diff --git a/ognbase/Web.cpp b/ognbase/Web.cpp
index 605b86e..115a7f8 100644
--- a/ognbase/Web.cpp
+++ b/ognbase/Web.cpp
@@ -1,545 +1,547 @@
- * Web.cpp
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Manuel Rösel
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "WiFi.h"
-#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
-#include "SPIFFS.h"
-#include "SoC.h"
-#include "EEPROM.h"
-#include "RF.h"
-#include "global.h"
-#include "Battery.h"
-#include // Include the SPIFFS library
-#define U_PART U_FLASH
-File fsUploadFile;
-String ogn_ssid = "ognbase";
-String ogn_wpass = "123456789";
-String ogn_callsign = "callsign";
-float ogn_lat = 0;
-float ogn_lon = 0;
-int ogn_alt = 0;
-int ogn_geoid_separation = 0;
-uint8_t largest_range = 0;
-#define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
-// Create AsyncWebServer object on port 80
-AsyncWebServer wserver(80);
-AsyncWebSocket ws("/ws");
-AsyncWebSocketClient* globalClient = NULL;
-size_t content_len;
-static const char upload_html[] PROGMEM = "\
- \
-void onWsEvent(AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client, AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len)
- if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT)
- globalClient = client;
- else if (type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT)
- globalClient = NULL;
-// Replaces placeholder with LED state value
-String processor(const String& var)
- Serial.println(var);
- return "ON";
-bool OGN_config_store(String* ssid, String* pass, String* callsign, float lat, float lon, int alt)
- // Deleting old file
- SPIFFS.remove("/ogn_conf.txt");
- // Open config file for writing.
- File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/ogn_conf.txt", "w");
- if (!configFile)
- {
- Serial.println(F("Failed to open ogn_conf.txt for writing"));
- return false;
- }
- // Save SSID and PSK.
- configFile.println(*ssid);
- configFile.println(*pass);
- configFile.println(*callsign);
- configFile.println(lat, 6);
- configFile.println(lon, 6);
- configFile.println(alt);
- configFile.println(ogn_geoid_separation);
- configFile.close();
- return true;
-bool loadConfig()
- int line = 0;
- // open file for reading.
- File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/ogn_conf.txt", "r");
- if (!configFile)
- {
- Serial.println(F("Failed to open ogn_conf.txt."));
- return false;
- }
- while (configFile.available() && line < 7)
- {
- if (line == 0)
- ogn_ssid = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
- if (line == 1)
- ogn_wpass = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
- if (line == 2)
- ogn_callsign = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
- if (line == 3)
- ogn_lat = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toFloat();
- if (line == 4)
- ogn_lon = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toFloat();
- if (line == 5)
- ogn_alt = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
- if (line == 6)
- ogn_geoid_separation = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
- line++;
- }
- configFile.close();
- if (line < 2)
- return false;
- ogn_ssid.trim();
- ogn_wpass.trim();
- ogn_callsign.trim();
- return true;
-} // loadConfig
-void Web_fini()
-void handleUpdate(AsyncWebServerRequest* request)
- char* html = "";
- request->send(200, "text/html", html);
-void handleUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final)
- Serial.println("uploading file...");
- if (!index)
- request->_tempFile = SPIFFS.open("/" + filename, "w");
- if (len)
- // stream the incoming chunk to the opened file
- request->_tempFile.write(data, len);
- if (final)
- {
- request->_tempFile.close();
- request->redirect("/");
- }
-void handleDoUpdate(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final)
- if (!index)
- {
- Serial.println("Update");
- content_len = request->contentLength();
- // if filename includes spiffs, update the spiffs partition
- int cmd = (filename.indexOf("spiffs") > -1) ? U_PART : U_FLASH;
-#ifdef ESP8266
- Update.runAsync(true);
- if (!Update.begin(content_len, cmd))
- {
- if (!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN, cmd))
- {
- Update.printError(Serial);
- }
- }
- if (Update.write(data, len) != len)
- {
- Update.printError(Serial);
-#ifdef ESP8266
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.printf("Progress: %d%%\n", (Update.progress() * 100) / Update.size());
- }
- if (final)
- {
- AsyncWebServerResponse* response = request->beginResponse(302, "text/plain", "Please wait while the device reboots");
- response->addHeader("Refresh", "20");
- response->addHeader("Location", "/");
- request->send(response);
- if (!Update.end(true))
- Update.printError(Serial);
- else
- {
- Serial.println("Update complete");
- Serial.flush();
- ESP.restart();
- }
- }
-void Web_setup(void)
- if (!SPIFFS.begin(true))
- {
- Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
- return;
- }
- if (!SPIFFS.exists("/index.html"))
- {
- wserver.on("/", HTTP_GET, [upload_html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
- request->send(200, "text/html", upload_html);
- });
- wserver.on("/doUpload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {}, handleUpload);
- wserver.begin();
- return;
- }
- File file = SPIFFS.open("/index.html", "r");
- if (!file)
- {
- Serial.println("An Error has occurred while opening index.html");
- return;
- }
- IPAddress own_ip;
- bool shouldReboot = false;
- own_ip = WiFi.localIP();
- String IP = String(own_ip[0]);
- IP += ".";
- IP += String(own_ip[1]);
- IP += ".";
- IP += String(own_ip[2]);
- IP += ".";
- IP += String(own_ip[3]);
- ws.onEvent(onWsEvent);
- wserver.addHandler(&ws);
- size_t filesize = file.size();
- char* index_html = (char *) malloc(filesize + 1);
- file.read((uint8_t *)index_html, filesize);
- index_html[filesize + 1] = '\0';
- size_t size = 8700;
- char* offset;
- char* Settings_temp = (char *) malloc(size);
- if (Settings_temp == NULL)
- return;
- offset = Settings_temp;
- snprintf(offset, size, index_html,
- IP,
- ogn_callsign,
- String(ogn_lat, 6),
- String(ogn_lon, 6),
- String(ogn_alt),
- String(ogn_geoid_separation),
- String(settings->range),
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_AUTO ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_AUTO,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_EU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_EU,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_RU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_RU,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_CN ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_CN,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_US ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_US,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_NZ ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_NZ,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_UK ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_UK,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_AU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_AU,
- (settings->band == RF_BAND_IN ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_IN,
- (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY, legacy_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP, ogntp_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_P3I ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_P3I, p3i_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_FANET ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_FANET, fanet_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY, legacy_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP, ogntp_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_P3I ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_P3I, p3i_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_FANET ? "selected" : ""),
- RF_PROTOCOL_FANET, fanet_proto_desc.name,
- (settings->ogndebug == true ? "selected" : ""),
- (settings->ogndebug == false ? "selected" : ""),
- String(settings->ogndebugp),
- (settings->ignore_no_track == true ? "selected" : ""), "True",
- (settings->ignore_no_track == false ? "selected" : ""), "False",
- (settings->ignore_stealth == true ? "selected" : ""), "True",
- (settings->ignore_stealth == false ? "selected" : ""), "False",
- ogn_ssid.c_str(),
- ogn_wpass.c_str(),
- (settings->sleep_mode == 0 ? "selected" : ""), "Disabled",
- (settings->sleep_mode == 1 ? "selected" : ""), "Full",
- (settings->sleep_mode == 2 ? "selected" : ""), "without GPS",
- String(settings->sleep_after_rx_idle),
- String(settings->wake_up_timer)
- );
- size_t len = strlen(offset);
- offset[len + 1] = '\0';
- String html = String(offset);
- html.trim();
- wserver.on("/", HTTP_GET, [html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
- request->send(200, "text/html", html);
- });
- // Route to load style.css file
- wserver.on("/style.css", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
- request->send(SPIFFS, "/style.css", "text/css");
- });
- wserver.on("/update", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
- handleUpdate(request);
- });
- wserver.on("/doUpdate", HTTP_POST,
- [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {},
- [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data,
- size_t len, bool final) {
- handleDoUpdate(request, filename, index, data, len, final);
- });
- wserver.on("/upload", HTTP_GET, [upload_html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
- request->send(200, "text/html", upload_html);
- });
- wserver.on("/doUpload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {}, handleUpload);
- // Send a GET request to /get?inputString=
- wserver.on("/get", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
- if (request->hasParam("callsign"))
- {
- ogn_callsign = request->getParam("callsign")->value();
- Serial.println(ogn_callsign);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_lat"))
- {
- ogn_lat = request->getParam("ogn_lat")->value().toFloat();
- Serial.println(ogn_lat);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_lon"))
- {
- ogn_lon = request->getParam("ogn_lon")->value().toFloat();
- Serial.println(ogn_lon);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_alt"))
- {
- ogn_alt = request->getParam("ogn_alt")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(ogn_alt);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_freq"))
- {
- settings->band = request->getParam("ogn_freq")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->band);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_proto"))
- {
- settings->rf_protocol = request->getParam("ogn_proto")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->rf_protocol);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_proto2"))
- {
- settings->rf_protocol2 = request->getParam("ogn_proto2")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->rf_protocol2);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_d1090"))
- {
- settings->d1090 = request->getParam("ogn_d1090")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->d1090);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_gdl90"))
- {
- settings->gdl90 = request->getParam("ogn_gdl90")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->gdl90);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_nmea"))
- {
- settings->nmea_out = request->getParam("ogn_nmea")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->nmea_out);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_no_track_bit"))
- {
- settings->no_track = request->getParam("ogn_no_track_bit")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->no_track);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_stealth_bit"))
- {
- settings->stealth = request->getParam("ogn_stealth_bit")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->stealth);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_aprs_debug"))
- {
- settings->ogndebug = request->getParam("ogn_aprs_debug")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->ogndebug);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("aprs_debug_port"))
- {
- settings->ogndebugp = request->getParam("aprs_debug_port")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->ogndebugp);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_range"))
- {
- settings->range = request->getParam("ogn_range")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->range);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_agc"))
- {
- settings->sxlna = request->getParam("ogn_agc")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(settings->sxlna);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_ssid"))
- {
- ogn_ssid = request->getParam("ogn_ssid")->value();
- Serial.println(ogn_ssid);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_wifi_password"))
- {
- ogn_wpass = request->getParam("ogn_wifi_password")->value();
- Serial.println(ogn_wpass);
- }
- //geoid_separation
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_geoid"))
- {
- ogn_geoid_separation = request->getParam("ogn_geoid")->value().toInt();
- Serial.println(ogn_geoid_separation);
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_ignore_track"))
- settings->ignore_no_track = request->getParam("ogn_ignore_track")->value().toInt();
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_ignore_stealth"))
- settings->ignore_stealth = request->getParam("ogn_ignore_stealth")->value().toInt();
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_deep_sleep"))
- settings->sleep_mode = request->getParam("ogn_deep_sleep")->value().toInt();
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_sleep_time"))
- {
- if (request->getParam("ogn_sleep_time")->value().toInt() < 180)
- settings->sleep_after_rx_idle = 180;
- else
- settings->sleep_after_rx_idle = request->getParam("ogn_sleep_time")->value().toInt();
- }
- if (request->hasParam("ogn_wakeup_time"))
- settings->wake_up_timer = request->getParam("ogn_wakeup_time")->value().toInt();
- request->send(200, "text/html", "Updating...reboot");
- EEPROM_store();
- OGN_config_store(&ogn_ssid, &ogn_wpass, &ogn_callsign, ogn_lat, ogn_lon, ogn_alt);
- RF_Shutdown();
- delay(1000);
- SoC->reset();
- });
- SoC->swSer_enableRx(true);
- free(Settings_temp);
- // Start server
- wserver.begin();
-void Web_loop(void)
- if (globalClient != NULL && globalClient->status() == WS_CONNECTED)
- {
- String values;
- values =+SoC->Battery_voltage();
- values += "_";
- values += RF_last_rssi;
- values += "_";
- values += settings->range;
- values += "_";
- values += gnss.satellites.value();
- values += "_";
- values += ThisAircraft.timestamp;
- values += "_";
- values += largest_range;
- globalClient->text(values);
- delay(1000);
- }
+ * Web.cpp
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Manuel Rösel
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "WiFi.h"
+#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
+#include "SPIFFS.h"
+#include "SoC.h"
+#include "EEPROM.h"
+#include "RF.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "Battery.h"
+#include // Include the SPIFFS library
+#define U_PART U_FLASH
+File fsUploadFile;
+String ogn_ssid = "ognbase";
+String ogn_wpass = "123456789";
+String ogn_callsign = "callsign";
+float ogn_lat = 0;
+float ogn_lon = 0;
+int ogn_alt = 0;
+int ogn_geoid_separation = 0;
+uint8_t largest_range = 0;
+#define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
+// Create AsyncWebServer object on port 80
+AsyncWebServer wserver(80);
+AsyncWebSocket ws("/ws");
+AsyncWebSocketClient* globalClient = NULL;
+size_t content_len;
+static const char upload_html[] PROGMEM = "\
+ \
+void onWsEvent(AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client, AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len)
+ if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT)
+ globalClient = client;
+ else if (type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT)
+ globalClient = NULL;
+// Replaces placeholder with LED state value
+String processor(const String& var)
+ Serial.println(var);
+ return "ON";
+bool OGN_config_store(String* ssid, String* pass, String* callsign, float lat, float lon, int alt)
+ // Deleting old file
+ SPIFFS.remove("/ogn_conf.txt");
+ // Open config file for writing.
+ File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/ogn_conf.txt", "w");
+ if (!configFile)
+ {
+ Serial.println(F("Failed to open ogn_conf.txt for writing"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Save SSID and PSK.
+ configFile.println(*ssid);
+ configFile.println(*pass);
+ configFile.println(*callsign);
+ configFile.println(lat, 6);
+ configFile.println(lon, 6);
+ configFile.println(alt);
+ configFile.println(ogn_geoid_separation);
+ configFile.close();
+ return true;
+bool loadConfig()
+ int line = 0;
+ // open file for reading.
+ File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/ogn_conf.txt", "r");
+ if (!configFile)
+ {
+ Serial.println(F("Failed to open ogn_conf.txt."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (configFile.available() && line < 7)
+ {
+ if (line == 0)
+ ogn_ssid = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
+ if (line == 1)
+ ogn_wpass = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
+ if (line == 2)
+ ogn_callsign = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str();
+ if (line == 3)
+ ogn_lat = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toFloat();
+ if (line == 4)
+ ogn_lon = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toFloat();
+ if (line == 5)
+ ogn_alt = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
+ if (line == 6)
+ ogn_geoid_separation = configFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
+ line++;
+ }
+ configFile.close();
+ if (line < 2)
+ return false;
+ ogn_ssid.trim();
+ ogn_wpass.trim();
+ ogn_callsign.trim();
+ return true;
+} // loadConfig
+void Web_fini()
+void handleUpdate(AsyncWebServerRequest* request)
+ char* html = "";
+ request->send(200, "text/html", html);
+void handleUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final)
+ Serial.println("uploading file...");
+ if (!index)
+ request->_tempFile = SPIFFS.open("/" + filename, "w");
+ if (len)
+ // stream the incoming chunk to the opened file
+ request->_tempFile.write(data, len);
+ if (final)
+ {
+ request->_tempFile.close();
+ request->redirect("/");
+ }
+void handleDoUpdate(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final)
+ if (!index)
+ {
+ Serial.println("Update");
+ content_len = request->contentLength();
+ // if filename includes spiffs, update the spiffs partition
+ int cmd = (filename.indexOf("spiffs") > -1) ? U_PART : U_FLASH;
+#ifdef ESP8266
+ Update.runAsync(true);
+ if (!Update.begin(content_len, cmd))
+ {
+ if (!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN, cmd))
+ {
+ Update.printError(Serial);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Update.write(data, len) != len)
+ {
+ Update.printError(Serial);
+#ifdef ESP8266
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Serial.printf("Progress: %d%%\n", (Update.progress() * 100) / Update.size());
+ }
+ if (final)
+ {
+ AsyncWebServerResponse* response = request->beginResponse(302, "text/plain", "Please wait while the device reboots");
+ response->addHeader("Refresh", "20");
+ response->addHeader("Location", "/");
+ request->send(response);
+ if (!Update.end(true))
+ Update.printError(Serial);
+ else
+ {
+ Serial.println("Update complete");
+ Serial.flush();
+ ESP.restart();
+ }
+ }
+void Web_setup(void)
+ if (!SPIFFS.begin(true))
+ {
+ Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!SPIFFS.exists("/index.html"))
+ {
+ wserver.on("/", HTTP_GET, [upload_html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
+ request->send(200, "text/html", upload_html);
+ });
+ wserver.on("/doUpload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {}, handleUpload);
+ wserver.begin();
+ return;
+ }
+ loadConfig();
+ File file = SPIFFS.open("/index.html", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ {
+ Serial.println("An Error has occurred while opening index.html");
+ return;
+ }
+ IPAddress own_ip;
+ bool shouldReboot = false;
+ own_ip = WiFi.localIP();
+ String IP = String(own_ip[0]);
+ IP += ".";
+ IP += String(own_ip[1]);
+ IP += ".";
+ IP += String(own_ip[2]);
+ IP += ".";
+ IP += String(own_ip[3]);
+ ws.onEvent(onWsEvent);
+ wserver.addHandler(&ws);
+ size_t filesize = file.size();
+ char* index_html = (char *) malloc(filesize + 1);
+ file.read((uint8_t *)index_html, filesize);
+ index_html[filesize + 1] = '\0';
+ size_t size = 8700;
+ char* offset;
+ char* Settings_temp = (char *) malloc(size);
+ if (Settings_temp == NULL)
+ return;
+ offset = Settings_temp;
+ snprintf(offset, size, index_html,
+ IP,
+ ogn_callsign,
+ String(ogn_lat, 6),
+ String(ogn_lon, 6),
+ String(ogn_alt),
+ String(ogn_geoid_separation),
+ String(settings->range),
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_AUTO ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_AUTO,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_EU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_EU,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_RU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_RU,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_CN ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_CN,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_US ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_US,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_NZ ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_NZ,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_UK ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_UK,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_AU ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_AU,
+ (settings->band == RF_BAND_IN ? "selected" : ""), RF_BAND_IN,
+ (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY, legacy_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP, ogntp_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_P3I ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_P3I, p3i_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol == RF_PROTOCOL_FANET ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_FANET, fanet_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_LEGACY, legacy_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_OGNTP, ogntp_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_P3I ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_P3I, p3i_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->rf_protocol2 == RF_PROTOCOL_FANET ? "selected" : ""),
+ RF_PROTOCOL_FANET, fanet_proto_desc.name,
+ (settings->ogndebug == true ? "selected" : ""),
+ (settings->ogndebug == false ? "selected" : ""),
+ String(settings->ogndebugp),
+ (settings->ignore_no_track == true ? "selected" : ""), "True",
+ (settings->ignore_no_track == false ? "selected" : ""), "False",
+ (settings->ignore_stealth == true ? "selected" : ""), "True",
+ (settings->ignore_stealth == false ? "selected" : ""), "False",
+ ogn_ssid.c_str(),
+ ogn_wpass.c_str(),
+ (settings->sleep_mode == 0 ? "selected" : ""), "Disabled",
+ (settings->sleep_mode == 1 ? "selected" : ""), "Full",
+ (settings->sleep_mode == 2 ? "selected" : ""), "without GPS",
+ String(settings->sleep_after_rx_idle),
+ String(settings->wake_up_timer)
+ );
+ size_t len = strlen(offset);
+ offset[len + 1] = '\0';
+ String html = String(offset);
+ html.trim();
+ wserver.on("/", HTTP_GET, [html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
+ request->send(200, "text/html", html);
+ });
+ // Route to load style.css file
+ wserver.on("/style.css", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
+ request->send(SPIFFS, "/style.css", "text/css");
+ });
+ wserver.on("/update", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
+ handleUpdate(request);
+ });
+ wserver.on("/doUpdate", HTTP_POST,
+ [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {},
+ [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request, const String& filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data,
+ size_t len, bool final) {
+ handleDoUpdate(request, filename, index, data, len, final);
+ });
+ wserver.on("/upload", HTTP_GET, [upload_html](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
+ request->send(200, "text/html", upload_html);
+ });
+ wserver.on("/doUpload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {}, handleUpload);
+ // Send a GET request to /get?inputString=
+ wserver.on("/get", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
+ if (request->hasParam("callsign"))
+ {
+ ogn_callsign = request->getParam("callsign")->value();
+ Serial.println(ogn_callsign);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_lat"))
+ {
+ ogn_lat = request->getParam("ogn_lat")->value().toFloat();
+ Serial.println(ogn_lat);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_lon"))
+ {
+ ogn_lon = request->getParam("ogn_lon")->value().toFloat();
+ Serial.println(ogn_lon);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_alt"))
+ {
+ ogn_alt = request->getParam("ogn_alt")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(ogn_alt);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_freq"))
+ {
+ settings->band = request->getParam("ogn_freq")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->band);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_proto"))
+ {
+ settings->rf_protocol = request->getParam("ogn_proto")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->rf_protocol);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_proto2"))
+ {
+ settings->rf_protocol2 = request->getParam("ogn_proto2")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->rf_protocol2);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_d1090"))
+ {
+ settings->d1090 = request->getParam("ogn_d1090")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->d1090);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_gdl90"))
+ {
+ settings->gdl90 = request->getParam("ogn_gdl90")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->gdl90);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_nmea"))
+ {
+ settings->nmea_out = request->getParam("ogn_nmea")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->nmea_out);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_no_track_bit"))
+ {
+ settings->no_track = request->getParam("ogn_no_track_bit")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->no_track);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_stealth_bit"))
+ {
+ settings->stealth = request->getParam("ogn_stealth_bit")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->stealth);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_aprs_debug"))
+ {
+ settings->ogndebug = request->getParam("ogn_aprs_debug")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->ogndebug);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("aprs_debug_port"))
+ {
+ settings->ogndebugp = request->getParam("aprs_debug_port")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->ogndebugp);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_range"))
+ {
+ settings->range = request->getParam("ogn_range")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->range);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_agc"))
+ {
+ settings->sxlna = request->getParam("ogn_agc")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(settings->sxlna);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_ssid"))
+ {
+ ogn_ssid = request->getParam("ogn_ssid")->value();
+ Serial.println(ogn_ssid);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_wifi_password"))
+ {
+ ogn_wpass = request->getParam("ogn_wifi_password")->value();
+ Serial.println(ogn_wpass);
+ }
+ //geoid_separation
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_geoid"))
+ {
+ ogn_geoid_separation = request->getParam("ogn_geoid")->value().toInt();
+ Serial.println(ogn_geoid_separation);
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_ignore_track"))
+ settings->ignore_no_track = request->getParam("ogn_ignore_track")->value().toInt();
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_ignore_stealth"))
+ settings->ignore_stealth = request->getParam("ogn_ignore_stealth")->value().toInt();
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_deep_sleep"))
+ settings->sleep_mode = request->getParam("ogn_deep_sleep")->value().toInt();
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_sleep_time"))
+ {
+ if (request->getParam("ogn_sleep_time")->value().toInt() < 180)
+ settings->sleep_after_rx_idle = 180;
+ else
+ settings->sleep_after_rx_idle = request->getParam("ogn_sleep_time")->value().toInt();
+ }
+ if (request->hasParam("ogn_wakeup_time"))
+ settings->wake_up_timer = request->getParam("ogn_wakeup_time")->value().toInt();
+ request->send(200, "text/html", "Updating...reboot");
+ EEPROM_store();
+ OGN_config_store(&ogn_ssid, &ogn_wpass, &ogn_callsign, ogn_lat, ogn_lon, ogn_alt);
+ RF_Shutdown();
+ delay(1000);
+ SoC->reset();
+ });
+ SoC->swSer_enableRx(true);
+ free(Settings_temp);
+ // Start server
+ wserver.begin();
+void Web_loop(void)
+ if (globalClient != NULL && globalClient->status() == WS_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ String values;
+ values =+SoC->Battery_voltage();
+ values += "_";
+ values += RF_last_rssi;
+ values += "_";
+ values += settings->range;
+ values += "_";
+ values += gnss.satellites.value();
+ values += "_";
+ values += ThisAircraft.timestamp;
+ values += "_";
+ values += largest_range;
+ globalClient->text(values);
+ delay(1000);
+ }