This project, ongoing since May 2020, captures data about COVID-19 in Puerto Rico and produces the analyses and visualizations that appear in the following website (in Spanish only):
Among the analyses done in this project, I highlight here the following:
- The case curve that the page presents is not simply a copy of the Puerto Rico Department of Health's official figures, but rather we recalculate it from scratch using the raw test result data from their Biostatistics API. Historically (= before May 2023) this recalculation has produced more sensible results than the official data with regard to, for example, reinfections. It was not until early May 2023 that the Department of Health did a big retroactive revision of their official case curve in a fashion that now evidently produces similar results to the methodology I've employed since 2021.
- Analysis of the testing and case data lag—that's to say, how much time passes between the dates in which the data record that patients' test samples were taken, and when the test result or positive case record appeared in the data systems.
- Analysis of the volume, positive rate and data lags by NAAT vs. antigen tests, which shows very interesting patterns such as: a gradual growth in the proportion of antigen tests; systematically lower positive rates for antigen tests; much smaller lag between test sample collection and result data reception for antigen tests.
The downloader/
directory contains our data capture
and ingestion application, which carries out daily downloads of the
following data sources and ingests them into a data lake in Amazon S3:
- Daily CSV downloads from the Puerto Rico Department of Health's COVID-19 statistics dashboard;
- Daily JSON downloads from the Puerto Rico Department of Health's Biostatistics API;
- CSV downloads at diverse frequencies from the United States Deparment of Health and Human Services's website, nd the United States' Centers for Disease Control's similar website.
In addition to that this project has collected a lot of data, much of it copied by hand, from these older sources:
- The
Puerto Rico Department of Health's old reports on COVID-19 cases,
which were published from 2020 to 2021, later replaced by a CSV
download feature. These were only published in PDF format; this
repository collects all of the PDFs under
, and CSV files of painfully hand-extracted and validated data from them underwebsite/assets/data/
. - The Puerto Rico Department of Health's Bioportal API, which was the predecessor of the present-day Biostatistics API (listed above) and contained substantially the same information.
- Hospitalizations data from the COVID Tracking Project, which in turn collected them from the Puerto Rico Department of Health and the United States Health and Human Services Department.
- Misceallaneous sources like press reports or reports and graphs from the Puerto Rico Department of health that do not appear in these links but which journaklists and other parties shared with me.
The bulk of the data cleansing and analysis is built in SQL as a DBT project that uses Amazon Athena as its backend. The code for that is under this directory:
The website is 100% static pages (there is no code running in any HTTP servers, just HTML and client-side Javascript). The application that generates the pages is under this directory:
The charts are made with the excellent Vega-Lite framework and its Python interface Vega-Altair.
Apart from the project in this repository, I also maintain another repo where I adapt and specialize to Puerto Rico the Nextstrain project's COVID-19 viral genomic philogeny. My visualization can be seen at this link.
Robby Cortés (@RobbyCortes on Twitter) y Angélica Serrano-Román (@angelicaserran0) who in the early days of the pandemic diligently published every morning the Puerto Rico Department of Health's case bulletins.
The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust for also facilitating the publication of important government data early on.
Danilo Pérez and Dr. Rafael Irizarry for many suggestions and valuable information.