Welcome to this repository and thanks for considering to contribute! Every contribution is welcome, no matter how small or large.
Currently, there are no large plans for this repository. However, if you have an idea and would like to contribute, this is not a problem! Simply submit an issue that details your contribution idea and submit a pull request to fix that issue.
To setup your local development environment, open a terminal and run the following:
git clone https://github.com/rbaltrusch/pygame_examples
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
The general procedure for submitting pull requests that can be easily reviewed and accepted is detailed in the pull request template. Please go through the points specified in the template before submitting your pull request to avoid a lengthy back-and-forth between reviews and refactoring your changes.
If what you are improving on in your pull request is not detailed in any issue, it would be great if you could submit an issue first and then submit your pull request, referencing that issue.
For any questions or feedback, please raise an issue or reach out to me by email: [email protected].