Description |
Tutorial on how to query the pDEX. |
To query information from the pDEX, the SDK supports the following functions:
Name | Description | Note |
GetPdexState | Get the state of pDEX | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
GetAllPdexPoolPairs | Get all pairs in pDEX | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
GetPdexPoolPair | Get all pools for a pair of tokens | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
GetPoolPairStateByID | Get the information of a pool by its ID | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
GetListNftIDs | Get all nftIDs on the pDEX | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
GetMyNFTs | Get all nftIDs owned by a private key | |
GetOrderByID | Get the information of an order book given its ID | |
GetPoolShareAmount | Get the share amount in a pool of an nftID | |
CheckPrice | Calculate the receiving amount in a pool | |
GetListStakingPoolShares | Get the list of tokens allowed to stake to the pDEX | |
GetListStakingRewardTokens | Get the list of all available staking reward tokens | |
GetEstimatedDEXStakingReward | Get the estimated pDEX staking rewards for an nftID with the given staking pool | beaconHeight = 0 will return the latest information |
CheckNFTMintingStatus | Get the status of an nft-minting transaction | |
CheckTradeStatus | Get the status of a trade | |
CheckDEXLiquidityContributionStatus | Get the status of a liquidity-contributing transaction | |
CheckDEXLiquidityWithdrawalStatus | Get the status of a liquidity-withdrawal transaction | |
CheckOrderAddingStatus | Get the status of an order-book adding transaction | |
CheckOrderWithdrawalStatus | Get the status of an order-book withdrawal transaction | |
CheckDEXStakingStatus | Get the status of a pDEX staking transaction | |
CheckDEXUnStakingStatus | Get the status of a pDEX un-staking transaction | |
CheckDEXStakingRewardWithdrawalStatus | Get the status of a pDEX staking-reward withdrawal transaction | |
CheckDEXLPFeeWithdrawalStatus | Get the status of a pDEX LP fee withdrawal transaction | |
CheckDEXProtocolFeeWithdrawalStatus | Get the status of a pDEX protocol fee withdrawal transaction |
In the next tutorial, we'll how to mint a pDEX NFT.
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