We consider the following entities:
- HelloWorld: is a chaincode that contains a single function called hello;
- Alice: is the HelloWorld deployer;
- Bob: is the HelloWorld's functions invoker.
Alice wants to ensure that only Bob can invoke the function hello.
To allow Alice to specify her own access control lists and Bob to gain access, the fabric layer gives access to following capabilities:
- Alice and Bob can sign and verify any message with specific transaction certificates or enrollment certificate they own;
- The fabric allows to name each transaction by means of a unique binding to be used to bind application data to the underlying transaction transporting it;
- Extended transaction format.
The fabric layer exposes the following interfaces and functions to allow the application layer to define its own ACLS.
The following interface allows to sign and verify any message using signing key-pair underlying the associated certificate. The certificate can be a TCert or an ECert.
// CertificateHandler exposes methods to deal with an ECert/TCert
type CertificateHandler interface {
// GetCertificate returns the certificate's DER
GetCertificate() []byte
// Sign signs msg using the signing key corresponding to the certificate
Sign(msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
// Verify verifies msg using the verifying key corresponding to the certificate
Verify(signature []byte, msg []byte) error
// GetTransactionHandler returns a new transaction handler relative to this certificate
GetTransactionHandler() (TransactionHandler, error)
The following interface allows to create transactions and give access to the underlying binding that can be leveraged to link application data to the underlying transaction.
// TransactionHandler represents a single transaction that can be named by the output of the GetBinding method.
// This transaction is linked to a single Certificate (TCert or ECert).
type TransactionHandler interface {
// GetCertificateHandler returns the certificate handler relative to the certificate mapped to this transaction
GetCertificateHandler() (CertificateHandler, error)
// GetBinding returns a binding to the underlying transaction
GetBinding() ([]byte, error)
// NewChaincodeDeployTransaction is used to deploy chaincode
NewChaincodeDeployTransaction(chaincodeDeploymentSpec *obc.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, uuid string) (*obc.Transaction, error)
// NewChaincodeExecute is used to execute chaincode's functions
NewChaincodeExecute(chaincodeInvocation *obc.ChaincodeInvocationSpec, uuid string) (*obc.Transaction, error)
// NewChaincodeQuery is used to query chaincode's functions
NewChaincodeQuery(chaincodeInvocation *obc.ChaincodeInvocationSpec, uuid string) (*obc.Transaction, error)
The following interface offers a mean to get instances of the previous interfaces.
type Client interface {
// GetEnrollmentCertHandler returns a CertificateHandler whose certificate is the enrollment certificate
GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() (CertificateHandler, error)
// GetTCertHandlerNext returns a CertificateHandler whose certificate is the next available TCert
GetTCertificateHandlerNext() (CertificateHandler, error)
// GetTCertHandlerFromDER returns a CertificateHandler whose certificate is the one passed
GetTCertificateHandlerFromDER(der []byte) (CertificateHandler, error)
To support application-level ACLs, the fabric's transaction and chaincode specification format have an additional field to store application-specific metadata. The content of this field is decided by the application. The fabric layer treats it as an unstructured stream of bytes.
message ChaincodeSpec {
ConfidentialityLevel confidentialityLevel;
bytes metadata;
message Transaction {
bytes payload;
bytes metadata;
Another way to achieve this is to have the payload contain the metadata itself.
To assist chaincode execution, the validators provide the chaincode additional information, such as the metadata and the binding.
Alice has full control over the deployment transaction's metadata. In particular, the metadata can be used to store a list of ACLs (one per function), or a list of roles. To define each of these lists/roles, Alice can use any TCerts/ECerts of the users who have been granted that (access control) privilege or have been assigned that role. The latter is done offline.
Now, Alice requires that in order to invoke the hello function, a certain message M has to be authenticated by an authorized invoker (Bob, in our case). We distinguish the following two cases:
- M is one of the chaincode's function arguments;
- M is the invocation message itself, i.e., function-name, arguments.
To invoke hello, Bob needs to sign M using the TCert/ECert Alice has used to name him in the deployment transaction's metadata. Let's call this certificate CertBob. At this point Bob does the following:
- Bob obtains a CertificateHandler for CertBob, cHandlerBob;
- Bob obtains a new TransactionHandler to issue the execute transaction, txHandler relative to his next available TCert or his ECert;
- Bob obtains txHandler's binding by invoking txHandler.getBinding();
- Bob signs 'M || txBinding' by invoking cHandlerBob.Sign('M || txBinding'), let signature be the output of the signing function;
- Bob issues a new execute transaction by invoking, txHandler.NewChaincodeExecute(...). Now, signature can be included in the transaction as one of the argument to be passed to the function or as transaction metadata.
The validators, who receive the execute transaction issued by Bob, will provide to hello the following information:
- The binding of the execute transaction;
- The metadata of the execute transaction;
- The metadata of the deploy transaction.
Then, hello is responsible for checking that signature is indeed a valid signature issued by Bob.