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File metadata and controls

497 lines (450 loc) · 20.6 KB

Use the Command Line to Manage ILIAS

The ILIAS command line app can be called via php setup\setup.php. It contains four main commands to manage ILIAS installations:

install and update also supply switches and options for a granular control of the inclusion of plugins:

  • --skip <plugin name> will exclude the named plugin from the command
  • --no-plugins will exclude all plugins from the command
  • install <plugin name> (or update <plugin name> respectively) will update or install the specified plugin

install requires a configuration file to do the job. update can be used without this file for updating the installation only, but is required to transfer any modified setting from this file to the installation. The app also supports a help command that lists arguments and options of the available commands.

Install ILIAS

To install ILIAS with all plugins from the command line, call php setup/setup.php install config.json from within the ILIAS folder you checked out from GitHub (or downloaded from elsewhere). config.json can be the path to some configuration file which does not need to reside in the ILIAS folder. Also, setup/setup.php could be the path to the setup.php when the command is called from somewhere else.

You most probably want to execute the setup with the user that also executes your webserver to avoid problems with filesystem permissions. The installation creates directories and files that the webserver will need to read and sometimes even modify.

The setup will ask you to confirm some assumptions during the setup process, where you will have to type yes (or no, of course). These checks can be overwritten with the --yes option, which confirm any assumption for you automatically.

There might be cases where the setup aborts for some reasons. These reasons might require further actions on your side which the setup cannot perform. Make sure you read messages from the setup carefully and act accordingly. If you do not change the config file, it is safe to execute the installation process a second time for the same installation a during the initial setup process.

Do not discard the config.json you use for the installation, you will need it later on to update that installation. If you want to overwrite specific fields in the configuration file you can use the --config="<path>=<value>" option, even several times. If you e.g. use --config="database.password=XYZ" the field database.password from the original config will be overwritten with XYZ. This allows to use one configuration for multiple setups and overwrite it from the CLI or even share configs without secrets.

The setup will also install plugins of the installation, unless the plugin explicitely defines that it cannot be installed via CLI setup. If you still want to skip a plugin for installation, use the skip-option: php setup/setup.php install --skip <plugin name> config.json. The option can be repeated to cover multiple plugins. If you want to skip plugins alltogether, use the --no-plugins option. If you only want to install a specific plugin, use php setup/setup.php install config.json <plugin name>.

Update ILIAS

To update ILIAS from the command line, call php setup/setup.php update from within your ILIAS folder. This will update ILIAS as well as update the database of the installation or do other necessary task for the update. This does not update the source code. If there are changes in your config.json file call php setup/setup.php update config.json from within your ILIAS folder. This will also update the configuration of ILIAS according to the provided configuration.

Plugins are updated just as the core of ILIAS (if the plugin does not exclude itself), where the plugins can be controlled with the same options as for install.

Sometimes it might happen that the database update steps detect some edge case or warn about a possible loss of data. In this case the update is aborted with a message and can be resumed after the messages were read carefully and acted upon. You may use the --ignore-db-update-messages at your own risk if you want to silence the messages.

Report Status of ILIAS

Via php setup/setup.php status you can get a status of your ILIAS installation. The command uses a best effort approach, so according to the status of your system the output might contain more or less fields. When calling this for a system where ILIAS was not installed, for example, the output only contains the information that ilias is not installed. The command also reports on the configuration of the installation.

The output of the command is formatted as YAML to be easily readable by people and machines. So we encourage you to use this command for monitoring your system and also request status information via our feature process that you are interested in.

Like for install and update, plugins are included here, but can be controlled via options.

Build ILIAS Artifacts

Artifacts are source code files that are created based on the ILIAS source tree. You can refresh them by calling php setup/setup.php build-artifacts from your installation. Make sure you run the command with the webserver user or adjust filesystem permissions later on, because the webserver will need to access the generated files. Please do not invoke this function unless it is explicitly stated in update or patch instructions or you know what you are doing.

Like for install and update, plugins are included here, but can be controlled via options.

Achieve a Named Objective

Some components of ILIAS will publish named objectives to the setup via their agent. The most notorious example for this is the component UICore which provides the objective reloadCtrlStructure that will generate routing information for the GUI. To achieve a single objective from an agent, e.g. for control structure reload, run php setup/setup.php achieve $AGENT_NAME.$OBJECTIVE_NAME, e.g. php setup/setup.php achieve uicore.reloadCtrlStructure to reload the control structure. The agent might need to a config file to work, which may be added as last parameter: php setup/setup.php achieve uicore.reloadCtrlStructure config.json


Migrations are major changes in the ILIAS database or file system that are necessary after an update. Migrations can take quite a long time, which is why they are available separately as a command. The advantage is that you can perform migrations after the update when the installation is already online again. For more information, see

The command lists available migrations:

php setup/setup.php migrate

! [NOTE] There are 1 to run:

ilFileObjectMigrationAgent.ilFileObjectToStorageMigration: Migration of File-Objects to Storage service [remaining steps: 1110]

Individual migrations can then be started as follows, e.g.:

php setup/setup.php migrate --run ilFileObjectMigrationAgent.ilFileObjectToStorageMigration

A migration must be confirmed in each case, e.g.:

Do you really want to run the following migration? Make sure you have a backup
of all your data. You will run this migration on your own risk.

Please type 'ilFileObjectToStorageMigration' to confirm and start.:

With --yes migrations can be confirmed automatically.

Migrations are divided into individual steps, of which there can be many depending on the migration. A default number of steps is executed in each case; the number can be increased or set with --steps=....

About the Config File

The config file is a json file with the following structure. Mandatory fields are printed bold, all other fields might be omitted. A minimal example is here.

  • common (type: object) settings relevant for the complete installation, e.g.:
    "common" : {
        "client_id" : "test7",
        "server_timezone" : "Europe/Berlin",
        "register_nic" : true
    • client_id (type: string) is the identifier to be used for the installation
    • server_timezone (type: string) where the installation resides, given as region/city, e.g. Europe/Berlin, defaults to UTC
    • register_nic (boolean) sends the identification number of the installation to a server of the ILIAS society together with some information about the installation, defaults to false
  • backgroundtasks (type: object) is a service to run tasks for users in separate processes, e.g.:
    "backgroundtasks" : {
        "type" : "sync",
        "max_number_of_concurrent_tasks" : 3
    • type (type: string) might be async or sync, defaults to sync
    • max_number_of_concurrent_tasks (type: number) that all users can run together, defaults to 1
  • database (type: object) is required to connect to the database, e.g.:
    "database" : {
        "type" : "innodb",
        "host" : "",
        "port" : "3306",
        "database" : "db_test7",
        "user" : "test7_homer",
        "password" : "homers-secret",
        "create_database" : true
    • type (type: string) of the database, one of innodb, mysql, postgres, galera, defaults to innodb
    • host (type: string) the database server runs on, defaults to localhost
    • port (type: string or number) the database server uses, defaults to 3306
    • database (type: string) name to be used, defaults to ilias
    • user (type: string) to be used to connect to the database
    • password (type: string) to be used to connect to the database
    • create_database (type: boolean) if a database with the given name does not exist? Defaults to true.
  • filesystem (type: object) configuration, e.g.:
    "filesystem" : {
        "data_dir" : "/var/ilias_external_data/test7"
    • data_dir (type: string) outside the web directory where ILIAS puts some data
  • globalcache (type: object) is a service for caching various information, e.g.:
    "globalcache" : {
        "service" : "static",
        "components" : "all"
    "globalcache" : {
        "service" : "apc",
        "components" : {
            "clng" : true,
            "comp" : true,
            "events" : true,
            "global_screen" : true,
            "obj_def" : true,
            "ilctrl" : true,
            "tpl" : true,
            "tpl_blocks" : true,
            "tpl_variables" : true
    "globalcache" : {
        "service" : "memcached",
        "components" : "all",
        "memcached_nodes" : [
                "active" : "1",
                "host" : "",
                "port" : "4711",
                "weight" : "10"
                "active" : "0",
                "host" : "",
                "port" : "4712",
                "weight" : "20"
    • service (type: string) to be used for caching. Either none, static, xcache, memcached or apc, defaults to static.
    • components (type: string or object) that should use caching. Can be all or any list of components that support caching, (must be set too, if service is set)
    • memcached_nodes (type: array of objects) if service equals memcached place your nodes here
  • http (type: object) configuration, e.g.:
    "http" : {
        "path" : "",
    	"https_autodetection" : {
    		"header_name" : "my-header-name",
    		"header_value" : "my-header-value"
    	"proxy" : {
    		"host" : "",
    		"port" : "8088"
    • path (type: string) to your installation on the internet
    • https_autodetection (type: object) allows ILIAS to be run behind a proxy that terminates ssl connections
      • header_name (type: string) that the proxy sets to indicate ssl connections
      • header_value (type: string) that the proxy sets for said header
    • proxy (type: object) for outgoing http connections
      • host (type: string) the proxy runs on
      • port (type: string or number) the proxy listens on
  • language (type: object) configuration, e.g.:
    "language" : {
    	"default_language" : "de",
    	"install_languages" : [
    	"install_local_languages" : [
    • default_language (type: string) language to be used for users, defaults to en
    • install_languages (type: array of strings) defines all languages that should be available in a list, defaults to en
    • install_local_languages (type: array of strings) defines all languages with a local language file, default: no local file(s)
  • logging (type: object) configuration if logging should be used
    "logging" : {
    	"enable" : true,
    	"path_to_logfile" : "/var/log/ilias_test7.log",
    	"errorlog_dir" : "/var/log/ilias_errorlogs/"
    • enable (type: boolean) the logging, defaults to false
    • path_to_logfile (type: string) to be used for logging
    • errorlog_dir (type: string) to put error logs in
  • mathjax (type: object) contains settings for Services/MathJax
    "mathjax" : {
    	"path_to_latex_cgi" : ""
    • path_to_latex_cgi (type: string) url of a mimetex installation (deprecated). Please configure MathJax in the ILIAS Administration.
  • pdfgeneration (type: object) contains settings for Services/PDFGeneration
    "pdfgeneration" : {
    	"path_to_phantom_js" : "/usr/bin/phantomjs"
    • path_to_phantom_js (type: string) executable
  • preview (type: object) contains settings for Services/Preview
    "preview" : {
    	"path_to_ghostscript" : "/usr/bin/gs"
    • path_to_ghostscript (type: string) executable
  • mediaobject (type: object) contains settings for Services/MediaObjects
    "mediaobject" : {
    	"path_to_ffmpeg" : "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
    • path_to_ffmpeg (type: string) executable
  • style (type: obejct) configuration to change the ILIAS look
    "style" : {
    	"manage_system_styles" : true,
    	"path_to_lessc" : "/usr/bin/lessc"
    • manage_system_styles (type: boolean) via a GUI in the installation, defaults to false
    • path_to_lessc (type: string) to compile less to css
  • systemfolder (type: object) settings for Module/SystemFolder
    "systemfolder" : {
    	"client" : {
    		"name" : "test7",
    		"description" : "Test Installation for ILIAS 7",
    		"institution" : "Atomic Powerplant Springfield"
    	"contact" : {
    		"firstname" : "Homer",
    		"lastname" : "Simpson",
    		"title" : "Sir",
    		"position" : "Security Inspector Sector 7G",
    		"institution" : "Atomic Powerplant Springfield",
    		"street" : "742 Evergreen Terrace",
    		"zipcode" : "12345",
    		"city" : "Springfield",
    		"country" : "USA",
    		"phone" : "(939) 555-0113",
    		"email" : "[email protected]"
    • client (type: string) information
      • name (type: string) of the ILIAS installation
      • description (type: string) of the installation
      • institution (type: string) that provides the installation
    • contact (type: string) to a person behind the installation
      • firstname (type: string) of said person
      • lastname (type: string) of said person
      • title (type: string) of said person
      • position (type: string) of said person
      • institution (type: string) of said person
      • street (type: string) of said person
      • zipcode (type: string) of said person
      • city (type: string) of said person
      • country (type: string) of said person
      • phone (type: string) of said person
      • email (type: string) of said person
  • utilities (type: object) contains settings for Services/Utilities
    "utilities" : {
    	"path_to_convert" : "/usr/bin/convert",
    	"path_to_zip" : "/usr/bin/zip",
    	"path_to_unzip" : "/usr/bin/unzip"
    • path_to_convert (type: string) from ImageMagick, to resize images
    • path_to_zip" (type: string) to zip files
    • path_to_unzip" (type: string) to unzip files
  • virusscanner (type: object) configuration
    "virusscanner" : {
    	"virusscanner" : "clamav",
    	"path_to_scan" : "/usr/bin/clamdscan",
    	"path_to_clean" : "/usr/bin/clamdscan --remove=yes",
    "virusscanner" : {
    	"virusscanner" : "icap",
    	"icap_host" : "",
    	"icap_port" : 4712,
    	"icap_service_name" : "icap-name",
    	"icap_client_path" : "icap-client-path"
    • virusscanner (type: string) to be used. Either none, sophos, antivir, clamav or icap
    • path_to_scan (type: string) command of the scanner
    • path_to_clean (type: string) command of the scanner
    • icap_host (type: string) host address of the icap scanner
    • icap_port (type: string or number) port if the icap scanner
    • icap_service_name (type: string) service name of the icap scanner
    • icap_client_path (type: string) path to the c-icap-client, if this is left empty, a php client will be used
  • privacysecurity (type: object)
    "privacysecurity" : {
    	"https_enabled" : true
    • https_enabled (type: boolean) forces https on login page, defaults to false
  • webservices (type: object)
    "webservices" : {
    	"soap_user_administration" : true,
    	"soap_wsdl_path" : "",
    	"soap_connect_timeout" : 30,
    	"rpc_server_host" : "",
    	"rpc_server_port" : "11112"
    • soap_user_administration (type: boolean) enable administration per soap, defaults to false
    • soap_wsdl_path (type: string) path to the ilias wsdl file, default is http:///webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl
    • soap_connect_timeout (type: number) maximum time in seconds until a connection attempt to the SOAP-Webservice is interrupted, defaults to 10
    • rpc_server_host (type: string) Java-Server host (must be set too, if rpc_server_port is set)
    • rpc_server_port (type: string or number) Java-Server port (must be set too, if rpc_server_host is set)
  • chatroom (type: object) see also Chat Server Setup, eg.:
    "chatroom" : {
    	"address" : "",
    	"port" : 8081,
    	"sub_directory" : "/chat",
    	"https" : {
    		"cert" : "/etc/ssl/certs/server.pem",
    		"key" : "/etc/ssl/private/server.key",
    		"dhparam" : "/etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem"
    	"log" : "/var/log/ilias_onscreenchat/access.log",
    	"log_level" : "info",
    	"error_log" : "/var/log/ilias_onscreenchat/error.log",
    	"ilias_proxy" : {
    		"ilias_url" : ""
    	"client_proxy" : {
    		"client_url" : ""
    	"deletion_interval" : {
    		"deletion_unit" : "months",
    		"deletion_value" : "6",
    		"deletion_time" : "23:45"
    • address (type: string) IP-Address/FQN of Chat Server
    • port (type: string or number) of the chat server, possible value from 1 to 65535
    • sub_directory (type: string) http(s)://[IP/Domain]/[SUB_DIRECTORY]
    • https (type: object) adding this enables https
      • cert (type: string) absolute server path to the SSL certificate file e.g. /etc/ssl/certs/server.pem
      • key (type: string) absolute server path to the private key file e.g. /etc/ssl/private/server.key
      • dhparam (type: string) absolute server path to a file e.g. /etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem
    • log (type: string) absolute server path to the chat server's log file e.g. /var/www/ilias/data/chat.log
    • log_level (type: string) possible values are emerg, alert, crit error, warning, notice, info, debug, silly, defaults to warning
    • error_log (type: string) absolute server path to the chat server's error log file e.g. /var/www/ilias/data/chat_error.log
    • ilias_proxy (type: object) ILIAS to Server Connection
      • ilias_url (type: string) URL for the Server connection
    • client_proxy (type: object) Client to Server Connection
      • client_url URL for the Server connection
    • deletion_interval (type: object)
      • deletion_unit (type: string) possible values are days, weeks, months, years
      • deletion_value (type: string or number) depending on deletion_unit possible values are days max 31, weeks max 52, months max 12, years no max
      • deletion_time (type: string) with format HH:MM e.g. 23:30