diff --git a/inst/paper/paper.md b/inst/paper/paper.md index 14cb5b6c..c238340b 100644 --- a/inst/paper/paper.md +++ b/inst/paper/paper.md @@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ affiliations: # Summary -The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) publicly provides data via anonymous FTP in XML and json files [@BOM_2017]. The files are well structured but some knowledge of how to use R and parse them is required to extract the data into a data frame for use in R [@R-base]. _bomrang_ provides functionality for automated retrieval and parsing of selected weather data files from BOM. Data that can be fetched include current weather at a given station, daily précis (short summaries less than 30 characters) forecasts for all Australian forecast locations and agricultural bulletins summarising weather observations useful for agriculture for each State/Territory. Three functions, `get_current_weather()`, `get_precis_forecast()` and `get_ag_bulletin()`, provide the ability to easily download data from BOM, import it and create a tidy data frame [@Wickham2014] object of the data. To help identify stations given a specific location, `sweep_for_station()` returns a data frame of all weather stations (in this package) sorted by distance from a user specified latitude and longitude, ascending. A fifth function, `update_precis_locations()`, provides the user with the ability to update an internal database of forecast locations used by the package. The package's internal database of BOM forecast locations decreases the time necessary to gather forecast information and return a data frame, while rarely changing. The data have applications in applied meteorology, agricultural meteorology, agricultural and environmental modelling. +The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) publicly provides data via anonymous FTP in XML and json files [@BOM_2017]. The files are well structured but some knowledge of how to use R and parse them is required to extract the data into a data frame for use in R [@R-base]. _bomrang_ provides functionality for automated retrieval and parsing of selected weather data files from BOM. Data that can be fetched include current weather at a given station, daily précis (short summaries less than 30 characters) forecasts for all Australian forecast locations and agricultural bulletins summarising weather observations useful for agriculture for each State/Territory. Three functions, `get_current_weather()`, `get_precis_forecast()` and `get_ag_bulletin()`, provide the ability to easily download data from BOM, import it and create a tidy data frame [@Wickham2014] object of the data. To help identify stations given a specific location, `sweep_for_station()` returns a data frame of all weather stations (in this package) sorted by distance from a user specified latitude and longitude, ascending. Two further functions, `update_precis_locations()` and `update_station_locations()`, provide the user with the ability to update internal databases of forecast locations, station metadata and JSON URLs used by the package to interface with BOM. The package's internal databases decrease the time necessary to gather forecast information and return a data frame, while rarely changing. The data have applications in applied meteorology, agricultural meteorology, agricultural and environmental modelling. # References