From 1b81a366137bc2cd53af100a27220059ed36fce5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dongdong Kong <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 08:48:45 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] reduce warnings of R CMD check

 DESCRIPTION               |  6 ++--
 NAMESPACE                 | 14 ++++++---                   |  5 +++
 R/GOF.R                   | 66 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/colorbar_triangle.R     |  2 ++
 R/geom_prcpRunoff.R       |  4 +--
 R/gg.layers-package.R     | 32 ++++++++++++-------
 R/layer_statistic.R       | 46 ++++++++++++++-------------
 R/stat_gof.R              |  5 ++-
 R/stat_prob_2d.R          |  3 ++
 R/stat_signPattern.R      |  2 ++
 R/str_format.R            |  3 ++
 man/GOF.Rd                | 14 ++++-----
 man/colourbar_triangle.Rd |  3 ++
 man/geom_taylor.Rd        |  1 +
 man/stat_gof.Rd           | 14 +++++++++
 man/stat_prob_2d.Rd       |  2 ++
 man/stat_signPattern.Rd   |  3 ++
 man/str_mk.Rd             |  4 +++
 19 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

index e46b711..3225a92 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: gg.layers
 Title: ggplot layers
-Version: 0.1.1
+Version: 0.1.2
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Dongdong", "Kong", role = c("aut", "cre"), 
          email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1836-8172")))
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Imports:
     testthat (>= 3.0.0),
-    data.table,
+    scales,
     sf, stars, raster,
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ Config/testthat/edition: 3
 VignetteBuilder: knitr
 LazyData: true
 Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
+RoxygenNote: 7.3.0
index 175b3c4..6e53e0b 100644
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ export(label_num)
@@ -149,6 +148,7 @@ import(magrittr)
@@ -187,6 +187,10 @@ importFrom(ggpp,geom_text_npc)
@@ -196,21 +200,23 @@ importFrom(grid,unit)
diff --git a/ b/
index 4cea85a..50511c9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+# gg.layers 0.1.2
+- fix `st_hatched_polygon` for `MULTIPOLYGON`
+- reduce R cmd check warnings
 # gg.layers 0.1.0
 * Added a `` file to track changes to the package.
diff --git a/R/GOF.R b/R/GOF.R
index f6d9209..7f29c1b 100644
--- a/R/GOF.R
+++ b/R/GOF.R
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 #' Good of fitting
-#' @param yobs Numeric vector, observations
-#' @param ysim Numeric vector, corresponding simulated values
+#' @param obs Numeric vector, observations
+#' @param sim Numeric vector, corresponding simulated values
 #' @param w Numeric vector, weights of every points. If w included, when
 #' calculating mean, Bias, MAE, RMSE and NSE, w will be taken into considered.
 #' @param If true, cv will be included.
@@ -30,31 +30,31 @@
 #' 4. Zhang Xiaoyang (2015),
 #' @examples
-#' yobs = rnorm(100)
-#' ysim = yobs + rnorm(100)/4
-#' GOF(yobs, ysim)
+#' obs = rnorm(100)
+#' sim = obs + rnorm(100)/4
+#' GOF(obs, sim)
 #' @importFrom dplyr tibble
 #' @export
-GOF <- function(yobs, ysim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE){
-    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(yobs))
+GOF <- function(obs, sim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE){
+    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(obs))
-    # remove NA_real_ and Inf values in ysim, yobs and w
+    # remove NA_real_ and Inf values in sim, obs and w
     valid <- function(x) ! & is.finite(x)
-    I <- which(valid(ysim) & valid(yobs) & valid(w))
-    # n_obs <- length(yobs)
+    I <- which(valid(sim) & valid(obs) & valid(w))
+    # n_obs <- length(obs)
     n_sim <- length(I)
-    ysim <- ysim[I]
-    yobs <- yobs[I]
+    sim <- sim[I]
+    obs <- obs[I]
     w     <- w[I]
     if ( {
-        CV_obs <- cv_coef(yobs, w)
-        CV_sim <- cv_coef(ysim, w)
+        CV_obs <- cv_coef(obs, w)
+        CV_sim <- cv_coef(sim, w)
-    if (is_empty(yobs)){
+    if (is_empty(obs)){
         out <- c(RMSE = NA_real_, 
             KGE = NA_real_,
             NSE = NA_real_, MAE = NA_real_, AI = NA_real_,
@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ GOF <- function(yobs, ysim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE){
     # R2: the portion of regression explained variance, also known as
     # coefficient of determination
-    KGE = KGE(ysim, yobs)
+    KGE = KGE(sim, obs)
-    y_mean <- sum(yobs * w) / sum(w)
+    y_mean <- sum(obs * w) / sum(w)
-    SSR    <- sum( (ysim - y_mean)^2 * w)
-    SST    <- sum( (yobs - y_mean)^2 * w)
+    SSR    <- sum( (sim - y_mean)^2 * w)
+    SST    <- sum( (obs - y_mean)^2 * w)
     # R2     <- SSR / SST
-    RE     <- ysim - yobs
+    RE     <- sim - obs
     Bias   <- sum ( w*RE)     /sum(w)                     # bias
     Bias_perc <- Bias/y_mean                              # bias percentage
     MAE    <- sum ( w*abs(RE))/sum(w)                     # mean absolute error
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ GOF <- function(yobs, ysim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE){
         pvalue <- NA_real_
-            cor.obj <- cor.test(yobs, ysim, use = "complete.obs")
+            cor.obj <- cor.test(obs, sim, use = "complete.obs")
             R       <- cor.obj$estimate[[1]]
             pvalue  <- cor.obj$p.value
         }, error = function(e){
@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ GOF <- function(yobs, ysim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE){
         R2 = R^2
     # In Linear regression, R2 = R^2 (R is pearson cor)
-    # R2     <- summary(lm(ysim ~ yobs))$r.squared # low efficient
+    # R2     <- summary(lm(sim ~ obs))$r.squared # low efficient
     # AI: Agreement Index (only good values(w==1) calculate AI)
     AI <- NA_real_
     I2 <- which(w == 1)
     if (length(I2) >= 2) {
-        yobs = yobs[I2]
-        ysim = ysim[I2]
-        y_mean = mean(yobs)
-        AI = 1 - sum( (ysim - yobs)^2 ) / sum( (abs(ysim - y_mean) + abs(yobs - y_mean))^2 )
+        obs = obs[I2]
+        sim = sim[I2]
+        y_mean = mean(obs)
+        AI = 1 - sum( (sim - obs)^2 ) / sum( (abs(sim - y_mean) + abs(obs - y_mean))^2 )
     out <- tibble(R, pvalue, R2, NSE, KGE, RMSE, MAE, 
@@ -138,20 +138,20 @@ KGE <- function(obs, sim, w = c(1, 1, 1), ...) {
 #' @rdname GOF
 #' @export
-NSE <- function(yobs, ysim, w, ...) {
-    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(yobs))
+NSE <- function(obs, sim, w, ...) {
+    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(obs))
-    ind <- valindex(yobs, ysim)
+    ind <- valindex(obs, sim)
     w <- w[ind]
-    y_mean <- sum(yobs[ind] * w) / sum(w)
+    y_mean <- sum(obs[ind] * w) / sum(w)
     # R2: the portion of regression explained variance, also known as
     # coefficient of determination
-    # SSR <- sum((ysim - y_mean)^2 * w)
-    SST <- sum((yobs[ind] - y_mean)^2 * w)
+    # SSR <- sum((sim - y_mean)^2 * w)
+    SST <- sum((obs[ind] - y_mean)^2 * w)
     # R2     <- SSR / SST
-    RE <- ysim[ind] - yobs[ind]
+    RE <- sim[ind] - obs[ind]
     # Bias <- sum(w * RE) / sum(w) # bias
     # Bias_perc <- Bias / y_mean # bias percentage
     # MAE <- sum(w * abs(RE)) / sum(w) # mean absolute error
diff --git a/R/colorbar_triangle.R b/R/colorbar_triangle.R
index 8cbbd73..f3ec4cb 100644
--- a/R/colorbar_triangle.R
+++ b/R/colorbar_triangle.R
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #' colourbar_triangle
+#' @param ... parameters passed to [ggplot2::guide_colourbar]
 #' @example R/examples/ex-colorbar_triangle.R
 #' @references 
diff --git a/R/geom_prcpRunoff.R b/R/geom_prcpRunoff.R
index 4081d0c..8fa5609 100644
--- a/R/geom_prcpRunoff.R
+++ b/R/geom_prcpRunoff.R
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ theme_dual_axis <- function(col_left = "darkorange", col_right = "blue") {
-#' @importFrom rlang `%||%`
-#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%` `%>%`
+#' @importFrom rlang %||%
+#' @importFrom magrittr %<>% %>%
 #' @importFrom ggplot2 ggproto GeomLine aes layer
 GeomPrcpRunoff <- ggproto(
   "GeomPrcpRunoff", GeomLine,
diff --git a/R/gg.layers-package.R b/R/gg.layers-package.R
index e78a42c..9b084e2 100644
--- a/R/gg.layers-package.R
+++ b/R/gg.layers-package.R
@@ -6,26 +6,34 @@
 #' @import grid magrittr ggplot2
 #' @importFrom gridtext richtext_grob
 #' @importFrom grid gpar
-#' @importFrom stats median approx setNames quantile lm predict cor.test qf
-#' @importFrom dplyr first last tibble 
+#' @importFrom stats median approx setNames quantile lm predict cor.test qf cor sd
+#' @importFrom dplyr first last tibble
+#' @importFrom data.table :=
+#' @importFrom graphics abline par axis polygon
 #' @importFrom utils str
 ## usethis namespace: end
 # ' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_abline
 .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
+  if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
+    utils::globalVariables(
+      c(
+        ".", ".SD", ".N", "..vars"
+      )
+    )
+  }
 #' @keywords internal
-#' @export 
+#' @export
 init_lattice <- function() {
-    # lattice.layers:::`+.trellis`
-    # environment(latticeExtra:::`+.trellis`)
-    suppressWarnings({
-        eval(parse(text = 'environment(draw.colorkey) <- environment(lattice::xyplot)'))  
-        eval(parse(text = 'assignInNamespace("draw.colorkey", draw.colorkey, ns="lattice")'))
-    })
-    # asign_func(draw.colorkey, lattice::draw.colorkey)
-    # invisible()
+  # lattice.layers:::`+.trellis`
+  # environment(latticeExtra:::`+.trellis`)
+  suppressWarnings({
+    eval(parse(text = "environment(draw.colorkey) <- environment(lattice::xyplot)"))
+    eval(parse(text = 'assignInNamespace("draw.colorkey", draw.colorkey, ns="lattice")'))
+  })
+  # asign_func(draw.colorkey, lattice::draw.colorkey)
+  # invisible()
diff --git a/R/layer_statistic.R b/R/layer_statistic.R
index 783d5e4..3b4d205 100644
--- a/R/layer_statistic.R
+++ b/R/layer_statistic.R
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
-#' @export
-layer_statistic <- function(
-  mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
-  x = 0, y = 1, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, family = "Times",
-  digit = 2,
-  color = NULL, ...)
-  fun <- function(data, coords) {
-    l = data$z %>% stat_statistic()
+# #' @export
+# layer_statistic <- function(
+#   mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
+#   x = 0, y = 1, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, family = "Times",
+#   digit = 2,
+#   color = NULL, ...)
+# {
+#   fun <- function(data, coords) {
+#     l = data$z %>% stat_statistic()
-    fmt = glue(" = %.{digit}f ± %.{digit}f")
-    num = sprintf(fmt, l$mean, l$sd)
-    label = eval(substitute(expression(bar(italic(u))*" ± "*italic(sd)~num),
-                            list(num = num)))
+#     fmt = glue(" = %.{digit}f ± %.{digit}f")
+#     num = sprintf(fmt, l$mean, l$sd)
+#     label = eval(substitute(expression(bar(italic(u))*" ± "*italic(sd)~num),
+#                             list(num = num)))
-    element_grob_text(label = label,
-                      x = x, y = y,
-                      vjust = vjust, hjust = hjust, family = family, ...)
-    # richtextGrob(label, x, y, hjust, vjust, mar,
-    #     family = family, fontface = fontface, fontsize = fontsize,
-    #     color = color, ...)
-  }
-  grid_panel(fun, mapping, data)
+#     element_grob_text(label = label,
+#                       x = x, y = y,
+#                       vjust = vjust, hjust = hjust, family = family, ...)
+#     # richtextGrob(label, x, y, hjust, vjust, mar,
+#     #     family = family, fontface = fontface, fontsize = fontsize,
+#     #     color = color, ...)
+#   }
+#   grid_panel(fun, mapping, data)
+# }
+# stat_statistic is missing
diff --git a/R/stat_gof.R b/R/stat_gof.R
index 2a289ed..53118ff 100644
--- a/R/stat_gof.R
+++ b/R/stat_gof.R
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ StatGOF <- ggproto("StatGOF", Stat,
 #' stat_gof
 #' @inheritParams geom_richtext_npc
+#' @param label.format format string for label, default `fmt_gof`
+#' @param show.bias whether to show bias
 #' @return No return. This function is used to calculate data for gglot2 `geom_*`,
 #' just like [ggplot2::stat_smooth()].
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ stat_gof <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
+#' @inheritParams ggplot2::element_text
 #' @rdname stat_gof
 #' @export 
 geom_gof <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
diff --git a/R/stat_prob_2d.R b/R/stat_prob_2d.R
index b18691f..6493eb3 100644
--- a/R/stat_prob_2d.R
+++ b/R/stat_prob_2d.R
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ snake_class = ggplot2:::snake_class
 data_frame0 <- function(...) vctrs::data_frame(..., .name_repair = "minimal")
 #' prob density
+#' @param geom Use to override the default connection between [geom_prob_2d()] and [stat_prob_2d].
 #' @inheritParams ggplot2::stat_density_2d
 #' @example  R/examples/ex-stat_prob_2d.R
 #' @export
diff --git a/R/stat_signPattern.R b/R/stat_signPattern.R
index b647eea..928fdae 100644
--- a/R/stat_signPattern.R
+++ b/R/stat_signPattern.R
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ StatSignPattern <- ggproto("StatSignPattern", StatSf,
 #' stat_signPattern
 #' @inheritParams ggpattern::geom_sf_pattern
+#' @param geom Use to override the default connection between [geom_signPattern()] 
+#' and [stat_signPattern].
 #' @param ... other parameters to [ggpattern::geom_sf_pattern()]
 #' @seealso [ggpattern::geom_sf_pattern()]
diff --git a/R/str_format.R b/R/str_format.R
index 29f17bf..2146862 100644
--- a/R/str_format.R
+++ b/R/str_format.R
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ label_num <- function(fmt = "%.2f") {
   function(x) sprintf(fmt, x)
+#' @param labels character vector
+#' @param ... ignored
 #' @rdname str_mk
 #' @export
 label_mk <- function(labels, ...) {
diff --git a/man/GOF.Rd b/man/GOF.Rd
index 1fe0746..8a5e6d9 100644
--- a/man/GOF.Rd
+++ b/man/GOF.Rd
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
-GOF(yobs, ysim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE)
+GOF(obs, sim, w, = FALSE, include.r = TRUE)
 KGE(obs, sim, w = c(1, 1, 1), ...)
-NSE(yobs, ysim, w, ...)
+NSE(obs, sim, w, ...)
-\item{yobs}{Numeric vector, observations}
+\item{obs}{Numeric vector, observations}
-\item{ysim}{Numeric vector, corresponding simulated values}
+\item{sim}{Numeric vector, corresponding simulated values}
 \item{w}{Numeric vector, weights of every points. If w included, when
 calculating mean, Bias, MAE, RMSE and NSE, w will be taken into considered.}
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ calculate. See details in Zhang et al., (2015).
 Good of fitting
-yobs = rnorm(100)
-ysim = yobs + rnorm(100)/4
-GOF(yobs, ysim)
+obs = rnorm(100)
+sim = obs + rnorm(100)/4
+GOF(obs, sim)
diff --git a/man/colourbar_triangle.Rd b/man/colourbar_triangle.Rd
index f507c84..f43ffee 100644
--- a/man/colourbar_triangle.Rd
+++ b/man/colourbar_triangle.Rd
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
+\item{...}{parameters passed to \link[ggplot2:guide_colourbar]{ggplot2::guide_colourbar}}
diff --git a/man/geom_taylor.Rd b/man/geom_taylor.Rd
index 59cf23d..190cc45 100644
--- a/man/geom_taylor.Rd
+++ b/man/geom_taylor.Rd
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ geom_taylor(
   obs.colour = "black",
   obs.size = 5,
+  show.obs.label = TRUE,
   na.rm = FALSE,
   show.legend = NA,
   inherit.aes = TRUE
diff --git a/man/stat_gof.Rd b/man/stat_gof.Rd
index ca2d6bb..ab1919e 100644
--- a/man/stat_gof.Rd
+++ b/man/stat_gof.Rd
@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@ a warning. If \code{TRUE}, missing values are silently removed.}
 It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics to
+\item{show.bias}{whether to show bias}
+\item{label.format}{format string for label, default \code{fmt_gof}}
+\item{x}{A single number specifying size relative to parent element.}
 \item{inherit.aes}{If \code{FALSE}, overrides the default aesthetics,
 rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions
 that define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from
@@ -105,6 +111,12 @@ to the paired geom/stat.}
 \item{stat}{The statistical transformation to use on the data for this
 layer, as a string.}
+\item{hjust}{Horizontal justification (in \eqn{[0, 1]})}
+\item{vjust}{Vertical justification (in \eqn{[0, 1]})}
+\item{size}{text size in pts.}
 \item{formula}{an object of class \code{"\link[stats]{formula}"} (or one that
     can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the
     model to be fitted.  The details of model specification are given
@@ -113,6 +125,8 @@ layer, as a string.}
 \item{digits}{the number of \emph{significant} digits to be
     passed to \code{\link{format}(\link[stats]{coef}(x), .)} when
+\item{family}{Font family}
 No return. This function is used to calculate data for gglot2 \verb{geom_*},
diff --git a/man/stat_prob_2d.Rd b/man/stat_prob_2d.Rd
index bd1b8e9..8a04bc6 100644
--- a/man/stat_prob_2d.Rd
+++ b/man/stat_prob_2d.Rd
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ the plot data. The return value must be a \code{data.frame}, and
 will be used as the layer data. A \code{function} can be created
 from a \code{formula} (e.g. \code{~ head(.x, 10)}).}
+\item{geom}{Use to override the default connection between \code{\link[=geom_prob_2d]{geom_prob_2d()}} and \link{stat_prob_2d}.}
 \item{position}{Position adjustment, either as a string naming the adjustment
 (e.g. \code{"jitter"} to use \code{position_jitter}), or the result of a call to a
 position adjustment function. Use the latter if you need to change the
diff --git a/man/stat_signPattern.Rd b/man/stat_signPattern.Rd
index 4b0b5f9..7cd8275 100644
--- a/man/stat_signPattern.Rd
+++ b/man/stat_signPattern.Rd
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ the plot data. The return value must be a \code{data.frame}, and
 will be used as the layer data. A \code{function} can be created
 from a \code{formula} (e.g. \code{~ head(.x, 10)}).}
+\item{geom}{Use to override the default connection between \code{\link[=geom_signPattern]{geom_signPattern()}}
+and \link{stat_signPattern}.}
 \item{position}{Position adjustment, either as a string naming the adjustment
 (e.g. \code{"jitter"} to use \code{position_jitter}), or the result of a call to a
 position adjustment function. Use the latter if you need to change the
diff --git a/man/str_mk.Rd b/man/str_mk.Rd
index 9bce10d..70de6a1 100644
--- a/man/str_mk.Rd
+++ b/man/str_mk.Rd
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ label_mk(labels, ...)
 \item{x}{character vector}
+\item{labels}{character vector}
 markdown superscript and subscript