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Runbook: Upgrade KUDO Kafka

This runbook explains how to upgrade a running KUDO Kafka to a newer version of KUDO Kafka.


  • Kubernetes cluster with KUDO version >= 0.11.0 installed
  • Have a KUDO Kafka cluster version 1.2.0 up and running in the namespace kudo-kafka
  • Have binaries of jq and grep installed in the $PATH


Verifying if KUDO Kafka is ready for the upgrade

1. Get the KUDO Kafka Instance object name

Verify the KUDO Kafka instance object is present in the expected namespace

kubectl get instances -n kudo-kafka

expected output are the KUDO Instance objects present in the namespace kudo-kafka:

kafka   71m
zk      130m

2. Verify the KUDO Kafka instance plans are COMPLETE

kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka -n kudo-kafka

expected output is the plan status for instance kafka:

Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "kudo-kafka":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.2.0" Active-Plan: "deploy")
    ├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE], last updated 2020-04-23 13:13:30
    │   └── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
    │       └── Step deploy [COMPLETE]
    ├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase deploy-mirror-maker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    └── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
        └── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
            └── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]

3. Get the Operator Version of KUDO Kafka Instance

From step 1 we know the name of KUDO Kafka instance is kafka. We can get the Operator Version of the KUDO Kafka Instance. kubectl get instance kafka -n kudo-kafka -o json | jq -r ''

expected output is the operator version


4. Get the installed operator versions of KUDO Kafka

kubectl get operatorversions -n kudo-kafka

expected output is the list the operator versions installed in the namespace kudo-kafka

NAME              AGE
kafka-1.2.0       4m51s
zookeeper-0.3.0   5m39s

Preparing for the upgrade

5. Verify the is matching the current OperatorVersion

Get the version in the instance.

kubectl exec -ti kafka-kafka-2 -n kudo-kafka -c k8skafka -- cat /opt/kafka/ | grep

expected output is the

The should match with the app minor version

kubectl get operatorversion -n kudo-kafka kafka-1.2.0 -o json | jq -r '.spec.appVersion' in this case the expected output is the Kafka version


If already matches the app version, skip to step 7.

6. Update the to match the current version

kubectl kudo update -n kudo-kafka --instance=kafka -p INTER_BROKER_PROTOCOL_VERSION=2.4

expected output is confirmation that instance has been updated.

Instance kafka was updated.

Repeat the step 5 to confirm that now the is matching app version.

7. Install the new OperatorVersion using --skip-instance

Install the OperatorVersion to what we are upgrading using the skip-instance flag. If the new OperatorVersion is already installed you can skip to the step 7.

kubectl kudo install kafka -n kudo-kafka --operator-version=1.2.1 --skip-instance

expected output is the CRDs installed for the OperatorVersion created

8. Verify the new OperatorVersion is installed correctly

kubectl get operatorversions -n kudo-kafka

expected output is the list the operator versions installed in the namespace kudo-kafka

NAME              AGE
kafka-1.2.0       13m
kafka-1.2.1       42s
zookeeper-0.3.0   13m

Upgrade the KUDO Kafka Instance

9. Upgrade the KUDO Kafka Instance

kubectl kudo upgrade kafka --instance=kafka --operator-version=1.2.1 -n kudo-kafka

expected output is the confirmation that instance kafka has been updated updated

check the plan status

kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka -n kudo-kafka

expected output should show deploy in progress and the Operator-Version to be kafka-1.2.1

Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "kudo-kafka":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.2.1" Active-Plan: "deploy")
    ├── Plan cruise-control (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase cruise-addon (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy-cruise-control [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [IN_PROGRESS], last updated 2020-04-23 13:26:47
    │   ├── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [IN_PROGRESS]
    │   │   ├── Step generate-tls-certificates [COMPLETE]
    │   │   ├── Step configuration [COMPLETE]
    │   │   ├── Step service [COMPLETE]
    │   │   └── Step app [IN_PROGRESS]
    │   └── Phase addons (parallel strategy) [PENDING]
    │       ├── Step monitoring [PENDING]
    │       ├── Step access [PENDING]
    │       ├── Step mirror [PENDING]
    │       └── Step load [PENDING]
    ├── Plan external-access (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase resources (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan kafka-connect (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase deploy-kafka-connect (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step setup [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase app (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan service-monitor (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase enable-service-monitor (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan update-instance (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase app (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step conf [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step svc [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step sts [NOT ACTIVE]
    └── Plan user-workload (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
        └── Phase workload (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
            └── Step toggle-workload [NOT ACTIVE]

Once the pods are ready, which can be checked using next command kubectl get pods -n kudo-kafka the expected output is the list of the pods

NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kafka-kafka-0    2/2     Running   0          2m47s
kafka-kafka-1    2/2     Running   0          3m28s
kafka-kafka-2    2/2     Running   0          4m14s

Once the are passing the both readiness and liveness checks the plan should be complete kubectl kudo plan status --instance=kafka -n kudo-kafka

expected output should show the deploy plan complete and the Operator-Version to be kafka-1.2.0

Plan(s) for "kafka" in namespace "kudo-kafka":
└── kafka (Operator-Version: "kafka-1.2.1" Active-Plan: "deploy")
    ├── Plan cruise-control (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase cruise-addon (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy-cruise-control [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan deploy (serial strategy) [COMPLETE], last updated 2020-04-23 13:28:12
    │   ├── Phase deploy-kafka (serial strategy) [COMPLETE]
    │   │   ├── Step generate-tls-certificates [COMPLETE]
    │   │   ├── Step configuration [COMPLETE]
    │   │   ├── Step service [COMPLETE]
    │   │   └── Step app [COMPLETE]
    │   └── Phase addons (parallel strategy) [COMPLETE]
    │       ├── Step monitoring [COMPLETE]
    │       ├── Step access [COMPLETE]
    │       ├── Step mirror [COMPLETE]
    │       └── Step load [COMPLETE]
    ├── Plan external-access (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase resources (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan kafka-connect (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase deploy-kafka-connect (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step setup [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan mirrormaker (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase app (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase not-allowed (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step not-allowed [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan service-monitor (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase enable-service-monitor (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step deploy [NOT ACTIVE]
    ├── Plan update-instance (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │   └── Phase app (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step conf [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       ├── Step svc [NOT ACTIVE]
    │       └── Step sts [NOT ACTIVE]
    └── Plan user-workload (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
        └── Phase workload (serial strategy) [NOT ACTIVE]
            └── Step toggle-workload [NOT ACTIVE]

10. Verify the Kafka version through the pod logs

kubectl logs kafka-kafka-0 -c k8skafka -n kudo-kafka | grep "Kafka version:"

The expected output is the Kafka version and that should be the upgraded version 2.4.1

[2020-04-23 07:58:00,246] INFO Kafka version: 2.4.1 (org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser)

11. Verify the Kafka version through the container version

kubectl get pods kafka-kafka-0 -n kudo-kafka -o json | jq -r '.spec.containers[].image'

The expected output will show the container images used by the KUDO Kafka pods. The mesosphere/kafka image should be the upgraded version 2.4.1-1.2.1

12. Verify the Kafka version through the app version of the installed KUDO Instance

kubectl get kafka -n kudo-kafka -o json | jq -r | xargs kubectl get operatorversion -n kudo-kafka -o json | jq -r .spec.appVersion

The expected output should be the app version specified in the operator version of the instance


13. (Optional) Bump the to upgraded version

kubectl kudo update --instance=kafka -n kudo-kafka -p INTER_BROKER_PROTOCOL_VERSION=2.4

Future improvements

Custom upgrade plans by KUDO would help to automate steps of verifying the and bumping it to match the current version.