title |
NVIM wishlist |
- Installable with 1 command from external VCS? (non-auth)
- Boostrappable plugin installer
- Boostrappable lsp installer
- Boostrappable Treesitter
Try LSPSaga for improved searches/code actions: https://github.com/nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim
Get old luasnips in
- Terraform snippets
- All from within NVIM
- scriptable based on keymaps if possible (maybe bash/python)
- Merge base
- Include jira ticket
- update tfmodules after merge
- optional: nice ui (lazygit)
- check out:
- 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
- 'tpope/vim-rhubarb'
- kdheepak/lazygit.nvim
- gitsigns
- select jump to next/prev (on its own button)
- Evaluate mini surround
Treesitter context line make it side scroll with the buffer
Get gqq to work
Make telescope search work on hidden and non-git files
Get used to jump forward to next textobject eg: ci) or ci" and targets.vim
Find or create plugin for coloring parens and quotes depending on their distance from the cursor eg: 1st ([{}]) are red, second, blue, teal, purple yellow orange green pink grey lightblue darkgreen brown (wc3 colors)