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A plugin that can be used to embed tweets.


npm i -S embed-js embed-plugin-twitter



Embeds Tweets in the website. You need to load in advance to get this working.

import EmbedJS from 'embed-js'
import twitter from 'embed-plugin-twitter'

const x = new EmbedJS({
  input: document.getElementById('element'),
  plugins: [
    // Regex that matches the string and sends to the template method.
    regex: /https:\/\/twitter\.com\/\w+\/\w+\/\d+/gi,

    // The maximum width of a rendered Tweet in whole pixels.
    // This value must be between 220 and 550 inclusive. A supplied
    // value under or over the allowed range will be returned as the
    // minimum or maximum supported width respectively; the reset width
    // value will be reflected in the returned width property. Note that
    // Twitter does not support the oEmbed maxheight parameter. Tweets
    // are fundamentally text, and are therefore of unpredictable height
    // that cannot be scaled like an image or video. Relatedly, the
    // oEmbed response will not provide a value for height. Implementations
    // that need consistent heights for Tweets should refer to the hide_thread
    // and hide_media parameters below.
    maxWidth: 550,

    // When set to true , t, or 1 links in a Tweet are not expanded to photo,
    // video, or link previews
    hideMedia: false,

    // When set to true , t, or 1 a collapsed version of the previous Tweet
    // in a conversation thread will not be displayed when the requested Tweet
    // is in reply to another Tweet
    hideThread: false,

    // Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should be floated left,
    // right, or center in the page relative to the parent element.
    // Valid values are left, right, center, and none
    align: "none",

    // Request returned HTML and a rendered Tweet in the specified Twitter
    // language supported by embedded Tweets.
    lang: "en",

    // When set to dark, the Tweet is displayed with light text over a dark background
    theme: "light",

    // Adjust the color of Tweet text links with a hexadecimal color value
    linkColor: "#355acee",

    // Set to video to return a Twitter Video embed for the given Tweet
    widgetType: "",

		 * It accepts the matching url and returns the html
		 * content that replaces or appends to the URL based
		 * on options. This can return a asynchronous response.
    template(args, options, pluginOptions, { html }) {
      return html

    // The twitter object loaded from widgets.js. By default it takes twttr
    // from window object.
    twttr: isBrowser ? window.twttr : null,

    // executed when the tweet has been loaded
    // and rendered on the client side
    onLoad() {}

Note : The twitter embed functionality provided by embed-plugin-noembed doesn't provide this much customization. So if you willing to use this plugin for tweet embedding along with noembed plugin, make sure you disable twitter embedding in the latter by passing exclude: ['twitter'] in it.


MIT @ Ritesh Kumar