A demo for integrating Builder.io with Gatsby using our GraphQL API and our
This demo demonstrates creating dynamic pages in Builder.io on new URLs and generating them with Gatsby, as well as rendering specific parts of your site with Builder.io content via GraphQL queries (e.g. for pages, components, etc)
For a more advanced example and a starter check out gatsby-starter-builder
src/components/hero.builder.ts for an example of using a custom react component in the Builder.io visiaul editor. See a more rich example of a whole design system of components here
src/pages/example.tsx for using GraphQL to query and render Builder.io components and pages manually in parts of your Gatsby site and content
@builder.io/gatsby the plugin used in this example to generate pages dynamically.
gatsby-config.js to set your API key
Sign up for Builder.io Then replace the demo API key in gatsby-config.js with your public API key, which you can find in builder.io/account/organization
Clone this demo.
git clone [email protected]:BuilderIO/builder.git cd builder/examples/gatsby npm install npm run dev
Connect Builder.io to your localhost Now that you have the development server running on localhost, point the Builder.io entry to it by assigning the preview URL to be
When you deploy this to a live or staging environment, you can change the preview URL for your model globally from builder.io/models (see more about models here and preview urls here)
This example create pages dynamically based on the url you add to your entries on Builder.io, if you want to create a page manually, do not include the model in your tempaltes
config as above, add a file under the pages
folder and query all the entries your page needs from Builder.io, for example:
import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { BuilderComponent } from '@builder.io/react';
export default class ExamplePage extends React.Component<any> {
render() {
const { header, page } = this.props.data.allBuilderModels;
return (
{/* next line assumes you have a header model in builder.io, alternatively you use your own <Header /> component here */}
<BuilderComponent model="header" content={header[0].content} />
{/* Render other things in your code as you choose */}
<BuilderComponent model="page" content={page[0].content} />
// See https://builder.io/c/docs/graphql-api for more info on our
// GraphQL API and our explorer
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query {
allBuilderModels {
# (optional) custom "header" component model
header(limit: 1, options: { cachebust: true }) {
# Manually grab the example content matching "/"
# For Gatsby content, we always want to make sure we are getting fresh content
limit: 1
target: { urlPath: "/" }
options: { cachebust: true }
) {