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Releases: robotology/idyntree

iDynTree 10.1.0 (2024-01-09)

09 Jan 22:27
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[10.1.0] - 2024-01-09


  • CMake: Permit to explicitly specify Python installation directory by setting the IDYNTREE_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR CMake variable (#1124).

  • MeshcatVisualizer: Add the possibility to remove a mesh from the visualizer (#1138)


  • Fixed compilation of pybind11 bindings (#1128).
  • Fixed support for handling correctly STL files that end with .STL in iDynTree Irrlicht-based visualizer (#1136).
  • Fixed handling meshes with vertix count larger than a limit set in Irrlicht used by idyntree-yarp-visualizer (#1139)

iDynTree 10.0.0 (2023-10-16)

16 Oct 15:29
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[10.0.0] - 2023-10-16


  • Added the possibility of exporting additional XML elements that are added as child of the <robot> element in URDF ModelExporter (#1088).
  • Added support for reading and wrting joint friction and damping values from URDF files (#1094).


  • Since iDynTree 10, all the changes of iDynTree will go directly to the master branch, the devel branch will be deleted. Users that want to work with a stable version of iDynTree should use a tagged version of iDynTree .
  • The license of the library is changed to BSD-3-Clause (#1089).
  • The iDynTree::ModelExporterOptions class was changed to be defined as a struct (#1088).
  • The header structure has been shortened, from <iDynTree/@component@/@[email protected]> to <iDynTree/@[email protected]> (#1104).
  • iDynTree::idyntree-sensors library has been merged in iDynTree::idyntree-model (#1104).
  • The iDynTree::Model class gained a m_sensors attribute and sensors() method to access to it to store sensors information as part of the iDynTree::Model itself (#1106).


  • Linking iDynTree::idyntree-sensors is deprecated, you can just link iDynTree::idyntree-model instead, or just search and replace iDynTree::idyntree-sensors with an empty string if you are already linking iDynTree::idyntree-model (#1104).
  • Including <iDynTree/Core/@[email protected]>, <iDynTree/Model/@[email protected]>, <iDynTree/Sensors/@[email protected]>, <iDynTree/ModelIO/@[email protected]>, <iDynTree/Estimation/@[email protected]>, <iDynTree/yarp/@[email protected]> is deprecated, just include <iDynTree/@[email protected]> . To perform this migration, just search and replace <iDynTree/Core/ with <iDynTree/, <iDynTree/Model/ with <iDynTree/, <iDynTree/Sensors/ with <iDynTree/, <iDynTree/ModelIO/ with <iDynTree/, <iDynTree/Estimation/ with <iDynTree/, <iDynTree/yarp/ with <iDynTree/ (#1104).
  • Several methods that take in input both a iDynTree::Model and a iDynTree::SensorsList have been deprecated, users are suggested to call the variant that takes in input only the iDynTree::Model, if necessary by populating correctly the sensors of the iDynTree::Model via the iDynTree::Model::sensors method (#1106).
  • Several classes that ended in Raw are deprecated, and in their place their non-Raw counterpart should be used. In particular, the pair "deprecated"/"replacement" is : iDynTree::PositionRaw/iDynTree::Position, iDynTree::RotationRaw/iDynTree::Rotation, iDynTree::RotationalInertiaRaw/iDynTree::RotationalInertia and iDynTree::SpatialInertiaRaw/iDynTree::SpatialInertia (#1114).

iDynTree 9.1.0 (2023-05-25)

25 May 08:59
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[9.1.0] - 2023-05-25



  • Fixed the iDynTree::Visualizer class to work on macOS, after it was broken in 9.0.0 . To do so, now the compilation with IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT set to ON on macOS requires irrlicht to be compiled with SDL support (#1076, #1077).

iDynTree 9.0.0 (2023-05-11)

11 May 09:18
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[9.0.0] - 2023-05-11


  • Fix export of iDynTree::PrismaticJoint in iDynTree::getRandomModel (#1057).


  • Binary wheels available on PyPI now target manylinux_2_28, and the options IDYNTREE_USES_ASSIMP, IDYNTREE_USES_IPOPT and IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT are disable in binary wheels on PyPI. If you need these options enabled, please use conda-forge binaries or build iDynTree from source (#1068).
  • Compilation with IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT set to ON now requires glfw library. Furthermore, now IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT on Windows requires irrlicht to be compiled with SDL support. This changes have been done to support resizable visualizer windows on Windows (#1070, #1071).
  • Use iDynTree::InverseKinematicsRotationParametrizationRollPitchYaw as default parametrization in iDynTree::InverseKinematics (#1058).

URDF XML parser change

The XML parser API has changed. Now an additional XMLParserState context object is propagated while parsing.
To catch logic errors (which are not pure XML errors that are currently caught by the parser itself) the XMLParserState contains a bool variable. Further logic can be added to the context state.

The following errors are currently check:

  • Duplicate joints in the URDF will cause an error.


  • Build and deploy PyPI wheels for Python 3.10 (#1061)

iDynTree 8.1.0 (2023-01-16)

16 Jan 14:08
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[8.1.0] - 2023-01-16


  • Enabled the use of irrlicht dependency in PyPI builds (#1045).

iDynTree 8.0.1 (2023-01-10)

10 Jan 08:42
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[8.0.1] - 2023-01-10


  • Fix MatrixView constructor when MatrixView<const T> is built from MatrixView<T> (#1044).

iDynTree 8.0.0 (2022-12-14)

14 Dec 08:15
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[8.0.0] - 2022-12-14


  • Added the possibility to set the alpha channel while loading a model in the meshcat visualizer (#1033).
  • Add the possibility to pass the list containing the mesh path while building the model (#1036).
  • Enable implicit conversion and change KinDynComputations holder in the iDynTree bindings (#1037).

iDynTree 7.0.0 (2022-08-31)

31 Aug 08:54
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[7.0.0] - 2022-08-31


  • Fix compilation against PyPy (#1018).


  • estimateExternalWrenches: Avoid to compute the pseudoinverse to evaluate the external wrenches (#1017).

iDynTree 6.1.0 (2022-08-18)

18 Aug 10:12
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[6.1.0] - 2022-08-18


  • Added creation of sub model object starting from the full model and a sub traversal (#1011).


  • Fix bug of InverseKinematics::updateRotationTarget that did not actually changed the RotationWeight, but changed the PositionWeight instead (#1012).

iDynTree 6.0.0 (2022-07-19)

19 Jul 20:12
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[6.0.0] - 2022-07-19


  • Added a new Berdy variant that accounts for estimating the external link wrenches independently of the internal joint torque estimates (#991).


  • Changed signature of the method BerdyHelper::serializeDynamicVariables in order to serialize also the RCM_SENSOR (#991).