diff --git a/R/known_tags.R b/R/known_tags.R
index b225100e..4f298f66 100644
--- a/R/known_tags.R
+++ b/R/known_tags.R
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ known_tags <- c(
"code", # html
"col", # html
"colgroup", # html
- "color-profile", # svg
- "command", #
+ "color-profile", # deprecated
+ "command", # deprecated
"data", # html
"datalist", # html
"dd", # html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"ellipse", # svg
"em", # html
"embed", # html
- "eventsource", #
+ "eventsource", # deprecated
"feBlend", # svg
"feColorMatrix", # svg
"feComponentTransfer",# svg
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"hatchpath", # svg
"head", # html
"header", # html
- "hgroup", # html
+ "hgroup", # deprecated
"hr", # html
"html", # html
"i", # html
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"input", # html
"ins", # html
"kbd", # html
- "keygen", #
+ "keygen", # deprecated
"label", # html
"legend", # html
"li", # html
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"mark", # html
"marker", # svg
"mask", # svg
+ "math", # html
"menu", # html
"meta", # html
"metadata", # svg
@@ -130,15 +131,16 @@ known_tags <- c(
"picture", # html
"polygon", # svg
"polyline", # svg
+ "portal", # html
"pre", # html
"progress", # html
"q", # html
"radialGradient", # svg
- "rb", # html
+ "rb", # deprecated
"rect", # svg
"rp", # html
"rt", # html
- "rtc", # html
+ "rtc", # deprecated
"ruby", # html
"s", # html
"samp", # html
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"set", # svg
"slot", # html
"small", # html
- "solidcolor", # svg
+ "solidcolor", # deprecated
"source", # html
"span", # html
"stop", # svg
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ known_tags <- c(
"sub", # html
"summary", # html
"sup", # html
- "svg", # svg
+ "svg", # html svg
"switch", # svg
"symbol", # svg
"table", # html
diff --git a/scripts/generate_known_tags.R b/scripts/generate_known_tags.R
index 96d82cac..6a815517 100644
--- a/scripts/generate_known_tags.R
+++ b/scripts/generate_known_tags.R
@@ -3,47 +3,77 @@
## This script web scrapes two Mozilla websites for HTML and SVG tag elements.
## All HTML tags
+# Note: Mozilla seems to have a more up to date set of what is possible / not obsolete compared to W3 schools
+base_url <- "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web"
+html_tag_dfs <- read_html(file.path(base_url, "HTML", "Element")) %>%
+ html_table()
+# The last table is obsolete/deprecated elements
+n_dfs <- length(html_tag_dfs)
+html_tags_df <- html_tag_dfs[-n_dfs] %>%
+ bind_rows() %>%
+ # h1-h6 all appear in one comma-separated row
+ mutate(name = strsplit(Element, ", ")) %>%
+ tidyr::unnest(name) %>%
+ select(Element = name, Description) %>%
+ transmute(
+ name = sub("^<", "", sub(">$", "", Element)),
+ desc = paste(
+ Description, "Learn more at",
+ file.path(base_url, "HTML", "Element", name)
+ )
+ )
+svg <- read_html(file.path(base_url, "SVG", "Element"))
+# Due to a lack of structure on the SVG page,
+# this seems to be the best way to target just
+# the hyperlinks under the "SVG elements A to Z" section
+svg_tags <- lapply(letters, function(x) {
+ html_elements(svg, sprintf("h3[id=%s] + div > ul > li > a", x)) %>%
+ html_attr("href") %>%
+ basename()
+# TODO: evenetually it might be nice to also scrape
+# the descriptions by following the url
+svg_tags_df <- tibble(
+ name = unlist(svg_tags),
+ desc = sprintf(
+ "Creates the <%s> SVG element. Learn more at %s",
+ name, file.path(base_url, "SVG", "Element", name)
+ )
-get_tags <- function(url, css) {
- url %>%
- httr::GET() %>%
- httr::content() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes(css) %>%
- rvest::html_text() %>%
- sub("^<", "", .) %>%
- sub(">$", "", .) %>%
- sort() %>%
- unique() %>%
- print()
-## W3 Schools
-## Mozilla seemed to have a more up to date set of what is possible / not obsolete
-# w3html_tags <- get_tags("https://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp", "#htmltags tr td:first-child a:not(.notsupported)")
-## Had extra tags not seen in other places `altGlyph`
-# w3svg_tags <- get_tags("https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_reference.asp", "#main td:first-child")
-## W3 Standard
-# # The original spec websites made it very hard to determine what was obsolete / shouldn't be used and what was to be used
-# html_tags <- get_tags("https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-html53-20181018/single-page.html", "dfn[data-dfn-type='element']")
-# svg_tags <- get_tags("https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/single-page.html", "dfn[data-dfn-type='element']")
+# Save a JSON version so other languages can read them in easily
+ jsonlite::toJSON(html_tags_df),
+ file = "scripts/html_tags.json"
-## Mozilla
-# do not include the last section of obsolete tags
-html_tags <- get_tags("https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element", "article table:not(:last-child) td:first-child code")
-# html_tags_obsolete <- get_tags("https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element", "#content table:last-child td:first-child a")
+ jsonlite::toJSON(svg_tags_df),
+ file = "scripts/svg_tags.json"
-# do not include tags that do not contain documentation articles
-# Only pull from the index, as elements not in the index are considered obsolete. (ex: altGlyph or font-face)
-svg_tags <- get_tags("https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element", "article .index a:not([rel='nofollow']) code")
+html_tags <- html_tags_df$name
+svg_tags <- svg_tags_df$name
# Both SVG2 and HTML5
svg_tags[svg_tags %in% html_tags]
+#> [1] "a" "script" "style" "svg" "title"
+new_tags <- c(svg_tags, html_tags) %>%
+ unique() %>%
+ sort()
# Call using callr::r to avoid any devtools loaded htmltools::tags namespace issues
cran_tags <- callr::r(
@@ -54,27 +84,43 @@ cran_tags <- callr::r(
show = TRUE
-new_tags <- c(svg_tags, html_tags) %>% unique() %>% sort()
# tags which should not HTML5 / SVG2 supported
setdiff(cran_tags, new_tags)
-#> "command" "eventsource" "keygen"
+#> [1] "color-profile" "command" "eventsource" "hgroup"
+#> [5] "keygen" "rb" "rtc" "solidcolor"
# New HTML5 tags
setdiff(html_tags, cran_tags)
-#> "rb" "rtc" "slot"
+#> "portal" "math"
# New SVG2 tags
setdiff(svg_tags, cran_tags)
-### ...basically all svg tags
+#> character(0)
# combine old and new tags so that old tags are not lost
-save_tags <- c(new_tags, cran_tags) %>% unique() %>% sort()
+save_tags <- c(new_tags, cran_tags) %>%
+ unique() %>%
+ sort()
save_line <- paste0(
- format(paste0(" \"", save_tags, "\"", ifelse(seq_along(save_tags) == length(save_tags), "", ",")), justify = "left"), "#",
- ifelse(save_tags %in% html_tags, " html", " "),
- ifelse(save_tags %in% svg_tags, " svg", "")
+ format(
+ paste0(
+ " \"", save_tags, "\"",
+ ifelse(
+ seq_along(save_tags) == length(save_tags),
+ "", ","
+ )
+ ),
+ justify = "left"
+ ),
+ "#",
+ case_when(
+ save_tags %in% html_tags & save_tags %in% svg_tags ~ " html svg",
+ save_tags %in% html_tags ~ " html",
+ save_tags %in% svg_tags ~ " svg",
+ TRUE ~ " deprecated"
+ )
) %>%
sub("\\s+$", "", .)
diff --git a/scripts/html_tags.json b/scripts/html_tags.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ffaf301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/html_tags.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[{"name":"html","desc":"The HTML element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element. Learn more at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/html"},{"name":"base","desc":"The