From 1b41424847beb18f953e3bdcd2e3a57b3eaaa65d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: msiglreith Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 17:24:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add DirectML support (SDK: 10.0.18362.0) --- Cargo.toml | 1 + | 1 + src/um/ | 865 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/um/ | 1 + tests/ | 182 +++++++++ tests/ | 182 +++++++++ 6 files changed, 1232 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/um/ diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index 1cf29c7da..9bbc61719 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ devguid = [] devpkey = [] devpropdef = [] dinputd = [] +directml = [] dxgi = [] dxgi1_2 = [] dxgi1_3 = [] diff --git a/ b/ index d36512bcf..ec674f1cf 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const DATA: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str], &'static [&'static ("devpkey", &["devpropdef"], &[]), ("devpropdef", &["guiddef", "minwindef", "winnt"], &[]), ("dinputd", &[], &[]), + ("directml", &["basetsd", "d3d12", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "winnt"], &[]), ("dxgi", &["basetsd", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxgi"]), ("dxgi1_2", &["basetsd", "dxgi", "dxgiformat", "dxgitype", "guiddef", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &[]), ("dxgi1_3", &["dxgi", "dxgi1_2", "dxgiformat", "guiddef", "minwindef", "unknwnbase", "windef", "winnt"], &["dxgi"]), diff --git a/src/um/ b/src/um/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..750571e89 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/um/ @@ -0,0 +1,865 @@ +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 +// or the MIT license +// , at your option. +// All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed +// except according to those terms. +use ctypes::{c_void}; +use shared::basetsd::{UINT64}; +use shared::guiddef::{REFGUID, REFIID}; +use shared::minwindef::{BOOL, FLOAT, UINT}; +use um::d3d12::{ + D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, ID3D12CommandList, + ID3D12Device, ID3D12Resource, +}; +use um::unknwnbase::{IUnknown, IUnknownVtbl}; +use um::winnt::{HRESULT, PCWSTR}; +pub const DML_TENSOR_DIMENSION_COUNT_MAX: UINT = 5; +pub const DML_TEMPORARY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT: UINT = 256; +pub const DML_PERSISTENT_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT: UINT = 256; +pub const DML_MINIMUM_BUFFER_TENSOR_ALIGNMENT: UINT = 16; +ENUM!{enum DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT32 = 1, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT16 = 2, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_UINT32 = 3, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_UINT16 = 4, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_UINT8 = 5, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_INT32 = 6, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_INT16 = 7, + DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_INT8 = 8, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_TENSOR_TYPE { + DML_TENSOR_TYPE_INVALID = 0, + DML_TENSOR_TYPE_BUFFER = 1, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_TENSOR_FLAGS { + DML_TENSOR_FLAG_NONE = 0, + DML_TENSOR_FLAG_OWNED_BY_DML = 1, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BUFFER_TENSOR_DESC { + DataType: DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE, + Flags: DML_TENSOR_FLAGS, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Sizes: *const UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, + TotalTensorSizeInBytes: UINT64, + GuaranteedBaseOffsetAlignment: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_TENSOR_DESC { + Type: DML_TENSOR_TYPE, + Desc: *const c_void, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_OPERATOR_TYPE { + DML_OPERATOR_INVALID = 0, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_IDENTITY = 1, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_ABS = 2, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_ACOS = 3, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_ADD = 4, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_ASIN = 5, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_ATAN = 6, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_CEIL = 7, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_CLIP = 8, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_COS = 9, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_DIVIDE = 10, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_EXP = 11, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_FLOOR = 12, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOG = 13, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_AND = 14, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_EQUALS = 15, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_GREATER_THAN = 16, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_LESS_THAN = 17, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_NOT = 18, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_OR = 19, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_XOR = 20, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_MAX = 21, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_MEAN = 22, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_MIN = 23, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_MULTIPLY = 24, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_POW = 25, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_CONSTANT_POW = 26, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_RECIP = 27, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_SIN = 28, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_SQRT = 29, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_SUBTRACT = 30, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_TAN = 31, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_THRESHOLD = 32, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_QUANTIZE_LINEAR = 33, + DML_OPERATOR_ELEMENT_WISE_DEQUANTIZE_LINEAR = 34, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_ELU = 35, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_HARDMAX = 36, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_HARD_SIGMOID = 37, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY = 38, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_LEAKY_RELU = 39, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_LINEAR = 40, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_LOG_SOFTMAX = 41, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_PARAMETERIZED_RELU = 42, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_PARAMETRIC_SOFTPLUS = 43, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_RELU = 44, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SCALED_ELU = 45, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SCALED_TANH = 46, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SIGMOID = 47, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SOFTMAX = 48, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SOFTPLUS = 49, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_SOFTSIGN = 50, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_TANH = 51, + DML_OPERATOR_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLDED_RELU = 52, + DML_OPERATOR_CONVOLUTION = 53, + DML_OPERATOR_GEMM = 54, + DML_OPERATOR_REDUCE = 55, + DML_OPERATOR_AVERAGE_POOLING = 56, + DML_OPERATOR_LP_POOLING = 57, + DML_OPERATOR_MAX_POOLING = 58, + DML_OPERATOR_ROI_POOLING = 59, + DML_OPERATOR_SLICE = 60, + DML_OPERATOR_CAST = 61, + DML_OPERATOR_SPLIT = 62, + DML_OPERATOR_JOIN = 63, + DML_OPERATOR_PADDING = 64, + DML_OPERATOR_VALUE_SCALE_2D = 65, + DML_OPERATOR_UPSAMPLE_2D = 66, + DML_OPERATOR_GATHER = 67, + DML_OPERATOR_SPACE_TO_DEPTH = 68, + DML_OPERATOR_DEPTH_TO_SPACE = 69, + DML_OPERATOR_TILE = 70, + DML_OPERATOR_TOP_K = 71, + DML_OPERATOR_BATCH_NORMALIZATION = 72, + DML_OPERATOR_MEAN_VARIANCE_NORMALIZATION = 73, + DML_OPERATOR_LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION = 74, + DML_OPERATOR_LP_NORMALIZATION = 75, + DML_OPERATOR_RNN = 76, + DML_OPERATOR_LSTM = 77, + DML_OPERATOR_GRU = 78, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION { + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_ARGMAX = 0, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_ARGMIN = 1, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_AVERAGE = 2, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_L1 = 3, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_L2 = 4, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_LOG_SUM = 5, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_LOG_SUM_EXP = 6, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MAX = 7, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MIN = 8, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MULTIPLY = 9, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_SUM = 10, + DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_SUM_SQUARE = 11, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM { + DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_NONE = 0, + DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_TRANSPOSE = 1, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE { + DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE_CONVOLUTION = 0, + DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE_CROSS_CORRELATION = 1, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION { + DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION_FORWARD = 0, + DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 1, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_PADDING_MODE { + DML_PADDING_MODE_CONSTANT = 0, + DML_PADDING_MODE_EDGE = 1, + DML_PADDING_MODE_REFLECTION = 2, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE { + DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = 0, + DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR = 1, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_SCALE_BIAS { + Scale: FLOAT, + Bias: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_SIZE_2D { + Width: UINT, + Height: UINT, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION { + DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION_FORWARD = 0, + DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 1, + DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL = 2, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_OPERATOR_DESC { + Type: DML_OPERATOR_TYPE, + Desc: *const c_void, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_IDENTITY_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_ABS_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_ACOS_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_ADD_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_ASIN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_ATAN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_CEIL_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_CLIP_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, + Min: FLOAT, + Max: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_COS_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_DIVIDE_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_EXP_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_FLOOR_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOG_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_AND_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_EQUALS_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_GREATER_THAN_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_LESS_THAN_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_NOT_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_XOR_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_MAX_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_MEAN_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_MIN_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_MULTIPLY_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_POW_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ExponentTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_CONSTANT_POW_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, + Exponent: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_RECIP_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_SIN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_SQRT_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_SUBTRACT_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_TAN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_THRESHOLD_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleBias: *const DML_SCALE_BIAS, + Min: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_QUANTIZE_LINEAR_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ZeroPointTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ELEMENT_WISE_DEQUANTIZE_LINEAR_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ZeroPointTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_ELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_HARDMAX_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_HARD_SIGMOID_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_LEAKY_RELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_LINEAR_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_LOG_SOFTMAX_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_PARAMETERIZED_RELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + SlopeTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_PARAMETRIC_SOFTPLUS_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_RELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SCALED_ELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Gamma: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SCALED_TANH_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SIGMOID_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SOFTMAX_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SOFTPLUS_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Steepness: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_SOFTSIGN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_TANH_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLDED_RELU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Alpha: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_CONVOLUTION_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + FilterTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Mode: DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE, + Direction: DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, + Dilations: *const UINT, + StartPadding: *const UINT, + EndPadding: *const UINT, + OutputPadding: *const UINT, + GroupCount: UINT, + FusedActivation: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_GEMM_OPERATOR_DESC { + ATensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + CTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + TransA: DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM, + TransB: DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, + FusedActivation: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_REDUCE_OPERATOR_DESC { + Function: DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION, + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + AxisCount: UINT, + Axes: *const UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_AVERAGE_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, + WindowSize: *const UINT, + StartPadding: *const UINT, + EndPadding: *const UINT, + IncludePadding: BOOL, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_LP_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, + WindowSize: *const UINT, + StartPadding: *const UINT, + EndPadding: *const UINT, + P: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_MAX_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, + WindowSize: *const UINT, + StartPadding: *const UINT, + EndPadding: *const UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_ROI_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ROITensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + SpatialScale: FLOAT, + PooledSize: DML_SIZE_2D, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_SLICE_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + DimensionCount: UINT, + Offsets: *const UINT, + Sizes: *const UINT, + Strides: *const UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_CAST_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_SPLIT_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + DML_SPLIT_OPERATOR_DESC: UINT, + OutputTensors: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Axis: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_JOIN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputCount: UINT, + InputTensors: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Axis: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_PADDING_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + PaddingMode: DML_PADDING_MODE, + PaddingValue: FLOAT, + DimensionCount: UINT, + StartPadding: *const UINT, + EndPadding: *const UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_VALUE_SCALE_2D_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Scale: FLOAT, + ChannelCount: UINT, + Bias: *const FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_UPSAMPLE_2D_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleSize: DML_SIZE_2D, + InterpolationMode: DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_GATHER_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + IndicesTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Axis: UINT, + IndexDimensions: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_SPACE_TO_DEPTH_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BlockSize: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_DEPTH_TO_SPACE_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BlockSize: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_TILE_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + RepeatsCount: UINT, + Repeats: *const UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_TOP_K_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputValueTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputIndexTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Axis: UINT, + K: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BATCH_NORMALIZATION_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + MeanTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + VarianceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Spatial: BOOL, + Epsilon: FLOAT, + FusedActivation: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_MEAN_VARIANCE_NORMALIZATION_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ScaleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + CrossChannel: BOOL, + NormalizeVariance: BOOL, + Epsilon: FLOAT, + FusedActivation: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + CrossChannel: BOOL, + LocalSize: UINT, + Alpha: FLOAT, + Beta: FLOAT, + Bias: FLOAT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_LP_NORMALIZATION_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + Axis: UINT, + Epsilon: FLOAT, + P: UINT, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_RNN_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + WeightTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + RecurrenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + HiddenInitTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + SequenceLengthsTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSequenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSingleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ActivationDescCount: UINT, + ActivationDescs: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, + Direction: DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_LSTM_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + WeightTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + RecurrenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + HiddenInitTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + CellMemInitTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + SequenceLengthsTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + PeepholeTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSequenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSingleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputCellSingleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ActivationDescCount: UINT, + ActivationDescs: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, + Direction: DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION, + ClipThreshold: FLOAT, + UseClipThreshold: BOOL, + CoupleInputForget: BOOL, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_GRU_OPERATOR_DESC { + InputTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + WeightTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + RecurrenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + BiasTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + HiddenInitTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + SequenceLengthsTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSequenceTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + OutputSingleTensor: *const DML_TENSOR_DESC, + ActivationDescCount: UINT, + ActivationDescs: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, + Direction: DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION, + LinearBeforeReset: BOOL, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_FEATURE { + DML_FEATURE_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_SUPPORT = 0, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_FEATURE_QUERY_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_SUPPORT { + DataType: DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_FEATURE_DATA_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE_SUPPORT { + IsSupported: BOOL, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BINDING_TABLE_DESC { + Dispatchable: *mut IDMLDispatchable, + CPUDescriptorHandle: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, + GPUDescriptorHandle: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, + SizeInDescriptors: UINT, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS { + DML_EXECUTION_FLAG_NONE = 0, + DML_EXECUTION_FLAG_ALLOW_HALF_PRECISION_COMPUTATION = 0x1, + DML_EXECUTION_FLAG_DISABLE_META_COMMANDS = 0x2, + DML_EXECUTION_FLAG_DESCRIPTORS_VOLATILE = 0x4, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS { + DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG_NONE = 0, + DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG_DEBUG = 0x1, +}} +extern "system" { + pub fn DMLCreateDevice( + d3d12Device: *mut ID3D12Device, + flags: DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS, + riid: REFIID, + device: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT; +} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0xc8263aac, 0x9e0c, 0x4c22, 0x9b, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x75, 0x21, 0xa3, 0x31, 0x7c)] +interface IDMLObject(IDMLObjectVtbl): IUnknown(IUnknownVtbl) { + fn GetPrivateData( + guid: REFGUID, + dataSize: *mut UINT, + data: *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn SetPrivateData( + guid: REFGUID, + dataSize: UINT, + data: *const c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn SetPrivateDataInterface( + guid: REFGUID, + data: *mut IUnknown, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn SetName( + name: PCWSTR, + ) -> HRESULT, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x6dbd6437, 0x96fd, 0x423f, 0xa9, 0x8c, 0xae, 0x5e, 0x7c, 0x2a, 0x57, 0x3f)] +interface IDMLDevice(IDMLDeviceVtbl): IDMLObject(IDMLObjectVtbl) { + fn CheckFeatureSupport( + feature: DML_FEATURE, + featureQueryDataSize: UINT, + featureQueryData: *const c_void, + featureSupportDataSize: UINT, + featureSupportData: *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn CreateOperator( + desc: *const DML_OPERATOR_DESC, + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn CompileOperator( + op: *mut IDMLOperator, + flags: DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS, + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn CreateOperatorInitializer( + operatorCount: UINT, + operators: *const *mut IDMLCompiledOperator, + flags: DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS, + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn CreateCommandRecorder( + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn CreateBindingTable( + desc: *const DML_BINDING_TABLE_DESC, + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn Evict( + count: UINT, + ppObjects: *const *mut IDMLPageable, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn MakeResident( + count: UINT, + ppObjects: *const *mut IDMLPageable, + ) -> HRESULT, + fn GetDeviceRemovedReason() -> HRESULT, + fn GetParentDevice( + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x27e83142, 0x8165, 0x49e3, 0x97, 0x4e, 0x2f, 0xd6, 0x6e, 0x4c, 0xb6, 0x9d)] +interface IDMLDeviceChild(IDMLDeviceChildVtbl): IDMLObject(IDMLObjectVtbl) { + fn GetDevice( + riid: REFIID, + ppv: *mut *mut c_void, + ) -> HRESULT, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0xb1ab0825, 0x4542, 0x4a4b, 0x86, 0x17, 0x6d, 0xde, 0x6e, 0x8f, 0x62, 0x01)] +interface IDMLPageable(IDMLPageableVtbl): IDMLDeviceChild(IDMLDeviceChildVtbl) { +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x26caae7a, 0x3081, 0x4633, 0x95, 0x81, 0x22, 0x6f, 0xbe, 0x57, 0x69, 0x5d)] +interface IDMLOperator(IDMLOperatorVtbl): IDMLDeviceChild(IDMLDeviceChildVtbl) { +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BINDING_PROPERTIES { + RequiredDescriptorCount: UINT, + TemporaryResourceSize: UINT64, + PersistentResourceSize: UINT64, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0xdcb821a8, 0x1039, 0x441e, 0x9f, 0x1c, 0xb1, 0x75, 0x9c, 0x2f, 0x3c, 0xec)] +interface IDMLDispatchable(IDMLDispatchableVtbl): IDMLPageable(IDMLPageableVtbl) { + #[fixme] fn GetBindingProperties() -> DML_BINDING_PROPERTIES, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x6b15e56a, 0xbf5c, 0x4902, 0x92, 0xd8, 0xda, 0x3a, 0x65, 0x0a, 0xfe, 0xa4)] +interface IDMLCompiledOperator(IDMLCompiledOperatorVtbl): IDMLDispatchable(IDMLDispatchableVtbl) { +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x427c1113, 0x435c, 0x469c, 0x86, 0x76, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0xd0, 0x72, 0xf8, 0x13)] +interface IDMLOperatorInitializer(IDMLOperatorInitializerVtbl): + IDMLDispatchable(IDMLDispatchableVtbl) +{ + fn Reset( + operatorCount: UINT, + operators: *const *mut IDMLCompiledOperator, + ) -> HRESULT, +}} +ENUM!{enum DML_BINDING_TYPE { + DML_BINDING_TYPE_NONE = 0, + DML_BINDING_TYPE_BUFFER = 1, + DML_BINDING_TYPE_BUFFER_ARRAY = 2, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BINDING_DESC { + Type: DML_BINDING_TYPE, + Desc: *const c_void, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BUFFER_BINDING { + Buffer: *mut ID3D12Resource, + Offset: UINT64, + SizeInBytes: UINT64, +}} +STRUCT!{struct DML_BUFFER_ARRAY_BINDING { + BindingCount: UINT, + Bindings: *const DML_BUFFER_BINDING, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x29c687dc, 0xde74, 0x4e3b, 0xab, 0x00, 0x11, 0x68, 0xf2, 0xfc, 0x3c, 0xfc)] +interface IDMLBindingTable(IDMLBindingTableVtbl): IDMLDeviceChild(IDMLDeviceChildVtbl) { + fn BindInputs( + bindingCount: UINT, + bindings: *const DML_BINDING_DESC, + ) -> (), + fn BindOutputs( + bindingCount: UINT, + bindings: *const DML_BINDING_DESC, + ) -> (), + fn BindTemporaryResource( + binding: *const DML_BINDING_DESC, + ) -> (), + fn BindPersistentResource( + binding: *const DML_BINDING_DESC, + ) -> (), + fn Reset( + desc: *const DML_BINDING_TABLE_DESC, + ) -> HRESULT, +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0xe6857a76, 0x2e3e, 0x4fdd, 0xbf, 0xf4, 0x5d, 0x2b, 0xa1, 0x0f, 0xb4, 0x53)] +interface IDMLCommandRecorder(IDMLCommandRecorderVtbl): IDMLDeviceChild(IDMLDeviceChildVtbl) { + fn RecordDispatch( + commandList: *mut ID3D12CommandList, + dispatchable: *mut IDMLDispatchable, + bindings: *mut IDMLBindingTable, + ) -> (), +}} +RIDL!{#[uuid(0x7d6f3ac9, 0x394a, 0x4ac3, 0x92, 0xa7, 0x39, 0x0c, 0xc5, 0x7a, 0x82, 0x17)] +interface IDMLDebugDevice(IDMLDebugDeviceVtbl): IUnknown(IUnknownVtbl) { + fn SetMuteDebugOutput( + mute: BOOL, + ) -> (), +}} diff --git a/src/um/ b/src/um/ index fb690061d..164e5938c 100644 --- a/src/um/ +++ b/src/um/ @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ pub mod gl; #[cfg(feature = "debugapi")] pub mod debugapi; #[cfg(feature = "devicetopology")] pub mod devicetopology; #[cfg(feature = "dinput")] pub mod dinput; +#[cfg(feature = "directml")] pub mod directml; #[cfg(feature = "dispex")] pub mod dispex; #[cfg(feature = "dmksctl")] pub mod dmksctl; #[cfg(feature = "dmusicc")] pub mod dmusicc; diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 00b472869..81feac23d 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -3085,6 +3085,188 @@ fn um_devicetopology() { assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); } +#[cfg(feature = "directml")] #[test] +fn um_directml() { + use winapi::um::directml::*; + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 40); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 20); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + 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assert_eq!(size_of::(), 20); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 12); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 20); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 36); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 28); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 20); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 44); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 68); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 48); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); +} #[cfg(feature = "docobj")] #[test] fn um_docobj() { use winapi::um::docobj::*; diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 901fd8cdd..f344ea229 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -3100,6 +3100,188 @@ fn um_devicetopology() { assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); } +#[cfg(feature = "directml")] #[test] +fn um_directml() { + use winapi::um::directml::*; + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 48); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 104); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 56); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 40); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 64); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 64); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 56); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 40); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 48); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 48); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 64); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 56); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 40); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 88); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 120); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 88); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 4); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 24); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); + assert_eq!(size_of::(), 16); + assert_eq!(align_of::(), 8); +} #[cfg(feature = "docobj")] #[test] fn um_docobj() { use winapi::um::docobj::*;