Here we explain how to use to run toolchain and trap commands in TizenRT
When user has not installed toolchain, but only using the docker container, then there needs to be a method to run toolchain commands like nm, readelf, addr2line for debugging purpose.
The user can call with "tool" command, followed by the actual toolchain command to be run.
./ tool nm build/output/bin/tinyara.axf
./ tool addr2line -e build/output/bin/tinyara.axf 0x0123abcd
The toolchain commands can also be run from the dutils as below:
1. Go to os/ folder of the TizenRT repository
2. Run ./
3. Press 2
4. Select the desired option
test@Focal:~/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os$ sudo ./
Check Docker Image
Docker Image Version : tizenrt/tizenrt:1.5.6
"Select Option"
"1. Run TRAP Debug tool"
"2. Run Toolchain Command"
"h. Help"
"x. Exit"
make: Entering directory '/home/test/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os/tools'
chmod 755 ../
make: Leaving directory '/home/test/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os/tools'
"Select Binary for Toolchain Command"
"1. Kernel"
"2. App1"
"3. App2"
"4. Common"
"5. Enter manually"
"x. Exit"
"Select Toolchain Command"
"1. nm"
"2. addr2line"
"3. Enter manually"
"x. Exit"
Enter address:
Executing: arm-none-eabi-addr2line -e ../build/output/bin/tinyara.axf 0e07844c
>> Output is stored in dutils_output_addr2line_2024.09.06-14.33.16.txt
TRAP tool is used to obtain complete information about a crash or assert in TizenRT code. For more information about TRAP tool, please refer to
1. copy crash logs, if any, anywhere in the TizenRT repository(Ex: os/crashlogs)
2. Go to os/ folder of the TizenRT repository
3. Run ./
4. Press 1
5. Select the desired option and enter the desired path
After selecting TRAP debug option, we get 3 options to select.
Option 1-> When we get crash after building tizenrt locally and trying to debug it, we just need crashlogs to produce the desired result.
Option 2-> If you need to debug a binary which is not built locally in your Tizenrt codebase, then use this option to provide a different path for the binary and config files.
Option x-> exit the dutils menu
test@Focal:~/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os$ sudo ./
Check Docker Image
Docker Image Version : tizenrt/tizenrt:1.5.6
"Select Option"
"1. Run TRAP Debug tool"
"2. Run Toolchain Command"
"h. Help"
"x. Exit"
"Select binary to debug crash with TRAP tool"
"1. Default binary from previous build at build/output/bin location"
"2. Custom binary at any location"
"x. Exit"
Enter the crash log file name relative to os folder: (ex: ../tools/trap/testlogs)
make: Entering directory '/home/test/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os/tools'
chmod 755 ../
make: Leaving directory '/home/test/Desktop/product_Refrigerator/.tizenrt/os/tools'
Executing: -t /root/tizenrt/os/logdump -e tinyara.axf
dump_file : None
log_file : /root/tizenrt/os/logdump
Number of binary : 1 [kernel]
"kernel" elf_file : ../../build/output/bin/tinyara.axf
1. Crash Binary : NA
2. Crash type : etc
Crash log
3. Crash point (PC or LR)
- PC & LR values not in any text range! No probable crash point detected.
4. Code asserted in:
- Code asserted in normal thread.
5. Call stack of last run thread
Stack_address Symbol_address Symbol location Symbol_name File_name
User thread stack dump
0x6014f3fc 0xe095e4c kernel utils_ttypenames /root/tizenrt/apps/system/utils/utils_ps.c:94
0x6014f414 0xe0181b5 kernel this_task /root/tizenrt/os/kernel/sched/sched_thistask.c:54
0x6014f418 0xe039ed5 kernel fs_getfilep /root/tizenrt/os/include/tinyara/fs/fs.h:810
0x6014f46c 0xe095e4c kernel utils_ttypenames /root/tizenrt/apps/system/utils/utils_ps.c:94
0x6014f478 0xe095e4c kernel utils_ttypenames /root/tizenrt/apps/system/utils/utils_ps.c:94
0x6014f490 0xe000b31 kernel up_assert /root/tizenrt/os/include/assert.h:253
0x6014f494 0xe000f29 kernel up_saveusercontext /root/tizenrt/os/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_saveusercontext.c:64
0x6014f5d8 0xe000b31 kernel up_assert /root/tizenrt/os/include/assert.h:253
0x6014f5dc 0xe095e4c kernel utils_ttypenames /root/tizenrt/apps/system/utils/utils_ps.c:94
0x6014f5f0 0xe018b99 kernel sem_post /root/tizenrt/os/include/semaphore.h:244
0x6014f610 0xe095e4c kernel utils_ttypenames /root/tizenrt/apps/system/utils/utils_ps.c:94
0x6014f620 0xe0276b1 kernel log_dump_main /root/tizenrt/apps/examples/log_dump/log_dump_main.c:42
0x6014f938 0xe018511 kernel task_activate /root/tizenrt/os/include/sched.h:253
0x6014fa38 0xe01856d kernel task_start /root/tizenrt/os/kernel/task/task_start.c:133
h. Heap Region information:
Checking kernel heap for corruption
Checking corruption (0x60119200 - 0x607fbff0) : Heap NOT corrupted
No Kernel heap corruption detected.
x. Miscellaneous information:
- SP is out of the stack range. Debug symbols corresponding to the wrong stack pointer addresses are given below:
Stack_address Symbol_address Symbol location Symbol_name File_name
0x607ffed0 0xe087f16 kernel __FUNCTION__.5
List of all tasks in the system:
CPU0 IDLE | 0 | 0 | 692 / 1024 | 0x60118e00 | 0x601052d4 | Assigned to CPU (Ready)
CPU1 IDLE | 1 | 0 | 656 / 1024 | 0x60118a00 | 0x601053a8 | Running
hpwork | 2 | 201 | 436 / 2032 | 0x60122640 | 0x60121c20 | Wait Signal
lpwork | 3 | 50 | 436 / 4080 | 0x60123870 | 0x60122e50 | Wait Signal
inic_msg_q_task | 5 | 107 | 436 / 4048 | 0x6012c660 | 0x6012bc40 | Wait Semaphore
inic_host_rx_tasklet | 6 | 104 | 492 / 4048 | 0x6012e110 | 0x6012d6f0 | Wait Semaphore
inic_ipc_api_host_task | 7 | 103 | 452 / 8136 | 0x6012fb80 | 0x6012f160 | Wait Semaphore
LWIP_TCP/IP | 9 | 105 | 500 / 4072 | 0x60136490 | 0x60135a70 | Wait Semaphore
netmgr_event_handler | 10 | 100 | 380 / 2016 | 0x60137ec0 | 0x601374a0 | Wait Semaphore
log_dump | 11 | 200 | 6652 / 16360 | 0x601391c0 | 0x601387a0 | Wait MQ Receive (MQ Empty)
appinit | 12 | 101 | 544 / 2032 | 0x60140d20 | 0x6013d1d0 | Wait Semaphore
binary_manager | 13 | 203 | 876 / 8168 | 0x60141f50 | 0x60141530 | Wait MQ Receive (MQ Empty)
tash | 15 | 125 | 688 / 4080 | 0x60149990 | 0x60145230 | Wait Semaphore
wifi msg handler | 16 | 100 | 524 / 4064 | 0x6014b1e0 | 0x601256a0 | Wait Semaphore
ble msg handler | 17 | 100 | 524 / 4072 | 0x6014ca30 | 0x601257e0 | Wait Semaphore
log_dump | 18 | 100 | 1680 / 8168 | 0x6014da40 | 0x60144e70 | Running
>> Output is stored in dutils_output_trap_2024.09.06-16.24.56.txt