To download stable release, please use “switch tags” button and point to the latest release link.
FIX: old cookie replace
FIX: quranText css class fixed for single view
FIX: iphone, ipod, ipad and mac player bug - now audio can be played properly in them. (audio delay is not supported)
FIX: loading… bug
FIX: multi-selection on translation text
CHANGED: major changes in QuranNavigator javascript class
CHANGED: major changes in layout javascript class
NEW: select arabic & native language recitation
NEW: select arabic & native language Quran text as default
NEW: added hr in single, list and search view
NEW: word by word mouse over or static word by word feature added
NEW: error function added & layout.message added
NEW: related language translations on top of the list
NEW: book view added
FIX: player start bug fix
NEW: search added
NEW: small frame layout added for smaller window or embeded quran window
NEW: Quran for kids added - to help them learn quran
FIX: Quran signs with proper font fize and font family
FIX: no scroll on language selection
FIX: tips duplicate fixes
Fix: tajweed title on list view - if english, then title will be english too.
CHANGED: langauges into groups by there name
CHANGED: audio translations by the language name
CHANGED: word by word mouse over words made it bigger and nicer
NEW: Tajweed icons and mini guide with warning message about browser font render issue
CHANGE: major css id name changes for removing the conflict with other systems
NEW: QuranNavigator.js made independent (removed layout requirement from it)
NEW: QuranNavigator.displayStartup & QuranNavigator.display added for overwriting in your own javascript functions.
NEW: QuranNavigator.noData added for using the player only - Quran text will not be pulled on navigation value changes (ex: next page, next surah…)
NEW: QuranNavigator.setup added for making your own custom player with your own function (replace it).
NEW: added demo folder
NEW: added audioOnly demo
NEW: delay added on audio recitations.
FIX: buffer fixed for html5 solution.
NEW: prev & next recitation if playing.
NEW: stop function
FIX: jump on new audio verse, if selection was jump also (ex: changing surah, juz, page and ayah).
FIX: modified auto-html file.
FIX: stop’s at the end of last verse of last surah (114:6)
Fix: tool bar resize for smaller having it inside a smaller div - auto-html
CHANGED: end (keyboard) will go to 114:1 ayah - the last surah, but first ayah of surah.
NEW: our first official release