ISSUE-30 Domain contact synchronization should filter wished domains …
ISSUE-30 Domain contact synchronization should filter wished domains …
ISSUE-30 Domain contact synchronization should support delete operation
ISSUE-30 Domain contact synchronization should support delete operation
ISSUE-21 Improve update quota log
ISSUE-21 Improve update quota log
Force push
maven-surefire-plugin: try to not reuse fork
maven-surefire-plugin: try to not reuse fork
Force push
Jenkinsfile: do not run tests in parallel
Jenkinsfile: do not run tests in parallel
No longer use custom image for tests
No longer use custom image for tests
fixup! ISSUE-21 LSC job to synchronize quota size for users
fixup! ISSUE-21 LSC job to synchronize quota size for users
ISSUE-21 LSC job to synchronize quota size for users
ISSUE-21 LSC job to synchronize quota size for users
[FIX] Run the LSC clean phase to support delete operation
[FIX] Run the LSC clean phase to support delete operation
Address mappings synchronization should support sub addressing
Address mappings synchronization should support sub addressing
Force push
Address mappings synchronization should support sub addressing
Address mappings synchronization should support sub addressing
fixup! Forwards synchronization should not synchronize local copy for…
fixup! Forwards synchronization should not synchronize local copy for…
Forwards synchronization: fix sample lsc forwards synchronization config
Forwards synchronization: fix sample lsc forwards synchronization config
Update src/main/java/org/lsc/plugins/connectors/james/
Update src/main/java/org/lsc/plugins/connectors/james/
James address mappings synchronization
James address mappings synchronization
Apply suggestions from code review
Apply suggestions from code review
[BUILD] Fixed version for download-maven-plugin
[BUILD] Fixed version for download-maven-plugin
Switch to linagora/tmail-backend:memory-branch-master image
Switch to linagora/tmail-backend:memory-branch-master image
fixup! WIP LSC integration test for identity
fixup! WIP LSC integration test for identity
WIP LSC integration test for identity
WIP LSC integration test for identity
Force push