This is the configuration for my machines:
- MacBook Pro (M2) with MacOS using
- Framework (Intel) with NixOS using
Folder structure:
├─ modules (all modules)
| ├─ shared (modules shared between all systems)
| | ├─ system (system-level config/modules)
| | └─ home (user-level config/modules)
| ├─ darwin (only Darwin/MacOS modules)
| | ├─ nix-darwin
| | └─ home
| └─ linux (only Linux/NixOS modules)
| ├─ nixos
| └─ home
├─ hosts (specific configurations for each machine)
| ├─ framework
| └─ macbook16
├─ overlays
├─ scripts
└─ wallpapers
Folder dependency (higher depends on lower):
| |
| |
macbook16 framework
| |
| |
darwin (nix-darwin, home) linux (NixOS, home)
| |
| |
shared (system, home)
- Add better instructions to README.
- Add secrets management.
- Should I expicitly import modules instead of using
to make it easier to handle multiple systems?
TODO: Add instructions
Likely, this happened due to a MacOS update that broke the symlinks. Run this command at the root of the .dots
dir to solve it:
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake .#macbook
I'm not sure about this, but if Neovim has problems loading modules or finding packpath:
- Install
- Run
- Rebuild