As part of the TIBCO CI/CD Demo in Box this repo containes very simple REST API application built with TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition. Along with the BWCE files the needed artifacts for creating a proper Docker image for the application as well as the a sample for runninhg the application on Kubernetes are included.
An automated packaging of all BW and Java artefacts as BW application EAR a build description for Maven must be provided. TIBCO offers a Maven plugin for Studio for BusinessWorks to support creation of the appropriate pom files.
The demo uses Jenkins with BlueOcean plugin to automate the (build and deployment) pipeline on Jenkins. BlueOcean uses a Jenkinsfile that specifies the pipeline steps needed for the project. So, a Jenkinsfile was added to the git repository to allow for those automated builds.
In order to package the resulting application as Docker image a build description in form of the Dockerfile is required.
On a Kubernetes runtime a description for a POD or better a deployment is required to instruct Kubernetes on how to host the application (which images, ports, pod count etc). Therefore an application manifest YAML file is also part of the project to allow for an atomated deployment right after building a new application image.
To check if the build pipline worked as expected one can first check the docker build environment. The local docker registry should include a docker image with the respective version just built. As second step this image must have been pushed to the Docker repository used by Rancher/K3s to start the application. As we are using the simple Docker registry implementation provided by docker we need to use the API to get the details on what's available.
# check what images are in the local docker registry
docker image ls
k3d-myregistry.localhost:12345/helloworld 1.0.3 401de8c69913 20 minutes ago 357MB
k3d-myregistry.localhost:12345/helloworld 1.0.2 0d98608c0dee 33 minutes ago 357MB
k3d-myregistry.localhost:12345/bwce-mon 2.7.2 f0eae05d5e8e 4 days ago 152MB 2.6.2 19120ce16999 10 months ago 357MB
registry 2 b2cb11db9d3d 10 months ago 26.2MB
rancher/k3d-proxy 4.4.8 1811184140a4 11 months ago 44.7MB 1.0.0 9c4af3a62c69 11 months ago 29.4MB
k3d-myregistry.localhost:12345/flogo-hello 1.0.0 9c4af3a62c69 11 months ago 29.4MB
rancher/k3s v1.21.3-k3s1 46a3f42c9715 12 months ago 173MB
tibco/bwce-base 2.6.2 e846d526295d 12 months ago 357MB
node 10.15.3-alpine 56bc3a1ed035 3 years ago 71MB
# get info from remot docker registry on what was pushed
curl -s http://localhost:12345/v2/_catalog | jq "."
"repositories": [
curl -s http://localhost:12345/v2/helloworld/tags/list | jq "."
"name": "helloworld",
"tags": [
For moore details on the docker rgistry API see Docker Registry HTTP API V2.
A local Docker registry started from the offical provided registry implementation would require more detailed configurazion than just startin the image as unsecured (no TLS) unauthenticated service. More details on configuration, espacially on how to enable deletion of stored layer-blobs by there digest value from docker image manifests is documented on the official Docker docs pages Deploy a registry server. A nice summary article explaining the reasons and to do's is How to Delete Images From a Private Docker Registry.