url: http://fount.io/#/
The main view submits a get request via its controller to the api endpoint of the server: endpoint: '/api/v1/categories' method: GET
and the server returns an array of objects that look like this:
{ id: [int of category's id] name: [string of category's name], img: [string of category's image], }
url: http://fount.io/#/
The search field updates the search view's scope.searchfield variable in real-time... when the user hits 'enter', the scope.submitSearch method runs which submits a post request to the api endpoint of the server: (insert url here) The request looks like:
URL(After the post submit): url: http://fount.io/#/search
endpoint: '/api/v1/subcategories' method: POST
{ searchItem: [value of $scope.searchfield] }
The server listens for this.. and grabs the 'req.body'.. which it uses to make a query to database. It'll return to the front-end (client folder) an array of objects which look like:
{ parentCategory: [string of parent category name] subcategory: [string of subcategory name] }
url: http://fount.io/#/{Category}
The user clicks on a category on the main page, or visits the URL directly. This would redirect the user to the URL for the category, and render all the subcategories for that category.
endpoint: /api/v1/{Category}/ method: GET
Which will respond with an array of objects that will look like this:
{ subcategory: [string of subcategory name] category_id: [integer of category id] }
URL: http://fount.io/#/{Category}/{subCategory}
The user would clikc on a link to this URL from the SUB-CATEGORY view, or visits the URL directly. Here the user would view all the URL's that have been submitted to this Fount.
endpoint: /api/v1/{Category}/{subCategory} method:GET
This will respond with an array if objects that will look like this.
{ title: [string of the url title] url: [string with the URL to the submitted URL] votes: [integer of the number of votes for the post] username: [string of the user who submited the URL] date: [string of the date the url was submitted] id: [string of the id for the submited url] }
#Submit Link
URL: http://fount.io/#/{Category}/{subCategory}/{Submit}
THis is how the user would be submiting new links to the site. The user would hit submit with the following information which would send a POST request to the server with the following data:
endpoint: /api/v1/submit method: POST
{ title: [string of the url title] url: [string with a URL] username: [string -- username] subCategory: [string of the subcategory name] parentCategory: [string of the parentcategory name] }