This is a description of the binary file format of Apotheosis data structure. Each version of the file format is described using the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition).
<apot-file> ::= <header> <HNSW-cfg> <ep> <nodes> <EOF>
<header> ::= <magic> <VERSION> <CRC32_CFG> <CRC32_EP> <CRC32_NODES>
<HNSW-cfg> ::= <M> <Mmax> <Mmax0> <ef> <mL> <distance-algorithm>
<heuristic> <extend_candidates> <keep_pruned_conns>
<ep> ::= <N_LAYER> <node>
<nodes> ::= ( <node> )*
/* Node definition */
<node> ::= <internal-data> <neighborhoods>
<neighborhoods> ::= <N_HOODS> ( <neighborhood> )*
<neighborhood> ::= <N_LAYER> <N_NEIGS> ( <neighbor> )*
<neighbor> ::= <internal-data>
/* We adhere to Python3 struct datatype definitions */
/* See common/ for details */
<internal-data> ::= NODE-IMPLEMENTATION-DEFINED /* depends on the type of node being stored in an Apotheosis model, see below */
<N_HOODS> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<N_LAYER> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<N_NEIGS> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
/* Header data */
<magic> ::= <llong> /* long long (D_SIZE) */
<VERSION> ::= <byte> /* byte (C_SIZE) */
<CRC32_CFG> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE), it will be crc32(<HNSW-cfg>) */
<CRC32_EP> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE), it will be crc32(<ep>) */
<CRC32_NODES> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE), it will be crc32(<nodes>) */
/* HNSW configuration parameters */
<M> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<Mmax> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<Mmax0> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<ef> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
<mL> ::= <real> /* double (D_SIZE) */
<heuristic> ::= <byte> /* byte (C_SIZE) */
<extend_candidates> ::= <byte> /* byte (C_SIZE) */
<keep_pruned_conns> ::= <byte> /* byte (C_SIZE) */
<beer_factor> ::= <double> /* byte (D_SIZE) */
<distance-algorithm> ::= <TLSH> | <SSDEEP> /* byte (C_SIZE) */
<TLSH> ::= #x0 /* value 0 */
<SSDEEP> ::= #x1 /* value 1 */
<EOF> ::= #x0 /* value 0 */
<internal-data> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
- Version 1:
was<page-id> ::= <integer> /* unsigned int (I_SIZE) */
(that is, it was totally acopled toWinModuleHashNode