All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Preferably use Added, Changed, Removed and Fixed topics in each release or unreleased log for a better organization.
- Fix(MLOP-2519): avoid configuring logger at lib level (#393)
- Fix: Rollback to latest stable release (#391)
- Auto create feature sets (#368)
- Fix Cassandra Config and tests (#366)
- Fix Cassandra Config and Numpy version (#364)
- Fix publish script (#362)
- Fix publish script (#360)
- Timestamp NTZ available (#360)
- Auto create feature sets (#351)
- Optional params (#347)
- Optional row count validation (#340)
- Add the missing link for H3 geohash (#330)
- [MLOP-636] Create migration classes (#282)
- [MLOP-635] Rebase Incremental Job/Interval Run branch for test on selected feature sets (#278)
- Allow slide selection (#293)
- [MLOP-637] Implement diff method (#292)
- [MLOP-640] Create CLI with migrate command (#298)
- [MLOP-645] Implement query method, cassandra (#291)
- [MLOP-671] Implement get_schema on Spark client (#301)
- [MLOP-648] Implement query method, metastore (#294)
- [MLOP-647] / [MLOP-646] Apply migrations (#300)
- [MLOP-639] Track logs in S3 (#306)
- [MLOP-702] Debug mode for Automate Migration (#322)
- Keep milliseconds when using 'from_ms' argument in timestamp feature (#284)
- Read and write consistency level options (#309)
- [MLOP-691] Include step to add partition to SparkMetastore during writing of Butterfree (#327)
- [BUG] Apply create_partitions to historical validate (#303)
- [BUG] Fix key path for validate read (#304)
- [FIX] Add Partition types for Metastore (#305)
- Change solution for tracking logs (#308)
- [BUG] Fix Cassandra Connect Session (#316)
- Fix method to generate agg feature name. (#326)
- [MLOP-599] Apply mypy to ButterFree (#273)
- [MLOP-634] Butterfree dev workflow, set triggers for branches staging and master (#280)
- Keep milliseconds when using 'from_ms' argument in timestamp feature (#284)
- [MLOP-633] Butterfree dev workflow, update documentation (#281)
- [MLOP-632] Butterfree dev workflow, automate release description (#279)
- Change trigger for pipeline staging (#287)
- [HOTFIX] Add both cache and count back to Butterfree (#274)
- [MLOP-606] Change docker image in Github Actions Pipeline (#275)
- FIX Read the Docs build (#272)
- [BUG] Fix style (#271)
- [MLOP-594] Remove from_column in some transforms (#270)
- [MLOP-536] Rename S3 config to Metastore config (#269)
- [MLOP-590] Adapt KafkaConfig to receive a custom topic name (#266)
- [MLOP-563] Enable Butterfree to write to Kafka (#258)
- Update README (#257)
- Fix Butterfree's workflow (#262)
- [FIX] Downgrade Python Version in Pyenv (#227)
- [FIX] Fix docs (#229)
- [FIX] Fix Docs - Add more dependencies (#230)
- Fix broken notebook URL (#236)
- Issue #77 Fix (#245)
- [MLOP-427] Add status badges (#219)
- [MLOP-426] Change branching strategy on butterfree to use only master branch (#216)
- [MLOP-440] Python 3.7 bump and Fixing Dependencies (#220)
- Adding the library motto to readme and python package (#203)
- [MLOP-418] Take Butterfree's docs to the master branch (#201)
- Update notebooks examples (#205)
- [MLOP-417] Remove Drone yml/Drone references (#211)
- Fixing an attribute reference error and raising a more meaningful exception when an anonymous function is passed to an AggregatedTransform (#206)
- Fix schema and reports. (#207)
- Fixes type hints for
module (#198)
- [MLOP-415] GitHub Actions CI (#199)
- [MLOP-390] Create method to get feature sets' description (#188)
- [MLOP-386] Create PR Guideline on (#190)
- [MLOP-409] Configuration Section on Documentation (#193)
- [MLOP-367] Investigate and define license for the repository (#185)
- [MLOP-68] Understand how to generate, store and host documentation (#168)
- [MLOP-344] Update README with documentation (#175)
- [MLOP-343] Create "make update-docs" in Butterfree (#174)
- [MLOP-361] Create more use cases for AggregatedFeatureSet (#179)
- Update Readme for 1.0.0 (#197)
- [MLOP-404] Restructuring of Butterfree folder and imports (#192)
- [MLOP-363] DB Credentials Setup Refactor (#187)
- [MLOP-384] Make imports more simple (#184)
- [MLOP-375] Refactor Sink and OnlineFeatureStore write to entity flow (#182)
- [MLOP-365] Double check docstrings/readme/wiki for references to QuintoAndar (#183)
- [MLOP-376] Change spark version on Butterfree (#177)
- [MLOP-370] Bug in streaming feature sets (#178)
- [MLOP-342] Fix docstrings in the modules for documentation (#173)
- Fix PyYAML version (#172)
- [MLOP-316] Test Notebook Examples Makefile Command (#165)
- [MLOP-254] Create notebook with aggregated feature set (#164)
- [MLOP-255] Stream Notebook Example (#167)
- [MLOP-325] Enable stream in FileReader and OnlineFeatureStoreWriter in Debug Mode (#166)
- Fix PyYAML version. (#169)
- [MLOP-253] Create notebook with spark functions transform and windows (#160)
- Fix cast to ArrayType (#161)
- [MLOP-325] Debug Mode on Writers (#155)
- [MLOP-256] Create a checklist for Butterfree PRs (#153)
- [MLOP-252] Butterfree Examples - Simple Feature Set (#157)
- [MLOP-291] Associate Multiple Transforms to their Correspondents Types (#154)
- Fix cassandra client (#156)
- Add most_frequent_set to allowed agg (#150)
- [MLOP-280] Create new most frequent set aggregation (#145)
- Optimize Aggregated Feature Sets with Repartition (#147)
- [MLOP-281] Fix target dataframe in test_aggregated_feature_set (#146)
- [MLOP-191] AggregatedTransform with filter option to use subset during aggregation (#139)
- [MLOP-190] AggregateTransform with distinct_on option to de-duplicate auditable/historical tables (#138)
- [MLOP-248] HistoricaFeatureStoreWriter validation count threshold (#140)
- [PROPOSAL] Optimizing rolling window aggregations (#134)
- [MLOP-225] KeyFeature need dtype to be a required arg (#126)
- [MLOP-140] Make OFSW get feature set schema (#112)
- [MLOP-188] Pivot within Aggregated Transform (#115)
- [MLOP-171] Make entities available through Cassandra (#110)
- [MLOP-204] Add repartion method after source is built (#111)
- [MLOP-228] Remove cross join from AggregatedFeatureSet (#123)
- [MLOP-227] FeatureSetPipeline Construct Method Fix (#122)
- [MLOP-209] with_stack on H3HashTransform (#114)
- [MLOP-141] Create client cassandra on butterfree (#109)
- [MLOP-185] StackTransform (#105)
- [MLOP-176] MostFrequent aggregation (#104)
- [MLOP-202] Refactoring Agg - Create AggregatedFeatureSet and refactor AggregatedTransform (#108)
- [MLOP-137] Make data_type argument mandatory (#107)
- [MLOP-136] Improve DataType with supported spark/cassandra types (#106)
- [MLOP-201] Refactoring Agg - Create FrameBoundaries, Window and SparkFunctionTransform (#103)
- [MLOP-168] HistoricalFeatureStoreWriter Create Partitions Tests and Refactoring (#102)
- [MLOP-177] Aggregate by rows (rowsBetween window) (#86)
- [MLOP-186] New aggregations to ALLOWED_AGGREGATIONS enum (#88)
- [MLOP-181] FileReader update docstring with schema usage (#93)
- [MLOP-189] Replace (map values) as a pre_processing function (#92)
- Collect set aggregation (#80)
- Add drone step for automatic releasing (#82)
- Remove OnlineFeatureStoreWriter validations (#83)
- [MLOP-167] Fix Repartition Method (#76)
- [MLOP-152] Tuning dataframe generated by FeatureSet (#75)
- [MLOP-151] Refactor FeatureSet and Pipeline - Agg Feature bug (#74)
- [MLOP-157] Ambiguous Name Bug on Feature Set (#71)
- [MLOP-153] Butterfree testing module - Compare DataFrames (#68)
- Flow with Staging Branch configuration (#61)
- [MLOP-91] Usage examples in docstrings for load step (#57)
- [MLOP-126] Timestamp conversions from long in ms (ure.timestamp) (#56)
- [MLOP-66] Usage examples in docstrings for extract step (#53)
- [MLOP-90] Usage examples in docstrings for transform step (#52)
- [MLOP-149] Use pytest-spark fixtures (#64)
- [MLOP-123] Standardize namespaces on Butterfree (#63)
- Split static and dynamic configurations (#58)
- First modules and entities of butterfree package.