree with the independent investigation into other crimes that the police ignore - nice red herring though.
- 2 July 2018: Vindicated! Europe stops migrant boats and is now pressing charges for human trafficking. This is for all the morons who called me a terrorist. The companies like @Patreon who disavowed me. The right wingers who thought I went too far. You were wrong.
- 2 July 2018: lmao
- 2 July 2018: <3
- 2 July 2018: It's almost like constantly signalling against men and white people isn't a good strategy to win their votes 👀
- 2 July 2018: The absolute state of the United Kingdom. Defend yourself from armed gangs that have invaded your country? Not a chance m8, that's racially aggravated assault.
- 1 July 2018:
- 1 July 2018: Whoa, huge expose here. Conservatives like guns. Someone get this guy Pulitzer.
- 1 July 2018: 😒
- 1 July 2018: My dads mum got remarried and he changed his lastname to Southern from Simonsen.
- 1 July 2018: I love Croatians but gotta root for the homeland 😏
- 1 July 2018: Yep!
- 1 July 2018: #DenmarkvsCroatia GO DENMARK! 🇩🇰
- 30 June 2018: Who is we?
- 30 June 2018: You missed the point.
- 30 June 2018: Why.
- 30 June 2018: If people who disagree with #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch hate families being together.... those who disagree with #MarchForLife hate life. We may as well just reduce all our political arguments to #DontBeatPuppies campaigns and call anyone who cares about nuance monsters.
- 29 June 2018: Nah it became a big mess after streets crowded and people trying to fight more - didn’t bother asking but he did try to resist arrest and ran away which is why he got tackled to the ground. She definitely deserved it after trying to kick the police...
- 29 June 2018: IM SORRY. I was thinking halfway through “don’t film worldstar style Lauren” then I just made it worse.
- 29 June 2018: For reference I watched the dude try to escape the cops multiple times so don’t “police brutality” on my TL today lads. People of all colours were screaming worldstar lol.
- 29 June 2018: Some chick just went nuts on the #Toronto cops and got herself arrested 👀 just every day walk.
- 29 June 2018: Not visiting, my family is Danish though so we're rooting for ya from Canada!
- 29 June 2018: probably going to watch the match with a bunch of Croat friends, should be fun :)
- 29 June 2018: When the Dane finally defeats the slavic menace
- 29 June 2018: Getting ready for Sunday.
- 29 June 2018: My first #FollowFriday some fav accounts: @MattWalshBlog @AmandaLeeHouse @TomlinsonCJ @RaheemKassam @ScottMGreer
- 26 June 2018: Everyone needs to watch this @Julius_S_Malema clip:
- 26 June 2018: Y'all thought I was gonna pull an Anita Sarkeesian with my doc didn't you 👀
- 26 June 2018: Thank you for watching <3 so happy I could help tell your stories.
- 26 June 2018: Sorry guys tried to make Farmlands no ads, but freaking sadpianomusic.mp4 or some nonsense claimed the video and put ads through it. Frustrating seeing as we purchased the whole soundtrack.
- 26 June 2018: Phenomenal reviews and outpouring of support for #Farmlands right now ❤️❤️ thank you so much everyone.
- 25 June 2018: Huge thank you to @georgellewelyn and @CaolanRob for their incredible work creating #FARMLANDS - some of the sweetest and most talented lads I have ever met. Such a pleasure working with you two 💕
- 25 June 2018: thank you Edwin!
- 25 June 2018: #FARMLANDS OUT NOW. Go to #plaasmoorde #SouthAfrica
- 25 June 2018: What a day for my documentary release as I see White Extinction Anxiety trending. Nasty world we live in.
- 25 June 2018: Free! Just be sure to give it a share <3
- 25 June 2018: #FARMLANDS out TODAY 6pm EST Countdown: Watch Here:
- 25 June 2018: 3 hours 30 minutes left!
- 25 June 2018: Est
- 25 June 2018: 6pm on my channel :)
- 25 June 2018: It will be on my YouTube channel, you can always support my work in the links below my vids but the best help will be to share the doc to get the word out about what’s happening in SA :) 🙏🏼
- 25 June 2018: 6.25.18
- 22 June 2018: Wow that’s not sus at all 👀
- 22 June 2018: When you run out of material so you just post LinkedIn’s of low level government employees who didn’t make the policies & are enforcing what has been the law for ages. Bad take Wikileaks.
- 21 June 2018: Get on discord I’m with your husband
- 21 June 2018: Woke
- 20 June 2018: If Trump is truly the fascist maniac CNN make him out to be... and America is an evil anti-immigrant nation. We better warn ALL immigrants not to come! #NoMoreImmigration I can’t imagine why all these people want to come to such an AWFUL place 🤔🤔🤔
- 20 June 2018: This whole immigrant child hysteria came out of nowhere. Border policies are enforced world wide. Under every administration. When people are detained they are typically separated. None of you wanted to dox law enforcement under Obama. None of you called for impeachment.
- 20 June 2018: Barron Trumps mother didn’t break the law. If she did and went to jail, yes they would be separated. In a far less dramatic and ALL CAPS way. Stop being a deranged moron.
- 18 June 2018:
- 16 June 2018: 😏 your move.
- 16 June 2018: Thank you Stefan ~ It's going to be a blast! 😊
- 16 June 2018: Thankyouuuuu 🤗 (he put in a strong attempt to smile for the photo too)
- 16 June 2018: Awwwe thanks Brit ❤️❤️😇
- 16 June 2018: Visiting him for my Birthday 🤗
- 16 June 2018: Lmfao my dad still refuses to buy Kellogg’s because of Breitbart so I’m forced to eat Crispy Rice.
- 15 June 2018: Tru
- 15 June 2018: Imagine writing hundreds of think pieces on free speech activists with 0 government influence being “nazis” and “fascists” while completely ignoring South Africa’s Julius Malema. 🧐
- 15 June 2018: 👀
- 15 June 2018: making your resources. Go check out what happened in Zimbabwe, take a chill pill and don’t drive your nation to economic and social suicide.
- 14 June 2018: 😒
- 14 June 2018: @GranTorinoDSA hey your husband and I are on discord. Where are you.
- 14 June 2018: Yeah idk what they're talking about but I figured I'd just RT for the lols
- 14 June 2018: I look like I’m about to review anime.
- 13 June 2018: “The most The Office thing to happen since the show ended” H/t Benj Haisch
- 11 June 2018: Trying to be accurate is not hair-splitting. You don't care about that because you've got a narrative about me built up. I was also enthralled by the black nationalist I only threw softball questions to in SA. I'm fascinated by all sorts of ideas I do and do not agree with.
- 11 June 2018: Too good. 😂
- 11 June 2018: The water is significantly more drying in the Uk. It’s called “hard water” kept finding I’d need to use twice the conditioner when on trips there.... then finally googled it.
- 11 June 2018: 😏 @DefendEuropeID OG team
- 9 June 2018: This is where guilt by association gets you Cathy.
- 9 June 2018: It is simply an inaccurate statement. The man has 20+ years of his utterances on the topic - In his books, he explicitly criticizes fascism as a modern movement and explicitly criticizes modernity as philosophically erroneous.
- 9 June 2018: 1995 Dugin explicitely rejecting fascism: Fascism scholar saying it's incorrect to call him a fascist: People might have a hundred legitimate reasons to hate him, but that he is a "literal fascist" cannot be among those reasons.
- 9 June 2018: shit did I accidentally take a selfie with someone who defended war crimes? What was I thinking. #disavow
- 9 June 2018: They’re being very generous with the word “men”....
- 9 June 2018: You’ve become the SJWs you fought back in the gamergate days. “You took a picture with someone, that means you agree with everything they say and must be reprimanded” You may support “free speech” in theory but you’d happily outcast anyone who speaks w/ those you disagree with.
- 8 June 2018: This makes me so happy
- 7 June 2018: What do you think would happen if I posted a photo beside a Mussolini or Hitler painting.
- 7 June 2018: The fact that I can post this photo with 0 repercussions tells you a lot about where our media’s priorities are. Doesn’t matter how many millions die - the virtue signalling elite are far more concerned about how they can use (and cover up) history for modern day political gain.
- 7 June 2018: Bout to go vote for @fordnation 😎👌🏻 #OntarioElection2018 #tpoli
- 6 June 2018: Been up to no good with @BrittPettibone the last little bit 😎😎😎
- 6 June 2018: yes
- 5 June 2018: Damn. Just saw a fire truck covered in the pride flag. Can’t wait to be caught in a fire and have them ask “oi, oi we’re coming to get you but first... do you love LGBT™?”
- 5 June 2018: You can be gay and conservative but being gay is not a conservative idea - and the LGBT movement is the golden calf of liberals.
- 5 June 2018: 😂
- 5 June 2018: It’s pride month right now and every bank, every city hall, every University is adorned in rainbow flags. It’s hilarious to still watch lefty activists pretend they’re in the civil rights movement when the corporations, politicians and universities tout their ideas.
- 30 May 2018: Just a few years late on getting this to me @YouTube 😉 but it’s nice to have a reminder of where this all started. I truly appreciate each and every one of you who have grown with me and followed my chaotic adventures. Here’s to us 🥂
- 29 May 2018: You nitpicking spoons. Prosecution barrister is obviously shorthand for a barrister who specializes in prosecution. This information was passed on to Tommy’s team from his lawyer.
- 29 May 2018: an immigrant saved a baby? wtf get rid of all the borders
- 29 May 2018: You can contest.
- 29 May 2018: For those wondering why it appears Tommy plead guilty - he was never given a chance to speak to his lawyer. He was assigned a prosecution barrister. Do you really think they had any interest in seeing him walk free? His lawyer would have told him to plead innocent or contest.
- 28 May 2018: Yes Jeet, it's exactly like 1945. Let us never forget the horrific crimes of Jews, gays and Poles being asked questions outside courthouses. Very tragic.
- 28 May 2018: Go send @georgellewelyn a cheeky follow <3 Thanks for joining me on the stream!
- 28 May 2018: I'll be speaking with @georgellewelyn in an hour about the exact events of Tommy's arrest. Hope you can join. #FreeTommy
- 28 May 2018: Glad I could help @DanHowdle 🤗
- 28 May 2018: Hahahahaha he actually deleted the tweet. Hope you’re enjoying the totalitarian government you’re encouraging, bruv.
- 28 May 2018: I can’t wait to see you behind bars for using sexist words like “cunt”. Hate speech is against the law mate. Watch yourself.
- 28 May 2018: *man
- 28 May 2018: Nice note from the judge in Tommys last case
- 28 May 2018: @StefanMolyneux
- 28 May 2018: 🤭😉
- 27 May 2018: Fun fact, for those saying this is just a suspended sentence being re-activated: Tommy’s suspended sentence was only 3 months and came from a completely different court. How do you immediately get sentenced to 13 months in prison over a minor arrest if it’s not political?
- 26 May 2018: Downing Street right now #FreeTommy
- 25 May 2018: Extremely important thread.
- 25 May 2018: This is insanity: Leeds T Robinson Details:Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case adjourned until 12:30 - 12:22 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case adjourned until 14:00 - 13:12 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Resume - 13:59 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case Closed - 14:26
- 25 May 2018: Breitbart had to remove Tommy story :(
- 25 May 2018: I'm live on Youtube
- 25 May 2018: I’m living in a world where my friends are being arrested at every turn because of their political opinions. What kind dystopian fucked up “progressive” future is this.
- 25 May 2018: Sending Tommy Robinson to jail is a death sentence and the UK knows this. It was acknowledged in the court room.
- 24 May 2018: Certainly not mocking disabled individuals or saying they are leftist, just making a joke about the Battlefield game being so inclusive they want every race/gender/age/weight/disorder etc. for a war game.
- 24 May 2018: it a joke
- 24 May 2018: My Battlefield V team
- 20 May 2018: "hmmm I wonder why Jordan Peterson is trending" >Witches >Lobsters >Enforced Monogamy >Custodian of patriarchy I need another cup of coffee before jumping into this.
- 17 May 2018: Race is a business - and business is A-boomin' on both sides of the political spectrum.
- 15 May 2018: Paris. Canal St. Martin, in shambles due to the nations pathological altruism.
- 15 May 2018: No, they made plenty of peaceful deals and purchases with local tribes. In some cases only to be betrayed and clubbed to death. Anyone talking about Boer having no right to the land has never read SA history.
- 14 May 2018: Daily reminder that Australia lost a war against Emus.
- 14 May 2018: Unfortunately the delays are out of my control but my editor just said they absolute latest it will be out is the 21st :)
- 14 May 2018: Yeah everyone is having issues with @YouTube right now. Saw @Timcast and @PrisonPlanet saying the same thing was happening.
- 14 May 2018: 5 Cures For Nihilism via @YouTube
- 13 May 2018: OwO what’s this
- 13 May 2018: Me getting mugged/raped/kidnaped but not wanting to be “racist”:
- 12 May 2018: Ofc it’s not a hatred of identity politics, the right love it as much as the left.
- 12 May 2018: I think you may be on to something
- 12 May 2018: @RespectElves Excuse me I love these fur babies
- 12 May 2018: Excuse me, are you a minority who owns a MAGA hat and despises the capital gains tax? Excellent, we’d love to make you the face of the conservative movement because we hate identity politics and want real change 👍🏻
- 6 May 2018: Cause I never saw the original tweet till now friendo. Someone sent me the pics on fb.
- 6 May 2018: Just saw the original one 🤭 I admit a friend sent me these pics on FB
- 6 May 2018: 👀
- 6 May 2018: Apparently it is 👀
- 6 May 2018: Ok, can we talk about this for a minute tho.
- 6 May 2018: 🇨🇦
- 6 May 2018: just goofing around with this unfortunately ~ thanks so much for showing up and watching my speech everyone! Hopefully my legal battle will be a success and I'll be back soon. ;)
- 6 May 2018: Well that was easy #refugeesontour2018
- 6 May 2018: Rip me. Please log out whoever you are. V not nice.
- 6 May 2018: Wtf I didn't tweet this. 👀
- 6 May 2018: Hello
- 5 May 2018:
- 5 May 2018: If you believe in free speech let me upload a video of me drawing Muhammad on your YouTube channel.
- 5 May 2018: “Why didn’t you ask me to speak at your event about free speech!!” A) you don’t believe in free speech B) you support banning people from the country for their speech C) I do support your right to speak, feel free to show up - not everyone gets a microphone
- 4 May 2018: "now"
- 4 May 2018: @Excarkun Yep plenty of crony capitalists in the repubs as well.
- 4 May 2018: bye :^)
- 4 May 2018: The truth is Democrats love corporate power more than anyone. They silence speech with it. Their politicians are funded by it. Their immigration policies are based around cheap labor. If the left cares so much about "the worker" why do they spend so little time questioning this?
- 4 May 2018: Thanks for having me! :)
- 3 May 2018: follow for DM please 🤗
- 3 May 2018: I'm sure it was just an honest mistake that they didn't include you 👀
- 3 May 2018: Disagreement is not drama, it's healthy. 💗 Keep it to political stuff and not personal attacks and it's not a catfight at all.
- 3 May 2018: Disagreement is not drama 💗 it's healthy. Politeness and ego checks are all it takes for a great discussion
- 3 May 2018: 👀 can I get a sober translation in a few hours....
- 3 May 2018: W h a t
- 3 May 2018: So forever.
- 3 May 2018: Things get mixed up on Twitter very easily apparently. Never said there was any drama between you and Shapiro @RealCandaceO . You came up in a separate conversation about individualism / identity politics👌🏻 No drama, just think these are important questions to talk about. 😊
- 3 May 2018: Never said there was drama between the two of them 😊 Candace came up in a conversation about individualism and identity politics that was separate to my comments on Shapiro.
- 3 May 2018: That’s not my point. My point is taking that approach seems mutually exclusive to rejecting identity politics. Just an observation.
- 3 May 2018: I made a video a while ago recognizing that politics based on identity is inevitable. I think conservatives need to open up a conversation on whether they hate identity politics in general or just for certain groups. Not a criticism, just a genuinely important question imo.
- 3 May 2018: Yep of course, just making an objective analysis of it. Wasn't criticizing either of them anyway - just thought the people making Shaprios "NO" tweet into a racism thing was rather silly.
- 3 May 2018: Oh I was referring to the @RealCandaceO stuff, I have no problem with what she's doing I just think it's silly to pretend this is about individualism and not about voting block. It's very much so about "how does this one racial group think".
- 3 May 2018: They're both exaggerated analogies imo. If this were really about individualism and not a voting block why are most of the hashtags and conversations about black voters and #BlackAmerica ? I don't have problem with it, let's just be honest!
- 3 May 2018: Yes I get it's a metaphor, but we can't get mad at people for repeatedly using Third Reich metaphors if we do this nonsense. No one is trying to put blacks back on plantations. No one is trying to gas the Jews.
- 3 May 2018: 👀
- 2 May 2018: There's no guide to fame and we hardly have a guide to morals anymore either. Many people get caught up in it all even without the fame aspect. You're completely right about the normalcy and grounding.
- 2 May 2018: Depression is biological, psychological and environmental.
- 2 May 2018: I feel sorry for everyone who falls victim to our nihilistic world. It's not easy to overcome. It can be done, and I've met many happy people who have found comfort in family, community and even faith. It's a challenge for many though.
- 2 May 2018: A tragic reminder that all the fame, decadence and wealth will never be enough for any of us. Humans are more than just consumption machines, we need meaning. RIP.
- 1 May 2018: #DayForFreedom
- 1 May 2018: They always use the VZ picture 😂
- 1 May 2018: Cheers from a fellow Dane 🤗!
- 1 May 2018: This week ;)
- 1 May 2018: RT @Lauren_Southern: "The basic two moods that describe millennials are; being cynical and being bored... these are the side effects of nih…
- 1 May 2018: "The basic two moods that describe millennials are; being cynical and being bored... these are the side effects of nihilism." - @Martin_Sellner
- 1 May 2018: Millennials: A Tragic Generation w/ @Martin_Sellner "Just one generation of liberalism will destroy hundreds of generations of conservatism...." …
- 1 May 2018: Millennial's: A Tragic Generation w/ @Martin_Sellner "Just one generation of liberalism will destroy hundreds of generations of conservatism...."
- 1 May 2018: Millennial's: A Tragic Generation w/ @Martin_Sellner "Just one generation of liberalism will destroy hundreds of generations of conservatism...."
- 1 May 2018: The only thing I’d allow to illegally jump the border from Mexico.
- 1 May 2018: If anything I’d be extra thankful for churros 👀
- 1 May 2018: And?
- 29 April 2018: Home, then legally apply to enter the nation. You wouldn’t just let anyone come into your house - certainly not if they were breaking in through the back window.
- 29 April 2018: "I protect myself under 40 layers of irony so I never have to be held responsible for contradicting myself or saying dumb shit." 😎😎😎
- 28 April 2018: Stepped outside and was approached by two police dressed as regular citizens. Found Martin in questioning. 👌🏻 He’s all good now.
- 28 April 2018: Tfw you’re working at a cafe with Martin and it takes you an hour to realize he’s missing / has been taken away by the police 😂 ridiculous week.
- 28 April 2018: Defend Europe Patrol team have now stopped 7 illegal migrants! The mission continues!
- 28 April 2018: Defend Europe Parrol team have now stopped 7 illegal migrants! The mission continues!
- 27 April 2018: 😂 best take so far
- 27 April 2018: GI Alps Mission successfully brings illegal border crossers to the police. Shocking that activists in their 20s have to do this job for the government.
- 27 April 2018: Poor George who made the Day For Freedom vid w/ @CaolanRob got banned for saying he was excited about the project 😂. Rip @georgellewelyn
- 27 April 2018: If we wanted to be victims we’d keep the tape on in the vid and cancel the event. The event will happen. Our words will be heard whether the state likes it or not 🤗
- 27 April 2018: see you there ~
- 26 April 2018: 😒
- 26 April 2018:
- 25 April 2018: 👀
- 25 April 2018: 🏔
- 25 April 2018: No, we shouldn’t go to celebrities for our political opinions. But... Yes, this Kanye shit is hilarious.
- 25 April 2018: So the government can take half my pay and then put it into an education system which will teach my kids to become trans umbrellas? I think my qualms are a little more than just existential angst although there’s a decent amount of that mixed in too 🤗
- 25 April 2018: Of course I mean modern pornography which is ever more graphic and accessible than at any other point in history. No matter whether you think it’s fine or not - it’s very silly to pretend it has no impact.
- 25 April 2018: Most don’t even know what a “family” is anymore. We grew up in an age that condemns the values that used to make people quite content.
- 25 April 2018: Completely wrong. We are the canaries in the coal mine for some some of the greatest changes in human history. The impacts of mass immigration. Pornography. Social media. Just to name a few things.
- 25 April 2018: Right, but like Nietzsche said... people who have a “why” in life can deal with almost any “how”. Many millennials don’t even have a “why”. That’s the fundamental problem.
- 25 April 2018: I think the mindset of “just pull yourself up by your bootstraps” ignores the real issues millennials face - a lack of purpose, culture and identity. Maybe they don’t want to to be a cog in a crony capitalist machine for 50 years.
- 25 April 2018: RT @GeneratIdentity: .@Lauren_Southern speaks about her experiences whilst documenting the work of the @DefendEuropeID Alps Mission and how…
- 25 April 2018: Migrants VS European Youth in French Alps via @YouTube
- 24 April 2018: RT @Lalisa1973: I would like to thank the person who saved my Mother’s life today in front of shoppers drug mart on Yonge street at Madison…
- 23 April 2018: 8-10 pedestrians were just run over by truck in Toronto. Horrific sights in my home city. Praying for the victims and their families 😔
- 23 April 2018: 8-10 pedestrians run over by van Toronto. Horrific sights in my home city right now. Praying for everyone impacted.
- 23 April 2018: Don’t let the border force make that mistake 😂
- 23 April 2018: arguments about survival value of friendship ensue
- 23 April 2018: Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. ~ C. S. Lewis
- 23 April 2018: Photo via @lucyfrown
- 23 April 2018: Congratulations @CountDankulaTV on finally being finished with this nightmare case! Thank you for all your work fighting for free speech ❤️
- 22 April 2018: #defendeurope #alps
- 22 April 2018:
- 21 April 2018: Lol
- 20 April 2018: They’re not excluding them over image - they’re doing it over offense.
- 20 April 2018: I’d say I have no words for this - but I do. It just might be illegal to say them. #censorship #1984
- 20 April 2018: The lovely @lucyfrown <3
- 19 April 2018: True. Caring about identity never existed in history before the modern left. Thank goodness I have Soros to fund my space army project.
- 19 April 2018: Yes Josh that’s the plan, just need to finish on my aryan space army project first.
- 19 April 2018: 👀
- 19 April 2018: “I read a Salon article once”
- 19 April 2018: I don’t think you understand. It’s not about “skin colour”. Croats and Serbs are the same colour. Familial ties to land and ancestry have a large impact on our politics and social interactions. For good or bad it matters. It fosters roots, develops trust, sparks wars.
- 19 April 2018: . @AnnCoulter as well. They seem to be the only ones willing to tackle the issues facing the next generation.
- 19 April 2018: It's looking like I apparently should've added a @TuckerCarlson option in this poll lol. #tuckernationalism
- 19 April 2018: Go on trying to turn humanity into beige toned, grey suited, global citizens with only one tongue. You will fail. All people care about their history, tradition and identity.
- 19 April 2018: Cabin nationalism ❤
- 19 April 2018: I think you should pay attention to this poll. @FoxNews @GOP I would also implore groups like @pewresearch to do proper studies into this. If my interactions with gen m/z over the past 3 years are reflected in this poll.. that's pretty damning. We need new representation.
- 19 April 2018: Agreed. I should probably remind people not to vote on the exception.
- 19 April 2018: Right Wing Millennials & Gen Z do you feel as though mainstream conservatives (Fox News/Republican Party) types reflect your views?
- 19 April 2018: Even Harvard researchers sympathetic to the "social construct" narrative admit it's not "totally made up". Genetic differences are easily traceable. This isn't a judge of character, it's not racist or left wing or right wing to say this. It's just fact.
- 17 April 2018: I said bringing in immigrants who need medical care will be a burden on our system.
- 17 April 2018: Go look at the original post then come back and comment friend :)
- 17 April 2018: #InspirationMonday #positivity #feminism #fatacceptance
- 17 April 2018: tru
- 17 April 2018: Immigrants who need treatment directly correlates to increased competition for resources you absolute spoon. Or maybe I'm wrong and your theory that Trudeau is a secret conservative hoarding our infinite resources makes more sense.
- 17 April 2018: Your critiques of my point are petty and insincere. These wait times are common in certain treatments - ie. hip/knee replacements. Now address the fact that you prefer giving immigrants a scarce resource over Canadians in your endless quest to virtue signal.
- 17 April 2018: Yeah I've had some sad family experiences due to the wait times. I don't mind people arguing for single payer - but it frustrates me when people ignore the realities of it.
- 17 April 2018: Since the 90's our wait times are skyrocketing. This isn't even an argument against Canadian healthcare - it's an argument for our government to put Canadians FIRST.
- 17 April 2018: Even if a 10 month wait is an outlier (which in many treatments like hip replacements it's not.) The point is our data shows wait times are increasing. Our government bringing in MORE people who need treatment is a betrayal to Canadians already waiting for services.
- 17 April 2018: I can assure you this is not bullshit.
- 17 April 2018: Great - Let's start a petition to have everyone banned who has ever said God or Jesus Christ are gay/trans/bisexual. It will give the government an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that they're not the hypocrites we suspect them of being. 🙃 @ukhomeoffice
- 17 April 2018: It's really nice that you apparently don't have to wait 10 hours in triage for emergency services or 10 months on a wait list for special care because our system is overburdened. That's really good for you Peter. Very happy for you.
- 16 April 2018: We've become so generous with strangers we are no longer sustainable for ourselves. The stories of our nation's collapse will not be biblical or breathtaking - we will gradually decay through monotonous betrayals against a population too disaffected to revolt.
- 16 April 2018: It's a compliment to be compared to you 😘
- 15 April 2018: "Public govt. debate could undermine overall Canadian support for immigration, according to department data" So when people are actually aware of what's going on they don't support it... shocking.
- 14 April 2018:
- 14 April 2018:
- 14 April 2018:
- 14 April 2018:
- 14 April 2018: While @realDonaldTrump strikes Syria he also strikes off non-intervention from his campaign promises. 😒
- 14 April 2018:
- 13 April 2018: Maybe they forgot a plastic knife they were using to butter some crumpets in their bag. Thank goodness London is safe now!
- 13 April 2018: I was issued a permanent ban, Martin was only issued one for his event at speakers corner. It appears he is now being issued the official permanent ban. Abel had no ban in place.
- 13 April 2018: Martin Sellner has been detained as well as Hungarian identitarian Abel Bodi who were scheduled to attend a private conference in the UK. Hope Not Hate and Antifa are at the Stansted airport. Developing story.
- 13 April 2018: Mint flavored too >:)
- 13 April 2018: If you think caring about the oppresssion of whites in South Africa is a "white nationalist" opinion, you are an extremist. @splcenter
- 13 April 2018: traffic incident and people were yelling and getting out of their vehicles... I went full NOPE. 😂
- 13 April 2018: stumbled upon this when looking for some footage on the South Africa SD cards lol.....
- 12 April 2018: It's a meme.
- 12 April 2018:
- 11 April 2018: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit..." is that better 😉?
- 11 April 2018: "There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy." - Friedrich Nietzsche
- 10 April 2018: I can't believe all the details!! So good. <3 missing little Pickles... :(
- 8 April 2018: Questions I try not to think about 😂
- 8 April 2018: The Truth About Ali Dawah
- 5 April 2018: I've never even tweeted the author & he has me blocked. Must be too difficult to see videos of the children who are beaten for being white. To see the faces of farmers who had their fathers murdered. Much easier to just sit in your secure condo and write about white privilege.
- 5 April 2018: "attempts to defend their privilege could well lead to the loss of everything they own" I think you meant to say "private property" instead of "privilege"... Really shocking to see @Newsweek telling victims to just lie down and take it or it could be like Zimbabwe.
- 5 April 2018: Did you really blur my shoulders? You absolute meme.
- 4 April 2018: Liberal media are likely having as in depth debates as the alt-right on whether Iranians are white or not ATM.
- 4 April 2018: They didn't even say "FAR-right" I'm shocked.
- 4 April 2018: After seeing this and making some frantic calls to friends regarding my whereabouts yesterday... It appears that Buzzfeed may have actually reported something accurately 👀
- 3 April 2018: Pronouns please.
- 3 April 2018: Female isn't an ideology you dipshit.
- 3 April 2018: RT @BreakingNews: YouTube shooter is a female and she is down, multiple law enforcement sources tell @NBCNews.
- 3 April 2018: . @CaolanRob terrorizing the streets of Toronto
- 2 April 2018: #FARMLANDS Q&A Livestream #2
- 2 April 2018: Hey everyone, had some issues with starting the last livestream! Here's the new link! :)
- 2 April 2018: Live in 5!
- 2 April 2018: ..... is Tommys Youtube working for anyone else?
- 2 April 2018: You could always invite some to stay at your place @adanielroth . Thx @netanyahu 👌🏻
- 2 April 2018: Very brave of you to come out 🙏🏻❤️ having gone through the difficult 20 minute process of legally becoming a man - let me know if you need someone to talk to.
- 2 April 2018: How about no.
- 2 April 2018: Yes. They're a very happy couple. Plz no bigotry or h8 on my feed.
- 2 April 2018: Actually though. 🙃
- 2 April 2018: We're real filmmakers now 😂 @CaolanRob
- 1 April 2018: Livestream w/ @CaolanRob tomorrow to answer all your questions while we finish up #Farmlands ! 😊 #plaasmoorde #SouthAfrica
- 1 April 2018: When u nevar get bob
- 30 March 2018: When u get a fatwa for a meme 👀👀👀👀
- 30 March 2018: Checking the fan mail ❤️🤗
- 30 March 2018: Decided to check them after you said that 😂
- 30 March 2018: So many new fans on Instagram 🙏🏻❤️🤗
- 28 March 2018: Ok how about the genocidal leader of the EFF? Any investigations into him? .... thought not.
- 27 March 2018: Have at it.
- 27 March 2018: Coburn is a great guy. Met him at the EU 👌🏻 fighting from within the globalist beast for us all!
- 27 March 2018:
- 26 March 2018: You were almost doing a good job pretending you cared about free speech and British values for a while there Ali. Mask slipped so easily eh?
- 26 March 2018: A rare but much appreciated opinion. 🙏🏻
- 26 March 2018: Mock or criticize a religion and suddenly it's just tit for tat to murder some people? 🤔
- 25 March 2018: . @ladbible quickly deleting any comments in support of me :^)
- 24 March 2018: Hey Adam, in most circumstances going out of ones way to offend people is stupid. Can you guess why most people are not giving me hate for this video - and are in fact supporting it though?
- 24 March 2018: Can't tag thousands of people otherwise I would ;) Of course there are some leftists who were equally appalled by the attack on free speech though.
- 24 March 2018: Hmmmm been getting a lot of outrage from the left over my experiment. Great to see you're all so protective of people's faiths. When y'all boycotting Huffpost?
- 23 March 2018: Why can't he be gay 🙃
- 23 March 2018:
- 23 March 2018: Lol
- 23 March 2018: Sorry m8, the internet is forever.
- 23 March 2018: Two of the people who participated and helped make this video are gay. It's fascinating that you respect people's sexualities until they're right wing and then they're "pretending".
- 23 March 2018: That was actually why I hadn't published this yet because we wanted to go do a few more.... got banned tho 👀
- 22 March 2018: 'Allah Is Gay' - Here's What Happened in Luton Full video!
- 22 March 2018: "Where is the outrage from the South African government, where is the outrage from the South African media?" Full video:
- 22 March 2018: Big mistake, Joe
- 22 March 2018: Just checked this. That's so weird.
- 21 March 2018: RT @ScottMGreer: Offensive Jokes: The UK’s Latest National Security Threat
- 21 March 2018: Watching @KyleKashuv interview w/ @scrowder I look up to this kid so much. High school is tough enough without being politically alienated... but we need more brave kids to spark nuanced debates in class, because Lord knows their teachers won't.
- 20 March 2018: We wouldn't want a wild man running around making jokes without being tracked. That would be a disaster.
- 20 March 2018: RT @CountDankulaTV: While awaiting sentencing, Court has ordered that I meet with a court social worker for an assessment as to whether or…
- 20 March 2018: he taught his pug to throw it's paw up like a seig heil
- 20 March 2018: Count Dankula has just been convicted and found guilty for his "Nazi Pug" joke. He's being sentenced soon and could very well be sent to prison. The UK is an absolute joke right now.
- 20 March 2018: LIVE: Count Dankula Verdict via @YouTube
- 20 March 2018: Welcome to Canada :^)
- 20 March 2018: "We don't have diversity of thought as a result of not having enough minorities" Joke: skin colour does not determine your ideas or vaules Woke: ideas are surface level & their uniqueness is directly correlated to melanin Thank you David for enlightening me on this.
- 19 March 2018: We're talking about people illegally trying to enter a nation vs people going through proper visa application. If anyone is racist it's you - the government in SA are singing songs about killing whites and you don't give a shit because of their skin colour.
- 19 March 2018: rip me
- 19 March 2018: Excuse me, Scott is a very nice boy. Please leave him be. Thank.
- 18 March 2018: ❤️ sending love to the lad (or lady) who held the British Columbia flag at Speakers Corner today!
- 18 March 2018: Incredible rally for free speech at speakers corner. For every voice that is censored, for every speech that is banned - let it be known thousands more are ready to step up and yell it ten times louder.
- 18 March 2018: 😳😳😳
- 17 March 2018: No worries ;)
- 17 March 2018: Wishing everyone luck at speakers corner tomorrow. I hope there is a peaceful but strong stance for the rights that historically made the United Kingdom great. We don't want violence, we want free speech, because without it you inevitably get the former.
- 17 March 2018: This footage is showing the enemies of free speech.
- 17 March 2018: Lookin at tickets for the bottom of a lorry rn.
- 17 March 2018: RT @PrisonPlanet: Some of the victims were 11-years-old. How can an 11-year-old give consent? The UK is in a total mess.…
- 17 March 2018: It's been too long. 😭❤️
- 16 March 2018: Speakers corner. This Sunday. Be there.
- 16 March 2018: Speakers corner. This Sunday. Be there.salam
- 16 March 2018: They can't even conserve any sort of definition for their own name.
- 16 March 2018: Kthx Dugin
- 15 March 2018: The connection of course being - they tend to criticize Islam.
- 15 March 2018: Hi Robert, yes I know of your ban as well. Richard Spencer is also banned. There's a whole load of people from all realms of politics/opinions who have been banned. I also spoke to Michael Savage recently who is no longer able to visit the UK.
- 15 March 2018: RT @RealRedElephant: A student walked out without saying a word peacefully put up his sign which said “guns don’t kill people, people kill…
- 15 March 2018: I used to buy that beer and give it to friends as a joke. 😢
- 14 March 2018: Had some fantastic conversations about South Africa today with politicians from all around the world. There are some good guys (and gals) in the EU fighting from within the beast for us.
- 14 March 2018: Thank you @Janice4Brexit for inviting me to speak at the EU today. Important conversation on free speech and UK priorities.
- 14 March 2018: 🙏🏻
- 14 March 2018: 😈
- 13 March 2018: Big thanks to the @SavageNation for having me on. Borders, Language, Culture! ❤️
- 13 March 2018: Lmao what is this list 👀
- 13 March 2018: WHAT. Did thy show you an exact post?
- 12 March 2018: To those claiming my "Pakistani" identification on my forms was lying to the police... they made it very clear I could self identify as whatever I like. Whenever I'm given an opportunity like that I take full advantage of it 😜
- 12 March 2018: My dads mum got remarried and he changed his last name as a kid. So my legal last name is Southern, but looking back my biological family last name is the Danish surname Simonsen. You're not as clever as you think.
- 12 March 2018: I didn't have the identitarians brought up once in my questioning. Nor was it put on my form.
- 12 March 2018: Me after being dumped on the other side of the border:
- 12 March 2018: You don't have to believe me you can read the statement the police put on Brittany and Martins forms. Don't become conservatism inc.
- 12 March 2018: There was never a flare fired. You've bought into the fake news.
- 12 March 2018:
- 12 March 2018: For people curious, yes I was held under Schedule 7.
- 12 March 2018: I'm not kidding about this, but during my questioning by the UK police... I was asked about my Christianity and whether I'm a radical. I was also asked how I feel about running Muslims over with cars.
- 12 March 2018: I'm fine! I'm just shocked by the questions I was asked. They were actually treating me like a radical Christian terrorist. I even mentioned that I'm sort of the wrong group to be looking at 😂
- 12 March 2018: Thank you all so much for the love and support as well. Just seeing how insane my notifications are. There's so much passion for free speech despite our bureaucrats best efforts to squash it. Don't let that flame die ❤️🔥
- 12 March 2018: They just locked me out and said "au revoir"... Officially banned from UK for "racism".. doing fine though, all the cool people are being banned anyway 😉 Need to gather my thoughts and call family. Interrogation story is pretty crazy though. Will tell it soon.
- 12 March 2018: Investigated me under schedule 7 (terrorism act) because of alleged racism. At least they let me identify as Pakistani on my report lol. Still being held by police.
- 12 March 2018: White supremacy defeated
- 12 March 2018: Hot take: Pictures with minorities makes you not a white supremacist.
- 12 March 2018: Oh shit I was wondering what happened to you. Good to see you still have all your brain cells and followers. 😂
- 11 March 2018: Thank you for the invitation to speak at the @vlbelang youth event and for the excellent hat @claesbart
☺️ - 11 March 2018: ❤️ she's safe. I can't meet my friend in the totalitarian UK but I've always wanted to see Vienna anyways 😉
- 11 March 2018: Yes because the people I want to keep out of the country definitely speak the language, respect the culture and entered legally like my friends.
- 11 March 2018: > Brittany calls me from detention center "hey Lauren, I'm doing ok if you could just spread the word that would great" > Does first periscope in months > Cernovich "WHY IS EVERYONE PERISCOPING THEY COULD BE RAPED IN JAIL YOU ALL JUST WANT TO BE E-FAMOUS" > proceeds to periscope
- 11 March 2018: Watched the @Cernovich periscope on how I'm "e-celebing" about my friend being detained. Process of her being released was already happening. She called me and specifically asked me to spread the word. Your whole life is on periscope Cerno. Don't throw rocks in glass houses.
- 11 March 2018: Trump on drug dealers:
- 10 March 2018: @realDonaldTrump
- 10 March 2018: Pettibone and Sellner banned from UK
- 10 March 2018: I hate sushi but come say hi and I'd be happy to chat 😜!!
- 10 March 2018: If they invite me! I'm for nationalism for all people.
- 10 March 2018: They're handing out redpills at @vbjongeren meeting in Mechelen #vbj #vbjongeren 😂
- 10 March 2018: I didn't say it was. There's a huge crime wave in South Africa. It's an unsafe unstable country in general.
- 10 March 2018: I'm in a chat with a bunch of SA farmers and I get crazy videos on my phone like this every day. Haven't posted them cause they're usually too gruesome.
- 10 March 2018: Right. Unless you can by giving it for $2 to people who can't afford it and charging the insurance companies the full cost so you can continue the production of a rare drug that likely would've been discontinued.
- 10 March 2018: He embraced a villain character for fun. The public didn't want to listen to his very reasonable explanations on daraprim so he just said fuck it and trolled them.
- 10 March 2018: Look at the amount of people who think he's going away for the Daraprim pricing.
- 9 March 2018: Just a reminder.
- 9 March 2018: He gave away the drug for free to people who couldn't afford it. The others had the cost fall on the insurance companies so he could continue production of a drug that was no longer profitable for most drug companies.
- 9 March 2018: He gave away the drug for free to people who couldn't afford it. The others had the cost fall on the insurance companies so he could continue production of a drug that was no longer profitable for most drug companies.
- 9 March 2018: Who suffered?
- 9 March 2018:
- 9 March 2018: You clearly didn't look into the drug issue either.
- 9 March 2018: 90% of the people tweeting about Martin Shkreli right now spent less than a minute looking into his case and spend most of their lives worshipping people who have committed far worse crimes than he did.
- 9 March 2018: If you want to see the kind of behaviour Canada rewards be sure to check out this throwback video:
- 9 March 2018: I've officially been independent for one year. I've covered stories across the world. Had my work cited in parliament. Attended WH press meetings. Received millions upon millions of views. All without the MSM. It's all because of your support. We have the power to expose truth.
- 9 March 2018: Holy shit. We wouldn't have a migrant crisis if everyone responded to threats the way
- 9 March 2018: HAHHAHA "I can kill you!" "NOPE"
- 8 March 2018: The Men Preparing for Civil War in South Africa @suidlanders #plaasmoorde #farmlands
- 8 March 2018: You're right 😊 Unfortunately we're living in a world with more and more broken families and passive parents though. At least we can try to share some of the truths we had the pleasure and privilege of being taught.
- 8 March 2018: Happy international Instead of defending women, our culture seems to want to turn women into men. We've not just rejected masculinity, but femininity as well. The truth is both of these are beautiful and complimentary things that should be celebrated.
- 8 March 2018: but of course ;)
- 8 March 2018: ^this
- 7 March 2018: Yes my narrative of supporting free speech. Shocking.
- 7 March 2018: Guardian writer supports putting people in jail for being "racist".... and I don't suppose he means racism from illegal migrants calling for the death of Jews or beating Swedish women and calling them "western whores". @MartinBelam
- 7 March 2018: Guardian writer supports putting people in jail for being "racist".... and I don't supposed he means racism from illegal migrants calling for the death of Jews or beating Swedish women and calling them "western whores".
- 7 March 2018: The still birth that the judge stated had absolutely nothing to do with Fransen you lying little shit.
- 7 March 2018: For all the people saying she was actually just yelling at innocent people - she knocked on the door of Tamin Rahmani. The video was used in court to sentence her. He happened to not be home at the time - but he was convicted of rape.
- 7 March 2018: "Being on the right side of history" Definition: Supporting a trendy political position in the present that in most cases is highly detrimental to future generations.
- 7 March 2018: Paul Golding has been sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment & Jayda Fransen has been sentenced to 36 weeks. All for making a video where they shout at a Muslim man who raped a girl. No matter your opinion of these two - this is a horrifying precedent to be set in the UK.
- 7 March 2018: FINALLY. I'm a real beauty vlogger.
- 7 March 2018: Black Panther and Heimdall are my favourite marvel characters.
- 7 March 2018: 🤔
- 6 March 2018: I'm surprised you aren't more disgusted by those eyebrows 😂
- 6 March 2018: 😉
- 6 March 2018: Cute drawing though 👌🏻
- 6 March 2018: When my dad tries to help with relationships and my mom tries to help with politics. 😂
- 5 March 2018: 😘
- 4 March 2018: Why not mention that Japan has nearly no crime in general? It has very little to do with rigorous gun tests and everything to do with them being an extremely high-trust homogeneous society. Much like Switzerland - a country with a high rate of firearm ownership. @KimKardashian
- 4 March 2018: I literally wasn't born yet.
- 3 March 2018: I've been working with @nickmon1112 to document all the online reports of South African farm attacks. Please be sure to check out and share this twitter moment.
- 3 March 2018: Already 119 White Farm Attacks in just January and February. These are just the reported ones. The attacks are all pinned on the map and detailed in the link below. #farmlands #plaasmoorde
- 2 March 2018: Please sign: Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder. #farmlands #plaasmoorde @realDonaldTrump
- 2 March 2018: When??
- 1 March 2018: Huge props to @PhillyD for covering the land grabs and horrific murders in South Africa.
- 28 February 2018: One day 😉!
- 28 February 2018: A meme of me with the bear ears filter saying I was coming after gender non conforming people. I think I explained that politely enough to not get another ban 😂👀
- 28 February 2018: Fresh off a spicy twitter ban. Good to be back. 🙏🏻😉
- 28 February 2018: Is it really shocking though? 😒 It wouldn't be if any of the MSM (that means you too "Conservative Media") decided to cover this story.
- 27 February 2018: (NEW) South Africa is Killing the Farmlands. #plaasmoorde #farmlands
- 27 February 2018: Just spent the other day with an Imam who told me when it comes to lying to kafirs, you're the best 😉 Sorry some of us don't fall so easily for it m8.
- 26 February 2018: @blunty_king 😂 I'm not sure how anti-trans it is, but I am sure that it's true. We are heading towards a future that will excuse performance enhancing drugs like steroids b/c of "social justice" doctrine... and where biological men are left competing with female athletes. It's bizarre.
- 25 February 2018: It was a pretty good prank tbh, I'll get em next time!
- 25 February 2018: I'm coming for u trannies
- 25 February 2018: Yes the future where we get an unnatural power gap between athletes due to the growing number of trans players and the confusion around where to place them. It's bizarre.
- 25 February 2018: That brings up an equally interesting question though. When I say "welcome to the future" I mean we're going to have to be dealing with a lot more of this from all different types of transitions. It's going to get very bizarre. Maybe we just need a full on trans league 😂
- 25 February 2018: Agreed
- 25 February 2018: If I had to choose I'd prefer this person be put in the men's group tbh. Clearly way too advantaged over the chicks.
- 25 February 2018: I'm well aware of the backstory. That doesn't make it OK. Testosterone is real. Biology is real. This individual is either going to be the best of the ladies or the worst of the men.
- 25 February 2018: Welcome to the future
- 24 February 2018: @NameIsJosephine
- 23 February 2018: lol
- 23 February 2018: First pic. 😂
- 23 February 2018: ❤️ reunited
- 23 February 2018: Most of my notifications have been "they deserve this" - it was nice to see this in contrast to the mass of hatred.
- 23 February 2018:
- 23 February 2018: Yes
- 22 February 2018: Like the liberty to work a job regardless of your skin colour? The liberty to own land regardless of colour? The liberty to LIVE regardless of colour?
- 22 February 2018: 👀👀👀👀 I wonder what he's going to be doing next 👀👀👀😉
- 22 February 2018: I didn't realize you could sip cheese 🙃
- 22 February 2018: "Spy/agent" 😂
- 22 February 2018: "Hey we may be starving and ruining millions of people's lives and kids futures - but at least we got some free shit!"
- 22 February 2018: You're going to starve like Zimbabwe. ....and unfortunately your selfishness is going to harm millions of innocent people of all races as well.
- 22 February 2018: They bought it or settled there before the Bantus.
- 22 February 2018: Half of the verified accounts tweeting me are calling this a "conspiracy narrative" the rest are confirming it....
- 22 February 2018: Have the verified accounts tweeting me are saying this is a "conspiracy" narrative the other half are confirming it.
- 21 February 2018: South Africa's government has taken jobs from the white minority with its Black Economic Empowerment laws & with many of them destitute, they are refused help because of their skin colour. I visited one place that actually wants to help. WATCH: #Farmlands
- 20 February 2018: Nothing new. Everyone was excited by Zuma stepping down... but the SA government is filled with criminals to the brim.
- 16 February 2018: . @Russia why didn't I know about this. You've been missing payments. 😒
- 13 February 2018: Inb4 mass protests when people realize the progressive, "diversity", black power, black panther hype is being used to make white guys at Disney rich. 🙃
- 13 February 2018:
- 13 February 2018: Pointing out hypocrisy and demanding the painting be destroyed while crying about how free speech should be banned are two different things.
- 13 February 2018: Considering I've met multiple people who were arrested for far less on the grounds of "hate speech".... I'd say it's a pretty fair statement.
- 13 February 2018: Of course I know these paintings, my point still stands. If someone painted renditions of classic paintings as Judith beheading a black woman and then painted radical white nationalists among them there would be outrage. Pointing out "art history" was not as clever as you think.
- 13 February 2018: No one repaints the Judith pic with a black womans head then paints KKK members. Stop acting like this is some clever rendition
- 13 February 2018: Imagine if Trump chose an artist who depicted whites beheading blacks.
- 11 February 2018: Everyone in the #MAGA movement should be tweeting @realDonaldTrump to stop these payments until the SA government stop their genuinely racist policies.
- 10 February 2018: Pro disguise 😜
- 10 February 2018: She actually used to be a part of the EFF but her and a few others branched off to start a more radical party that is starting to gain support across SA.
- 10 February 2018: Yes! Once this documentary and Fortress London is done I'll be on the ground doing some Canadian content 😉
- 10 February 2018: I interviewed South African politicians and activists who openly admit they want to take white farmers land by "confrontation" #farmlands #plaasmoorde Full clip:
- 10 February 2018: We'll have a short video on that issue - and the politics surrounding it will be discussed in the full doc :)
- 8 February 2018: Nigerian man takes out some trash: world news Whites targeted in brutal farm massacres: crickets
- 5 February 2018: Here's the full conference: You can also find out more about our project and the documentary at :)
- 5 February 2018: The failure of South Africa's progressive "Rainbow Nation" is beginning to be acknowledged at the European Parliament. #Farmlands #plaasmoorde
- 2 February 2018:
- 1 February 2018: I have amazing support from my audience and an excellent video team 😊 keep posted for when it's out! 🙏🏻
- 30 January 2018: Thanks Peter ~ been trying out cosplay too lately. <3
- 30 January 2018: It says shampoo lmfao
- 30 January 2018: 🤔
- 29 January 2018: TRAILER: #Farmlands
- 29 January 2018:
- 27 January 2018: RT @BrittPettibone: Was incredible to experience my first Viennese ball last night.
- 25 January 2018: Thank you ❤️❤️🙏🏻
- 24 January 2018: The Blood Sister: Cleaning South Africa's Farm Attacks (FULL VIDEO) ==>
- 24 January 2018: Who dis
- 23 January 2018: Seriously, if she spent this time at the gym instead of yelling while sitting on a chair shirtless she would exponentially improve her life. The only thing she's being oppressed by is her own misuse of time.
- 23 January 2018: tfw you can't even stand up for your rights
- 22 January 2018: This is all too much 😂😂😂
- 20 January 2018: Why just help minority youth? Do Kanye Wests kids for some reason need more help than white children with a single parent in poverty?
- 19 January 2018: Yeah met a few people who lost their jobs under BEE. It's so bizarre. Imagine if AA worked that way in the US 👀
- 19 January 2018: Just to clarify - I believe people can be discriminatory when hiring if they'd like, it's their business.... You can't however sit on a high horse of progressiveness and use tax $$ if you're going to behave this way.
- 19 January 2018: I could understand if you were casting for a specific role with a certain ethnicity .... but when you request "any non-white" it becomes pretty obvious what you're up to. Thanks for once again exposing real systematic racism 👌🏻
- 16 January 2018: From what he told me It went for edits, it was never even published - not because it was "fake news" but because it was deemed offensive.
- 16 January 2018: With @danroodt - he was fired from a MSM outlet in South Africa for suggesting some men who massacred a family had low IQs. MSM here is atrocious. Need more people like Dan!
- 15 January 2018: so many of them mentioned Donald Trump, their hope for him and how they are just waiting for him to speak out about their situation.
- 15 January 2018: Really appreciate hearing that. It's been shocking to hear these stories and find out they're largely ignored by the media other than maybe small local papers.
- 15 January 2018: You will have to see the long form documentary. This is 8% of the population, who the government openly have an agenda against. Ignoring the murders appears to be just part of a much bigger plan to push these people out of the country. Just look at EFF or ANC speeches.
- 15 January 2018: @KTHopkins
- 15 January 2018: South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story
- 11 January 2018:
- 11 January 2018: They tend to kill elderly white Farmers because they are easy targets. Many black women are targeted for "ritual medicine" by witch doctors - people eaten by cannibals in Natal as well.
- 11 January 2018: You're right. It's sick, the murders I'm hearing about are never just murder. Eyes gone, people cut up, tormented for days. Things you'd never dream a person could do to another human being.
- 11 January 2018: Sorry, only been here a week and already forgetting how to English. 👀
- 11 January 2018: Appreciate it a million, but it's certainly these people on the ground who need it more than me ❤️
- 11 January 2018: I've had a pretty heartbreaking day interviewing families who have lost loved ones, been shot and tortured themselves and lost everything because of the governments total neglect of farmers in South Africa. I haven't cried so much in a long time. Their stories will be told.
- 5 January 2018: The Crown is pulling a filibuster and it's looking like things aren't going to end today ~ but Marcus is still a happy warrior!
- 5 January 2018:
- 5 January 2018: Yes!
- 5 January 2018: Pray for @CountDankulaTV ! Verdict coming soon! Will be live on YT #nazipug
- 2 January 2018: I went there myself and the police laughed at the idea of entering these suburbs, they are not just "normal parts of big cities". They are completely NON-FRENCH areas of France.
- 2 January 2018: Absolutely horrific scene in Paris suburbs. Don't tell me no go zones don't exist.
- 2 January 2018: Usually a good idea to do that. Don't let what's popular steer your moral outrage or you'll run off the cliff with the lemmings. Cheers to acknowledging your errors 👍🏻
- 2 January 2018: How are these people real
- 2 January 2018: She definitely thought for at least 0.04 seconds about this hot take
- 2 January 2018: > takes moral high ground by getting angry about Logan Paul exploiting suicide > tells Logan Paul to commit suicide A lot of y'all playin yourselves 🤔🤔
- 31 December 2017: Got a lovely new @PhalanxEuropa sweater from @BrittPettibone for Christmas 🎄❤️
- 27 December 2017: Quiet day on the range with my new mini-14 ❤️
- 26 December 2017: Miss him being a puppo 😭
- 26 December 2017: Lmao Mom: "ITS BECAUSE WE LOVE JESUS"
- 26 December 2017: My parents don't age 🙃🎄
- 26 December 2017: A very good one
☺️ 🎄 - 26 December 2017: Not a very nice Christmas gift from Twitter dot com. 😒 They love doing this kind of stuff when we're distracted - but it's now or never. So take the time to expose this bias censorship! #freeallsup
- 25 December 2017: Golden doodle :)
- 25 December 2017: Merry Christmas everyone 🎄❤️
- 16 December 2017: Excuse me, it's great and all that you were having a good day, but did you know a child dies of hunger every 4 seconds? Please stop enjoying life, it's insensitive.
- 14 December 2017: @realJamesAllsup I was under the impression they just dropped that contract 🤔 whatttt isss goinggg onnnn
- 12 December 2017: Not tying to derail, I just avoid NDAs after a bad experience with one.
- 12 December 2017: Just FYI to those attending Kilroy. I've also stated I will only be attending as a guest if this remains the contract for speakers.
- 11 December 2017: No virgins for you Akayed 🙃 good job pranking yourself though - here's to hoping the pain is unbearable.
- 6 December 2017: Social blade :)
- 6 December 2017: Tfw you can't decide if they're nazis or if they should go back to the kitchen 🙃
- 6 December 2017: That's because most are leftists. A buncha anti-white nazbol discords decided this was a clever way to bait groypers into killing their own movement. Some spergs fell for it. It's pretty obvious it's not my own follower base though.
- 6 December 2017: OwO it's been such a hard week for me losing my whole fan base.... oh wait 🙃 It's been great getting tweets from 0 follower accounts all week tho 👌🏻
- 4 December 2017: Christmas presents for illegal migrants?
- 3 December 2017: Ya got me. I'm a Muslim 🙃
- 3 December 2017: It l i t e r a l l y is still the dumbest tweet I've seen all day no matter what community you are talking about.
- 3 December 2017:
- 2 December 2017: I literally ended slavery in Libya today by liking a trans persons selfie ❤️ thank you for all your hard work and activism.
- 2 December 2017: Smashed that MF like button on a Rihanna photo today 👌🏻 RACISM DEFEATED
- 1 December 2017: Bad posture the podcast
- 30 November 2017: You're destroying a 200 year old special relationship because you got your panties in a knot over a tweet you little shit.
- 29 November 2017: Imagine still thinking feminism is about equality 😂
- 26 November 2017: O shit I found a pound !
- 26 November 2017: > actually thinking that's a real tweet
- 26 November 2017: Thank you!
☺️ - 25 November 2017: For my upcoming video Bizarro land with feminists, anarchists, Islam and furries 👌🏻
- 24 November 2017: Current mood
- 18 November 2017: . @CaolanRob "I got you a London survival kit Lauren"
- 15 November 2017: Welp. Let's just all kill ourselves I guess. 🤷
- 9 November 2017: I'm not going to sit here and explain humor to you Steven.
- 9 November 2017: Nice bait Wacky Steve, he didn't say this during the debate 🙃 Not to mention women have mostly played a support role in history and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Inb4 strawman.
- 9 November 2017: Why does male me just look like @StefanMolyneux with a bad jawline 🙃
- 8 November 2017: G A N G O F Y O U T U B E R S
- 8 November 2017: "you can't criticize infowars because they gave you a platform" - @RedPillBlack This is exactly the new #MAGA cult think I was criticizing in my last video.
- 7 November 2017: I'm genuinely curious, I've had many discussions on this w/ Identitarians in Europe and they see America as an entirely different beast.
- 7 November 2017: At the time weiß (white) was used to refer to "the white one [race] of northern Europe"
- 7 November 2017: 1790 Immigration act was certainly speaking about English, Scottish, Welsh, Germans, French and maybe Scandinavian Whites.
- 7 November 2017: Ok. You should probably have a chat with your Spaniard, Italian, Irish, Polish, Hungarian and Russian fans about leaving America then.
- 7 November 2017: Nope, they were piss poor when they came to Canada. Lived in another Danish families garage and ate mostly Øllebrød.
- 7 November 2017: Is a Slovak fresh off the boat as American as someone who came on the Mayflower?
- 7 November 2017: No it's just more complex than that. Which "white" ethnicities do you count as being "native" to the USA?
- 7 November 2017: Ffs, this obsession is insane. Never said they survived the holocaust. They had their trucking company seized for Nazi war efforts & left.
- 7 November 2017: Never said that.
- 7 November 2017: I'm not even Jewish you sperg.
- 7 November 2017: Not really... I won't deny European foundings but it's a rather new nation.
- 7 November 2017: @RichardBSpencer Gonzo journalist. Also I'm a supporter of identitarianism in homelands. I don't want France to become a French minority.
- 5 November 2017: I don't recall saying the alt right is about supremacy? Some are just WN some are WS.
- 5 November 2017: those are typically less than ideal ;)
- 5 November 2017:
- 5 November 2017: We need to kill this ridiculous notion of "Don't Punch Right"
- 1 November 2017: That video is demonetized.
- 1 November 2017:
- 31 October 2017: "But he didn't kill as many as the white guy in vegas" Just stop.
- 31 October 2017: I really don't get it, it's a religion of peace. I'm so confused. Maybe he was a white supremacist?
- 31 October 2017: Wow never saw this coming. Who would ever expect a muslim to drive a truck into people. Whoa guns are banned in new york. How did this even.
- 26 October 2017: RT @paulcram: Dang. Fights are breaking out at the U of M outside @Lauren_Southern's speech.
- 26 October 2017: RT @BSyarmulke: @Lauren_Southern "Fat feminists..." Is there another kind? 🤔
- 26 October 2017: 😀 they all survived the shrieking commies outside.
- 21 October 2017: "Truth will come to light." -William Shakespeare
- 20 October 2017: For the sake of all the people you're blackmailing right now I'm seriously considering doing a video.
- 20 October 2017: Based on reports that you and I both know exist, I have a feeling Cass will be just fine.
- 12 October 2017: All AirBnB properties rented by Paddock. Hosts said it's like he never stayed there despite dropping thousands?
- 12 October 2017: EXCLUSIVE: by yours truly... I spoke to an employee at AirBnB about the Las Vegas shooters account:
- 11 October 2017: (EXCLUSIVE) Secret Recording of @JustinTrudea didn't realize you were such a fan of Russia! Maybe we should grab you a MAGA hat?
- 9 October 2017: White people smh
- 9 October 2017: Tryna date like:
- 6 October 2017:
- 2 October 2017: RT @LukeBroadlick: Insane.... this JUST happened. #PrayForVegas
- 26 September 2017: . @instagram has restricted me from liking photos "for the safety of the community" 😂
- 22 September 2017: I think you're projecting 🙃 I worked jobs all throughout high school and uni.
- 22 September 2017: Because dying alone with no one to carry on your ideals and bloodline is - like - totally awesome.
- 15 September 2017: I said "word is" - because that's what people were saying initially. Corrected once I got the full story & deleted the fake news :)
- 15 September 2017: RIGHT. I freaked out too. Great hair though lol. Apparently there was a scuffle with someone grabbing her sign and she fell onto pavement.
- 15 September 2017: He's not concerned with facts.
- 15 September 2017: I said multiple times what happened to her was horrific. Quit with your "whataboutism" you're sick.
- 15 September 2017: Thoughts and prayers out to this brave girl who left last night in a stretcher for the crime of supporting the 1st amendment. #BenAtBerkely
- 15 September 2017: Tfw you're the only black bloc member and they bolted all the trash cans 😒
- 14 September 2017: KEVIN! I told you to calm down with the sexism!!!
- 14 September 2017: 🙃🙃🙃🙃 good pranks zucc @facebook
- 12 September 2017: Wait what? How the hell was he even allowed to return to Canada? Yeah I regret sleeping in this morning, not joining f*cking ISIS.
- 8 September 2017: Thank you to the two people donating I guess.. but this isn't me 😂 @Patreon
- 7 September 2017: I need more wine
- 4 September 2017: do you really want to start a race meme war w/ me?
- 3 September 2017:
- 1 September 2017: RT @HixxiDustButt: @Lauren_Southern @LOrealParisUK yes, and I agree
- 30 August 2017: As NGO operations are ended in the Mediterranean deaths via drowning have slowed to a total stop :)
- 29 August 2017: Context needed is I'm out of my home province. Still it's literally cheaper for me to drive to the US 🙃🙃🙃
- 28 August 2017:
- 28 August 2017:
- 28 August 2017: I hate pride parades. I should be allowed to say that.
- 28 August 2017: Wtf @facebook Vid had 1 million views. Only issue was my opinion.
- 26 August 2017:
- 26 August 2017: First they came for the....
- 26 August 2017: That's a re upload
- 26 August 2017: Yep
- 26 August 2017: I couldn't find it in the YouTube search bar at all. Had to go to a different website that linked it.
- 26 August 2017: If we got rid of everyone on the internet who cited phoney studies you'd have to kick all feminists off Youtube.
- 26 August 2017: You can't find this video. You can't like it. You can't comment. You can't go to the creators channel. Your channel is next. Speak up.
- 22 August 2017: Communism = bad Inappropriate for children Nazism = bad Mandatory learning in school OK @YouTube
- 19 August 2017: You're counter signalling your legitimate base. The people in Boston were free speech activists. Missing #Bannon 😞
- 19 August 2017: Say Goodbye To Your History
- 19 August 2017: Dear Lord.
- 19 August 2017: . @MSNBC "sometimes Antifa attack white nationalists at rallies" Delete your news network.
- 19 August 2017: Sorry like 3 right wingers if we're gonna get specific.
- 19 August 2017: There are literally no right wingers in Boston today and violence is starting anyway. Really activates the almonds 🤔🤔
- 17 August 2017: They don't care about your disavowal. (ft. @BrittPettibone )
- 16 August 2017: Don't apologize to me this time @instagram apologize to Beans. He is beautiful at any size.
- 16 August 2017: MAKE UP YOUR MIND @instagram DO YOU LIKE FAT HEDGEHOGS OR NO??
- 16 August 2017: Watching the news is unbearable right now. They've lost their damn minds.
- 16 August 2017: "Ya I know Trump has denounced hate, violence, racism, terrorism, extremism & supremacy.. but he said lefties do it #ImpeachTrump 😡"
- 16 August 2017: The media call you alt-right ben, they call everyone alt-right. So him asking for a definition is pretty fair.
- 16 August 2017: The rally was initially supposed to be one for uniting right wingers - so there were normal Trump supporters in attendance.
- 16 August 2017: I think I found out why my insta was banned 😂 some left wing report squad are all over my hedgehog photos.
- 16 August 2017: Wtf
- 16 August 2017: Thank you for ending your oppression of chubby hedgehogs and returning my account @instagram ❤️
- 15 August 2017: How is he defending the alt right by clarifying that not everyone at the rally was an extremist?
- 15 August 2017: I did read it, the notion that Trumps press conference was "deliberately aimed at retaining support for the alt-right" is ridiculous.
- 15 August 2017: Lmao what? @benshapiro the reason he's mentioning the alt-left is b/c the media has done nothing but condemn one side for days. Grow up.
- 15 August 2017: Meet the Alt-Left
- 15 August 2017: Instead of worrying about a few weirdos in Klan outfits - worry about the truth.
- 15 August 2017: Trump gets this, they made him disavow the KKK and David Duke like 30 times. They still don't care.
- 15 August 2017: They don't care about your disavowal. The media and the left will call you what they want. May as well keep your back bone.
- 15 August 2017: Guess I'm just gonna have to post all my horrifyingly bigoted @instagram photos here now that I'm banned.
- 15 August 2017: Instagram just banned me lmao. I literally just posted photos of hedgehogs and architecture.
- 14 August 2017: Total lies
- 14 August 2017:
☺️ - 13 August 2017: Political violence is detestable. Expect more of it if we don't start an honest and free dialogue.
- 13 August 2017: This is the kind of stuff fuelling white supremacy today. Media and even "skeptics" won't judge whites equally. Held to harsher standard.
- 13 August 2017: Shocking, I know.
- 13 August 2017: Now more than ever I appreciate those in my life who have vehemently disagreed w/ me but shared a mutual respect & love in our friendship.
- 13 August 2017: Actually it's looking like that's the case. Was not updated till now. Horrible case of extremism.
- 13 August 2017: We still don't know the facts. It certainly looks like that's a possibility, but we're still waiting to hear from police.
- 13 August 2017: #UniteTheRight Madness: Interview w/ James Allsup
- 11 August 2017: The fact that their headline never happened.
- 11 August 2017: . @thedailybeast is also trash fake news.
- 11 August 2017: One guy on the ship has a YT account. The whole headline is a meme.
- 11 August 2017: Beware fake news. The C-star has not been rescued or helped they just had a minor technical issue and MSM are in full propaganda mode.
- 11 August 2017:
- 10 August 2017: Escapism: Our Brave New World (ft. @BrittPettibone )
- 9 August 2017: Wtf @YouTube just demonetized 660 of @Lukewearechange 's videos. How many others are they going to start channel assassinations on?
- 8 August 2017: I'm not sure we read the same memo.
- 8 August 2017: I just went over it again to try to find this - couldn't. Even if he did, on average men are more intelligent than women.
- 8 August 2017: He literally has man boobs
- 8 August 2017: Wtf were you eating while I was away.
- 8 August 2017: Disgusting. @Google has just proven every single one of this mans complaints.
- 8 August 2017: 2.5 seconds on google
- 8 August 2017: If running around naked and children twerking is your idea of fun then I don't think I want to be "fun".
- 8 August 2017: I used too much toner. Relax everyone. It will be normal in like 2 weeks.
- 7 August 2017: Why I Hate Pride Parades
- 6 August 2017: 😘
- 6 August 2017: Manufactured Heroes ( #BiggestRedPill response to @StefanMolyneux )
- 6 August 2017: Wtf I want a pan European superstate now. Thanks for radicalising me @bedspolice 😱 #crosstheline
- 6 August 2017: Wtf nvm trannies should be allowed in the army. Front lines.
- 5 August 2017: "Your Ad friendly make up tutorial is not Ad friendly" 😂 This actually took much longer than I expected. Must be the new policies.
- 5 August 2017: The #hedgehogright rises
- 5 August 2017: Sleepy now~
- 5 August 2017: It's called anointing. He pukes on himself when he's happy 😂
- 5 August 2017: It's good to be home
☺️ ❤️ missed my little dudes. - 4 August 2017: It's shocking that there are still ppl who see the Shkreli case this way after he spent hundreds of hours explaining it at a 5 yr old level.
- 4 August 2017: Anyone who has sat down and had a conversation with him can't hate him after. Goes to show the power of media character assassination.
- 4 August 2017:
- 3 August 2017: "They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved"
- 3 August 2017: Where are the shitlibs saying "Far Right Italian government literally murdering refugee babies with flare gun." 🤔🤔🤔🤔
- 2 August 2017: RT @BasedOps: BUSTED: @Patreon CEO @JackConte Cashes In On Smut While Banning @Lauren_Southern
- 2 August 2017: Literally what
- 2 August 2017: . @FaithGoldy LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOLLLLL
- 2 August 2017: Holy shit @BrittPettibone 😂
- 2 August 2017: "Ayo fam can I copy your homework?" "K just change it a little"
- 2 August 2017: "Ayo fan can I copy your homework?" "K just change it a little"
- 2 August 2017: The @jordanbpeterson situation & the new reality of Youtube. - @WeWuzMetokur
- 2 August 2017: Ppl have this strange idea that "doing the right thing" means being loved & appeasing everyone - when in most cases it's quite the opposite.
- 2 August 2017: F a k e N e w S
- 1 August 2017: Challenging Your "Masters"
- 1 August 2017:
- 31 July 2017: 40:15 - IGD was in "queue" for review before my page... why was mine taken down first if not for lobbying then?
- 31 July 2017: I'll certainly give him credit for that, even though I think he's being dishonest not many tech CEO's show their face & answer questions.
- 31 July 2017: I obviously disagree with Jack, but I thought you did a great job interviewing! I'll be back soon to hangout ;)
- 31 July 2017: How can this even be used as relevant complaint against me if no Patreon money was used to fund it? @jackconte
- 31 July 2017: So... I didn't spend a dime of Patreon $ on the boat mission in May. Booked my flight before my first payment made it to my bank account.
- 31 July 2017: . @jackconte "You can break some laws on Patreon.... as long as they're not against the mission of the company"
- 31 July 2017: . @RubinReport UN & EU have both recognized that the vast majority of the people coming over the Mediterranean are NOT refugees. @jackconte
- 31 July 2017: Cool let's chat @jackconte - you won't do it publicly though I suppose? #RubinReport
- 31 July 2017: Everyone - make sure Jack is asked about 8chan and @apurposefulwife ... they did not violate policy. @RubinReport
- 31 July 2017: "Patreon would never ban someone for their views on immigration" Give me a break.
- 31 July 2017: . @jackconte you are aware that human traffickers were sentenced for the death of Alan Kurdi, the picture of the boy you used as propaganda?
- 31 July 2017: Get in that chat! No amount of Manifest Observable Behavior BS changes the fact that I didn't use Patron money to sponsor the GI mission.
- 31 July 2017: O shit. They found out about our right wing death squad gym clubs. 😱
- 30 July 2017: w o m a n
- 30 July 2017: looks about right
- 30 July 2017: Defend Europe Mission Failed? (ft. @BrittPettibone )
- 29 July 2017:
- 29 July 2017: He's lying through his teeth. The reason I was banned was because of lobbying by HopeNotHate. Now he's trying to string together an excuse.
- 29 July 2017: It's not a rescue boat - it's a ferry service. There's a reason even the EU are trying to stop dinghy boat sales to Libya.
- 29 July 2017: You can go look at them bragging about it on their TL. Not to mention it's clear they ban people over pressure not ethics: see IGD
- 29 July 2017: The reason I was banned was because Patreon caved to lobbying pressure of radical leftwing group HopeNotHate. Now Jack is covering his ass.
- 29 July 2017: . @jackconte doesn't respect his platform users enough to tell them the truth. Great acting skills though.
- 28 July 2017: Not to mention he's lying about the reason. Will address in a vid though.
- 28 July 2017: I'll have a vid up tomorrow for sure👌🏻 maybe even 2.
- 28 July 2017: Tim is being neutral - the CEO picked a political side. One side says its rescue one says it's trafficking. Both want to save lives.
- 24 July 2017: Current mood
- 24 July 2017: Shouldn't they want to show off what great work they're doing? Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔
- 24 July 2017: ❤️
- 24 July 2017: First draft of this article I assume
- 24 July 2017: The picture they used is amazing 😂😂
- 23 July 2017: @Timcast hahahaha
- 22 July 2017: The wifi is too poor for FB live so a video update will be posted instead.
- 22 July 2017: #DefendEurope will be addressing fake news about their mission and answering questions here soon:
- 22 July 2017: 😎 you need an update on your news.
- 22 July 2017: #defendeurope press conference starting in 10 minutes on Facebook live!
- 22 July 2017: I surrender @TalibKweli you're on a whole different level of intellect.
- 22 July 2017: I really want to see this video. I must've been sleep walking (sailing)? Impressive.
- 22 July 2017: >worked for Vice and Gawker I guess that explains your inability to report something even remotely close to the truth 👌🏻
- 22 July 2017: I just followed you and am tweeting at you. Why are you friends with bigots like me :^)
- 22 July 2017: aren't you the rapper who is obsessed with white supremacy and anime??
- 22 July 2017: More than that - but luckily detained doesn't mean you broke the law, are being arrested or getting charged.
- 22 July 2017: 1. I did not shoot a flare at a boat that is straight up fake news. 2. This was months ago and is not the #DefendEurope I was banned for
- 22 July 2017: Welp... here's why @Patreon decided to ban my account.
- 21 July 2017: 😉
- 21 July 2017: Only when you move do you feel your shackles.
- 20 July 2017: Thank you so much for the support everyone I really appreciate it - I'll have an update on the situation with all the info tomorrow.
- 20 July 2017: ohohohohoh just wait till you guys figure out the "reason" patreon did this. It's actually amazing.
- 20 July 2017: I won't let them stop me. If you enjoy my work and want to see me keep doing what I do you can help here: Paypal: https://www.PayPal.Me/LaurenSouthern
- 20 July 2017: Patreon just deleted my account.
- 20 July 2017: We're Pirates Now? #DefendEurope
- 19 July 2017:
- 15 July 2017: That's not what's happening. There are enclaves. They're not speaking English. They're voting for more mass immigration and welfare.
- 15 July 2017: If there were tons of ppl coming here waving the French flag, denouncing Islamic extremism & assimilating totally no one would have issues.
- 15 July 2017: Stop playing stupid. It's a documented fact that there are people moving here en masse illegally from North Africa and the Middle East.
- 15 July 2017: I'm leaving tomorrow you dumbass.
- 15 July 2017: If I showed up in Beijing & it was all Australians who spoke a different language & brought a different culture I'd make the same video.
- 13 July 2017: yeaaa got a bit of a cold :(
- 13 July 2017: Harsh but extremely accurate criticism lol.
- 13 July 2017: The Consequences of "Trading Up" - (ft. @BrittPettibone )
- 9 July 2017: This weird guy came up to me with a group of the black Israelites insisting he was the ruler of the Akkadian Empire. Wtf.
- 6 July 2017: RT @callmedgoodz: Can we talk about the fact Donald Trump and Rob Kardashian essentially tweeted the same thing today…
- 5 July 2017: @JonathanBarkan @Timcast They autofilled the wrong hashtag for me too. Tryna split the trend.
- 4 July 2017: Happy Brexit 1776
- 3 July 2017: They could make it possible for them to have families by not taxing them into oblivion and then transferring their wealth to migrants.
- 3 July 2017: Instead of trying to fix native birth rates our politicians import a new populace using native tax dollars.
- 3 July 2017: Darkened a lot since I was a kid - but this lauren is brunette meme has to stop.
- 3 July 2017: Alright dummies. Let's solve this meme once and for all. I have a weird inbetween mousy color. Pic of awkward teen me before lightened hair.
- 2 July 2017: Why bother even having Canada day if we have "no core identity" and are a "post-national" state? @JustinTrudeau you bullshit merchant.
- 1 July 2017: @TyranosaurusKek Yeah I was pretty annoyed w/ the people saying "you present both fact 1 & fact 2!" as well. Like we're talking about millions of facts lol.
- 30 June 2017: @BrittanyVenti Mommy needs her special juice 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
- 29 June 2017: Literally every girl on earth enjoys hearing that she has a nice smile. Why are the media so intent on lying about this. #MSNBC
- 28 June 2017:
- 20 June 2017: Just the pic 😛
- 20 June 2017: Every once in a while MSM outlets reach out offering me a spot. Then they spend like 2 seconds googling me and r like "oops wrong number."
- 19 June 2017: Minus the lax
- 19 June 2017: So done w/ these anti-semitic gay nazi communist degenerate race-mixing sexist cis right wing sjw Trotskyite jewish snowflake Hitler shills.
- 16 June 2017:
- 12 June 2017: Thank you!
- 12 June 2017: Ok cool I guess 👌🏻
- 11 June 2017:
- 10 June 2017: yeah it was a little scary for the first 2 seconds because it didn't smell human and I figured it may be acid or something
- 10 June 2017: I told the cop nearby and he just said "so what, go wash it off" - like I'll be fine but the double standards are just astonishing.
- 10 June 2017: The internet figured out what it was. Who tf thinks to do this.
- 10 June 2017: Off to the doctors. I hate shots but those animals are probably riddled with disease.
- 10 June 2017: Super smelly yes
- 10 June 2017: What would a glass chemical bottle of brown liquid be
- 10 June 2017: I guess it makes sense the people throwing chemicals or bodily fluids at chicks faces would be protesting the #MarchAgainstsharia
- 10 June 2017: Piss or some sort of poison thrown on me again ffs.
- 10 June 2017: Antifa being idiots
- 8 June 2017: Met a bunch of people from the "Chinese alt-right" and they're mad everyone keeps calling their accounts Russian. 😂
- 8 June 2017: F they're all ESL af
- 8 June 2017:
- 8 June 2017: Defend Europe now has 80k, a huge amount of navy volunteers and huge plans in the works. 😎
- 8 June 2017: 👌🏻
- 8 June 2017: Happy birthday to my main crusadette🛡⚔️ @FaithGoldy ❤️
- 7 June 2017: don't put so many in one place - it's giving me cancer
- 7 June 2017:
- 31 May 2017: When you get elected president but still shitpost with the lads 😎👌🏻 #Covfefe
- 29 May 2017: this is getting to levels of SAD that I didn't even know were possible
- 29 May 2017: Breaking: Thunderf00t still has fans
- 29 May 2017: ask them - I'm not with them anymore
- 29 May 2017: Does it really matter if you were accusing me or Rebel Media? You were throwing out accusations with no proof.
- 29 May 2017: ok.
- 29 May 2017: You accused me without knowing and I said I would check. I'm sure people can go find the tweets. You have an ego problem dude. Work on it.
- 29 May 2017: You refused to even have a conversation with me then falsely accused me of DMCAing you. Lol what are you on about?
- 29 May 2017: At that angsty teenage phase where he hates family photos
- 29 May 2017: Tbh
- 29 May 2017: Finally reunited with Beano and Porridge! ❤️
- 29 May 2017: . of course @thunderf00t retweeted this as well. Almost as good as his own work at splicing footage and misrepresenting people!
- 28 May 2017:
- 28 May 2017:
- 28 May 2017: It is scary though cause it's such a big thing in your life - and if you mess it up it's your happiness and fulfillment being sacrificed.
- 28 May 2017: I don't think suggestions of traditionalism are the issue. Most of the pressure on women is coming from the feminist career/no kids side.
- 28 May 2017: Defs don't think men should be ATMs - couples should work as a team.
- 28 May 2017: Never said that. Statistically speaking the higher a woman's number is the less likely she is to find a life partner though.
- 28 May 2017: U should watch the speech this convo sprung from on my YT channel 😜 also wine & cats are pretty great it's the loneliness factor that sucks.
- 28 May 2017: Obviously the health impacts suck - but it's the psychological impacts that are the real killer here.
- 28 May 2017:
- 28 May 2017: I can predict heroin will likely be destructive to your life based on research. Same with things like mass promiscuity.
- 27 May 2017: You're right, Alcoholics Anonymous really needs to stop talking down on people's lifestyles 👍🏻
- 27 May 2017: @UR_Comics @shoe0nhead June is always polite and reasonable so I never see any reason to not treat her the same way ❤️
- 27 May 2017: I think right now women desperately need to see the other side of the story b/c many will not be happy at 40 w/ just wine and cats.
- 27 May 2017: That's why I say "most people" - I don't like arguing on the exception & even if it were ALL women I would still be suggesting not forcing 😊
- 27 May 2017: On a plane back to Canada right now 👌🏻
- 27 May 2017: Looking forward to the Conservative leadership results tonight. 😱🇨🇦 @MaximeBernier
- 27 May 2017: The Canadian Conservative leadership convention is currently sharing a building with an anime convention 😂
- 27 May 2017: Return of the Traditional Woman - Cal Poly SLO
- 26 May 2017: RT @SLOTribune: Scenes from @Lauren_Southern event at Cal Poly tonight. #SLO |
- 26 May 2017: Got some awesome people here for the event! 👌🏻
- 25 May 2017: Correction: it is sad
- 25 May 2017: The speech starts at 7 you dummies. Mom is going to call you home for dinner before I even get there 😂😂
- 25 May 2017: "Modernism may be seen as an attempt to reconstruct the world in the absence of God" - Bryan Appleyard
- 25 May 2017: STORY TIME: No-Go Zones
- 23 May 2017: #Manchester
- 23 May 2017: Ffs Slate.
- 22 May 2017: Beauty endures 🏛
- 22 May 2017: I for one welcome our new orb overlord.
- 21 May 2017: I'll be speaking at Cal Poly on the 25th! @CalPolyGOP
- 19 May 2017: Helping end alcoholism one click at a time girl
- 18 May 2017: I drink because people who get their news from buzzfeed vote.
- 18 May 2017: Remember when people still cared about feminism 😂👌🏻
- 16 May 2017: You know your country is screwed when @RubinReport is put on a government watch list for "inciting hate" against the LGBT community :^)
- 16 May 2017:
- 16 May 2017: Oh boy ~ the Swedish gov put me in their registry of people who engaged in threats, hatred & incitement against migrants, women & LGBT.
- 12 May 2017: As a 'journalist' you should know these aren't refugees.
- 12 May 2017: > peacefully attempts to stop illegal trafficking ship before it fills up > LAUREN SHOOTS FIRE AT DROWNING REFUGEE CHILDREN
- 12 May 2017: We spoke to the gov. They are working with and helping these boats.
- 12 May 2017: Stay tuned for the landing page - we need you to track down the boats for us!
- 12 May 2017: This one was leaving to go pick them up.
- 12 May 2017: 48 hours until we find out what happens to us. Free for now. Good test run. Bigger boats next time 😎
- 12 May 2017: Alive.
- 12 May 2017: Gen ID vs Migrant Boats
- 12 May 2017: Generation Identity vs Migrant Boats!
- 12 May 2017: He's amazing 😍😍😍
- 11 May 2017: read it a while ago, really good book!
- 11 May 2017: Generation Identity: Europe's Youth Reconquista
- 11 May 2017: Retweeting Laci unironically.
- 9 May 2017: Possibly MIA for a few days. In the middle of nowhere with hardly any internet. Huge plans in the works.
- 8 May 2017:
- 8 May 2017: Whoa good thing France avoided more socialism! Now they can use their extra tax dollars to buy their daughters burqas! 🇫🇷
- 7 May 2017: France right now outside #Louvre
- 7 May 2017: The French youth will keep fighting for their future. #OnEstChezNous 🇫🇷
- 7 May 2017: Macron elected president of France. Congrats on your soulless banker and dying culture, liberals.
- 7 May 2017: I was just in a short migrant "riot" last night.
- 6 May 2017: Sad. #paris
- 6 May 2017: That's the goal 👌🏻
- 6 May 2017: What Every Girl Needs To Hear
- 6 May 2017: Having a fascinating conversation with some liberal yuppies visiting France. "I'm genuinely afraid of Islam but I can't talk about it."
- 4 May 2017: Smh more like "white PRIDE" march.
- 4 May 2017: Idk why u think this is some "gotcha" ... graffiti is a problem all over France. I would never want an ancient statue defaced in my name.
- 3 May 2017: Build not for our time but for all time - @Arch_Revival_
- 3 May 2017: Considering my life is electric gender boogaloo 2 I'm not really sure.
- 3 May 2017: I actually got electrocuted yesterday by an outlet. So they're sexist too tbh.
- 3 May 2017: I swear to god if you have a light switch don't talk to me. You're no better than the milk drinkers.
- 2 May 2017: À la @latraboule avec les militants de @G_IDENTITAIRE . #OnEstChezNous
- 2 May 2017: Ohhh nooo, there's still some beautiful architecture here and amazing history. Just keep away from masked commies around Election Day 👌🏻
- 2 May 2017: What Really Happened in Paris on MayDay via @YouTube
- 1 May 2017: Losing.
- 1 May 2017: I'm playing spot the European in Paris right now. 👌🏻
- 1 May 2017: Police Set Ablaze #MayDay
- 1 May 2017:
- 1 May 2017: Journalists telling me not to film protesters or I'll be beat. Nice. #antifa
- 1 May 2017: Paris right now
- 1 May 2017: Commies getting ready to protest the establishment by snackin on some good ol' KFC 😂
- 1 May 2017: . @MLP_officiel in Paris 👌🏻
- 1 May 2017: Breakfast in Paris. "That is because of the terrorist attacks, you know? We never used to have this on every street."
- 27 April 2017:
- 27 April 2017: Lmfao Antifa has a plane flying over w/ a sign saying "Don't take the bait"
- 27 April 2017: Free speech rally
- 27 April 2017: Cancelling sends the message that violence works. This is why I'll be at MLK park tomorrow @ 2pm w/ @Gavin_McInnes & more.
- 26 April 2017: Berkeley right now
- 23 April 2017:
- 21 April 2017: Richard Spencer didn't promise to collect 100 communist scalps, cover his face and run around with a bottle in hand ready to attack people.
- 21 April 2017: Tfw you think it's edgy to take military esque photos but your only battle achievement is getting punched in the face 😎👌🏻
- 19 April 2017: Dr. Menschs' How the Russians Stole the Election #MenschAMovie
- 19 April 2017: . @AnnCoulter Berkeley appearance canceled over security concerns. :(
- 15 April 2017: Antifa threw a smoke bomb and didn't realize the wind was going their way 😂😂
- 15 April 2017: Berkeley
- 15 April 2017:
- 15 April 2017: Pepper spray everywhere 👌🏻
- 15 April 2017: Things are about to get interesting #Berkeley
- 15 April 2017: Xer coming out with the comrades
- 11 April 2017: Phone call from mom "Lauren what did you do this time!!" Heck. Not a good day.
- 9 April 2017: This isn't about being a fan of anything, it was never about Trump it was about his policies. This isn't American Idol.
- 9 April 2017: 9000 d chess .. or something like that
- 8 April 2017: I actually don't get ad rev because I'm demonetized for what I'm talking about. Also supporter of Trumps promises at Day 1.
- 8 April 2017: The Idiots Supporting The Syria Strike
- 7 April 2017: Everyone - but I ofc take my following skew into account.
- 7 April 2017: Do you support Trumps actions in Syria? Curious about age demographics.
- 7 April 2017: this neocon position is beneath her
- 7 April 2017: Tomi stop, Glenn's not going to let you back on the air.
- 7 April 2017: Blackpill Stream
- 7 April 2017: We tried - all we could do was postpone the war these people wanted.
- 6 April 2017: What? A neocon supporting pointless war? Unheard of!
- 6 April 2017: Don't fall for the propaganda. They're baiting us to fight a war which isn't ours. We cannot give in.
- 5 April 2017: I'm going to Berkeley!
- 3 April 2017: CBC currently devising Final Solution for non-beige people?? 🤔🤔🤔we need answers @CBC
- 31 March 2017: . @jack PPB dindu nuffin. I demand answers.
- 30 March 2017: busy day today but I'll DM you and we'll do something soon >:)
- 29 March 2017: #TeamBull
- 28 March 2017: Is Kanye up for some #DeusVult ?
- 27 March 2017: I wish Stalin could see this.
- 27 March 2017: You can tell he never considered for a second that the campaign would lie. His worldview crumbling is palpable. 😂 😂
- 26 March 2017: I know what I'm watching tonight.
- 23 March 2017: Talking memes with @MaximeBernier 😎👌🏻
- 22 March 2017: It seems people are willing to sell the future of western children for a momentary feeling of misguided moral superiority.
- 22 March 2017:
- 21 March 2017: DEADLY WEAPON
- 20 March 2017: throw the baby out with the bathwater amiright!!
- 20 March 2017: I bet our ancestors didn't even see running around in a thong with a dildo strapped to your head as an expression of progress. Idiots.
- 20 March 2017: Haha isn't being way more progressive, enlightened and just better than our ancestors great. Haha.
- 19 March 2017: Lmao ppl seriously think YT sat down this morning & thought "wow I hate gays." They do this for tons of topics u spergs. #YouTubeIsOverParty
- 19 March 2017: Fat antifa screaming racist vs two minorities screaming for free speech. WHO WINS??
- 16 March 2017: whoa. Discussing such acts is a sin. Here.. take this harlot.
- 15 March 2017: Example #2883050509199339 of why the word "racist" has no power anymore.
- 14 March 2017: Oh no, they let someone in who wanted to ask about more than just Trumps twitter feed. The horror!
- 13 March 2017: Morons in the press briefing room were all strung up on a tweet and asked nothing about #Vault7
- 13 March 2017: Supposed to join @lucianwintrich at the WH press briefing but his access has been revoked b/c someone inside plans to film him?? What?
- 12 March 2017: @jordanbpeterson @YouTube will do!
☺️ - 10 March 2017: @Astrid_Bjorn @YouTube thank you Astrid ❤️
- 10 March 2017: @TheRalphRetort thank you!!
☺️ - 10 March 2017: Going Independent
- 6 March 2017: @wasdasist spartan lambda
- 6 March 2017: I never thought I would live in the timeline with Anti-antifa Hoplites.
- 1 March 2017:
- 25 February 2017: Ran into @_ThatGuyT in Mexico!!🚁
- 23 February 2017: @pagefault404 oh it's totally missing context but it's hilarious.
- 23 February 2017: 😂
- 23 February 2017: Islamic TV is lit 😂
- 20 February 2017: @kcampbellXCVII @JonTronShow the best timeline
- 20 February 2017: Marrying Jacques ❤️
☺️ - 18 February 2017: Left piece of "art" is from the 50's......cultural relativism btfo.
- 17 February 2017: @DevilishxDave enjoy and best of luck on your exams!
- 16 February 2017: @KarismaSingh get in the helicopter Karisma I'm taking you back to India.
- 16 February 2017: no pls feel free to do a vid 😏 I'll be your nazi. Make sure to use similar click bait to the paper u got that quote from.
- 16 February 2017: @VoiceOfRageOC @TylerPreston20 yo the camera is over there. It was just a social experiment!!!!
- 16 February 2017: @whoa_bro_relax @TylerPreston20 I'm in the same boat fam.
- 16 February 2017: @TylerPreston20 well I'm not PJW. I hate to explain the obvious but the joke is not seriously suggesting Hitler started safe spaces etc.
- 16 February 2017: I get SJWs not understanding a bit of tongue in cheek banter, but I'm surprised by you.
- 16 February 2017: @TylerPreston20 what?
- 16 February 2017: @MrHurricane_ so glad you like it!
- 16 February 2017: @StG3orge @BreitbartNews nice to know the country will still be there when I come to visit 😊
- 16 February 2017: 😎🇩🇰
- 16 February 2017: @shoe0nhead die
- 15 February 2017: @HiddenTara did you not get the SS body pillow I sent you?? 🤔
- 15 February 2017: @THErealDVORAK right? They chose some great photos of me for the inside too. Can't even be mad.
- 15 February 2017: @MegaBking Gracchus
- 15 February 2017: Tfw you just wanna keep the barbarians out but the deep state's like nah.
- 15 February 2017: Happy #CanadianFlag day!
- 15 February 2017: Just picking up the paper 👌🏻
- 14 February 2017: kinky
- 14 February 2017: kat von d, but honestly it's not that great. Switching.
- 14 February 2017: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Also send help the Greys locked me in garage somewhere. Inshallah 🍝🙏🏻
- 14 February 2017: ppl who whomst'st say fewer are the weakest race.
- 14 February 2017: I have no problem with that! My problem is with them saying it's "diverse" lol.
- 14 February 2017: Diversity literally just means less white people lmao.
- 14 February 2017: @_ThatGuyT nightmare fuel.
- 14 February 2017: @Some_BlackGuy wait, do I get to join?? ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
- 14 February 2017: Is this racism or nah?
- 13 February 2017: This is tru tho.
- 13 February 2017: @ClassAct_Media @jk_rowling it's not a petty internet fight it's a culture war. Truth needs to get out there.
- 13 February 2017: Here's what happens when you step out of your fantasy world. @jk_rowling
- 12 February 2017:
- 12 February 2017: #OpenBordersforHogwarts
- 12 February 2017: . @jk_rowling why did the wizards want to keep muggles out of their world 🤔???
- 12 February 2017: good question, why don't wizards take down their magical wall 🤔
- 12 February 2017: fuc
- 12 February 2017: If only you read a history book you'd know opening your gates to the barbarians leads to the downfall of great civilizations 👌🏻
- 11 February 2017: A e s t h e t i c
- 9 February 2017: @GMShivers @MaximeBernier YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
- 4 February 2017: Lmao the leaf that got arrested for "hate speech" was an SJW who failed at shitposting at one of my followers 😂😂 still tho, let him go guys.
- 2 February 2017: So whoever put the DMCA on @thunderf00t was not Rebel or myself. No idea who Suzy is lol. This is why we get facts before we sperg out.
- 2 February 2017: it literally says Suzy
- 2 February 2017:
- 2 February 2017: you're so desperate, I just had a huge supporter contact me cause the same thing happened to them. I don't manage claims.
- 2 February 2017: relax u spazz, happens to lots of people. I'll ask about it at work. You're free to criticize.
- 1 February 2017: "The force is hiring 55 people whose jobs will include monitoring social media sites for hate speech."
- 30 January 2017: @BashirMohamed @WNYLookingGlass you're right. I usually just post interesting info I find but ppl take it as gods word. Will be more careful
- 30 January 2017: @BashirMohamed @thedailybeast I didn't post it as fact. I literally just said sus.
- 30 January 2017: A witness, told CBC's French-language service: "They had a Quebecois accent. They started to fire, and they yelled, 'Allahu akbar!' #Quebec
- 29 January 2017: Oh wow... my heroes, protecting me from words on paper. Whatever would we do without you.
- 28 January 2017: Richard Spencer found scheming with the Japanese. @FBI
- 27 January 2017: @Korusi apparently he was posting it yesterday
- 27 January 2017: I still don't think Sargon should be banned, but I feel like he probably should've mentioned the porn spamming in his vid. #freesargon
- 27 January 2017: The two biggest forces standing between the human race and the truth: Women's appeal to emotions, and men's egos. - @TherynMeyer
- 27 January 2017: @whalewords @CarlBromfield @thunderf00t oh he's being quite serious when he calls me a man!
- 27 January 2017: @datnofact @JespT_V2 @thunderf00t watch the video i did
- 27 January 2017: . @thunderf00t refuses to reply to my livestream offer cause he knows his videos are full of shit.
- 25 January 2017: Media, you're making him more powerful!! Quick go publish some articles saying Trump can never resurrect David Bowie!!
- 25 January 2017: Trump will never win.... the wall will never happen....
- 24 January 2017: I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry @scrowder
- 23 January 2017: #Deploraball Protester: There's part of me that hopes Trump fails miserably.
- 22 January 2017: Nicely done ladies. #WomensMarch
- 21 January 2017: At the airport waiting to go and tons of people waiting at the gates are coming from the #WomensMarch ... questionable funding.
- 21 January 2017: There are some next level cucks here.
- 21 January 2017: Streets crowded with people walking to #womensmarch
- 20 January 2017: Riot shut down. Safe. Had to pretend to be pregnant to get out 👌
- 20 January 2017: Contraband👌
- 20 January 2017: Off to #DeploraBall !!👌🇺🇸
- 16 January 2017:
- 11 January 2017: Gunman screaming 'Allahu Akbar' opens fire in Spanish supermarket
- 11 January 2017: @_Canidae honored to have my book beside Thomas Sowells in that pic! :)
- 11 January 2017: Man I can't take a 2 minute break from the internet without missing some excellent memes. #fakenews #goldenshowers
- 10 January 2017: She literally couldn't negotiate a trade deal without crying, why the hell is she being promoted.
- 10 January 2017: Pranked @HuffingtonPost 👌
- 9 January 2017: Excellent stuff from CPC leadership candidate @MaximeBernier There's hope for Canada!
- 6 January 2017: @hetiestsin I was wondering the same thing - so I figured I'd give it a go aha
- 6 January 2017: The Truth About Ariana Grande & Objectification
- 5 January 2017: "Kids make stupid mistakes" ... They kidnapped and tortured a guy because of his race. I'm fuming. #BLMkidnapping
- 4 January 2017: Just so y'all don't die - pretty sure someone made this gender as a meme. Not that it wouldn't be possible under progressive ideology tho :(
- 4 January 2017: @CptHolocausto > assuming I don't already know this was most likely a meme and am exposing the logical conclusion of progressive ideology.
- 4 January 2017: "Excuse me officer I'm actually clovergender. Have fun in jail bigot for trying to seperate me and my 10 year old girlfriend."
- 1 January 2017:
- 1 January 2017: Love when people use human beings to virtue signal. Amazing, now you don't have to go on useless photo-op "mission" trips anymore 👏
- 1 January 2017: @mombot @SJSchauer I agree with most of that but I think culture is different because It's a collection of ideas.
- 31 December 2016: Women are not some hive mind. We have different ideas that should be challenged and critiqued.
- 31 December 2016: .@Kfolan10 I'm arianas biggest fan stupid bish pencil ass eyebrows lmao just givin her life advice boo sit down sweetie 💯💯👏
- 29 December 2016: H O W I S T H A T R E L E V A N T
- 29 December 2016: B O O T Y L I K E A C A D I L L A C
- 29 December 2016: . @ArianaGrande tfw you really don't wanna be objectified but that "booty like a Cadillac"
- 29 December 2016: Tfw you really don't want guys to objectify you 👌 @ArianaGrande
- 28 December 2016: @Lauren_Southern
- 28 December 2016:
- 24 December 2016: @aki_asquith screaming
- 24 December 2016: @peters11 you should be able to get it shipped there or you can get the kindle edition!
- 24 December 2016: This could be us w/o polio but y'all decided to watch netflix and make period blood art instead.
- 22 December 2016: German police are more concerned with policing the peaceful protest of their own people than stopping the violent crimes of migrants. Sad.
- 22 December 2016: @hannahromes sure maybe she personally is - statistically the likelihood is lessened but I don't deny the exception.
- 21 December 2016: @jasoningrassia yes, eventually!
- 21 December 2016: . @StefanMolyneux "this book is an argument"
- 21 December 2016: @CriticalReader7 @shoe0nhead this is why we read books, not just the covers ;)
- 21 December 2016: @0ZachSmith hope you like it!
- 21 December 2016: @shoe0nhead <3
- 21 December 2016: @trekkie_mike enjoy!! :D
- 21 December 2016: @SSspeedwolf66 there's a paragraph about people masturbating to anime. Enjoy fam.
- 21 December 2016: This one is for you millennials. ❤ Buy my new book at
- 21 December 2016: @hfsalmeida 2 seconds to google both videos that exist. Bruh.
- 21 December 2016: One year into a social "science" degree👌
- 19 December 2016: Berlin attacker was a refugee. This one is on you Merkel.
- 8 December 2016: YT only put makeup artists & vloggers in their rewind b/c teenage girls who don't understand ad blocker are their main source of revenue. 😎
- 1 December 2016: @Nonsensicole I stated that it's a symptom of pathological disorders then explain the problems for people who are sluttly without them.
- 30 November 2016: unmadesammich I think
- 30 November 2016: apparently that's from when the Spanish invaded Denmark 500 years ago. Learning a lot this reunion lol.
- 30 November 2016: "What's a snapchat, will I get any women from it??" Hangin w/ grandpa and all my Danish fam. 👌
- 26 November 2016: Why do you have to be like this @JustinTrudeau
- 26 November 2016: uploading when i get back from this conservative party mixer m8.
- 26 November 2016: Trump is president and Castros dead.
- 24 November 2016: @CiaranJ_King I guess technically
- 24 November 2016: Smugglypuff & the person who attacked me are in court today, both changed their gender and my Ontario ID is male. Judge must be confused af.
- 23 November 2016: @ThaRightStuff @LauritzVonGH I was obviously being silly with the titles and numbers - your account is pretty accurate.
- 23 November 2016: @ThaRightStuff @LauritzVonGH are you talking about this?
- 23 November 2016: @ThaRightStuff @LauritzVonGH elaborate - I'm actually interested and look to correct myself if I'm wrong?
- 23 November 2016: @LauritzVonGH if throwing up a nazi salute in front of MSM journos to celebrate a trump win isn't stupid idk what is.
- 23 November 2016: @LauritzVonGH copying the MSM would be fear mongering over it. There's nothing to be afraid of, just a bunch of kids acting stupid.
- 23 November 2016: Watching people lose their minds over a mentally deficient Nazi LARP party w/ like 100 attendees (50 of which were feds) is kinda hilarious.
- 13 November 2016: @Tweetophon looks like I may have to do another one after this!
- 13 November 2016: @lumenaequitas yeah I'm playing one drop rule for oppressed points if I can.
- 13 November 2016: My DNA/Ancestry results just came in... so curious. Going to open & film in the morning. Inb4 they just say "lmao white girl"...
- 9 November 2016: Meanwhile at Hillary headquarters. 😎 #electionnight
- 9 November 2016: @lenadunham yes, we do.
- 9 November 2016: Democrats on suicide watch. #Florida #ElectionNight
- 9 November 2016: My emotions are so mixed right now, a Clinton loss would be amazing - but Canada really doesn't need anymore liberals. #USElection2016
- 8 November 2016: @LeahFHardy @Busfield @janemerrick23 I'm curious as to what you find racist about the article? That's quite the accusation.
- 8 November 2016: Good luck America! Please do not go vote tomorrow if you have not looked at the policy pages of both candidates!
- 7 November 2016: It's 5:45 and @FaithGoldy and I can't sleep because our lungs are so bad right now. There's smog in the hotel hallways. #DelhiSmog
- 1 November 2016: Hey @twitter @jack @TwitterCanada really great representatives you have here!
- 1 November 2016: @hypernova132MC @shoe0nhead yes
- 1 November 2016: @shoe0nhead He's hit levels of autism I didn't even know were possible. SHE GOES TO BARS REEEEEEEE
- 26 October 2016: When you forget it's not normal to wish a picture of your child self happy birthday.
- 25 October 2016: "She knows she looks hot in this" no she knows she's unhealthy but keeps going to your bs site to be lied to.
- 21 October 2016: r i p
- 18 October 2016: Ffs I had a 30 min conversation w/ Foval about how he was shipping protesters to Sherman Park & Trump events & thought he was just memeing.
- 17 October 2016: @Harry1T6 @UTSU98 utterly filled with lies and everyone knows it.
- 15 October 2016: . @ENBrown @UCalgary "libertarian feminist" lol.
- 15 October 2016: The kid is ok. Gotten a lot of confirmation from people on U of C campus that this did indeed happen.
- 15 October 2016: @Batman2179 @UCalgary ahh np I just get a lot of serious people lile that so I can never tell ;P
- 15 October 2016: @Batman2179 @UCalgary this person is a good friend of mine, wouldn't post if I didn't trust them. I still added alleged till more deets.
- 15 October 2016: Kid at @UCalgary allegedly strangled for wearing Trump hat... will keep you all posted.
- 12 October 2016: @shoe0nhead @YouTube idk what you're talking about. Jonah Hill was very calm and clear when testifying that nothing happened here.
- 12 October 2016: Yeah you drone those anti-Semitic russian KGB hackers with a criminal complaint fam! You go girl! It's our time!
- 12 October 2016: @suarezcommat I was reporting on a protest for free speech on campus - SJW's brought a white noise machine & yelled "shame" the entire time.
- 12 October 2016: I didn't see anything.mp4
- 10 October 2016: Smh police brutality 😢
- 10 October 2016: George Soros has had a huge spike in Google trends since Trump mentioned him. Get nervous @HillaryClinton @georgesoros ;)
- 10 October 2016: "How do you intend on modelling your international policy around a sad viral Facebook photo?"
- 10 October 2016: Does the debate get less eerie the more drunk you are or nah?
- 10 October 2016: Hillary smiles whenever Trump tells the truth about her.
- 10 October 2016: OH SNAP "because you'd be in jail"
- 10 October 2016: Cooper already showing his bias by saying Trumps actions were "sexual assault"
- 10 October 2016: "We are great b/c we're good, celebrate our diversity, talk to boys and girls, positivity, work together, overcome" = saying nothing
- 6 October 2016: Hillary: Wrong For Asia - 2016 Presidential Debate
- 4 October 2016: Did you ask every single account what they identify as though?
- 4 October 2016: I can't wait until guys start just changing their gender for kicks and giggles so they can get quota jobs easier. "I don't present feminine"
- 4 October 2016: we'd make a hot tranny couple tbqh
- 27 September 2016: Send help
- 27 September 2016:
- 25 September 2016: Lmao wtf did I just open @washingtonpost
- 24 September 2016: @KeirWT @NatGeo same difference, if they put a picture of a nuclear white family and said "the new japanese" the reaction would be the same.
- 24 September 2016: If you put whites as "The new face of [non white country here]" Every paper would report on it as colonization not a celebration. @NatGeo
- 22 September 2016: Yes, the Charlotte Rioters DO Represent
- 22 September 2016: If you're looking for people to direct your angry tweets to tonight, let me direct you to ====> @deray @georgesoros #CharlotteProtest
- 22 September 2016: I don't know how people can separate BLM from rioters when it follows them everywhere. Plenty of other protest groups never have this occur.
- 21 September 2016: So let me get this straight, a meme frog is running the white supremacist movement and now skittle are white supremacist as well. Wew.
- 20 September 2016: Bill Clinton reaching out in his time of need. Courtesy of @TheDonaldReddit
- 19 September 2016: Imagine a bunch of staffers sitting around a desk sweating, trying to run a campaign for a dead woman & they've gone too far to go back 😂😂
- 17 September 2016: @TheeUnabonger idk what that has to do with immigration law.
- 17 September 2016: @TheeUnabonger the difference is one person broke federal immigration laws and the other didn't.
- 17 September 2016:
- 15 September 2016: @SinaFallah @UofT did they at least have 700 doors for each gender?
- 15 September 2016: Wow, you're looking pretty empowered here @Kathleen_Wynne !! :^)
- 15 September 2016: @StandLoneCmplex @HiddenTara in many cases good boy points can be exchanged for tendies via mom.
- 15 September 2016: @Novaspire weird, most people can see the video but a few people are saying they can't.
- 15 September 2016: @HiddenTara good boy points!!
- 15 September 2016: Send him some love and share his video on FB here!
- 15 September 2016: Trump supporter has his hat stolen after crazy chick can't differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants.
- 14 September 2016: @rhinocartoon it says in the longer ad that he's suicidal as well, but this goes for depression and eating disorders as well.
- 14 September 2016: @Cardoso "We all have a story, and our story has the power to change someone else’s life or, if we give it a chance, to change the world"
- 14 September 2016: @Cardoso oh wait till you hear how they ended the full ad, it was SUPER unique and inspiring!!
- 14 September 2016: @rhinocartoon if you're contemplating suicide u need a shrink not an overpaid motivational speaker talking abt plus size abercombie clothes.
- 14 September 2016: @rhinocartoon typically you try to impress w/ achievements in advertisements. Why are they using these points to advertise his event?
- 14 September 2016: None of these things are achievements.
- 11 September 2016: I have a feeling @MartinShkreli and @PrisonPlanet will never get an apology from all the people who called them conspiracy theorists.
- 10 September 2016: @Shaggy2fields @spikedonline I say this in the podcast. Listen to it!
- 10 September 2016: I discussed the alt-right on the @spikedonline podcast this week. Give it a listen!
- 1 September 2016: my device actually overheated and shut itself down :(
- 1 September 2016: Look who stopped by the office from ! Twitter ban record holder Charles C Johnson. 😎
- 1 September 2016: @HillaryForPrez_ George you shouldn't be staying up this late.
- 1 September 2016: Most of these things seem pretty reasonable to me ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- 31 August 2016: Youtube is getting rid of the financial incentive for alternative political media.
- 31 August 2016: . @PhillyD controversial or sensitive subjects... that's very subjective. This is ridiculous @YouTube
- 31 August 2016: @pcgeek86 @lyft yes it was!
- 31 August 2016: @AntithesisD I'll ask!
- 30 August 2016: Spoke to Annaliese Nielsens Lyft driver. She tried to get him fired & this is how she left the back seat of his car.
- 30 August 2016: Was just contacted by the Annaliese Lyft driver, he was in fact fired for a few days until she sent the video to Lyft which exonerated him.
- 29 August 2016: @JensKruuse @d_seaman debunked? Care to send Clinton's health records? Oh wait, they haven't been released.
- 29 August 2016: Huffington Post TERMINATED Me For Questioning Hillary's Health - @d_seaman
- 28 August 2016: @CassandraRules @Learjetjockey @KatieOHalloran you know this chick irl??!
- 28 August 2016: @CathyYoung63 @EPChristensen @Brad_Glasgow @Popehat @BroTeamPill yeah she deleted her account last night & someone took the username
- 28 August 2016: @Good_Guy_Karl is it working now? (sorry I'm drunk)
- 28 August 2016: SJW Berates Lyft Driver -
- 26 August 2016: @Lucile_Reynard that's why I said aside from under the law.
- 26 August 2016: . @frankwordsuk very true
- 26 August 2016: Happy #WomensEqualityDay . Fun fact, women are biologically different from men and therefore equality is impossible aside from under the law.
- 26 August 2016: We live in a world where we have "Stop White People" courses being openly taught in Universities & people are worried about internet memes.
- 26 August 2016: my actual surname is Simonsen.
- 25 August 2016: . @VEllisWade @CordovanSplotch excuse me, we refer to those as "Danish Landmines" in my culture.
- 25 August 2016: @joa_amadolopes I am, and Canada comes firs and foremost - but that doesn't get rid of my blood.
- 25 August 2016: @_ThatGuyT cool! Looking forward to reading it. Also congrats on your new position :)
- 25 August 2016: @_ThatGuyT please T, gender is a fluid ever changing thing.
- 25 August 2016: It's very telling seeing how many people are calling me a supremacist/fascist/WN just for saying I don't hate myself for being Danish.
- 25 August 2016: @karnoa @ryanward10 look at my twitter history.
- 25 August 2016: >not hating myself for being Danish >white supremacy W E W
- 25 August 2016: #AltRightMeans I don't have to be ashamed of my heritage.
- 23 August 2016: @FkURID oh, thanks for the tidbit! Didn't know that.
- 23 August 2016: @Lauren_Southern @IamQueenAri
- 23 August 2016: My thoughts on the eternal martyrdom of the right and the Purdue "censorship" hoax.
- 23 August 2016: @LibertySlap :'(
- 23 August 2016: Pickle ceiling: broken
- 19 August 2016: @eltonmorrow1 @charwhic_ I got you fam, click on it to expand the photo :)
- 19 August 2016:
- 16 August 2016: Protests starting in an hour at @realDonaldTrump event in #Wisconsin
- 16 August 2016: Guys in balclavas just told us to leave if we don't want to get shot. #Milwaukee
- 15 August 2016: Lmao wut
- 15 August 2016: Omw to #MilwaukeeUprising lads. Wish me luck. Bringin some army boys, we good.
- 14 August 2016: we gettin dem good reparations 💯💯💯👌😂 savin our communtys n sheit 💯😇🔫 got me sum fly extensions 4 justice yknow 💦💦👅
- 13 August 2016:
- 7 August 2016: Slutwalk Toronto pulled a #BLM today blocking intersections and roads preventing hundreds of cars from getting by. Very productive 👌 nice.
- 6 August 2016: Todays Slutwalk theme: Childlike solutions to exaggerated problems.
- 4 August 2016: @Gilleous yep :D
- 4 August 2016: @no_brown_weed crazy? Does this look like the kind of woman who would falsely accuse someone you bigot!! Oh wait..
- 4 August 2016: Man found "guilty" of rape with NO evidence due to a judge using feminist theory in sentencing. Disgusting.
- 28 July 2016: . @HillaryClinton amazing control of illegal entry into your conference! I think the #DNC may be on to something!
- 26 July 2016: They beheaded a priest They attacked on Bastille day They killed children They shot journalists They tortured teenagers Wake up France.
- 25 July 2016: @TheDonaldReddit
- 23 July 2016: My Dad got me champagne for 100k ❤ Love you guys, thanks for tagging along for all the adventures!!
- 22 July 2016: Best moment of the convention.
- 21 July 2016: Isn't that sweet. Can you be my own personal gestapo as well?? :)
- 21 July 2016: @Blahaaron @JasonRoof1 @OntHumanRights @MikeWardca a lot of people (dictators) throughout history agree with you :)
- 21 July 2016: @Blahaaron @OntHumanRights @MikeWardca I strongly disagree with our laws regarding free speech.
- 21 July 2016: . @Blahaaron @OntHumanRights @MikeWardca it's not a cop out, it's an inalienable human right.
- 21 July 2016: Please let @OntHumanRights know if you are disgusted by their assault on free speech in Canada. @MikeWardca
- 20 July 2016: @banshee_child <3
- 17 July 2016: History will not remember you well #BLM Rosa Parks didn't twerk in front of the bus in a crop top holding an "oink oink bang bang" sign.
- 14 July 2016: It's like progressive morons think the 1400 years of conflict between Islam and the West was just an accident.
- 12 July 2016: IMPORTANT Not all black people support #BLM All different colors of idiots do. Criticising BLM =/= criticising black people.
- 11 July 2016: Hi, I have no original thoughts or ideas and just need social valida..... wat up lmaoooo dumb becky ass bitch 😂 😂 😂
- 10 July 2016: Yes, and blacks should definitely thank republicans for their right to not be enslaved! Once again, stellar logic.
- 8 July 2016: Calling me pasty white trash really isn't helping your case.
- 8 July 2016: No more excuses for the domestic terrorist group #BLM . All lives matter.
- 6 July 2016: @Vectorcurl I don't think @TherynMeyer would ever support this nonsense
- 6 July 2016: @HiddenTara @CatlinNya @MsBlaireWhite @TherynMeyer <3
- 6 July 2016: @Lauren_Southern @CatlinNya @HiddenTara @MsBlaireWhite @TherynMeyer just wanna make sure you ladies have some transilience in your life.
- 6 July 2016: @TomlinsonCJ thx fam <3
- 6 July 2016: I'm one minute into this video and it's already the best thing I've seen this week. TRANSILIENCE.
- 5 July 2016: she's my older sister haha.
- 4 July 2016: ok here's a better one of her
- 4 July 2016: It's my hippie sisters birthday & she wants snapchat followers. If you like cats and degenerate raves add her :P
- 3 July 2016: Danish
- 3 July 2016: Going to go sacrifice my hedgehogs to Odin if Iceland doesn't get its shit together. #FRAISL
- 1 July 2016: + trex hand
- 1 July 2016: Reunited at last ❤
- 29 June 2016: I love the gays. I just walked mine this morning.
- 29 June 2016: @KarismaSingh it's amazing. I was already having such a good day <3
- 29 June 2016: I don't celebrate woman's day. Being born with a vagina is not an achievement.
- 29 June 2016: @ScaredyCat94 tons of people are bullied, not just gays. Gays just get 10000x extra resources compare to heterosexual white males who are.
- 29 June 2016: @EdTheakston yes, because most gays were in their basement jerking off when it happened not storming parliament demanding their rights.
- 29 June 2016: @EdTheakston Stop making mediocre things out to be achievements. Set the bar for your life higher.
- 29 June 2016: If you're born that way it's not an achievement. Stop celebrating things that take no effort, that means you too gays. #HeteroSexualPrideDay
- 28 June 2016: I said people who hate me, not disagree. If you hate someone for having a different opinion than you.. then yes, you're petty.
- 28 June 2016: oh there are far more people I'm happy to be hated by. 😎 I'm sure you fit into one of the categories.
- 27 June 2016: Tfw you're on the Jew detector list and the Nazi detector list & you're neither. Excellent, both Nazis and Commies hate me 👌😎
- 25 June 2016: Who are more violent and out of control at the moment:
- 19 June 2016: my sis, and nah she's just a hippie
- 19 June 2016: that's my sister lol
- 19 June 2016: Happy Fathers day Dad ❤ nice selfie skills.
- 18 June 2016: @Arin314
- 18 June 2016: Tbh after looking at the train prices to London I might just go join the migrant border raid tonight. They legit invited me 👌
- 17 June 2016: @kflogan nope I really don't care what race/gender gets a job - I care that the best person was hired.
- 17 June 2016: If that were the other way around you would be screaming sexism. Patronizing af.
- 17 June 2016: Just send me to jail now @JustinTrudeau
- 16 June 2016: Dear progressives, Stop calling cultural enclaves "multiculturalism", you morons.
- 16 June 2016: 😄 awwe thanks ~
- 15 June 2016: ahhhh 😍😍😍 so cute!
- 15 June 2016: whoa those eyes❤
- 15 June 2016: 10/10
- 15 June 2016: 😱😱😱😱 I THOUGHT THESE WERE DOGGOS ❤❤
- 15 June 2016: you're doing it wrong
- 15 June 2016: It's my birthday. 🎂 All I ask is that you include pictures of cute animals in any tweet you send me. That includes hate mail. 😊👍🎉
- 13 June 2016: @OhEffendi7 why don't you go check out the translators account 😑
- 13 June 2016: @DasImakandi someone sent it to me on fb
- 13 June 2016: Infuriating.
- 12 June 2016: I just finished interviewing a Christian who escaped Islamic persecution in Iran & opened my phone to a terror attack. #religionofpeace
- 10 June 2016: Stolen from "edgy shitposting class"
- 8 June 2016: warning us to not get in the cops way. Which makes no sense since they have been pulling us aside and searching our rooms.
- 8 June 2016: Made it out with a warning. Thank you for the support!
- 8 June 2016: Taking us to vans individually. I haven't gone yet.
- 8 June 2016: Taking us aside individually to search us and our stuff
- 8 June 2016: Taking our id
- 8 June 2016: Surrounded by police
- 8 June 2016: First update on #Bilderberg ! @TheRebelTV
- 8 June 2016: Guardian contributor just had his passport taken away and sign confiscated because it called the #Bilderberg meeting "stupid."
- 3 June 2016: @Malek_Broham @OntHumanRights the gov still won't officially recognize it though :(
- 3 June 2016: Yep and I have the right to not use your made up pronouns or play along with your demigirl fantasy gender. 😊👌
- 2 June 2016: The brilliant @TarekFatah was at our @TheRebelTV office!
- 31 May 2016: > "Illegal" > "Violent" You do realize you're talking about words right? Words on a screen that can be shut off?
- 31 May 2016: Your feelings should never be protected at the expense of everyone else's innate rights.
- 26 May 2016: You do know paying someone less based on their gender is illegal @Brainlabs ?
- 26 May 2016: "Pay women more regardless of performance so we can solve the deeper issues." That is the deeper issue you dip shit.
- 26 May 2016: The focus on two binary genders and positive display of masculinity is very triggering @HillaryClinton 😡😡😡
- 24 May 2016: Ezra was just telling me about how George Soros tried to sue him. I think I have the coolest boss on earth.
- 23 May 2016: Ppl are sending me posts Facebook has removed. Debunking myths violates Facebooks community standards. From: @6ame
- 21 May 2016: Important to note "errors" are only fixed when saving face. Last few bans I tried contacting - zero reply.
- 21 May 2016: Got an apology email from facebook saying it was an "error." These errors seem a tad bias.
- 21 May 2016: Facebook in damage control just reuploaded my posts and unbanned me. No notifications about it.
- 21 May 2016: @LouiseMensch @tuxthepenguin1 @facebook
- 21 May 2016: @rolandscahill lol just try to put that being "logical" to better use next time fam ~
- 21 May 2016: Nice @rolandscahill just delete your tweets instead of apologizing for accusing me of lying :^)
- 21 May 2016: . @rolandscahill @NotGregoryM
- 21 May 2016: @dirvingwills @facebook plan on it
- 21 May 2016: Oi @glennbeck can I get some help over here?
- 21 May 2016: I'm banned on @facebook for a month for saying Facebook is censoring conservatives.
- 21 May 2016: @markalexmclenna nah check out my new tweet
- 21 May 2016: Uh oh. For those of you who don't know this screen means you're in shit with the Zuck.
- 20 May 2016: . @Facebook banned all the mods accounts that run the conservative page Disdain for Plebs with 176500 likes.
- 20 May 2016: The moderator of Disdain for Plebs was just banned and they deleted his post saying "
we aren't censoring conservatives" making fun of FB. - 20 May 2016: Post from @Disdain4Plebs on fb
- 15 May 2016: Nice, I love footing the bill for people to abort their kids in different continents.
- 11 May 2016: @LouiseMensch @Nero why support Hillary then??
- 11 May 2016: @LouiseMensch @Nero lol I'll eat my hedgehogs if he comes back and gets the nomination. Cause it won't happen.
- 11 May 2016: @LouiseMensch @Nero Ted Cruz suspended his campaign.
- 11 May 2016: . @LouiseMensch @Nero out of the serious candidates available, which one has a stronger stance on immigration other than trump?
- 10 May 2016: If you're a libertarian and want small gov to be elected in the future, the most important issue to you should be immigration right now.
- 9 May 2016: Daily reminder to the snowflakes :)
- 7 May 2016: Oh my
- 7 May 2016: @Weakleader only if you admit - west coast best coast ;)
- 7 May 2016: @Weakleader it's 2:30 just got home :P
- 7 May 2016: @psyvenrix I just laughed and said "uuuhh yes" and he smiled then walked away yelling "LYIN TED CRUZ" again.
- 7 May 2016: No joke a guy just walked up to me, leaned in and said "have you ever heard of lyin' Ted Cruz?"
- 3 May 2016: @Maryf_j1 I'm 20 lol
- 3 May 2016: @CathyYoung63 It's a struggle everyday, but I appreciate your support <3
- 3 May 2016: my sides
- 3 May 2016: I GOT A WIKIPEDIA PAGE. Apparently I'm not a libertarian though
- 21 April 2016: . @redlianak is telling me about sexism in games rn - "If we just armed the prostitutes in GTA we could fix the sexism" 👌😂 new fav feminist
- 19 April 2016: @LibertySlap nah bunch of cruz supporters raged at me for my last tweet tho
- 19 April 2016: @b1gblack24
- 19 April 2016: If you're going to unfollow/block me if I make a joke about your candidate Trump or Cruz just leave now :^) TY
- 19 April 2016: TED CRUZ.
- 18 April 2016: Nice
- 16 April 2016: I got a letter from @PizzaPartyBen , it is literally drenched in TRUMP cologne.👌Thanks boo 😘😘 will come visit 🇺🇸❤
- 15 April 2016: @mdfirestorm
- 15 April 2016: So this is what being #triggered feels like...
- 15 April 2016: @redlianak @tseu_tsumi Hi Liana, send me an email and I can give you all the details! [email protected] :)
- 15 April 2016: @tseu_tsumi @redlianak would love to have her if she'll come on. Show is filmed in Toronto as well.
- 15 April 2016: Looking for Canadian feminist writers/bloggers who would like to discuss sexual assault laws & #Ghomeshi on my show Standoff. Tweet me.
- 14 April 2016: Everyone's freaking out over this today, god forbid two young people make jokes about stereotypes. Pls arrest.
- 12 April 2016: Whoa whoa whoa... you guys look like you're having fun and are friends. Unacceptable. Need more race baiting.
- 12 April 2016:
- 11 April 2016: @CassirerSociety W U T
- 11 April 2016: True story.
- 11 April 2016: SPARE THE CHILDREN.
- 8 April 2016: @shoe0nhead :^) "campus reports 0 sexual assaults, that's a clear indicator there are lots of sexual assaults and the uni does nothing."
- 8 April 2016: Oh boy, a campus story about sexual assault from an unnamed friend of an alleged victim.
- 4 April 2016:
- 4 April 2016: I'm a doctor now - ty for inclusive.
- 3 April 2016: Go through your Universities grants/scholarships - this is why #MiloGives matters!
- 31 March 2016: @LeafGreenTweets they already did.
- 31 March 2016: How students can react to chalk: - Wait for next rainfall - Get soap and water - Ignore How students react to chalk: - Call police
- 31 March 2016: LOL students call the police over Trump and #StopIslam chalk calling it racist. Once again, Islam is not a race.
- 31 March 2016: @PunishedNut @Liberal_Lunacy they're green actually not sure why they look brown here lol.
- 31 March 2016: Ty for the mug!! @Liberal_Lunacy
- 24 March 2016: Feminists running around naked acting like it's going to change the Ghomeshi trial verdict. Lmao.
- 24 March 2016: @eachus also it's hard to say tweets can be harassment when you have a block button on twitter and you choose to participate.
- 24 March 2016: @eachus there has to be threat or intimidation, tweets and disagreement themselves are not harassment.
- 24 March 2016: I'm a woman, and tweets do not constitute harassment. You were at the trial, you should know. Grow up.
- 24 March 2016: . @anne_theriault @greg_a_elliott @RedHurricane24 it's called a block button Anne or a power button. Stop playing professional victim.
- 22 March 2016: @EnwroughtDreams I'm just in my basement at a group therapy session called "Canada"
- 22 March 2016: Canada's minister of defense literally just said he can't answer questions about #Brussels attack because he has to get pizza for his kids
- 22 March 2016: "Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in."
- 20 March 2016: You've wanted to be a professional victim since you were 12? @Spacekatgal
- 20 March 2016: Dan the police horse can't even vote m8. This is personal now. #IStandWithDan
- 19 March 2016: Obviously a joke feminists ;) Only difference is when you do the same thing you're serious and call it "empowerment"
- 19 March 2016: #Gawker was asking for it tbh. 👌
- 18 March 2016: Interesting report on Gender ideology harming children from the American College of Pediatricians:
- 18 March 2016: Hahhahha the guy I was arguing with yesterday from @INJO just blocked me.
- 17 March 2016: @SESerunjogi it's a joke ;)
- 17 March 2016: @52gaga @mkapp_ You're*
- 17 March 2016: @52gaga @mkapp_ "You are a fan of white boy Donald Trump, why can't you say you're a "blonde" type that loves the old stock white men."
- 17 March 2016: @Hikanatoi863 @PrisonPlanet real time was too horrific for twitter.
- 17 March 2016: @GodfreyElfwick xoxo (but only if you consent)
- 17 March 2016: @GodfreyElfwick I'm just waiting for an apology. It's good to know there are still good people in the world who support women like you do.
- 17 March 2016: I pre-write death threats to read to myself while I play video games. Gotta make sure I'm harassing women while supporting #GamerGate .
- 17 March 2016: @Ellikayara @shoe0nhead did you see him break my jaw there :O????
- 17 March 2016: @ThatDamnedGamer he did actually lmao
- 17 March 2016: Justin Trudeau literally body slamming me :,(
- 17 March 2016: .@mkapp_ a) I'm not Jewish b) some of the greatest critics of feminism are Get your bs out of here.
- 16 March 2016: @SpotEnemyBoats @CathyYoung63 of course being anti-israel isn't anti-semitic. I'm talking this kind of stuff lol.
- 16 March 2016: It's really a shame feminists haven't fought for racial equality for stick figures yet. We need black walk signs.
- 16 March 2016: @enjoy_murph @CathyYoung63
- 16 March 2016: @CathyYoung63 apparently I'm a "fake Aryan"
- 16 March 2016: @CatlinNya @CathyYoung63 Obviously ;) At least they are right about my last name being changed. Actual last name is Simonsen, it's Danish.
- 16 March 2016: @CathyYoung63 I'm not even Jewish and they keep tweeting anti-semetic slurs at me. I'm so confused lmao.
- 15 March 2016: @LibertarianHoe I sure hope so. Uploader says he knows the guys...
- 15 March 2016: @SheikAshii yeah he looks pretty serious even if it is just a debate club lol.
- 15 March 2016: @zrox456 I hope so.
- 15 March 2016: @K_Austin_Terry I thought so too, but unedited vid is in description. Hoping it's just a debate class...
- 15 March 2016: @_ThatGuyT it still hasn't sunk in.
- 15 March 2016: "Black students advocate white genocide" I can't believe this is the level of discourse happening on campuses:
- 14 March 2016: Someone needs to make a sad video with Shapiro debate highlights, B&W zooms and faded pictures of him smiling. You will be remembered </3
- 14 March 2016: Literally everywhere I go. I was made to live in a different time.
- 14 March 2016: @surgesoda soon comrade..
- 14 March 2016: @surgesoda That's wealth redistribution, instead of rich and poor we all become equally miserable under it.
- 14 March 2016: "I said something dumb, MUH MENTIONS." @Justin_B_Manuel
- 14 March 2016: Wow you don't want to import the entire world's poor and bankrupt your nation? What are you a racist or something?
- 14 March 2016: No that's a threat, they are distinctly different.
- 13 March 2016: I'm really happy with the new election emojis. Bernie - 👴💸 Trump - 👌😂💯 Hillary - 👽 Cruz - ♊️♌️♉️♎️♐️♏️♒️ Rubio - 💻
- 12 March 2016:
- 12 March 2016: Who do you want to win the U.S. election?
- 9 March 2016: For you @CdnHumanRights
- 9 March 2016: I call this piece "gay Muhammed kissing Thor in front of a confederate flag" #TheTriggering
- 9 March 2016: Not all cultures are equal. There are distinctly savage and distinctly civilized cultures. #TheTriggering
- 9 March 2016: Make sure to send all your #TheTriggering tweets to the @CdnHumanRights commission :)
- 8 March 2016: Verangender - "A gender that seems to shift/change the moment it is identified" No, you're just being an asshole.
- 7 March 2016: @jerremycote @shoe0nhead @blondieqtpie don't care if people say I lied about the piss cause no forensic test, but wtf I was defs laughing.
- 7 March 2016: @philjo1005 whoa it has 66 retweets as well, confirmed satan.
- 7 March 2016: @blondieqtpie are you clinically insane?
- 7 March 2016: @blondieqtpie >cried on camera actually I laughed and said it wasn't a big deal.
- 6 March 2016: @MagmaFlow328 @Sargon_of_Akkad @BASSFZz the event is a joke, but unfortunately not in the eyes of the organizers and the others attending.
- 6 March 2016: @JackBurtonReflx absolutely not! Go and challenge their ideas. I don't condone throwing piss on anyone for exercising their free speech.
- 6 March 2016: @iamryanhenly right, I'm an attack helicopter.
- 6 March 2016: **** S P E C I E S I S M **** I look forward to attending this event.
- 6 March 2016: Gender: The state of being male or female. :)
- 6 March 2016: @ToryBastard_ oi fam can't reply my account is banned right now
- 6 March 2016: @sinammon_roll there's a video that is on my wall moron.
- 5 March 2016: @OmerArt I appreciate that a lot. Being able to disagree while not throwing things at or hurting each other is key.
- 5 March 2016: @Bayonethics there was supposed to be a speech there that day, and the people going had threatened to throw shit and piss.
- 5 March 2016: Someone else uploaded some footage, just skip to 10:05 for the pouring:
- 5 March 2016: I hope you guys understand that this really isn't THAT bad. I can take showers and ignore tweets. Just exposing regressive nonsense.
- 5 March 2016: That's about right. Feminist.
- 5 March 2016: @CathyYoung63 unfortunately yes I am serious.
- 5 March 2016: Luckily some guys grabbed the girl who threw it on me and there was a bit of a scuffle but it's all on film.
- 5 March 2016: Unfortunately this is not my fetish. I thought feminists were into consent??
- 5 March 2016: I was just assaulted in the streets for saying there are only two genders. Covered in piss lmao. 10/10 good day.
- 4 March 2016: @salonium_34 😳😳😳
- 4 March 2016: Pls no tread
- 4 March 2016: I'm going to take that as a no ~ @facebook
- 4 March 2016: @Serieath yeah they made me send in my passport too. Crazy shit.
- 4 March 2016: @PrisonPlanet yeah will do, this is getting pretty crazy. Trying to find a way to contact them to get my accnt back right now.
- 4 March 2016: Hey @facebook how in the hell does this violate your community standards. Give me my account back.
- 4 March 2016: They are going back & removing my older posts critical of feminism. 3 day block for a post I've had for months.
- 3 March 2016: Taking a break from the computer for the rest of the day. Pce.
- 3 March 2016: . @iamjohnoliver
- 3 March 2016: @NiallAnthonyN nope, banning criticism of fem freq as well:
- 3 March 2016: Unreal. I didn't think it was so controversial to be anti-feminist anymore. I was wrong.
- 3 March 2016: ~ stay woke ~
- 3 March 2016: Hmmmm nahh facebook couldn't possibly have a political bias :^)
- 2 March 2016: @BrothLGregarius oohh weird, was trying to visit the account and it wasn't working for a bit.
- 2 March 2016: @rduck_ you're back!! :D
- 2 March 2016: @BorZavrl I know, I never learn.
- 2 March 2016: LMAO. "Mayo tears" girl just deleted her account. Wish I got a screenshot of her original tweet.
- 29 February 2016: There's no rape culture, only waifu assault culture.
- 27 February 2016: Sorry guys. I almost forgot for a minute that it's the current year. Everything's fine.👍💣💣💣
- 27 February 2016: @twmcfarl @JustinTrudeau will definitely only make things worse for moderate Muslims if we have more violent ones in the country.
- 27 February 2016: Ok you've taken the pranks too far this time @JustinTrudeau
- 23 February 2016: Stay classy @radicalbytes
- 22 February 2016: This is what real friends do.
- 18 February 2016: Very sad, @Spacekatgal treating someone's identification as if it's a joke. #IStandWithAttackHelicopters
- 18 February 2016: "Mayhem on UCT campus students burn historic paintings ripped from the walls of residences." This is disgusting.
- 16 February 2016: If this whole thing is legit I'm going to start posting on FB more instead of twitter:
- 13 February 2016: @TheRalphRetort yes, here they are part of the twitter council.
- 13 February 2016: Twitter safety councils variables when assessing dangerous speech. Myself and many others fit all 5, bye in advance.
- 10 February 2016: @Rmeakerofficial <3
- 10 February 2016: @Young_Isaiah idk maybe you should call it :^)
- 10 February 2016: Just tryna help a girl out. Wtf fam.
- 9 February 2016: Porridge summoning the spirit of Pickles 🔮
- 7 February 2016: @SinaFallah aweee thanks fam <3
- 7 February 2016: We have a wonderful opportunity here friends. Please everyone describe your gender as an attack helicopter.
- 6 February 2016: You do realize that not all women hate free speech, right?
- 4 February 2016: @boss_quads @SFU no one bats an eye m8
- 4 February 2016: Feminists at @SFU have a "Sweater Day" video taken down because it contains.. flirting?
- 29 January 2016:
- 29 January 2016: @F4lRu @dolosthegreat how did you know I call him Porri!
- 29 January 2016: I was inspired by @heartmobber to start a campaign against women's harassment online. It's called #empowerbutton :^)
- 29 January 2016: @HiddenTara @Nero wow they sent me a rape threat immediately after :<
- 29 January 2016: @HJovey @Nero no definitely sent by a man.
- 29 January 2016: I'm honestly just so disgusted at how women are harassed online. Then people like @nero suggesting they fake it. Ugh
- 24 January 2016: @redKheld IS THIS YOU @ProfessorF <3
- 23 January 2016: Found muh wheat field
- 23 January 2016: Court orders $18.5 million for man wrongfully convicted of rape. So much justice today
☺️ - 23 January 2016: I feel victimized by @johnbowman and @iD4RO disagreeing with me. In fact I feel harassed.
- 23 January 2016: Hey guys I heard this quote wrong! It was "he never threatened her, he never sexually harassed her" still innocent regardless! ;) @srhbutts
- 22 January 2016: @Sif_Muna @srhbutts I was live in the court. I heard just harassed. Looks like it was sexually harassed. Either way he is innocent.
- 22 January 2016: I have never been in a room with so many problem glasses at once. Excited to get back to Porridge 💕
✈️ - 22 January 2016: @srhbutts wasn't speaking about Riley m8. Also I'll get you the specifics when I'm off my flight.
- 22 January 2016: Read the whole thing. He accepts she felt harassed but doesn't think it was legitimate and doesn't think it holds up
- 22 January 2016: . @srhbutts @theblaze I work at the blaze now! nice! 👍😊
- 22 January 2016: Greg's first tweet in 3 years!
- 22 January 2016: It was interesting stepping outside #FreedomOfTweets
- 22 January 2016: @WonkoVSane I'll ask if I can borrow her flask for it :^)
- 22 January 2016: OH SHIT. Guthries tweet to Spurr "had no other translation than a violent one"
- 22 January 2016: "He never threatened her, he never harassed her" 🙌
- 22 January 2016: Judge was just saying Guthrie and the other feminists were involved in making claims of harassment and making fake accounts. SURPRISE?
- 22 January 2016: These people have lost their way to ruin Greg's life legally. Now they plan on media slander. @BuzzFeed @iD4RO
- 22 January 2016: You know what's a real nightmare? A 3 year legal battle that stops you from working and puts you in massive debt.
- 22 January 2016: @NatalieZed @amirightfolks even when you're listening to the truth that GAE is innocent you still deny reality in favour of your delusion.
- 22 January 2016: Aka free speech, the same thing that protects frothing feminists like Guthrie and friends.
- 22 January 2016: I'd bet my hedgehog the feminists at the back of the courtroom are tweeting each other "harassment" on their sock accounts right now.
- 22 January 2016: Looked up this guy cause the judge mentioned him. Unsurprising tweet ;)
- 22 January 2016: It's surreal listening to a judge discuss tweets and hashtags. SJWs getting BTFO by fancy legal talk. FreedomOfTweets
- 22 January 2016: Guthrie and her purple hair not looking so hopeful right now. Greg has a massive grin on his face. A light conscience will do that ;)
- 22 January 2016: The courtroom is... Tense. Imagine an SJW/Free speech split in the room.
- 22 January 2016: #FreedomofTweetsGAE @greg_a_elliott notes
- 22 January 2016: Not goin down without a fight! Ready to go with @greg_a_elliott
- 22 January 2016: If Elliott goes to jail I plan on sending every single tweet he did. They can put me behind bars too.
- 22 January 2016: #FreedomOfTweets
- 21 January 2016: #FreedomOfTweets @grenouf @greg_a_elliott
- 21 January 2016: @QuackyQuacky1 @altWilliam my mum :)
- 21 January 2016: I just had two people recognize me in the span of 10 minutes, I think my fans only live at airports? It's like The Terminal.
- 21 January 2016: @altWilliam me too.
- 21 January 2016: Fun fact, they taxed our #freedomoftweets fundraiser for Greg as if it was income. I hate the government.
- 20 January 2016: @ordinaryradio
- 20 January 2016: People come up with very creative reasons to not give citations when attacking Milo.
- 20 January 2016: Pretty good shirt Salvia. @commentiquette
- 18 January 2016: @atheistMILF <3
- 13 January 2016: @CrypticJacknife sad day.
- 13 January 2016: Anyone know a way to recover tweets others have deleted?
- 10 January 2016: @HiddenTara @TheRebelTV if we lose the case I hope I can run to America and stay with you before they catch me <3
- 10 January 2016: Gregory Alan Elliott verdict is on the 22nd! Will be flying to Toronto to report for @TheRebelTV on the fate of free speech in Canada!
- 8 January 2016: @noleforjustice @MarkAWebster1 right so were just going to pretend her text messages to him didn't exist.
- 8 January 2016: >performance art: IMPORTANT EXAMPLE OF REAL RAPE >100's of rape reports: RIGHT WING RACIST PLOT
- 7 January 2016: @oliverbcampbell Pickles got extremely sick for a month, I thought he was going to die. He's now all better!
- 6 January 2016: "Tumblr is melting down over a shirt Oscar Isaac wore 5 years ago" he looks handsome in it!
- 30 December 2015: @Sargon_of_Akkad @JustinTrudeau it is [current year] + 1. We got this sorted out.
- 30 December 2015: Sorry little girl, you can't grow up to be a Mary Sue.
- 30 December 2015: @WhiteGenocideTM @bendiestraw @RevengeBeSwift look, to me saying "white genocide" is like saying "rape culture" - fear mongering.
- 30 December 2015: @bendiestraw @RevengeBeSwift and saying "White Genocide" is the absolute worst way to go about it. 2/2
- 30 December 2015: @bendiestraw @RevengeBeSwift if you want people to care about the loss of European culture and tradition, going into comment sections 1/2
- 30 December 2015: @Vernaculis no, I skimmed the first chapter of Mein Kampf and pledged my allegiance to Doritos though.
- 30 December 2015: @Vernaculis muh white genocide tho.
- 30 December 2015: Bleach or Drano, which one should I drink.
- 29 December 2015:
- 29 December 2015: @BookOfTamara thank you 💕
- 29 December 2015: @shoe0nhead I'm jealous of your OCD
- 29 December 2015: @shoe0nhead "semi-formal" basically means my entire closet is ending up on the floor & I need 2 hours to dress.
- 29 December 2015: @shoe0nhead plz, I don't understand how to woman.
- 29 December 2015: I need this guide for ladies asap.
- 27 December 2015: #GamerGate
- 16 December 2015: NEW VIDEO: Is games marketing really sexist? #GamerGate
- 10 December 2015: @MrNashington good talk. :^)
- 9 December 2015: @s_munsey "reputation" - narrative for being the most intolerant.
- 9 December 2015: @henry_HC United States Code/Title 8/Chapter 12/Subchapter 2/Section 1182(f)
- 9 December 2015: Oh no, what happened to your narrative? #Trump
- 6 December 2015: Come midnight the 1st of January, progressivism gets struck down by Sam Hyde himself. #Its2016
- 5 December 2015: When your campus is bigger than your space for free speech, you have a problem.
- 3 December 2015: @goatinatophat haha yes I did. I hate them for personal reasons not political, alcohol hasn't had an effect on friends/family of mine.
- 3 December 2015: @GSD_SteVB same with irresponsible people with guns. I hate drugs, but the war on them has been a massive failure.
- 3 December 2015: @GillesDanielUK @neontaster I don't disagree. Which is why I think they should be discouraged, but banning has not worked.
- 3 December 2015: @ReturnofQuinns I will say, I don't see it as often as the "ban guns" one.
- 3 December 2015: @MikePMoney I hate drugs, I just acknowledge the war on them has been an utter failure like prohibition of alcohol.
- 3 December 2015: Liberal - "Prohibition works for guns but not drugs" Conservative - "Prohibition works for drugs but not guns"
- 2 December 2015: When was the last time a man made a false rape accusation? I'll wait....
- 26 November 2015: @martian_munk @Nero why did you repost my picture of Pickles?
- 26 November 2015: @Nero I've had at least 4 people mistake this video for me taking you out for drinks.
- 26 November 2015: @Nero 😢
- 26 November 2015: @JoshLeCash yeah I took him out for drinks. 😊
- 26 November 2015: Thirsty.
- 25 November 2015: @teddyspaghetti Interesting, yeah Cherie is just my middle name.
- 25 November 2015: I unlocked my insta, it's mostly just selfies and Pickles though: Laurencheriie ✨🐁🐡
- 25 November 2015: @tariqnasheed I agree, that Obama has done more to hurt race relations than help them. I don't think it was intentional though.
- 25 November 2015: The president of the United States.
- 22 November 2015: I really think @Sargon_of_Akkad summed up Steph Guthrie perfectly. #FreedomOfTweets
- 22 November 2015: @JMEDilevilir haha yeah I think he was the one who said it i the stream!
- 22 November 2015: #FreedomOfTweets stream - we should start calling safe spaces "minority corners"
- 21 November 2015: @no_good_cripple too late.
- 21 November 2015: @RIP_Adamant @PartyTimeMentat @amirightfolks she has her tweets protected though. Don't tag her too much, she may sue you.
- 21 November 2015: Utterly insane excerpt from the #FreedomOfTweets court documents found here:
- 19 November 2015: If we raise 25k before the #FreedomOfTweets stream @nero will sing the Canadian anthem live!
- 19 November 2015: #FreedomOfTweets Campaign Announcement!
- 19 November 2015: @Emmuel_Reyes
- 19 November 2015: #InternationalMensDay
- 15 November 2015: @markalexmclenna @54cermak @JustinTrudeau nahh pot isn't for me, but I also don't think we should be putting people in jail for smoking it.
- 15 November 2015: You don't get an option peasants.
- 15 November 2015: @54cermak I know the feel as a libertarian.
- 4 November 2015: @TomsAllende HAhahahha
- 4 November 2015: The progressive dictionary explained.
- 4 November 2015:
- 1 November 2015: @markwhaney why am I not surprised.
- 1 November 2015:
- 26 October 2015: Watch and learn, this is how we win the culture war. 10/10
- 24 October 2015: @spinosauruskin @TheNonStapClap yes, patreon/imdefinitleynotbuyingamotorcyclewiththisfund
- 24 October 2015: @TheNonStapClap patreon shekels are the only thing that can help me now. Critical condition.
- 24 October 2015: Send help @googleideas I'm digitally bleeding everywhere. Very serious digital attack, cannot find power button.
- 23 October 2015: Oh.
- 16 October 2015: I laughed too. :)
- 15 October 2015: Brave student speaks up and refuses consent classes. He doesn't need lessons on not raping:
- 14 October 2015: @_ThatGuyT @mattyice2ish good, stop @shoe0nhead from blowing our budget on rabbits.
- 14 October 2015: @andrewgleason you are definitely press secretary.
- 14 October 2015: @shoe0nhead
- 14 October 2015: @FScorpion678 @amazingatheist he can be a governor?
- 14 October 2015: @freespeechgamer shhhhhh
- 14 October 2015: How long would our country last?
- 13 October 2015: @JustLaurenB this^
- 13 October 2015: @amyvoce @mashable so important & relevant that it doesn't exist. Wage gap comes down to different hours worked, degrees earned & positions.
- 13 October 2015: Jennifer Lawrence, upset she's only a millionaire and not a billionaire. So much oppression:
- 13 October 2015: @Canadian_Retard I'm talking with the paper, hoping to remove a few things and still have it published, we shall see I sent them an email :)
- 12 October 2015: @TomsAllende 2
- 12 October 2015: @altWilliam of course, it will cause "unecessary controversy" lol.
- 12 October 2015: @CalVeatch I'll get it uploaded somewhere and post it on my twitter.
- 12 October 2015: @agirlbehindyou going to fight back a little, but if I fail I'll publish it somewhere else :)
- 12 October 2015: My campus newspaper just refused to publish an article I wrote on "The Importance of Offending Others" and free speech. Expected it tbh.
- 8 October 2015: @MBellec It's real.
- 7 October 2015: This can't be real.
- 6 October 2015: If men protected their "safe spaces" like feminists do:
- 6 October 2015: @Oneiorosgrip I'm sure I'll be seeing you there ;)
- 5 October 2015: Well, as long as I'm not banned from 4chan I'm fine. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- 5 October 2015: "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."
- 4 October 2015: @Nero has arrived.
- 4 October 2015: @TrueNugget @rsmccain @Nero that's just event security before the LAPD showed up, they'll be in the videos though!
- 3 October 2015: #amberroseslutwalk @Nero
- 3 October 2015: #amberroseslutwalk sorry about all the triggering journalism.
- 3 October 2015: @Nero and I with our lovely signs at the #AmberRoseSlutWalk before being ejected by the LAPD.
- 3 October 2015: #amberroseslutwalk w/ @Nero @LibertarianBlue
- 2 October 2015: Lunch with @LibertarianBlue !
- 2 October 2015: @omegajimes I bought Milo and Allum maple syrup. Don't tell them.
- 2 October 2015: @Prealanthor one day. 😊
- 2 October 2015:
✈️ On my way to #trigger LA! 💕 can't wait to meet you all at the #GG meetup. - 27 September 2015: @Astojap unfortunately yes.
- 27 September 2015: @Astojap Not allowed to talk about it or I could get in trouble :/
- 27 September 2015: @Astojap :)
- 27 September 2015:
- 20 September 2015: @TakumiFRS Apparently I'm Jewish and that's a problem. xD
- 20 September 2015: LOL, go back to Stormfront.
- 20 September 2015: @biscuitahoy needs red hair and problem glasses, otherwise pretty accurate. ;)
- 19 September 2015: @ProfPlatypus aweee, thank you! Did you make the bird :)?
- 19 September 2015: @matt60606 @I_AM_IRON_VAN @xZ314159265 we will have plenty of time to prepare and spread the word ;)
- 19 September 2015: @jennithepooh041 @I_AM_IRON_VAN @xZ314159265 💕 thanks!
- 19 September 2015: @I_AM_IRON_VAN @xZ314159265 that would be fantastic! A save the date - March 9th. Tweet it at me and I'll share it :)
- 19 September 2015: @chasedetari they can't put us all in jail 😊.... I think.
- 19 September 2015: @freespeechgamer put it in your calendar! I'll be sure to remind everyone :)
- 19 September 2015: #TheTriggering will take place on March 9th the day after international Women's day and the day before Osama Bin Laden's Birthday.
- 19 September 2015: Can we start a day called "The Triggering" where everyone just posts "offensive" things on their social media in defense of free speech?
- 9 September 2015: @4_tune_kookie Pickles actually is trans xD I didn't realize he was a girl and he's 2 now.... sooooo he's keeping his male pronouns.
- 9 September 2015: @4_tune_kookie he's got a broken foot at the moment, can't be picking him up for photo-shoots atm :/
- 9 September 2015: Listen though, Samus is trans.
- 8 September 2015: @SubjectZeroRG @BASSFZz my expression really changes how old I look, these were taken the same year lol:
- 8 September 2015: @BASSFZz no one asked for my age, so I was judged on merit. :)
- 8 September 2015: @BASSFZz 20 :)
- 5 September 2015: @spinzig
- 5 September 2015: Damn pirates.
- 4 September 2015: @The_Nimbus_ @CFLancop nahh, not even a little bit ;)
- 3 September 2015: @TheAddictedDuck
- 3 September 2015: @turbofaggots I'm lazy, please don't call them xD
- 3 September 2015: When all your friends decided to get real degrees and you chose poli sci.
- 31 August 2015: Almost ready for Women's Studies.
- 28 August 2015: @PhillySteve5 @LibertarianBlue Glad I could help :)!
- 28 August 2015: NEW VIDEO - You might be a "cultural libertarian" if... via @LibertarianBlue
- 8 August 2015: @shoe0nhead Yes, I make sure to get my daily reminder from Jezebel that I should be crying about -air conditioning, men sitting, life.. Etc.
- 6 August 2015: @evandelshaw thank you for sparing your privileged white male tears for us women whose feels tell us we are limited :)
- 6 August 2015: @RickyMuncy they never include me in these "studies" :(
- 6 August 2015: @gallifreyan thank you.
- 6 August 2015: @TeddyBIsMyHomie LOL.
- 6 August 2015: Ok that's enough, can somebody tell me where tf #likeagirl got this statistic:
- 29 July 2015: @erin_lauber are we RP'ing now? ;)
- 29 July 2015: @erin_lauber
- 17 July 2015: @CaptHaddock83 @dingl_ @amirightfolks @LadySnarksalot @paisleyrae thank you!
- 17 July 2015: @HoneyBadgerBite
- 17 July 2015: #IStandWithGregoryElliott
- 12 July 2015: @SummonerRydia @Fuegofandango @mrsirbatty @NYGovCuomo I would buy a gun to defend myself on campus, but that would be victim shaming.
- 12 July 2015: Good to know the people passing bills regarding sexual assault know their facts. Oh wait.
- 9 July 2015: @BillHun85707092 the party did not do this to me, it was a few members of leadership. I have been assured it won't happen again :)
- 9 July 2015: @I_Am_A_Number I will have to start working on my personal EDA now that I have been reinstated. I will keep you posted, thank you!
- 8 July 2015: @HoneyBadgerBite I would love to :) DM me the details!
- 8 July 2015: Officially reinstated as a candidate for the Libertarian Party of Canada. Thank you everyone for your support! :)
- 4 July 2015: @greyaesthetic I was wondering when people would find these. xD
- 2 July 2015: @mombot @MarkBurnison @LibertarianBlue Oh.
- 26 June 2015: @ryanklang @lizzyf620 My thoughts exactly.
- 26 June 2015: @lizzyf620 The leadership seems to think being PC will help the party. I disagree, but it's up to them. I can help liberty in my own way :)
- 26 June 2015: @Korig @aldershot8008 @SubjectZeroRG LOL. I'll make my hedgehog the PM.
- 26 June 2015: @aldershot8008 @SubjectZeroRG Honestly a Sega Genesis could do a better job than a lot of our politicians lol.
- 26 June 2015: @Sparx10 Not with the party's current move to be politically correct, I wouldn't fit in there unfortunately.
- 25 June 2015: @OneShotKi11 @aldershot8008 Hmmm Eagles or Polar Bears. Tempting.
- 25 June 2015: @aldershot8008 I am having a conversation with the leader of the party soon, things may not be over don't worry :)
- 25 June 2015: Yes I have been removed as a candidate, no I won't back down in fighting for liberty and against radical feminists ;)
- 14 June 2015: @QuackyQuacky1 @crapezous Thank you :)
- 14 June 2015: @crapezous Nah, people just started name calling and stopped debating so I ended the thing.
- 14 June 2015:
- 12 June 2015: @Lordoomer @YouTube
- 12 June 2015: What Really Happened At The Vancouver Slut Walk via @YouTube
- 1 June 2015: @MisterMetokur Shadvic wanted to say hi.
- 23 May 2015: @willfull19 Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust, my grandparents escaped the Nazi's in Denmark & lost everything.
- 14 May 2015: Trying to pay the bills and tuition, apparently they don't accept white privilege cards. Damn. #privilege