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Releases: rcspam/audio2ascii

audio2ascii v1.5

07 Jul 15:34
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We can now set the curve directly in Natron.
A start frame option has been added to place the curve where we want on the time line


natron - test-curve ntp - _003

audio2ascii v1.4

06 Jul 21:28
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We can now generate curve directly in Natron
TODO: Possibility to insert curve at a wanted place on the timeline, actually it insert at the begining

audio2ascii 1.3

04 Jul 13:31
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Add a python plugin to launch audio2ascii from a Natron Node.

natron - untitled ntp - _003

audio2ascii 1.2

29 Jun 13:53
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Add some infos at the result window + minor

Some short videos released with the Natron 2 Snapshot Transform Node:

  • Test1.mp4 ( x curve on scale)
  • Test2.mp4 ( xy curves (stereo) with x translate on left channel, y translate on right channel )
  • Test3.mp4 (y curve on y translate)

audio2ascii v1.0.1

28 Jun 16:08
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Correct the default x/xy parameter non set at start + add comment

audio2ascii 1.0

25 Jun 14:48
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We can adjust the lenght(px) and the height(px) of the waveform

audio2ascii 0.6

24 Jun 20:29
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audio2ascii 0.6 Pre-release

Add display ascii file before restart to change parameter (thanks to @olear for this idea in his qt vesion )

audio2ascii 0.5

24 Jun 17:03
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audio2ascii 0.5 Pre-release

Add deviation result and possibility to restart gui to change parameters (really to change mult.factor to dev max )
It is cool if the mult.factor must stay under some value (e.g. for scale curve in transform under 1)

audio2ascii 0.4

24 Jun 07:06
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audio2ascii 0.4 Pre-release

Add manage error for gui

audio2ascii 0.3

23 Jun 20:51
Choose a tag to compare

Some little improves in the code