CircleCI Orbs are shareable packages of configuration elements, including jobs, commands, and executors. CircleCI provides certified orbs, along with 3rd-party orbs authored by CircleCI partners. It is best practice to first evaluate whether any of these existing orbs will help you in your configuration workflow. Refer to the CircleCI Orbs Registry for the complete list of certified orbs.
Before using orbs, you may find it helpful to understand the various design decisions and methodologies that were used when these orbs were designed. Orbs were designed with the following considerations:
Orbs are transparent - If you can execute an orb, you and anyone else can view the source of that orb.
Metadata is available - Every key can include a description key and an orb may include a description at the top level.
Production orbs are always semantic versioned (semver’d) - CircleCI allows development orbs that have versions that start with dev:.
Production orbs are immutable - Once an orb has been published to a semantic version, the orb cannot be changed. This prevents unexpected breakage or changing behaviors in core orchestration
One registry (per install) - Each installation of CircleCI, including, has only one registry where orbs can be kept.
Orbs consist of the following elements:
- Commands
- Jobs
- Executors
You can read about each of this features here
If you have chosen to use CircleCI orbs in your workflows and jobs, there are several different ways that you use orbs. You may choose to either import an existing orb (CircleCI and partner-certified orbs) from the CircleCI Orb Registry, or author your own orb for your specific workflow. Each of these approaches is described below.
To import an existing orb, perform the steps listed below.
Check version in your config
must be2.1
or more and you must enable “pipelines” to use the orbs key. -
Add the
below your version. For example:
version: 2.1
slack: circleci/[email protected]
heroku: circleci/[email protected]
Before using the orb, you need to read the documentation for use which can be found on the main page of the orb
example of usage:
version: 2.1
hello-build: circleci/[email protected]
- hello-build/hello-build
In the CircleCI app Settings page for your project, pipelines must be enabled (default is to be ON for all new projects).
You need to set your API token in
User settings -> Personal API token
Note: after creating the token, you can see it only once.
To create orbs you need to setup the CircleCI CLI.
How to setup circleci CLI you can see here
Run in your console:
circleci setup
After running this command you need to set your API token and host (default "")
Note: before running this command you need to create an API token in the UI
After setup host and API token you can to check your configurated CLI.
circleci diagnostic
CircleCI CLI Diagnostics
Debugger mode: false
Config found: /Users/<username>/.circleci/cli.yml
API host:
API endpoint: graphql-unstable
OK, got a token.
Trying an introspection query on API...
Hello, <your name>.
You need to go into the UI settings of your organization and allow the use of not certified orbs
Orbs are stored under specific namespaces. Before creating an orb, you need to create a namespace or use the existing one.
for create namespace run this command:
circleci namespace create <name> <VCS> <organization>
for creating orb run:
circleci orb create <namespace>/<orb>
sample of orb:
version: 2.1
description: "A very simple command for demonstration purposes"
type: string
default: "Hello World"
- run: echo << >>
After that you need to validate the orb you wrote. To do this, run the command:
circleci orb validate <path to your created orb>
To use the orb you need to publish it on circleci. Run this command:
circleci orb publish <path> <namespace>/<orb>@<version>
We also created our own simple orb for saving and restoring cache - kolyanjy/save_and_restore_cache.
version: 2.1
save_and_restore_cache: kolyanjy/[email protected]
executor: default
- checkout
- save_and_restore_cache/take-cache:
key: 'repo-bundle-v2'