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For help on topics that are not related to contributing to R, please post on one of the following:
- R-help - general Q&A about using R
- R-pkg-devel - Q&A about developing R packages
- Special Interest Groups - Q&A related to specific topics (and R), e.g. mixed models, high-performance computing, Debian.
- Bioconductor support form - Q&A related to using/developing Bioconductor packages
- Posit community forum - Q&A related to the RStudio IDE and packages maintained by Posit, e.g. tidyverse, Shiny.
- rOpenSci forum - Q&A related to rOpenSci packages and projects (e.g. r-universe).
- R for Data Science (R4DS) Slack - help with topics from the R4DS book, but also using R/programming in R more generally.
- Stackoverflow - help with very specific queries, use the [r] tag.
Posts about R can be found with the #RStats tag on social media such as Mastodon, X, etc. Sometimes posting about an issue can be an effective way to find help.
- The R Project for Statistical Computing LinkedIn Group - a community-run private discussion group for R users
- discoRd - a Discord server for text or voice chat with other R users. Many specialized channels (e.g. finance, R markdown, machine learning) as well as general R and non-R chat.
- grrr - French-speaking R Users Slack.
There are several communities for members of groups that are underrepresented in the global R community. Many have Slack groups, sometimes with specific channels to ask for help with R.
- R-Ladies community Slack - general help with R on #r-help channel, Slack group is for women and gender minorities only.
- RainbowR community Slack - supporting LGBTQ+ people who code in the R language.
- Minorities in R community Slack - supporting R users from marginalized races, genders, and the disabled community.
- AsiaR Discord - supporting R users from or living in Asia.
- Korea R User Group Discord - supporting R users from or living in Korea.
- LatinR Slack - supporting R users from or living in Latin America. Use the #r-ajuda-r-ayuda channel to get help in Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese or English.