The source analyses concern all input data used in the process of generating a complete dataset for the Energy Transition Model (ETM) that are not uniformly available for all countries. As described elsewhere, we have tried to create a dataset generation process that mostly requires IEA data. The reason we have done this is that IEA data is available for each country. Inevitably, the dataset generation process also relies on domestic sources of data, which cannot be expected to have the same 'form' as similar sources in other countries. After all, statistical agencies have different standards in different countries.
All such 'non-uniform' data sources and the manipulation of such data, should go in here. You are free to document it anyway you like, and create any means of 'data manipulation' you like, be it Excel, Python, Mathematica, etc. In other words, whereas the requirements for Research Data and Research Analyses are extremely strict, they are very loose for the rest of the data.
The only requirements are as follows:
- Create a new folder for your country, if it doesn't exist already, using internationally accepted two-letter abbreviations: e.g. Germany =
. - Create a subfolder inside your country folder for the year your are creating a dataset for: e.g.
. - Try to follow the same step-wise structure as used for the Research Analyses and the Reserach Data; so the analysis and documentation used to fill in the Dashboard of the
step for Germany 2011 go into a subfolder called:de/2011/1_chp