The ISD9160 is a system-on-chip product optimized for low power, audio record and playback with an embedded ARM CortexTM-M0 32-bit microcontroller core.
The ISD9160 embeds a CortexTM-M0 core running up to 50 MHz with 145K-byte of non-volatile flash memory and 12K-byte of embedded SRAM. It also comes equipped with a variety of peripheral devices, such as Timers, Watchdog Timer (WDT), Real-time Clock (RTC), Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA), a variety of serial interfaces (UART, SPI/SSP, I2C, I2S), PWM modulators, GPIO, Analog Comparator, Low Voltage Detector and Brown-out detector.
- Keil MDK-ARM or IAR Embedded Workbench
Nu-Link Keil Driver:
This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under Keil RVMDK Development Environment.
Nu-Link IAR Driver:
This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under IAR EWARM Development Environment.
- ICP Programming Tool:
- Nu-Link Command Tool:
In-Circut Emulation Debug in Keil MDK-ARM with Nuvoton Nu-Link Debugger
Load program on-line and run/stop/step/..., set breakpoings, check memory/variables/call stack/...
Log trace with
To output log into UART, remove DEBUG_ENABLE_SEMIHOST define in Project -> Options for Target -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor Symbols
UART0: TX - PA8, RX - PA9
With DEBUG_ENABLE_SEMIHOST defined, check log in Keil MDK in debug mode at View -> Serial Windows -> UART #1