The Template Method Pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class, allowing subclasses to override specific steps of the algorithm without changing its structure.
abstract class BookProcessor
public function __construct(protected string $title) {}
public function process(): void
protected function start(): void
echo "Printing: {$this->title}";
abstract protected function bind(): void;
protected function publish(): void
echo "Publishing: {$this->title}";
class HardcoverProcessor extends BookProcessor
protected function bind(): void
echo "Hardcover binding: {$this->title}";
class PaperbackProcessor extends BookProcessor
protected function bind(): void
echo "Paperback binding: {$this->title}";
$hardcoverProcessor = new HardcoverProcessor("The Hobbit");
$paperbackProcessor = new PaperbackProcessor("The Martian");
Printing: The Hobbit
Hardcover binding: The Hobbit
Publishing: The Hobbit
Printing: The Martian
Paperback binding: The Martian
Publishing: The Martian