Changes for support of SQLAlchemy 2.0.x (#127) (bchoudhary6415)
Some changes to support for SQLAlchemy 2.0 and resolved denormalise name error (#126) (bchoudhary6415)
Support for SQLAlchemy 2.0 (#124) (bchoudhary6415)
Made some changes for release 039 (#121) (bchoudhary6415)
Release 039 (#120) (bchoudhary6415)
resolve merge conflicts (Bimal Jha)
don't mutate URL object (#116) (Edwin Onuonga)
Fix offset condition (#117) (Edwin Onuonga)
indentation change for changes file (amukherjee)
Added missing columns for the previous commit (Sasa Tomic)
Fix for reflection get_primary_keys (Sasa Tomic)
DB2 may not return the column names in SYSCOL.INDEXES (Sasa Tomic)
pyodbc mods (openmax)
implemented iseries db2 dialect inside PASE environment (openmax)
- autoload bug fix with SQLAlchemy 1.4.x
- remove warning message while connection
- add columns reflection with comments
- other bug fixes reported
- add support for sqlalchemy 1.4
- Missing none check for dbma_name
- Set issolation level
- Other bug fixes
- issolation level bug fix.
- Added ZOS server support for applications to connect
- Added Iseries server support for application to connect
- Add CurrentSchema key word as part of connection string support
- Added fix for multiple issues
- Added fix for missing "CURRENT ISOLATION" register
- Fixed Autocommit not working for pyodbc
- Fixed NameError: name 'asbool' is not defined python
- Fixed multiple defects mentioned below
- Add documentation on alchemy url for conncetion over ssl
- DB2 on AS400: An unexpected token "ISOLATION" was found on ibm_db_sa/ibm_db.py
- Getting AttributeError for AS400
- name 'unicode' is not defined
- AttributeError when using pyodbc
- add capability to the driver to generate query with literals, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}
2016/08/30 -Added Support for Python 3.x
2014/10/20 (IBM_DB_SA adaptor 0.3.2)
- Added SSL support
- Added get_incoming_foreign_keys functionality with reflector
- Added get_unique_constraints reflection feature
- Added exist() unary operator support within select clause
- Fixed incompatible issue of sql.true() for SQLAlchemy v0.7.x & 0.8.x
- Fixed add_constraint incompatible issue with SQLAlchemy-0.9.x
- Fixed reflection function get_indexes to not return the unique constraint participating index
2014/03/26 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.3.1)
- Handle Double Type in DDL Generator
- Translating 'update' and 'read' lock-mode with DB2 compatible SQL
- Added Stored procedure with outparam support in ibm_db_sa dialect
- Convert nullable unique constraint to unique index exclude nulls for DB2 10.5
- Fix to detect invalid connection
- Added support for CHAR_LENGTH function support
- Fix drop index implementation incompatibility with SQLAlchemy-0.8.x onwards
- Add/Fix support for zxjdbc for both IBM DB LUW and AS/400
- Add/Fix support for PyODBC for both IBM DB LUW and AS/400
- Fix reflection for get_lastrowid
2013/03/01 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.3.0)
- Add support for LIMIT/OFFSET
- Add support for savepoints
- Add support for double-precision floating-point number
- Fixed reflection for get_view_names and get_view_definition
- Add support for SQLAlchemy 0.7/0.8
- Refactor code layout
- Now supporting "db2://" scheme as well as "ibm_db://" for backwards compatibility
- Add/fix support for explicit sequences
2011/09/27 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.2.1):
- fix reflection problem
- support alternate DB2 LUW connection via PyODBC
- support alternate DB2 i5/OS (iSeries) via PyODBC
- support alternate DB2 i5/OS (iSeries) via ZxJDBC (Jython)
2011/08/28 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.2.0):
- Support of SQLAlchemy 0.6/0.7
- Add Jython support
2008/11/06 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.1.6):
- fixed Metadata not loading any table info (defect #158705)
- fixed problems while using different schema names (defect #163785)
- fixed keyerror in length in visit_function (defect #166292)
2008/03/28 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.1.5):
- fixed BIGINT driver return issue #5 (defect #150638)
- fixed autocommit default issue #6 (defect #156919)
- fixed _get_exception() tuple issue #8 (defect #156925)
- fixed create_engine DSN support issue (defect #156930)
2008/02/15 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.1.1):
- fixed .egg setup loading issue #1 (defect #154259)
2008/02/08 (IBM_DB_SA adapter 0.1.0):
- initial alpha release