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Willi Raschkowski edited this page Sep 17, 2016 · 19 revisions



For anything to work, you need an access token. Ask one of the helpers, they'll give you one. The base url for all requests is

So if you see a request url below, something like /openapi/vbb-proxy/, think

Getting the stops


Say you want a list of stops for a query 'rosenthaler'. This is how you get it:

/openapi/vbb-proxy/  // '' is the name of the service
	input=rosenthaler&  // 'rosenthaler' is your input
	format=json&  // this sets the format to 'json' (as opposed to xml)
	accessId=ACCESS_TOKEN&  // put the access token here
	type=S  // use 'S' to search for stations only


What you get is a JS object as a json file. It contains a property called stopLocationOrCoordLocation whose value is an array that contains the stations.

  "stopLocationOrCoordLocation": [
      "StopLocation": {
        "LocationNotes": {
          "LocationNote": [
            { "value": "Aufzug", "key": "AT", "type": "A" },
            { "value": "Blindenleitstreifen", "key": "BL", "type": "A" },
            { "value": "Fahrt für Touch&Travel zugelassen", "key": "TT", "type": "A" }
        "id": "A=1@O=U Rosenthaler Platz (Berlin)@X=13401397@Y=52529778@U=86@L=009100023@B=1@V=3.9,@p=1474013583@",
        "extId": "009100023",
        "name": "U Rosenthaler Platz (Berlin)",
        "lon": 13.401397,
        "lat": 52.529778,
        "weight": 13290,
        "products": 14
      "StopLocation": {
        "LocationNotes": {
          "LocationNote": [
            { "value": "Fahrt für Touch&Travel zugelassen", "key": "TT", "type": "A" }
        "id": "A=1@O=Rosenthaler Str. (Berlin)@X=13433093@Y=52595857@U=86@L=009134501@B=1@V=3.9,@p=1474013583@",
        "extId": "009134501",
        "name": "Rosenthaler Str. (Berlin)",
        "lon": 13.433093,
        "lat": 52.595857,
        "weight": 1872,
        "products": 12
  "serverVersion": "1.7-SNAPSHOT",
  "dialectVersion": "1.23"
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