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Source code for paste3.glmpca
-Python implementation of the generalized PCA for dimension reduction of non-normally distributed data. The original R implementation is at
-import logging
-from decimal import Decimal
-import numpy as np
-import statsmodels.genmod.families as smf
-from numpy import log
-from scipy.special import digamma, polygamma
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def trigamma(x):
- return polygamma(1, x)
-def rowSums(x):
- return x.sum(1)
-def rowMeans(x):
- return x.mean(1)
-def colSums(x):
- return x.sum(0)
-def colMeans(x):
- return x.mean(0)
-def colNorms(x):
- """
- compute the L2 norms of columns of an array
- """
- return np.sqrt(colSums(x**2))
-def ncol(x):
- return x.shape[1]
-def nrow(x):
- return x.shape[0]
-def crossprod(A, B):
- return (A.T) @ B
-def tcrossprod(A, B):
- return A @ (B.T)
-def cvec1(n):
- """returns a column vector of ones with length N"""
- return np.ones((n, 1))
-def ortho(U, V, A, X=1, G=None, Z=0):
- """
- U is NxL array of cell factors
- V is JxL array of loadings onto genes
- X is NxKo array of cell specific covariates
- A is JxKo array of coefficients of X
- Z is JxKf array of gene specific covariates
- G is NxKf array of coefficients of Z
- assume the data Y is of dimension JxN
- imputed expression: E[Y] = g^{-1}(R) where R = VU'+AX'+ZG'
- """
- if np.all(X == 1):
- X = cvec1(nrow(U))
- if np.all(Z == 0):
- Z = np.zeros((nrow(V), 1))
- if np.all(G == 0):
- G = None
- # we assume A is not null or zero
- # remove correlation between U and A
- # at minimum, this will cause factors to have mean zero
- betax = np.linalg.lstsq(X, U, rcond=None)[0] # extract coef from linreg
- factors = U - X @ betax # residuals from linear regression
- A += tcrossprod(V, betax)
- # remove correlation between V and G
- if G is None:
- loadings = V
- else: # G is not empty
- betaz = np.linalg.lstsq(Z, V, rcond=None)[0] # extract coef from linreg
- loadings = V - Z @ betaz # residuals from regression
- G += tcrossprod(factors, betaz)
- # rotate factors to make loadings orthornormal
- loadings, d, Qt = np.linalg.svd(loadings, full_matrices=False)
- factors = tcrossprod(factors, Qt) * d # d vector broadcasts across cols
- # arrange latent dimensions in decreasing L2 norm
- o = (-colNorms(factors)).argsort()
- factors = factors[:, o]
- loadings = loadings[:, o]
- return {"factors": factors, "loadings": loadings, "coefX": A, "coefZ": G}
-def mat_binom_dev(X, P, n):
- """
- binomial deviance for two arrays
- X,P are JxN arrays
- n is vector of length N (same as cols of X,P)
- """
- with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
- term1 = X * log(X / (n * P))
- term1 = term1[np.isfinite(term1)].sum()
- # nn= x<n
- nx = n - X
- with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
- term2 = nx * log(nx / (n * (1 - P)))
- term2 = term2[np.isfinite(term2)].sum()
- return 2 * (term1 + term2)
-class GlmpcaError(ValueError):
- pass
-class GlmpcaFamily:
- """thin wrapper around the statsmodels.genmod.families.Family class"""
- # TO DO: would it be better to use inheritance?
- def __init__(self, fam, nb_theta=None, mult_n=None):
- if fam == "poi":
- = smf.Poisson()
- elif fam == "nb":
- if nb_theta is None:
- raise GlmpcaError(
- "Negative binomial dispersion parameter 'nb_theta' must be specified"
- )
- = smf.NegativeBinomial(alpha=1 / nb_theta)
- elif fam in ("mult", "bern"):
- = smf.Binomial()
- if fam == "mult" and mult_n is None:
- raise GlmpcaError(
- "Multinomial sample size parameter vector 'mult_n' must be specified"
- )
- else:
- raise GlmpcaError("unrecognized family type")
- # variance function, determined by GLM family
- vfunc =
- # inverse link func, mu as a function of linear predictor R
- ilfunc =
- # derivative of inverse link function, dmu/dR
- hfunc =
- self.glmpca_fam = fam
- if fam == "poi":
- def infograd(Y, R):
- M = ilfunc(R) # ilfunc=exp
- return {"grad": (Y - M), "info": M}
- elif fam == "nb":
- def infograd(Y, R):
- M = ilfunc(R) # ilfunc=exp
- W = 1 / vfunc(M)
- return {"grad": (Y - M) * W * M, "info": W * (M**2)}
- self.nb_theta = nb_theta
- elif fam == "mult":
- def infograd(Y, R):
- P = ilfunc(R) # ilfunc=expit, P very small probabilities
- return {"grad": Y - (mult_n * P), "info": mult_n * vfunc(P)}
- self.mult_n = mult_n
- elif fam == "bern":
- def infograd(Y, R):
- P = ilfunc(R)
- return {"grad": Y - P, "info": vfunc(P)}
- else: # this is not actually used but keeping for future reference
- # this is most generic formula for GLM but computationally slow
- raise GlmpcaError("invalid fam")
- def infograd(Y, R):
- M = ilfunc(R)
- W = 1 / vfunc(M)
- H = hfunc(R)
- return {"grad": (Y - M) * W * H, "info": W * (H**2)}
- self.infograd = infograd
- # create deviance function
- if fam == "mult":
- def dev_func(Y, R):
- return mat_binom_dev(Y, ilfunc(R), mult_n)
- else:
- def dev_func(Y, R):
- return, ilfunc(R))
- self.dev_func = dev_func
- def __str__(self):
- return f"GlmpcaFamily object of type {self.glmpca_fam}"
-def remove_intercept(X):
- cm = colMeans(X)
- try:
- X -= cm
- except TypeError as err:
- if X.dtype != cm.dtype:
- X = X.astype(cm.dtype) - cm
- else:
- raise err
- return X[:, colNorms(X) > 1e-12]
-def glmpca_init(Y, fam, sz=None, nb_theta=None):
- """
- create the glmpca_family object and
- initialize the A array (regression coefficients of X)
- Y is the data (JxN array)
- fam is the likelihood
- sz optional vector of size factors, default: sz=colMeans(Y) or colSums(Y)
- sz is ignored unless fam is 'poi' or 'nb'
- """
- if sz is not None and len(sz) != ncol(Y):
- raise GlmpcaError("size factor must have length equal to columns of Y")
- mult_n = colSums(Y) if fam == "mult" else None
- gf = GlmpcaFamily(fam, nb_theta, mult_n)
- if fam in ("poi", "nb"):
- if sz is None:
- sz = colMeans(Y) # size factors
- offsets =
- def rfunc(U, V):
- return offsets + tcrossprod(V, U) # linear predictor
- a1 = / np.sum(sz))
- else:
- def rfunc(U, V):
- return tcrossprod(V, U)
- if fam == "mult": # offsets incorporated via family object
- a1 = / np.sum(mult_n))
- else: # no offsets (eg, bernoulli)
- a1 =
- if np.any(np.isinf(a1)):
- raise GlmpcaError("Some rows were all zero, please remove them.")
- return {"gf": gf, "rfunc": rfunc, "intercepts": a1}
-def est_nb_theta(y, mu, th):
- """
- given count data y and predicted means mu>0, and a neg binom theta "th"
- use Newton's Method to update theta based on the negative binomial likelihood
- note this uses observed rather than expected information
- regularization:
- let u=log(theta). We use the prior u~N(0,1) as penalty
- equivalently we assume theta~lognormal(0,1) so the mode is at 1 (geometric distr)
- dtheta/du=e^u=theta
- d2theta/du2=theta
- dL/dtheta * dtheta/du
- """
- # n= length(y)
- u = log(th)
- # dL/dtheta*dtheta/du
- score = th * np.sum(
- digamma(th + y)
- - digamma(th)
- + log(th)
- + 1
- - log(th + mu)
- - (y + th) / (mu + th)
- )
- # d^2L/dtheta^2 * (dtheta/du)^2
- info1 = -(th**2) * np.sum(
- trigamma(th + mu)
- - trigamma(th)
- + 1 / th
- - 2 / (mu + th)
- + (y + th) / (mu + th) ** 2
- )
- # dL/dtheta*d^2theta/du^2 = score
- info = info1 - score
- # L2 penalty on u=log(th)
- return np.exp(u + (score - u) / (info + 1))
- # grad= score-u
- # exp(u+sign(grad)*min(maxstep,abs(grad)))
-def glmpca(
- Y,
- L,
- fam="poi",
- ctl: dict | None = None,
- penalty=1,
- init: dict | None = None,
- nb_theta=100,
- X=None,
- Z=None,
- sz=None,
- """
- This function implements the GLM-PCA dimensionality reduction method for high-dimensional count data.
- The basic model is R = AX'+ZG'+VU', where E[Y]=M=linkinv(R). Regression coefficients are A and G, latent factors are U, and loadings are V. The objective function being optimized is the deviance between Y and M, plus an L2 (ridge) penalty on U and V. Note that glmpca uses a random initialization, so for fully reproducible results one should set the random seed.
- Parameters
- ----------
- Y: array_like of count data with features as rows and observations as
- columns.
- L: the desired number of latent dimensions (integer).
- fam: string describing the likelihood to use for the data. Possible values include:
- - poi: Poisson
- - nb: negative binomial
- - mult: binomial approximation to multinomial
- - bern: Bernoulli
- ctl: a dictionary of control parameters for optimization. Valid keys:
- - maxIter: an integer, maximum number of iterations
- - eps: a float, maximum relative change in deviance tolerated for convergence
- - optimizeTheta: a bool, indicating if the overdispersion parameter of the NB
- distribution is optimized (default), or fixed to the value provided in nb_theta.
- penalty: the L2 penalty for the latent factors (default = 1).
- Regression coefficients are not penalized.
- init: a dictionary containing initial estimates for the factors (U) and
- loadings (V) matrices.
- nb_theta: negative binomial dispersion parameter. Smaller values mean more dispersion
- if nb_theta goes to infinity, this is equivalent to Poisson
- Note that the alpha in the statsmodels package is 1/nb_theta.
- If ctl["optimizeTheta"] is True, this is used as initial value for optimization
- X: array_like of column (observations) covariates. Any column with all
- same values (eg. 1 for intercept) will be removed. This is because we force
- the intercept and want to avoid collinearity.
- Z: array_like of row (feature) covariates, usually not needed.
- sz: numeric vector of size factors to use in place of total counts.
- Returns
- -------
- A dictionary with the following elements
- - factors: an array U whose rows match the columns (observations) of Y. It is analogous to the principal components in PCA. Each column of the factors array is a different latent dimension.
- - loadings: an array V whose rows match the rows (features/dimensions) of Y. It is analogous to loadings in PCA. Each column of the loadings array is a different latent dimension.
- - coefX: an array A of coefficients for the observation-specific covariates array X. Each row of coefX corresponds to a row of Y and each column corresponds to a column of X. The first column of coefX contains feature-specific intercepts which are included by default.
- - coefZ: a array G of coefficients for the feature-specific covariates array Z. Each row of coefZ corresponds to a column of Y and each column corresponds to a column of Z. By default no such covariates are included and this is returned as None.
- - dev: a vector of deviance values. The length of the vector is the number of iterations it took for GLM-PCA's optimizer to converge. The deviance should generally decrease over time. If it fluctuates wildly, this often indicates numerical instability, which can be improved by increasing the penalty parameter.
- - glmpca_family: an object of class GlmpcaFamily. This is a minor wrapper to the family object used by the statsmodels package for fitting standard GLMs. It contains various internal functions and parameters needed to optimize the GLM-PCA objective function. For the negative binomial case, it also contains the final estimated value of the dispersion parameter nb_theta.
- Examples
- -------
- 1) create a simple dataset with two clusters and visualize the latent structure
- # >>> from numpy import array,exp,random,repeat
- # >>> from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter
- # >>> from glmpca import glmpca
- # >>> mu= exp(random.randn(20,100))
- # >>> mu[range(10),:] *= exp(random.randn(100))
- # >>> clust= repeat(["red","black"],10)
- # >>> Y= random.poisson(mu)
- # >>> res= glmpca(Y.T, 2)
- # >>> factors= res["factors"]
- # >>> scatter(factors[:,0],factors[:,1],c=clust)
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Townes FW, Hicks SC, Aryee MJ, and Irizarry RA. "Feature selection and dimension reduction for single-cell RNA-seq based on a multinomial model", biorXiv, 2019.
- .. [2] Townes FW. "Generalized principal component analysis", arXiv, 2019.
- """
- # For negative binomial, convergence only works if starting with nb_theta large
- Y = np.array(Y)
- if fam not in ("poi", "nb", "mult", "bern"):
- raise GlmpcaError("invalid fam")
- J, N = Y.shape
- # sanity check inputs
- if fam in ("poi", "nb", "mult", "bern") and np.min(Y) < 0:
- raise GlmpcaError("for count data, the minimum value must be >=0")
- if fam == "bern" and np.max(Y) > 1:
- raise GlmpcaError("for Bernoulli model, the maximum value must be <=1")
- # preprocess covariates and set updateable indices
- if X is not None:
- if nrow(X) != ncol(Y):
- raise GlmpcaError("X rows must match columns of Y")
- # we force an intercept, so remove it from X to prevent collinearity
- X = remove_intercept(X)
- else:
- X = np.zeros(
- (N, 0)
- ) # empty array to prevent dim mismatch errors with hstack later
- Ko = ncol(X) + 1
- if Z is not None:
- if nrow(Z) != nrow(Y):
- raise GlmpcaError("Z rows must match rows of Y")
- else:
- Z = np.zeros(
- (J, 0)
- ) # empty array to prevent dim mismatch errors with hstack later
- Kf = ncol(Z)
- lid = (Ko + Kf) + np.array(range(L))
- uid = Ko + np.array(range(Kf + L))
- vid = np.concatenate((np.array(range(Ko)), lid))
- Ku = len(uid)
- Kv = len(vid)
- # create GlmpcaFamily object
- gnt = glmpca_init(Y, fam, sz, nb_theta)
- gf = gnt["gf"]
- rfunc = gnt["rfunc"]
- a1 = gnt["intercepts"]
- # initialize U,V, with row-specific intercept terms
- U = np.hstack((cvec1(N), X, np.random.randn(N, Ku) * 1e-5 / Ku))
- init = init or {"factors": None, "loadings": None}
- ctl = ctl or {"maxIter": 1000, "eps": 1e-4, "optimizeTheta": True}
- if init["factors"] is not None:
- L0 = np.min([L, ncol(init["factors"])])
- U[:, (Ko + Kf) + np.array(range(L0))] = init["factors"][:, range(L0)]
- # a1 = naive MLE for gene intercept only, must convert to column vector first with [:,None]
- V = np.hstack((a1[:, None], np.random.randn(J, (Ko - 1)) * 1e-5 / Kv))
- # note in the above line the randn can be an empty array if Ko=1, which is OK!
- V = np.hstack((V, Z, np.random.randn(J, L) * 1e-5 / Kv))
- if init["loadings"] is not None:
- L0 = np.min([L, ncol(init["loadings"])])
- V[:, (Ko + Kf) + np.array(range(L0))] = init["loadings"][:, range(L0)]
- # run optimization
- dev = np.repeat(np.nan, ctl["maxIter"])
- for t in range(ctl["maxIter"]):
- dev[t] = gf.dev_func(Y, rfunc(U, V))
- if not np.isfinite(dev[t]):
- raise GlmpcaError(
- "Numerical divergence (deviance no longer finite), try increasing the penalty to improve stability of optimization."
- )
- if (
- t > 4
- and np.abs(dev[t] - dev[t - 1]) / (0.1 + np.abs(dev[t - 1])) < ctl["eps"]
- ):
- break
- msg = f"Iteration: {t:d} | deviance={Decimal(dev[t]):.4E}"
- if fam == "nb":
- msg += f" | nb_theta: {nb_theta:.3E}"
- logger.debug(msg)
- # (k in lid) ensures no penalty on regression coefficients:
- for k in vid:
- ig = gf.infograd(Y, rfunc(U, V))
- grads = ig["grad"] @ U[:, k] - penalty * V[:, k] * (k in lid)
- infos = ig["info"] @ (U[:, k] ** 2) + penalty * (k in lid)
- V[:, k] += grads / infos
- for k in uid:
- ig = gf.infograd(Y, rfunc(U, V))
- grads = crossprod(ig["grad"], V[:, k]) - penalty * U[:, k] * (k in lid)
- infos = crossprod(ig["info"], V[:, k] ** 2) + penalty * (k in lid)
- U[:, k] += grads / infos
- if fam == "nb":
- if ctl["optimizeTheta"]:
- nb_theta = est_nb_theta(
- Y,, V)), nb_theta
- )
- gf = GlmpcaFamily(fam, nb_theta)
- # postprocessing: include row and column labels for regression coefficients
- G = None if ncol(Z) == 0 else U[:, Ko + np.array(range(Kf))]
- X = np.hstack((cvec1(N), X))
- A = V[:, range(Ko)]
- res = ortho(U[:, lid], V[:, lid], A, X=X, G=G, Z=Z)
- res["dev"] = dev[range(t + 1)]
- res["glmpca_family"] = gf
- return res