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55 lines (41 loc) · 2.89 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (41 loc) · 2.89 KB


All endpoints are documented here.

The base URL is where you host the server, usually http://localhost:PORT where PORT is your port or the default 3030 port.

If you exposed it to the internet with -h then users outside the host can access it via http://yourserverip:PORT if you are doing that to e.g share the server with a friend then consider passing a -s password flag to add a password and then users will have to request with Authorization: password header set. Local requests from still does not need to authenticate.

GET /ping

Always returns {"message": "Pong!"} a quick check to see if the server is alive.

GET /stats

Returns an object with { "version": "version", "uptime": 0, "stats": {...}, "goroutines": 0 }

version is the version of the API server.

uptime is number of seconds the server has been up for.

stats is the full Go object that contains memory usage information. See go doc runtime.MemStats for the fields.

goroutines is the number of active goroutines.

Stats is quite big and if you only need the other fields you can pass ?noStats=true to not send the mem stats.

Image Endpoints

All image endpoints return the image binary directly on 200 success. Any errors are sent with a JSON containing a message field.

Replace {IMAGE_URL} with an actual url that points to an image smaller than 8 MB.

Replace {TEXT} with text input respecting the following character limit.

Numbers in parenthesis () can indicate a limit. For text it's the max character limit and for images it signals the minimum size that can be requested from Discord directly to avoid unnecessary resizing. The API still has to resize them for most of the endpoints but the smaller the input the faster that process is so those are the minimum sizes you should use.

  • /religion?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /beautiful?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}
  • /fear?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}
  • /sacred?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /painting?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /color?color={NAME_OR_HEX} (# is automatically stripped off, and name is case insensitive)
  • /delete?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}
  • /garbage?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /tom?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}
  • /bed?avatar={IMAGE_URL(128)}&target={IMAGE_URL(128)}
  • /crush?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}&target={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /patrick?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /respect?avatar={IMAGE_URL(128)}
  • /dipshit?text={TEXT(33)}
  • /picture?avatar={IMAGE_URL(1024)}
  • /tweet?text={TEXT(165)}
  • /truth?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}
  • /bobross?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)}
  • /mask?avatar={IMAGE_URL(512)} (More feedback required to improve this.)
  • /father?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}&text={TEXT(42)}
  • /achievement?avatar={IMAGE_URL(64)}&text={TEXT(21)}
  • /dominantColor?avatar={IMAGE_URL} Get an image dominant color. Response format: { "hex": "#FFFFFF", "rgb": { "r": 255, "g": 255, "b": 255 } }
  • /kaguya?avatar={IMAGE_URL(256)}