Jira: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-1414
The goal of this feature is to improve the provided technology preview support of OpenShift Service Binding in Quarkus applications.
- We need to ensure all the supported means of producing Quarkus deployments in OpenShift work with service binding
- Source S2I
- Docker build
- Binary S2I
- Orchestration of OSD will have to be automated to ensure easy testing on OSD with RHOSAK service bindings. This, as of now, is done manually (see QUARKUS-1027).
- New tests have to be implemented in Quarkus QE test suite, with applications utilizing the following service bindings:
- Apicurio
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- A developer preview instance of RHOSAK will have used along with OpenShift Dedicated running in RHBQ QE AWS quota during the testing.
- Service binding operator will have to be installed in QE OpenShift clusters.
- Spin-up of the test applications (bindable services need to be instantiated) and test phase in test suite should take tens of minutes altogether.
- Implementation of test for RHBQ service binding with RHOSAK may take upwards of 5 working days
- 2-3 days for orchestration and setup
- 1 day for implementation of the orchestration in testing framework
- 1 day for implementation of test in test suite
- Tester: Michal Jurč [email protected]
- Feature epic: QUARKUS-1414 Service Binding improvements