From b0f80483e3dc40f18c261edb9b38135ae29607ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:07:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/48] Add cataloging routiine
breizorro/ | 455 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 447 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 3c32455..5148aa9 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -6,10 +6,16 @@
import os.path
import re
import numpy as np
from import fits
-from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs import WCS
+from astropy.coordinates import Angle
+from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import regions
+from regions import PixCoord
+from regions import PolygonSkyRegion, PolygonPixelRegion
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_erosion, binary_fill_holes
@@ -17,6 +23,12 @@
import scipy.special
import scipy.ndimage
+from skimage.draw import polygon as skimage_polygon
+from skimage.measure import find_contours
+from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
+from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
def create_logger():
"""Create a console logger"""
@@ -86,6 +98,7 @@ def make_noise_map(restored_image, boxsize):"Median noise value is {median_noise}")
return noise
def resolve_island(isl_spec, mask_image, wcs, ignore_missing=False):
if re.match("^\d+$", isl_spec):
return int(isl_spec)
@@ -104,12 +117,14 @@ def resolve_island(isl_spec, mask_image, wcs, ignore_missing=False):
raise ValueError(f"coordinates {c} do not select a valid island")
return value
def add_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
for reg in regs:
if hasattr(reg, 'to_pixel'):
reg = reg.to_pixel(wcs)
mask_image += reg.to_mask().to_image(mask_image.shape)
def remove_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
for reg in regs:
if hasattr(reg, 'to_pixel'):
@@ -117,6 +132,362 @@ def remove_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
mask_image[reg.to_mask().to_image(mask_image.shape) != 0] = 0
+def contour_worker(input, output):
+ for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
+ result = func(*args)
+ output.put(result)
+def calculate_weighted_centroid(x, y, flux_values):
+ # Calculate the total flux within the region
+ total_flux = np.sum(flux_values)
+ # Initialize variables for weighted sums
+ weighted_sum_x = 0
+ weighted_sum_y = 0
+ # Loop through all pixels within the region
+ for xi, yi, flux in zip(x, y, flux_values):
+ # Add the weighted contribution of each pixel to the centroid
+ weighted_sum_x += xi * flux
+ weighted_sum_y += yi * flux
+ # Calculate the centroid coordinates
+ centroid_x = weighted_sum_x / total_flux
+ centroid_y = weighted_sum_y / total_flux
+ return centroid_x, centroid_y
+def process_contour(x, y, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
+ rr, cc = skimage_polygon(x,y)
+ data_result = image_data[rr, cc]
+ pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
+ if fitsinfo['b_size']:
+ bmaj,bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
+ mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
+ else:
+ mean_beam = beam
+ pixels_beam = calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pixel_size)
+ total_flux = data_result.sum() / pixels_beam
+ contained_points = len(rr) # needed for estimating flux density error
+ use_max = 0
+ lon = 0
+ wcs = fitsinfo['wcs']
+ while len(wcs.array_shape) > 2:
+ wcs = wcs.dropaxis(len(wcs.array_shape) - 1)
+ try:
+ peak_flux = data_result.max()
+ except:
+ LOGGER.warn('Failure to get maximum within contour')
+'Probably a contour at edge of image - skipping')
+ peak_flux = 0.0
+ if peak_flux >= flux_cutoff:
+ total_peak_ratio = np.abs((total_flux - peak_flux) / total_flux)
+ beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
+ ten_pc_error = 0.1 * total_flux
+ flux_density_error = np.sqrt(ten_pc_error * ten_pc_error + beam_error * beam_error)
+ contour = []
+ for i in range(len(x)):
+ contour.append([x[i],y[i]])
+ centroid = calculate_weighted_centroid(x,y, data_result)
+ pix_centroid = PixCoord(centroid[0], centroid[1])
+ contour_pixels = PixCoord(np.array(x), np.array(y))
+ p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
+ if p.contains(pix_centroid)[0]:
+ ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
+ else:
+ use_max = 1
+ LOGGER.warn('centroid lies outside polygon - using peak position')
+ location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data_result, axis=None), data_result.shape)
+ x_pos = rr[location]
+ y_pos = cc[location]
+ data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos]
+ pos_pixels = PixCoord(x_pos, y_pos)
+ ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pos_pixels.x, pos_pixels.y, 0)
+ source_flux = (round(total_flux * 1000, 3), round(flux_density_error * 1000, 4))
+ source_size = get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
+ source_pos = format_source_coordinates(ra, dec)
+ source = source_pos + (ra, dec) + (total_flux, flux_density_error) + source_size
+ catalog_out = ', '.join(str(src_prop) for src_prop in source)
+ else:
+ # Dummy source to be eliminated
+ lon = -np.inf
+ catalog_out = ''
+ return (ra, catalog_out, use_max)
+def deg_to_hms(ra_deg):
+ ra_hours = ra_deg / 15 # 360 degrees = 24 hours
+ hours = int(ra_hours)
+ minutes = int((ra_hours - hours) * 60)
+ seconds = (ra_hours - hours - minutes / 60) * 3600
+ return hours, minutes, seconds
+def deg_to_dms(dec_deg):
+ degrees = int(dec_deg)
+ dec_minutes = abs(dec_deg - degrees) * 60
+ minutes = int(dec_minutes)
+ seconds = (dec_minutes - minutes) * 60
+ return degrees, minutes, seconds
+def format_source_coordinates(coord_x_deg, coord_y_deg):
+ h,m,s = deg_to_hms(coord_x_deg)
+ if h < 10:
+ h = '0' + str(h)
+ else:
+ h = str(h)
+ if m < 10:
+ m = '0' + str(m)
+ else:
+ m = str(m)
+ s = round(s,2)
+ if s < 10:
+ s = '0' + str(s)
+ else:
+ s = str(s)
+ if len(s) < 5:
+ s = s + '0'
+ d,m,s = deg_to_dms(coord_y_deg)
+ if d >= 0 and d < 10:
+ d = '0' + str(d)
+ elif d < 0 and abs(d) < 10:
+ d = '-0' + str(d)
+ else:
+ d = str(d)
+ if m < 10:
+ m = '0' + str(m)
+ else:
+ m = str(m)
+ s = round(s,2)
+ if s < 10:
+ s = '0' + str(s)
+ else:
+ s = str(s)
+ if len(s) < 5:
+ s = s + '0'
+ h_m_s = h + ':' + m + ':' + s
+ d_m_s = d + ':' + m + ':' + s
+ src_pos = (h_m_s, d_m_s)
+ return src_pos
+def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
+ """Calculate maximum extent and position angle of a contour.
+ Parameters:
+ contour : list of [x, y] pairs
+ List of coordinates defining the contour.
+ pixel_size : float
+ Size of a pixel in the image (e.g., arcseconds per pixel).
+ Returns:
+ ang_size : float
+ Maximum extent of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
+ pos_angle : float
+ Position angle of the contour (in degrees).
+ """
+ src_size = 0
+ pos_angle = None
+ # Convert the contour to a numpy array for easier calculations
+ contour_array = np.array(contour)
+ # Calculate pairwise distances between all points in the contour
+ for i in range(len(contour_array)):
+ for j in range(i+1, len(contour_array)):
+ # Calculate Euclidean distance between points i and j
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(contour_array[i] - contour_array[j]) * pixel_size
+ # Calculate positional angle between points i and j
+ dx, dy = contour_array[j] - contour_array[i]
+ angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx))
+ # Update max_distance, max_points, and pos_angle if the calculated distance is greater
+ if distance > src_size:
+ src_size = distance
+ pos_angle = angle
+ return src_size, pos_angle
+def get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image, int_peak_ratio):
+ result = maxDist(contour,pixel_size)
+ src_angle = result[0]
+ pos_angle = result[1]
+ contour_pixels = PixCoord([c[0] for c in contour], [c[1] for c in contour])
+ p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
+ source_beam_ratio = p.area / mean_beam
+ # first test for point source
+ point_source = False
+ if (int_peak_ratio <= 0.2) or (src_angle <= mean_beam):
+ point_source = True
+ if source_beam_ratio <= 1.0:
+ point_source = True
+ if point_source:
+ src_size = (0.0, 0.0)
+ print(f"Point source because {int_peak_ratio} <= 0.2 and {src_angle} <= {mean_beam}")
+ else:
+ ang = round(src_angle,2)
+ pa = round(pos_angle,2)
+ src_size = (ang, pa)
+ return src_size
+def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
+ """Get fits header info.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fitsname : fits file
+ Restored image (cube)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ fitsinfo : dict
+ Dictionary of fits information
+ e.g. {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec,
+ 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
+ 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
+ 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
+ 'skyArea': skyArea, 'naxis': naxis}
+ """
+ hdu =
+ hdr = hdu[0].header
+ ra = hdr['CRVAL1']
+ dra = abs(hdr['CDELT1'])
+ raPix = hdr['CRPIX1']
+ dec = hdr['CRVAL2']
+ ddec = abs(hdr['CDELT2'])
+ decPix = hdr['CRPIX2']
+ wcs = WCS(hdr)
+ numPix = hdr['NAXIS1']
+ naxis = hdr['NAXIS']
+ try:
+ beam_size = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA'])
+ except:
+ beam_size = None
+ try:
+ centre = (hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'])
+ except:
+ centre = None
+ try:
+ freq0=None
+ for i in range(1, hdr['NAXIS']+1):
+ if hdr['CTYPE{0:d}'.format(i)].startswith('FREQ'):
+ freq0 = hdr['CRVAL{0:d}'.format(i)]
+ except:
+ freq0=None
+ skyArea = (numPix * ddec) ** 2
+ fitsinfo = {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'naxis': naxis,
+ 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
+ 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
+ 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
+ 'skyArea': skyArea, 'freq0': freq0}
+ return fitsinfo
+def calculate_area(b_major, b_minor, pixel_size):
+ """
+ Calculate the area of an ellipse represented by its major and minor axes,
+ given the pixel size.
+ Parameters:
+ b_major (float): Major axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ b_minor (float): Minor axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ pixel_size (float): Pixel size in arcseconds.
+ Returns:
+ float: Calculated area of the ellipse in square pixels.
+ """
+ # Calculate the semi-major and semi-minor axes in pixels
+ a_pixels = b_major / pixel_size
+ b_pixels = b_minor / pixel_size
+ # Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
+ area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
+ return area
+def generate_source_list(filename, outfile, mask_image, threshold_value, noise, num_processors, mean_beam):
+ image_data, hdu_header = get_image(filename)
+ fitsinfo = fitsInfo(filename)
+ f = open(outfile, 'w')
+ catalog_out = f'# processing fits image: {filename} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ incoming_dimensions = fitsinfo['naxis']
+ pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
+ if mean_beam:
+'Using user provided size: {mean_beam}')
+ elif fitsinfo['b_size']:
+ bmaj,bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
+ mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
+ else:
+ raise('No beam information found. Specify mean beam in arcsec: --beam-size 5')
+ catalog_out = f'# mean beam size (arcsec): {round(mean_beam,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'original image peak flux (Jy/beam): {image_data.max()} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'# noise out (µJy/beam): {round(noise*1000000,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ limiting_flux = noise * threshold_value
+ catalog_out = f'# limiting_flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ contours = find_contours(mask_image, 0.5)
+ # Start worker processes
+ if not num_processors:
+ try:
+ import multiprocessing
+ num_processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+'Setting number of processors to {num_processors}')
+ except:
+ pass
+ TASKS = []
+ for i in range(len(contours)):
+ contour = contours[i]
+ if len(contour) > 2:
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ for j in range(len(contour)):
+ x.append(contour[j][0])
+ y.append(contour[j][1])
+ TASKS.append((process_contour,(x,y, image_data, fitsinfo, limiting_flux, noise, mean_beam)))
+ task_queue = Queue()
+ done_queue = Queue()
+ # Submit tasks
+'Submitting distributed tasks. This might take a while...')
+ for task in TASKS:
+ task_queue.put(task)
+ for i in range(num_processors):
+ Process(target=contour_worker, args=(task_queue, done_queue)).start()
+ source_list = []
+ num_max = 0
+ # Get the results from parallel processing
+ for i in range(len(TASKS)):
+ catalog_out = done_queue.get(timeout=300)
+ if catalog_out[0] > -np.inf:
+ source_list.append(catalog_out)
+ num_max += catalog_out[2]
+ # Tell child processes to stop
+ for i in range(num_processors):
+ task_queue.put('STOP')
+ ra_sorted_list = sorted(source_list, key = itemgetter(0))
+'Number of sources detected {len(ra_sorted_list)}')
+ catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected {len(ra_sorted_list)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size_(arcsec) pos_angle_(deg)\n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ for i in range(len(ra_sorted_list)):
+ output = str(i) + ', ' + ra_sorted_list[i][1] + '\n'
+ f.write(output)
+ f.close()
+ return source_list
def main():"Welcome to breizorro")
# Get version
@@ -167,9 +538,18 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--sum-peak', dest='sum_peak', default=None,
help='Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original image.'
'e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a ratio above 100')
+ parser.add_argument('-ncpu', '--ncpu', dest='ncpu', default=None,
+ help='Number of processors to use for cataloging.')
+ parser.add_argument('-beam', '--beam-size', dest='beam', default=None,
+ help='Average beam size in arcesc incase beam info is missing in image header.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', dest='outfile', default='',
help='Suffix for mask image (default based on input name')
+ parser.add_argument('--save-catalog', dest='outcatalog', default='',
+ help='Generate catalog based on region mask')
+ parser.add_argument('--save-regions', dest='outregion', default='',
+ help='Generate polygon regions from the mask')
parser.add_argument('--gui', dest='gui', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Open mask in gui.')
@@ -343,23 +723,81 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
mask_image = input_image * new_mask_image"Number of extended islands found: {len(extended_islands)}")
+ if args.outregion:
+ contours = find_contours(mask_image, 0.5)
+ polygon_regions = []
+ for contour in contours:
+ # Convert the contour points to pixel coordinates
+ contour_pixels = contour
+ # Convert the pixel coordinates to Sky coordinates
+ contour_sky = wcs.pixel_to_world(contour_pixels[:, 1], contour_pixels[:, 0])
+ # Create a Polygon region from the Sky coordinates
+ polygon_region = PolygonSkyRegion(vertices=contour_sky, meta={'label': 'Region'})
+ # Add the polygon region to the list
+ polygon_regions.append(polygon_region)
+ regions.Regions(polygon_regions).write(args.outregion, format='ds9')
+"Number of regions found: {len(polygon_regions)}")
+"Saving regions in {args.outregion}")
+ if args.outcatalog:
+ num_proc = None # Assign based on the number of processors on a system
+ if args.ncpu:
+ num_proc = int(args.ncpu)
+ mean_beam = None # Use beam info from the image header by default
+ if args.beam:
+ mean_beam = float(args.beam)
+ noise = np.median(noise_image)
+ source_list = generate_source_list(args.imagename, args.outcatalog, mask_image,
+ threshold, noise, num_proc, mean_beam)
+'Source catalog saved: {args.outcatalog}')
if args.gui:
- from bokeh.models import BoxEditTool, ColumnDataSource, FreehandDrawTool
+ from bokeh.models import Label, BoxEditTool, ColumnDataSource, FreehandDrawTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
+ from import curdoc, export_png
from import curdoc
curdoc().theme = 'caliber'
except ModuleNotFoundError:
LOGGER.error("Running breizorro gui requires optional dependencies, please re-install with: pip install breizorro[gui]")
+ raise('Missing GUI dependencies')"Loading Gui ...")
- d = mask_image
+ fitsinfo = fitsInfo(args.imagename or args.maskname)
+ # Origin coordinates
+ origin_ra, origin_dec = fitsinfo['centre']
+ # Pixel width in degrees
+ pixel_width = fitsinfo['ddec']
+ # Calculate the extent of the image in degrees
+ # We assume a square image for simplicity
+ extent = fitsinfo['numPix'] * pixel_width # Assume equal pixels in each dimension
+ # Specify the coordinates for the image
+ xy_origin = (origin_ra - extent/2.0, origin_dec - extent/2.0)
+ # Define the plot
p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")])
- p.x_range.range_padding = p.y_range.range_padding = 0
+ p.x_range.range_padding = 0
+ p.x_range.flipped = True
p.title.text = out_mask_fits
# must give a vector of image data for image parameter
- p.image(image=[d], x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10, palette="Greys256", level="image")
+ # Plot the image using degree coordinates
+ p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)], x=xy_origin[0], y=xy_origin[1], dw=extent, dh=extent, palette="Greys256", level="image")
+ # Extracting data from source_list
+ x_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[2]) for d in source_list]
+ y_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[3]) for d in source_list]
+ labels = [f"({d[1].split(', ')[0]}, {d[1].split(', ')[1]})" for d in source_list]
+ # Plotting points
+, y_coords, size=1, color="red", alpha=0.5)
+ #for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
+ # p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5
src1 = ColumnDataSource({'x': [], 'y': [], 'width': [], 'height': [], 'alpha': []})
src2 = ColumnDataSource({'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'alpha': []})
@@ -371,11 +809,12 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
p.toolbar.active_drag = draw_tool1
output_file("breizorro.html", title="Mask Editor")
+ export_png(p, filename="breizorro.png")
-"Enforcing that mask to binary")
- mask_image = mask_image!=0
- mask_header['BUNIT'] = 'mask'
+"Enforcing that mask to binary")
+ mask_image = mask_image!=0
+ mask_header['BUNIT'] = 'mask'
shutil.copyfile(input_file, out_mask_fits) # to provide a template
flush_fits(mask_image, out_mask_fits, mask_header)
From b3998b8026ed6a220b72960d82bb2a1d0cb0db1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 21:18:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/48] updates
breizorro/ | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 5148aa9..33395b6 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ def process_contour(x, y, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
mean_beam = beam
pixels_beam = calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pixel_size)
total_flux = data_result.sum() / pixels_beam
+ print(total_flux)
contained_points = len(rr) # needed for estimating flux density error
use_max = 0
lon = 0
@@ -186,21 +187,26 @@ def process_contour(x, y, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
contour = []
for i in range(len(x)):
- centroid = calculate_weighted_centroid(x,y, data_result)
- pix_centroid = PixCoord(centroid[0], centroid[1])
- contour_pixels = PixCoord(np.array(x), np.array(y))
- p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
- if p.contains(pix_centroid)[0]:
- ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
- else:
+ #centroid = calculate_weighted_centroid(x,y, data_result)
+ #pix_centroid = PixCoord(centroid[0], centroid[1])
+ #contour_pixels = PixCoord(np.array(x), np.array(y))
+ #p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
+ #ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
+ #if p.contains(pix_centroid)[0]:
+ # ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
+ #else:
+ if True:
use_max = 1
LOGGER.warn('centroid lies outside polygon - using peak position')
location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data_result, axis=None), data_result.shape)
x_pos = rr[location]
y_pos = cc[location]
+ data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos] / pixels_beam
data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos]
pos_pixels = PixCoord(x_pos, y_pos)
ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pos_pixels.x, pos_pixels.y, 0)
+ print(data_max)
+ print(f'{ra},{dec}')
source_flux = (round(total_flux * 1000, 3), round(flux_density_error * 1000, 4))
source_size = get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
@@ -244,6 +250,7 @@ def format_source_coordinates(coord_x_deg, coord_y_deg):
s = str(s)
if len(s) < 5:
s = s + '0'
+ h_m_s = h + ':' + m + ':' + s
d,m,s = deg_to_dms(coord_y_deg)
if d >= 0 and d < 10:
@@ -263,9 +270,8 @@ def format_source_coordinates(coord_x_deg, coord_y_deg):
s = str(s)
if len(s) < 5:
s = s + '0'
- h_m_s = h + ':' + m + ':' + s
d_m_s = d + ':' + m + ':' + s
src_pos = (h_m_s, d_m_s)
return src_pos
@@ -426,7 +432,7 @@ def generate_source_list(filename, outfile, mask_image, threshold_value, noise,
raise('No beam information found. Specify mean beam in arcsec: --beam-size 5')
catalog_out = f'# mean beam size (arcsec): {round(mean_beam,2)} \n'
- catalog_out = f'original image peak flux (Jy/beam): {image_data.max()} \n'
+ catalog_out = f'# original image peak flux (Jy/beam): {image_data.max()} \n'
catalog_out = f'# noise out (µJy/beam): {round(noise*1000000,2)} \n'
@@ -777,17 +783,18 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
extent = fitsinfo['numPix'] * pixel_width # Assume equal pixels in each dimension
# Specify the coordinates for the image
- xy_origin = (origin_ra - extent/2.0, origin_dec - extent/2.0)
+ x_range = (origin_ra - extent/2.0, origin_ra + extent/2.0)
+ y_range = (origin_dec - extent/2.0, origin_dec + extent/2.0)
# Define the plot
- p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")])
+ p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")], y_range=y_range)
p.x_range.range_padding = 0
p.x_range.flipped = True
p.title.text = out_mask_fits
# must give a vector of image data for image parameter
# Plot the image using degree coordinates
- p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)], x=xy_origin[0], y=xy_origin[1], dw=extent, dh=extent, palette="Greys256", level="image")
+ p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)], x=x_range[0], y=y_range[0], dw=extent, dh=extent, palette="Greys256", level="image")
# Extracting data from source_list
@@ -795,9 +802,9 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
y_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[3]) for d in source_list]
labels = [f"({d[1].split(', ')[0]}, {d[1].split(', ')[1]})" for d in source_list]
# Plotting points
-, y_coords, size=1, color="red", alpha=0.5)
- #for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
- # p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
+, y_coords, size=3, color="red", alpha=0.5)
+ for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
+ p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5
src1 = ColumnDataSource({'x': [], 'y': [], 'width': [], 'height': [], 'alpha': []})
src2 = ColumnDataSource({'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'alpha': []})
From f904e458fd5554040fe36341ac3f66b07fa24e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 11:53:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/48] Restructuring and clean-ups
breizorro/ | 0
breizorro/ | 348 ++++++++---------------------------------
breizorro/ | 250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 279 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 breizorro/
create mode 100644 breizorro/
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 33395b6..c7670ca 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
+from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, format_source_coordinates
+from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo
def create_logger():
"""Create a console logger"""
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -132,30 +136,8 @@ def remove_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
mask_image[reg.to_mask().to_image(mask_image.shape) != 0] = 0
-def contour_worker(input, output):
- for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
- result = func(*args)
- output.put(result)
-def calculate_weighted_centroid(x, y, flux_values):
- # Calculate the total flux within the region
- total_flux = np.sum(flux_values)
- # Initialize variables for weighted sums
- weighted_sum_x = 0
- weighted_sum_y = 0
- # Loop through all pixels within the region
- for xi, yi, flux in zip(x, y, flux_values):
- # Add the weighted contribution of each pixel to the centroid
- weighted_sum_x += xi * flux
- weighted_sum_y += yi * flux
- # Calculate the centroid coordinates
- centroid_x = weighted_sum_x / total_flux
- centroid_y = weighted_sum_y / total_flux
- return centroid_x, centroid_y
+def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
-def process_contour(x, y, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
rr, cc = skimage_polygon(x,y)
data_result = image_data[rr, cc]
pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
@@ -219,233 +201,20 @@ def process_contour(x, y, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
catalog_out = ''
return (ra, catalog_out, use_max)
-def deg_to_hms(ra_deg):
- ra_hours = ra_deg / 15 # 360 degrees = 24 hours
- hours = int(ra_hours)
- minutes = int((ra_hours - hours) * 60)
- seconds = (ra_hours - hours - minutes / 60) * 3600
- return hours, minutes, seconds
-def deg_to_dms(dec_deg):
- degrees = int(dec_deg)
- dec_minutes = abs(dec_deg - degrees) * 60
- minutes = int(dec_minutes)
- seconds = (dec_minutes - minutes) * 60
- return degrees, minutes, seconds
-def format_source_coordinates(coord_x_deg, coord_y_deg):
- h,m,s = deg_to_hms(coord_x_deg)
- if h < 10:
- h = '0' + str(h)
- else:
- h = str(h)
- if m < 10:
- m = '0' + str(m)
- else:
- m = str(m)
- s = round(s,2)
- if s < 10:
- s = '0' + str(s)
- else:
- s = str(s)
- if len(s) < 5:
- s = s + '0'
- h_m_s = h + ':' + m + ':' + s
- d,m,s = deg_to_dms(coord_y_deg)
- if d >= 0 and d < 10:
- d = '0' + str(d)
- elif d < 0 and abs(d) < 10:
- d = '-0' + str(d)
- else:
- d = str(d)
- if m < 10:
- m = '0' + str(m)
- else:
- m = str(m)
- s = round(s,2)
- if s < 10:
- s = '0' + str(s)
- else:
- s = str(s)
- if len(s) < 5:
- s = s + '0'
- d_m_s = d + ':' + m + ':' + s
- src_pos = (h_m_s, d_m_s)
- return src_pos
-def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
- """Calculate maximum extent and position angle of a contour.
- Parameters:
- contour : list of [x, y] pairs
- List of coordinates defining the contour.
- pixel_size : float
- Size of a pixel in the image (e.g., arcseconds per pixel).
- Returns:
- ang_size : float
- Maximum extent of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
- pos_angle : float
- Position angle of the contour (in degrees).
- """
- src_size = 0
- pos_angle = None
- # Convert the contour to a numpy array for easier calculations
- contour_array = np.array(contour)
- # Calculate pairwise distances between all points in the contour
- for i in range(len(contour_array)):
- for j in range(i+1, len(contour_array)):
- # Calculate Euclidean distance between points i and j
- distance = np.linalg.norm(contour_array[i] - contour_array[j]) * pixel_size
- # Calculate positional angle between points i and j
- dx, dy = contour_array[j] - contour_array[i]
- angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx))
- # Update max_distance, max_points, and pos_angle if the calculated distance is greater
- if distance > src_size:
- src_size = distance
- pos_angle = angle
- return src_size, pos_angle
-def get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image, int_peak_ratio):
- result = maxDist(contour,pixel_size)
- src_angle = result[0]
- pos_angle = result[1]
- contour_pixels = PixCoord([c[0] for c in contour], [c[1] for c in contour])
- p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
- source_beam_ratio = p.area / mean_beam
- # first test for point source
- point_source = False
- if (int_peak_ratio <= 0.2) or (src_angle <= mean_beam):
- point_source = True
- if source_beam_ratio <= 1.0:
- point_source = True
- if point_source:
- src_size = (0.0, 0.0)
- print(f"Point source because {int_peak_ratio} <= 0.2 and {src_angle} <= {mean_beam}")
- else:
- ang = round(src_angle,2)
- pa = round(pos_angle,2)
- src_size = (ang, pa)
- return src_size
-def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
- """Get fits header info.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fitsname : fits file
- Restored image (cube)
- Returns
- -------
- fitsinfo : dict
- Dictionary of fits information
- e.g. {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec,
- 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
- 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
- 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
- 'skyArea': skyArea, 'naxis': naxis}
- """
- hdu =
- hdr = hdu[0].header
- ra = hdr['CRVAL1']
- dra = abs(hdr['CDELT1'])
- raPix = hdr['CRPIX1']
- dec = hdr['CRVAL2']
- ddec = abs(hdr['CDELT2'])
- decPix = hdr['CRPIX2']
- wcs = WCS(hdr)
- numPix = hdr['NAXIS1']
- naxis = hdr['NAXIS']
- try:
- beam_size = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA'])
- except:
- beam_size = None
- try:
- centre = (hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'])
- except:
- centre = None
- try:
- freq0=None
- for i in range(1, hdr['NAXIS']+1):
- if hdr['CTYPE{0:d}'.format(i)].startswith('FREQ'):
- freq0 = hdr['CRVAL{0:d}'.format(i)]
- except:
- freq0=None
- skyArea = (numPix * ddec) ** 2
- fitsinfo = {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'naxis': naxis,
- 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
- 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
- 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
- 'skyArea': skyArea, 'freq0': freq0}
- return fitsinfo
-def calculate_area(b_major, b_minor, pixel_size):
- """
- Calculate the area of an ellipse represented by its major and minor axes,
- given the pixel size.
- Parameters:
- b_major (float): Major axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
- b_minor (float): Minor axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
- pixel_size (float): Pixel size in arcseconds.
- Returns:
- float: Calculated area of the ellipse in square pixels.
- """
- # Calculate the semi-major and semi-minor axes in pixels
- a_pixels = b_major / pixel_size
- b_pixels = b_minor / pixel_size
- # Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
- area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
- return area
+def multiprocess_contour(contours, ncpu=None):
+ def contour_worker(input, output):
+ for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
+ result = func(*args)
+ output.put(result)
-def generate_source_list(filename, outfile, mask_image, threshold_value, noise, num_processors, mean_beam):
- image_data, hdu_header = get_image(filename)
- fitsinfo = fitsInfo(filename)
- f = open(outfile, 'w')
- catalog_out = f'# processing fits image: {filename} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- incoming_dimensions = fitsinfo['naxis']
- pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
- if mean_beam:
-'Using user provided size: {mean_beam}')
- elif fitsinfo['b_size']:
- bmaj,bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
- mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
- else:
- raise('No beam information found. Specify mean beam in arcsec: --beam-size 5')
- catalog_out = f'# mean beam size (arcsec): {round(mean_beam,2)} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = f'# original image peak flux (Jy/beam): {image_data.max()} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = f'# noise out (µJy/beam): {round(noise*1000000,2)} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- limiting_flux = noise * threshold_value
- catalog_out = f'# limiting_flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- contours = find_contours(mask_image, 0.5)
+ source_list = []
# Start worker processes
- if not num_processors:
+ if not ncpu:
import multiprocessing
- num_processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()'Setting number of processors to {num_processors}')
@@ -458,17 +227,16 @@ def generate_source_list(filename, outfile, mask_image, threshold_value, noise,
for j in range(len(contour)):
- TASKS.append((process_contour,(x,y, image_data, fitsinfo, limiting_flux, noise, mean_beam)))
+ TASKS.append((process_contour,(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, limiting_flux, noise, mean_beam)))
task_queue = Queue()
done_queue = Queue()
# Submit tasks'Submitting distributed tasks. This might take a while...')
for task in TASKS:
- for i in range(num_processors):
+ for i in range(ncpu):
Process(target=contour_worker, args=(task_queue, done_queue)).start()
- source_list = []
num_max = 0
# Get the results from parallel processing
for i in range(len(TASKS)):
@@ -481,18 +249,9 @@ def generate_source_list(filename, outfile, mask_image, threshold_value, noise,
ra_sorted_list = sorted(source_list, key = itemgetter(0))
-'Number of sources detected {len(ra_sorted_list)}')
- catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected {len(ra_sorted_list)} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size_(arcsec) pos_angle_(deg)\n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- for i in range(len(ra_sorted_list)):
- output = str(i) + ', ' + ra_sorted_list[i][1] + '\n'
- f.write(output)
- f.close()
- return source_list
+ return ra_sorted_list
def main():"Welcome to breizorro")
@@ -729,7 +488,7 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
mask_image = input_image * new_mask_image"Number of extended islands found: {len(extended_islands)}")
- if args.outregion:
+ if args.outcatalog or args.outregion:
contours = find_contours(mask_image, 0.5)
polygon_regions = []
for contour in contours:
@@ -741,21 +500,52 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
polygon_region = PolygonSkyRegion(vertices=contour_sky, meta={'label': 'Region'})
# Add the polygon region to the list
- regions.Regions(polygon_regions).write(args.outregion, format='ds9')"Number of regions found: {len(polygon_regions)}")
-"Saving regions in {args.outregion}")
- if args.outcatalog:
- num_proc = None # Assign based on the number of processors on a system
- if args.ncpu:
- num_proc = int(args.ncpu)
+ if args.outregion:
+ regions.Regions(polygon_regions).write(args.outregion, format='ds9')
+"Saving regions in {args.outregion}")
+ if args.outcatalog and args.imagename:
+ source_list = []
+ image_data, hdu_header = get_image(args.imagename)
+ fitsinfo = fitsInfo(args.imagename)
mean_beam = None # Use beam info from the image header by default
if args.beam:
mean_beam = float(args.beam)
noise = np.median(noise_image)
- source_list = generate_source_list(args.imagename, args.outcatalog, mask_image,
- threshold, noise, num_proc, mean_beam)
+ if mean_beam:
+'Using user provided size: {mean_beam}')
+ elif fitsinfo['b_size']:
+ bmaj,bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
+ mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
+ else:
+ raise('No beam information found. Specify mean beam in arcsec: --beam-size 6.5')
+ f = open(args.outcatalog, 'w')
+ catalog_out = f'# processing fits image: {args.imagename} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ image_dimensions = fitsinfo['naxis']
+ pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
+ catalog_out = f'# mean beam size (arcsec): {round(mean_beam,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'# original image peak flux (Jy/beam): {image_data.max()} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'# noise out (µJy/beam): {round(noise*1000000,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ limiting_flux = noise * threshold
+ catalog_out = f'# limiting_flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ source_list = multiprocess_contours(contours, args.ncpu)
+ catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected {len(source_list)} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size_(arcsec) pos_angle_(deg)\n'
+ f.write(catalog_out)
+ for i in range(len(source_list)):
+ output = str(i) + ', ' + source_list[i][1] + '\n'
+ f.write(output)
+ f.close()'Source catalog saved: {args.outcatalog}')
if args.gui:
@@ -796,15 +586,15 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
# Plot the image using degree coordinates
p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)], x=x_range[0], y=y_range[0], dw=extent, dh=extent, palette="Greys256", level="image")
- # Extracting data from source_list
- x_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[2]) for d in source_list]
- y_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[3]) for d in source_list]
- labels = [f"({d[1].split(', ')[0]}, {d[1].split(', ')[1]})" for d in source_list]
- # Plotting points
-, y_coords, size=3, color="red", alpha=0.5)
- for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
- p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
+ if args.outcatalog:
+ # Extracting data from source_list
+ x_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[2]) for d in source_list]
+ y_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[3]) for d in source_list]
+ labels = [f"({d[1].split(', ')[0]}, {d[1].split(', ')[1]})" for d in source_list]
+ # Plotting points
+, y_coords, size=3, color="red", alpha=0.5)
+ for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
+ p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5
src1 = ColumnDataSource({'x': [], 'y': [], 'width': [], 'height': [], 'alpha': []})
src2 = ColumnDataSource({'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'alpha': []})
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bab51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+import sys
+import numpy
+import shutil
+import logging
+import argparse
+import os.path
+import re
+import numpy as np
+from import fits
+from astropy.wcs import WCS
+from astropy.coordinates import Angle
+from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
+def deg_to_hms(ra_deg):
+ ra_hours = ra_deg / 15 # 360 degrees = 24 hours
+ hours = int(ra_hours)
+ minutes = int((ra_hours - hours) * 60)
+ seconds = (ra_hours - hours - minutes / 60) * 3600
+ return hours, minutes, seconds
+def deg_to_dms(dec_deg):
+ degrees = int(dec_deg)
+ dec_minutes = abs(dec_deg - degrees) * 60
+ minutes = int(dec_minutes)
+ seconds = (dec_minutes - minutes) * 60
+ return degrees, minutes, seconds
+def format_source_coordinates(coord_ra_deg, coord_dec_deg):
+ h,m,s = deg_to_hms(coord_ra_deg)
+ if h < 10:
+ h = '0' + str(h)
+ else:
+ h = str(h)
+ if m < 10:
+ m = '0' + str(m)
+ else:
+ m = str(m)
+ s = round(s,2)
+ if s < 10:
+ s = '0' + str(s)
+ else:
+ s = str(s)
+ if len(s) < 5:
+ s = s + '0'
+ h_m_s = h + ':' + m + ':' + s
+ d,m,s = deg_to_dms(coord_dec_deg)
+ if d >= 0 and d < 10:
+ d = '0' + str(d)
+ elif d < 0 and abs(d) < 10:
+ d = '-0' + str(d)
+ else:
+ d = str(d)
+ if m < 10:
+ m = '0' + str(m)
+ else:
+ m = str(m)
+ s = round(s,2)
+ if s < 10:
+ s = '0' + str(s)
+ else:
+ s = str(s)
+ if len(s) < 5:
+ s = s + '0'
+ d_m_s = d + ':' + m + ':' + s
+ src_pos = (h_m_s, d_m_s)
+ return src_pos
+def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
+ """
+ Calculate the area of an ellipse represented by its major and minor axes,
+ given the pixel size.
+ Parameters:
+ bmaj (float): Major axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ bmin (float): Minor axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ pix_size (float): Pixel size in arcseconds.
+ Returns:
+ float: Calculated area of the ellipse in square pixels.
+ """
+ # Calculate the semi-major and semi-minor axes in pixels
+ a_pixels = bmaj / pix_size
+ b_pixels = bmin / pix_size
+ # Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
+ area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
+ return area
+def calculate_weighted_centroid(x, y, flux_values):
+ # Calculate the total flux within the region
+ total_flux = np.sum(flux_values)
+ # Initialize variables for weighted sums
+ weighted_sum_x = 0
+ weighted_sum_y = 0
+ # Loop through all pixels within the region
+ for xi, yi, flux in zip(x, y, flux_values):
+ # Add the weighted contribution of each pixel to the centroid
+ weighted_sum_x += xi * flux
+ weighted_sum_y += yi * flux
+ # Calculate the centroid coordinates
+ centroid_x = weighted_sum_x / total_flux
+ centroid_y = weighted_sum_y / total_flux
+ return centroid_x, centroid_y
+def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
+ """Get fits header info.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fitsname : fits file
+ Restored image (cube)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ fitsinfo : dict
+ Dictionary of fits information
+ e.g. {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec,
+ 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
+ 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
+ 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
+ 'skyArea': skyArea, 'naxis': naxis}
+ """
+ hdu =
+ hdr = hdu[0].header
+ ra = hdr['CRVAL1']
+ dra = abs(hdr['CDELT1'])
+ raPix = hdr['CRPIX1']
+ dec = hdr['CRVAL2']
+ ddec = abs(hdr['CDELT2'])
+ decPix = hdr['CRPIX2']
+ wcs = WCS(hdr)
+ numPix = hdr['NAXIS1']
+ naxis = hdr['NAXIS']
+ try:
+ beam_size = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA'])
+ except:
+ beam_size = None
+ try:
+ centre = (hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'])
+ except:
+ centre = None
+ try:
+ freq0=None
+ for i in range(1, hdr['NAXIS']+1):
+ if hdr['CTYPE{0:d}'.format(i)].startswith('FREQ'):
+ freq0 = hdr['CRVAL{0:d}'.format(i)]
+ except:
+ freq0=None
+ skyArea = (numPix * ddec) ** 2
+ fitsinfo = {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'naxis': naxis,
+ 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix,
+ 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size,
+ 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre,
+ 'skyArea': skyArea, 'freq0': freq0}
+ return fitsinfo
+def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
+ """Calculate maximum extent and position angle of a contour.
+ Parameters:
+ contour : list of [x, y] pairs
+ List of coordinates defining the contour.
+ pixel_size : float
+ Size of a pixel in the image (e.g., arcseconds per pixel).
+ Returns:
+ ang_size : float
+ Maximum extent of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
+ pos_angle : float
+ Position angle of the contour (in degrees).
+ """
+ src_size = 0
+ pos_angle = None
+ # Convert the contour to a numpy array for easier calculations
+ contour_array = np.array(contour)
+ # Calculate pairwise distances between all points in the contour
+ for i in range(len(contour_array)):
+ for j in range(i+1, len(contour_array)):
+ # Calculate Euclidean distance between points i and j
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(contour_array[i] - contour_array[j]) * pixel_size
+ # Calculate positional angle between points i and j
+ dx, dy = contour_array[j] - contour_array[i]
+ angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx))
+ # Update max_distance, max_points, and pos_angle if the calculated distance is greater
+ if distance > src_size:
+ src_size = distance
+ pos_angle = angle
+ return src_size, pos_angle
+def calculate_beam_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
+ """
+ Calculate the area of an ellipse represented by its major and minor axes,
+ given the pixel size.
+ Parameters:
+ bmaj (float): Major axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ bmin (float): Minor axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ pix_size (float): Pixel size in arcseconds.
+ Returns:
+ area (float): Calculated area of the ellipse in square pixels.
+ """
+ # Calculate the semi-major and semi-minor axes in pixels
+ a_pixels = b_major / pixel_size
+ b_pixels = b_minor / pixel_size
+ # Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
+ area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
+ return area
+def get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image, int_peak_ratio):
+ result = maxDist(contour,pixel_size)
+ src_angle = result[0]
+ pos_angle = result[1]
+ contour_pixels = PixCoord([c[0] for c in contour], [c[1] for c in contour])
+ p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
+ source_beam_ratio = p.area / mean_beam
+ # first test for point source
+ point_source = False
+ if (int_peak_ratio <= 0.2) or (src_angle <= mean_beam):
+ point_source = True
+ if source_beam_ratio <= 1.0:
+ point_source = True
+ if point_source:
+ src_size = (0.0, 0.0)
+ print(f"Point source because {int_peak_ratio} <= 0.2 and {src_angle} <= {mean_beam}")
+ else:
+ ang = round(src_angle,2)
+ pa = round(pos_angle,2)
+ src_size = (ang, pa)
+ return src_size
From 4b488189161a2f86cdd2e871226a1f3ae415495a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:06:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/48] Add utils and init file
breizorro/ | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index f7bab51..0a5e07e 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
+from regions import PixCoord
+from regions import PolygonSkyRegion, PolygonPixelRegion
def deg_to_hms(ra_deg):
ra_hours = ra_deg / 15 # 360 degrees = 24 hours
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
b_pixels = bmin / pix_size
# Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
- area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
+ area = a_pixels * b_pixels
return area
From 3ad1d583c584a0a7a4425233a1023e367e0a47a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:07:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/48] source detection updates
breizorro/ | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index c7670ca..04da87a 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, format_source_coordinates
-from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo
+from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_area
def create_logger():
@@ -136,39 +136,40 @@ def remove_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
mask_image[reg.to_mask().to_image(mask_image.shape) != 0] = 0
-def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam):
- rr, cc = skimage_polygon(x,y)
- data_result = image_data[rr, cc]
- pixel_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
- if fitsinfo['b_size']:
- bmaj,bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
- mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
- else:
- mean_beam = beam
- pixels_beam = calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pixel_size)
- total_flux = data_result.sum() / pixels_beam
- print(total_flux)
- contained_points = len(rr) # needed for estimating flux density error
+def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
use_max = 0
lon = 0
+ pix_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
+ bmaj, bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
+ mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
+ pix_beam = calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size)
wcs = fitsinfo['wcs']
while len(wcs.array_shape) > 2:
wcs = wcs.dropaxis(len(wcs.array_shape) - 1)
+ contour_sky = wcs.pixel_to_world(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0])
+ polygon_region = PolygonSkyRegion(vertices=contour_sky)
+ pix_region = polygon_region.to_pixel(wcs)
+ mask = pix_region.to_mask().to_image(image_data.shape[-2:])
- peak_flux = data_result.max()
+ data = mask * image_data
+ nndata = np.flip(data, axis=0)
+ nndata = nndata[~np.isnan(nndata)]
+ total_flux = np.sum(nndata[nndata != -0.0])/pix_beam
+ peak_flux = data.max()/pix_beam
LOGGER.warn('Failure to get maximum within contour')'Probably a contour at edge of image - skipping')
peak_flux = 0.0
- if peak_flux >= flux_cutoff:
+ if peak_flux:
total_peak_ratio = np.abs((total_flux - peak_flux) / total_flux)
- beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
- ten_pc_error = 0.1 * total_flux
- flux_density_error = np.sqrt(ten_pc_error * ten_pc_error + beam_error * beam_error)
- contour = []
- for i in range(len(x)):
- contour.append([x[i],y[i]])
+ flux_density_error = 0.001
+ #beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
+ #ten_pc_error = 0.1 * total_flux
+ #flux_density_error = np.sqrt(ten_pc_error * ten_pc_error + beam_error * beam_error)
+ #contour = []
+ #for i in range(len(x)):
+ # contour.append([x[i],y[i]])
#centroid = calculate_weighted_centroid(x,y, data_result)
#pix_centroid = PixCoord(centroid[0], centroid[1])
#contour_pixels = PixCoord(np.array(x), np.array(y))
@@ -180,18 +181,17 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam)
if True:
use_max = 1
LOGGER.warn('centroid lies outside polygon - using peak position')
- location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data_result, axis=None), data_result.shape)
- x_pos = rr[location]
- y_pos = cc[location]
- data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos] / pixels_beam
- data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos]
- pos_pixels = PixCoord(x_pos, y_pos)
+ location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data, axis=None), data.shape)
+ #x_pos = rr[location]
+ #y_pos = cc[location]
+ #data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos] / pixels_beam
+ #data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos]
+ pos_pixels = PixCoord(*location)
ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pos_pixels.x, pos_pixels.y, 0)
- print(data_max)
- print(f'{ra},{dec}')
+ ra, dec = float(ra), float(dec)
source_flux = (round(total_flux * 1000, 3), round(flux_density_error * 1000, 4))
- source_size = get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
+ source_size = get_source_size(contour, pix_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
source_pos = format_source_coordinates(ra, dec)
source = source_pos + (ra, dec) + (total_flux, flux_density_error) + source_size
catalog_out = ', '.join(str(src_prop) for src_prop in source)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, flux_cutoff, noise_out, beam)
return (ra, catalog_out, use_max)
-def multiprocess_contour(contours, ncpu=None):
+def multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, ncpu=None):
def contour_worker(input, output):
for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def contour_worker(input, output):
import multiprocessing
ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-'Setting number of processors to {num_processors}')
+'Setting number of processors to {ncpu}')
TASKS = []
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def contour_worker(input, output):
for j in range(len(contour)):
- TASKS.append((process_contour,(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, limiting_flux, noise, mean_beam)))
+ TASKS.append((process_contour,(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam)))
task_queue = Queue()
done_queue = Queue()
# Submit tasks
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def contour_worker(input, output):
num_max += catalog_out[2]
# Tell child processes to stop
- for i in range(num_processors):
+ for i in range(ncpu):
ra_sorted_list = sorted(source_list, key = itemgetter(0))
@@ -535,16 +535,16 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
limiting_flux = noise * threshold
catalog_out = f'# limiting_flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
- source_list = multiprocess_contours(contours, args.ncpu)
+ source_list = multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, args.ncpu)
catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected {len(source_list)} \n'
- catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
- f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size_(arcsec) pos_angle_(deg)\n'
+ #catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
+ #f.write(catalog_out)
+ catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size(arcsec) pos_angle(deg)\n'
for i in range(len(source_list)):
output = str(i) + ', ' + source_list[i][1] + '\n'
- f.write(output)
+ f.write(output)
f.close()'Source catalog saved: {args.outcatalog}')
From 9b2bfb77b2aaacbbc3830e90af41e04341d60e8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 10:07:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/48] Bump version
pyproject.toml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 9ee5e6d..69530b1 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "breizorro"
-version = "0.1.2"
+version = "0.1.3"
description = "Creates a binary mask given a FITS image"
authors = ["Ian Heywood & RATT "]
readme = "README.rst"
From cf1e8e8fdb89a488537139ca955f62e5e291cdf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 21:58:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/48] positionns
breizorro/ | 33 +++++++++++++++----------
breizorro/ | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 04da87a..80105d7 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
-from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, format_source_coordinates
-from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_area
+from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, format_source_coordinates, deg2ra, deg2dec
+from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_beam_area
def create_logger():
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
pix_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
bmaj, bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
- pix_beam = calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size)
+ pix_beam = calculate_beam_area(bmaj/2, bmin/2, pix_size)
wcs = fitsinfo['wcs']
while len(wcs.array_shape) > 2:
wcs = wcs.dropaxis(len(wcs.array_shape) - 1)
@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
mask = pix_region.to_mask().to_image(image_data.shape[-2:])
data = mask * image_data
- nndata = np.flip(data, axis=0)
- nndata = nndata[~np.isnan(nndata)]
+ nndata = data # np.flip(data, axis=0)
+ #nndata = nndata[~np.isnan(nndata)]
total_flux = np.sum(nndata[nndata != -0.0])/pix_beam
- peak_flux = data.max()/pix_beam
+ peak_flux = nndata.max()/pix_beam
LOGGER.warn('Failure to get maximum within contour')'Probably a contour at edge of image - skipping')
peak_flux = 0.0
- if peak_flux:
+ if total_flux:
total_peak_ratio = np.abs((total_flux - peak_flux) / total_flux)
flux_density_error = 0.001
#beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
@@ -181,7 +181,9 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
if True:
use_max = 1
LOGGER.warn('centroid lies outside polygon - using peak position')
- location = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data, axis=None), data.shape)
+ location = list(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(nndata, axis=None), data.shape))
+ location.reverse()
+ print(location)
#x_pos = rr[location]
#y_pos = cc[location]
#data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos] / pixels_beam
@@ -189,11 +191,14 @@ def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
pos_pixels = PixCoord(*location)
ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pos_pixels.x, pos_pixels.y, 0)
ra, dec = float(ra), float(dec)
+ #import IPython; IPython.embed()
source_flux = (round(total_flux * 1000, 3), round(flux_density_error * 1000, 4))
source_size = get_source_size(contour, pix_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
source_pos = format_source_coordinates(ra, dec)
- source = source_pos + (ra, dec) + (total_flux, flux_density_error) + source_size
+ print(source_pos)
+ print(total_flux)
+ source = source_pos + (ra, dec) + source_flux + source_size
catalog_out = ', '.join(str(src_prop) for src_prop in source)
# Dummy source to be eliminated
@@ -219,6 +224,7 @@ def contour_worker(input, output):
TASKS = []
+ #import IPython; IPython.embed()
for i in range(len(contours)):
contour = contours[i]
if len(contour) > 2:
@@ -533,10 +539,10 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
catalog_out = f'# noise out (µJy/beam): {round(noise*1000000,2)} \n'
limiting_flux = noise * threshold
- catalog_out = f'# limiting_flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
+ catalog_out = f'# cutt-off flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
source_list = multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, args.ncpu)
- catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected {len(source_list)} \n'
+ catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected: {len(source_list)} \n'
#catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
@@ -578,7 +584,8 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
# Define the plot
p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")], y_range=y_range)
- p.x_range.range_padding = 0
+ #p.x_range.range_padding = 0
+ #p.y_range.range_padding = 0
p.x_range.flipped = True
p.title.text = out_mask_fits
@@ -606,7 +613,7 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
p.toolbar.active_drag = draw_tool1
output_file("breizorro.html", title="Mask Editor")
- export_png(p, filename="breizorro.png")
+ export_png(p, filename="breizorro1.png")
show(p)"Enforcing that mask to binary")
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 0a5e07e..a8c68c7 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -73,6 +73,49 @@ def format_source_coordinates(coord_ra_deg, coord_dec_deg):
src_pos = (h_m_s, d_m_s)
return src_pos
+def deg2dec(dec_deg, deci=2):
+ """Converts declination in degrees to dms coordinates
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dec_deg : float
+ Declination in degrees
+ dec: int
+ Decimal places in float format
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dms : str
+ Declination in degrees:arcmin:arcsec format
+ """
+ DD = int(dec_deg)
+ dec_deg_abs = np.abs(dec_deg)
+ DD_abs = np.abs(DD)
+ MM = int((dec_deg_abs - DD_abs)*60)
+ SS = round((((dec_deg_abs - DD_abs)*60)-MM), deci)
+ return "%s:%s:%s"%(DD,MM,SS)
+def deg2ra(ra_deg, deci=2):
+ """Converts right ascension in hms coordinates to degrees
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ra_deg : float
+ ra in degrees format
+ Returns
+ -------
+ HH:MM:SS : str
+ """
+ if ra_deg < 0:
+ ra_deg = 360 + ra_deg
+ HH = int((ra_deg*24)/360.)
+ MM = int((((ra_deg*24)/360.)-HH)*60)
+ SS = round(((((((ra_deg*24)/360.)-HH)*60)-MM)*60), deci)
+ return "%s:%s:%s"%(HH,MM,SS)
def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
@@ -80,8 +123,8 @@ def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
given the pixel size.
- bmaj (float): Major axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
- bmin (float): Minor axis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ bmaj (float): Major axis raduis of the ellipse in arcseconds.
+ bmin (float): Minor axis radius of the ellipse in arcseconds.
pix_size (float): Pixel size in arcseconds.
@@ -92,7 +135,7 @@ def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
b_pixels = bmin / pix_size
# Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
- area = a_pixels * b_pixels
+ area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
return area
@@ -220,11 +263,11 @@ def calculate_beam_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
area (float): Calculated area of the ellipse in square pixels.
# Calculate the semi-major and semi-minor axes in pixels
- a_pixels = b_major / pixel_size
- b_pixels = b_minor / pixel_size
+ a_pixels = bmaj / pix_size
+ b_pixels = bmin / pix_size
# Calculate the area of the ellipse using the formula: π * a * b
- area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
+ area = np.pi * a_pixels * b_pixels
return area
From d574bf3c5b28af056c97ab21e41ace1b0e17f21f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:13:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/48] Refactor routines
breizorro/ | 263 +++++++----------------------------------
breizorro/ | 104 ++++++++++++++++
breizorro/ | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
breizorro/ | 90 ++++++++------
4 files changed, 369 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 breizorro/
create mode 100644 breizorro/
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index 80105d7..d8a5c8f 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import re
import numpy as np
+import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
@@ -26,12 +27,8 @@
from skimage.draw import polygon as skimage_polygon
from skimage.measure import find_contours
-from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
-from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, format_source_coordinates, deg2ra, deg2dec
-from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_beam_area
+from breizorro.utils import get_image_data, fitsInfo, calculate_beam_area
def create_logger():
@@ -47,40 +44,20 @@ def create_logger():
LOGGER = create_logger()
-def get_image(fitsfile):
- """
- Reads FITS file, returns tuple of image_array, header
- """
-"Reading {fitsfile} data")
- input_hdu =[0]
- if len( == 2:
- image = numpy.array([:, :])
- elif len( == 3:
- image = numpy.array([0, :, :])
- else:
- image = numpy.array([0, 0, :, :])
- return image, input_hdu.header
-def get_image_header(fitsfile):
-"Reading {fitsfile} header")
- input_hdu =[0]
- return input_hdu.header
def flush_fits(newimage, fitsfile, header=None):"Writing {fitsfile}")
- f =, mode='update')
- input_hdu = f[0]
- if len( == 2:
-[:, :] = newimage
- elif len( == 3:
-[0, :, :] = newimage
- else:
-[0, 0, :, :] = newimage
- if header:
- input_hdu.header = header
- f.flush()
+ with, mode='update') as f:
+ input_hdu = f[0]
+ if len( == 2:
+[:, :] = newimage
+ elif len( == 3:
+[0, :, :] = newimage
+ else:
+[0, 0, :, :] = newimage
+ if header:
+ input_hdu.header = header
+ f.flush()
def make_noise_map(restored_image, boxsize):
@@ -136,129 +113,6 @@ def remove_regions(mask_image, regs, wcs):
mask_image[reg.to_mask().to_image(mask_image.shape) != 0] = 0
-def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
- use_max = 0
- lon = 0
- pix_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
- bmaj, bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
- mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
- pix_beam = calculate_beam_area(bmaj/2, bmin/2, pix_size)
- wcs = fitsinfo['wcs']
- while len(wcs.array_shape) > 2:
- wcs = wcs.dropaxis(len(wcs.array_shape) - 1)
- contour_sky = wcs.pixel_to_world(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0])
- polygon_region = PolygonSkyRegion(vertices=contour_sky)
- pix_region = polygon_region.to_pixel(wcs)
- mask = pix_region.to_mask().to_image(image_data.shape[-2:])
- try:
- data = mask * image_data
- nndata = data # np.flip(data, axis=0)
- #nndata = nndata[~np.isnan(nndata)]
- total_flux = np.sum(nndata[nndata != -0.0])/pix_beam
- peak_flux = nndata.max()/pix_beam
- except:
- LOGGER.warn('Failure to get maximum within contour')
-'Probably a contour at edge of image - skipping')
- peak_flux = 0.0
- if total_flux:
- total_peak_ratio = np.abs((total_flux - peak_flux) / total_flux)
- flux_density_error = 0.001
- #beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
- #ten_pc_error = 0.1 * total_flux
- #flux_density_error = np.sqrt(ten_pc_error * ten_pc_error + beam_error * beam_error)
- #contour = []
- #for i in range(len(x)):
- # contour.append([x[i],y[i]])
- #centroid = calculate_weighted_centroid(x,y, data_result)
- #pix_centroid = PixCoord(centroid[0], centroid[1])
- #contour_pixels = PixCoord(np.array(x), np.array(y))
- #p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
- #ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
- #if p.contains(pix_centroid)[0]:
- # ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pix_centroid.x, pix_centroid.y,0)
- #else:
- if True:
- use_max = 1
- LOGGER.warn('centroid lies outside polygon - using peak position')
- location = list(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(nndata, axis=None), data.shape))
- location.reverse()
- print(location)
- #x_pos = rr[location]
- #y_pos = cc[location]
- #data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos] / pixels_beam
- #data_max = image_data[x_pos,y_pos]
- pos_pixels = PixCoord(*location)
- ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(pos_pixels.x, pos_pixels.y, 0)
- ra, dec = float(ra), float(dec)
- #import IPython; IPython.embed()
- source_flux = (round(total_flux * 1000, 3), round(flux_density_error * 1000, 4))
- source_size = get_source_size(contour, pix_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
- source_pos = format_source_coordinates(ra, dec)
- print(source_pos)
- print(total_flux)
- source = source_pos + (ra, dec) + source_flux + source_size
- catalog_out = ', '.join(str(src_prop) for src_prop in source)
- else:
- # Dummy source to be eliminated
- lon = -np.inf
- catalog_out = ''
- return (ra, catalog_out, use_max)
-def multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, ncpu=None):
- def contour_worker(input, output):
- for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
- result = func(*args)
- output.put(result)
- source_list = []
- # Start worker processes
- if not ncpu:
- try:
- import multiprocessing
- ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-'Setting number of processors to {ncpu}')
- except:
- pass
- TASKS = []
- #import IPython; IPython.embed()
- for i in range(len(contours)):
- contour = contours[i]
- if len(contour) > 2:
- x = []
- y = []
- for j in range(len(contour)):
- x.append(contour[j][0])
- y.append(contour[j][1])
- TASKS.append((process_contour,(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam)))
- task_queue = Queue()
- done_queue = Queue()
- # Submit tasks
-'Submitting distributed tasks. This might take a while...')
- for task in TASKS:
- task_queue.put(task)
- for i in range(ncpu):
- Process(target=contour_worker, args=(task_queue, done_queue)).start()
- num_max = 0
- # Get the results from parallel processing
- for i in range(len(TASKS)):
- catalog_out = done_queue.get(timeout=300)
- if catalog_out[0] > -np.inf:
- source_list.append(catalog_out)
- num_max += catalog_out[2]
- # Tell child processes to stop
- for i in range(ncpu):
- task_queue.put('STOP')
- ra_sorted_list = sorted(source_list, key = itemgetter(0))
- return ra_sorted_list
def main():"Welcome to breizorro")
# Get version
@@ -309,7 +163,7 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--sum-peak', dest='sum_peak', default=None,
help='Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original image.'
'e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a ratio above 100')
- parser.add_argument('-ncpu', '--ncpu', dest='ncpu', default=None,
+ parser.add_argument('-ncpu', '--ncpu', dest='ncpu', default=None, type=int,
help='Number of processors to use for cataloging.')
parser.add_argument('-beam', '--beam-size', dest='beam', default=None,
help='Average beam size in arcesc incase beam info is missing in image header.')
@@ -343,7 +197,7 @@ def main():
# first, load or generate mask
if args.imagename:
- input_image, input_header = get_image(input_file)
+ input_image, input_header = get_image_data(input_file)"Generating mask using threshold {threshold}")
noise_image = make_noise_map(input_image, boxsize)
@@ -365,7 +219,7 @@ def main():
out_mask_fits = args.outfile or f"{name}.mask.fits"
elif args.maskname:
- mask_image, mask_header = get_image(args.maskname)
+ mask_image, mask_header = get_image_data(args.maskname)"Input mask loaded")
out_mask_fits = args.outfile or f"{name}.out.{ext}"
@@ -382,7 +236,7 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
fits = regs = None
# read as FITS or region
- fits = get_image(filename)
+ fits = get_image_data(filename)
except OSError:
regs =
@@ -493,6 +347,10 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
mask_header['BUNIT'] = 'Jy/beam'
mask_image = input_image * new_mask_image"Number of extended islands found: {len(extended_islands)}")
+ shutil.copyfile(input_file, out_mask_fits) # to provide a template
+ flush_fits(mask_image, out_mask_fits, mask_header)
+ sys.exit(1)
if args.outcatalog or args.outregion:
contours = find_contours(mask_image, 0.5)
@@ -512,13 +370,22 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):"Saving regions in {args.outregion}")
if args.outcatalog and args.imagename:
+ try:
+ import warnings
+ # Suppress FittingWarnings from Astropy
+ # WARNING: The fit may be unsuccessful; check fit_info['message'] for more information. [astropy.modeling.fitting]
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True)
+ from breizorro.catalog import multiprocess_contours
+ except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ LOGGER.error("Running breizorro source detector requires optional dependencies, please re-install with: pip install breizorro[catalog]")
+ raise('Missing cataloguing dependencies')
source_list = []
- image_data, hdu_header = get_image(args.imagename)
+ image_data, hdu_header = get_image_data(args.imagename)
fitsinfo = fitsInfo(args.imagename)
mean_beam = None # Use beam info from the image header by default
if args.beam:
mean_beam = float(args.beam)
- noise = np.median(noise_image)
if mean_beam:'Using user provided size: {mean_beam}')
elif fitsinfo['b_size']:
@@ -527,6 +394,7 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
raise('No beam information found. Specify mean beam in arcsec: --beam-size 6.5')
+ noise = np.median(noise_image)
f = open(args.outcatalog, 'w')
catalog_out = f'# processing fits image: {args.imagename} \n'
@@ -541,80 +409,29 @@ def load_fits_or_region(filename):
limiting_flux = noise * threshold
catalog_out = f'# cutt-off flux (mJy/beam): {round(limiting_flux*1000,2)} \n'
+'Submitting distributed tasks. This might take a while...')
source_list = multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, args.ncpu)
+ catalog_out = f"# freq0 (Hz): {fitsinfo['freq0']} \n"
+ f.write(catalog_out)
catalog_out = f'# number of sources detected: {len(source_list)} \n'
- #catalog_out = f'# number of souces using peak for source position: {num_max} \n'
- #f.write(catalog_out)
- catalog_out = '#\n# source ra_hms dec_dms ra(deg) dec(deg) flux(mJy) error ang_size(arcsec) pos_angle(deg)\n'
+ catalog_out = '#\n#format: name ra_d dec_d i i_err emaj_s emin_s pa_d\n'
for i in range(len(source_list)):
- output = str(i) + ', ' + source_list[i][1] + '\n'
+ output = 'src' + str(i) + ' ' + source_list[i][1] + '\n'
f.close()'Source catalog saved: {args.outcatalog}')
if args.gui:
- from bokeh.models import Label, BoxEditTool, ColumnDataSource, FreehandDrawTool
- from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
- from import curdoc, export_png
- from import curdoc
- curdoc().theme = 'caliber'
+ from breizorro.gui import display
except ModuleNotFoundError:
LOGGER.error("Running breizorro gui requires optional dependencies, please re-install with: pip install breizorro[gui]")
raise('Missing GUI dependencies')"Loading Gui ...")
- fitsinfo = fitsInfo(args.imagename or args.maskname)
- # Origin coordinates
- origin_ra, origin_dec = fitsinfo['centre']
- # Pixel width in degrees
- pixel_width = fitsinfo['ddec']
- # Calculate the extent of the image in degrees
- # We assume a square image for simplicity
- extent = fitsinfo['numPix'] * pixel_width # Assume equal pixels in each dimension
- # Specify the coordinates for the image
- x_range = (origin_ra - extent/2.0, origin_ra + extent/2.0)
- y_range = (origin_dec - extent/2.0, origin_dec + extent/2.0)
- # Define the plot
- p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")], y_range=y_range)
- #p.x_range.range_padding = 0
- #p.y_range.range_padding = 0
- p.x_range.flipped = True
- p.title.text = out_mask_fits
- # must give a vector of image data for image parameter
- # Plot the image using degree coordinates
- p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)], x=x_range[0], y=y_range[0], dw=extent, dh=extent, palette="Greys256", level="image")
- if args.outcatalog:
- # Extracting data from source_list
- x_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[2]) for d in source_list]
- y_coords = [float(d[1].split(', ')[3]) for d in source_list]
- labels = [f"({d[1].split(', ')[0]}, {d[1].split(', ')[1]})" for d in source_list]
- # Plotting points
-, y_coords, size=3, color="red", alpha=0.5)
- for i, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_coords, y_coords, labels)):
- p.add_layout(Label(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt"))
- p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5
- src1 = ColumnDataSource({'x': [], 'y': [], 'width': [], 'height': [], 'alpha': []})
- src2 = ColumnDataSource({'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'alpha': []})
- renderer1 = p.rect('x', 'y', 'width', 'height', source=src1, alpha='alpha')
- renderer2 = p.multi_line('xs', 'ys', source=src2, alpha='alpha')
- draw_tool1 = BoxEditTool(renderers=[renderer1], empty_value=1)
- draw_tool2 = FreehandDrawTool(renderers=[renderer2])
- p.add_tools(draw_tool1)
- p.add_tools(draw_tool2)
- p.toolbar.active_drag = draw_tool1
- output_file("breizorro.html", title="Mask Editor")
- export_png(p, filename="breizorro1.png")
- show(p)
+ display(args.imagename or args.maskname, mask_image, args.outcatalog, source_list)"Enforcing that mask to binary")
mask_image = mask_image!=0
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a100e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import numpy as np
+from photutils import centroids
+from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
+from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
+from regions import PolygonSkyRegion, PolygonPixelRegion
+from breizorro.utils import get_source_size, deg2ra, deg2dec
+from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_beam_area
+def process_contour(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, noise_out):
+ use_max = 0
+ lon = 0
+ pix_size = fitsinfo['ddec'] * 3600.0
+ bmaj, bmin,_ = np.array(fitsinfo['b_size']) * 3600.0
+ mean_beam = 0.5 * (bmaj + bmin)
+ pix_beam = calculate_beam_area(bmaj/2, bmin/2, pix_size)
+ wcs = fitsinfo['wcs']
+ while len(wcs.array_shape) > 2:
+ wcs = wcs.dropaxis(len(wcs.array_shape) - 1)
+ contour_sky = wcs.pixel_to_world(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0])
+ polygon_region = PolygonSkyRegion(vertices=contour_sky)
+ pix_region = polygon_region.to_pixel(wcs)
+ mask = pix_region.to_mask().to_image(image_data.shape[-2:])
+ #contained_points = len(polygon_region.vertices.y) #len(rr) # needed for estimating flux density error
+ try:
+ data = mask * image_data
+ nndata = data # np.flip(data, axis=0)
+ #nndata = nndata[~np.isnan(nndata)]
+ total_flux = np.sum(nndata[nndata != -0.0])/pix_beam
+ peak_flux = nndata.max()/pix_beam
+ except:
+ peak_flux = 0.0
+ if total_flux:
+ total_peak_ratio = np.abs((total_flux - peak_flux) / total_flux)
+ flux_density_error = 0.0001
+ #beam_error = contained_points/pixels_beam * noise_out
+ #ten_pc_error = 0.1 * total_flux
+ #flux_density_error = np.sqrt(ten_pc_error * ten_pc_error + beam_error * beam_error)
+ # Calculate weighted centroid
+ centroid_x, centroid_y = centroids.centroid_2dg(data)
+ ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(centroid_x, centroid_y, 0)
+ # Ensure RA is positive
+ if ra < 0:
+ ra += 360
+ source_flux = (round(total_flux, 5), round(flux_density_error, 5))
+ source_size = get_source_size(contour, pix_size, mean_beam, image_data, total_peak_ratio)
+ #source_pos = format_source_coordinates(ra, dec)
+ source = (ra, dec) + source_flux + source_size
+ catalog_out = ' '.join(str(src_prop) for src_prop in source)
+ else:
+ # Dummy source to be eliminated
+ lon = -np.inf
+ catalog_out = ''
+ return (ra, catalog_out, use_max)
+def multiprocess_contours(contours, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam, ncpu=None):
+ def contour_worker(input, output):
+ for func, args in iter(input.get, 'STOP'):
+ result = func(*args)
+ output.put(result)
+ source_list = []
+ # Start worker processes
+ if not ncpu:
+ try:
+ import multiprocessing
+ ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ except:
+ pass
+ TASKS = []
+ for i in range(len(contours)):
+ contour = contours[i]
+ if len(contour) > 2:
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ for j in range(len(contour)):
+ x.append(contour[j][0])
+ y.append(contour[j][1])
+ TASKS.append((process_contour,(contour, image_data, fitsinfo, mean_beam)))
+ task_queue = Queue()
+ done_queue = Queue()
+ # Submit tasks
+ for task in TASKS:
+ task_queue.put(task)
+ for i in range(ncpu):
+ Process(target=contour_worker, args=(task_queue, done_queue)).start()
+ num_max = 0
+ # Get the results from parallel processing
+ for i in range(len(TASKS)):
+ catalog_out = done_queue.get(timeout=1800)
+ if catalog_out[0] > -np.inf:
+ source_list.append(catalog_out)
+ num_max += catalog_out[2]
+ # Tell child processes to stop
+ for i in range(ncpu):
+ task_queue.put('STOP')
+ ra_sorted_list = sorted(source_list, key = itemgetter(0))
+ return ra_sorted_list
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c4a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+from breizorro.utils import fitsInfo, calculate_beam_area, format_source_coordinates
+import numpy as np
+from bokeh.models import Label, BoxEditTool, FreehandDrawTool
+from bokeh.models import LabelSet, DataTable, TableColumn
+from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource, output_file, show
+from import curdoc, export_png
+from bokeh.models import Toggle, HoverTool
+from bokeh.models import LabelSet, CustomJS
+from bokeh.layouts import row
+curdoc().theme = 'caliber'
+def display(imagename, mask_image, outcatalog, source_list):
+ """
+ Display the image with overlaid source positions and associated catalog information.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ imagename : str
+ The name or path of the FITS file to be displayed.
+ outcatalog : bool
+ If True, overlay the detected sources on the image using the provided source list.
+ source_list : list of tuples
+ A list containing information about detected sources, where each entry is a tuple
+ with the following format:
+ (RA, 'RA DEC I I_err Emaj_s Emin_s PA_d', flag).
+ - RA : float
+ Right Ascension in degrees.
+ - DEC : float
+ Declination in degrees.
+ - I : float
+ Intensity or flux measurement.
+ - I_err : float
+ Error in the intensity measurement.
+ - Emaj_s : float
+ Major axis error (in arcseconds).
+ - Emin_s : float
+ Minor axis error (in arcseconds).
+ - PA_d : float
+ Position angle (in degrees).
+ - flag : int
+ A flag indicating some property of the source (e.g., detection confidence).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
+ Displays/Saves an image with overlaid catalog scatter points and mask image.
+ """
+ # Get fits information
+ fitsinfo = fitsInfo(imagename)
+ # Origin coordinates
+ origin_ra, origin_dec = fitsinfo['centre']
+ # Pixel width in degrees
+ pixel_width = fitsinfo['ddec']
+ # Calculate the extent of the image in degrees
+ # We assume a square image for simplicity
+ extent = fitsinfo['numPix'] * pixel_width # Assume equal pixels in each dimension
+ # Ensure RA is always positive (in degrees, 0 to 360)
+ origin_ra = origin_ra % 360
+ # Specify the coordinates for the image
+ x_range = (origin_ra - extent/2.0, origin_ra + extent/2.0)
+ y_range = (origin_dec - extent/2.0, origin_dec + extent/2.0)
+ if outcatalog:
+ # Extracting data from source_list
+ x_coords = [float(d[1].split(' ')[0]) for d in source_list]
+ y_coords = [float(d[1].split(' ')[1]) for d in source_list]
+ labels = [f"{format_source_coordinates(float(d[1].split(' ')[0]), float(d[1].split(' ')[1]))}"
+ for d in source_list]
+ #Create data
+ source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x_coords, y=y_coords, label=labels))
+ # Assuming `source_list` is already populated with your data
+ # Example source_list: [(ra, 'ra dec i i_err emaj_s emin_s pa_d', flag)]
+ # Parse the source_list and split each string into its components
+ data = {
+ 'name': [f'src{i}' for i in range(len(source_list))],
+ 'ra_deg': [float(d[1].split(' ')[0]) for d in source_list],
+ 'dec_deg': [float(d[1].split(' ')[1]) for d in source_list],
+ 'i': [float(d[1].split(' ')[2]) for d in source_list],
+ 'error': [float(d[1].split(' ')[3]) for d in source_list],
+ 'emaj_s': [float(d[1].split(' ')[4]) for d in source_list],
+ 'emin_s': [float(d[1].split(' ')[5]) for d in source_list],
+ 'pa_d': [float(d[1].split(' ')[6]) for d in source_list],
+ }
+ # Format RA and DEC to hh:mm:ss and dd:mm:ss
+ formatted_coords = [format_source_coordinates(ra, dec) for ra, dec in zip(data['ra_deg'], data['dec_deg'])]
+ formatted_RA = [coord[0] for coord in formatted_coords]
+ formatted_DEC = [coord[1] for coord in formatted_coords]
+ # Add formatted coordinates to the data source
+ data['RA'] = formatted_RA
+ data['DEC'] = formatted_DEC
+ # Create a ColumnDataSource for the table
+ table_source = ColumnDataSource(data=data)
+ from bokeh.models import NumberFormatter
+ # Define the number formatter for decimal and scientific notation
+ decimal_formatter = NumberFormatter(format="0.000")
+ scientific_formatter = NumberFormatter(format="0.000e")
+ # Define the columns for the DataTable
+ columns = [
+ TableColumn(field="name", title="name"),
+ TableColumn(field="ra_deg", title="ra (deg)", formatter=decimal_formatter),
+ TableColumn(field="dec_deg", title="dec (deg)", formatter=decimal_formatter),
+ TableColumn(field="i", title="i (Jy)", formatter=scientific_formatter),
+ TableColumn(field="error", title="i_err (Jy)", formatter=scientific_formatter),
+ TableColumn(field="emaj_s", title="emaj_s (arcsec)"),
+ TableColumn(field="emin_s", title="emin_s (arcsec)"),
+ TableColumn(field="pa_d", title="pa_d (deg)"),
+ ]
+ # Create the DataTable widget
+ data_table = DataTable(source=table_source, columns=columns, width=600, height=600)
+ # Create the plot
+ p = figure(title="Breizorro Source Catalog",
+ x_axis_label="RA (deg)",
+ y_axis_label="DEC (deg)",
+ y_range=(min(y_coords)-0.1, max(y_coords)+0.1), # Add margin
+ match_aspect=True,
+ tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")])
+ # Plot the image
+ image_renderer = p.image(image=[np.flip(mask_image, axis=1)],
+ x=x_range[0],
+ y=y_range[0],
+ dw=fitsinfo['numPix']*fitsinfo['dra'],
+ dh=fitsinfo['numPix']*fitsinfo['ddec'],
+ palette="Greys256", level="image")
+ scatter_renderer = p.scatter('ra_deg', 'dec_deg',
+ size=6, color="red",
+ source=table_source,
+ legend_label="Detection",
+ level="overlay")
+ # Add labels to the scatter points (optional, can hide later as needed)
+ labels = LabelSet(x='RA', y='DEC', text='Name', source=table_source, text_font_size="10pt", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center")
+ # Add hover tool for scatter points
+ hover = HoverTool()
+ hover.tooltips = [("Name", "@name"), ("RA", "@RA"),
+ ("DEC", "@DEC"), ("Flux", "@i")]
+ hover.renderers = [scatter_renderer]
+ p.add_tools(hover)
+ # Enable legend click to hide/show scatter points
+ p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
+ p.x_range.flipped = True
+ p.title.align = "center"
+ p.add_layout(labels)
+ p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5
+ #from bokeh.models import DatetimeTickFormatter
+ #p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(hours=["%Hh%Mm%Ss"])
+ #p.yaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(minutes=["%Dd%Mm%Ss"])
+ # JavaScript callback to select the corresponding row in the table when hovering over a point
+ callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=table_source), code="""
+ var indices = cb_data.index['1d'].indices; // Get the index of the hovered point
+ source.selected.indices = indices; // Select the corresponding row in the table
+ """)
+ # Connect the hover tool to the callback
+ hover.callback = callback
+ layout = row(p, data_table)
+ output_file("breizorro.html", title="Mask Editor")
+ #export_png(p, filename="breizorro.png")
+ show(layout)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index a8c68c7..221584c 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import re
import numpy as np
+import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
@@ -31,7 +32,13 @@ def deg_to_dms(dec_deg):
return degrees, minutes, seconds
-def format_source_coordinates(coord_ra_deg, coord_dec_deg):
+def format_source_coordinates(ra_deg, dec_deg):
+ coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra_deg*u.deg, dec=dec_deg*u.deg, frame='icrs')
+ ra_str = coord.ra.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':', precision=2)
+ dec_str = coord.dec.to_string(unit=u.deg, sep=':', precision=2)
+ return ra_str, dec_str
+def format_source_coordinates0(coord_ra_deg, coord_dec_deg):
h,m,s = deg_to_hms(coord_ra_deg)
if h < 10:
h = '0' + str(h)
@@ -139,22 +146,6 @@ def calculate_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
return area
-def calculate_weighted_centroid(x, y, flux_values):
- # Calculate the total flux within the region
- total_flux = np.sum(flux_values)
- # Initialize variables for weighted sums
- weighted_sum_x = 0
- weighted_sum_y = 0
- # Loop through all pixels within the region
- for xi, yi, flux in zip(x, y, flux_values):
- # Add the weighted contribution of each pixel to the centroid
- weighted_sum_x += xi * flux
- weighted_sum_y += yi * flux
- # Calculate the centroid coordinates
- centroid_x = weighted_sum_x / total_flux
- centroid_y = weighted_sum_y / total_flux
- return centroid_x, centroid_y
def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
"""Get fits header info.
@@ -175,8 +166,8 @@ def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
'skyArea': skyArea, 'naxis': naxis}
- hdu =
- hdr = hdu[0].header
+ with as hdu:
+ hdr = hdu[0].header
ra = hdr['CRVAL1']
dra = abs(hdr['CDELT1'])
raPix = hdr['CRPIX1']
@@ -210,6 +201,30 @@ def fitsInfo(fitsname=None):
'skyArea': skyArea, 'freq0': freq0}
return fitsinfo
+def get_image_data(fitsfile):
+ """
+ Reads a FITS file and returns a tuple of the image array and the header.
+ Parameters:
+ fitsfile (str): The path to the FITS file.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing the image array and the header.
+ """
+ with as input_hdu:
+ # Check the dimensionality of the data and extract the appropriate slice
+ if len(input_hdu[0].data.shape) == 2:
+ image = np.array(input_hdu[0].data[:, :])
+ elif len(input_hdu[0].data.shape) == 3:
+ image = np.array(input_hdu[0].data[0, :, :])
+ else:
+ image = np.array(input_hdu[0].data[0, 0, :, :])
+ header = input_hdu[0].header
+ return image, header
def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
"""Calculate maximum extent and position angle of a contour.
@@ -220,18 +235,21 @@ def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
Size of a pixel in the image (e.g., arcseconds per pixel).
- ang_size : float
- Maximum extent of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
+ e_maj : float
+ Major axis of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
+ e_min : float
+ Minor axis of the contour in angular units (e.g., arcseconds).
pos_angle : float
Position angle of the contour (in degrees).
- src_size = 0
+ e_maj = 0
+ e_min = np.inf # Start with a very large value for the minor axis
pos_angle = None
# Convert the contour to a numpy array for easier calculations
contour_array = np.array(contour)
- # Calculate pairwise distances between all points in the contour
+ # Step 1: Loop through all pairs of points to find major and minor axes
for i in range(len(contour_array)):
for j in range(i+1, len(contour_array)):
# Calculate Euclidean distance between points i and j
@@ -241,12 +259,16 @@ def maxDist(contour, pixel_size):
dx, dy = contour_array[j] - contour_array[i]
angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx))
- # Update max_distance, max_points, and pos_angle if the calculated distance is greater
- if distance > src_size:
- src_size = distance
+ # Update e_maj and pos_angle if this distance is the largest
+ if distance > e_maj:
+ e_maj = distance
pos_angle = angle
- return src_size, pos_angle
+ # Update e_min if this distance is the smallest
+ if distance < e_min:
+ e_min = distance
+ return e_maj, e_min, pos_angle
def calculate_beam_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
@@ -274,22 +296,22 @@ def calculate_beam_area(bmaj, bmin, pix_size):
def get_source_size(contour, pixel_size, mean_beam, image, int_peak_ratio):
result = maxDist(contour,pixel_size)
- src_angle = result[0]
- pos_angle = result[1]
+ src_angle = result[:-1]
+ pos_angle = result[-1]
contour_pixels = PixCoord([c[0] for c in contour], [c[1] for c in contour])
p = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=contour_pixels, meta={'label': 'Region'})
source_beam_ratio = p.area / mean_beam
# first test for point source
point_source = False
- if (int_peak_ratio <= 0.2) or (src_angle <= mean_beam):
+ if (int_peak_ratio <= 0.2) or (src_angle[0] <= mean_beam):
point_source = True
if source_beam_ratio <= 1.0:
point_source = True
if point_source:
- src_size = (0.0, 0.0)
- print(f"Point source because {int_peak_ratio} <= 0.2 and {src_angle} <= {mean_beam}")
+ src_size = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- ang = round(src_angle,2)
+ emaj = round(src_angle[0],2)
+ emin = round(src_angle[-1],2)
pa = round(pos_angle,2)
- src_size = (ang, pa)
+ src_size = (emaj, emin, pa)
return src_size
From ece367a7e8618ec4f8cfc96e6132f143b18ecea2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 11:06:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/48] Rename test_installation.yml to python-package.yml
.github/workflows/{test_installation.yml => python-package.yml} | 0
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
rename .github/workflows/{test_installation.yml => python-package.yml} (100%)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test_installation.yml b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from .github/workflows/test_installation.yml
rename to .github/workflows/python-package.yml
From e8e6075ff28edcf6d3745d8fe155d80b429ceb52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:03:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/48] Create _config.yml
_config.yml | 5 +++++
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 _config.yml
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a7df3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Midnight theme
+description: Midnight is a theme for GitHub Pages.
+show_downloads: true
+theme: jekyll-theme-midnight
From d6a9beba2fa9af71ed44bb16991d47d3c6d07d3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:12:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/48] Update _config.yml
_config.yml | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 7a7df3b..17baf7c 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: Midnight theme
-description: Midnight is a theme for GitHub Pages.
+title: Breizorro
+description: Breizorro is an image masking and cataloguing
show_downloads: true
theme: jekyll-theme-midnight
From e5798d22d41b097f7bf05daeb9f3fcfd568609b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:27:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/48] Create
--- | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d8b3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: default
+Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
+# Image Masking and Transformation
+Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of a picture, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
+# Region Generation and Manipulation
+Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Users can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
+# Cataloguing and Visualization
+Breizorro enables catalog generation from extracted regions, saving source properties to an ASCII/text
+breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt
From 1d182ae849bdd0b8caf10c4d7514bdc9c3776a57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:42:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/48] Update
--- | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 0d8b3ad..071e418 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-layout: default
@@ -11,15 +8,60 @@ Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks,
Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of a picture, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
+```breizorro -t 6.5 -b 50 -r circinus-MFS-image.fits```
+![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-10-35-43](
+```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500```
+![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-13-23-14](
# Region Generation and Manipulation
Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Users can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
+```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg```
+![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image fits-image-2024-09-11-10-38-15](
+```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --merge west.reg --dilate 1 --fill-holes```
+![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-13-59-39](
# Cataloguing and Visualization
Breizorro enables catalog generation from extracted regions, saving source properties to an ASCII/text
+```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt```
+# processing fits image: circinus-MFS-image.fits
+# mean beam size (arcsec): 37.97
+# original image peak flux (Jy/beam): 0.768315315246582
+# noise out (μJy/beam): 737.33
+# cutt-off flux (mJy/beam): 4.79
+# freq0 (Hz): 1419944335.9375
+# number of sources detected: 35
+#format: name ra_d dec_d i i_err emaj_s emin_s pa_d
+src0 -147.88904620760084 -65.52043870236054 0.00468 0.0001 50.04 0.0 177.71
+src1 -147.84162114219356 -65.44040921224196 0.00047 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
+src2 -147.7980562104931 -65.39402001087845 0.00089 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
+src3 -147.74069959466678 -65.08592423258469 0.0082 0.0001 51.61 0.0 144.46
+src4 -147.6583486798732 -65.28753961408073 0.09922 0.0001 86.58 0.0 -173.37
+src5 -147.59829620974554 -65.28104296056243 0.00629 0.0001 47.07 0.0 167.74
+src6 -147.51788583319714 -65.72316001301358 0.06639 0.0001 71.47 0.0 162.07
+src7 -147.49179712006742 -64.88584736668952 0.00092 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
+src8 -147.42970139783463 -65.65050232604096 0.00069 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
+src9 -147.4293961973031 -65.44158144271519 0.00134 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
+src10 -147.28370646739054 -65.42936506202037 9e-05 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt
+![Screenshot 2024-09-11 100116](
From dd51336320bd019eef896955488574b7593be12a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:48:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/48] Update README.rst
README.rst | 7 +++++++
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index bf96a67..839468d 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ To show help message and exit
Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
--gui Open mask in gui.
+Documentation is available on the GitHub page_.
@@ -116,3 +122,4 @@ standards pep8_.
.. _source:
.. _license:
.. _pep8:
+.. _page:
From e46f763ae870e97502fb7309257945ba4d1b094a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 12:49:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/48] Update
--- | 22 +++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 071e418..2651dac 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
@@ -8,12 +6,16 @@ Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks,
Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of a picture, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
-```breizorro -t 6.5 -b 50 -r circinus-MFS-image.fits```
+breizorro -t 6.5 -b 50 -r circinus-MFS-image.fits
![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-10-35-43](
-```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500```
+breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500
![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-13-23-14](
@@ -21,11 +23,15 @@ Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pix
Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Users can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
-```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg```
+breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg
![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image fits-image-2024-09-11-10-38-15](
-```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --merge west.reg --dilate 1 --fill-holes```
+breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --merge west.reg --dilate 1 --fill-holes
![mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-mypipelinerun_circinus_p3_3-MFS-image mask fits-image-2024-09-11-13-59-39](
@@ -35,7 +41,9 @@ Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Lab
Breizorro enables catalog generation from extracted regions, saving source properties to an ASCII/text
-```breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt```
+breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt
# processing fits image: circinus-MFS-image.fits
From 53e7408614b264c27c03ef07315dad3ed7b953db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:26:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/48] Update
--- | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 2651dac..5516f7c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500
# Region Generation and Manipulation
-Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Users can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
+Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Us![breiz](
+ers can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg
From 896ce23c8515c1068e99d9023f9f2667a31d9f36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:26:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/48] Update
--- | 3 +--
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5516f7c..db91f47 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500
# Region Generation and Manipulation
-Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. Labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria are all included in this. Us![breiz](
-ers can employ techniques including erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion to refine their regions of interest.
+Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. It includes labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria. Users can refine their regions of interest using techniques such as erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion.
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg
From 015dd709b39ed67577dae16538dd75552524fb45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:33:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/48] Update
--- | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index db91f47..bcd32f1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
From 1b6a99d3460db099d3b23573b26836c943d0fcd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 14:10:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/48] Update README.rst
README.rst | 58 ------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 58 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 839468d..390605a 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -30,64 +30,6 @@ To show help message and exit
$ breizorro --help
- breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,311 INFO - Welcome to breizorro
- breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,375 INFO - Version: 0.1.1
- breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,375 INFO - Usage: breizorro --help
- usage: breizorro [-h] [-r IMAGE] [-m MASK] [-t THRESHOLD] [-b BOXSIZE]
- [--savenoise] [--merge MASKs|REGs) [MASK(s|REGs) ...]]
- [--subtract MASK(s|REGs) [MASK(s|REGs ...]]
- [--number-islands] [--remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]]
- [--ignore-missing-islands]
- [--extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]]
- [--minimum-size MINSIZE] [--make-binary] [--invert]
- [--dilate R] [--erode N] [--fill-holes] [--sum-peak SUM_PEAK]
- [-o OUTFILE] [--gui]
- breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
- Restored image file from which to build mask
- -m MASK, --mask-image MASK
- Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
- image must be specfied.
- -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
- Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
- -b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
- Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
- --savenoise Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
- not save noise image)
- --merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
- Merge in one or more masks or region files
- --subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
- Subract one or more masks or region files
- --number-islands Number the islands detected (default=do not number
- islands)
- --remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
- List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
- --remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
- --ignore-missing-islands
- If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
- do not throw an error
- --extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
- List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
- --extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
- --minimum-size MINSIZE
- Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
- the specified number of pixels
- --make-binary Replace all island numbers with 1
- --invert Invert the mask
- --dilate R Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
- --erode N Apply N iterations of erosion
- --fill-holes Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
- --sum-peak SUM_PEAK Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
- image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
- ratio above 100
- -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
- Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
- --gui Open mask in gui.
From 64cbe402806923a7e5c340c896255bf938a0dbf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 14:13:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 20/48] Update
--- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 51 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
index bcd32f1..5ebb1fb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,57 @@
Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
+# Parameter definition
+ breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
+ Restored image file from which to build mask
+ -m MASK, --mask-image MASK
+ Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
+ image must be specfied.
+ -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
+ Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
+ -b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
+ Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
+ --savenoise Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
+ not save noise image)
+ --merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
+ Merge in one or more masks or region files
+ --subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
+ Subract one or more masks or region files
+ --number-islands Number the islands detected (default=do not number
+ islands)
+ --remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
+ List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
+ --remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
+ --ignore-missing-islands
+ If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
+ do not throw an error
+ --extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
+ List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
+ --extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
+ --minimum-size MINSIZE
+ Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
+ the specified number of pixels
+ --make-binary Replace all island numbers with 1
+ --invert Invert the mask
+ --dilate R Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
+ --erode N Apply N iterations of erosion
+ --fill-holes Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
+ --sum-peak SUM_PEAK Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
+ image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
+ ratio above 100
+ -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
+ Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
+ --gui Open mask in gui.
# Image Masking and Transformation
Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of a picture, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
From f0daab2f048823b8d64472875a1ce83942b147ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 14:23:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/48] Update
--- | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5ebb1fb..7cf5b5d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying picture masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
+Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying image masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
# Parameter definition
From 975ff99cf2308b4415bc12134d517c56190948e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 15:36:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/48] Update _config.yml
_config.yml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 17baf7c..ee9483e 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: Breizorro
-description: Breizorro is an image masking and cataloguing
+description: Image masking and cataloguing suite
show_downloads: true
theme: jekyll-theme-midnight
From 36a4e78d9b925b5e43877f675d90f70cd4a5001c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 20:33:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/48] Update
--- | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 7cf5b5d..9cdd6ce 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,50 +8,50 @@ Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks,
# Parameter definition
- breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
- Restored image file from which to build mask
- -m MASK, --mask-image MASK
- Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
- image must be specfied.
- -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
- Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
- -b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
- Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
- --savenoise Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
- not save noise image)
- --merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
- Merge in one or more masks or region files
- --subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
- Subract one or more masks or region files
- --number-islands Number the islands detected (default=do not number
- islands)
- --remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
- List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
- --remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
- --ignore-missing-islands
- If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
- do not throw an error
- --extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
- List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
- --extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
- --minimum-size MINSIZE
- Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
- the specified number of pixels
- --make-binary Replace all island numbers with 1
- --invert Invert the mask
- --dilate R Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
- --erode N Apply N iterations of erosion
- --fill-holes Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
- --sum-peak SUM_PEAK Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
- image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
- ratio above 100
- -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
- Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
- --gui Open mask in gui.
+breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
+ Restored image file from which to build mask
+ -m MASK, --mask-image MASK
+ Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
+ image must be specfied.
+ -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
+ Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
+ -b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
+ Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
+ --savenoise Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
+ not save noise image)
+ --merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
+ Merge in one or more masks or region files
+ --subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
+ Subract one or more masks or region files
+ --number-islands Number the islands detected (default=do not number
+ islands)
+ --remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
+ List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
+ --remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
+ --ignore-missing-islands
+ If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
+ do not throw an error
+ --extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
+ List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
+ --extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
+ --minimum-size MINSIZE
+ Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
+ the specified number of pixels
+ --make-binary Replace all island numbers with 1
+ --invert Invert the mask
+ --dilate R Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
+ --erode N Apply N iterations of erosion
+ --fill-holes Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
+ --sum-peak SUM_PEAK Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
+ image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
+ ratio above 100
+ -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
+ Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
+ --gui Open mask in gui.
From b36c3b37c7c3cd41026aaa1295172f58744bef53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 20:56:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 24/48] Update
--- | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 9cdd6ce..a21ff29 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ optional arguments:
# Image Masking and Transformation
-Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of a picture, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
+Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel's value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of an image, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
breizorro -t 6.5 -b 50 -r circinus-MFS-image.fits
From 660f5b15bdade3a4b996eab35184c8f839037c37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 21:06:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 25/48] Update
--- | 7 +++++++
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
index a21ff29..c158eb9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -126,3 +126,10 @@ breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt
![Screenshot 2024-09-11 100116](
+# Contributors
+Thank you to the people who have contributed to this project.
From 83acfa1e5f22535d0f5a69d08d57adb2aafc6c14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 11:50:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 26/48] legend color
breizorro/ | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/breizorro/ b/breizorro/
index d7c4a36..49d3edd 100644
--- a/breizorro/
+++ b/breizorro/
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def display(imagename, mask_image, outcatalog, source_list):
p = figure(title="Breizorro Source Catalog",
x_axis_label="RA (deg)",
y_axis_label="DEC (deg)",
- y_range=(min(y_coords)-0.1, max(y_coords)+0.1), # Add margin
+ y_range=(min(y_coords), max(y_coords)),
tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")])
# Plot the image
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ def display(imagename, mask_image, outcatalog, source_list):
# Enable legend click to hide/show scatter points
p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
+ p.legend.label_text_color = "white" # Set the legend text color to white
p.x_range.flipped = True
p.title.align = "center"
From f1aa77e14de005003a0c30d6e488c1edfa9fac1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Athanaseus Javas Ramaila
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 13:05:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 27/48] Add files via upload
breizorro.html | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 breizorro.html
diff --git a/breizorro.html b/breizorro.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43f14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/breizorro.html
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ Mask Editor