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132 lines (102 loc) · 6.79 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (102 loc) · 6.79 KB


1.3.0 (to come)

  • Drop support of Rails 5.0.x
  • Drop support of Ruby 2.4

1.2.0 (2020-04-19)

  • Drop support of Rails 4.x
  • Drop support of Ruby 2.3
  • Use zeitwerk to load gem files
  • Add binstubs to ease development

This is the last version to support Rails 5.0.x and Ruby 2.4.x.

1.1.0 (2019-12-12)

  • Add rudimentary support for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Fixes errors when options[param] is nil PR 315 (thanks @allard)
  • Improve query performance when nulls_last option is enabled PR 317 (thanks @natebird)
  • Add :string_in cond PR 323 (thanks @donnguyen)
  • Rename sanitize private method PR 326 (thanks @epipheus)
  • Update documentation
  • Test with latest Rails (6.x) and Ruby versions (2.6)

This is the last version to support Rails 4.x and Ruby 2.3.x.

1.0.0 (2018-08-28)

  • Breaking change: Remove dependency on view_context Issue #288
  • Breaking change: Replace config.orm = :active_record by a class : AjaxDatatablesRails::ActiveRecord Fix #228

To mitigate this 2 changes see the migration doc.

0.4.3 (2018-06-05)

  • Add: Add :string_eq condition on columns filter Issue #291

Note : This is the last version to support Rails 4.0.x and Rails 4.1.x

0.4.2 (2018-05-15)

0.4.1 (2018-05-06)

  • Fix: Restore behavior of #filter method Comment
  • Fix: Fix erroneous offset/start behavior PR #264
  • Fix: "orderable" option has no effect Issue #245
  • Fix: Fix undefined method #and PR #235
  • Add: Add "order nulls last" option PR #79
  • Change: Rename additional_datas method as additional_data PR #251
  • Change: Added timezone support for daterange PR #261
  • Change: Add # frozen_string_literal: true pragma
  • Various improvements in internal API

0.4.0 (2017-05-21)

Warning: this version is a major break from v0.3. The core has been rewriten to remove dependency on Kaminari (or WillPaginate).

It also brings a new (more natural) way of defining columns, based on hash definitions (and not arrays) and add some filtering options for column search. Take a look at the README for more infos.

0.3.1 (2015-07-13)

  • Adds :oracle as supported db_adapter. Thanks to lutechspa for this contribution.

0.3.0 (2015-01-30)

  • Changes to the sortable_columns and searchable_columns syntax as it required us to do unnecessary guessing. New syntax is ModelName.column_name or Namespace::ModelName.column_name. Old syntax of table_name.column_name is still available to use, but prints a deprecation warning. Thanks to M. Saiqul Haq for pointing this.
  • Adds support to discover from received params if a column should be really considered for sorting purposes. Thanks to Zachariah Clay for this contribution.
  • Moves paginator settings to configuration initializer.

0.2.1 (2014-11-26)

  • Fix count method to work with select statements under Rails 4.1. Thanks to Jason Mitchell for the contribution.
  • Edits to README documentation about the options hash. Thanks to Jonathan E Hogue for pointing out that previous documentation was confusing and didn't address its usage properly.
  • Edits to README documentation on complex model queries inside the get_raw_records method. A round of applause to Zoltan Paulovics for contributing this awesome piece of documentation. 😄
  • Adds typecast step to search_condition method, so now we support having non-text columns inside the searchable_columns array.
  • Adds support for multi-column sorting and multi-term search. Thanks to Zoltan Paulovics for contributing this feature.
  • Adds optional config initializer, so we can have a base to typecast non text-based columns and perform searches depending on the use of :mysql2, :sqlite3 or :pg. Thanks to M. Saiqul Haq for contributing this feature.

0.2.0 (2014-06-19)

  • This version works with jQuery dataTables ver. 1.10 and it's new API syntax.
  • Added legacy branch to repo. If your project is working with jQuery dataTables ver. 1.9, this is the branch you need to pull, or use the last 0.1.x version of this gem.

0.1.2 (2014-06-18)

  • Fixes where clause being built even when search term is an empty string. Thanks to e-fisher for spotting and fixing this.

0.1.1 (2014-06-13)

  • Fixes problem on searchable_columns where the corresponding model is a composite model name, e.g. UserData, BillingAddress. Thanks to iruca3 for the fix.

0.1.0 (2014-05-21)

  • A fresh start. Sets base class name to: AjaxDatatablesRails::Base.
  • Extracts pagination functions to mixable modules.
    • A user would have the option to stick to the base AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::SimplePaginator or replace it with AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::Kaminari or AjaxDatatablesRails::Extensions::WillPaginate, depending on what he/she is using to handle record pagination.
  • Removes dependency to pass in a model name to the generator. This way, the developer has more flexibility to implement whatever datatable feature is required.
  • Datatable constructor accepts an optional options hash to provide more flexibility. See README for examples.
  • Sets generator inside the Rails namespace. To generate an AjaxDatatablesRails child class, just execute the generator like this: $ rails generate datatable NAME.

0.0.1 (2012-09-10)

First release!