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Running Nupic in a Virtual Machine

mrcslws edited this page Feb 23, 2014 · 33 revisions

Numenta provides a Vagrant virtual machine instance you can download and run locally on OS X, Windows, or Linux. It will provide an environment guaranteed to be set up to run NuPIC without any fiddling. You do not need to configure your own VM. A working VM is provided below.

There're also instructions How-to run NuPIC on Amazon EC cloud


These instructions are detailed, but they are not very hard to accomplish. Don't be intimidated by the number of steps. :)

  1. Download and install Virtual Box. 4.3.0 is known to work with Vagrant 1.3.5 on OS X 10.9 Mavericks as of 2013-10-23.
  2. Download and install Vagrant one of the following ways (on your host OS):
    • download and install from the Vagrant website
    • if you run Vagrant in Windows, you can run vagrant via MINGW32 or Cygwin. Alternately, there's a .bat file that works directly from Windows, but you'll want to be careful when handling line endings if checking out NuPIC from Windows and then running it from the VM
    • Do not sudo gem install vagrant on *nix or Mac OS X: the rubygems repositories have an old version of vagrant which can't deal with the nupic box file, so you'll do best to download the binary from the above link.
  3. Make a directory to run Vagrant and cd into that directory
    • The default .bashrc configuration assumes that the NuPIC repo is located on the VM at "/vagrant". By default, your host machine's Vagrant directory will be shared to the VM as "/vagrant". So it's most convenient if you use a NuPIC repo as your Vagrant directory. (but these paths can be modified if you want)
      • If you're on Unix, simply run: git clone
      • If you're on Windows, you need to avoid git's auto-conversion to DOSfiles, since you'll be running these files inside of a Linux VM. If you're cool with modifying your global settings, run:
        git config --global core.autocrlf false
        git clone
        or if you want to preserve your global settings, run:
        md nupic
        cd nupic
        git init
        git config core.autocrlf false
        git remote add origin
        git pull origin master
  4. vagrant init : This will create Vagrantfile in the directory.
  5. Edit Vagrantfile:
  • change line 10: = "base" to = "nupic"
  • Uncomment the setting config.vm.box_url (line 14) and set it to the following value. This is the URL of the actual virtual machine we have hosted on Amazon S3:
    • config.vm.box_url = ""
  1. Edit any other VM settings in Vagrantfile (you might want to change the CPUs and RAM allocation, or port forwarding).
  2. vagrant up
  • downloads the VM from Amazon S3 (it's 635MB, so sit tight)
  • brings up the VM locally
  • may take a long time, depending on your internet connection
  1. The default settings in Vagrantfile will make any files inside the current directory accessible from within the vm in the /vagrant directory
  2. Expose NuPIC codebase to the vagrant instance. If you used your repo as the Vagrant directory, then you've already completed this step. Otherwise, move / copy your repo into the Vagrant folder, or follow instructions above to check out from Github
  3. Connect to the VM: vagrant ssh. On Windows, follow the instructions here for using Putty and PuttyGen, though you may have an SSH client available if Git is in your %PATH%

After connecting, you will be in the /home/vagrant directory on the virtual machine. Change directories to /vagrant directory, which should contain the NuPIC codebase. Follow the directions in the from here, and everything should run swimmingly.


  • suspend your VM with vagrant suspend
  • destroy your VM with vagrant destroy

Both of the following snippets require that you be using a version 2 Vagrantfile. You can tell that you have a V2 configuration file if the following line is at the top of your Vagrantfile.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

More Memory

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
  # Use VBoxManage to customize the VM. For example to change memory:
  vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "4096"]
  vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", "4"]

Dynamically assign Memory and CPUs to the VM.

To be able to dynamically set CPU and RAM by setting environment variables, add this snippet to your Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
  # Don't boot with headless mode
  # vb.gui = true

  if ENV.has_key?('VAGRANT_RAM')
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", ENV['VAGRANT_RAM']]
  # Set CPUS
  if ENV.has_key?('VAGRANT_CPUS')
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", ENV['VAGRANT_CPUS']]

Please note that this does no sanity checking, it hands your settings off to VirtualBox and lets it deal with them.

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