Usage: build [options]
Options: -c, --configuration=CONFIGURATION The alternative configuration file path. -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Help: The build command will build a new Phar based on a variety of settings.
This command relies on a configuration file for loading Phar packaging settings. If a configuration file is not specified through the --configuration|-c option, one of the following files will be used (in order): box.json, box.json.dist
The configuration file is actually a JSON object saved to a file. Note that all settings are optional.
{ "algorithm": ?, "alias": ?, "banner": ?, "banner-file": ?, "base-path": ?, "blacklist": ?, "bootstrap": ?, "chmod": ?, "compactors": ?, "compression": ?, "datetime": ?, "datetime_format": ?, "directories": ?, "directories-bin": ?, "extract": ?, "files": ?, "files-bin": ?, "finder": ?, "finder-bin": ?, "git-version": ?, "intercept": ?, "key": ?, "key-pass": ?, "main": ?, "map": ?, "metadata": ?, "mimetypes": ?, "mung": ?, "not-found": ?, "output": ?, "replacements": ?, "shebang": ?, "stub": ?, "web": ? }
The algorithm (string, integer) setting is the signing algorithm to use when the Phar is built (Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm()). It can an integer value (the value of the constant), or the name of the Phar constant. The following is a list of the signature algorithms listed on the help page:
- MD5 (Phar::MD5)
- SHA1 (Phar::SHA1)
- SHA256 (Phar::SHA256)
- SHA512 (Phar::SHA512)
The alias (string) setting is used when generating a new stub to call the Phar::mapPhar() method. This makes it easier to refer to files in the Phar.
The annotations (boolean, object) setting is used to enable compacting annotations in PHP source code. By setting it to true, all Doctrine-style annotations are compacted in PHP files. You may also specify a list of annotations to ignore, which will be stripped while protecting the remaining annotations:
{ "annotations": { "ignore": [ "author", "package", "version", "see" ] } }
You may want to see this website for a list of annotations which are commonly ignored:
The banner (string) setting is the banner comment that will be used when a new stub is generated. The value of this setting must not already be enclosed within a comment block, as it will be automatically done for you.
The banner-file (string) setting is like stub-banner, except it is a path to the file that will contain the comment. Like stub-banner, the comment must not already be enclosed in a comment block.
The base-path (string) setting is used to specify where all of the relative file paths should resolve to. This does not, however, alter where the built Phar will be stored (see: output). By default, the base path is the directory containing the configuration file.
The blacklist (string, array) setting is a list of files that must not be added. The files blacklisted are the ones found using the other available configuration settings: directories, directories-bin, files, files-bin, finder, finder-bin. Note that directory separators are automatically corrected to the platform specific version.
Assuming that the base directory path is /home/user/project:
{ "blacklist": [ "path/to/file/1" "path/to/file/2" ], "directories": ["src"] }
The following files will be blacklisted:
- /home/user/project/src/path/to/file/1
- /home/user/project/src/path/to/file/2
But not these files:
- /home/user/project/src/another/path/to/file/1
- /home/user/project/src/another/path/to/file/2
The bootstrap (string) setting allows you to specify a PHP file that will be loaded before the build or add commands are used. This is useful for loading third-party file contents compacting classes that were configured using the compactors setting.
The chmod (string) setting is used to change the file permissions of the newly built Phar. The string contains an octal value: 0755. You must prefix the mode with zero if you specify the mode in decimal.
The compactors (string, array) setting is a list of file contents compacting classes that must be registered. A file compacting class is used to reduce the size of a specific file type. The following is a simple example:
use Herrera\Box\Compactor\CompactorInterface;
class MyCompactor implements CompactorInterface { public function compact($contents) { return trim($contents); }
public function supports($file)
return (bool) preg_match('/\.txt/', $file);
The following compactors are included with Box:
- Herrera\Box\Compactor\Json
- Herrera\Box\Compactor\Php
The compression (string, integer) setting is the compression algorithm to use when the Phar is built. The compression affects the individual files within the Phar, and not the Phar as a whole (Phar::compressFiles()). The following is a list of the signature algorithms listed on the help page:
- BZ2 (Phar::BZ2)
- GZ (Phar::GZ)
- NONE (Phar::NONE)
The directories (string, array) setting is a list of directory paths relative to base-path. All files ending in .php will be automatically compacted, have their placeholder values replaced, and added to the Phar. Files listed in the blacklist setting will not be added.
The directories-bin (string, array) setting is similar to directories, except all file types are added to the Phar unmodified. This is suitable for directories containing images or other binary data.
The extract (boolean) setting determines whether or not the generated stub should include a class to extract the phar. This class would be used if the phar is not available. (Increases stub file size.)
The files (string, array) setting is a list of files paths relative to base-path. Each file will be compacted, have their placeholder files replaced, and added to the Phar. This setting is not affected by the blacklist setting.
The files-bin (string, array) setting is similar to files, except that all files are added to the Phar unmodified. This is suitable for files such as images or those that contain binary data.
The finder (array) setting is a list of JSON objects. Each object key is a name, and each value an argument for the methods in the Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder class. If an array of values is provided for a single key, the method will be called once per value in the array. Note that the paths specified for the "in" method are relative to base-path.
The finder-bin (array) setting performs the same function, except all files found by the finder will be treated as binary files, leaving them unmodified.
It may be useful to know that Box imports files in the following order:
- finder
- finder-bin
- directories
- directories-bin
- files
- files-bin
The datetime (string) setting is the name of a placeholder value that will be replaced in all non-binary files by the current datetime.
Example: 2015-01-28 14:55:23
The datetime_format (string) setting accepts a valid PHP date format. It can be used to change the format for the datetime setting.
Example: Y-m-d H:i:s
The git-commit (string) setting is the name of a placeholder value that will be replaced in all non-binary files by the current Git commit hash of the repository.
Example: e558e335f1d165bc24d43fdf903cdadd3c3cbd03
The git-commit-short (string) setting is the name of a placeholder value that will be replaced in all non-binary files by the current Git short commit hash of the repository.
Example: e558e33
The git-tag (string) setting is the name of a placeholder value that will be replaced in all non-binary files by the current Git tag of the repository.
- 2.0.0
- 2.0.0-2-ge558e33
The git-version (string) setting is the name of a placeholder value that will be replaced in all non-binary files by the one of the following (in order):
- The git repository's most recent tag.
- The git repository's current short commit hash.
The short commit hash will only be used if no tag is available.
The intercept (boolean) setting is used when generating a new stub. If setting is set to true, the Phar::interceptFileFuncs(); method will be called in the stub.
The key (string) setting is used to specify the path to the private key file. The private key file will be used to sign the Phar using the OPENSSL signature algorithm. If an absolute path is not provided, the path will be relative to the current working directory.
The key-pass (string, boolean) setting is used to specify the passphrase for the private key. If a string is provided, it will be used as is as the passphrase. If true is provided, you will be prompted for the passphrase.
The main (string) setting is used to specify the file (relative to base-path) that will be run when the Phar is executed from the command line. If the file was not added by any of the other file adding settings, it will be automatically added after it has been compacted and had its placeholder values replaced. Also, the #! line will be automatically removed if present.
The map (array) setting is used to change where some (or all) files are stored inside the phar. The key is a beginning of the relative path that will be matched against the file being added to the phar. If the key is a match, the matched segment will be replaced with the value. If the key is empty, the value will be prefixed to all paths (except for those already matched by an earlier key).
{ "map": [ { "my/test/path": "src/Test" }, { "": "src/Another" } ] }
(with the files)
- my/test/path/file.php
- my/test/path/some/other.php
- my/test/another.php
(will be stored as)
- src/Test/file.php
- src/Test/some/other.php
- src/Another/my/test/another.php
The metadata (any) setting can be any value. This value will be stored as metadata that can be retrieved from the built Phar (Phar::getMetadata()).
The mimetypes (object) setting is used when generating a new stub. It is a map of file extensions and their mimetypes. To see a list of the default mapping, please visit:
The mung (array) setting is used when generating a new stub. It is a list of server variables to modify for the Phar. This setting is only useful when the web setting is enabled.
The not-found (string) setting is used when generating a new stub. It specifies the file that will be used when a file is not found inside the Phar. This setting is only useful when web setting is enabled.
The output (string) setting specifies the file name and path of the newly built Phar. If the value of the setting is not an absolute path, the path will be relative to the current working directory.
The replacements (object) setting is a map of placeholders and their values. The placeholders are replaced in all non-binary files with the specified values.
The shebang (string) setting is used to specify the shebang line used when generating a new stub. By default, this line is used:
#!/usr/bin/env php
The shebang line can be removed altogether if false or an empty string is provided.
The stub (string, boolean) setting is used to specify the location of a stub file, or if one should be generated. If a path is provided, the stub file will be used as is inside the Phar. If true is provided, a new stub will be generated. If false (or nothing) is provided, the default stub used by the Phar class will be used.
The web (boolean) setting is used when generating a new stub. If true is provided, Phar::webPhar() will be called in the stub.