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powershell-ipnet Module

Installation works like this:

Install-Module psipnet

Exports the following Cmdlets:

  • New-IPAddress Creates a new IP Object
  • New-IPSubnet Creates a new Subnet Object
  • New-IPSubnetIterator Creates a new SubnetIPIterator Object
  • New-IPSubnetSliceIterator Creates a new SubnetSubnetIterator Object
  • Get-IPSubnetInfo Displays the information about an IP
  • Get-IPAddressInfo Displays the information about a Subnet
  • Compress-IPAdress Compresses / normalizes an IP
  • ConvertTo-IPv6Address Converts an IPv4 to IPv6

See class diagram:

    class IP{
        IP(string ip)
        string GetIP()
        bool[] GetBitMask()
        string GetBitMaskString()
        bool IsIPv4()
        bool IsIPv6()
        bool BelongsToSubnet(string subnet)
        bool BelongsToSubnet(Subnet subnet)
        IP ConvertToIPv6()
        string Normalize()
        string Compress()
        string ToString()

    class Subnet {
        Subnet(string subnet)
        IP GetSubnetIP()
        IP GetSubnetMask()
        IP GetFirstIP()
        IP GetLastIP()
        SubnetIPIterator GetIPIterator()
        SubnetSubnetIterator GetSubnetIterator(int cidrbits)
        int GetAddressSpaceBits()
        string GetAddressSpace()
        bool IsIPv4()
        bool IsIPv6()
        bool IsCIDR()
        bool Intersects(string snet)
        bool Intersects(Subnet snet)
        bool ContainsIP(string ip)
        bool ContainsIP(IP ip)
        Subnet ConvertToIPv6()
        string ToString()

    class SubnetIPIterator {
        IP Current
        SubnetIPIterator(Subnet subnet)
        void Reset()
        bool MoveNext()
        object get_Current()
        void set_Current(object value)
        IP GetIP()
        bool SetIP(string ip)
        bool SetIP(IP ip)
        bool[] GetPosition()
        bool SetPosition(bool[] bits)
        bool SetPositionFirstBits(int num, bool val)
        bool SetPositionLastBits(int num, bool val)
        bool Skip(int num)

    class SubnetSubnetIterator {
        Subnet Current
        SubnetSubnetIterator(Subnet subnet, int cidrbits)
        void Reset()
        bool MoveNext()
        object get_Current()
        Subnet GetSubnet()
        bool[] GetPosition()
        bool SetPosition(bool[] bits)
        bool SetPositionFirstBits(int num, bool val)
        bool SetPositionLastBits(int num, bool val)
        bool Skip(int num)


# does the IP belong to subnet?
$ip = New-IPAddress ""
# get an IPv6 object
$ip = New-IPAddress "::FFFF:0A0A:0A0A"
# convert an IPv4 Address to IPv6
ConvertTo-IPv6Address ""

# you can also use this
$ip = New-IPAddress ""
Compress-IPAdress "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FF00"

Compress-IPAdress "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FF00" -Soft
# RESULT 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FF00
# convert an IPv4 Subnet to IPv6
$snet = New-IPSubnet ""
# get first & last IP of a subnet and the addressable space?
$snet = New-IPSubnet "::FFFF:0A0A:0A00/120"
Write-Host ( "First IP is " + $snet.GetFirstIP() )
Write-Host ( "Last  IP is " + $snet.GetLastIP() )
Write-Host ( "Address Space is " + $snet.GetAddressSpace() )
# does the subnet contain the IP?
$snet = New-IPSubnet ""
# does the subnet contain the IP?
# Get Subnet Info
Get-IPSubnetInfo ""

# Get Subnet Info
Get-IPSubnetInfo "::FFFF:0A0A:0A00/120"

# Get Subnet Info
Get-IPSubnetInfo ""

# Get Subnet Info
# Get IP Info
Get-IPAddressInfo ""

# Get IP Info
Get-IPAddressInfo "::FFFF:0A0A:0A0A"
# Get all IPs of the subnet
$subnet = New-IPSubnet ""
foreach($ip in $subnet.GetIPIterator()) {
    Write-Host " * $ip"
# Get all even IPs of the subnet, starting at 200
$subnet = New-IPSubnet ""

$iter = $subnet.GetIPIterator()
$iter.Skip(200) | Out-Null  # starting skip first 200 (counting from 0 also means start at 200)
while($iter.MoveNext()) {
    Write-Host $iter.GetIP()
    $iter.Skip(1) | Out-Null # skip one in every iteration, so we will just get even IPs
# this subnet has an address space of 16'777'216 IPs
$subnet = New-IPSubnet ""
Write-Host ("This subnet can accommodate " + $subnet.GetAddressSpace() + " IPs")

$iter = $subnet.GetIPIterator()

# skip first 16 bits of the subnet (just print range -
$bits = $iter.GetPosition()
$bits[0] = $true ; $bits[1] = $true ; $bits[2] = $true ; $bits[3] = $true
$bits[4] = $true ; $bits[5] = $true ; $bits[6] = $true ; $bits[7] = $true
$bits[8] = $true ; $bits[9] = $true ; $bits[10] = $true ; $bits[11] = $true
$bits[12] = $true ; $bits[13] = $true ; $bits[14] = $true ; $bits[15] = $true
$iter.SetPosition($bits) | Out-Null

# iterate - this will just print range -
while($iter.MoveNext()) {
    Write-Host $iter.GetIP()
# this subnet has an address space of 16'777'216 IPs
$subnet = New-IPSubnet ""
Write-Host ("This subnet can accommodate " + $subnet.GetAddressSpace() + " IPs")

$iter = $subnet.GetIPIterator()


# iterate - this will just print range -
while($iter.MoveNext()) {
    Write-Host $iter.GetIP()
foreach($ip in (New-IPSubnetIterator "" -Skip 200)) {
    Write-Host " * $ip"
# iterate over all /28 subnets that are in
foreach($snet in (New-IPSubnetSliceIterator "" 28)) {
    Write-Host ( " * $snet     ( First: " + $snet.GetFirstIP() + "   Last: " + $snet.GetLastIP() + ")" )