From 74b819a49a1cfa3b21f41a3e2608ad7ade205643 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: renzuzu <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 16:31:49 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] cleanups
client/client.lua | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/client/client.lua b/client/client.lua
index 638541d..0c14796 100644
--- a/client/client.lua
+++ b/client/client.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
local LastVehicleFromGarage
local garageid = 'A'
local inGarage = false
@@ -4144,99 +4143,97 @@ function isVehicleUnlocked()
if not DoesEntityExist(veh) or entering then return end
entering = true
- while true do
+ while Config.EnableKeySystem do
local sleep = 0
- if Config.EnableKeySystem then
- if veh then
- EnsureEntityStateBag(veh)
- plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh)
- plate = string.gsub(plate, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')
- local ent = Entity(veh).state
- --ent.havekeys = GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or false
- if not ent.havekeys then
- ent.havekeys = GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or ent.share ~= nil and ent.share[PlayerData.identifier] or false
- if ent.hotwired and ent.havekeys then
- ent.hotwired = false
- ent:set('hotwired', false, true)
- TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','hotwired',false, VehToNet(veh))
- ent:set('havekeys', false, true)
- TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','havekeys',false, VehToNet(veh))
- Wait(200)
- ent.havekeys = true
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
- Wait(100)
- end
- elseif GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or ent.share ~= nil and ent.share[PlayerData.identifier] then
+ if veh then
+ EnsureEntityStateBag(veh)
+ plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh)
+ plate = string.gsub(plate, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')
+ local ent = Entity(veh).state
+ --ent.havekeys = GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or false
+ if not ent.havekeys then
+ ent.havekeys = GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or ent.share ~= nil and ent.share[PlayerData.identifier] or false
+ if ent.hotwired and ent.havekeys then
+ ent.hotwired = false
+ ent:set('hotwired', false, true)
+ TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','hotwired',false, VehToNet(veh))
+ ent:set('havekeys', false, true)
+ TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','havekeys',false, VehToNet(veh))
+ Wait(200)
+ ent.havekeys = true
- if ent.hotwired then
- ent.hotwired = false
- ent:set('hotwired', false, true)
- TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','hotwired',false, VehToNet(veh))
- ent:set('havekeys', false, true)
- TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','havekeys',false, VehToNet(veh))
- Wait(200)
- ent.havekeys = true
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
- Wait(100)
- end
+ Wait(100)
- if not ent.unlock and Config.LockAllLocalVehicle
- or not ent.unlock and GetEntityPopulationType(veh) == 7 and not Config.LockAllLocalVehicle then
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 2)
- else
- if not Config.LockAllLocalVehicle and GetEntityPopulationType(veh) ~= 7 then
- local driver = GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh, -1)
- if not DoesEntityExist(driver) and Config.LockParkedLocalVehiclesOnly and GetLastPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) ~= PlayerPedId() then
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 2)
- else
- ent.unlock = true
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 7)
- while GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) do Wait(100) SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true) end
- end
+ elseif GlobalState.GVehicles[plate] ~= nil and GlobalState.GVehicles[plate].owner == PlayerData.identifier or ent.share ~= nil and ent.share[PlayerData.identifier] then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ if ent.hotwired then
+ ent.hotwired = false
+ ent:set('hotwired', false, true)
+ TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','hotwired',false, VehToNet(veh))
+ ent:set('havekeys', false, true)
+ TriggerServerEvent('statebugupdate','havekeys',false, VehToNet(veh))
+ Wait(200)
+ ent.havekeys = true
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ Wait(100)
+ end
+ end
+ if not ent.unlock and Config.LockAllLocalVehicle
+ or not ent.unlock and GetEntityPopulationType(veh) == 7 and not Config.LockAllLocalVehicle then
+ SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 2)
+ else
+ if not Config.LockAllLocalVehicle and GetEntityPopulationType(veh) ~= 7 then
+ local driver = GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh, -1)
+ if not DoesEntityExist(driver) and Config.LockParkedLocalVehiclesOnly and GetLastPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) ~= PlayerPedId() then
+ SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 2)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 1)
+ ent.unlock = true
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 7)
+ while GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) do Wait(100) SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true) end
+ else
+ SetVehicleDoorsLocked(veh, 1)
- sleep = 1
- if not ent.havekeys then
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
- end
- if ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys then
- local c = 0
- while not GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() or c < 70 do SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true) if GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() then break end Wait(100) c = c + 1 end
- end
- Wait(100)
- if Config.EnableHotwire and ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys and GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() and not GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) then
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
- while GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() and not GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) do
- ShowFloatingHelpNotification('[H] to Hot Wire Vehicle
[F] to Cancel', GetEntityCoords(veh), true, 'hotwire')
- if IsControlJustPressed(0,74) then
- HotWireVehicle(veh)
- Wait(1000)
- end
- Wait(0)
+ end
+ sleep = 1
+ if not ent.havekeys then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
+ end
+ if ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys then
+ local c = 0
+ while not GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() or c < 70 do SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true) if GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() then break end Wait(100) c = c + 1 end
+ end
+ Wait(100)
+ if Config.EnableHotwire and ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys and GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() and not GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
+ while GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh,-1) == PlayerPedId() and not GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(veh) do
+ ShowFloatingHelpNotification('[H] to Hot Wire Vehicle
[F] to Cancel', GetEntityCoords(veh), true, 'hotwire')
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0,74) then
+ HotWireVehicle(veh)
+ Wait(1000)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,true)
- end
- if ent.unlock and ent.havekeys and ent.hotwired and GetSeatPedIsTryingToEnter(PlayerPedId()) == -1 then
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,true)
- end
- if ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys and not ent.hotwired then
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
- end
- if not Config.EnableHotwire then
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ Wait(0)
- break
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,true)
+ end
+ if ent.unlock and ent.havekeys and ent.hotwired and GetSeatPedIsTryingToEnter(PlayerPedId()) == -1 then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,true)
+ end
+ if ent.unlock and not ent.havekeys and not ent.hotwired then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,true)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ if not Config.EnableHotwire then
+ SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,false,true,false)
+ SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(veh,false)
+ end
+ break