To run this on WebPageTest:
- Go to
- Enter a URL
- Paste webpagetest/capo.js in the
tab under advanced settings
On the Details pags of the results, you can extract the actual sort order from the capo
object. For example, here are the results for
"[\"███████████\",10,\"META[name=\\\"viewport\\\"][content=\\\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"LINK[rel=\\\"shortcut icon\\\"][href=\\\"/static/images/favicon.ico\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[name=\\\"description\\\"][content=\\\"The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[property=\\\"og:title\\\"][content=\\\"The 2022 Web Almanac\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[property=\\\"og:description\\\"][content=\\\"The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[name=\\\"twitter:title\\\"][content=\\\"The 2022 Web Almanac\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[name=\\\"twitter:image:alt\\\"][content=\\\"The 2022 Web Almanac\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"META[name=\\\"twitter:description\\\"][content=\\\"The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"LINK[rel=\\\"me\\\"][href=\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\"]\"]",
"[\"█\",0,\"LINK[rel=\\\"alternate\\\"][type=\\\"application/rss+xml\\\"][title=\\\"Web Almanac by HTTP Archive RSS (en)\\\"][href=\\\"/en/rss.xml\\\"]\"]",