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Robert S.W. Carroll edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 6 revisions




Query Records

Insert Records

Downloading Files





To install, run:

pip install quickbase-json-api-client

Initialize Client

Use the following code to create and initialize a client object.

from quickbase_json import QBClient

client = QBClient(realm="yourRealm", auth="userToken")

Where yourRealm is the name (subdomain) of your Quickbase Realm and userToken is the user token used to authenticate with the realm.

Query Records

Querying for records is one of the most useful features of the Quickbase JSON API. Querying records with QJAC can be done using the following code

Basic Example

response = client.query_records(table='tableId', select=[3, 6, 12], query='queryString')
data =

Where tableId is the ID of the table you wish to query from, fids is a list of field IDs you wish to receive and queryString is a quickbase query string.

Adv. Example

from quickbase_json.helpers import Where
# have static fids for table/records
NEEDED_FIDS = [3, 6, 12]
# build query str where 3 is either 130, 131 or 132
q_str = Where(3, 'EX', [130, 131, 132]).build(join='OR') 
response = client.query_records(table='tableId', select=NEEDED_FIDS, query=q_str)

In this example, we use the Where() helper. This can make building complex QuickBase queries easier.

The Where() helper documentation can be found here.

Response Objects

A QBResponse object is returned when querying records with QJAC. A QBResponse has several methods that make handling returned data easier. Here are a few of the most useful ones.

Response Methods

  • .data()
r = qbc.query_records(...).data()

Returns the data from QuickBase. Equivalent to calling .get('data')

  • .denest()
r = qbc.query_records(...).denest()

Denests the data. I.e. changes {'fid': {'value': 'actualValue'}} to {'fid': 'actualValue'}

  • orient(orient: str, key: int)
r = qbc.query_records(...).orient('records', key=3)

Orients the data. Currently, the only option is 'records'. This will orient the returned data into a "record like structure", i.e. changes {'fid': 'actualValue', 'fid': 'actualValue'} to {'key': {etc: etc}}

  • convert()
r = qbc.query_records(...).convert('datetime')

Converts the data, based on fields and provided arguments. For example, calling convert('datetime') will convert all data with fields of the 'date time' type to python datetime objects. Other conversions are 'currency' and 'int'.

  • round_ints()
r = qbc.query_records(...).round_ints()

Rounds all float integers into whole number ints. i.e. converts 55.0 to 55.

Additional Features

Information on additional features that go beyond the scope of an introduction, can be found on the GitHub Wiki!

This include things like...

  • Easy File uploading
  • Inserting, Updating and Deleting records
  • Creating tables
  • Authenticating w/Quickbase
  • etc.


If you come across any issues or want to file a bug report, please do so here.


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