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Developing in parallel MODFLOW 6

This document describes how to set up your build environment for developing and testing the parallel version of MODFLOW. It further builds on the instructions given in so make sure to read those first.


Expectations on platform compatibility

The serial version of the MODFLOW 6 program has had no external dependencies and is traditionally available for a variety of platforms (Windows, GNU/linux, macOS) and compatible with the mainstream Fortran compilers (gfortran, ifort). The parallel version comes with dependencies on third party components, most notably the MPI and PETSc libraries. While the goal is a continued support of the above mentioned configurations, this has become more challenging and can generally not be guaranteed. To assist developers as well as end users who are planning to compile the code themselves, a list of successfully tested build configurations will be included in this document.


The design philosophy has been to maintain MODFLOW as a single codebase and have it compile to either a serial or a parallel program. The former continues to be a lightweight, highly compatible code which does not require external dependencies other than those provided by the standard compiler libraries. The latter has two distinct dependencies on 3rd party libraries: MPI and PETSc, as described below. Note that the parallel capability is a true extension and the executable will in all cases be capable of serial execution with equivalent results.



The parallel software uses the Message Passing Interface (MPI) to synchronize data between processes. There are a couple of implementations of the MPI standard available. Their applicability usually depends on the platform that is used:

On Linux and macOS, if you haven't installed any MPI framework yet, your best bet is to automatically download the MPI implementation upon configuring PETSc with the option flag --download-openmpi or --download-mpich (see below). Alternatively you can install OpenMPI or MPICH using the package manager of your OS. It general it would be good to check the table below for tested configurations.

In addition to compiling, the MPI toolset is also required to run a parallel simulation. The implementations above all come with mpiexec (or mpiexec.exe) to start an executable in parallel.


PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, pronounced PET-see (/ˈpɛt-siː/), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations:

The PETSc library is used by MODFLOW for its parallel linear solver capabilities and the distributed data formats (vectors and matrices) that go along with it. Parallel PETSc uses MPI internally as well, so setting up this library should typically be coordinated with the installation of the MPI library. A lot of obscure things can happen if the binaries are not compatible, so in general it is a good strategy to compile MPI, PETSc, and MODFLOW with the same compiler toolchain.

The PETSc website gives details on a large number of configurations, depending on the target platform/OS, and many different ways to configure/make/install the library: Building on Windows is notoriously challenging and discouraged by the PETSc development team. On Linux, however, it could be as easy as

$ ./configure --download-openmpi --download-fblaslapack
$ make all

pkg-config and setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable

Eventually, the MODFLOW build process has to resolve the installation location of all external dependencies. The pkg-config tool ( can be used to take care of that. For PETSc, you can check the contents of the folder


and confirm that there are one or more *.pc files in there. A similar pkgconfig/ folder has to present for the MPI installation that was used. For example, for Open MPI on WSL2 this folder is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/.

To connect everything, both of these folder paths have to be added to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable so that the pkg-config executable can resolve the installed libraries.


The primary build system for MODFLOW is Meson ( The script takes an additional argument to activate a parallel build of the software. E.g for building and installing a parallel release version:

meson setup builddir -Ddebug=false -Dparallel=true \
                     --prefix=$(pwd) --libdir=bin
meson install -C builddir
meson test --verbose --no-rebuild -C builddir

Note that changing the option flags in the meson setup command requires the flag --reconfigure to reconfigure the build directory. If the PKG_CONFIG_PATH was set as desribed above, the linking to PETSc and MPI is done automatically.

It's always a good idea to check your mf6 executable to confirm that it is successfully linked against the external dependencies. You can use the command line tools ldd (Linux), otool (macOS), or Dependencies.exe (Windows, to do that. In the list of dependencies, you should be able to identify libpetsc and libmpi for parallel builds.

The other build systems in the MODFLOW project (MS Visual Studio, pymake, Makefile) continue to be supported for serial builds only. pymake uses the excludefiles.txt to ignore those files that can only be build when MPI and PETSc are present on the system. In MS Visual Studio these same files are included in the solution but not in the build process.


Don't use MPI and PETSc directly in your code

Parallel MODFLOW was designed to have all third party functionality (MPI and PETSc currently) made available through the framework. Developers of models and packages should not directly call these libraries and change the set of excluded files described above. If you feel you need to include MPI or PETSc functionality in your code (e.g. you want to use mpi in your source file), contact the MODFLOW development team on how to best proceed.

Testing parallel

Parallel MODFLOW can be tested using the same test framework as the serial program, with just a few modifications. To run a test inside the autotest folder in parallel mode, make sure to add a marker @pytest.mark.parallel so that the test is only executed in the Continuous Integration when running a configuration with a parallel build of MODFLOW.

The TestSimulation object that is being run from the framework should be configured for parallel run mode with the flag parallel=True and the number of processes ncpus=.... As an example, see the test case in autotest/, which can be run with

$ pytest -s --parallel

Running without the --parallel flag will simply skip the test.


The most straightforward way to debug a parallel simulation is to start a run and have it pause to attach the debugger(s). Make sure that the MODFLOW executable was compiled with -Ddebug=true. In parallel mode the program uses the PETSc solver and a configuration file .petscrc should be present in the same folder as the simulation's mfsim.nam. In that PETSc resource file, you should add the following option:


telling MODFLOW to pause immediately after startup. This will give you time to attach one or multiple debuggers to the processes. Then start the parallel program, for example on two cores:

mpiexec -np 2 mf6 -p

In the process explorer you should now see 2 processes called mf6 or mf6.exe. On the prompt where the command was executed, MODFLOW waits for input:

$ Hit enter to continue...

In order to truly debug in parallel, i.e. step through the instructions side-by-side, you will need to start two instances of the debugger and attach them. The following section describes how to do that with VSCode.

Debugging with VSCode

In VSCode parallel debugging is easiest done by duplicating the development environment. First, make sure that you have set up your environment to build a parallel version in debug mode. The VSCode launch.json should contain an entry to attach to a running process:

    "name": "Attach to ...",
    "type": "cppdbg",
    "request": "attach",
    "processId": "${command:pickProcess}",
    "program": "<path_to>/mf6",
    "MIMode": "gdb",
    "miDebuggerPath": "<path_to>/gdb",
    "setupCommands": [
        "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
        "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
        "ignoreFailures": true

After building parallel MODFLOW, press Ctrl+Shift+p to execute Workspaces: Duplicate As Workspace in New Window. This will open a second VSCode window, identical to the first. Starting the debug process and selecting "Attach to ..." pop ups a process selection window with the processes started from the mpiexec command described above. Select both, each from their own instance of the VSCode program. Now you can put breakpoints in the code, "Hit enter to continue" on the command prompt, and step through the parallel processes side-by-side.


Make sure that you work with gdb versions >= 10. We have found that earlier versions are only partially compatible with the VSCode debugging interface and crash when inspecting the data of Fortran derived types


Parallel MODFLOW has been built successfully with the following configurations:

Operating System Toolchain MPI PETSc
MS Windows ? ? ?
WSL2 (Ubuntu 20.04.5) gcc 9.4.0 OpenMPI 4.0.3 3.18.2
Ubuntu 22.04 gcc 9.5.0 OpenMPI 4.1.4 3.18.5
macOS 12.6.3 gcc 9.5.0 OpenMPI 4.1.4 3.18.5

The most up-to-date configurations are available in the GitHub CI script: .github/workflows/ci.yml under the task parallel_test. These are being tested upon every change to the develop branch of MODFLOW.

To improve support, we kindly ask you to share your experience with building and running parallel MODFLOW and report back if you have a successful setup that is not in this table.

Known issues
