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+# src/*.sh
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+# pipenv
+# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+# install all needed dependencies.
+# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
+# Celery stuff
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
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+## A Vision-Language Foundation Model for Computational Pathology
+*Nature Medicine*
+ [Journal Link](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4) | [Open Access Read Link](https://rdcu.be/dBMf6) | [Download Model](https://huggingface.co/MahmoodLab/conch) | [Cite](#reference)
+**Abstract:** The accelerated adoption of digital pathology and advances in deep learning have enabled the development of robust models for various pathology tasks across a diverse array of diseases and patient cohorts. However, model training is often difficult due to label scarcity in the medical domain and the model's usage is limited by the specific task and disease for which it is trained. Additionally, most models in histopathology leverage only image data, a stark contrast to how humans teach each other and reason about histopathologic entities. We introduce CONtrastive learning from Captions for Histopathology (CONCH), a visual-language foundation model developed using diverse sources of histopathology images, biomedical text, and notably over 1.17 million image-caption pairs via task-agnostic pretraining. Evaluated on a suite of 14 diverse benchmarks, CONCH can be transferred to a wide range of downstream tasks involving either or both histopathology images and text, achieving state-of-the-art performance on histology image classification, segmentation, captioning, text-to-image, and image-to-text retrieval. CONCH represents a substantial leap over concurrent visual-language pretrained systems for histopathology, with the potential to directly facilitate a wide array of machine learning-based workflows requiring minimal or no further supervised fine-tuning.
+## What is CONCH?
+CONCH (CONtrastive learning from Captions for Histopathology) is a vision language foundation model for histopathology, pretrained on currently the largest histopathology-specific vision-language dataset of 1.17M image caption pairs. Compare to other vision language foundation models, it demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across 14 tasks in computational pathology ranging from image classification, text-to-image, and image-to-text retrieval, captioning, and tissue segmentation.
+- _**Why use CONCH?**_: Compared to popular self-supervised encoders for computational pathology that were pretrained only on H&E images, CONCH may produce more performant representations for non-H&E stained images such as IHCs and special stains, and can be used for a wide range of downstream tasks involving either or both histopathology images and text. CONCH also did not use large public histology slide collections such as TCGA, PAIP, GTEX, etc. for pretraining, which are routinely used in benchmark development in computational pathology. Therefore, we make CONCH available for the research community in building and evaluating pathology AI models with minimal risk of data contamination on public benchmarks or private histopathology slide collections.
+## Installation
+First clone the repo and cd into the directory:
+git clone https://github.com/mahmoodlab/CONCH.git
+Then create a conda env and install the dependencies:
+conda create -n conch python=3.10 -y
+conda activate conch
+pip install --upgrade pip
+pip install -e .
+## Preparing and loading the model
+1. Request access to the model weights from the Huggingface model page [here](https://huggingface.co/MahmoodLab/conch).
+2. Download the model weights
+First create the `checkpoints` directory inside the root of the repo:
+mkdir -p checkpoints/conch/
+Then download the pretrained model (`pytorch_model.bin`) and place it in the `CONCH/checkpoints/conch/` directory.
+3. Loading the model
+First import the model builder:
+from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained
+Now you can load the model as follows (assuming you have the model weights in the `CONCH/checkpoints/conch/` directory):
+model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained("conch_ViT-B-16", checkpoint_path="checkpoints/conch/pytorch_model.bin")
+Alternatively, you can use the following command to download and then load the model directly from HF after requesting access:
+from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained
+model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained('conch_ViT-B-16', "hf_hub:MahmoodLab/conch", hf_auth_token="")
+You may need to supply your huggingface user access token via `hf_auth_token=` to `create_model_from_pretrained` for authentification. See the [HF documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/security-tokens) for more details.
+Note: while the original CONCH model arechitecture also includes a multimodal decoder trained with the captioning loss of CoCa, as additional precaution to ensure that no proprietary data or Protected Health Information (PHI) is leaked untentionally, we have removed the weights for the decoder from the publicly released CONCH weights. The weights for the text encoder and the vision encoder are intact and therefore the results on all key tasks presented in the paper such as image classification and image-text retrieval are not affected. The ability of CONCH to serve as a general purpose encoder for both histopathology images and pathology-related text also remains unaffected.
+## Using the model as an vision encoder for histopathology images
+Given the importance of pretrained enocders currently for computational pathology tasks, we highlight that after loading the model, you can now use it to embed images as follows:
+from PIL import Image
+image = Image.open("path_to_image.jpg")
+image = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0)
+with torch.inference_mode():
+ image_embs = model.encode_image(image, proj_contrast=False, normalize=False)
+This will give you the image embeddings before the projection head and normalization, suitable for linear probe or working with WSIs under the multiple-instance learning framework.
+For image-text retrieval tasks, you should use the normalized and projected embeddings as follows:
+with torch.inference_mode():
+ image_embs = model.encode_image(image, proj_contrast=True, normalize=True)
+## Overview of specific usages
+We provide high-level functions for loading the model and using it for inference. For model loading:
+from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained
+For tokenizing text:
+from conch.open_clip_custom import tokenize, get_tokenizer
+For inference:
+from conch.downstream.zeroshot_path import zero_shot_classifier, run_mizero, run_zeroshot
+Refer to the notebooks below for detailed examples.
+### More detailed starter code for loading / using the model:
+See [**here**](notebooks/basics_usage.ipynb) to get started with loading and using the model to create embeddings.
+### Zeroshot classification of a image ROIs/tiles:
+See [**here**](notebooks/zeroshot_classification_example_starter.ipynb) for a starter simple example.
+For a full example using dataloaders and prompt ensembling see [**here**](notebooks/zeroshot_CRC100K.ipynb).
+### Zeroshot classification of a WSIs using MI-Zero:
+See [**here**](notebooks/MI-zeroshot_classification_example_ensemble.ipynb). Note that you will first need to tile the WSIs and convert the tiles into embeddings using the CONCH vision encoder model.
+### Zeroshot cross-modality retrieval (image / text):
+See [**here**](**notebooks/zeroshot_retrieval_example.ipynb**) for a starter simple example.
+## Additional Representative Benchmarks
+A comprehensive set of benchmarks on zero-shot, few-shot classification are in the paper [[2]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4). Some models were released after our study was in review. For a more comprehensive comparison, we have provided additional results on EBRAINS, PANDA, OncoTree, IHC ER / PR assessment, CRC-100K-Raw, and TCGA Uniform Tumor datasets as a representative set of benchmarks which cover a wide range of tissue types, diseases, difficulty levels (up to 108-classes) and staining (H&E and IHC). Results are reported using ABMIL and KNN (K=20) slide and ROI tasks respectively.
+Please refer to the UNI [[1]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02857-3) and CONCH [[2]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4) papers for more detailed benchmarking.
+### Slide Benchmarks
+| Model name | Pretraining | EBRAINS-C (12 classes, Public) | EBRAINS-F (30 classes, Public) | PANDA (5 classes, Public) | OncoTree-108 (108 classes, Internal) | IHC ER / PR Assess. (6 classes, Internal) |
+| | | Balanced acc. | Balanced acc. |Quadratic-weight $\kappa$ | Balanced acc. | Quadratic-weight $\kappa$ |
+| **UNI** [[1]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02857-3) | Vision | **0.883** | 0.675 | 0.946 | **0.538** | 0.785 |
+| **CONCH** [[2]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4) | Vision-language | 0.868 | **0.689** | 0.934 | 0.515 | **0.819** |
+| Phikon [[3]](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.21.23292757) | Vision | 0.810 | 0.659 | **0.950** | 0.486 | 0.744 |
+| REMEDIS [[4]](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01049-7) | Vision | 0.687 | 0.382 | 0.932 | 0.412 | 0.762 |
+| CTransPath [[5]](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2022.102559) | Vision | 0.666 | 0.514 | 0.927 | 0.399 | 0.786 |
+| Quilt-Net [[6]](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/775ec578876fa6812c062644964b9870-Paper-Datasets_and_Benchmarks.pdf) | Vision-language | 0.728 | 0.608 | 0.909 | 0.389 | 0.784 |
+| PLIP [[7]](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02504-3) | Vision-language | 0.683 | 0.562 | 0.901 | 0.369 | 0.759 |
+| ResNet-50 (Tr) [[8]](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2016/papers/He_Deep_Residual_Learning_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf) | ImageNet Transfer | 0.302 | 0.219 | 0.831 | 0.148 | 0.709 |
+### ROI Benchmarks
+| Model name | Pretraining | CRC-100K-Raw (9 classes, Public) | TCGA Uniform Tumor (32 classes, Public) |
+| | | Balanced acc. | Balanced acc. |
+| **UNI** [[1]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02857-3) | Vision | 0.925 | **0.595** |
+| **CONCH** [[2]](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4) | Vision-language | **0.941** | 0.556 |
+| Phikon [[3]](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.21.23292757) | Vision | 0.845 | 0.533 |
+| REMEDIS [[4]](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01049-7) | Vision | 0.908 | 0.541 |
+| CTransPath [[5]](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2022.102559) | Vision | 0.836 | 0.463 |
+| Quilt-Net [[6]](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/775ec578876fa6812c062644964b9870-Paper-Datasets_and_Benchmarks.pdf) | Vision-language | 0.878 | 0.359 |
+| PLIP [[7]](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02504-3) | Vision-language | 0.840 | 0.370 |
+| ResNet-50 [[8]](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2016/papers/He_Deep_Residual_Learning_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf) | ImageNet Transfer | 0.797 | 0.318 |
+## Acknowledgements
+The project was built on top of amazing repositories such as [openclip](https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip) (used for model training), [timm](https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models/) (ViT model implementation) and [huggingface transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers) (tokenization). We thank the authors and developers for their contribution.
+## License and Terms of Use
+ⓒ Mahmood Lab. This model and associated code are released under the [CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0]((https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en)) license and may only be used for non-commercial, academic research purposes with proper attribution. Any commercial use, sale, or other monetization of the CONCH model and its derivatives, which include models trained on outputs from the CONCH model or datasets created from the CONCH model, is prohibited and requires prior approval. Downloading the model requires prior registration on Hugging Face and agreeing to the terms of use. By downloading this model, you agree not to distribute, publish or reproduce a copy of the model. If another user within your organization wishes to use the CONCH model, they must register as an individual user and agree to comply with the terms of use. Users may not attempt to re-identify the deidentified data used to develop the underlying model. If you are a commercial entity, please contact the corresponding author or Mass General Brigham Innovation Office.
+## Reference
+If you find our work useful in your research or if you use parts of this code please consider citing our [paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02856-4):
+Lu, M. Y., Chen, B., Williamson, D. F., Chen, R. J., Liang, I., Ding, T., ... & Mahmood, F. (2024). A visual-language foundation model for computational pathology. Nature Medicine.
+ title={A visual-language foundation model for computational pathology},
+ author={Lu, Ming Y and Chen, Bowen and Williamson, Drew FK and Chen, Richard J and Liang, Ivy and Ding, Tong and Jaume, Guillaume and Odintsov, Igor and Le, Long Phi and Gerber, Georg and others},
+ journal={Nature Medicine},
+ pages={863–874},
+ volume={30},
+ year={2024},
+ publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
+Additionally, if you find MI-Zero useful, please also consider citing the corresponding [CVPR 2023 article](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/html/Lu_Visual_Language_Pretrained_Multiple_Instance_Zero-Shot_Transfer_for_Histopathology_Images_CVPR_2023_paper.html):
+Lu, M.Y., Chen, B., Zhang, A., Williamson, D.F., Chen, R.J., Ding, T., Le, L.P., Chuang, Y.S. and Mahmood, F., 2023. Visual Language Pretrained Multiple Instance Zero-Shot Transfer for Histopathology Images. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 19764-19775).
+ author = {Lu, Ming Y. and Chen, Bowen and Zhang, Andrew and Williamson, Drew F. K. and Chen, Richard J. and Ding, Tong and Le, Long Phi and Chuang, Yung-Sung and Mahmood, Faisal},
+ title = {Visual Language Pretrained Multiple Instance Zero-Shot Transfer for Histopathology Images},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
+ month = {June},
+ year = {2023},
+ pages = {19764-19775}
diff --git a/conch.jpg b/conch.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6f23b
Binary files /dev/null and b/conch.jpg differ
diff --git a/conch/downstream/__init__.py b/conch/downstream/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/conch/downstream/tile_datasets.py b/conch/downstream/tile_datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b6f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/downstream/tile_datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from PIL import Image
+import os
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+class TileClassificationDataset(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self,
+ df,
+ data_source = None,
+ img_transforms = None,
+ index_col = 'image_name',
+ subdir_col = None,
+ target_col = 'label',
+ target_transforms = None,
+ label_map = None,
+ dummy_size = 0):
+ self.label_map = label_map
+ self.data_source = data_source
+ self.index_col = index_col
+ self.target_col = target_col
+ self.subdir_col = subdir_col
+ self.img_transforms = img_transforms
+ self.target_transforms = target_transforms
+ self.data = df
+ self.dummy_size = dummy_size
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data)
+ def get_ids(self, ids):
+ return self.data.loc[ids, self.index_col]
+ def get_labels(self, ids):
+ return self.data.loc[ids, self.target_col]
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ img_name = self.get_ids(idx)
+ label = self.get_labels(idx)
+ if self.label_map is not None:
+ label = self.label_map[label]
+ if self.target_transforms is not None:
+ label = self.target_transforms(label)
+ if self.dummy_size > 0:
+ img = torch.rand(3, self.dummy_size, self.dummy_size)
+ else:
+ if self.data_source is not None:
+ if self.subdir_col is not None:
+ subdir = self.data.loc[idx, self.subdir_col]
+ if not isinstance(subdir, str):
+ subdir = ""
+ img_path = os.path.join(self.data_source, subdir, img_name)
+ else:
+ img_path = os.path.join(self.data_source, img_name)
+ else:
+ img_path = img_name
+ img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
+ if self.img_transforms is not None:
+ img = self.img_transforms(img)
+ return {'img': img, 'label': label}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conch/downstream/utils.py b/conch/downstream/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d543eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/downstream/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pickle
+class AverageMeter(object):
+ """Computes and stores the average and current value"""
+ def __init__(self, name = 'unk', fmt=':f'):
+ self.name = name
+ self.fmt = fmt
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.val = 0
+ self.avg = 0
+ self.sum = 0
+ self.count = 0
+ def update(self, val, n=1):
+ self.val = val
+ self.sum += val * n
+ self.count += n
+ self.avg = self.sum / self.count
+ def __str__(self):
+ fmtstr = '{name} {val' + self.fmt + '} ({avg' + self.fmt + '})'
+ return fmtstr.format(**self.__dict__)
+def save_pkl(filename, save_object):
+ writer = open(filename,'wb')
+ pickle.dump(save_object, writer)
+ writer.close()
+def merge_dict(main_dict, new_dict, value_fn = None):
+ """
+ Merge new_dict into main_dict. If a key exists in both dicts, the values are appended.
+ Else, the key-value pair is added.
+ If value_fn is not None, it is applied to each item in each value in new_dict before merging.
+ Args:
+ main_dict: main dict
+ new_dict: new dict
+ value_fn: function to apply to each item in each value in new_dict before merging
+ """
+ if value_fn is None:
+ value_fn = lambda x: x
+ for key, value in new_dict.items():
+ if not isinstance(value, list):
+ value = [value]
+ value = [value_fn(v) for v in value]
+ if key in main_dict:
+ main_dict[key] = main_dict[key] + value
+ else:
+ main_dict[key] = value
+ return main_dict
+def aggregate_array(arr, agg):
+ arr = np.array(arr)
+ if agg == 'mean':
+ return arr.mean()
+ elif agg == 'std':
+ return arr.std()
+ elif agg == 'median':
+ return np.median(arr)
+ elif agg == 'max':
+ return arr.max()
+ elif agg == 'min':
+ return arr.min()
+ elif agg == 'sum':
+ return arr.sum()
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/conch/downstream/wsi_datasets.py b/conch/downstream/wsi_datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6735e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/downstream/wsi_datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import os
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+def infer_folder_structure(source, subdir_name):
+ """infer the folder structure of the dataset."""
+ if not os.path.isdir(source):
+ return 0
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source, subdir_name)):
+ depth = 2
+ else:
+ depth = 1
+ return depth
+class WSIEmbeddingDataset(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self,
+ df,
+ data_source,
+ target_transform=None,
+ index_col='slide_id',
+ target_col='label',
+ use_h5=False,
+ label_map=None,
+ pid_slide_dict=None,
+ dummy_dim=0):
+ """
+ Args:
+ """
+ self.label_map = label_map
+ self.data_source = data_source
+ self.index_col = index_col
+ self.target_col = target_col
+ self.target_transform = target_transform
+ self.data = df
+ # use h5 format or pt format
+ self.use_h5 = use_h5
+ self.subdir_name = 'feats_h5' if use_h5 else 'feats_pt'
+ self.ext = '.h5' if use_h5 else '.pt'
+ # pid_slide_dict is a dictionary that maps patient id to slide ids
+ self.pid_slide_dict = pid_slide_dict
+ # dummy_dim is the dimension of the dummy feature vector, if dummy_dim > 0
+ self.dummy_dim = dummy_dim
+ self.directory_depth = infer_folder_structure(self.data_source,
+ self.subdir_name)
+ assert self.directory_depth > 0
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data)
+ def get_ids(self, ids):
+ return self.data.loc[ids, self.index_col]
+ def get_labels(self, ids):
+ if self.target_col is None:
+ return []
+ return self.data.loc[ids, self.target_col]
+ def get_feat_path(self, slide_id):
+ if self.directory_depth == 2:
+ feat_path = os.path.join(self.data_source,
+ self.subdir_name,
+ slide_id + self.ext)
+ else:
+ feat_path = os.path.join(self.data_source,
+ slide_id + self.ext)
+ return feat_path
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ slide_id = self.get_ids(idx)
+ label = self.get_labels(idx)
+ if self.pid_slide_dict is not None:
+ slide_ids = self.pid_slide_dict[slide_id]
+ else:
+ slide_ids = [slide_id]
+ if self.label_map is not None:
+ label = self.label_map[label]
+ if self.target_transform is not None:
+ label = self.target_transform(label)
+ all_features = []
+ all_coords = []
+ if self.dummy_dim > 0:
+ all_features.append(np.zeros((1000, self.dummy_dim)))
+ else:
+ for slide_id in slide_ids:
+ feat_path = self.get_feat_path(slide_id)
+ if self.use_h5:
+ with h5py.File(feat_path, 'r') as f:
+ features = f['features'][:]
+ coords = f['coords'][:]
+ all_coords.append(coords)
+ else:
+ features = torch.load(feat_path)
+ all_features.append(features)
+ all_features = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(all_features, axis=0))
+ if len(all_features.size()) == 3:
+ all_features = all_features.squeeze(0)
+ if len(all_coords) > 0:
+ all_coords = np.concatenate(all_coords, axis=0)
+ if len(all_coords.shape) == 3:
+ all_coords = all_coords.squeeze(0)
+ out = {'img': all_features, 'label': label, 'coords': all_coords}
+ return out
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conch/downstream/zeroshot_path.py b/conch/downstream/zeroshot_path.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ace472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/downstream/zeroshot_path.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import numpy as np
+from conch.open_clip_custom import tokenize, get_tokenizer
+from conch.downstream.utils import AverageMeter, merge_dict
+from sklearn.metrics import (balanced_accuracy_score, cohen_kappa_score,
+ classification_report, roc_auc_score)
+from tqdm import tqdm
+def zero_shot_classifier(model, classnames, templates, tokenizer=None, device=None):
+ """
+ classnames: list of lists of classnames (one list of classnames per class)
+ templates: list of templates
+ """
+ if tokenizer is None:
+ tokenizer = get_tokenizer()
+ zeroshot_weights = []
+ for classnames_for_class in classnames:
+ embeddings_for_class = []
+ for classname in classnames_for_class:
+ texts = [template.replace('CLASSNAME', classname) for template in templates]
+ token_ids = tokenize(tokenizer, texts) # Tokenize with custom tokenizer
+ token_ids = token_ids.to(device)
+ classname_embeddings = model.encode_text(token_ids)
+ # classname_embeddings: [num_templates, embedding_dim]
+ embeddings_for_class.append(F.normalize(classname_embeddings, dim=-1))
+ # class_embedding: [num_classnames, num_templates, embedding_dim]
+ class_embedding = torch.stack(embeddings_for_class, dim=0)
+ # over all templates and classnames
+ class_embedding = class_embedding.mean(dim=(0, 1))
+ class_embedding /= class_embedding.norm()
+ # class_embedding: [embedding_dim]
+ zeroshot_weights.append(class_embedding)
+ # zeroshot_weights: [embedding_dim, num_classes]
+ zeroshot_weights = torch.stack(zeroshot_weights, dim=1)
+ return zeroshot_weights
+def topj_pooling(logits, topj):
+ """
+ logits: N x C logit for each patch
+ topj: tuple of the top number of patches to use for pooling
+ """
+ # Sums logits across topj patches for each class, to get class prediction for each topj
+ maxj = min(max(topj), logits.size(0)) # Ensures j is smaller than number of patches. Unlikely for number of patches to be < 10, but just in case
+ values, _ = logits.topk(maxj, 0, True, True) # maxj x C
+ preds = {j : values[:min(j, maxj)].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) for j in topj} # dict of 1 x C logit scores
+ pooled_logits = {key: val for key,val in preds.items()}
+ preds = {key: val.argmax(dim=1) for key,val in preds.items()} # dict of predicted class indices
+ return preds, pooled_logits
+def run_mizero(model, classifier, dataloader, device, topj = (1,5,10,50,100),
+ dump_results = False, dump_patch_level = False,
+ metrics=['acc', 'bacc', 'weighted_kappa', 'kappa', 'roc_auc', 'weighted_f1']):
+ dict_keys = list(topj)
+ meters = {j: AverageMeter() for j in dict_keys}
+ logits_all, targets_all, patch_logits_all, coords_all, preds_all = {}, [], [], [], {}
+ for idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)): # batch size is always 1,
+ image_features = data['img'].to(device).squeeze(0)
+ target = data['label'].to(device)
+ coords = data['coords']
+ if not isinstance(coords, list):
+ coords = coords.squeeze(0).numpy()
+ coords_all.append(coords)
+ image_features = model.visual.forward_project(image_features)
+ image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1)
+ logits = image_features @ classifier
+ if dump_results and dump_patch_level:
+ patch_logits_all.append(logits.cpu().numpy())
+ preds, pooled_logits = topj_pooling(logits,
+ topj = topj)
+ results = {key: (val == target).float().item() for key, val in preds.items()}
+ preds_all = merge_dict(preds_all, preds, value_fn = lambda x: x.item())
+ logits_all = merge_dict(logits_all, pooled_logits, value_fn = lambda x: x.cpu().numpy())
+ targets_all.append(target.cpu().numpy())
+ for j in topj:
+ meters[j].update(results[j], n=1) # Update AverageMeters with new results
+ # Save raw preds & targets
+ targets_all = np.concatenate(targets_all, axis=0)
+ logits_all = {key: np.concatenate(logits_all[key], axis=0) for key in dict_keys}
+ probs_all = {key: F.softmax(torch.from_numpy(logits_all[key]) * model.logit_scale.exp().item(), dim=1).numpy() for key in dict_keys}
+ # Compute metrics
+ preds_all = {key: np.array(preds_all[key]) for key in dict_keys}
+ baccs = {key: balanced_accuracy_score(targets_all, val) for key, val in preds_all.items()}
+ cls_rep = {key: classification_report(targets_all, val, output_dict=True, zero_division=0) for key, val in preds_all.items()}
+ kappas = {key: cohen_kappa_score(targets_all, val) for key, val in preds_all.items()}
+ weighted_kappas = {key: cohen_kappa_score(targets_all, val, weights='quadratic') for key, val in preds_all.items()}
+ roc_aucs = {}
+ for key, probs in probs_all.items():
+ n_classes = probs.shape[1]
+ if n_classes == 2:
+ class_probs = probs[:,1]
+ roc_kwargs = {}
+ else:
+ class_probs = probs
+ roc_kwargs = {'multi_class': 'ovo', 'average': 'macro'}
+ try:
+ roc_auc = roc_auc_score(targets_all, class_probs, **roc_kwargs)
+ except ValueError:
+ roc_auc = np.nan
+ roc_aucs[key] = roc_auc
+ # Get final accuracy across all images
+ accs = {j: meters[j].avg for j in topj}
+ dump = {}
+ results = {'acc': accs,
+ 'bacc': baccs,
+ 'report': cls_rep,
+ 'kappa': kappas,
+ 'weighted_kappa': weighted_kappas, # quadratic weights
+ 'roc_auc': roc_aucs,
+ 'weighted_f1': {key: cls_rep[key]['weighted avg']['f1-score'] for key in dict_keys}}
+ results = {k: results[k] for k in metrics}
+ if dump_results:
+ # dump slide level predictions
+ dump['logits'] = logits_all
+ dump['targets'] = targets_all
+ dump['preds'] = preds_all
+ if hasattr(model, "logit_scale"):
+ dump['temp_scale'] = model.logit_scale.exp().item()
+ # dump patch level predictions + coordinates
+ if dump_patch_level:
+ dump['patch_logits'] = patch_logits_all
+ dump['coords'] = coords_all
+ return results, dump
+def dataloding_post_process(batch):
+ if not isinstance(batch, dict):
+ return {'img': batch[0], 'label': batch[1]}
+ return batch
+def run_zeroshot(model, classifier, dataloader, device, dump_results=False,
+ metrics=['acc', 'bacc', 'weighted_kappa', 'kappa', 'roc_auc', 'weighted_f1']):
+ acc_meter = AverageMeter()
+ logits_all, targets_all, preds_all = [], [], []
+ for batch_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)):
+ data = dataloding_post_process(data)
+ imgs = data['img'].to(device)
+ targets = data['label'].to(device)
+ image_features = model.encode_image(imgs)
+ batch_size = targets.size(0)
+ logits = image_features @ classifier
+ preds = logits.argmax(dim=1)
+ logits_all.append(logits.cpu().numpy())
+ targets_all.append(targets.cpu().numpy())
+ preds_all.append(preds.cpu().numpy())
+ acc_meter.update((preds == targets).float().mean().item(), n=batch_size) # Update AverageMeters with new results
+ # Save raw preds & targets
+ targets_all = np.concatenate(targets_all, axis=0)
+ logits_all = np.concatenate(logits_all, axis=0)
+ probs_all = F.softmax(torch.from_numpy(logits_all) * model.logit_scale.exp().item(), dim=1).numpy()
+ preds_all = np.concatenate(preds_all, axis=0)
+ bacc = balanced_accuracy_score(targets_all, preds_all)
+ weighted_kappa = cohen_kappa_score(targets_all, preds_all, weights='quadratic')
+ kappa = cohen_kappa_score(targets_all, preds_all)
+ cls_rep = classification_report(targets_all, preds_all, output_dict=True, zero_division=0)
+ acc = acc_meter.avg
+ n_classes = probs_all.shape[1]
+ if n_classes == 2:
+ class_probs = probs_all[:,1]
+ roc_kwargs = {}
+ else:
+ class_probs = probs_all
+ roc_kwargs = {'multi_class': 'ovo', 'average': 'macro'}
+ try:
+ roc_auc = roc_auc_score(targets_all, class_probs, **roc_kwargs)
+ except ValueError:
+ roc_auc = np.nan
+ dump = {}
+ results = {'acc': acc,
+ 'bacc': bacc,
+ 'weighted_kappa': weighted_kappa,
+ 'kappa': kappa,
+ 'roc_auc': roc_auc,
+ 'weighted_f1': cls_rep['weighted avg']['f1-score']}
+ results = {k: results[k] for k in metrics}
+ if dump_results:
+ dump['logits'] = logits_all
+ dump['targets'] = targets_all
+ dump['preds'] = preds_all
+ if hasattr(model, "logit_scale"):
+ dump['temp_scale'] = model.logit_scale.exp().item()
+ return results, dump
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/__init__.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6488995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from .coca_model import CoCa
+from .factory import create_model, create_model_from_pretrained, load_checkpoint
+from .custom_tokenizer import tokenize, get_tokenizer
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/coca_model.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/coca_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25a827d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/coca_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+import numpy as np
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+import logging
+from .transformer import MultimodalTransformer
+from .vision_tower import VisualModel
+from timm.models.vision_transformer import VisionTransformer
+from .transformer import TextTransformer
+ from transformers import (
+ LogitsProcessorList,
+ TopPLogitsWarper,
+ TopKLogitsWarper,
+ RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor,
+ MinLengthLogitsProcessor,
+ MaxLengthCriteria,
+ StoppingCriteriaList
+ )
+ "top_k": TopKLogitsWarper,
+ "top_p": TopPLogitsWarper
+ }
+ _has_transformers = True
+except ImportError as e:
+ "top_k": None,
+ "top_p": None
+ }
+ _has_transformers = False
+class CoCaVisionCfg:
+ layers: int = 12
+ width: int = 768
+ num_heads: int = 12
+ mlp_ratio: int = 4
+ patch_size: int = 16
+ image_size: Union[Tuple[int, int], int] = 224
+ attentional_pool_contrast: bool = False # perceiver resampler for contrastive loss
+ attentional_pool_caption: bool = False # perceiver resampler for captioning
+ n_queries_contrast: int = 1 # n_queries for contrastive loss
+ n_queries_caption: int = 256 # n_queries for captioning
+ attn_pooler_heads: int = 8 # n heads for attentional_pooling
+ output_tokens: bool = False
+class CLIPTextCfg:
+ context_length: int = 77
+ vocab_size: int = 49408
+ width: int = 512
+ heads: int = 8
+ layers: int = 12
+ ls_init_value: Optional[float] = None # layer scale initial value
+ proj: str = 'mlp'
+ pooler_type: str = 'mean_pooler'
+ embed_cls: bool = False
+ pad_id: int = 0
+ output_tokens: bool = False
+def _build_vision_tower(
+ embed_dim: int,
+ vision_cfg: CoCaVisionCfg,
+ embed_dim_caption: Optional[int] = None
+ if isinstance(vision_cfg, dict):
+ vision_cfg = CoCaVisionCfg(**vision_cfg)
+ trunk = VisionTransformer(embed_dim=vision_cfg.width,
+ depth=vision_cfg.layers,
+ num_heads=vision_cfg.num_heads,
+ mlp_ratio=vision_cfg.mlp_ratio,
+ img_size=vision_cfg.image_size,
+ patch_size=vision_cfg.patch_size,
+ num_classes=0,
+ dynamic_img_size=True)
+ trunk_kwargs = {}
+ trunk.forward = trunk.forward_features
+ visual = VisualModel(
+ trunk=trunk,
+ trunk_kwargs=trunk_kwargs,
+ use_attentional_pool_contrast=vision_cfg.attentional_pool_contrast,
+ use_attentional_pool_caption=vision_cfg.attentional_pool_caption,
+ n_queries_contrast=vision_cfg.n_queries_contrast,
+ n_queries_caption=vision_cfg.n_queries_caption,
+ output_tokens=vision_cfg.output_tokens,
+ embed_dim_contrast=embed_dim,
+ embed_dim_caption=embed_dim_caption,
+ image_size=vision_cfg.image_size,
+ )
+ return visual
+def _build_text_tower(
+ embed_dim: int,
+ text_cfg: CLIPTextCfg
+ if isinstance(text_cfg, dict):
+ text_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(**text_cfg)
+ act_layer = nn.GELU
+ norm_layer = nn.LayerNorm
+ text = TextTransformer(
+ context_length=text_cfg.context_length,
+ vocab_size=text_cfg.vocab_size,
+ width=text_cfg.width,
+ heads=text_cfg.heads,
+ layers=text_cfg.layers,
+ ls_init_value=text_cfg.ls_init_value,
+ output_dim=embed_dim,
+ embed_cls=text_cfg.embed_cls,
+ output_tokens=text_cfg.output_tokens,
+ pad_id=text_cfg.pad_id,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ )
+ return text
+def _build_text_decoder_tower(
+ embed_dim,
+ multimodal_cfg
+ multimodal_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(**multimodal_cfg) if isinstance(multimodal_cfg, dict) else multimodal_cfg
+ act_layer = nn.GELU
+ norm_layer = nn.LayerNorm
+ decoder = MultimodalTransformer(
+ context_length=multimodal_cfg.context_length,
+ width=multimodal_cfg.width,
+ heads=multimodal_cfg.heads,
+ layers=multimodal_cfg.layers,
+ ls_init_value=multimodal_cfg.ls_init_value,
+ output_dim=embed_dim,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ )
+ return decoder
+class CoCa(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ embed_dim,
+ embed_dim_caption,
+ multimodal_cfg: CLIPTextCfg,
+ text_cfg: CLIPTextCfg,
+ vision_cfg: CoCaVisionCfg,
+ pad_id: int = 0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ multimodal_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(**multimodal_cfg) if isinstance(multimodal_cfg, dict) else multimodal_cfg
+ text_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(**text_cfg) if isinstance(text_cfg, dict) else text_cfg
+ vision_cfg = CoCaVisionCfg(**vision_cfg) if isinstance(vision_cfg, dict) else vision_cfg
+ self.text = _build_text_tower(
+ embed_dim=embed_dim,
+ text_cfg=text_cfg
+ )
+ vocab_size = text_cfg.vocab_size
+ self.visual = _build_vision_tower(
+ embed_dim=embed_dim,
+ embed_dim_caption=embed_dim_caption,
+ vision_cfg=vision_cfg
+ )
+ if multimodal_cfg.layers > 0:
+ self.text_decoder = _build_text_decoder_tower(
+ vocab_size,
+ multimodal_cfg=multimodal_cfg
+ )
+ else:
+ # no decoder
+ self.text_decoder = None
+ self.logit_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones([]) * np.log(1 / 0.07))
+ self.pad_id = pad_id
+ self.context_length = text_cfg.context_length
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.embed_dim_caption = embed_dim_caption
+ def lock_temperature(self):
+ self.logit_scale.requires_grad = False
+ def lock_image_tower(self, unlocked_groups=0, freeze_bn_stats=False):
+ # lock image tower as per LiT - https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07991
+ self.visual.lock(unlocked_groups=unlocked_groups, freeze_bn_stats=freeze_bn_stats)
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def set_grad_checkpointing(self, enable=True):
+ self.visual.set_grad_checkpointing(enable)
+ self.text.set_grad_checkpointing(enable)
+ self.text_decoder.set_grad_checkpointing(enable)
+ def _encode_image(self, images=None, normalize=True):
+ image_latent, tokens_embs = self.visual(images)
+ image_latent = F.normalize(image_latent, dim=-1) if normalize else image_latent
+ return image_latent, tokens_embs
+ def _encode_text(self, text, normalize=True, embed_cls=True):
+ text = text[:, :-1] if embed_cls else text # make space for CLS token
+ text_latent, token_emb = self.text(text)
+ text_latent = F.normalize(text_latent, dim=-1) if normalize else text_latent
+ return text_latent, token_emb
+ def encode_image(self, images, normalize=True, proj_contrast=True):
+ if proj_contrast:
+ image_latent, _ = self._encode_image(images, normalize=normalize)
+ else:
+ image_latent = self.visual.forward_no_head(images, normalize=normalize)
+ return image_latent
+ def encode_text(self, text, normalize=True, embed_cls=True):
+ text_latent, _ = self._encode_text(text, normalize=normalize, embed_cls=embed_cls)
+ return text_latent
+ def forward(self, image, text, embed_cls=True, image_latent=None, image_embs=None):
+ text_latent, token_embs = self._encode_text(text, embed_cls=embed_cls)
+ if image_latent is None or image_embs is None:
+ image_latent, image_embs = self._encode_image(image)
+ labels = text[:, -token_embs.shape[1]:]
+ if self.text_decoder is not None:
+ logits = self.text_decoder(image_embs, token_embs)
+ else:
+ logits = torch.empty(text.shape[0], 1, device=text.device)
+ return {
+ "image_features": image_latent,
+ "text_features": text_latent,
+ "logits": logits,
+ "labels": labels,
+ "logit_scale": self.logit_scale.exp()
+ }
+ def generate(
+ self,
+ image,
+ text=None,
+ seq_len=30,
+ max_seq_len=77,
+ temperature=1.,
+ generation_type="beam_search",
+ top_p=0.1, # keep tokens in the 1 - top_p quantile
+ top_k=1, # keeps the top_k most probable tokens
+ pad_token_id=None,
+ eos_token_id=None,
+ sot_token_id=None,
+ min_seq_len=5,
+ stopping_criteria=None,
+ repetition_penalty=1.0,
+ fixed_output_length=False # if True output.shape == (batch_size, seq_len)
+ ):
+ # taking many ideas and components from HuggingFace GenerationMixin
+ # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/text_generation
+ assert _has_transformers, "Please install transformers for generate functionality. `pip install transformers`."
+ assert seq_len > min_seq_len, "seq_len must be larger than min_seq_len"
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ sot_token_id = 1 if sot_token_id is None else sot_token_id
+ eos_token_id = 2 if eos_token_id is None else eos_token_id
+ pad_token_id = self.pad_id if pad_token_id is None else pad_token_id
+ logit_processor = LogitsProcessorList(
+ [
+ MinLengthLogitsProcessor(min_seq_len, eos_token_id),
+ RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor(repetition_penalty),
+ ]
+ )
+ if stopping_criteria is None:
+ stopping_criteria = [MaxLengthCriteria(max_length=seq_len)]
+ stopping_criteria = StoppingCriteriaList(
+ stopping_criteria
+ )
+ device = image.device
+ if generation_type == "top_p":
+ logit_warper = GENERATION_TYPES[generation_type](top_p)
+ elif generation_type == "top_k":
+ logit_warper = GENERATION_TYPES[generation_type](top_k)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"generation_type has to be one of "
+ f"{'| ' + ' | '.join(list(GENERATION_TYPES.keys())) + ' |'}."
+ )
+ image_latent, image_embs = self._encode_image(image)
+ if text is None:
+ text = torch.ones((image.shape[0], 1), device=device, dtype=torch.long) * sot_token_id
+ was_training = self.training
+ num_dims = len(text.shape)
+ if num_dims == 1:
+ text = text[None, :]
+ cur_len = text.shape[1]
+ self.eval()
+ out = text
+ while True:
+ x = out[:, -max_seq_len:]
+ cur_len = x.shape[1]
+ logits = self(image, x, image_latent=image_latent, image_embs=image_embs, embed_cls=False)["logits"][:, -1]
+ mask = (out[:, -1] == eos_token_id) | (out[:, -1] == pad_token_id)
+ sample = torch.ones((out.shape[0], 1), device=device, dtype=torch.long) * pad_token_id
+ if mask.all():
+ if not fixed_output_length:
+ break
+ else:
+ logits = logits[~mask, :]
+ filtered_logits = logit_processor(x[~mask, :], logits)
+ filtered_logits = logit_warper(x[~mask, :], filtered_logits)
+ probs = F.softmax(filtered_logits / temperature, dim=-1)
+ if (cur_len + 1 == seq_len):
+ sample[~mask, :] = torch.ones((sum(~mask), 1), device=device, dtype=torch.long) * eos_token_id
+ else:
+ sample[~mask, :] = torch.multinomial(probs, 1)
+ out = torch.cat((out, sample), dim=-1)
+ cur_len += 1
+ if stopping_criteria(out, None):
+ break
+ if num_dims == 1:
+ out = out.squeeze(0)
+ self.train(was_training)
+ return out
+def resize_pos_embed(state_dict, model):
+ resized = False
+ pos_embed_w = state_dict['visual.trunk.pos_embed']
+ if pos_embed_w.shape != model.visual.trunk.pos_embed.shape:
+ # see https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/624266148d8fa5ddb22a6f5e523a53aaf0e8a9eb/timm/models/vision_transformer.py#L509
+ interpolation = 'bilinear'
+ antialias = False
+ from timm.layers import resample_abs_pos_embed
+ num_prefix_tokens = 0 if getattr(model.visual.trunk, 'no_embed_class', False) else getattr(model.visual.trunk, 'num_prefix_tokens', 1)
+ pos_embed_w = resample_abs_pos_embed( # resize pos embedding when different size from pretrained weights
+ pos_embed_w,
+ new_size=model.visual.trunk.patch_embed.grid_size,
+ num_prefix_tokens=num_prefix_tokens,
+ interpolation=interpolation,
+ antialias=antialias,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
+ resized = True
+ if not resized:
+ logging.info('pos embedding not resized.')
+ state_dict['visual.trunk.pos_embed'] = pos_embed_w
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/constants.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913a11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+r"""OpenAI color normalization mean in RGB format (values in 0-1)."""
+r"""OpenAI color normalization std in RGB format (values in 0-1)."""
+OPENAI_DATASET_MEAN = (0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073)
+OPENAI_DATASET_STD = (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)
+r"""ImageNet color normalization mean in RGB format (values in 0-1)."""
+r"""ImageNet color normalization std in RGB format (values in 0-1)."""
+IMAGENET_DATASET_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406)
+IMAGENET_DATASET_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/custom_tokenizer.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/custom_tokenizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..674a771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/custom_tokenizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import os
+from typing import Union, List
+from pathlib import Path
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerFast
+import os
+os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"
+TOKENIZER_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'tokenizers'
+DEFAULT_TOKENIZER = 'conch_byte_level_bpe_uncased.json'
+def get_tokenizer():
+ tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast(tokenizer_file = str(TOKENIZER_DIR / DEFAULT_TOKENIZER),
+ bos_token="",
+ eos_token="",
+ pad_token="")
+ return tokenizer
+def tokenize(tokenizer, texts):
+ # model context length is 128, but last token is reserved for
+ # so we use 127 and insert at the end as a temporary placeholder
+ tokens = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(texts,
+ max_length = 127,
+ add_special_tokens=True,
+ return_token_type_ids=False,
+ truncation = True,
+ padding = 'max_length',
+ return_tensors = 'pt')
+ tokens = F.pad(tokens['input_ids'], (0, 1), value=tokenizer.pad_token_id)
+ return tokens
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/factory.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/factory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf813d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import json
+from copy import deepcopy
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import torch
+from .coca_model import CoCa, resize_pos_embed
+from .transform import image_transform
+from functools import partial
+from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
+CFG_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'model_configs'
+def read_state_dict(checkpoint_path: str, map_location='cpu'):
+ checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=map_location)
+ if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint:
+ state_dict = checkpoint['state_dict']
+ else:
+ state_dict = checkpoint
+ if next(iter(state_dict.items()))[0].startswith('module'):
+ state_dict = {k[7:]: v for k, v in state_dict.items()}
+ return state_dict
+def load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path):
+ state_dict = read_state_dict(checkpoint_path)
+ resize_pos_embed(state_dict, model)
+ missing, unexpected = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
+def create_model(
+ model_cfg: str,
+ checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None,
+ device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu',
+ jit: bool = False,
+ force_image_size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
+ cache_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+ hf_auth_token: Optional[str] = None
+ if not isinstance(model_cfg, dict):
+ model_cfg_path = CFG_DIR / f'{model_cfg}.json'
+ with open(model_cfg_path, 'r') as f:
+ model_cfg = json.load(f)
+ if isinstance(device, str):
+ device = torch.device(device)
+ if force_image_size is not None:
+ # override model config's image size
+ model_cfg["vision_cfg"]["image_size"] = force_image_size
+ _ = model_cfg.pop('custom_text', None)
+ model = CoCa(**model_cfg)
+ if checkpoint_path.startswith("hf_hub:"):
+ _ = hf_hub_download(checkpoint_path[len("hf_hub:"):],
+ cache_dir=cache_dir, filename="meta.yaml",
+ token=hf_auth_token)
+ checkpoint_path = hf_hub_download(checkpoint_path[len("hf_hub:"):],
+ cache_dir=cache_dir, filename="pytorch_model.bin",
+ token=hf_auth_token)
+ load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path)
+ model.to(device=device)
+ # set image / mean metadata
+ model.visual.image_mean = OPENAI_DATASET_MEAN
+ model.visual.image_std = OPENAI_DATASET_STD
+ if jit:
+ model = torch.jit.script(model)
+ return model
+def create_model_from_pretrained(
+ model_cfg: Union[str, Dict],
+ checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None,
+ device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu',
+ jit: bool = False,
+ force_image_size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
+ return_transform: bool = True,
+ image_mean: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None,
+ image_std: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None,
+ cache_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+ hf_auth_token: Optional[str] = None
+ model = create_model(
+ model_cfg,
+ checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path,
+ device=device,
+ jit=jit,
+ force_image_size=force_image_size,
+ cache_dir=cache_dir,
+ hf_auth_token=hf_auth_token
+ )
+ if not return_transform:
+ return model
+ image_mean = image_mean or getattr(model.visual, 'image_mean', None)
+ image_std = image_std or getattr(model.visual, 'image_std', None)
+ preprocess = image_transform(
+ model.visual.image_size,
+ mean=image_mean,
+ std=image_std,
+ )
+ return model, preprocess
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/model_configs/conch_ViT-B-16.json b/conch/open_clip_custom/model_configs/conch_ViT-B-16.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39e970c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/model_configs/conch_ViT-B-16.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "embed_dim": 512,
+ "embed_dim_caption": 768,
+ "vision_cfg": {
+ "image_size": 448,
+ "patch_size": 16,
+ "attentional_pool_caption": true,
+ "attentional_pool_contrast": true,
+ "attn_pooler_heads": 8,
+ "n_queries_contrast": 1,
+ "n_queries_caption": 256,
+ "output_tokens": true
+ },
+ "text_cfg": {
+ "context_length": 128,
+ "vocab_size": 32007,
+ "width": 768,
+ "heads": 12,
+ "layers": 12,
+ "embed_cls": true,
+ "output_tokens": true
+ },
+ "multimodal_cfg": {
+ "context_length": 128,
+ "vocab_size": 32007,
+ "width": 768,
+ "heads": 12,
+ "layers": 12
+ },
+ "custom_text": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/tokenizers/conch_byte_level_bpe_uncased.json b/conch/open_clip_custom/tokenizers/conch_byte_level_bpe_uncased.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0867a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/tokenizers/conch_byte_level_bpe_uncased.json
@@ -0,0 +1,63916 @@
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "truncation": null,
+ "padding": null,
+ "added_tokens": [
+ {
+ "id": 0,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "content": "<|person|>",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "content": "<|mrn|>",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5,
+ "content": "<|specimen_id|>",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "content": "<|date|>",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "normalizer": {
+ "type": "Sequence",
+ "normalizers": [
+ {
+ "type": "NFD"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "StripAccents"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "Lowercase"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "pre_tokenizer": {
+ "type": "ByteLevel",
+ "add_prefix_space": true,
+ "trim_offsets": true,
+ "use_regex": true
+ },
+ "post_processor": {
+ "type": "TemplateProcessing",
+ "single": [
+ {
+ "SpecialToken": {
+ "id": "",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "A",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "SpecialToken": {
+ "id": "",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "pair": [
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "A",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "B",
+ "type_id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "special_tokens": {
+ "": {
+ "id": "",
+ "ids": [
+ 2
+ ],
+ "tokens": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "": {
+ "id": "",
+ "ids": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "tokens": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "decoder": {
+ "type": "ByteLevel",
+ "add_prefix_space": true,
+ "trim_offsets": true,
+ "use_regex": true
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "type": "BPE",
+ "dropout": null,
+ "unk_token": null,
+ "continuing_subword_prefix": null,
+ "end_of_word_suffix": null,
+ "fuse_unk": false,
+ "vocab": {
+ "": 0,
+ "": 1,
+ "": 2,
+ "<|person|>": 3,
+ "<|mrn|>": 4,
+ "<|specimen_id|>": 5,
+ "<|date|>": 6,
+ "!": 7,
+ "\"": 8,
+ "#": 9,
+ "$": 10,
+ "%": 11,
+ "&": 12,
+ "'": 13,
+ "(": 14,
+ ")": 15,
+ "*": 16,
+ "+": 17,
+ ",": 18,
+ "-": 19,
+ ".": 20,
+ "/": 21,
+ "0": 22,
+ "1": 23,
+ "2": 24,
+ "3": 25,
+ "4": 26,
+ "5": 27,
+ "6": 28,
+ "7": 29,
+ "8": 30,
+ "9": 31,
+ ":": 32,
+ ";": 33,
+ "<": 34,
+ "=": 35,
+ ">": 36,
+ "?": 37,
+ "@": 38,
+ "A": 39,
+ "B": 40,
+ "C": 41,
+ "D": 42,
+ "E": 43,
+ "F": 44,
+ "G": 45,
+ "H": 46,
+ "I": 47,
+ "J": 48,
+ "K": 49,
+ "L": 50,
+ "M": 51,
+ "N": 52,
+ "O": 53,
+ "P": 54,
+ "Q": 55,
+ "R": 56,
+ "S": 57,
+ "T": 58,
+ "U": 59,
+ "V": 60,
+ "W": 61,
+ "X": 62,
+ "Y": 63,
+ "Z": 64,
+ "[": 65,
+ "\\": 66,
+ "]": 67,
+ "^": 68,
+ "_": 69,
+ "`": 70,
+ "a": 71,
+ "b": 72,
+ "c": 73,
+ "d": 74,
+ "e": 75,
+ "f": 76,
+ "g": 77,
+ "h": 78,
+ "i": 79,
+ "j": 80,
+ "k": 81,
+ "l": 82,
+ "m": 83,
+ "n": 84,
+ "o": 85,
+ "p": 86,
+ "q": 87,
+ "r": 88,
+ "s": 89,
+ "t": 90,
+ "u": 91,
+ "v": 92,
+ "w": 93,
+ "x": 94,
+ "y": 95,
+ "z": 96,
+ "{": 97,
+ "|": 98,
+ "}": 99,
+ "~": 100,
+ "¡": 101,
+ "¢": 102,
+ "£": 103,
+ "¤": 104,
+ "¥": 105,
+ "¦": 106,
+ "§": 107,
+ "¨": 108,
+ "©": 109,
+ "ª": 110,
+ "«": 111,
+ "¬": 112,
+ "®": 113,
+ "¯": 114,
+ "°": 115,
+ "±": 116,
+ "²": 117,
+ "³": 118,
+ "´": 119,
+ "µ": 120,
+ "¶": 121,
+ "·": 122,
+ "¸": 123,
+ "¹": 124,
+ "º": 125,
+ "»": 126,
+ "¼": 127,
+ "½": 128,
+ "¾": 129,
+ "¿": 130,
+ "À": 131,
+ "Á": 132,
+ "Â": 133,
+ "Ã": 134,
+ "Ä": 135,
+ "Å": 136,
+ "Æ": 137,
+ "Ç": 138,
+ "È": 139,
+ "É": 140,
+ "Ê": 141,
+ "Ë": 142,
+ "Ì": 143,
+ "Í": 144,
+ "Î": 145,
+ "Ï": 146,
+ "Ð": 147,
+ "Ñ": 148,
+ "Ò": 149,
+ "Ó": 150,
+ "Ô": 151,
+ "Õ": 152,
+ "Ö": 153,
+ "×": 154,
+ "Ø": 155,
+ "Ù": 156,
+ "Ú": 157,
+ "Û": 158,
+ "Ü": 159,
+ "Ý": 160,
+ "Þ": 161,
+ "ß": 162,
+ "à": 163,
+ "á": 164,
+ "â": 165,
+ "ã": 166,
+ "ä": 167,
+ "å": 168,
+ "æ": 169,
+ "ç": 170,
+ "è": 171,
+ "é": 172,
+ "ê": 173,
+ "ë": 174,
+ "ì": 175,
+ "í": 176,
+ "î": 177,
+ "ï": 178,
+ "ð": 179,
+ "ñ": 180,
+ "ò": 181,
+ "ó": 182,
+ "ô": 183,
+ "õ": 184,
+ "ö": 185,
+ "÷": 186,
+ "ø": 187,
+ "ù": 188,
+ "ú": 189,
+ "û": 190,
+ "ü": 191,
+ "ý": 192,
+ "þ": 193,
+ "ÿ": 194,
+ "Ā": 195,
+ "ā": 196,
+ "Ă": 197,
+ "ă": 198,
+ "Ą": 199,
+ "ą": 200,
+ "Ć": 201,
+ "ć": 202,
+ "Ĉ": 203,
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+ "(+)/": 13055,
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+ "Ġmitomycin": 13349,
+ "(+),": 13350,
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+ "Ġ%.": 14259,
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+ ")].": 14630,
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+ "Ġsarah": 14958,
+ ")..": 14959,
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+ "Ġnomenclature": 16459,
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+ "+/-,": 19319,
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+ "Ġ344": 19436,
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+ "700": 19484,
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+ "Ġosteoc": 19694,
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+ "randomized": 19696,
+ "%]).": 19697,
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+ "methoxy": 19712,
+ "Ġgarlic": 19713,
+ "Ġhmwck": 19714,
+ ">/=": 19715,
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+ "Ġluxol": 19842,
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+ "adverse": 19845,
+ "Ġarbor": 19846,
+ "Ġ--": 19847,
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+ "451": 19860,
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+ "Ġgallic": 19924,
+ "(+))": 19925,
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+ "Ġ270": 19969,
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+ "Ġshp": 19971,
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+ "Ġmetallothione": 19982,
+ "')": 19983,
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+ "lusc": 19985,
+ "Ġpae": 19986,
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+ "Ġimpart": 19991,
+ "258": 19992,
+ "441": 19993,
+ "Ġgoit": 19994,
+ "Ġwalth": 19995,
+ "Ġdupuytren": 19996,
+ "Ġseropositivity": 19997,
+ "omolgus": 19998,
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+ "Ġunreported": 20009,
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+ "Ġtransp": 20011,
+ "Ġcyr": 20012,
+ "Ġecg": 20013,
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+ "Ġcholangiopathy": 20015,
+ "Ġdiscriminatory": 20016,
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+ "Ġechocardiographic": 20062,
+ "Ġhidradenitis": 20063,
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+ "215": 20065,
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+ "Ġrdna": 20067,
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+ "Ġ202": 20071,
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+ "Ġligase": 20075,
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+ "Ġsirolimus": 20095,
+ "Ġdickinson": 20096,
+ "Ġbuffer": 20097,
+ ".|": 20098,
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+ "Ġ1981": 20104,
+ "Ġ208": 20105,
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+ "Ġquantifying": 20107,
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+ "Ġcategorical": 20112,
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+ "Ġ198": 20199,
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+ "Ġ293": 20201,
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+ "Ġ194": 20232,
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+ "486": 20328,
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+ "(+/+)": 20353,
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+ "Ġfumig": 21317,
+ "Ġfaculty": 21318,
+ "Ġbattery": 21319,
+ "\").": 21320,
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+ "%],": 21431,
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+ "Ġanywhere": 21986,
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+ "Ġsorted": 22114,
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+ "Ġ����������������": 22886,
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+ "409": 22963,
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+ "Ġ(%)": 23205,
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+ "383": 23370,
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+ "|>):-": 23420,
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+ "(-)(": 23670,
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+ "Ġgin": 24251,
+ "imum": 24252,
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+ "Ġisothiocyanate": 24254,
+ "Ġrkip": 24255,
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+ "Ġquery": 24260,
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+ "675": 24262,
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+ "Ġpanlobular": 24265,
+ "Ġnormoxic": 24266,
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+ "Ġwatery": 24271,
+ "Ġintermedius": 24272,
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+ "(+": 24274,
+ "Ġtuf": 24275,
+ "Ġein": 24276,
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+ "354": 24316,
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+ "Ġanisopo": 24357,
+ "Ġdermatopathol": 24358,
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+ "Ġthioacetamide": 24361,
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+ "Ġhypoalbuminemia": 24363,
+ "311": 24364,
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+ "306": 24381,
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+ "Ġnephroma": 24385,
+ "Ġvagus": 24386,
+ "ophagocytosis": 24387,
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+ "Ġsubstituted": 24389,
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+ "ĠâĹı": 24391,
+ "Ġinstrumentation": 24392,
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+ "Ġ254": 24411,
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+ "886": 24417,
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+ "Ġmarjolin": 24461,
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+ "318": 24551,
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+ "601": 24588,
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+ "Ġ268": 24628,
+ "Ġ01": 24629,
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+ "Ġ259": 24698,
+ "382": 24699,
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+ "662": 24705,
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+ "Ġ236": 24759,
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+ "570": 24844,
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+ "Ġmicrogranul": 24965,
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+ "Ġaccelerating": 24968,
+ "Ġsynergism": 24969,
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+ "Ġcosmesis": 24971,
+ "Ġcarbohydrates": 24972,
+ "Ġphotoreceptors": 24973,
+ "Ġleptospira": 24974,
+ "Ġnccn": 24975,
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+ "Ġnorepinephrine": 24977,
+ "323": 24978,
+ "582": 24979,
+ "765": 24980,
+ "Ġues": 24981,
+ "Ġcher": 24982,
+ "esr": 24983,
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+ "Ġlpp": 24985,
+ "omot": 24986,
+ "unts": 24987,
+ "istatin": 24988,
+ "lec": 24989,
+ "amcin": 24990,
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+ "Ġsublobar": 24993,
+ "Ġmultitude": 24994,
+ "neelsen": 24995,
+ "Ġeliz": 24996,
+ "Ġdeterminations": 24997,
+ "Ġpttg": 24998,
+ "Ġ249": 24999,
+ "341": 25000,
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+ "Ġhydration": 25003,
+ "Ġipa": 25004,
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+ "ozoon": 25006,
+ "Ġtopotecan": 25007,
+ "Ġresponder": 25008,
+ "Ġbulge": 25009,
+ "Ġrecommends": 25010,
+ "Ġbreakthrough": 25011,
+ "Ġantagonism": 25012,
+ "ospheres": 25013,
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+ "Ġlacunae": 25017,
+ "Ġvoiding": 25018,
+ "Ġklebs": 25019,
+ "Ġprotozoan": 25020,
+ "Ġcryptorchidism": 25021,
+ "amcinolone": 25022,
+ ")+": 25023,
+ "319": 25024,
+ "665": 25025,
+ "cetuximab": 25026,
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+ "rps": 25028,
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+ "endemic": 25032,
+ "Ġperim": 25033,
+ "Ġthereof": 25034,
+ "ometrical": 25035,
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+ "Ġstomachs": 25039,
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+ "Ġcytoscape": 25046,
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+ "Ġlooks": 25048,
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+ "Ġechocardiogram": 25050,
+ "Ġalleviation": 25051,
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+ "Ġmcnemar": 25054,
+ "Ġundescribed": 25055,
+ "Ġprelaryngeal": 25056,
+ "Ġendoson": 25057,
+ "Ġcarcass": 25058,
+ "Ġhemiparesis": 25059,
+ "Ġindoor": 25060,
+ "Ġerythroderma": 25061,
+ "Ġimmunoregulatory": 25062,
+ "Ġintervillositis": 25063,
+ "427": 25064,
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+ "lad": 25066,
+ "encl": 25067,
+ "Ġoch": 25068,
+ "Ġfark": 25069,
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+ "Ġhistogenetic": 25071,
+ "Ġimmunomark": 25072,
+ "Ġmalakoplakia": 25073,
+ "Ġendodontic": 25074,
+ "Ġunrel": 25075,
+ "Ġunpaired": 25076,
+ "Ġitc": 25077,
+ "Ġepa": 25078,
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+ "Ġstatuses": 25080,
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+ "281": 25082,
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+ "Ġopsccs": 25088,
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+ "ijing": 25090,
+ "Ġunconditional": 25091,
+ "Ġchicago": 25092,
+ "Ġpolyphenolic": 25093,
+ "Ġmalaise": 25094,
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+ "Ġfzd": 25096,
+ "Ġnen": 25097,
+ "Ġeo": 25098,
+ "Ġvand": 25099,
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+ "Ġmehg": 25102,
+ "Ġremyel": 25103,
+ "Ġproves": 25104,
+ "Ġendometrioma": 25105,
+ "pson": 25106,
+ "1997": 25107,
+ "Ġsetup": 25108,
+ "Ġ252": 25109,
+ "Ġ258": 25110,
+ "Ġintrapancreatic": 25111,
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+ "Ġsalpingitis": 25113,
+ "Ġissued": 25114,
+ "Ġcognition": 25115,
+ "Ġneoform": 25116,
+ "Ġhopeful": 25117,
+ "Ġvaricocele": 25118,
+ "Ġmushroom": 25119,
+ "Ġphosphodiesterase": 25120,
+ "053": 25121,
+ "615": 25122,
+ "929": 25123,
+ "bacterial": 25124,
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+ "Ġcuc": 25127,
+ "iculus": 25128,
+ "Ġmary": 25129,
+ "Ġinactiv": 25130,
+ "robe": 25131,
+ "Ġbisp": 25132,
+ "olizumab": 25133,
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+ "Ġintoxicated": 25136,
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+ "Ġanalytic": 25139,
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+ "Ġassesses": 25143,
+ "Ġvarieties": 25144,
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+ "Ġsensing": 25146,
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+ "465": 25210,
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+ "608": 25232,
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+ "Ġpharmacologically": 25237,
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+ "Ġmicrometastatic": 25239,
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+ "Ġrecapitulated": 25243,
+ "Ġfelis": 25244,
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+ "Ġpanoramic": 25248,
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+ "Ġphyto": 25282,
+ "Ġwithdrawn": 25283,
+ "Ġmicrobubbles": 25284,
+ "Ġhoused": 25285,
+ "Ġhemophagocytosis": 25286,
+ "Ġimmunosuppressant": 25287,
+ "Ġauxiliary": 25288,
+ "Ġwilliams": 25289,
+ "Ġfluconazole": 25290,
+ "Ġhypercoagul": 25291,
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+ "merc": 25293,
+ "tled": 25294,
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+ "Ġtce": 25296,
+ "Ġsig": 25297,
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+ "olesis": 25299,
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+ "Ġ312": 25306,
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+ "ggt": 25334,
+ "tas": 25335,
+ "refl": 25336,
+ "Ġcotrans": 25337,
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+ "Ġradiating": 25341,
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+ "Ġapoptoses": 25344,
+ "Ġretrospect": 25345,
+ "Ġivor": 25346,
+ "Ġ285": 25347,
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+ "356": 25349,
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+ "Ġerroneous": 25367,
+ "Ġâī¥": 25368,
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+ "Ġpvt": 25403,
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+ "Ġontario": 25409,
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+ "Ġcocultured": 25412,
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+ "Ġelectromagnetic": 25415,
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+ "Ġ1200": 25428,
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+ "Ġgoverning": 25440,
+ "Ġintraspinal": 25441,
+ "Ġtheoretically": 25442,
+ "Ġcryopreserved": 25443,
+ "Ġfibroelastosis": 25444,
+ "Ġpartitioning": 25445,
+ "Ġnimotuzumab": 25446,
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+ "Ġtendinopathy": 25449,
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+ "362": 25469,
+ "469": 25470,
+ "Ġantitubercular": 25471,
+ "Ġphenol": 25472,
+ "âĢĿ).": 25473,
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+ "Ġorthotopically": 25477,
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+ "Ġunderlies": 25484,
+ "Ġmwcnt": 25485,
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+ "Ġklebsiella": 25488,
+ "416": 25489,
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+ "Ġmog": 25491,
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+ "Ġ(+),": 25493,
+ "Ġhon": 25494,
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+ "Ġato": 25496,
+ "Ġclivus": 25497,
+ "Ġ310": 25498,
+ "Ġdisabl": 25499,
+ "Ġsmm": 25500,
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+ "akers": 25503,
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+ "058": 25509,
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+ "Ġica": 25512,
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+ "Ġlearn": 25515,
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+ "Ġmev": 25533,
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+ "Ġbasally": 25538,
+ "536": 25539,
+ "254": 25540,
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+ "Ġabdominopelvic": 25549,
+ "Ġethylene": 25550,
+ "Ġcontraindication": 25551,
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+ "Ġpepsinogen": 25553,
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+ "Ġtaf": 25559,
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+ "Ġganciclovir": 25563,
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+ "Ġlingula": 25578,
+ "Ġhenoch": 25579,
+ "Ġtrephine": 25580,
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+ "Ġsure": 25588,
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+ "complement": 25598,
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+ "Ġadjo": 25600,
+ "Ġsubmitting": 25601,
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+ "Ġ279": 25603,
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+ "Ġinterested": 25605,
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+ "Ġdesmosomal": 25608,
+ "Ġcholangiography": 25609,
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+ "Ġsonographically": 25612,
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+ "Ġmediastinoscopy": 25625,
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+ "Ġphenotyping": 25653,
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+ "Ġvegetative": 25657,
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+ "Ġconstrictive": 25663,
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+ "Ġtroc": 25673,
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+ "Ġ266": 25692,
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+ "Ġpleuropulmonary": 25705,
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+ "415": 25714,
+ "580": 25715,
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+ "Ġcbp": 25720,
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+ "Ġ(â": 25723,
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+ "2021": 25809,
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+ "Ġharvesting": 25869,
+ "Ġlipogranulomas": 25870,
+ "Ġsporotrichosis": 25871,
+ "Ġtramadol": 25872,
+ "-).": 25873,
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+ "Ġcyld": 26261,
+ "Ġscrapings": 26262,
+ "Ġbotry": 26263,
+ "Ġï¬Ī.": 26264,
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+ "610": 26697,
+ "640": 26698,
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+ "Ġfvptc": 27099,
+ "Ġcatalyzes": 27100,
+ "Ġneurotransmitters": 27101,
+ "Ġinterdigitating": 27102,
+ "sensitized": 27103,
+ "Ġoligometastatic": 27104,
+ "Ġrecalcitrant": 27105,
+ "fur": 27106,
+ "lnc": 27107,
+ "Ġtrees": 27108,
+ "Ġcna": 27109,
+ "Ġcbi": 27110,
+ "Ġcocc": 27111,
+ "Ġpage": 27112,
+ "Ġbvd": 27113,
+ "Ġdaps": 27114,
+ "ulectomy": 27115,
+ "unate": 27116,
+ "lev": 27117,
+ "Ġshih": 27118,
+ "Ġspore": 27119,
+ "0012": 27120,
+ "Ġcoactivator": 27121,
+ "Ġparaquat": 27122,
+ "Ġnonsmoking": 27123,
+ "regist": 27124,
+ "538": 27125,
+ "Ġliteratures": 27126,
+ "Ġdermatoscopy": 27127,
+ "smv": 27128,
+ "aea": 27129,
+ "Ġpersonnel": 27130,
+ "Ġconductance": 27131,
+ "Ġstressors": 27132,
+ "3580": 27133,
+ "Ġ274": 27134,
+ "Ġrepairing": 27135,
+ "Ġipt": 27136,
+ "Ġthymectomy": 27137,
+ "Ġkaempfer": 27138,
+ "Ġtelogen": 27139,
+ "olytica": 27140,
+ "oviruses": 27141,
+ "Ġmimickers": 27142,
+ "Ġcbx": 27143,
+ "ezing": 27144,
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+ "Ġchiefly": 27146,
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+ "Ġbaicalin": 27149,
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+ "Ġunaware": 27151,
+ "Ġarthralgia": 27152,
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+ "Ġbez": 27157,
+ "Ġantimal": 27158,
+ "Ġmyring": 27159,
+ "Ġjew": 27160,
+ "Ġoutperform": 27161,
+ "Ġerb": 27162,
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+ "Ġmaturational": 27165,
+ "Ġleukoplak": 27166,
+ "Ġperiodically": 27167,
+ "Ġcortices": 27168,
+ "Ġosi": 27169,
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+ "Ġachievement": 27173,
+ "Ġpneumocon": 27174,
+ "Ġnmc": 27175,
+ "Ġtransmit": 27176,
+ "mitochondrial": 27177,
+ "Ġporocarcinoma": 27178,
+ "Ġrhabdomyoblastic": 27179,
+ "infiltrative": 27180,
+ "Ġphagocytes": 27181,
+ "Ġalleviates": 27182,
+ "Ġanisonucleosis": 27183,
+ "pubmed": 27184,
+ "Ġdecalcification": 27185,
+ "Ġmultiloculated": 27186,
+ "Ġpseudoaneurysm": 27187,
+ "determining": 27188,
+ "Ġinventory": 27189,
+ "Ġmichigan": 27190,
+ "643": 27191,
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+ "bip": 27193,
+ "lactic": 27194,
+ "spl": 27195,
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+ "Ġyth": 27197,
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+ "Ġpuma": 27199,
+ "Ġmood": 27200,
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+ "Ġhypokal": 27206,
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+ "Ġtraine": 27213,
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+ "492": 27216,
+ "493": 27217,
+ "Ġreflective": 27218,
+ "Ġ272": 27219,
+ "379": 27220,
+ "Ġics": 27221,
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+ "Ġcamptothecin": 27223,
+ "Ġbulging": 27224,
+ "Ġpacientes": 27225,
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+ "tuberculosis": 27228,
+ "Ġclonogenicity": 27229,
+ "Ġmascul": 27230,
+ "Ġdrained": 27231,
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+ "Ġasymmetrical": 27233,
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+ "Ġoleic": 27235,
+ "Ġnaringin": 27236,
+ "roleum": 27237,
+ "Ġaptamer": 27238,
+ "Ġantituberculous": 27239,
+ "Ġadrenocorticotropic": 27240,
+ "Ġnephrology": 27241,
+ "Ġantithromb": 27242,
+ "Ġsternotomy": 27243,
+ ",+": 27244,
+ "2101": 27245,
+ "321": 27246,
+ "434": 27247,
+ "428": 27248,
+ "788": 27249,
+ "hid": 27250,
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+ "zno": 27253,
+ "Ġcnas": 27254,
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+ "Ġmsm": 27257,
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+ "Ġproximally": 27274,
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+ "Ġportug": 27277,
+ "Ġasthenia": 27278,
+ "Ġictal": 27279,
+ "574": 27280,
+ "579": 27281,
+ "Ġmycetoma": 27282,
+ "Ġhemangioblastomas": 27283,
+ "awater": 27284,
+ "Ġprolonging": 27285,
+ "Ġandrogenic": 27286,
+ "hyperg": 27287,
+ "Ġtracheotomy": 27288,
+ "Ġembolus": 27289,
+ "Ġcalprotectin": 27290,
+ "Ġnarrowed": 27291,
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+ "pseudo": 27294,
+ "Ġcustomized": 27295,
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+ "Ġfalciparum": 27297,
+ "Ġpseudodecidualization": 27298,
+ "Ġspondyloarthropathy": 27299,
+ "Ġfingerprint": 27300,
+ "Ġalarming": 27301,
+ "Ġnocturnal": 27302,
+ "Ġparoxysmal": 27303,
+ "422": 27304,
+ "779": 27305,
+ "diab": 27306,
+ "kerat": 27307,
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+ "Ġmaml": 27309,
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+ "Ġdbt": 27311,
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+ "Ġnormality": 27321,
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+ "Ġmelf": 27323,
+ "Ġenters": 27324,
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+ "Ġ286": 27327,
+ "Ġ288": 27328,
+ "Ġnecrobiosis": 27329,
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+ "654": 27331,
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+ "Ġbrother": 27334,
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+ "Ġsonidegib": 27339,
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+ "Ġanesthes": 27341,
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+ "Ġhypogranulated": 27344,
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+ "Ġparvum": 27346,
+ "Ġromania": 27347,
+ "Ġrecursive": 27348,
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+ "odiagnosis": 27350,
+ "Ġhypothetical": 27351,
+ "Ġsubpial": 27352,
+ "Ġinframammary": 27353,
+ "724": 27354,
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+ "vatinib": 27357,
+ "Ġaia": 27358,
+ "Ġsrt": 27359,
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+ "erum": 27361,
+ "arathyroidism": 27362,
+ "Ġbod": 27363,
+ "Ġdir": 27364,
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+ "Ġnepal": 27373,
+ "Ġinfratentorial": 27374,
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+ "Ġinjectable": 27379,
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+ "Ġ284": 27385,
+ "Ġmammogram": 27386,
+ "Ġastaxanthin": 27387,
+ "Ġ297": 27388,
+ "Ġreticulo": 27389,
+ "Ġectocervix": 27390,
+ "Ġibuprofen": 27391,
+ "Ġcxc": 27392,
+ "Ġspermatocytic": 27393,
+ "Ġhaemosider": 27394,
+ "Ġappreciate": 27395,
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+ "Ġbluish": 27406,
+ "cepsilon": 27407,
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+ "Ġpacemaker": 27410,
+ "Ġseroprevalence": 27411,
+ "522": 27412,
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+ "onit": 27415,
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+ "Ġtransmetatarsal": 27425,
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+ "Ġsensitizes": 27441,
+ "Ġelectroencephal": 27442,
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+ "Ġhistomorphometry": 27444,
+ "Ġglycosyl": 27445,
+ "Ġdutcher": 27446,
+ "Ġabortive": 27447,
+ "bilirubin": 27448,
+ "Ġï¬Ĭ.": 27449,
+ "Ġkirsten": 27450,
+ "Ġbirefringent": 27451,
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+ "Ġnotochordal": 27453,
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+ "vacc": 27458,
+ "Ġpab": 27459,
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+ "Ġner": 27461,
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+ "Ġseawater": 27463,
+ "Ġ410": 27464,
+ "Ġallodynia": 27465,
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+ "Ġmons": 27467,
+ "Ġmongol": 27468,
+ "Ġnoncancer": 27469,
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+ "Ġfalx": 27485,
+ "Ġalbuminuria": 27486,
+ "opaed": 27487,
+ "Ġcommunicating": 27488,
+ "Ġengulf": 27489,
+ "Ġfaeces": 27490,
+ "Ġmpgn": 27491,
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+ "Ġdisparate": 27493,
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+ "505": 27499,
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+ "Ġsend": 27506,
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+ "Ġdial": 27509,
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+ "Ġrxr": 27514,
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+ "Ġ283": 27526,
+ "442": 27527,
+ "806": 27528,
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+ "487": 27532,
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+ "874": 27534,
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+ "Ġblastomycosis": 27536,
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+ "Ġmiami": 27538,
+ "Ġ(-/-)": 27539,
+ "Ġacridine": 27540,
+ "calcified": 27541,
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+ "Ġpollutant": 27544,
+ "Ġwwox": 27545,
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+ "Ġkristen": 27547,
+ "Ġeugenol": 27548,
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+ "Ġprevailing": 27551,
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+ "Ġcatastrophic": 27553,
+ "destructive": 27554,
+ "Ġbritain": 27555,
+ "pearson": 27556,
+ "spindle": 27557,
+ "ituitarism": 27558,
+ ".].": 27559,
+ "866": 27560,
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+ "rell": 27573,
+ "Ġepitheloid": 27574,
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+ "Ġpouches": 27576,
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+ "Ġsumo": 27578,
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+ "637": 27580,
+ "Ġvasculitides": 27581,
+ "Ġimmunoreaction": 27582,
+ "Ġtuberculoid": 27583,
+ "Ġmedulloepithelioma": 27584,
+ "Ġneuroblasts": 27585,
+ "Ġbrushings": 27586,
+ "heresis": 27587,
+ "oconazole": 27588,
+ "suppurative": 27589,
+ "ocyanin": 27590,
+ "Ġbiosynthetic": 27591,
+ "Ġspiculated": 27592,
+ "protocol": 27593,
+ "Ġderangement": 27594,
+ "assembly": 27595,
+ "Ġorchidectomy": 27596,
+ "Ġinhabitants": 27597,
+ "Ġremyelination": 27598,
+ "Ġserovar": 27599,
+ "413": 27600,
+ "769": 27601,
+ "cens": 27602,
+ "iq": 27603,
+ "ncc": 27604,
+ "parietal": 27605,
+ "inyl": 27606,
+ "Ġcce": 27607,
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+ "Ġwine": 27610,
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+ "Ġonwards": 27616,
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+ "Ġ301": 27621,
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+ "Ġendoch": 27632,
+ "Ġextragenital": 27633,
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+ "681": 27637,
+ "Ġ269": 27638,
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+ "Ġensuing": 27644,
+ "Ġremodel": 27645,
+ "Ġeacs": 27646,
+ "Ġsalvaged": 27647,
+ "Ġharvard": 27648,
+ "Ġpdxs": 27649,
+ "Ġbowenoid": 27650,
+ "Ġbaboons": 27651,
+ "Ġfiltering": 27652,
+ "obarbital": 27653,
+ "Ġparadoxically": 27654,
+ "Ġxenobiotics": 27655,
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+ "Ġrevolutionized": 27660,
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+ "Ġhopefully": 27663,
+ "Ġcajal": 27664,
+ "Ġscintimammography": 27665,
+ "Ġmongolian": 27666,
+ "+]": 27667,
+ "546": 27668,
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+ "Ġtug": 27673,
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+ "Ġreportkidney": 27681,
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+ "802": 27689,
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+ "Ġoligoastrocytoma": 27693,
+ "Ġenteroscopy": 27694,
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+ "antibodies": 27699,
+ "Ġorbitotomy": 27700,
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+ "Ġhemispheric": 27702,
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+ "Ġradiolucency": 27704,
+ "Ġamplicons": 27705,
+ "Ġlenvatinib": 27706,
+ "Ġmetalloprotease": 27707,
+ "Ġcompanion": 27708,
+ "anglionosis": 27709,
+ "Ġantimalarial": 27710,
+ "Ġharboured": 27711,
+ "%(": 27712,
+ "515": 27713,
+ "cogn": 27714,
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+ "Ġdum": 27716,
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+ "estock": 27720,
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+ "Ġimmunopathological": 27722,
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+ "Ġmeloxicam": 27725,
+ "Ġadjuvants": 27726,
+ "Ġedible": 27727,
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+ "Ġuadt": 27729,
+ "707": 27730,
+ "657": 27731,
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+ "Ġbalan": 27734,
+ "Ġteled": 27735,
+ "Ġbioaccumulation": 27736,
+ "Ġdominantly": 27737,
+ "Ġclarifying": 27738,
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+ "Ġbangladesh": 27750,
+ "516": 27751,
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+ "Ġcte": 27757,
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+ "Ġintrarenal": 27765,
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+ "Ġptl": 27769,
+ "348": 27770,
+ "636": 27771,
+ "Ġpreventable": 27772,
+ "contact": 27773,
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+ "489": 27775,
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+ "Ġparaovarian": 27780,
+ "Ġotosclerosis": 27781,
+ "Ġarthropathy": 27782,
+ "macroscopic": 27783,
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+ "Ġlovastatin": 27790,
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+ "Ġlivestock": 27792,
+ "Ġingenol": 27793,
+ "Ġsrebp": 27794,
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+ "Ġlil": 27804,
+ "Ġgv": 27805,
+ "Ġstarch": 27806,
+ "Ġabras": 27807,
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+ "336": 27867,
+ "606": 27868,
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+ "476": 27873,
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+ "Ġacanthamoeba": 27877,
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+ "Ġ340": 27905,
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+ "Ġsohani": 27942,
+ "Ġcolumbia": 27943,
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+ "Ġ420": 27961,
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+ "Ġhypoparathyroidism": 28223,
+ "Ġexhaustion": 28224,
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+ "Ġargyrophilic": 28338,
+ "Ġcristae": 28339,
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+ "Ġ292": 28425,
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+ "Ġpicros": 28433,
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+ "Ġrhodamine": 28439,
+ "Ġbisphosphonate": 28440,
+ "Ġserpinb": 28441,
+ "runx": 28442,
+ "Ġlisteria": 28443,
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+ "Ġhpscc": 28529,
+ "Ġ304": 28530,
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+ "859": 28534,
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+ "Ġrevis": 28539,
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+ "Ġ00": 28572,
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+ "569": 28596,
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+ "484": 28598,
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+ "Ġhypogonad": 28610,
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+ "|>&": 28641,
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+ "Ġ281": 28696,
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+ "Ġ365": 28700,
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+ "461": 28703,
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+ "552": 28706,
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+ "Ġchlamydial": 28722,
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+ "464": 28755,
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+ "551": 28757,
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+ "Ġ(-)-": 28763,
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+ "Ġophthalmologic": 28768,
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+ "Ġevacuation": 28777,
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+ "Ġastragal": 28779,
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+ "Ġuncharacterized": 28795,
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+ "Ġpostexposure": 28799,
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+ "481": 28808,
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+ "Ġ311": 28845,
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+ "633": 28864,
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+ "688": 28867,
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+ "696": 28872,
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+ "Ġjaponica": 28888,
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+ "Ġkazakh": 28890,
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+ "uglass": 28892,
+ "Ġwarfarin": 28893,
+ "Ġrostral": 28894,
+ "Ġradioimmunoassay": 28895,
+ "*,": 28896,
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+ "559": 28941,
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+ "Ġsulfated": 28945,
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+ "Ġ425": 28988,
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+ "Ġtrx": 28998,
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+ "Ġossified": 29019,
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+ "438": 29038,
+ "626": 29039,
+ "727": 29040,
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+ "Ġcim": 29043,
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+ "Ġ399": 29051,
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+ "Ġ298": 29071,
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+ "Ġrecons": 29226,
+ "Ġdephosphorylation": 29227,
+ "Ġregressing": 29228,
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+ "Ġmenstruation": 29259,
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+ "Ġtachyzoites": 29261,
+ "Ġsphingolipid": 29262,
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+ "Ġimprinting": 29264,
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+ "697": 29437,
+ "698": 29438,
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+ "âĢĿ.": 29440,
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+ "âĪĴ,": 29915,
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+ "Ġsubline": 29939,
+ "Ġcytogenetically": 29940,
+ "Ġfoetus": 29941,
+ "Ġiialpha": 29942,
+ "Ġupgrade": 29943,
+ "Ġtubb": 29944,
+ "ourished": 29945,
+ "1500": 29946,
+ "Ġopmds": 29947,
+ "Ġctni": 29948,
+ "Ġckae": 29949,
+ "758": 29950,
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+ "Ġmultiphoton": 29952,
+ "Ġvietnam": 29953,
+ "592": 29954,
+ "Ġsaha": 29955,
+ "Ġtailoring": 29956,
+ "Ġhomogenization": 29957,
+ "Ġcgmp": 29958,
+ "Ġstreaks": 29959,
+ "Ġelectrochemical": 29960,
+ "Ġmnng": 29961,
+ "Ġibdv": 29962,
+ "Ġtinnitus": 29963,
+ "immunohistochemical": 29964,
+ "Ġpolluted": 29965,
+ "Ġmanipulated": 29966,
+ "Ġsequela": 29967,
+ "Ġterrier": 29968,
+ "Ġfrankly": 29969,
+ "Ġurolithiasis": 29970,
+ "Ġingenuity": 29971,
+ "prognostic": 29972,
+ "Ġargentina": 29973,
+ "metabolizing": 29974,
+ "Ġnodestotal": 29975,
+ "426": 29976,
+ "701": 29977,
+ "762": 29978,
+ "922": 29979,
+ "cereb": 29980,
+ "cfa": 29981,
+ "familial": 29982,
+ "lvsi": 29983,
+ "meric": 29984,
+ "pz": 29985,
+ "vhl": 29986,
+ "Ġtcd": 29987,
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+ "Ġeis": 29990,
+ "olys": 29991,
+ "Ġholes": 29992,
+ "Ġgossyp": 29993,
+ "ecgf": 29994,
+ "Ġrsp": 29995,
+ "emy": 29996,
+ "Ġalfa": 29997,
+ "Ġshad": 29998,
+ "Ġkw": 29999,
+ "Ġabt": 30000,
+ "Ġparis": 30001,
+ "Ġbetaine": 30002,
+ "Ġcdnas": 30003,
+ "Ġmononucle": 30004,
+ "Ġmey": 30005,
+ "Ġcmm": 30006,
+ "comings": 30007,
+ "Ġtranscriptomes": 30008,
+ "Ġtransplantable": 30009,
+ "Ġuplc": 30010,
+ "Ġpanendoscopy": 30011,
+ "Ġworkload": 30012,
+ "pcv": 30013,
+ "prc": 30014,
+ "Ġshortcomings": 30015,
+ "659": 30016,
+ "dedifferentiated": 30017,
+ "Ġbioenerg": 30018,
+ "Ġphenytoin": 30019,
+ "Ġneurology": 30020,
+ "Ġgonocytes": 30021,
+ "encephalic": 30022,
+ "Ġfibrocartilaginous": 30023,
+ "Ġtetram": 30024,
+ "hgpin": 30025,
+ "Ġcgvhd": 30026,
+ "Ġquiescence": 30027,
+ "Ġdiaphysis": 30028,
+ "benef": 30029,
+ "Ġschistosomal": 30030,
+ "Ġophthalmoscopy": 30031,
+ "Ġpseudotumors": 30032,
+ "Ġalveolus": 30033,
+ "Ġcurvilinear": 30034,
+ "Ġaggravation": 30035,
+ "Ġrubra": 30036,
+ "lactate": 30037,
+ "Ġmthpc": 30038,
+ "zfel": 30039,
+ "Ġmerging": 30040,
+ "Ġgoiters": 30041,
+ "Ġallergies": 30042,
+ "Ġmultilobulated": 30043,
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+ "Ġbiobank": 30046,
+ "075": 30047,
+ "744": 30048,
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+ "jimoto": 30050,
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+ "yh": 30053,
+ "Ġaic": 30054,
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+ "Ġpond": 30057,
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+ "Ġnsp": 30060,
+ "Ġlgl": 30061,
+ "Ġrechallenge": 30062,
+ "olonic": 30063,
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+ "iden": 30065,
+ "Ġggn": 30066,
+ "Ġgauc": 30067,
+ "ocay": 30068,
+ "Ġasl": 30069,
+ "Ġbioc": 30070,
+ "iax": 30071,
+ "Ġdiphenyl": 30072,
+ "athy": 30073,
+ "Ġabca": 30074,
+ "Ġmuciphages": 30075,
+ "Ġmicha": 30076,
+ "Ġtransesophageal": 30077,
+ "Ġious": 30078,
+ "Ġfloc": 30079,
+ "Ġcah": 30080,
+ "Ġreacting": 30081,
+ "centration": 30082,
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+ "Ġstata": 30085,
+ "Ġtrf": 30086,
+ "Ġgrand": 30087,
+ "Ġautism": 30088,
+ "Ġmesop": 30089,
+ "dsg": 30090,
+ "rinking": 30091,
+ "Ġbroncho": 30092,
+ "rotestosterone": 30093,
+ "684": 30094,
+ "Ġpsoralen": 30095,
+ "Ġglycolipid": 30096,
+ "Ġhysterect": 30097,
+ "Ġnatl": 30098,
+ "661": 30099,
+ "Ġvisualizing": 30100,
+ "782": 30101,
+ "Ġmonosodium": 30102,
+ "Ġlymphadenopathies": 30103,
+ "876": 30104,
+ "interaction": 30105,
+ "iaslc": 30106,
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+ "Ġlysophosph": 30108,
+ "Ġintegrates": 30109,
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+ "Ġlrig": 30111,
+ "Ġpacket": 30112,
+ "Ġmillimeters": 30113,
+ "octreotide": 30114,
+ "Ġsqc": 30115,
+ "Ġcasr": 30116,
+ "pkcs": 30117,
+ "Ġfibrosarcomas": 30118,
+ "Ġtremor": 30119,
+ "baseline": 30120,
+ "Ġacneiform": 30121,
+ "Ġisotonic": 30122,
+ "Ġprodrugs": 30123,
+ "Ġpyknosis": 30124,
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+ "Ġinterrogated": 30126,
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+ "Ġifitm": 30128,
+ "Ġtreponema": 30129,
+ "transduced": 30130,
+ "Ġsyringocystadenoma": 30131,
+ "Ġmacroglobulinemia": 30132,
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+ "Ġlabrador": 30134,
+ "Ġperoxynitrite": 30135,
+ "619": 30136,
+ "buc": 30137,
+ "capillary": 30138,
+ "fly": 30139,
+ "gangl": 30140,
+ "ncs": 30141,
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+ "inhibin": 30147,
+ "Ġpid": 30148,
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+ "Ġlanc": 30150,
+ "opositive": 30151,
+ "Ġtof": 30152,
+ "Ġtocil": 30153,
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+ "Ġnep": 30156,
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+ "Ġ321": 30158,
+ "Ġ338": 30159,
+ "Ġsealing": 30160,
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+ "ricoid": 30163,
+ "Ġacd": 30164,
+ "1080": 30165,
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+ "Ġcompliant": 30167,
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+ "Ġlipogenesis": 30169,
+ "Ġprofund": 30170,
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+ "909": 30172,
+ "Ġisolating": 30173,
+ "Ġ356": 30174,
+ "759": 30175,
+ "Ġrhoc": 30176,
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+ "Ġqc": 30179,
+ "Ġpeptid": 30180,
+ "Ġnormot": 30181,
+ "Ġcostimulatory": 30182,
+ "Ġattempting": 30183,
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+ "Ġtetrap": 30185,
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+ "Ġchromatographic": 30187,
+ "visual": 30188,
+ "Ġstaphylococcal": 30189,
+ "Ġfistulectomy": 30190,
+ "Ġfdcs": 30191,
+ "Ġparames": 30192,
+ "Ġtherapeutical": 30193,
+ "Ġexecution": 30194,
+ "Ġtribut": 30195,
+ "Ġimmunosuppressants": 30196,
+ "Ġcentromeric": 30197,
+ "Ġowner": 30198,
+ "Ġcibersort": 30199,
+ "Ġeminence": 30200,
+ "Ġindonesia": 30201,
+ "Ġrhinosporidiosis": 30202,
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+ "Ġgaucher": 30205,
+ "Ġtocilizumab": 30206,
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+ "Ġdht": 30216,
+ "osynthesis": 30217,
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+ "Ġgib": 30219,
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+ "Ġexocervical": 30222,
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+ "Ġbiotechn": 30224,
+ "Ġattr": 30225,
+ "abp": 30226,
+ "Ġkhan": 30227,
+ "Ġimmunopathology": 30228,
+ "Ġincarc": 30229,
+ "Ġgenbank": 30230,
+ "Ġunplanned": 30231,
+ "obesity": 30232,
+ "Ġindwelling": 30233,
+ "Ġ630": 30234,
+ "Ġcoral": 30235,
+ "Ġhyperseg": 30236,
+ "Ġbrev": 30237,
+ "Ġepr": 30238,
+ "ikk": 30239,
+ "Ġmelamine": 30240,
+ "Ġtimer": 30241,
+ "Ġcausality": 30242,
+ "Ġtragus": 30243,
+ "haemat": 30244,
+ "reducing": 30245,
+ "Ġbiomolecules": 30246,
+ "Ġdownstaged": 30247,
+ "Ġidcs": 30248,
+ "Ġneuromas": 30249,
+ "Ġpracticed": 30250,
+ "Ġlogical": 30251,
+ "Ġpals": 30252,
+ "877": 30253,
+ "Ġemployment": 30254,
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+ "enzo": 30256,
+ "Ġgauge": 30257,
+ "cholangi": 30258,
+ "Ġstereot": 30259,
+ "Ġdimers": 30260,
+ "Ġglucuron": 30261,
+ "Ġcranios": 30262,
+ "osporin": 30263,
+ "odeoxycholic": 30264,
+ "Ġvincent": 30265,
+ "filin": 30266,
+ "Ġinfrarenal": 30267,
+ "amylase": 30268,
+ "Ġpollen": 30269,
+ "Ġanchoring": 30270,
+ "Ġindustries": 30271,
+ "Ġcounselling": 30272,
+ "Ġcylindroma": 30273,
+ "Ġperfectly": 30274,
+ "Ġcontagious": 30275,
+ "Ġantecubital": 30276,
+ "Ġbrucellosis": 30277,
+ "Ġelectrolytes": 30278,
+ "Ġdeployment": 30279,
+ "Ġignored": 30280,
+ "Ġmucoceles": 30281,
+ "Ġthoracoabdominal": 30282,
+ "Ġhyperbilirubinemia": 30283,
+ "))-": 30284,
+ "567": 30285,
+ "770": 30286,
+ "bef": 30287,
+ "irac": 30288,
+ "lag": 30289,
+ "vscc": 30290,
+ "whe": 30291,
+ "Ġ],": 30292,
+ "unknown": 30293,
+ "oge": 30294,
+ "Ġvmat": 30295,
+ "emuls": 30296,
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+ "adherent": 30298,
+ "Ġ318": 30299,
+ "Ġ327": 30300,
+ "Ġ322": 30301,
+ "Ġkyn": 30302,
+ "Ġdisintegration": 30303,
+ "Ġapaf": 30304,
+ "ensitis": 30305,
+ "Ġcolons": 30306,
+ "Ġendowed": 30307,
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+ "Ġcdca": 30309,
+ "Ġextraintestinal": 30310,
+ "Ġoverrepresented": 30311,
+ "Ġhypercortisol": 30312,
+ "Ġjxg": 30313,
+ "Ġwells": 30314,
+ "oved": 30315,
+ "Ġ+,": 30316,
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+ "Ġformally": 30318,
+ "Ġmesna": 30319,
+ "Ġ306": 30320,
+ "ulinum": 30321,
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+ "27632": 30325,
+ "Ġpahs": 30326,
+ "687": 30327,
+ "Ġrhbmp": 30328,
+ "urgically": 30329,
+ "Ġ347": 30330,
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+ "Ġaka": 30332,
+ "Ġassociating": 30333,
+ "872": 30334,
+ "Ġoperational": 30335,
+ "Ġjointly": 30336,
+ "591": 30337,
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+ "Ġborne": 30343,
+ "Ġmulticentricity": 30344,
+ "Ġreprogrammed": 30345,
+ "Ġmountain": 30346,
+ "Ġsphingomyel": 30347,
+ "Ġwriting": 30348,
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+ "Ġfortunately": 30350,
+ "Ġnecropsies": 30351,
+ "diastolic": 30352,
+ "Ġfibroelastotic": 30353,
+ "Ġwrapping": 30354,
+ "Ġresumed": 30355,
+ "izzled": 30356,
+ "Ġclefting": 30357,
+ "Ġncdb": 30358,
+ "Ġhydrophila": 30359,
+ "Ġnanomedicine": 30360,
+ "Ġhypergastrinemia": 30361,
+ "Ġhypolipidemic": 30362,
+ "Ġjupiter": 30363,
+ "Ġfoliaceus": 30364,
+ "819": 30365,
+ "940": 30366,
+ "939": 30367,
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+ "sph": 30375,
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+ "Ġcister": 30378,
+ "Ġwes": 30379,
+ "Ġwish": 30380,
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+ "Ġdach": 30383,
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+ "Ġinvisible": 30394,
+ "Ġclm": 30395,
+ "Ġclitoral": 30396,
+ "Ġ335": 30397,
+ "Ġcofactors": 30398,
+ "Ġspeci": 30399,
+ "Ġdetach": 30400,
+ "Ġacupuncture": 30401,
+ "Ġnonaggressive": 30402,
+ "Ġnecros": 30403,
+ "othoracic": 30404,
+ "gency": 30405,
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+ "Ġduke": 30409,
+ "Ġsll": 30410,
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+ "Ġedar": 30412,
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+ "Ġaggregations": 30414,
+ "Ġsmokeless": 30415,
+ "Ġderives": 30416,
+ "Ġappropriateness": 30417,
+ "651": 30418,
+ "854": 30419,
+ "Ġqt": 30420,
+ "Ġsnr": 30421,
+ "786": 30422,
+ "Ġendogenously": 30423,
+ "Ġunilaterally": 30424,
+ "mannin": 30425,
+ "pyridyl": 30426,
+ "opericytomas": 30427,
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+ "Ġunderestimate": 30429,
+ "asculitis": 30430,
+ "Ġisotretinoin": 30431,
+ "Ġtartrate": 30432,
+ "Ġelectrocardiographic": 30433,
+ "Ġincisors": 30434,
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+ "Ġunicentric": 30436,
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+ "Ġbvdv": 30441,
+ "Ġfucoidan": 30442,
+ "before": 30443,
+ "743": 30444,
+ "936": 30445,
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+ "Ġtrogl": 30451,
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+ "Ġrisen": 30459,
+ "Ġimb": 30460,
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+ "Ġundoub": 30464,
+ "Ġrox": 30465,
+ "Ġepib": 30466,
+ "Ġprocure": 30467,
+ "Ġaggrecan": 30468,
+ "Ġneuropeptide": 30469,
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+ "nsis": 30471,
+ "Ġifp": 30472,
+ "Ġedu": 30473,
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+ "Ġgiardia": 30475,
+ "906": 30476,
+ "ussed": 30477,
+ "Ġvero": 30478,
+ "Ġ357": 30479,
+ "(-))": 30480,
+ "997": 30481,
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+ "Ġwarning": 30485,
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+ "Ġmorin": 30489,
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+ "Ġmicrospect": 30494,
+ "Ġchronological": 30495,
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+ "Ġmanufacturing": 30499,
+ "Ġwentworth": 30500,
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+ "Ġminiaturization": 30502,
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+ "intrinsic": 30504,
+ "cognitive": 30505,
+ "Ġqueensland": 30506,
+ "Ġdisfiguring": 30507,
+ "ospermatogenesis": 30508,
+ "857": 30509,
+ ">.": 30510,
+ "fatin": 30511,
+ "living": 30512,
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+ "Ġcnp": 30515,
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+ "Ġstoch": 30519,
+ "atever": 30520,
+ "Ġvain": 30521,
+ "Ġalcam": 30522,
+ "0013": 30523,
+ "Ġ460": 30524,
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+ "Ġsky": 30539,
+ "689": 30540,
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+ "Ġeveryday": 30545,
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+ "Ġhaematoma": 30550,
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+ "Ġendothelia": 30552,
+ "alcohol": 30553,
+ "Ġtaxonomic": 30554,
+ "dfsp": 30555,
+ "Ġfenestration": 30556,
+ "Ġdesquamative": 30557,
+ "Ġshifting": 30558,
+ "Ġbiotinylated": 30559,
+ "Ġnanotechnology": 30560,
+ "development": 30561,
+ "Ġmorbidly": 30562,
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+ "Ġmagnetization": 30564,
+ "Ġmultilobated": 30565,
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+ "Ġelectroretinography": 30567,
+ "Ġraloxifene": 30568,
+ "Ġisoflavones": 30569,
+ "Ġmuscarinic": 30570,
+ "hyperglycemic": 30571,
+ "Ġantipsych": 30572,
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+ "715": 30574,
+ "aug": 30575,
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+ "Ġual": 30578,
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+ "idian": 30583,
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+ "Ġmodifiable": 30595,
+ "Ġelk": 30596,
+ "Ġhemim": 30597,
+ "Ġchemiluminescence": 30598,
+ "Ġemac": 30599,
+ "Ġposttraumatic": 30600,
+ "Ġ1965": 30601,
+ "Ġparametrium": 30602,
+ "ethrin": 30603,
+ "Ġbarr": 30604,
+ "Ġbeings": 30605,
+ "Ġuuo": 30606,
+ "Ġastroblastoma": 30607,
+ "Ġpolyuria": 30608,
+ "transverse": 30609,
+ "Ġmultifaceted": 30610,
+ "Ġaortas": 30611,
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+ "Ġgrayish": 30621,
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+ "Ġinvoluting": 30625,
+ "Ġmasquerading": 30626,
+ "Ġneuropsychiatric": 30627,
+ "Ġvitellogenin": 30628,
+ "Ġerms": 30629,
+ "Ġenclosed": 30630,
+ "Ġdecipher": 30631,
+ "Ġenforced": 30632,
+ "Ġreamings": 30633,
+ "Ġmasaoka": 30634,
+ "Ġrosemary": 30635,
+ "Ġantipsychotic": 30636,
+ "063": 30637,
+ "627": 30638,
+ "950": 30639,
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+ "Ġtroch": 30646,
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+ "eno": 30649,
+ "Ġbsp": 30650,
+ "Ġbaz": 30651,
+ "Ġhomer": 30652,
+ "Ġvad": 30653,
+ "Ġimcd": 30654,
+ "ests": 30655,
+ "Ġbeating": 30656,
+ "Ġatx": 30657,
+ "ccrcc": 30658,
+ "herpes": 30659,
+ "Ġinfusional": 30660,
+ "Ġdeubiquit": 30661,
+ "Ġunambiguous": 30662,
+ "Ġ677": 30663,
+ "Ġ720": 30664,
+ "1016": 30665,
+ "Ġmanec": 30666,
+ "medline": 30667,
+ "Ġsynovi": 30668,
+ "Ġfuran": 30669,
+ "Ġpostirradiation": 30670,
+ "Ġykl": 30671,
+ "Ġhepatology": 30672,
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+ "Ġolk": 30674,
+ "answ": 30675,
+ "Ġcurcum": 30676,
+ "Ġsclerot": 30677,
+ "Ġprobabil": 30678,
+ "907": 30679,
+ "Ġpaws": 30680,
+ "Ġrestraint": 30681,
+ "Ġderiving": 30682,
+ "Ġpuber": 30683,
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+ "Ġreticulated": 30687,
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+ "Ġreplen": 30690,
+ "Ġceruminous": 30691,
+ "Ġseborrh": 30692,
+ "Ġeliminates": 30693,
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+ "electric": 30695,
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+ "Ġopioids": 30697,
+ "Ġhenselae": 30698,
+ "published": 30699,
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+ "Ġsanta": 30701,
+ "Ġneuropsychological": 30702,
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+ "Ġquintile": 30704,
+ "Ġcodeletion": 30705,
+ "Ġnecrotising": 30706,
+ "-),": 30707,
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+ "Ġcofilin": 30722,
+ "Ġblasch": 30723,
+ "ogenomics": 30724,
+ "Ġjq": 30725,
+ "Ġmannit": 30726,
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+ "Ġulcerating": 30734,
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+ "Ġivus": 30736,
+ "Ġsafran": 30737,
+ "755": 30738,
+ "Ġnecrobiotic": 30739,
+ "998": 30740,
+ "Ġ332": 30741,
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+ "Ġtraced": 30743,
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+ "692": 30747,
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+ "Ġbook": 30750,
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+ "Ġturmeric": 30755,
+ "Ġpersonality": 30756,
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+ "Ġcoughing": 30763,
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+ "Ġdepicting": 30765,
+ "Ġrelieving": 30766,
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+ "Ġcataracts": 30768,
+ "Ġjohnson": 30769,
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+ "Ġtaxonomy": 30778,
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+ "695": 30782,
+ "811": 30783,
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+ "Ġdermoscopically": 30806,
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+ "1839": 30811,
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+ "Ġspecialties": 30819,
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+ "Ġanticipate": 30842,
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+ "Ġimmunomarkers": 30849,
+ "Ġsupranuclear": 30850,
+ "Ġeimeria": 30851,
+ "Ġundoubted": 30852,
+ ")\"": 30853,
+ "525": 30854,
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+ "Ġhott": 30873,
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+ "Ġmorphol": 30888,
+ "Ġneurodevelopmental": 30889,
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+ "Ġzer": 30891,
+ "Ġendocardium": 30892,
+ "Ġosteitis": 30893,
+ "507": 30894,
+ "kner": 30895,
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+ "807": 30898,
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+ "794": 30902,
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+ "Ġrickettsia": 30920,
+ "Ġfluctuations": 30921,
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+ "Ġgigant": 30923,
+ "Ġlittoral": 30924,
+ "Ġbalanitis": 30925,
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+ "623": 30927,
+ "726": 30928,
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+ "Ġ328": 30950,
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+ "Ġevolutionarily": 30971,
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+ "Ġimmunohistology": 30982,
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+ "Ġmunicip": 30992,
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+ "Ġniloticus": 30994,
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+ "Ġzukerberg": 30998,
+ "718": 30999,
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+ "Ġ336": 31052,
+ "852": 31053,
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+ "Ġlichenoides": 31056,
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+ "arbazine": 31058,
+ "dmfs": 31059,
+ "Ġannulus": 31060,
+ "Ġcreutzfeldt": 31061,
+ "Ġneurotrophin": 31062,
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+ "Ġmetronomic": 31079,
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+ "Ġdyscrasia": 31086,
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+ "Ġmultispectral": 31088,
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+ "Ġcarolina": 31090,
+ "Ġpubertal": 31091,
+ "060": 31092,
+ "595": 31093,
+ "568": 31094,
+ "815": 31095,
+ "": 31096,
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+ "Ġfiducial": 31164,
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+ "Ġchromoblastomycosis": 31167,
+ "514": 31168,
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+ "Ġsaved": 31178,
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+ "Ġbz": 31181,
+ "Ġ(=": 31182,
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+ "572": 31214,
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+ "855": 31217,
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+ "Ġantisera": 31230,
+ "Ġfundamentally": 31231,
+ "Ġophthalmologists": 31232,
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+ "565": 31251,
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+ "Ġ333": 31272,
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+ "|>);": 31276,
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+ "682": 31286,
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+ "4614": 31290,
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+ "Ġadenomyomatous": 31299,
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+ "Ġshiny": 31301,
+ "Ġarteriolosclerosis": 31302,
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+ "Ġeuthanatized": 31304,
+ "ulsive": 31305,
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+ "Ġexacerbations": 31308,
+ "Ġaliyah": 31309,
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+ "Ġophthalmoplegia": 31311,
+ "Ġcalibrated": 31312,
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+ "Ġdecidualization": 31315,
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+ "Ġradiosensitizer": 31317,
+ "Ġtroub": 31318,
+ "Ġ±": 31319,
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+ "Ġhypokalemia": 31326,
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+ "Ġpds": 31355,
+ "Ġrectovaginal": 31356,
+ "Ġlongev": 31357,
+ "Ġifnalpha": 31358,
+ "Ġacidity": 31359,
+ "Ġfluoxetine": 31360,
+ "Ġangles": 31361,
+ "631": 31362,
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+ "Ġtranscriptionquantitative": 31369,
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+ "652": 31372,
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+ "Ġmlr": 31374,
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+ "894": 31381,
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+ "Ġlyc": 31389,
+ "Ġbehaved": 31390,
+ "Ġneurosurg": 31391,
+ "carboxyl": 31392,
+ "-/-)": 31393,
+ "Ġimmunolocalization": 31394,
+ "Ġlevofloxacin": 31395,
+ "Ġimmortalization": 31396,
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+ "Ġcoelomic": 31398,
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+ "833": 31490,
+ "885": 31491,
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+ "674": 31531,
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+ "573": 31614,
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+ "Ġ355": 31692,
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+ "992": 31696,
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+ "771": 31700,
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+ "594": 31702,
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+ "Ġtfeb": 31710,
+ "Ġophthalmological": 31711,
+ "Ġboosting": 31712,
+ "��������������������������������": 31713,
+ "Ġmyotonic": 31714,
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+ "Ġruthenium": 31772,
+ "Ġgynaecology": 31773,
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+ "622": 31782,
+ "901": 31783,
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+ "0014": 31813,
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+ "Ġ366": 31824,
+ "Ġ348": 31825,
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+ "668": 31858,
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+ "Ġ415": 31881,
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+ "Ġherniated": 31913,
+ "Ġencapsulating": 31914,
+ "Ġaveraging": 31915,
+ "Ġunderscoring": 31916,
+ "Ġï¬ī.": 31917,
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+ "Ġreticuloendothelial": 31923,
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+ "5000": 31927,
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+ "Ġ337": 31941,
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+ "Ġ03": 31944,
+ "Ġscfv": 31945,
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+ "Ġeno": 31950,
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+ "908": 31958,
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+ "Ġmenorrhagia": 31960,
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+ "Ġrhamn": 31963,
+ "Ġcrosslinking": 31964,
+ "anthocyan": 31965,
+ "Ġalkali": 31966,
+ "Ġcutan": 31967,
+ "Ġanaphylaxis": 31968,
+ "Ġthoracolumbar": 31969,
+ "Ġamounting": 31970,
+ "Ġconsumer": 31971,
+ "Ġregisters": 31972,
+ "Ġfrizzled": 31973,
+ "Ġaqueduct": 31974,
+ "Ġferret": 31975,
+ "Ġpalpated": 31976,
+ "Ġconvulsions": 31977,
+ "Ġγ": 31978,
+ "Ġpbt": 31979,
+ "Ġsarapath": 31980,
+ "Ġtagged": 31981,
+ "Ġldha": 31982,
+ "Ġcaski": 31983,
+ "Ġirrelevant": 31984,
+ "Ġhypereosinophilic": 31985,
+ "Ġturbinates": 31986,
+ "Ġpowered": 31987,
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+ "iglottic": 31989,
+ "validated": 31990,
+ "Ġcoalescing": 31991,
+ "Ġmacronodular": 31992,
+ "oxyphenyl": 31993,
+ "Ġantimetastatic": 31994,
+ "Ġginkg": 31995,
+ "Ġliraglutide": 31996,
+ "Ġcilostazol": 31997,
+ "Ġlongevity": 31998,
+ "556": 31999,
+ "611": 32000,
+ "dcm": 32001,
+ "fcd": 32002,
+ "iet": 32003,
+ "pink": 32004,
+ "tap": 32005,
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+ },
+ "merges": [
+ "i n",
+ "Ġ a",
+ "Ġ t",
+ "r e",
+ "a t",
+ "o n",
+ "Ġ c",
+ "h e",
+ "e n",
+ "a l",
+ "Ġ s",
+ "Ġ p",
+ "Ġ o",
+ "e r",
+ "i s",
+ "e d",
+ "i c",
+ "Ġ m",
+ "Ġt he",
+ "i t",
+ "Ġ w",
+ "Ġ in",
+ "Ġa n",
+ "a s",
+ "o r",
+ "a r",
+ "i on",
+ "Ġo f",
+ "e s",
+ "r o",
+ "Ġ b",
+ "a n",
+ "Ġan d",
+ "Ġ d",
+ "Ġ f",
+ "en t",
+ "Ġ n",
+ "Ġ l",
+ "o m",
+ "e l",
+ "c t",
+ "Ġ re",
+ "Ġ e",
+ "o s",
+ "o l",
+ "Ġ (",
+ "i v",
+ "Ġ h",
+ "in g",
+ "u l",
+ "o p",
+ "u s",
+ "it h",
+ "Ġw ith",
+ "i d",
+ "i g",
+ "at ion",
+ "e t",
+ "Ġ g",
+ "i m",
+ "r a",
+ "Ġt o",
+ "u n",
+ "u m",
+ "o c",
+ "Ġn o",
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+ "i f",
+ "Ġt h",
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+ "i l",
+ "el l",
+ "e ct",
+ "Ġs t",
+ "l y",
+ "a g",
+ "is t",
+ "iv e",
+ "Ġp ro",
+ "o g",
+ "Ġe x",
+ "l e",
+ "Ġ is",
+ "ic al",
+ "u t",
+ "a m",
+ "Ġc on",
+ "Ġf or",
+ "Ġc ell",
+ "c e",
+ "e c",
+ "at ed",
+ "s t",
+ "om a",
+ "Ġp at",
+ "p h",
+ "o w",
+ "Ġw as",
+ "Ġ 1",
+ "Ġa s",
+ "at e",
+ "Ġ v",
+ "as t",
+ "Ġ r",
+ "o d",
+ "Ġw ere",
+ "u c",
+ "o t",
+ "ent s",
+ "y p",
+ "ar c",
+ "i al",
+ "an t",
+ "Ġb i",
+ "Ġa d",
+ "t er",
+ "ol og",
+ "Ġre s",
+ "Ġpat i",
+ "i b",
+ "an c",
+ "a c",
+ "Ġno t",
+ "o us",
+ "op s",
+ "it y",
+ "p l",
+ ") .",
+ "ig n",
+ "ig h",
+ "e v",
+ "Ġ on",
+ "arc in",
+ "Ġbi ops",
+ "e m",
+ "u p",
+ "Ġa re",
+ "a in",
+ "ul t",
+ "Ġt um",
+ "Ġc om",
+ "Ġbiops y",
+ "Ġc h",
+ "Ġ 2",
+ "i r",
+ "q u",
+ "ul ar",
+ "u d",
+ "Ġ im",
+ "s e",
+ "Ġa l",
+ "i a",
+ "Ġo r",
+ "y m",
+ "es t",
+ "y t",
+ "as e",
+ "ro m",
+ "Ġpati ents",
+ "Ġb e",
+ "c l",
+ "res s",
+ "arcin oma",
+ "Ġtum or",
+ "a d",
+ "Ġa t",
+ "or m",
+ "en d",
+ "Ġn e",
+ "un d",
+ "os t",
+ "Ġcell s",
+ "or t",
+ "Ġb y",
+ "a ct",
+ "Ġd i",
+ "Ġs h",
+ "Ġth at",
+ "v e",
+ "ar y",
+ "y s",
+ "Ġp er",
+ "c c",
+ "Ġm et",
+ "he r",
+ "if ic",
+ "m ent",
+ "Ġin v",
+ "os is",
+ "in e",
+ "d e",
+ "ag n",
+ "igh t",
+ "a b",
+ "Ġin f",
+ "ym ph",
+ "Ġ he",
+ "Ġl ymph",
+ "o re",
+ "Ġex p",
+ "Ġe v",
+ "Ġc l",
+ "r an",
+ "t h",
+ "e f",
+ "u b",
+ "Ġp res",
+ "Ġ 3",
+ "Ġs p",
+ "Ġdi agn",
+ "i es",
+ "i p",
+ "if f",
+ "n t",
+ "Ġm ar",
+ "u re",
+ "ag e",
+ "Ġh ist",
+ "Ġc ol",
+ "Ġth is",
+ "en ce",
+ "Ġw e",
+ "ress ion",
+ "at ive",
+ "al l",
+ "u e",
+ "Ġs ur",
+ "es s",
+ "at h",
+ "is s",
+ "Ġin t",
+ ") ,",
+ "re at",
+ "i z",
+ "ion s",
+ "Ġ k",
+ "Ġc arcinoma",
+ "anc er",
+ "0 0",
+ "Ġst ud",
+ "Ġf rom",
+ "Ġg ro",
+ "a y",
+ "Ġa b",
+ "Ġcom p",
+ "Ġp re",
+ "Ġnot e",
+ "Ġd iff",
+ "Ġc ancer",
+ "Ġw h",
+ "el y",
+ "Ġd is",
+ "a p",
+ "c h",
+ "m un",
+ "Ġ 0",
+ "p ort",
+ "Ġpres ent",
+ "Ġas s",
+ "Ġa p",
+ "op h",
+ "Ġs ign",
+ "u g",
+ "Ġsh ow",
+ "Ġ us",
+ "ev el",
+ "Ġres ult",
+ "Ġad en",
+ "olog ical",
+ "i ated",
+ "Ġs e",
+ "ro s",
+ "Ġt iss",
+ "Ġim mun",
+ "f f",
+ "er m",
+ "o id",
+ "Ġm uc",
+ "he m",
+ "e ar",
+ "Ġ ra",
+ "g e",
+ "en s",
+ "ere nt",
+ "v er",
+ "u ct",
+ "op ath",
+ "ect ion",
+ "Ġcon s",
+ "Ġc o",
+ "as es",
+ "Ġthe re",
+ "at ic",
+ "Ġresult s",
+ "Ġ 4",
+ "Ġcon t",
+ "orm al",
+ "Ġin c",
+ "om y",
+ "Ġexp ression",
+ "oc yt",
+ "on e",
+ "ra p",
+ "Ġst ain",
+ "i ed",
+ "Ġs c",
+ "Ġr ight",
+ "Ġl ef",
+ "Ġg en",
+ "Ġlef t",
+ "p it",
+ "Ġcl in",
+ "Ġ 5",
+ "Ġm al",
+ "Ġcol on",
+ "il l",
+ "Ġre c",
+ "as ed",
+ "Ġtiss ue",
+ "Ġsign ific",
+ "er s",
+ "Ġd e",
+ "in d",
+ "ation s",
+ "p t",
+ "Ġ end",
+ "r on",
+ "Ġgro up",
+ "he l",
+ "an d",
+ "er v",
+ "Ġstud y",
+ "Ġp os",
+ "Ġmuc os",
+ "k in",
+ "am in",
+ "Ġan al",
+ "Ġm ic",
+ "it is",
+ "Ġ <",
+ "Ġp l",
+ "am m",
+ "Ġdiff erent",
+ "Ġsignific ant",
+ "ost ic",
+ "or y",
+ "Ġ un",
+ "Ġp ar",
+ "ran s",
+ "Ġ es",
+ "y st",
+ "Ġs m",
+ "qu am",
+ "a re",
+ "Ġs ub",
+ "| >",
+ "id ence",
+ "ion al",
+ "Ġmucos a",
+ "Ġsp ec",
+ "Ġo b",
+ "a ve",
+ "an g",
+ "Ġpro st",
+ "as s",
+ "Ġs quam",
+ "o b",
+ "Ġp ol",
+ "Ġa ct",
+ "Ġt reat",
+ "Ġclin ical",
+ "al u",
+ "Ġ =",
+ "t her",
+ "Ġaden oc",
+ "r i",
+ "r ic",
+ "Ġsquam ous",
+ "olog y",
+ "in al",
+ "Ġh yp",
+ "Ġan t",
+ "Ġhist opath",
+ "oc al",
+ "Ġdis e",
+ "Ġe ff",
+ "Ġf ib",
+ "Ġt rans",
+ "Ġh igh",
+ "Ġb et",
+ "os e",
+ "Ġ it",
+ "Ġinf l",
+ "id ent",
+ "s p",
+ "Ġap p",
+ "Ġs kin",
+ "Ġre port",
+ "Ġl evel",
+ "Ġl es",
+ "Ġin d",
+ "g in",
+ "ra de",
+ "Ġd et",
+ "Ġpro g",
+ "Ġinv as",
+ "as ia",
+ "Ġpat h",
+ "er at",
+ "cl ud",
+ "Ġb l",
+ "it ive",
+ "f orm",
+ "Ġadenoc arcinoma",
+ "Ġinc re",
+ "Ġres p",
+ "v i",
+ "ol l",
+ "Ġtreat ment",
+ "Ġthe se",
+ "if ied",
+ "Ġex amin",
+ "Ġmet h",
+ "ect ed",
+ "Ġass oc",
+ "Ġm od",
+ "Ġc d",
+ "Ġmar gin",
+ "un g",
+ "c r",
+ "Ġ 6",
+ "an ce",
+ "Ġc yt",
+ "Ġre g",
+ "Ġev alu",
+ "m on",
+ "Ġmal ign",
+ "pit hel",
+ "olog ic",
+ "Ġal l",
+ "cl us",
+ "Ġm at",
+ "t e",
+ "Ġmet ast",
+ "Ġdise ase",
+ "Ġg l",
+ "Ġ und",
+ "Ġc ases",
+ "Ġa c",
+ "o h",
+ "Ġ ident",
+ "rap y",
+ "d i",
+ "y ear",
+ "Ġf e",
+ "Ġf oll",
+ "w e",
+ "im en",
+ "Ġex t",
+ "ic h",
+ "Ġdiagn osis",
+ "ol v",
+ "Ġa r",
+ "Ġa f",
+ "Ġev idence",
+ "Ġdiagn ostic",
+ "yp e",
+ "oc hem",
+ "Ġinfl amm",
+ "ect omy",
+ "c is",
+ "Ġm ay",
+ "op l",
+ "Ġc or",
+ "as m",
+ "u res",
+ "o x",
+ "Ġno d",
+ "Ġanal ys",
+ "il e",
+ "Ġin ter",
+ "Ġes oph",
+ "or s",
+ "Ġh ave",
+ "Ġr at",
+ "Ġmeth od",
+ "pl asia",
+ "Ġg ast",
+ "Ġb ut",
+ "ab le",
+ "Ġwh ich",
+ "Ġm ult",
+ "Ġs up",
+ "Ġf o",
+ "id e",
+ "Ġeff ect",
+ "Ġm ed",
+ ") :",
+ "y l",
+ "iv ely",
+ "er al",
+ "Ġ 7",
+ "ur re",
+ "iz ed",
+ "om as",
+ "ro l",
+ "Ġaf ter",
+ "iv al",
+ "t ic",
+ "Ġin clud",
+ "og en",
+ "Ġa g",
+ "Ġsur v",
+ "Ġcons ist",
+ "a k",
+ "Ġcon clus",
+ "ind ing",
+ "ac k",
+ "we en",
+ "Ġm on",
+ "Ġbet ween",
+ "oh ist",
+ "Ġinv olv",
+ "Ġn on",
+ "Ġsur g",
+ "Ġ 9",
+ "Ġl ow",
+ "u al",
+ "se e",
+ "Ġ en",
+ "Ġex cis",
+ "sp ec",
+ "n a",
+ "re l",
+ "Ġh as",
+ "m s",
+ "re e",
+ "Ġpol yp",
+ "ohist ochem",
+ "Ġo ver",
+ "Ġl ung",
+ "Ġassoc iated",
+ "om et",
+ "Ġsurv ival",
+ "Ġper form",
+ "Ġl e",
+ "Ġimmun ohistochem",
+ "Ġm y",
+ "Ġtumor s",
+ "Ġund er",
+ "s o",
+ "n ormal",
+ "Ġn ec",
+ "ocyt es",
+ "at ory",
+ "Ġlevel s",
+ "Ġhyp er",
+ "g ative",
+ "om e",
+ "Ġab normal",
+ "Ġth an",
+ "Ġp r",
+ "c op",
+ "ere d",
+ "Ġal so",
+ "Ġm e",
+ "iv ity",
+ "uc ed",
+ "Ġh ad",
+ "ar i",
+ "Ġ -",
+ "Ġbe en",
+ "Ġf inding",
+ "Ġg rade",
+ "te in",
+ "n e",
+ "Ġanalys is",
+ "er ation",
+ "y n",
+ "Ġc an",
+ "uc le",
+ "Ġc m",
+ "r y",
+ "Ġch ang",
+ "Ġexcis ion",
+ "ot h",
+ "g est",
+ "act er",
+ "Ġsm all",
+ "Ġ ro",
+ "Ġshow ed",
+ "Ġt w",
+ "Ġd ist",
+ "Ġb en",
+ "Ġmethod s",
+ "Ġ< |",
+ "Ġs er",
+ "Ġ 8",
+ "1 0",
+ "are d",
+ "Ġchang es",
+ "ro id",
+ "% )",
+ "ve al",
+ "Ġident ified",
+ "Ġc ase",
+ "Ġfoll ow",
+ "Ġb re",
+ "Ġe pithel",
+ "Ġre ce",
+ "Ġre veal",
+ "d ate",
+ "Ġm ost",
+ "ros is",
+ "i x",
+ "ug h",
+ "p er",
+ "Ġ j",
+ "ro ph",
+ "he n",
+ "Ġint ra",
+ "Ġm ore",
+ "Ġn ormal",
+ "ast ic",
+ "Ġo ut",
+ "Ġf act",
+ "Ġconsist ent",
+ "Ġfinding s",
+ "Ġne gative",
+ "Ġ el",
+ "il d",
+ "Ġ i",
+ "Ġ up",
+ "d it",
+ "Ġd es",
+ "ron ic",
+ "Ġfe at",
+ "st r",
+ "ev er",
+ "Ġa cc",
+ "ul d",
+ "un ct",
+ "o ut",
+ "Ġpati ent",
+ "Ġpro tein",
+ "Ġno de",
+ "Ġperform ed",
+ "Ġincre ased",
+ "Ġsignificant ly",
+ "er y",
+ "e w",
+ "Ġch ronic",
+ "Ġon e",
+ "Ġpos itive",
+ "ro w",
+ "Ġs ug",
+ "t r",
+ "Ġf l",
+ "ect ive",
+ "Ġcon f",
+ "h ib",
+ "ar d",
+ "Ġsug gest",
+ "Ġc a",
+ "ot he",
+ "Ġb ack",
+ "0 1",
+ "Ġd evel",
+ "Ġbre ast",
+ "Ġprost ate",
+ "Ġt ub",
+ "ro und",
+ "em ent",
+ "Ġus ing",
+ "Ġpr im",
+ "hib it",
+ "n ce",
+ "c ular",
+ "i um",
+ "Ġexamin ed",
+ "Ġdevel op",
+ "o ur",
+ "Ġpro l",
+ "Ġb as",
+ "Ġhistopath ological",
+ "Ġd ys",
+ "Ġfeat ures",
+ "Ġles ions",
+ "Ġp h",
+ "Ġinvas ion",
+ "Ġmalign anc",
+ "i or",
+ "Ġf ra",
+ "ul ation",
+ "Ġre l",
+ "iv er",
+ "Ġm an",
+ "ut e",
+ "Ġf ocal",
+ "Ġw ell",
+ "Ġabnormal ity",
+ "Ġpre d",
+ "vi ew",
+ "Ġben ign",
+ "on d",
+ "Ġtw o",
+ "Ġcomp ared",
+ "im al",
+ "Ġa m",
+ "Ġo ther",
+ "m ed",
+ "Ġs it",
+ "re g",
+ "Ġcor rel",
+ "Ġb oth",
+ "d er",
+ "Ġ1 0",
+ "i ation",
+ "i an",
+ "Ġst age",
+ "Ġre view",
+ "b er",
+ "Ġprog n",
+ "Ġcom pl",
+ "g en",
+ "Ġmar k",
+ "er ative",
+ "Ġh ow",
+ "Ġd ec",
+ "Ġo ur",
+ "Ġs yn",
+ "Ġo cc",
+ "Ġra di",
+ "Ġra re",
+ "Ġ year",
+ "Ġprol if",
+ "Ġt est",
+ "or ph",
+ "m ents",
+ "Ġn ucle",
+ "Ġch ar",
+ "ter n",
+ "Ġb one",
+ "Ġre act",
+ "Ġs ev",
+ "ar g",
+ "ical ly",
+ "Ġob s",
+ "os ed",
+ "spec imen",
+ "Ġprim ary",
+ "a ys",
+ "Ġn um",
+ "Ġp anc",
+ "og ra",
+ "Ġat yp",
+ "ect ively",
+ "Ġt ype",
+ "Ġmalignanc y",
+ "opl asm",
+ "othe rapy",
+ "in ed",
+ "at ing",
+ "Ġ er",
+ "Ġd at",
+ "en c",
+ "Ġcont rol",
+ "Ġd em",
+ "r al",
+ "c ent",
+ "Ġ( <",
+ "Ġinflamm ation",
+ "Ġmar row",
+ "il ity",
+ "Ġhow ever",
+ "is k",
+ "erv ed",
+ "at es",
+ "Ġim p",
+ "as is",
+ "Ġd uct",
+ "Ġse en",
+ "Ġchar acter",
+ "Ġre d",
+ "Ġhe m",
+ "ec h",
+ "age al",
+ "c ell",
+ "Ġesoph ag",
+ "on g",
+ "s cc",
+ "re ated",
+ "Ġgast ric",
+ "Ġc r",
+ "Ġs am",
+ "on str",
+ "|> ):",
+ "Ġh um",
+ "Ġfo und",
+ "o od",
+ "Ġre p",
+ "Ġp o",
+ "Ġus ed",
+ "ac h",
+ "ent ial",
+ "Ġend omet",
+ "Ġc hem",
+ "us e",
+ "et ic",
+ "Ġm ass",
+ "Ġfra g",
+ "Ġresp on",
+ "Ġl iver",
+ "g round",
+ "Ġback ground",
+ "t ed",
+ "ip le",
+ "Ġapp ro",
+ "ur al",
+ "m in",
+ "Ġstud ies",
+ "Ġhe p",
+ "Ġhum an",
+ "as cular",
+ "a il",
+ "e x",
+ "o v",
+ "Ġ(< |",
+ "Ġre m",
+ "Ġyear s",
+ "Ġm ut",
+ "Ġprost atic",
+ "Ġinv est",
+ "g f",
+ "Ġin hibit",
+ "e p",
+ "Ġd ef",
+ "Ġinvest ig",
+ "Ġo v",
+ "Ġover all",
+ "Ġc yst",
+ "Ġass ess",
+ "ow n",
+ "Ġgro w",
+ "Ġmult iple",
+ "Ġdem onstr",
+ "Ġp ot",
+ "' s",
+ "Ġs uc",
+ "Ġm ild",
+ "t s",
+ "ag ing",
+ "Ġe p",
+ "y roid",
+ "Ġres ection",
+ "i k",
+ "iv ed",
+ "u ro",
+ "Ġmod el",
+ "Ġnod es",
+ "Ġon ly",
+ "Ġwh o",
+ "Ġit s",
+ "il tr",
+ "Ġh ig",
+ "or d",
+ "Ġimmunohistochem ical",
+ "ia b",
+ "Ġ +",
+ "% ,",
+ "Ġpro c",
+ "Ġa ge",
+ "Ġm el",
+ "t al",
+ "Ġre t",
+ "Ġe m",
+ "uct ion",
+ "Ġobs erved",
+ "Ġad dit",
+ "Ġreveal ed",
+ "Ġrec urre",
+ "Ġpolyp ectomy",
+ "Ġconclus ion",
+ "ra ct",
+ "Ġl ar",
+ "Ġfib ro",
+ "Ġinvas ive",
+ "Ġr isk",
+ "Ġcom mon",
+ "ol ec",
+ "Ġstain ing",
+ "a ce",
+ "n al",
+ "Ġles ion",
+ "Ġ qu",
+ "he d",
+ "Ġc arcin",
+ "ur ing",
+ "Ġdat a",
+ "Ġinf iltr",
+ "Ġgen e",
+ "Ġmon th",
+ "Ġd erm",
+ "Ġpanc reat",
+ "Ġc ar",
+ "Ġst at",
+ "ol d",
+ "Ġthe rapy",
+ "Ġgroup s",
+ "Ġprolif eration",
+ "Ġm m",
+ "Ġdet erm",
+ "g an",
+ "Ġm a",
+ "iz ation",
+ "at eral",
+ "Ġmic ro",
+ "Ġf ur",
+ "Ġint o",
+ "ific ation",
+ "a v",
+ "Ġin j",
+ "ogra ph",
+ "Ġgrow th",
+ "Ġtum our",
+ "Ġ ir",
+ "ap ill",
+ "Ġmel an",
+ "Ġl ob",
+ "Ġfur ther",
+ "Ġthe ir",
+ "Ġac ute",
+ "p os",
+ "Ġresp ectively",
+ "Ġreport ed",
+ "Ġs im",
+ "Ġt r",
+ "ar ly",
+ "Ġinflamm atory",
+ "Ġmat er",
+ "Ġmic e",
+ "e k",
+ "Ġshow s",
+ "Ġinvolv ed",
+ "yst em",
+ "od y",
+ "Ġpot ential",
+ "Ġind ic",
+ "Ġinclud ing",
+ "Ġdec re",
+ "iz e",
+ "Ġv ari",
+ "ib le",
+ "o f",
+ "Ġmonth s",
+ "oph il",
+ "Ġw he",
+ "Ġs ystem",
+ "Ġesoph ageal",
+ "p end",
+ "Ġmetast atic",
+ "Ġsurg ical",
+ "Ġconclus ions",
+ "ain ed",
+ "Ġlar ge",
+ "os in",
+ "Ġesophag us",
+ "Ġhig her",
+ "c le",
+ "Ġp ost",
+ "o ugh",
+ "Ġc ent",
+ "Ġsup er",
+ "Ġmalign ant",
+ "Ġa im",
+ "Ġg ran",
+ "e ous",
+ "i re",
+ "Ġcompl et",
+ "Ġm g",
+ "Ġt im",
+ "Ġgl and",
+ "Ġnum ber",
+ "ag es",
+ "ot ic",
+ "qu ent",
+ "o k",
+ "Ġspec imen",
+ "em b",
+ "Ġpl asm",
+ "Ġfrag ments",
+ "Ġfib rosis",
+ "Ġcolon ic",
+ "it ies",
+ "Ġto tal",
+ "Ġrespon se",
+ "ar k",
+ "im ens",
+ "Ġd u",
+ "Ġcl ass",
+ "Ġpred ic",
+ "Ġt reated",
+ "ros cop",
+ "ter ior",
+ "Ġfor m",
+ "Ġstain s",
+ "Ġd r",
+ "Ġmetast asis",
+ "yp es",
+ "ist ry",
+ "r ation",
+ "o uld",
+ "Ġlow er",
+ "Ġmater ial",
+ "Ġ1 9",
+ "Ġaden oma",
+ "Ġevalu ation",
+ "2 0",
+ "Ġpancreat ic",
+ "Ġs l",
+ "o und",
+ "Ġdys plasia",
+ "Ġconf ir",
+ "Ġk erat",
+ "Ġsurg ery",
+ "Ġm us",
+ "Ġst r",
+ "u es",
+ "Ġevalu ated",
+ "pl astic",
+ "Ġor gan",
+ "Ġmy el",
+ "anc ed",
+ "ul ated",
+ "Ġeffect s",
+ "Ġin de",
+ "Ġexamin ation",
+ "1 6",
+ "Ġc al",
+ "od en",
+ "Ġsuc h",
+ "ist ic",
+ "Ġpro v",
+ "Ġwith in",
+ "Ġpat tern",
+ "Ġact ivity",
+ "Ġ est",
+ "Ġm orph",
+ "Ġfact or",
+ "c s",
+ "Ġv al",
+ "Ġor al",
+ "Ġspec ific",
+ "Ġrat s",
+ "Ġth ree",
+ "Ġwith out",
+ "Ġm id",
+ "un t",
+ "Ġe osin",
+ "Ġ2 0",
+ "Ġab s",
+ "os cop",
+ "Ġro le",
+ "Ġepithel ial",
+ "Ġl ocal",
+ "ph a",
+ "Ġ2 00",
+ "Ġ y",
+ "arg et",
+ "Ġcom b",
+ "Ġ1 2",
+ "Ġatyp ical",
+ "Ġf re",
+ "ar t",
+ "Ġs ec",
+ "Ġf unct",
+ "Ġbas al",
+ "/ -",
+ "ra in",
+ "Ġh p",
+ "t en",
+ "Ġcell ular",
+ "c om",
+ "Ġmargin s",
+ "Ġpo or",
+ "es is",
+ "Ġm olec",
+ "ul es",
+ "Ġtub ular",
+ "op erative",
+ "Ġs ome",
+ "1 2",
+ "Ġe arly",
+ "id ual",
+ "Ġd uring",
+ "Ġendomet ri",
+ "Ġdu oden",
+ "Ġduct al",
+ "Ġant i",
+ "l es",
+ "Ġplasm a",
+ "is m",
+ "f l",
+ "Ġh y",
+ "Ġpredic t",
+ "Ġpro m",
+ "Ġad v",
+ "Ġbl ood",
+ "g rade",
+ "Ġth yroid",
+ "Ġim port",
+ "Ġc erv",
+ "Ġm in",
+ "st it",
+ "b l",
+ "Ġapp ear",
+ "est inal",
+ "Ġr ate",
+ "p s",
+ "re t",
+ "Ġag g",
+ "Ġsam pl",
+ "ocyt ic",
+ "Ġinf ection",
+ "Ġdifferent iated",
+ "pend ent",
+ "Ġhist ological",
+ "is ms",
+ "Ġt arget",
+ "5 3",
+ "an eous",
+ "Ġim aging",
+ "ress ed",
+ "it ivity",
+ "Ġhyper plasia",
+ "ut ion",
+ "he s",
+ "e pithel",
+ "Ġpres ence",
+ "Ġfact ors",
+ "oc k",
+ "op t",
+ "ic ular",
+ "at ely",
+ "Ġk n",
+ "ic i",
+ "Ġ x",
+ "v ent",
+ "Ġp apill",
+ "Ġwe ek",
+ "i o",
+ "1 3",
+ "Ġcorrel ation",
+ "Ġact iv",
+ "Ġimmunohistochem istry",
+ "Ġtiss ues",
+ "cr ib",
+ "Ġob j",
+ "Ġrece ived",
+ "Ġth ose",
+ "Ġne uro",
+ "in es",
+ "is h",
+ "ain s",
+ "ac ent",
+ "Ġeosin ophil",
+ "Ġco uld",
+ "Ġp d",
+ "Ġrece pt",
+ "Ġtim e",
+ "â Ģ",
+ "Ġdevelop ment",
+ "Ġf ir",
+ "Ġme as",
+ "ur ation",
+ "in t",
+ "yt h",
+ "Ġmic roscop",
+ "x im",
+ "Ġpar t",
+ "Ġcol l",
+ "Ġas p",
+ "Ġpos s",
+ "id erm",
+ "Ġimp ro",
+ "il ar",
+ "Ġreact ive",
+ "ect ions",
+ "Ġhe al",
+ "om at",
+ "Ġprogn ostic",
+ "Ġnec k",
+ "Ġa ut",
+ "u v",
+ "at in",
+ "Ġf oc",
+ "epithel ial",
+ "iff erent",
+ "if y",
+ "f ore",
+ "Ġcons id",
+ "Ġdifferent iation",
+ "Ġhistopath ology",
+ "Ġfir st",
+ "Ġ [",
+ "Ġsh ould",
+ "urre nt",
+ "Ġhep at",
+ "ra c",
+ "th ough",
+ "Ġthe rap",
+ "ech an",
+ "Ġchem otherapy",
+ "Ġw hen",
+ "pit al",
+ "Ġne w",
+ "os pital",
+ "Ġm it",
+ "Ġsit e",
+ "Ġrecurre nce",
+ "Ġal though",
+ "at t",
+ "st e",
+ "Ġcomplet e",
+ "Ġepithel ium",
+ "Ġh ospital",
+ "Ġsc ore",
+ "ro ugh",
+ "y z",
+ "ic ity",
+ "Ġm ain",
+ "Ġdiff ere",
+ "Ġs ens",
+ "Ġi i",
+ "Ġm echan",
+ "Ġnec rosis",
+ "Ġper ip",
+ "ast s",
+ "Ġne ed",
+ "Ġs ize",
+ "1 1",
+ "am et",
+ "Ġdet ected",
+ "ap p",
+ "p le",
+ "Ġprog ression",
+ "Ġdecre ased",
+ "Ġb ody",
+ "re ct",
+ "Ġ ent",
+ "it e",
+ "ur y",
+ "Ġlymph oma",
+ "Ġc ore",
+ "Ġwh ile",
+ "Ġexp er",
+ "Ġcharacter istic",
+ "Ġanal yz",
+ "Ġgen es",
+ "Ġsampl es",
+ "ifferent iated",
+ "ess el",
+ "Ġ1 5",
+ "Ġcont r",
+ "Ġact ive",
+ "Ġst oma",
+ "Ġad j",
+ "Ġprogn osis",
+ "i qu",
+ "Ġc le",
+ "Ġb ased",
+ "it ion",
+ "Ġmet a",
+ "Ġsev ere",
+ "Ġser um",
+ "Ġse e",
+ "Ġth rough",
+ "Ġcal c",
+ "mon g",
+ "0 5",
+ "Ġa mong",
+ "ul e",
+ "vi ous",
+ "Ġstoma ch",
+ "as on",
+ "Ġmolec ular",
+ "ort al",
+ "Ġcarcin omas",
+ "ik e",
+ "ial ly",
+ "v al",
+ "ind uced",
+ "f er",
+ "Ġdis c",
+ "Ġlymph oid",
+ "os s",
+ "Ġer yth",
+ "Ġd ays",
+ "Ġhist ologic",
+ "or i",
+ "ogen esis",
+ "end ing",
+ "id es",
+ "Ġne oplasm",
+ "Ġl ip",
+ "Ġunder w",
+ "a x",
+ "00 1",
+ "Ġ il",
+ "rom e",
+ "Ġext ens",
+ "Ġre nal",
+ "in ation",
+ "Ġinclud ed",
+ "e ut",
+ "Ġinj ury",
+ ". .",
+ "Ġ z",
+ "Ġcomp on",
+ "Ġunderw ent",
+ "Ġre ct",
+ "Ġup per",
+ "Ġdemonstr ated",
+ "Ġimport ant",
+ "Ġl im",
+ "Ġf em",
+ "Ġgast ro",
+ "og n",
+ "ograph y",
+ "Ġspec imens",
+ "en g",
+ "Ġme an",
+ "re as",
+ "ic ial",
+ "om in",
+ "Ġm es",
+ "Ġper i",
+ "Ġperip her",
+ "Ġs el",
+ "Ġl oc",
+ "Ġl ab",
+ "|> ;",
+ "Ġap opt",
+ "Ġdes crib",
+ "Ġv essel",
+ "Ġconfir med",
+ "ur s",
+ "Ġpath w",
+ "o res",
+ "Ġmaterial s",
+ "om en",
+ "spec ific",
+ "eut ic",
+ "cr ip",
+ "Ġg ra",
+ "Ġl ateral",
+ "Ġsim ilar",
+ "re m",
+ "r ial",
+ "Ġsh ave",
+ "al e",
+ "Ġb ec",
+ "Ġto x",
+ "Ġend oc",
+ "Ġp op",
+ "Ġdr ug",
+ "min ist",
+ "Ġdiagn osed",
+ "er ate",
+ "ad der",
+ "Ġl ess",
+ "Ġpro p",
+ "Ġrep res",
+ "on al",
+ "1 5",
+ "ic k",
+ "Ġ2 01",
+ "Ġst rom",
+ "Ġ ut",
+ "arc oma",
+ "Ġp ri",
+ "Ġo ste",
+ "Ġc y",
+ "pl ic",
+ "Ġpar tic",
+ "Ġm ir",
+ "Ġpri or",
+ "Ġgran ul",
+ "b r",
+ "Ġs us",
+ "Ġne opl",
+ "Ġt ypes",
+ "Ġlymph ocytes",
+ "pl ant",
+ "n s",
+ "Ġd o",
+ "d uct",
+ "Ġv ascular",
+ "Ġco res",
+ "Ġpre vious",
+ "Ġperipher al",
+ "ver se",
+ "Ġad minist",
+ "Ġm ac",
+ "ut aneous",
+ "Ġv it",
+ "enc y",
+ "Ġweek s",
+ "Ġs ing",
+ "Ġca us",
+ "% ),",
+ "k g",
+ "Ġsuper f",
+ "Ġmyel oid",
+ "Ġsup port",
+ "in ous",
+ "Ġde ep",
+ "Ġl ong",
+ "Ġfo ur",
+ "Ġo p",
+ "Ġne ut",
+ "e qu",
+ "Ġm r",
+ "er t",
+ "1 8",
+ "1 4",
+ "Ġd el",
+ "id ed",
+ "Ġnucle ar",
+ "Ġa ff",
+ "gf r",
+ "Ġm emb",
+ "Ġthe y",
+ "Ġ9 5",
+ "Ġ1 4",
+ "crip t",
+ "Ġg reat",
+ "ain ing",
+ "Ġv ir",
+ "Ġreview ed",
+ "Ġaddit ional",
+ "Ġrecept or",
+ "Ġd ue",
+ "Ġendometri um",
+ "n c",
+ "en ing",
+ "Ġcancer s",
+ "Ġ3 0",
+ "Ġeryth roid",
+ "Ġsec ond",
+ "it u",
+ "Ġhe ad",
+ "1 9",
+ "Ġincre ase",
+ "Ġd na",
+ "% ).",
+ "Ġint estinal",
+ "Ġ >",
+ "Ġrat io",
+ "Ġproc ess",
+ "Ġp ur",
+ "6 7",
+ "it ed",
+ "5 0",
+ "an ge",
+ "Ġs ol",
+ "Ġo x",
+ "Ġrec ogn",
+ "Ġfre quent",
+ "Ġw or",
+ "Ġevalu ate",
+ "Ġs cc",
+ "Ġsuperf icial",
+ "Ġv s",
+ "is hed",
+ "r itis",
+ "et al",
+ "Ġhistopath ologic",
+ "Ġl oss",
+ "ure d",
+ "Ġadv anced",
+ "Ġsing le",
+ "Ġdifferent ial",
+ "t ype",
+ "ab l",
+ "Ġan imal",
+ "k ed",
+ "Ġc i",
+ "Ġind uced",
+ "Ġinvolv ement",
+ "Ġhp v",
+ "Ġsign al",
+ "ul l",
+ "Ġa v",
+ "ob l",
+ "Ġmus cle",
+ "1 00",
+ "Ġare as",
+ "u k",
+ "Ġmark ers",
+ "Ġ1 3",
+ "Ġper cent",
+ "Ġdist al",
+ "Ġpresent ed",
+ "b c",
+ "j or",
+ "Ġtherap eutic",
+ "Ġbiops ies",
+ "Ġstat us",
+ "ap s",
+ "ros p",
+ "f ace",
+ "Ġsm ear",
+ "Ġma jor",
+ "ig en",
+ "Ġhem at",
+ "cl er",
+ "Ġ ig",
+ "Ġch rom",
+ "Ġs al",
+ "Ġmat uration",
+ "r h",
+ "Ġmark ed",
+ "Ġp yl",
+ "Ġanalyz ed",
+ "Ġclin ic",
+ "d s",
+ "Ġproc ed",
+ "Ġmeta plasia",
+ "iderm al",
+ "Ġobj ective",
+ "Ġmetast ases",
+ "ress ive",
+ "a ir",
+ "roph il",
+ "ad en",
+ "Ġ1 1",
+ "Ġmemb ran",
+ "Ġ+ /-",
+ "Ġw ill",
+ "Ġred uced",
+ "Ġmed ian",
+ "Ġc t",
+ "et a",
+ "Ġpro t",
+ "a f",
+ "Ġaddit ion",
+ "p ar",
+ "l ike",
+ "Ġhe l",
+ "Ġimpro v",
+ "Ġmelan oma",
+ "on t",
+ "ch ym",
+ "Ġp le",
+ "Ġd ose",
+ "Ġn ev",
+ "ym pt",
+ "Ġ if",
+ "os es",
+ "Ġmut ations",
+ "Ġe ach",
+ "p ression",
+ "Ġus e",
+ "iv en",
+ "d a",
+ "Ġintra epithelial",
+ "l ed",
+ "ation al",
+ "Ġmod erate",
+ "ary n",
+ "r in",
+ "Ġ5 0",
+ "ympt om",
+ "Ġant ib",
+ "Ġb rain",
+ "omin ant",
+ "Ġac id",
+ "it s",
+ "Ġc urrent",
+ "Ġin it",
+ "Ġan y",
+ "is ing",
+ "Ġatyp ia",
+ "ech n",
+ "ce pt",
+ "r ine",
+ "Ġfollow ing",
+ "s s",
+ "Ġpyl ori",
+ "t ing",
+ "us ion",
+ "ore ct",
+ "Ġrec ent",
+ "Ġpre c",
+ "Ġre qu",
+ "Ġneut rophil",
+ "Ġhe re",
+ "t ained",
+ "Ġmal e",
+ "hel ial",
+ "an n",
+ "Ġasp ir",
+ "Ġimmun ost",
+ "9 5",
+ "Ġt echn",
+ "Ġ her",
+ "rel ated",
+ "Ġ1 8",
+ "Ġcerv ical",
+ "Ġsit u",
+ "Ġp e",
+ "Ġpath ology",
+ "equ ate",
+ "Ġs in",
+ "Ġl it",
+ "end ed",
+ "op tic",
+ "id ne",
+ "xim ately",
+ "% .",
+ "Ġpapill ary",
+ "Ġar ter",
+ "Ġcyt oplasm",
+ "ate g",
+ "on s",
+ "Ġv ar",
+ "Ġapopt osis",
+ "Ġgen eral",
+ "Ġ ile",
+ "Ġdevelop ed",
+ "Ġret rosp",
+ "Ġinvestig ated",
+ "Ġin s",
+ "Ġrec om",
+ "Ġpop ulation",
+ "ect s",
+ "ron ch",
+ "Ġk idne",
+ "Ġcr it",
+ "v el",
+ "Ġ ult",
+ "Ġd id",
+ "Ġrepres ent",
+ "f t",
+ "ens ity",
+ "att ered",
+ "Ġconsid ered",
+ "nc es",
+ "Ġsyn optic",
+ "c ul",
+ "om er",
+ "Ġcomp ar",
+ "r as",
+ "Ġreact ion",
+ "oscop ic",
+ "o ver",
+ "ic e",
+ "1 7",
+ "le x",
+ "Ġsc attered",
+ "c ess",
+ "Ġ1 6",
+ "f ul",
+ "Ġendoc erv",
+ "Ġassoc iation",
+ "Ġj unct",
+ "Ġpur p",
+ "Ġc he",
+ "ocyt e",
+ "Ġf inal",
+ "iab le",
+ "Ġen h",
+ "Ġp ul",
+ "ogen ic",
+ "re n",
+ "Ġle uk",
+ "Ġfl u",
+ "Ġb ase",
+ "Ġag ain",
+ "Ġf ree",
+ "c a",
+ "Ġo l",
+ "Ġfe w",
+ "b eta",
+ "Ġnev us",
+ ". -",
+ "ant s",
+ "and ard",
+ "is e",
+ "pos itive",
+ "ual ly",
+ "Ġl ine",
+ "Ġare a",
+ "Ġa x",
+ "Ġpos terior",
+ "Ġderm al",
+ "l ight",
+ "Ġ ed",
+ "Ġl ines",
+ "Ġperi od",
+ "ire d",
+ "a use",
+ "il y",
+ "m e",
+ "Ġinfiltr ate",
+ "Ġ4 0",
+ "Ġpath ological",
+ "os ph",
+ "Ġval ue",
+ "g l",
+ "le ason",
+ "Ġrel ated",
+ "Ġcharacteristic s",
+ "Ġan terior",
+ "Ġpl acent",
+ "Ġpurp ose",
+ "Ġinc idence",
+ "at ure",
+ "im ent",
+ "Ġs um",
+ "Ġcorrel ated",
+ "Ġnucle i",
+ "c ome",
+ "Ġassess ed",
+ "Ġappro ximately",
+ "Ġdeterm ined",
+ "Ġc ir",
+ "Ġest abl",
+ "Ġw all",
+ "al pha",
+ "Ġp t",
+ "Ġo pt",
+ "Ġsev eral",
+ "Ġg leason",
+ "Ġs ections",
+ "Ġdeterm ine",
+ "2 1",
+ "Ġv e",
+ "or al",
+ "iv o",
+ "Ġcompon ent",
+ "Ġheal th",
+ "hen ot",
+ "Ġad equate",
+ "Ġrecogn ized",
+ "Ġsyn d",
+ "Ġco unt",
+ "ig m",
+ "Ġsc ar",
+ "Ġv ery",
+ "in v",
+ "ul c",
+ "it al",
+ "Ġagain st",
+ "Ġexp ressed",
+ "Ġd am",
+ "Ġcle ar",
+ "Ġagg reg",
+ "Ġhep atic",
+ "s itu",
+ "Ġpro d",
+ "Ġsub m",
+ "2 5",
+ "em ia",
+ "Ġsens itivity",
+ "Ġman y",
+ ") -",
+ "Ġe t",
+ "r um",
+ "Ġsum m",
+ "Ġinde pendent",
+ "Ġd iss",
+ "ix ed",
+ "t y",
+ "Ġfl ow",
+ "Ġar ch",
+ "omat ous",
+ "Ġsur face",
+ "Ġ1 00",
+ "Ġprom ot",
+ "mon ary",
+ "Ġv ivo",
+ "Ġident ify",
+ "3 0",
+ "ul in",
+ "Ġhigh light",
+ "Ġst ron",
+ "Ġb r",
+ "Ġduoden al",
+ "l ine",
+ "Ġfunct ion",
+ "Ġs et",
+ "Ġhist ory",
+ "Ġbec ause",
+ "Ġof ten",
+ "Ġan g",
+ "Ġ2 4",
+ "Ġt ra",
+ "Ġres idual",
+ "Ġpar amet",
+ "Ġsus p",
+ "s h",
+ "Ġreveal s",
+ "n ess",
+ "Ġ .",
+ "n scc",
+ "cell ular",
+ "Ġt erm",
+ "Ġrecom m",
+ "Ġabs ent",
+ "Ġout come",
+ "Ġ2 5",
+ "r ia",
+ "Ġpro f",
+ "it her",
+ "Ġs ymptom",
+ "Ġinde x",
+ "Ġlob e",
+ "et h",
+ "Ġinvolv ing",
+ "Ġw omen",
+ "om ic",
+ "ib ility",
+ "ol ar",
+ "Ġderm at",
+ "Ġcon dit",
+ "3 4",
+ "Ġ1 7",
+ "an s",
+ "Ġkerat in",
+ "Ġcon cent",
+ "Ġon c",
+ "Ġnod ular",
+ "Ġrat es",
+ "Ġpro min",
+ "Ġmut ation",
+ "s m",
+ "Ġimmun e",
+ "Ġra d",
+ "h a",
+ "Ġ ulc",
+ "uv ant",
+ "Ġprotein s",
+ "Ġtrans cript",
+ "Ġman ag",
+ "Ġvit ro",
+ "s c",
+ "Ġkidne y",
+ "Ġb il",
+ "Ġstron g",
+ "ut ed",
+ "Ġcon c",
+ "Ġendomet rial",
+ "ark able",
+ "Ġpromin ent",
+ "Ġqu ant",
+ "Ġacc ord",
+ "n f",
+ "Ġsuggest ive",
+ "Ġ \"",
+ "iv ari",
+ "Ġcol itis",
+ "Ġor ig",
+ "ox id",
+ "Ġle ad",
+ "Ġproced ure",
+ "Ġse qu",
+ "Ġgen etic",
+ "Ġocc as",
+ "Ġst andard",
+ "ro p",
+ "Ġcomp ound",
+ "ivari ate",
+ "Ġwhe reas",
+ "Ġinvestig ate",
+ "in ct",
+ "Ġbl adder",
+ "Ġpoor ly",
+ "igm oid",
+ "re d",
+ "Ġtumour s",
+ "Ġstr uct",
+ "Ġwe ight",
+ "Ġkn own",
+ "Ġprec urs",
+ "Ġs ix",
+ "eng th",
+ "Ġde ath",
+ "Ġg i",
+ "Ġform ation",
+ "Ġut er",
+ "Ġexp os",
+ "Ġcomb ination",
+ "Ġe gfr",
+ "Ġse g",
+ "4 0",
+ "Ġdef in",
+ "Ġad d",
+ "iz ing",
+ "Ġstat ist",
+ "ang i",
+ "Ġob tained",
+ "Ġoccas ional",
+ "Ġf ig",
+ "Ġdiff use",
+ "Ġper ine",
+ "Ġc ult",
+ "i el",
+ "erat ure",
+ "Ġav ail",
+ "Ġpathw ay",
+ "Ġfollow ed",
+ "Ġund ifferentiated",
+ "ly ing",
+ "Ġal ter",
+ "Ġaccord ing",
+ "Ġp ig",
+ "Ġcyt ok",
+ "v ir",
+ "Ġf ive",
+ "c yt",
+ "Ġstrom al",
+ "Ġc ur",
+ "Ġmat ure",
+ "Ġgl omer",
+ "i i",
+ "Ġanimal s",
+ "Ġpul monary",
+ "Ġvari ous",
+ "f s",
+ "com es",
+ "Ġsynd rome",
+ "Ġs of",
+ "Ġs cler",
+ "orect al",
+ "Ġcharacter ized",
+ "t t",
+ "Ġout comes",
+ "Ġno vel",
+ "Ġpro b",
+ "ere x",
+ "Ġdet ection",
+ "Ġab d",
+ "u rac",
+ "at er",
+ "it ect",
+ "Ġcompl ic",
+ "f ree",
+ "Ġthere fore",
+ "Ġapp end",
+ "Ġsof t",
+ "erat in",
+ "Ġv is",
+ "Ġpred ominant",
+ "ric h",
+ "Ġex hibit",
+ "c d",
+ "2 3",
+ "Ġwhe ther",
+ "Ġradi ation",
+ "Ġbl ock",
+ "Ġbi om",
+ "Ġdam age",
+ "Ġdiffere nces",
+ "Ġl ength",
+ "4 5",
+ "Ġde g",
+ "ici ent",
+ "arc h",
+ "Ġpol ym",
+ "Ġin ked",
+ "ro d",
+ "Ġab out",
+ "Ġth ick",
+ "ro gen",
+ "ab ol",
+ "es oph",
+ "Ġparamet ers",
+ "er ve",
+ "b ased",
+ "ell ular",
+ "Ġfem ale",
+ "Ġtechn iqu",
+ "Ġel ev",
+ "i ate",
+ "Ġhyper plastic",
+ "Ġeosinophil s",
+ "Ġk i",
+ "Ġocc ur",
+ "rem arkable",
+ "Ġavail able",
+ "it one",
+ "Ġkerat osis",
+ "Ġfoc us",
+ "Ġst em",
+ "s et",
+ "Ġun remarkable",
+ "Ġarch itect",
+ "Ġd own",
+ "Ġclass ification",
+ "2 7",
+ "Ġsup p",
+ "Ġposs ible",
+ "Ġmanag ement",
+ "Ġmr na",
+ "Ġlim ited",
+ "Ġexpos ure",
+ "Ġcons ult",
+ "Ġ #",
+ "Ġbl asts",
+ "Ġreg ion",
+ "od ies",
+ "Ġv as",
+ "Ġneutrophil s",
+ "Ġdist inct",
+ "Ġfor ms",
+ "erat ely",
+ "oc h",
+ "ot ox",
+ "ad e",
+ "Ġcy cl",
+ "Ġth us",
+ "ari an",
+ "Ġfoll icular",
+ "6 3",
+ "Ġcyt omet",
+ "Ġtox icity",
+ "Ġsumm ary",
+ "oc rine",
+ "Ġov erex",
+ "Ġcontr ast",
+ "Ġsignal ing",
+ "iv idual",
+ "Ġex pl",
+ "Ġde gen",
+ "Ġcar di",
+ "Ġp as",
+ "Ġduoden um",
+ "Ġfoc i",
+ "Ġch ol",
+ "Ġme g",
+ "e g",
+ "r ing",
+ "Ġep idermal",
+ "Ġind ividual",
+ "Ġprop ria",
+ "Ġlit erature",
+ "Ġass ay",
+ "Ġradi otherapy",
+ "Ġext ract",
+ "c i",
+ "Ġc ort",
+ "iv es",
+ "Ġp are",
+ "Ġgreat er",
+ "Ġadminist ration",
+ "ak e",
+ ") ;",
+ "Ġem b",
+ "Ġrect um",
+ "Ġv alu",
+ "Ġre le",
+ "er g",
+ "e at",
+ "Ġdes ign",
+ "ak ary",
+ "all op",
+ "9 0",
+ "Ġt om",
+ "Ġca use",
+ "Ġperine ural",
+ "et y",
+ "Ġmorph ology",
+ "Ġocc urre",
+ "Ġaspir ate",
+ "Ġe ither",
+ "Ġclinical ly",
+ "Ġde pos",
+ "a e",
+ "Ġel ect",
+ "Ġmet abol",
+ "Ġf at",
+ "Ġco h",
+ "Ġmac roph",
+ "us s",
+ "ver s",
+ "Ġde p",
+ "Ġprevious ly",
+ "Ġbiom ark",
+ "g o",
+ "Ġad ult",
+ "Ġmed ical",
+ "Ġcellular ity",
+ "se quent",
+ "Ġd ay",
+ "Ġt ract",
+ "Ġcoh ort",
+ "Ġmed ial",
+ "Ġclinic opath",
+ "Ġdescrib ed",
+ "Ġbet ter",
+ "u ce",
+ "s a",
+ "n as",
+ "ef ul",
+ "Ġo scc",
+ "Ġes cc",
+ "Ġl ik",
+ "Ġrecomm ended",
+ "Ġang i",
+ "er ated",
+ "ab ility",
+ "rom b",
+ "Ġseg ment",
+ "a z",
+ "Ġext ra",
+ "Ġant ral",
+ "Ġbe fore",
+ "is ed",
+ "Ġmeg akary",
+ "c m",
+ "et s",
+ "x imal",
+ "Ġstud ied",
+ "cl c",
+ "Ġact in",
+ "Ġcontrol s",
+ "um or",
+ "Ġextens ive",
+ "Ġus eful",
+ "Ġb cl",
+ "Ġmod erately",
+ "Ġshow n",
+ "Ġactiv ation",
+ "c ence",
+ "Ġle ast",
+ "Ġcomb ined",
+ "+ )",
+ "r ib",
+ "as ing",
+ "Ġcol orectal",
+ "Ġhe ter",
+ "Ġr and",
+ "Ġreg ul",
+ "Ġrand om",
+ "Ġhigh ly",
+ "Ġs ection",
+ "2 2",
+ "Ġexper iment",
+ "Ġplacent a",
+ "Ġph osph",
+ "Ġb el",
+ "Ġs he",
+ "Ġv er",
+ "c ending",
+ "Ġs igmoid",
+ "Ġ6 0",
+ "Ġc utaneous",
+ "Ġb ronch",
+ "Ġm ight",
+ "Ġorgan isms",
+ "Ġlab or",
+ "Ġn erve",
+ "Ġcomp lex",
+ "Ġro ut",
+ "er ous",
+ "Ġeffect ive",
+ "Ġl ent",
+ "Ġk in",
+ "Ġcrit er",
+ "Ġreg ard",
+ "z ym",
+ "Ġcytomet ry",
+ "br id",
+ "m ore",
+ "ac y",
+ "ol um",
+ "Ġis ol",
+ "Ġneopl asia",
+ "Ġtom ography",
+ "Ġne ur",
+ "Ġir on",
+ "Ġf ore",
+ "Ġdi rect",
+ "oc iated",
+ "ot helial",
+ "Ġl ight",
+ "Ġo s",
+ "Ġpartic ular",
+ "Ġinf orm",
+ "Ġsymptom s",
+ "Ġindic ated",
+ "ro t",
+ "Ġl amin",
+ "Ġappro ach",
+ "Ġlob ular",
+ "Ġmechan isms",
+ "Ġdiffere nce",
+ "or rh",
+ "Ġh nscc",
+ "ass ociated",
+ "Ġanalys es",
+ "n ot",
+ "p d",
+ "Ġmegakary ocytes",
+ "Ġat roph",
+ "m l",
+ "Ġc k",
+ "ist s",
+ "i ev",
+ "ere nce",
+ "ter m",
+ "n chym",
+ "reg ulated",
+ "Ġfurther more",
+ "h y",
+ "ag en",
+ "Ġprov ide",
+ "t reated",
+ "Ġsub j",
+ "Ġpost operative",
+ "Ġorig in",
+ "iel d",
+ "Ġcyst ic",
+ "Ġth romb",
+ "Ġreg ression",
+ "Ġsp ect",
+ "ol e",
+ "Ġinclud e",
+ "esoph ageal",
+ "in ary",
+ "Ġeff ic",
+ "ros s",
+ "Ġp ain",
+ "Ġdys plastic",
+ "Ġm ri",
+ "re ad",
+ "Ġmin imal",
+ "Ġ2 1",
+ "u ff",
+ "Ġov arian",
+ "% ;",
+ "Ġestabl ished",
+ "Ġpd ac",
+ "Ġt yp",
+ "Ġfocal ly",
+ "o unt",
+ "ous e",
+ "at ively",
+ "Ġdise ases",
+ "Ġnot ed",
+ "Ġv ill",
+ "Ġf am",
+ "Ġmark er",
+ "Ġc ure",
+ "Ġcent ral",
+ "opath y",
+ "Ġrespon s",
+ "Ġprecurs ors",
+ "en se",
+ "Ġdet ect",
+ "Ġmodel s",
+ "Ġbet a",
+ "k n",
+ "m m",
+ "Ġlent ig",
+ "el v",
+ "Ġb ar",
+ "Ġfoll ic",
+ "Ġp et",
+ "Ġcaus ed",
+ "er ic",
+ "Ġch ange",
+ "oscop y",
+ "Ġgland s",
+ "Ġcriter ia",
+ "Ġnod ules",
+ "Ġin stit",
+ "Ġres ist",
+ "Ġf ail",
+ "Ġl ack",
+ "Ġpath ologic",
+ "Ġm ortal",
+ "Ġpare nchym",
+ "Ġtr ial",
+ "Ġp ortal",
+ "Ġus ually",
+ "ar m",
+ "Ġph ase",
+ "Ġch ild",
+ "b or",
+ "Ġacc urac",
+ "or b",
+ "ge al",
+ "Ġv ia",
+ "ill ary",
+ "Ġtrans verse",
+ "Ġp henot",
+ "Ġsc re",
+ "Ġpro ximal",
+ "us t",
+ "Ġspecific ity",
+ "ath yroid",
+ "Ġcytok eratin",
+ "Ġlabor atory",
+ "op o",
+ "Ġretrosp ective",
+ "2 4",
+ "Ġtrans plant",
+ "Ġsub sequent",
+ "Ġ ur",
+ "Ġunder st",
+ "Ġdisc uss",
+ "it ted",
+ "Ġmeas ured",
+ "Ġpresent ation",
+ "itone al",
+ "Ġaccurac y",
+ "Ġd iv",
+ "Ġmortal ity",
+ "Ġeffic acy",
+ "aryn geal",
+ "o ad",
+ "it ative",
+ "Ġrecurre nt",
+ "if orm",
+ "Ġtrans form",
+ "Ġhy brid",
+ "Ġcontr ib",
+ "Ġc ap",
+ "Ġfrag ment",
+ "Ġmicroscop ic",
+ "as al",
+ "Ġpig ment",
+ "Ġvir us",
+ "Ġdist rib",
+ "âĢ ĵ",
+ "Ġc at",
+ "Ġimprov ed",
+ "Ġpre vent",
+ "Ġinfiltr ation",
+ "Ġ iv",
+ "Ġrem ains",
+ "p o",
+ "allop ian",
+ "Ġant igen",
+ "Ġal pha",
+ "o ve",
+ "Ġf allopian",
+ "Ġth ir",
+ "Ġg iven",
+ "Ġm agn",
+ "Ġat t",
+ "yl ation",
+ "r it",
+ "Ġv ers",
+ "Ġmacroph ages",
+ "Ġal one",
+ "h ip",
+ "om inal",
+ "Ġcent er",
+ "em ents",
+ "Ġ2 8",
+ "ograph ic",
+ "3 3",
+ ". ).",
+ "ores cence",
+ "Ġvalu es",
+ "ore d",
+ "h r",
+ "Ġsam e",
+ "os om",
+ "Ġlik ely",
+ "Ġfunct ional",
+ "ly c",
+ "Ġl ay",
+ "Ġinter stit",
+ "p ec",
+ "y el",
+ "Ġm ouse",
+ "Ġunder lying",
+ "s ide",
+ "i oma",
+ "Ġp a",
+ "Ġmembran e",
+ "Ġper s",
+ "Ġneoplasm s",
+ "Ġch ain",
+ "Ġst aging",
+ "Ġk e",
+ "or ad",
+ "Ġreg ional",
+ "Ġinhibit ion",
+ "Ġagg ressive",
+ "pl atin",
+ "Ġox id",
+ "al ity",
+ "Ġvessel s",
+ "Ġend oscopic",
+ "Ġcerv ix",
+ "Ġcyt ologic",
+ "2 9",
+ "Ġsystem ic",
+ "Ġpre operative",
+ ". ,",
+ "om p",
+ "Ġm c",
+ "Ġsl ight",
+ "Ġap ex",
+ "om orph",
+ "oc ellular",
+ "Ġalter ations",
+ "l u",
+ "Ġant rum",
+ "Ġfibro us",
+ "de pendent",
+ "reg ular",
+ "Ġii i",
+ "Ġn s",
+ "Ġadj acent",
+ "Ġsol id",
+ "Ġfrequent ly",
+ "Ġex clud",
+ "2 6",
+ "p ath",
+ "Ġrout ine",
+ "Ġassess ment",
+ "Ġmechan ism",
+ "Ġm en",
+ "Ġendocerv ical",
+ "Ġmult ivariate",
+ "Ġir regular",
+ "arcin omas",
+ "Ġdiss ection",
+ "Ġglomer ul",
+ "Ġhem orrh",
+ "os arcoma",
+ "Ġp elv",
+ "Ġdemonstr ate",
+ "Ġgl ob",
+ "Ġg erm",
+ "Ġcon duct",
+ "Ġco x",
+ "Ġne ph",
+ "res p",
+ "ak en",
+ "Ġen zym",
+ "Ġen c",
+ "l d",
+ "Ġsignific ance",
+ "Ġgra d",
+ "Ġstr ateg",
+ "4 9",
+ "Ġsub t",
+ "Ġexperiment al",
+ "Ġdiff ic",
+ "at or",
+ "im mun",
+ "Ġinter val",
+ "or der",
+ "Ġpredict ive",
+ "Ġinit ial",
+ "n er",
+ "Ġs k",
+ "Ġl in",
+ "Ġs w",
+ "Ġbe ing",
+ "Ġelev ated",
+ "i er",
+ "t il",
+ "Ġthe n",
+ "Ġrel ations",
+ "Ġpattern s",
+ "Ġrad ical",
+ "Ġnod ule",
+ "Ġgranul omas",
+ "og l",
+ "Ġincre asing",
+ "pec ially",
+ "Ġsuggest ed",
+ "Ġcoll agen",
+ "ol i",
+ "Ġim ages",
+ "Ġm ig",
+ "em a",
+ "c hem",
+ "Ġneopl astic",
+ "ochem ical",
+ "p cr",
+ "Ġheal ing",
+ "ov ascular",
+ "Ġl arg",
+ "Ġs af",
+ "Ġy o",
+ "2 8",
+ "Ġst ress",
+ "Ġcan not",
+ "3 8",
+ "ific ations",
+ "Ġdiffic ult",
+ "Ġc is",
+ "Ġinform ation",
+ "/ =",
+ "Ġsm ok",
+ "Ġpredominant ly",
+ "Ġrelations hip",
+ "Ġre st",
+ "end ocrine",
+ "Ġch or",
+ "Ġgro ss",
+ "Ġg u",
+ "us ter",
+ "Ġnum erous",
+ "Ġre f",
+ "Ġmore over",
+ "Ġkin ase",
+ "Ġhist ology",
+ "enc ing",
+ "Ġa ch",
+ "c in",
+ "Ġcl uster",
+ "Ġt rich",
+ "Ġadenoc arcinomas",
+ "Ġal ong",
+ "Ġs arcoma",
+ "Ġinter p",
+ "inv as",
+ "Ġes pecially",
+ "Ġsit es",
+ "ro up",
+ "Ġoverex pression",
+ "Ġarchitect ure",
+ "vent ional",
+ "Ġval id",
+ "tt age",
+ "Ġmicroscop y",
+ "Ġben ef",
+ "am ine",
+ "ip ose",
+ "r ations",
+ "4 4",
+ "Ġ u",
+ "obl ast",
+ "Ġst eat",
+ "Ġcure ttage",
+ "app a",
+ "Ġv olum",
+ "os al",
+ "Ġsecond ary",
+ "res t",
+ "6 8",
+ "g roup",
+ "Ġlamin a",
+ "Ġsuper ior",
+ "i ology",
+ "Ġs ide",
+ "iss ion",
+ "Ġab ove",
+ "Ġr na",
+ "Ġappear ance",
+ "3 5",
+ "Ġmeas ure",
+ "Ġp un",
+ "Ġv ac",
+ "Ġout side",
+ "Ġhyper t",
+ "Ġhist i",
+ "Ġadj uvant",
+ "i ac",
+ "6 0",
+ "Ġse par",
+ "Ġpre val",
+ "Ġc ec",
+ "Ġimp act",
+ "Ġsel ected",
+ "Ġsub c",
+ "in s",
+ "Ġvers us",
+ "Ġaim ed",
+ "plic ation",
+ "Ġdo es",
+ "Ġd iab",
+ "Ġlentig inous",
+ "Ġpercent age",
+ "Ġhel p",
+ "Ġse x",
+ "r ant",
+ "Ġcyst s",
+ "Ġser ies",
+ "Ġtest ing",
+ "Ġt em",
+ "Ġs ent",
+ "Ġcompar is",
+ "Ġstatist ically",
+ "Ġd er",
+ "Ġf ung",
+ "p v",
+ "in fl",
+ "Ġcomp osed",
+ "Ġconduct ed",
+ "Ġsc ant",
+ "Ġl am",
+ "Ġabd ominal",
+ "Ġaggreg ates",
+ "Ġpun ch",
+ "p id",
+ "Ġch all",
+ "Ġ9 0",
+ "Ġ2 2",
+ "ob acter",
+ "Ġre fer",
+ "Ġset ting",
+ "Ġbil ateral",
+ "Ġhybrid ization",
+ "ra y",
+ "Ġaut o",
+ "Ġneuro endocrine",
+ "Ġinterstit ial",
+ "Ġco un",
+ "Ġhy d",
+ "Ġmucos al",
+ "ed ing",
+ "Ġgi ant",
+ "Ġrec ord",
+ "et her",
+ "r t",
+ "00 0",
+ "Ġyo ung",
+ "Ġinhibit or",
+ "act ive",
+ "Ġrem ov",
+ "Ġp an",
+ "Ġhemat opo",
+ "Ġhighlight s",
+ "Ġp ub",
+ "Ġ3 5",
+ "Ġlymph ocytic",
+ "i ary",
+ "Ġindic ate",
+ "Ġinfl u",
+ "Ġprolif erative",
+ "Ġche st",
+ "Ġe ight",
+ "anc es",
+ "Ġd ensity",
+ "Ġf etal",
+ "ab ly",
+ "yt ic",
+ "Ġca v",
+ "infl amm",
+ "Ġabs ence",
+ "Ġcomplic ations",
+ "Ġf av",
+ "Ġtub e",
+ "Ġfre qu",
+ "Ġph ys",
+ "ran ge",
+ "Ġg all",
+ "Ġpro port",
+ "Ġent ire",
+ "d g",
+ "Ġcont ain",
+ "Ġev en",
+ "Ġin clus",
+ "Ġ19 9",
+ "Ġext ent",
+ "Ġcon ventional",
+ "Ġ2 3",
+ "Ġfra ct",
+ "7 0",
+ "Ġsp ind",
+ "Ġfibro c",
+ "Ġend othelial",
+ "Ġach iev",
+ "Ġgl ut",
+ "Ġig g",
+ "se ud",
+ "Ġest im",
+ "reg ulation",
+ "Ġab und",
+ "ve olar",
+ "olv ed",
+ "Ġsl ides",
+ "d ifferentiated",
+ "Ġ uro",
+ "Ġ ure",
+ "Ġ8 0",
+ "Ġpathw ays",
+ "j ection",
+ "er ior",
+ "Ġpro sp",
+ "Ġm amm",
+ "Ġneed le",
+ "( -",
+ "Ġextens ion",
+ "Ġsin us",
+ "Ġmuc inous",
+ "Ġantib ody",
+ "r ated",
+ "ion ic",
+ "ex t",
+ "Ġsuc cess",
+ "ha vi",
+ "n m",
+ "Ġb acter",
+ "m an",
+ "ne um",
+ "Ġc are",
+ "Ġloc ation",
+ "Ġad hes",
+ "u ra",
+ "on ic",
+ "h c",
+ "Ġred uction",
+ "th ritis",
+ "en ous",
+ "3 1",
+ "Ġres e",
+ "Ġpart ial",
+ "al p",
+ "Ġre fl",
+ "Ġcoll ected",
+ "Ġmorph ological",
+ "Ġdistrib ution",
+ "Ġe b",
+ "Ġdecre ase",
+ "Ġneed ed",
+ "Ġm ixed",
+ "Ġr ange",
+ "amm a",
+ "Ġjunct ional",
+ "Ġrequ ired",
+ "Ġaff ected",
+ "b b",
+ "Ġconfir m",
+ "Ġresist ance",
+ "olec yst",
+ "it ary",
+ "Ġcommon ly",
+ "Ġp cr",
+ "Ġbe havi",
+ "int estinal",
+ "in u",
+ "Ġ7 0",
+ "or k",
+ "Ġnec ess",
+ "Ġov ary",
+ "es ter",
+ "Ġ2 6",
+ "Ġadd end",
+ "8 0",
+ "ne gative",
+ "up t",
+ "Ġs arc",
+ "Ġaddend um",
+ "Ġb ile",
+ "Ġz one",
+ "kn own",
+ "ret t",
+ "Ġjunct ion",
+ "Ġch olecyst",
+ "Ġp ort",
+ "Ġbi ological",
+ "r he",
+ "7 5",
+ "Ġp seud",
+ "Ġcis platin",
+ "Ġperform ance",
+ "Ġpelv ic",
+ "Ġmed i",
+ "Ġcomp r",
+ "Ġmig ration",
+ "inflamm atory",
+ "y nt",
+ "Ġb ra",
+ "Ġvari ant",
+ "ect ives",
+ "Ġimmun op",
+ "c um",
+ "Ġst ill",
+ "yst ic",
+ "Ġparenchym a",
+ "Ġesophag itis",
+ "w h",
+ "Ġm ast",
+ "Ġl um",
+ "z en",
+ "Ġ âĢ",
+ "d ay",
+ "Ġisol ated",
+ "b i",
+ "i ous",
+ "Ġpanc reas",
+ "Ġtranscript ion",
+ "Ġb ow",
+ "Ġmelan ocytic",
+ "+ /-",
+ "ro cyt",
+ "ent ric",
+ "m al",
+ "Ġpro per",
+ "Ġcomparis on",
+ "Ġactin ic",
+ "c ad",
+ "Ġstrom a",
+ "Ġoxid ative",
+ "Ġl if",
+ "Ġa st",
+ "in el",
+ "Ġk appa",
+ "Ġbar rett",
+ "es tern",
+ "ro tein",
+ "Ġpar athyroid",
+ "Ġhistological ly",
+ "ere b",
+ "Ġh g",
+ "Ġcec um",
+ "Ġsur round",
+ "Ġbel ow",
+ "Ġinter act",
+ "Ġa ir",
+ "a ff",
+ "Ġr h",
+ "er ase",
+ "Ġvar iab",
+ "Ġleuk emia",
+ "Ġdefin itive",
+ "pit e",
+ "as p",
+ "Ġke y",
+ "Ġile um",
+ "Ġwor k",
+ "invas ive",
+ "al ly",
+ "Ġunder go",
+ "Ġdescrib e",
+ "Ġrele v",
+ "Ġl ig",
+ "Ġdes pite",
+ "ran g",
+ "ress ing",
+ "Ġoccurre d",
+ "p ri",
+ "Ġinhibit ed",
+ "Ġst ages",
+ "Ġpl ay",
+ "Ġaff ect",
+ "Ġnec ro",
+ "Ġto g",
+ "ra m",
+ "Ġanti oxid",
+ "Ġ2 7",
+ "ing u",
+ "Ġunderst and",
+ "on es",
+ "Ġext rem",
+ "Ġtog ether",
+ "vir on",
+ "Ġrecent ly",
+ "Ġfib rin",
+ "i ent",
+ "Ġgast ritis",
+ "er n",
+ "Ġint rod",
+ "Ġuter ine",
+ "Ġv ul",
+ "Ġchild ren",
+ "Ġcardi ac",
+ "p c",
+ "Ġw estern",
+ "Ġappro pri",
+ "Ġpol y",
+ "Ġe qu",
+ "Ġgastro intestinal",
+ "Ġadminist ered",
+ "Ġre jection",
+ "t umor",
+ "Ġcondit ions",
+ "( +)",
+ "Ġns clc",
+ "Ġmajor ity",
+ "Ġh a",
+ "t o",
+ "Ġacc um",
+ "Ġcomp uted",
+ "ici ency",
+ "Ġobj ectives",
+ "Ġvolum e",
+ "ys is",
+ "l ation",
+ "Ġrese arch",
+ "Ġn an",
+ "Ġp neum",
+ "Ġhealth y",
+ "Ġint eg",
+ "p r",
+ "Ġr t",
+ "Ġlab el",
+ "Ġsuggest ing",
+ "Ġdiv ided",
+ "ent y",
+ "Ġpat ch",
+ "Ġbiomark ers",
+ "erv ation",
+ "Ġuro t",
+ "Ġsent inel",
+ "Ġtechniqu e",
+ "Ġtransform ation",
+ "Ġsh ort",
+ "en chym",
+ "ucle ar",
+ "p e",
+ "m et",
+ "Ġdef ined",
+ "ra di",
+ "Ġc ateg",
+ "Ġpath ogenesis",
+ "Ġis chem",
+ "rom a",
+ "Ġf ac",
+ "Ġimpro ve",
+ "Ġrep air",
+ "Ġheter ogen",
+ "Ġs em",
+ "ro zen",
+ "bl adder",
+ "uc ing",
+ "Ġgastro esophageal",
+ "Ġexper i",
+ "Ġtrich rome",
+ "Ġcont ains",
+ "o oth",
+ "ere st",
+ "Ġenh anced",
+ "Ġabund ant",
+ "Ġfrequ ency",
+ "ert ain",
+ "Ġrect al",
+ "Ġantib odies",
+ "Ġres ected",
+ "ocyt osis",
+ "Ġd og",
+ "Ġl ap",
+ "+ ,",
+ "Ġcyt otox",
+ "med iate",
+ "Ġam pl",
+ "Ġs il",
+ "Ġs o",
+ "Ġg ood",
+ "Ġemb ry",
+ "ra d",
+ "Ġresult ed",
+ "Ġstain ed",
+ "ras ound",
+ "Ġreport s",
+ "t rans",
+ "d r",
+ "Ġfam ily",
+ "Ġdist ant",
+ "Ġm ade",
+ "i omy",
+ "Ġcult ure",
+ "p a",
+ "g a",
+ "Ġposs ibility",
+ "Ġgall bladder",
+ "her in",
+ "Ġc ross",
+ "Ġim m",
+ "Ġman if",
+ "Ġult rasound",
+ "Ġcor d",
+ "g u",
+ "Ġe y",
+ "Ġexhibit ed",
+ "und ic",
+ "Ġh orm",
+ "Ġshow ing",
+ "Ġmanif est",
+ "viron ment",
+ "Ġt aken",
+ "o kin",
+ "Ġb est",
+ "Ġexclud ed",
+ "Ġconcent rations",
+ "Ġp s",
+ "ri x",
+ "Ġar ising",
+ "Ġparticular ly",
+ "ur n",
+ "Ġlay er",
+ "iv ers",
+ "Ġmagn etic",
+ "iv ing",
+ "Ġf rozen",
+ "Ġwhe re",
+ "Ġw ould",
+ "in f",
+ "Ġun known",
+ "Ġscre ening",
+ "med iated",
+ "Ġtox ic",
+ "Ġprof il",
+ "Ġra pid",
+ "Ġhy al",
+ "Ġc ereb",
+ "Ġind uction",
+ "Ġkn ow",
+ "ord ers",
+ "Ġthe m",
+ "t reat",
+ "Ġdis pl",
+ "Ġinj ection",
+ "Ġsam ple",
+ "Ġmalignanc ies",
+ "m b",
+ "it es",
+ "Ġfollow s",
+ "Ġclass ified",
+ "Ġg est",
+ "p ing",
+ "resp ond",
+ "orb id",
+ "Ġslight ly",
+ "Ġlymph atic",
+ "Ġpath olog",
+ "Ġendocerv ix",
+ "Ġfollic les",
+ "r isk",
+ "Ġmit otic",
+ "Ġtest ed",
+ "Ġsubm itted",
+ "9 9",
+ "p or",
+ "Ġsec ret",
+ "Ġfail ure",
+ "Ġtest s",
+ "Ġen l",
+ "Ġinstit ution",
+ "Ġad m",
+ "Ġall ow",
+ "Ġdi amet",
+ "Ġmild ly",
+ "Ġw bc",
+ "Ġ ip",
+ "ten u",
+ "Ġlip id",
+ "enchym al",
+ "Ġcy cle",
+ "Ġpreval ence",
+ "Ġmed ium",
+ "Ġcompon ents",
+ "Ġ3 6",
+ "Ġcont aining",
+ "Ġsubm uc",
+ "Ġappear s",
+ "ar di",
+ "Ġappropri ate",
+ "apill ary",
+ "Ġres on",
+ "Ġim plant",
+ "Ġ4 5",
+ "enc ed",
+ "Ġinterp ret",
+ "c o",
+ "Ġabnormal ities",
+ "Ġs ac",
+ "Ġ id",
+ "Ġsev en",
+ "Ġg lyc",
+ "oc l",
+ "Ġdist ingu",
+ "f usion",
+ "Ġpe ak",
+ "Ġ2 9",
+ "Ġprod uction",
+ "Ġstruct ures",
+ "Ġro und",
+ "Ġsp read",
+ "Ġhistopathological ly",
+ "Ġel ements",
+ "Ġar m",
+ "Ġreson ance",
+ "c al",
+ "ant h",
+ "Ġsuggest s",
+ "Ġp n",
+ "Ġbi ochemical",
+ "Ġcondit ion",
+ "ut ive",
+ "Ġenl arg",
+ "Ġsusp ected",
+ "cad herin",
+ "Ġult r",
+ "om an",
+ "Ġco ur",
+ "Ġgen ot",
+ "Ġconcent ration",
+ "0 4",
+ "c k",
+ "Ġphenot ype",
+ "ies is",
+ "3 7",
+ "Ġ ess",
+ "Ġe ar",
+ "Ġmeth ylation",
+ "Ġlap ar",
+ "am ic",
+ "Ġvir al",
+ "Ġmarked ly",
+ "Ġeosinophil ic",
+ "Ġdi et",
+ "Ġnucle oli",
+ "Ġdat ab",
+ "Ġst im",
+ "omp an",
+ "Ġdegen eration",
+ "Ġd il",
+ ". )",
+ "6 5",
+ "Ġmain ly",
+ "Ġpub l",
+ "Ġspind le",
+ "Ġacc ompan",
+ "Ġle iomy",
+ "Ġretrosp ectively",
+ "Ġacc ur",
+ "Ġpos itivity",
+ "Ġ ic",
+ "os a",
+ "ce m",
+ "art ment",
+ "ur g",
+ "Ġsm ooth",
+ "Ġdeg ree",
+ "Ġc aps",
+ "Ġsin ce",
+ "Ġw oman",
+ "ut ure",
+ "Ġquant itative",
+ "yp t",
+ "Ġat tenu",
+ "Ġ3 3",
+ "Ġmult if",
+ "Ġbow el",
+ "Ġpapill oma",
+ "Ġag ents",
+ "treat ment",
+ "of ib",
+ "Ġwor ld",
+ "Ġa ort",
+ "yp ic",
+ "Ġloc ated",
+ "p at",
+ "Ġbl ot",
+ "¿ ½",
+ "ï ¿½",
+ "Ġconsid er",
+ "Ġpers ist",
+ "Ġmus cular",
+ "Ġh om",
+ "Ġspec ies",
+ "Ġvill ous",
+ "Ġclinicopath ological",
+ "ogen etic",
+ "Ġp ap",
+ "os ing",
+ "w ork",
+ "in a",
+ "Ġun us",
+ "5 7",
+ "Ġs pl",
+ "Ġrespons es",
+ "Ġb cc",
+ "w ard",
+ "Ġcav ity",
+ "Ġpolym orph",
+ "led ge",
+ "Ġs ch",
+ "Ġmorph ologic",
+ "Ġpos it",
+ "Ġnecess ary",
+ "he st",
+ "Ġas cending",
+ "g n",
+ "och ond",
+ "Ġknow ledge",
+ "pl ied",
+ "Ġple omorph",
+ "Ġ3 1",
+ "00 01",
+ "Ġ4 8",
+ "Ġinhibit ors",
+ "c ont",
+ "Ġ3 8",
+ "ex p",
+ "st age",
+ "Ġpatch y",
+ "unct ion",
+ "Ġint erest",
+ "Ġinf erior",
+ "Ġdiamet er",
+ "Ġal t",
+ "Ġcour se",
+ "Ġreg ions",
+ "ay ed",
+ "el etal",
+ "Ġup t",
+ "Ġser ous",
+ "Ġrel atively",
+ "Ġm ening",
+ "Ġmed ic",
+ "3 6",
+ "Ġsuccess ful",
+ "Ġto ol",
+ "Ġab ility",
+ "Ġspec ial",
+ "Ġlymph ovascular",
+ "Ġm t",
+ "Ġenh ance",
+ "or ing",
+ "Ġess ential",
+ "i at",
+ "Ġwe ak",
+ "Ġinclud es",
+ "Ġconf idence",
+ "Ġmembran es",
+ "Ġurot helial",
+ "Ġ3 7",
+ "Ġchrom atin",
+ "Ġupt ake",
+ "f ig",
+ "Ġpolyp oid",
+ "Ġl n",
+ "ot her",
+ "Ġon set",
+ "Ġsign s",
+ "ep idermal",
+ "al es",
+ "Ġ3 4",
+ "Ġantioxid ant",
+ "Ġcyt ology",
+ "Ġcalc ifications",
+ "enc es",
+ "Ġsal iv",
+ "Ġhel ic",
+ "Ġ %",
+ "n o",
+ "Ġsteat osis",
+ "Ġsub type",
+ "Ġrel ative",
+ "ol ic",
+ "Ġarter y",
+ "Ġconc urrent",
+ "Ġper iv",
+ "Ġmat rix",
+ "Ġsubt ypes",
+ "Ġgl i",
+ "c on",
+ "Ġth ym",
+ "il ine",
+ "Ġunus ual",
+ "i oid",
+ "Ġcons ec",
+ "Ġal k",
+ "Ġcor respond",
+ "Ġcluster s",
+ "Ġth or",
+ "Ġprof ile",
+ "ar ies",
+ "Ġt end",
+ "cle ar",
+ "Ġlam b",
+ "Ġad verse",
+ "Ġsub set",
+ "5 6",
+ "Ġre tic",
+ "Ġchem orad",
+ "Ġw ound",
+ "Ġ3 2",
+ "opl astic",
+ "Ġdemonstr ates",
+ "ol ution",
+ "inv olved",
+ "Ġh cc",
+ "u ary",
+ "Ġh ar",
+ "Ġne u",
+ "Ġcytoplasm ic",
+ "Ġm l",
+ "Ġf ish",
+ "Ġep iderm",
+ "Ġactiv ities",
+ "g s",
+ "pl et",
+ "Ġl ic",
+ "Ġ3 9",
+ "Ġfibro bl",
+ "Ġn one",
+ "� �",
+ "str uct",
+ "oid al",
+ "Ġrecept ors",
+ "aden oma",
+ "c at",
+ "Ġmy c",
+ "Ġelect ron",
+ "Ġf as",
+ "Ġd oses",
+ "Ġep id",
+ "iven ess",
+ "Ġcl ot",
+ "Ġlif e",
+ "path y",
+ "Ġlarg er",
+ "Ġd oc",
+ "Ġterm inal",
+ "Ġtrans it",
+ "Ġnod al",
+ "Ġl ater",
+ "sm all",
+ "Ġdepos ition",
+ "id er",
+ "Ġar tic",
+ "v ascular",
+ "Ġhepat itis",
+ "Ġre al",
+ "Ġstrong ly",
+ "Ġp ract",
+ "Ġsubc utaneous",
+ "c am",
+ "ox y",
+ "3 2",
+ "in c",
+ "Ġun involved",
+ "o un",
+ "Ġwh ite",
+ "Ġhelic obacter",
+ "Ġdrug s",
+ "Ġsubj ects",
+ "oblast oma",
+ "Ġregard ing",
+ "Ġd ense",
+ "iline age",
+ "im e",
+ "Ġd imens",
+ "Ġmuc in",
+ "Ġn et",
+ "am ed",
+ "Ġlead ing",
+ "Ġs ynt",
+ "Ġn f",
+ "re nal",
+ "l r",
+ "pt ion",
+ "d own",
+ "hy d",
+ "Ġap plied",
+ "Ġr ang",
+ "Ġtw enty",
+ "ann ing",
+ "l ing",
+ "Ġse pt",
+ "Ġfung al",
+ "Ġd ev",
+ "Ġor der",
+ "Ġp c",
+ "Ġvar iable",
+ "act iv",
+ "is ion",
+ "m od",
+ "Ġal b",
+ "ro g",
+ "ens us",
+ "am p",
+ "Ġinterpret ation",
+ "Ġl ate",
+ "b m",
+ "o z",
+ "oid s",
+ "erat ing",
+ "othe s",
+ "Ġtechniqu es",
+ "Ġintrod uction",
+ "Ġscler osis",
+ "Ġlic hen",
+ "Ġcaus es",
+ "Ġcarcin ogenesis",
+ "Ġg y",
+ "Ġam yl",
+ "app ab",
+ "Ġatroph y",
+ "Ġhe art",
+ "Ġconsec utive",
+ "ul ations",
+ "Ġhemorrh age",
+ "Ġp ed",
+ "in ib",
+ "et ts",
+ "Ġim plic",
+ "ion e",
+ "Ġuter us",
+ "Ġph ot",
+ "Ġcurrent ly",
+ "Ġlamb da",
+ "eth yl",
+ "Ġsequ encing",
+ "ver age",
+ "oc ol",
+ "osom al",
+ "Ġgest ational",
+ "Ġmon ocytes",
+ "gen ital",
+ "Ġgland ular",
+ "Ġcons ensus",
+ "Ġv ag",
+ "Ġtarget ed",
+ "Ġ &",
+ "Ġtyp ical",
+ "Ġtem p",
+ "Ġmultif ocal",
+ "j uvant",
+ "Ġ7 5",
+ "Ġaim s",
+ "d l",
+ "Ġpresent ing",
+ "Ġil iac",
+ "uc ose",
+ "m t",
+ "Ġflu orescence",
+ "Ġhematopo iesis",
+ "i ological",
+ "Ġcont ext",
+ "Ġorgan s",
+ "Ġass ays",
+ "Ġsur ve",
+ "w ay",
+ "Ġmicroscop ically",
+ "Ġcar til",
+ "m a",
+ "av ing",
+ "Ġc and",
+ "uff icient",
+ "Ġl at",
+ "|> -",
+ "Ġdis orders",
+ "3 9",
+ "Ġsp erm",
+ "t ies",
+ "Ġal tern",
+ "Ġaggreg ate",
+ "Ġcl os",
+ "Ġresp ir",
+ "ap se",
+ "Ġw ild",
+ "Ġa e",
+ "Ġbas is",
+ "Ġstr at",
+ "8 5",
+ "Ġprom ising",
+ "if ted",
+ "att y",
+ "Ġp ending",
+ "4 7",
+ "Ġhp f",
+ "Ġc bc",
+ "Ġc op",
+ "Ġflu id",
+ "Ġn asal",
+ "Ġcand id",
+ "f undic",
+ "Ġprosp ective",
+ "Ġl o",
+ "Ġtreat ments",
+ "im in",
+ "Ġident ification",
+ "Ġpneum on",
+ "Ġaccum ulation",
+ "ach us",
+ "Ġve in",
+ "Ġv entric",
+ "Ġp en",
+ "Ġbas ophil",
+ "achus etts",
+ "Ġtr ilineage",
+ "Ġmass achusetts",
+ "Ġf uture",
+ "Ġtransit ional",
+ "Ġhyp othes",
+ "Ġun com",
+ "Ġs ox",
+ "Ġm s",
+ "u x",
+ "en ed",
+ "Ġint ensity",
+ "Ġcomp are",
+ "Ġvas cul",
+ "Ġimport ance",
+ "Ġh ct",
+ "okin es",
+ "in ts",
+ "Ġpath ol",
+ "Ġpre p",
+ "Ġimmunost ains",
+ "k appab",
+ "orbid ity",
+ "Ġtrial s",
+ "Ġresult ing",
+ "c oh",
+ "r at",
+ "Ġt nf",
+ "Ġag ent",
+ "ang l",
+ "der ived",
+ "Ġexp osed",
+ "4 3",
+ "ow er",
+ "Ġqu ality",
+ "he re",
+ "Ġdi ed",
+ "Ġse em",
+ "Ġindividual s",
+ "Ġtherap ies",
+ "Ġachiev ed",
+ "Ġed ema",
+ "m g",
+ "Ġinter vent",
+ "Ġclinicopath ologic",
+ "Ġinf ected",
+ "Ġmy oc",
+ "Ġsupp ress",
+ "a qu",
+ "ox yl",
+ "Ġimm ature",
+ "rhe ic",
+ "Ġmal es",
+ "Ġo d",
+ "Ġile al",
+ "Ġglomerul i",
+ "Ġlocal ly",
+ "Ġder ived",
+ "Ġan at",
+ "bor rheic",
+ "Ġcar r",
+ "Ġwh ole",
+ "Ġunderstand ing",
+ "Ġcycl in",
+ "Ġproper ties",
+ "Ġh and",
+ "Ġmit ochond",
+ "oad juvant",
+ "Ġmost ly",
+ "Ġh yst",
+ "ere ct",
+ "Ġsaliv ary",
+ "Ġkn ock",
+ "d le",
+ "Ġn r",
+ "Ġn est",
+ "ac hed",
+ "Ġmm p",
+ "um b",
+ "Ġcont inu",
+ "at ors",
+ "0 2",
+ "Ġ ros",
+ "ic le",
+ "Ġhig hest",
+ "Ġsmok ing",
+ "Ġintra epidermal",
+ "Ġ q",
+ "Ġcon j",
+ "Ġse borrheic",
+ "d ed",
+ "8 8",
+ "Ġe th",
+ "Ġn at",
+ "Ġsk eletal",
+ "Ġrespir atory",
+ "Ġac in",
+ "op ic",
+ "per cent",
+ "Ġev ents",
+ "Ġpromot er",
+ "Ġpotential ly",
+ "Ġperiv ascular",
+ "Ġd ig",
+ "en e",
+ "Ġsub st",
+ "ever ity",
+ "Ġfav or",
+ "Ġspl en",
+ "Ġhypert roph",
+ "Ġconsist s",
+ "Ġrare ly",
+ "Ġepithel ioid",
+ "Ġcon genital",
+ "r ight",
+ "Ġst rain",
+ "Ġdog s",
+ "Ġimmunost ain",
+ "Ġchall eng",
+ "Ġun clear",
+ "ap t",
+ "rol led",
+ "Ġle g",
+ "on uclear",
+ "Ġj an",
+ "7 9",
+ "i otic",
+ "oph ys",
+ "Ġl og",
+ "Ġsc alp",
+ "percent age",
+ "Ġne oadjuvant",
+ "Ġpol ys",
+ "Ġprov ided",
+ "erect omy",
+ "Ġaut h",
+ "Ġv es",
+ "Ġimmun ore",
+ "] .",
+ "f ib",
+ "Ġn m",
+ "c it",
+ "Ġuncom mon",
+ "b s",
+ "in k",
+ "Ġt gf",
+ "Ġag re",
+ "Ġprov ides",
+ "Ġamyl oid",
+ "ul ate",
+ "Ġprot ective",
+ "ogen ous",
+ "Ġatroph ic",
+ "p m",
+ "os ome",
+ "Ġfem ales",
+ "yn amic",
+ "Ġprog ressive",
+ "Ġt t",
+ "Ġulc eration",
+ "Ġreg en",
+ "Ġdermat itis",
+ "h n",
+ "Ġpolym erase",
+ "Ġmon it",
+ "yel ocytes",
+ "Ġfibroc ystic",
+ "Ġinvestig ation",
+ "Ġb ro",
+ "ill a",
+ "ell ing",
+ "Ġinclus ion",
+ "er cul",
+ "Ġc asp",
+ "el ine",
+ "Ġblock s",
+ "Ġnecro tic",
+ "Ġpe pt",
+ "Ġthick ness",
+ "6 6",
+ "Ġstatist ical",
+ "Ġc ut",
+ "Ġbl ue",
+ "4 8",
+ "Ġmes enchymal",
+ "Ġmuscular is",
+ "Ġun ivers",
+ "i ol",
+ "en in",
+ "Ġcomplet ely",
+ "o ar",
+ "um in",
+ "ogl ob",
+ "Ġt ong",
+ "Ġcort ical",
+ "uc h",
+ "immun e",
+ "Ġmc v",
+ "Ġdatab ase",
+ "um ent",
+ "Ġpl t",
+ "Ġampl ification",
+ "Ġh r",
+ "Ġmy x",
+ "Ġy ield",
+ "Ġf atty",
+ "Ġsp le",
+ "Ġpercent ile",
+ "Ġe c",
+ "Ġdis order",
+ "Ġb le",
+ "Ġpl us",
+ "b p",
+ "Ġdepos its",
+ "Ġex cept",
+ "Ġa k",
+ "Ġd uration",
+ "ogra ft",
+ "Ġm im",
+ "ef f",
+ "ici ous",
+ "Ġ> /=",
+ "Ġdes cending",
+ "Ġsub group",
+ "en ia",
+ "radi ation",
+ "Ġdep artment",
+ "ne x",
+ "em at",
+ "Ġhg b",
+ "Ġocc urs",
+ "t ure",
+ "Ġreg ulation",
+ "aryn x",
+ "Ġsurround ing",
+ "Ġsc ores",
+ "Ġcar b",
+ "Ġdistingu ish",
+ "Ġn orm",
+ "Ġc e",
+ "y g",
+ "ull ary",
+ "Ġan a",
+ "Ġenzym e",
+ "Ġdevelop ing",
+ "Ġmedi ast",
+ "Ġsp inal",
+ "Ġinfl amed",
+ "Ġundergo ing",
+ "Ġx en",
+ "Ġh air",
+ "anc y",
+ "Ġhepat ocellular",
+ "Ġclear ance",
+ "Ġt ol",
+ "Ġimmun os",
+ "rect omy",
+ "Ġmid dle",
+ "Ġjan uary",
+ "Ġbenef it",
+ "Ġf ine",
+ "Ġind uce",
+ "m ost",
+ "Ġvis ual",
+ "Ġtong ue",
+ "Ġ4 2",
+ "Ġtransplant ation",
+ "Ġvul v",
+ "2 01",
+ "Ġcrit ical",
+ "Ġapopt otic",
+ "ard ial",
+ "Ġphosph ory",
+ "Ġs n",
+ "l or",
+ "Ġport ion",
+ "ar rang",
+ "Ġth ough",
+ "Ġmetabol ic",
+ "Ġinter mediate",
+ "Ġimmunop henot",
+ "Ġgran ulation",
+ "Ġdel iv",
+ "Ġj o",
+ "v enous",
+ "u it",
+ "Ġt rac",
+ "Ġm ot",
+ "ot id",
+ "Ġaden omas",
+ "de f",
+ "Ġestabl ish",
+ "l a",
+ "Ġbehavi or",
+ "4 2",
+ "Ġb inding",
+ "Ġprocess es",
+ "Ġmat uring",
+ "4 6",
+ "Ġsim ple",
+ "t ime",
+ "rol if",
+ "Ġab er",
+ "c hed",
+ "Ġch ond",
+ "i os",
+ "Ġap plication",
+ "Ġcartil age",
+ "Ġrem ain",
+ "Ġ4 1",
+ "Ġaccur ate",
+ "Ġpre gn",
+ "Ġd iver",
+ "aff in",
+ "Ġim age",
+ "Ġw id",
+ "Ġk a",
+ "Ġcyt ogenetic",
+ "Ġext ending",
+ "Ġcarr ied",
+ "erat osis",
+ "Ġconf erence",
+ "Ġinf ections",
+ "Ġlocal ized",
+ "Ġlymph s",
+ "2 00",
+ "Ġmon onuclear",
+ "ronch ial",
+ "Ġve gf",
+ "Ġstrateg ies",
+ "Ġh aving",
+ "Ġthir d",
+ "Ġo per",
+ "rol og",
+ "Ġth igh",
+ "Ġextrem ely",
+ "vir us",
+ "ar ct",
+ "ag ed",
+ "ad ipose",
+ "Ġad renal",
+ "Ġsple en",
+ "Ġadditional ly",
+ "ot hel",
+ "Ġa verage",
+ "Ġfo od",
+ "Ġappend ix",
+ "act ivity",
+ "Ġw ide",
+ "Ġdimens ion",
+ "Ġm orbidity",
+ "an e",
+ "Ġsaf ety",
+ "Ġauth ors",
+ "Ġtumor igen",
+ "Ġest rogen",
+ "and s",
+ "7 8",
+ "Ġprot ocol",
+ "Ġext end",
+ "Ġh ip",
+ "Ġinc ident",
+ "Ġentire ly",
+ "uc es",
+ "Ġsens itive",
+ "Ġcon n",
+ "Ġt a",
+ "Ġur inary",
+ "ub le",
+ "Ġbiomark er",
+ "f unction",
+ "ut es",
+ "Ġre pl",
+ "ab s",
+ "Ġsubmuc osal",
+ "w ide",
+ "Ġdet ail",
+ "Ġproport ion",
+ "of lu",
+ "ly m",
+ "Ġmg h",
+ "Ġn ine",
+ "Ġmon os",
+ "re c",
+ "Ġfib er",
+ "Ġlymph aden",
+ "Ġt op",
+ "Ġagre ement",
+ "ent ion",
+ "ace ment",
+ "ul f",
+ "ro x",
+ "Ġrelev ant",
+ "Ġp ax",
+ "Ġs ess",
+ "ail y",
+ "Ġfibro adipose",
+ "Ġcyt okines",
+ "Ġint rap",
+ "Ġref erence",
+ "m ut",
+ "Ġ6 5",
+ "Ġsusp icious",
+ "Ġac qu",
+ "Ġdiagn oses",
+ "t c",
+ "od erm",
+ "Ġhyst erectomy",
+ "Ġe ct",
+ "Ġinflu ence",
+ "Ġp i",
+ "oxyl in",
+ "Ġbas ement",
+ "our s",
+ "Ġrepres ents",
+ "Ġpartic ip",
+ "Ġcon clud",
+ "Ġstrateg y",
+ "Ġcalc ulated",
+ "Ġcor rect",
+ "Ġo ct",
+ "Ġvari ants",
+ "Ġnet work",
+ "Ġpleomorph ic",
+ "og ran",
+ "Ġp al",
+ "Ġhisti ocytes",
+ "Ġsc an",
+ "Ġde pend",
+ "Ġgen omic",
+ "Ġenlarg ed",
+ "Ġnum b",
+ "ic itis",
+ "et es",
+ "Ġt p",
+ "p et",
+ "Ġb ur",
+ "l ess",
+ "rit ic",
+ "Ġf ron",
+ "ens itivity",
+ "Ġn ature",
+ "ax el",
+ "over y",
+ "am ent",
+ "Ġol d",
+ "Ġgeneral ly",
+ "Ġgu id",
+ "Ġspect rum",
+ "Ġto ward",
+ "Ġsub ch",
+ "Ġ ill",
+ "ul ating",
+ "f old",
+ "in o",
+ "Ġret ro",
+ "id ine",
+ "Ġgran ular",
+ "Ġcorrespond ing",
+ "ar ily",
+ "lym ph",
+ "Ġser rated",
+ "Ġ5 5",
+ "cat enin",
+ "Ġa round",
+ "l it",
+ "Ġd one",
+ "ul a",
+ "Ġbacter ial",
+ "ar ray",
+ "Ġtrans m",
+ "Ġauto immune",
+ "Ġm d",
+ "ocl onal",
+ "Ġk ras",
+ "p ro",
+ "iqu e",
+ "Ġcasp ase",
+ "Ġd aily",
+ "Ġulc er",
+ "Ġpres erved",
+ "Ġh al",
+ "o y",
+ "Ġmass es",
+ "Ġfib ers",
+ "me an",
+ "or gan",
+ "ĠâĢ ¢",
+ "Ġincre ases",
+ "Ġhyp ox",
+ "Ġc rest",
+ "t he",
+ "Ġexp ans",
+ "Ġem ph",
+ "Ġb odies",
+ "Ġt e",
+ "Ġl ast",
+ "Ġinf arct",
+ "Ġw ater",
+ "t a",
+ "it ation",
+ "Ġhorm one",
+ "Ġre arrang",
+ "Ġopt imal",
+ "Ġp g",
+ "Ġtarget s",
+ "op erat",
+ "Ġhyper cellular",
+ "Ġdiab etic",
+ "Ġn erv",
+ "Ġremov al",
+ "Ġdel et",
+ "Ġbra f",
+ "xim um",
+ "Ġexcis ed",
+ "Ġg o",
+ "- ,",
+ "Ġduct s",
+ "5 5",
+ "Ġt en",
+ "Ġw ar",
+ "Ġpolyp s",
+ "Ġmit oses",
+ "ab ine",
+ "Ġtub ercul",
+ "Ġtyp ically",
+ "Ġra bb",
+ "Ġcon stit",
+ "Ġoccurre nce",
+ "em ic",
+ "Ġextra cellular",
+ "Ġen rolled",
+ "Ġs everity",
+ "Ġb m",
+ "Ġsegment al",
+ "Ġax illary",
+ "fl u",
+ "fer ase",
+ "in ing",
+ "7 3",
+ "Ġpersist ent",
+ "us ted",
+ "Ġgastro pathy",
+ "Ġcr ypt",
+ "Ġn it",
+ "Ġmon oclonal",
+ "Ġ4 6",
+ "r uct",
+ "Ġthor ac",
+ "ac hes",
+ "Ġunivers ity",
+ "t le",
+ "or ter",
+ "Ġpl ays",
+ "Ġradi ological",
+ "ab d",
+ "Ġtarget ing",
+ "Ġh az",
+ "i asis",
+ "Ġcur ative",
+ "r s",
+ "Ġcontrib ute",
+ "f ts",
+ "Ġgranul omatous",
+ "Ġp y",
+ "Ġm and",
+ "Ġtim es",
+ "Ġpar affin",
+ "Ġsynt hes",
+ "Ġcont ent",
+ "Ġprom yelocytes",
+ "Ġexp ress",
+ "Ġassoc i",
+ "Ġrec onstr",
+ "Ġprofil es",
+ "Ġ7 2",
+ "um ab",
+ "ast om",
+ "Ġnumb ers",
+ "Ġpartic les",
+ "Ġdes cript",
+ "Ġk ne",
+ "Ġent ity",
+ "ed ded",
+ "0 3",
+ "Ġvariab les",
+ "od ing",
+ "operat ively",
+ "Ġr ing",
+ "Ġfinal ly",
+ "Ġet iology",
+ "Ġpl aqu",
+ "d en",
+ "Ġnat ural",
+ "ed ge",
+ "Ġres emb",
+ "Ġactiv ated",
+ "f or",
+ "Ġy et",
+ "Ġsubsequent ly",
+ "Ġfunct ions",
+ "Ġst ate",
+ "Ġfl at",
+ "Ġstruct ure",
+ "Ġl ed",
+ "ath ione",
+ "e b",
+ "Ġcort ex",
+ "Ġun ivariate",
+ "opath ology",
+ "8 9",
+ "on in",
+ "Ġtrans l",
+ "Ġun ique",
+ "Ġex ist",
+ "Ġb order",
+ "Ġple ural",
+ "Ġendometri oid",
+ "Ġcompound s",
+ "Ġsal ping",
+ "Ġalt ered",
+ "Ġhaz ard",
+ "Ġimprov ement",
+ "n ing",
+ "ill ance",
+ "Ġan other",
+ "g al",
+ "Ġobs erv",
+ "Ġex amine",
+ "Ġindic ating",
+ "res h",
+ "Ġdiab etes",
+ "iat ric",
+ "Ġb al",
+ "Ġischem ia",
+ "Ġfe as",
+ "Ġt el",
+ "6 1",
+ "Ġw edge",
+ "Ġal most",
+ "] ,",
+ "Ġf if",
+ "Ġintra c",
+ "Ġ4 3",
+ "s il",
+ "Ġinv ad",
+ "Ġpro te",
+ "Ġl as",
+ "Ġsl ide",
+ "Ġam el",
+ "are nt",
+ "Ġg em",
+ "Ġcir cum",
+ "Ġrem aining",
+ "Ġd end",
+ "8 7",
+ "Ġimmunost aining",
+ "Ġf ield",
+ "ak ing",
+ "Ġtest icular",
+ "Ġprop osed",
+ "Ġad ipose",
+ "Ġr s",
+ "Ġup on",
+ "Ġper itoneal",
+ "en h",
+ "od e",
+ "Ġwor se",
+ "Ġfore ign",
+ "Ġepiderm is",
+ "ardi um",
+ "Ġax illa",
+ "Ġh ost",
+ "we ight",
+ "Ġglut athione",
+ "Ġretic ulin",
+ "pl an",
+ "Ġvari ety",
+ "Ġcateg or",
+ "Ġchor ionic",
+ "Ġan astom",
+ "ect able",
+ "p i",
+ "Ġmin or",
+ "Ġpro duct",
+ "oar thritis",
+ "b ec",
+ "oflu orescence",
+ "c y",
+ "uc id",
+ "Ġt y",
+ "Ġsurve illance",
+ "ian s",
+ "Ġlob ectomy",
+ "Ġam p",
+ "v es",
+ "Ġestim ated",
+ "6 9",
+ "Ġeb v",
+ "Ġof f",
+ "iab ility",
+ "Ġhemat oxylin",
+ "m ic",
+ "Ġpre cis",
+ "c n",
+ "Ġinfiltr ating",
+ "Ġrepresent ative",
+ "Ġ rol",
+ "Ġadhes ion",
+ "Ġal coh",
+ "Ġ200 4",
+ "Ġpubl ished",
+ "Ġph arm",
+ "Ġtra um",
+ "in ter",
+ "Ġint est",
+ "Ġkne e",
+ "Ġdiscuss ed",
+ "Ġgrad ing",
+ "Ġ umb",
+ "Ġfeat ure",
+ "Ġterm s",
+ "f u",
+ "Ġdep th",
+ "Ġant ic",
+ "Ġaspir ation",
+ "Ġl ike",
+ "Ġev ent",
+ "os ter",
+ "e ared",
+ "Ġ4 4",
+ "is c",
+ "Ġn a",
+ "Ġox y",
+ "obl asts",
+ "Ġcur ve",
+ "Ġtemp oral",
+ "f act",
+ "Ġair way",
+ "Ġar t",
+ "rolif erative",
+ ") )",
+ "Ġin n",
+ "Ġproced ures",
+ "Ġf usion",
+ "Ġlit tle",
+ "Ġpl at",
+ "Ġlymph ocyte",
+ "Ġtract s",
+ "Ġenhance ment",
+ "Ġl aryngeal",
+ "Ġd on",
+ "le ment",
+ "od al",
+ "Ġcaps ule",
+ "Ġvac u",
+ "|> .",
+ "Ġaltern ative",
+ "Ġval ve",
+ "Ġthir ty",
+ "Ġcl onal",
+ "Ġol ig",
+ "Ġlong er",
+ "8 6",
+ "Ġent er",
+ "Ġst er",
+ "Ġcholecyst ectomy",
+ "Ġer os",
+ "ph al",
+ "Ġprod uced",
+ "Ġacin ar",
+ "Ġsus cept",
+ "g amma",
+ "ens ion",
+ "f dg",
+ "Ġdoc ument",
+ "Ġmetabol ism",
+ "Ġel ucid",
+ "w are",
+ "Ġc p",
+ "Ġcent ers",
+ "Ġcir cul",
+ "Ġgen ome",
+ "Ġin active",
+ "Ġadult s",
+ "re am",
+ "Ġprob le",
+ "Ġc ertain",
+ "Ġfract ion",
+ "and ular",
+ "Ġvis c",
+ "Ġast rocyt",
+ "m ri",
+ "po int",
+ "Ġderm is",
+ "Ġol der",
+ "5 49",
+ "le ft",
+ "y ing",
+ "Ġh is",
+ "Ġapp arent",
+ "4 1",
+ "7 7",
+ "an k",
+ "Ġrol es",
+ "ro c",
+ "Ġappro aches",
+ "b ar",
+ "Ġus ual",
+ "Ġp itu",
+ "Ġcl ose",
+ "Ġarter ies",
+ "h pv",
+ "end er",
+ "Ġc am",
+ "ac ed",
+ "te en",
+ "le u",
+ "at a",
+ "Ġo il",
+ "Ġoste oarthritis",
+ "Ġglomer ular",
+ "orect omy",
+ "Ġcir rh",
+ "ar ing",
+ "Ġgreat est",
+ "Ġche ek",
+ "he tic",
+ "Ġrecord ed",
+ "Ġsess ile",
+ "Ġlocal ization",
+ "Ġqu est",
+ "Ġcytotox ic",
+ "Ġ4 7",
+ "Ġaort ic",
+ "Ġf lex",
+ "Ġexpans ion",
+ "Ġexamin ations",
+ "Ġel astic",
+ "ran ial",
+ "Ġir radiation",
+ "per fusion",
+ "tern al",
+ "Ġpo int",
+ "Ġtub es",
+ "Ġ5 6",
+ "ag ic",
+ "Ġcor ne",
+ "Ġka plan",
+ "Ġumb il",
+ "Ġ5 2",
+ "Ġposs ib",
+ "Ġabd omen",
+ "ill ous",
+ "d h",
+ "Ġthrough out",
+ "r or",
+ "oph orectomy",
+ "Ġins ulin",
+ "Ġe g",
+ "Ġsupport ing",
+ "Ġwid ely",
+ "m it",
+ "di agn",
+ "b y",
+ "Ġmult i",
+ "ud e",
+ "Ġtr ig",
+ "Ġdend ritic",
+ "Ġsp ace",
+ "Ġop en",
+ "8 3",
+ "Ġresp ond",
+ "Ġrefer red",
+ "Ġlas er",
+ "Ġn as",
+ "Ġtt f",
+ "Ġexpl ore",
+ "Ġintra cellular",
+ "Ġlim it",
+ "ox ide",
+ "Ġarchitect ural",
+ "Ġ8 5",
+ "Ġin st",
+ "Ġne ural",
+ "Ġpitu itary",
+ "Ġfig ure",
+ "Ġinteract ion",
+ "Ġrem ained",
+ "Ġbro ad",
+ "ac es",
+ "an al",
+ "ac ity",
+ "Ġal veolar",
+ "Ġover l",
+ "Ġvac c",
+ "Ġdis r",
+ "Ġant it",
+ "Ġ6 6",
+ "|> ).",
+ "Ġimmunore activity",
+ "Ġred uce",
+ "Ġmitochond rial",
+ "Ġrece iving",
+ "Ġprost at",
+ "Ġpop ulations",
+ "Ġneur onal",
+ "Ġdifferent iate",
+ "he al",
+ "cl in",
+ "dit ional",
+ "Ġg angl",
+ "Ġor b",
+ "me ier",
+ "Ġgl ucose",
+ "Ġen vironment",
+ "Ġchrom osome",
+ "Ġrest ric",
+ "Ġrecord s",
+ "Ġpan el",
+ "7 2",
+ "Ġre verse",
+ "Ġshould er",
+ "Ġm um",
+ "oll icular",
+ "l ob",
+ "at al",
+ "Ġlabel ed",
+ "row n",
+ "Ġtrans ition",
+ "at ch",
+ "Ġremov ed",
+ "os ider",
+ "Ġinf ect",
+ "re ted",
+ "Ġar thritis",
+ "Ġure ter",
+ "il it",
+ "leu kin",
+ "Ġimmun ofluorescence",
+ "Ġam ount",
+ "ur ine",
+ "Ġmic rom",
+ "Ġex ternal",
+ "Ġlung s",
+ "Ġm is",
+ "Ġpract ice",
+ "8 1",
+ "Ġbil iary",
+ "Ġn g",
+ "Ġmediast inal",
+ "Ġ( >",
+ "Ġpneumon ia",
+ "6 2",
+ "Ġtub ul",
+ "Ġ ib",
+ "Ġoxy gen",
+ "Ġpot ent",
+ "Ġcom ment",
+ "Ġs od",
+ "Ġplacent al",
+ "Ġheterogen eous",
+ "Ġintest ine",
+ "Ġultr ason",
+ "str uction",
+ "Ġknock down",
+ "Ġinter nal",
+ "Ġl u",
+ "Ġbasophil s",
+ "Ġe os",
+ "Ġv i",
+ "cler osis",
+ "Ġmes ent",
+ "Ġcholecyst itis",
+ "en ge",
+ "Ġbi o",
+ "7 1",
+ "Ġcereb ral",
+ "6 4",
+ "Ġmut ant",
+ "Ġcircul ating",
+ "Ġo roph",
+ "Ġup regulated",
+ "h ood",
+ "s ized",
+ "Ġman ner",
+ "osom es",
+ "es e",
+ "Ġ '",
+ "Ġh mb",
+ "Ġble eding",
+ "ere ns",
+ "Ġdys function",
+ "Ġdef erens",
+ "urg ical",
+ "Ġv iable",
+ "Ġ5 3",
+ "ip ple",
+ "l in",
+ "ab el",
+ "Ġenzym es",
+ "Ġc s",
+ "Ġem erg",
+ "flu or",
+ "cl ass",
+ "Ġlapar oscopic",
+ "Ġaccompan ied",
+ "Ġrat her",
+ "Ġepid em",
+ "Ġpredic ted",
+ "Ġpredict ing",
+ "Ġhem angi",
+ "oxid ase",
+ "8 2",
+ "Ġanalyz e",
+ "Ġacc ount",
+ "Ġf ull",
+ "Ġextend s",
+ "ro bl",
+ "b e",
+ "Ġt able",
+ "em ber",
+ "Ġ5 4",
+ "Ġn ever",
+ "ir us",
+ "Ġhem osider",
+ "i otherapy",
+ "p n",
+ "crib ed",
+ "Ġrad ial",
+ "ing s",
+ "Ġexperi ence",
+ "Ġint act",
+ "um oral",
+ "od g",
+ "âĢ Ļ",
+ "Ġex am",
+ "mon th",
+ "Ġmeas ures",
+ "Ġ5 7",
+ "ar tic",
+ "Ġumbil ical",
+ "w ays",
+ "Ġh ours",
+ "Ġall el",
+ "Ġinter leukin",
+ "Ġ ens",
+ "is es",
+ "Ġb ul",
+ "Ġ /",
+ "Ġh am",
+ "Ġab le",
+ "Ġt ren",
+ "Ġad c",
+ "m y",
+ "w ise",
+ "Ġ4 9",
+ "Ġut il",
+ "Ġcon d",
+ "|> ,",
+ "Ġre vers",
+ "Ġimmunos up",
+ "Ġprog ress",
+ "out h",
+ "h nscc",
+ "Ġsalping o",
+ "Ġposit ively",
+ "Ġsaf e",
+ "Ġ5 8",
+ "ov ered",
+ "Ġadhes ions",
+ "ot omy",
+ "Ġmolec ules",
+ "oph yt",
+ "Ġhepat ocytes",
+ "Ġpharm ac",
+ "Ġf dg",
+ "Ġun c",
+ "Ġop eration",
+ "Ġ6 2",
+ "Ġexpression s",
+ "ut er",
+ "Ġs at",
+ "Ġc ost",
+ "Ġma ximum",
+ ") /",
+ "Ġanalys ed",
+ "in ucle",
+ "Ġgra ft",
+ "Ġoverex p",
+ "Ġsyn ov",
+ "ell ar",
+ "im ents",
+ "Ġsupp ressed",
+ "oplasm ic",
+ "ester ol",
+ "Ġo c",
+ "us h",
+ "Ġtumorigen esis",
+ "re es",
+ "Ġp ac",
+ "Ġsystem s",
+ "iz es",
+ "ros ine",
+ "cit abine",
+ "Ġqu ad",
+ "Ġoccur ring",
+ "Ġangi ogenesis",
+ "obl astic",
+ "Ġrele ase",
+ "Ġp hen",
+ "Ġvisc eral",
+ "Ġp ower",
+ "ex pression",
+ "Ġbas os",
+ "Ġh iv",
+ "ib ular",
+ "all ed",
+ "odg kin",
+ "Ġg ender",
+ "g es",
+ "Ġp ress",
+ "em sa",
+ "cem ber",
+ "Ġsubst ant",
+ "op enia",
+ "Ġabs cess",
+ "opath ic",
+ "Ġpapilloma virus",
+ "Ġvascul itis",
+ "Ġ6 4",
+ "Ġtubercul osis",
+ "oc arcinoma",
+ "Ġjo int",
+ "Ġbas eline",
+ "Ġintervent ion",
+ "Ġclass ical",
+ "x t",
+ "duct al",
+ "n um",
+ "o ophorectomy",
+ "Ġcalc ium",
+ "e ity",
+ "Ġf il",
+ "k e",
+ "Ġsuppress or",
+ "Ġrandom ly",
+ "Ġartic le",
+ "Ġsuccessful ly",
+ "Ġper ic",
+ "r iform",
+ "1 16",
+ "ne u",
+ "Ġcorrel ate",
+ "w ann",
+ "Ġmuc h",
+ "Ġ5 1",
+ "Ġsurg ically",
+ "Ġchemorad iotherapy",
+ "v ed",
+ "Ġrequ ire",
+ "Ġpigment ed",
+ "o ff",
+ "Ġtra ditional",
+ "Ġendometri osis",
+ "Ġhyal in",
+ "Ġmamm ary",
+ "Ġple ura",
+ "hy de",
+ "Ġs our",
+ "ra g",
+ "Ġsw elling",
+ "ch ar",
+ "Ġinit ially",
+ "Ġglob ules",
+ "Ġ6 7",
+ "Ġdeliv ery",
+ "Ġalcoh ol",
+ "Ġchall enge",
+ "Ġcyt ological",
+ "Ġey e",
+ "Ġis l",
+ "8 4",
+ "we ek",
+ "er itoneal",
+ "âĢ Ŀ",
+ "de hyde",
+ "el et",
+ "o on",
+ "Ġth in",
+ "Ġno w",
+ "Ġhemosider in",
+ "d ose",
+ "er c",
+ "oph ag",
+ "5 2",
+ "Ġde cember",
+ "Ġev ery",
+ "Ġl act",
+ "l im",
+ "Ġc reat",
+ "Ġmod ified",
+ "Ġend oscopy",
+ "Ġsplen ic",
+ "Ġ6 3",
+ "Ġap plic",
+ "Ġphosphory lation",
+ "Ġhal f",
+ "Ġtub ules",
+ "Ġhere in",
+ "Ġ6 1",
+ "Ġn or",
+ "Ġper it",
+ "a w",
+ "Ġsch wann",
+ "n ar",
+ "Ġgi emsa",
+ "id s",
+ "ect in",
+ "Ġgem citabine",
+ "Ġmast ectomy",
+ "Ġ5 9",
+ "Ġrefl ux",
+ "roscop ic",
+ "ester one",
+ "im es",
+ "Ġinfiltr ative",
+ "m en",
+ "Ġbec ome",
+ "n d",
+ "us tr",
+ "Ġst able",
+ "rot ective",
+ "Ġlu ad",
+ "ap e",
+ "b le",
+ "Ġapp eared",
+ "Ġdirect ly",
+ "Ġpar as",
+ "n ec",
+ "Ġs oc",
+ "Ġad nex",
+ "Ġf al",
+ "Ġsequ ence",
+ "oc ation",
+ "Ġal g",
+ "s er",
+ "clin ical",
+ "Ġpar ts",
+ "Ġprol ong",
+ "Ġexper iments",
+ "Ġpossib ly",
+ "Ġpa uc",
+ "Ġline ar",
+ "Ġob struction",
+ "Ġi hc",
+ "hen s",
+ "Ġdeg rees",
+ "Ġre ad",
+ "Ġassoci ations",
+ "5 9",
+ "r il",
+ "Ġclos ely",
+ "Ġneu rolog",
+ "Ġd est",
+ "Ġm urine",
+ "Ġ6 8",
+ "Ġbronch ial",
+ "Ġc x",
+ "Ġan us",
+ "ot ide",
+ "Ġfac ilit",
+ "Ġconc ern",
+ "Ġd ors",
+ "Ġmedic ine",
+ "Ġg amma",
+ "Ġv iability",
+ "Ġinj ected",
+ "ill ed",
+ "Ġun til",
+ "Ġtrans f",
+ "Ġgenot ype",
+ "Ġregul atory",
+ "oz yg",
+ "Ġbi r",
+ "Ġembry onic",
+ "Ġcirrh osis",
+ "Ġcap acity",
+ "Ġprim arily",
+ "i as",
+ "ol ip",
+ "Ġr upt",
+ "Ġworld wide",
+ "t w",
+ "00 2",
+ "Ġprostat ectomy",
+ "ot ype",
+ "ont aneous",
+ "med ian",
+ "Ġig a",
+ "enh anced",
+ "Ġfo ot",
+ "Ġcharacter ize",
+ "Ġinterest ing",
+ "Ġaden omatous",
+ "i etic",
+ "oc c",
+ "ple ment",
+ "Ġc el",
+ "os cc",
+ "Ġmed iated",
+ "i ating",
+ "Ġmicro g",
+ "Ġrel apse",
+ "Ġgranul oma",
+ "i res",
+ "Ġprecurs or",
+ "Ġma x",
+ "Ġvalid ated",
+ "Ġintrap eritoneal",
+ "Ġoste ophyt",
+ "gu ided",
+ "m uc",
+ "Ġis o",
+ "Ġpredict ors",
+ "Ġd ominant",
+ "Ġpre treatment",
+ "rot izing",
+ "Ġsp ontaneous",
+ "m p",
+ "en vironment",
+ "olog ists",
+ "d p",
+ "at ible",
+ "7 6",
+ "Ġsol itary",
+ "Ġcytok ine",
+ "Ġsepar ate",
+ "ogl andular",
+ "num ber",
+ "Ġmult id",
+ "Ġpregn ancy",
+ "Ġcl ar",
+ "Ġov aries",
+ "Ġpar i",
+ "Ġj ap",
+ "Ġmater nal",
+ "Ġlarg ely",
+ "m ir",
+ "Ġhelp ful",
+ "am ide",
+ "tr ib",
+ "Ġ20 10",
+ "Ġorig inal",
+ "Ġg e",
+ "ect ing",
+ "olog ies",
+ "Ġfore arm",
+ "Ġsperm at",
+ "Ġint rat",
+ "Ġprog esterone",
+ "Ġdis cr",
+ "5 4",
+ "Ġintra operative",
+ "Ġh s",
+ "omet ric",
+ "ron ous",
+ "Ġcomp re",
+ "Ġpredict ion",
+ "weight ed",
+ "Ġped iatric",
+ "und red",
+ "u ous",
+ "Ġmus t",
+ "Ġvacu ol",
+ "Ġaber rant",
+ "ymptom atic",
+ "i omas",
+ "ops y",
+ "Ġs uv",
+ "Ġpancreat itis",
+ "Ġver ified",
+ "Ġfam il",
+ "or ith",
+ "Ġr ib",
+ "Ġcons um",
+ "Ġattenu ated",
+ "Ġd ate",
+ "Ġneur ons",
+ "Ġrandom ized",
+ "Ġdesign ed",
+ "Ġalg orith",
+ "Ġt c",
+ "Ġam eric",
+ "m ax",
+ "t ain",
+ "Ġcompre hens",
+ "Ġana plastic",
+ "Ġcont ained",
+ "mal ign",
+ "Ġmanifest ations",
+ "Ġd ent",
+ "Ġev ident",
+ "Ġinter face",
+ "Ġcompar able",
+ "Ġpari etal",
+ "Ġheterogen eity",
+ "Ġv ary",
+ "Ġne ar",
+ "ic es",
+ "Ġan c",
+ "com it",
+ "7 4",
+ "Ġpart ially",
+ "Ġact ion",
+ "ic in",
+ "Ġhypox ia",
+ "oglob ulin",
+ "Ġdispl ayed",
+ "Ġs ir",
+ "Ġsal ine",
+ "Ġd oma",
+ "Ġear l",
+ "ic les",
+ "ri um",
+ "gen ic",
+ "th ral",
+ "ic ation",
+ "Ġlymph omas",
+ "Ġm ism",
+ "Ġtest is",
+ "Ġventric le",
+ "Ġosteophyt es",
+ "Ġ9 6",
+ "Ġrespons ible",
+ "k i",
+ "Ġthick ening",
+ "Ġconsist ed",
+ "Ġt erat",
+ "if ically",
+ "Ġsubj ected",
+ "Ġf ul",
+ "Ġexperi enced",
+ "in ated",
+ "Ġintra venous",
+ "Ġsel f",
+ "Ġinfect ious",
+ "Ġs ufficient",
+ "ac r",
+ "upt ion",
+ "Ġcon comit",
+ "in ot",
+ "Ġas c",
+ "Ġcytotox icity",
+ "5 8",
+ "he ad",
+ "ii i",
+ "Ġqu al",
+ "Ġform al",
+ "Ġse arch",
+ "Ġcateg ory",
+ "Ġrat ios",
+ "cont rol",
+ "er ing",
+ "Ġf ar",
+ "Ġpres ents",
+ "5 1",
+ "Ġfor ty",
+ "Ġseem s",
+ "Ġas ymptomatic",
+ "Ġro b",
+ "Ġhuman s",
+ "Ġvalid ation",
+ "he pat",
+ "Ġser ve",
+ "Ġcr c",
+ "Ġincident al",
+ "Ġsecret ory",
+ "Ġthromb us",
+ "Ġconcomit ant",
+ "Ġpatholog ists",
+ "ult aneous",
+ "Ġcr uc",
+ "Ġquest ion",
+ "Ġcomplic ation",
+ "Ġmicro environment",
+ "Ġac cept",
+ "Ġdetect ing",
+ "Ġyoung er",
+ "el s",
+ "Ġchalleng ing",
+ "av age",
+ "Ġreconstr uction",
+ "Ġsim ultaneous",
+ "Ġexp and",
+ "Ġmit f",
+ "Ġmim ic",
+ "Ġdr s",
+ "ig ens",
+ "Ġex clus",
+ "Ġt ert",
+ "Ġ â",
+ "Ġconn ective",
+ "Ġp m",
+ "Ġhyp ers",
+ "9 2",
+ "Ġsp ong",
+ "Ġc apillary",
+ "Ġdiss em",
+ "Ġcol um",
+ "Ġun it",
+ "Ġrec overy",
+ "Ġmism atch",
+ "Ġvit amin",
+ "Ġmesent eric",
+ "Ġdo uble",
+ "c g",
+ "9 8",
+ "ia p",
+ "Ġh undred",
+ "Ġreg imen",
+ "Ġmyoc ardial",
+ "ist ant",
+ "yt hem",
+ "b al",
+ "Ġpredict or",
+ "st ream",
+ "9 6",
+ "Ġaffect ing",
+ "Ġnan op",
+ "Ġcon struct",
+ "Ġyield ed",
+ "Ġprov en",
+ "Ġcont ents",
+ "Ġmic ros",
+ "pd ac",
+ "Ġrabb its",
+ "Ġcalc ification",
+ "Ġfibrobl asts",
+ "Ġinvolv es",
+ "Ġhepat ocyte",
+ "Ġfavor able",
+ "9 3",
+ "Ġjap an",
+ "iment in",
+ "cell s",
+ "Ġac et",
+ "or ption",
+ "Ġpress ure",
+ "Ġag ed",
+ "Ġsel ection",
+ "Ġasp ects",
+ "ify ing",
+ "ĠâĢ ľ",
+ "Ġw ist",
+ "Ġlog istic",
+ "Ġdocument ed",
+ "Ġey es",
+ "es cc",
+ "od es",
+ "Ġmeasure ments",
+ "p ol",
+ "Ġp od",
+ "oun ts",
+ "Ġd ox",
+ "Ġmar g",
+ "Ġischem ic",
+ "Ġacqu ired",
+ "Ġp sa",
+ "ne oplastic",
+ "i e",
+ "Ġer ythem",
+ "ol ytic",
+ "ear ing",
+ "Ġex cess",
+ "malign ant",
+ "Ġendoc rine",
+ "Ġty rosine",
+ "Ġmicro array",
+ "Ġspec ifically",
+ "Ġs omet",
+ "Ġleuk ocytes",
+ "Ġsampl ing",
+ "Ġsyn apt",
+ "Ġother s",
+ "l s",
+ "otox icity",
+ "r p",
+ "othe rap",
+ "Ġchol esterol",
+ "Ġphosph at",
+ "Ġconf lu",
+ "Ġch o",
+ "Ġcult ures",
+ "Ġcomp atible",
+ "Ġmar t",
+ "Ġm ec",
+ "l n",
+ "om atic",
+ "Ġp ast",
+ "ophys in",
+ "Ġcult ured",
+ "Ġlat ter",
+ "Ġprog ram",
+ "r uc",
+ "ro st",
+ "est ed",
+ "Ġm ap",
+ "Ġimmunohistochem ically",
+ "Ġadm ixed",
+ "ast ruct",
+ "Ġ7 1",
+ "Ġwist ar",
+ "Ġmarg inal",
+ "Ġ9 2",
+ "sh ifted",
+ "Ġv imentin",
+ "Ġpl ate",
+ "Ġasp ect",
+ "Ġgerm inal",
+ "Ġlip oma",
+ "ro vers",
+ "Ġflex ure",
+ "Ġun treated",
+ "Ġdefin ite",
+ "Ġsmall er",
+ "Ġsynov ial",
+ "Ġhypothes is",
+ "Ġcont rovers",
+ "Ġantic ancer",
+ "ot al",
+ "Ġpl an",
+ "Ġsquam oglandular",
+ "Ġcomp os",
+ "Ġtranscript ional",
+ "Ġ8 3",
+ "Ġnanop artic",
+ "c p",
+ "Ġc in",
+ "Ġac ross",
+ "Ġdef iciency",
+ "Ġchem ical",
+ "ex ist",
+ "ol ve",
+ "Ġn ort",
+ "op er",
+ "Ġ8 8",
+ "Ġindependent ly",
+ "Ġappend icitis",
+ "ac et",
+ "el ines",
+ "Ġg on",
+ "Ġphys ical",
+ "Ġinvestig ations",
+ "13 8",
+ "e gfr",
+ "Ġsevere ly",
+ "al ities",
+ "9 4",
+ "rom at",
+ "Ġsomet imes",
+ "ci pl",
+ "Ġantit umor",
+ "Ġdermat opathology",
+ "Ġrecomm end",
+ "Ġrelev ance",
+ "Ġrapid ly",
+ "Ġdiff us",
+ "Ġthorac ic",
+ "Ġsynapt ophysin",
+ "Ġdegen erative",
+ "Ġhemorrh agic",
+ "Ġrel iable",
+ "tw o",
+ "Ġgen erated",
+ "ace ous",
+ "Ġex cell",
+ "Ġsup plement",
+ "Ġimmun oglobulin",
+ "met ast",
+ "Ġav oid",
+ "Ġretro per",
+ "Ġcruc ial",
+ "Ġt nm",
+ "Ġdef ects",
+ "al s",
+ "b ac",
+ "Ġoccasional ly",
+ "Ġrep e",
+ "ell ow",
+ "ns clc",
+ "an ol",
+ "f ish",
+ "ac ytic",
+ "Ġb rown",
+ "Ġins ight",
+ "Ġdem ographic",
+ "Ġprep ared",
+ "Ġant igens",
+ "ond ral",
+ "m us",
+ "Ġln cr",
+ "Ġre ason",
+ "Ġe as",
+ "Ġmed ull",
+ "Ġver ruc",
+ "Ġdifferent ially",
+ "le y",
+ "Ġst ep",
+ "Ġex ce",
+ "Ġhematopo ietic",
+ "Ġb all",
+ "Ġhypertroph ic",
+ "f ollicular",
+ "id ing",
+ "Ġpar otid",
+ "Ġconf ined",
+ "Ġsh orter",
+ "ur b",
+ "Ġfem oral",
+ "Ġinter n",
+ "Ġ6 9",
+ "Ġlichen oid",
+ "Ġrh abd",
+ "Ġc er",
+ "ad j",
+ "Ġper for",
+ "Ġmorphological ly",
+ "Ġnest s",
+ "Ġvag inal",
+ "Ġscler osing",
+ "�� ��",
+ "k ing",
+ "Ġw t",
+ "Ġn ational",
+ "Ġdel ayed",
+ "Ġmyx oid",
+ "Ġexcell ent",
+ "Ġat he",
+ "Ġde br",
+ "Ġguid elines",
+ "c ancer",
+ "ith iasis",
+ "w ing",
+ "Ġens ure",
+ "vi um",
+ "Ġultr astruct",
+ "Ġwh om",
+ "Ġ7 8",
+ "d ing",
+ "Ġf ist",
+ "Ġrang ed",
+ "lit axel",
+ "Ġ200 0",
+ "Ġrel ation",
+ "Ġem pl",
+ "Ġmean s",
+ "Ġd ynamic",
+ "erg y",
+ "Ġrepe ated",
+ "9 7",
+ "Ġn ipple",
+ "Ġkeratin ocytes",
+ "Ġinfiltr ates",
+ "Ġrec ip",
+ "Ġconsist ing",
+ "Ġam n",
+ "Ġem ission",
+ "Ġw nt",
+ "s urgical",
+ "se qu",
+ "Ġe ch",
+ "ro gl",
+ "Ġhe av",
+ "Ġmod alities",
+ "ra ph",
+ "Ġrearrang ement",
+ "Ġcycl es",
+ "Ġab lation",
+ "Ġbre ak",
+ "Ġnerv ous",
+ "Ġf ed",
+ "Ġmat ched",
+ "s ev",
+ "Ġanc illary",
+ "c es",
+ "Ġsecret ion",
+ "Ġdebr is",
+ "b ody",
+ "Ġobserv ations",
+ "it ing",
+ "Ġfl ap",
+ "d na",
+ "Ġver te",
+ "Ġ7 3",
+ "Ġprob ably",
+ "r ate",
+ "Ġsign ature",
+ "Ġmeth yl",
+ "Ġmes ang",
+ "Ġtr ue",
+ "Ġarter ial",
+ "Ġpromot e",
+ "m n",
+ "am y",
+ "Ġsuscept ibility",
+ "Ġmy omet",
+ "t on",
+ "Ġn ail",
+ "Ġpo ints",
+ "Ġmeas uring",
+ "Ġ7 6",
+ "11 7",
+ "Ġrecurre nces",
+ "xim ab",
+ "Ġir rit",
+ "omat osis",
+ "m ark",
+ "ard ia",
+ "bec ular",
+ "Ġmic ror",
+ "Ġpas d",
+ "Ġan e",
+ "Ġg ms",
+ "Ġlar gest",
+ "emb edded",
+ "ol ysis",
+ "Ġlabel ing",
+ "Ġextract ed",
+ "Ġamel ior",
+ "cr t",
+ "Ġalb umin",
+ "j un",
+ "Ġreg ist",
+ "Ġmir nas",
+ "Ġut ility",
+ "Ġsarc omas",
+ "ar s",
+ "Ġful ly",
+ "Ġpar ak",
+ "Ġlead s",
+ "Ġdes m",
+ "Ġcandid ate",
+ "iv ocal",
+ "Ġne g",
+ "ogen e",
+ "Ġminimal ly",
+ "Ġcomprehens ive",
+ "urac il",
+ "Ġstruct ural",
+ "Ġig m",
+ "Ġreport ing",
+ "Ġcontinu ous",
+ "Ġparenchym al",
+ "9 1",
+ "Ġobs ervation",
+ "Ġsubch ondral",
+ "Ġv enous",
+ "Ġmat ter",
+ "b cs",
+ "ur ia",
+ "Ġinclus ions",
+ "Ġopt ions",
+ "Ġ201 6",
+ "Ġearl ier",
+ "Ġsel ective",
+ "ent er",
+ "Ġindic ates",
+ "Ġconflu ent",
+ "Ġultrason ography",
+ "m r",
+ "Ġf old",
+ "Ġ ,",
+ "Ġg c",
+ "Ġ9 3",
+ "Ġrequ ires",
+ "Ġde pendent",
+ "Ġexp ressing",
+ "Ġin gu",
+ "Ġext ran",
+ "Ġad ip",
+ "Ġr as",
+ "Ġpre par",
+ "Ġfollic le",
+ "Ġhyal ine",
+ "b cc",
+ "ens ive",
+ "l aden",
+ "Ġ uv",
+ "Ġconc ord",
+ "ogra m",
+ "tr ies",
+ "Ġfor med",
+ "ogran in",
+ "Ġse b",
+ "Ġb o",
+ "Ġcoun tries",
+ "Ġak t",
+ "Ġsup pression",
+ "Ġpatholog ist",
+ "Ġ19 90",
+ "Ġbr anc",
+ "Ġintra ductal",
+ "Ġsc i",
+ "Ġpred omin",
+ "Ġother wise",
+ "gen eration",
+ "Ġacc ess",
+ "h s",
+ "art il",
+ "emat ous",
+ "Ġempl oy",
+ "Ġaccompan ying",
+ "Ġcm v",
+ "o epithelial",
+ "Ġmult ic",
+ "Ġprevent ion",
+ "aryn g",
+ "Ġsynthes is",
+ "Ġg yn",
+ "Ġlin ked",
+ "Ġh b",
+ "Ġsupport s",
+ "h l",
+ "Ġsp orad",
+ "is a",
+ "Ġl ps",
+ "he p",
+ "Ġcle arly",
+ "Ġch i",
+ "Ġimplic ations",
+ "us ed",
+ "Ġl oad",
+ "Ġunderst ood",
+ "Ġ8 6",
+ "h igh",
+ "Ġ9 4",
+ "). -",
+ "Ġcharacter ization",
+ "Ġprolong ed",
+ "Ġp ure",
+ "or ation",
+ "Ġoral ly",
+ "m es",
+ "Ġrec r",
+ "Ġchol angi",
+ "Ġhypers ensitivity",
+ "e per",
+ "der ly",
+ "Ġf und",
+ "hepat itis",
+ "Ġlay ers",
+ "Ġonc ogenic",
+ "g ing",
+ "Ġfal se",
+ "ar b",
+ "Ġidentify ing",
+ "Ġ8 7",
+ "oc omp",
+ "Ġoverexp ressed",
+ "Ġfron tal",
+ "Ġeros ion",
+ "Ġk ary",
+ "Ġif n",
+ "Ġn k",
+ "Ġdiff usion",
+ "Ġglob al",
+ "Ġg re",
+ "Ġig f",
+ "Ġvill i",
+ "Ġconclud e",
+ "ros arcoma",
+ "Ġmonit oring",
+ "Ġnew ly",
+ "Ġsh ifted",
+ "Ġha em",
+ "Ġchemorad iation",
+ "Ġunc ertain",
+ "j cc",
+ "Ġ201 5",
+ "Ġf ox",
+ "com p",
+ "y ch",
+ "Ġsystem atic",
+ "Ġchrom ogranin",
+ "Ġp all",
+ "Ġg el",
+ "Ġn ut",
+ "Ġat trib",
+ "f a",
+ "cyt oplasmic",
+ "abel ed",
+ "Ġeff icient",
+ "ore g",
+ "Ġc ro",
+ "ab il",
+ "Ġdelet ion",
+ "ag on",
+ "Ġc cl",
+ "Ġcorne al",
+ "Ġo esophageal",
+ "Ġpept ide",
+ "act ic",
+ "Ġcor on",
+ "adj usted",
+ "omy el",
+ "Ġin oc",
+ "Ġdetail ed",
+ "u pl",
+ "Ġsl ow",
+ "Ġwh ose",
+ "Ġdiscuss ion",
+ "b ronchial",
+ "Ġparticip ants",
+ "Ġtop ical",
+ "Ġingu inal",
+ "Ġsc ale",
+ "Ġaut ophag",
+ "Ġem t",
+ "em pt",
+ "Ġ201 2",
+ "Ġradi ographic",
+ "Ġdil ated",
+ "Ġcolum nar",
+ "Ġ9 1",
+ "Ġgyn ec",
+ "ip ot",
+ "Ġa ug",
+ "Ġel derly",
+ "Ġche ck",
+ "Ġsteat o",
+ "Ġ7 7",
+ "Ġne xt",
+ "Ġo ment",
+ "Ġimmun otherapy",
+ "Ġret in",
+ "Ġ8 4",
+ "omat oid",
+ "yp ical",
+ "ph yl",
+ "h p",
+ "Ġ8 2",
+ "g c",
+ "op a",
+ "Ġde eper",
+ "ing er",
+ "Ġextran odal",
+ "Ġsur ge",
+ "o vium",
+ "Ġimp air",
+ "Ġformal in",
+ "Ġappro ved",
+ "Ġbacter ia",
+ "inf ected",
+ "Ġoroph aryngeal",
+ "Ġb ud",
+ "Ġ8 1",
+ "Ġimplic ated",
+ "Ġs erv",
+ "Ġco v",
+ "Ġac anth",
+ "Ġdegen erated",
+ "Ġgast rectomy",
+ "Ġhip p",
+ "activ ated",
+ "Ġpolymorph ism",
+ "Ġ7 4",
+ "is cipl",
+ "aps ulated",
+ "Ġ201 3",
+ "Ġm da",
+ "Ġsteato hepatitis",
+ "anc ing",
+ "Ġthyroid ectomy",
+ "Ġwar rant",
+ "Ġappend ectomy",
+ "Ġc yp",
+ "Ġinhibit ory",
+ "Ġcompar ing",
+ "Ġball oon",
+ "Ġconj unct",
+ "Ġprog en",
+ "Ġvi ew",
+ "Ġopt im",
+ "Ġmening ioma",
+ "s up",
+ "Ġinc or",
+ "Ġst ates",
+ "ak t",
+ "Ġmes othel",
+ "ol ob",
+ "Ġdig ital",
+ "Ġdiffus ely",
+ "Ġmir na",
+ "iscipl inary",
+ "Ġup regulation",
+ "Ġintern ational",
+ "Ġneuro fib",
+ "Ġkidne ys",
+ "Ġbi ology",
+ "erg ic",
+ "ast oma",
+ "ri er",
+ "Ġexpl ored",
+ "Ġover lying",
+ "an ine",
+ "d m",
+ "b cl",
+ "Ġvari ation",
+ "Ġdors al",
+ "Ġde plet",
+ "Ġind uces",
+ "Ġconsum ption",
+ "is p",
+ "Ġcomp lement",
+ "f our",
+ "Ġr he",
+ "Ġox ide",
+ "Ġs un",
+ "ines e",
+ "Ġar ise",
+ "al veolar",
+ "ell a",
+ "le vel",
+ "Ġs a",
+ "Ġ201 4",
+ "Ġ200 3",
+ "Ġo cular",
+ "Ġneutrophil ic",
+ "u oden",
+ "res istant",
+ "Ġp p",
+ "Ġquad rant",
+ "Ġreg ulated",
+ "duct ive",
+ "Ġcorrel ations",
+ "uc ible",
+ "Ġ8 9",
+ "od ular",
+ "o uracil",
+ "Ġred ucing",
+ "Ġret inal",
+ "Ġcat al",
+ "Ġcontrol led",
+ "Ġimmunost ained",
+ "organ isms",
+ "Ġatt empt",
+ "Ġorgan ization",
+ "Ġopt ion",
+ "Ġpar a",
+ "if act",
+ "Ġradi ograph",
+ "Ġcompr ised",
+ "Ġ200 9",
+ "Ġstrain s",
+ "Ġov al",
+ "Ġimplant ation",
+ "s on",
+ "o e",
+ "Ġh odgkin",
+ "Ġocc up",
+ "oreg ional",
+ "Ġd ual",
+ "Ġch inese",
+ "Ġhem od",
+ "Ġcr ib",
+ "Ġl a",
+ "Ġp il",
+ "Ġex on",
+ "in ine",
+ "Ġrep eat",
+ "ph osph",
+ "Ġcon gest",
+ "Ġto bac",
+ "Ġorb ital",
+ "Ġtobac co",
+ "ar se",
+ "Ġtrans bronchial",
+ "Ġloc oregional",
+ "f erent",
+ "Ġar rest",
+ "Ġart ifact",
+ "Ġpo ol",
+ "c ed",
+ "Ġat l",
+ "Ġhyp olob",
+ "i osis",
+ "Ġgrow ing",
+ "Ġ201 1",
+ "00 3",
+ "Ġinter fer",
+ "Ġadnex al",
+ "ign ed",
+ "it inib",
+ "Ġcarcin oid",
+ "Ġanat omic",
+ "Ġdoma in",
+ "Ġmy ofib",
+ "z ard",
+ "Ġe uro",
+ "am e",
+ "Ġis s",
+ "Ġshe ets",
+ "ot s",
+ "ence phal",
+ "Ġ uc",
+ "Ġpar at",
+ "Ġmin im",
+ "Ġm nf",
+ "Ġf ast",
+ "oph aryngeal",
+ "Ġnon specific",
+ "Ġdiff er",
+ "Ġleiomy oma",
+ "Ġp ag",
+ "Ġautophag y",
+ "rain ing",
+ "Ġins ufficient",
+ "Ġbur den",
+ "om al",
+ "Ġclass ic",
+ "Ġdown regulated",
+ "Ġsem inal",
+ "Ġultrastruct ural",
+ "Ġcompr ise",
+ "Ġdifferent iating",
+ "Ġtreat ing",
+ "Ġsyn ovium",
+ "urn ation",
+ "Ġcrib riform",
+ "ut ions",
+ "Ġeb urnation",
+ "Ġcytogenetic s",
+ "Ġsporad ic",
+ "Ġpromot ed",
+ "il iary",
+ "Ġinit iation",
+ "Ġnanopartic les",
+ "Ġsc ans",
+ "ap ed",
+ "Ġcel iac",
+ "Ġan n",
+ "Ġmeasure ment",
+ "Ġan emia",
+ "ran k",
+ "Ġadv ant",
+ "Ġglob ally",
+ "Ġd m",
+ "Ġsurv iv",
+ "Ġtraum a",
+ "Ġresp ect",
+ "Ġps ori",
+ "Ġf n",
+ "Ġext ended",
+ "Ġlymph oplasm",
+ "Ġprod uce",
+ "rom et",
+ "|> )",
+ "Ġce a",
+ "6 00",
+ "Ġalgorith m",
+ "one ph",
+ "el ing",
+ "Ġchol el",
+ "Ġod ont",
+ "otherap eutic",
+ "Ġc apill",
+ "Ġflu or",
+ "Ġsyn ch",
+ "Ġs ulf",
+ "Ġs omatic",
+ "Ġop erating",
+ "a ired",
+ "Ġprosp ectively",
+ "Ġg old",
+ "Ġl ys",
+ "Ġd en",
+ "Ġproble m",
+ "Ġend omy",
+ "Ġfew er",
+ "Ġp fs",
+ "Ġid h",
+ "ps y",
+ "b o",
+ "rop ath",
+ "ar iable",
+ "Ġanastom osis",
+ "ast y",
+ "Ġm ake",
+ "Ġun f",
+ "Ġpag et",
+ "Ġpol ar",
+ "iv a",
+ "Ġcom m",
+ "Ġ )",
+ "00 5",
+ "Ġcholel ithiasis",
+ "Ġrep rod",
+ "Ġc c",
+ "Ġproport ional",
+ "Ġpseud o",
+ "Ġvulv ar",
+ "ig ible",
+ "ist ed",
+ "Ġ200 8",
+ "Ġur ine",
+ "Ġcr t",
+ "Ġect opic",
+ "Ġaff ects",
+ "Ġscler otic",
+ "Ġinteract ions",
+ "hep atic",
+ "on ium",
+ "Ġs r",
+ "e al",
+ "Ġcan al",
+ "c osis",
+ "y r",
+ "ms cs",
+ "ol in",
+ "oc amp",
+ "Ġhypolob ated",
+ "Ġcare ful",
+ "Ġs d",
+ "p ed",
+ "ut h",
+ "Ġsumm ar",
+ "un c",
+ "os igmoid",
+ "Ġg ain",
+ "Ġnorm ocellular",
+ "s cs",
+ "omyel itis",
+ "Ġunder g",
+ "Ġmesang ial",
+ "Ġevalu ating",
+ "Ġap ocrine",
+ "th al",
+ "Ġfig ures",
+ "Ġhypert ension",
+ "n ia",
+ "op rotein",
+ "Ġpolymorph isms",
+ "Ġbenef icial",
+ "Ġcom mun",
+ "Ġmod ality",
+ "Ġ9 7",
+ "ect or",
+ "k s",
+ "lob ular",
+ "Ġcd x",
+ "Ġproduct s",
+ "def ined",
+ "i ents",
+ "iel ds",
+ "Ġret ained",
+ "ell ite",
+ "Ġprofil ing",
+ "roscop y",
+ "Ġresist ant",
+ "Ġs uff",
+ "oc ular",
+ "oc yst",
+ "Ġretroper itoneal",
+ "h ist",
+ "Ġst ric",
+ "Ġret ri",
+ "Ġmolec ule",
+ "Ġglyc ogen",
+ "Ġameric an",
+ "Ġar rang",
+ "Ġplaqu e",
+ "Ġnot ch",
+ "Ġs uit",
+ "Ġst or",
+ "app ing",
+ "Ġrem ission",
+ "Ġtrans fer",
+ "Ġdiscr imin",
+ "Ġinteresting ly",
+ "ot inib",
+ "Ġdiver tic",
+ "n p",
+ "s d",
+ "Ġun il",
+ "Ġtren d",
+ "Ġqual itative",
+ "Ġ< /=",
+ "op roliferative",
+ "Ġsurround ed",
+ "Ġsh am",
+ "Ġlin ing",
+ "Ġreact ions",
+ "Ġblot ting",
+ "Ġrefer ring",
+ "Ġdes min",
+ "Ġfibroc artil",
+ "Ġe yel",
+ "Ġ7 9",
+ "Ġathe ros",
+ "Ġinc om",
+ "Ġsp anning",
+ "Ġep igen",
+ "Ġon ce",
+ "mod ified",
+ "Ġd ed",
+ "Ġsac r",
+ "a uc",
+ "Ġcop y",
+ "Ġall ograft",
+ "Ġwall s",
+ "quam ous",
+ "Ġpl ace",
+ "Ġcont act",
+ "Ġrang ing",
+ "m c",
+ "Ġcaus ing",
+ "Ġl c",
+ "et u",
+ "Ġnec rotizing",
+ "Ġg al",
+ "ocyt oma",
+ "Ġthough t",
+ "Ġex er",
+ "ov irus",
+ "Ġmac roscopic",
+ "Ġf resh",
+ "Ġlum inal",
+ "Ġborder line",
+ "Ġdat as",
+ "Ġimmunosup p",
+ "Ġheav y",
+ "Ġlip osarcoma",
+ "Ġtrans d",
+ "Ġvulv a",
+ "Ġprov ed",
+ "Ġfail ed",
+ "Ġ201 7",
+ "Ġrect osigmoid",
+ "ial dehyde",
+ "Ġunderg one",
+ "Ġfibro tic",
+ "Ġsp aces",
+ "Ġsepar ately",
+ "od ed",
+ "Ġpap er",
+ "Ġrem od",
+ "Ġmultid isciplinary",
+ "Ġdef ine",
+ "Ġfif ty",
+ "Ġincom plet",
+ "Ġsour ce",
+ "re p",
+ "Ġdon or",
+ "Ġtert iary",
+ "Ġmicro bi",
+ "Ġxen ograft",
+ "ul itis",
+ "Ġsacr ific",
+ "clud ing",
+ "omic s",
+ "Ġe ac",
+ "Ġdef ect",
+ "Ġf ever",
+ "Ġt ons",
+ "Ġstandard ized",
+ "Ġhypertroph y",
+ "Ġmes h",
+ "Ġexp ected",
+ "ount ered",
+ "Ġmelan ocytes",
+ "ten ance",
+ "Ġmyel oma",
+ "Ġenc ountered",
+ "Ġder iv",
+ "Ġgen eration",
+ "Ġt ip",
+ "Ġe us",
+ "Ġhe nce",
+ "Ġrhe um",
+ "Ġd fs",
+ "Ġcon st",
+ "itone um",
+ "Ġextens ively",
+ "Ġprogen it",
+ "Ġno v",
+ "Ġdispl ay",
+ "yst roph",
+ "Ġt b",
+ "Ġman ual",
+ "Ġsmear s",
+ "Ġposit ron",
+ "Ġmicro c",
+ "Ġc ns",
+ "Ġhipp ocamp",
+ "Ġp in",
+ "p ers",
+ "Ġun iform",
+ "Ġ200 7",
+ "Ġne ither",
+ "Ġgrad es",
+ "Ġfore head",
+ ") (",
+ "Ġcoun ter",
+ "Ġcompr ising",
+ "et erm",
+ "Ġdisc ont",
+ "Ġinhibit ing",
+ "Ġcreat inine",
+ "ort ic",
+ "Ġen g",
+ "d t",
+ "Ġregen eration",
+ "etu ximab",
+ "Ġfragment ed",
+ "Ġmain tenance",
+ "Ġsuper oxide",
+ "s l",
+ "Ġmain tained",
+ "Ġeffect ively",
+ "ond ialdehyde",
+ "im er",
+ "Ġalter ation",
+ "Ġsusp ic",
+ "s cribed",
+ "Ġhemangi oma",
+ "am n",
+ "arc omas",
+ "Ġrep ro",
+ "Ġvalu able",
+ "Ġcon vers",
+ "Ġent ities",
+ "Ġa jcc",
+ "iz umab",
+ "Ġrepl acement",
+ "Ġparak eratosis",
+ "Ġel ast",
+ "Ġfibrocartil age",
+ "Ġg f",
+ "om es",
+ "Ġinv olve",
+ "Ġlig and",
+ "g row",
+ "Ġeuro pe",
+ "% -",
+ "i ologic",
+ "Ġpl ant",
+ "m el",
+ "Ġmicros at",
+ "Ġseb aceous",
+ "w i",
+ "Ġretri ev",
+ "Ġl ang",
+ "Ġand rogen",
+ "Ġor th",
+ "Ġfeas ible",
+ "Ġexcis ional",
+ "Ġmembran ous",
+ "al k",
+ "Ġexce eding",
+ "Ġh t",
+ "Ġm aking",
+ "in ant",
+ "iv ariable",
+ "Ġend ogenous",
+ "Ġmicro organisms",
+ "Ġam inot",
+ "os us",
+ "Ġsuspic ion",
+ "d el",
+ "er k",
+ "Ġincor por",
+ "Ġcontrovers ial",
+ "v s",
+ "Ġprot ection",
+ "00 4",
+ "Ġaminot rans",
+ "Ġsign et",
+ "ha zard",
+ "Ġgon ad",
+ "Ġoper ative",
+ "esoph ag",
+ "anc reat",
+ "Ġendomy oc",
+ "Ġrece iver",
+ "f ive",
+ "Ġdiscont inu",
+ "ropath y",
+ "Ġout er",
+ "Ġregen erative",
+ "Ġp ass",
+ "at ives",
+ "Ġphys ic",
+ "Ġneurolog ical",
+ "Ġregul ating",
+ "Ġrecom b",
+ "Ġl eth",
+ "Ġal ways",
+ "Ġcro hn",
+ "Ġin ner",
+ "r d",
+ "Ġr cc",
+ "Ġrefl ect",
+ "Ġa ware",
+ "Ġm ix",
+ "Ġdeg rad",
+ "Ġphosphat ase",
+ "ac yt",
+ "Ġl up",
+ "i opathic",
+ "Ġ9 8",
+ "e en",
+ "Ġpl ur",
+ "form ed",
+ "ul um",
+ "Ġdown regulation",
+ "Ġsub epithelial",
+ "Ġl ear",
+ "Ġch ann",
+ "Ġsmok ers",
+ "h al",
+ "Ġde hyd",
+ "Ġcoun ts",
+ "Ġp or",
+ "Ġl ined",
+ "Ġsynch ronous",
+ "Ġt ail",
+ "ot rop",
+ "l ow",
+ "Ġradi o",
+ "Ġmorph ometric",
+ "Ġstim ulation",
+ "Ġp ale",
+ "ch rom",
+ "12 5",
+ "c v",
+ "al ine",
+ "Ġmec onium",
+ "is ation",
+ "Ġhighlight ed",
+ "Ġequ al",
+ "m ia",
+ "Ġextract s",
+ "Ġgl ioma",
+ "Ġmal ondialdehyde",
+ "Ġlymphoplasm acytic",
+ "Ġco eff",
+ "Ġdeath s",
+ "hyd rox",
+ "Ġdis mut",
+ "Ġpac litaxel",
+ "Ġcho ice",
+ "Ġhar bor",
+ "Ġtoward s",
+ "Ġf ind",
+ "Ġm o",
+ "ub icin",
+ "Ġchrom osomal",
+ "- (",
+ "Ġod ds",
+ "Ġf r",
+ "ast ric",
+ "Ġev olution",
+ "Ġh la",
+ "Ġcort ic",
+ "Ġsod ium",
+ "Ġcon sequ",
+ "Ġantib iotic",
+ "Ġradi ologic",
+ "Ġdown stream",
+ "Ġsubgroup s",
+ "Ġdismut ase",
+ "Ġh ome",
+ "Ġhom ogen",
+ "Ġra ce",
+ "Ġl scc",
+ "us al",
+ "s r",
+ "Ġs on",
+ "p us",
+ "Ġp ten",
+ "Ġa qu",
+ "fact ory",
+ "i ety",
+ "Ġbul b",
+ "at ypical",
+ "ub ular",
+ "Ġob vious",
+ "med i",
+ "Ġeffect iveness",
+ "Ġh if",
+ "Ġg ly",
+ "Ġtransl ocation",
+ "Ġl arynx",
+ "Ġattenu ation",
+ "Ġ9 9",
+ "enc ies",
+ "k eratosis",
+ "ad es",
+ "Ġscre ened",
+ "Ġres olution",
+ "Ġonc ology",
+ "|> /",
+ "ur ys",
+ "Ġfist ula",
+ "Ġc scc",
+ "Ġsepar ated",
+ "Ġrepro ductive",
+ "Ġbr id",
+ "ogra fts",
+ "Ġpres ervation",
+ "y ond",
+ "Ġline age",
+ "Ġprim itive",
+ "Ġc etuximab",
+ "ar row",
+ "Ġt lr",
+ "Ġa er",
+ "Ġg ing",
+ "Ġcolon y",
+ "Ġimmunophenot ypic",
+ "Ġlymphaden ectomy",
+ "Ġles ional",
+ "Ġsequ ences",
+ "w ell",
+ "Ġphen omen",
+ "t nf",
+ "Ġp ut",
+ "h d",
+ "n on",
+ "Ġax is",
+ "t aining",
+ "Ġorgan izing",
+ "ract ion",
+ "s ection",
+ "Ġt et",
+ "b inding",
+ "Ġacc el",
+ "on asal",
+ "Ġadv ances",
+ "Ġsinus oidal",
+ "at ically",
+ "Ġid iopathic",
+ "h g",
+ "Ġlack ing",
+ "ic a",
+ "Ġimp aired",
+ "Ġf inger",
+ "Ġbe yond",
+ "Ġimmun od",
+ "imens ional",
+ "e jun",
+ "t p",
+ "Ġgli oblastoma",
+ "Ġoste omyelitis",
+ "op e",
+ "Ġa z",
+ "Ġexpand ed",
+ "Ġm ug",
+ "Ġrestric ted",
+ "Ġsim il",
+ "Ġimmunophenot ype",
+ "p read",
+ "Ġ ~",
+ "Ġscar ring",
+ "Ġcat s",
+ "Ġflu ores",
+ "st ained",
+ "Ġhisti ocytic",
+ "Ġbronch iol",
+ "Ġsupport ed",
+ "Ġenvironment al",
+ "ides pread",
+ "Ġadm itted",
+ "Ġsup ra",
+ "Ġintrac ranial",
+ "Ġsimil arly",
+ "activ ation",
+ "Ġw idespread",
+ "ra ys",
+ "en z",
+ "ost omy",
+ "Ġ200 5",
+ "Ġrecogn ition",
+ "l ated",
+ "Ġanal og",
+ "Ġbl ast",
+ "aps ular",
+ "Ġallel e",
+ "Ġnucle us",
+ "Ġbel iev",
+ "+ ),",
+ "Ġex act",
+ "ac ute",
+ "Ġchol est",
+ "Ġaminotrans ferase",
+ "st andard",
+ "ul ative",
+ "Ġthym ic",
+ "Ġh sp",
+ "Ġlup us",
+ "Ġemploy ed",
+ "t ra",
+ "Ġbl ack",
+ "Ġesophag ectomy",
+ "Ġm iss",
+ "ar is",
+ "Ġepigen etic",
+ "Ġdec ision",
+ "rin s",
+ "Ġinterp reted",
+ "m at",
+ "Ġinvad es",
+ "Ġk g",
+ "Ġhyp ocellular",
+ "Ġpromot es",
+ "as c",
+ "th ree",
+ "romat osis",
+ "Ġunil ateral",
+ "Ġtrig g",
+ "p art",
+ "Ġst ar",
+ "v d",
+ "anal ysis",
+ "ran e",
+ "Ġodont ogenic",
+ "Ġcr yst",
+ "Ġant agon",
+ "oxid ation",
+ "Ġ ub",
+ "Ġsuit able",
+ "Ġ %)",
+ "Ġlob ules",
+ "Ġfac ial",
+ "Ġne arly",
+ "Ġve h",
+ "Ġfeas ibility",
+ "Ġtrans genic",
+ "Ġmetast as",
+ "Ġper fusion",
+ "Ġanat om",
+ "Ġprob e",
+ "Ġ200 6",
+ "Ġstrat ified",
+ "my c",
+ "k eratin",
+ "ra z",
+ "Ġg ata",
+ "Ġass igned",
+ "Ġinteg r",
+ "Ġcon cept",
+ "Ġnr bc",
+ "Ġplur ipot",
+ "t arget",
+ "Ġdiet ary",
+ "Ġst ri",
+ "Ġser ious",
+ "Ġonc ocytic",
+ "Ġo t",
+ "Ġdescrib es",
+ "l c",
+ "Ġrevers ed",
+ "' -",
+ "ul atory",
+ "Ġlim its",
+ "0 6",
+ "Ġsarc oid",
+ "Ġd ystroph",
+ "od ys",
+ "Ġinterval s",
+ "Ġfas c",
+ "Ġreg imens",
+ "Ġatt ached",
+ "Ġendomyoc ardium",
+ "Ġo esophag",
+ "Ġmy oepithelial",
+ "Ġsc oring",
+ "Ġmult inucle",
+ "Ġc n",
+ "Ġt ri",
+ "Ġdeterm ining",
+ "ofib roma",
+ "Ġst art",
+ "Ġrhabd omy",
+ "Ġfo veolar",
+ "Ġdi ar",
+ "Ġsubstant ial",
+ "Ġinv er",
+ "Ġins ert",
+ "Ġdeplet ion",
+ "ice al",
+ "Ġpig s",
+ "ic uous",
+ "Ġevalu able",
+ "f ixed",
+ "Ġeyel id",
+ "Ġcent ile",
+ "opa usal",
+ "w ith",
+ "olog ous",
+ "Ġc asts",
+ "n it",
+ "Ġlum en",
+ "Ġsymptom atic",
+ "s ix",
+ "Ġm em",
+ "Ġcoron ary",
+ "Ġplaqu es",
+ "Ġfib r",
+ "Ġmut ational",
+ "Ġc ardia",
+ "Ġh o",
+ "Ġclar ify",
+ "cop rotein",
+ "op rotective",
+ "Ġg a",
+ "r athyroid",
+ "h yp",
+ "u a",
+ "Ġch lor",
+ "Ġsal v",
+ "Ġtoxic ities",
+ "Ġelucid ate",
+ "Ġcohort s",
+ "Ġnon invasive",
+ "Ġcategor ies",
+ "p in",
+ "Ġb ax",
+ "Ġiso form",
+ "opl asty",
+ "Ġvacc ine",
+ "ec al",
+ "Ġsol ution",
+ "f ocal",
+ "Ġa a",
+ "ore r",
+ "Ġem a",
+ "bl ood",
+ "Ġext rap",
+ "lin ked",
+ "Ġhyp erm",
+ "Ġaut opsy",
+ "Ġed ition",
+ "Ġweak ly",
+ "in ely",
+ "Ġ5 00",
+ "Ġventric ular",
+ "Ġdev ice",
+ "Ġt g",
+ "Ġaf b",
+ "Ġvar ied",
+ "p apillary",
+ "Ġmet allop",
+ "Ġmacroph age",
+ "r uction",
+ "Ġatt ention",
+ "Ġster oid",
+ "Ġpubl ic",
+ "Ġv en",
+ "Ġmed ullary",
+ "Ġpo orer",
+ "Ġthe r",
+ "Ġallow s",
+ "Ġgenot ypes",
+ "it er",
+ "f n",
+ "ozyg ous",
+ "t ion",
+ "Ġplasm acyt",
+ "ont in",
+ "Ġint ake",
+ "ot a",
+ "Ġfract ions",
+ "Ġpreval ent",
+ "Ġf er",
+ "Ġne on",
+ "Ġgl ial",
+ "Ġlimit ations",
+ "Ġrece ive",
+ "d imensional",
+ "Ġapplic ations",
+ "Ġham art",
+ "Ġmid line",
+ "Ġt raining",
+ "Ġcor pus",
+ "Ġsub un",
+ "Ġdistinct ive",
+ "Ġt m",
+ "rocyt es",
+ "w al",
+ "Ġvary ing",
+ "ste in",
+ "Ġhyd ro",
+ "Ġal ive",
+ "Ġscc s",
+ "0 7",
+ "ough t",
+ "Ġgangl ion",
+ "her n",
+ "fluor ouracil",
+ "Ġthromb i",
+ "ure thral",
+ "Ġsacrific ed",
+ "re x",
+ "ract ory",
+ "Ġimmunod ef",
+ "Ġs ought",
+ "Ġf da",
+ "Ġn ude",
+ "Ġprov iding",
+ "Ġmelan omas",
+ "Ġdest ruction",
+ "Ġdetect able",
+ "ul y",
+ "Ġsil encing",
+ "Ġquant itation",
+ "Ġmyc obacter",
+ "Ġch ains",
+ "Ġd l",
+ "rhe a",
+ "Ġeff iciency",
+ "Ġcur ves",
+ "Ġill ustr",
+ "Ġc g",
+ "Ġel isa",
+ "Ġthere by",
+ "resh old",
+ "Ġd imin",
+ "Ġbr ca",
+ "Ġfl av",
+ "Ġsm ad",
+ "0 9",
+ "wh o",
+ "Ġclinic ians",
+ "Ġphenot ypes",
+ "Ġext rac",
+ "ox icity",
+ "Ġn ic",
+ "Ġed ges",
+ "Ġphys iological",
+ "Ġreg ular",
+ "Ġregul ate",
+ "Ġstrat ification",
+ "Ġdehyd rogen",
+ "ura ble",
+ "isc us",
+ "um p",
+ "Ġel igible",
+ "Ġob struct",
+ "f ir",
+ "Ġst en",
+ "Ġmult ivariable",
+ "oglob in",
+ "Â Ń",
+ "Ġconsider ing",
+ "Ġsem in",
+ "Ġterat oma",
+ "Ġl iqu",
+ "Ġpre clinical",
+ "Ġ201 8",
+ "Ġper me",
+ "Ġp ca",
+ "Ġident ical",
+ "Ġtol er",
+ "Ġj un",
+ "Ġprecis ion",
+ "i ative",
+ "on ucle",
+ "Ġchem otherapeutic",
+ "Ġneuro bl",
+ "n k",
+ "Ġneph rectomy",
+ "Ġre v",
+ "ox ic",
+ "Ġveh icle",
+ "Ġpen et",
+ "p p",
+ "Ġconclud ed",
+ "Ġatl as",
+ "Ġn ose",
+ "Ġneph ropathy",
+ "Ġinteg rated",
+ "Ġrheum at",
+ "c hes",
+ "Ġd ro",
+ "Ġposs ess",
+ "i hc",
+ "yp ing",
+ "Ġmicro vascular",
+ "Ġfibrobl ast",
+ "Ġc ry",
+ "Ġp em",
+ "Ġv ent",
+ "Ġfamil ial",
+ "Ġser osal",
+ "ric hed",
+ "Ġmal form",
+ "Ġdeterm ination",
+ "Ġsix ty",
+ "Ġfe ed",
+ "Ġsupport ive",
+ "Ġcongest ion",
+ "ochem istry",
+ "Ġgen ital",
+ "l ip",
+ "def icient",
+ "opt otic",
+ "et ically",
+ "Ġtransm ission",
+ "Ġnit ric",
+ "Ġane urys",
+ "Ġdu plication",
+ "sm ok",
+ "Ġdehydrogen ase",
+ "ar in",
+ "Ġp k",
+ "ut ional",
+ "Ġper oxidation",
+ "Ġinhibit s",
+ "Ġintervent ions",
+ "Ġt un",
+ "hel ess",
+ "Ġfibro adenoma",
+ "Ġtrac he",
+ "Ġcol i",
+ "ak es",
+ "Ġdis pers",
+ "Ġmed ia",
+ "Ġg bm",
+ "Ġdistinguish ing",
+ "Ġmand ible",
+ "Ġdescript ion",
+ "Ġn in",
+ "ac in",
+ "Ġdevelopment al",
+ "Ġjapan ese",
+ "Ġsin onasal",
+ "us ions",
+ "Ġdepend ing",
+ "Ġcapill aries",
+ "atin um",
+ "ch ol",
+ "Ġlymphaden opathy",
+ "Ġcont in",
+ "in in",
+ "Ġimportant ly",
+ "Ġcl a",
+ "Ġc ac",
+ "ard itis",
+ "Ġaden omy",
+ "Ġtrans ient",
+ "atin ib",
+ "Ġlig ation",
+ "Ġdiagn ose",
+ "d c",
+ "rag ue",
+ "Ġlear ning",
+ "Ġf ields",
+ "Ġcorrel ates",
+ "Ġth reshold",
+ "Ġstor age",
+ "Ġpath ogenic",
+ "Ġsens it",
+ "Ġpathological ly",
+ "Ġoment um",
+ "Ġdisc overed",
+ "os arcomas",
+ "s ub",
+ "g ed",
+ "Ġc ad",
+ "re ne",
+ "Ġaf ric",
+ "Ġse iz",
+ "0 8",
+ "Ġb ac",
+ "Ġreact ivity",
+ "Ġin ad",
+ "Ġmanifest ation",
+ "Ġpath ophys",
+ "Ġoc clus",
+ "ist ance",
+ "Ġbranc h",
+ "Ġc re",
+ "Ġves icles",
+ "Ġbir th",
+ "omy cin",
+ "Ġbasal oid",
+ "Ġcat he",
+ "ome gal",
+ "Ġint ral",
+ "ir al",
+ "az ole",
+ "Ġmal at",
+ "Ġprevent ed",
+ "Ġmin ute",
+ "Ġs u",
+ "ip s",
+ "Ġcyt os",
+ "Ġqu ies",
+ "ort ical",
+ "Ġr b",
+ "oster one",
+ "ut ing",
+ "all el",
+ "Ġremod eling",
+ "Ġunder t",
+ "Ġinfarct ion",
+ "Ġres ectable",
+ "Ġha emat",
+ "Ġmyofib robl",
+ "Ġdemonstr ating",
+ "Ġs s",
+ "Ġst re",
+ "Ġf na",
+ "Ġam ounts",
+ "Ġeth anol",
+ "Ġcle ared",
+ "Ġballoon ing",
+ "Ġinn ervation",
+ "Ġmis diagn",
+ "Ġschwann oma",
+ "Ġconcern ing",
+ "es ity",
+ "Ġch ick",
+ "ort em",
+ "Ġre perfusion",
+ "Ġax on",
+ "Ġsynd rom",
+ "rathyroid al",
+ "Ġdiagn osing",
+ "lymph atic",
+ "Ġestim ate",
+ "Ġenc apsulated",
+ "ec rosis",
+ "Ġimmun o",
+ "Ġcompar ative",
+ "Ġexclud e",
+ "Ġsp rague",
+ "Ġhyd rox",
+ "Ġmin utes",
+ "omer ase",
+ "ic ellular",
+ "gl ucose",
+ "Ġpen ile",
+ "Ġprop ose",
+ "Ġfacilit ate",
+ "Ġmy osin",
+ "Ġsubmuc osa",
+ "im et",
+ "Ġdec ades",
+ "Ġb ed",
+ "Ġgross ly",
+ "Ġconstruct ed",
+ "Ġmemb ers",
+ "Ġphenomen on",
+ "os itis",
+ "Ġep ile",
+ "Ġconsid eration",
+ "Ġa id",
+ "Ġpl atinum",
+ "ms h",
+ "m ethyl",
+ "Ġprecis e",
+ "or ubicin",
+ "Ġreg istry",
+ "Ġregard less",
+ "o a",
+ "Ġer k",
+ "Ġpar ac",
+ "Ġdegrad ation",
+ "Ġsh ape",
+ "Ġinter v",
+ "Ġduct ular",
+ "Ġelev ation",
+ "Ġd ram",
+ "et in",
+ "c ir",
+ "Ġgran ules",
+ "Ġconfirm ation",
+ "Ġmim ick",
+ "Ġto uch",
+ "Ġap ical",
+ "Ġmyel odys",
+ "Ġoste osarcoma",
+ "Ġsignal s",
+ "ancreat ic",
+ "l and",
+ "e ight",
+ "Ġkary otype",
+ "al ian",
+ "Ġincomplet e",
+ "t es",
+ "Ġmicro v",
+ "Ġh h",
+ "Ġindic ator",
+ "Ġher nia",
+ "Ġ âĢĵ",
+ "cl es",
+ "Ġneuro t",
+ "Ġassess ing",
+ "Ġshe ath",
+ "Ġj ust",
+ "Ġneg atively",
+ "ul ates",
+ "Ġlentig o",
+ "Ġinst ability",
+ "c oding",
+ "Ġacid s",
+ "Ġirregular ities",
+ "ol abeled",
+ "Ġ4 00",
+ "Ġfocus ed",
+ "er gen",
+ "Ġsh in",
+ "Ġpost operatively",
+ "Ġrecip ients",
+ "Ġun ited",
+ "Ġc um",
+ "Ġerythem at",
+ "Ġde b",
+ "Ġdiver se",
+ "or ial",
+ "o emb",
+ "r na",
+ "g reat",
+ "eth ylation",
+ "Ġwarrant ed",
+ "Ġun l",
+ "in ate",
+ "Ġvariab ly",
+ "Ġachiev e",
+ "Ġdisr uption",
+ "Ġcheck point",
+ "Ġlig ament",
+ "se ous",
+ "Ġtrans ected",
+ "os p",
+ "Ġinf usion",
+ "- -",
+ "ot opic",
+ "Ġar g",
+ "Ġeas ily",
+ "Ġlim b",
+ "Ġgra m",
+ "Ġplat elet",
+ "Ġconf ig",
+ "mel an",
+ "it us",
+ "app earing",
+ "Ġpauc icellular",
+ "Ġchild hood",
+ "l ined",
+ "Ġcol or",
+ "olv ing",
+ "Ġpre lim",
+ "p an",
+ "Ġweek ly",
+ "Ġsarcoid osis",
+ "Ġsyn erg",
+ "Ġcarb on",
+ "c utaneous",
+ "Ġprelim inary",
+ "Ġdistinct ion",
+ "Ġcompos ition",
+ "Ġr ise",
+ "u z",
+ "Ġpleomorph ism",
+ "Ġe cc",
+ "Ġcan ine",
+ "Ġp ic",
+ "ur ative",
+ "Ġdel ay",
+ "end ym",
+ "ef itinib",
+ "Ġbra ch",
+ "Ġpg p",
+ "Ġmd m",
+ "+ /",
+ "Ġt urn",
+ "Ġpall iative",
+ "Ġf ace",
+ "Ġg st",
+ "Ġquies cent",
+ "Ġen gl",
+ "Ġc alled",
+ "Ġappro val",
+ "Ġed ge",
+ "et axel",
+ "gen e",
+ "< |",
+ "Ġ ia",
+ "Ġmac ro",
+ "Ġmonit ored",
+ "ra ch",
+ "ogen icity",
+ "ms c",
+ "Ġsc anning",
+ "Ġaccur ately",
+ "im od",
+ "Ġb es",
+ "Ġf ixed",
+ "Ġun res",
+ ": -",
+ "en ic",
+ "Ġpredomin ance",
+ "est ive",
+ "Ġob esity",
+ "c ol",
+ "it ic",
+ "Ġl ost",
+ "Ġmass ive",
+ "Ġvis ible",
+ "Ġm or",
+ "Ġat p",
+ "Ġmyomet rium",
+ "all ing",
+ "Ġcoeff icient",
+ "Ġh d",
+ "Ġres ections",
+ "in cluding",
+ "k it",
+ "Ġr ule",
+ "Ġintra cytoplasmic",
+ "Ġcardi omy",
+ "Ġmetallop rotein",
+ "o ic",
+ "ol es",
+ "grow th",
+ "Ġf ol",
+ "is ol",
+ "ion itis",
+ "Ġsalv age",
+ "Ġimprov ing",
+ "Ġdil at",
+ "Ġulc erative",
+ "Ġal le",
+ "Ġbl ind",
+ "Ġf a",
+ "wh at",
+ "Ġcir c",
+ "Ġmc f",
+ "il s",
+ "rad iated",
+ "Ġrepresent ing",
+ "Ġundert aken",
+ "r r",
+ "oc occ",
+ "st at",
+ "Ġcontinu ed",
+ "app ro",
+ "Ġemph as",
+ "Ġweight s",
+ "Ġd cis",
+ "Ġh ilar",
+ "Ġt am",
+ "Ġcomp uter",
+ "Ġimpair ment",
+ "b a",
+ "Ġmot or",
+ "Ġp pm",
+ "sh aped",
+ "Ġconsider able",
+ "|> :",
+ "Ġsel ect",
+ "Ġmesothel ioma",
+ "p x",
+ "Ġz ones",
+ "Ġlin k",
+ "on ia",
+ "Ġvas ectomy",
+ "Ġinsert ion",
+ "Ġch ina",
+ "Ġg efitinib",
+ "Ġsc j",
+ "Ġamn ionic",
+ "op le",
+ "Ġexam ple",
+ "medi ately",
+ "Ġd op",
+ "st im",
+ "cum in",
+ "ut ation",
+ "Ġlymph ocytosis",
+ "Ġemerg ing",
+ "Ġepidem iology",
+ "olog ist",
+ "Ġmy ocyte",
+ "ann ed",
+ "on y",
+ "os ide",
+ "Ġcomplet ed",
+ "Ġrecomb inant",
+ "ac char",
+ "Ġappend iceal",
+ "Ġirrit ated",
+ "Ġsir na",
+ "Ġ200 2",
+ "Ġr ar",
+ "13 3",
+ "Ġprolif erating",
+ "Ġliqu id",
+ "Ġp alp",
+ "Ġfib rom",
+ "(- /-",
+ "Ġgerm line",
+ "Ġpelv is",
+ "op ec",
+ "Ġbasophil ic",
+ "yth ing",
+ "uv en",
+ "Ġâ ĸ",
+ "Ġconfirm ing",
+ "Ġm il",
+ "Ġtool s",
+ "al i",
+ "im p",
+ "Ġthyroid itis",
+ "Ġimmun ocomp",
+ "ul i",
+ "Ġchar t",
+ "p red",
+ "Ġre ached",
+ "Ġhyp o",
+ "pha e",
+ "Ġsome what",
+ "Ġat rial",
+ "Ġcl ip",
+ "Ġvul g",
+ "Ġd ens",
+ "Ġnort h",
+ "Ġ *",
+ "Ġpr inc",
+ "Ġan est",
+ "Ġfron t",
+ "Ġcar ry",
+ "ot t",
+ "Ġdecre asing",
+ "Ġcomplex es",
+ "Ġal opec",
+ "Ġst ere",
+ "Ġsuv max",
+ "Ġar ray",
+ "Ġneur ites",
+ "Ġresemb ling",
+ "Ġb ull",
+ "re te",
+ "Ġhyper keratosis",
+ "ne ed",
+ "Ġspec ified",
+ "Ġtw ice",
+ "Ġper iap",
+ "Ġk it",
+ "Ġhypothes ized",
+ "Ġv ol",
+ "h ans",
+ "Ġh ard",
+ "Ġpre malignant",
+ "al t",
+ "od end",
+ "Ġleth al",
+ "Ġfl or",
+ "f e",
+ "Ġoverl ap",
+ "Ġph yl",
+ "Ġmut ated",
+ "mes enchymal",
+ "at s",
+ "Ġp ron",
+ "Ġan ything",
+ "w t",
+ "Ġh all",
+ "Ġdox orubicin",
+ "o alveolar",
+ "Ġh msh",
+ "Ġaden os",
+ "ul monary",
+ "Ġle pt",
+ "Ġdilat ation",
+ "men opausal",
+ "Ġaort a",
+ "great est",
+ "Ġim mediately",
+ "omy cosis",
+ "Ġult im",
+ "Ġco exist",
+ "Ġincreasing ly",
+ "Ġob tain",
+ "Ġprom pt",
+ "Ġcontrib utes",
+ "Ġconfig uration",
+ "Ġform ing",
+ "Ġenlarg ement",
+ "ad c",
+ "Ġanatom ical",
+ "Ġmic ron",
+ "Ġind ucing",
+ "Ġinc on",
+ "Ġsyndrom es",
+ "Ġk o",
+ "Ġtechn ology",
+ "Ġs y",
+ "Ġnot ably",
+ "qu are",
+ "Ġopt ical",
+ "Ġlang er",
+ "ter s",
+ "Ġrob ust",
+ "Ġadj usted",
+ "need le",
+ "n ps",
+ "Ġb ands",
+ "on ecrosis",
+ "act in",
+ "Ġend ings",
+ "och rom",
+ "Ġfluores cent",
+ "Ġlapar otomy",
+ "s el",
+ "Ġg sh",
+ "Ġpres um",
+ "Ġmeta plastic",
+ "ferent ial",
+ "h cc",
+ "Ġperfor ation",
+ "Ġcum ulative",
+ "i ocytic",
+ "Ġto e",
+ "Ġsp ine",
+ "urg ery",
+ "Ġs we",
+ "Ġg ut",
+ "cl ock",
+ "Ġmix ture",
+ "Ġn ac",
+ "g d",
+ "ir ing",
+ "Ġlo ose",
+ "Ġcd k",
+ "or ionic",
+ "Ġro ot",
+ "Ġocc ult",
+ "Ġnerv es",
+ "Ġvulg aris",
+ "Ġt rop",
+ "Ġ1 20",
+ "Ġpt c",
+ "] )",
+ "Ġlob es",
+ "Ġcon sequent",
+ "Ġple x",
+ "Ġdoc etaxel",
+ "Ġw ay",
+ "Ġj ejun",
+ "Ġmultinucle ated",
+ "Ġradiograph s",
+ "Ġm i",
+ "Ġrupt ured",
+ "Ġth y",
+ "obl et",
+ "Ġb ost",
+ "Ġâĸ ł",
+ "Ġpar allel",
+ "Ġopt ic",
+ "ass isted",
+ "Ġmedull a",
+ "Ġrisk s",
+ "Ġemph ys",
+ "Ġd im",
+ "Ġ3 00",
+ "Ġra ise",
+ "Ġmechan ical",
+ "Ġcatal ase",
+ "Ġindic es",
+ "Ġp v",
+ "Ġper man",
+ "p rod",
+ "Ġn ative",
+ "Ġdr ink",
+ "ph ase",
+ "Ġgra ms",
+ "Ġn om",
+ "Ġchor io",
+ "Ġutil ized",
+ "Ġsp arse",
+ "ens itive",
+ "a i",
+ "op ps",
+ "Ġprocess ed",
+ "oxy gen",
+ "Ġev id",
+ "Ġint imal",
+ "Ġcur cumin",
+ "Ġfat al",
+ "Ġjun e",
+ "Ġxen ografts",
+ "Ġpos ition",
+ "Ġspind led",
+ "Ġcon go",
+ "Ġrepresent ed",
+ "Ġrupt ure",
+ "Ġstre pt",
+ "ri ers",
+ "Ġen rich",
+ "Ġdisr up",
+ "Ġmesh work",
+ "Ġ ion",
+ "os clerosis",
+ "Ġproble ms",
+ "Ġper ib",
+ "Ġrefer ral",
+ "in ations",
+ "od ine",
+ "Ġ( -",
+ "Ġf ellow",
+ "Ġloc ations",
+ "Ġn am",
+ "Ġhyper chrom",
+ "Ġprob ability",
+ "t ub",
+ "Ġbud ding",
+ "Ġverte b",
+ "Ġmanag ed",
+ "Ġen ergy",
+ "%) ;",
+ "Ġcer oid",
+ "Ġalk aline",
+ "Ġconfir ms",
+ "Ġintrat umoral",
+ "Ġsinus es",
+ "00 6",
+ "f d",
+ "cont aining",
+ "Ġmicrosat ellite",
+ "g t",
+ "Ġh or",
+ "Ġcomplet ion",
+ "Ġemb edded",
+ "Ġtrans urethral",
+ "Ġlncr na",
+ "Ġhy phae",
+ "Ġgli omas",
+ "Ġulc erated",
+ "Ġdistingu ished",
+ "Ġo ss",
+ "ec an",
+ "Ġcaps ular",
+ "Ġl yn",
+ "Ġmicro papillary",
+ "Ġep stein",
+ "Ġperman ent",
+ "Ġcolon oscopy",
+ "Ġam ino",
+ "Ġpa ired",
+ "Ġad here",
+ "Ġexhibit s",
+ "Ġconcord ance",
+ "Ġdecre ases",
+ "ul ent",
+ "Ġsp at",
+ "Ġcons erv",
+ "Ġco ag",
+ "Ġet i",
+ "Ġretriev ed",
+ "Ġre ach",
+ "Ġde x",
+ "hen yl",
+ "Ġinad equate",
+ "Ġeff ort",
+ "Ġdistrib uted",
+ "Ġint ense",
+ "Ġdist ort",
+ "Ġinstit ute",
+ "Ġp it",
+ "Ġfour th",
+ "equ ivocal",
+ "Ġolig odend",
+ "a res",
+ "po ints",
+ "d im",
+ "ain t",
+ "Ġwh at",
+ "Ġpd t",
+ "Ġg r",
+ "Ġgo al",
+ "Ġv ector",
+ "Ġr nas",
+ "om ies",
+ "ost asis",
+ "od ynamic",
+ "g r",
+ "Ġof fer",
+ "00 7",
+ "Ġdef ic",
+ "Ġalopec ia",
+ "Ġc ogn",
+ "Ġp air",
+ "Ġ200 1",
+ "Ġst ent",
+ "Ġneed s",
+ "Ġimmunosupp ressive",
+ "Ġl uc",
+ "Ġex ogenous",
+ "b ial",
+ "Ġregul ator",
+ "ment ed",
+ "Ġenh ancing",
+ "rac heal",
+ "Ġrem n",
+ "Ġinterfer on",
+ "Ġarter iol",
+ "Ġep is",
+ "a h",
+ "Ġimmun ity",
+ "Ġexpl ain",
+ "Ġallow ed",
+ "Ġhemod il",
+ "Ġbost on",
+ "Ġhazard s",
+ "Ġj uven",
+ "Ġast h",
+ "Ġc b",
+ "Ġex c",
+ "og ens",
+ "s k",
+ "Ġemb ol",
+ "Ġabs ol",
+ "Ġs i",
+ "Ġconf ocal",
+ "crip ts",
+ "Ġcal p",
+ "Ġdatab ases",
+ "Ġmax illary",
+ "Ġpl anning",
+ "Ġattrib uted",
+ "Ġeff usion",
+ "Ġsten osis",
+ "if t",
+ "ival ent",
+ "od uoden",
+ "ell ed",
+ "Ġmening iomas",
+ "Ġm ant",
+ "s ided",
+ "id uct",
+ "Ġf gfr",
+ "Ġonc ogene",
+ "metast atic",
+ "at um",
+ "Ġamp utation",
+ "Ġm ember",
+ "Ġimmunodef iciency",
+ "Ġcon v",
+ "Ġc od",
+ "Ġprocess ing",
+ "m da",
+ "it ud",
+ "Ġex ud",
+ "Ġref ractory",
+ "Ġmon ot",
+ "Ġvari ations",
+ "Ġ201 9",
+ "Ġtend on",
+ "Ġc oc",
+ "Ġgl uc",
+ "Ġpromot ing",
+ "s in",
+ "Ġn lr",
+ "Ġdist ance",
+ "Ġimp lement",
+ "Ġthick ened",
+ "rost atic",
+ "Ġem ergen",
+ "Ġeosinophil ia",
+ "Ġa cr",
+ "Ġt roph",
+ "Ġdel ine",
+ "el i",
+ "Ġdiar rhea",
+ "Ġactiv ating",
+ "Ġs en",
+ "Ġt ur",
+ "re quent",
+ "go ing",
+ "Ġinteg rin",
+ "sev en",
+ "Ġagg ress",
+ "int ig",
+ "oph osph",
+ "Ġure a",
+ "oneph ritis",
+ "or ic",
+ "Ġb c",
+ "Ġpe ople",
+ "Ġgranul ocytes",
+ "Ġmyelodys plastic",
+ "art ate",
+ "Ġvariab ility",
+ "v as",
+ "Ġd ss",
+ "Ġen riched",
+ "Ġnev i",
+ "Ġgu ide",
+ "l otinib",
+ "Ġsarc omatoid",
+ "p ut",
+ "Ġr im",
+ "Ġmot ility",
+ "Ġperi operative",
+ "ob ser",
+ "ire ct",
+ "Ġchor angi",
+ "Ġmitochond ria",
+ "Ġe uth",
+ "Ġocclus ion",
+ "obser ver",
+ "Ġend oscop",
+ "Ġbas ic",
+ "ro tic",
+ "Ġan k",
+ "Ġb uc",
+ "Ġk ill",
+ "iqu it",
+ "t b",
+ "w n",
+ "Ġinc ontin",
+ "Ġthym us",
+ "Ġbar rier",
+ "ov illous",
+ "Ġbes ides",
+ "Ġ15 0",
+ "Ġseg ments",
+ "Ġbreak down",
+ "Ġdec id",
+ "Ġep endym",
+ "Ġgre en",
+ "oss a",
+ "Ġtransform ing",
+ "Ġsil ver",
+ "Ġsign alling",
+ "amn ionitis",
+ "Ġpol e",
+ "er b",
+ "Ġinsight s",
+ "oh y",
+ "Ġartic les",
+ "Ġb ind",
+ "Ġconsistent ly",
+ "Ġpsori asis",
+ "Ġtol erated",
+ "trans ferase",
+ "Ġfav ored",
+ "cs f",
+ "Ġleiomy osarcoma",
+ "il ities",
+ "Ġbenef its",
+ "is pos",
+ "n b",
+ "Ġa uc",
+ "Ġl aden",
+ "cler otic",
+ "im ination",
+ "Ġar th",
+ "Ġad apt",
+ "Ġthromb osis",
+ "Ġn arrow",
+ "Ġsimultaneous ly",
+ "m ortem",
+ "Ġg oblet",
+ "Ġpat ches",
+ "Ġtubul ovillous",
+ "s od",
+ "aps in",
+ "ist ically",
+ "Ġpare nt",
+ "Ġleiomy omas",
+ "Ġsat is",
+ "Ġrearrang ements",
+ "Ġal anine",
+ "Ġmand ibular",
+ "Ġprogenit or",
+ "Ġtrans cripts",
+ "Ġvag ina",
+ "bar r",
+ "as ic",
+ "Ġarrang ed",
+ "Ġpul p",
+ "Ġinc ub",
+ "Ġcond yl",
+ "Ġput ative",
+ "Ġs outh",
+ "Ġconjunct ival",
+ "Ġbal b",
+ "c ents",
+ "Ġstim ulated",
+ "oderm al",
+ "Ġemergen cy",
+ "intig raph",
+ "Ġper itoneum",
+ "Ġinf requent",
+ "oun ced",
+ "Ġun equivocal",
+ "Ġarter i",
+ "Ġradi os",
+ "g i",
+ "Ġ encephal",
+ "Ġf et",
+ "Ġhar v",
+ "Ġdisc overy",
+ "Ġv ocal",
+ "Ġpron ounced",
+ "Ġbm i",
+ "Ġfe br",
+ "Ġdispers ed",
+ "y se",
+ "Ġoper ated",
+ "Ġneuro path",
+ "Ġsc hed",
+ "Ġpharmac ological",
+ "od ds",
+ "Ġdissem inated",
+ "Ġbi ologic",
+ "Ġtw el",
+ "Ġbr unt",
+ "Ġspect romet",
+ "Ġincontin ence",
+ "Ġm f",
+ "ar ia",
+ "Ġend othel",
+ "Ġscc hn",
+ "Ġrepl aced",
+ "Ġdent al",
+ "Ġsurviv in",
+ "Ġan omal",
+ "Ġelucid ated",
+ "Ġchang ed",
+ "Ġpers onal",
+ "Ġelect ro",
+ "Ġchorio amnionitis",
+ "ot tic",
+ "Ġgen etically",
+ "Ġhepat otoxicity",
+ "Ġves icular",
+ "Ġs ider",
+ "t heless",
+ "ap optotic",
+ "Ġcal f",
+ "Ġes c",
+ "Ġcut off",
+ "Ġsyn th",
+ "op ol",
+ "Ġd rain",
+ "Ġmus cles",
+ "Ġves icle",
+ "Ġnever theless",
+ "Ġstar ted",
+ "00 8",
+ "Ġpred ispos",
+ "Ġrep orter",
+ "Ġpo uch",
+ "Ġop scc",
+ "Ġms cs",
+ "Ġinvad ing",
+ "Ġvir t",
+ "Ġc ran",
+ "Ġtrans port",
+ "Ġw il",
+ "opt imal",
+ "Ġpart ly",
+ "exp ressing",
+ "ve gf",
+ "Ġspect roscopy",
+ "rins ic",
+ "Ġtwel ve",
+ "Ġcomb ining",
+ "r ist",
+ "Ġst e",
+ "Ġm arch",
+ "ant ib",
+ "Ġm p",
+ "Ġv ert",
+ "Ġsoft ware",
+ "Ġprotocol s",
+ "Ġon going",
+ "Ġtel omerase",
+ "Ġser osa",
+ "Ġconj unction",
+ "Ġaden oid",
+ "ert ility",
+ "Ġch ord",
+ "Ġident if",
+ "cis ion",
+ "da w",
+ "un k",
+ "Ġr ank",
+ "Ġc f",
+ "hes ia",
+ "Ġenrich ment",
+ "Ġbcc s",
+ "Ġel ong",
+ "Ġdeliv ered",
+ "Ġg ir",
+ "port un",
+ "Ġr ich",
+ "Ġaden osis",
+ "Ġd os",
+ "Ġred uct",
+ "Ġregul ates",
+ "otox ic",
+ "Ġc och",
+ "Ġre plication",
+ "Ġquant ified",
+ "daw ley",
+ "Ġro d",
+ "Ġt ext",
+ "Ġf undic",
+ "Ġin activation",
+ "Ġd ic",
+ "Ġhorm onal",
+ "Ġs le",
+ "Ġn apsin",
+ "Ġhemodil ute",
+ "os por",
+ "Ġmap k",
+ "Ġobstruct ive",
+ "(-/- )",
+ "Ġile itis",
+ "Ġdesm oplastic",
+ "Ġop portun",
+ "Ġn h",
+ "Ġrequ ested",
+ "ph thal",
+ "Ġneph rot",
+ "op re",
+ "Ġm sh",
+ "an a",
+ "n ine",
+ "Ġb ones",
+ "Ġalb ino",
+ "Ġc ast",
+ "Ġx anth",
+ "Ġunres ectable",
+ "Ġl r",
+ "Ġjuven ile",
+ "ps is",
+ "Ġpol yt",
+ "Ġsoc iety",
+ "sm a",
+ "Ġcandid ates",
+ "Ġabsol ute",
+ "Ġeuth an",
+ "f erence",
+ "Ġb and",
+ "if erase",
+ "Ġcont ral",
+ "Ġp ack",
+ "Ġgf ap",
+ "Ġstri king",
+ "Ġcholangi ocarcinoma",
+ "ran d",
+ "+ .",
+ "acet yl",
+ "p fs",
+ "Ġrabb it",
+ "Ġmetabol ites",
+ "Ġmicror na",
+ "Ġsynth ase",
+ "Ġsupp urative",
+ "Ġcontral ateral",
+ "ber g",
+ "Ġult ra",
+ "t g",
+ "Ġindic ators",
+ "Ġnorm ative",
+ "Ġpl aced",
+ "at us",
+ "Ġcircum scribed",
+ "Ġlact ate",
+ "Ġc res",
+ "d es",
+ "l l",
+ "Ġob lit",
+ "Ġchorangi osis",
+ "read y",
+ "Ġarteriol es",
+ "Ġadd ed",
+ "Ġ @",
+ "Ġcop per",
+ "g ent",
+ "Ġulc ers",
+ "Ġeurope an",
+ "st er",
+ "Ġsubun it",
+ "Ġprol apse",
+ "Ġbrid ging",
+ "b re",
+ "Ġphenot ypic",
+ "s ec",
+ "Ġm ill",
+ "Ġst ren",
+ "Ġfib roma",
+ "Ġrequ iring",
+ "Ġrecr u",
+ "Ġbe gin",
+ "Ġcortic oster",
+ "cem ia",
+ "Ġdist urb",
+ "Ġal ready",
+ "muc osal",
+ "Ġmyoc ardium",
+ "Ġdissem ination",
+ "Ġhall mark",
+ "ch ing",
+ "Ġure th",
+ "Ġcomplic ated",
+ "Ġatheros clerosis",
+ "p es",
+ "Ġc ranial",
+ "is ions",
+ "y cl",
+ "Ġdet ached",
+ "Ġchalleng es",
+ "etic s",
+ "Ġmes othelial",
+ "Ġrheumat oid",
+ "Ġra ises",
+ "year s",
+ "Ġadvant age",
+ "Ġcap able",
+ "Ġsub optimal",
+ "Ġdec ade",
+ "re perfusion",
+ "Ġch ap",
+ "Ġnest ed",
+ "pl ets",
+ "Ġl aryng",
+ "ym met",
+ "Ġop in",
+ "ch i",
+ "med ullary",
+ "m d",
+ "Ġepithel ia",
+ "Ġperipher y",
+ "rogen ic",
+ "dit ary",
+ "Ġd ark",
+ "Ġst ability",
+ "Ġsev enty",
+ "in um",
+ "Ġd ia",
+ "Ġprepar ations",
+ "Ġse psis",
+ "Ġfl ank",
+ "gl ut",
+ "Ġst ation",
+ "Ġfract ure",
+ "Ġinv ers",
+ "Ġlanger hans",
+ "Ġsm a",
+ "hes is",
+ "Ġd a",
+ "oc ardi",
+ "Ġhist one",
+ "n r",
+ "us cular",
+ "Ġm ob",
+ "Ġnr f",
+ "eli hood",
+ "% ]",
+ "h um",
+ "os ity",
+ "er ations",
+ "Ġmethod ology",
+ "zym e",
+ "Ġt s",
+ "ost atin",
+ "Ġneurofib roma",
+ "Ġcomm erc",
+ "Ġneurobl astoma",
+ "Ġemphys ema",
+ "exp osed",
+ "Ġcategor ized",
+ "ed ed",
+ "Ġin hal",
+ "Ġd c",
+ "Ġtransf ected",
+ "Ġexclus ively",
+ "Ġmeshwork s",
+ "in dependent",
+ "mm p",
+ "Ġse arc",
+ "Ġspong iotic",
+ "16 3",
+ "Ġc ig",
+ "Ġuseful ness",
+ "Ġs f",
+ "Ġadd ress",
+ "Ġunf av",
+ "Ġrem arkable",
+ "Ġneuro p",
+ "Ġmult il",
+ "Ġsh ock",
+ "f ield",
+ "Ġthromb ocyt",
+ "Ġmt or",
+ "Ġag es",
+ "Ġ199 9",
+ "Ġl y",
+ "Ġpro phyl",
+ "Ġinvas iveness",
+ "Ġbronch us",
+ "at ures",
+ "Ġnas opharyngeal",
+ "Ġra ised",
+ "ens it",
+ "Ġser ial",
+ "Ġbel ong",
+ "Ġ199 8",
+ "id ym",
+ "Ġcomp artment",
+ "Ġaxon opathy",
+ "Ġbl and",
+ "Ġinter follicular",
+ "Ġinit iated",
+ "ist h",
+ "ode oxy",
+ "00 9",
+ "Ġgastro enter",
+ "Ġprevent ing",
+ "Ġverruc a",
+ "Ġhyalin ized",
+ "ot roph",
+ "m ult",
+ "o ct",
+ "Ġer lotinib",
+ "Ġimplant ed",
+ "Ġrecru ited",
+ "Ġe gf",
+ "Ġh m",
+ "Ġlymph ohist",
+ "Ġproport ions",
+ "Ġperit umoral",
+ "ococc us",
+ "Ġvalid ate",
+ "Ġv in",
+ "ul ed",
+ "Ġ ].",
+ "Ġcar otid",
+ "Ġharbor ing",
+ "Ġflor id",
+ "Ġpre fer",
+ "Ġset s",
+ "Ġchond rosarcoma",
+ "s ign",
+ "Ġs omat",
+ "Ġair ways",
+ "Ġdro plets",
+ "c ar",
+ "Ġper oxidase",
+ "h as",
+ "Ġpaget oid",
+ "Ġlik elihood",
+ "d ig",
+ "Ġb ony",
+ "um inal",
+ "erat otic",
+ "opl atin",
+ "l oad",
+ "Ġub iquit",
+ "Ġneon atal",
+ "Ġoste ocl",
+ "d fs",
+ "ac c",
+ "Ġinf ant",
+ "Ġms i",
+ "Ġdefin ition",
+ "Ġpauc ity",
+ "Ġj aw",
+ "Ġindic ations",
+ "Ġlo ok",
+ "Ġminim um",
+ "Ġle ak",
+ "Ġastrocyt oma",
+ "oxygen ase",
+ "Ġprec ancer",
+ "a emia",
+ "ill us",
+ "c ox",
+ "Ġneut rop",
+ "Ġrelationship s",
+ "Ġc il",
+ "Ġdiv ers",
+ "(- )",
+ "er d",
+ "Ġcont amin",
+ "Ġepidem iological",
+ "Ġaccept ed",
+ "ol id",
+ "a u",
+ "ot actic",
+ "Ġeth n",
+ "Ġfragment ation",
+ "Ġen ucle",
+ "Ġhyper g",
+ "Ġcoll ection",
+ "Ġquestion na",
+ "Ġsurge ons",
+ "Ġtest es",
+ "Ġhere ditary",
+ "Ġspectromet ry",
+ "Ġm tt",
+ "Ġepid idym",
+ "o ol",
+ "Ġs na",
+ "Ġed ematous",
+ "Ġessential ly",
+ "Ġprinc ip",
+ "Ġm n",
+ "Ġoesophag us",
+ "ot e",
+ "Ġsk ull",
+ "Ġsubt le",
+ "cal c",
+ "Ġamyloid osis",
+ "Ġrecommend ations",
+ "Ġgrad ually",
+ "Ġc reated",
+ "o ac",
+ "iab ly",
+ "Ġir radiated",
+ "and ing",
+ "Ġun s",
+ "Ġnucle otide",
+ "Ġrel aps",
+ "Ġregard ed",
+ "f da",
+ "Ġg m",
+ "Ġapp rec",
+ "Ġne o",
+ "Ġj uly",
+ "Ġdis array",
+ "l et",
+ "fl d",
+ "section al",
+ "Ġinv ade",
+ "ul s",
+ "ul ae",
+ "Ġb orders",
+ "Ġmagn ification",
+ "Ġembry onal",
+ "Ġcoll ectively",
+ "re qu",
+ "Ġaber rations",
+ "Ġsynthes ized",
+ "Ġsus tained",
+ "Ġaut osomal",
+ "Ġtol u",
+ "ra ft",
+ "br t",
+ "t est",
+ "oph ytic",
+ "Ġbec ame",
+ "Ġelect roph",
+ "Ġbehavi our",
+ "ar p",
+ "Ġther mal",
+ "on tal",
+ "Ġinj ections",
+ "Ġkeratin izing",
+ "Ġimprov es",
+ "Ġall ergic",
+ "Ġrout inely",
+ "Ġadenomy osis",
+ "Ġplace bo",
+ "Ġpolyt ypic",
+ "in os",
+ "Ġc os",
+ "hydrox y",
+ "Ġhyperm ethylation",
+ "Ġultim ately",
+ "p rotein",
+ "Ġdis app",
+ "appro ximately",
+ "Ġtemp erature",
+ "oph arynx",
+ "Ġsequ ential",
+ "opre vent",
+ "Ġb ound",
+ "e ine",
+ "c b",
+ "Ġag on",
+ "Ġlow est",
+ "Ġcontrib ution",
+ "Ġel ement",
+ "Ġbuc cal",
+ "Ġasth ma",
+ "itud inal",
+ "Ġtransplant ed",
+ "Ġe ast",
+ "ro se",
+ "el e",
+ "Ġmicror nas",
+ "t iss",
+ "Ġf gf",
+ "Ġrec overed",
+ "rom ised",
+ "Ġpar ag",
+ "Ġchrom at",
+ "Ġve ins",
+ "Ġasp artate",
+ "Ġax ons",
+ "Ġt it",
+ "ro f",
+ "Ġro c",
+ "Ġaccept able",
+ "Ġ ).",
+ "f p",
+ "ad v",
+ "Ġin her",
+ "Ġvit al",
+ "Ġpl astic",
+ "immun olabeled",
+ "Ġgro und",
+ "Ġl avage",
+ "Ġb ov",
+ "ag ia",
+ "oduoden ectomy",
+ "amin ase",
+ "p ig",
+ "Ġform er",
+ "ax is",
+ "Ġsign atures",
+ "Ġmuc us",
+ "Ġnam ely",
+ "Ġperit ubular",
+ "Ġred uces",
+ "Ġinoc ulated",
+ "Ġg h",
+ "opl ak",
+ "Ġconj ug",
+ "ct s",
+ "Ġer ad",
+ "Ġchem oprevent",
+ "Ġexist ing",
+ "upl ed",
+ "Ġm ell",
+ "Ġcomb inations",
+ "prod ucing",
+ "Ġt ib",
+ "Ġmimick ing",
+ "as ias",
+ "Ġmicro gl",
+ "pat ient",
+ "Ġcomp et",
+ "k b",
+ "f na",
+ "Ġl s",
+ "uc as",
+ "Ġreconstr uct",
+ "Ġim mediate",
+ "Ġma a",
+ "Ġsens ory",
+ "er a",
+ "ant itative",
+ "Ġcancer ous",
+ "Ġinflu enced",
+ "Ġ Î",
+ "Ġhemat ological",
+ "mat ched",
+ "Ġcardi ovascular",
+ "trans plant",
+ "intigraph y",
+ "Ġlong itudinal",
+ "Ġs erved",
+ "Ġdiscontinu ous",
+ "m ater",
+ "ed s",
+ "Ġthor ough",
+ "iv ation",
+ "Ġ2 50",
+ "abs ent",
+ "lyc er",
+ "Ġmod ulation",
+ "Ġcig are",
+ "hum an",
+ "Ġn ps",
+ "Ġer bb",
+ "av es",
+ "id al",
+ "Ġdepend s",
+ "Ġintraperitoneal ly",
+ "Ġbe h",
+ "Ġchem o",
+ "Ġelev en",
+ "Ġm ural",
+ "Ġk l",
+ "Ġextrem ities",
+ "Ġ ide",
+ "Ġp b",
+ "Ġcl on",
+ "���� ����",
+ "Ġcalp onin",
+ "Ġpre operatively",
+ "Ġcx cr",
+ "Ġlncr nas",
+ "Ġdu ra",
+ "Ġm ib",
+ "Ġb inucle",
+ "Ġ100 0",
+ "Ġneph ritis",
+ "Ġfund us",
+ "unc an",
+ "Ġconsequent ly",
+ "pl es",
+ "Ġtem ple",
+ "p op",
+ "he rapy",
+ "Ġhe at",
+ "Ġtrans por",
+ "Ġret ention",
+ "Ġisol ates",
+ "Ġd uncan",
+ "Ġun ev",
+ "Ġneuro pathy",
+ "Ġintegr ity",
+ "Ġspread ing",
+ "Ġsurve y",
+ "Ġover t",
+ "Ġparat ub",
+ "Ġh ot",
+ "Ġcom mit",
+ "Ġvert ical",
+ "e ber",
+ "Ġimmun ocyt",
+ "Ġperiod s",
+ "and ibular",
+ "Ġtransf ection",
+ "n atal",
+ "Ġsc al",
+ "Ġsubch orionic",
+ "Ġsupplement ation",
+ "Ġneur on",
+ "Ġlymph oproliferative",
+ "Ġprop ensity",
+ "Ġcogn itive",
+ "Ġfrequ encies",
+ "m ar",
+ "Ġimmun ological",
+ "Ġimmunosup pression",
+ "Ġf ix",
+ "Ġz eb",
+ "p y",
+ "per formed",
+ "Ġsec reted",
+ "Ġrh in",
+ "r ical",
+ "Ġon es",
+ "pl er",
+ "t te",
+ "Ġdrink ing",
+ "Ġg d",
+ "Ġevent ually",
+ "Ġtend ency",
+ "Ġfl o",
+ "Ġinterstit ium",
+ "Ġging ival",
+ "Ġor ient",
+ "Ġhamart oma",
+ "Ġeti ologies",
+ "id ase",
+ "Ġhist or",
+ "Ġisol ation",
+ "sil ateral",
+ "Ġib d",
+ "Ġevid enced",
+ "Ġple ase",
+ "Ġsimple x",
+ "Ġmain tain",
+ "Ġ( ~",
+ "Ġpro j",
+ "Ġtest osterone",
+ "Ġz inc",
+ "par ts",
+ "Ġloc us",
+ "Ġta u",
+ "Ġlymphohist iocytic",
+ "Ġas ian",
+ "de generation",
+ "ub in",
+ "p ac",
+ "ar ter",
+ "Ġphosphory lated",
+ "Ġiss ue",
+ "Ġnom ogram",
+ "Ġs plic",
+ "Ġprog ressed",
+ "Ġdys ph",
+ "men iscus",
+ "Ġex plant",
+ "Ġex ists",
+ "Ġcytomet ric",
+ "oper oxidase",
+ "Ġdiagnostic s",
+ "Ġorigin ating",
+ "Ġstric t",
+ "Ġap ril",
+ "Ġdys p",
+ "ment ation",
+ "Ġca ucas",
+ "Ġenc oding",
+ "Ġip silateral",
+ "Ġperiap pend",
+ "h t",
+ "it z",
+ "oid y",
+ "er ian",
+ "Ġo phthal",
+ "oblast omas",
+ "Ġplat form",
+ "Ġf ossa",
+ "Ġinf ants",
+ "Ġhs v",
+ "Ġa ur",
+ "Ġtw in",
+ "Ġequ ivalent",
+ "Ġdiff ered",
+ "Ġmin eral",
+ "Ġdimin ished",
+ "Ġcollagen ous",
+ "amy cin",
+ "Ġgra y",
+ "Ġpd a",
+ "Ġexper t",
+ "Ġform ulation",
+ "in form",
+ "Ġst ay",
+ "Ġonc ological",
+ "Ġsub acute",
+ "cl onal",
+ "Ġhospital s",
+ "inf iltr",
+ "Ġant ip",
+ "Ġmell itus",
+ "ear ly",
+ "s yn",
+ "if erous",
+ "Ġrest ored",
+ "+ ).",
+ "Ġsub str",
+ "Ġamelior ated",
+ "Ġrhabdomy osarcoma",
+ "l ic",
+ "Ġec z",
+ "Ġbr ush",
+ "Ġin os",
+ "Ġperform ing",
+ "Ġtraum atic",
+ "Ġdisrup ted",
+ "Ġexhibit ing",
+ "Ġpub med",
+ "reg ional",
+ "Ġquant ification",
+ "rocyt e",
+ "Ġpluripot ent",
+ "a a",
+ "Ġlymph angi",
+ "Ġfe eding",
+ "Ġphysic ians",
+ "% ):",
+ "Ġm b",
+ "Ġopin ion",
+ "Ġchrom osomes",
+ "Ġtrac heal",
+ "Ġinj ur",
+ "Ġ199 7",
+ "Ġl ivers",
+ "Ġh ind",
+ "Ġcla ud",
+ "Ġhyperchrom atic",
+ "Ġqu ite",
+ "Ġaggress iveness",
+ "Ġmant le",
+ "Ġsetting s",
+ "Ġgra fts",
+ "Ġrestric tion",
+ "acr imal",
+ "Ġw bcs",
+ "or able",
+ "Ġg as",
+ "Ġindic ative",
+ "Ġnephrot oxicity",
+ "im us",
+ "Ġspat ial",
+ "Ġextract ion",
+ "Ġvirus es",
+ "Ġbe am",
+ "Ġgu ided",
+ "ac ial",
+ "ap le",
+ "Ġdefin it",
+ "g sh",
+ "it atively",
+ "Ġg ad",
+ "Ġaccel erated",
+ "Ġs out",
+ "Ġn x",
+ "ar rays",
+ "Ġtr iple",
+ "Ġglomerul osclerosis",
+ "ic s",
+ "Ġhar b",
+ "Ġtolu idine",
+ "Ġher pes",
+ "Ġderiv atives",
+ "Ġper cutaneous",
+ "Ġimplant s",
+ "Ġaqu eous",
+ "melan oma",
+ "p res",
+ "Ġrecr uit",
+ "Ġun like",
+ "Ġl oh",
+ "Ġtrans ection",
+ "abd ominal",
+ "Ġchann els",
+ "Ġhomogen eous",
+ "h og",
+ "Ġintra mucosal",
+ "Ġprepar ation",
+ "Ġconserv ative",
+ "Ġparag angl",
+ "Ġscore d",
+ "Ġsol ar",
+ "id yl",
+ "ens is",
+ "Ġerythem a",
+ "Ġfig o",
+ "acchar ide",
+ "Ġas per",
+ "t gf",
+ "Ġpl anned",
+ "k appa",
+ "Ġsubj ect",
+ "Ġle p",
+ "aff old",
+ "Ġ isth",
+ "s ch",
+ "m ac",
+ "Ġsc affold",
+ "Ġcent re",
+ "abs orption",
+ "Ġsider oblasts",
+ "av ed",
+ "Ġadj unct",
+ "a im",
+ "Ġp ik",
+ "Ġdel t",
+ "Ġemph asis",
+ "Ġpro inflammatory",
+ "Ġneutrop enia",
+ "b ut",
+ "Ġp f",
+ "Ġsurv ived",
+ "d erm",
+ "Ġ19 95",
+ "Ġreason s",
+ "o epithel",
+ "Ġhypox ic",
+ "ec s",
+ "y er",
+ "Ġinterv illous",
+ "et er",
+ "Ġma ximal",
+ "Ġtr unk",
+ "Ġcircum ferential",
+ "b earing",
+ "Ġst abil",
+ "ifferent iation",
+ "Ġsuscept ible",
+ "Ġmod e",
+ "target ed",
+ "el f",
+ "ry onic",
+ "Ġintra hepatic",
+ "Ġnecro psy",
+ "i h",
+ "Ġn pc",
+ "ores istance",
+ "Ġdatas ets",
+ "Ġaug ust",
+ "Ġhome ostasis",
+ "pol ym",
+ "ir ubin",
+ "Ġfet us",
+ "Ġb und",
+ "Ġar s",
+ "ol ent",
+ "cr nas",
+ "Ġparamet er",
+ "Ġpool ed",
+ "Ġleuk ocyte",
+ "Ġcycl o",
+ "Ġsurge on",
+ "he res",
+ "Ġmicro arrays",
+ "Ġind ia",
+ "Ġcholest asis",
+ "Ġoff ers",
+ "ub er",
+ "ia z",
+ "ill ar",
+ "t ent",
+ "b ow",
+ "is ional",
+ "is ition",
+ "x ia",
+ "yt herapy",
+ "Ġtren ds",
+ "Ġrar ity",
+ "ob ronchial",
+ "Ġwound s",
+ "Ġcarb oplatin",
+ "Ġorb it",
+ "Ġcov ered",
+ "Ġded ifferentiated",
+ ") ]",
+ "Ġmedi ators",
+ "ml h",
+ "oplak ia",
+ "Ġs ial",
+ "Ġmult in",
+ "ste ad",
+ "Ġless er",
+ "Ġepile psy",
+ "Ġg ive",
+ "Ġm as",
+ "Ġmicrov essel",
+ "Ġmetalloprotein ase",
+ "g p",
+ "p ower",
+ "Ġm ach",
+ "ver n",
+ "Ġw ors",
+ "Ġper in",
+ "Ġcran i",
+ "Ġsev ent",
+ "Ġpanc yt",
+ "Ġstart ing",
+ "ob er",
+ "ok ine",
+ "Ġt ight",
+ "res olution",
+ "Ġc cr",
+ "Ġto oth",
+ "orb ent",
+ "Ġsearc hed",
+ "Ġg ill",
+ "Ġoste op",
+ "eterm inate",
+ "Ġh cv",
+ "ogen es",
+ "Ġangi osarcoma",
+ "Ġcx cl",
+ "Ġhippocamp us",
+ "Ġn ad",
+ "Ġm ov",
+ "ali platin",
+ "Ġresemb le",
+ "ch ang",
+ "Ġl ib",
+ "Ġint ran",
+ "Ġhist omorph",
+ "Ġ[ (",
+ "Ġdisc rete",
+ "l o",
+ "if e",
+ "Ġgen erate",
+ "Ġp ann",
+ "Ġasper g",
+ "r ig",
+ "Ġindic ation",
+ "Ġo a",
+ "ot o",
+ "Ġtechn ical",
+ "Ġunfav orable",
+ "Ġshe ep",
+ "Ġaware ness",
+ "tiss ue",
+ "m ap",
+ "Ġactiv ator",
+ "class ified",
+ "ic ol",
+ "Ġr un",
+ "ab les",
+ "Ġequ ivocal",
+ "omegal y",
+ "Ġclip ping",
+ "h ion",
+ "Ġbio inform",
+ "et ric",
+ "re active",
+ "Ġt ors",
+ "al a",
+ "Ġeight y",
+ "t k",
+ "Ġsampl ed",
+ "or ac",
+ "Ġre n",
+ "Ġob st",
+ "Ġind olent",
+ "b ack",
+ "Ġst ro",
+ "ob iliary",
+ "Ġpic ture",
+ "r cc",
+ "Ġpneumon itis",
+ "Ġperme ability",
+ "Ġh l",
+ "Ġhe d",
+ "Ġdescript ions",
+ "Ġafric an",
+ "Ġs ud",
+ "Ġlin c",
+ "Ġphot odynamic",
+ "Ġacc ounts",
+ "Ġmyel operoxidase",
+ "Ġureth ra",
+ "Ġgeneral ized",
+ "Ġcondyl oma",
+ "omet ry",
+ "Ġrem ark",
+ "c ine",
+ "Ġb p",
+ "Ġal a",
+ "Ġonc ologic",
+ "Ġobserv ational",
+ "Ġanastom otic",
+ "Ġdrain age",
+ "Ġc oding",
+ "Ġb oy",
+ "Ġmod ification",
+ "Ġemerg ed",
+ "Ġun its",
+ "r ants",
+ "Ġsub stit",
+ "or in",
+ "invas ion",
+ "Ġt ended",
+ "Ġglomerul onephritis",
+ "Ġdet erior",
+ "Ġh ab",
+ "mut ant",
+ "ast ases",
+ "Ġser t",
+ "ophil ic",
+ "Ġp he",
+ "Ġk ind",
+ "Ġd ra",
+ "Ġbrach ytherapy",
+ "Ġpresent ations",
+ "Ġind irect",
+ "smok ers",
+ "ation ale",
+ "Ġcalc ific",
+ "t in",
+ "Ġl ute",
+ "Ġcons p",
+ "Ġbl unt",
+ "s ur",
+ "Ġme et",
+ "ang itis",
+ "sev ere",
+ "id in",
+ "Ġint rinsic",
+ "em t",
+ "cr c",
+ "at onin",
+ "Ġmem ory",
+ "Ġread ily",
+ "mater nal",
+ "Ġin stead",
+ "Ġ12 5",
+ "Ġpatholog ies",
+ "bi opsy",
+ "Ġsynt hetic",
+ "Ġst a",
+ "ens in",
+ "Ġy ellow",
+ "ach ment",
+ "al coh",
+ "pd t",
+ "Ġisoform s",
+ "Ġwas h",
+ "Ġinjur ies",
+ "Ġcd na",
+ "k a",
+ "Ġgreat ly",
+ "diagn ostic",
+ "an o",
+ "end othelial",
+ "Ġdirect ed",
+ "or a",
+ "Ġsour ces",
+ "Ġbioinform atic",
+ "Ġdec line",
+ "Ġperi ost",
+ "Ġdetail s",
+ "Ġnov o",
+ "Ġluc iferase",
+ "Ġdecid ua",
+ "Ġdysph agia",
+ "Ġs ph",
+ "Ġpept ic",
+ "ge hog",
+ "Ġparas ite",
+ "Ġeng ine",
+ "Ġant im",
+ "Ġhem oglobin",
+ "Ġgrad ed",
+ "it ude",
+ "Ġs izes",
+ "Ġres id",
+ "Ġhypercellular ity",
+ "inf ection",
+ "g th",
+ "Ġ %,",
+ "Ġdig estive",
+ "Ġad equ",
+ "Ġureter al",
+ "Ġloc i",
+ "r is",
+ "Ġcereb ellar",
+ "n et",
+ "Ġres olved",
+ "y e",
+ "om iting",
+ "ret inin",
+ "v it",
+ "us c",
+ "Ġel ic",
+ "Ġn os",
+ "1 20",
+ "Ġtumor al",
+ "Ġdr iver",
+ "olip oma",
+ "Ġdatas et",
+ "v en",
+ "ob ulin",
+ "Ġhed gehog",
+ "Ġtub al",
+ "m eth",
+ "Ġser ological",
+ "Ġcyst ectomy",
+ "Ġprot ect",
+ "Ġpoly clonal",
+ "Ġc ag",
+ "Ġoligodend rogl",
+ "Ġpancreat ectomy",
+ "Ġconvers ion",
+ "Ġind eterminate",
+ "Ġglut en",
+ "nex in",
+ "Ġremark ably",
+ "en ess",
+ "Ġad oles",
+ "Ġregul ators",
+ "Ġexclus ion",
+ "Ġps ych",
+ "est ic",
+ "Ġca vern",
+ "Ġoroph arynx",
+ "Ġextra vas",
+ "Ġcorrect ly",
+ "mt or",
+ "Ġincident ally",
+ "och rome",
+ "Ġgest ation",
+ "Ġspermat og",
+ "Ġser ology",
+ "Ġneut ral",
+ "Ġgro in",
+ "Ġcontrol ling",
+ "Ġmel atonin",
+ "Ġkeratin ocyte",
+ "ar ial",
+ "Ġexud ate",
+ "Ġperiappend icitis",
+ "Ġplan us",
+ "Ġm outh",
+ "Ġsert oli",
+ "13 2",
+ "Ġstere otactic",
+ "Ġlum p",
+ "Ġimmunos orbent",
+ "Ġsynerg istic",
+ "d o",
+ "Ġt ax",
+ "om od",
+ "Ġj a",
+ "Ġdermat ofibroma",
+ "Ġfas hion",
+ "Ġbronch i",
+ "Ġoct ober",
+ "Ġpathophys iology",
+ "Ġinfiltr ated",
+ "Ġtc ga",
+ "Ġcomp ression",
+ "Ġill ness",
+ "Ġprecancer ous",
+ "ac he",
+ "Ġcyst adenoma",
+ "Ġpept ides",
+ "Ġm ull",
+ "Ġintrod uced",
+ "metast asis",
+ "Ġdia ph",
+ "ul osis",
+ "Ġisth mus",
+ "Ġconsequ ences",
+ "Ġt aking",
+ "Ġv ide",
+ "Ġass um",
+ "Ġb urn",
+ "Ġcal retinin",
+ "Ġmamm alian",
+ "ig g",
+ "Ġh ors",
+ "Ġpost menopausal",
+ "Ġs v",
+ "Ġle uc",
+ "Ġtransm ural",
+ "Ġverruc ous",
+ "f il",
+ "h opps",
+ "Ġsh ift",
+ "Ġsil ic",
+ "Ġech ocardi",
+ "Ġap c",
+ "Ġaccount ing",
+ "Ġstren gth",
+ "ent ed",
+ "Ġnormal ly",
+ "Ġauto antib",
+ "Ġallow ing",
+ "Ġprogram med",
+ "Ġhepat oprotective",
+ "Ġcond ens",
+ "are olar",
+ "ox if",
+ "Ġtra bec",
+ "vir al",
+ "Ġvacuol es",
+ "Ġmet al",
+ "Ġappear ing",
+ "Ġcereb ell",
+ "Ġs q",
+ "Ġfibrobl astic",
+ "Ġharv ested",
+ "yl ated",
+ "Ġparatub al",
+ "odeoxy glucose",
+ "z il",
+ "pt c",
+ "Ġf is",
+ "Ġl iving",
+ "Ġnetwork s",
+ "Ġpalp able",
+ "Ġl i",
+ "Ġsup erv",
+ "u ed",
+ "Ġer g",
+ "exp ected",
+ "Ġl acrimal",
+ "Ġscre en",
+ "ill i",
+ "Ġbehavi oral",
+ "Ġwork up",
+ "Ġpre clud",
+ "Ġevalu ations",
+ "ons et",
+ "Ġc ub",
+ "he t",
+ "Ġex ert",
+ "Ġclaud in",
+ "Ġradi ologists",
+ "Ġo wing",
+ "Ġtra becular",
+ "r us",
+ "rag m",
+ "Ġdram atically",
+ "Ġcar riers",
+ "Ġ199 6",
+ "Ġsc hem",
+ "Ġcd kn",
+ "pos es",
+ "pid ic",
+ "oc utaneous",
+ "rin k",
+ "Ġgl ass",
+ "Ġr ationale",
+ "load ed",
+ "Ġto o",
+ "Ġox aliplatin",
+ "Ġb ri",
+ "Ġmain taining",
+ "aden ocarcinoma",
+ "Ġs ized",
+ "Ġmicrom et",
+ "Ġexcess ive",
+ "fib er",
+ "comp uted",
+ "a ortic",
+ "Ġm po",
+ "Ġint ens",
+ "Ġend points",
+ "Ġinoc ulation",
+ "Ġmisdiagn osed",
+ "Ġm akes",
+ "ne y",
+ "Ġblock ade",
+ "Ġchromat ography",
+ "ï ¬",
+ "Ġd s",
+ "ast atin",
+ "Ġengl ish",
+ "Ġdefic its",
+ "ph asic",
+ "Ġextrac apsular",
+ "Ġ ï¬",
+ "Ġt f",
+ "Ġestim ates",
+ "iat r",
+ "Ġoverl apping",
+ "m ing",
+ "Ġint ent",
+ "Ġclass ify",
+ "Ġkeratin ocytic",
+ "omet h",
+ "Ġl ac",
+ "ish man",
+ "Ġure thral",
+ "m ural",
+ "otrop ic",
+ "c ov",
+ "Ġcyt omorph",
+ "Ġcontrib uting",
+ "ex cision",
+ "Ġdil ation",
+ "Ġind ist",
+ "Ġmultin odular",
+ "Ġy e",
+ "c alled",
+ "Ġca ud",
+ "o ura",
+ "Ġsept ember",
+ "Ġm er",
+ "Ġsubset s",
+ "orac ic",
+ "v hd",
+ "Ġheter ozyg",
+ "ine al",
+ "on omic",
+ "Ġcor ds",
+ "Ġglycogen ated",
+ "Ġconvers ely",
+ "Ġg s",
+ "ra ms",
+ "Ġen abl",
+ "Ġchol angitis",
+ "Ġvacc ination",
+ "Ġm apping",
+ "bl ock",
+ "Ġmr nas",
+ "Ġprot on",
+ "Ġexist ence",
+ "Ġadenos quamous",
+ "ic t",
+ "ra becular",
+ "form in",
+ "pol yp",
+ "t ail",
+ "g et",
+ "ot in",
+ "Ġpre v",
+ "oc ated",
+ "Ġprincip al",
+ "Ġf u",
+ "Ġret ina",
+ "Ġbil irubin",
+ "Ġorth otopic",
+ "Ġacanth osis",
+ "i od",
+ "ect omies",
+ "Ġsmok e",
+ "Ġmedic ation",
+ "Ġmyomet rial",
+ "Ġhom ozygous",
+ "Ġfif teen",
+ "Ġt in",
+ "Ġfibro vascular",
+ "op ed",
+ "Ġun expected",
+ "oemb ryonic",
+ "Ġmes oderm",
+ "Ġb w",
+ "Ġad ren",
+ "Ġantagon ist",
+ "t otal",
+ "ul us",
+ "Ġb or",
+ "Ġgly coprotein",
+ "er ns",
+ "50 4",
+ "Ġvolum es",
+ "Ġbri ef",
+ "Ġs ar",
+ "ev ac",
+ "15 0",
+ "Ġantibiotic s",
+ "Ġthrombocyt openia",
+ "oderm a",
+ "s uv",
+ "Ġkin ases",
+ "Ġpath ogen",
+ "Ġisl ands",
+ "Ġstric ture",
+ "an in",
+ "h odgkin",
+ "Ġrob otic",
+ "Ġepiderm oid",
+ "Ġmediast inum",
+ "Ġt ag",
+ "Ġcl ones",
+ "in ol",
+ "Ġdifficult y",
+ "Ġhisti ocytosis",
+ "Ġspong iosis",
+ "Ġextrap rostatic",
+ "t et",
+ "Ġnas h",
+ "Ġretin oblastoma",
+ "Ġconsp icuous",
+ "wh ile",
+ "polym erase",
+ "oc on",
+ "Ġresp ective",
+ "Ġthym oma",
+ "os seous",
+ "Ġup d",
+ "Ġped iatr",
+ "alcoh olic",
+ "um our",
+ "Ġend point",
+ "Ġro ute",
+ "Ġp ec",
+ "Ġsol uble",
+ ") ).",
+ "hel ium",
+ "Ġbeliev ed",
+ "Ġm all",
+ "Ġcont ract",
+ "Ġj ak",
+ "Ġweak ness",
+ "Ġreview s",
+ "Ġq rt",
+ "Ġmultic enter",
+ "ra f",
+ "Ġbir ds",
+ "in ity",
+ "Ġbe aring",
+ "Ġcigare tte",
+ "Ġhorm ones",
+ "Ġis h",
+ "Ġper if",
+ "Ġde ad",
+ "eff ective",
+ "Ġinvers ely",
+ "Ġinvestig ating",
+ "Ġtox in",
+ "Ġeffort s",
+ "Ġcos m",
+ "view ed",
+ "Ġfung us",
+ "Ġst aged",
+ "Ġhippocamp al",
+ "n at",
+ "Ġsp p",
+ "Ġr p",
+ "Ġb u",
+ "Ġadv ised",
+ "Ġv omiting",
+ "oid es",
+ "exist ing",
+ "Ġsubstant ially",
+ "Ġperib ronchial",
+ "4 50",
+ "infiltr ating",
+ "Ġf un",
+ "Ġh ox",
+ "Ġra p",
+ "Ġfn ac",
+ "Ġg avage",
+ "ph ig",
+ "Ġret urn",
+ "Ġcol le",
+ "sc ore",
+ "Ġfung i",
+ "Ġabund ance",
+ "Ġampl ified",
+ "Ġintral uminal",
+ "Ġiss ues",
+ "Ġb wh",
+ "Ġpod ocytes",
+ "Ġre absorption",
+ "Ġatt ract",
+ "w s",
+ "Ġlapar oscopy",
+ "Ġregist ered",
+ "t l",
+ "kin ase",
+ "Ġcr us",
+ "Ġfir m",
+ "Ġjo ints",
+ "om on",
+ "Ġeff acement",
+ "Ġpal ate",
+ "Ġbra zil",
+ "ob ular",
+ "Ġs hed",
+ "ab elled",
+ "ra ds",
+ "de oxy",
+ "Ġe z",
+ "af ter",
+ "Ġpar ad",
+ "Ġel imin",
+ "opol ys",
+ "char ge",
+ "Ġprod ucing",
+ "mod erately",
+ "Ġi odine",
+ "Ġdo ub",
+ "Ġurot helium",
+ "Ġdistort ion",
+ "evac izumab",
+ "form ing",
+ "Ġbut t",
+ "urs es",
+ "muc inous",
+ "r ug",
+ "Ġmit ral",
+ "Ġsub pop",
+ "Ġn p",
+ "Ġl ive",
+ "te e",
+ "Ġac ad",
+ "Ġle pidic",
+ "rene wal",
+ "ic c",
+ "Ġits elf",
+ "Ġpem phig",
+ "13 1",
+ "requ ency",
+ "Ġn az",
+ "Ġadvant ages",
+ "Ġsc intigraphy",
+ "10 9",
+ "Ġfibrom uscular",
+ "Ġsl n",
+ "mus cular",
+ "Ġblind ed",
+ "Ġn ets",
+ "Ġblock ed",
+ "Ġconsequ ence",
+ "Ġar ises",
+ "Ġcarcin oembryonic",
+ "Ġhors es",
+ "Ġbeliev e",
+ "Ġmet formin",
+ "Ġco upled",
+ "Ġgir l",
+ "Ġch am",
+ "Ġsubm andibular",
+ "l ocation",
+ "Ġacqu isition",
+ "Ġmuc ous",
+ "Ġconf er",
+ "Ġdop pler",
+ "Ġtoler ance",
+ "Ġank le",
+ "Ġcyt ochrome",
+ "Ġdesign ated",
+ "Ġpor cine",
+ "Ġbronchiol itis",
+ "s quamous",
+ "Ġf it",
+ "Ġsh are",
+ "Ġstro ke",
+ "Ġclass if",
+ "e osin",
+ "Ġverteb ral",
+ "c are",
+ "Ġmet ach",
+ "cept ion",
+ "Ġsept a",
+ "Ġ :",
+ "Ġasc ites",
+ "Ġent rap",
+ "Ġtransd uction",
+ "Ġfem ur",
+ "Ġplex us",
+ "Ġs uture",
+ "Ġb a",
+ "Ġtr im",
+ "resp ons",
+ "Ġip mn",
+ "Ġle ep",
+ "x a",
+ "Ġnaz arian",
+ "Ġam l",
+ "Ġplasmacyt oid",
+ "ch lor",
+ "Ġcalc ified",
+ "Ġu rolog",
+ "Ġmall ory",
+ "m ild",
+ "Ġt as",
+ "Ġle ishman",
+ "term inal",
+ "Ġprophyl actic",
+ "dr iven",
+ "Ġsur f",
+ "re f",
+ "Ġl d",
+ "Ġmed ically",
+ "th ick",
+ "ne a",
+ "Ġexam ples",
+ "Ġanest hesia",
+ "4 35",
+ "t m",
+ "w here",
+ "Ġa et",
+ "Ġhom olog",
+ "Ġev er",
+ "Ġsp ot",
+ "Ġfo amy",
+ "Ġthir teen",
+ "Ġne ovascular",
+ "unct ional",
+ "Ġpain ful",
+ "Ġact ed",
+ "oun ted",
+ "Ġmelan osis",
+ "Ġpregn ant",
+ "at ter",
+ "Ġ( %):",
+ "Ġind ucible",
+ "anc ies",
+ "Ġadj ust",
+ "Ġo m",
+ "Ġperip ortal",
+ "s ensitive",
+ "pl ate",
+ "Ġserv ices",
+ "fir med",
+ "Ġk illed",
+ "Ġam ph",
+ "Ġquestionna ire",
+ "Ġinf ra",
+ "Ġdevel ops",
+ "Ġass ist",
+ "10 5",
+ "Ġcomparis ons",
+ "abs cess",
+ "Ġcommit tee",
+ "Ġdimens ions",
+ "Ġvisual ized",
+ "Ġbal ance",
+ "oc in",
+ "on c",
+ "Ġphosph ate",
+ "he imer",
+ "Ġdis charge",
+ "Ġrecruit ment",
+ "Ġconc erns",
+ "Ġdermat ology",
+ "Ġag ing",
+ "Ġmicro calc",
+ "Ġimmunore active",
+ "Ġbov ine",
+ "Ġcyclo oxygenase",
+ "Ġl p",
+ "Ġna fld",
+ "a ur",
+ "cancer ous",
+ "ac erb",
+ "Ġcod on",
+ "Ġt scc",
+ "Ġh sa",
+ "Ġcathe ter",
+ "Ġremn ant",
+ "Ġe wing",
+ "Ġes d",
+ "Ġesophag og",
+ "Ġcp g",
+ "Ġnin ety",
+ "Ġt cr",
+ "Ġl t",
+ "p re",
+ "v in",
+ "Ġlum bar",
+ "Ġpen is",
+ "Ġcon ver",
+ "Ġseiz ures",
+ "Ġsc ient",
+ "Ġclos est",
+ "Ġecz ematous",
+ "Ġpe yer",
+ "Ġc all",
+ "Ġd rop",
+ "Ġad am",
+ "pr im",
+ "Ġb evacizumab",
+ "un te",
+ "Ġfour teen",
+ "Ġvill itis",
+ "emb rane",
+ "class ification",
+ "Ġantip roliferative",
+ "Ġover come",
+ "Ġpl acement",
+ "rom as",
+ "Ġinstit utional",
+ "Ġinver se",
+ "Ġvol unte",
+ "chang ed",
+ "Ġte eth",
+ "Ġmimic s",
+ "Ġko il",
+ "Ġconstit ute",
+ "Ġa ud",
+ "Ġd wi",
+ "Ġpost mortem",
+ "Ġpair s",
+ "Ġcac o",
+ "Ġend s",
+ "Ġke ep",
+ "Ġintra vascular",
+ "Ġchann el",
+ "Ġdec isions",
+ "ult ure",
+ "Ġcol d",
+ "Ġleuk oplakia",
+ "k y",
+ "z heimer",
+ "Ġcounter parts",
+ "= .",
+ "ag inous",
+ "Ġmamm oplasty",
+ "Ġpharmac okin",
+ "Ġex acerb",
+ "Ġhemat oma",
+ "Ġbr un",
+ "Ġapparent ly",
+ "Ġbronch oalveolar",
+ "Ġlam ellar",
+ "Ġmalform ation",
+ "ow s",
+ "Ġstat istic",
+ "Ġcec al",
+ "radi ol",
+ "rogl obulin",
+ "Ġprost hetic",
+ "Ġapplic able",
+ "om ated",
+ "Ġed uc",
+ "e z",
+ "Ġv on",
+ "Ġser a",
+ "Ġsem i",
+ "Ġneurolog ic",
+ "Ġinter observer",
+ "ten se",
+ "Ġswe at",
+ "a ut",
+ "Ġov iduct",
+ "Ġcoun ted",
+ "Ġdemographic s",
+ "Ġpigment ation",
+ "Ġcluster ing",
+ "k eletal",
+ "av icular",
+ "orbid ities",
+ "Ġmicroscop e",
+ "Ġtrache a",
+ "Ġent eric",
+ "at id",
+ "ic ated",
+ "] :",
+ "ur ic",
+ "Ġb d",
+ "Ġprotein uria",
+ "Ġprolif erations",
+ "eng er",
+ "Ġ( \"",
+ "Ġvar ies",
+ "Ġt n",
+ "Ġn ab",
+ "Ġpower ful",
+ "Ġrecurre d",
+ "Ġconst ant",
+ "in tense",
+ "Ġhyp ogran",
+ "sp icuous",
+ "Ġpapill omas",
+ "5 00",
+ "s i",
+ "Ġant if",
+ "Ġl et",
+ "st anding",
+ "ial s",
+ "Ġcontrib uted",
+ "ol ateral",
+ "pt ic",
+ "Ġrespond ed",
+ "s w",
+ "Ġdelet ions",
+ "Ġa ustr",
+ "Ġt reg",
+ "Ġbi os",
+ "Ġover growth",
+ "Ġj oh",
+ "rec ip",
+ "Ġsub areolar",
+ "Ġestablish ing",
+ "inter mediate",
+ "ush ing",
+ "nec rotizing",
+ "s ir",
+ "Ġh sc",
+ "Ġinver ted",
+ "rect al",
+ "Ġincon spicuous",
+ "Ġfibro epithelial",
+ "Ġur gent",
+ "Ġact s",
+ "Ġlymph oblastic",
+ "ox in",
+ "h it",
+ "ag inal",
+ "Ġcoag ulation",
+ "con firmed",
+ "Ġal i",
+ "Ġcaus ative",
+ "Ġf s",
+ "Ġ(> /=",
+ "Ġd ere",
+ "Ġan th",
+ "Ġun changed",
+ "hes ive",
+ "Ġpc na",
+ "ro bial",
+ "Ġal dh",
+ "Ġve get",
+ "ogran ul",
+ "Ġdivers ity",
+ "o ep",
+ "Ġtrabec ulae",
+ "Ġn gs",
+ "Ġimprov ements",
+ "Ġsr c",
+ "pt nm",
+ "ament ous",
+ "14 5",
+ "Ġmet am",
+ "Ġterm ed",
+ "Ġl and",
+ "12 3",
+ "Ġal zheimer",
+ "Ġnit rogen",
+ "3 00",
+ "pt ide",
+ "Ġartic ular",
+ "Ġfamil ies",
+ "ot ypes",
+ "os ine",
+ "Ġun related",
+ "po or",
+ "Ġsud den",
+ "Ġscc a",
+ "Ġcaucas ian",
+ "Ġglyc os",
+ "Ġfix ation",
+ "10 1",
+ "reg ulating",
+ "Ġerad ication",
+ "Ġcompos ite",
+ "ma ximum",
+ "Ġlamin in",
+ "ok ed",
+ "Ġfor ce",
+ "Ġclos ure",
+ "erv ing",
+ "Ġadm ission",
+ "Ġint ensive",
+ "Ġexpl oration",
+ "Ġsuff ering",
+ "x r",
+ "Ġprefer red",
+ "art ments",
+ "Ġsimilar ities",
+ "f r",
+ "Ġb is",
+ "Ġvolunte ers",
+ "Ġbutt ock",
+ "Ġmean while",
+ "Ġpain less",
+ "Ġen able",
+ "f ox",
+ "01 2",
+ "exp ressed",
+ "Ġenh ances",
+ "Ġknock out",
+ "am ents",
+ "Ġtim p",
+ "Ġphyl l",
+ "Ġt ran",
+ "ia d",
+ "Ġl ns",
+ "ol et",
+ "Ġext rathyroidal",
+ "tic ular",
+ "Ġendothel ium",
+ "Ġmicro abscess",
+ "Ġfib romatosis",
+ "Ġmamm ography",
+ "Ġml h",
+ "us p",
+ "Ġaneurys m",
+ "Ġthromb otic",
+ "ific ant",
+ "hen ol",
+ "d ural",
+ "Ġstrong er",
+ "Ġpapill ae",
+ "Ġguid ance",
+ "has one",
+ "pt osis",
+ "Ġph yt",
+ "Ġlar v",
+ "Ġpancreatic oduodenectomy",
+ "ic ed",
+ "Ġn ig",
+ "Ġaccording ly",
+ "om ized",
+ "01 3",
+ "Ġequ ally",
+ "Ġcam d",
+ "ant i",
+ "th ir",
+ "Ġdis cl",
+ "Ġmultiple x",
+ "Ġf us",
+ "Ġendomet ritis",
+ "angi ogenic",
+ "y le",
+ "Ġpred n",
+ "Ġangi ography",
+ "Ġp unct",
+ "Ġaf p",
+ "Ġmyel in",
+ "st ate",
+ "Ġcl ust",
+ "amet hasone",
+ "Ġsomat ostatin",
+ "Ġspect ral",
+ "Ġinteg ration",
+ "Ġph ag",
+ "Ġfebr uary",
+ "Ġclust ered",
+ "as h",
+ "Ġn d",
+ "Ġl m",
+ "Ġnan o",
+ "ist ent",
+ "Ġmycobacter ium",
+ "Ġmit osis",
+ "angi omatous",
+ "Ġassoci ates",
+ "Ġtrans aminase",
+ "Ġmod ifications",
+ "Ġar ms",
+ "Ġph ases",
+ "Ġalle vi",
+ "Ġlo op",
+ "Ġbund les",
+ "|> ),",
+ "01 5",
+ "immun ohistochem",
+ "Ġatheros clerotic",
+ ") ),",
+ "Ġbm p",
+ "Ġk ore",
+ "Ġlack s",
+ "Ġsubst ances",
+ "Ġinhal ation",
+ "Ġdam aged",
+ "en ib",
+ "Ġtrans well",
+ "Ġmyofibrobl astic",
+ "Ġpre m",
+ "Ġintra muscular",
+ "Ġvascul ature",
+ "Ġnort hern",
+ "Ġgast rin",
+ "Ġcr ust",
+ "Ġnr bcs",
+ "Ġfox p",
+ "hp f",
+ "Ġel ective",
+ "eterm ined",
+ "Ġt l",
+ "Ġc it",
+ "Ġle w",
+ "Ġmetach ronous",
+ "Ġtranscript ase",
+ "Ġerythemat osus",
+ "cept or",
+ "Ġsn ps",
+ "Ġinher ited",
+ "cy cl",
+ "el ets",
+ "Ġover view",
+ "Ġrec ess",
+ "Ġl nm",
+ "Ġmod ulate",
+ "Ġpract ical",
+ "is itis",
+ "ill ing",
+ "Ġant is",
+ "Ġgli osis",
+ "Ġacin i",
+ "Ġanomal ies",
+ "Ġr r",
+ "Ġunev ent",
+ "Ġmull erian",
+ "Ġend emic",
+ "ik ely",
+ "Ġcov id",
+ "Ġsen es",
+ "Ġchem okine",
+ "Ġfun isitis",
+ "Ġvisual ization",
+ "201 6",
+ "cir cum",
+ "Ġr fs",
+ "Ġunevent ful",
+ "Ġcom ed",
+ "Ġcs f",
+ "Ġbi phasic",
+ "exp ress",
+ "Ġsurf aces",
+ "Ġp ir",
+ "Ġe a",
+ "opath ies",
+ "opl asia",
+ "Ġd n",
+ "ut ively",
+ "Ġcompl ain",
+ "Ġenc oura",
+ "Ġolig onucle",
+ "Ġrespond ers",
+ "Ġin sp",
+ "oc ele",
+ "Ġactiv ate",
+ "Ġsel ectively",
+ "Ġupd ated",
+ "Ġperiod ic",
+ "b d",
+ "Ġm ds",
+ "Ġhaem orrh",
+ "Ġsatis factory",
+ "Ġtrig lycer",
+ "Ġp ilar",
+ "nec ess",
+ "Ġreprod uc",
+ "Ġinter cellular",
+ "Ġsix teen",
+ "Ġport ions",
+ "di ent",
+ "Ġexpos ures",
+ "ad ing",
+ "Ġsh ared",
+ "hest er",
+ "Ġsplen ectomy",
+ "Ġrel iably",
+ "ic robial",
+ "Ġop pos",
+ "Ġ199 4",
+ "tc ga",
+ "Ġdescript ive",
+ "Ġattempt ed",
+ "Ġdere g",
+ "st em",
+ "c or",
+ "b asal",
+ "ine a",
+ "Ġcarry ing",
+ "k k",
+ "Ġcom ments",
+ "ach ing",
+ "pos cop",
+ "o u",
+ "Ġantioxid ants",
+ "Ġspontaneous ly",
+ "Ġchord oma",
+ "Ġun necess",
+ "Ġbl oc",
+ "os um",
+ "Ġnov ember",
+ "Ġsout hern",
+ "ohy dr",
+ "Ġdiscr imination",
+ "Ġc asc",
+ "Ġv ast",
+ "Ġspecial ized",
+ "Ġstudy ing",
+ "Ġep ic",
+ "iderm oid",
+ "Ġdl bcl",
+ "Ġmicro d",
+ "Ġp ink",
+ "Ġcommun ity",
+ "rex ate",
+ "Ġres our",
+ "Ġco urses",
+ "] ).",
+ "b rain",
+ "al yn",
+ "ic ul",
+ "Ġspermat ogenesis",
+ "ch arg",
+ "et ent",
+ "oepithel ioma",
+ "Ġal ph",
+ "Ġco ver",
+ "Ġvent ral",
+ "er oxidase",
+ "Ġm oh",
+ "Ġderm oscopic",
+ "Ġabs orption",
+ "stim ulated",
+ "ig uous",
+ "Ġkerat oses",
+ "Ġplat elets",
+ "Ġint rathyroidal",
+ "Ġadv ance",
+ "e a",
+ "Ġcol poscop",
+ "Ġf illed",
+ "Ġprevent ive",
+ "Ġcryst al",
+ "in j",
+ "Ġmod ulating",
+ "rit ional",
+ "Ġtun el",
+ "Ġd f",
+ "Ġmod est",
+ "Ġmalform ations",
+ "d isc",
+ "q pcr",
+ "Ġpseudo angiomatous",
+ "Ġf ertility",
+ "s ite",
+ "ip ital",
+ "Ġmyel ocytes",
+ "Ġenc oded",
+ "Ġsex ual",
+ "Ġchap ter",
+ "Ġcavern ous",
+ "her s",
+ "Ġev olving",
+ "Ġreact ants",
+ "ogra ms",
+ "Ġdystroph ic",
+ "ps a",
+ "Ġpap ules",
+ "Ġbegin ning",
+ "ot rexate",
+ "Ġrele ased",
+ "Ġsubt otal",
+ "Ġimmun omod",
+ "Ġc as",
+ "Ġm v",
+ "Ġimmun obl",
+ "Ġconstit u",
+ "Ġsp i",
+ "Ġadv ent",
+ "Ġeuthan ized",
+ "Ġm ess",
+ "vi olet",
+ "Ġros alyn",
+ "Ġw rist",
+ "Ġmelan in",
+ "Ġvis ion",
+ "Ġaden ovirus",
+ "Ġcs cs",
+ "Ġcardiomy opathy",
+ "pl c",
+ "Ġcolon ization",
+ "Ġinstit utions",
+ "on n",
+ "Ġhyp oth",
+ "Ġvacuol ization",
+ "b t",
+ "Ġembry os",
+ "Ġrosalyn n",
+ "- /",
+ "2 40",
+ "y x",
+ "oc ortic",
+ "up s",
+ "Ġcommon est",
+ "ug e",
+ "Ġquant ify",
+ "uz umab",
+ "Ġinc ision",
+ "mb a",
+ "Ġf en",
+ "Ġcerebell um",
+ "l t",
+ "phosph ate",
+ "Ġpod ocyte",
+ "Ġcres cents",
+ "h m",
+ "Ġprot ected",
+ "elet on",
+ "l ung",
+ "am ate",
+ "Ġ20 20",
+ "Ġdel ta",
+ "f all",
+ "Ġn sa",
+ "Ġimmunop eroxidase",
+ "Ġsulf ate",
+ "Ġpro ve",
+ "cr na",
+ "b en",
+ "Ġcarcin osarcoma",
+ "Ġprob able",
+ "Ġsp he",
+ "Ġha pl",
+ "Ġpur poses",
+ "Ġphe ochrom",
+ "thick ness",
+ "Ġmechan istic",
+ "Ġconsult ation",
+ "erc etin",
+ "Ġflav on",
+ "l ps",
+ "q r",
+ "Ġblock ing",
+ "Ġinn ate",
+ "l ar",
+ "Ġcl one",
+ "Ġpolyp osis",
+ "Ġb ic",
+ "ret ion",
+ "Ġaut omated",
+ "Ġfif th",
+ "yp sin",
+ "Ġins uff",
+ "Ġprob es",
+ "Ġlig ands",
+ "Ġamp ullary",
+ "Ġassess ments",
+ "as ome",
+ "Ġdef orm",
+ "Ġprom ise",
+ "Ġsir t",
+ "Ġtons il",
+ "ip ar",
+ "Ġsept al",
+ "Ġhyalin osis",
+ "Ġhyalin ization",
+ "Ġp z",
+ "Ġdis charg",
+ "Ġhcc s",
+ "Ġt ake",
+ "Ġv est",
+ "Ġdem yel",
+ "crib riform",
+ "rest ric",
+ "Ġisl and",
+ "Ġslow ly",
+ "Ġseiz ure",
+ "Ġco ugh",
+ "Ġol factory",
+ "adv anced",
+ "Ġdiaph ragm",
+ "Ġact h",
+ "rog ate",
+ "Ġcomplement ary",
+ "Ġheterozyg osity",
+ "Ġ1 01",
+ "Ġile oc",
+ "Ġhyd atid",
+ "Ġconsider ably",
+ "Ġdisc rep",
+ "Ġunnecess ary",
+ "Ġmg mt",
+ "pro ven",
+ "Ġmonot ypic",
+ "Ġf in",
+ "Ġf ulf",
+ "ig o",
+ "Ġcolon ies",
+ "Ġle aves",
+ "s everity",
+ "Ġc sc",
+ "Ġnut ritional",
+ "ol us",
+ "Ġchlor ide",
+ "Ġincub ation",
+ "Ġcommerc ial",
+ "Ġsp aring",
+ "Ġcd dp",
+ "Ġimmunocomp etent",
+ "Ġper sp",
+ "erat or",
+ "c ap",
+ "Ġp iv",
+ "Ġdifficult ies",
+ "ophosph amide",
+ "Ġconf ound",
+ "Ġextrem ity",
+ "Ġbull ous",
+ "ff er",
+ "Ġinter mit",
+ "Ġam b",
+ "Ġscar s",
+ "Ġastrocyt es",
+ "inot ecan",
+ "Ġars enic",
+ "r ating",
+ "Ġn y",
+ "Ġamp ull",
+ "Ġcrus hed",
+ "Ġs clc",
+ "Ġn ull",
+ "Ġlabor ator",
+ "se q",
+ "ure us",
+ "om ere",
+ "iqu imod",
+ "erk el",
+ "olip id",
+ "aur icular",
+ "und ice",
+ "Ġcarcin ogenic",
+ "Ġbioinformatic s",
+ "Ġbiops ied",
+ "Ġy ap",
+ "d ra",
+ "g g",
+ "og lyc",
+ "Ġim bal",
+ "Ġlip oprotein",
+ "Ġoriginal ly",
+ "Ġend obronchial",
+ "Ġn t",
+ "Ġâ Ĺ",
+ "Ġsummar ized",
+ "Ġintermit tent",
+ "Ġfl aps",
+ "isol one",
+ "01 4",
+ "Ġregist ration",
+ "Ġpar ane",
+ "s y",
+ "Ġpersist ence",
+ "ul ence",
+ "Ġk up",
+ "Ġcr p",
+ "Ġvide o",
+ "ac ing",
+ "omat a",
+ "Ġch ori",
+ "Ġsp e",
+ "ros y",
+ "f gf",
+ "Ġc cn",
+ "Ġcharacter ised",
+ "Ġja undice",
+ "Ġm x",
+ "op ur",
+ "ce a",
+ "Ġmon otherapy",
+ "p k",
+ "Ġbi as",
+ "reat ening",
+ "Ġmal t",
+ "ov a",
+ "Ġv eter",
+ "Ġdon ors",
+ "Ġepis odes",
+ "Ġadip ocytes",
+ "Ġpr ur",
+ "Ġred line",
+ "Ġflo or",
+ "em p",
+ "Ġmeth otrexate",
+ "rect ed",
+ "Ġanalyz ing",
+ "c ons",
+ "Ġdiv ision",
+ "opolys accharide",
+ "oep idermoid",
+ "ell ate",
+ "Ġpath ogens",
+ "Ġspect ra",
+ "d n",
+ "Ġsystem atically",
+ "ra b",
+ "Ġloss es",
+ "Ġheter ozygous",
+ "Ġacet yl",
+ "Ġfibr illary",
+ "Ġerythemat ous",
+ "Ġtransform ed",
+ "Ġintravenous ly",
+ "Ġacet ate",
+ "Ġelong ated",
+ "Ġax onal",
+ "Ġster oids",
+ "Ġm sc",
+ "Ġphosph o",
+ "Ġrefl ected",
+ "pred ominant",
+ "ill ation",
+ "Ġexer cis",
+ "Ġdex amethasone",
+ "Ġmicrocalc ifications",
+ "Ġs ap",
+ "Ġsel en",
+ "Ġchor oidal",
+ "Ġr f",
+ "Ġsubcutaneous ly",
+ "Ġcomplain ts",
+ "Ġcr yp",
+ "Ġfocus ing",
+ "Ġl dh",
+ "Ġmon ke",
+ "Ġ199 2",
+ "c an",
+ "Ġd p",
+ "Ġimmunobl ot",
+ "Ġ1 10",
+ "Ġapprec iated",
+ "ip t",
+ "Ġmuc oepidermoid",
+ "Ġisol ate",
+ "Ġeight een",
+ "sup p",
+ "ic ate",
+ "ig ue",
+ "Ġcytokeratin s",
+ "Ġin str",
+ "of acial",
+ "Ġultra violet",
+ "f ra",
+ "n ac",
+ "ed ema",
+ "Ġphot os",
+ ", \"",
+ "ly s",
+ "st aging",
+ "resp ective",
+ "Ġmicroc arcinoma",
+ "Ġinc id",
+ "ok eratin",
+ "aff ected",
+ "Ġsch ist",
+ "Ġphyll odes",
+ "Ġmoh s",
+ "an y",
+ "Ġglomerul us",
+ "Ġkup ffer",
+ "Ġblunt ing",
+ "f und",
+ "Ġm erkel",
+ "Ġintra ocular",
+ "Ġinj ured",
+ "Ġsurviv ors",
+ "del ta",
+ "enz a",
+ "d ys",
+ "g ia",
+ "Ġind ian",
+ "ond yl",
+ "Ġra c",
+ "Ġgroup ed",
+ "ep s",
+ "Ġye ast",
+ "Ġparane oplastic",
+ "Ġf air",
+ "Ġdist ances",
+ "Ġann ual",
+ "dim ethyl",
+ "Ġa ureus",
+ "port ed",
+ "01 6",
+ "Ġqu ercetin",
+ "Ġfis her",
+ "Ġres c",
+ "b oth",
+ "Ġprogress ively",
+ "Ġsummar ize",
+ "ter t",
+ "Ġcost s",
+ "Ġcareful ly",
+ "Ġagon ist",
+ "Ġt ac",
+ "oc y",
+ "Ġverte x",
+ "Ġth i",
+ "Ġma i",
+ "Ġsuff ered",
+ "Ġn c",
+ "Ġim iquimod",
+ "ol k",
+ "Ġcorticoster oids",
+ "Ġmt x",
+ "Ġi ib",
+ "Ġneurop rotective",
+ "v iated",
+ "Ġaut ologous",
+ "ag g",
+ "Ġsp itz",
+ "Ġman n",
+ "Ġl v",
+ "Ġon ych",
+ "all ow",
+ "l am",
+ "Ġacid ic",
+ "rex ed",
+ "Ġn ause",
+ "Ġdys regulation",
+ "Ġaff inity",
+ "Ġtext ure",
+ "b est",
+ "cc s",
+ "2 50",
+ "Ġte am",
+ "Ġtranspor ter",
+ "Ġantim icrobial",
+ "Ġlaborator ies",
+ "Ġnause a",
+ "Ġm vd",
+ "Ġab r",
+ "Ġrem ote",
+ "Ġg erd",
+ "enc oded",
+ "comp ass",
+ "path ological",
+ "Ġrhabd oid",
+ "immunohistochem istry",
+ "Ġs quare",
+ "Ġj ud",
+ "Ġs ed",
+ "Ġhemat ologic",
+ "Ġsupp ressing",
+ "Ġde pression",
+ "Ġpur ified",
+ "circum scribed",
+ "Ġir respective",
+ "p g",
+ "com b",
+ "Ġenucle ation",
+ "ds s",
+ "Ġho ang",
+ "Ġb er",
+ "Ġcarb ohydr",
+ "Ġrec ur",
+ "Ġcandid a",
+ "Ġoff ered",
+ "ferent ially",
+ "Ġsphe roid",
+ "e in",
+ "f rom",
+ "Ġb rom",
+ "ino ic",
+ "Ġcub oidal",
+ "Ġen compass",
+ "Ġcosm etic",
+ "Ġoptim ized",
+ "Ġbi od",
+ "Ġra cem",
+ "âĢ Ķ",
+ "Ġcap t",
+ "Ġ199 3",
+ "d ensity",
+ "s quare",
+ "an olic",
+ "Ġf t",
+ "Ġautoantib odies",
+ "if n",
+ "Ġlim bs",
+ "uter ine",
+ "ad minist",
+ "Ġsaliv a",
+ "Ġneu ros",
+ "Ġw a",
+ "am yl",
+ "ic an",
+ "Ġh sil",
+ "Ġmod ulated",
+ "Ġco arse",
+ "iab etic",
+ "Ġg ains",
+ "Ġeffect or",
+ "sc ale",
+ "Ġvent il",
+ "Ġoste onecrosis",
+ "Ġexpl or",
+ "Ġminor ity",
+ "Ġt ap",
+ "opath ological",
+ "Ġeas y",
+ "Ġm ab",
+ "0 25",
+ "at rol",
+ "Ġac ellular",
+ "Ġtgf beta",
+ "Ġjejun um",
+ "it abine",
+ "Ġg t",
+ "ist er",
+ "Ġenter itis",
+ "Ġunl ikely",
+ "b umin",
+ "Ġsh arp",
+ "ari um",
+ "Ġtub ule",
+ "Ġappear ances",
+ "Ġsc av",
+ "Ġmat ching",
+ "Ġper ian",
+ "ver atrol",
+ "Ġinterfer ing",
+ "os an",
+ "v is",
+ "Ġhead ache",
+ "Ġsal mon",
+ "anth oma",
+ "Ġh ur",
+ "01 1",
+ "Ġnew ton",
+ "m ass",
+ "Ġir inotecan",
+ "Ġobs er",
+ "Ġreprod ucible",
+ "in it",
+ "at ibility",
+ "th rough",
+ "tr ast",
+ "eff ect",
+ "Ġecc rine",
+ "Ġbiological ly",
+ "Ġros et",
+ "we ak",
+ "Ġtr is",
+ "Ġ10 5",
+ "Ġinde ed",
+ "im odal",
+ "lu ad",
+ "Ġexperimental ly",
+ "Ġestim ation",
+ "Ġras h",
+ "Ġt il",
+ "Ġat r",
+ "Ġchalleng ed",
+ "Ġlib r",
+ "Ġgranul osa",
+ "Ġgal ectin",
+ "Ġd ement",
+ "Ġdev iation",
+ "Ġdos age",
+ "mult iple",
+ "Ġincid ences",
+ "Ġmonit or",
+ "ruct ive",
+ "Ġpy r",
+ "Ġsw it",
+ "Ġacad emic",
+ "Ġreproduc ibility",
+ "Ġd ye",
+ "par at",
+ "Ġpn i",
+ "Ġunl abelled",
+ "Ġl ens",
+ "Ġf f",
+ "Ġh f",
+ "inter stit",
+ "Ġchem oresistance",
+ "Ġw d",
+ "uc er",
+ "Ġm ention",
+ "id ium",
+ "Ġang io",
+ "on azole",
+ "scc s",
+ "Ġexpl ained",
+ "f etal",
+ "fl ow",
+ "Ġg se",
+ "n one",
+ "Ġn iv",
+ "Ġe cm",
+ "pl asias",
+ "hem at",
+ "Ġacc ounted",
+ "Ġdepos it",
+ "Ġretic ulum",
+ "Ġane upl",
+ "\" .",
+ "Ġtrans ferase",
+ "f at",
+ "de gen",
+ "Ġver ify",
+ "Ġenzym atic",
+ "Ġutil izing",
+ "Ġperic ardial",
+ "Ġgrow n",
+ "clus ive",
+ "Ġpe g",
+ "Ġfat igue",
+ "Ġa ids",
+ "Ġg g",
+ "Ġbre ath",
+ "Ġpro tr",
+ "Ġexcept ional",
+ "recip itation",
+ "Ġmach ine",
+ "Ġm ist",
+ "b enz",
+ "Ġpol l",
+ "ne uro",
+ "Ġad ri",
+ "Ġmed line",
+ "Ġclinic o",
+ "Ġscient ific",
+ "ol ymph",
+ "Ġper f",
+ "Ġsemin iferous",
+ "lip id",
+ "Ġ um",
+ "Ġs j",
+ "Ġg p",
+ "Ġcirc ulation",
+ "Ġk raft",
+ "Ġnan og",
+ "Ġefficient ly",
+ "oc ortical",
+ "Ġmicron odular",
+ "Ġlarv ae",
+ "Ġob ese",
+ "Ġmicrobi ota",
+ "l i",
+ "Ġp pv",
+ "Ġg b",
+ "Ġg ave",
+ "Ġpost natal",
+ "Ġmanifest ed",
+ "Ġdispl ays",
+ "f et",
+ "Ġpl ants",
+ "Ġpan keratin",
+ "Ġparent al",
+ "Ġmy opathy",
+ "Ġbrain s",
+ "Ġcycl ophosphamide",
+ "e ac",
+ "Ġer ror",
+ "of l",
+ "Ġhist ochemical",
+ "4 00",
+ "c ase",
+ "ra v",
+ "e us",
+ "Ġt dt",
+ "Ġpancyt openia",
+ "Ġsuperv ision",
+ "i ance",
+ "o urable",
+ "Ġpar an",
+ "Ġw k",
+ "Ġdisc ord",
+ "Ġangi ogenic",
+ "respons ive",
+ "t ur",
+ "p rom",
+ "cont rolled",
+ "Ġgynec ologic",
+ "mut ated",
+ "Ġsci ence",
+ "gl uc",
+ "ion ed",
+ "Ġd d",
+ "ra mm",
+ "t ki",
+ "iv iral",
+ "Ġst ellate",
+ "st ract",
+ "Ġna ev",
+ "Ġm olar",
+ "ay er",
+ "Ġmucos itis",
+ "Ġtin y",
+ "Ġsm arc",
+ "Ġelast osis",
+ "Ġperif ollicular",
+ "Ġro t",
+ "Ġsimilar ity",
+ "Ġeros ive",
+ "fund us",
+ "olum ab",
+ "on se",
+ "ud ed",
+ "Ġprof ound",
+ "Ġtherapeutic s",
+ "Ġhyp og",
+ "heal ing",
+ "Ġt ree",
+ "Ġag o",
+ "Ġradi omics",
+ "att le",
+ "Ġline ages",
+ "Ġparas ites",
+ "k o",
+ "Ġmodel ing",
+ "Ġstrept oz",
+ "Ġembol ization",
+ "c arb",
+ "Ġf ab",
+ "Ġsem iqu",
+ "Ġcontin ues",
+ "Ġsept um",
+ "Ġpat ent",
+ "Ġang le",
+ "Ġisl et",
+ "Ġpred il",
+ "Ġbec omes",
+ "Ġfunctional ly",
+ "Ġmetam yelocytes",
+ "un ately",
+ "Ġ18 0",
+ "Ġmod ern",
+ "m olec",
+ "Ġs ym",
+ "Ġ10 2",
+ "Ġobs erve",
+ "Ġglyc olysis",
+ "Ġgenot yping",
+ "Ġadnex a",
+ "Ġosteocl ast",
+ "Ġpiv otal",
+ "yn ch",
+ "uter ized",
+ "Ġreduct ase",
+ "Ġcoll oid",
+ "Ġonc ogenes",
+ "bor n",
+ "m ann",
+ "Ġst ef",
+ "Ġvacc ines",
+ "Ġconjunct iva",
+ "01 8",
+ "l ocal",
+ "Ġampull a",
+ "Ġrecogn ize",
+ "Ġclinic ian",
+ "Ġimmunocomp romised",
+ "w all",
+ "Ġtranscript ome",
+ "Ġchick ens",
+ "g y",
+ "ot rans",
+ "h am",
+ "Ġadhere nt",
+ "erv ical",
+ "Ġemb ase",
+ "Ġlimit ing",
+ "Ġdens ely",
+ "Ġleak age",
+ "k eratotic",
+ "Ġt ang",
+ "Ġir re",
+ "Ġprod uces",
+ "Ġprogenit ors",
+ "st aple",
+ "roscop ically",
+ "Ġfund ament",
+ "Ġradi ology",
+ "Ġpartic le",
+ "eb v",
+ "os itive",
+ "Ġfocal ity",
+ "Ġco inc",
+ "Ġ10 4",
+ "Ġsyn cyt",
+ "Ġpd gf",
+ "Ġol p",
+ "Ġpolym er",
+ "Ġnatural ly",
+ "interstit ial",
+ "Ġk et",
+ "ob ic",
+ "] ;",
+ "Ġadd ressed",
+ "parat rabecular",
+ "degen erative",
+ "Ġ uk",
+ "Ġnot iced",
+ "Ġscler osed",
+ "Ġinflu ences",
+ "us ting",
+ "Ġsur pr",
+ "Ġmiss ed",
+ "Ġperian al",
+ "l h",
+ "l v",
+ "d ist",
+ "Ġf ecal",
+ "kin son",
+ "90 3",
+ "Ġallel es",
+ "ev alu",
+ "Ġlipid s",
+ "Ġc uff",
+ "Ġper m",
+ "Ġvir ulence",
+ "Ġlip opolysaccharide",
+ "Ġophthal m",
+ "Ġmit ogen",
+ "Ġhyper pig",
+ "Ġdef icient",
+ "Ġelect ronic",
+ "' ,",
+ "Ġ( (",
+ "Ġnormal ized",
+ "Ġastrocyt omas",
+ "Ġhd ac",
+ "10 3",
+ "Ġmyoc arditis",
+ "Ġsix th",
+ "er bb",
+ "de x",
+ "Ġthere after",
+ "Ġexcept ion",
+ "Ġan nexin",
+ "im a",
+ "Ġcriter ion",
+ "Ġsubstr ate",
+ "Ġel bow",
+ "Ġlep rosy",
+ "Ġbrun ner",
+ "ur on",
+ "ap os",
+ "01 7",
+ "Ġmedull oblastoma",
+ "Ġspermatog onia",
+ "Ġre plic",
+ "Ġas ymmet",
+ "Ġmicro invasive",
+ "aden omas",
+ "Ġprote omic",
+ "o qu",
+ "î ģ",
+ "Ġ îģ",
+ "Ġb ox",
+ "Ġim rt",
+ "Ġîģ ª",
+ "Ġorgan ism",
+ "Ġaud it",
+ "Ġr uled",
+ "Ġinflu enza",
+ "Ġpredil ection",
+ "Ġ ypt",
+ "op ia",
+ "ot ocin",
+ "Ġi ia",
+ "Ġap art",
+ "Ġangi omy",
+ "w a",
+ "at p",
+ "Ġhypert ensive",
+ "Ġtel omere",
+ "el ect",
+ "ril obular",
+ "Ġins ide",
+ "acin ar",
+ "n ode",
+ "Ġe pit",
+ "av ail",
+ "ph il",
+ "Ġel se",
+ "Ġpoly g",
+ "Ġdivertic ulum",
+ "Ġprote ase",
+ "Ġart ific",
+ "Ġaccess ory",
+ "Ġexer ts",
+ "Ġcre ate",
+ "ec itabine",
+ "Ġres veratrol",
+ "Ġkoil ocytosis",
+ "Ġre nd",
+ "sec ret",
+ "Ġdysp nea",
+ "et rexed",
+ "Ġall ergy",
+ "Ġbinucle ation",
+ "l abeled",
+ "Ġhe aring",
+ "Ġschwann omas",
+ "Ġniv olumab",
+ "g re",
+ "ut able",
+ "Ġrecip ient",
+ "Ġg n",
+ "Ġgel atin",
+ "Ġchemoprevent ive",
+ "f em",
+ "Ġoste ogenic",
+ "Ġpluripot ency",
+ "ain e",
+ "Ġexamin ing",
+ "p as",
+ "on ly",
+ "Ġo wn",
+ "Ġintra operatively",
+ "\" ,",
+ "Ġd om",
+ "Ġd ich",
+ "Ġflat ten",
+ "Ġalle viated",
+ "Ġextravas ation",
+ "Ġrap amycin",
+ "Ġmicroabscess es",
+ "Ġrecess ive",
+ "Ġp th",
+ "Ġwith dra",
+ "ment al",
+ "k ip",
+ "Ġl ug",
+ "if ocal",
+ "Ġax ial",
+ "Ġexclud ing",
+ "Ġsupplement ed",
+ "Ġe ber",
+ "Ġh u",
+ "Ġvirt ually",
+ "Ġsna il",
+ "Ġcalc it",
+ "Ġvascular ity",
+ "erest im",
+ "Ġinsuff iciency",
+ "Ġwh ipple",
+ "Ġe con",
+ "Ġadj usting",
+ "oxif en",
+ "Ġcent rilobular",
+ "Ġdystroph y",
+ "Ġs g",
+ "Ġestablish ment",
+ "s f",
+ "Ġsp ondyl",
+ "gin ine",
+ "Ġcomplex ity",
+ "prim ary",
+ "u f",
+ "iz er",
+ "Ġox ynt",
+ ". \"",
+ "ores is",
+ "Ġchor oid",
+ "Ġsubc ut",
+ "l p",
+ "Ġh mg",
+ "st one",
+ "Ġavail ability",
+ "- /-",
+ "Ġa way",
+ "ly cemia",
+ "Ġps amm",
+ "rol izumab",
+ "Ġb yp",
+ "Ġre ed",
+ "Ġab eta",
+ "int ensity",
+ "Ġstef an",
+ "ut ory",
+ "Ġstatistic s",
+ "Ġmicro b",
+ "emb rolizumab",
+ "rop o",
+ "Ġastrocyt ic",
+ "Ġcasc ade",
+ "Ġus a",
+ "Ġcor n",
+ "Ġadjust ment",
+ "c re",
+ "sp ring",
+ "bcc s",
+ "Ġc ock",
+ "otox in",
+ "Ġtransm embrane",
+ "Ġterat omas",
+ "Ġpersonal ized",
+ "cl avicular",
+ "Ġab l",
+ "Ġtors ion",
+ "Ġobst etric",
+ "Ġh il",
+ "ron ectin",
+ "Ġepid ural",
+ "Ġalgorith ms",
+ "imp osed",
+ "Ġeast ern",
+ "ad s",
+ "Ġexp ect",
+ "Ġpre ferentially",
+ "Ġextra hepatic",
+ "Ġincorpor ation",
+ "Ġh id",
+ "Ġinter ference",
+ "Ġhb v",
+ "Ġneovascular ization",
+ "Ġle af",
+ "av irus",
+ "Ġsept ic",
+ "Ġson ography",
+ "Ġh c",
+ "Ġprol actin",
+ "y c",
+ "Ġcr ush",
+ "i ra",
+ "omorph ic",
+ "Ġmedic ations",
+ "u ity",
+ "Ġf all",
+ "Ġcle aved",
+ "Ġprog rams",
+ "ot ensin",
+ "Ġcoch le",
+ "Ġd ry",
+ "Ġsepar ation",
+ "Ġtraditional ly",
+ "Ġscler osus",
+ "l ife",
+ "Ġallel ic",
+ "Ġabscess es",
+ "Ġcham ber",
+ "iz able",
+ "Ġke pt",
+ "Ġpenet ration",
+ "Ġp ump",
+ "Ġchronic us",
+ "t i",
+ "Ġpresum ed",
+ "Ġg ap",
+ "Ġhyp ere",
+ "Ġdeg s",
+ "Ġt rap",
+ "ut s",
+ "Ġdi ets",
+ "robl asts",
+ "Ġ %),",
+ "or us",
+ "Ġf usions",
+ "- <|",
+ "m f",
+ "Ġpil ot",
+ "Ġcolle ge",
+ "Ġracem ase",
+ "d is",
+ "Ġcyt opathic",
+ "Ġadapt ive",
+ "Ġmill ion",
+ "es ional",
+ "op rost",
+ "23 1",
+ "p roliferative",
+ "Ġcom orbidities",
+ "art ile",
+ "gl ottic",
+ "Ġch l",
+ "Ġvers ion",
+ "Ġstreptoz otocin",
+ "Ġc u",
+ "Ġen ough",
+ "Ġperiv illous",
+ "Ġd ut",
+ "Ġra ising",
+ "Ġc v",
+ "Ġh gf",
+ "Ġy olk",
+ "Ġpt ch",
+ "/ /",
+ "Ġsuper imposed",
+ "Ġneur ite",
+ "Ġcap ability",
+ "Ġcompr ises",
+ "Ġgo iter",
+ "Ġdivertic ular",
+ "Ġ10 3",
+ "Ġdiss ected",
+ "Ġdeterior ation",
+ "Ġr ig",
+ "Ġsp ring",
+ "Ġsarc omatous",
+ "Ġcryp ts",
+ "Ġapp lying",
+ "Ġmetastas ize",
+ "Ġhyp opharyngeal",
+ "Ġtem por",
+ "Ġge ographic",
+ "Ġp embrolizumab",
+ "inos it",
+ "Ġab ort",
+ "Ġdiscrimin ate",
+ "qu antitative",
+ "th le",
+ "Ġn ct",
+ "s u",
+ "Ġf aint",
+ "ect odermal",
+ "Ġex ophytic",
+ "Ġdis organ",
+ "Ġstim ulate",
+ "Ġdement ia",
+ "Ġrel iability",
+ "Ġtrigg ered",
+ "Ġoppos ite",
+ "Ġnot able",
+ "Ġos seous",
+ "Ġstep s",
+ "Ġc amp",
+ "one y",
+ "Ġgra dient",
+ "Ġect asia",
+ "Ġechocardi ography",
+ "pl oid",
+ "Ġterm in",
+ "Ġrese arc",
+ "Ġcomp act",
+ "Ġhepat ectomy",
+ "Ġrang es",
+ "Ġunf ort",
+ "p rog",
+ "Ġser ine",
+ "Ġwork ing",
+ "l ig",
+ "n ed",
+ "Ġhp ms",
+ "Ġb ap",
+ "Ġch in",
+ "Ġneuro degenerative",
+ "] -",
+ "g lyc",
+ "im oto",
+ "omen ing",
+ ": //",
+ "Ġg ent",
+ "Ġex osomes",
+ "Ġser ologic",
+ "Ġduoden itis",
+ "Ġtechn ologies",
+ "Ġp ms",
+ "val ue",
+ "Ġextra medullary",
+ "Ġmultic entric",
+ "Ġlug ol",
+ "ill in",
+ "Ġon t",
+ "Ġcal ib",
+ "Ġcount ing",
+ "Ġtra il",
+ "Ġirrit ation",
+ "Ġfasc icles",
+ "opur ulent",
+ "ic ulitis",
+ "Ġcd c",
+ "Ġrefl ects",
+ "p yr",
+ "ern berg",
+ "ĠâĹ ĭ",
+ "Ġmac roscopically",
+ "Ġsaf ely",
+ "Ġexer ted",
+ "Ġzeb ra",
+ "g rad",
+ "Ġn ick",
+ "hib in",
+ "Ġdr iven",
+ "Ġeryth rocyte",
+ "w an",
+ "angi ect",
+ "Ġout patient",
+ "01 9",
+ "Ġsubst ance",
+ "rol imus",
+ "Ġcle avage",
+ "Ġelse where",
+ "Ġmon ocyte",
+ "Ġfollic ulitis",
+ "Ġund et",
+ "Ġle y",
+ "ber t",
+ "Ġarrang ement",
+ "Ġhighlight ing",
+ "m ew",
+ "Ġaort itis",
+ "Ġoff spring",
+ "Ġdynamic s",
+ "Ġhh v",
+ "ag land",
+ "Ġneu roma",
+ "Ġtrop ical",
+ "Ġide al",
+ "enc apsulated",
+ "Ġquest ions",
+ "Ġsemin oma",
+ "Ġf ite",
+ "Ġst iff",
+ "Ġus es",
+ "Ġdram atic",
+ "c ore",
+ "ia e",
+ "imod ality",
+ "Ġ igh",
+ "Ġwe b",
+ "Ġsur rogate",
+ "Ġman ip",
+ "Ġdoma ins",
+ "ocyst s",
+ "Ġacr al",
+ "Ġdischarg ed",
+ "or ax",
+ "Ġtrans lation",
+ "Ġtra ce",
+ "Ġhe ight",
+ "Ġca uterized",
+ "Ġmax illa",
+ "Ġcont ours",
+ "Ġob taining",
+ "z e",
+ "Ġor d",
+ "Ġgra f",
+ "Ġpers ons",
+ "Ġcontin ue",
+ "w w",
+ "Ġt urb",
+ "keratin izing",
+ "< .",
+ "os en",
+ "opl anin",
+ "Ġrest oration",
+ "Ġanat omy",
+ "Ġab rog",
+ "Ġab stract",
+ "Ġfra mew",
+ "Ġtam oxifen",
+ "Ġpr p",
+ "trans cript",
+ "Ġbyp ass",
+ "Ġframew ork",
+ "Ġal p",
+ "Ġcont ra",
+ "Ġdel iver",
+ "Ġsurpr ising",
+ "c ystic",
+ "ap it",
+ "Ġper ox",
+ "Ġfib ros",
+ "Ġperiod ontal",
+ "here nt",
+ "ogene ic",
+ "ox ib",
+ "Ġbranch ing",
+ "Ġsubcut is",
+ "g ut",
+ "Ġk apos",
+ "Ġav ascular",
+ "Ġdefin ing",
+ "Ġstem ness",
+ "c yst",
+ "Ġcol ectomy",
+ "Ġen ables",
+ "Ġer r",
+ "s ensitivity",
+ "Ġc sa",
+ "th reatening",
+ "Ġreveal ing",
+ "Ġc ss",
+ "Ġcoll oidal",
+ "Ġpseud ot",
+ "Ġc ms",
+ "Ġc row",
+ "Ġund etermined",
+ "Ġcarcin ogen",
+ "h b",
+ "it r",
+ "le b",
+ "Ġinc isional",
+ "i us",
+ "Ġsupp ly",
+ "Ġbo ard",
+ "Ġcondens ed",
+ "Ġsequ el",
+ "Ġoligonucle otide",
+ "Ġl ad",
+ "Ġer uption",
+ "Ġimp ression",
+ "athyroid ism",
+ "map k",
+ "d et",
+ "Ġp q",
+ "Ġinform ative",
+ "Ġcap ecitabine",
+ "Ġmicrod iss",
+ "Ġexplor atory",
+ "Ġc crt",
+ "Ġp ear",
+ "Ġsw ed",
+ "Ġile ostomy",
+ "m i",
+ "Ġcomp rom",
+ "l og",
+ "rec urrent",
+ "Ġidentif ies",
+ "Ġa is",
+ "Ġp ip",
+ "ut r",
+ "m ns",
+ "is on",
+ "ut ical",
+ "ers ed",
+ "Ġret inoic",
+ "resp onse",
+ "Ġserv ice",
+ "Ġassay ed",
+ "Ġsn p",
+ "o o",
+ "q o",
+ "Ġex ons",
+ "Ġbr ight",
+ "Ġweight ed",
+ "Ġincorpor ated",
+ "13 0",
+ "f ort",
+ "x l",
+ "Ġderm oscopy",
+ "Ġsat ellite",
+ "om ed",
+ "op eration",
+ "h mlh",
+ "Ġmucosa e",
+ "Ġmult imodal",
+ "aim s",
+ "v olum",
+ "Ġh tt",
+ "Ġcag a",
+ "Ġcarbohydr ate",
+ "Ġunfort unately",
+ "ial ysis",
+ "Ġg ist",
+ "Ġf eline",
+ "n os",
+ "Ġdec lined",
+ "mod erate",
+ "Ġinst ances",
+ "Ġkeep ing",
+ "0 26",
+ "g m",
+ "Ġjunct ions",
+ "Ġpem etrexed",
+ "Ġch osen",
+ "te g",
+ "Ġhemat uria",
+ "Ġprev ents",
+ "0 27",
+ "Ġinter f",
+ "Ġrefl ecting",
+ "Ġtumorigen ic",
+ "Ġhyper cal",
+ "Ġve gfr",
+ "eal and",
+ "Ġn msc",
+ "Ġtubul o",
+ "tk is",
+ "b et",
+ "Ġab ol",
+ "Ġhyd roc",
+ "Ġtoxic ological",
+ "Ġbind s",
+ "ect ors",
+ "Ġmetabol ite",
+ "Ġhyd rog",
+ "Ġosteop or",
+ "Ġsta phyl",
+ "Ġexercis e",
+ "ro tal",
+ "op rot",
+ "Ġpre treated",
+ "Ġsurv iving",
+ "Ġet c",
+ "ab or",
+ "vi an",
+ "Ġy ork",
+ "in one",
+ "Ġis ch",
+ "Ġcons erved",
+ "Ġmic rosp",
+ "Ġreported ly",
+ "Ġattrib utable",
+ "0 28",
+ "Ġepididym is",
+ "Ġsevent een",
+ "re ported",
+ "Ġin gest",
+ "Ġmot if",
+ "Ġcytological ly",
+ "abil ities",
+ "restric ted",
+ "Ġhyper ther",
+ "Ġneuro ectodermal",
+ "Ġfundament al",
+ "d iv",
+ "Ġm aps",
+ "ro us",
+ "Ġimmun oblasts",
+ "Ġven a",
+ "Ġhel a",
+ "Ġaccum ulated",
+ "f ast",
+ "Ġb cr",
+ "Ġse ed",
+ "ex pl",
+ "Ġo sm",
+ "Ġamel oblastoma",
+ "ocomp atibility",
+ "Ġsenes cence",
+ "Ġartific ial",
+ "ing ton",
+ "Ġlateral ity",
+ "Ġdiscl osed",
+ "Ġscal ene",
+ "Ġley dig",
+ "ec es",
+ "Ġz ealand",
+ "id a",
+ "Ġanal yse",
+ "Ġii ib",
+ "Ã Ĺ",
+ "am pl",
+ "Ġpredic ts",
+ "Ġpreclud es",
+ "Ġas ia",
+ "ung al",
+ "Ġoste ochond",
+ "Ġkin etics",
+ "Ġthy roglobulin",
+ "Ġsplic ing",
+ "Ġ( +/-",
+ "Ġch ance",
+ "Ġadren ocortical",
+ "d ays",
+ "om ing",
+ "Ġchem istry",
+ "Ġachiev ing",
+ "Ġcartil aginous",
+ "Ġmax ill",
+ "m o",
+ "Ġattract ive",
+ "pos ition",
+ "Ġembry o",
+ "Ġfas ci",
+ "Ġalcoh olic",
+ "Ġcommun ication",
+ "Ġcomputer ized",
+ "Ġ10 6",
+ "h ost",
+ "Ġp ge",
+ "Ġl usc",
+ "11 1",
+ "rolif eration",
+ "Ġc attle",
+ "Ġorgan ized",
+ "chol ine",
+ "pac litaxel",
+ "Ġmm r",
+ "Ġquant ity",
+ "Ġparticip ate",
+ "Ġonych omycosis",
+ "Ġzebra fish",
+ "c ip",
+ "Ġt er",
+ "Ġhe s",
+ "Ġir an",
+ "Ġacid ophil",
+ "Ġlaryng ectomy",
+ "g ross",
+ "rom y",
+ "Ġconf used",
+ "Ġmem orial",
+ "Ġendoscop ically",
+ "Ġd cs",
+ "Ġl ing",
+ "roph ic",
+ "al c",
+ "Ġnon coding",
+ "Ġrep rog",
+ "Ġmethyl ated",
+ "Ġw ind",
+ "Ġn pv",
+ "Ġco ord",
+ "Ġac umin",
+ "Ġfibrin opurulent",
+ "cem ic",
+ "Ġspl it",
+ "Ġpal is",
+ "Ġdescrib ing",
+ "18 0",
+ "cin ate",
+ "Ġsc atter",
+ "Ġdig it",
+ "or f",
+ "Ġtransl ational",
+ "Ġirre vers",
+ "1 10",
+ "ere nces",
+ "Ġplasm acytic",
+ "Ġimmun ol",
+ "Ġhyper par",
+ "Ġsegment ation",
+ "0 23",
+ "d iff",
+ "Ġcycl ospor",
+ "lim iting",
+ "Ġmicrobi ological",
+ "Ġpredispos ition",
+ "Ġf b",
+ "r ically",
+ "Ġocc ipital",
+ "Ġdef ense",
+ "Ġgenetic s",
+ "derm al",
+ "Ġs b",
+ "Ġm hc",
+ "st ers",
+ "Ġr ising",
+ "cin ated",
+ "Ġ199 1",
+ "Ġpres cribed",
+ "Ġmed iate",
+ "Ġtotal ly",
+ "Ġlip omatous",
+ "Ġmyc osis",
+ "Ġser ositis",
+ "Ġca fs",
+ "Ġcyst itis",
+ "Ġpseud op",
+ "Ġdest ructive",
+ "nit ros",
+ "Ġbac illi",
+ "Ġp ent",
+ "im plant",
+ "Ġst op",
+ "12 4",
+ "Ġfibroc onn",
+ "Ġradiological ly",
+ "Ġfil es",
+ "Ġcryst als",
+ "ot ine",
+ "sp aring",
+ "Ġbo ost",
+ "Ġj nk",
+ "Ġep ig",
+ "Ġfibroconn ective",
+ "Ġunder l",
+ "Ġging iva",
+ "Ġpit fall",
+ "Ġubiquit in",
+ "Ġm other",
+ "Ġor ific",
+ "Ġcap ture",
+ "ell ites",
+ "bre ak",
+ "s n",
+ "Ġlibr ary",
+ "- )",
+ "Ġpd x",
+ "0 10",
+ "in hibit",
+ "14 6",
+ "Ġvascul opathy",
+ "Ġhe scs",
+ "Ġ13 1",
+ "Ġte aching",
+ "w or",
+ "oc oc",
+ "Ġinform ed",
+ "Ġta i",
+ "Ġresemb les",
+ "Ġmention ed",
+ "( (",
+ "Ġs dh",
+ "Ġan is",
+ "il ization",
+ "Ġpul s",
+ "olin ium",
+ "Ġphysic ian",
+ "Ġk el",
+ "Ġcorne a",
+ "d d",
+ "Ġt k",
+ "ent al",
+ "ass ay",
+ "Ġcad m",
+ "p osed",
+ "Ġpr one",
+ "ter ase",
+ "Ġ6 00",
+ "Ġad opt",
+ "Ġtim ing",
+ "Ġretic ular",
+ "Ġparat racheal",
+ "Ġelectroph oresis",
+ "Ġal ve",
+ "Ġorigin ate",
+ "clear ance",
+ "Ġsept ate",
+ "m amm",
+ "ic ially",
+ "15 5",
+ "Ġst asis",
+ "end othel",
+ "Ġchi ef",
+ "Ġf ate",
+ "se g",
+ "ch ronic",
+ "Ġir is",
+ "Ġaggreg ation",
+ "rib ution",
+ "Ġrevers ible",
+ "Ġcathe ps",
+ "Ġex cit",
+ "st ernberg",
+ "Ġu ve",
+ "Ġpan in",
+ "Ġlat ent",
+ "Ġtons illar",
+ "f c",
+ "Ġb uff",
+ "sc ar",
+ "Ġoss ification",
+ "Ġez h",
+ "g ly",
+ "g erm",
+ "le g",
+ "Ġmon ol",
+ "Ġsw allow",
+ "Ġf ad",
+ "Ġch it",
+ "Ġquant itatively",
+ "Ġvacuol ated",
+ "Ġmess enger",
+ "g astric",
+ "Ġstron gest",
+ "ar ts",
+ "ol ig",
+ "est abl",
+ "ind ucible",
+ "Ġmit ig",
+ "fet oprotein",
+ "Ġdom estic",
+ "Ġper t",
+ "Ġdys regulated",
+ "Ġhor iz",
+ "Ġl h",
+ "Ġend oplasmic",
+ "Ġglut amate",
+ "Ġbranc hes",
+ "Ġderiv ative",
+ "m ds",
+ "op eric",
+ "hr man",
+ "Ġpod oplanin",
+ "y rin",
+ "Ġobs c",
+ "Ġlept omening",
+ "Ġs ars",
+ "Ġcav a",
+ "0 24",
+ "d om",
+ "f ord",
+ "Ġabd omin",
+ "Ġcyt omegal",
+ "Ġman age",
+ "ech oic",
+ "Ġsupra clavicular",
+ "Ġbi ochemistry",
+ "Ġmon ocytic",
+ "\" )",
+ "Ġd osing",
+ "Ġap ap",
+ "Ġson ographic",
+ "Ġpolyg onal",
+ "Ġtubul itis",
+ "Ġrod ent",
+ "Ġep i",
+ "Ġcomp ares",
+ "rosp inal",
+ "Ġcorrespond ed",
+ "Ġimplement ation",
+ "i qr",
+ "ot or",
+ "Ġprost agland",
+ "Ġchronic ity",
+ "Ġinter sp",
+ "Ġdep r",
+ "Ġkapos i",
+ "Ġdiff ers",
+ "Ġsim one",
+ "g b",
+ "ig f",
+ "Ġvit re",
+ "Ġ ul",
+ "ang io",
+ "Ġdemonstr ation",
+ "con trast",
+ "at ivity",
+ "Ġh oney",
+ "Ġsh r",
+ "Ġmicro tub",
+ "fluor odeoxyglucose",
+ "p ca",
+ "10 6",
+ "Ġchem okines",
+ "Ġmand atory",
+ "Ġet iologic",
+ "lymph ocyte",
+ "Ġdens ities",
+ "Ġeduc ation",
+ "f ron",
+ "i ef",
+ "Ġl ev",
+ "Ġcarcin oids",
+ "Ġstr ips",
+ "Ġhisti ocytoma",
+ "rec ogn",
+ "Ġ10 9",
+ "Ġoccup ational",
+ "volum e",
+ "Ġg px",
+ "Ġv an",
+ "Ġcent res",
+ "Ġcir cular",
+ "Ġres ect",
+ "Ġsched ule",
+ "Ġrun x",
+ "c ns",
+ "Ġa rose",
+ "Ġh ub",
+ "ric ular",
+ "Ġfib ronectin",
+ "Ġcoll apse",
+ "% /",
+ "Ġbow en",
+ "Ġasperg illus",
+ "Ġimmun ohist",
+ "Ġisl ets",
+ "Ġpolar ization",
+ "Ġcil iated",
+ "Ġad op",
+ "pt ive",
+ "Ġmisdiagn osis",
+ "Ġenabl ed",
+ "Ġtran st",
+ "Ġm cl",
+ "ag ent",
+ "Ġdist ress",
+ "Ġov ari",
+ "Ġq pcr",
+ "Ġserv es",
+ "it ney",
+ "Ġnon neoplastic",
+ "Ġform ulations",
+ "pan ic",
+ "ost ically",
+ "Ġsh rink",
+ "Ġtroph oblastic",
+ "Ġh old",
+ "Ġham sters",
+ "Ġileoc ecal",
+ "j ug",
+ "Ġentrap ped",
+ "Ġet iological",
+ "Ġth al",
+ "Ġependym oma",
+ "Ġt i",
+ "Ġcertain ty",
+ "Ġben z",
+ "Ġcar rier",
+ "Ġclass es",
+ "r up",
+ "Ġact ions",
+ "Ġ1 12",
+ "Ġlo ops",
+ "Ġhel ps",
+ "Ġcereb rospinal",
+ "Ġhemod ynamic",
+ "Ġclassif ier",
+ "Ġbios ynt",
+ "l ets",
+ "Ġass emb",
+ "sp ect",
+ "Ġparagangl ioma",
+ "amin o",
+ "Ġout break",
+ "Ġ10 8",
+ "Ġt ils",
+ "Ġres orption",
+ "rad en",
+ "tra becular",
+ "Ġr i",
+ "Ġeryth rocytes",
+ "Ġsp an",
+ "ch ange",
+ "gf p",
+ "Ġdermat osis",
+ "Ġs ul",
+ "Ġan ch",
+ "Ġv el",
+ "Ġvari ance",
+ "Ġble omycin",
+ "Ġflatten ed",
+ "Ġh our",
+ "Ġr id",
+ "Ġmicrosat ellites",
+ "Ġty ph",
+ "er ies",
+ "Ġ1 11",
+ "Ġradi ography",
+ "Ġf inely",
+ "ol ium",
+ "Ġst z",
+ "gen esis",
+ "Ġsubc apsular",
+ "ingu ish",
+ "Ġtel angiect",
+ "Ġis ra",
+ "Ġup stream",
+ "ad a",
+ "Ġmon o",
+ "ov arian",
+ "Ġperiod ont",
+ "Ġsusp ension",
+ "Ġbehavi ors",
+ "Ġrec apit",
+ "re le",
+ "Ġmultifocal ly",
+ "7 90",
+ "Ġin hibin",
+ "Ġeffic ac",
+ "h v",
+ "ocyt omas",
+ "Ġa i",
+ "ne al",
+ "arc ated",
+ "Ġch ron",
+ "Ġact ual",
+ "Ġnic otine",
+ "Ġpheochrom ocytoma",
+ "h imoto",
+ "o ag",
+ "Ġc ul",
+ "Ġd ac",
+ "im aging",
+ "Ġst ool",
+ "Ġra man",
+ "erv ated",
+ "Ġme k",
+ "Ġaspir in",
+ "Ġvul ner",
+ "Ġopportun ity",
+ "Ġg vhd",
+ "rom al",
+ "Ġam orph",
+ "Ġkerat oac",
+ "Ġgluc ocortic",
+ "l m",
+ "Ġas ynch",
+ "Ġpercent ages",
+ "Ġsuppress es",
+ "Ġultrason ographic",
+ "h i",
+ "Ġn b",
+ "ad el",
+ "Ġte a",
+ "Ġantis ense",
+ "Ġd ce",
+ "n ets",
+ "Ġa q",
+ "Ġend plate",
+ "Ġadop ted",
+ "Ġnecess it",
+ "Ġmyx oma",
+ "Ġmist aken",
+ "ers on",
+ "reg ulate",
+ "Ġimm ortal",
+ "Ġseem ed",
+ "Ġcoch rane",
+ "c x",
+ "d ip",
+ "Ġpl a",
+ "Ġund ers",
+ "oplasm a",
+ "Ġsl c",
+ "p ost",
+ "p th",
+ "ran ce",
+ "Ġ= .",
+ "nm t",
+ "here nce",
+ "k l",
+ "Ġb x",
+ "se a",
+ "amet ric",
+ "Ġfed eration",
+ "ost atic",
+ "Ġtw ist",
+ "Ġclonal ity",
+ "Ġexc retion",
+ "Ġreduct ions",
+ "Ġprem ature",
+ "Ġtransl oc",
+ "Ġdisapp eared",
+ "Ġpemphig us",
+ "n oid",
+ "Ġxanth ogranul",
+ "Ġengine ered",
+ "Ġr cm",
+ "Ġon to",
+ "Ġor chi",
+ "Ġcytomegal ovirus",
+ "en ari",
+ "st s",
+ "Ġinc ons",
+ "Ġh n",
+ "Ġz n",
+ "Ġbronch oscopy",
+ "Ġdisplay ing",
+ "Ġc ream",
+ "ogen in",
+ "arg amma",
+ "Ġinvad ed",
+ "Ġtrigg er",
+ "d ox",
+ "Ġcom orbidity",
+ "Ġdi ast",
+ "chem otherapy",
+ "inguish able",
+ "am ily",
+ "Ġload ed",
+ "Ġaet iology",
+ "e um",
+ "Ġst ra",
+ "Ġk da",
+ "Ġtrac er",
+ "Ġinfarct s",
+ "Ġimmunocyt ochemistry",
+ "Ġd ome",
+ "rol ine",
+ "Ġconstit utive",
+ "Ġfib rosarcoma",
+ "of requency",
+ "Ġorgan ic",
+ "Ġadd ing",
+ "mr na",
+ "- [",
+ "Ġ1 16",
+ "ron y",
+ "sm ooth",
+ "Ġmus cul",
+ "wh ich",
+ "ress or",
+ "Ġimpact s",
+ "Ġoverexp ressing",
+ "Ġbronchiol oalveolar",
+ "Ġsph inct",
+ "us ive",
+ "Ġparas itic",
+ "Ġgad olinium",
+ "Ġb ay",
+ "o yl",
+ "re viewed",
+ "Ġs ort",
+ "Ġ4 50",
+ "Ġphosphat idyl",
+ "Ġpec uli",
+ "fem ale",
+ "abel ing",
+ "Ġrelaps ed",
+ "Ġcl l",
+ "Ġafric a",
+ "Ġenter opathy",
+ "Ġtai wan",
+ "Ġe w",
+ "Ġsc enari",
+ "Ġindividual ly",
+ "Ġent ry",
+ "Ġsuperf icially",
+ "Ġbraf v",
+ "Ġtib ia",
+ "Ġamorph ous",
+ "Ġcon e",
+ "Ġj u",
+ "Ġhem isp",
+ "ace utical",
+ "Ġpan eth",
+ "Ġsoc ial",
+ "Ġinstr ument",
+ "m v",
+ "ur ated",
+ "Ġcomp artments",
+ "Ġmob ility",
+ "thir d",
+ "Ġirrevers ible",
+ "Ġcons ent",
+ "Ġplasm id",
+ "Ġic c",
+ "Ġm pm",
+ "Ġd mba",
+ "Ġph aryngeal",
+ "Ġnest in",
+ "Ġcirrh otic",
+ "Ġa ip",
+ "Ġcl av",
+ "ord s",
+ "Ġmicro bial",
+ "Ġ13 0",
+ "wh itney",
+ "Ġun expl",
+ "di rected",
+ "Ġpersist ed",
+ "yp ed",
+ "yroid ism",
+ "cm v",
+ "Ġmen str",
+ "Ġenc odes",
+ "Ġbio active",
+ "Ġkill er",
+ "Ġcock tail",
+ "Ġmechan istically",
+ "Ġq ol",
+ "stim ulating",
+ "Ġs ymmet",
+ "Ġharb ored",
+ "v astatin",
+ "Ġp u",
+ "ear man",
+ "Ġhem e",
+ "Ġmyel oproliferative",
+ "prom ot",
+ "12 6",
+ "Ġcontr ary",
+ "Ġatr x",
+ "urre nce",
+ "Ġy r",
+ "Ġbeh ind",
+ "Ġam acr",
+ "Ġarter itis",
+ "Ġkl f",
+ "0 22",
+ "Ġ %).",
+ "Ġh fd",
+ "Ġhyp opharynx",
+ "Ġradi ofrequency",
+ "Ġlob ulated",
+ "Ġlat ency",
+ "l er",
+ "Ġm dr",
+ "Ġat ax",
+ "Ġhe sc",
+ "Ġem pt",
+ "Ġpyl oric",
+ "Ġeros ions",
+ "Ġoccup ied",
+ "0 29",
+ "Ġsh aped",
+ "ograph ical",
+ "Ġsitu ation",
+ "Ġindist inguishable",
+ "Ġpeculi ar",
+ "ofib rosarcoma",
+ "Ġconsider ations",
+ "Ġschem e",
+ "Ġ1 14",
+ "Ġarch ival",
+ "Ġintran asal",
+ "Ġcomed onecrosis",
+ "Ġshrink age",
+ "Ġimplement ed",
+ "Ġlump ectomy",
+ "Ġer a",
+ "Ġparan asal",
+ "Ġlab ia",
+ "Ġwar rants",
+ "Ġmyofibrobl asts",
+ "c arcinoma",
+ "f unctional",
+ "w bc",
+ "Ġre te",
+ "Ġmal aria",
+ "Ġcrypt itis",
+ "Ġsp her",
+ "Ġall ogeneic",
+ "Ġpredispos ing",
+ "s urgery",
+ "Ġmen iscus",
+ "Ġccn d",
+ "w alled",
+ "Ġg iving",
+ "Ġmean ing",
+ "ous ly",
+ "g ran",
+ "Ġb res",
+ "di i",
+ "Ġfunction ing",
+ "Ġarteri olar",
+ "Ġmyx omatous",
+ "Ġwid th",
+ "b an",
+ "Ī Ĵ",
+ "op oside",
+ "Ġv ectors",
+ "Ġoper ations",
+ "Ġacanth olytic",
+ "c f",
+ "p f",
+ "Ġsing ly",
+ "Ġpolymorph ous",
+ "ethyl ene",
+ "d em",
+ "ine ural",
+ "Ġtrans fusion",
+ "Ġov a",
+ "Ġcarcin omatosis",
+ "Ġencephal itis",
+ "Ġland sc",
+ "Ġst ents",
+ "Ġi u",
+ "Ġem r",
+ "ar re",
+ "an p",
+ "yp ically",
+ "ochem otherapy",
+ "min is",
+ "Ġsuper nat",
+ "Ġclass ifications",
+ "Ġfore man",
+ "Ġeth yl",
+ "Ġuv b",
+ "Ġgl ottic",
+ "ile y",
+ "Ġcalc ulate",
+ "mir nas",
+ "Ġuniform ly",
+ "Ġfr uit",
+ "scc hn",
+ "Ġexpl o",
+ "Ġinflu encing",
+ "Ġpolar ity",
+ "0 21",
+ "w ild",
+ "Ġsub div",
+ "Ġel imination",
+ "Ġdep ic",
+ "Ġlack ed",
+ "Ġreturn ed",
+ "Ġg amm",
+ "Ġcl osed",
+ "Ġadoles cents",
+ "Ġlept in",
+ "Ġoblit eration",
+ "Ġcons olid",
+ "Ġcondit ional",
+ "Ġrandom ised",
+ "Ġded ifferentiation",
+ "Ġne gl",
+ "Ġca ut",
+ "Ġqu ick",
+ "gl ass",
+ "Ġmicrog raph",
+ "Ġillustr ates",
+ "Ġorific e",
+ "ol ase",
+ "Ġat m",
+ "Ġstain able",
+ "Ġher bal",
+ "Ġleuk openia",
+ "Ġheter otopic",
+ "inflamm ation",
+ "Ġden uded",
+ "r ies",
+ "iv ities",
+ "Ġsub s",
+ "Ġmut ants",
+ "vers us",
+ "Ġincon clusive",
+ "Ġaustr al",
+ "Ġgen omes",
+ "Ġneuro fil",
+ "Ġsex es",
+ "Ġvirt ual",
+ "Ġconsist ency",
+ "Ġpt x",
+ "Ġplasmacyt oma",
+ "Ġrend ered",
+ "Ġwithdra wal",
+ "Ġpers on",
+ "Ġoxid ase",
+ "Ġhyperpar athyroidism",
+ "Ġisra el",
+ "Ġw al",
+ "Ġw est",
+ "Ġtim ely",
+ "Ġsci ences",
+ "Ġimmunomod ulatory",
+ "Ġf used",
+ "os itivity",
+ "Ġsh h",
+ "Ġmedi ator",
+ "Ġantif ungal",
+ "b n",
+ "Ġt sh",
+ "Ġb t",
+ "ass ium",
+ "Ġenh ancer",
+ "Ġpa ed",
+ "acet ate",
+ "in stit",
+ "Ġprim ers",
+ "Ġorigin ated",
+ "Ġimmunop recipitation",
+ "activ ating",
+ "Ġna ive",
+ "Ġemphas ize",
+ "- .",
+ "on ate",
+ "Ġp ust",
+ "Ġn amed",
+ "Ġangi otensin",
+ "Ġneph rotic",
+ "Ġimmunop rof",
+ "Ġperic ol",
+ "Ġesophagog astric",
+ "Ġsur fact",
+ "201 5",
+ "Ġintersp ersed",
+ "0 35",
+ "Ġp sc",
+ "Ġpro xim",
+ "iz ations",
+ "Ġro bert",
+ "Ġarter ios",
+ "Ġindividual ized",
+ "Ġatt achment",
+ "Ġadenos ine",
+ "Ġcoexist ing",
+ "u age",
+ "art an",
+ "Ġscar ce",
+ "Ġtend s",
+ "Ġnas opharynx",
+ "Ġt u",
+ "ist ribution",
+ "le man",
+ "Ġgen it",
+ "erat es",
+ "Ġgl om",
+ "Ġop ening",
+ "Ġg ct",
+ "Ġbec oming",
+ "Ġleiomy omata",
+ "Ġsal t",
+ "Ġdev ices",
+ "Ġcreat ine",
+ "Ġcholest atic",
+ "Ġcadm ium",
+ "r atory",
+ "Ġc iliary",
+ "Ġin h",
+ "Ġan not",
+ "Ġcl um",
+ "th in",
+ "Ġint uss",
+ "Ġremain der",
+ "Ġadvent it",
+ "Ġce us",
+ "Ġpir is",
+ "Ġm age",
+ "Ġtom ographic",
+ "201 7",
+ "Ġimbal ance",
+ "Ġnon focal",
+ "Ġimmuno expression",
+ "Ġcalcit onin",
+ "Ġsphinct er",
+ "p en",
+ "Ġc up",
+ "Ġcr s",
+ "Ġameric a",
+ "Ġremn ants",
+ "establ ished",
+ "l uc",
+ "ce phal",
+ "Ġun affected",
+ "Ġu veal",
+ "Ġech o",
+ "Ġlew is",
+ "minis cent",
+ "Ġcaus al",
+ "Ġwors ening",
+ "Ġadequ acy",
+ "Ġbi z",
+ "Ġyo u",
+ "Ġtrig one",
+ "Ġ(- )",
+ "+ )-",
+ "o ot",
+ "re otide",
+ "Ġg ang",
+ "Ġg ained",
+ "Ġactiv ates",
+ "ramm ing",
+ "h aps",
+ "Ġpar p",
+ "Ġnin et",
+ "operic yt",
+ "Ġcrit ically",
+ "Ġnan oc",
+ "Ġconstit utes",
+ "he ast",
+ "ec oxib",
+ "Ġjoh n",
+ "n uclear",
+ "Ġd ot",
+ "Ġ1 15",
+ "ore t",
+ "Ġchem os",
+ "Ġdam ages",
+ "amp ullary",
+ "Ġepidem iologic",
+ "Ġfasc ia",
+ "Ġcorticoster oid",
+ "Ġstim ulating",
+ "Ġhyst er",
+ "eral pha",
+ "cent er",
+ "Ġii ia",
+ "Ġmening es",
+ ") =",
+ "Ġd up",
+ "Ġpro of",
+ "Ġaf atinib",
+ "Ġradios ensitivity",
+ "ycl ine",
+ "on ous",
+ "og ether",
+ "Ġoscc s",
+ "Ġconcord ant",
+ "d u",
+ "p olar",
+ "ult s",
+ "Ġnucle ated",
+ "Ġlob ule",
+ "Ġfav ourable",
+ "Ġcoc ci",
+ "Ġstiff ness",
+ "r b",
+ "Ġdefinit ively",
+ "Ġsub classification",
+ "oth orax",
+ "Ġrespons ive",
+ "Ġs cl",
+ "ron g",
+ "Ġ10 7",
+ "Ġprot ects",
+ "Ġgrad ual",
+ "Ġt ear",
+ "Ġn l",
+ "Ġmc p",
+ "Ġmicromet astases",
+ "al ing",
+ "Ġpl oidy",
+ "Ġcac he",
+ "Ġsurprising ly",
+ "in er",
+ "Ġra b",
+ "34 4",
+ "Ġappend age",
+ "Ġhoriz ontal",
+ "c as",
+ "p he",
+ "Ġcatheps in",
+ "Ġp ow",
+ "ce in",
+ "Ġre miniscent",
+ "ast asis",
+ "Ġsub clinical",
+ "Ġpot ency",
+ "abol ic",
+ "e ce",
+ "Ġm cc",
+ "Ġobstetric s",
+ "wor ld",
+ "Ġintuss us",
+ "c cl",
+ "Ġsl it",
+ "s uch",
+ "Ġsp ots",
+ "Ġer cc",
+ "Ġsequel ae",
+ "e e",
+ "acter ial",
+ "Ġhealth care",
+ "Ġplay ed",
+ "on ical",
+ "Ġcon form",
+ "pos ure",
+ "Ġleuk ocytosis",
+ "Ġwil ms",
+ "Ġtubulo interstitial",
+ "Ġb ite",
+ "Ġcle ft",
+ "Ġmedic inal",
+ "Ġsy ring",
+ "c our",
+ "s v",
+ "in oc",
+ "Ġhist ogenesis",
+ "Ġmult imodality",
+ "Ġpromot ion",
+ "Ġutil ization",
+ "Ġaug mented",
+ "Ġrev ision",
+ "poor ly",
+ "ic o",
+ "Ġco expression",
+ "Ġes cal",
+ "Ġidentif iable",
+ "p roliferation",
+ "Ġhg d",
+ "b ound",
+ "q ol",
+ "Ġin app",
+ "ish ak",
+ "Ġshe et",
+ "Ġper iduct",
+ "Ġpaed iatric",
+ "Ġbiz arre",
+ "d evel",
+ "Ġo edema",
+ "am s",
+ "Ġco herence",
+ "Ġpolymorph ic",
+ "yl ate",
+ "is hes",
+ "Ġcd h",
+ "az ine",
+ "Ġdiscuss es",
+ "Ġl ist",
+ "Ġacc om",
+ "Ġappropri ately",
+ "Ġmesent ery",
+ "Ġhistor ical",
+ "d f",
+ "Ġd omin",
+ "Ġl g",
+ "Ġveter inary",
+ "Ġf el",
+ "Ġex ocrine",
+ "Ġne igh",
+ "Ġob tur",
+ "Ġi od",
+ "Ġdo i",
+ "Ġincub ated",
+ "Ġ ell",
+ "Ġm ind",
+ "Ġ19 88",
+ "Ġpregn ancies",
+ "Ġfast er",
+ "Ġcover ing",
+ "Ġasynch rony",
+ "el isa",
+ "Ġdis mal",
+ "Ġdise ased",
+ "Ġov oid",
+ "Ġoc clud",
+ "Ġninet een",
+ "Ġmy om",
+ "Ġgen us",
+ "v aginal",
+ "Ġhe arts",
+ "Ġlymphaden itis",
+ "Ġfacilit ates",
+ "am l",
+ "Ġpar al",
+ "Ġt bi",
+ "Ġimmun ization",
+ "Ġent ered",
+ "Ġillustr ated",
+ "0 34",
+ "c he",
+ "Ġs es",
+ "Ġfung oides",
+ "Ġsalping ectomy",
+ "t n",
+ "Ġall ocated",
+ "Ġinter trabecular",
+ "Ġnew born",
+ "sm ad",
+ "artic ular",
+ "Ġdisturb ances",
+ "Ġgill s",
+ "in teg",
+ "Ġc ement",
+ "Ġm ol",
+ "Ġcompl aint",
+ "Ġmass on",
+ "Ġround ed",
+ "Ġtr ast",
+ "Ġgu inea",
+ "Ġalt ogether",
+ "201 2",
+ "uls ion",
+ "Ġorchi ectomy",
+ "Ġm ount",
+ "Ġsupp ressive",
+ "Ġexpl an",
+ "Ġd h",
+ "Ġd w",
+ "Ġrs v",
+ "Ġexceeding ly",
+ "Ġmov ement",
+ "emp oral",
+ "Ġmonke ys",
+ "ur ance",
+ "Ġact u",
+ "con trib",
+ "Ġfebr ile",
+ "Ġcolposcop y",
+ "Ġmes orectal",
+ "Ġfetus es",
+ "app ed",
+ "Ġfocus es",
+ "oper able",
+ "od ig",
+ "ir radiation",
+ "rog ens",
+ "Ġs ut",
+ "Ġin i",
+ "Ġper haps",
+ "Ġam ended",
+ "oxid ant",
+ "Ġdepr ivation",
+ "at ized",
+ "ar ach",
+ "Ġinf ertility",
+ "Ġdec idual",
+ "Ġperiost eum",
+ "Ġacumin atum",
+ "Ġmac ular",
+ "Ġstrat um",
+ "Ġfibr inous",
+ "Ġhm ga",
+ "Ġpersp ective",
+ "h o",
+ "Ġpk c",
+ "Ġra w",
+ "Ġsurg eries",
+ "Ġred ox",
+ "Ġnm r",
+ "Ġarchitectural ly",
+ "Ġhe x",
+ "Ġsp iral",
+ "ay ered",
+ "ms i",
+ "20 5",
+ "Ġp par",
+ "is one",
+ "Ġg ab",
+ "pl a",
+ "Ġhemangi omas",
+ "Ġigf bp",
+ "Ġlys osomal",
+ "re ceptor",
+ "Ġcontinuous ly",
+ "Ġscav eng",
+ "Ġtrast uzumab",
+ "fig s",
+ "Ġtroph oblast",
+ "Ġsched uled",
+ "Ġm u",
+ "Ġm w",
+ "ul ator",
+ "Ġg ca",
+ "Ġgranul omatosis",
+ "Ġig e",
+ "Ġhel ix",
+ "Ġmultid rug",
+ "kit t",
+ "g ast",
+ "Ġmicro invasion",
+ "Ġpa w",
+ "Ġsemiqu antitative",
+ "Ġb ph",
+ "Ġh ol",
+ "Ġrel iev",
+ "Ġcr ude",
+ "ofib rosis",
+ "Ġfil aments",
+ "Ġchori ocarcinoma",
+ "Ġchemical s",
+ "Ġreason able",
+ "Ġmycobacter ial",
+ "Ġorient ation",
+ "Ġtas k",
+ "Ġselen ium",
+ "op ulmonary",
+ "oplasm osis",
+ "Ġpot assium",
+ "Ġinclus ive",
+ "Ġfluor ouracil",
+ "Ġuve itis",
+ "Ġlip osarcomas",
+ "he x",
+ "it or",
+ "m ixed",
+ "Ġanal ges",
+ "Ġeff usions",
+ "Ġcerv icitis",
+ "Ġattenu ate",
+ "85 8",
+ "Ġgangl ia",
+ "Ġperiduct al",
+ "g h",
+ "on a",
+ "Ġcounter part",
+ "h our",
+ "in dex",
+ "er ted",
+ "radi otherapy",
+ "Ġchick en",
+ "z one",
+ "Ġleuk aemia",
+ "Ġobtur ator",
+ "Ġam end",
+ "Ġdeep ly",
+ "Ġct cs",
+ "Ġvalid ity",
+ "gal act",
+ "Ġeg gs",
+ "Ġneg ativity",
+ "Ġaudit ory",
+ "us pid",
+ "Ġimmun ologic",
+ "vent ricular",
+ "Ġperic ardium",
+ "Ġclar ified",
+ "Ġperiodont itis",
+ "f as",
+ "Ġc es",
+ "Ġw et",
+ "Ġmal perfusion",
+ "Ġun able",
+ "ex posure",
+ "Ġderm oid",
+ "Ġreach ing",
+ "Ġimmunoblot ting",
+ "Ġtermin ology",
+ "Ġactu arial",
+ "ort h",
+ "Ġam en",
+ "Ġest radiol",
+ "opo iesis",
+ "g ov",
+ "ot es",
+ "Ġident ity",
+ "Ġadd itive",
+ "Ġhyd rogen",
+ "Ġproper ty",
+ "Ġsci atic",
+ "Ġnk x",
+ "Ġste ad",
+ "Ġabol ished",
+ "0 33",
+ "Ġt opic",
+ "Ġdef ective",
+ "Ġglomerul opathy",
+ "Ġan ore",
+ "Ġsc rotal",
+ "ardi ac",
+ "in oma",
+ "Ġm k",
+ "Ġaccord ance",
+ "respond ers",
+ "201 4",
+ "char acter",
+ "Ġadhere nce",
+ "Ġimmunoprof ile",
+ "in ized",
+ "Ġon coprotein",
+ "est rogen",
+ "our inary",
+ "Ġdisc over",
+ "cy cle",
+ "Ġoptim ize",
+ "Ġinfant ile",
+ "Ġhum oral",
+ "Ġcent roblasts",
+ "Ġsal em",
+ "sl ide",
+ "s ol",
+ "Ġ ix",
+ "r fs",
+ "og ren",
+ "Ġdr ive",
+ "0 38",
+ "c oll",
+ "Ġkeratin ization",
+ "ars al",
+ "c u",
+ "Ġconf lic",
+ "Ġet oposide",
+ "Ġcur v",
+ "Ġres olving",
+ "Ġel usive",
+ "Ġhom ologous",
+ "Ġtnf alpha",
+ "Ġatax ia",
+ "ra e",
+ "Ġcompl iance",
+ "os c",
+ "Ġ1 18",
+ "Ġpathophys iological",
+ "Ġmetalloprotein ases",
+ "Ġsubpop ulation",
+ "Ġpharmacokin etic",
+ "angio endothel",
+ "Ġpos e",
+ "Ġprost hesis",
+ "Ġspi roc",
+ "p henyl",
+ "or af",
+ "ov erex",
+ "on i",
+ "Ġg ives",
+ "Ġconcurrent ly",
+ "Ġa u",
+ "ell es",
+ "Ġdeterm in",
+ "Ġexclus ive",
+ "Ġmiss ense",
+ "Ġlandsc ape",
+ "Ġr fa",
+ "th romb",
+ "omy ces",
+ "ln crnas",
+ "Ġobvious ly",
+ "Ġproxim ity",
+ "s em",
+ "om ide",
+ "Ġab ilities",
+ "Ġret ard",
+ "dr ug",
+ "Ġdiscrimin ating",
+ "Ġrev ised",
+ "contrib utory",
+ "Ġtumorigen icity",
+ "Ġproj ect",
+ "Ġfen est",
+ "Ġd t",
+ "Ġ1 19",
+ "mt c",
+ "Ġpresum ably",
+ "er yth",
+ "im eric",
+ "Ġmut agen",
+ "Ġbio avail",
+ "rach lor",
+ "Ġdisapp ear",
+ "odig estive",
+ "Ġcentral ly",
+ "Ġmedi ating",
+ "arter ial",
+ "Ġadequ ately",
+ "oraf enib",
+ "of il",
+ "Ġcondition ed",
+ "d uoden",
+ "Ġsol e",
+ "000 2",
+ "trans f",
+ "co ated",
+ "Ġjejun al",
+ "Ġat rium",
+ "Ġtr uly",
+ "Ġoste oblasts",
+ "Ġfacilit ated",
+ "m yel",
+ "Ġh arm",
+ "Ġclav icle",
+ "Ġc yl",
+ "Ġf um",
+ "Ġpath ogenicity",
+ "Ġhemat opathology",
+ "Ġperine al",
+ "201 3",
+ "Ġmicroc ystic",
+ "Ġmet all",
+ "romet astases",
+ "Ġprostagland in",
+ "u ing",
+ "Ġund erestim",
+ "ral pha",
+ "Ġ14 0",
+ "Ġmil k",
+ "Ġelic ited",
+ "0 37",
+ "m ib",
+ "Ġr an",
+ "Ġthorac oscopic",
+ "Ġconstitu ents",
+ "0 45",
+ "Ġt ki",
+ "Ġan x",
+ "na ive",
+ "Ġple ur",
+ "Ġpann iculitis",
+ "Ġag s",
+ "Ġ16 0",
+ "Ġattempt s",
+ "Ġneurot oxicity",
+ "Ġecon omic",
+ "Ġhmg b",
+ "Ġsp ans",
+ "otherap ies",
+ "Ġosteopor osis",
+ "Ġvitre ous",
+ "Ġrespons iveness",
+ "Ġgenit ourinary",
+ "3 75",
+ "h z",
+ "Ġe if",
+ "Ġsc r",
+ "Ġbur kitt",
+ "Ġhaemorrh age",
+ "Ġadri ano",
+ "Ġb ab",
+ "oc ystic",
+ "Ġcorrel ating",
+ "Ġox al",
+ "Ġaer odigestive",
+ "q rt",
+ "res ection",
+ "Ġoxid ation",
+ "Ġextrem e",
+ "Ġimmunocyt ochemical",
+ "Ġro ds",
+ "Ġcoexist ence",
+ "Ġsj ogren",
+ "recogn ized",
+ "Ġmyom ectomy",
+ "Ġt att",
+ "Ġpl ug",
+ "Ġj af",
+ "l ines",
+ "iz otinib",
+ "Ġprogn oses",
+ "Ġamong st",
+ "Ġsw ine",
+ "m agn",
+ "Ġst ran",
+ "Ġmicro follicular",
+ "Ġcop d",
+ "z l",
+ "Ġan o",
+ "Ġglut amine",
+ "Ġstim uli",
+ "Ġsoc io",
+ "Ġmacro follicular",
+ "Ġvag u",
+ "0 36",
+ "Ġn bi",
+ "ac s",
+ "Ġsh ore",
+ "ap ted",
+ "Ġsubj ective",
+ "mir na",
+ "Ġcytomorph ology",
+ "Ġphotos ensit",
+ "ul are",
+ "molec ular",
+ "f atty",
+ "Ġ1 13",
+ "Ġal d",
+ "er ious",
+ "ich ia",
+ "Ġx er",
+ "Ġcy fra",
+ "Ġtubercul ous",
+ "w ater",
+ "Ġh uge",
+ "Ġse a",
+ "Ġco operative",
+ "Ġtr ypt",
+ "Ġgre w",
+ "Ġmeet ing",
+ "] ),",
+ "n ucle",
+ "Ġin operable",
+ "ro ch",
+ "Ġf sh",
+ "um a",
+ "Ġc ck",
+ "Ġretro grade",
+ "Ġengl and",
+ "ass f",
+ "Ġintra medullary",
+ "Ġrem ove",
+ "Ġem p",
+ "Ġop n",
+ "sch iff",
+ "Ġa rab",
+ "if er",
+ "Ġth umb",
+ "Ġradical s",
+ "Ġic am",
+ "fluor o",
+ "Ġobser vers",
+ "Ġanore xia",
+ "Ġvagu ely",
+ "m aking",
+ "Ġan orectal",
+ "Ġco verage",
+ "Ġca ution",
+ "Ġprob iotic",
+ "Ġchond rocytes",
+ "Ġ %;",
+ "al y",
+ "ym arin",
+ "Ġcont raction",
+ "Ġcardi otoxicity",
+ "Ġinn ov",
+ "Ġaustral ia",
+ "i odine",
+ "Ġar rays",
+ "Ġlymphatic s",
+ "Ġtm j",
+ "Ġwind ow",
+ "Ġchang ing",
+ "ret in",
+ "Ġhyperpig mentation",
+ "Ġend ophytic",
+ "Ġag ar",
+ "ograph ically",
+ "Ġvis it",
+ "Ġdors um",
+ "Ġgynec ology",
+ "Ġnlr p",
+ "re al",
+ "Ġc ic",
+ "or neal",
+ "Ġl ytic",
+ "Ġdis par",
+ "Ġgl auc",
+ "Ġmeas urable",
+ "Ġgonad al",
+ "Ġhydrox yp",
+ "Ġfasci itis",
+ "h sp",
+ "Ġt me",
+ "Ġon line",
+ "12 2",
+ "Ġlip omas",
+ "ar f",
+ "Ġdisc ectomy",
+ "Ġmig ratory",
+ "Ġfold ed",
+ "Ġmiss ing",
+ "Ġt an",
+ "Ġan ter",
+ "Ġex ent",
+ "ier arch",
+ "Ġhand s",
+ "Ġpy ogenic",
+ "w af",
+ "Ġpop ular",
+ "Ġpredn isolone",
+ "ol uc",
+ "Ġvascular ization",
+ "14 7",
+ "Ġbrain stem",
+ "Ġsch ool",
+ "Ġsequ enced",
+ "Ġcel ecoxib",
+ "Ġcontrovers y",
+ "10 2",
+ "Ġcr izotinib",
+ "Ġmedi ates",
+ "Ġconn ection",
+ "Ġcommerc ially",
+ "Ġamend ment",
+ "Ġt all",
+ "or h",
+ "il i",
+ "Ġk b",
+ "Ġelast ography",
+ "Ġus age",
+ "ard s",
+ "Ġsubun its",
+ "us ing",
+ "ant erior",
+ "qu artile",
+ "Ġoste oid",
+ "Ġu rach",
+ "Ġcorrect ion",
+ "Ġretroper itoneum",
+ "Ġventil ation",
+ "Ġsurfact ant",
+ "ox acin",
+ "tes y",
+ "Ġecc entric",
+ "Ġcop ies",
+ "Ġperine ur",
+ "Ġemerg ence",
+ "in ox",
+ "Ġm ia",
+ "os yl",
+ "Ġsplen omegaly",
+ "Ġtend er",
+ "Ġphen olic",
+ "Ġsp in",
+ "ert ified",
+ "Ġstaphyl ococcus",
+ "ol a",
+ "Ġnucle ic",
+ "Ġcarr ies",
+ "Ġplex iform",
+ "ris ome",
+ "Ġundet ectable",
+ "ph ric",
+ "Ġendometri otic",
+ "Ġasperg ill",
+ "Ġarterios clerosis",
+ "Ġm ct",
+ "Ġr uth",
+ "Ġant iviral",
+ "Ġ19 89",
+ "Ġhost s",
+ "Ġinn ervated",
+ "Ġhypercal cemia",
+ "Ġl nc",
+ "Ġfol fir",
+ "Ġresid ues",
+ "Ġk c",
+ "h f",
+ "ac a",
+ "Ġintra uterine",
+ "ves icular",
+ "Ġvacu olar",
+ "osp erm",
+ "k c",
+ "ident al",
+ "Ġpublic ations",
+ "d ot",
+ "Ġlif et",
+ "Ġhab its",
+ "Ġreprog ramming",
+ "Ġpar kinson",
+ "ov enous",
+ "Ġroset tes",
+ "od eg",
+ "Ġdi e",
+ "Ġonc ol",
+ "amic in",
+ "Ġvest ibular",
+ "mamm ary",
+ "m um",
+ "Ġt ym",
+ "em s",
+ "Ġendoc arditis",
+ "Ġchond roid",
+ "Ġamelior ate",
+ "Ġchemoprevent ion",
+ "ec m",
+ "Ġmagn itude",
+ "Ġgynec ological",
+ "if ies",
+ "Ġact ing",
+ "Ġdel icate",
+ "Ġpossess es",
+ "v p",
+ "x oma",
+ "ure tic",
+ "sur v",
+ "Ġim aged",
+ "Ġlow ered",
+ "Ġvas a",
+ "orb ital",
+ "Ġfu hrman",
+ "Ġde xt",
+ "Ġup date",
+ "emb ran",
+ "cs cs",
+ "Ġconstit utively",
+ "aut o",
+ "k eleton",
+ "ox yn",
+ "Ġ ),",
+ "Ġa rach",
+ "and em",
+ "Ġ12 3",
+ "Ġneurofil ament",
+ "b one",
+ "Ġc ave",
+ "Ġc ca",
+ "Ġh opps",
+ "Ġdet achment",
+ "Ġswallow ing",
+ "h if",
+ "p ret",
+ "ot ides",
+ "Ġprof ess",
+ "Ġintussus ception",
+ "il ed",
+ "Ġcomp ens",
+ "Ġheter ologous",
+ "Ġsac ral",
+ "Ġmening itis",
+ "nec k",
+ "Ġfol ate",
+ "Ġste iner",
+ "Ġb an",
+ "Ġcor ro",
+ "Ġhep arin",
+ "12 9",
+ "Ġinst illation",
+ "Ġillustr ate",
+ "p b",
+ "Ġhyp oplasia",
+ "Ġlab elling",
+ "Ġneurofib romatosis",
+ "Ġatp ase",
+ "Ġcarcin ogens",
+ "Ġmyel inated",
+ "Ġpolar ized",
+ "c scc",
+ "op erated",
+ "st ation",
+ "Ġcomp ut",
+ "amin op",
+ "Ġ12 9",
+ "Ġsol ely",
+ "Ġgastroenter itis",
+ "Ġresour ce",
+ "Ġincons istent",
+ "Ġcorro bor",
+ "Ġs sc",
+ "ple ural",
+ "Ġsil ymarin",
+ "Ġmicrogl ia",
+ "Ġanal yt",
+ "Ġmalign a",
+ "Ġhb me",
+ "iaz ol",
+ "t umour",
+ "Ġsynov itis",
+ "Ġtit ers",
+ "Ġp ad",
+ "Ġsub ser",
+ "Ġser ot",
+ "tr ials",
+ "Ġpneumon ectomy",
+ "Ġg ists",
+ "Ġmet ric",
+ "Ġhospital ization",
+ "Ġextra mural",
+ "(+) /",
+ "Ġhypo echoic",
+ "Ġspheroid s",
+ "Ġchit osan",
+ "Ġmenstr ual",
+ "in ating",
+ "Ġp ineal",
+ "ac ities",
+ "Ġsp ic",
+ "Ġnecess arily",
+ "Ġdelet erious",
+ "Ġkill ing",
+ "Ġr ll",
+ "Ġmr p",
+ "hy dr",
+ "wh ite",
+ "Ġa hr",
+ "Ġro ugh",
+ "Ġmicro angi",
+ "Ġconn ected",
+ "Ġaneurys ms",
+ "Ġsp ss",
+ "Ġguid eline",
+ "Ġpass age",
+ "Ġradio active",
+ "Ġhyperther mia",
+ "Ġmult ipar",
+ "Ġtranscript omic",
+ "Ġcyclospor ine",
+ "Ġtransloc ations",
+ "or g",
+ "Ġpro ce",
+ "ch ain",
+ "Ġstep wise",
+ "Ġfold s",
+ "Ġcontamin ation",
+ "h u",
+ "Ġb if",
+ "Ġim per",
+ "Ġfib roid",
+ "Ġkeratin s",
+ "icol a",
+ "v a",
+ "Ġe cs",
+ "Ġrh o",
+ "Ġsensit ivities",
+ "Ġcardiomy ocytes",
+ "Ġhab it",
+ "d ominant",
+ "i olar",
+ "m po",
+ "ops cc",
+ "Ġperit on",
+ "Ġfist ul",
+ "secret ing",
+ "Ġt oll",
+ "Ġsel ecting",
+ "Ġphys iologic",
+ "d iabetic",
+ "Ġmyel ofibrosis",
+ "Ġrod ents",
+ "ben ign",
+ "Ġl vi",
+ "ith yroid",
+ "Ġsurv ive",
+ "Ġcarcin omatous",
+ "Ġwor risome",
+ "rop ri",
+ "Ġadm ix",
+ "Ġ8 00",
+ "Ġradi ochemotherapy",
+ "Ġpossib ilities",
+ "suv max",
+ "Ġen olase",
+ "roph osph",
+ "iment al",
+ "Ġoccup y",
+ "14 0",
+ "phosph ory",
+ "Ġdefic it",
+ "n i",
+ "Ġas best",
+ "ac ral",
+ "14 3",
+ "Ġamn ion",
+ "Ġminim ize",
+ "Ġpear son",
+ "l scc",
+ "Ġmon omorphic",
+ "Ġprop ag",
+ "Ġimmunosupp ressed",
+ "Ġinfrequent ly",
+ "Ġbiosynt hesis",
+ "Ġefficac ious",
+ "0 20",
+ "Ġp ts",
+ "ar an",
+ "Ġf iltr",
+ "Ġl cn",
+ "pl ies",
+ "Ġpost treatment",
+ "Ġmain st",
+ "Ġdemyel ination",
+ "Ġspiroc he",
+ "ib d",
+ "Ġrel ax",
+ "elv ic",
+ "0 39",
+ "Ġh ierarch",
+ "Ġlim itation",
+ "Ġincomplet ely",
+ "k d",
+ "r ath",
+ "Ġhep g",
+ "Ġdeb ate",
+ "h iv",
+ "Ġe f",
+ "Ġal c",
+ "Ġsp ite",
+ "Ġpotential s",
+ "grow ing",
+ "Ġretriev al",
+ "angioendothel ioma",
+ "Ġben e",
+ "Ġlip osomes",
+ "imet ric",
+ "4 80",
+ "t oxic",
+ "Ġh tert",
+ "Ġus p",
+ "13 5",
+ "Ġperip ancreatic",
+ "Ġheter ot",
+ "fig ure",
+ "ap c",
+ "Ġes ter",
+ "Ġtechn ically",
+ "Ġamn iotic",
+ "Ġdisturb ance",
+ "Ġdiscontinuous ly",
+ "fron t",
+ "Ġc ess",
+ "Ġloc o",
+ "Ġdetermin ants",
+ "Ġa ce",
+ "are nchym",
+ "ism odeg",
+ "Ġdistrib utions",
+ "raz olium",
+ "ismodeg ib",
+ "Ġ ug",
+ "Ġm cm",
+ "Ġcl ues",
+ "chol esterol",
+ "Ġaq p",
+ "Ġexent eration",
+ "he red",
+ "Ġonc ogenesis",
+ "Ġcaud al",
+ "d am",
+ "oph arm",
+ "te b",
+ "Ġ(< /=",
+ "Ġhypothes ize",
+ "1 53",
+ "p eg",
+ "Ġ ud",
+ "Ġp bm",
+ "Ġrep ar",
+ "Ġ11 7",
+ "Ġcount ry",
+ "Ġgangl i",
+ "Ġparac ortical",
+ "Ġt ric",
+ "Ġsp r",
+ "Ġn se",
+ "Ġpy rophosph",
+ "Ġhur thle",
+ "st romal",
+ "10 7",
+ "Ġproced ural",
+ "Ġethn ic",
+ "Ġhypogran ulation",
+ "4 31",
+ "e it",
+ "Ġc ured",
+ "il t",
+ "ac on",
+ "as iform",
+ "ological ly",
+ "Ġirregular ly",
+ "oe a",
+ "d b",
+ "Ġg over",
+ "Ġ19 80",
+ "Ġz yg",
+ "Ġpromot ers",
+ "Ġeg c",
+ "Ġheav ily",
+ "Ġcapill ar",
+ "�������� ��������",
+ "Ġbene ath",
+ "o ast",
+ "Ġeryth ropo",
+ "Ġrequ est",
+ "Ġbow man",
+ "Ġasc ertain",
+ "Ġantagon ists",
+ "Ġlook ing",
+ "Ġcess ation",
+ "u its",
+ "act ing",
+ "Ġdiamet ers",
+ "sign ificant",
+ "Ġgent amicin",
+ "Ġp yel",
+ "com fort",
+ "oz o",
+ "n ull",
+ "p pv",
+ "Ġc ot",
+ "ag lob",
+ "Ġpred isp",
+ "Ġresemb led",
+ "Ġpenet rating",
+ "Ġcytos keleton",
+ "Ġt rem",
+ "Ġt opo",
+ "Ġc ode",
+ "iss ure",
+ "Ġleishman iasis",
+ "Ġcache xia",
+ "ob e",
+ "Ġ19 85",
+ "Ġlob ar",
+ "Ġey eb",
+ "Ġpal m",
+ "Ġprote omics",
+ "Ġpre auricular",
+ "Ġro om",
+ "hyd ro",
+ "Ġf illing",
+ "Ġl ym",
+ "Ġsh rna",
+ "Ġwor st",
+ "Ġmetastas ized",
+ "Ġflav um",
+ "n es",
+ "month s",
+ "Ġintral esional",
+ "Ġtib ial",
+ "Ġlifet ime",
+ "Ġex ocytosis",
+ "th y",
+ "Ġnon melanoma",
+ "Ġthromb oemb",
+ "sequ encing",
+ "Ġstrict ures",
+ "through put",
+ "k et",
+ "eff ects",
+ "otrop in",
+ "inosit ol",
+ "Ġabrog ated",
+ "i agn",
+ "del t",
+ "Ġcryst all",
+ "Ġhallmark s",
+ "her ichia",
+ "oc arcin",
+ "Ġr assf",
+ "od s",
+ "cl cs",
+ "ind ucing",
+ "c ut",
+ "i op",
+ "p al",
+ "Ġs ib",
+ "er o",
+ "om ast",
+ "Ġchar ts",
+ "Ġimp ed",
+ "Ġgangl ione",
+ "Ġbrid ge",
+ "Ġcomput ational",
+ "Ġre inf",
+ "ort ex",
+ "ple x",
+ "iform e",
+ "Ġres ident",
+ "ore ticular",
+ "ang er",
+ "Ġendothelial itis",
+ "Ġtrans oral",
+ "Ġmit omycin",
+ "( +),",
+ "op es",
+ "Ġ< .",
+ "Ġsub cellular",
+ "oscop e",
+ "12 7",
+ "Ġagg rav",
+ "ococ cal",
+ "Ġn i",
+ "Ġr pe",
+ "Ġhyp ot",
+ "tra ce",
+ "Ġhyperg ran",
+ "Ġreconstruct ed",
+ "n g",
+ "er ance",
+ "ut um",
+ "00 05",
+ "Ġpl ane",
+ "Ġhydrog el",
+ "Ġ eralpha",
+ "Ġa vian",
+ "arc omatous",
+ "Ġsim pl",
+ "Ġbro il",
+ "Ġscaffold s",
+ "k ras",
+ "13 7",
+ "Ġcoll ecting",
+ "diagn osis",
+ "Ġplant ar",
+ "Ġinsp ection",
+ "Ġju ice",
+ "r ite",
+ "um ents",
+ "ir i",
+ "Ġsc ap",
+ "Ġtriglycer ide",
+ "Ġb pa",
+ "Ġtra ined",
+ "Ġemploy ing",
+ "Ġmaxill ofacial",
+ "romy cin",
+ "ant ic",
+ "Ġintra mural",
+ "19 90",
+ "Ġbal f",
+ "Ġinterf ere",
+ "o esophageal",
+ "u ation",
+ "Ġo le",
+ "Ġw s",
+ "Ġv ismodegib",
+ "Ġmd ct",
+ "Ġread ers",
+ "Ġcast leman",
+ "Ġenucle ated",
+ "Ġhydroxyp roline",
+ "Ġhemat ology",
+ "Ġdil em",
+ "Ġbud s",
+ "t here",
+ "Ġp ak",
+ "Ġn ed",
+ "Ġr n",
+ "Ġdis comfort",
+ "ann ot",
+ "04 8",
+ "Ġpp argamma",
+ "hyp er",
+ "Ġsensit ized",
+ "Ġanth rac",
+ "Ġbioavail ability",
+ "Ġpyrophosph ate",
+ "Ġm ole",
+ "or n",
+ "om b",
+ "oll en",
+ "Ġeg g",
+ "r if",
+ "ir s",
+ "Ġstandard s",
+ "Ġsevent h",
+ "Ġparad igm",
+ "0 32",
+ "em mal",
+ "Ġsp earman",
+ "Ġfo res",
+ "c ulture",
+ "i ates",
+ "Ġf ak",
+ "im ab",
+ "Ġpre t",
+ "Ġun encapsulated",
+ "Ġabs orb",
+ "Ġsyncyt ial",
+ "c ult",
+ "Ġl os",
+ "ous tic",
+ "ys in",
+ "Ġinf ancy",
+ "Ġpr in",
+ "Ġradi ologist",
+ "Ġelect rical",
+ "Ġsubpop ulations",
+ "Ġresearc hers",
+ "Ġwe ar",
+ "Ġbet h",
+ "rh yth",
+ "Ġnut ri",
+ "Ġhaemat ological",
+ "Ġorient ed",
+ "s q",
+ "Ġb cg",
+ "Ġper mit",
+ "Ġro ots",
+ "Ġoment al",
+ "Ġtoler ability",
+ "Ġim atinib",
+ "ocyt oid",
+ "Ġpr b",
+ "Ġcat ech",
+ "Ġstim ulates",
+ "Ġdig est",
+ "pro state",
+ "Ġd ural",
+ "Ġstr ip",
+ "Ġalb eit",
+ "Ġquad rants",
+ "Ġelectroph ys",
+ "Ġw ave",
+ "ym ic",
+ "Ġk s",
+ "Ġpapill a",
+ "cd fp",
+ "Ġconv ol",
+ "h is",
+ "Ġus ers",
+ "Ġt sc",
+ "Ġin k",
+ "Ġto en",
+ "Ġligament um",
+ "mac roph",
+ "omon ocytic",
+ "Ġmainst ay",
+ "c nt",
+ "ent orial",
+ "ure a",
+ "Ġmy ositis",
+ "Ġrel ies",
+ "occ id",
+ "Ġtoen ail",
+ "c er",
+ "Ġl ectin",
+ "ox ia",
+ "cs s",
+ "Ġrepl ace",
+ "Ġfeed er",
+ "Ġmonot onous",
+ "Ġesc ape",
+ "v ivo",
+ "Ġip f",
+ "Ġexpress es",
+ "Ġnanopartic le",
+ "Ġaccom pl",
+ "Ġrepar ative",
+ "l ink",
+ "Ġm ental",
+ "Ġsc rap",
+ "Ġsub endothelial",
+ "Ġwar thin",
+ "imet er",
+ "Ġemphas izes",
+ "Ġphyl ogenetic",
+ ". ),",
+ "t ol",
+ "Ġo mn",
+ "Ġf hit",
+ "os yn",
+ "ob ac",
+ "Ġrequire ment",
+ "Ġparas it",
+ "o zyme",
+ "Ġf ap",
+ "ol s",
+ "end oscopy",
+ "Ġsection ing",
+ "asp inal",
+ "Ġresect ability",
+ "Ġscaveng ing",
+ "Ġw iley",
+ "Ġd ust",
+ "Ġeff lu",
+ "Ġelong ation",
+ "Ġadmix ture",
+ "Ġb urs",
+ "Ġcomp romised",
+ "ric t",
+ "ov en",
+ "itu ximab",
+ "ar a",
+ "Ġf d",
+ "Ġrel ief",
+ "Ġsw ollen",
+ "Ġvacuol ation",
+ "Ġingest ion",
+ "Ġm asp",
+ "Ġal cl",
+ "Ġimmun ized",
+ "Ġpul se",
+ "teb ral",
+ "Ġr v",
+ "Ġun ifocal",
+ "ochem ically",
+ "Ġcharacter istically",
+ "raz ole",
+ "Ġesc herichia",
+ "rig el",
+ "Ġbelong ing",
+ "j ejun",
+ "em ed",
+ "Ġpol ype",
+ "igen ic",
+ "Ġchrom oph",
+ "Ġak i",
+ "Ġsummar izes",
+ "Ġbiod istribution",
+ "Ġglauc oma",
+ "oxyn ucle",
+ "Ġp sma",
+ "Ġo e",
+ "ec onomic",
+ "Ġser op",
+ "Ġparak eratotic",
+ "Ġpert urb",
+ "Ġempt y",
+ "i etin",
+ "am us",
+ "Ġdeline ated",
+ "0 44",
+ "m outh",
+ "is chem",
+ "st ep",
+ "Ġhel per",
+ "Ġpalis ading",
+ "Ġdeterm inant",
+ "ty rosine",
+ "yx oid",
+ "l ower",
+ "Ġa eg",
+ "Ġcyst eine",
+ "Ġtr unc",
+ "11 5",
+ "Ġhyperg lycemia",
+ "Ġsp a",
+ "Ġinvestig ators",
+ "Ġfibrin ogen",
+ "Ġmicrotub ule",
+ "Ġt sp",
+ "ic us",
+ "oph aryng",
+ "100 0",
+ "Ġprompt ed",
+ "Ġd nmt",
+ "Ġk y",
+ "Ġfib res",
+ "asm a",
+ "na ec",
+ "Ġarteri ovenous",
+ "Ġperin uclear",
+ "Ġsp hen",
+ "Ġencoura ging",
+ "Ġkeratoac anthoma",
+ "Ġacc ent",
+ "Ġmm ol",
+ "Ġform ula",
+ "rog raph",
+ "Ġsess ions",
+ "lymph ocytes",
+ "Ġgon dii",
+ "Ġhor n",
+ "opericyt oma",
+ "Ġa h",
+ "Ġcomplet eness",
+ "Ġcav ities",
+ "Ġanalog ue",
+ "Ġg sk",
+ "Ġcompl ained",
+ "Ġmyel omonocytic",
+ "Ġfluid s",
+ "Ġauth or",
+ "ke y",
+ "Ġreinf or",
+ "i est",
+ "t lr",
+ "Ġsc ott",
+ "Ġpl ot",
+ "Ġcap e",
+ "bm i",
+ "Ġfraction ated",
+ "Ġpneumonia e",
+ "Ġexpand ing",
+ "unc ulated",
+ "a fl",
+ "c yp",
+ "or ous",
+ "Ġst ump",
+ "oph thal",
+ "Ġmy oma",
+ "10 4",
+ "Ġdec om",
+ "Ġdr iving",
+ "the rapy",
+ "Ġtransfer red",
+ "Ġren der",
+ "Ġerr ors",
+ "ic ide",
+ "ut ely",
+ "Ġv iii",
+ "Ġbe gan",
+ "Ġintra osseous",
+ "Ġadminist rated",
+ "Ġfraction ation",
+ "Ġnut r",
+ "Ġconjug ated",
+ "b rown",
+ "it ting",
+ "am eric",
+ "Ġr ut",
+ "Ġwh y",
+ "Ġdevelop ments",
+ "Ġonc ocytoma",
+ "romat ous",
+ "b ed",
+ "l b",
+ "Ġm pn",
+ "Ġv erm",
+ "Ġpre neoplastic",
+ "ps ma",
+ "d x",
+ "Ġinapp ropri",
+ "am b",
+ "Ġcycl ic",
+ "Ġpal sy",
+ "Ġe ae",
+ "iv irus",
+ "Ġsl ns",
+ "18 1",
+ "Ġindist inct",
+ "g st",
+ "Ġindex es",
+ "Ġspect roscopic",
+ "Ġperme ation",
+ "Ġhydrox y",
+ "Ġdiscord ant",
+ "|> ]:",
+ "Ġvac cinated",
+ "Ġglom us",
+ "Ġh nc",
+ "um atic",
+ "Ġant id",
+ "Ġfl t",
+ "ov es",
+ "Ġdev oid",
+ "Ġpsori asiform",
+ "arenchym al",
+ "is o",
+ "Ġpar ap",
+ "ĠÎ ²",
+ "Ġoligodendrogl ioma",
+ "Ġtatt oo",
+ "h fs",
+ "Ġc anth",
+ "ul o",
+ "Ġ19 87",
+ "Ġur ic",
+ "Ġphot o",
+ "Ġ( âĢ",
+ "Ġma xim",
+ "Ġur tic",
+ "h ot",
+ "Ġinf ective",
+ "Ġins erted",
+ "Ġtra mp",
+ "ld h",
+ "Ġfract ures",
+ "Ġsubdiv ided",
+ "Ġt z",
+ "Ġm ms",
+ "Ġg ol",
+ "Ġconfirm atory",
+ "Ġtend olig",
+ "Ġhaem angi",
+ "Ġassum ed",
+ "e ph",
+ "t f",
+ "upt ions",
+ "p ican",
+ "Ġin effective",
+ "Ġche wing",
+ "Ġip mns",
+ "Ġincorpor ating",
+ "Ġdisc ern",
+ "aqu e",
+ "Ġtet rachlor",
+ "Ġswit ch",
+ "Ġw av",
+ "im idine",
+ "Ġapp ly",
+ "Ġadult hood",
+ "Ġavoid ed",
+ "Ġepididym al",
+ "Ġstabil ization",
+ "k es",
+ "ment ioned",
+ "Ġangi olipoma",
+ "Ġatt ack",
+ "Ġgy naec",
+ "ul ose",
+ "Ġstud ent",
+ "hem ia",
+ "spec imens",
+ "Ġpq ri",
+ "Ġop acity",
+ "Ġgonad s",
+ "ster oidal",
+ "Ġanch or",
+ "Ġf arm",
+ "Ġhem icol",
+ "Ġlo os",
+ "Ġfad u",
+ "Ġc ga",
+ "Ġhyp erv",
+ "Ġfollow up",
+ "13 9",
+ "az one",
+ "Ġdeline ate",
+ "Ġinfra red",
+ "Ġserot onin",
+ "Ġtendolig amentous",
+ "Ġpl ates",
+ "Ġabnormal ly",
+ "ew ise",
+ "ace ae",
+ "-- >",
+ "Ġhil um",
+ "Ġcaut ery",
+ "0 31",
+ "Ġev olved",
+ "Ġac uity",
+ "Ġout put",
+ "Ġoste oblastic",
+ "rep res",
+ "Ġallevi ate",
+ "promot ing",
+ "Ġperiton itis",
+ "s kin",
+ "Ġv a",
+ "ast er",
+ "Ġher n",
+ "Ġsinus oids",
+ "Ġgly pican",
+ "Ġo st",
+ "ot ypic",
+ "Ġret ain",
+ "Ġadv ancing",
+ "Ġaspir ates",
+ "Ġbronch oscopic",
+ "in osa",
+ "Ġp ep",
+ "Ġin herent",
+ "Ġpar aspinal",
+ "Ġant ire",
+ "Ġlik ewise",
+ "Ġenc aps",
+ "Ġs ick",
+ "Ġperi ampullary",
+ "Ġprec eding",
+ "ronch iolar",
+ "Ġethn icity",
+ "Ġont ology",
+ "pat hetic",
+ "dip henyl",
+ "Ġp ter",
+ "Ġg ep",
+ "if iable",
+ "Ġr ip",
+ "omat er",
+ "eg g",
+ "Ġphys iology",
+ "Ġconv inc",
+ "h oracic",
+ "an ib",
+ "ver tebral",
+ "Ġlow ell",
+ "av id",
+ "Ġid c",
+ "Ġfast ing",
+ "Ġclon ogenic",
+ "Ġmeaning ful",
+ "at is",
+ "rot um",
+ "Ġcompet ing",
+ "embran ous",
+ "0 49",
+ "y a",
+ "Ġo me",
+ "Ġl id",
+ "igm a",
+ "Ġcres cent",
+ "Ġhypergran ulosis",
+ "Ġag n",
+ "Ġconf usion",
+ "Ġrep ression",
+ "administ ration",
+ "com plet",
+ "rop od",
+ "Ġcholesterol osis",
+ "gene ic",
+ "Ġaspergill osis",
+ "Ġthe ory",
+ "Ġde brid",
+ "Ġgroup ing",
+ "cr p",
+ "Ġmat rigel",
+ "Ġfound ation",
+ "Ġher b",
+ "arm ine",
+ "Ġstor iform",
+ "Ġpack ed",
+ "v ac",
+ "on ectin",
+ "ion ine",
+ "Ġat c",
+ "Ġsub pleural",
+ "Ġop posed",
+ "Ġpap ule",
+ "fn ac",
+ "s olid",
+ "Ġb ot",
+ "Ġfo rest",
+ "Ġgranul ocyte",
+ "rophil ic",
+ "Ġcry otherapy",
+ "Ġs orafenib",
+ "Ġe ph",
+ "Ġg om",
+ "Ġprog ressing",
+ "Ġprov isional",
+ "ici ents",
+ "Ġchol ine",
+ "Ġsw iss",
+ "Ġalk al",
+ "smok ing",
+ "diff use",
+ "Ġconflic ting",
+ "in ase",
+ "Ġs ft",
+ "Ġco hesive",
+ "Ġaneurys mal",
+ "Ġphyt ochemical",
+ "Ġfair ly",
+ "Ġneigh bor",
+ "transf ected",
+ "ch y",
+ "Ġmuc ic",
+ "Ġes cs",
+ "Ġtest icle",
+ "Ġprecis ely",
+ "Ġophthal mic",
+ "Ġsq cc",
+ "Ġspr ue",
+ "0 30",
+ "Ġbr igh",
+ "Ġtubul oreticular",
+ "Ġtranspor ters",
+ "Ġnsa id",
+ "ira ble",
+ "al so",
+ "Ġsuggest ion",
+ "Ġman aging",
+ "19 6",
+ "Ġct c",
+ "Ġsept ae",
+ "Ġsle ep",
+ "Ġspot ty",
+ "Ġanx iety",
+ "10 8",
+ "Ġinit iating",
+ "Ġpsamm oma",
+ "ent eric",
+ "oc entric",
+ "Ġab ut",
+ "Ġmult is",
+ "Ġmm c",
+ "Ġplacent as",
+ "Ġpil ocytic",
+ "Ġdistort ed",
+ "Ġkore a",
+ "Ġstra ight",
+ "n ers",
+ "Ġr ub",
+ "yst olic",
+ "Ġradi omic",
+ "Ġpost ulated",
+ "Ġheal ed",
+ "Ġload ing",
+ "Ġpil omat",
+ "Ġleptomening eal",
+ "a verage",
+ "Ġs qu",
+ "Ġb ig",
+ "Ġpro ct",
+ "ock ing",
+ "pat ients",
+ "Ġt ill",
+ "Ġant ine",
+ "Ġfil ter",
+ "Ġavoid ing",
+ "c arcin",
+ "g em",
+ "20 4",
+ "mm r",
+ "Ġana est",
+ "Ġabr uption",
+ "Ġpharm aceutical",
+ "Ġdelt anp",
+ "Ġn ci",
+ "Ġcat ar",
+ "Ġmt dna",
+ "Ġsufficient ly",
+ "Ġfluor odeoxyglucose",
+ "Ġbrom ide",
+ "Ġtranst horacic",
+ "d wi",
+ "Ġbu ild",
+ "lar ge",
+ "Ġsalmon ella",
+ "m x",
+ "an i",
+ "id azole",
+ "Ġsyn geneic",
+ "Ġimp et",
+ "Ġ19 86",
+ "rop yl",
+ "Ġfn ab",
+ "Ġsupra glottic",
+ "Ġtetrachlor ide",
+ "st aged",
+ "sh ot",
+ "f ol",
+ "g bm",
+ "ph ot",
+ "Ġk ing",
+ "Ġcoll ections",
+ "Ġamyl ase",
+ "b il",
+ "g akary",
+ "Ġ ;",
+ "Ġr ational",
+ "Ġmultil ocular",
+ "Ġhypoth al",
+ "Ġconsolid ation",
+ "us itis",
+ "Ġst ern",
+ "Ġintra dural",
+ "Ġsens or",
+ "Ġten osyn",
+ "Ġpool s",
+ "Ġcoeff icients",
+ "Ġkore an",
+ "ur onal",
+ "ad ow",
+ "Ġlam ell",
+ "Ġlayer ing",
+ "Ġdev ast",
+ "Ġplastic ity",
+ "dys plastic",
+ "ect asis",
+ "Ġhyp op",
+ "Ġcycl ind",
+ "Ġasbest os",
+ "Ġw at",
+ "Ġsim ulate",
+ "uv ate",
+ "Ġnic he",
+ "b urg",
+ "Ġl dl",
+ "Ġpre term",
+ "Ġplasm in",
+ "Ġsubch ronic",
+ "Ġdest ro",
+ "f ed",
+ "on ym",
+ "en zyme",
+ "Ġ12 8",
+ "Ġaer os",
+ "ign ificant",
+ "per ineural",
+ "eng ue",
+ "Ġmicron ucle",
+ "Ġgraf ting",
+ "Ġprofess ional",
+ "r c",
+ "ic l",
+ "Ġ[ <|",
+ "Ġvag ue",
+ "Ġling ual",
+ "Ġinit iate",
+ "ereb ral",
+ "04 7",
+ "Ġcont iguous",
+ "20 6",
+ "Ġleuk emic",
+ "Ġhnscc s",
+ "Ġham ster",
+ "i ar",
+ "Ġw art",
+ "op en",
+ "ev ulin",
+ "Ġag ree",
+ "Ġglyc ol",
+ "enh ancing",
+ "robl astoma",
+ "Ġnad h",
+ "end omet",
+ "Ġpar am",
+ "Ġtrans gene",
+ "plic ated",
+ "Ġdereg ulation",
+ "Ġmasp in",
+ "c annot",
+ "se er",
+ "Ġact ively",
+ "Ġdiss ections",
+ "Ġdermat ologists",
+ "Ġlys ozyme",
+ "Ġherpes virus",
+ "16 0",
+ "Ġpract ices",
+ "e gf",
+ "t oc",
+ "Ġt ca",
+ "Ġstrat ify",
+ "ĠÎ ±",
+ "Ġmucic armine",
+ "n am",
+ "Ġbreak s",
+ "Ġv o",
+ "Ġspec ify",
+ "ass ess",
+ "Ġme x",
+ "Ġkind s",
+ "cyst eine",
+ "Ġt cc",
+ "Ġcol ostomy",
+ "Ġprog est",
+ "dit ion",
+ "Ġinfarct ed",
+ "lipid emia",
+ "b w",
+ "l ong",
+ "l ength",
+ "ill s",
+ "Ġangi oma",
+ "Ġgre y",
+ "Ġint ended",
+ "ob arb",
+ "Ġhyp other",
+ "olum nar",
+ "Ġnecess ity",
+ "Ġengine ering",
+ "acon ess",
+ "d oc",
+ "ere n",
+ "ib ly",
+ "Ġper tin",
+ "Ġall ografts",
+ "14 8",
+ "17 7",
+ "Ġbr isk",
+ "az a",
+ "pol y",
+ "Ġl sil",
+ "il es",
+ "ap tic",
+ "Ġantib acterial",
+ "Ġsubt yping",
+ "Ġultrastructural ly",
+ "Ġdevast ating",
+ "m os",
+ "asp ase",
+ "Ġthorac otomy",
+ "Ġradiograph ically",
+ "Ġarth ropod",
+ "Ġproj ections",
+ "f raction",
+ "in us",
+ "Ġc ertified",
+ "Ġs str",
+ "Ġex change",
+ "Ġant iap",
+ "Ġmay o",
+ "Ġdeb ul",
+ "Ġnutr ition",
+ "Ġc fu",
+ "Ġwh il",
+ "ert inib",
+ "mal t",
+ "ling s",
+ "Ġanalog ues",
+ "Ġs an",
+ "ro ptosis",
+ "Ġind ustr",
+ "Ġar id",
+ "11 4",
+ "brid ge",
+ "Ġbroad ly",
+ "Ġrhin osin",
+ "Ġact ually",
+ "Ġmeth anol",
+ "04 6",
+ "Ġcam e",
+ "Ġpsori atic",
+ "l oh",
+ "p seud",
+ "Ġ ÃĹ",
+ "in ess",
+ "Ġe brt",
+ "ig l",
+ "ac at",
+ "Ġmic rol",
+ "Ġembol ism",
+ "Ġdra wn",
+ "f m",
+ "m orph",
+ "ast atic",
+ "Ġsp utum",
+ "Ġmuc ocele",
+ "omon as",
+ "Ġpharmacokin etics",
+ "Ġmicrograph ic",
+ "2 000",
+ "Ġpres erve",
+ "Ġdirect ion",
+ "Ġbeh ave",
+ "Ġhid raden",
+ "Ġwhil st",
+ "o encephal",
+ "Ġd uc",
+ "Ġt ach",
+ "Ġn ation",
+ "Ġn hl",
+ "le in",
+ "ign ment",
+ "Ġse eds",
+ "Ġde emed",
+ "Ġtrans rectal",
+ "Ġ12 4",
+ "Ġoste oma",
+ "Ġsperm atic",
+ "mc f",
+ "Ġpseudot umor",
+ "Ġhemicol ectomy",
+ "Ġr ituximab",
+ "Ġad duct",
+ "Ġcont em",
+ "Ġneuro genic",
+ "Ġhox a",
+ "iss ions",
+ "Ġrhinosin usitis",
+ "Ġintra oral",
+ "Ġcarcin omat",
+ "Ġdep ressed",
+ "Ġphosph olip",
+ "Ġmening eal",
+ "pres ent",
+ "m ale",
+ "Ġd engue",
+ "ad d",
+ "cis platin",
+ "Ġdys keratosis",
+ "Ġ12 7",
+ "Ġlip osomal",
+ "Ġso on",
+ "Ġgenot yped",
+ "rat entorial",
+ "Ġalph av",
+ "Ġch r",
+ "Ġch imeric",
+ "Ġse ek",
+ "Ġ12 6",
+ "lim ited",
+ "Ġearl iest",
+ "Ġech in",
+ "Ġperiap ical",
+ "sir na",
+ "Ġflavon oids",
+ "Ġconfound ing",
+ "Ġdebrid ement",
+ "Ġw ays",
+ "Ġ12 1",
+ "Ġfas cin",
+ "Ġtransd ucer",
+ "Ġradio iodine",
+ "Ġew sr",
+ "Ġspher ical",
+ "Ġconvinc ing",
+ "w d",
+ "Ġ %.",
+ "Ġp pi",
+ "Ġd aw",
+ "Ġto ok",
+ "st z",
+ "Ġun cinate",
+ "per form",
+ "Ġpancreat obiliary",
+ "Ġy ields",
+ "int imal",
+ "af il",
+ "Ġcure t",
+ "Ġh k",
+ "Ġst ably",
+ "Ġper il",
+ "Ġgen otoxic",
+ "Ġrelaps es",
+ "Ġvel oc",
+ "Ġcurv ature",
+ "Ġg cdfp",
+ "Ġno x",
+ "Ġst one",
+ "Ġmes enchym",
+ "Ġtriglycer ides",
+ "ocy an",
+ "Ġgang ren",
+ "i ers",
+ "Ġs as",
+ "Ġsc rotum",
+ "Ġinter ventional",
+ "Ġmult iforme",
+ "Ġpo ison",
+ "Ġlink age",
+ "overex p",
+ "Ġpertin ent",
+ "Ġc ushing",
+ "Ġr c",
+ "br isk",
+ "Ġpubl ication",
+ "ril s",
+ "Ġcochle ar",
+ "Ġgom ori",
+ "a ids",
+ "h h",
+ "an ium",
+ "Ġse eding",
+ "Ġde aconess",
+ "13 4",
+ "Ġprot o",
+ "Ġthin ning",
+ "oneph ric",
+ "l ands",
+ "Ġp ups",
+ "ar ginine",
+ "Ġv hl",
+ "Ġwe igh",
+ "Ġint ras",
+ "Ġnon alcoholic",
+ "int ing",
+ "Ġaut onomic",
+ "Ġped unculated",
+ "Ġnm ol",
+ "Ġependym omas",
+ "Ġ(âĢ ľ",
+ "Ġm ang",
+ "it um",
+ "Ġmet atypical",
+ "Ġde oxy",
+ "Ġcharacter izing",
+ "Ġmamm als",
+ "Ġmesang ium",
+ "1 12",
+ "Ġmolecular ly",
+ "Ġins ignificant",
+ "Ġnsa ids",
+ "Ġurach al",
+ "b as",
+ "t able",
+ "ly cemic",
+ "Ġdifferent ly",
+ "Ġmult ipot",
+ "Ġph il",
+ "viron ments",
+ "Ġdiscontinu ation",
+ "Ġco ad",
+ "Ġcoun s",
+ "Ġsubstit ution",
+ "Ġdereg ulated",
+ "Ġmod ify",
+ "Ġconstit uted",
+ "Ġfeed back",
+ "t nm",
+ "Ġl ag",
+ "Ġlymph oepithelial",
+ "Ġfract ional",
+ "dl bcl",
+ "Ġmot ion",
+ "Ġradios ensit",
+ "Ġfab ric",
+ "er ia",
+ "Ġf v",
+ "na il",
+ "Ġtraum atized",
+ "l act",
+ "p ur",
+ "Ġh nf",
+ "am en",
+ "opath ologic",
+ "ak i",
+ "Ġfac ility",
+ "Ġaneupl oidy",
+ "d ec",
+ "j o",
+ "Ġfibro fatty",
+ "Ġsegment ectomy",
+ "Ġï¬ Ī",
+ "Ġchron ically",
+ "Ġn ame",
+ "Ġsh af",
+ "Ġk yse",
+ "ch ond",
+ "Ġapp ar",
+ "Ġintra vit",
+ "Ġfail ures",
+ "Ġsilic one",
+ "im rt",
+ "Ġun classified",
+ "Ġ12 2",
+ "Ġbiom ed",
+ "Ġenabl ing",
+ "Ġfulf illed",
+ "Ġdisorgan ization",
+ "Ġalve oli",
+ "ic ans",
+ "Ġpap an",
+ "mod ulated",
+ "Ġdiscrep ancy",
+ "d ia",
+ "al in",
+ "Ġthe oret",
+ "Ġevalu ates",
+ "Ġj ux",
+ "Ġcr is",
+ "2 10",
+ "Ġpath ogenetic",
+ "Ġj m",
+ "19 5",
+ "Ġoxid ant",
+ "Ġchromoph obe",
+ "Ġobj ect",
+ "rop ic",
+ "Ġapplic ability",
+ "Ġsplic e",
+ "Ġbrief ly",
+ "Ġff pe",
+ "icola ou",
+ "Ġin activated",
+ "oma in",
+ "Ġsc ann",
+ "Ġj ug",
+ "Ġsitu ations",
+ "Ġthreshold s",
+ "sel ected",
+ "Ġresc ue",
+ "Ġexplan ation",
+ "el ast",
+ "Ġe ts",
+ "id ia",
+ "Ġv ii",
+ "20 3",
+ "Ġnew er",
+ "04 3",
+ "Ġster ile",
+ "Ġleishman ia",
+ "Ġbrigh am",
+ "Ġt ens",
+ "il ized",
+ "st rong",
+ "Ġhepat oid",
+ "Ġthym omas",
+ "Ġaltern atively",
+ "acchar ides",
+ "Ġt andem",
+ "Ġcal ves",
+ "14 1",
+ "Ġcov ari",
+ "Ġcort isol",
+ "Ġtyp ing",
+ "Ġsecret ions",
+ "Ġlang uage",
+ "nit ro",
+ "Ġpitfall s",
+ "Ġd b",
+ "im ertinib",
+ "Ġmy ogenic",
+ "Ġimp ly",
+ "Ġinvestig ates",
+ "Ġp urs",
+ "Ġb id",
+ "act ion",
+ "Ġcol o",
+ "ici encies",
+ "04 1",
+ "Ġneu rom",
+ "Ġparal ysis",
+ "Ġ( +)",
+ "Ġnormal ization",
+ "Ġchem ically",
+ "Ġcorrect ed",
+ "aminop hen",
+ "Ġm os",
+ "Ġv c",
+ "Ġdiff ering",
+ "Ġrep ressed",
+ "ov ir",
+ "04 2",
+ "Ġphot ore",
+ "ores istant",
+ "Ġequ ine",
+ "Ġantic oag",
+ "b urn",
+ "f v",
+ "Ġmet als",
+ "11 8",
+ "Ġop erator",
+ "sc re",
+ "Ġref erences",
+ "Ġaer ug",
+ "m id",
+ "p da",
+ "Ġw orm",
+ "Ġr iver",
+ "Ġmy ot",
+ "Ġprim aries",
+ "Ġ13 5",
+ "Ġpa i",
+ "Ġic d",
+ "Ġmicroangi opathy",
+ "al bumin",
+ "Ġf c",
+ "Ġsubstr ates",
+ "Ġpunct ure",
+ "oglyc an",
+ "Ġunexpl ained",
+ "Ġban ff",
+ "il ty",
+ "le uk",
+ "ip ation",
+ "Ġc ere",
+ "Ġsh unt",
+ "Ġhist ogram",
+ "Ġpig lets",
+ "Ġt ro",
+ "Ġc hel",
+ "Ġsl ices",
+ "Ġkerat itis",
+ "Ġtun ica",
+ "character ized",
+ "Ġappar atus",
+ "Ġd an",
+ "Ġv ater",
+ "Ġencephal opathy",
+ "Ġintran uclear",
+ "j d",
+ "er us",
+ "Ġpre existing",
+ "Ġmult ilineage",
+ "Ġclear ing",
+ "Ġaccum ulating",
+ "Ġhaemat oxylin",
+ "Ġion izing",
+ "ist ein",
+ "ogen ital",
+ "Ġhem angioendothelioma",
+ "Ġz nf",
+ "ores cent",
+ "14 2",
+ "Ġprec on",
+ "Ġaberrant ly",
+ "Ġdivertic ulitis",
+ "Ġlymphangi oma",
+ "Ġmanip ulation",
+ "Ġaerug inosa",
+ "g ms",
+ "m ug",
+ "Ġper oxide",
+ "Ġpd l",
+ "omer ic",
+ "Ġmultif act",
+ "Ġcomprom ise",
+ "Ġhemat ogenous",
+ "inter quartile",
+ "Ġfacilit ating",
+ "Ġchemos ensitivity",
+ "ch all",
+ "ne ut",
+ "aw a",
+ "Ġanomal y",
+ "Ġmy d",
+ "cd d",
+ "Ġcontrib ut",
+ "inf ect",
+ "Ġmineral ization",
+ "' .",
+ "Ġ Â",
+ "ys es",
+ "Ġbl ist",
+ "Ġnum er",
+ "int ra",
+ "Ġos imertinib",
+ "Ġirregular ity",
+ "Ġrest s",
+ "Ġear s",
+ "duoden al",
+ "Ġcyl ind",
+ "it c",
+ "Ġd as",
+ "Ġat opic",
+ "Ġdet ox",
+ "Ġanti angiogenic",
+ "target ing",
+ "b and",
+ "k er",
+ "Ġendoc apillary",
+ "Ġrecogn izing",
+ "dependent ly",
+ "Ġdepend ence",
+ "Ġmob ile",
+ "Ġdext ran",
+ "Ġin gre",
+ "uc l",
+ "ib us",
+ "Ġintra dermal",
+ "pat tern",
+ "Ġcorne as",
+ "Ġdeline ation",
+ "Ġtac rolimus",
+ "t un",
+ "Ġf h",
+ "est radiol",
+ "Ġlob ation",
+ "Ġexper ts",
+ "Ġvisual ize",
+ "Ġg rp",
+ "Ġbi ocompatibility",
+ "Ġmy ocytes",
+ "Ġreact ivation",
+ "Ġprec eded",
+ "Ġu ip",
+ "Ġtransm itted",
+ "Ġhistor ically",
+ "ometh acin",
+ "Ġimmortal ized",
+ "Ġpapan icolaou",
+ "Ġp ect",
+ "Ġnon et",
+ "ok e",
+ "Ġrout es",
+ "osom iasis",
+ "Ġhydro cephal",
+ "Ġfolfir inox",
+ "Ġomn ibus",
+ "n lr",
+ "t umoral",
+ "Ġd ap",
+ "Ġcor neum",
+ "Ġep o",
+ "arch itect",
+ "Ġneph ron",
+ "Ġopportun istic",
+ "Ġagon ists",
+ ") ].",
+ "Ġan ca",
+ "Ġcol ocal",
+ "Ġrel ate",
+ "ov orin",
+ "Ġsol utions",
+ "Ġintrac apillary",
+ "mark et",
+ "Ġperib ronchiolar",
+ "Ġfiltr ation",
+ "s ln",
+ "Ġp bs",
+ "ur ity",
+ "st ra",
+ "Ġar row",
+ "Ġtr yp",
+ "Ġz ym",
+ "Ġpi ece",
+ "Ġgst m",
+ "Ġpredn isone",
+ "Ġperox is",
+ "Ġanalyt ical",
+ "s ent",
+ "Ġres erv",
+ "Ġi at",
+ "Ġpart ners",
+ "Ġemb oli",
+ "nex al",
+ "Ġrevers al",
+ "Ġcatal ytic",
+ "Ġex ha",
+ "Ġk im",
+ "Ġer beta",
+ "Ġcoll aps",
+ "Ġpract ition",
+ "Ġfluores cein",
+ "Ġven om",
+ "Ġshed ding",
+ "Ġantiap optotic",
+ "g px",
+ "Ġs ystolic",
+ "ap es",
+ "Ġsurvival s",
+ "Ġmy ogenin",
+ "ord ered",
+ "Ġaut ocrine",
+ "Ġexpl oring",
+ "otid yl",
+ "Ġbul k",
+ "Ġadjunct ive",
+ "Ġtris omy",
+ "t ures",
+ "ok ing",
+ "path ologic",
+ "Ġexceptional ly",
+ "Ġsphen oid",
+ "Ġinf und",
+ "12 1",
+ "Ġorigin s",
+ "Ġinterv ening",
+ "Ġnarrow ing",
+ "Ġamen able",
+ "Ġalc ian",
+ "nr f",
+ "Ġd g",
+ "Ġl aw",
+ "Ġcan onical",
+ "Ġprognostic ation",
+ "Ġopportun ities",
+ "Ġome ga",
+ "Ġnonet heless",
+ "b red",
+ "os f",
+ "Ġg ins",
+ "Ġinf est",
+ "Ġcont our",
+ "are a",
+ "Ġhyper intense",
+ "Ġneuro epithelial",
+ "ercul osis",
+ "Ġprote asome",
+ "ln crna",
+ "Ġinappropri ate",
+ "n ab",
+ "p rot",
+ "Ġre h",
+ "Ġg er",
+ "Ġdim ethyl",
+ "17 4",
+ "Ġconcomitant ly",
+ "Ġgf p",
+ "f in",
+ "ur idine",
+ "Ġpro mon",
+ "Ġrest ore",
+ "Ġaccum ulate",
+ "Ġln r",
+ "mus cle",
+ "Ġreflect ance",
+ "Ġc ps",
+ "Ġl ll",
+ "qu ality",
+ "Ġx rcc",
+ "Ġsequ est",
+ "Ġc ity",
+ "Ġh amp",
+ "Ġun ion",
+ "Ġlum ina",
+ "Ġ $",
+ "Ġs olv",
+ "if or",
+ "Ġsp or",
+ "Ġimpact ed",
+ "Ġesophagog ast",
+ "Ġp ull",
+ "Ġlip of",
+ "oz oa",
+ "Ġhair y",
+ "Ġacet aminophen",
+ "Ġinnov ative",
+ "complet e",
+ "Ġb ag",
+ "Ġdef erent",
+ "ott is",
+ "Ġtight ly",
+ "Ġsed iment",
+ "4 60",
+ "ig ibility",
+ "Ġmod ulates",
+ "Ġcyt opathology",
+ "Ġgo ats",
+ "Ġangiomy olipoma",
+ "n pv",
+ "Ġst s",
+ "Ġdi ploid",
+ "th is",
+ "Ġph leb",
+ "Ġampl ifications",
+ "Ġintrat ubular",
+ "Ġcoron avirus",
+ "Ġwors ened",
+ "evalu ated",
+ "Ġm erc",
+ "Ġw oven",
+ "op us",
+ "ap ter",
+ "rap eutic",
+ "Ġreg ressed",
+ "Ġclinic s",
+ "Ġacqu ire",
+ "Ġproblem atic",
+ "Ġar rhyth",
+ "Ġlif est",
+ "Ġconsec utively",
+ "Ġadrenal ectomy",
+ "ud i",
+ "Ġle afl",
+ "19 9",
+ "vers ely",
+ "Ġregen erating",
+ "Ġsilic o",
+ "Ġfenest rations",
+ "Ġg bc",
+ "oc arcinomas",
+ "Ġcar ina",
+ "Ġ13 2",
+ "Ġparagangl iomas",
+ "Ġmicrodiss ection",
+ "8 00",
+ "h an",
+ "m hc",
+ "Ġhe n",
+ "Ġmar ine",
+ "Ġab use",
+ "Ġprolif erate",
+ "Ġhepat obiliary",
+ "Ġmast ocytosis",
+ "Ġmetastas izing",
+ "Ġoxal ate",
+ "es c",
+ "ul ators",
+ "st able",
+ "Ġdet r",
+ "hes da",
+ "Ġdiver gent",
+ "n gs",
+ "r f",
+ "in ce",
+ "Ġres olve",
+ "Ġnot ice",
+ "Ġgen istein",
+ "Ġtrans vaginal",
+ "Ġabl ative",
+ "Ġcalib ration",
+ "Ġclum ped",
+ "Ġpleur itis",
+ "Ġch ip",
+ "Ġcl ia",
+ "Ġgen erating",
+ "echan ical",
+ "Ġbec lin",
+ "ick ing",
+ "Ġtransplant s",
+ "Ġhr s",
+ "bar s",
+ "Ġsat b",
+ "n qo",
+ "Ġs brt",
+ "Ġe e",
+ "Ġnot ified",
+ "Ġen rol",
+ "Ġsec rete",
+ "Ġneuro degeneration",
+ "Ġdel ays",
+ "Ġamp k",
+ "Ġdiscontinu ed",
+ "Ġdaw ley",
+ "Ġfor ced",
+ "Ġr ural",
+ "Ġbil ob",
+ "2 25",
+ "Ġx y",
+ "Ġct n",
+ "cv id",
+ "t of",
+ "Ġd osed",
+ "Ġe ca",
+ "os oma",
+ "id us",
+ "ur in",
+ "pl asty",
+ "ost e",
+ "Ġind omethacin",
+ "Ġfre n",
+ "Ġmin i",
+ "ax ial",
+ "Ġpemphig oid",
+ "sent inel",
+ "ic ine",
+ "Ġrec on",
+ "Ġlat est",
+ "Ġhal o",
+ "sr c",
+ "Ġtam s",
+ "Ġdra w",
+ "Ġmonol ayer",
+ "Ġgangli ogl",
+ "2 23",
+ "s al",
+ "s im",
+ "Ġintra v",
+ "Ġoverl oad",
+ "Ġparac rine",
+ "a jcc",
+ "p ancreatic",
+ "Ġn cs",
+ "Ġv iol",
+ "pl ed",
+ "Ġat ra",
+ "Ġneuro imaging",
+ "ish ing",
+ "11 9",
+ "hc g",
+ "Ġip s",
+ "Ġdepic ted",
+ "o form",
+ "t am",
+ "ter al",
+ "ib ul",
+ "Ġclass ifying",
+ "Ġaqu atic",
+ "phil is",
+ "d ifferent",
+ "n h",
+ "in fer",
+ "ub ation",
+ "ling ton",
+ "Ġcuret ting",
+ "Ġdeferent ia",
+ "ical s",
+ "Ġde acetyl",
+ "Ġcent rocytes",
+ "Ġpn et",
+ "Ġeth m",
+ "Ġcomprehens ively",
+ "Ġoptim ization",
+ "Ġnaev i",
+ "Ġf ert",
+ "Ġn crt",
+ "Ġh op",
+ "Ġde oxynucle",
+ "Ġmorph ogenesis",
+ "14 4",
+ "pc na",
+ "Ġexpans ile",
+ "Ġplasmin ogen",
+ "Ġcontem por",
+ "Ġa ver",
+ "ol imus",
+ "Ġdiagn ostically",
+ "Ġ24 0",
+ "Ġmesothel iomas",
+ "Ġconv en",
+ "otrans plant",
+ "ot ene",
+ "Ġaden omatoid",
+ "Ġmast itis",
+ "Ġhyal uron",
+ "Ġmt v",
+ "Ġselect ivity",
+ "Ġstriking ly",
+ "Ġsph ing",
+ "on ge",
+ "ist ine",
+ "am ol",
+ "yl ase",
+ "Ġhas himoto",
+ "fact or",
+ "Ġread er",
+ "Ġdop amine",
+ "het ized",
+ "Ġintens ities",
+ "Ġsul ph",
+ "r n",
+ "s ing",
+ "Ġb s",
+ "Ġpers ists",
+ "Ġcontamin ated",
+ "Ġsar ah",
+ "). .",
+ "Ġpol ic",
+ "Ġhyper keratotic",
+ "elv es",
+ "Ġprostat itis",
+ "Ġelimin ated",
+ "Ġhierarch ical",
+ "b ox",
+ "in osis",
+ "at ric",
+ "Ġh plc",
+ "ot emporal",
+ "Ġcoll ision",
+ "Ġped icle",
+ "Ġtons ill",
+ "Ġurgent ly",
+ "Ġfores kin",
+ "Ġth ous",
+ "Ġth reat",
+ "amin es",
+ "of en",
+ "Ġgonad otropin",
+ "Ġdiar rh",
+ "Ġinher it",
+ "Ġflavon oid",
+ "Ġaneupl oid",
+ "e bp",
+ "g erd",
+ "Ġsub epidermal",
+ "Ġinter view",
+ "13 6",
+ "Ġsun itinib",
+ "Ġchl amy",
+ "Ġs ides",
+ "Ġm if",
+ "ar th",
+ "Ġl ysis",
+ "od ium",
+ "Ġbilateral ly",
+ "Ġnecro inflammatory",
+ "Ġresour ces",
+ "l eth",
+ "Ġa est",
+ "er in",
+ "Ġm ca",
+ "Ġan ova",
+ "ig erous",
+ "Ġconf ers",
+ "Ġgran zyme",
+ "Ġinteg rins",
+ "Ġmetric s",
+ "Ġmultifact orial",
+ "b el",
+ "h om",
+ "u ated",
+ "Ġm cd",
+ "Ġg tp",
+ "Ġpre natal",
+ "Ġass isted",
+ "Ġ 000",
+ "om otor",
+ "Ġnon tumor",
+ "Ġvar ic",
+ "Ġgerm any",
+ "Ġdilem ma",
+ "Ġdecom pression",
+ "Ġ ild",
+ "de pth",
+ "Ġy es",
+ "omic roscopy",
+ "Ġcarcinomat umor",
+ "Ġhydrocephal us",
+ "y rate",
+ "Ġt x",
+ "ur onic",
+ "ch id",
+ "Ġgranul ocytic",
+ "Ġalb icans",
+ "Ġlnc ap",
+ "j i",
+ "cl s",
+ "Ġk rt",
+ "ex per",
+ "Ġsinus itis",
+ "Ġinteract ing",
+ "Ġsil ica",
+ "Ġcytos olic",
+ "aglob in",
+ "b ur",
+ "Ġc ia",
+ "Ġd ocking",
+ "Ġse ason",
+ "hel l",
+ "Ġrep et",
+ "Ġconc ur",
+ "hist ological",
+ "Ġcrani opharyng",
+ "Ġf k",
+ "ac ia",
+ "Ġinter r",
+ "12 8",
+ "15 1",
+ "Ġcircum st",
+ "Ġneon ates",
+ "americ an",
+ "Ġhyperv ascular",
+ "Ġt ma",
+ "he y",
+ "Ġan xa",
+ "Ġbre ed",
+ "Ġdys keratotic",
+ "Ġer oded",
+ "af s",
+ "Ġconcept s",
+ "mar gin",
+ "Ġtreg s",
+ "atp ase",
+ "Ġharm ful",
+ "ud ing",
+ "Ġpos es",
+ "Ġconcent ric",
+ "pe pt",
+ "Ġdispl acement",
+ "Ġscenari o",
+ "Ġeyeb row",
+ "Ġb un",
+ "Ġclinical trials",
+ "Ġct dna",
+ "me as",
+ "sc an",
+ "Ġexist ed",
+ "Ġclon ed",
+ "a emic",
+ "s ulf",
+ "Ġint ention",
+ "orph yrin",
+ "Ġendoc rin",
+ "Ġsitu ated",
+ "Ġelect roc",
+ "Ġwork ers",
+ "Ġdelet ed",
+ "Ġintest ines",
+ "Ġpancyt okeratin",
+ "Ġunexpected ly",
+ "m as",
+ "Ġg pc",
+ "Ġval ves",
+ "inc hester",
+ "Ġturn over",
+ "Ġjud ged",
+ "ar inal",
+ "Ġ1 53",
+ "Ġpl ans",
+ "Ġder ive",
+ "ward s",
+ "Ġbor n",
+ "l abel",
+ "Ġd ur",
+ "Ġpres erving",
+ "Ġfail s",
+ "mic ro",
+ "Ġhypoth yroidism",
+ "Ġthe ms",
+ "Ġk d",
+ "Ġar res",
+ "Ġup front",
+ "opo ietic",
+ "Ġpneum othorax",
+ "Ġeth anolic",
+ "Ġflex ible",
+ "Ġjohn stone",
+ "Ġnation wide",
+ "es d",
+ "Ġb ever",
+ "Ġinflamm asome",
+ "Ġhospital ized",
+ "k al",
+ "s clerotic",
+ "Ġr g",
+ "od on",
+ "Ġro se",
+ "Ġmes onephric",
+ "ref ractory",
+ "Ġobsc ure",
+ "Ġthems elves",
+ "Ġ )-",
+ "Ġt io",
+ "Ġm ad",
+ "os up",
+ "Ġr ms",
+ "ir radiated",
+ "Ġinf er",
+ "Ġar r",
+ "Ġdermat ologic",
+ "Ġshort ening",
+ "Ġcam bridge",
+ "Ġtrigg ers",
+ "Ġm osa",
+ "or um",
+ "Ġad h",
+ "Ġcl am",
+ "are an",
+ "Ġtra ff",
+ "cont inu",
+ "function ing",
+ "Ġbur lington",
+ "Ġcreat ing",
+ "Ġmycobacter ia",
+ "Ġsub f",
+ "Ġsub class",
+ "ob ox",
+ "Ġmulti pl",
+ "Ġoccup ying",
+ "Ġemphas ized",
+ "ofl av",
+ "Ġtang ential",
+ "arach noid",
+ "Ġpyel onephritis",
+ "j unct",
+ "l g",
+ "en ol",
+ "ass o",
+ "Ġsl ug",
+ "Ġ13 6",
+ "Ġimmunop ositivity",
+ "Ġfibrin oid",
+ "Ġded icated",
+ "with out",
+ "Ġhapl otype",
+ "Ġsmarc a",
+ "Ġcapillar itis",
+ "if tp",
+ "ce ived",
+ "16 5",
+ "Ġsection ed",
+ "000 3",
+ "Ġfav ors",
+ "Ġmamm aglobin",
+ "Ġfamil iar",
+ "Ġaeros ol",
+ "Ġp and",
+ "Ġg or",
+ "Ġhelp ed",
+ "Ġantioxid ative",
+ "Ġsil ent",
+ "Ġintrap ulmonary",
+ "Ġperfor ated",
+ "sk y",
+ "Ġoblit erative",
+ "Ġspe ech",
+ "l iver",
+ "Ġc ip",
+ "Ġs gc",
+ "Ġw inchester",
+ "Ġco il",
+ "Ġun controlled",
+ "bl ind",
+ "cd k",
+ "Ġeg d",
+ "Ġhydro chlor",
+ "Ġtrypt ase",
+ "rath oracic",
+ "Ġaccompl ished",
+ "Ġc ros",
+ "Ġst ones",
+ "Ġendoc ardial",
+ "ins ulin",
+ "Ġpap ers",
+ "Ġadip onectin",
+ "Ġstrept ococcus",
+ "Ġbelong s",
+ "Ġreconstruct ive",
+ "Ġsmarc b",
+ "surv ival",
+ "Ġf anc",
+ "Ġperi ocular",
+ "Ġmamm ographic",
+ "Ġepis ode",
+ "Ġcatar act",
+ "Ġiat rogenic",
+ "s en",
+ "Ġp estic",
+ "ol ine",
+ "res istance",
+ "Ġdys plasias",
+ "Ġdermat opath",
+ "Ġhemorrh ages",
+ "Ġdebul king",
+ "infect ious",
+ "infer ior",
+ "a is",
+ "Ġth r",
+ "Ġpurp ura",
+ "Ġpy ram",
+ "Ġg et",
+ "00 00",
+ "Ġcyst oscopy",
+ "bor ne",
+ "Ġspecial ist",
+ "Ġdent igerous",
+ "Ġanchor age",
+ "Ġn ether",
+ "Ġg go",
+ "Ġ14 5",
+ "Ġ13 3",
+ "ole iomy",
+ "ld l",
+ "Ġpharmac ologic",
+ "s nps",
+ "Ġst atic",
+ "Ġr rna",
+ "Ġnon metastatic",
+ "Ġcent ri",
+ "Ġz o",
+ "Ġmetabol omics",
+ "Ġangi ofibroma",
+ "zen e",
+ "Ġfresh ly",
+ "Ġexplant ed",
+ "s as",
+ "Ġb ad",
+ "an ia",
+ "ip ient",
+ "Ġpre ferential",
+ "Ġmult ist",
+ "val id",
+ "rh pv",
+ "Ġregist ries",
+ "Ġgynec ol",
+ "sel ective",
+ "Ġgluc agon",
+ "Ġpolype ptide",
+ "f requency",
+ "Ġcl p",
+ "Ġpl ga",
+ "ak ed",
+ "Ġprov ince",
+ "acent al",
+ "Ġ14 4",
+ "Ġimpet ig",
+ "Ġlifest yle",
+ "at arsal",
+ "est icular",
+ "Ġpl ain",
+ "Ġappro xim",
+ "Ġprec ip",
+ "Ġbul ky",
+ "Ġregist er",
+ "Ġther m",
+ "d ense",
+ "Ġmm hg",
+ "Ġir f",
+ "Ġb fgf",
+ "Ġbet hesda",
+ "Ġimp oss",
+ "Ġtherap eut",
+ "Ġu a",
+ "Ġrequire ments",
+ "Ġmicrobi ologic",
+ "Ġemp ir",
+ "Ġd ialysis",
+ "ob s",
+ "15 7",
+ "Ġvir ulent",
+ "Ġge ographical",
+ "cir c",
+ "Ġstran ds",
+ "dition ing",
+ "leth al",
+ "Ġc ow",
+ "Ġst alk",
+ "Ġreview ing",
+ "Ġseg reg",
+ "sil on",
+ "Ġt pa",
+ "Ġan ogenital",
+ "Ġsm o",
+ "oscop ically",
+ "Ġaccess ible",
+ "de g",
+ "oph ages",
+ "Ġradi oresistance",
+ "cyt okeratin",
+ "Ġdigest ion",
+ "j e",
+ "ar iably",
+ "am a",
+ "Ġtr ypsin",
+ "Ġhp fs",
+ "Ġmicrobi ome",
+ "Ġlute in",
+ "Ġbronchi olar",
+ "Ġsocio economic",
+ "Ġ ?",
+ "on ial",
+ "Ġo ophorectomy",
+ "Ġm th",
+ "Ġh cg",
+ "rom atic",
+ "Ġpr ion",
+ "Ġme at",
+ "Ġantic ip",
+ "Ġprogress es",
+ "b ul",
+ "he ter",
+ "om uc",
+ "Ġh i",
+ "agn etic",
+ "Ġph arynx",
+ "reg ulates",
+ "Ġcy an",
+ "Ġoct reotide",
+ "Ġcad a",
+ "Ġmicrosp heres",
+ "Ġrec over",
+ "Ġeff aced",
+ "Ġrare r",
+ "Ġthor ax",
+ "Ġregular ly",
+ "Ġschist osomiasis",
+ "Ġdiarrh oea",
+ "p rotective",
+ "Ġt iter",
+ "Ġb inary",
+ "Ġad apted",
+ "Ġpar v",
+ "Ġbacter ium",
+ "Ġassemb ly",
+ "Ġpromon ocytes",
+ "e pt",
+ "t ac",
+ "Ġn emat",
+ "Ġh ous",
+ "Ġgen otoxicity",
+ "Ġside wall",
+ "co a",
+ "Ġintrac orneal",
+ "Ġpass ages",
+ "Ġuns atis",
+ "Ġelimin ate",
+ "Ġconfer red",
+ "Ġdeoxynucle otidyl",
+ "Ġs onic",
+ "st ud",
+ "Ġneopl asias",
+ "Ġ17 0",
+ "cd dp",
+ "Ġsk eleton",
+ "entric ular",
+ "Ġl ch",
+ "im s",
+ "Ġgl ans",
+ "pos it",
+ "Ġorgan oids",
+ "Ġvolum etric",
+ "Ġdisr upt",
+ "Ġmultipar ametric",
+ "Ġprin cipl",
+ "n pc",
+ "or rhea",
+ "Ġro i",
+ "Ġbronch ogenic",
+ "nit ine",
+ "n el",
+ "p ulmonary",
+ "Ġre biopsy",
+ "Ġst ip",
+ "ad p",
+ "Ġper itone",
+ "Ġpr iv",
+ "Ġattenu ates",
+ "pat chy",
+ "Ġhoney comb",
+ "Ġt is",
+ "Ġm ts",
+ "sp ot",
+ "Ġca f",
+ "19 4",
+ "ii ia",
+ "Ġmt c",
+ "Ġstead y",
+ "Ġpro ptosis",
+ "Ġdis ability",
+ "con f",
+ "Ġgal act",
+ "Ġhyperchrom asia",
+ "Ġreserv o",
+ "Ġf rank",
+ "ort hy",
+ "Ġactiv in",
+ "Ġins ult",
+ "Ġperin atal",
+ "lys is",
+ "Ġmesenchym e",
+ "overexp ressing",
+ "Ġpre menopausal",
+ "Ġle gs",
+ "ace a",
+ "av ir",
+ "Ġdermat ological",
+ "Ġeight h",
+ "Ġhom ogenous",
+ "Ġprincipl es",
+ "l ance",
+ "ph rine",
+ "Ġext ras",
+ "Ġrel atives",
+ "ret inal",
+ "Ġtox ins",
+ "Ġdefinit ions",
+ "Ġtempor ary",
+ "Ġdec ided",
+ "Ġlocal ised",
+ "Ġins ect",
+ "Ġgerm an",
+ "Ġsy philis",
+ "Ġm cs",
+ "Ġmuc oid",
+ "ms o",
+ "oper ineal",
+ "Ġretin opathy",
+ "Ġosteocl asts",
+ "Ġconver ted",
+ "Ġkel oid",
+ ". ]",
+ "Ġin put",
+ "Ġpl r",
+ "Ġle x",
+ "ines terase",
+ "Ġwar ts",
+ "Ġacanth olysis",
+ "Ġtail ored",
+ "Ġepit ope",
+ "Ġl ox",
+ "pl s",
+ "Ġcom e",
+ "Ġep cam",
+ "Ġaut ops",
+ "Ġ13 4",
+ "Ġconcent rated",
+ "Ġref ers",
+ "Ġenlarg ing",
+ "Ġcil ia",
+ "Ġisch aemia",
+ "Ġdisappear ance",
+ "Ġdetr imental",
+ "f b",
+ "Ġim plication",
+ "th iazol",
+ "ov ial",
+ "Ġplasm abl",
+ "Ġprot ecting",
+ "Ġck d",
+ "Ġpseud omy",
+ "lig and",
+ "Ġp am",
+ "Ġw rit",
+ "Ġbi ofil",
+ "Ġk ar",
+ "14 9",
+ "per itoneal",
+ "Ġtr iad",
+ "Ġless ons",
+ "week s",
+ "Ġread ing",
+ "Ġrecommend ation",
+ "Ġrheum atic",
+ "on ine",
+ "Ġp ushing",
+ "Ġit aly",
+ "ophil a",
+ "Ġfirst ly",
+ "Ġregard s",
+ "Ġoval bumin",
+ "Ġextrap ulmonary",
+ "effect iveness",
+ "Ġpow der",
+ "b ir",
+ "id ae",
+ "ox ication",
+ "Ġpapill omatosis",
+ "17 2",
+ "Ġdermat oses",
+ "Ġmis inter",
+ "t ains",
+ "Ġs rs",
+ "Ġw ider",
+ "us cit",
+ "Ġto day",
+ "Ġfor ward",
+ "Ġk if",
+ "000 4",
+ "Ġsupra basal",
+ "Ġadapt ation",
+ "in jection",
+ "Ġneutral izing",
+ "Ġc ation",
+ "en riched",
+ "Ġs ellar",
+ "de gs",
+ "cr istine",
+ "Ġeg cg",
+ "Ġgst p",
+ "instit utional",
+ "p rin",
+ "re arrang",
+ "Ġc ust",
+ "as cul",
+ "ro te",
+ "Ġper ior",
+ "Ġgli oblastomas",
+ "robl astic",
+ "Ġdeplet ed",
+ "Ġfibros ing",
+ "b is",
+ "ul ant",
+ "Ġrestric t",
+ "Ġoxygen ation",
+ "Ġultrastruct ure",
+ "1 13",
+ "t el",
+ "op apillary",
+ "Ġhyp ometh",
+ "Ġhem ophag",
+ "Ġpost transplant",
+ "20 10",
+ "Ġneph rogenic",
+ "Ġinteg ral",
+ "Ġmanifest s",
+ "iat al",
+ "Ġnas ol",
+ "Ġderiv ation",
+ "Ġrecomb ination",
+ "transcript ional",
+ "Ġweigh ing",
+ "Ġfren ch",
+ "at ile",
+ "od ec",
+ "ang u",
+ "Ġpolyp henol",
+ "ex amin",
+ "cs c",
+ "Ġaut ofluorescence",
+ "18 5",
+ "Ġtip s",
+ "inj ected",
+ "Ġepig astric",
+ "Ġmultipl icity",
+ "s at",
+ "st aining",
+ "erat ures",
+ "Ġar gin",
+ "Ġdermat omy",
+ "Ġinflu x",
+ "Ġnit rite",
+ "Ġhome obox",
+ "sur face",
+ "onc ogene",
+ "Ġglucocortic oid",
+ "s clc",
+ "Ġsubc ortical",
+ "Ġana emia",
+ "Ġvulner able",
+ "or rhe",
+ "Ġe oc",
+ "Ġmr s",
+ "Ġsubc arinal",
+ "Ġimmunop ositive",
+ "Ġunc over",
+ "Ġot scc",
+ "appro ved",
+ "Ġtelangiect asia",
+ "m ail",
+ "n ct",
+ "in i",
+ "al dehyde",
+ "Ġw ood",
+ "Ġf m",
+ "rel in",
+ "Ġintra ct",
+ "Ġdr ivers",
+ "Ġ13 8",
+ "rh o",
+ "Ġtra its",
+ "Ġuncertain ty",
+ "Ġlyn ch",
+ "Ġnether lands",
+ "Ġimposs ible",
+ "g us",
+ "nt r",
+ "Ġse er",
+ "Ġac ne",
+ "spec ial",
+ "Ġel igibility",
+ "Ġver ification",
+ "Ġfox o",
+ "Ġunev en",
+ "Ġsharp ly",
+ "olymph atic",
+ "t age",
+ "Ġp up",
+ "oph agic",
+ "Ġpancreat oduodenectomy",
+ "Ġonc ologists",
+ "vers ion",
+ "t em",
+ "Ġp ity",
+ "Ġb are",
+ "os arcomatous",
+ "Ġst ored",
+ "ag it",
+ "Ġr d",
+ "Ġpos ter",
+ "Ġsub arachnoid",
+ "the rapeutic",
+ "Ġeg ypt",
+ "Ġsuff er",
+ "Ġtons ils",
+ "Ġoxynt ic",
+ "Ġt akes",
+ "Ġc ric",
+ "Ġp bc",
+ "Ġb olus",
+ "Ġsc id",
+ "Ġabdomin operineal",
+ "Ġre classified",
+ "iv ated",
+ "Ġdem arcated",
+ "Ġflu x",
+ "ust ry",
+ "Ġrig id",
+ "Ġabut ting",
+ "eren ol",
+ "Ġm ps",
+ "ol aryng",
+ "Ġis ot",
+ "Ġimp r",
+ "Ġso y",
+ "Ġann ular",
+ "Ġanalog s",
+ "uber tal",
+ "Ġï¬ Ĭ",
+ "Ġbu ilt",
+ "wild type",
+ "ic idal",
+ "op y",
+ "Ġcyt o",
+ "Ġagre ed",
+ "pres erving",
+ "Ġsym pathetic",
+ "Ġs all",
+ "Ġmuc ocutaneous",
+ "ines cence",
+ "Ġmeta ph",
+ "Ġprec ed",
+ "Ġresemb lance",
+ "Ġquestionna ires",
+ "Ġmicromet astasis",
+ "Ġever olimus",
+ "Ġpect oral",
+ "v c",
+ "Ġo sc",
+ "orect um",
+ "Ġelev ations",
+ "Ġrh oa",
+ "struct ure",
+ "Ġintegr ating",
+ "Ġpyr uvate",
+ "Ġexamin es",
+ "Ġmm ps",
+ "rough t",
+ "19 2",
+ "man ual",
+ "dist ances",
+ "Ġswed ish",
+ "a el",
+ "Ġm old",
+ "res idual",
+ "Ġra g",
+ "Ġi kappab",
+ "Ġcut is",
+ "Ġge j",
+ "Ġpalp ation",
+ "gly coprotein",
+ "Ġjug ular",
+ "k da",
+ "l ox",
+ "m vd",
+ "el in",
+ "ol ia",
+ "Ġac etic",
+ "Ġz oon",
+ "pe ak",
+ "Ġfs gs",
+ "f h",
+ "Ġt ex",
+ "Ġm oc",
+ "im b",
+ "Ġvascular ized",
+ "aps ule",
+ "Ġleuk ocyt",
+ "Ġguid ing",
+ "pn et",
+ "pred n",
+ "Ġly cop",
+ "w as",
+ "Ġind ustry",
+ "Ġgra ves",
+ "Ġprot uber",
+ "af p",
+ "fact ion",
+ "Ġaug mentation",
+ "Ġmimick ed",
+ "c aspase",
+ "us cin",
+ "ip mn",
+ "Ġoptim um",
+ "dt pa",
+ "Ġcytos keletal",
+ "Ġconstitu ent",
+ "Ġn gf",
+ "Ġg ar",
+ "Ġg pr",
+ "Ġco ated",
+ "ov iral",
+ "18 2",
+ "Ġ17 5",
+ "on ad",
+ "Ġsh ares",
+ "Ġfe et",
+ "Ġca ff",
+ "Ġnodular ity",
+ "Ġmegakary ocytic",
+ "Ġthorough ly",
+ "Ġinfest ation",
+ "Ġintract able",
+ "Ġt re",
+ "it a",
+ "Ġd tc",
+ "ac am",
+ "Ġsl nb",
+ "Ġtoxic ology",
+ "Ġhar mon",
+ "Ġsa udi",
+ "Ġremod elling",
+ "ur ium",
+ "Ġinv ariably",
+ "Ġcl ue",
+ "Ġint ell",
+ "ugh ter",
+ "Ġpoly cystic",
+ "Ġfas l",
+ "rs v",
+ "Ġheterot opia",
+ "Ġalphav beta",
+ "Ġmosa ic",
+ "Ġt ar",
+ "or ies",
+ "Ġnon cancerous",
+ "Ġdist ension",
+ "Ġsim ulated",
+ "Ġgran ule",
+ "Ġintravit real",
+ "t reg",
+ "ol is",
+ "Ġac s",
+ "Ġsel dom",
+ "Ġependym al",
+ "Ġmicrogl andular",
+ "Ġo estrogen",
+ "Ġem l",
+ "Ġsol ub",
+ "Ġtc f",
+ "Ġimmunodef icient",
+ "Ġbiomed ical",
+ "Ġm ip",
+ "os keletal",
+ "iv itis",
+ "Ġint oxication",
+ "Ġhum erus",
+ "Ġcyst adenocarcinoma",
+ "Ġem ail",
+ "oss al",
+ "Ġdistinct ly",
+ "Ġparticip ated",
+ "Ġsynerg istically",
+ "Ġdoub ling",
+ "Ġnumer ical",
+ "Ġf ruct",
+ "ch apter",
+ "opath ogenesis",
+ "Ġcal ifor",
+ "abl ation",
+ "tt f",
+ "Ġpolymorph onuclear",
+ "Ġparticip ating",
+ "cox on",
+ "Ġnaev us",
+ "Ġdiast ase",
+ "ischem ic",
+ "m ab",
+ "Ġf ill",
+ "Ġcar p",
+ "20 2",
+ "Ġalter ing",
+ "rod erm",
+ "Ġcardi oprotective",
+ "Ġshort ly",
+ "Ġspecial ists",
+ "Ġimmunol abeling",
+ "Ġunsatis factory",
+ "n bi",
+ "Ġn ras",
+ "oc olumnar",
+ "se x",
+ "Ġab c",
+ "Ġar b",
+ "Ġhyper plasias",
+ "Ġam mon",
+ "Ġshe ar",
+ "Ġta a",
+ "abil itation",
+ "Ġcounter act",
+ "Ġharb our",
+ "Ġhyster oscopy",
+ "s g",
+ "Ġ ich",
+ "Ġred d",
+ "Ġdescript ors",
+ "Ġxanthogranul omatous",
+ "Ġveloc ity",
+ "Ġinherit ance",
+ "f illed",
+ "anc h",
+ "Ġmuc orm",
+ "Ġmod ule",
+ "Ġfr uits",
+ "Ġsubser osal",
+ "j s",
+ "Î ²",
+ "Ġp ix",
+ "Ġch imer",
+ "Ġradi oluc",
+ "18 8",
+ "mal at",
+ "Ġsch iz",
+ "Ġpossess ed",
+ "Ġmicrogl ial",
+ "l ast",
+ "Ġ ions",
+ "Ġm ul",
+ "Ġb k",
+ "opt ysis",
+ "Ġhand ling",
+ "Ġaug ment",
+ "Ġscann er",
+ "Ġp im",
+ "Ġw ire",
+ "Ġl mp",
+ "om ia",
+ "Ġout flow",
+ "Ġlab elled",
+ "Ġ13 7",
+ "Ġdecid u",
+ "Ġphosphatidyl inositol",
+ "Ġtub er",
+ "Ġimm ob",
+ "pred ict",
+ "Ġaur icular",
+ "Ġperitone i",
+ "3 20",
+ "os amine",
+ "Ġper iad",
+ "di ents",
+ "ord on",
+ "i omatous",
+ "l ut",
+ "Ġp shot",
+ "Ġet v",
+ "Ġcast ration",
+ "et ies",
+ "Ġint rig",
+ "omer ular",
+ "Ġu rol",
+ "Ġbal anced",
+ "Ġcontempor ary",
+ "y cosis",
+ "Ġg at",
+ "em ias",
+ "Ġcom et",
+ "ok eratosis",
+ "Ġpt ld",
+ "Ġproper ly",
+ "Ġmor phe",
+ "Ġbronchi ectasis",
+ "Ġhtt ps",
+ "Ġfel t",
+ "0 40",
+ "l at",
+ "Ġhist ologies",
+ "ov aginal",
+ "Ġcompar atively",
+ "Ġol ive",
+ "Ġcalifor nia",
+ "Ġ ici",
+ "Ġin ability",
+ "Ġlim bal",
+ "Ġref used",
+ "Ġaltern ate",
+ "Ġunivers al",
+ "Ġla hey",
+ "Ġadoles cent",
+ "Ġspermatog onial",
+ "m er",
+ "al b",
+ "oc ervical",
+ "pt x",
+ "erv ix",
+ "kin s",
+ "Ġun less",
+ "Ġ14 2",
+ "sel ectin",
+ "Ġcatech ol",
+ "Ġelectrophys iological",
+ "f os",
+ "p rop",
+ "Ġd ros",
+ "Ġd pi",
+ "Ġsuc cum",
+ "Ġann ulare",
+ "Ġprur itus",
+ "Ġindustr ial",
+ "Ġc pt",
+ "il le",
+ "Ġal umin",
+ "Ġexcis ions",
+ "Ġgran ulated",
+ "Ġhom ology",
+ "Ġperiost eal",
+ "h sil",
+ "n an",
+ "Ġb at",
+ "ant igen",
+ "Ġsquam ocolumnar",
+ "ors ion",
+ "Ġlab ial",
+ "aden itis",
+ "Ġconst ipation",
+ "local ized",
+ "Ġdut p",
+ "Ġcontra ind",
+ "Ġt d",
+ "Ġn tr",
+ "Ġend otoxin",
+ "devel oped",
+ "omast ia",
+ "ofen ac",
+ "he rol",
+ "Ġamelior ation",
+ "Ġelic it",
+ "st rand",
+ "ident ified",
+ "Ġout growth",
+ "Ġorgan oid",
+ "Ġeuthan asia",
+ "Ġaur ora",
+ "Ġasymmet ric",
+ "at ine",
+ "Ġr if",
+ "00 001",
+ "Ġph al",
+ "Ġct la",
+ "Ġanalog ous",
+ "case ating",
+ "Ġsupernat ant",
+ "p ap",
+ "t ag",
+ "Ġ( +",
+ "16 6",
+ "imet ry",
+ "mar sh",
+ "Ġat h",
+ "de plet",
+ "Ġresult ant",
+ "fer ases",
+ "Ġlip ase",
+ "Ġ13 9",
+ "Ġthromb ocytosis",
+ "Ġyield ing",
+ "Ġdent ate",
+ "Ġencaps ulation",
+ "an ic",
+ "Ġoverl o",
+ "ares is",
+ "Ġconjug ate",
+ "Ġgt v",
+ "Ġswed en",
+ "Ġtk is",
+ "Ġiod ide",
+ "7 50",
+ "os pi",
+ "Ġg ac",
+ "Ġoste olytic",
+ "cript ion",
+ "Ġins urance",
+ "pe ptide",
+ "Ġoper able",
+ "Ġextravas ated",
+ "oprot erenol",
+ "Ġescal ation",
+ "c ardia",
+ "n l",
+ "n ic",
+ "at c",
+ "Ġp ell",
+ "Ġf ont",
+ "Ġres uscit",
+ "ugh t",
+ "Ġx p",
+ "Ġaggreg ated",
+ "line ar",
+ "Ġdic l",
+ "Ġpter yg",
+ "Ġt q",
+ "Ġe pha",
+ "od i",
+ "Ġco el",
+ "int ment",
+ "Ġperiod icals",
+ "Ġembry ogenesis",
+ "Ġwild type",
+ "Ġfox m",
+ "Ġcongest ed",
+ "Ġvin cristine",
+ "Ġmucorm ycosis",
+ "t me",
+ "w ood",
+ "on idal",
+ "ac ological",
+ "Ġk u",
+ "Ġac utely",
+ "Ġstrat a",
+ "Ġintrig uing",
+ "ol ide",
+ "Ġval v",
+ "Ġestim ating",
+ "Ġplan es",
+ "Ġprinc iple",
+ "Ġd raining",
+ "Ġh mlh",
+ "ect omized",
+ "Ġwe an",
+ "Ġmon ocytosis",
+ "Ġhemat oc",
+ "Ġile o",
+ "Ġlact obac",
+ "Ġparotid ectomy",
+ "Ġtrop onin",
+ "Ġunderl ie",
+ "en zym",
+ "yl amide",
+ "Ġle aving",
+ "fl p",
+ "Ġglob e",
+ "Ġdiscrep ancies",
+ "Ġmuscul oskeletal",
+ "Ġcave olin",
+ "Ġperoxis ome",
+ "Ġt le",
+ "Ġo k",
+ "Ġb rought",
+ "Ġh ope",
+ "Ġpl ump",
+ "Ġj ones",
+ "Ġz eta",
+ "Ġrad ion",
+ "Ġpal mar",
+ "ophosph ate",
+ "Ġsort ing",
+ "it ated",
+ "Ġsp onge",
+ "Ġext rinsic",
+ "ite al",
+ "Ġ14 6",
+ "17 5",
+ "Ġverte br",
+ "Ġpil onidal",
+ "Ġhomogen ates",
+ "Ġw ords",
+ "an x",
+ "ak a",
+ "Ġsim ulating",
+ "Ġform ulated",
+ "Ġhel ical",
+ "ont ine",
+ "Ġexacerb ation",
+ "Ġnegl igible",
+ "Ġlycop ene",
+ "h la",
+ "il iated",
+ "Ġmy o",
+ "Ġqu ilty",
+ "ps ia",
+ "ret ory",
+ "Ġdesign ation",
+ "Ġiv a",
+ "Ġleiomy osarcomas",
+ "Ġintrat racheal",
+ "Ġrib onucle",
+ "Ġtryp an",
+ "op ancreat",
+ "Ġv dr",
+ "Ġcle fts",
+ "Ġcorrespond s",
+ "Ġpack age",
+ "Ġup a",
+ "Ġret raction",
+ "Ġ14 8",
+ "Ġextra mammary",
+ "Ġsmok er",
+ "Ġaccel erate",
+ "Ġleuc ovorin",
+ "Ġurolog y",
+ "Ġcall us",
+ "Ġcuretting s",
+ "Ġaest hetic",
+ "Ġ rom",
+ "Ġsm ith",
+ "reg n",
+ "Ġns clcs",
+ "Ġpneum ocytes",
+ "des mon",
+ "Ġbic uspid",
+ "Ġganglione u",
+ "Ġimpetig inized",
+ "Ġp cs",
+ "pl ay",
+ "ir c",
+ "Ġtrich il",
+ "Ġcongenital ly",
+ "Ġadip ocyte",
+ "Ġtrigg ering",
+ "bre ast",
+ "Ġreh abilitation",
+ "Ġdermatomy ositis",
+ "predn isolone",
+ "Ġv p",
+ "Ġnot ion",
+ "Ġwh or",
+ "rod uoden",
+ "Ġver a",
+ "Ġoss ifying",
+ "Ġtur key",
+ "j nk",
+ "Ġa av",
+ "Ġad versely",
+ "Ġeb us",
+ "Ġintrod uce",
+ "Ġinhal ed",
+ "seg ment",
+ "Ġadventit ia",
+ "i j",
+ "k en",
+ "Ġf p",
+ "Ġn av",
+ "Ġis oproterenol",
+ "ast omas",
+ "Ġdis ordered",
+ "Ġnon surgical",
+ "ix imab",
+ "Ġdes ired",
+ "Ġrel ating",
+ "Ġoste oblast",
+ "Ġexce eded",
+ "Ġsensit ization",
+ "Ġbrach y",
+ "Ġcrani otomy",
+ "Ġhem olytic",
+ "omen cl",
+ "Ġunc overed",
+ "Ġdiscrimin ant",
+ "2 18",
+ "ob ut",
+ "Ġimp lying",
+ "ert ained",
+ "Ġprophyl axis",
+ "agit tal",
+ "p ot",
+ "Ġp ra",
+ "Ġd x",
+ "ech o",
+ "Ġpeak s",
+ "Ġbur ns",
+ "cour se",
+ "Ġd kk",
+ "Ġassoc iate",
+ "Ġcoll abor",
+ "Ġpoly oma",
+ "Ġhamart omas",
+ "Ġdomin ated",
+ "x is",
+ "Ġn omencl",
+ "ec lam",
+ "Ġnot es",
+ "Ġar ginine",
+ "Ġcor onal",
+ "pos terior",
+ "Ġ14 1",
+ "29 3",
+ "Ġshort ened",
+ "lymph oma",
+ "Ġscatter ing",
+ "Ġcovari ates",
+ "Ġim plies",
+ "Ġj r",
+ "Ġpyl orus",
+ "Ġarch ived",
+ "lim b",
+ "het ase",
+ "Ġbrazil ian",
+ "Ġhemisp here",
+ "ens able",
+ "Ġig an",
+ "Ġmening othelial",
+ "Ġec og",
+ "Ġpoll ut",
+ "ab oration",
+ "Ġsp c",
+ "Ġbiom echanical",
+ "nas h",
+ "Ġradios urgery",
+ "Ġdic er",
+ "dot at",
+ "Ġct x",
+ "Ġadhes ive",
+ "anal yses",
+ "Ġincor rect",
+ "Ġtet ra",
+ "Ġdemyel inating",
+ "Ġresc ued",
+ "evulin ic",
+ "d elet",
+ "Ġs ulc",
+ "Ġcom es",
+ "Ġsc ales",
+ "ucle in",
+ "Ġfibro adenomas",
+ "20 7",
+ "Ġsynd ecan",
+ "Ġur ban",
+ "ococc osis",
+ "administ ered",
+ "Ġpoison ing",
+ "Ġlipof uscin",
+ "Ġcentri acinar",
+ "h ar",
+ "n x",
+ "p ress",
+ "Ġh ir",
+ "ith romycin",
+ "Ġcl amp",
+ "our nal",
+ "Ġatt ending",
+ "Ġhamart omatous",
+ "Ġimper ative",
+ "e ach",
+ "g ist",
+ "Ġh cl",
+ "ot eric",
+ "oph yl",
+ "Ġaut ophagic",
+ "50 6",
+ "Ġple uro",
+ "Ġot itis",
+ "Ġbranch ial",
+ "tet razolium",
+ "occid ioid",
+ "Ġlamell ae",
+ "Ġhypother mia",
+ "Ġargin ase",
+ "Ġpath ogn",
+ "Ġinter mixed",
+ "Ġnf kappab",
+ "Ġmart in",
+ "Ġosteochond roma",
+ "Ġcouns eling",
+ "Ġa in",
+ "Ġm apped",
+ "Ġcomp ressed",
+ "Ġfra me",
+ "Ġpc v",
+ "Ġarth ritic",
+ "l ateral",
+ "s am",
+ "Ġp cd",
+ "th yroid",
+ "Ġgl ute",
+ "Ġma ze",
+ "Ġscler oderma",
+ "phyl axis",
+ "Ġlept ospi",
+ "Ġvo ice",
+ "Ġdicl ofenac",
+ "on gest",
+ "ra ge",
+ "ert y",
+ "Ġdep artments",
+ "bm p",
+ "Ġimmunophenot yping",
+ "200 9",
+ "Ġpand emic",
+ "Ġre per",
+ "Ġst rand",
+ "Ġr m",
+ "Ġad cs",
+ "cc rt",
+ "bl ue",
+ "bi otin",
+ "Ġfac ilities",
+ "fig o",
+ "oar th",
+ "Ġsess ion",
+ "Ġintrap arenchymal",
+ "Ġlar val",
+ "Ġrepl acing",
+ "germ inal",
+ "ec d",
+ "Ġdi ethyl",
+ "ne w",
+ "hc v",
+ "Ġdent in",
+ "Ġurolog ical",
+ "t ro",
+ "Ġb mscs",
+ "Ġint ron",
+ "Ġk ur",
+ "Ġimmun otherapeutic",
+ "Ġ19 84",
+ "oxid ative",
+ "Ġclos er",
+ "Ġmethyl transferase",
+ "hist iocytic",
+ "Ġeng raft",
+ "vs i",
+ "part ial",
+ "Ġadvance ment",
+ "Ġpuls ed",
+ "re onine",
+ "Ġan sw",
+ "Ġfib rils",
+ "Ġcan ada",
+ "Ġam plic",
+ "Ġ14 3",
+ "Ġpur ulent",
+ "kn ock",
+ "Ġgh relin",
+ "Ġdeform ity",
+ "d cis",
+ "Ġv icin",
+ "Ġac oustic",
+ "hen ia",
+ "Ġman u",
+ "ract ed",
+ "oflu orescent",
+ "Ġcolum n",
+ "Ġmicrovessel s",
+ "Ġlcn ec",
+ "Ġleukocyt ocl",
+ "c ardiac",
+ "Ġf uc",
+ "os idase",
+ "Ġg rap",
+ "st alk",
+ "ub es",
+ "Ġcor por",
+ "Ġconclus ive",
+ "per ip",
+ "Ġem ot",
+ "Ġmyel ogenous",
+ "Ġinteract s",
+ "rec urrence",
+ "Ġosteop ontin",
+ "Ġcrow ded",
+ "Ġcon ization",
+ "pl en",
+ "Ġra m",
+ "Ġphot omic",
+ "Ġdestro y",
+ "Ġvicin ity",
+ "Ġp sm",
+ "Ġ( [",
+ "Ġor r",
+ "Ġsim vastatin",
+ "Ġdisc ol",
+ "Ġvis its",
+ "Ġcontrib utions",
+ "Ġpseud oc",
+ "Ġnort heast",
+ "do i",
+ "Ġsdh b",
+ "Ġnomencl ature",
+ ": .",
+ "p ly",
+ "in ted",
+ "ac yl",
+ "ad juvant",
+ "Ġrep ress",
+ "Ġins m",
+ "Ġaltern ating",
+ "Ġwh ites",
+ "Ġcons ervation",
+ "Ġmy od",
+ "Ġhep aran",
+ "Ġ14 7",
+ "19 3",
+ "Ġver ge",
+ "Ġic g",
+ "diagn osed",
+ "high light",
+ "Ġveget able",
+ "Ġcapt ured",
+ "it ions",
+ "Ġb v",
+ "Ġac roch",
+ "Ġcent ered",
+ "Ġz ero",
+ "Ġheterogen ous",
+ "Ġnic otin",
+ "Ġevid ences",
+ "rele asing",
+ "Ġneighbor ing",
+ "2 16",
+ "op ex",
+ "Ġpd tc",
+ "Ġphot ograph",
+ "Ġtop ically",
+ "Ġrecon stit",
+ "Ġpseudomy xoma",
+ "Ġinv ol",
+ "Ġhist amine",
+ "hen ed",
+ "Ġcr uz",
+ "dl ps",
+ "Ġtrim ester",
+ "continu ous",
+ "Ġdec l",
+ "Ġ15 1",
+ "ios um",
+ "Ġconstruct s",
+ "Ġparad ox",
+ "Ġcrow ding",
+ "Ġl ux",
+ "ig a",
+ "Ġit ems",
+ "Ġen vel",
+ "ras ellar",
+ "Ġactin omyces",
+ "Ġdesm oid",
+ "Ġven ules",
+ ") ],",
+ "b f",
+ "ap ar",
+ "ung ual",
+ "Ġsup ratentorial",
+ "Ġid o",
+ "Ġprote ases",
+ "Ġful min",
+ "Ġpass ive",
+ "Ġelectro de",
+ "Ġretard ation",
+ "rif ug",
+ "a hr",
+ "om onic",
+ "Ġdu kes",
+ "Ġu icc",
+ "Ġturn ed",
+ "Ġrid ge",
+ "Ġelectroc ardi",
+ "Ġphotomic rograph",
+ "Ġbi polar",
+ "Ġcl dn",
+ "Ġinc is",
+ "Ġbr g",
+ "Ġperine phric",
+ "Ġnat ri",
+ "Ġmicrom ol",
+ "Ġâ ĪĴ",
+ "Ġubiquit ous",
+ "Ġerythropo ietin",
+ "tol erated",
+ "Ġinter lobular",
+ "min imal",
+ "gf ap",
+ "Ġcarcin ogenicity",
+ "Ġmelan a",
+ "Ġspecific ities",
+ "Ġcir crnas",
+ "Ġpdac s",
+ "chem ical",
+ "Ġrest aging",
+ "oneph rosis",
+ "n v",
+ "p erm",
+ "Ġn ir",
+ "el ength",
+ "Ġpro pos",
+ "Ġv ib",
+ "Ġro ck",
+ "Ġem erson",
+ "igen in",
+ "immun ity",
+ "k el",
+ "Ġc cc",
+ "opl iteal",
+ "Ġrep aired",
+ "Ġcyst aden",
+ "Ġwhere by",
+ "fib rotic",
+ "Ġrespond ing",
+ "Ġinst ance",
+ "sup erv",
+ "Ġmel rose",
+ "Ġemb olic",
+ "Ġswelling s",
+ "Ġasc orb",
+ "Ġneurofib romas",
+ "Ġchick s",
+ "Ġepile ptic",
+ "Ġwash out",
+ "rus kal",
+ "sing le",
+ "Ġw orth",
+ "uc cess",
+ "Ġch ips",
+ "Ġdes quam",
+ "Ġaff ord",
+ "Ġacet ylation",
+ "Ġperf ect",
+ "t z",
+ "Ġm ag",
+ "Ġd ressing",
+ "ore ductive",
+ "Ġcol our",
+ "Ġform ations",
+ "uch i",
+ "Ġneurot rophic",
+ "Ġepi ph",
+ "Ġl ies",
+ "Ġh ob",
+ "od ia",
+ "one gative",
+ "Ġmat ric",
+ "18 6",
+ "Ġhyal uronic",
+ "Ġoligodendrogl ial",
+ "Ġcontract ure",
+ "Ġefflu x",
+ "Ġethm oid",
+ "Ġnatri uretic",
+ "he cosis",
+ "en a",
+ "Ġn il",
+ "Ġdi oxide",
+ "Ġint im",
+ "Ġnon malignant",
+ "cop e",
+ "Ġtub erous",
+ "Ġ19 83",
+ "22 2",
+ "Ġpi eces",
+ "Ġaa h",
+ "Ġanalges ic",
+ "oast rocyt",
+ "Ġmanu fact",
+ "Ġm oll",
+ "Ġb ott",
+ "Ġh dl",
+ "Ġfor ces",
+ "Ġak s",
+ "Ġprote ome",
+ "sup er",
+ "vit amin",
+ "e i",
+ "p ass",
+ "t v",
+ "Ġb h",
+ "il ib",
+ "Ġ2 10",
+ "Ġinc ipient",
+ "Ġag c",
+ "Ġtr ied",
+ "Ġbr du",
+ "Ġhypert hecosis",
+ "ocol itis",
+ "Ġlys ine",
+ "Ġstren gt",
+ "Ġbound ary",
+ "Ġdura ble",
+ "Ġbres low",
+ "j a",
+ "Ġat res",
+ "Ġsusp ect",
+ "az ol",
+ "Ġattenu ating",
+ "Ġect atic",
+ "Ġimmuno assay",
+ "Ġultim ate",
+ "rearrang ed",
+ "Ġath ymic",
+ "Ġpathogn omonic",
+ "es ley",
+ "Ġx x",
+ "Ġepid emic",
+ "Ġelast in",
+ "Ġneuropath ological",
+ "Ġamb iguous",
+ "Ġscap ula",
+ "Ġcircumst ances",
+ "Ġv ap",
+ "Ġap oe",
+ "rit in",
+ "Ġchond ros",
+ "Ġtit anium",
+ "Ġphotosensit izer",
+ "Ġexha ust",
+ "re nce",
+ "Ġre j",
+ "erv es",
+ "Ġdown loaded",
+ "Ġcond uction",
+ "Ġbo ys",
+ "Ġgastroenter ology",
+ "Ġjaw s",
+ "Ġt ent",
+ "es pecially",
+ "ig hed",
+ "et ite",
+ "Ġg out",
+ "ox el",
+ "Ġaut omatic",
+ "iform is",
+ "Ġmacro vesicular",
+ "Ġprotr uding",
+ "perform ance",
+ "superv ised",
+ "Ġm anc",
+ "ev e",
+ "Ġcompl aining",
+ "Ġrecogn izable",
+ "Ġnev oid",
+ "201 1",
+ "Ġparticip ation",
+ "Ġpall iation",
+ "Ġevolution ary",
+ "Ġpsych ological",
+ "Ġbx pc",
+ "Ġantine oplastic",
+ "Ġmorphe a",
+ "g er",
+ "Ġt ick",
+ "ist an",
+ "Ġsc rat",
+ "na fld",
+ "Ġout line",
+ "Ġcap abilities",
+ "Ġglyc er",
+ "Ġsacrific e",
+ "Ġst as",
+ "Ġinter play",
+ "Ġill um",
+ "Ġlact iferous",
+ "Ġhypo intense",
+ "Ġendothel in",
+ "Ġethn opharm",
+ "Ġdrop out",
+ "deg ree",
+ "Ġt mb",
+ "ost at",
+ "omy c",
+ "Ġsim ply",
+ "Ġneuro cyt",
+ "ren d",
+ "Ġce phal",
+ "Ġbur st",
+ "roc ystic",
+ "Ġspermat ozoa",
+ "Ġcry op",
+ "u an",
+ "et te",
+ "Ġr l",
+ "Ġbut yrate",
+ "Ġkerat oplasty",
+ "18 3",
+ "Ġpn ets",
+ "Ġcontinu ity",
+ "ars ely",
+ "Ġmicrodiss ected",
+ "ort c",
+ "vi ii",
+ "Ġclass ically",
+ "23 5",
+ "rogen itor",
+ "Ġp el",
+ "Ġra i",
+ "fl t",
+ "Ġmyc n",
+ "Ġcanal icular",
+ "tra umatic",
+ "yse al",
+ "Ġabort ion",
+ "Ġloos ely",
+ "at o",
+ "op yr",
+ "Ġad ds",
+ "und ifferentiated",
+ "Ġco ating",
+ "Ġtel eph",
+ "Ġlac un",
+ "Ġamph oteric",
+ "s ize",
+ "Ġt fe",
+ "en oid",
+ "is ite",
+ "Ġup s",
+ "Ġkerat ocystic",
+ "Ġterm ination",
+ "Ġlabel s",
+ "Ġepit opes",
+ "Ġpericol orectal",
+ "( +)-",
+ "it uric",
+ "Ġh ca",
+ "Ġstud ents",
+ "Ġ15 6",
+ "Ġmyx ofibrosarcoma",
+ "Ġabr upt",
+ "Ġpth rp",
+ "Ġky oto",
+ "h ospital",
+ "Ġw ent",
+ "Ġf ing",
+ "Ġl kb",
+ "anc a",
+ "Ġim t",
+ "ab eta",
+ "ub b",
+ "Ġ3 50",
+ "Ġ20 5",
+ "Ġ14 9",
+ "Ġcardi opulmonary",
+ "Ġentrap ment",
+ "uccess ful",
+ "c ost",
+ "f oll",
+ "res ults",
+ "ia ce",
+ "ob iotic",
+ "ps c",
+ "gl n",
+ "ext ra",
+ "Ġhydroc arb",
+ "i pl",
+ "Ġt ension",
+ "Ġf cd",
+ "Ġn qo",
+ "ol ym",
+ "Ġh v",
+ "Ġequ ip",
+ "Ġgenomic s",
+ "Ġdeb ated",
+ "Ġfibrom yxoid",
+ "Ġwil coxon",
+ "meth ods",
+ "wall is",
+ "Ġamphoteric in",
+ "an ese",
+ "Ġv ip",
+ "ad ip",
+ "end s",
+ "Ġtrans anal",
+ "Ġhyd r",
+ "Ġparac ortex",
+ "magn ification",
+ "Ġantid iabetic",
+ "Ġhamp ered",
+ "Ġrepet itive",
+ "f i",
+ "Ġimmun ogenic",
+ "Ġbet el",
+ "Ġcal v",
+ "Ġop ioid",
+ "mt x",
+ "Ġeyel ids",
+ "Ġtoler able",
+ "uber ant",
+ "open ias",
+ "opex y",
+ "z v",
+ "Ġc urable",
+ "Ġl l",
+ "omat ically",
+ "Ġ16 8",
+ "Ġthym idine",
+ "Ġoligodendrogl iomas",
+ "Ġexplo ited",
+ "Ġcanth us",
+ "Ġwart y",
+ "2 27",
+ "t ubular",
+ "ur ane",
+ "Ġgen esis",
+ "Ġhis panic",
+ "Ġneuropath ology",
+ "Ġctn nb",
+ "w k",
+ "Ġmuc ins",
+ "Ġaim ing",
+ "Ġge o",
+ "Ġrob ot",
+ "Ġrhin itis",
+ "Ġrac ial",
+ "Ġc yn",
+ "Ġo ac",
+ "Ġas ked",
+ "Ġun infected",
+ "Ġfav oring",
+ "ram med",
+ "Ġhypogran ular",
+ "Ġhydatid iform",
+ "Ġangio invasion",
+ "oqu ine",
+ "Ġquick ly",
+ "different ial",
+ "it ch",
+ "Ġw rink",
+ "Ġn pm",
+ "om ers",
+ "Ġall o",
+ "Ġnon smokers",
+ "Ġcr cs",
+ "con jug",
+ "Ġexacerb ated",
+ "obarb ituric",
+ "tun el",
+ "roduoden oscopy",
+ "Ġdes irable",
+ "Ġpost surgical",
+ "com ing",
+ "rac onazole",
+ "Ġros ai",
+ "Ġtrache obronchial",
+ "Ġsatis f",
+ "Ġcaucas ians",
+ "Ġatres ia",
+ "Ġsl a",
+ "Ġpanel s",
+ "Ġdesm oplasia",
+ "Ġajcc primary",
+ "e oe",
+ "or r",
+ "Ġb ms",
+ "Ġd ha",
+ "Ġl ith",
+ "Ġv scc",
+ "Ġsub cl",
+ "Ġgra ph",
+ "Ġvit il",
+ "17 0",
+ "Ġstruct ured",
+ "Ġhypothes es",
+ "Ġfood s",
+ "nucle otide",
+ "z n",
+ "om ous",
+ "Ġne un",
+ "Ġaf ore",
+ "Ġdist illed",
+ "Ġonc olytic",
+ "Ġintrac erebral",
+ "Ġmultic ent",
+ "Ġanest hetized",
+ "Ġharv est",
+ "d ry",
+ "d cs",
+ "Ġt ab",
+ "Ġh rhpv",
+ "ac id",
+ "Ġinter cal",
+ "Ġ16 5",
+ "Ġsk ip",
+ "Ġartifact s",
+ "Ġunders c",
+ "Ġconven ient",
+ "Ġperiad nexal",
+ "h ouse",
+ "n ame",
+ "Ġpresent ly",
+ "Ġmain tains",
+ "29 4",
+ "Ġweak er",
+ "implant ation",
+ "toc op",
+ "Ġmultipot ent",
+ "o eb",
+ "Ġn bccs",
+ "id is",
+ "Ġr ul",
+ "Ġsh adow",
+ "ure n",
+ "Ġpre viewed",
+ "Ġse al",
+ "Ġmorph ologies",
+ "Ġprominent ly",
+ "Ġsuccess ive",
+ "Ġanc est",
+ "Ġsearch ing",
+ "Ġot olaryng",
+ "Ġdeacetyl ase",
+ "ic am",
+ "Ġl gd",
+ "Ġcyt openias",
+ "yg d",
+ "Ġmethyl prednisolone",
+ "Ġpure ly",
+ "Ġann ually",
+ "Ġindirect ly",
+ "Ġgor lin",
+ "Ġethnopharm acological",
+ "Ġre ly",
+ "Ġmeth anolic",
+ "cr s",
+ "Ġcyt oreductive",
+ "ogra f",
+ "Ġdeterm ines",
+ "Ġparamet rial",
+ "Ġdermat ofibrosarcoma",
+ "tt es",
+ "Ġvac a",
+ "Ġlum ens",
+ "Ġce acam",
+ "Ġstate ment",
+ "Ġaer obic",
+ "Ġcontra cept",
+ "cult ured",
+ "Ġmerc ury",
+ "ay ers",
+ "Ġmal n",
+ "Ġund iagn",
+ "Ġi kk",
+ "Ġmig rate",
+ "inf ra",
+ "Ġcandid iasis",
+ "Ġfasc icular",
+ "Ġexpert ise",
+ "Ġpyram idal",
+ "r ates",
+ "Ġb arium",
+ "Ġn ih",
+ "am el",
+ "amet er",
+ "Ġmanifest ing",
+ "dl s",
+ "luc iferase",
+ "Ġplasmabl astic",
+ "3 50",
+ "r im",
+ "is en",
+ "Ġex ome",
+ "Ġex uberant",
+ "Ġ1 67",
+ "Ġper ithyroid",
+ "Ġprolif erator",
+ "Ġ15 5",
+ "par tic",
+ "Ġgir ls",
+ "Ġtheoret ical",
+ "Ġlex ington",
+ "Ġafore mentioned",
+ "Ġth ink",
+ "oph ren",
+ "Ġneuro trans",
+ "Ġactin omycosis",
+ "Ġps cs",
+ "tb na",
+ "Ġbov is",
+ "thir ds",
+ "Ġc ass",
+ "en afil",
+ "or p",
+ "Ġd y",
+ "Ġdepos ited",
+ "Ġdirect ions",
+ "immun op",
+ "raz ine",
+ "Ġcarbon yl",
+ "Ġcondens ation",
+ "Ġacroch ordon",
+ "in ergic",
+ "Ġp opliteal",
+ "Ġdi pl",
+ "Ġimmun ogenicity",
+ "Ġneuro genesis",
+ "for ward",
+ "Ġdiscord ance",
+ "spect rum",
+ "Ġrelax ation",
+ "Ġradion ucl",
+ "Ġundiagn osed",
+ "e u",
+ "clus ions",
+ "Ġinter medi",
+ "Ġqu er",
+ "Ġir i",
+ "Ġ15 4",
+ "Ġerythroid s",
+ "26 4",
+ "oar s",
+ "Ġuns uccessful",
+ "Ġaustr alian",
+ "Ġcit rate",
+ "Ġ yp",
+ "in ked",
+ "ag re",
+ "Ġind ucer",
+ "ox ym",
+ "out er",
+ "Ġtr g",
+ "ori ented",
+ "Ġdegen erating",
+ "Ġsepar ating",
+ "Ġsynt hetase",
+ "Ġoverexp ress",
+ "hyp othes",
+ "Ġlad y",
+ "osf amide",
+ "â ĪĴ",
+ "Ġm kn",
+ "ra re",
+ "if era",
+ "Ġit raconazole",
+ "oll agen",
+ "ci ous",
+ "Ġso il",
+ "mod e",
+ "Ġrib osomal",
+ "Ġglycoprotein s",
+ "Ġpericol onic",
+ "Ġmultis ystem",
+ "Ġredd ish",
+ "eclam psia",
+ "Ġl f",
+ "Ġsh if",
+ "Ġbas olateral",
+ "Ġhtt p",
+ "Ġgol gi",
+ "b rom",
+ "Ġs and",
+ "Ġp ml",
+ "ph th",
+ "Ġhist oplasmosis",
+ "Ġprost ates",
+ "Ġen chond",
+ "gl ob",
+ "Ġcasp ases",
+ "bal f",
+ "Ġconserv atively",
+ "Ġide a",
+ "Ġpseudop apillary",
+ "hypothes is",
+ "r ypsin",
+ "Ġl ongest",
+ "oc ervix",
+ "Ġat or",
+ "Ġmod ules",
+ "oth ian",
+ "Ġwhen ever",
+ "Ġav en",
+ "Ġhyd roph",
+ "Ġstructural ly",
+ "Ġbac illus",
+ "Ġyellow ish",
+ "Ġm ef",
+ "Ġbl m",
+ "16 1",
+ "Ġprod rug",
+ "Ġappend ages",
+ "Ġref lex",
+ "Ġrh iz",
+ "Ġretin oid",
+ "glut amyl",
+ "Ġlet ter",
+ "Ġphag ocytosis",
+ "Ġprotuber ans",
+ "Ġdros ophila",
+ "g ct",
+ "ab ial",
+ "Ġsp arc",
+ "Ġsc anned",
+ "Ġmic row",
+ "Ġun selected",
+ "Ġmorph ometry",
+ "eg rad",
+ "Ġsex ually",
+ "Ġpredomin ately",
+ "hist ologic",
+ "Ġmicroc yst",
+ "Ġneurop il",
+ "2 21",
+ "d dp",
+ "Ġa cl",
+ "Ġd art",
+ "Ġv ats",
+ "Ġwe ighed",
+ "Ġpre ference",
+ "Ġtrunc ated",
+ ": :",
+ "r illary",
+ "Ġo intment",
+ "el es",
+ "op ancreatic",
+ "Ġth p",
+ "Ġbi ochemically",
+ "Ġnon small",
+ "Ġuter o",
+ "orb ol",
+ "Ġenc oun",
+ "Ġglyc olytic",
+ "Ġaggress ively",
+ "%] ),",
+ "Ġconjug ates",
+ "Ġfulmin ant",
+ "x y",
+ "ol ated",
+ "Ġ2 20",
+ "cl l",
+ "ost eal",
+ "oh yp",
+ "av al",
+ "Ġmorph ogenetic",
+ "Ġol iva",
+ "rib ose",
+ "Ġpoly ethylene",
+ "Ġrelaps ing",
+ "oglyc ans",
+ "Ġspe ed",
+ "Ġengraft ment",
+ "es cal",
+ "Ġb ark",
+ "Ġl gr",
+ "om ib",
+ "Ġsquam oid",
+ "ns c",
+ "gl andular",
+ "Ġnit rate",
+ "Ġmum ol",
+ "Ġfa ecal",
+ "Ġverteb rae",
+ "Ġmb q",
+ "oped ia",
+ "Ġjoh ns",
+ "Ġfistul as",
+ "Ġpredisp ose",
+ "Ġlym p",
+ "Ġc ows",
+ "Ġo zone",
+ "Ġd dr",
+ "Ġf im",
+ "im umab",
+ "Ġst k",
+ "Ġk ruskal",
+ "Ġer uptions",
+ "Ġrecogn ised",
+ "Ġvis ited",
+ "otrop ism",
+ "raf ted",
+ "d ota",
+ "i ph",
+ "m ain",
+ "r v",
+ "Ġn em",
+ "ell ation",
+ "Ġr bc",
+ "Ġor ange",
+ "Ġlymph oepithelioma",
+ "yl oric",
+ "scc a",
+ "Ġstr ing",
+ "Ġ15 2",
+ "iment ary",
+ "Ġhg pin",
+ "Ġana plasia",
+ "Ġchond rogenic",
+ "Ġload s",
+ "Ġhistor ies",
+ "Ġcontribut or",
+ "Ġteleph one",
+ "p henot",
+ "ant itatively",
+ "16 4",
+ "Ġsuperf amily",
+ "Ġarch ives",
+ "Ġaltern atives",
+ "Ġmarginal ly",
+ "Ġpractition ers",
+ "6 17",
+ "s le",
+ "ip ine",
+ "Ġrece ipt",
+ "Ġacc ident",
+ "Ġsyn aptic",
+ "neum onia",
+ "Ġhistomorph ological",
+ "Ġconfound ers",
+ "ocarcin ogenesis",
+ "Ġc ra",
+ "Ġw arm",
+ "od ont",
+ "Ġtr ip",
+ "Ġsecond s",
+ "Ġadd ressing",
+ "Ġenc ycl",
+ "Ġcontinu ing",
+ "81 13",
+ "Ġreprod uction",
+ "Ġemphas izing",
+ "Ġtl g",
+ "g el",
+ "Ġs anger",
+ "vi i",
+ "tr s",
+ "Ġam in",
+ "Ġmit ot",
+ "Ġread m",
+ "Ġga it",
+ "Ġswe et",
+ "amyl oid",
+ "infra red",
+ "/ +",
+ "Ġan hydr",
+ "Ġh art",
+ "Ġev olve",
+ "Ġi re",
+ "Ġalter s",
+ "cd c",
+ "56 2",
+ "oxy cycl",
+ "Ġobser ver",
+ "Ġtym panic",
+ "Ġpa ad",
+ "Ġplan ar",
+ "pan in",
+ "Ġcoag ulative",
+ "Ġresid ue",
+ "Ġhydrochlor ide",
+ "c ervical",
+ "n y",
+ "Ġcon struction",
+ "Ġorigin ates",
+ "70 6",
+ "aqu es",
+ "Ġnit ros",
+ "week ly",
+ "Ġstrict ly",
+ "jejun ostomy",
+ "Ġdecidu itis",
+ "Ġl isted",
+ "Ġpro apoptotic",
+ "Ġbi otin",
+ "em inal",
+ "Ġun ivariable",
+ "reg en",
+ "Ġinde fin",
+ "angi ogenesis",
+ "Ġlamb s",
+ "Ġconn ect",
+ "ves ical",
+ "arb oxyl",
+ "Ġexplant s",
+ "Ġoverlo oked",
+ "Ġresuscit ation",
+ "Ġp ine",
+ "ro plasty",
+ "ir ubicin",
+ "Ġmod es",
+ "Ġfl ock",
+ "ulc er",
+ "orad i",
+ "Ġmc n",
+ "Ġpub erty",
+ "Ġborder ing",
+ "Ġkary orrhe",
+ "Ġgold en",
+ "Ġpresum ptive",
+ "Ġforce ps",
+ "Ġbiod egrad",
+ "adel ta",
+ "macroph age",
+ "2 14",
+ "ol ed",
+ "Ġpl c",
+ "Ġagg lut",
+ "Ġbr ing",
+ "Ġdiv iding",
+ "Ġure ase",
+ "Ġpn x",
+ "phosph at",
+ "Ġnab othian",
+ "Ġdisorgan ized",
+ "Ġord inary",
+ "Ġdac ry",
+ "Ġlaw rence",
+ "tocop herol",
+ "h ur",
+ "Ġf issure",
+ "Ġup regulating",
+ "Ġbar riers",
+ "Ġren in",
+ "highlight ed",
+ "2 12",
+ "id o",
+ "og astric",
+ "ve gfr",
+ "Ġinv ag",
+ "Ġlocal ize",
+ "Ġrank l",
+ "Ġperin odal",
+ "Ġc hen",
+ "is omerase",
+ "Ġth iol",
+ "ph l",
+ "itis h",
+ "opt osis",
+ "Ġ15 7",
+ "Ġescc s",
+ "Ġkin etic",
+ "group s",
+ "Ġpapillomavirus es",
+ "adv ant",
+ "Ġbrachy ury",
+ "Ġm om",
+ "Ġl ov",
+ "Ġsp ared",
+ "Ġmy oblasts",
+ "15 2",
+ "par ticular",
+ "Ġencompass ing",
+ "Ġspring field",
+ "Ġnutri ent",
+ "Ġtherapeut ically",
+ "Ġpriv ate",
+ "Ġencycl opedia",
+ "p rep",
+ "ic illin",
+ "ac o",
+ "ir atory",
+ "ethyl ated",
+ "Ġez rin",
+ "dem arcated",
+ "Ġconform ation",
+ "Ġdetox ification",
+ "Ġf rance",
+ "Ġdi amn",
+ "Ġev oked",
+ "ub ic",
+ "Ġk ir",
+ "Ġab cg",
+ "Ġind isp",
+ "Ġext r",
+ "Ġlocal isation",
+ "rome gakary",
+ "15 4",
+ "Ġpartic ulate",
+ "Ġang ulated",
+ "Ġdown staging",
+ "Ġsil enced",
+ "Ġprogram me",
+ "Ġpolar izable",
+ "tub ulin",
+ "Ġautoantib ody",
+ "lam b",
+ "orf man",
+ "Ġpropag ation",
+ "Ġindefin ite",
+ "particular ly",
+ "2 11",
+ "z f",
+ "Ġpre invasive",
+ "Ġdef iciencies",
+ "Ġorgan elles",
+ "19 0",
+ "Ġfunctional ity",
+ "Ġtend ons",
+ "Ġgy rus",
+ "Ġlast ing",
+ "upl ing",
+ "hyp ert",
+ "Ġcad herin",
+ "phot on",
+ "Ġmulticent re",
+ "m tt",
+ "at ectomy",
+ "Ġc ect",
+ "Ġcancer ization",
+ "Ġlent ivirus",
+ "Ġunivers ally",
+ "Ġanastom oses",
+ "ampl ified",
+ "d ifferentiation",
+ "m is",
+ "Ġreg urg",
+ "Ġkerat ocyst",
+ "Ġaction able",
+ "Ġpersp ectives",
+ "Ġlactobac illus",
+ "2 30",
+ "ost r",
+ "Ġco ast",
+ "Ġsystem ically",
+ "Ġvir ch",
+ "Ġstandard ization",
+ "Ġgo als",
+ "Ġrepeat s",
+ "Ġwa iting",
+ "Ġgab a",
+ "c her",
+ "ib rotic",
+ "Ġj ournal",
+ "Ġapproach ing",
+ "Ġpseud omonas",
+ "Ġperic ellular",
+ "Ġqual itatively",
+ "Ġretin oids",
+ "Ġfer roptosis",
+ "Ġdup lex",
+ "valid ation",
+ "Ġst ream",
+ "Ġdem and",
+ "Ġcent rifug",
+ "Ġast rogl",
+ "Ġampl itude",
+ "Ġdon ut",
+ "Ġadip ogenic",
+ "Ġds g",
+ "Ġcruz i",
+ "d on",
+ "Ġd ots",
+ "ag s",
+ "Ġind ented",
+ "Ġsubmuc ous",
+ "Ġperfor in",
+ "Ġview ed",
+ "Ġtender ness",
+ "Ġa es",
+ "Ġo h",
+ "it ating",
+ "Ġb b",
+ "Ġb ca",
+ "ol ization",
+ "Ġprep ond",
+ "Ġpress ures",
+ "Ġfer ritin",
+ "Ġoutbreak s",
+ "Ġwav elength",
+ "Ġator vastatin",
+ "2 20",
+ "ath iop",
+ "ock et",
+ "Ġscant y",
+ "Ġauto immunity",
+ "Ġmultil ayered",
+ "junct ival",
+ "Ġmic romegakary",
+ "Ġdo ing",
+ "Ġav id",
+ "100 7",
+ "Ġstandard ised",
+ "Ġsuppress ors",
+ "Ġfil m",
+ "Ġfil ament",
+ "Ġrcc s",
+ "Ġbronchiol es",
+ "Ġhm w",
+ "Ġkl k",
+ "Ġantire tro",
+ "g ol",
+ "Ġb ond",
+ "Ġdis advant",
+ "ri asis",
+ "Ġmod ifying",
+ "art erectomy",
+ "Ġmac ules",
+ "Ġphenot ypically",
+ "co upled",
+ "Ġtransient ly",
+ "sub set",
+ "Ġparent s",
+ "Ġmicrob iology",
+ "Ġvitil igo",
+ "athiop rine",
+ "2 17",
+ "Ġc ard",
+ "Ġl ms",
+ "Ġe oe",
+ "Ġst omat",
+ "Ġat g",
+ "Ġper ia",
+ "hr s",
+ "cad es",
+ "Ġlast ly",
+ "Ġphenomen a",
+ "Ġtn bc",
+ "Ġprecon ditioning",
+ "Ġsolv ent",
+ "oxycycl ine",
+ "i otroph",
+ "Ġs ba",
+ "an es",
+ "om ys",
+ "id one",
+ "Ġr ice",
+ "Ġat f",
+ "amin ergic",
+ "Ġlower ing",
+ "Ġpancreatic obiliary",
+ "Ġsmok ed",
+ "Ġacin ic",
+ "Ġsn hg",
+ "Ġcontract ile",
+ "Ġcros stalk",
+ "Ġa acr",
+ "Ġas a",
+ "od in",
+ "ine phrine",
+ "Ġend oderm",
+ "Ġcalc ulation",
+ "anth rac",
+ "Ġprote olytic",
+ "Ġarg ue",
+ "Ġcytomorph ologic",
+ "b ax",
+ "i ant",
+ "j ak",
+ "t x",
+ "Ġt cdd",
+ "Ġp ss",
+ "ent ation",
+ "Ġn oc",
+ "Ġinfl iximab",
+ "Ġnon s",
+ "Ġ20 21",
+ "Ġprom yel",
+ "Ġpart ner",
+ "att ract",
+ "Ġcalc i",
+ "Ġcour tesy",
+ "Ġgover n",
+ "al anine",
+ "Ġst aff",
+ "Ġsp ain",
+ "Ġaden o",
+ "Ġi e",
+ "Ġph d",
+ "Ġanastom osing",
+ "Ġlr c",
+ "Ġmonke y",
+ "Ġmpn st",
+ "v alu",
+ "ur ate",
+ "Ġr ick",
+ "ge o",
+ "Ġextra ocular",
+ "Ġlin king",
+ "Ġaber ration",
+ "Ġevent ual",
+ "lob ar",
+ "chol inesterase",
+ "Ġagn or",
+ "al one",
+ "Ġpat ency",
+ "pl ga",
+ "ine urin",
+ "Ġun stained",
+ "Ġun supervised",
+ "ric tion",
+ "Ġen vironments",
+ "Ġpredict ions",
+ "mic roscopic",
+ "Ġmesothel in",
+ "Ġreservo ir",
+ "Ġschiz ophren",
+ "el astic",
+ "ct ic",
+ "Ġsp here",
+ "Ġsc d",
+ "Ġapp etite",
+ "Ġund es",
+ "Ġdef er",
+ "16 8",
+ "Ġ15 8",
+ "acet amol",
+ "dimethyl thiazol",
+ "Ġhypere ch",
+ "Ġgraf ted",
+ "Ġhold s",
+ "ro b",
+ "Ġd oxycycline",
+ "Ġh ouse",
+ "Ġv ig",
+ "Ġmy b",
+ "Ġhepat otoxic",
+ "invas ively",
+ "Ġdocument ation",
+ "Ġmec kel",
+ "Ġendoscop ists",
+ "Ġcolle ag",
+ "Ġveget ables",
+ "Ġces arean",
+ "re tic",
+ "Ġ19 73",
+ "Ġmid gut",
+ "15 6",
+ "Ġelect rop",
+ "Ġcholangi opancreat",
+ "inol ine",
+ "( +/-",
+ "( +/",
+ "Ġt al",
+ "ct n",
+ "Ġex osomal",
+ "Ġaden oviral",
+ "yst er",
+ "Ġgl ab",
+ "Ġcyst oprost",
+ "Ġprop olis",
+ "Ġ16 2",
+ "25 1",
+ "Ġlamin ectomy",
+ "hg d",
+ "Ġcn v",
+ "det ected",
+ "Ġcancer tumor",
+ "ik awa",
+ "Ġstim ulus",
+ "Ġventric les",
+ "Ġperic arditis",
+ "Ġcompet itive",
+ "Ġstabil ized",
+ "Ġglycos ylation",
+ "Ġtraff icking",
+ "n ut",
+ "an otic",
+ "ad ren",
+ "Ġper iven",
+ "cent ral",
+ "16 7",
+ "Ġrect us",
+ "Ġop acities",
+ "Ġhel d",
+ "Ġrest ing",
+ "trans l",
+ "Ġleth arg",
+ "Ġmach in",
+ "Ġacetyl choline",
+ "Ġphleb itis",
+ "Ġfruct ose",
+ "Ġlymp hed",
+ "lamb da",
+ "Ġantiretro viral",
+ "Ġa romatic",
+ "it able",
+ "Ġb f",
+ "Ġint rathoracic",
+ "Ġdown regulating",
+ "Ġprincip ally",
+ "inj ury",
+ "utr ition",
+ "Ġannot ation",
+ "Ġparap rotein",
+ "Ġextras keletal",
+ "Ġmanc hester",
+ "m rs",
+ "Ġe h",
+ "Ġcon ve",
+ "Ġit alian",
+ "roph ot",
+ "Ġhem optysis",
+ "Ġz no",
+ "acr ylate",
+ "Ġtransd uced",
+ "arter itis",
+ "syn uclein",
+ "Ġexpect ancy",
+ "Ġmother s",
+ "Ġmpm ri",
+ "Ġpolic y",
+ "Ġarres ted",
+ "Ġntr k",
+ "r one",
+ "it o",
+ "Ġw b",
+ "Ġe rect",
+ "ch ip",
+ "Ġun stable",
+ "Ġneph rol",
+ "pa ired",
+ "Ġta q",
+ "Ġamelior ating",
+ "Ġcg y",
+ "Ġepile pt",
+ "Ġstent ing",
+ "Ġsubstit ute",
+ "Ġstop ped",
+ "Ġchondros arcomas",
+ "es ium",
+ "Ġl ie",
+ "Ġhem i",
+ "Ġstat ins",
+ "sc id",
+ "Ġvis ually",
+ "Ġos f",
+ "lob ated",
+ "âĢĿ )",
+ "Ġsr cc",
+ "Ġplatform s",
+ "Ġthi obarbituric",
+ "Ġa ub",
+ "Ġres erved",
+ "Ġor n",
+ "Ġint ima",
+ "spec ified",
+ "Ġpa h",
+ "Ġaz o",
+ "Ġaz athioprine",
+ "smok er",
+ "Ġsolub ility",
+ "l sil",
+ "ol ol",
+ "am i",
+ "ost omia",
+ "Ġra ge",
+ "Ġdef ines",
+ "ps cs",
+ "Ġhepat os",
+ "Ġrest oring",
+ "Ġlam p",
+ "4 70",
+ "m atic",
+ "m ouse",
+ "z ing",
+ "Ġg cts",
+ "ir p",
+ "Ġmod if",
+ "Ġmelan ophages",
+ "Ġhyalin izing",
+ "Ġhistomorph ology",
+ "eps ia",
+ "Ġanaest hesia",
+ "Ġneurom uscular",
+ "am il",
+ "iz ers",
+ "Ġpredomin ate",
+ "hydrox yp",
+ "Ġinvers ion",
+ "Ġamph ophilic",
+ "lar gest",
+ "Ġspic ules",
+ "Ġs ense",
+ "ro cal",
+ "Ġpres urgical",
+ "urre d",
+ "Ġreact ed",
+ "Ġ19 0",
+ "16 9",
+ "Ġprov idence",
+ "Ġ15 9",
+ "uk ary",
+ "Ġglute al",
+ "t ma",
+ "Ġl ca",
+ "Ġh ass",
+ "le ar",
+ "Ġlob ated",
+ "Ġins ular",
+ "rop y",
+ "Ġhair pin",
+ "Ġinternal ization",
+ "Ġcry o",
+ "Ġdos ages",
+ "Ġspiroche tes",
+ "Ġcraniopharyng ioma",
+ "Ġpectoral is",
+ "Ġmicromegakary ocytes",
+ "' t",
+ "el ic",
+ "Ġhe ns",
+ "Ġpre f",
+ "Ġpre l",
+ "Ġco ales",
+ "Ġover weight",
+ "Ġpr l",
+ "Ġpo inted",
+ "Ġphosphory l",
+ "pro port",
+ "Ġtrig eminal",
+ "Ġhemangi opericytoma",
+ "Ġcer na",
+ "Ġquer ied",
+ "6 20",
+ "c ked",
+ "u yt",
+ "im urium",
+ "Ġpl k",
+ "Ġsub ungual",
+ "Ġam ygd",
+ "Ġmm f",
+ "hes us",
+ "rome gal",
+ "Ġparticip ates",
+ "Ġmicrov illi",
+ "Ġtu fts",
+ "ff pe",
+ "Ġcalc ineurin",
+ "Ġur inal",
+ "Ġke ap",
+ "Ġunus ually",
+ "Ġtranscriptional ly",
+ "Ġmyelodys plasia",
+ "Ġgst t",
+ "pig mented",
+ "oprot ection",
+ "5 20",
+ "c ast",
+ "s ox",
+ "an osine",
+ "Ġtrans amin",
+ "Ġconf ormal",
+ "Ġnucle olar",
+ "Ġchrom o",
+ "Ġatl antic",
+ "Ġcholest eat",
+ "Ġextrac ranial",
+ "Ġthy rogl",
+ "ofl urane",
+ "omater ials",
+ "i ia",
+ "v t",
+ "Ġw w",
+ "ot ri",
+ "pl at",
+ "Ġ2 30",
+ "Ġk ossa",
+ "Ġdis k",
+ "Ġnon steroidal",
+ "ew ert",
+ "34 0",
+ "Ġlent iviral",
+ "ercul ous",
+ "Ġconst ellation",
+ "Ġhor se",
+ "Ġbinucle ated",
+ "Ġtris ected",
+ "Ġspring er",
+ "Ġesophagogast roduodenoscopy",
+ "f gfr",
+ "Ġf tc",
+ "Ġst and",
+ "Ġmet ane",
+ "Ġact a",
+ "Ġcerv ic",
+ "Ġ17 4",
+ "ored uction",
+ "Ġhemorrh oids",
+ "Ġremov ing",
+ "Ġconsum ed",
+ "sec ond",
+ "Ġdead ly",
+ "Ġbreath ing",
+ "Ġbiofil m",
+ "Ġcholangiopancreat ography",
+ "Ġcystoprost atectomy",
+ "Ġh nr",
+ "Ġprim ord",
+ "Ġrepeated ly",
+ "Ġasymmet ry",
+ "Ġh acat",
+ "Ġpre cluding",
+ "Ġdr ives",
+ "sm outh",
+ "Ġulcer ations",
+ "cn ac",
+ "Ġoxygen ase",
+ "Ġdivers ion",
+ "Ġdeterior ated",
+ "Ġsupernat ants",
+ "w orthy",
+ "Ġa ih",
+ "Ġb os",
+ "Ġd dp",
+ "Ġl rr",
+ "iv ac",
+ "Ġimmun ofluorescent",
+ "pt en",
+ "sp e",
+ "ard ed",
+ "Ġcoll aboration",
+ "uv a",
+ "Ġsus tain",
+ "Ġthick er",
+ "Ġic r",
+ "Ġhr ct",
+ "200 4",
+ "Ġcircum cision",
+ "col ored",
+ "Ġfol fox",
+ "Ġdysp epsia",
+ "tet ra",
+ "Ġtonsill ectomy",
+ "Ġt ff",
+ "ol ism",
+ "Ġr cb",
+ "Ġcl ostr",
+ "Ġhist o",
+ "Ġcont ag",
+ "Ġinter ming",
+ "Ġcalc ifying",
+ "18 7",
+ "sh am",
+ "Ġcry os",
+ "Ġbound aries",
+ "Ġdefinit ely",
+ "Ġfim br",
+ "9 78",
+ "¼ m",
+ "Ġh uv",
+ "ag o",
+ "yt es",
+ "rel ative",
+ "Ġ19 82",
+ "15 8",
+ "Ġpromin ence",
+ "47 3",
+ "Ġfil amentous",
+ "supp ressor",
+ "Ġtyph imurium",
+ "Ġbroil er",
+ "endomet ri",
+ "Ġev s",
+ "Ġcol vin",
+ "Ġant ec",
+ "Ġincre mental",
+ "Ġcereb ro",
+ "Ġperior b",
+ "c ur",
+ "r flp",
+ "Ġh an",
+ "oc iation",
+ "ad ed",
+ "Ġmult ip",
+ "Ġelastic ity",
+ "Ġintegr ative",
+ "Ġank yl",
+ "Ġpoll ution",
+ "Ġshaf t",
+ "Ġregurg itation",
+ "Ġthyrogl ossal",
+ "b un",
+ "Ġc arditis",
+ "Ġd if",
+ "Ġd ab",
+ "Ġcoll ect",
+ "Ġimmunoglobulin s",
+ "Ġfund ing",
+ "neuro endocrine",
+ "Ġtopo isomerase",
+ "Ġleafl et",
+ "Ġprepond erance",
+ "os ystem",
+ "Ġh ras",
+ "Ġinf used",
+ "Ġhyper lipidemia",
+ "Ġfl uct",
+ "19 7",
+ "Ġpseud ocyst",
+ "Ġphen yl",
+ "Ġgynec omastia",
+ "isol ated",
+ "Ġwrit ten",
+ "Ġhob nail",
+ "Ġt ak",
+ "at tenu",
+ "on ential",
+ "Ġp sp",
+ "id i",
+ "Ġst ated",
+ "ac etic",
+ "rap ancreatic",
+ "Ġpar acetamol",
+ "Ġag nps",
+ "ophil in",
+ "Ġdo ct",
+ "Ġ16 3",
+ "Ġhemorrh oid",
+ "Ġsecret ing",
+ "Ġelucid ation",
+ "Ġresid ents",
+ "Ġdoub t",
+ "a or",
+ "al ph",
+ "Ġex ec",
+ "Ġv anc",
+ "Ġsp ores",
+ "Ġpar s",
+ "Ġbr d",
+ "supp ressive",
+ "integ rin",
+ "osperm ia",
+ "Ġhydr onephrosis",
+ "valu es",
+ "l nm",
+ "port al",
+ "Ġcont rad",
+ "Ġes r",
+ "tr p",
+ "ts h",
+ "Ġstat in",
+ "Ġcomb in",
+ "oderm at",
+ "Ġobst ac",
+ "Ġcrescent ic",
+ "Ġe ukary",
+ "ost rat",
+ "Ġcyt opath",
+ "Ġprim er",
+ "Ġsens ation",
+ "Ġrepresent ation",
+ "Ġelect rod",
+ "anth in",
+ "Ġhapl otypes",
+ "Ġimpr int",
+ "y al",
+ "Ġfor amen",
+ "Ġr hesus",
+ "Ġlymph omatoid",
+ "Ġsc ope",
+ "Ġmon ocytoid",
+ "Ġmagn esium",
+ "Ġ26 4",
+ "Ġoptimal ly",
+ "part um",
+ "Ġdro plet",
+ "Ġcrani ofacial",
+ "Ġburs a",
+ "Ġsulc us",
+ "in omatous",
+ "Ġd ying",
+ "Ġf os",
+ "uc ers",
+ "Ġmet icul",
+ "gen er",
+ "Ġmark s",
+ "Ġ16 4",
+ "Ġasc ertained",
+ "Ġanest hetic",
+ "ocy anine",
+ "Ġhypot ension",
+ "Ġpolyoma virus",
+ "< /=",
+ "g ence",
+ "Ġm pa",
+ "Ġas ians",
+ "Ġres erve",
+ "nt s",
+ "Ġend arterectomy",
+ "ric oma",
+ "Ġi as",
+ "Ġacc r",
+ "Ġ16 1",
+ "Ġnan ot",
+ "Ġhom ozyg",
+ "Ġphot on",
+ "Ġsple ens",
+ "Ġinternal ized",
+ "Ġbegin s",
+ "Ġars en",
+ "Ġbd nf",
+ "evalu ation",
+ "ww w",
+ "Ġhydroc ele",
+ "Ġt ry",
+ "Ġt eg",
+ "Ġl rp",
+ "st ages",
+ "anc reas",
+ "em ura",
+ "cc a",
+ "ef ined",
+ "Ġsp ray",
+ "ri ol",
+ "Ġj c",
+ "12 99",
+ "Ġblock er",
+ "Ġphosph olipid",
+ "Ġsw i",
+ "Ġmt a",
+ "Ġxen obiotic",
+ "Ġtransf ect",
+ "Ġunderestim ated",
+ "Ġradionucl ide",
+ "uyt ren",
+ "+ -",
+ "h old",
+ "n hl",
+ "en ergy",
+ "Ġm pe",
+ "ill es",
+ "Ġdist ended",
+ "Ġhum eral",
+ "Ġantigen ic",
+ "Ġschem es",
+ "dis continuous",
+ "rup ted",
+ "Ġxer ostomia",
+ "Ġmachin ery",
+ "g ap",
+ "Ġm h",
+ "Ġfor t",
+ "Ġdeg ran",
+ "Ġsac rum",
+ "pro cess",
+ "Ġneurot ized",
+ "Ġsle eve",
+ "Ġchemo attract",
+ "Ġbinucle ate",
+ "Ġlymphed ema",
+ "m ek",
+ "Ġv zv",
+ "Ġmut ually",
+ "Ġ19 70",
+ "Ġmain e",
+ "34 2",
+ "Ġbroad er",
+ "hs d",
+ "Ġneurofib rillary",
+ "Ġplasmacyt osis",
+ "sign al",
+ "Ġmov ements",
+ "usp ected",
+ "Ġrecapit ulate",
+ "Ġmultist ep",
+ "= -",
+ "f enib",
+ "p rogenitor",
+ "ic r",
+ "it ional",
+ "as ion",
+ "Ġcor ner",
+ "Ġeffect ors",
+ "Ġ7 50",
+ "Ġam d",
+ "Ġep irubicin",
+ "Ġct l",
+ "Ġax l",
+ "Ġperine um",
+ "Ġbronch itis",
+ "Ġoxid ized",
+ "Ġpseud ostrat",
+ "201 8",
+ "Ġmicros urgery",
+ "Ġmi rac",
+ "Ġprur igo",
+ "Ġsequest ration",
+ "Ġv oid",
+ "ad t",
+ "cc r",
+ "Ġhist ochemistry",
+ "Ġint ol",
+ "ch o",
+ "clus ion",
+ "Ġman ually",
+ "Ġprogn ostically",
+ "Ġmyeloid s",
+ "cyt hemia",
+ "Ġequ ival",
+ "79 01",
+ "son i",
+ "Ġcongest ive",
+ "Ġspondyl itis",
+ "Ġdispar ities",
+ "Ġcorrobor ated",
+ "c ys",
+ "p ub",
+ "Ġt ig",
+ "Ġf eces",
+ "Ġg els",
+ "ot rac",
+ "em ulsion",
+ "Ġk r",
+ "ob j",
+ "Ġfib re",
+ "Ġman us",
+ "19 8",
+ "par ametric",
+ "Ġ18 5",
+ "Ġhypog lycemia",
+ "w estern",
+ "amin ol",
+ "Ġem pd",
+ "Ġoste osarcomas",
+ "Ġpy kn",
+ "olip oprotein",
+ "Ġï¬ ī",
+ "Ġhomolog ue",
+ "fox p",
+ "cycl ic",
+ "Ġspitz oid",
+ "Ġglucocortic oids",
+ "Ġanticip ated",
+ "Ġcolleag ues",
+ "emura fenib",
+ "h ig",
+ "l if",
+ "at able",
+ "ia a",
+ "Ġsim ulation",
+ "fl oxacin",
+ "eth anol",
+ "Ġair sp",
+ "con n",
+ "Ġuncommon ly",
+ "flu id",
+ "Ġsoc s",
+ "Ġground s",
+ "but yl",
+ "Ġadam ant",
+ "Ġpdgf ra",
+ "onym ous",
+ "Ġharmon ic",
+ "Ġd mso",
+ "Ġg cs",
+ "Ġpl ag",
+ "yl ic",
+ "Ġmes odermal",
+ "Ġtox oplasma",
+ "Ġcir crna",
+ "Ġsched ules",
+ "car otene",
+ "Ġserop ositive",
+ "Ġphotore ceptor",
+ "Ġsuccum bed",
+ "ilib rium",
+ "Ġurinal ysis",
+ "Ġre operation",
+ "ell e",
+ "Ġat elect",
+ "Ġk le",
+ "Ġde ce",
+ "Ġhyper cholesterol",
+ "Ġreview ers",
+ "Ġdem on",
+ "val ent",
+ "17 8",
+ "Ġbres ler",
+ "Ġsut ures",
+ "Ġprogest in",
+ "anthrac ene",
+ "y ag",
+ "Ġst ret",
+ "Ġnote worthy",
+ "Ġpar af",
+ "Ġblood y",
+ "Ġpa id",
+ "Ġpal atal",
+ "Ġdivertic ula",
+ "Ġmultinucle ate",
+ "Ġpk m",
+ "Ġlymphangi ogenesis",
+ "Ġxanthogranul oma",
+ "Ġgangren ous",
+ "h gf",
+ "Ġk egg",
+ "di hydroxy",
+ "ogen eous",
+ "eut z",
+ "Ġoste ogenesis",
+ "Ġ16 6",
+ "22 8",
+ "Ġmast oid",
+ "Ġundergo es",
+ "ument ed",
+ "Ġtrac king",
+ "Ġmedull oblastomas",
+ "hs v",
+ "Ġhb o",
+ "Ġscl eral",
+ "p reted",
+ "om el",
+ "id omide",
+ "Ġab lated",
+ "Ġund efined",
+ "Ġcomb ine",
+ "Ġtract ion",
+ "mm ps",
+ "ione uronal",
+ "organ ized",
+ "Ġcatal yz",
+ "Ġperiorb ital",
+ "Ġs ympt",
+ "op ically",
+ "il is",
+ "ast e",
+ "Ġup grad",
+ "Ġlong standing",
+ "Ġrna i",
+ "gs k",
+ "well esley",
+ "Ġverteb ra",
+ "Ġimmunohist ological",
+ "Ġfont ana",
+ "Ġanhydr ase",
+ "es o",
+ "Ġb scc",
+ "Ġhist otype",
+ "Ġar ds",
+ "Ġman soni",
+ "Ġtox oplasmosis",
+ "Ġquant ities",
+ "Ġatt end",
+ "Ġadventit ial",
+ ". âĢĿ",
+ "3 60",
+ "4 10",
+ "d ise",
+ "w orm",
+ "ap pend",
+ "af b",
+ "Ġsw abs",
+ "Ġcarb onic",
+ "Ġcircum ference",
+ "Ġcoag ul",
+ "Ġflo ating",
+ "agg ressive",
+ "Ġosm f",
+ "Ġurtic aria",
+ "Ġmex ico",
+ "p ent",
+ "Ġs ided",
+ "pl acental",
+ "Ġrec urs",
+ "Ġben ch",
+ "ik v",
+ "Ġest her",
+ "Ġcle an",
+ "ocyst is",
+ "Ġcb d",
+ "Ġdich orionic",
+ "Ġfb x",
+ "Ġrid ges",
+ "cour tesy",
+ "Ġindisp ensable",
+ "d orfman",
+ "w f",
+ "Ġt bm",
+ "Ġc ab",
+ "Ġc ep",
+ "ig s",
+ "ib ial",
+ "Ġmet ab",
+ "Ġ17 7",
+ "Ġmagn ifying",
+ "Ġhyd ropic",
+ "Ġnecro ps",
+ "Ġintrat he",
+ "Ġimpair s",
+ "col on",
+ "Ġsimpl ified",
+ "repres ented",
+ "p el",
+ "Ġa romat",
+ "Ġt or",
+ "Ġb it",
+ "ell y",
+ "Ġr ct",
+ "th ym",
+ "Ġsub dural",
+ "15 9",
+ "Ġed s",
+ "Ġheter od",
+ "standard ized",
+ "stat us",
+ "Ġtax ane",
+ "Ġald osterone",
+ "Ġjux t",
+ "Ġpity riasis",
+ "n msc",
+ "at ite",
+ "Ġw ing",
+ "Ġb ort",
+ "st ar",
+ "od il",
+ "Ġad s",
+ "Ġgro ove",
+ "Ġfl i",
+ "Ġmild er",
+ "Ġ17 2",
+ "Ġlast ed",
+ "Ġcategor ization",
+ "Ġsporad ically",
+ "Ġpara aortic",
+ "Ġdisturb ed",
+ "Ġintens ely",
+ "Ġvest ib",
+ "Ġadri amycin",
+ "d ce",
+ "r ip",
+ "Ġh z",
+ "ing ly",
+ "Ġv emurafenib",
+ "Ġag ric",
+ "Ġnon keratinizing",
+ "Ġen os",
+ "Ġmy opathies",
+ "Ġout lined",
+ "Ġduct ules",
+ "epithel iomatous",
+ "specific ity",
+ "Ġlit term",
+ "30 2",
+ "Ġpeak ed",
+ "struct ive",
+ "obs erved",
+ "Ġcric oid",
+ "Ġpseudoc apsule",
+ "b ase",
+ "r l",
+ "Ġp scc",
+ "it an",
+ "Ġexp ensive",
+ "one uro",
+ "Ġend os",
+ "Ġtrans cribed",
+ "orph y",
+ "Ġii ic",
+ "Ġmen opausal",
+ "ator ial",
+ "iter pen",
+ "Ġcigare ttes",
+ "Ġdf sp",
+ "Ġparam ount",
+ "Ġenrol l",
+ "transl ational",
+ "Ġt sa",
+ "Ġb ases",
+ "om ol",
+ "Ġpre requ",
+ "Ġtr ib",
+ "Ġpd gfr",
+ "nas al",
+ "Ġexperi ences",
+ "Ġcond yle",
+ "Ġfal c",
+ "Ġphysic ochemical",
+ "Ġflor a",
+ "Ġsatis faction",
+ "Ġcere br",
+ "c ester",
+ "Ġs ema",
+ "Ġo ed",
+ "Ġl pa",
+ "om s",
+ "op ause",
+ "et ium",
+ "Ġal s",
+ "Ġal dehyde",
+ "ad renal",
+ "Ġlymph osc",
+ "Ġmelan otic",
+ "Ġtarget able",
+ "30 9",
+ "Ġchol ed",
+ "Ġtemp eratures",
+ "Ġattrib utes",
+ "Ġstri atum",
+ "mult ifocal",
+ "r ative",
+ "aps hot",
+ "17 1",
+ "Ġavoid ance",
+ "Ġunil ocular",
+ "Ġsi ewert",
+ "Ġket amine",
+ "Ġhaemangi oma",
+ "Ġcada ver",
+ "Ġautops ies",
+ "Ġm ur",
+ "Ġn cc",
+ "Ġh bs",
+ "Ġmet ac",
+ "Ġcl ark",
+ "Ġsug ar",
+ "Ġtr us",
+ "Ġtra vel",
+ "Ġdispl aced",
+ "Ġdystroph in",
+ "Ġcg h",
+ "Ġnig eria",
+ "Ġreliev ed",
+ "Ġblist ering",
+ "Ġhypometh ylation",
+ "Ġleukocytocl astic",
+ "Ġascorb ic",
+ "Ġp cm",
+ "Ġp eutz",
+ "ect ins",
+ "ly l",
+ "Ġv x",
+ "Ġun predict",
+ "Ġsub site",
+ "Ġdec alc",
+ "Ġradi olabeled",
+ "Ġbr uc",
+ "pr p",
+ "Ġamel anotic",
+ "Ġelucid ating",
+ "Ġsout heast",
+ "Ġlute um",
+ "ez omib",
+ "Ġin g",
+ "ym et",
+ "Ġimmun otherapies",
+ "hem orrh",
+ "Ġcons ort",
+ "Ġde aling",
+ "Ġant en",
+ "Ġtub o",
+ "Ġalong side",
+ "Ġport smouth",
+ "Ġcaps ules",
+ "Ġsat uration",
+ "Ġcf dna",
+ "Ġperm its",
+ "Ġarrhyth m",
+ "Ġrag ged",
+ "a o",
+ "f rozen",
+ "i oc",
+ "Ġpr k",
+ "olec ular",
+ "com plex",
+ "bl ack",
+ "Ġpd c",
+ "Ġadminist ering",
+ "Ġ18 6",
+ "Ġpare n",
+ "Ġangi osarcomas",
+ "cad ian",
+ "pr ss",
+ "Ġneurot oxic",
+ "Ġnom ograms",
+ "Ġasth matic",
+ "Ġcryop res",
+ "Ġp x",
+ "Ġd yn",
+ "Ġv oric",
+ "ad o",
+ "Ġend ovascular",
+ "ron ate",
+ "Ġmic elles",
+ "Ġac romegal",
+ "Ġcir cadian",
+ "Ġcount y",
+ "27 4",
+ "Ġspect rophot",
+ "Ġlys osomes",
+ "vit ro",
+ "Ġbever ly",
+ "s ac",
+ "t im",
+ "Ġp ci",
+ "Ġno ise",
+ "up per",
+ "ab out",
+ "Ġco bal",
+ "Ġ19 2",
+ "26 5",
+ "Ġdiffic ile",
+ "Ġlin ks",
+ "chem o",
+ "co ag",
+ "Ġameric ans",
+ "Ġbc or",
+ "has himoto",
+ "neuro pathy",
+ "h and",
+ "Ġn act",
+ "id h",
+ "Ġst aple",
+ "Ġ2 25",
+ "Ġbl o",
+ "di ast",
+ "Ġsl ice",
+ "Ġtra it",
+ "Ġuro genital",
+ "Ġconflu ence",
+ "oper itoneum",
+ "Ġuv a",
+ "Ġhox b",
+ "Ġfus arium",
+ "adel ph",
+ "eryth ropo",
+ "Ġstern um",
+ "Ġletharg y",
+ "\" :",
+ "o active",
+ "ad ays",
+ "ore active",
+ "Ġbreast s",
+ "les ion",
+ "Ġhepat oma",
+ "Ġ18 2",
+ "Ġdiss olved",
+ "Ġach illes",
+ "Ġintrap rostatic",
+ "ref ring",
+ "molec ule",
+ "link ing",
+ "l ac",
+ "r m",
+ "op ril",
+ "id ers",
+ "Ġwh itish",
+ "Ġext irp",
+ "Ġfour ier",
+ "Ġder ang",
+ "Ġta urine",
+ "Ġpy ro",
+ "Ġnow adays",
+ "Ġcas cades",
+ "dys plasia",
+ "mv b",
+ "otransplant ation",
+ "bel ow",
+ "Ġneurotrans mit",
+ "Ġchromo endoscopy",
+ "el c",
+ "Ġmet atarsal",
+ "Ġbet af",
+ "Ġreg ress",
+ "Ġsup rasellar",
+ "Ġcent ury",
+ "Ġfre ed",
+ "05 9",
+ "Ġwor cester",
+ "abol ism",
+ "Ġfar ms",
+ "Ġmix tures",
+ "Ġoesophag ectomy",
+ "Ġnecessit ating",
+ "Ġarach noid",
+ "Ġvoric onazole",
+ "p pi",
+ "Ġcell ulitis",
+ "ter ing",
+ "Ġap olipoprotein",
+ "Ġaden ine",
+ "uct d",
+ "Ġcons cious",
+ "Ġfibro histiocytic",
+ "Ġ17 6",
+ "Ġsegment ed",
+ "Ġcircul atory",
+ "Ġamelior ates",
+ "Ġcn b",
+ "irc ulation",
+ "Ġpromyel ocytic",
+ "Ġbort ezomib",
+ "adelph ia",
+ "m ts",
+ "Ġp us",
+ "Ġe ther",
+ "Ġbi refring",
+ "Ġk rist",
+ "Ġhistopath ologists",
+ "Ġnon diagnostic",
+ "Ġcm l",
+ "Ġca ix",
+ "Ġdys morph",
+ "Ġgastro duodenal",
+ "Ġlamin ations",
+ "Ġposit ions",
+ "onucle osis",
+ "Ġhot air",
+ "Ġecz ema",
+ "Ġcompens atory",
+ "Ġstraight forward",
+ "g un",
+ "Ġsp t",
+ "Ġmy ast",
+ "Ġbre eding",
+ "18 4",
+ "19 1",
+ "30 8",
+ "to ok",
+ "Ġmultif unctional",
+ "Ġpseudo epitheliomatous",
+ "alt ered",
+ "Ġcorpor a",
+ "f oot",
+ "Ġp oc",
+ "Ġse eded",
+ "Ġrec ist",
+ "Ġmucin osis",
+ "Ġmultifocal ity",
+ "Ġtang les",
+ "yc ardia",
+ "ascul ature",
+ "ograf ted",
+ "3 01",
+ "Ġb ob",
+ "un it",
+ "if olia",
+ "cl one",
+ "Ġbre n",
+ "22 6",
+ "Ġrh yth",
+ "Ġimplic ate",
+ "pro st",
+ "ocardi ac",
+ "Ġadduct s",
+ "b raf",
+ "st omy",
+ "Ġab uts",
+ "Ġintra ventricular",
+ "gen ome",
+ "fl ux",
+ "Ġsa h",
+ "oxic ated",
+ "Ġadenomy oma",
+ "Ġparallel ed",
+ "ĠÎ ¼m",
+ "Ġrender ing",
+ "Ġzoon otic",
+ "Ġtaq man",
+ "Ġcholed och",
+ "j eg",
+ "Ġg gt",
+ "Ġg erb",
+ "Ġco express",
+ "Ġprim ates",
+ "Ġloc omotor",
+ "Ġthir ds",
+ "Ġsuperior ity",
+ "ĠâĢ ĺ",
+ "Ġhemod ialysis",
+ "Ġleth ality",
+ "Ġcf tr",
+ "Ġsial adenitis",
+ "conf ined",
+ "Ġ ]",
+ "Ġreg row",
+ "oh dg",
+ "ca use",
+ "Ġglut ar",
+ "Ġenter ocutaneous",
+ "Ġcond uit",
+ "Ġtri ang",
+ "Ġsequential ly",
+ "Ġpsych iatric",
+ "Ġba ical",
+ "s um",
+ "as ota",
+ "an at",
+ "Ġd ba",
+ "ch c",
+ "Ġra f",
+ "Ġmod ulator",
+ "Ġgl ioneuronal",
+ "Ġ18 8",
+ "bi osis",
+ "Ġpor okeratosis",
+ "Ġelectro ly",
+ "sol uble",
+ "Ġtro ut",
+ "Ġcust om",
+ "Ġin activating",
+ "Ġal ert",
+ "Ġev asion",
+ "Ġref ract",
+ "Ġconstit utional",
+ "Ġtun nel",
+ "Ġencephal omyelitis",
+ "otroph ic",
+ "Ġphal anx",
+ "Ġmicrow ave",
+ "g lycer",
+ "Ġh dr",
+ "Ġdec omp",
+ "Ġsing let",
+ "ca emia",
+ "okin ase",
+ "Ġapprec iable",
+ "Ġcolposcop ic",
+ "Ġimbal ances",
+ "Ġpla us",
+ "Ġphil adelphia",
+ "Ġintrav illous",
+ "Ġmatric es",
+ "conjug ated",
+ "l amp",
+ "z d",
+ "Ġc ct",
+ "Ġb im",
+ "Ġex fol",
+ "Ġcol orectum",
+ "reat ment",
+ "Ġsc a",
+ "Ġsub ep",
+ "Ġunder took",
+ "Ġhepat oblastoma",
+ "cept ors",
+ "Ġoff ice",
+ "Ġech ogenicity",
+ "fn ab",
+ "Ġsar asota",
+ "cx cr",
+ "Ġsymmet rical",
+ "Ġaccent uated",
+ "Ġmitot ically",
+ "Ġperiven ular",
+ "Ġd pc",
+ "Ġl b",
+ "Ġl ake",
+ "Ġpres cription",
+ "Ġinter active",
+ "Ġgra v",
+ "Ġop ened",
+ "Ġ17 1",
+ "Ġnodular is",
+ "Ġpolym eric",
+ "pd x",
+ "Ġexperi encing",
+ "Ġpap ular",
+ "lob e",
+ "hist opathological",
+ "Ġcre ation",
+ "opol yp",
+ "oqu inone",
+ "devel op",
+ "Ġphospholip ase",
+ "regen erative",
+ "h ilar",
+ "s b",
+ "Ġp de",
+ "Ġun recognized",
+ "Ġnon responders",
+ "Ġret rom",
+ "Ġ20 4",
+ "Ġaff erent",
+ "Ġdam s",
+ "Ġhybrid isation",
+ "Ġalk yl",
+ "Ġfibr illation",
+ "Ġneuropath ic",
+ "Ġhistomorph ologic",
+ "Ġschist osoma",
+ "Ġhyperpig mented",
+ "assess ed",
+ "Ġaromat ase",
+ "Ġwas ting",
+ "Ġgen erations",
+ "Ġmon oph",
+ "Ġtr pv",
+ "bl astoma",
+ "22 4",
+ "Ġsw im",
+ "til s",
+ "isc her",
+ "Ġfluor ide",
+ "Ġclassif iers",
+ "Ġcapt ive",
+ "Ġocclud ed",
+ "odon tic",
+ "Ġhematoc rit",
+ "Ġhydroph obic",
+ "it azone",
+ "act one",
+ "Ġhist ocompatibility",
+ "ap ia",
+ "Ġsl ower",
+ "Ġthromb in",
+ "Ġcarb oxyl",
+ "Ġnor way",
+ "Ġneo intimal",
+ "Ġpheochrom ocytomas",
+ "Ġemot ional",
+ "m cp",
+ "t osis",
+ "Ġo cul",
+ "er ans",
+ "Ġn iftp",
+ "Ġe u",
+ "et ector",
+ "Ġas cs",
+ "ob ar",
+ "Ġcyt oreduction",
+ "Ġpo ult",
+ "Ġsl o",
+ "Ġ17 3",
+ "Ġmegakary ocyte",
+ "Ġns cs",
+ "Ġmedic ines",
+ "Ġtt p",
+ "be am",
+ "Ġifn gamma",
+ "Ġish ikawa",
+ "Ġscenari os",
+ "Ġgamm adelta",
+ "coll agen",
+ "Ġimped ance",
+ "Ġconvol uted",
+ "Ġhypop ig",
+ "h isp",
+ "v ant",
+ "Ġm ere",
+ "Ġw ant",
+ "Ġh mscs",
+ "Ġk pa",
+ "and er",
+ "pithel ial",
+ "Ġbre eds",
+ "tr im",
+ "Ġperipheral ly",
+ "Ġconduct ing",
+ "28 0",
+ "Ġdeb ilit",
+ "ana plastic",
+ "Ġschizophren ia",
+ "/ +)",
+ "4 20",
+ "Ġs ild",
+ "pt s",
+ "Ġile ocol",
+ "Ġpoly cythemia",
+ "Ġoc scc",
+ "Ġpac a",
+ "Ġflorid a",
+ "gast ro",
+ "Ġabsorb ed",
+ "Ġhypothal amic",
+ "bir th",
+ "Ġposter olateral",
+ "d y",
+ "m pn",
+ "al asia",
+ "ic ating",
+ "ig ence",
+ "Ġhyp of",
+ "Ġfra mes",
+ "Ġmac rometastases",
+ "Ġpolym ers",
+ "iat ur",
+ "erc osis",
+ "Ġimpair ments",
+ "Ġsuit ability",
+ "hal f",
+ "Ġhaemorrh agic",
+ "Ġpust ular",
+ "phosphory lated",
+ "Ġhyaluron an",
+ "Ġcalci phylaxis",
+ "2 53",
+ "v essel",
+ "or chid",
+ "th reonine",
+ "Ġgen erates",
+ "Ġcolon oscopic",
+ "sp hen",
+ "Ġnucle otides",
+ "Ġadv ocated",
+ "27 8",
+ "Ġvi rolog",
+ "inosit ide",
+ "Ġrut in",
+ "Ġelectrop oration",
+ "m sp",
+ "m embranous",
+ "al though",
+ "Ġs ound",
+ "Ġo ocytes",
+ "Ġm erg",
+ "Ġm orbid",
+ "et tes",
+ "Ġmeth ionine",
+ "Ġinter s",
+ "ik il",
+ "Ġ19 6",
+ "20 8",
+ "Ġsl ope",
+ "Ġenc ode",
+ "Ġref ine",
+ "ta u",
+ "Ġformal dehyde",
+ "Ġoligodend rocytes",
+ "Ġexc or",
+ "Ġoblit erans",
+ "Ġoxynt ocardiac",
+ "posit ron",
+ "hur thle",
+ "l ab",
+ "l pr",
+ "in uclear",
+ "Ġt at",
+ "Ġc cs",
+ "Ġun enhanced",
+ "oth ione",
+ "Ġdys erythropo",
+ "Ġmorph ine",
+ "Ġgastro stomy",
+ "Ġiv b",
+ "po uch",
+ "ane urys",
+ "Ġnear by",
+ "acetyl cysteine",
+ "Ġber ber",
+ "Ġcrystall ine",
+ "Ġchimer ism",
+ "Ġtransamin ases",
+ "Ġatelect asis",
+ "Ġa vium",
+ "Ġk its",
+ "Ġhyp eral",
+ "Ġfibro elast",
+ "ole y",
+ "Ġpoly d",
+ "Ġmt d",
+ "Ġfibr illar",
+ "Ġoffer ing",
+ "Ġsen ior",
+ "Ġarach id",
+ "stra ble",
+ "deplet ed",
+ "Ġdece ased",
+ "Ġunpredict able",
+ "y an",
+ "Ġc ts",
+ "Ġcl ock",
+ "Ġmat ch",
+ "ox an",
+ "Ġinter dig",
+ "over all",
+ "Ġana er",
+ "Ġcertain ly",
+ "Ġparat rabecular",
+ "Ġdop aminergic",
+ "Ġmanage able",
+ "Ġelectrod es",
+ "Ġmirac a",
+ "s np",
+ "it ol",
+ "Ġd cm",
+ "ac cept",
+ "Ġfo am",
+ "Ġmin iatur",
+ "Ġmortal ities",
+ "lymph oblastic",
+ "Ġimmunosupp ress",
+ "Ġnac l",
+ "Ġbehaviour al",
+ "Ġnasol abial",
+ "Ġvalv ular",
+ "a ux",
+ "Ġf i",
+ "Ġh ib",
+ "Ġon com",
+ "Ġbe ag",
+ "Ġgro oves",
+ "osin ophilic",
+ "Ġdam aging",
+ "200 7",
+ "Ġcer amide",
+ "Ġpsamm omatous",
+ "Ġmitig ated",
+ "Ġclam ping",
+ "Ġcation ic",
+ "Ġdart mouth",
+ "on yl",
+ "Ġc rown",
+ "Ġfor k",
+ "ph os",
+ "qu er",
+ "cc p",
+ "Ġpl ots",
+ "ance ment",
+ "Ġextens or",
+ "Ġchol inergic",
+ "Ġlact ation",
+ "Ġdisrup ting",
+ "do uble",
+ "Ġdemon strable",
+ "% ])",
+ "t op",
+ "t ri",
+ "as a",
+ "Ġb n",
+ "an yl",
+ "Ġl iv",
+ "ure t",
+ "Ġac he",
+ "Ġsup ple",
+ "Ġup ar",
+ "int ent",
+ "aden omatous",
+ "Ġelect ric",
+ "Ġinsulin oma",
+ "Ġjust ified",
+ "Ġemphys ematous",
+ "Ġmtor c",
+ "Ġbund le",
+ "Ġinstr uments",
+ "Ġmonol ayers",
+ "Ġdiast olic",
+ "c ing",
+ "w m",
+ "is up",
+ "Ġv m",
+ "sp r",
+ "emb ry",
+ "Ġiv c",
+ "sl ides",
+ "Ġvol tage",
+ "last ing",
+ "l abeling",
+ "Ġt es",
+ "ra ce",
+ "Ġsh apes",
+ "Ġass ign",
+ "Ġend odermal",
+ "Ġmod ulators",
+ "Ġgast roscopy",
+ "Ġup regulate",
+ "Ġcap acities",
+ "Ġmultid etector",
+ "Ġfibrom as",
+ "Ġg ps",
+ "Ġcon nexin",
+ "Ġinter vertebral",
+ "Ġmark et",
+ "idne y",
+ "Ġins id",
+ "Ġche cked",
+ "Ġ17 8",
+ "Ġminim izing",
+ "Ġfluor ine",
+ "Ġsd f",
+ "Ġhomogen eity",
+ "Ġsyncyt iotroph",
+ "Ġingre dients",
+ "Ġmoll us",
+ "Ġhyperech oic",
+ "4 90",
+ "p hen",
+ "Ġs sa",
+ "Ġor s",
+ "end ers",
+ "Ġhe v",
+ "Ġend orectal",
+ "ian a",
+ "Ġadv oc",
+ "Ġneuro inflammation",
+ "obacter ium",
+ "Ġpoly neuropathy",
+ "Ġcut ting",
+ "Ġtransl ated",
+ "pn i",
+ "Ġtrache ostomy",
+ "car nitine",
+ "Ġsymmet ric",
+ "Ġthromboemb olism",
+ "Ġpoult ry",
+ "2 13",
+ "s qu",
+ "ot axis",
+ "Ġdi hyd",
+ "Ġpre eclampsia",
+ "Ġcoll ateral",
+ "Ġlip s",
+ "Ġ18 4",
+ "Ġmast er",
+ "Ġmethyl ene",
+ "Ġgangliogl ioma",
+ "sat urated",
+ "l as",
+ "t imp",
+ "re ds",
+ "it ate",
+ "op orphyrin",
+ "st en",
+ "em pl",
+ "Ġde his",
+ "ind au",
+ "Ġj ag",
+ "Ġel abor",
+ "Ġbas ilar",
+ "Ġph aryng",
+ "Ġstr iated",
+ "pd gf",
+ "Ġsk p",
+ "Ġretic ul",
+ "Ġestrogen ic",
+ "Ġelast ase",
+ "Ġexcit ation",
+ "Ġprofessional s",
+ "Ġhemophag ocytic",
+ "Ġglutar aldehyde",
+ "Ġsupple ments",
+ "Ġac a",
+ "Ġir s",
+ "Ġleuk emias",
+ "ram p",
+ "Ġprogen y",
+ "sr v",
+ "Ġbull osa",
+ "itud es",
+ "Ġpreclud e",
+ "Ġroset te",
+ "Ġsild enafil",
+ "Ġm pc",
+ "Ġl ived",
+ "op elvic",
+ "ge j",
+ "Ġuter i",
+ "immun oblastic",
+ "Ġprur itic",
+ "Ġfreed om",
+ "n od",
+ "Ġt ort",
+ "Ġe eg",
+ "kin je",
+ "Ġapp ra",
+ "erat oma",
+ "ari etal",
+ "Ġcr m",
+ "Ġfav our",
+ "Ġnan ost",
+ "Ġtet rac",
+ "Ġlook ed",
+ "Ġhot spot",
+ "Ġgamm opathy",
+ "Ġrough ly",
+ "Ġgynaec ological",
+ "e y",
+ "h air",
+ "n of",
+ "Ġin acc",
+ "ran ded",
+ "ap optosis",
+ "ric k",
+ "ak er",
+ "Ġhyper oxia",
+ "Ġig d",
+ "Ġfore ns",
+ "+/- ,",
+ "Ġembry oid",
+ "Ġcop olym",
+ "Ġuncom plicated",
+ "Ġfer ry",
+ "v ar",
+ "w est",
+ "Ġun ic",
+ "Ġep ist",
+ "com pet",
+ "Ġantit umour",
+ "Ġconcern ed",
+ "Ġsa id",
+ "Ġallevi ating",
+ "Ġsick le",
+ "Ġsediment ation",
+ "Ġscrat ch",
+ "endometri oid",
+ "Ġcerebro vascular",
+ "Ġdyserythropo iesis",
+ "p cs",
+ "Ġn aked",
+ "Ġl vsi",
+ "Ġad r",
+ "Ġtumor ous",
+ "her ic",
+ "ri an",
+ "Ġmelan ocyte",
+ "20 9",
+ "Ġpart ition",
+ "Ġ18 1",
+ "Ġ17 9",
+ "asp artate",
+ "class ical",
+ "ocomp atible",
+ "Ġanatom ically",
+ "Ġcommit ment",
+ "Ġthous and",
+ "Ġconsort ium",
+ "n u",
+ "ro at",
+ "Ġaf lat",
+ "Ġ16 9",
+ "Ġip scs",
+ "exp ensive",
+ "rox ine",
+ "Ġmultic ystic",
+ "Ġsemin omas",
+ "Ġmf h",
+ "d or",
+ "p ge",
+ "Ġa wa",
+ "Ġf ication",
+ "pl ing",
+ "Ġcomb ines",
+ "ret a",
+ "Ġtem plate",
+ "Ġhip po",
+ "be an",
+ "be havi",
+ "Ġmetastas izes",
+ "phosphory lation",
+ "2 63",
+ "n lh",
+ "Ġe jection",
+ "op erating",
+ "um en",
+ "Ġ5 000",
+ "Ġer d",
+ "Ġtr p",
+ "Ġcalc inosis",
+ "Ġmajor a",
+ "Ġprot otype",
+ "Ġif osfamide",
+ "17 3",
+ "gl i",
+ "organ ic",
+ "Ġumbil icus",
+ "Ġsupplement ary",
+ "gran ul",
+ "ophthal m",
+ "h fd",
+ "un ted",
+ "ad i",
+ "Ġimmun olabeled",
+ "Ġdet ects",
+ "spec ies",
+ "line age",
+ "37 8",
+ "Ġoil s",
+ "Ġcoexist ent",
+ "oleiomy oma",
+ "Ġmeticul ous",
+ "f ab",
+ "Ġa j",
+ "re ased",
+ "Ġper taining",
+ "Ġper ceived",
+ "th r",
+ "Ġus g",
+ "pt on",
+ "Ġspec ulate",
+ "Ġradi oresistant",
+ "ex ome",
+ "Ġhepat ocarcinogenesis",
+ "Ġdiss ecting",
+ "23 9",
+ "rogen esis",
+ "Ġrespir ation",
+ "Ġhyperm ethylated",
+ "Ġcoord inated",
+ "Ġthal amus",
+ "Ġmaln utrition",
+ "jeg hers",
+ "ur c",
+ "Ġv d",
+ "Ġv te",
+ "Ġ3 44",
+ "Ġle ave",
+ "Ġduct openia",
+ "Ġent ropy",
+ "angi itis",
+ "cyt idine",
+ "Ġaccurac ies",
+ "Ġref ined",
+ "39 8",
+ "olip omas",
+ "Ġfr anc",
+ "Ġhomogen ate",
+ "Ġcardiomy ocyte",
+ "Ġeti opathogenesis",
+ "antib ody",
+ "k idney",
+ "p bm",
+ "Ġg nas",
+ "Ġas e",
+ "Ġch ow",
+ "cl cc",
+ "Ġhyper th",
+ "Ġca a",
+ "Ġcat enin",
+ "bi otic",
+ "200 8",
+ "Ġmonos omy",
+ "Ġring s",
+ "Ġcommun icated",
+ "Ġwash ington",
+ "Ġadam ts",
+ "Ġphag ocytic",
+ "scar ring",
+ "Ġbott om",
+ "l q",
+ "Ġb on",
+ "Ġres idence",
+ "Ġsh aring",
+ "Ġprob abilities",
+ "ga uge",
+ "Ġwhere in",
+ "Ġpolys accharide",
+ "cons um",
+ "Ġfing ers",
+ "Ġlymphosc intigraphy",
+ "Ġbren ner",
+ "hisp anic",
+ "2 90",
+ "7 00",
+ "h ire",
+ "m cs",
+ "p inal",
+ "it in",
+ "Ġw rap",
+ "Ġn aring",
+ "pl enic",
+ "Ġde hp",
+ "Ġreport prostate",
+ "Ġradi otrac",
+ "Ġest rogens",
+ "18 9",
+ "Ġkne es",
+ "Ġhaem oglobin",
+ "Ġsun scre",
+ "Ġdic t",
+ "Ġpunct ate",
+ "dotat ate",
+ "Ġforens ic",
+ "a ip",
+ "a ided",
+ "d isciplinary",
+ "Ġin expensive",
+ "pl asm",
+ "all ograft",
+ "Ġmal di",
+ "Ġprim ate",
+ "av itary",
+ "Ġinj ecting",
+ "Ġpd cd",
+ "Ġpseud opolyp",
+ "Ġlact ic",
+ "Ġvitamin s",
+ "Ġencompass es",
+ "Ġmicronucle us",
+ "Ġs agittal",
+ "Ġw ol",
+ "ar ate",
+ "ion ate",
+ "Ġr bm",
+ "Ġch ag",
+ "Ġper ception",
+ "Ġkn ife",
+ "Ġpur kinje",
+ "Ġ18 9",
+ "bor ns",
+ "osal ping",
+ "Ġsubc on",
+ "Ġtm em",
+ "Ġccr cc",
+ "Ġshr imp",
+ "Ġbroil ers",
+ "Ġtenosyn ovial",
+ "al dh",
+ "Ġsp arsely",
+ "Ġdis agre",
+ "ox ynt",
+ "br ight",
+ "ty r",
+ "200 6",
+ "Ġplate au",
+ "Ġsun light",
+ "Ġradio immun",
+ "Ġbenz o",
+ "Ġpak istan",
+ "Ġcholesteat oma",
+ "Ġintrathe cal",
+ "Ġparen teral",
+ "Ġregrow th",
+ "Ġe ur",
+ "ol one",
+ "st ones",
+ "Ġsc arc",
+ "Ġhyper lobated",
+ "Ġconf ident",
+ "Ġpost partum",
+ "Ġct gf",
+ "alp able",
+ "Ġstrat ifying",
+ "Ġla uren",
+ "Ġsd c",
+ "Ġlanger in",
+ "Ġnad ph",
+ "Ġsenes cent",
+ "Ġscav enger",
+ "u o",
+ "Ġa lex",
+ "Ġc ef",
+ "st randed",
+ "oma ch",
+ "Ġov x",
+ "Ġmonth ly",
+ "rain t",
+ "ule in",
+ "Ġcycl ing",
+ "Ġtrac k",
+ "Ġsf rp",
+ "Ġtex as",
+ "a id",
+ "t pa",
+ "Ġde pl",
+ "Ġperform ances",
+ "Ġpt nm",
+ "ha i",
+ "Ġuv r",
+ "Ġpredomin ated",
+ "Ġhipp el",
+ "Ġacetyl cholinesterase",
+ "Ġmicrob es",
+ "Ġhil us",
+ "Ġarab ia",
+ "itum umab",
+ "Ġcollabor ative",
+ "Ġdehis cence",
+ "h nc",
+ "Ġe cl",
+ "os acral",
+ "un ps",
+ "Ġlab s",
+ "26 0",
+ "Ġfac ult",
+ "mit otic",
+ "prod uction",
+ "Ġfus iform",
+ "oastrocyt oma",
+ "oars eness",
+ "Ġc pa",
+ "Ġn u",
+ "Ġl ot",
+ "ig ation",
+ "Ġmet ron",
+ "ap atite",
+ "Ġbackground s",
+ "of ol",
+ "Ġmyel oblasts",
+ "Ġop c",
+ "Ġcochle a",
+ "Ġpip er",
+ "Ġsubs ites",
+ "Ġspiroche te",
+ "Ġrick etts",
+ "ymet rix",
+ "j ac",
+ "Ġs scs",
+ "Ġn im",
+ "Ġst ad",
+ "Ġbl ister",
+ "ich lor",
+ "Ġmyel osup",
+ "Ġprov iders",
+ "Ġoccas ions",
+ "Ġeven ly",
+ "Ġrh od",
+ "ie u",
+ "Ġpass ed",
+ "rof en",
+ "Ġdich ot",
+ "Ġnotice able",
+ "Ġrif amp",
+ "Ġpollut ants",
+ "* )",
+ "2 001",
+ "b pa",
+ "Ġper ives",
+ "Ġhe el",
+ "Ġsub retinal",
+ "ass emb",
+ "Ġ19 1",
+ "Ġtransit ions",
+ "Ġknock ed",
+ "Ġquestion able",
+ "Ġtyph us",
+ "Ġganglioneu roma",
+ "Ġbiodegrad able",
+ "Ġhyperth yroidism",
+ "oxynt ic",
+ "4 40",
+ "Ġt v",
+ "Ġs om",
+ "Ġb us",
+ "Ġb ub",
+ "Ġd sc",
+ "Ġh oarseness",
+ "im id",
+ "oc a",
+ "Ġnon p",
+ "Ġen amel",
+ "Ġph ae",
+ "hes es",
+ "trans formed",
+ "Ġsn apshot",
+ "Ġprote oglycan",
+ "Ġmant les",
+ "Ġmetall ic",
+ "ocyan ate",
+ "Ġinterming led",
+ "Ġenroll ment",
+ "l iqu",
+ "Ġm ci",
+ "Ġm abs",
+ "Ġw m",
+ "op neumonia",
+ "ph aryngeal",
+ "em m",
+ "Ġch op",
+ "Ġi ra",
+ "Ġph thal",
+ "Ġpost p",
+ "Ġz h",
+ "Ġoste oc",
+ "mm c",
+ "rand omized",
+ "%] ).",
+ "doc umented",
+ "Ġperil esional",
+ "Ġchemoattract ant",
+ "u ip",
+ "en berg",
+ "Ġm hz",
+ "Ġb act",
+ "Ġf le",
+ "Ġtrans c",
+ "Ġgl p",
+ "Ġil c",
+ "dr g",
+ "ling ual",
+ "Ġtri phosphate",
+ "meth oxy",
+ "Ġgar lic",
+ "Ġhmw ck",
+ "> /=",
+ "r g",
+ "z o",
+ "Ġc anc",
+ "Ġper igl",
+ "Ġfib ula",
+ "Ġpath ob",
+ "Ġoste oblastoma",
+ "fib ro",
+ "Ġspat ially",
+ "Ġbelong ed",
+ "Ġuns uspected",
+ "umour al",
+ "Ġdut ch",
+ "Ġord ered",
+ "Ġpep sin",
+ "odec idual",
+ "Ġo ta",
+ "Ġm fs",
+ "Ġspec ification",
+ "Ġtub ulin",
+ "sh h",
+ "Ġlength s",
+ "Ġcp f",
+ "Ġbul bar",
+ "Ġfox a",
+ "cons istent",
+ "Ġanter olateral",
+ "Ġdan ish",
+ "chall enge",
+ "aminol evulinic",
+ ", âĢĿ",
+ "3 26",
+ "j an",
+ "s ensit",
+ "Ġb pd",
+ "Ġd cr",
+ "ib i",
+ "Ġap e",
+ "Ġsub glottic",
+ "Ġmethod ological",
+ "oth i",
+ "Ġpo u",
+ "ps ych",
+ "Ġ18 7",
+ "Ġtra f",
+ "Ġsk ew",
+ "Ġplay ing",
+ "Ġepiderm olysis",
+ "200 5",
+ "roc yst",
+ "Ġbulb ous",
+ "Ġbull ae",
+ "transplant ation",
+ "Ġvulner ability",
+ "inoc ulation",
+ "cnt s",
+ "i ro",
+ "er cept",
+ "Ġl lc",
+ "Ġre med",
+ "Ġg ard",
+ "Ġinc urable",
+ "Ġun iqu",
+ "Ġen um",
+ "Ġover w",
+ "ep o",
+ "Ġmit ogenic",
+ "Ġneu rol",
+ "mat rix",
+ "Ġfront otemporal",
+ "Ġcomprom ising",
+ "Ġovari i",
+ "Ġconvol utional",
+ "Ġking dom",
+ "Ġkur tosis",
+ "Ġperithyroid al",
+ "Ġcombin atorial",
+ "d w",
+ "res ectable",
+ "ac ular",
+ "Ġ18 3",
+ "000 6",
+ "iter rane",
+ "transcript ion",
+ "Ġmitig ate",
+ "Ġcollaps ing",
+ "Ġcystaden ofibroma",
+ "Ġw ax",
+ "Ġv iz",
+ "Ġra y",
+ "Ġ19 5",
+ "Ġangi ographic",
+ "inc idental",
+ "Ġpp ix",
+ "Ġclon ing",
+ "py v",
+ "back ground",
+ "Ġbis ulf",
+ "cor rected",
+ "Ġeukary otic",
+ "m dr",
+ "r id",
+ "Ġs ant",
+ "is al",
+ "Ġd sa",
+ "Ġf ischer",
+ "Ġper k",
+ "Ġqu artile",
+ "Ġlip osome",
+ "Ġsecond arily",
+ "beta e",
+ "rot ection",
+ "Ġfollic ul",
+ "Ġref in",
+ "Ġsem en",
+ "Ġdepend ed",
+ "Ġcam era",
+ "Ġfluor opyr",
+ "Ġfresh water",
+ "Ġblack s",
+ "Ġattract ed",
+ "Ġmang anese",
+ "neut rophil",
+ "Ġchlamy dia",
+ "Ġapproxim ate",
+ "Ġalumin um",
+ "Ġlux ol",
+ "Ġp ore",
+ "ol emmal",
+ "ad verse",
+ "Ġar bor",
+ "Ġ- -",
+ "Ġi h",
+ "Ġoligodend rocyte",
+ "Ġeduc ational",
+ "instit ution",
+ "Ġtrichil emmal",
+ "Ġclostr idium",
+ "o in",
+ "Ġc sm",
+ "Ġs st",
+ "Ġde er",
+ "Ġam r",
+ "Ġneuro vascular",
+ "45 1",
+ "Ġach alasia",
+ "Ġglyc ine",
+ "Ġsplen ocytes",
+ "Ġhair s",
+ "Ġoment ectomy",
+ "Ġland mark",
+ "Ġmotif s",
+ "Ġprerequ isite",
+ "c il",
+ "l mp",
+ "t ered",
+ "Ġt ad",
+ "es in",
+ "id ol",
+ "Ġg um",
+ "ra vel",
+ "Ġpat ched",
+ "bl ast",
+ "Ġz d",
+ "Ġcytos ol",
+ "Ġadopt ive",
+ "mib i",
+ "Ġaggrav ated",
+ "Ġhern iation",
+ "dise ase",
+ "Ġacromegal y",
+ "4 68",
+ "Ġt cs",
+ "Ġs sea",
+ "od omain",
+ "ex cluding",
+ "Ġqu id",
+ "oden se",
+ "amet h",
+ "Ġcalc ulating",
+ "Ġamel oblastic",
+ "Ġty ros",
+ "Ġmor ris",
+ "Ġassum ption",
+ "Ġbay es",
+ "diphenyl tetrazolium",
+ "Ġinterr uption",
+ "Ġarachid onic",
+ "it ides",
+ "Ġcell ulose",
+ "em r",
+ "Ġfl es",
+ "Ġanti inflammatory",
+ "Ġx yl",
+ "05 0",
+ "Ġaspir ated",
+ "17 6",
+ "inf arct",
+ "Ġpharmac odynamic",
+ "prog ression",
+ "Ġinfund ib",
+ "Ġreper to",
+ "Ġb cs",
+ "Ġun responsive",
+ "ri o",
+ "Ġov erestim",
+ "Ġfibro x",
+ "kn ow",
+ "Ġgall ic",
+ "(+) )",
+ "Ġpap ulosis",
+ "omal acia",
+ "Ġcommun ities",
+ "Ġdiscrimin ative",
+ "Ġaz onal",
+ "lo op",
+ "Ġnick el",
+ "Ġperineur ial",
+ "Ġpilomat ricoma",
+ "Ġpix el",
+ "Ġdiscol oration",
+ "Ġg ot",
+ "le ading",
+ "Ġgrow s",
+ "Ġrect o",
+ "Ġaff iliated",
+ "Ġappend ic",
+ "Ġpseud odecidual",
+ "fib rocystic",
+ "Ġsynthes ize",
+ "sup plement",
+ "Ġmor cell",
+ "rand om",
+ "Ġcaud a",
+ "Ġmonoph asic",
+ "f g",
+ "as cin",
+ "Ġe ws",
+ "iv us",
+ "ast ically",
+ "Ġun ravel",
+ "Ġcyt oprotective",
+ "Ġout lines",
+ "ep i",
+ "16 2",
+ "Ġnew borns",
+ "37 3",
+ "Ġtp f",
+ "Ġamel oblastomas",
+ "Ġisch aemic",
+ "Ġcris pr",
+ "b all",
+ "Ġn ar",
+ "Ġ2 70",
+ "ir on",
+ "Ġsh p",
+ "ip p",
+ "Ġrep ressor",
+ "uro pe",
+ "art on",
+ "eng ine",
+ "Ġpc ns",
+ "Ġcontinu um",
+ "Ġxen ografted",
+ "Ġgonad otroph",
+ "Ġtm prss",
+ "Ġmetall othione",
+ "' )",
+ "3 90",
+ "l usc",
+ "Ġp ae",
+ "it l",
+ "Ġe ug",
+ "et om",
+ "Ġrec anal",
+ "Ġimp art",
+ "25 8",
+ "44 1",
+ "Ġgo it",
+ "Ġwal th",
+ "Ġdup uytren",
+ "Ġserop ositivity",
+ "omol gus",
+ "e h",
+ "o ured",
+ "Ġa om",
+ "Ġc em",
+ "an imal",
+ "Ġf olic",
+ "ol der",
+ "ore lb",
+ "Ġk v",
+ "Ġend olymphatic",
+ "Ġun reported",
+ "Ġsub lethal",
+ "Ġtrans p",
+ "Ġcy r",
+ "Ġec g",
+ "Ġpy oderma",
+ "Ġcholangi opathy",
+ "Ġdiscrimin atory",
+ "Ġmicroc irculation",
+ "Ġcn n",
+ "Ġdrop ped",
+ "Ġwd tc",
+ "5 10",
+ "e ic",
+ "Ġs hell",
+ "Ġo g",
+ "Ġr bcs",
+ "Ġwe gener",
+ "Ġk h",
+ "Ġall erg",
+ "Ġprolif erated",
+ "Ġchem otactic",
+ "Ġmac aques",
+ "uss ian",
+ "Ġextra dural",
+ "trans genic",
+ "Ġmening oencephal",
+ "other mal",
+ "mic rom",
+ "cg h",
+ "Ġgingival is",
+ "Ġnig ra",
+ "Ġangio immunoblastic",
+ "Ġtelomere s",
+ "nof sky",
+ "Ġoverw hel",
+ "iterrane an",
+ "Ġs ns",
+ "us ually",
+ "cl eral",
+ "Ġk p",
+ "Ġprotein ase",
+ "min ute",
+ "Ġprop ofol",
+ "Ġemb ed",
+ "Ġmyx omas",
+ "Ġgo at",
+ "Ġconstit uting",
+ "Ġpersistent ly",
+ "Ġenter ocolitis",
+ "Ġhard ware",
+ "Ġexud ative",
+ "Ġreconstruct ions",
+ "Ġechocardi ographic",
+ "Ġhidraden itis",
+ "orelb ine",
+ "2 15",
+ "er os",
+ "Ġr dna",
+ "ym ent",
+ "gen etic",
+ "Ġtumour igen",
+ "Ġ20 2",
+ "Ġprot ozo",
+ "par p",
+ "Ġtrich oepithelioma",
+ "Ġlig ase",
+ "Ġmob ilization",
+ "Ġsearc hes",
+ "Ġbis phosph",
+ "vac cinated",
+ "stud y",
+ "Ġprimord ial",
+ "Ġberber ine",
+ "t cr",
+ "al h",
+ "Ġh it",
+ "Ġ2 12",
+ "form ation",
+ "gl u",
+ "sc i",
+ "sc ores",
+ "Ġaccum ulations",
+ "Ġml l",
+ "Ġchond rocyte",
+ "Ġpal mit",
+ "Ġsi rolimus",
+ "Ġdic kinson",
+ "Ġbuff er",
+ ". |",
+ "s it",
+ "ur ring",
+ "Ġbe ads",
+ "Ġcyst adenomas",
+ "ik is",
+ "Ġ19 81",
+ "Ġ20 8",
+ "Ġaut omatically",
+ "Ġquant ifying",
+ "Ġsil k",
+ "activ ator",
+ "Ġcandid al",
+ "Ġnest ing",
+ "Ġcategor ical",
+ "occ ipital",
+ "Ġspermat ogenic",
+ "sl l",
+ "Ġtran se",
+ "Ġft ir",
+ "phil ic",
+ "Ġau er",
+ "Ġrn ase",
+ "architect ure",
+ "Ġintercal ated",
+ "escal ation",
+ "Ġpyro sequencing",
+ "b uff",
+ "al d",
+ "Ġs oph",
+ "Ġre ver",
+ "us en",
+ "Ġth roat",
+ "ial l",
+ "end oscopic",
+ "ary l",
+ "Ġra in",
+ "Ġser otype",
+ "Ġhead aches",
+ "Ġkey w",
+ "rang ing",
+ "Ġpotent iated",
+ "Ġnephrot oxic",
+ "Ġpann ets",
+ "Ġcomed o",
+ "Ġturb t",
+ "sphen oidal",
+ "Ġ iap",
+ "Ġf g",
+ "oc aine",
+ "Ġv pa",
+ "Ġro ux",
+ "Ġfre und",
+ "eth oxy",
+ "rop rotective",
+ "27 0",
+ "och romatosis",
+ "read er",
+ "Ġmagn et",
+ "Ġmen opause",
+ "Ġpseud or",
+ "coh ort",
+ "Ġbur d",
+ "Ġcrypt orchid",
+ "Ġden mark",
+ "Ġcaud ate",
+ "Ġdeliver ing",
+ "inus oidal",
+ "Ġcyn omolgus",
+ "Ġsubep endym",
+ "3 70",
+ "c ape",
+ "z z",
+ "Ġt bars",
+ "oc s",
+ "Ġsp f",
+ "Ġint ubation",
+ "Ġco operation",
+ "str at",
+ "Ġfrag ile",
+ "Ġinfiltr ations",
+ "Ġcent rom",
+ "Ġbar th",
+ "Ġcollagen ase",
+ "Ġheterogeneous ly",
+ "my oepithelial",
+ "occ up",
+ "Ġosteocl astic",
+ "Ġrecur ring",
+ "gre en",
+ "Ġmutagen ic",
+ "Ġprobiotic s",
+ "Ġmisinter preted",
+ "d mba",
+ "g onad",
+ "Ġb ank",
+ "Ġh av",
+ "Ġbi ocompatible",
+ "ost osis",
+ "Ġfeat uring",
+ "Ġchar ge",
+ "Ġ19 8",
+ "Ġinteg rate",
+ "Ġ29 3",
+ "Ġlo u",
+ "Ġemerg ent",
+ "Ġandrogen etic",
+ "Ġincorpor ate",
+ "ometh yl",
+ "Ġsympt omat",
+ "Ġfork head",
+ "l f",
+ "Ġm bc",
+ "ro le",
+ "Ġr ated",
+ "Ġrec all",
+ "Ġcyt ostatic",
+ "duct ase",
+ "38 0",
+ "Ġvul val",
+ "oz ol",
+ "Ġham ps",
+ "Ġbir d",
+ "Ġcortic otroph",
+ "p rec",
+ "r ied",
+ "Ġa ux",
+ "ro floxacin",
+ "Ġl cc",
+ "op enic",
+ "il in",
+ "ot ed",
+ "Ġar c",
+ "Ġintra gastric",
+ "Ġ19 4",
+ "Ġcoll ective",
+ "Ġdisc o",
+ "Ġcult uring",
+ "28 2",
+ "Ġmyc oplasma",
+ "phosph olipid",
+ "Ġeng rafted",
+ "Ġnem aline",
+ "Ġdiamn ionic",
+ "Ġdebilit ating",
+ "i eties",
+ "l indau",
+ "er one",
+ "Ġand rogens",
+ "Ġr or",
+ "Ġsp heres",
+ "Ġco oley",
+ "Ġend osalping",
+ "53 0",
+ "Ġactiv ators",
+ "ilar is",
+ "67 7",
+ "Ġrecip rocal",
+ "Ġdegrad ed",
+ "Ġpublic ly",
+ "Ġinfra orbital",
+ "Ġneuros urgical",
+ "Ġbif urc",
+ "b x",
+ "m ul",
+ "Ġn ens",
+ "Ġl cis",
+ "Ġh us",
+ "ra ined",
+ "Ġv t",
+ "ops is",
+ "ip f",
+ "ocal cin",
+ "Ġchem otherapies",
+ "air y",
+ "Ġaccept ance",
+ "Ġserv ing",
+ "inhibit ory",
+ "Ġul nar",
+ "Ġinh ab",
+ "Ġpredisp osed",
+ "Ġmanus cript",
+ "Ġbisulf ite",
+ "g old",
+ "s nf",
+ "al cl",
+ "Ġm ns",
+ "Ġn ap",
+ "Ġhe sp",
+ "pos itivity",
+ "hes ion",
+ "Ġmac rom",
+ "27 1",
+ "Ġmediast in",
+ "Ġutil ize",
+ "Ġspermat ocytes",
+ "Ġunfav ourable",
+ "Ġreplic ate",
+ "Ġpolyphenol s",
+ "Ġvirch ows",
+ "l ang",
+ "n odular",
+ "al g",
+ "al o",
+ "Ġp ct",
+ "Ġm pd",
+ "Ġf ut",
+ "Ġun met",
+ "Ġnucle olus",
+ "ach r",
+ "ren ch",
+ "Ġphosph orus",
+ "Ġpoly angiitis",
+ "Ġcrypt ospor",
+ "Ġmo iety",
+ "Ġgat hered",
+ "Ġvanc omycin",
+ "Ġplaus ible",
+ "m u",
+ "y o",
+ "Ġd j",
+ "Ġl en",
+ "el a",
+ "Ġh np",
+ "Ġare ca",
+ "Ġ2 60",
+ "Ġaden ofibroma",
+ "Ġqu in",
+ "epithelial ization",
+ "Ġscler a",
+ "48 6",
+ "Ġak r",
+ "artil aginous",
+ "Ġdm h",
+ "Ġdiscrimin ated",
+ "-[ (",
+ "Ġcontrad ict",
+ "Ġhamps hire",
+ "f ap",
+ "i otropic",
+ "s dh",
+ "Ġp cl",
+ "Ġh oc",
+ "Ġfl ag",
+ "Ġhepat ocytic",
+ "Ġhpv s",
+ "Ġche il",
+ "27 3",
+ "Ġmd x",
+ "ser um",
+ "Ġparat esticular",
+ "Ġhydro ps",
+ "Ġrev olution",
+ "Ġcoc ult",
+ "Ġreliev e",
+ "(+/ +)",
+ "Ġvestib ule",
+ "t ypes",
+ "Ġc us",
+ "Ġsc s",
+ "Ġdist ention",
+ "Ġser pin",
+ "per t",
+ "Ġstr uma",
+ "Ġtechn etium",
+ "sm c",
+ "Ġsarc openia",
+ "Ġmi hm",
+ "Ġadopt ion",
+ "Ġnegl ected",
+ "Ġcot ton",
+ "Ġgins eng",
+ "op ilaris",
+ "Ġal gin",
+ "Ġdi p",
+ "ore tic",
+ "Ġbacter iological",
+ "ulf an",
+ "cy clin",
+ "Ġsat iva",
+ "Ġalkal oids",
+ "l ayered",
+ "on omous",
+ "Ġc et",
+ "om ical",
+ "op c",
+ "Ġhyper intensity",
+ "Ġretro virus",
+ "Ġspermat ids",
+ "Ġbranc hed",
+ "Ġdispers ion",
+ "Ġbrush ing",
+ "Ġleptomening es",
+ "Ġcoel iac",
+ "Ġpseudostrat ified",
+ "g leason",
+ "g vhd",
+ "Ġw it",
+ "or ig",
+ "Ġ2 15",
+ "Ġdi ode",
+ "ef ield",
+ "Ġsign ed",
+ "Ġsc opus",
+ "Ġcar ot",
+ "Ġir rig",
+ "rh iz",
+ "Ġrad icular",
+ "Ġglob ular",
+ "rat io",
+ "Ġten ascin",
+ "occ urrence",
+ "Ġconst rict",
+ "Ġgenital ia",
+ "dam aged",
+ "Ġvap or",
+ "Ġsymptomat ology",
+ "c afs",
+ "Ġt ing",
+ "Ġn ight",
+ "op ter",
+ "Ġwas te",
+ "Ġat tained",
+ "Ġcyt openia",
+ "Ġen e",
+ "Ġser ially",
+ "Ġdec oct",
+ "Ġchem otaxis",
+ "Ġimplic ating",
+ "ocon jug",
+ "Ġtil apia",
+ "Ġpeg ylated",
+ "Ġhydrog els",
+ "Ġradioluc ent",
+ "Ġstomat itis",
+ "Ġlitterm ates",
+ "Ġcobal t",
+ "Ġepist axis",
+ "] ):",
+ "h iatal",
+ "on odular",
+ "ic ations",
+ "Ġn ag",
+ "Ġk m",
+ "di ameter",
+ "Ġinter im",
+ "17 9",
+ "Ġport land",
+ "trans ferases",
+ "Ġposit ives",
+ "Ġnit ro",
+ "robl ast",
+ "Ġrib s",
+ "Ġmil ieu",
+ "Ġantif ibrotic",
+ "Ġperf used",
+ "Ġworm s",
+ "Ġmom ent",
+ "ozol omide",
+ "f rench",
+ "t scc",
+ "Ġc ath",
+ "ic inal",
+ "Ġan ion",
+ "Ġl cs",
+ "Ġe ase",
+ "Ġr ps",
+ "Ġ2 22",
+ "Ġbe ar",
+ "und ant",
+ "Ġsp ro",
+ "Ġdis p",
+ "Ġtrans activation",
+ "ak s",
+ "Ġmon t",
+ "ex cept",
+ "oscop ies",
+ "ither to",
+ "tt p",
+ "Ġabundant ly",
+ "Ġinterpret ations",
+ "Ġexam s",
+ "Ġplan opilaris",
+ "fir st",
+ "Ġformer ly",
+ "Ġphospho inositide",
+ "meas ured",
+ "s arc",
+ "z ia",
+ "Ġ ign",
+ "Ġin ev",
+ "Ġl asso",
+ "Ġh scc",
+ "um ors",
+ "il um",
+ "Ġex agg",
+ "Ġv ire",
+ "Ġim a",
+ "est am",
+ "Ġhuman ized",
+ "Ġcyst ically",
+ "Ġcal desmon",
+ "Ġdiss ociation",
+ "Ġinteract ed",
+ "Ġmt b",
+ "Ġtur k",
+ "respons iveness",
+ "Ġencoura ged",
+ "Ġmaxim ize",
+ "Ġtransfect ants",
+ "7 20",
+ "i ot",
+ "l ayer",
+ "ent hal",
+ "Ġe ce",
+ "Ġg enders",
+ "ere p",
+ "ab c",
+ "Ġgl ia",
+ "Ġcan nab",
+ "Ġqu arter",
+ "Ġvas odil",
+ "Ġultrason ic",
+ "class ifiable",
+ "Ġchemotherapeutic s",
+ "sign aling",
+ "Ġmineral ized",
+ "Ġdiaphragm atic",
+ "Ġsib lings",
+ "Ġb g",
+ "Ġd airy",
+ "Ġl ose",
+ "ph ar",
+ "ast ig",
+ "ab a",
+ "Ġ3 60",
+ "Ġmar sh",
+ "Ġend omicroscopy",
+ "Ġmed iterranean",
+ "Ġdem arc",
+ "Ġov ine",
+ "Ġster nal",
+ "Ġtri age",
+ "prog rammed",
+ "Ġkar nofsky",
+ "b aceous",
+ "z eta",
+ "Ġc ci",
+ "Ġc odes",
+ "Ġh itherto",
+ "hel ix",
+ "uro blastoma",
+ "Ġwill i",
+ "bi ased",
+ "Ġpg c",
+ "Ġjap onic",
+ "Ġconcept ion",
+ "Ġocclus ive",
+ "Ġjust ify",
+ "Ġendoscop e",
+ "Ġarth roplasty",
+ "Ġcontamin ants",
+ "estam ibi",
+ "p ene",
+ "ig e",
+ "Ġco valent",
+ "Ġmy onecrosis",
+ "Ġnec s",
+ "vent ion",
+ "Ġkeratin ized",
+ "33 7",
+ "hr l",
+ "Ġhisti ocyte",
+ "Ġexce ed",
+ "Ġsa fer",
+ "Ġdrink ers",
+ "Ġglycos amin",
+ "Ġano ikis",
+ "buff ered",
+ "m ca",
+ "r fa",
+ "Ġsub classified",
+ "Ġsub lingual",
+ "Ġins ults",
+ "63 2",
+ "Ġcontrib utory",
+ "Ġpub ic",
+ "Ġclar ithromycin",
+ "Ġseb ace",
+ "Ġsa a",
+ "Ġendomy omet",
+ "Ġhyperm et",
+ "Ġcathe ters",
+ "Ġblind ness",
+ "Ġmultil ob",
+ "Ġovari ectomized",
+ "examin ed",
+ "enzym atic",
+ "Ġenchond roma",
+ "] /",
+ "s igmoid",
+ "w b",
+ "Ġt j",
+ "Ġg aps",
+ "og le",
+ "Ġinf usions",
+ "Ġ3 20",
+ "Ġab cb",
+ "Ġhem ostasis",
+ "ep razole",
+ "Ġqu e",
+ "Ġpt cs",
+ "Ġeg j",
+ "Ġsulf ur",
+ "Ġmer ist",
+ "Ġbuff ered",
+ "Ġpust ules",
+ "Ġannot ated",
+ "Ġpret ibial",
+ "Ġlutein izing",
+ "f used",
+ "l bl",
+ "t rich",
+ "w ave",
+ "Ġand erson",
+ "Ġf x",
+ "Ġl adc",
+ "oc ycline",
+ "Ġbi ogenesis",
+ "Ġev ans",
+ "ens es",
+ "ob structive",
+ "Ġinter rupted",
+ "Ġag ency",
+ "ail and",
+ "Ġlip ogranul",
+ "Ġacid osis",
+ "Ġsupp osed",
+ "Ġconventional ly",
+ "Ġsch iff",
+ "Ġglandular is",
+ "Ġnr p",
+ "Ġsupplement al",
+ "Ġadip ogenesis",
+ "fn clcc",
+ "Ġleuc ine",
+ "Ġnash ua",
+ "Ġempir ical",
+ "Ġhir sch",
+ "4 24",
+ "d q",
+ "Ġm sa",
+ "Ġl pd",
+ "Ġex empl",
+ "Ġat omic",
+ "ore al",
+ "Ġup staging",
+ "orph ic",
+ "Ġglob ulin",
+ "eff icient",
+ "mut ation",
+ "Ġsurvey ed",
+ "lo ok",
+ "Ġlute olin",
+ "Ġpret racheal",
+ "Ġintell igence",
+ "Ġamygd ala",
+ "ophthalm itis",
+ "Ġfibrox anthoma",
+ "c ateg",
+ "s ystem",
+ "Ġt az",
+ "Ġs ister",
+ "Ġp orphy",
+ "if ost",
+ "Ġth ailand",
+ "ad ian",
+ "de b",
+ "pit u",
+ "reg ression",
+ "Ġcomplet ing",
+ "Ġ20 3",
+ "Ġmin ip",
+ "000 8",
+ "Ġprofil ed",
+ "Ġgenot ypic",
+ "Ġnicotin amide",
+ "ifost ine",
+ "j ian",
+ "Ġp ma",
+ "Ġin gen",
+ "Ġb ak",
+ "Ġb atter",
+ "op ontine",
+ "im m",
+ "am pton",
+ "od ystroph",
+ "Ġ2 24",
+ "ub e",
+ "Ġun ve",
+ "Ġar f",
+ "Ġcan n",
+ "Ġintra vesical",
+ "ech in",
+ "Ġchond rom",
+ "Ġvacu um",
+ "Ġcomm issure",
+ "raction ated",
+ "Ġgh ost",
+ "ĠÂ ©",
+ "Ġpreced e",
+ "consum ing",
+ "m ad",
+ "r ull",
+ "r cm",
+ "Ġp so",
+ "Ġd ol",
+ "ut amide",
+ "Ġap atinib",
+ "rac he",
+ "Ġvir gin",
+ "Ġct d",
+ "Ġsusp ens",
+ "path ology",
+ "Ġinterpret ing",
+ "Ġextrac utaneous",
+ "lo oking",
+ "init iating",
+ "Ġcalib er",
+ "Ġdur ations",
+ "Ġshif ts",
+ "Ġmyast henia",
+ "Ġinsid ious",
+ "9 37",
+ "Ġb erep",
+ "Ġg cc",
+ "Ġth io",
+ "Ġst ores",
+ "Ġfib rol",
+ "Ġle ban",
+ "Ġmy oid",
+ "mic ron",
+ "Ġsuv mean",
+ "Ġendomyoc ardial",
+ "Ġarg ues",
+ "Ġperiost in",
+ "Ġundet ected",
+ "Ġphotograph s",
+ "Ġglycer ol",
+ "Ġdysmorph ic",
+ "ol p",
+ "res is",
+ "Ġ2 13",
+ "Ġco upling",
+ "Ġpar k",
+ "ber ry",
+ "av idin",
+ "Ġ20 6",
+ "Ġx iiia",
+ "Ġaff ymetrix",
+ "eth ane",
+ "27 5",
+ "Ġgall stones",
+ "Ġimmunophenot ypically",
+ "Ġminor a",
+ "Ġty r",
+ "Ġpor ous",
+ "Ġcoc ulture",
+ "Ġchord omas",
+ "Ġoligonucle otides",
+ "Ġthal idomide",
+ "Ġunexpl ored",
+ "Ġreinfor ce",
+ "Ġpropos al",
+ "Ġsubcon junctival",
+ "etom idine",
+ "Ġbarth olin",
+ "Ġdecoct ion",
+ "4 30",
+ "Ġthe c",
+ "Ġas cc",
+ "Ġpre adip",
+ "Ġdis cs",
+ "Ġall ergen",
+ "Ġam ifostine",
+ "Ġneck s",
+ "rh abd",
+ "33 8",
+ "Ġshort ness",
+ "Ġseem ingly",
+ "Ġeas ier",
+ "Ġconjunct ivitis",
+ "Ġneurobl astomas",
+ "Ġwash ing",
+ "Ġreplic ated",
+ "Ġmyelosup pression",
+ "pitu itary",
+ "b ph",
+ "Ġt aste",
+ "Ġc un",
+ "Ġb dl",
+ "Ġd avid",
+ "Ġg aining",
+ "ag c",
+ "Ġbi olum",
+ "Ġres in",
+ "pl asma",
+ "Ġinv olution",
+ "ne g",
+ "Ġcan inum",
+ "Ġ20 7",
+ "Ġneuro behavi",
+ "otox ins",
+ "Ġmast opexy",
+ "Ġpotent ly",
+ "Ġthy rot",
+ "Ġelimin ating",
+ "dimethyl benz",
+ "Ġnutri ents",
+ "r un",
+ "Ġm oth",
+ "Ġl ec",
+ "ag ents",
+ "ant itr",
+ "Ġmethod ologies",
+ "Ġmin ocycline",
+ "struct ural",
+ "Ġhypers ec",
+ "sub unit",
+ "Ġmas quer",
+ "Ġmos qu",
+ "Ġias lc",
+ "Ġdegran ulation",
+ "f en",
+ "Ġo w",
+ "Ġn j",
+ "ac cum",
+ "Ġal ignment",
+ "Ġass istance",
+ "reg ulatory",
+ "Ġcharacter izes",
+ "Ġuro kinase",
+ "Ġdistingu ishes",
+ "Ġdro ps",
+ "Ġgastroenter opancreatic",
+ "Ġtas ks",
+ "Ġencoura ge",
+ "Ġturb inate",
+ "Ġpurs ued",
+ "3 99",
+ "3 65",
+ "f o",
+ "f rag",
+ "Ġp ay",
+ "Ġm sp",
+ "Ġe ic",
+ "Ġe ating",
+ "ur ge",
+ "Ġcon ce",
+ "Ġun accept",
+ "Ġz oster",
+ "Ġmr l",
+ "Ġsal ts",
+ "Ġcult ivated",
+ "Ġdimens ional",
+ "Ġrearrang ed",
+ "cir rh",
+ "Ġrig orous",
+ "macroph ages",
+ "Ġamplic on",
+ "d imer",
+ "e gfp",
+ "Ġb bb",
+ "Ġch yl",
+ "Ġinter rog",
+ "Ġi op",
+ "Ġfibro inflammatory",
+ "Ġpt pr",
+ "Ġblock age",
+ "Ġcluster in",
+ "Ġros acea",
+ "Ġcre b",
+ "special ized",
+ "v ari",
+ "Î ±",
+ "Ġt ic",
+ "Ġt ps",
+ "il iac",
+ "Ġad t",
+ "rom in",
+ "oph an",
+ "Ġmal ays",
+ "Ġun identified",
+ "med etomidine",
+ "Ġ15 00",
+ "sc m",
+ "Ġhelp ing",
+ "36 1",
+ "Ġsurve ys",
+ "Ġintrat umor",
+ "sup erior",
+ "Ġmicrov asculature",
+ "Ġocclud in",
+ "sol itary",
+ "Ġenvel ope",
+ "Ġazo ospermia",
+ "Ġendosalping iosis",
+ "g ar",
+ "Ġs igma",
+ "Ġp ace",
+ "Ġf iss",
+ "Ġch k",
+ "Ġsm c",
+ "ass ays",
+ "Ġstaining s",
+ "Ġdesign ing",
+ "sil ver",
+ "Ġpm ol",
+ "Ġradio activity",
+ "Ġthrombocyt hemia",
+ "local ization",
+ "Ġpuls es",
+ "Ġhydroxy apatite",
+ "Ġdap k",
+ "Ġoncom ine",
+ "Ġkeyw ords",
+ "3 30",
+ "4 29",
+ "Ġ ice",
+ "on ych",
+ "as in",
+ "ent ral",
+ "Ġh app",
+ "ot yping",
+ "est im",
+ "olv es",
+ "Ġmy oepithelioma",
+ "Ġam y",
+ "Ġimp rin",
+ "Ġep silon",
+ "Ġ19 7",
+ "Ġhere by",
+ "eg c",
+ "24 1",
+ "Ġns ip",
+ "Ġneph ro",
+ "Ġhydrox ylase",
+ "Ġfol k",
+ "Ġneuropath ol",
+ "Ġlaryng oscope",
+ "comb ined",
+ "Ġsemiqu antitatively",
+ "Ġaub urn",
+ "Ġfranc is",
+ "p ose",
+ "er ge",
+ "Ġn ha",
+ "Ġl is",
+ "Ġdi os",
+ "ef act",
+ "Ġdis proport",
+ "Ġco vers",
+ "ers ion",
+ "Ġreport specimen",
+ "Ġ7 00",
+ "Ġph l",
+ "Ġer cp",
+ "Ġassess able",
+ "pha zard",
+ "les ional",
+ "hes cs",
+ "Ġneed les",
+ "Ġ28 0",
+ "Ġpersist ing",
+ "Ġsubstant ia",
+ "methyl ated",
+ "Ġneurop rotection",
+ "Ġhypog lycemic",
+ "Ġhypere mia",
+ "Ġiran ian",
+ "Ġhypothal amus",
+ "present ing",
+ "chall eng",
+ "Ġsulph ate",
+ "Ġdestroy ed",
+ "Ġfluct u",
+ "Ġgerb ils",
+ "h mg",
+ "l oss",
+ "s he",
+ "Ġm re",
+ "Ġin let",
+ "os amin",
+ "Ġhe ating",
+ "Ġmuc oc",
+ "Ġun con",
+ "Ġadenoc arcin",
+ "Ġbronch opulmonary",
+ "Ġtem ozolomide",
+ "Ġrecord ing",
+ "Ġha phazard",
+ "Ġbrid ges",
+ "Ġfulf ill",
+ "omed ullary",
+ "Ġcolocal ization",
+ "Ġkaryorrhe xis",
+ "Ġcheil itis",
+ "b us",
+ "m ount",
+ "er i",
+ "ph i",
+ "ant igens",
+ "Ġk appab",
+ "Ġimmun ochemistry",
+ "Ġle an",
+ "Ġcan als",
+ "oth y",
+ "dit ioned",
+ "Ġfl a",
+ "Ġcharacter isation",
+ "ull ous",
+ "Ġdermat ol",
+ "Ġpn d",
+ "Ġhip ec",
+ "Ġpathophys iologic",
+ "Ġcolor imetric",
+ "yrin th",
+ "inoc ulated",
+ "Ġdiscern ible",
+ "Ġalkal oid",
+ "add ers",
+ "Ġcris is",
+ "Ġinterview s",
+ "Ġankyl osing",
+ "spr ung",
+ "Ġa ided",
+ "Ġin organic",
+ "Ġst ations",
+ "Ġpro thromb",
+ "Ġr ules",
+ "Ġinc ome",
+ "hel d",
+ "Ġsmall est",
+ "Ġdes erves",
+ "Ġop ac",
+ "23 8",
+ "Ġexpl ains",
+ "Ġatt ended",
+ "con ver",
+ "pro ced",
+ "Ġprolong ation",
+ "Ġubiquit ination",
+ "Ġprev ail",
+ "Ġned d",
+ "ubb les",
+ "Ġanaer obic",
+ "Ġperives ical",
+ "Ġreperto ire",
+ "l cn",
+ "he ne",
+ "Ġl po",
+ "ot ax",
+ "Ġsc ot",
+ "Ġend omys",
+ "Ġbet alh",
+ "Ġdes orption",
+ "Ġmac ron",
+ "obacter ia",
+ "pe ptic",
+ "Ġcontrovers ies",
+ "Ġnorth ampton",
+ "Ġvin orelbine",
+ "Ġaccent uation",
+ "c ps",
+ "al cit",
+ "Ġs ct",
+ "Ġk dm",
+ "Ġspec ulated",
+ "Ġind uct",
+ "Ġdet orsion",
+ "Ġdem ethyl",
+ "Ġcyst atin",
+ "Ġderm o",
+ "Ġ25 6",
+ "Ġepiderm otropic",
+ "Ġpolys accharides",
+ "gc b",
+ "Ġartifact ual",
+ "Ġoesophag itis",
+ "Ġobstruct ing",
+ "lip tin",
+ "Ġelectro retin",
+ "Ġnad ir",
+ "Ġdipl opia",
+ "main ly",
+ "Ġbench mark",
+ "antitr ypsin",
+ "h plc",
+ "o yment",
+ "Ġt amp",
+ "on v",
+ "Ġin growth",
+ "ol ith",
+ "Ġ2 11",
+ "Ġcl o",
+ "Ġap tam",
+ "Ġaden osarcoma",
+ "Ġbet at",
+ "tumor igenic",
+ "no ea",
+ "Ġmicros urgical",
+ "Ġadip ocytic",
+ "Ġaet iological",
+ "Ġtens ile",
+ "Ġbetaf sh",
+ "c urrent",
+ "n ens",
+ "Ġc ys",
+ "id um",
+ "Ġr pl",
+ "Ġtrans hiatal",
+ "ox o",
+ "Ġquant um",
+ "Ġelect ros",
+ "Ġmc pyv",
+ "Ġpap ul",
+ "Ġfavor ably",
+ "Ġqual ified",
+ "Ġdesm osomes",
+ "Ġcla im",
+ "Ġtax ol",
+ "Ġintens ified",
+ "Ġoncoprotein s",
+ "Ġich thy",
+ "c ia",
+ "c urative",
+ "d ar",
+ "l amin",
+ "o ons",
+ "u icc",
+ "en oic",
+ "Ġs ella",
+ "ar thritis",
+ "Ġf ic",
+ "Ġad p",
+ "Ġcol ch",
+ "Ġfibro cellular",
+ "Ġplacent ation",
+ "Ġcort actin",
+ "rost hetic",
+ "hd ac",
+ "Ġxanth oma",
+ "chlor o",
+ "hemat ical",
+ "Ġfibroid s",
+ "Ġmetane phric",
+ "v ille",
+ "Ġt os",
+ "Ġc arc",
+ "et ra",
+ "Ġ2 28",
+ "Ġimmun ochemical",
+ "Ġdr astically",
+ "Ġhepat omegaly",
+ "yz ed",
+ "gl ial",
+ "Ġexpl aining",
+ "Ġhyd ros",
+ "trans itional",
+ "Ġprep ubertal",
+ "Ġart em",
+ "Ġoptim izing",
+ "Ġpenet rate",
+ "Ġharb ors",
+ "Ġlew y",
+ "Ġaver aged",
+ "Ġpestic ides",
+ "occidioid omycosis",
+ "g sea",
+ "w nt",
+ "re view",
+ "ol ithiasis",
+ "Ġexp ands",
+ "Ġappro ached",
+ "Ġhp c",
+ "Ġmechan ically",
+ "ores p",
+ "cd kn",
+ "22 9",
+ "Ġchond ro",
+ "Ġpg r",
+ "Ġaccel erates",
+ "Ġaddress es",
+ "Ġdeform ation",
+ "prin cip",
+ "Ġhirsch sprung",
+ "d cr",
+ "p ip",
+ "p ax",
+ "Ġp af",
+ "Ġp mp",
+ "ag a",
+ "Ġbe ad",
+ "Ġint rane",
+ "Ġun classifiable",
+ "Ġind ocyanine",
+ "ior gan",
+ "Ġgra vis",
+ "aps ed",
+ "Ġmetabol omic",
+ "24 8",
+ "33 5",
+ "000 7",
+ "Ġthin ner",
+ "Ġhs cs",
+ "Ġgn rh",
+ "Ġerr one",
+ "Ġxer oderma",
+ "Ġdecl ining",
+ "(+/- )",
+ "ivac aine",
+ "Ġembed ding",
+ ". (",
+ "k p",
+ "r ipt",
+ "t bars",
+ "om ark",
+ "oc ardial",
+ "Ġis op",
+ "Ġ2 35",
+ "omet er",
+ "Ġonc ologist",
+ "Ġsk ills",
+ "amp k",
+ "control s",
+ "Ġmer its",
+ "Ġpestic ide",
+ "Ġhib ern",
+ "Ġmollus cum",
+ "o jejunostomy",
+ "en es",
+ "Ġp ns",
+ "ag liptin",
+ "Ġim plied",
+ "ific ance",
+ "Ġinter phase",
+ "Ġ20 9",
+ "ule aux",
+ "Ġmes o",
+ "Ġfree ze",
+ "Ġpt cl",
+ "Ġoccas ion",
+ "27 6",
+ "29 9",
+ "47 4",
+ "Ġeth ics",
+ "200 2",
+ "Ġantit ub",
+ "Ġquestion ed",
+ "Ġfist ulae",
+ "Ġlt d",
+ "Ġgg ns",
+ "Ġnanoc ar",
+ "Ġcaff eine",
+ "phenot ype",
+ "8 23",
+ "w ere",
+ "Ġd al",
+ "Ġn gal",
+ "om ial",
+ "Ġst ock",
+ "Ġlymph o",
+ "Ġass ignment",
+ "Ġser onegative",
+ "45 5",
+ "pec ific",
+ "Ġcerebell opontine",
+ "Ġrr m",
+ "Ġadvance ments",
+ "Ġgelatin ase",
+ "nitros amine",
+ "galact osidase",
+ "Ġparv ovirus",
+ "Ġcontracept ive",
+ "Ġdisadvant ages",
+ "5 90",
+ "i ations",
+ "Ġe at",
+ "oph orin",
+ "Ġun a",
+ "Ġro uleaux",
+ "Ġdem ethylation",
+ "Ġem erge",
+ "29 6",
+ "rocyt ic",
+ "Ġenter o",
+ "Ġeg r",
+ "Ġlys ates",
+ "Ġcast rated",
+ "Ġstead ily",
+ "ifer um",
+ "Ġug t",
+ "Ġpilomat rix",
+ "Ġequip ment",
+ "ag ens",
+ "Ġr dd",
+ "Ġgen era",
+ "Ġend ocytosis",
+ "Ġpl aces",
+ "Ġprog ramm",
+ "Ġmult iorgan",
+ "Ġcorrel ative",
+ "Ġcharacter ise",
+ "Ġ19 75",
+ "Ġlocal izations",
+ "34 5",
+ "Ġparathyroid ectomy",
+ "Ġnan os",
+ "Ġnor wood",
+ "Ġfum ig",
+ "Ġfacult y",
+ "Ġbatter y",
+ "\" ).",
+ "% âĢĵ",
+ "d omain",
+ "Ġp ach",
+ "ce met",
+ "Ġmat hematical",
+ "Ġac know",
+ "Ġen orm",
+ "Ġhyper insulin",
+ "Ġprotein aceous",
+ "Ġsyn ergy",
+ "Ġradi ol",
+ "Ġphag ocyt",
+ "Ġcoord ination",
+ "Ġn is",
+ "et e",
+ "Ġg inger",
+ "Ġco hen",
+ "Ġun i",
+ "Ġ9 00",
+ "cs a",
+ "Ġpur ification",
+ "Ġ23 2",
+ "Ġcscc s",
+ "sign ificance",
+ "Ġgd nf",
+ "Ġconstant ly",
+ "avail able",
+ "Ġt ia",
+ "Ġ2 16",
+ "Ġ3 000",
+ "Ġap s",
+ "Ġro yal",
+ "tr g",
+ "Ġhem olysis",
+ "ik uchi",
+ "Ġdermat ologist",
+ "Ġdep olar",
+ "33 2",
+ "orad iological",
+ "28 5",
+ "alp in",
+ "inter acting",
+ "bar rett",
+ "Ġdex medetomidine",
+ "Ġsial yl",
+ "Ġmas ked",
+ "Ġspi raden",
+ "Ġnemat ode",
+ "squ ared",
+ "Ġmetallothione in",
+ "t rend",
+ "Ġ uctd",
+ "en an",
+ "Ġb ari",
+ "Ġn sc",
+ "os ylation",
+ "et oma",
+ "oc e",
+ "og rap",
+ "ph y",
+ "Ġr al",
+ "Ġres ide",
+ "Ġch ic",
+ "her ing",
+ "Ġap r",
+ "ob i",
+ "Ġac yl",
+ "Ġafter wards",
+ "Ġ19 3",
+ "Ġhy gi",
+ "Ġneuro psych",
+ "Ġeryth ro",
+ "Ġcardi o",
+ "sa h",
+ "Ġachiev es",
+ "ley dig",
+ "Ġmultic ellular",
+ "with in",
+ "Ġadoles cence",
+ "Ġtn bs",
+ "Ġspondyl oarth",
+ "architect ural",
+ "Ġmth fr",
+ "Ġcerebr um",
+ "Ġuniqu ely",
+ "p rol",
+ "p bs",
+ "ar one",
+ "Ġb row",
+ "ir umab",
+ "Ġdis ulf",
+ "Ġcolon ized",
+ "sp a",
+ "cell aneous",
+ "olec ules",
+ "Ġperip rosthetic",
+ "Ġchrom ium",
+ "Ġrele asing",
+ "gu anosine",
+ "Ġdoc uments",
+ "tc p",
+ "Ġprote olysis",
+ "Ġbio assay",
+ "Ġcreat es",
+ "Ġlocoregional ly",
+ "Ġtransfer rin",
+ "Ġintranasal ly",
+ "Ġansw er",
+ "Ġillum ination",
+ "Ġpseudor os",
+ "% ],",
+ "in ates",
+ "Ġt cm",
+ "en os",
+ "Ġp cc",
+ "Ġf dc",
+ "Ġe ortc",
+ "am acr",
+ "ak efield",
+ "per iod",
+ "pend icular",
+ "Ġfree zing",
+ "24 6",
+ "Ġrespond ents",
+ "Ġacr ylamide",
+ "leuk emia",
+ "Ġdas atinib",
+ "Ġequival ents",
+ "Ġt abl",
+ "Ġh uc",
+ "od ex",
+ "qu inoline",
+ "end azole",
+ "Ġaden opathy",
+ "Ġincre ment",
+ "Ġnod osum",
+ "Ġnon significant",
+ "ex on",
+ "Ġsuc cinate",
+ "Ġkerat ocon",
+ "Ġprognostic ator",
+ "27 9",
+ "Ġstim ulatory",
+ "Ġcaps ul",
+ "Ġenter ocytes",
+ "Ġconsum ing",
+ "Ġâ ī",
+ "Ġcheck points",
+ "Ġneurobl astic",
+ "Ġpossess ing",
+ "Ġcry oglobulin",
+ "des cribed",
+ "uls ions",
+ "bow el",
+ "Ġurolog ic",
+ "benz yl",
+ "Ġtric uspid",
+ "Ġtach ycardia",
+ "Ġanticoag ulant",
+ "6 25",
+ "t ramp",
+ "in omas",
+ "he im",
+ "Ġp ick",
+ "an ercept",
+ "Ġf ip",
+ "Ġl pl",
+ "Ġg rain",
+ "ut in",
+ "ial pha",
+ "ef s",
+ "Ġco at",
+ "Ġcont usion",
+ "Ġsc intigraph",
+ "Ġdist rict",
+ "Ġir id",
+ "Ġx iap",
+ "igen ous",
+ "Ġpt v",
+ "lymph ocytic",
+ "Ġperfor ating",
+ "Ġsuperv ised",
+ "Ġpreclud ed",
+ "Ġundersc ores",
+ "Ġtumourigen esis",
+ "9 706",
+ "al is",
+ "it t",
+ "or ionitis",
+ "ar ms",
+ "Ġb in",
+ "ap d",
+ "roph y",
+ "Ġhem ip",
+ "ophil ia",
+ "Ġz ona",
+ "Ġprot oporphyrin",
+ "ha w",
+ "Ġrefl ection",
+ "Ġvegf a",
+ "nec s",
+ "opy ran",
+ "g ca",
+ "er nal",
+ "er idin",
+ "it on",
+ "Ġn ile",
+ "Ġcom orbid",
+ "Ġhist otypes",
+ "Ġinc isions",
+ "Ġsub structure",
+ "ob enz",
+ "Ġdr ied",
+ "val ence",
+ "Ġpurp uric",
+ "ci ent",
+ "Ġdiv ide",
+ "fold ed",
+ "enh ancement",
+ "Ġart efact",
+ "Ġmds cs",
+ "atric ial",
+ "c ort",
+ "c reat",
+ "Ġd ca",
+ "Ġn v",
+ "Ġl atin",
+ "Ġg w",
+ "Ġhe k",
+ "ri age",
+ "Ġac f",
+ "Ġinter l",
+ "Ġprim e",
+ "Ġkerat otic",
+ "Ġhepat o",
+ "Ġhepat op",
+ "Ġlip oblasts",
+ "ns aids",
+ "Ġox ford",
+ "Ġvill us",
+ "Ġterminal ly",
+ "Ġpolys omy",
+ "Ġdiver gence",
+ "Ġterat oid",
+ "ls on",
+ "Ġamelior ative",
+ "Ġht lv",
+ "Ġpass es",
+ "imet ers",
+ "Ġpredispos es",
+ "Ġstip pled",
+ "c ross",
+ "f lex",
+ "p ressed",
+ "t ip",
+ "ic ted",
+ "Ġre agents",
+ "Ġ2 38",
+ "Ġend o",
+ "Ġun organized",
+ "oth romb",
+ "Ġi q",
+ "Ġdec iding",
+ "Ġkerat ocysts",
+ "Ġvit ell",
+ "35 7",
+ "35 8",
+ "hist i",
+ "Ġda ughter",
+ "Ġsar a",
+ "Ġbuff alo",
+ "Ġscr ub",
+ "Ġase ptic",
+ "gonad al",
+ "Ġ yst",
+ "re activity",
+ "ic ing",
+ "an um",
+ "Ġf ell",
+ "Ġne oc",
+ "Ġbl ank",
+ "Ġchem oemb",
+ "Ġz on",
+ "Ġiv im",
+ "26 1",
+ "Ġglomerul itis",
+ "Ġneu rosp",
+ "cat heter",
+ "Ġpharmac ology",
+ "Ġprefer able",
+ "Ġintim ately",
+ "i ella",
+ "t bi",
+ "Ġ2 17",
+ "Ġpres acral",
+ "Ġhyp ophys",
+ "Ġind o",
+ "Ġnon mucinous",
+ "Ġprol ine",
+ "pend ed",
+ "Ġadv is",
+ "Ġprior ity",
+ "br ca",
+ "Ġhemangi oblastoma",
+ "Ġacet ab",
+ "Ġfinger pr",
+ "Ġub e",
+ "Ġrhabdomy osarcomas",
+ "Ġphysiological ly",
+ "Ġpenet rates",
+ "Ġtrop ism",
+ "Ġdd x",
+ "Ġinfer red",
+ "Ġwrink ling",
+ "Ġerect ile",
+ "Ġadvoc ate",
+ "e ae",
+ "u ate",
+ "Ġs ds",
+ "Ġb up",
+ "ig ration",
+ "ad r",
+ "Ġbl astoma",
+ "Ġall oxan",
+ "Ġsup rap",
+ "Ġi o",
+ "Ġmg c",
+ "Ġplasm odium",
+ "Ġpigment osum",
+ "38 8",
+ "Ġcav itation",
+ "Ġhr qol",
+ "gal n",
+ "Ġhydrox yl",
+ "osp asm",
+ "Ġarg y",
+ "Ġcoinc ident",
+ "Ġdich lor",
+ "Ġbay state",
+ "plat elet",
+ "Ġburd ens",
+ "m ec",
+ "Ġ erm",
+ "Ġc age",
+ "en osis",
+ "Ġpro jection",
+ "cc k",
+ "Ġun specified",
+ "Ġdes cent",
+ "Ġem ulsion",
+ "Ġchor ist",
+ "(- ),",
+ "37 2",
+ "Ġprep are",
+ "Ġvaginal is",
+ "Ġmicrotub ules",
+ "Ġperturb ations",
+ "Ġurtic arial",
+ "rage enan",
+ "Ġcass ette",
+ "Ġencoun ter",
+ "Ġalgin ate",
+ "on ide",
+ "en et",
+ "Ġm oles",
+ "Ġin ception",
+ "Ġ2 21",
+ "Ġal arm",
+ "Ġsp n",
+ "ge p",
+ "Ġdes cemet",
+ "omat is",
+ "Ġdisc oid",
+ "Ġpur ity",
+ "50 3",
+ "34 7",
+ "eat en",
+ "Ġstress es",
+ "Ġlam eness",
+ "Ġlif es",
+ "enh ancer",
+ "mic rol",
+ "atch ing",
+ "Ġmis cellaneous",
+ "col or",
+ "Ġcytomorph ological",
+ "Ġanth rop",
+ "sq cc",
+ "Ġviol et",
+ "Ġcryos urgery",
+ "Ġcontradict ory",
+ "Ġs is",
+ "er ary",
+ "cr yst",
+ "Ġeryth roderm",
+ "Ġcomplic ating",
+ "hip ec",
+ "Ġequ ilibrium",
+ "Ġregen erated",
+ "Ġhaemat opoietic",
+ "Ġcoc aine",
+ "Ġsyring oma",
+ "Ġingre dient",
+ "Ġbilob ed",
+ "sam ple",
+ "Ġinfundib ulum",
+ "Ġmeningoencephal itis",
+ "Ġoverwhel ming",
+ "3 10",
+ "e ither",
+ "g ray",
+ "l vi",
+ "Ġf id",
+ "Ġe ec",
+ "Ġe hrl",
+ "Ġh oll",
+ "Ġr uss",
+ "ult ural",
+ "Ġar isen",
+ "Ġinter conn",
+ "Ġser omuc",
+ "unct ure",
+ "Ġtwo fold",
+ "Ġtr un",
+ "Ġed it",
+ "me al",
+ "Ġtra ch",
+ "24 2",
+ "Ġwork s",
+ "ofib romas",
+ "Ġeth ical",
+ "Ġperfor ations",
+ "oot hened",
+ "orp oreal",
+ "Ġbayes ian",
+ "4 05",
+ "m ps",
+ "Ġd pd",
+ "ur at",
+ "ag glut",
+ "ot rich",
+ "ap ular",
+ "Ġrep os",
+ "Ġlapar oscopically",
+ "Ġepiderm otropism",
+ "fib rosis",
+ "Ġpal atine",
+ "Ġdepend ency",
+ "Ġchlor oquine",
+ "Ġsial ic",
+ "Ġsut ured",
+ "Ġhemorrhoid ectomy",
+ "Ġwalth ard",
+ "e brt",
+ "f av",
+ "Ġo ocyte",
+ "Ġd le",
+ "Ġch d",
+ "Ġ2 53",
+ "Ġper pendicular",
+ "Ġover coming",
+ "Ġmy cop",
+ "Ġj ose",
+ "Ġcar ney",
+ "Ġorgan otypic",
+ "par ative",
+ "Ġangi ok",
+ "Ġfac s",
+ "anth omas",
+ "Ġhar ris",
+ "gt v",
+ "Ġcontamin ant",
+ "Ġparatub erculosis",
+ "hb v",
+ "Ġsatisf ied",
+ "lang uage",
+ "challeng ed",
+ "2 19",
+ "b ers",
+ "g rp",
+ "Ġd ti",
+ "id c",
+ "Ġad cc",
+ "ran ul",
+ "Ġdiff raction",
+ "pt p",
+ "Ġgl oss",
+ "Ġar yl",
+ "Ġmon omorph",
+ "Ġpapill iferum",
+ "Ġcalc uli",
+ "Ġic is",
+ "Ġblot s",
+ "pro b",
+ "Ġrespond s",
+ "Ġthin prep",
+ "Ġcontact s",
+ "ope pt",
+ "irect al",
+ "Ġveter ans",
+ "Ġcorner stone",
+ "Ġtamp on",
+ "h ro",
+ "u in",
+ "Ġp akt",
+ "Ġre ne",
+ "Ġh unt",
+ "Ġap igenin",
+ "and a",
+ "Ġunder pin",
+ "Ġhyper fraction",
+ "med ium",
+ "Ġtr pm",
+ "Ġoste olysis",
+ "49 7",
+ "Ġhyd rophilic",
+ "most ly",
+ "hnscc s",
+ "Ġconst rain",
+ "Ġdc f",
+ "Ġillness es",
+ "Ġradiotrac er",
+ "liqu id",
+ "f ak",
+ "l po",
+ "n ix",
+ "s igma",
+ "Ġa ro",
+ "Ġp cle",
+ "Ġp its",
+ "Ġm un",
+ "Ġpro poses",
+ "ac er",
+ "Ġpar aple",
+ "ne ider",
+ "Ġsal ient",
+ "Ġestabl ishes",
+ "Ġinst illed",
+ "ie hl",
+ "Ġpast e",
+ "inj ured",
+ "can onical",
+ "Ġnanoc om",
+ "Ġran ked",
+ "Ġattack s",
+ "Ġzym ography",
+ "% :",
+ "h ors",
+ "s usp",
+ "Ġres um",
+ "Ġlymph oblasts",
+ "Ġra muc",
+ "ms a",
+ "Ġam i",
+ "Ġam bi",
+ "med ial",
+ "Ġrep op",
+ "Ġsl ough",
+ "Ġmin ing",
+ "Ġextra uterine",
+ "Ġck s",
+ "Ġinstit utes",
+ "activ ities",
+ "Ġros enthal",
+ "Ġmis leading",
+ "Ġaa a",
+ "Ġhard ly",
+ "sin us",
+ "Ġendoscop ies",
+ "Ġconjug ation",
+ "Ġdraw back",
+ "Ġgtp ase",
+ "Ġsubf amily",
+ "Ġairsp aces",
+ "Ġexagg erated",
+ "a platin",
+ "m st",
+ "on ins",
+ "Ġp uva",
+ "Ġis oflav",
+ "se ed",
+ "ad h",
+ "Ġper irectal",
+ "Ġpre defined",
+ "Ġspec k",
+ "opl ast",
+ "Ġintra abdominal",
+ "Ġhem ochromatosis",
+ "Ġ19 76",
+ "20 20",
+ "Ġaff lic",
+ "Ġleuk oencephal",
+ "Ġvill in",
+ "Ġwork flow",
+ "cn em",
+ "Ġtransd ifferentiation",
+ "Ġorth oped",
+ "Ġmetastas ectomy",
+ "Ġobstruct ed",
+ "Ġarteri ole",
+ "Ġdelt oid",
+ "Ġfin anc",
+ "Ġfulf illing",
+ "Ġcollaps ed",
+ "Ġfanc oni",
+ "Ġheparan ase",
+ "Ġramuc irumab",
+ "er able",
+ "as i",
+ "id iosis",
+ "un cle",
+ "if lu",
+ "Ġco ol",
+ "Ġover treatment",
+ "Ġover production",
+ "Ġproduct ive",
+ "romet astasis",
+ "arrow s",
+ "asc ial",
+ "Ġneuropath ies",
+ "Ġconver t",
+ "predominant ly",
+ "Ġfall s",
+ "Ġeph rin",
+ "Ġcolch icine",
+ "Ġbari atric",
+ "i ib",
+ "at he",
+ "om andibular",
+ "Ġg pa",
+ "Ġde al",
+ "Ġup ward",
+ "Ġqu ail",
+ "pend ence",
+ "Ġmus hro",
+ "Ġperi hilar",
+ "Ġet oh",
+ "27 7",
+ "Ġfore gut",
+ "Ġlum b",
+ "Ġtransl ate",
+ "Ġgangl ios",
+ "ges ia",
+ "Ġsu icide",
+ "Ġelement al",
+ "Ġom eprazole",
+ "Ġphospholip ids",
+ "Ġgangren osum",
+ "Ġlox l",
+ "Ġaven ues",
+ "odont ogenic",
+ "Ġbetat sh",
+ "2 67",
+ "r iz",
+ "Ġt ann",
+ "Ġb ill",
+ "im ilar",
+ "Ġend ophthalmitis",
+ "Ġpar ity",
+ "Ġtrans sphenoidal",
+ "Ġmod elling",
+ "opl ant",
+ "Ġnon toxic",
+ "Ġintra observer",
+ "Ġoste ocalcin",
+ "Ġany where",
+ "Ġet anercept",
+ "30 3",
+ "Ġcur atively",
+ "Ġip sc",
+ "Ġhif u",
+ "irect ional",
+ "Ġelectroph oretic",
+ "Ġide ally",
+ "Ġinh om",
+ "Ġlith ium",
+ "Ġleban on",
+ "3 12",
+ "h dl",
+ "h ift",
+ "m cc",
+ "Ġa ph",
+ "ed ent",
+ "Ġm j",
+ "st roma",
+ "Ġexp ort",
+ "ch a",
+ "ch l",
+ "Ġpl ap",
+ "Ġun w",
+ "cent re",
+ "Ġy our",
+ "Ġanti phospholipid",
+ "Ġvit rectomy",
+ "Ġpur ple",
+ "Ġscar red",
+ "25 9",
+ "Ġln d",
+ "201 9",
+ "Ġretro viral",
+ "Ġperic ytes",
+ "acet amide",
+ "Ġmyofibrobl ast",
+ "Ġscal ing",
+ "oepithel iomas",
+ "Ġwash ings",
+ "Ġassum e",
+ "Ġmyot ubes",
+ "Ġstrengt hen",
+ "Ġcryo ablation",
+ "Ġarrhythm ias",
+ "Ġaflat oxin",
+ "Ġfluoropyr imidine",
+ "a es",
+ "r gd",
+ "el ong",
+ "el ta",
+ "im age",
+ "ur f",
+ "Ġr umin",
+ "Ġch ances",
+ "Ġ2 14",
+ "Ġk ikuchi",
+ "Ġcomp ressive",
+ "ind ividual",
+ "ogen etically",
+ "Ġy rs",
+ "Ġins ensitive",
+ "25 2",
+ "sh ire",
+ "23 7",
+ "29 1",
+ "Ġmig rating",
+ "38 7",
+ "Ġ23 1",
+ "Ġlig ated",
+ "pn ets",
+ "Ġaz d",
+ "Ġarg on",
+ "iaz ole",
+ "Ġabstract s",
+ "Ġpteryg ium",
+ "l ap",
+ "m eta",
+ "at itis",
+ "Ġc ues",
+ "Ġo ocysts",
+ "Ġco ils",
+ "Ġac ro",
+ "Ġam ple",
+ "min th",
+ "Ġwhe at",
+ "aden osine",
+ "Ġdermat oscopic",
+ "Ġcaps id",
+ "pro gn",
+ "Ġinfect ing",
+ "olin ic",
+ "Ġsu ited",
+ "uz z",
+ "Ġsy d",
+ "py rene",
+ "Ġburn ing",
+ "Ġamph ib",
+ "Ġtelangiect atic",
+ "Ġtrem end",
+ "Ġvire mia",
+ "Ġfumig atus",
+ "Ġchemoemb olization",
+ "b g",
+ "f al",
+ "p par",
+ "er land",
+ "Ġm ss",
+ "Ġb ath",
+ "ag in",
+ "ub iquit",
+ "Ġes rd",
+ "Ġbl astic",
+ "Ġj elly",
+ "Ġem odin",
+ "Ġtra j",
+ "Ġparamet ric",
+ "23 2",
+ "rib onucle",
+ "29 2",
+ "nm r",
+ "gu anine",
+ "Ġchond roma",
+ "adj acent",
+ "Ġrheumat ology",
+ "chol ate",
+ "Ġperm itted",
+ "Ġsort ed",
+ "Ġeph b",
+ "Ġleptospi rosis",
+ "Ġrifamp icin",
+ "Ġappendic ectomy",
+ "supplement ed",
+ "Ġt amm",
+ "Ġthe ories",
+ "Ġd usp",
+ "Ġl ectins",
+ "od yn",
+ "ens ory",
+ "Ġsc f",
+ "Ġsub sp",
+ "Ġdys lipidemia",
+ "Ġcent ros",
+ "uk ast",
+ "Ġprot racted",
+ "27 2",
+ "Ġrh ode",
+ "Ġtend in",
+ "Ġec osystem",
+ "Ġgo ogle",
+ "Ġbm d",
+ "Ġlas ers",
+ "plan ar",
+ "Ġview s",
+ "py ogenic",
+ "init ro",
+ "Ġhyperther mic",
+ "Ġnl phl",
+ "Ġlos artan",
+ "4 32",
+ "g all",
+ "in ner",
+ "Ġs oh",
+ "Ġb iall",
+ "Ġre organ",
+ "Ġre aches",
+ "am er",
+ "Ġr ln",
+ "Ġbi oprost",
+ "Ġab cc",
+ "Ġen cl",
+ "Ġmy oglobin",
+ "Ġasp c",
+ "Ġz onal",
+ "no ael",
+ "Ġly on",
+ "Ġswit ching",
+ "Ġetiological ly",
+ "pret ation",
+ "Ġpbm cs",
+ "omater ial",
+ "Ġmca o",
+ "oeb a",
+ "Ġrain bow",
+ "Ġneurobehavi oral",
+ "h ct",
+ "l ns",
+ "p ad",
+ "Ġd q",
+ "Ġl bc",
+ "og lein",
+ "Ġcom ing",
+ "ted anib",
+ "Ġret roph",
+ "int ens",
+ "Ġtrac ers",
+ "Ġintrac ardiac",
+ "Ġoff icinal",
+ "mp rin",
+ "Ġaccel eration",
+ "Ġneon ate",
+ "Ġnin tedanib",
+ "Ġadvantage ous",
+ "Ġcoinc ided",
+ "pept idase",
+ "l os",
+ "p od",
+ "Ġm iliary",
+ "Ġd imer",
+ "el ess",
+ "Ġre agent",
+ "ere mia",
+ "Ġ2 33",
+ "Ġcol ic",
+ "Ġnon human",
+ "Ġout let",
+ "Ġsch olar",
+ "Ġpal ms",
+ "Ġtubul opapillary",
+ "Ġcin nam",
+ "Ġdimin ish",
+ "vas cul",
+ "Ġneutral ization",
+ "nitros o",
+ "Ġmosqu ito",
+ "c aco",
+ "w il",
+ "in tr",
+ "Ġc sp",
+ "Ġc tr",
+ "Ġc ited",
+ "Ġb ritis",
+ "Ġe cd",
+ "Ġad scs",
+ "ch olic",
+ "Ġco expressed",
+ "Ġsm oothened",
+ "vi en",
+ "yl line",
+ "Ġj srv",
+ "Ġexpl ores",
+ "26 8",
+ "Ġmig rated",
+ "Ġpan itumumab",
+ "Ġpneum ocyte",
+ "cit ic",
+ "Ġneuropath ologic",
+ "Ġmolar s",
+ "elect ron",
+ "Ġfabric ated",
+ "Ġtampon ade",
+ "Ġbritis h",
+ "3 13",
+ "Ġt ace",
+ "Ġm isc",
+ "Ġl ign",
+ "ce us",
+ "Ġhistopath ologist",
+ "Ġconclus ively",
+ "Ġcm t",
+ "Ġnucle oside",
+ "Ġmm b",
+ "Ġpt pn",
+ "Ġpoly amine",
+ "Ġic t",
+ "Ġsn b",
+ "def in",
+ "Ġastrocyt e",
+ "Ġureter ic",
+ "Ġpm n",
+ "Ġmill imeter",
+ "restric tion",
+ "Ġhemodynamic s",
+ "Ġthromboemb olic",
+ "Ġforest omach",
+ "arth ritic",
+ "Ġvertebr ates",
+ "othi ocyanate",
+ "g as",
+ "Ġan cient",
+ "ent h",
+ "Ġre app",
+ "Ġis oc",
+ "Ġsh aved",
+ "ne o",
+ "Ġam a",
+ "Ġterm inated",
+ "Ġvas oactive",
+ "29 8",
+ "Ġaqu ap",
+ "Ġsy rian",
+ "Ġhind ered",
+ "Ġcham bers",
+ "Ġdp ph",
+ "Ġunders core",
+ "extra cellular",
+ "294 002",
+ "Ġcontag iosum",
+ "b v",
+ "y d",
+ "y ric",
+ "z ole",
+ "Ġt dp",
+ "Ġt ensin",
+ "Ġex osome",
+ "ub ated",
+ "Ġfe el",
+ "Ġaf x",
+ "ari i",
+ "Ġi ac",
+ "Ġdys germ",
+ "Ġent eral",
+ "Ġcalc ulations",
+ "Ġlab yrinth",
+ "23 3",
+ "Ġglyc ophorin",
+ "Ġleiomy omatosis",
+ "Ġlongitudinal ly",
+ "tail ed",
+ "Ġpip eline",
+ "Ġpykn otic",
+ "Ġcoagul opathy",
+ "ikil ocytosis",
+ "princip al",
+ "t ps",
+ "Ġa plastic",
+ "Ġm pp",
+ "Ġl mr",
+ "Ġe fs",
+ "ph ys",
+ "rom ic",
+ "Ġper is",
+ "de ep",
+ "Ġhe c",
+ "th igh",
+ "Ġbl unted",
+ "Ġmat ing",
+ "Ġdem ands",
+ "Ġinvestig ational",
+ "ism us",
+ "Ġpredict able",
+ "Ġstill birth",
+ "Ġdil ution",
+ "Ġconn ections",
+ "Ġdon uts",
+ "inucle otide",
+ "iap aca",
+ "Ġlear ned",
+ "Ġpenet rance",
+ "Ġcalcit riol",
+ "Ġnons ense",
+ "9 00",
+ "e urope",
+ "h undred",
+ "r pe",
+ "Ġm st",
+ "if lor",
+ "ad apted",
+ "Ġlymph openia",
+ "Ġsp ur",
+ "iss ive",
+ "Ġsup rac",
+ "Ġfeat ured",
+ "Ġradi x",
+ "Ġpost infection",
+ "Ġplasm ids",
+ "ax anthin",
+ "Ġdig its",
+ "Ġfil ms",
+ "cons erving",
+ "Ġfaint ly",
+ "Ġlid ocaine",
+ "Ġyp n",
+ "Ġmicrocyst s",
+ "Ġinacc urate",
+ "Ġambi ent",
+ "b ility",
+ "v an",
+ "Ġne pc",
+ "Ġap a",
+ "Ġco up",
+ "Ġgen et",
+ "unct ions",
+ "Ġ19 78",
+ "Ġorgan isation",
+ "Ġanalyz es",
+ "Ġuniform ity",
+ "Ġcirc uit",
+ "Ġmutagen esis",
+ "Ġextr usion",
+ "Ġdisagre ement",
+ "m or",
+ "Ġs fts",
+ "ol uble",
+ "ch op",
+ "Ġass urance",
+ "Ġco enzyme",
+ "Ġpl n",
+ "Ġj e",
+ "Ġi ud",
+ "Ġdys functional",
+ "uro c",
+ "Ġcalc ane",
+ "05 5",
+ "Ġneut ered",
+ "no ise",
+ "Ġml n",
+ "Ġaer ial",
+ "idyl ate",
+ "Ġpseudop yloric",
+ "Ġplug s",
+ "opharm aceutical",
+ "Ġdy es",
+ "Ġdisco hesive",
+ "odystroph y",
+ "h ing",
+ "Ġm ove",
+ "Ġad hered",
+ "ac cess",
+ "Ġper one",
+ "te x",
+ "Ġinter position",
+ "tr igg",
+ "Ġbas in",
+ "Ġconc urs",
+ "pa i",
+ "Ġbor rel",
+ "Ġoxynt o",
+ "Ġbab y",
+ "Ġting ible",
+ "b ronch",
+ "f sh",
+ "t or",
+ "Ġd pp",
+ "um ps",
+ "Ġex ocervix",
+ "hel a",
+ "34 6",
+ "Ġblock ers",
+ "Ġ23 9",
+ "ochond rial",
+ "Ġrevers ing",
+ "metast ases",
+ "Ġsyndrom ic",
+ "itz erland",
+ "Ġchlamy d",
+ "Ġrestrict ive",
+ "Ġunaccept able",
+ "Ġendomys ial",
+ "Ġenorm ous",
+ "Ġfinanc ial",
+ "Ġbiall elic",
+ "g ss",
+ "h orm",
+ "m ary",
+ "ell ous",
+ "Ġas h",
+ "Ġhyp oplastic",
+ "form er",
+ "Ġph age",
+ "Ġcystic a",
+ "con ditioned",
+ "Ġves ic",
+ "Ġtgf br",
+ "Ġtop ography",
+ "Ġpal b",
+ "Ġintrac avitary",
+ "Ġolig omet",
+ "Ġunres olved",
+ "glut aminase",
+ "Ġum ass",
+ "Ġosteochond ral",
+ "ococ ci",
+ "Ġ-- >",
+ "engine ered",
+ "2 45",
+ "8 27",
+ "r x",
+ "r nas",
+ "Ġl ister",
+ "ol ate",
+ "il ol",
+ "am ically",
+ "Ġas citic",
+ "ast rin",
+ "Ġch c",
+ "Ġcomp elling",
+ "Ġes terase",
+ "Ġant inuclear",
+ "rel and",
+ "ep silon",
+ "ok a",
+ "Ġdu plic",
+ "Ġlateral ly",
+ "Ġcomplic ate",
+ "Ġelect rosp",
+ "Ġthym oquinone",
+ "200 3",
+ "Ġcro cin",
+ "Ġtet razolium",
+ "Ġpk d",
+ "Ġwil son",
+ "Ġerad icate",
+ "Ġhomogeneous ly",
+ "henol ate",
+ "integ ration",
+ "Ġikappab alpha",
+ "Ġammon ia",
+ "Ġharbour ing",
+ "Ġnecrops ied",
+ "Ġextirp ation",
+ "conver ting",
+ "f amily",
+ "g ian",
+ "i ence",
+ "o il",
+ "Ġp es",
+ "ct la",
+ "Ġv oxel",
+ "Ġch ose",
+ "Ġk as",
+ "Ġap t",
+ "Ġes ters",
+ "Ġund erex",
+ "ox yp",
+ "Ġdisc arded",
+ "Ġhom ing",
+ "Ġpc os",
+ "Ġnumb ness",
+ "olip ids",
+ "Ġcomm itted",
+ "Ġho ok",
+ "Ġextrap ancreatic",
+ "derm oid",
+ "delet ion",
+ "Ġhygi ene",
+ "5 40",
+ "s alt",
+ "z a",
+ "er jian",
+ "Ġb erg",
+ "ere s",
+ "Ġ2 29",
+ "cl a",
+ "Ġchar lson",
+ "Ġsuper num",
+ "Ġy y",
+ "Ġsegment ally",
+ "ogl itazone",
+ "ke ys",
+ "Ġadip ophilin",
+ "Ġangiomy xoma",
+ "cx cl",
+ "uret erectomy",
+ "m pm",
+ "n odal",
+ "en esis",
+ "Ġf cm",
+ "op odia",
+ "Ġbi ol",
+ "Ġ2 18",
+ "yt e",
+ "th i",
+ "Ġsp ill",
+ "Ġco q",
+ "Ġmat urity",
+ "Ġle u",
+ "Ġph orbol",
+ "Ġrel ates",
+ "Ġcomb at",
+ "bl oc",
+ "Ġ24 1",
+ "och lor",
+ "ext rapancreatic",
+ "hyd raz",
+ "Ġhair less",
+ "Ġbrach ial",
+ "Ġposition ing",
+ "Ġrot ation",
+ "Ġpbm c",
+ "Ġdesquam ation",
+ "Ġdemarc ation",
+ "Ġm ock",
+ "Ġb sc",
+ "Ġd re",
+ "ph ragm",
+ "and rogen",
+ "Ġit ga",
+ "ari o",
+ "Ġsupp urat",
+ "Ġcycl ins",
+ "24 4",
+ "26 6",
+ "Ġq lq",
+ "pro ximal",
+ "cn n",
+ "Ġvisc era",
+ "Ġdm d",
+ "Ġreprod uced",
+ "Ġsten otic",
+ "Ġbic eps",
+ "leb rand",
+ "Ġprogramm es",
+ "o acetate",
+ "x x",
+ "at rophic",
+ "Ġm ortem",
+ "Ġb urg",
+ "Ġf ev",
+ "Ġl yp",
+ "Ġbe gun",
+ "Ġcl ade",
+ "ox al",
+ "Ġnod osa",
+ "Ġag r",
+ "Ġmon ocyt",
+ "uro t",
+ "Ġx ist",
+ "25 7",
+ "Ġangi ocentric",
+ "Ġsw itzerland",
+ "Ġflex or",
+ "Ġcho ices",
+ "Ġmesothel ium",
+ "Ġradiosensit ization",
+ "Ġosc ill",
+ "Ġchondrom yxoid",
+ "Ġmonomorph ous",
+ "Ġsuppurat iva",
+ "a icin",
+ "k egg",
+ "m ct",
+ "Ġc w",
+ "Ġp bl",
+ "Ġv cam",
+ "Ġmicro vesicular",
+ "Ġpost auricular",
+ "com pl",
+ "me gakary",
+ "Ġpt k",
+ "Ġbronch opneumonia",
+ "Ġcat ast",
+ "Ġobserv able",
+ "Ġib s",
+ "Ġrun ning",
+ "Ġtens or",
+ "Ġcatechol amine",
+ "Ġhass erjian",
+ "alpin x",
+ "f unctions",
+ "v l",
+ "in ia",
+ "Ġs uction",
+ "ell osis",
+ "ec a",
+ "ib ac",
+ "Ġim ag",
+ "Ġpar all",
+ "Ġcd cl",
+ "Ġmon oc",
+ "Ġ19 60",
+ "Ġval ley",
+ "Ġsus pended",
+ "19 75",
+ "Ġcult ivation",
+ "Ġbro ck",
+ "Ġtrac hel",
+ "Ġantit rypsin",
+ "Ġhistomorph ometric",
+ "Ġcatheter ization",
+ "Ġcyclospor in",
+ "Ġplug ging",
+ "Ġreadm ission",
+ "Ġflock s",
+ "Ġhypopig mented",
+ "Ġhyperal gesia",
+ "Ġbeag le",
+ "Ġacknow led",
+ "Ġsyd ney",
+ "Ġa w",
+ "Ġw g",
+ "Ġan p",
+ "ter min",
+ "fl ight",
+ "ret ino",
+ "Ġpe er",
+ "25 5",
+ "Ġdiscuss ing",
+ "Ġsi ha",
+ "syn d",
+ "Ġadren ocortic",
+ "Ġtag s",
+ "olymph oid",
+ "gluc an",
+ "Ġpu er",
+ "Ġhol y",
+ "Ġblist ers",
+ "don or",
+ "Ġhnr np",
+ "Ġobstac le",
+ "Ġbifurc ation",
+ "% +/-",
+ "4 49",
+ "h sa",
+ "r ms",
+ "og ones",
+ "Ġpar osteal",
+ "Ġinter cost",
+ "Ġsup plied",
+ "Ġqu int",
+ "Ġcar rageenan",
+ "Ġrecogn izes",
+ "Ġpigment ary",
+ "cy geal",
+ "Ġfil tered",
+ "Ġtb x",
+ "sl c",
+ "Ġfasc icle",
+ "Ġanomal ous",
+ "Ġwean ing",
+ "Ġvertebr ate",
+ "omel an",
+ "Ġrhyth m",
+ "Ġretroph aryngeal",
+ "Ġa y",
+ "ar um",
+ "Ġr ath",
+ "uc k",
+ "se pt",
+ "Ġend ostatin",
+ "Ġind igenous",
+ "Ġme al",
+ "Ġi reland",
+ "Ġhem ithyroid",
+ "Ġmelan ocytoma",
+ "Ġhp s",
+ "67 0",
+ "Ġsubt raction",
+ "Ġcav itary",
+ "Ġaccum ulates",
+ "pr one",
+ "Ġped ig",
+ "Ġsn are",
+ "Ġpac ific",
+ "Ġcho osing",
+ "odys plasia",
+ "Ġhyster oscopic",
+ "Ġsubser osa",
+ "Ġmns od",
+ "Ġmerist em",
+ "2 95",
+ "h k",
+ "l gl",
+ "in tern",
+ "Ġa o",
+ "Ġw el",
+ "ent an",
+ "Ġl ists",
+ "Ġh nsc",
+ "ect ral",
+ "ac qu",
+ "ap ril",
+ "Ġcm ml",
+ "Ġdec ay",
+ "Ġradi us",
+ "Ġep s",
+ "bl i",
+ "Ġsuperficial is",
+ "ft c",
+ "23 6",
+ "Ġpseud othromb",
+ "Ġspread s",
+ "mt v",
+ "Ġbull a",
+ "oduoden al",
+ "des ign",
+ "Ġbor on",
+ "margin ate",
+ "m ob",
+ "s es",
+ "Ġc en",
+ "es cs",
+ "Ġd ld",
+ "Ġl vd",
+ "om ically",
+ "ot echn",
+ "Ġ2 26",
+ "Ġ2 75",
+ "Ġexp onential",
+ "di hydro",
+ "Ġfl uc",
+ "ov al",
+ "Ġche w",
+ "gl ottis",
+ "Ġextra vascular",
+ "platin um",
+ "000 9",
+ "Ġsubch orionitis",
+ "Ġprote oglycans",
+ "Ġdocument ing",
+ "tnf alpha",
+ "Ġarg ent",
+ "col onic",
+ "Ġwil lebrand",
+ "Ġdos imetric",
+ "Ġmib i",
+ "anti oxidant",
+ "Ġanalges ia",
+ "thromb i",
+ "Ġperineur ioma",
+ "Ġdermatopath ologists",
+ "Ġnemat odes",
+ "Ġintriguing ly",
+ "hypert ensive",
+ "Ġtetrac ycline",
+ "Ġosteoc artilaginous",
+ "occup ying",
+ "5 60",
+ "k ary",
+ "Ġn ur",
+ "Ġl eng",
+ "Ġh und",
+ "Ġper ich",
+ "Ġmy enteric",
+ "Ġdec ide",
+ "Ġcarcin osarcomas",
+ "Ġop g",
+ "Ġdown regulate",
+ "och ord",
+ "Ġrest enosis",
+ "Ġps ap",
+ "por ter",
+ "37 4",
+ "Ġregen erate",
+ "Ġpi oglitazone",
+ "Ġpara pharyngeal",
+ "Ġjaw line",
+ "Ġaugust ine",
+ "Ġgelatin ous",
+ "Ġcic atricial",
+ "Ġduc ks",
+ "immunop recipitation",
+ "phosphat ase",
+ "Ġpathob iology",
+ "3 28",
+ "f k",
+ "Ġs fn",
+ "as ch",
+ "Ġl elc",
+ "Ġsp ik",
+ "Ġsp inous",
+ "ob en",
+ "Ġinvestig ator",
+ "Ġadminist rations",
+ "Ġelect rom",
+ "Ġatt ain",
+ "Ġglut amic",
+ "Ġip c",
+ "inter fer",
+ "Ġdimin utive",
+ "Ġimmunological ly",
+ "Ġschem a",
+ "Ġepic ardial",
+ "Ġinstrument al",
+ "Ġcow den",
+ "Ġparadox ical",
+ "Ġancest ry",
+ "Ġfbx w",
+ "Ġperigl omerular",
+ "europe an",
+ "c ord",
+ "Ġp on",
+ "un saturated",
+ "Ġst ev",
+ "Ġr rp",
+ "Ġcyt opathological",
+ "Ġac p",
+ "per i",
+ "Ġintra gast",
+ "Ġir b",
+ "Ġperi urethral",
+ "38 4",
+ "Ġyoung est",
+ "Ġenter ing",
+ "Ġstar ts",
+ "Ġdisapp o",
+ "Ġpolymer ization",
+ "Ġresearc hes",
+ "Ġshaf ts",
+ "Ġbare ly",
+ "Ġcanc ellous",
+ "Ġendomyomet rium",
+ "Ġpreadip ocytes",
+ "Ġhydros alpinx",
+ "Ġsupernum erary",
+ "3 63",
+ "3 24",
+ "5 50",
+ "d tc",
+ "Ġ ����������������",
+ "et ine",
+ "em ortem",
+ "qu in",
+ "Ġk at",
+ "Ġhyp ovascular",
+ "Ġgl ue",
+ "Ġar gu",
+ "ak o",
+ "Ġchem oresistant",
+ "Ġif i",
+ "sh rna",
+ "rop in",
+ "29 7",
+ "Ġsk ov",
+ "Ġfac ed",
+ "Ġaccompan y",
+ "mod ifying",
+ "Ġens uring",
+ "Ġtopic s",
+ "Ġrul ing",
+ "Ġopac ification",
+ "Ġw r",
+ "Ġin bred",
+ "or ptive",
+ "Ġex eter",
+ "ec um",
+ "Ġr cts",
+ "em ographic",
+ "ip mns",
+ "ind o",
+ "Ġant emortem",
+ "sp s",
+ "Ġunder line",
+ "omat osus",
+ "|>; <|",
+ "Ġrequ isition",
+ "Ġ24 2",
+ "Ġcontrast ing",
+ "ring ens",
+ "Ġgerm inoma",
+ "Ġsch neider",
+ "Ġhar iri",
+ "Ġimmunore g",
+ "Ġcrypt ococcosis",
+ "Ġcircum marginate",
+ "ophag y",
+ "ocyst eine",
+ "lipid emic",
+ "Ġperm ission",
+ "Ġrend ers",
+ "rele vant",
+ "Ġproce ed",
+ "Ġproce eded",
+ "Ġgangliogl iomas",
+ "Ġthous ands",
+ "Ġcalv arial",
+ "Ġbact eremia",
+ "Ġscintigraph ic",
+ "Ġmycop henolate",
+ "oplant ar",
+ "Ġrath ke",
+ "a q",
+ "f oc",
+ "s cr",
+ "Ġa pl",
+ "ol itis",
+ "ig ms",
+ "ur an",
+ "Ġco infection",
+ "Ġle e",
+ "Ġprov oked",
+ "Ġadv ice",
+ "Ġut most",
+ "Ġop ens",
+ "Ġneut ron",
+ "25 6",
+ "40 9",
+ "(- )/",
+ "Ġexcept ions",
+ "Ġclonal ly",
+ "Ġinsert ions",
+ "Ġprompt ly",
+ "Ġauc s",
+ "oxif ylline",
+ "Ġdoct ors",
+ "Ġintol erance",
+ "Ġanten atal",
+ "h ou",
+ "Ġd ad",
+ "Ġre vascular",
+ "Ġh at",
+ "Ġdi ag",
+ "her al",
+ "Ġcl ips",
+ "di rect",
+ "Ġrat ing",
+ "Ġag enesis",
+ "tal k",
+ "Ġkn ots",
+ "Ġobj ectively",
+ "Ġneph roprotective",
+ "68 0",
+ "Ġnan ofib",
+ "affin ity",
+ "Ġpotent iate",
+ "Ġverruc iform",
+ "pres erved",
+ "Ġdeform ities",
+ "Ġanticoag ulation",
+ "emm oma",
+ "Ġf xr",
+ "Ġn he",
+ "oc clusive",
+ "pl ace",
+ "Ġ2 23",
+ "Ġinf ert",
+ "ens ing",
+ "Ġdifferent iates",
+ "Ġant oni",
+ "so ft",
+ "Ġhem ostatic",
+ "Ġmyel opathy",
+ "Ġextens ions",
+ "Ġpe el",
+ "Ġangi opathy",
+ "Ġchond roblastic",
+ "lymph oid",
+ "Ġdehyd ration",
+ "Ġidentif ier",
+ "Ġdos imetry",
+ "Ġparad igms",
+ "Ġcall osum",
+ "Ġsudden ly",
+ "dist al",
+ "Ġphytochemical s",
+ "Ġfert ilization",
+ "retino in",
+ "d aily",
+ "Ġb ras",
+ "ec og",
+ "Ġnot ochord",
+ "ve h",
+ "cc c",
+ "ure teral",
+ "iss on",
+ "ari ans",
+ "Ġdys genesis",
+ "Ġdys peptic",
+ "Ġ19 79",
+ "Ġmyel opoiesis",
+ "da i",
+ "Ġpul mon",
+ "49 9",
+ "Ġcaps aicin",
+ "Ġmyc el",
+ "mg h",
+ "48 3",
+ "pers istent",
+ "Ġmetallop rote",
+ "Ġsteroid ogenic",
+ "Ġion ization",
+ "deoxy cytidine",
+ "Ġjud g",
+ "Ġneuros urgery",
+ "Ġagric ultural",
+ "Ġintercost al",
+ "2 34",
+ "d rop",
+ "t os",
+ "t ax",
+ "Ġp est",
+ "Ġh iatal",
+ "Ġg ig",
+ "im ulatory",
+ "le uc",
+ "ot racheal",
+ "Ġ2 19",
+ "Ġdec ip",
+ "av one",
+ "Ġsumm er",
+ "Ġ24 5",
+ "Ġelect romy",
+ "80 3",
+ "Ġplay ers",
+ "ved ilol",
+ "level s",
+ "Ġhydrox ide",
+ "Ġposition ed",
+ "tub erculous",
+ "Ġdia z",
+ "Ġdispar ity",
+ "Ġerythropo iesis",
+ "Ġscrap ie",
+ "ntr k",
+ "Ġarb itr",
+ "knock down",
+ "Ġhypercholesterol emia",
+ "7 19",
+ "Ġs ic",
+ "Ġw atch",
+ "ro i",
+ "Ġn drg",
+ "et ry",
+ "Ġv ict",
+ "Ġwe aken",
+ "Ġgl n",
+ "Ġen v",
+ "Ġidentified distances",
+ "Ġj ar",
+ "cent ered",
+ "Ġcurrent s",
+ "ren ic",
+ "Ġcap an",
+ "49 8",
+ "28 7",
+ "Ġthym idylate",
+ "Ġect odermal",
+ "ming ham",
+ "Ġpent oxifylline",
+ "Ġovari ectomy",
+ "Ġkeratoac anthomas",
+ "pur pose",
+ "Ġinfert ile",
+ "8 01",
+ "k ling",
+ "p ine",
+ "t ender",
+ "y ositis",
+ "ic ides",
+ "Ġm ort",
+ "or ia",
+ "Ġ( %",
+ "Ġg ree",
+ "am oeba",
+ "pl oidy",
+ "Ġat ri",
+ "act ers",
+ "Ġinf ects",
+ "th oracic",
+ "omet rically",
+ "Ġconf using",
+ "ech st",
+ "Ġextra ord",
+ "24 9",
+ "rad ical",
+ "mp oral",
+ "Ġcholangi ocarcinomas",
+ "Ġlimb us",
+ "Ġcb ct",
+ "Ġcalp ain",
+ "Ġpouch itis",
+ "meth ionine",
+ "omod ulin",
+ "Ġsegreg ation",
+ "Ġturk ish",
+ "4 23",
+ "s us",
+ "t rap",
+ "x g",
+ "at echin",
+ "Ġs re",
+ "Ġin struct",
+ "Ġex it",
+ "ant el",
+ "Ġdi at",
+ "pt l",
+ "Ġanalys ing",
+ "Ġacc idental",
+ "Ġmicro en",
+ ".- :",
+ "Ġdiss imilar",
+ "Ġvac cin",
+ "Ġ90 3",
+ "Ġpolypoid al",
+ "con clusions",
+ "inc reased",
+ "Ġpc b",
+ "Ġbirth s",
+ "des m",
+ "md ct",
+ "Ġdysp noea",
+ "Ġren oprotective",
+ "agg reg",
+ "Ġtempor omandibular",
+ "Ġhemisp heres",
+ "Ġhidraden oma",
+ "Ġhydrocarb ons",
+ "Ġrcb v",
+ "Ġconscious ness",
+ "Ġmere ly",
+ "Ġrecanal ization",
+ "b ank",
+ "h sc",
+ "m ms",
+ "p apill",
+ "Ġa il",
+ "Ġw i",
+ "Ġan ov",
+ "Ġd ang",
+ "um ber",
+ "Ġcomp an",
+ "Ġtrans abdominal",
+ "ox ins",
+ "Ġmon ophosphate",
+ "per ineal",
+ "Ġthrough put",
+ "ss c",
+ "Ġect oderm",
+ "Ġquad ric",
+ "Ġblind ly",
+ "Ġbuttock s",
+ "ibul ectomy",
+ "Ġlov o",
+ "Ġleukoencephal opathy",
+ "Ġbrock ton",
+ "k at",
+ "Ġc cd",
+ "is is",
+ "Ġ( %)",
+ "Ġcor p",
+ "Ġnon invasively",
+ "28 3",
+ "Ġpseud om",
+ "mod ality",
+ "pro te",
+ "Ġcorpus cles",
+ "Ġchr ysin",
+ "Ġleng t",
+ "c ases",
+ "t cc",
+ "Ġp ocket",
+ "Ġst itch",
+ "Ġv r",
+ "Ġcomp ressing",
+ "Ġen ema",
+ "Ġred u",
+ "Ġcar ies",
+ "of ten",
+ "fl ox",
+ "Ġmir s",
+ "Ġchrom ogenic",
+ "ice ptive",
+ "Ġlight ly",
+ "Ġsac ro",
+ "Ġreal ized",
+ "Ġchond roblastoma",
+ "Ġpp p",
+ "Ġdivertic ulosis",
+ "Ġtax anes",
+ "Ġgb ms",
+ "Ġepig l",
+ "Ġnecessit ates",
+ "Ġcip rofloxacin",
+ "plen omegaly",
+ "brom o",
+ "Ġagglut inin",
+ "Ġantec edent",
+ "Ġframes hift",
+ "Ġintrane ural",
+ "m cd",
+ "v iable",
+ "Ġ urs",
+ "at osis",
+ "Ġe au",
+ "os umab",
+ "ith ine",
+ "oc ial",
+ "Ġbl u",
+ "Ġnon linear",
+ "hen amine",
+ "Ġem c",
+ "of er",
+ "stit uted",
+ "30 7",
+ "Ġpig e",
+ "26 9",
+ "met abolic",
+ "ophys ical",
+ "rate mporal",
+ "Ġstrept avidin",
+ "Ġpann us",
+ "block s",
+ "ocon st",
+ "Ġprotr usions",
+ "Ġosteopor otic",
+ "Ġpalm oplantar",
+ "roderm atitis",
+ "mis artan",
+ "Ġhypermet abolic",
+ "Ġnephro ureterectomy",
+ "Ġconstrain ts",
+ "cnem ius",
+ "Ġtrachel ectomy",
+ "Ġpseudothromb i",
+ "Ġdisappo inting",
+ "/ (",
+ "3 15",
+ "5 11",
+ "re a",
+ "Ġl sd",
+ "ul op",
+ "Ġth ai",
+ "Ġse p",
+ "Ġhyp odense",
+ "rel ation",
+ "Ġam az",
+ "Ġyear ly",
+ "gl cnac",
+ "Ġang ular",
+ "immun oreactive",
+ "Ġintrod ucing",
+ "37 7",
+ "lr c",
+ "Ġdistinguish able",
+ "fact ors",
+ "hist opathology",
+ "Ġoblit erated",
+ "Ġperf ringens",
+ "diast ase",
+ "3 67",
+ "ic uli",
+ "ib c",
+ "Ġpar ab",
+ "ob ese",
+ "Ġmay be",
+ "ne ph",
+ "Ġam astig",
+ "Ġsecond ly",
+ "Ġple iotropic",
+ "Ġdermat opathic",
+ "Ġpneum operitoneum",
+ "els en",
+ "Ġretin ol",
+ "Ġpit ts",
+ "cov id",
+ "deoxy guanosine",
+ "Ġaet i",
+ "Ġprofound ly",
+ "Ġter rit",
+ "Ġstip pling",
+ "tel ukast",
+ "Ġreconstit ution",
+ "Ġhypof ractionated",
+ "Ġhepatop ancreas",
+ "Ġtrach omatis",
+ "Ġorthoped ic",
+ "7 95",
+ "7 46",
+ "g amm",
+ "n se",
+ "s ome",
+ "Ġ ym",
+ "Ġf itted",
+ "ad ium",
+ "Ġco ff",
+ "alu able",
+ "Ġprognostic ators",
+ "Ġcystic ercosis",
+ "Ġsw ab",
+ "38 9",
+ "Ġlif elong",
+ "Ġfac et",
+ "Ġtransf usions",
+ "iter pene",
+ "Ġunequivocal ly",
+ "Ġassemb led",
+ "Ġechin ococcosis",
+ "Ġjuxt ap",
+ "star ry",
+ "Ġparaple gia",
+ "m k",
+ "Ġp ill",
+ "ct x",
+ "ra x",
+ "ce ps",
+ "und er",
+ "Ġcyt otroph",
+ "Ġret rop",
+ "Ġaut oradi",
+ "19 95",
+ "Ġav idin",
+ "24 7",
+ "26 2",
+ "38 3",
+ "Ġeb s",
+ "Ġsn ake",
+ "Ġacanth otic",
+ "Ġfr iable",
+ "Ġmil an",
+ "Ġegf p",
+ "Ġswit ched",
+ "Ġsla ughter",
+ "Ġvig il",
+ "Ġexfol iated",
+ "Ġehrl ich",
+ "Ġhund reds",
+ "4 53",
+ "5 01",
+ "k h",
+ "p pm",
+ "Ġa us",
+ "on ed",
+ "Ġw ang",
+ "Ġd ib",
+ "Ġn z",
+ "Ġh pt",
+ "Ġto es",
+ "od ic",
+ "Ġgen eric",
+ "Ġneph rolog",
+ "Ġtrich ome",
+ "Ġmamm ograms",
+ "Ġhip scs",
+ "mic rometastases",
+ "Ġaccess ed",
+ "otrop y",
+ "Ġcontract ility",
+ "Ġfab p",
+ "Ġrecapit ulates",
+ "Ġhesp eridin",
+ "Ġslough ing",
+ "4 01",
+ "g se",
+ "m embrane",
+ "Ġt inea",
+ "re ts",
+ "Ġw u",
+ "Ġb mt",
+ "pl us",
+ "erm al",
+ "Ġind ole",
+ "Ġi arc",
+ "Ġph one",
+ "|>): -",
+ "Ġcar n",
+ "Ġx pc",
+ "Ġappend icular",
+ "mic rog",
+ "Ġpoint ing",
+ "Ġclar a",
+ "Ġhb a",
+ "arin ic",
+ "Ġsider osis",
+ "mac rometastases",
+ "burg h",
+ "adren ergic",
+ "Ġswim ming",
+ "onych ia",
+ "b iliary",
+ "l oxacin",
+ "in oid",
+ "Ġn urs",
+ "Ġ( #",
+ "oc ent",
+ "Ġr nf",
+ "Ġsp m",
+ "Ġsp ayed",
+ "Ġk en",
+ "ap ine",
+ "ang hai",
+ "Ġind urated",
+ "Ġpolyp hen",
+ "Ġdys uria",
+ "Ġcr ist",
+ "Ġct a",
+ "Ġdegen erate",
+ "Ġbel ief",
+ "Ġlap atinib",
+ "37 6",
+ "Ġdil uted",
+ "mt d",
+ "Ġmd t",
+ "Ġtel omeric",
+ "Ġrib b",
+ "Ġpall idum",
+ "Ġhydro lysis",
+ "Ġsensit ize",
+ "Ġxanth omatous",
+ "Ġtrap ez",
+ "che str",
+ "Ġmetaph ases",
+ "Ġotolaryng ology",
+ "Ġmodif ier",
+ "Ġjose ph",
+ "b u",
+ "y rene",
+ "z r",
+ "ic tion",
+ "il on",
+ "Ġk mt",
+ "ocal ization",
+ "Ġinter disciplinary",
+ "Ġpr dx",
+ "Ġam ide",
+ "Ġhy phal",
+ "fer i",
+ "Ġz iehl",
+ "Ġinit iates",
+ "Ġsection al",
+ "28 6",
+ "inc idence",
+ "Ġparticip ant",
+ "pro duct",
+ "class ic",
+ "ser ine",
+ "Ġiso intense",
+ "Ġkary otypes",
+ "Ġassum ing",
+ "Ġleuc ocyte",
+ "Ġingest ed",
+ "Ġgrap e",
+ "Ġsoph istic",
+ "hors fall",
+ "trigg ered",
+ "d est",
+ "m w",
+ "m im",
+ "Ġt ay",
+ "Ġm iapaca",
+ "ar ant",
+ "el uting",
+ "Ġas ide",
+ "Ġres iding",
+ "em ar",
+ "Ġch ym",
+ "Ġpl eth",
+ "Ġun biased",
+ "Ġob l",
+ "Ġph ant",
+ "ond uct",
+ "fl o",
+ "Ġdiss olution",
+ "Ġangi oleiomyoma",
+ "Ġmyoc utaneous",
+ "Ġscalp el",
+ "Ġcircum s",
+ "Ġsensit izing",
+ "Ġsheath s",
+ "Ġlib itum",
+ "pk d",
+ "Ġsap onins",
+ "Ġantire flux",
+ "Ġnav igation",
+ "Ġmanufact ure",
+ "Ġhydrocarb on",
+ "Ġpso as",
+ "rache ally",
+ "rhabd oid",
+ "Ġpseudoros ettes",
+ "3 53",
+ "Ġp stat",
+ "Ġw isp",
+ "Ġl ond",
+ "Ġbe ars",
+ "ob ullous",
+ "Ġform at",
+ "ss a",
+ "Ġed iting",
+ "Ġphosph or",
+ "orb ed",
+ "33 1",
+ "Ġpseud ocysts",
+ "Ġsurround s",
+ "Ġround s",
+ "Ġill umin",
+ "Ġech ogenic",
+ "Ġsed ation",
+ "Ġft ld",
+ "carcin oid",
+ "icl ovir",
+ "Ġpiece meal",
+ "Ġintragast rically",
+ "y ap",
+ "Ġe he",
+ "im t",
+ "Ġal igned",
+ "Ġor chid",
+ "Ġit ching",
+ "Ġreg ime",
+ "Ġag a",
+ "out side",
+ "tr ig",
+ "Ġem f",
+ "Ġ19 77",
+ "Ġunderw ay",
+ "Ġz e",
+ "Ġgastro cnemius",
+ "Ġdiss ect",
+ "30 4",
+ "hy retin",
+ "Ġcrypt ococcus",
+ "eb ral",
+ "Ġtel misartan",
+ "Ġnail s",
+ "Ġdesm oglein",
+ "Ġpor oma",
+ "endomet rial",
+ "Ġwhor ls",
+ "iace ae",
+ "Ġsinglet on",
+ "Ġlifes pan",
+ "intern ational",
+ "c up",
+ "g ic",
+ "Ġc q",
+ "Ġc fa",
+ "Ġm vi",
+ "it rate",
+ "ul ous",
+ "ra i",
+ "Ġal imentary",
+ "ox ys",
+ "Ġmodel ed",
+ "av a",
+ "Ġmicroscop ical",
+ "Ġhemat ogones",
+ "38 5",
+ "hc et",
+ "Ġtol erate",
+ "Ġintrac ystic",
+ "inter leukin",
+ "Ġsoc iod",
+ "Ġaccess ibility",
+ "Ġgly cemic",
+ "Ġye asts",
+ "hit chc",
+ "Ġophthalm ology",
+ "Ġmaxill ectomy",
+ "Ġperturb ation",
+ "Ġtre ph",
+ "Ġtuber cular",
+ "Ġintermedi ates",
+ "Ġvirolog ical",
+ "Ġhav en",
+ "hitchc ock",
+ "n ir",
+ "v o",
+ "Ġm of",
+ "Ġg an",
+ "Ġg amet",
+ "Ġv l",
+ "ev s",
+ "Ġwe bs",
+ "Ġab o",
+ "Ġpre resection",
+ "Ġtrans glutaminase",
+ "Ġnon dysplastic",
+ "cop d",
+ "Ġph pt",
+ "Ġcar vedilol",
+ "Ġperip rostatic",
+ "Ġmembran oproliferative",
+ "Ġrecord ings",
+ "Ġnan omaterials",
+ "Ġms g",
+ "Ġknock ing",
+ "Ġthorac oscopy",
+ "encephal y",
+ "Ġrobust ness",
+ "Ġoss n",
+ "Ġgd f",
+ "Ġsplic ed",
+ "icul ata",
+ "knock out",
+ "Ġmicroen vironments",
+ "3 22",
+ "4 37",
+ "d iss",
+ "y ellow",
+ "Ġin patient",
+ "Ġn nk",
+ "Ġl ida",
+ "ct cs",
+ "Ġe q",
+ "Ġst ressed",
+ "em al",
+ "Ġper c",
+ "Ġev ac",
+ "Ġk cn",
+ "Ġmon telukast",
+ "roph in",
+ "Ġsev oflurane",
+ "opo ietin",
+ "(- )(",
+ "Ġsem ic",
+ "Ġka i",
+ "Ġneg atives",
+ "Ġblast ema",
+ "tra il",
+ "des igned",
+ "iod arone",
+ "Ġglycos ylated",
+ "supp ressed",
+ "Ġprotr usion",
+ "Ġkel oidal",
+ "Ġtym pan",
+ "Ġhop kins",
+ "Ġcopolym er",
+ "Ġprothromb in",
+ "Ġadvis able",
+ "5 45",
+ "g rown",
+ "Ġd yst",
+ "Ġl gg",
+ "ow ed",
+ "Ġv v",
+ "Ġper cept",
+ "Ġsp ir",
+ "iz z",
+ "ang ial",
+ "Ġprost heses",
+ "Ġhyp ocal",
+ "Ġmod ulatory",
+ "Ġam iodarone",
+ "int ram",
+ "Ġlip omatosus",
+ "Ġtechn ological",
+ "Ġphys ically",
+ "Ġminim ized",
+ "Ġhypo albumin",
+ "Ġgastroenter ol",
+ "Ġhind limb",
+ "Ġdiscover ies",
+ "jejun al",
+ "Ġpcd na",
+ "Ġirrig ation",
+ "Ġreorgan ization",
+ "z ary",
+ "Ġb ell",
+ "Ġst anding",
+ "Ġr ud",
+ "od iagn",
+ "Ġare ola",
+ "Ġsm zl",
+ "Ġtreat able",
+ "Ġi ol",
+ "Ġmass ively",
+ "Ġmm d",
+ "gan s",
+ "Ġpost contrast",
+ "Ġpapill omatous",
+ "Ġent ail",
+ "Ġacid ophilic",
+ "Ġdermat ophyt",
+ "rs f",
+ "Ġcho ose",
+ "Ġretin as",
+ "Ġsa o",
+ "Ġgad d",
+ "Ġcit rull",
+ "Ġobsc ured",
+ "Ġangiok eratoma",
+ "d in",
+ "d ichlor",
+ "i ensis",
+ "p elvic",
+ "Ġt vs",
+ "Ġc bs",
+ "es ia",
+ "ag ement",
+ "Ġr u",
+ "Ġr cas",
+ "Ġlymph oe",
+ "th at",
+ "Ġsp acer",
+ "Ġk az",
+ "ancer ous",
+ "ap r",
+ "Ġhyper coag",
+ "Ġsol es",
+ "Ġhel minth",
+ "ann is",
+ "angi otensin",
+ "Ġphosph odies",
+ "nec rosis",
+ "oscc s",
+ "Ġfar nes",
+ "Ġfn h",
+ "Ġden osumab",
+ "Ġmull er",
+ "itr ile",
+ "Ġstool s",
+ "Ġegypt ian",
+ "ophyl l",
+ "super f",
+ "t emporal",
+ "Ġal oe",
+ "Ġmet henamine",
+ "Ġsur al",
+ "Ġfo etal",
+ "Ġacc reta",
+ "int ima",
+ "Ġif it",
+ "Ġneutrophil ia",
+ "asal azine",
+ "35 5",
+ "Ġlig aments",
+ "Ġsn u",
+ "Ġpy roptosis",
+ "Ġolig os",
+ "Ġspong iform",
+ "Ġlymphoplasm acyt",
+ "pk c",
+ "Ġcounteract ed",
+ "partic les",
+ "Ġperia ortic",
+ "Ġrefin ement",
+ "Ġsociod emographic",
+ "h uv",
+ "m itted",
+ "p cl",
+ "Ġs aving",
+ "op amine",
+ "am ellar",
+ "Ġr il",
+ "Ġor chestr",
+ "Ġsp asm",
+ "Ġsc int",
+ "Ġun altered",
+ "Ġmod ulus",
+ "Ġnon hemat",
+ "Ġro w",
+ "Ġca es",
+ "Ġmicro fluid",
+ "50 9",
+ "Ġ24 4",
+ "rit es",
+ "ored oxin",
+ "Ġu ft",
+ "Ġhisti ocytoid",
+ "Ġ23 7",
+ "ck d",
+ "39 7",
+ "Ġpen ectomy",
+ "Ġsn uc",
+ "lit azone",
+ "Ġureter s",
+ "Ġexact ly",
+ "Ġhid rocyst",
+ "Ġabstract ed",
+ "Ġbuild ing",
+ "ollagen ous",
+ "Ġhepatos plenomegaly",
+ "dor feri",
+ "Ġpcns l",
+ "Ġsuspens ions",
+ "Ġmonocyt ogenes",
+ "f oli",
+ "l ist",
+ "l bcl",
+ "Ġd un",
+ "Ġh be",
+ "oc arp",
+ "Ġv ice",
+ "Ġr on",
+ "Ġcl im",
+ "Ġap pl",
+ "oph ore",
+ "amin ated",
+ "ox ane",
+ "ne uronal",
+ "Ġchar acters",
+ "Ġimp ressive",
+ "Ġtr iterpen",
+ "Ġval pro",
+ "Ġmid brain",
+ "unt rans",
+ "epithel ium",
+ "Ġop a",
+ "Ġpolym yositis",
+ "Ġdep ressive",
+ "Ġos na",
+ "Ġplay er",
+ "Ġasc us",
+ "Ġcomplement ed",
+ "Ġaqu ac",
+ "Ġthy roxine",
+ "ecan oyl",
+ "Ġpair wise",
+ "Ġmultil oc",
+ "tgf beta",
+ "vin yl",
+ "Ġnd v",
+ "inhibit or",
+ "Ġspan ish",
+ "Ġspor otrich",
+ "\" ;",
+ "3 17",
+ "q i",
+ "s aline",
+ "t ams",
+ "w akefield",
+ "Ġt on",
+ "Ġe jac",
+ "op lex",
+ "erm an",
+ "Ġdes c",
+ "Ġdys functions",
+ "Ġred ness",
+ "ep ile",
+ "45 4",
+ "Ġconsult ed",
+ "Ġcycl ase",
+ "60 9",
+ "Ġequ ina",
+ "Ġsn ap",
+ "Ġpy riform",
+ "acr ylamide",
+ "Ġho echst",
+ "oxygen ation",
+ "Ġubiquit ously",
+ "Ġamph i",
+ "Ġnull ipar",
+ "Ġtranst hyretin",
+ "Ġcul min",
+ "Ġwal king",
+ "Ġkim ura",
+ "Ġconve x",
+ "Ġminiatur ized",
+ "Ġdisulf ide",
+ "Ġhypophys itis",
+ "3 68",
+ "b our",
+ "c pt",
+ "l abelled",
+ "Ġt fs",
+ "Ġm astic",
+ "Ġb ang",
+ "Ġl ut",
+ "pl r",
+ "Ġch arc",
+ "ip a",
+ "ug inea",
+ "Ġimmun oblastic",
+ "Ġcyt opathologic",
+ "Ġup staged",
+ "gen es",
+ "Ġoste o",
+ "Ġmr sa",
+ "bor der",
+ "Ġfunctional ized",
+ "Ġalb uginea",
+ "Ġheart burn",
+ "fu hrman",
+ "Ġlact ational",
+ "nec rotic",
+ "chrom osome",
+ "Ġdeline ating",
+ "ben zene",
+ "Ġexcit ing",
+ "cirrh otic",
+ "Ġseromuc inous",
+ "Ġlymphoe osinophilic",
+ "f itc",
+ "j olin",
+ "Ġc se",
+ "Ġex ant",
+ "spec ify",
+ "nc a",
+ "Ġrad ically",
+ "Ġcross ed",
+ "Ġear th",
+ "Ġwild life",
+ "Ġpall or",
+ "(-/- ))",
+ "ospor a",
+ "Ġamb ulatory",
+ "mass on",
+ "Ġned aplatin",
+ "accum ulation",
+ "Ġbioprost hetic",
+ "Ġperone al",
+ "Ġburg dorferi",
+ "z id",
+ "Ġw aves",
+ "ar ge",
+ "res ected",
+ "Ġis ogenic",
+ "Ġ2 63",
+ "cl p",
+ "ymph atic",
+ "Ġpos ed",
+ "Ġeff erent",
+ "Ġext ral",
+ "tr ial",
+ "Ġdu plicated",
+ "Ġcle f",
+ "Ġprior it",
+ "Ġanterior ly",
+ "Ġexpos ing",
+ "Ġangi omatous",
+ "28 9",
+ "asp ir",
+ "47 1",
+ "Ġnorm s",
+ "Ġhair line",
+ "Ġintrat racheally",
+ "Ġhb d",
+ "Ġacanth oma",
+ "Ġmer it",
+ "Ġupgrad ed",
+ "Ġchag as",
+ "Ġlou is",
+ "Ġtremend ous",
+ "Ġaquap orin",
+ "w ich",
+ "em oral",
+ "Ġ2 34",
+ "Ġsp ike",
+ "Ġab bre",
+ "hel per",
+ "Ġall ocation",
+ "Ġcan adian",
+ "Ġhp a",
+ "Ġhy annis",
+ "grade able",
+ "40 7",
+ "ole ic",
+ "Ġenc ir",
+ "Ġbra ds",
+ "Ġped ic",
+ "Ġintrac apsular",
+ "Ġsat urated",
+ "Ġreason ably",
+ "Ġden at",
+ "Ġmuscul ature",
+ "Ġgang rene",
+ "Ġlacun ar",
+ "lear ning",
+ "obj ectives",
+ "Ġquadric eps",
+ "g cs",
+ "h hv",
+ "n ov",
+ "Ġp j",
+ "an de",
+ "os ylated",
+ "Ġh cmv",
+ "op henyl",
+ "Ġth reatening",
+ "Ġ2 27",
+ "Ġinv oluc",
+ "Ġinv aluable",
+ "Ġinc omp",
+ "Ġob lig",
+ "Ġca val",
+ "par am",
+ "gl s",
+ "Ġpt osis",
+ "Ġexclud es",
+ "Ġchond romatosis",
+ "Ġbio activity",
+ "Ġpauc i",
+ "Ġrim med",
+ "Ġhl h",
+ "Ġwa ist",
+ "Ġseek ing",
+ "Ġneurocyt oma",
+ "Ġarsen ite",
+ "icr yl",
+ "Ġcadaver ic",
+ "glycer ol",
+ "Ġsunscre en",
+ "Ġhemithyroid ectomy",
+ "untrans lated",
+ "Ġbrads haw",
+ "6 30",
+ "e ob",
+ "p age",
+ "t at",
+ "on at",
+ "he a",
+ "ic um",
+ "Ġf ro",
+ "Ġl an",
+ "pl anned",
+ "qu inone",
+ "ap ore",
+ "Ġco b",
+ "Ġant ide",
+ "Ġit gb",
+ "Ġapp le",
+ "Ġage ing",
+ "emb ryonic",
+ "Ġvers a",
+ "Ġhypertroph ied",
+ "fib rin",
+ "Ġbrown ish",
+ "Ġtransd ermal",
+ "Ġsen ile",
+ "%] ;",
+ "Ġspondyl oarthritis",
+ "fron tal",
+ "Ġconform ational",
+ "Ġsensor ineural",
+ "Ġmicronucle i",
+ "Ġastrogl iosis",
+ "hydroxyp henyl",
+ "cast le",
+ "hemorrh agic",
+ "Ġtyros inase",
+ "f ect",
+ "l ate",
+ "t az",
+ "v illous",
+ "w is",
+ "Ġs ab",
+ "Ġh ap",
+ "st il",
+ "ot ecan",
+ "ac l",
+ "Ġap o",
+ "Ġde aminase",
+ "Ġun oriented",
+ "Ġmy opathic",
+ "Ġdef ence",
+ "Ġanalyz er",
+ "Ġleuk otri",
+ "Ġ25 5",
+ "Ġpig ments",
+ "28 8",
+ "Ġpan ins",
+ "75 1",
+ "Ġsil ence",
+ "Ġphot othermal",
+ "Ġble b",
+ "Ġtrac ing",
+ "oster on",
+ "Ġinfect ivity",
+ "Ġendoscop ist",
+ "Ġintramuscular ly",
+ "Ġsap hen",
+ "Ġcaut ious",
+ "arach i",
+ "assess ment",
+ "Ġelectroly te",
+ "c av",
+ "l en",
+ "s ynt",
+ "t d",
+ "v r",
+ "os quamous",
+ "Ġth re",
+ "Ġbi omicroscopy",
+ "ib inin",
+ "Ġare ata",
+ "ind ac",
+ "Ġun available",
+ "Ġhyp oper",
+ "Ġnon functioning",
+ "Ġme atus",
+ "Ġmut ual",
+ "Ġsing apore",
+ "40 3",
+ "Ġtrich oblastoma",
+ "Ġvalid ating",
+ "Ġta uro",
+ "oy ed",
+ "Ġhydro alcoholic",
+ "Ġhall ux",
+ "ohy d",
+ "Ġaur ka",
+ "Ġencompass ed",
+ "aster ide",
+ "Ġwat ers",
+ "Ġrej ected",
+ "Ġdefer red",
+ "compet ent",
+ "Ġsophistic ated",
+ "Ġlond on",
+ "3 05",
+ "d ic",
+ "e ast",
+ "n iftp",
+ "u ent",
+ "Ġre classification",
+ "og u",
+ "Ġcon idia",
+ "ot r",
+ "Ġal ar",
+ "Ġor f",
+ "Ġmar ital",
+ "iss ible",
+ "Ġar thral",
+ "/- )",
+ "Ġneuro diagnostic",
+ "af ur",
+ "Ġprec oc",
+ "40 2",
+ "28 4",
+ "Ġsil ibinin",
+ "Ġic p",
+ "Ġic u",
+ "Ġcorresponding ly",
+ "mark er",
+ "Ġdelay ing",
+ "Ġcod ons",
+ "Ġscal y",
+ "Ġexacerb ate",
+ "seg mental",
+ "Ġanthrac ycline",
+ "Ġplot ter",
+ "Ġhbs ag",
+ "Ġretrom olar",
+ "Ġobl ique",
+ "d an",
+ "d crt",
+ "h orn",
+ "m h",
+ "Ġp ox",
+ "Ġl ying",
+ "ad ditional",
+ "Ġdi zz",
+ "Ġcl oac",
+ "Ġ3 30",
+ "Ġpl d",
+ "Ġant imet",
+ "Ġar med",
+ "rol ase",
+ "Ġnon functional",
+ "Ġem mprin",
+ "Ġorgan ogenesis",
+ "Ġneed ham",
+ "ange al",
+ "27 80",
+ "Ġthromb omodulin",
+ "Ġshort est",
+ "65 5",
+ "Ġperiv entricular",
+ "Ġantit umoral",
+ "Ġblast ocysts",
+ "Ġmn u",
+ "Ġconfer ring",
+ "Ġseason al",
+ "ilum inescence",
+ "g ib",
+ "Ġa if",
+ "re port",
+ "Ġs iv",
+ "Ġp w",
+ "Ġd crt",
+ "Ġh im",
+ "Ġg il",
+ "Ġno ct",
+ "Ġas cribed",
+ "anc iclovir",
+ "agn ps",
+ "Ġcol umb",
+ "Ġk iaa",
+ "Ġant ith",
+ "Ġj ia",
+ "Ġdys megakary",
+ "Ġem py",
+ "Ġ24 8",
+ "Ġangi omatosis",
+ "33 3",
+ "Ġstar v",
+ "Ġstri atal",
+ "oxic am",
+ "Ġexc retory",
+ "Ġlep romatous",
+ "Ġsuprap ubic",
+ "Ġ ionic",
+ "Ġre ass",
+ "Ġg in",
+ "im um",
+ "il imumab",
+ "Ġis othiocyanate",
+ "Ġr kip",
+ "ath ion",
+ "Ġk arachi",
+ "Ġaf s",
+ "Ġinter group",
+ "Ġqu ery",
+ "ps s",
+ "67 5",
+ "Ġmetabol ically",
+ "Ġactin omyc",
+ "Ġpan lobular",
+ "Ġnorm oxic",
+ "Ġinsulin omas",
+ "Ġlep rae",
+ "Ġoppos ing",
+ "cre b",
+ "Ġwat ery",
+ "Ġintermedi us",
+ "Ġconnect ivity",
+ "( +",
+ "Ġt uf",
+ "Ġe in",
+ "Ġh ans",
+ "Ġex tern",
+ "ot uzumab",
+ "Ġch a",
+ "Ġbe hcet",
+ "Ġper ist",
+ "Ġend onasal",
+ "Ġpl acing",
+ "ri end",
+ "Ġam h",
+ "Ġpost ulate",
+ "Ġx pd",
+ "ines cent",
+ "Ġimm ersion",
+ "Ġenvironment ally",
+ "Ġfal mouth",
+ "Ġsir nas",
+ "Ġobst et",
+ "nat ally",
+ "ash i",
+ "prog ressive",
+ "Ġpalis aded",
+ "Ġafford ed",
+ "Ġattend ance",
+ "Ġhyperfraction ated",
+ "Ġmisc ar",
+ "7 80",
+ "b fgf",
+ "r sp",
+ "Ġc ib",
+ "ic d",
+ "Ġh ung",
+ "ul ic",
+ "Ġper ig",
+ "Ġund erm",
+ "Ġsl ender",
+ "ple omorphic",
+ "19 99",
+ "Ġrandom ization",
+ "35 4",
+ "Ġnecro ptosis",
+ "Ġpract ically",
+ "rep on",
+ "Ġcortic omedullary",
+ "Ġprompt ing",
+ "Ġexud ates",
+ "Ġarteri opathy",
+ "Ġtransport ed",
+ "Ġinfant um",
+ "tiss ues",
+ "Ġphotos ensitivity",
+ "Ġlibr aries",
+ "li est",
+ "Ġepilept ogenic",
+ "Ġrene wal",
+ "superf icial",
+ "Ġaquac ulture",
+ "r ar",
+ "t mb",
+ "Ġn lh",
+ "Ġh rt",
+ "ul ph",
+ "um arin",
+ "Ġsh anghai",
+ "Ġmet tl",
+ "ap ent",
+ "pt othe",
+ "Ġj p",
+ "pos s",
+ "ok s",
+ "ha em",
+ "45 2",
+ "24 3",
+ "Ġhybrid s",
+ "Ġdev ised",
+ "Ġcomm ens",
+ "Ġmyofibrobl astoma",
+ "Ġmov ing",
+ "Ġom itted",
+ "Ġthi amine",
+ "Ġanis opo",
+ "Ġdermatopath ol",
+ "Ġmetac arp",
+ "Ġblo om",
+ "Ġthio acetamide",
+ "Ġbiolum inescence",
+ "Ġhypoalbumin emia",
+ "3 11",
+ "r ct",
+ "s cler",
+ "it ively",
+ "Ġl us",
+ "Ġr yr",
+ "pl aced",
+ "Ġhist idine",
+ "Ġmal a",
+ "Ġmal ar",
+ "Ġpr ud",
+ "Ġam inol",
+ "Ġpancreat a",
+ "Ġpattern ing",
+ "Ġlocal izing",
+ "Ġil k",
+ "ca e",
+ "30 6",
+ "Ġonc ocytomas",
+ "Ġneur itis",
+ "Ġfore brain",
+ "Ġneph roma",
+ "Ġvag us",
+ "ophag ocytosis",
+ "onia zid",
+ "Ġsubstit uted",
+ "Ġpec oma",
+ "ĠâĹ ı",
+ "Ġinstrument ation",
+ "Ġcoff ee",
+ "m ip",
+ "n n",
+ "p am",
+ "Ġs ect",
+ "as ian",
+ "Ġd bp",
+ "Ġf ear",
+ "os m",
+ "Ġ( '",
+ "Ġex foli",
+ "ec retory",
+ "Ġap ob",
+ "Ġant e",
+ "ocal in",
+ "acter ium",
+ "Ġtr ia",
+ "Ġaut onomous",
+ "Ġ25 4",
+ "Ġdesign s",
+ "Ġthromb ectomy",
+ "lyc an",
+ "Ġpa resis",
+ "Ġachiev able",
+ "88 6",
+ "Ġmicrog rams",
+ "Ġpseudo aneurys",
+ "Ġdisrup ts",
+ "Ġsud an",
+ "Ġtrypt ophan",
+ "Ġarrow s",
+ "perip heral",
+ "process ing",
+ "Ġwant ed",
+ "3 34",
+ "6 50",
+ "f acial",
+ "at f",
+ "Ġn ost",
+ "og a",
+ "Ġ2 90",
+ "Ġmet s",
+ "Ġmeas les",
+ "Ġher bs",
+ "Ġins ip",
+ "Ġdiss ociated",
+ "Ġ24 3",
+ "33 9",
+ "con ventional",
+ "47 8",
+ "mic s",
+ "Ġoverl apped",
+ "Ġhs ct",
+ "Ġden ervation",
+ "Ġchlor oform",
+ "Ġnano emulsion",
+ "Ġheight ened",
+ "Ġrab ies",
+ "Ġhart ford",
+ "Ġhuv ecs",
+ "Ġdizz iness",
+ "Ġdysmegakary opoiesis",
+ "Ġanisopo ikilocytosis",
+ "m ot",
+ "ul is",
+ "id osis",
+ "um ine",
+ "up uncture",
+ "Ġmar jolin",
+ "ap amil",
+ "Ġsc ab",
+ "Ġreg ressive",
+ "Ġout performed",
+ "Ġout do",
+ "Ġtr ipt",
+ "Ġmes cs",
+ "19 98",
+ "ann el",
+ "Ġlit ter",
+ "Ġile us",
+ "gl and",
+ "Ġpan or",
+ "Ġpoly unsaturated",
+ "Ġadrenal s",
+ "Ġobserv ing",
+ "Ġcorne jo",
+ "Ġden v",
+ "Ġopin ions",
+ "Ġroc hester",
+ "Ġfit ting",
+ "Ġosm otic",
+ "polar ized",
+ "exper imental",
+ "Ġammon ium",
+ "Ġpell ets",
+ "categ ory",
+ "Ġdysgerm inoma",
+ "Ġantide press",
+ "Ġsaphen ous",
+ "ptothe cin",
+ "b h",
+ "Ġb ivariate",
+ "el ev",
+ "Ġh ong",
+ "et il",
+ "Ġv h",
+ "Ġr in",
+ "cc nd",
+ "ore tin",
+ "Ġhist oplasma",
+ "ver y",
+ "05 1",
+ "Ġlip o",
+ "Ġct v",
+ "Ġct ls",
+ "Ġsubm ission",
+ "orb able",
+ "Ġvers atile",
+ "Ġsubc ateg",
+ "Ġpoly arthritis",
+ "Ġha art",
+ "Ġexpans ive",
+ "bar ic",
+ "Ġhox c",
+ "deoxy uridine",
+ "Ġmodest ly",
+ "Ġthi oredoxin",
+ "omed ial",
+ "Ġunderl ines",
+ "Ġbruc ella",
+ "a rest",
+ "Ġb se",
+ "Ġd orm",
+ "Ġn iss",
+ "et ate",
+ "ot ypical",
+ "Ġal f",
+ "Ġlymph omatous",
+ "Ġexp ed",
+ "oph ysis",
+ "rel la",
+ "Ġfl are",
+ "05 4",
+ "Ġhead s",
+ "38 1",
+ "35 1",
+ "Ġcircum vent",
+ "Ġathe roma",
+ "Ġdm fs",
+ "Ġmo ist",
+ "Ġinad ver",
+ "Ġparagangl ia",
+ "Ġdead liest",
+ "Ġew es",
+ "Ġdeoxy ribonucle",
+ "Ġburst ing",
+ "Ġmetron idazole",
+ "Ġtranse pithelial",
+ "3 18",
+ "4 18",
+ "s ack",
+ "Ġn es",
+ "Ġg x",
+ "Ġv wf",
+ "ot omies",
+ "ir rh",
+ "Ġsh allow",
+ "Ġco al",
+ "Ġext rathyroid",
+ "Ġpr ism",
+ "Ġcar nitine",
+ "Ġcoll agens",
+ "Ġasp icular",
+ "rac k",
+ "rem ia",
+ "Ġsin ensis",
+ "Ġposterior ly",
+ "cyt otoxic",
+ "Ġprob and",
+ "Ġthromb osed",
+ "49 4",
+ "44 8",
+ "Ġpseud olymph",
+ "Ġpara vertebral",
+ "Ġcontact ant",
+ "Ġpv l",
+ "Ġglycos ides",
+ "Ġrequest s",
+ "Ġcolocal ized",
+ "Ġinfund ibular",
+ "thym idine",
+ "Ġcool ing",
+ "Ġempy ema",
+ "3 25",
+ "4 85",
+ "6 01",
+ "n ish",
+ "y v",
+ "Ġa kin",
+ "Ġp mm",
+ "Ġh of",
+ "ib romin",
+ "ug l",
+ "Ġtrans position",
+ "Ġnon caseating",
+ "Ġmicro t",
+ "Ġsim ulations",
+ "red uced",
+ "upt ive",
+ "Ġvisc osity",
+ "Ġcost ly",
+ "Ġfil ters",
+ "Ġintrat umoural",
+ "Ġtb et",
+ "focal ly",
+ "Ġmil itary",
+ "hcc s",
+ "Ġwors en",
+ "Ġsubstit utions",
+ "sir t",
+ "pattern ed",
+ "Ġsoy bean",
+ "Ġneurotransmit ter",
+ "estim ated",
+ "Ġinadver tent",
+ ". /",
+ "i ocytosis",
+ "n crt",
+ "s brt",
+ "t sp",
+ "Ġ ue",
+ "on ent",
+ "Ġw inter",
+ "ro zole",
+ "Ġn al",
+ "Ġ2 68",
+ "Ġ0 1",
+ "Ġfl uk",
+ "Ġhum or",
+ "16 01",
+ "Ġgra ve",
+ "iel sen",
+ "Ġangi omatoid",
+ "Ġdiv isions",
+ "Ġphys i",
+ "Ġic otinib",
+ "cam p",
+ "hpv s",
+ "Ġgamma h",
+ "Ġosteophyt e",
+ "Ġreprod uce",
+ "Ġrar beta",
+ "Ġconver ting",
+ "Ġdacry ocyst",
+ "Ġhypersec retion",
+ "odyn ia",
+ "c el",
+ "l la",
+ "m dm",
+ "en al",
+ "Ġm ie",
+ "or ch",
+ "Ġd cl",
+ "Ġl em",
+ "ul se",
+ "im otor",
+ "Ġr gd",
+ "Ġper imeter",
+ "Ġus er",
+ "Ġhyp othe",
+ "Ġhyp onat",
+ "cis e",
+ "omat o",
+ "ns cs",
+ "34 9",
+ "Ġpept idase",
+ "uit able",
+ "flu ent",
+ "Ġdiffus ivity",
+ "Ġirrit ant",
+ "Ġmultinucle ation",
+ "Ġneutrop enic",
+ "Ġnp cs",
+ "Ġmicrocalc ification",
+ "Ġprem olar",
+ "carb oplatin",
+ "Ġstring ent",
+ "Ġmorcell ated",
+ "Ġholl ow",
+ "urot helial",
+ "Ġschneider ian",
+ "Ġprud ent",
+ "m ethylation",
+ "Ġm orbidities",
+ "us ers",
+ "un ion",
+ "ly caemia",
+ "em ission",
+ "all ergic",
+ "Ġpr s",
+ "ne ath",
+ "ts c",
+ "uv b",
+ "Ġz oled",
+ "Ġsus tent",
+ "Ġ25 9",
+ "38 2",
+ "Ġrest or",
+ "Ġpub is",
+ "Ġfibroc ollagenous",
+ "Ġpoly arteritis",
+ "Ġphot ography",
+ "66 2",
+ "Ġvulv ectomy",
+ "Ġcp p",
+ "Ġcer ulein",
+ "Ġwarrant ing",
+ "Ġelic its",
+ "Ġdoub let",
+ "examin ation",
+ "Ġtrypan osoma",
+ "Ġinhab it",
+ "g able",
+ "x oid",
+ "Ġs aint",
+ "ol t",
+ "Ġ3 70",
+ "ind uction",
+ "amm ary",
+ "Ġun gradeable",
+ "Ġsub p",
+ "Ġhyper baric",
+ "Ġrel a",
+ "com mon",
+ "53 2",
+ "Ġconsult ant",
+ "Ġlamin ar",
+ "pn d",
+ "Ġhydro per",
+ "Ġnic hes",
+ "Ġcompet ence",
+ "ora ph",
+ "Ġbrun n",
+ "Ġtl m",
+ "gem citabine",
+ "Ġcholedoch al",
+ "Ġhnp cc",
+ "Ġartem is",
+ "Ġlumb osacral",
+ "Ġbras ili",
+ "Ġsustent acular",
+ "g cts",
+ "k m",
+ "p em",
+ "t ical",
+ "Ġs yt",
+ "oc oll",
+ "oc cygeal",
+ "ect asia",
+ "ind ole",
+ "Ġhistopath ologies",
+ "cell ulose",
+ "ps m",
+ "yz o",
+ "Ġextra osseous",
+ "44 4",
+ "Ġ23 6",
+ "Ġpoly cyclic",
+ "Ġequ ation",
+ "37 1",
+ "Ġclot s",
+ "Ġtemporal ly",
+ "Ġpic tures",
+ "Ġcompartment al",
+ "Ġtit res",
+ "Ġwa it",
+ "Ġcoinc idence",
+ "Ġperox ides",
+ "Ġefficac ies",
+ "fas l",
+ "sem inomatous",
+ "Ġphosphoryl ase",
+ "Ġileocol onic",
+ "jan uary",
+ "Ġinvoluc rin",
+ "Ġstarv ation",
+ "c ect",
+ "Ġ ers",
+ "Ġc nt",
+ "Ġb arton",
+ "an ova",
+ "am id",
+ "Ġsh ot",
+ "Ġexp ired",
+ "Ġsp astic",
+ "Ġtrans vers",
+ "sp earman",
+ "Ġnon squamous",
+ "Ġcase ous",
+ "ond in",
+ "Ġmark ing",
+ "Ġlip oid",
+ "50 8",
+ "ss x",
+ "Ġbenef ited",
+ "Ġfac ing",
+ "ocol ectomy",
+ "yr rhiz",
+ "Ġcortic osterone",
+ "ohy oid",
+ "Ġtap ered",
+ "Ġdigit ized",
+ "Ġcryptospor idium",
+ "susp icious",
+ "veh icle",
+ "4 75",
+ "] (",
+ "d opa",
+ "h tert",
+ "in clusions",
+ "on ates",
+ "Ġh cm",
+ "Ġst c",
+ "st rap",
+ "Ġal ect",
+ "th io",
+ "Ġi k",
+ "Ġmr cp",
+ "Ġile ocutaneous",
+ "Ġline arly",
+ "40 6",
+ "Ġstem s",
+ "Ġfail ing",
+ "49 1",
+ "Ġmedic are",
+ "con clusion",
+ "Ġec ological",
+ "Ġquad r",
+ "Ġclar ification",
+ "Ġcomm enced",
+ "Ġlaryng oscopy",
+ "Ġstrength s",
+ "Ġanis otropy",
+ "Ġtu ft",
+ "Ġmini ature",
+ "Ġcephal ad",
+ "Ġparaf ibromin",
+ "Ġbirefring ence",
+ "Ġtay lor",
+ "Ġinsip idus",
+ "5 19",
+ "5 70",
+ "l gd",
+ "x p",
+ "ent rically",
+ "if os",
+ "Ġr j",
+ "out s",
+ "Ġhep par",
+ "Ġlip ocalin",
+ "Ġbr it",
+ "hy brid",
+ "Ġpet ech",
+ "Ġtoxic ant",
+ "Ġwid ening",
+ "eb us",
+ "hepat ocellular",
+ "hydrox ylase",
+ "Ġinterv ill",
+ "col orectal",
+ "Ġhor ns",
+ "Ġadhere ns",
+ "Ġadapt or",
+ "tet rad",
+ "osyl transferase",
+ "Ġsensor imotor",
+ "Ġisot ope",
+ "Ġincorrect ly",
+ "Ġruss ell",
+ "c od",
+ "d eterm",
+ "p air",
+ "Ġc oma",
+ "Ġd cc",
+ "Ġf nas",
+ "ct c",
+ "Ġre evaluated",
+ "op ent",
+ "ur nal",
+ "st a",
+ "de ath",
+ "Ġsp aced",
+ "Ġsc allop",
+ "Ġun specific",
+ "Ġun adjusted",
+ "Ġnon randomized",
+ "Ġprim ing",
+ "Ġrem ind",
+ "Ġret aining",
+ "nal pha",
+ "Ġest rous",
+ "Ġop erat",
+ "oral en",
+ "Ġtra met",
+ "Ġver apamil",
+ "Ġpseud oglandular",
+ "Ġampl ify",
+ "Ġthorac o",
+ "Ġsubstant iated",
+ "Ġspong ing",
+ "rost omy",
+ "Ġfox l",
+ "Ġillustr ating",
+ "melan ocytic",
+ "Ġstere ological",
+ "Ġdiscl ose",
+ "Ġparan uclear",
+ "Ġlym e",
+ "Ġparap aresis",
+ "Ġcaff eic",
+ "Ġpilomatrix oma",
+ "c fu",
+ "f el",
+ "l ch",
+ "m nf",
+ "Ġt bl",
+ "Ġthe ran",
+ "Ġd ub",
+ "Ġd inucleotide",
+ "Ġg it",
+ "Ġno rep",
+ "yt enoid",
+ "Ġ3 26",
+ "Ġmar mos",
+ "Ġsub mental",
+ "ak oplakia",
+ "Ġunder neath",
+ "Ġradi opharmaceutical",
+ "Ġaut ograft",
+ "Ġheter ochrom",
+ "Ġglyc ation",
+ "Ġphot otherapy",
+ "ln r",
+ "Ġecc entrically",
+ "Ġprefer ably",
+ "Ġfis hes",
+ "init iated",
+ "grad ing",
+ "Ġtear s",
+ "Ġagar ose",
+ "Ġfalc iform",
+ "Ġnanocom pos",
+ "Ġextern ally",
+ "4 25",
+ "Ġt arsal",
+ "Ġc imp",
+ "Ġb br",
+ "pl aque",
+ "ran olol",
+ "ef old",
+ "Ġun methylated",
+ "ord an",
+ "05 6",
+ "Ġpe a",
+ "Ġvis ibility",
+ "Ġvas ospasm",
+ "Ġmeg al",
+ "Ġdiscuss ions",
+ "met abol",
+ "39 3",
+ "Ġtop ographic",
+ "Ġoverl aps",
+ "Ġmicrog ranul",
+ "ropath ies",
+ "del iv",
+ "Ġaccel erating",
+ "Ġsynerg ism",
+ "aria e",
+ "Ġcosm esis",
+ "Ġcarbohydr ates",
+ "Ġphotore ceptors",
+ "Ġleptospi ra",
+ "Ġncc n",
+ "former ly",
+ "Ġnorep inephrine",
+ "3 23",
+ "5 82",
+ "7 65",
+ "Ġ ues",
+ "Ġc her",
+ "es r",
+ "an us",
+ "Ġl pp",
+ "om ot",
+ "un ts",
+ "ist atin",
+ "le c",
+ "am cin",
+ "ec c",
+ "ron i",
+ "Ġsub lobar",
+ "Ġmult itude",
+ "ne elsen",
+ "Ġel iz",
+ "Ġdeterm inations",
+ "Ġpt tg",
+ "Ġ24 9",
+ "34 1",
+ "cd x",
+ "Ġlamin ation",
+ "Ġhyd ration",
+ "Ġip a",
+ "cal desmon",
+ "oz oon",
+ "Ġtop otecan",
+ "Ġrespond er",
+ "Ġbul ge",
+ "Ġrecommend s",
+ "Ġbreak through",
+ "Ġantagon ism",
+ "osp heres",
+ "Ġreferral s",
+ "odeoxy uridine",
+ "Ġgse a",
+ "Ġlacun ae",
+ "Ġvoid ing",
+ "Ġkle bs",
+ "Ġprotozo an",
+ "Ġcryptorchid ism",
+ "amcin olone",
+ ") +",
+ "3 19",
+ "6 65",
+ "c etuximab",
+ "d pi",
+ "r ps",
+ "s ft",
+ "re pt",
+ "op n",
+ "end emic",
+ "Ġper im",
+ "Ġthere of",
+ "omet rical",
+ "Ġman eu",
+ "ire nal",
+ "Ġaut olysis",
+ "Ġstomach s",
+ "sh ift",
+ "Ġfract al",
+ "Ġperic entral",
+ "Ġexce eds",
+ "Ġtri plet",
+ "Ġfer rets",
+ "Ġcytos cape",
+ "ycl ic",
+ "Ġlook s",
+ "test is",
+ "Ġechocardi ogram",
+ "Ġallevi ation",
+ "Ġshr unk",
+ "ebp alpha",
+ "Ġmcn emar",
+ "Ġundes cribed",
+ "Ġprel aryngeal",
+ "Ġendos on",
+ "Ġcarc ass",
+ "Ġhemip aresis",
+ "Ġindo or",
+ "Ġerythroderm a",
+ "Ġimmunoreg ulatory",
+ "Ġintervill ositis",
+ "4 27",
+ "g ists",
+ "l ad",
+ "en cl",
+ "Ġo ch",
+ "Ġf ark",
+ "ab eth",
+ "Ġhist ogenetic",
+ "Ġimmun omark",
+ "Ġmal akoplakia",
+ "Ġend odontic",
+ "Ġun rel",
+ "Ġun paired",
+ "Ġit c",
+ "Ġep a",
+ "bc a",
+ "Ġstatus es",
+ "sc d",
+ "28 1",
+ "Ġwork sh",
+ "Ġcross ing",
+ "Ġlat s",
+ "Ġnr g",
+ "Ġnm da",
+ "Ġopscc s",
+ "Ġtax a",
+ "ij ing",
+ "Ġuncon ditional",
+ "Ġchic ago",
+ "Ġpolyphen olic",
+ "Ġmala ise",
+ "d indo",
+ "Ġf zd",
+ "Ġn en",
+ "Ġe o",
+ "Ġv and",
+ "ure ter",
+ "sp c",
+ "Ġme hg",
+ "Ġrem yel",
+ "Ġprov es",
+ "Ġendometri oma",
+ "ps on",
+ "19 97",
+ "Ġset up",
+ "Ġ25 2",
+ "Ġ25 8",
+ "Ġintrap ancreatic",
+ "Ġfron ds",
+ "Ġsalping itis",
+ "Ġiss ued",
+ "Ġcogn ition",
+ "Ġneo form",
+ "Ġhop eful",
+ "Ġvaric ocele",
+ "Ġmushro om",
+ "Ġphosphodies terase",
+ "0 53",
+ "6 15",
+ "9 29",
+ "b acterial",
+ "l pd",
+ "p ear",
+ "Ġc uc",
+ "ic ulus",
+ "Ġm ary",
+ "Ġin activ",
+ "ro be",
+ "Ġb isp",
+ "ol izumab",
+ "qu e",
+ "ific ans",
+ "Ġint oxicated",
+ "ap ap",
+ "ap art",
+ "Ġanal ytic",
+ "Ġmult iv",
+ "Ġam id",
+ "ep id",
+ "Ġassess es",
+ "Ġvari eties",
+ "Ġest hetic",
+ "Ġsens ing",
+ "Ġcalc ulus",
+ "igen e",
+ "Ġconcent rate",
+ "Ġpet er",
+ "tumor ous",
+ "angl ion",
+ "Ġtgf b",
+ "Ġconn ecting",
+ "Ġdystroph ies",
+ "Ġrobust ly",
+ "Ġfix ative",
+ "Ġproj ected",
+ "fra me",
+ "pyr ifos",
+ "Ġsul indac",
+ "kl f",
+ "Ġunderestim ation",
+ "Ġplot ted",
+ "super oxide",
+ "Ġtes la",
+ "Ġjag ged",
+ "Ġamaz on",
+ ". ;",
+ "k t",
+ "p cc",
+ "v ariable",
+ "y cin",
+ "Ġt rain",
+ "Ġo ro",
+ "ic g",
+ "Ġis oniazid",
+ "ut a",
+ "ot rypsin",
+ "ot opically",
+ "Ġcl ad",
+ "Ġimmun ology",
+ "ron j",
+ "sp ind",
+ "Ġup regulates",
+ "gen erated",
+ "Ġdef enses",
+ "Ġform ulate",
+ "Ġy b",
+ "Ġx rt",
+ "sh ort",
+ "orrh agia",
+ "Ġcarb oxy",
+ "oster ol",
+ "isp ers",
+ "Ġarrang ements",
+ "Ġtur p",
+ "Ġtext ural",
+ "derm at",
+ "sw np",
+ "Ġfin land",
+ "Ġtaiwan ese",
+ "pret reated",
+ "oxym ethane",
+ "Ġtort uous",
+ "Ġisoc itrate",
+ "Ġbrasili ensis",
+ "Ġeliz abeth",
+ "Ġfark ash",
+ "4 65",
+ "l ms",
+ "t io",
+ "Ġa plasia",
+ "Ġc ist",
+ "Ġw ord",
+ "Ġf mc",
+ "Ġno g",
+ "Ġim id",
+ "Ġne at",
+ "Ġne arest",
+ "Ġper irenal",
+ "itis m",
+ "Ġob vi",
+ "ak h",
+ "Ġmon onucleosis",
+ "Ġser ov",
+ "Ġacc s",
+ "reg ulin",
+ "Ġhp scs",
+ "ss cp",
+ "Ġoccurre nces",
+ "60 8",
+ "pr s",
+ "rec ist",
+ "bal anced",
+ "hl h",
+ "Ġpharmacological ly",
+ "rof acial",
+ "Ġmicromet astatic",
+ "Ġbis ected",
+ "gluc uron",
+ "ti ered",
+ "Ġrecapit ulated",
+ "Ġfel is",
+ "Ġsphing osine",
+ "blind ed",
+ "Ġmicrofluid ic",
+ "Ġpanor amic",
+ "Ġalect inib",
+ ", -",
+ "4 95",
+ "y b",
+ "Ġs ons",
+ "Ġp pt",
+ "Ġm arc",
+ "Ġw alk",
+ "Ġn ielsen",
+ "oc o",
+ "Ġdi uretic",
+ "ch or",
+ "ens or",
+ "Ġcont ex",
+ "Ġmal le",
+ "Ġnon diabetic",
+ "Ġdec lines",
+ "Ġtr ka",
+ "fl at",
+ "Ġz ip",
+ "50 2",
+ "az e",
+ "Ġpoly comb",
+ "radi ological",
+ "Ġsac roc",
+ "Ġutil izes",
+ "Ġread ings",
+ "Ġacet one",
+ "Ġextrac orporeal",
+ "Ġcre ase",
+ "Ġdeb atable",
+ "Ġlink er",
+ "Ġsna i",
+ "Ġphyt o",
+ "Ġwithdra wn",
+ "Ġmicrob ubbles",
+ "Ġhous ed",
+ "Ġhemophag ocytosis",
+ "Ġimmunosuppress ant",
+ "Ġaux iliary",
+ "Ġwilli ams",
+ "Ġfluc onazole",
+ "Ġhypercoag ul",
+ "oraph ane",
+ "m erc",
+ "t led",
+ "t racheal",
+ "Ġt ce",
+ "Ġs ig",
+ "os min",
+ "ol esis",
+ "im ers",
+ "ph orbol",
+ "ot strap",
+ "Ġad a",
+ "Ġne ura",
+ "Ġdi es",
+ "Ġ3 12",
+ "Ġcomp iled",
+ "ob ium",
+ "Ġinter med",
+ "per oxidase",
+ "hen ium",
+ "Ġrep ressing",
+ "Ġfibro genesis",
+ "Ġpd cs",
+ "Ġdistal ly",
+ "Ġacqu iring",
+ "Ġwar f",
+ "Ġcategor ize",
+ "Ġplan a",
+ "gc na",
+ "Ġepigen etically",
+ "Ġserious ly",
+ "Ġvol atile",
+ "Ġchord oid",
+ "Ġlymphangi omas",
+ "iaz ine",
+ "rele ase",
+ "Ġfum arate",
+ "Ġsubcl ones",
+ "Ġinhom ogeneous",
+ "Ġrevascular ization",
+ "Ġcontex ts",
+ "d ca",
+ "g gt",
+ "t as",
+ "re fl",
+ "Ġc otrans",
+ "es i",
+ "Ġper n",
+ "Ġend otox",
+ "Ġradi ating",
+ "Ġov ulation",
+ "of emoral",
+ "Ġapopt oses",
+ "Ġretrosp ect",
+ "Ġiv or",
+ "Ġ28 5",
+ "Ġneph roblastoma",
+ "35 6",
+ "Ġhg cl",
+ "Ġble ed",
+ "Ġdepth s",
+ "Ġdest abil",
+ "Ġdent ists",
+ "Ġcla ims",
+ "Ġrank s",
+ "Ġuns uitable",
+ "Ġfirm ly",
+ "Ġdoub led",
+ "Ġppar alpha",
+ "Ġpopular ity",
+ "Ġcorrobor ate",
+ "Ġarrhyth mia",
+ "Ġreconstit uted",
+ "Ġslo an",
+ "Ġinters ecting",
+ "Ġerrone ous",
+ "Ġâī ¥",
+ "osteron ism",
+ "Ġtramet inib",
+ "Ġtheran ostic",
+ "3 95",
+ "i ang",
+ "re ference",
+ "on us",
+ "ar otid",
+ "ro th",
+ "ig litazone",
+ "Ġg ies",
+ "um ar",
+ "Ġst igm",
+ "erm at",
+ "Ġtrans catheter",
+ "Ġme iosis",
+ "Ġro str",
+ "Ġj ordan",
+ "Ġi qr",
+ "Ġph renic",
+ "Ġgrowth s",
+ "Ġtr u",
+ "aden omatoid",
+ "Ġfig s",
+ "uss ion",
+ "ereb ellar",
+ "rad ial",
+ "respond ing",
+ "Ġglyc ans",
+ "Ġgli osarcoma",
+ "cn b",
+ "phal an",
+ "Ġread s",
+ "sl ns",
+ "Ġpv t",
+ "Ġsomat oform",
+ "Ġperiappend iceal",
+ "uber cular",
+ "Ġtax on",
+ "fox o",
+ "Ġont ario",
+ "leb itis",
+ "perip olesis",
+ "Ġcocult ured",
+ "Ġdepolar ization",
+ "ibac illary",
+ "Ġelectrom agnetic",
+ "tetrad ecanoyl",
+ "c oad",
+ "g raph",
+ "p ure",
+ "Ġc oded",
+ "Ġc occid",
+ "ar abine",
+ "Ġd th",
+ "Ġn urses",
+ "op aque",
+ "ant es",
+ "ok es",
+ "Ġ12 00",
+ "Ġox yt",
+ "ha e",
+ "40 4",
+ "Ġvas oconst",
+ "Ġenc ased",
+ "con cept",
+ "rat a",
+ "the ke",
+ "Ġuc a",
+ "Ġsulf asalazine",
+ "Ġpk a",
+ "Ġgover ning",
+ "Ġintras pinal",
+ "Ġtheoret ically",
+ "Ġcryopres erved",
+ "Ġfibroelast osis",
+ "Ġpartition ing",
+ "Ġnim otuzumab",
+ "histi ocyte",
+ "cryst all",
+ "Ġtendin opathy",
+ "vascul itis",
+ "termin us",
+ "Ġmort on",
+ "Ġredu plication",
+ "6 13",
+ "h ole",
+ "Ġt ie",
+ "Ġt repon",
+ "Ġl akes",
+ "el ae",
+ "im ine",
+ "Ġk iss",
+ "Ġmuc oad",
+ "ohist ological",
+ "Ġdec ellular",
+ "rect omies",
+ "Ġpur ine",
+ "Ġvar ices",
+ "Ġsubc orneal",
+ "36 2",
+ "46 9",
+ "Ġantit ubercular",
+ "Ġphen ol",
+ "âĢĿ ).",
+ "Ġbir c",
+ "malign ancy",
+ "Ġpp b",
+ "Ġorth otopically",
+ "Ġaz oxymethane",
+ "Ġhypocellular ity",
+ "Ġstabil izing",
+ "Ġcit rus",
+ "Ġlipoprotein s",
+ "Ġreplic ates",
+ "Ġunderl ies",
+ "Ġmw cnt",
+ "ischem ia",
+ "develop mental",
+ "Ġklebs iella",
+ "4 16",
+ "m ill",
+ "Ġm og",
+ "ar as",
+ "Ġ( +),",
+ "Ġh on",
+ "ig an",
+ "Ġat o",
+ "Ġcl ivus",
+ "Ġ3 10",
+ "Ġdis abl",
+ "Ġsm m",
+ "oll iculitis",
+ "Ġcor ros",
+ "ak ers",
+ "Ġcan is",
+ "Ġj am",
+ "reg ion",
+ "Ġsam ar",
+ "Ġrep ub",
+ "05 8",
+ "Ġprop ranolol",
+ "Ġins oluble",
+ "Ġic a",
+ "flu orescence",
+ "Ġmicros omal",
+ "Ġlear n",
+ "Ġpalp ebral",
+ "Ġchap erone",
+ "Ġsomat otroph",
+ "Ġsta pled",
+ "Ġdt x",
+ "eryth roid",
+ "Ġzyg oma",
+ "Ġproct ocolectomy",
+ "Ġger iatric",
+ "Ġpreced es",
+ "Ġrepress es",
+ "hmg b",
+ "Ġneoc ortex",
+ "Ġunderpin ning",
+ "acqu ired",
+ "h us",
+ "t ran",
+ "Ġm ev",
+ "Ġne ov",
+ "ore nal",
+ "Ġnon infectious",
+ "Ġmyel olipoma",
+ "Ġbasal ly",
+ "53 6",
+ "25 4",
+ "Ġtranscript omics",
+ "Ġdown ward",
+ "Ġgo ing",
+ "Ġbreak points",
+ "Ġuc b",
+ "medi ast",
+ "Ġhaemat uria",
+ "deoxy glucose",
+ "Ġabdomin opelvic",
+ "Ġethyl ene",
+ "Ġcontraind ication",
+ "Ġdecomp ens",
+ "Ġpepsin ogen",
+ "Ġthre efold",
+ "e ortc",
+ "f am",
+ "s ap",
+ "s aving",
+ "Ġt af",
+ "he art",
+ "al gia",
+ "is op",
+ "Ġg anciclovir",
+ "st m",
+ "Ġbl urred",
+ "Ġcm r",
+ "Ġout pouch",
+ "ik appab",
+ "Ġir radi",
+ "aps ules",
+ "trans lated",
+ "Ġib v",
+ "Ġcompos itions",
+ "hs ct",
+ "Ġoccup ation",
+ "Ġparac ancerous",
+ "inol aryng",
+ "Ġling ula",
+ "Ġhen och",
+ "Ġtreph ine",
+ "m cl",
+ "p ann",
+ "s ections",
+ "t is",
+ "v ol",
+ "v ats",
+ "en oside",
+ "Ġs ure",
+ "ul ide",
+ "Ġg av",
+ "Ġpro x",
+ "am ides",
+ "Ġfor nix",
+ "se ated",
+ "ari asis",
+ "Ġdec arboxyl",
+ "ophil us",
+ "com plement",
+ "ret inoic",
+ "Ġadj o",
+ "Ġsubm itting",
+ "pd l",
+ "Ġ27 9",
+ "Ġip ilimumab",
+ "Ġinterest ed",
+ "mic roglobulin",
+ "Ġlact ating",
+ "Ġdesm osomal",
+ "Ġcholangi ography",
+ "Ġincorpor ates",
+ "Ġhome ostatic",
+ "Ġson ographically",
+ "Ġot orh",
+ "Ġtri amcinolone",
+ "pre vious",
+ "Ġretard ed",
+ "Ġviol aceous",
+ "Ġmold ing",
+ "Ġribonucle ic",
+ "Ġpra me",
+ "Ġhouse hold",
+ "prost atic",
+ "Ġelabor ate",
+ "Ġimpart ing",
+ "Ġmediastin oscopy",
+ "Ġelectros urgical",
+ "epile ptic",
+ "Ġexfoli ative",
+ "o elast",
+ "p anc",
+ "t cm",
+ "v h",
+ "Ġt br",
+ "Ġg un",
+ "st ain",
+ "ud ation",
+ "Ġint akes",
+ "Ġmal absorption",
+ "ill ic",
+ "Ġde af",
+ "ox etine",
+ "Ġpr x",
+ "Ġchar ged",
+ "Ġep c",
+ "Ġmm e",
+ "icular is",
+ "Ġx pert",
+ "Ġav m",
+ "Ġav oids",
+ "Ġflow ers",
+ "34 3",
+ "cm ml",
+ "Ġphenot yping",
+ "Ġcat abolism",
+ "Ġdim orphic",
+ "Ġovert ly",
+ "Ġveget ative",
+ "Ġdiscrep ant",
+ "Ġtrap ped",
+ "Ġduc k",
+ "Ġleafl ets",
+ "oxym ethyl",
+ "Ġconstrict ive",
+ "Ġborrel ia",
+ "Ġweaken ed",
+ "Ġdang erous",
+ "Ġprecoc ious",
+ "Ġrepub lic",
+ "3 14",
+ "h ol",
+ "l ining",
+ "w orth",
+ "Ġt roc",
+ "Ġbi omaterial",
+ "Ġsp ent",
+ "Ġsp io",
+ "Ġcol ored",
+ "Ġinter viewed",
+ "na phth",
+ "omet ra",
+ "Ġred undant",
+ "Ġma res",
+ "art z",
+ "Ġdevelopment ally",
+ "Ġmr c",
+ "Ġlit t",
+ "gl umine",
+ "Ġflow er",
+ "Ġbr ings",
+ "Ġextra renal",
+ "Ġextra gonadal",
+ "Ġ26 6",
+ "Ġlum ps",
+ "artment al",
+ "Ġcrypt ogenic",
+ "isc eral",
+ "Ġge ometry",
+ "Ġmicron s",
+ "tl g",
+ "Ġempt ying",
+ "Ġenhancer s",
+ "Ġloos ening",
+ "Ġgep ia",
+ "Ġnasol acrimal",
+ "Ġpleuro pulmonary",
+ "perm e",
+ "Ġillum ina",
+ "Ġalkyl ating",
+ "older ing",
+ "Ġchorist oma",
+ "iflu or",
+ "Ġcoup le",
+ "Ġperig astric",
+ "4 15",
+ "5 80",
+ "d end",
+ "g ated",
+ "n ip",
+ "s els",
+ "Ġc bp",
+ "Ġo min",
+ "Ġn ts",
+ "Ġ( â",
+ "Ġh fe",
+ "Ġun prec",
+ "Ġpol and",
+ "Ġind ucers",
+ "Ġover dose",
+ "Ġthan k",
+ "Ġel f",
+ "ep ine",
+ "Ġmel ena",
+ "uk enberg",
+ "ft ir",
+ "Ġpa rest",
+ "ient es",
+ "met te",
+ "met atarsal",
+ "Ġros iglitazone",
+ "Ġchond rogenesis",
+ "Ġchond rodermatitis",
+ "hist ochemical",
+ "Ġimplement ing",
+ "oac etic",
+ "secret ase",
+ "Ġbright on",
+ "Ġwind ows",
+ "hex yl",
+ "overex pression",
+ "Ġpref erences",
+ "otax in",
+ "mob ility",
+ "Ġjuxtap osed",
+ "4 21",
+ "og uan",
+ "ib encl",
+ "ac rine",
+ "ath min",
+ "Ġsc o",
+ "Ġbl adders",
+ "opl acental",
+ "Ġnon contributory",
+ "Ġtw ins",
+ "Ġdec is",
+ "Ġsuc ce",
+ "fer roni",
+ "Ġmes ial",
+ "Ġprop idium",
+ "Ġoste omalacia",
+ "hr ct",
+ "70 9",
+ "Ġsac s",
+ "Ġtnf r",
+ "Ġgem ist",
+ "Ġorth og",
+ "Ġsynchronous ly",
+ "Ġfer mented",
+ "Ġhypo intensity",
+ "Ġflank ing",
+ "ano acrylate",
+ "Ġcall s",
+ "Ġhid den",
+ "Ġsplit ting",
+ "Ġpropag ated",
+ "Ġmex ican",
+ "Ġmof etil",
+ "Ġotorh inolaryng",
+ "ibencl amide",
+ "l asso",
+ "at i",
+ "Ġc ed",
+ "Ġs ry",
+ "er ant",
+ "Ġm pv",
+ "it ar",
+ "Ġn up",
+ "op al",
+ "Ġth read",
+ "st ent",
+ "Ġbi ore",
+ "se par",
+ "ad m",
+ "pt ions",
+ "Ġmy ria",
+ "Ġconf ron",
+ "Ġca j",
+ "Ġimp regn",
+ "Ġret iform",
+ "20 21",
+ "Ġprov inc",
+ "Ġcox sack",
+ "bb b",
+ "Ġ26 1",
+ "Ġalb any",
+ "Ġimmunophenot ypes",
+ "Ġinoc ulum",
+ "Ġatl ant",
+ "Ġaminotrans ferases",
+ "Ġbeh aves",
+ "Ġsta pler",
+ "Ġmess age",
+ "treg s",
+ "Ġscarc ity",
+ "Ġrepop ulation",
+ "c ms",
+ "c ount",
+ "n or",
+ "o ul",
+ "Ġc id",
+ "Ġc jd",
+ "he nt",
+ "Ġs hel",
+ "is her",
+ "ell us",
+ "Ġv g",
+ "up a",
+ "se en",
+ "Ġbe ach",
+ "Ġby st",
+ "Ġint ric",
+ "ay a",
+ "ch ase",
+ "Ġmic roph",
+ "Ġsub lines",
+ "ass emia",
+ "Ġfrag ility",
+ "Ġprov ing",
+ "Ġobj ects",
+ "Ġlip omatosis",
+ "br du",
+ "19 96",
+ "Ġtra mad",
+ "rocyt osis",
+ "Ġspecial ty",
+ "Ġnf kb",
+ "Ġmand ibulectomy",
+ "Ġhis pan",
+ "Ġge ometric",
+ "Ġsulf oraphane",
+ "rep air",
+ "Ġhydro ly",
+ "oxic illin",
+ "Ġneo intima",
+ "Ġgad ox",
+ "bet ween",
+ "ozo ites",
+ "cer amide",
+ "Ġvaric ella",
+ "Ġharvest ing",
+ "Ġlipogranul omas",
+ "Ġsporotrich osis",
+ "Ġtramad ol",
+ "- ).",
+ "6 60",
+ "c w",
+ "o is",
+ "t ant",
+ "y ly",
+ "Ġa itl",
+ "Ġc z",
+ "Ġs ad",
+ "Ġs ever",
+ "Ġo kc",
+ "Ġd nt",
+ "ol on",
+ "Ġis r",
+ "Ġv olar",
+ "ve illance",
+ "Ġcol omb",
+ "Ġk ong",
+ "Ġreg imes",
+ "Ġser ocon",
+ "Ġep inephrine",
+ "Ġmicro structure",
+ "sc attered",
+ "45 9",
+ "Ġpa ulo",
+ "Ġrest ores",
+ "Ġble bs",
+ "Ġfiber optic",
+ "Ġect ocervical",
+ "Ġcrypt ococcal",
+ "Ġvacu ole",
+ "Ġdent istry",
+ "Ġfold ing",
+ "Ġoccup ies",
+ "Ġfluor o",
+ "Ġconst riction",
+ "|>/ <|",
+ "Ġaz t",
+ "Ġchlor pyrifos",
+ "Ġdimin ution",
+ "rene w",
+ "rene wing",
+ "sel en",
+ "Ġoss ificans",
+ "Ġjuven iles",
+ "onc ology",
+ "pla kin",
+ "Ġparasit ological",
+ "Ġcontribut ors",
+ "Ġcylind rical",
+ "Ġavid ity",
+ "Ġaccr ual",
+ "Ġexcor iation",
+ "Ġfles hy",
+ "Ġneoform ans",
+ "Ġsacroc occygeal",
+ "7 61",
+ "j oh",
+ "l uminal",
+ "p henol",
+ "r illar",
+ "t les",
+ "ed ented",
+ "an one",
+ "Ġg k",
+ "st ress",
+ "Ġim c",
+ "Ġinv ent",
+ "Ġk pc",
+ "Ġse zary",
+ "Ġra mus",
+ "pt ch",
+ "Ġexcis e",
+ "Ġcm e",
+ "Ġdem ise",
+ "ores t",
+ "Ġdep ig",
+ "not e",
+ "Ġsubj acent",
+ "Ġatt ach",
+ "60 7",
+ "inc ubation",
+ "Ġjan us",
+ "Ġtransl ocated",
+ "Ġinternal ly",
+ "Ġneg ate",
+ "Ġbo otstrap",
+ "oe ic",
+ "Ġden ied",
+ "fn b",
+ "Ġdimin ishing",
+ "Ġradios ensitive",
+ "Ġelectro ca",
+ "Ġvirt ue",
+ "magn etic",
+ "Ġcada vers",
+ "fab p",
+ "Ġdrawback s",
+ "Ġomin ous",
+ "Ġunprec edented",
+ "* -",
+ "6 34",
+ "l oc",
+ "n ox",
+ "Ġp rad",
+ "Ġan na",
+ "Ġd ar",
+ "Ġr deb",
+ "Ġhist ograms",
+ "Ġunder diagnosed",
+ "Ġro ten",
+ "Ġintra class",
+ "Ġanti hypertensive",
+ "Ġbody weight",
+ "67 3",
+ "Ġ27 6",
+ "Ġglyc an",
+ "Ġclinicopathological ly",
+ "Ġcorrespond ence",
+ "Ġpract icing",
+ "Ġbur ied",
+ "be ing",
+ "Ġhemosider osis",
+ "Ġham per",
+ "Ġventil ated",
+ "Ġdecidual ized",
+ "Ġcyto architectural",
+ "har z",
+ "occidioid es",
+ "Ġcard inal",
+ "Ġnanot ubes",
+ "Ġbisp henol",
+ "oguan idine",
+ "c ale",
+ "m ol",
+ "o ate",
+ "y ce",
+ "Ġs ector",
+ "Ġp raz",
+ "Ġb q",
+ "Ġb angl",
+ "Ġd ect",
+ "Ġd sr",
+ "Ġf ile",
+ "ol actone",
+ "Ġg j",
+ "ur us",
+ "il ation",
+ "Ġex chang",
+ "Ġbi ophysical",
+ "ost otic",
+ "her y",
+ "hem oglobin",
+ "one ur",
+ "Ġspec ially",
+ "Ġhyper responsiveness",
+ "Ġprim ed",
+ "Ġmus sels",
+ "fl ip",
+ "Ġneuro theke",
+ "int rod",
+ "Ġdo ver",
+ "Ġ30 2",
+ "Ġ24 7",
+ "trans d",
+ "99 9",
+ "Ġglyc yrrhiz",
+ "Ġsynch ron",
+ "Ġsulf ide",
+ "Ġblast oid",
+ "Ġinad equ",
+ "Ġjejun i",
+ "Ġcutoff s",
+ "Ġinsp iss",
+ "ograp hed",
+ "Ġautoradi ography",
+ "Ġdecarboxyl ase",
+ "3 16",
+ "i atic",
+ "n bccs",
+ "Ġt ables",
+ "en oids",
+ "Ġp pd",
+ "Ġm bp",
+ "Ġm cts",
+ "Ġn cd",
+ "et us",
+ "st rom",
+ "Ġon ion",
+ "Ġsm v",
+ "Ġpr rsv",
+ "ne oadjuvant",
+ "Ġcr l",
+ "ov entricular",
+ "ok al",
+ "53 1",
+ "Ġz ikv",
+ "Ġ30 8",
+ "67 1",
+ "Ġ25 1",
+ "49 6",
+ "Ġgal nac",
+ "Ġblast ocyst",
+ "Ġantagon istic",
+ "pp argamma",
+ "Ġxanth ine",
+ "ampl ification",
+ "Ġell agic",
+ "Ġphae ochrom",
+ "Ġzh ang",
+ "Ġpace m",
+ "border line",
+ "Ġbangl ades",
+ "+ ;",
+ "4 14",
+ "Ġt cl",
+ "Ġm pl",
+ "it idis",
+ "ol ae",
+ "us ional",
+ "id ial",
+ "um ann",
+ "Ġpat ernal",
+ "ot scc",
+ "ost in",
+ "ore ductase",
+ "Ġra rest",
+ "Ġgl ottis",
+ "Ġac etal",
+ "yl v",
+ "tr us",
+ "Ġvari eg",
+ "Ġche k",
+ "rop ion",
+ "Ġangi olymphatic",
+ "Ġregional ly",
+ "60 2",
+ "70 2",
+ "Ġ26 2",
+ "Ġ26 5",
+ "Ġ27 3",
+ "pr l",
+ "cat al",
+ "Ġphot od",
+ "clinical trials",
+ "acet ylation",
+ "sl ice",
+ "Ġtlr s",
+ "gi ant",
+ "oxif ene",
+ "Ġfu el",
+ "Ġimmunomod ulation",
+ "Ġganglione uroblastoma",
+ "doc etaxel",
+ "mid dle",
+ "Ġmisinter pretation",
+ "Ġwol ff",
+ "Ġarbor izing",
+ "yzo ites",
+ "6 63",
+ "e if",
+ "Ġ {",
+ "Ġc ant",
+ "Ġb omb",
+ "Ġe min",
+ "Ġk il",
+ "Ġhyper uric",
+ "Ġca ecal",
+ "01 26",
+ "Ġrep ressive",
+ "Ġpattern less",
+ "Ġepithelial ization",
+ "05 2",
+ "17 01",
+ "Ġ40 7",
+ "Ġ25 7",
+ "Ġlamin ated",
+ "obacter ial",
+ "46 2",
+ "organ ism",
+ "Ġmicroenvironment al",
+ "Ġaccess ion",
+ "Ġconcept ual",
+ "Ġbed side",
+ "Ġpv r",
+ "Ġcod elet",
+ "Ġileoc olic",
+ "Ġexplan ations",
+ "Ġinterfere s",
+ "Ġdecalc ified",
+ "Ġchondro itin",
+ "Ġkeratocon us",
+ "creat inine",
+ "Ġpedic led",
+ "Ġroten one",
+ "t ier",
+ "t oxin",
+ "Ġ uch",
+ "Ġa unps",
+ "Ġs ia",
+ "Ġp ant",
+ "le wis",
+ "pl l",
+ "Ġbe ijing",
+ "Ġdi hydro",
+ "Ġ3 15",
+ "Ġpar oxys",
+ "ob r",
+ "rol ide",
+ "Ġout standing",
+ "Ġnucle atum",
+ "ep cam",
+ "val umab",
+ "Ġstandard ize",
+ "Ġcontrast ed",
+ "cm l",
+ "Ġgu arant",
+ "Ġod c",
+ "Ġagre es",
+ "Ġhip sc",
+ "inter vention",
+ "Ġna a",
+ "Ġveh icles",
+ "Ġleak s",
+ "emp fer",
+ "Ġnecessit ated",
+ "myel oid",
+ "Ġpractition er",
+ "Ġnontumor ous",
+ "oflav in",
+ "Ġfamiliar ity",
+ "Ġpix els",
+ "Ġimmob ilized",
+ "ught ered",
+ "Ġelectrocardi ogram",
+ "Ġsla ughtered",
+ "Ġneurosp heres",
+ "Ġhispan ics",
+ "r astruct",
+ "s ars",
+ "w ash",
+ "in st",
+ "on lein",
+ "Ġs ist",
+ "Ġo rofacial",
+ "Ġw si",
+ "Ġan abolic",
+ "ar ound",
+ "ion ecrosis",
+ "Ġex o",
+ "ut ated",
+ "uc hes",
+ "ib und",
+ "em ann",
+ "Ġsh oot",
+ "Ġun translated",
+ "Ġind uration",
+ "Ġcyt olytic",
+ "Ġgl ibenclamide",
+ "Ġsup ers",
+ "Ġmy ogenesis",
+ "Ġfl air",
+ "cent ric",
+ "ach lor",
+ "Ġret ains",
+ "Ġfibro genic",
+ "Ġcal mette",
+ "53 4",
+ "Ġ24 6",
+ "Ġconc ert",
+ "eg d",
+ "immun ost",
+ "35 2",
+ "ynt hesis",
+ "Ġ27 8",
+ "Ġcondition ing",
+ "Ġhelic is",
+ "Ġfas n",
+ "renal ine",
+ "Ġoxy philic",
+ "imes ulide",
+ "Ġgonad oblastoma",
+ "tra uma",
+ "Ġheterozyg otes",
+ "polyp osis",
+ "Ġperif olliculitis",
+ "Ġselen ite",
+ "Ġclum ps",
+ "Ġcyl d",
+ "Ġscrap ings",
+ "Ġbot ry",
+ "Ġï¬Ī .",
+ "Ġexhaust ive",
+ "bus iness",
+ "Ġamastig otes",
+ "Ġorthog onal",
+ "c q",
+ "c ga",
+ "d eline",
+ "h cl",
+ "p rit",
+ "Ġt ulare",
+ "Ġp ons",
+ "os ocial",
+ "Ġst athmin",
+ "ph an",
+ "Ġbi omaterials",
+ "Ġcl ient",
+ "ome gran",
+ "Ġme ier",
+ "Ġfibro plasia",
+ "Ġ19 72",
+ "05 7",
+ "Ġlip oblastoma",
+ "Ġprop yl",
+ "Ġoste ocytes",
+ "Ġher ds",
+ "Ġwall ed",
+ "Ġpt p",
+ "rop yr",
+ "eg al",
+ "Ġpa o",
+ "infl amed",
+ "pe i",
+ "Ġlap c",
+ "dr ied",
+ "tc f",
+ "Ġqual ify",
+ "Ġmicroc arcinomas",
+ "Ġsv m",
+ "raf enib",
+ "Ġlens es",
+ "wa it",
+ "det orsion",
+ "Ġhydroxy urea",
+ "icl ib",
+ "Ġjm jd",
+ "Ġmodif iers",
+ "Ġsamar itan",
+ "Ġadjo ining",
+ "a eg",
+ "d etermined",
+ "f an",
+ "r u",
+ "in ization",
+ "Ġt one",
+ "Ġt bb",
+ "Ġl x",
+ "Ġl ul",
+ "Ġ3 25",
+ "ure th",
+ "Ġpre therapeutic",
+ "Ġsm oldering",
+ "Ġro of",
+ "Ġem peripolesis",
+ "av ascular",
+ "ert ib",
+ "63 8",
+ "kn ife",
+ "Ġreal istic",
+ "mod el",
+ "Ġxen otransplantation",
+ "Ġcp b",
+ "Ġcontin ence",
+ "sub cutaneous",
+ "methyl acyl",
+ "opolys accharides",
+ "lys ine",
+ "Ġcapt opril",
+ "secret ory",
+ "Ġproct itis",
+ "nitro quinoline",
+ "Ġarr ive",
+ "Ġnanost ruct",
+ "Ġskew ness",
+ "Ġremed y",
+ "osamin idase",
+ "Ġtript olide",
+ "Ġbarton ella",
+ "Ġmyria d",
+ "4 12",
+ "8 61",
+ "g go",
+ "g raft",
+ "t ors",
+ "u en",
+ "Ġs aw",
+ "Ġl dp",
+ "op rote",
+ "il ing",
+ "Ġcom fort",
+ "Ġev ade",
+ "Ġwe iss",
+ "cop y",
+ "Ġj ac",
+ "Ġintra follicular",
+ "Ġfl amm",
+ "Ġcar pal",
+ "ns ip",
+ "ds c",
+ "Ġpt a",
+ "Ġmc ns",
+ "Ġglomerul oid",
+ "Ġrt og",
+ "cont aminated",
+ "Ġalb endazole",
+ "Ġprote as",
+ "Ġodont oma",
+ "Ġtail or",
+ "Ġrhabdomy oma",
+ "Ġrheumat ologic",
+ "jug ular",
+ "Ġalumin ium",
+ "Ġwhor led",
+ "proced ure",
+ "Ġhypoper fusion",
+ "8 70",
+ "c apt",
+ "Ġc cat",
+ "en erg",
+ "Ġs av",
+ "Ġw right",
+ "or opharyngeal",
+ "Ġd in",
+ "ir f",
+ "Ġinf ram",
+ "Ġmeth icillin",
+ "Ġen for",
+ "Ġhyper proliferation",
+ "Ġca ecum",
+ "bl ot",
+ "53 7",
+ "uv astatin",
+ "Ġhepat opathy",
+ "Ġgastro protective",
+ "Ġmes ylate",
+ "ae us",
+ "Ġdep ict",
+ "Ġprosp ects",
+ "Ġha i",
+ "gu erin",
+ "Ġdev iations",
+ "Ġpen icillin",
+ "Ġq ds",
+ "abs ence",
+ "Ġkary otypic",
+ "ych lor",
+ "esophag us",
+ "Ġcla vien",
+ "osp here",
+ "hm w",
+ "Ġperm issive",
+ "Ġexplo it",
+ "Ġanthrac osis",
+ "ropyl ene",
+ "Ġcraniopharyng iomas",
+ "avir in",
+ "Ġnitro tyrosine",
+ "Ġunrel iable",
+ "7 05",
+ "m rp",
+ "Ġt ls",
+ "Ġn imesulide",
+ "Ġl ever",
+ "Ġl ax",
+ "om echan",
+ "Ġe i",
+ "id ene",
+ "Ġfor th",
+ "Ġv iv",
+ "ant oic",
+ "up rofen",
+ "Ġch b",
+ "Ġ3 75",
+ "ch it",
+ "ide gib",
+ "Ġfl ot",
+ "hed ral",
+ "Ġmain stem",
+ "Ġwor ked",
+ "Ġhemat omas",
+ "45 7",
+ "39 4",
+ "Ġfar med",
+ "Ġkary otyping",
+ "Ġretri ever",
+ "sub stituted",
+ "Ġbes ide",
+ "Ġexc reted",
+ "Ġintran odal",
+ "Ġscient ists",
+ "Ġnig ella",
+ "ampl ing",
+ "Ġmpn sts",
+ "Ġva ult",
+ "regn ant",
+ "Ġskip ping",
+ "Ġinvag ination",
+ "attenu ated",
+ "Ġcryopres ervation",
+ "Ġradioimmun o",
+ "oben zene",
+ "Ġnullipar ous",
+ "Ġdecis ive",
+ "h ow",
+ "l cs",
+ "Ġc usp",
+ "op ortal",
+ "il a",
+ "Ġis up",
+ "Ġnot ori",
+ "pl n",
+ "Ġper imen",
+ "Ġk hz",
+ "Ġrec alcit",
+ "Ġsm ud",
+ "Ġsm cs",
+ "ric e",
+ "Ġtrans nasal",
+ "Ġtr imodality",
+ "Ġlip ophilic",
+ "Ġmir ror",
+ "Ġdeep est",
+ "Ġcult iv",
+ "70 3",
+ "dr b",
+ "Ġtoxic ants",
+ "Ġenl arge",
+ "exp and",
+ "Ġ37 3",
+ "48 2",
+ "Ġjo in",
+ "Ġfox d",
+ "Ġmyofib ers",
+ "Ġsu is",
+ "Ġxanth oastrocytoma",
+ "Ġda hl",
+ "Ġcompet ent",
+ "Ġleuc ocytes",
+ "Ġabort ed",
+ "grad es",
+ "Ġsubclass es",
+ "Ġhepatos plenic",
+ "Ġhuv ec",
+ "Ġexcor iated",
+ "Ġnaring enin",
+ "Ġsubependym al",
+ "Ġspro uting",
+ "frag ments",
+ "Ġcapsul atum",
+ "Ġhidrocyst oma",
+ "param agnetic",
+ "irrh ous",
+ "4 33",
+ "l is",
+ "Ġc iap",
+ "Ġf bs",
+ "im amm",
+ "un iform",
+ "og el",
+ "ce p",
+ "oph ores",
+ "ional ly",
+ "ang itic",
+ "Ġind ones",
+ "Ġperform s",
+ "Ġintra membranous",
+ "Ġfra mingham",
+ "arg o",
+ "Ġcr f",
+ "Ġtr if",
+ "13 01",
+ "Ġ30 9",
+ "Ġher itable",
+ "cul ent",
+ "fs gs",
+ "45 6",
+ "Ġneur itic",
+ "pv u",
+ "upt ake",
+ "ivers ity",
+ "Ġhom ocysteine",
+ "Ġorder ly",
+ "79 7",
+ "78 7",
+ "Ġcategor ised",
+ "77 4",
+ "rna i",
+ "Ġgr b",
+ "syn onymous",
+ "polyp oid",
+ "uf as",
+ "Ġamen orrhea",
+ "Ġautops ied",
+ "Ġdol ph",
+ "Ġtria ds",
+ "Ġoutdo or",
+ "Ġgies on",
+ "4 88",
+ "a ult",
+ "Ġp ud",
+ "Ġb sa",
+ "Ġtrans peptidase",
+ "Ġnon parametric",
+ "Ġdes erve",
+ "ard son",
+ "Ġdys biosis",
+ "Ġam oeb",
+ "Ġam oxicillin",
+ "Ġtr kb",
+ "Ġher d",
+ "Ġdirect ing",
+ "Ġcytotox in",
+ "Ġembry ologic",
+ "39 1",
+ "Ġble phar",
+ "ta a",
+ "Ġeg cs",
+ "heal thy",
+ "Ġcytos ine",
+ "fe eding",
+ "Ġlute inized",
+ "Ġpermit ting",
+ "press ure",
+ "Ġintim ate",
+ "Ġcervic ovaginal",
+ "Ġappra isal",
+ "Ġmalays ia",
+ "lcn ec",
+ "Ġail ments",
+ "omegran ate",
+ "3 27",
+ "6 67",
+ "h ox",
+ "v ia",
+ "Ġt tr",
+ "Ġs ip",
+ "it osis",
+ "Ġb gc",
+ "Ġn if",
+ "el igible",
+ "Ġst x",
+ "Ġus pa",
+ "ang le",
+ "Ġen erg",
+ "Ġrem issions",
+ "Ġpd pn",
+ "Ġcontr asts",
+ "44 6",
+ "36 9",
+ "Ġphot oc",
+ "Ġquad rup",
+ "Ġmust ard",
+ "Ġpm c",
+ "Ġcolum ns",
+ "98 059",
+ "Ġballoon ed",
+ "rank l",
+ "Ġpseudo inclusions",
+ "yr yl",
+ "Ġpass ing",
+ "Ġtm z",
+ "Ġtun is",
+ "+/ +",
+ "Ġrim ming",
+ "cephal y",
+ "Ġproce eding",
+ "link s",
+ "Ġdur valumab",
+ "second ary",
+ "Ġparall els",
+ "Ġhyponat remia",
+ "Ġbyst ander",
+ "f x",
+ "p u",
+ "r mann",
+ "Ġc roc",
+ "Ġp ps",
+ "ic is",
+ "ic ylic",
+ "Ġan lotinib",
+ "Ġl ives",
+ "el is",
+ "Ġh st",
+ "ul as",
+ "Ġis oflurane",
+ "Ġk ps",
+ "Ġmed aka",
+ "Ġi ort",
+ "Ġam ine",
+ "Ġred istribution",
+ "ep ing",
+ "Ġinde pendence",
+ "int oxicated",
+ "Ġil ium",
+ "Ġregression s",
+ "Ġdetect or",
+ "Ġ28 9",
+ "Ġmen is",
+ "immun ized",
+ "immun otherapy",
+ "Ġfung ating",
+ "Ġgall stone",
+ "Ġast ra",
+ "39 2",
+ "Ġvascul itic",
+ "Ġmot ile",
+ "cp g",
+ "Ġelectro chemotherapy",
+ "Ġlr fs",
+ "Ġteam s",
+ "Ġkc ot",
+ "Ġscap ular",
+ "Ġtenosyn ovium",
+ "evulin ate",
+ "Ġsegreg ated",
+ "Ġposttransplant ation",
+ "Ġpell et",
+ "Ġdiethyl stil",
+ "Ġadamant inoma",
+ "Ġconce iv",
+ "Ġamy otrophic",
+ "Ġpuer arin",
+ "interfer on",
+ "6 10",
+ "6 40",
+ "; <|",
+ "s ar",
+ "Ġm ent",
+ "Ġre am",
+ "Ġr antes",
+ "od n",
+ "em erg",
+ "qu ad",
+ "act h",
+ "her ins",
+ "Ġmar sup",
+ "Ġap plies",
+ "Ġco factor",
+ "Ġ4 80",
+ "Ġcolon oscopies",
+ "pt ides",
+ "yl on",
+ "Ġpr c",
+ "Ġpr v",
+ "Ġro is",
+ "Ġser otypes",
+ "Ġov id",
+ "Ġmel ting",
+ "Ġmel phalan",
+ "Ġcar uncle",
+ "Ġir r",
+ "nc db",
+ "Ġct cl",
+ "95 8",
+ "Ġol t",
+ "gl omerular",
+ "Ġmetabol izing",
+ "Ġimpact ing",
+ "47 9",
+ "Ġnorm other",
+ "Ġthigh s",
+ "Ġastrocyt osis",
+ "Ġrhabdomy olysis",
+ "great er",
+ "Ġabsol utely",
+ "Ġtroph oblasts",
+ "Ġtur keys",
+ "Ġcondyl ar",
+ "Ġdark ly",
+ "oac oustic",
+ "Ġpsych osocial",
+ "Ġreplic ative",
+ "Ġnecessit ate",
+ "myel oproliferative",
+ "Ġphotosensit izers",
+ "Ġplantar um",
+ "Ġradiosensit izing",
+ "Ġphthal ate",
+ "Ġacknowled ged",
+ "Ġacetal dehyde",
+ "ychlor oquine",
+ "d ad",
+ "Ġt anning",
+ "Ġt omato",
+ "Ġs estamibi",
+ "Ġh apt",
+ "Ġh bp",
+ "im ide",
+ "ut ery",
+ "ip scs",
+ "00 16",
+ "Ġmy omas",
+ "Ġmy opericytoma",
+ "Ġme iotic",
+ "ne ural",
+ "tr ue",
+ "Ġindic a",
+ "ides m",
+ "Ġdrug gable",
+ "Ġprop ri",
+ "par as",
+ "Ġegfr viii",
+ "40 8",
+ "Ġhyd rophil",
+ "Ġnorm oxia",
+ "pro f",
+ "Ġbraf ve",
+ "Ġster not",
+ "Ġhs f",
+ "Ġintern et",
+ "Ġgr im",
+ "Ġincons ist",
+ "Ġscr utin",
+ "Ġfolfir i",
+ "Ġimmob ilization",
+ "Ġagglut ination",
+ "Ġgovern ment",
+ "dihydroxy vitamin",
+ "Ġbon ferroni",
+ "Ġdermo epidermal",
+ "Ġspiraden oma",
+ "Ġatri oventricular",
+ "i ator",
+ "m hz",
+ "t ypical",
+ "Ġc rop",
+ "Ġp ave",
+ "Ġb ats",
+ "Ġf its",
+ "Ġre a",
+ "os ides",
+ "op erate",
+ "Ġr pa",
+ "ib a",
+ "Ġ2 67",
+ "Ġcomp ress",
+ "Ġ5 50",
+ "ogen y",
+ "Ġro ad",
+ "Ġcase ating",
+ "Ġi ec",
+ "Ġrel ied",
+ "Ġsuc rose",
+ "Ġmus c",
+ "Ġblood stream",
+ "Ġax in",
+ "ext ensive",
+ "Ġlig ature",
+ "Ġsac cular",
+ "36 6",
+ "47 7",
+ "Ġimmunore activities",
+ "Ġbasos quamous",
+ "Ġge or",
+ "Ġden udation",
+ "Ġsteroid ogenesis",
+ "Ġmds c",
+ "Ġescal ating",
+ "cer na",
+ "Ġpharmaceutical s",
+ "Ġchr ys",
+ "Ġechin ococcus",
+ "Ġfert ile",
+ "Ġnicotin ic",
+ "Ġretrop ubic",
+ "Ġinspiss ated",
+ "4 63",
+ "b ms",
+ "Ġan gin",
+ "Ġn mscs",
+ "Ġre irradiation",
+ "Ġst ing",
+ "Ġex plic",
+ "Ġ0 2",
+ "Ġpath omechan",
+ "Ġser opre",
+ "Ġmicro particles",
+ "Ġnf atc",
+ "39 6",
+ "Ġpal n",
+ "ls l",
+ "Ġfer ric",
+ "Ġtroph ic",
+ "Ġneo angiogenesis",
+ "mater ials",
+ "Ġuneventful ly",
+ "best rol",
+ "Ġcv id",
+ "Ġimmunohist ologic",
+ "Ġsubs arc",
+ "Ġglab ella",
+ "Ġdab rafenib",
+ "oconjug ates",
+ "Ġparab asal",
+ "deline ated",
+ "5 48",
+ "r ut",
+ "u ana",
+ "on idazole",
+ "Ġc bl",
+ "ion ization",
+ "Ġb ass",
+ "Ġn hs",
+ "Ġr x",
+ "Ġmar ried",
+ "Ġsm g",
+ "Ġspec iation",
+ "Ġen igm",
+ "Ġmy h",
+ "ov itis",
+ "unt ary",
+ "Ġgra dients",
+ "Ġangi oplasty",
+ "rot ectin",
+ "Ġpigment osa",
+ "ck s",
+ "57 1",
+ "Ġmulti plied",
+ "my ofib",
+ "Ġrib avirin",
+ "Ġmimic ry",
+ "Ġpredomin ates",
+ "Ġfasc ial",
+ "Ġhydrox ychloroquine",
+ "Ġmor ning",
+ "Ġerad icated",
+ "Ġfit c",
+ "Ġpyr imidine",
+ "glyc ans",
+ "Ġabrog ation",
+ "Ġcoord inate",
+ "repres ent",
+ "Ġgins enoside",
+ "inferior ity",
+ "foll ow",
+ "Ġtab ulated",
+ "Ġsand wich",
+ "Ġaven ue",
+ "Ġaccr ued",
+ "Ġtriang le",
+ "Ġbisphosph onates",
+ "7 66",
+ "] =",
+ "m pa",
+ "n ight",
+ "o i",
+ "Ġt pm",
+ "re in",
+ "is ot",
+ "Ġr pm",
+ "Ġcl ub",
+ "Ġdis position",
+ "omy osin",
+ "Ġde grade",
+ "ile al",
+ "Ġnon c",
+ "Ġoste oarth",
+ "Ġscc vii",
+ "Ġche ap",
+ "ca emic",
+ "Ġax es",
+ "Ġcur ved",
+ "Ġdown regulates",
+ "Ġprevent ative",
+ "Ġhyd rod",
+ "Ġnan omed",
+ "Ġshort hair",
+ "Ġphot otoxicity",
+ "47 2",
+ "Ġpneumon ias",
+ "aqu at",
+ "Ġtel e",
+ "Ġumb rella",
+ "occ urring",
+ "Ġspong iosum",
+ "Ġsulf oxide",
+ "osp ondin",
+ "ochrom affin",
+ "Ġendothel i",
+ "syn ovial",
+ "Ġfin nish",
+ "mf h",
+ "gran ular",
+ "Ġsyring ocyst",
+ "galact osamine",
+ "Ġinsect icide",
+ "delet ed",
+ "Ġdoubt ful",
+ "Ġrefract ile",
+ "Ġallerg ens",
+ "Ġichthy osis",
+ "Ġepigl ottis",
+ "Ġnurs ing",
+ "Ġscint imamm",
+ "4 11",
+ "5 21",
+ "m ay",
+ "s we",
+ "Ġc iv",
+ "Ġc ory",
+ "an z",
+ "ist on",
+ "ac ion",
+ "Ġco iled",
+ "Ġend ocyt",
+ "Ġpl s",
+ "Ġsub species",
+ "Ġcyt okin",
+ "Ġall opur",
+ "di et",
+ "Ġsit agliptin",
+ "Ġpo isson",
+ "53 5",
+ "ores cein",
+ "Ġmac aque",
+ "Ġop d",
+ "Ġarch ive",
+ "ii ib",
+ "45 8",
+ "Ġvas op",
+ "Ġoxid oreductase",
+ "35 9",
+ "Ġure mic",
+ "Ġthin ned",
+ "Ġnk t",
+ "Ġslow ed",
+ "Ġvert igo",
+ "Ġhyperg astrin",
+ "Ġurolog ists",
+ "Ġtap ering",
+ "Ġosteoclast ogenesis",
+ "Ġflatten ing",
+ "Ġimper fect",
+ "Ġhypother mic",
+ "Ġinev itable",
+ "Ġfrancis co",
+ "she et",
+ "Ġrumin ants",
+ "Ġsubsarc olemmal",
+ "Ġallopur inol",
+ ") [",
+ "5 42",
+ "c hester",
+ "p icryl",
+ "in h",
+ "Ġt ween",
+ "Ġc alu",
+ "Ġp co",
+ "Ġp omegranate",
+ "Ġd dlps",
+ "et o",
+ "Ġbi ob",
+ "Ġnot ing",
+ "Ġ2 95",
+ "Ġ2 99",
+ "Ġaden ohyp",
+ "Ġco administration",
+ "ron ine",
+ "tic e",
+ "Ġintra mammary",
+ "Ġer uptive",
+ "Ġpo res",
+ "Ġproc ollagen",
+ "of ovir",
+ "uv ants",
+ "bc g",
+ "Ġpe i",
+ "Ġax ill",
+ "Ġweight ing",
+ "cm c",
+ "Ġchor ion",
+ "Ġbacter i",
+ "Ġpneum ocystis",
+ "Ġmyx opapillary",
+ "Ġtubercul oma",
+ "Ġmap ks",
+ "Ġpp is",
+ "Ġrhin ospor",
+ "onn el",
+ "Ġmann ose",
+ "Ġprostagland ins",
+ "Ġzyg omatic",
+ "aglob ulin",
+ "Ġreinfor ced",
+ "pot ential",
+ "Ġcontracept ives",
+ "Ġhibern oma",
+ "sah aran",
+ "compl iant",
+ "Ġlengt hen",
+ "Ġdeoxyribonucle ic",
+ "l ov",
+ "n ow",
+ "Ġd mn",
+ "Ġf ire",
+ "Ġh ac",
+ "Ġg os",
+ "Ġbi op",
+ "ch t",
+ "Ġra ys",
+ "opath ogenic",
+ "pt cl",
+ "Ġmic hig",
+ "Ġsm art",
+ "ox ides",
+ "Ġep e",
+ "Ġsuper paramagnetic",
+ "Ġ19 71",
+ "Ġstr ia",
+ "Ġnew castle",
+ "abl ated",
+ "uk ey",
+ "Ġquant itated",
+ "Ġcat fish",
+ "Ġu w",
+ "68 6",
+ "pro v",
+ "hp ande",
+ "Ġnam es",
+ "Ġgr ass",
+ "Ġhormonal ly",
+ "Ġts g",
+ "Ġmeet ings",
+ "Ġmicrosp or",
+ "Ġfad d",
+ "Ġfv ptc",
+ "Ġcatalyz es",
+ "Ġneurotransmit ters",
+ "Ġinterdig itating",
+ "sensit ized",
+ "Ġoligomet astatic",
+ "Ġrecalcit rant",
+ "f ur",
+ "l nc",
+ "Ġt rees",
+ "Ġc na",
+ "Ġc bi",
+ "Ġc occ",
+ "Ġp age",
+ "Ġb vd",
+ "Ġd aps",
+ "ul ectomy",
+ "un ate",
+ "le v",
+ "Ġsh ih",
+ "Ġsp ore",
+ "00 12",
+ "Ġco activator",
+ "Ġpar aquat",
+ "Ġnon smoking",
+ "reg ist",
+ "53 8",
+ "Ġlit eratures",
+ "Ġdermat oscopy",
+ "sm v",
+ "ae a",
+ "Ġpers onnel",
+ "Ġconduct ance",
+ "Ġstress ors",
+ "35 80",
+ "Ġ27 4",
+ "Ġrepair ing",
+ "Ġip t",
+ "Ġthym ectomy",
+ "Ġka empfer",
+ "Ġtel ogen",
+ "olytic a",
+ "ovirus es",
+ "Ġmimick ers",
+ "Ġcb x",
+ "ez ing",
+ "Ġdeliver ies",
+ "Ġchief ly",
+ "Ġcatechol amines",
+ "append ix",
+ "Ġbaical in",
+ "Ġimprin ted",
+ "Ġuna ware",
+ "Ġarthral gia",
+ "t an",
+ "u i",
+ "at ide",
+ "ere nc",
+ "Ġbe z",
+ "Ġant imal",
+ "Ġmy ring",
+ "Ġj ew",
+ "Ġout perform",
+ "Ġer b",
+ "ock ets",
+ "Ġmac roglobulin",
+ "Ġmaturation al",
+ "Ġleuk oplak",
+ "Ġperiod ically",
+ "Ġcort ices",
+ "Ġos i",
+ "not ch",
+ "pd c",
+ "pd tc",
+ "Ġachiev ement",
+ "Ġpneum ocon",
+ "Ġnm c",
+ "Ġtransm it",
+ "mit ochondrial",
+ "Ġpor ocarcinoma",
+ "Ġrhabdomy oblastic",
+ "infiltr ative",
+ "Ġphag ocytes",
+ "Ġallevi ates",
+ "Ġanis onucleosis",
+ "pub med",
+ "Ġdecalc ification",
+ "Ġmultiloc ulated",
+ "Ġpseudoaneurys m",
+ "determ ining",
+ "Ġinvent ory",
+ "Ġmichig an",
+ "6 43",
+ "b ing",
+ "b ip",
+ "l actic",
+ "s pl",
+ "t fe",
+ "Ġ yth",
+ "Ġs ore",
+ "Ġp uma",
+ "Ġm ood",
+ "ro ck",
+ "an ing",
+ "Ġg rant",
+ "og ast",
+ "pl acement",
+ "Ġhyp okal",
+ "te xt",
+ "Ġprotein osis",
+ "enc oding",
+ "Ġfibro adenomatoid",
+ "Ġmm g",
+ "ret ained",
+ "Ġtra ine",
+ "cyt ic",
+ "och oline",
+ "49 2",
+ "49 3",
+ "Ġrefl ective",
+ "Ġ27 2",
+ "37 9",
+ "Ġic s",
+ "Ġcontinu ation",
+ "Ġcam ptothecin",
+ "Ġbul ging",
+ "Ġpac ientes",
+ "Ġiso enzyme",
+ "cir crnas",
+ "tub erculosis",
+ "Ġclon ogenicity",
+ "Ġmas cul",
+ "Ġdra ined",
+ "ipar um",
+ "Ġasymmet rical",
+ "inhibit ion",
+ "Ġole ic",
+ "Ġnaring in",
+ "role um",
+ "Ġaptam er",
+ "Ġantitub erculous",
+ "Ġadrenocortic otropic",
+ "Ġnephrolog y",
+ "Ġantith romb",
+ "Ġsternot omy",
+ ", +",
+ "2 101",
+ "3 21",
+ "4 34",
+ "4 28",
+ "7 88",
+ "h id",
+ "p bc",
+ "t us",
+ "z no",
+ "Ġc nas",
+ "Ġs ri",
+ "Ġs adow",
+ "Ġm sm",
+ "it retin",
+ "Ġan l",
+ "as ement",
+ "Ġf oster",
+ "Ġh atching",
+ "ra ine",
+ "un ter",
+ "ut on",
+ "Ġk ev",
+ "Ġinc o",
+ "Ġinter genic",
+ "Ġfre ely",
+ "ret ro",
+ "rect um",
+ "Ġmac ula",
+ "Ġflu ence",
+ "Ġproximal ly",
+ "ogl in",
+ "chem orad",
+ "Ġport ug",
+ "Ġast henia",
+ "Ġic tal",
+ "57 4",
+ "57 9",
+ "Ġmyc etoma",
+ "Ġhemangi oblastomas",
+ "aw ater",
+ "Ġprolong ing",
+ "Ġandrogen ic",
+ "hyp erg",
+ "Ġtrache otomy",
+ "Ġembol us",
+ "Ġcalp rotectin",
+ "Ġnarrow ed",
+ "Ġtrap ping",
+ "ophthal mos",
+ "pseud o",
+ "Ġcust omized",
+ "retic ulin",
+ "Ġfalc iparum",
+ "Ġpseudodecidual ization",
+ "Ġspondyloarth ropathy",
+ "Ġfingerpr int",
+ "Ġalarm ing",
+ "Ġnoct urnal",
+ "Ġparoxys mal",
+ "4 22",
+ "7 79",
+ "d iab",
+ "k erat",
+ "at ase",
+ "Ġm aml",
+ "as g",
+ "Ġd bt",
+ "Ġre x",
+ "ph ian",
+ "Ġinf rastruct",
+ "Ġhe y",
+ "ug r",
+ "Ġrec ut",
+ "Ġhyper icin",
+ "Ġme a",
+ "ix ation",
+ "Ġnormal ity",
+ "Ġdes hpande",
+ "Ġmel f",
+ "Ġent ers",
+ "cd h",
+ "Ġlentig ines",
+ "Ġ28 6",
+ "Ġ28 8",
+ "Ġnecro biosis",
+ "inf ections",
+ "65 4",
+ "Ġclot ting",
+ "Ġros ales",
+ "Ġbro ther",
+ "my b",
+ "erc ariae",
+ "Ġverruc iformis",
+ "mark ed",
+ "Ġson idegib",
+ "Ġintral obular",
+ "Ġanest hes",
+ "glut athione",
+ "Ġglass y",
+ "Ġhypogran ulated",
+ "igf bp",
+ "Ġparv um",
+ "Ġrom ania",
+ "Ġrecurs ive",
+ "neutrophil s",
+ "odiagn osis",
+ "Ġhypothe tical",
+ "Ġsubp ial",
+ "Ġinfram ammary",
+ "7 24",
+ "o ins",
+ "q ter",
+ "v atinib",
+ "Ġa ia",
+ "Ġs rt",
+ "Ġp om",
+ "er um",
+ "ar athyroidism",
+ "Ġb od",
+ "Ġd ir",
+ "Ġe cr",
+ "Ġg na",
+ "Ġg dc",
+ "Ġno a",
+ "ut rophil",
+ "ec ond",
+ "est osterone",
+ "end ocardial",
+ "Ġne pal",
+ "Ġinf ratentorial",
+ "ub ble",
+ "pt al",
+ "Ġj ama",
+ "Ġdec oy",
+ "Ġinj ectable",
+ "Ġcal end",
+ "Ġprov ision",
+ "Ġtarget oid",
+ "ns clcs",
+ "ulc erated",
+ "Ġ28 4",
+ "Ġmamm ogram",
+ "Ġast axanthin",
+ "Ġ29 7",
+ "Ġretic ulo",
+ "Ġect ocervix",
+ "Ġib uprofen",
+ "Ġcx c",
+ "Ġspermat ocytic",
+ "Ġhaem osider",
+ "Ġapprec iate",
+ "Ġcompet ition",
+ "Ġupd ates",
+ "Ġabort ions",
+ "Ġeyeb all",
+ "sln b",
+ "Ġnil otinib",
+ "glob ally",
+ "Ġrever ted",
+ "Ġadenocarcin omatous",
+ "ript ase",
+ "Ġblu ish",
+ "ceps ilon",
+ "Ġworksh op",
+ "joh ns",
+ "Ġpacem aker",
+ "Ġseropre valence",
+ "5 22",
+ "n is",
+ "o os",
+ "on it",
+ "Ġo ecd",
+ "Ġm tr",
+ "Ġre new",
+ "iv ir",
+ "Ġh ole",
+ "Ġpro hibit",
+ "Ġres urf",
+ "Ġexp ense",
+ "all oc",
+ "Ġtrans metatarsal",
+ "Ġnec rot",
+ "Ġj ack",
+ "Ġback bone",
+ "Ġkn ot",
+ "Ġloc ate",
+ "Ġmac ule",
+ "Ġwill ing",
+ "Ġthromb ospondin",
+ "Ġic os",
+ "36 4",
+ "oflu or",
+ "mut ations",
+ "exist ent",
+ "Ġimpair ing",
+ "Ġoesophag ogastric",
+ "Ġsensit izes",
+ "Ġelectro encephal",
+ "Ġstabil ize",
+ "Ġhistomorph ometry",
+ "Ġglycos yl",
+ "Ġdut cher",
+ "Ġabort ive",
+ "bil irubin",
+ "Ġï¬Ĭ .",
+ "Ġkir sten",
+ "Ġbirefring ent",
+ "trich rome",
+ "Ġnotochord al",
+ "previous ly",
+ ". :",
+ "g bc",
+ "s ca",
+ "v acc",
+ "Ġp ab",
+ "Ġp vs",
+ "Ġn er",
+ "act yly",
+ "Ġse awater",
+ "Ġ4 10",
+ "Ġall odynia",
+ "Ġmon g",
+ "Ġmon s",
+ "Ġmon gol",
+ "Ġnon cancer",
+ "Ġmy oblast",
+ "Ġpanc re",
+ "Ġy ers",
+ "Ġhepat is",
+ "Ġdisc ipl",
+ "itu itar",
+ "Ġdifferential s",
+ "abl ative",
+ "orad ionecrosis",
+ "pr b",
+ "Ġps ca",
+ "Ġthym ol",
+ "Ġring ed",
+ "Ġflex ibility",
+ "Ġadc mean",
+ "Ġfal x",
+ "Ġalbumin uria",
+ "opa ed",
+ "Ġcommun icating",
+ "Ġeng ulf",
+ "Ġfa eces",
+ "Ġmp gn",
+ "Ġinos itol",
+ "Ġdispar ate",
+ "Ġsrs f",
+ "Ġincis ura",
+ "Ġundes irable",
+ "Ġerd heim",
+ "Ġdaps one",
+ "5 05",
+ "d ha",
+ "g ood",
+ "g pc",
+ "l apar",
+ "s ba",
+ "t ab",
+ "Ġs end",
+ "Ġp yth",
+ "Ġp orphyrin",
+ "Ġd ial",
+ "Ġd vin",
+ "Ġf ide",
+ "Ġre ality",
+ "ist in",
+ "Ġr xr",
+ "Ġsc irrhous",
+ "and ra",
+ "Ġtrans arterial",
+ "Ġext rathoracic",
+ "Ġafter ward",
+ "Ġdec orin",
+ "Ġcr pc",
+ "Ġx iii",
+ "oss yp",
+ "Ġz ol",
+ "Ġfat her",
+ "Ġ28 3",
+ "44 2",
+ "80 6",
+ "ofib rate",
+ "Ġbro aden",
+ "Ġbro ken",
+ "48 7",
+ "Ġsn d",
+ "87 4",
+ "Ġretin itis",
+ "Ġblast omycosis",
+ "ochrom ic",
+ "Ġmi ami",
+ "Ġ(- /-)",
+ "Ġacr idine",
+ "calc ified",
+ "Ġlew iston",
+ "Ġsolv ents",
+ "Ġpollut ant",
+ "Ġww ox",
+ "Ġheterod imer",
+ "Ġkrist en",
+ "Ġeug enol",
+ "strat ified",
+ "othy ronine",
+ "Ġprevail ing",
+ "nitroso urea",
+ "Ġcatast rophic",
+ "dest ructive",
+ "Ġbrit ain",
+ "pear son",
+ "spind le",
+ "ituitar ism",
+ ". ].",
+ "8 66",
+ "d mso",
+ "m ix",
+ "Ġf ly",
+ "Ġl cm",
+ "op arietal",
+ "un e",
+ "oc olic",
+ "Ġv im",
+ "ym outh",
+ "Ġsp ns",
+ "Ġac itretin",
+ "na ud",
+ "rel l",
+ "Ġepithel oid",
+ "Ġhem in",
+ "Ġpo uches",
+ "nc i",
+ "Ġsum o",
+ "urac y",
+ "63 7",
+ "Ġvascul itides",
+ "Ġimmunore action",
+ "Ġtubercul oid",
+ "Ġmedull oepithelioma",
+ "Ġneurobl asts",
+ "Ġbrush ings",
+ "heres is",
+ "ocon azole",
+ "supp urative",
+ "ocy anin",
+ "Ġbiosynt hetic",
+ "Ġspic ulated",
+ "prot ocol",
+ "Ġderang ement",
+ "assemb ly",
+ "Ġorchid ectomy",
+ "Ġinhabit ants",
+ "Ġremyel ination",
+ "Ġserov ar",
+ "4 13",
+ "7 69",
+ "c ens",
+ "i q",
+ "n cc",
+ "p arietal",
+ "in yl",
+ "Ġc ce",
+ "is ible",
+ "Ġm are",
+ "Ġw ine",
+ "Ġb ona",
+ "ur ations",
+ "Ġst ag",
+ "le ural",
+ "Ġis otype",
+ "Ġon wards",
+ "est e",
+ "ort isone",
+ "Ġsh ut",
+ "de hyd",
+ "Ġ3 01",
+ "Ġwe ymouth",
+ "ros clerosis",
+ "Ġend ed",
+ "ne ur",
+ "tr in",
+ "tr iple",
+ "Ġsyn onym",
+ "Ġdr astic",
+ "Ġkerat opathy",
+ "Ġy w",
+ "Ġendoc h",
+ "Ġextra genital",
+ "Ġphosph oprotein",
+ "Ġscre ens",
+ "Ġlay ing",
+ "68 1",
+ "Ġ26 9",
+ "Ġbra d",
+ "iline ar",
+ "Ġhar bo",
+ "Ġms k",
+ "Ġenter ochromaffin",
+ "Ġens uing",
+ "Ġremod el",
+ "Ġeac s",
+ "Ġsalv aged",
+ "Ġharv ard",
+ "Ġpdx s",
+ "Ġbowen oid",
+ "Ġbab oons",
+ "Ġfilter ing",
+ "obarb ital",
+ "Ġparadox ically",
+ "Ġxenobiotic s",
+ "Ġkr ukenberg",
+ "var ado",
+ "Ġgard ner",
+ "blast ine",
+ "Ġrevolution ized",
+ "Ġbup ivacaine",
+ "hydraz yl",
+ "Ġhopeful ly",
+ "Ġcaj al",
+ "Ġscintimamm ography",
+ "Ġmongol ian",
+ "+ ]",
+ "5 46",
+ "d up",
+ "e o",
+ "n gf",
+ "n crnas",
+ "Ġt ug",
+ "Ġf ec",
+ "op p",
+ "et cher",
+ "Ġcon us",
+ "uc a",
+ "est one",
+ "ocal yx",
+ "Ġreport kidney",
+ "rel ations",
+ "omet a",
+ "iqu antel",
+ "sh v",
+ "sc atter",
+ "Ġconc an",
+ "hip p",
+ "80 2",
+ "Ġvag al",
+ "Ġdig ested",
+ "Ġcircum flex",
+ "Ġolig oastrocytoma",
+ "Ġenter oscopy",
+ "Ġacet ylated",
+ "Ġpin na",
+ "Ġgf r",
+ "hazard s",
+ "antib odies",
+ "Ġorbit otomy",
+ "Ġintens ively",
+ "Ġhemisp heric",
+ "Ġell ipt",
+ "Ġradioluc ency",
+ "Ġamplic ons",
+ "Ġlen vatinib",
+ "Ġmetalloprote ase",
+ "Ġcompan ion",
+ "anglion osis",
+ "Ġantimal arial",
+ "Ġharbo ured",
+ "% (",
+ "5 15",
+ "c ogn",
+ "m esis",
+ "Ġd um",
+ "Ġn idus",
+ "us g",
+ "Ġr yan",
+ "est ock",
+ "Ġsp s",
+ "Ġimmun opathological",
+ "Ġdys cr",
+ "Ġhem idesm",
+ "Ġmel oxicam",
+ "Ġadj uvants",
+ "Ġed ible",
+ "Ġtrich lor",
+ "Ġu adt",
+ "70 7",
+ "65 7",
+ "oun s",
+ "hyd razine",
+ "Ġbal an",
+ "Ġtel ed",
+ "Ġbio accumulation",
+ "Ġdominant ly",
+ "Ġclar ifying",
+ "Ġlys ate",
+ "Ġsten oses",
+ "Ġnx mx",
+ "ampl ed",
+ "pen et",
+ "Ġgalact ose",
+ "Ġinvol uted",
+ "Ġtriang ular",
+ "Ġfiss ures",
+ "Ġspeck led",
+ "Ġphant om",
+ "Ġbanglades h",
+ "5 16",
+ "f inding",
+ "i ere",
+ "s ct",
+ "re fer",
+ "at rial",
+ "Ġc te",
+ "Ġp end",
+ "it tac",
+ "Ġn ominal",
+ "os clerotic",
+ "pl ates",
+ "act ically",
+ "Ġsup ran",
+ "Ġintra renal",
+ "Ġdem anding",
+ "com parative",
+ "Ġmit e",
+ "Ġpt l",
+ "34 8",
+ "63 6",
+ "Ġprevent able",
+ "cont act",
+ "Ġepiderm odysplasia",
+ "48 9",
+ "Ġsubstant iate",
+ "ophag ia",
+ "Ġcoron oid",
+ "Ġsun burn",
+ "Ġpara ovarian",
+ "Ġot osclerosis",
+ "Ġarth ropathy",
+ "mac roscopic",
+ "Ġcontract ions",
+ "Ġfit ness",
+ "Ġfin asteride",
+ "oret inal",
+ "Ġfv b",
+ "bul bar",
+ "Ġlov astatin",
+ "Ġstret ch",
+ "Ġliv estock",
+ "Ġingen ol",
+ "Ġsre bp",
+ "Ġheterochrom atin",
+ "Ġgadox etic",
+ "Ġenigm atic",
+ "l ived",
+ "m ade",
+ "u ents",
+ "Ġt ion",
+ "Ġp ads",
+ "Ġan agen",
+ "Ġl il",
+ "Ġg v",
+ "Ġst arch",
+ "Ġab ras",
+ "Ġco operate",
+ "Ġde k",
+ "Ġde cept",
+ "amin ation",
+ "Ġgl u",
+ "Ġser oma",
+ "hen ne",
+ "Ġel e",
+ "Ġmicro f",
+ "oss ifying",
+ "Ġgeneral ised",
+ ")- -",
+ "Ġpet roleum",
+ "mal di",
+ "Ġsem antic",
+ "Ġretro placental",
+ "Ġolig o",
+ "Ġcomment ary",
+ "Ġpm ca",
+ "tra ined",
+ "Ġhemodil ution",
+ "Ġoncological ly",
+ "ky o",
+ "Ġmv a",
+ "Ġstran ded",
+ "Ġparkinson ism",
+ "vari ant",
+ "Ġtabl ets",
+ "Ġcentros ome",
+ "alloc atechin",
+ "0 67",
+ "at ra",
+ "Ġs nscc",
+ "as l",
+ "Ġd ull",
+ "Ġn cam",
+ "Ġl adder",
+ "om olar",
+ "op razole",
+ "il ia",
+ "Ġst ore",
+ "Ġas k",
+ "Ġr is",
+ "ib er",
+ "Ġal varado",
+ "Ġhe nt",
+ "Ġcomp atibility",
+ "ch annel",
+ "Ġind entation",
+ "di ploid",
+ "we gian",
+ "Ġret ract",
+ "av alin",
+ "Ġmyel ination",
+ "Ġhp e",
+ "hes c",
+ "ish ment",
+ "Ġ25 00",
+ "Ġvill onodular",
+ "33 6",
+ "60 6",
+ "Ġip nb",
+ "Ġaccompan ies",
+ "Ġic cs",
+ "Ġthym ocytes",
+ "47 6",
+ "Ġhemangi osarcoma",
+ "Ġtc p",
+ "Ġathe rogenic",
+ "Ġacanth amoeba",
+ "Ġuc p",
+ "Ġlys osome",
+ "Ġrecruit ing",
+ "Ġthal amic",
+ "rong yl",
+ "lower ing",
+ "neut ral",
+ "synd romic",
+ "ofer rin",
+ "johns on",
+ "b ps",
+ "g ab",
+ "h mc",
+ "i otemporal",
+ "l anger",
+ "r cts",
+ "s uc",
+ "Ġc ne",
+ "Ġc ull",
+ "Ġc pc",
+ "Ġs ult",
+ "Ġo mics",
+ "Ġh msc",
+ "ra eb",
+ "Ġfor sk",
+ "st rept",
+ "Ġas d",
+ "Ġ3 40",
+ "Ġk cs",
+ "kin in",
+ "Ġob long",
+ "Ġnon cardia",
+ "Ġhyper proliferative",
+ "Ġdes ire",
+ "Ġfl ushing",
+ "Ġoste oradionecrosis",
+ "aryn go",
+ "gl obulin",
+ "Ġfat ality",
+ "path way",
+ "Ġ29 6",
+ "Ġmyc otic",
+ "Ġrepl aces",
+ "Ġtransm issible",
+ "Ġpy raz",
+ "sil enced",
+ "exist ence",
+ "Ġbreak point",
+ "Ġpara esophageal",
+ "Ġpin point",
+ "Ġdn l",
+ "cor relation",
+ "Ġadenovirus es",
+ "Ġbrom odeoxyuridine",
+ "Ġphosphatidyl choline",
+ "Ġdomin ance",
+ "Ġmount ing",
+ "Ġurach us",
+ "Ġcontraind icated",
+ "Ġikk alpha",
+ "phosphat idyl",
+ "Ġteg afur",
+ "Ġglycosamin oglycans",
+ "Ġfid uc",
+ "Ġsoh ani",
+ "Ġcolumb ia",
+ "Ġgav aged",
+ "Ġdiethylstil bestrol",
+ "Ġendoch ondral",
+ "5 43",
+ "d istant",
+ "r ill",
+ "he zia",
+ "Ġo sa",
+ "Ġw le",
+ "Ġn uc",
+ "Ġh bc",
+ "Ġv olv",
+ "anc illary",
+ "ort ed",
+ "ab elling",
+ "Ġlymph angitic",
+ "Ġk ern",
+ "Ġ4 20",
+ "yl l",
+ "Ġmy r",
+ "Ġel ected",
+ "Ġfl utamide",
+ "Ġsuggest ions",
+ "Ġocc ip",
+ "Ġimp ing",
+ "20 3580",
+ "Ġkerat inous",
+ "Ġmac c",
+ "Ġcaus ally",
+ "Ġsignal ment",
+ "ting ham",
+ "Ġbiom olecular",
+ "Ġ28 7",
+ "Ġlin n",
+ "38 6",
+ "Ġsepar ates",
+ "Ġlum ican",
+ "ram ine",
+ "Ġadm issions",
+ "57 8",
+ "Ġmis classification",
+ "Ġperic ardi",
+ "Ġperic olic",
+ "Ġsoc ieties",
+ "Ġmultid imensional",
+ "Ġfox c",
+ "Ġmyofib roma",
+ "Ġorth opaed",
+ "Ġmor ibund",
+ "Ġsirt uin",
+ "Ġexercis ed",
+ "Ġgent leman",
+ "Ġpear ls",
+ "integ rated",
+ "omast oid",
+ "Ġfill er",
+ "Ġcontraind ications",
+ "Ġnanost ring",
+ "Ġdichot omized",
+ "Ġque ens",
+ "Ġnanocar riers",
+ "Ġpedig ree",
+ "Ġelectromy ography",
+ "ocarp ine",
+ "Ġencir cl",
+ "Ġelectroca utery",
+ "ouns field",
+ "5 13",
+ "8 16",
+ "a ver",
+ "c us",
+ "d ue",
+ "d ale",
+ "l ocated",
+ "q l",
+ "Ġp ia",
+ "Ġf itz",
+ "Ġn af",
+ "Ġe ag",
+ "Ġg ag",
+ "Ġto kyo",
+ "Ġst agn",
+ "Ġpro lymphocytes",
+ "ph s",
+ "Ġim q",
+ "ym pathetic",
+ "est rogens",
+ "Ġk k",
+ "Ġinfl ow",
+ "Ġmeth uen",
+ "Ġcyt ochemical",
+ "ox azole",
+ "ms s",
+ "Ġover diagnosis",
+ "ne b",
+ "Ġro sea",
+ "Ġph f",
+ "Ġmg l",
+ "Ġasp ec",
+ "omin ated",
+ "Ġmr is",
+ "ulin a",
+ "Ġmetabol ized",
+ "Ġinstit uted",
+ "oli osis",
+ "44 7",
+ "ins ic",
+ "70 8",
+ "66 6",
+ "def iciency",
+ "Ġmo ieties",
+ "Ġcorpus cular",
+ "Ġmor ules",
+ "Ġpit x",
+ "Ġmf ol",
+ "Ġgastroenter ologists",
+ "grad ed",
+ "Ġacumin ata",
+ "Ġescal ated",
+ "Ġusp io",
+ "Ġduc henne",
+ "Ġprecip itation",
+ "Ġempir ic",
+ "Ġmetaph ysis",
+ "dotat oc",
+ "append iceal",
+ "Ġclaim ed",
+ "mediast inal",
+ "Ġdeaf ness",
+ "l ent",
+ "w hen",
+ "an ed",
+ "res olving",
+ "uc ent",
+ "ib s",
+ "Ġch al",
+ "ad am",
+ "ch al",
+ "sp ots",
+ "Ġro ent",
+ "Ġsyn cope",
+ "Ġcr lm",
+ "Ġmicro thrombi",
+ "Ġpost surgery",
+ "Ġpost transcriptional",
+ "15 01",
+ "Ġvascular is",
+ "67 6",
+ "Ġaspir ations",
+ "vel and",
+ "eth n",
+ "Ġscre w",
+ "Ġlam ella",
+ "Ġentire ty",
+ "Ġeb na",
+ "Ġfoot pad",
+ "encephal on",
+ "Ġcommun icate",
+ "ohy ph",
+ "Ġpann et",
+ "Ġtag ging",
+ "Ġneuros urge",
+ "Ġangiomy olipomas",
+ "Ġtempor arily",
+ "Ġkel oids",
+ "Ġepi pl",
+ "Ġvel amentous",
+ "Ġcement um",
+ "Ġbif id",
+ "Ġpurs ue",
+ "Ġbid irectional",
+ "Ġepiph ora",
+ "Ġinvag inations",
+ "Ġdyn amically",
+ "anat omical",
+ "Ġnar rative",
+ "Ġleukotri ene",
+ "Ġapob ec",
+ "Ġkaempfer ol",
+ "8 75",
+ "a av",
+ "b sa",
+ "c ra",
+ "d il",
+ "p q",
+ "Ġc ish",
+ "Ġo gg",
+ "Ġm z",
+ "Ġthe ca",
+ "Ġw nv",
+ "Ġe pt",
+ "os ition",
+ "ul ants",
+ "et ence",
+ "Ġst ack",
+ "Ġcon ing",
+ "ev oked",
+ "est hesia",
+ "Ġ3 90",
+ "Ġk all",
+ "Ġra ces",
+ "Ġend arteritis",
+ "Ġend otracheal",
+ "Ġpl ce",
+ "Ġun co",
+ "Ġpol es",
+ "Ġhyp olipid",
+ "Ġtrans perineal",
+ "opl ication",
+ "Ġpr rt",
+ "ulc eration",
+ "sh ip",
+ "sm o",
+ "Ġconsult ations",
+ "olum inal",
+ "Ġ28 2",
+ "path ogen",
+ "80 4",
+ "Ġpneum ococcal",
+ "pat rick",
+ "Ġvag in",
+ "79 6",
+ "pi ece",
+ "Ġinn um",
+ "Ġnor wegian",
+ "Ġdark er",
+ "Ġclaud ins",
+ "Ġsilic osis",
+ "Ġexert ing",
+ "Ġhaemorrh ages",
+ "Ġum scc",
+ "Ġsqu ares",
+ "stud ied",
+ "Ġ([ (",
+ "Ġkrist ine",
+ "Ġcaes arean",
+ "tetradecanoyl phorbol",
+ "a vian",
+ "it oral",
+ "Ġw ort",
+ "et anib",
+ "ur ved",
+ "Ġr bp",
+ "Ġpres erves",
+ "Ġun ip",
+ "Ġun ified",
+ "Ġpr mt",
+ "oth o",
+ "Ġbas ically",
+ "unt reated",
+ "Ġ30 7",
+ "Ġcult ural",
+ "Ġregul ations",
+ "Ġhyd rolase",
+ "Ġestim ations",
+ "Ġsecret ome",
+ "exp onential",
+ "56 1",
+ "lr p",
+ "66 4",
+ "Ġconclud es",
+ "Ġdiabetic s",
+ "Ġhs d",
+ "artil es",
+ "dm d",
+ "amn iotic",
+ "Ġrepro cess",
+ "Ġnin th",
+ "Ġperib iliary",
+ "Ġstent ed",
+ "bre ed",
+ "Ġsq clc",
+ "eosin ophilic",
+ "bd nf",
+ "init iation",
+ "ofl oxacin",
+ "Ġseptic emia",
+ "Ġglom angi",
+ "Ġcompens ate",
+ "Ġhypop arathyroidism",
+ "Ġexhaust ion",
+ "Ġadamant inomatous",
+ "Ġnonp alpable",
+ "Ġray naud",
+ "Ġtransp arent",
+ "Ġcarot enoids",
+ "gss g",
+ "a ah",
+ "l ca",
+ "m orbidities",
+ "o vi",
+ "s ug",
+ "t ate",
+ "v ad",
+ "y es",
+ "Ġt oph",
+ "Ġw orthy",
+ "an astom",
+ "Ġd us",
+ "Ġn fs",
+ "Ġl ucid",
+ "un related",
+ "Ġv b",
+ "Ġch an",
+ "Ġor phan",
+ "ad nexal",
+ "Ġat cc",
+ "Ġinv ited",
+ "Ġtrans g",
+ "Ġcase in",
+ "Ġconsid ers",
+ "Ġoste otomy",
+ "Ġche b",
+ "eth nic",
+ "agen esis",
+ "Ġ27 1",
+ "rog lycan",
+ "Ġimplic ates",
+ "Ġxen opus",
+ "Ġstate ments",
+ "Ġprostat ectomies",
+ "Ġfal s",
+ "Ġnac rt",
+ "Ġcogn ate",
+ "acc el",
+ "Ġintens ification",
+ "Ġtf h",
+ "Ġveget ation",
+ "abor atory",
+ "mds cs",
+ "che ck",
+ "Ġsut uring",
+ "cult ures",
+ "Ġburs al",
+ "Ġclam ps",
+ "Ġdiethyl nitrosamine",
+ "Ġvib ration",
+ "Ġtick s",
+ "Ġchen g",
+ "phos ate",
+ "Ġperis inusoidal",
+ "Ġtauro cholate",
+ "Ġinfrastruct ure",
+ "5 23",
+ "5 99",
+ "b io",
+ "c pa",
+ "d re",
+ "h dr",
+ "p ep",
+ "Ġt onic",
+ "Ġc ch",
+ "he j",
+ "Ġs ot",
+ "Ġs bcc",
+ "Ġd mmr",
+ "Ġl ind",
+ "el ective",
+ "Ġno ael",
+ "Ġpro angiogenic",
+ "Ġbi weekly",
+ "se o",
+ "Ġ3 16",
+ "Ġrec ycl",
+ "Ġun re",
+ "form ula",
+ "Ġnon pigmented",
+ "Ġam eb",
+ "Ġtest icles",
+ "ik a",
+ "Ġorgan izer",
+ "fl i",
+ "Ġhy oid",
+ "Ġvs v",
+ "ust ion",
+ "Ġ29 4",
+ "ma jor",
+ "yg ous",
+ "Ġenter ocyte",
+ "Ġpitu ic",
+ "Ġepis odic",
+ "Ġtur tles",
+ "glut amine",
+ "test s",
+ "Ġown ers",
+ "tn bc",
+ "Ġlll t",
+ "Ġfuc oid",
+ "Ġmultisystem ic",
+ "Ġastrogl ial",
+ "tim ore",
+ "Ġsyncytiotroph oblast",
+ "cort isol",
+ "Ġinterl acing",
+ "Ġargy rophilic",
+ "Ġcrist ae",
+ "Ġrestor ative",
+ "Ġconcan avalin",
+ "4 36",
+ "e oc",
+ "s is",
+ "in come",
+ "Ġan ast",
+ "Ġd hea",
+ "im etic",
+ "Ġpat ellar",
+ "Ġad al",
+ "ub ital",
+ "ap o",
+ "pt cs",
+ "Ġant ips",
+ "Ġbet ulin",
+ "Ġme ant",
+ "Ġser pig",
+ "roph yl",
+ "Ġfl etcher",
+ "ek e",
+ "Ġ19 74",
+ "Ġprov ider",
+ "Ġy ang",
+ "Ġneur oradiological",
+ "Ġenc asement",
+ "75 2",
+ "Ġarm ament",
+ "Ġxen o",
+ "78 4",
+ "Ġhal os",
+ "Ġrevers ibility",
+ "59 6",
+ "Ġpm ns",
+ "four th",
+ "osp ores",
+ "Ġdens it",
+ "Ġpv a",
+ "Ġaur icle",
+ "Ġbor rmann",
+ "ogranul omatous",
+ "Ġcryp tic",
+ "vis ible",
+ "Ġcamp yl",
+ "Ġcement o",
+ "Ġantine utrophil",
+ "nlr p",
+ "Ġobstac les",
+ "oce phal",
+ "opept idase",
+ "defin ition",
+ "Ġterrit ory",
+ "Ġmucoad hesive",
+ "Ġperimen opausal",
+ "7 68",
+ "Ġo trs",
+ "ar rest",
+ "Ġb af",
+ "Ġl ub",
+ "id ic",
+ "id opsis",
+ "Ġex ostosis",
+ "Ġnot hing",
+ "Ġnot tingham",
+ "pl nd",
+ "ym a",
+ "Ġ3 05",
+ "Ġ3 17",
+ "Ġhist ones",
+ "ap ing",
+ "ug hed",
+ "amm aglobulin",
+ "ob a",
+ "Ġfib ular",
+ "Ġall iance",
+ "Ġcr swnp",
+ "ts a",
+ "Ġmm i",
+ "53 9",
+ "Ġz en",
+ "Ġmac ulop",
+ "Ġop md",
+ "nc b",
+ "ca using",
+ "Ġ27 7",
+ "Ġ29 2",
+ "Ġq d",
+ "lymph ovascular",
+ "hep g",
+ "Ġcomm ission",
+ "Ġgly phosate",
+ "Ġdl l",
+ "Ġlimb ic",
+ "Ġpic ros",
+ "Ġmas k",
+ "Ġadjust ments",
+ "hydr yl",
+ "Ġpim onidazole",
+ "Ġpiper ine",
+ "Ġrhod amine",
+ "Ġbisphosph onate",
+ "Ġserpin b",
+ "run x",
+ "Ġlister ia",
+ "Ġshrunk en",
+ "Ġpraz iquantel",
+ "Ġexplic it",
+ "c old",
+ "e q",
+ "l ikely",
+ "n st",
+ "p il",
+ "q c",
+ "Ġs ocket",
+ "as o",
+ "as cs",
+ "Ġd xr",
+ "Ġl odds",
+ "Ġre pt",
+ "le f",
+ "Ġdi o",
+ "Ġ3 80",
+ "Ġk j",
+ "Ġgen odermat",
+ "Ġsm n",
+ "Ġmult it",
+ "Ġj l",
+ "Ġj s",
+ "tr ate",
+ "Ġendomet ria",
+ "Ġmicro organism",
+ "Ġdel im",
+ "par ag",
+ "och th",
+ "ura bility",
+ "Ġcereb ri",
+ "79 2",
+ "Ġtt g",
+ "69 4",
+ "Ġpotent iates",
+ "arb onate",
+ "Ġtransd ucers",
+ "Ġorth olog",
+ "Ġtri oxide",
+ "Ġfer um",
+ "Ġliqu ef",
+ "acc ord",
+ "Ġmaximal ly",
+ "Ġcv b",
+ "Ġchin ensis",
+ "mamm alian",
+ "Ġdiscover ing",
+ "Ġdilem mas",
+ "Ġcanth al",
+ "Ġtenosyn ovitis",
+ "conf idence",
+ "Ġrestrict ions",
+ "imb ued",
+ "Ġcoast al",
+ "Ġlymphoplasmacyt osis",
+ "Ġcommens al",
+ "Ġzoled ronic",
+ "Ġroent gen",
+ "0 65",
+ "7 63",
+ "z i",
+ "Ġt ars",
+ "Ġt sr",
+ "Ġw elf",
+ "as se",
+ "es onide",
+ "Ġb arc",
+ "Ġn kg",
+ "Ġl sl",
+ "Ġe ut",
+ "os ure",
+ "il b",
+ "Ġor ch",
+ "Ġne al",
+ "Ġk gf",
+ "ay ing",
+ "erm ost",
+ "hem a",
+ "Ġrec re",
+ "Ġun t",
+ "ose baceous",
+ "Ġ6 50",
+ "Ġmat riptase",
+ "Ġj up",
+ "Ġhp scc",
+ "Ġ30 4",
+ "aps es",
+ "Ġsex tant",
+ "Ġbacter icidal",
+ "85 9",
+ "Ġhip s",
+ "Ġwar burg",
+ "Ġhazard ous",
+ "olytic us",
+ "Ġrev is",
+ "Ġvin blastine",
+ "Ġhyperg lycemic",
+ "transplant ed",
+ "Ġlymphangi ectasia",
+ "sch onlein",
+ "Ġserological ly",
+ "Ġwav y",
+ "Ġhern ias",
+ "fm k",
+ "esc ended",
+ "Ġsubclass ify",
+ "angu ard",
+ "apar ib",
+ "Ġvib rio",
+ "Ġhomozyg otes",
+ "Ġdisproport ion",
+ "Ġay urved",
+ "Ġcharc ot",
+ "riend ly",
+ "Ġvand etanib",
+ "Ġneurotheke oma",
+ "Ġendotheli itis",
+ "Ġlengthen ing",
+ "ethn icity",
+ "Ġinnum erable",
+ "Ġwelf are",
+ "b ap",
+ "n ad",
+ "p ci",
+ "t cs",
+ "t andem",
+ "w g",
+ "Ġ 00",
+ "Ġa ec",
+ "Ġt alc",
+ "Ġc th",
+ "Ġs ows",
+ "Ġp xr",
+ "Ġf olinic",
+ "Ġl ank",
+ "iv ary",
+ "ir ius",
+ "Ġsh ig",
+ "Ġcl avicular",
+ "ip oma",
+ "Ġsub sided",
+ "Ġall ogenic",
+ "Ġpolyp l",
+ "Ġpo orest",
+ "Ġem uls",
+ "Ġaut ochth",
+ "Ġcle veland",
+ "sc n",
+ "Ġstrong yl",
+ "ust ine",
+ "Ġmagn i",
+ "56 9",
+ "Ġmyc ological",
+ "48 4",
+ "Ġta enia",
+ "Ġect opically",
+ "Ġpy ometra",
+ "Ġfull ness",
+ "Ġcost al",
+ "Ġge ographically",
+ "acet ed",
+ "Ġbac illary",
+ "Ġthrombocyt openic",
+ "Ġbeam s",
+ "Ġrot avirus",
+ "Ġhypog onad",
+ "rup pel",
+ "Ġcul prit",
+ "Ġaccom mod",
+ "Ġsib ling",
+ "Ġparasit emia",
+ "Ġpolype ptides",
+ "Ġreinfor ces",
+ "Ġdepl oyed",
+ "Ġcovalent ly",
+ "Ġsebace us",
+ "Ġofficinal is",
+ "Ġchew ers",
+ "Ġnost ril",
+ "Ġarmament arium",
+ "7 47",
+ "b mscs",
+ "f ine",
+ "m art",
+ "Ġw brt",
+ "Ġin efficient",
+ "Ġb j",
+ "Ġb ch",
+ "Ġn ip",
+ "ct dna",
+ "Ġe otaxin",
+ "id ity",
+ "Ġv anguard",
+ "Ġr it",
+ "Ġbe as",
+ "and rost",
+ "|> &",
+ "Ġtrans jugular",
+ "Ġpr dm",
+ "Ġj h",
+ "Ġhem agglut",
+ "Ġtr iv",
+ "Ġmit es",
+ "Ġmechan ics",
+ "90 4",
+ "Ġgu anine",
+ "anth us",
+ "fib rous",
+ "Ġpotent iation",
+ "Ġcontact ed",
+ "Ġmetam orph",
+ "Ġnortheast ern",
+ "Ġorn ithine",
+ "gastro intestinal",
+ "Ġunic ystic",
+ "Ġlandmark s",
+ "Ġoverestim ated",
+ "Ġhaphazard ly",
+ "Ġedit ors",
+ "Ġafflic ted",
+ "Ġmaneu ver",
+ "3 29",
+ "5 88",
+ "c af",
+ "d ye",
+ "h be",
+ "m il",
+ "r ater",
+ "t umors",
+ "Ġt ukey",
+ "at ally",
+ "Ġp st",
+ "Ġw p",
+ "Ġb msc",
+ "Ġg cn",
+ "ut umor",
+ "Ġr ins",
+ "ir cular",
+ "ir cul",
+ "ad os",
+ "Ġinf ratemporal",
+ "Ġra ck",
+ "Ġsquam oproliferative",
+ "Ġund escended",
+ "Ġam ines",
+ "Ġy ale",
+ "Ġx i",
+ "Ġpt b",
+ "ans ky",
+ "Ġelev ate",
+ "Ġvill oglandular",
+ "Ġ28 1",
+ "Ġlin oleic",
+ "Ġuro plakin",
+ "pri or",
+ "Ġ36 5",
+ "rat s",
+ "79 3",
+ "46 1",
+ "Ġold est",
+ "pro be",
+ "55 2",
+ "Ġib c",
+ "Ġsir s",
+ "Ġfund oplication",
+ "Ġeng agement",
+ "Ġpulp al",
+ "Ġconsp ic",
+ "Ġreproduc ibly",
+ "Ġcoinc idental",
+ "Ġadopt ing",
+ "oag ulation",
+ "ifer in",
+ "Ġanthrac otic",
+ "wd tc",
+ "ebp beta",
+ "Ġbiofil ms",
+ "Ġchlamyd ial",
+ "Ġanov ulatory",
+ "Ġpneumocon iosis",
+ "7 33",
+ "8 44",
+ "e es",
+ "g ac",
+ "m ull",
+ "m fs",
+ "Ġa le",
+ "Ġd nm",
+ "Ġn ord",
+ "Ġat a",
+ "Ġdis location",
+ "ap i",
+ "ens ed",
+ "Ġpl ast",
+ "Ġar ytenoid",
+ "Ġle up",
+ "Ġcm yc",
+ "Ġqu artiles",
+ "Ġmicro structural",
+ "Ġlob ulation",
+ "Ġent hes",
+ "Ġloc omot",
+ "ann an",
+ "Ġdid n",
+ "ulc erative",
+ "Ġfunction ed",
+ "Ġtransplant ations",
+ "Ġu hr",
+ "Ġprosp ect",
+ "Ġpneum onic",
+ "46 4",
+ "Ġinfarct ions",
+ "55 1",
+ "Ġalcohol ism",
+ "Ġclar ity",
+ "Ġterat omatous",
+ "Ġchi asm",
+ "comp ound",
+ "Ġ(- )-",
+ "Ġspat iotemporal",
+ "rist ate",
+ "onc ogenic",
+ "Ġket oconazole",
+ "Ġophthalm ologic",
+ "ibul bar",
+ "exper t",
+ "Ġhypervascular ity",
+ "Ġmultist age",
+ "Ġnil otic",
+ "oneuro endocrine",
+ "Ġglycosamin oglycan",
+ "Ġfibrol amellar",
+ "Ġevac uation",
+ "Ġmetacarp al",
+ "Ġastra gal",
+ "hipp ocamp",
+ "Ġautochth onous",
+ "d og",
+ "n en",
+ "u olated",
+ "is er",
+ "Ġm orb",
+ "it ably",
+ "Ġh cs",
+ "ith in",
+ "oc scc",
+ "Ġr ml",
+ "ap a",
+ "Ġ4 000",
+ "Ġend oglin",
+ "Ġun characterized",
+ "Ġrat ings",
+ "Ġag vhd",
+ "gest ational",
+ "Ġpost exposure",
+ "Ġhp sc",
+ "Ġagg ression",
+ "Ġ[ [",
+ "rect omized",
+ "Ġmr d",
+ "Ġscc is",
+ "Ġcomplic ates",
+ "ocol on",
+ "48 1",
+ "Ġpax illin",
+ "89 1",
+ "off s",
+ "Ġcruc iate",
+ "Ġpm f",
+ "Ġpm id",
+ "Ġdependent ly",
+ "rep eat",
+ "pin x",
+ "Ġven ere",
+ "Ġarth roscopic",
+ "Ġelong ate",
+ "Ġsubs olid",
+ "Ġcatech in",
+ "Ġcytopath ol",
+ "Ġwatch ful",
+ "Ġmiscar riage",
+ "ometa plasia",
+ "7 37",
+ "a j",
+ "g ad",
+ "i ometry",
+ "r imer",
+ "s cl",
+ "v v",
+ "Ġp xa",
+ "Ġp ontine",
+ "Ġan ecd",
+ "Ġd sp",
+ "Ġn ik",
+ "Ġn orad",
+ "Ġn tm",
+ "ect ory",
+ "qu antitatively",
+ "Ġbe an",
+ "Ġhe t",
+ "Ġ3 11",
+ "Ġk ep",
+ "Ġap oa",
+ "pt a",
+ "Ġmic a",
+ "Ġinvas ions",
+ "cr pc",
+ "cr ypt",
+ "ak is",
+ "so ur",
+ "Ġpr ussian",
+ "roph ys",
+ "Ġintra alveolar",
+ "Ġca er",
+ "Ġimp eded",
+ "Ġpo und",
+ "Ġinvestig ative",
+ "Ġfibro adenomatous",
+ "Ġuter oplacental",
+ "63 3",
+ "Ġgu an",
+ "Ġtrich ostatin",
+ "68 8",
+ "Ġast er",
+ "Ġpoly chrom",
+ "anth ine",
+ "ethyl amine",
+ "69 6",
+ "clin ically",
+ "Ġpool ing",
+ "Ġfluor oscopy",
+ "Ġfr ied",
+ "Ġbed s",
+ "Ġgut ter",
+ "Ġrank ing",
+ "Ġhapl oins",
+ "Ġventil ator",
+ "Ġexpect ations",
+ "Ġepileptic us",
+ "ethanol amine",
+ "Ġbaical ein",
+ "Ġcarot enoid",
+ "opter in",
+ "Ġjaponic a",
+ "Ġgloss ectomy",
+ "Ġkaz akh",
+ "Ġantidepress ant",
+ "ugl ass",
+ "Ġwarf arin",
+ "Ġrostr al",
+ "Ġradioimmuno assay",
+ "* ,",
+ "d esis",
+ "g ram",
+ "h pc",
+ "k im",
+ "w o",
+ "w ick",
+ "at m",
+ "on is",
+ "Ġc occidioidomycosis",
+ "Ġs ave",
+ "er cc",
+ "Ġd ai",
+ "Ġn smc",
+ "Ġh tr",
+ "Ġh ounsfield",
+ "ut ri",
+ "st as",
+ "Ġas ap",
+ "Ġbi bli",
+ "Ġtum ef",
+ "ym ethyl",
+ "act yl",
+ "Ġsh unts",
+ "Ġper u",
+ "Ġper id",
+ "Ġun associated",
+ "Ġun folded",
+ "Ġhyp oc",
+ "Ġj ur",
+ "Ġout patients",
+ "Ġdys embry",
+ "art um",
+ "Ġbasal is",
+ "Ġgranul omata",
+ "uk er",
+ "Ġchrom affin",
+ "air s",
+ "cept ible",
+ "ful ly",
+ "rop ine",
+ "cyt es",
+ "63 9",
+ "Ġnecro lysis",
+ "88 9",
+ "55 9",
+ "Ġlact oferrin",
+ "sup ported",
+ "Ġpil osebaceous",
+ "Ġsulf ated",
+ "Ġhaemat ology",
+ "tub e",
+ "but ate",
+ "glyc ine",
+ "Ġvan adium",
+ "Ġexplo iting",
+ "character istic",
+ "myel inated",
+ "ocarcin omatous",
+ "Ġnephron s",
+ "Ġrigid ity",
+ "Ġmosaic ism",
+ "Ġwean ed",
+ "enzym es",
+ "glob in",
+ "amil ial",
+ "oplex y",
+ "Ġdcl k",
+ "crystall in",
+ "asg ow",
+ "Ġadal imumab",
+ "0 77",
+ "5 41",
+ "d rink",
+ "g ro",
+ "g yn",
+ "g pa",
+ "g oblet",
+ "m ice",
+ "p etic",
+ "t oxicity",
+ "w alk",
+ "Ġb pv",
+ "Ġb anal",
+ "Ġb imodal",
+ "Ġre lying",
+ "id iopathic",
+ "ig ated",
+ "ir rit",
+ "Ġsign ify",
+ "Ġaden oneuroendocrine",
+ "ff s",
+ "Ġ4 25",
+ "Ġun exposed",
+ "vi er",
+ "cr ine",
+ "Ġinter lobar",
+ "Ġme butate",
+ "per for",
+ "Ġout grown",
+ "Ġep ibulbar",
+ "Ġfibro intimal",
+ "Ġtr x",
+ "Ġanti epileptic",
+ "Ġgra ys",
+ "Ġbec ker",
+ "Ġsus taining",
+ "ds dna",
+ "Ġher pet",
+ "Ġadd iction",
+ "Ġarchitect ures",
+ "Ġcap ital",
+ "Ġpseud og",
+ "Ġampl itudes",
+ "Ġcartil ages",
+ "aqu in",
+ "Ġleg h",
+ "Ġmd c",
+ "Ġutil ised",
+ "Ġoc cluding",
+ "Ġadip osity",
+ "Ġattrib ute",
+ "Ġrhabdomy osarcomatous",
+ "Ġoss ified",
+ "ophosph ory",
+ "Ġly ophil",
+ "Ġelic iting",
+ "sv m",
+ "mib g",
+ "Ġud ca",
+ "hyper plastic",
+ "Ġhaemangi omas",
+ "skin ned",
+ "Ġagn ors",
+ "Ġfimbr iated",
+ "fal se",
+ "Ġjudg ment",
+ "Ġpitts burgh",
+ "Ġsemic ircular",
+ "Ġdies el",
+ "Ġwolff ian",
+ "Ġcampyl obacter",
+ "4 38",
+ "6 26",
+ "7 27",
+ "a ag",
+ "k r",
+ "Ġc im",
+ "Ġan it",
+ "ar us",
+ "Ġd ul",
+ "Ġd ime",
+ "Ġre excision",
+ "yt oin",
+ "ress in",
+ "Ġ3 99",
+ "Ġdis fig",
+ "Ġcont ing",
+ "Ġend oluminal",
+ "Ġun stimulated",
+ "ak eratosis",
+ "Ġpolyp ropylene",
+ "Ġour s",
+ "Ġem issions",
+ "Ġpd k",
+ "Ġbec k",
+ "Ġoste omas",
+ "Ġmr t",
+ "Ġsol ve",
+ "ness ed",
+ "cyt osine",
+ "Ġangi opoietin",
+ "Ġhyd rat",
+ "Ġsarc oplasmic",
+ "Ġ29 1",
+ "Ġ29 8",
+ "Ġtransl ucent",
+ "Ġinvad opodia",
+ "comp ared",
+ "ope ptide",
+ "ople gia",
+ "sec reted",
+ "Ġexert ion",
+ "Ġlarv a",
+ "Ġjud ith",
+ "Ġanaest hetic",
+ "prot ected",
+ "pept ides",
+ "angu ine",
+ "alb ino",
+ "gol tz",
+ "Ġfimbr ia",
+ "Ġdoct or",
+ "Ġpae on",
+ "sit utumor",
+ "Ġclo ud",
+ "Ġtrun cal",
+ "design ated",
+ "Ġniss l",
+ "Ġendotox emia",
+ "Ġmicroph thal",
+ "Ġaxill ae",
+ "Ġfitz patrick",
+ "Ġconspic uity",
+ "0 68",
+ "4 17",
+ "l un",
+ "m cm",
+ "p de",
+ "Ġa ms",
+ "al afil",
+ "ic p",
+ "oc ept",
+ "od ules",
+ "Ġsh ards",
+ "de pr",
+ "Ġ3 23",
+ "Ġcolon ize",
+ "Ġend onucle",
+ "Ġbas net",
+ "enc ia",
+ "Ġcar t",
+ "ax illary",
+ "67 8",
+ "Ġprot otypical",
+ "95 5",
+ "Ġtra vers",
+ "Ġappend ices",
+ "Ġphenot ypical",
+ "Ġglob es",
+ "Ġinterp osed",
+ "Ġgall ium",
+ "oz in",
+ "Ġhypothes ised",
+ "Ġthickness es",
+ "Ġec f",
+ "Ġtubercul in",
+ "Ġprolong s",
+ "Ġrib osome",
+ "Ġconstruct ing",
+ "Ġhaemat obium",
+ "Ġsouth western",
+ "sign et",
+ "Ġmov ed",
+ "Ġinsuff lation",
+ "Ġhydroc ortisone",
+ "esc ens",
+ "Ġincis or",
+ "Ġstrengt hened",
+ "Ġequip ped",
+ "mpn st",
+ "Ġscarc ely",
+ "Ġminip igs",
+ "Ġchyl othorax",
+ "Ġacetab ular",
+ "Ġtraj ectory",
+ "Ġhypocal cemia",
+ "Ġgemist ocytic",
+ "opal atine",
+ "Ġforsk olin",
+ "4 39",
+ "m iss",
+ "p ain",
+ "u w",
+ "Ġt ack",
+ "Ġm ounted",
+ "Ġd sm",
+ "Ġf ight",
+ "om ation",
+ "om ir",
+ "Ġe ud",
+ "Ġpro s",
+ "Ġr gs",
+ "Ġch f",
+ "Ġ3 13",
+ "Ġab and",
+ "ers ort",
+ "ose x",
+ "Ġme ets",
+ "Ġesophag o",
+ "Ġcal r",
+ "Ġinit iative",
+ "Ġprob ing",
+ "90 2",
+ "Ġlay ered",
+ "Ġsteat otic",
+ "Ġmamm ographically",
+ "Ġic m",
+ "Ġphot oacoustic",
+ "Ġinn oc",
+ "dp p",
+ "cp p",
+ "Ġras hes",
+ "Ġeng aged",
+ "Ġpass aged",
+ "oxic osis",
+ "Ġstre ak",
+ "ster nal",
+ "uls ed",
+ "cb d",
+ "Ġlymphangi oleiomy",
+ "iod othyronine",
+ "Ġmultiplex ed",
+ "hemat oxylin",
+ "Ġtonsill itis",
+ "Ġtraff ic",
+ "yster oid",
+ "lac z",
+ "Ġenum eration",
+ "Ġpige ons",
+ "Ġwebs ite",
+ "Ġcbi oportal",
+ "Ġyers inia",
+ "accord ing",
+ "Ġhydrat ase",
+ "f cm",
+ "m ism",
+ "p ik",
+ "Ġ yt",
+ "Ġs sp",
+ "Ġm pt",
+ "Ġd ax",
+ "Ġre ally",
+ "Ġre assessed",
+ "Ġg sd",
+ "ac d",
+ "ad herin",
+ "Ġ3 45",
+ "Ġcol istin",
+ "Ġsc ut",
+ "Ġrec ons",
+ "Ġde phosphorylation",
+ "Ġreg ressing",
+ "Ġbre aking",
+ "Ġmm tv",
+ "br anch",
+ "equ ivalent",
+ "echn ology",
+ "Ġang eles",
+ "Ġangi ogram",
+ "Ġextra ovarian",
+ "zym es",
+ "Ġcoun cil",
+ "75 7",
+ "pa ign",
+ "ocl onus",
+ "57 6",
+ "Ġves icul",
+ "Ġbro th",
+ "Ġcam paign",
+ "Ġib m",
+ "Ġdent ure",
+ "Ġatl l",
+ "Ġsulf hydryl",
+ "Ġging iv",
+ "Ġaz ithromycin",
+ "Ġfer mentation",
+ "actin ic",
+ "Ġantis erum",
+ "Ġangio invasive",
+ "Ġcuff ing",
+ "Ġimmunol abelling",
+ "rup ting",
+ "Ġmenstr uation",
+ "Ġdext rose",
+ "Ġtach yzoites",
+ "Ġsphing olipid",
+ "Ġarr iving",
+ "Ġimpr inting",
+ "Ġok cs",
+ "Ġtrichil emmoma",
+ "Ġkaryorrhe ctic",
+ "Ġjournal s",
+ "imid az",
+ "onv uls",
+ "picryl hydrazyl",
+ "5 18",
+ "9 26",
+ "e ye",
+ "n act",
+ "p yl",
+ "t u",
+ "t ca",
+ "Ġa ra",
+ "Ġm zl",
+ "as n",
+ "et nam",
+ "im idazole",
+ "Ġto t",
+ "ec k",
+ "ph ox",
+ "od ipine",
+ "ac p",
+ "all antoic",
+ "Ġgen u",
+ "ox aliplatin",
+ "na a",
+ "tr is",
+ "ex cis",
+ "Ġma ize",
+ "Ġpost injection",
+ "Ġlab rad",
+ "Ġol aparib",
+ "rich ardson",
+ "63 5",
+ "ml s",
+ "Ġur ate",
+ "pr ur",
+ "Ġtend o",
+ "rog esterone",
+ "Ġq e",
+ "Ġimmunophenot ypical",
+ "den strom",
+ "Ġolig omers",
+ "Ġschwann ian",
+ "col ine",
+ "Ġsy k",
+ "Ġlute al",
+ "Ġlet rozole",
+ "Ġstop ping",
+ "Ġanis ocytosis",
+ "Ġannot ations",
+ "Ġperturb ed",
+ "Ġfabric ation",
+ "Ġhyaluron idase",
+ "Ġdressing s",
+ "obj ective",
+ "Ġupgrad ing",
+ "eros ive",
+ "Ġcentrom ere",
+ "phy xia",
+ "aq p",
+ "Ġpleth ora",
+ "\" ),",
+ "4 19",
+ "5 27",
+ "5 44",
+ "g tp",
+ "n il",
+ "u er",
+ "Ġa iding",
+ "at eness",
+ "Ġc ba",
+ "al act",
+ "Ġp az",
+ "Ġp js",
+ "Ġm asc",
+ "id el",
+ "Ġg am",
+ "ec rotic",
+ "ant ed",
+ "cl m",
+ "Ġmar ij",
+ "Ġcol ocutaneous",
+ "iz o",
+ "Ġk ruppel",
+ "Ġcd s",
+ "Ġar hg",
+ "Ġepithel ioma",
+ "Ġx pa",
+ "Ġbiom ass",
+ "Ġelev ating",
+ "Ġrandom isation",
+ "Ġsigmoid oscopy",
+ "Ġdirect ional",
+ "Ġdetect ability",
+ "Ġglut amyl",
+ "Ġintrod uces",
+ "con fluent",
+ "Ġnf e",
+ "lym outh",
+ "Ġcam el",
+ "Ġmis placed",
+ "Ġcholangi ocellular",
+ "phosph o",
+ "Ġdimin ishes",
+ "Ġpenet rated",
+ "stim ulation",
+ "Ġembol ized",
+ "Ġlymphohist iocytosis",
+ "Ġisth mic",
+ "meth od",
+ "Ġpec omas",
+ "itr ite",
+ "pth rp",
+ "Ġsheet ing",
+ "hex ane",
+ "amb iguous",
+ "Ġproct ectomy",
+ "Ġikk beta",
+ "Ġexempl ified",
+ "Ġgrain s",
+ "Ġhunt ington",
+ "Ġnur se",
+ "Ġdecellular ized",
+ "Ġphotod am",
+ "Ġresurf acing",
+ "Ġorthopaed ic",
+ "ohyph omycosis",
+ "Ġmaculop apular",
+ "Ġmarij uana",
+ "0 78",
+ "4 66",
+ "5 26",
+ "7 10",
+ "l arg",
+ "n achr",
+ "p ow",
+ "Ġp gs",
+ "Ġw j",
+ "ar ity",
+ "Ġf ates",
+ "Ġl sc",
+ "Ġe ef",
+ "Ġh dm",
+ "de a",
+ "Ġexp iratory",
+ "ap ath",
+ "Ġit g",
+ "Ġ6 25",
+ "Ġmult isp",
+ "Ġpr cc",
+ "Ġcm fn",
+ "Ġben zene",
+ "Ġi ic",
+ "oplasm in",
+ "ach ian",
+ "ov ol",
+ "Ġ19 66",
+ "Ġneuro glial",
+ "Ġhepat ocarcinoma",
+ "Ġadminist er",
+ "Ġbr uch",
+ "Ġprob ands",
+ "Ġbehavi ours",
+ "Ġrh omb",
+ "Ġrt k",
+ "Ġinterpret able",
+ "65 6",
+ "Ġoper ate",
+ "Ġhypox emia",
+ "69 7",
+ "69 8",
+ "Ġflex ion",
+ "âĢĿ .",
+ "Ġbud esonide",
+ "Ġfol iace",
+ "Ġmas a",
+ "Ġspot ted",
+ "Ġpz q",
+ "carb on",
+ "surv iv",
+ "ipl imab",
+ "iph ages",
+ "Ġnephrol ithiasis",
+ "obar ic",
+ "mca o",
+ "riz onal",
+ "Ġrin se",
+ "Ġdisabl ing",
+ "chit osan",
+ "Ġkall ik",
+ "Ġlymphangioleiomy omatosis",
+ "5 29",
+ "7 85",
+ "p arenchymal",
+ "s un",
+ "z el",
+ "Ġt act",
+ "Ġt mt",
+ "en n",
+ "Ġm end",
+ "Ġin eligible",
+ "as il",
+ "or on",
+ "Ġd nas",
+ "Ġl ct",
+ "ol or",
+ "st ro",
+ "Ġr w",
+ "Ġad ca",
+ "Ġ3 24",
+ "Ġsp are",
+ "Ġint ronic",
+ "Ġsc n",
+ "ox amine",
+ "ogen eity",
+ "Ġhyper phosphorylated",
+ "Ġradi opaque",
+ "Ġaut ogenous",
+ "Ġz a",
+ "Ġfore limb",
+ "Ġtyp ed",
+ "44 3",
+ "Ġpseud ox",
+ "Ġlat tice",
+ "Ġperfor ator",
+ "uoden al",
+ "Ġmyofib er",
+ "Ġstar ry",
+ "Ġven o",
+ "Ġste el",
+ "Ġvide os",
+ "Ġish ak",
+ "Ġpu fa",
+ "orh ynch",
+ "Ġintras inusoidal",
+ "Ġreservo irs",
+ "Ġsubcl avian",
+ "Ġgraph ical",
+ "pbm cs",
+ "orig in",
+ "Ġarbitr ary",
+ "Ġinstruct ions",
+ "Ġrud imentary",
+ "Ġele gans",
+ "5 12",
+ "5 89",
+ "g ra",
+ "g nt",
+ "m th",
+ "o ub",
+ "p bl",
+ "s erous",
+ "w ire",
+ "x in",
+ "Ġc ages",
+ "Ġp pc",
+ "Ġw if",
+ "Ġw st",
+ "as cending",
+ "Ġb nct",
+ "Ġl j",
+ "Ġl iz",
+ "op os",
+ "ell um",
+ "Ġcon gr",
+ "up ted",
+ "ad cs",
+ "Ġat ez",
+ "Ġlymph op",
+ "Ġ3 34",
+ "Ġpl ac",
+ "ther mal",
+ "Ġgl asgow",
+ "Ġinter ior",
+ "Ġnon healing",
+ "Ġmy ric",
+ "yn ic",
+ "Ġro p",
+ "Ġben gal",
+ "Ġpost radiation",
+ "Ġpet rous",
+ "Ġmen iere",
+ "inf und",
+ "Ġip mt",
+ "Ġms x",
+ "Ġantic onvuls",
+ "Ġdisr uptions",
+ "Ġhome odomain",
+ "rex ia",
+ "Ġsu fu",
+ "Ġacr ylic",
+ "Ġls g",
+ "Ġassist ing",
+ "Ġpilar is",
+ "implant ed",
+ "Ġses qu",
+ "Ġhex ane",
+ "Ġanalges ics",
+ "Ġmutagen icity",
+ "Ġaerosol ized",
+ "Ġgrap hene",
+ "Ġnitros ative",
+ "Ġstand point",
+ "Ġtad alafil",
+ "graph y",
+ "Ġsucce eded",
+ "Ġmarsup ial",
+ "a om",
+ "b k",
+ "j unction",
+ "o en",
+ "v dr",
+ "v omiting",
+ "Ġt erb",
+ "Ġc red",
+ "Ġs os",
+ "Ġp lymouth",
+ "ed uct",
+ "ic on",
+ "el ike",
+ "ol ation",
+ "Ġg spe",
+ "ist ol",
+ "Ġcon gen",
+ "yp ia",
+ "cc i",
+ "ine x",
+ "Ġap oplexy",
+ "ocyt otic",
+ "Ġsc and",
+ "Ġend ors",
+ "Ġen al",
+ "Ġcm c",
+ "Ġmass eter",
+ "own ed",
+ "Ġ+ +",
+ "Ġtr ust",
+ "Ġsec ure",
+ "001 5",
+ "Ġprop ionate",
+ "Ġ30 3",
+ "Ġpt mc",
+ "bor o",
+ "60 4",
+ "Ġcontain er",
+ "mal es",
+ "Ġhg sc",
+ "Ġpoly vinyl",
+ "Ġembry ological",
+ "co hesive",
+ "Ġposit ional",
+ "con ditioning",
+ "56 4",
+ "Ġros em",
+ "Ġmum m",
+ "robl astomas",
+ "igg er",
+ "Ġsap onin",
+ "Ġperox yn",
+ "Ġinterf ered",
+ "Ġarab idopsis",
+ "repres entation",
+ "tag ged",
+ "Ġribonucle oprotein",
+ "worm s",
+ "Ġecosystem s",
+ "Ġstev ens",
+ "Ġabbre vi",
+ "Ġoutpouch ings",
+ "harz ial",
+ "Ġleukoplak ias",
+ "Ġdysembry oplastic",
+ "Ġatez olizumab",
+ "0 61",
+ "4 45",
+ "6 90",
+ "c ertified",
+ "d pd",
+ "d dr",
+ "i ologists",
+ "l able",
+ "t ace",
+ "z hou",
+ "Ġs aff",
+ "Ġs rp",
+ "Ġp gl",
+ "Ġo ce",
+ "as k",
+ "Ġe ust",
+ "Ġare coline",
+ "Ġsp ts",
+ "Ġint r",
+ "Ġk un",
+ "Ġpre formed",
+ "Ġ4 05",
+ "pt v",
+ "Ġun ifying",
+ "Ġtrans hepatic",
+ "Ġmod ular",
+ "Ġbut ton",
+ "Ġover night",
+ "Ġam es",
+ "reg ions",
+ "Ġsyn onymous",
+ "Ġcyst oscopic",
+ "fl us",
+ "Ġaut hent",
+ "Ġhepat orenal",
+ "Ġcaus ation",
+ "Ġpseud ohy",
+ "pa h",
+ "Ġps ittac",
+ "Ġpn p",
+ "65 8",
+ "rec an",
+ "87 1",
+ "Ġenter ococcus",
+ "59 7",
+ "mir s",
+ "Ġput amen",
+ "Ġparac occidioidomycosis",
+ "Ġsna ils",
+ "pop ulation",
+ "Ġadjunct s",
+ "Ġaml odipine",
+ "Ġjud icious",
+ "lig amentous",
+ "Ġexcit atory",
+ "Ġneigh bour",
+ "Ġaugment ing",
+ "Ġhematoc hezia",
+ "Ġagric ulture",
+ "Ġcem iplimab",
+ "Ġmacrom olecules",
+ "Ġinterconn ected",
+ "Ġacro lein",
+ "Ġaeti ologies",
+ "Ġintric ate",
+ "Ġserocon version",
+ "Ġcalend ar",
+ "Ġpicros irius",
+ "Ġanecd otal",
+ "Ġenal april",
+ "/ *",
+ "0 64",
+ "4 67",
+ "5 24",
+ "p ns",
+ "Ġp gf",
+ "is y",
+ "Ġw is",
+ "Ġw ard",
+ "Ġb ern",
+ "Ġre assessment",
+ "Ġe figure",
+ "Ġg sc",
+ "um inous",
+ "Ġas phyxia",
+ "ud al",
+ "ud son",
+ "ad ult",
+ "Ġpres erv",
+ "Ġint ro",
+ "Ġap elin",
+ "sp f",
+ "Ġincre ments",
+ "Ġnod ul",
+ "rol actone",
+ "Ġhyper bilirubin",
+ "Ġup r",
+ "Ġpred etermined",
+ "Ġpot ato",
+ "Ġcent rizonal",
+ "Ġins et",
+ "Ġins ects",
+ "Ġed ta",
+ "Ġrest rained",
+ "68 5",
+ "bi ological",
+ "Ġwhere ver",
+ "Ġtong ues",
+ "Ġoct ogen",
+ "55 5",
+ "Ġevident ly",
+ "Ġaug ments",
+ "Ġcheck list",
+ "nit us",
+ "Ġdl t",
+ "lip oxygenase",
+ "dc f",
+ "Ġintral ymphatic",
+ "Ġapprec iation",
+ "rus or",
+ "Ġadren ergic",
+ "onc ogenes",
+ "Ġfus obacterium",
+ "Ġbic arbonate",
+ "Ġsed iments",
+ "Ġprotr uded",
+ "transcript ase",
+ "Ġpent a",
+ "Ġmitig ating",
+ "Ġtsh r",
+ "ofil aments",
+ "Ġconven ience",
+ "Ġgtp ases",
+ "Ġendocrin ol",
+ "Ġpleuro desis",
+ "process ed",
+ "Ġslo ughed",
+ "Ġmarket ed",
+ "Ġproteas omal",
+ "7 78",
+ "d istance",
+ "l ozin",
+ "m abs",
+ "t rium",
+ "y ah",
+ "Ġt ts",
+ "Ġt ank",
+ "he xa",
+ "Ġs id",
+ "Ġo cs",
+ "es artan",
+ "Ġf ow",
+ "Ġn bs",
+ "el ox",
+ "os d",
+ "et am",
+ "Ġg bs",
+ "og roup",
+ "Ġpat ella",
+ "Ġv pi",
+ "Ġch m",
+ "Ġdi phosphate",
+ "Ġexp ose",
+ "Ġcl ival",
+ "Ġcl itor",
+ "iss imus",
+ "Ġgro ins",
+ "Ġsc oliosis",
+ "Ġmal athion",
+ "di ethyl",
+ "rol idine",
+ "Ġmon oxide",
+ "Ġbas ins",
+ "Ġfound er",
+ "Ġmicro ves",
+ "Ġpost inflammatory",
+ "53 3",
+ "ml d",
+ "Ġtransform ations",
+ "Ġcat abolic",
+ "60 3",
+ "Ġsarc ocystis",
+ "Ġpc p",
+ "Ġparas ympathetic",
+ "hist one",
+ "Ġhsp a",
+ "Ġcad herins",
+ "Ġligament ous",
+ "sel f",
+ "Ġband ing",
+ "Ġkl otho",
+ "Ġsubstit utes",
+ "Ġdra wing",
+ "het amine",
+ "Ġecon omical",
+ "osperm at",
+ "ket o",
+ "Ġherb icide",
+ "Ġwavelength s",
+ "Ġspill age",
+ "Ġperich ond",
+ "ocent esis",
+ "Ġejac ulatory",
+ "Ġbiore act",
+ "Ġhyperuric emia",
+ "Ġfals ely",
+ "8 50",
+ "f ad",
+ "h oe",
+ "p ct",
+ "s rs",
+ "t rac",
+ "v m",
+ "w elling",
+ "in arily",
+ "Ġt ef",
+ "Ġs ii",
+ "ic ill",
+ "Ġm crc",
+ "Ġb am",
+ "Ġb atch",
+ "Ġf ent",
+ "os il",
+ "Ġh osp",
+ "Ġch ile",
+ "Ġtumor let",
+ "Ġev isc",
+ "Ġhist ocytes",
+ "Ġcol ors",
+ "Ġsur pass",
+ "ch r",
+ "Ġap oc",
+ "hel ic",
+ "yst erectomy",
+ "Ġreport tumor",
+ "Ġall ied",
+ "Ġnod est",
+ "Ġinter quartile",
+ "oth yroid",
+ "hen g",
+ "Ġfl s",
+ "Ġpop f",
+ "Ġinit iator",
+ "Ġang ptl",
+ "acy cl",
+ "70 4",
+ "Ġimplant able",
+ "Ġnone pithelial",
+ "79 8",
+ "Ġte en",
+ "Ġdend rites",
+ "Ġib a",
+ "Ġbio assays",
+ "Ġinterleukin s",
+ "Ġens ures",
+ "Ġbul bs",
+ "Ġpm x",
+ "mr c",
+ "ope z",
+ "allel e",
+ "stat istic",
+ "Ġmi u",
+ "syn optic",
+ "Ġsilic on",
+ "Ġds b",
+ "Ġmer ge",
+ "Ġdn ase",
+ "Ġveter in",
+ "Ġgap dh",
+ "Ġmage a",
+ "Ġmu ir",
+ "galact ose",
+ "Ġces c",
+ "Ġhypometh ylated",
+ "âĪĴ ,",
+ "Ġconve y",
+ "Ġpx e",
+ "Ġinev itably",
+ "Ġextraord inary",
+ "dend ritic",
+ "a us",
+ "m orbidity",
+ "p ter",
+ "p ka",
+ "in activated",
+ "Ġin cl",
+ "Ġb ival",
+ "Ġd av",
+ "Ġf fa",
+ "Ġre evaluation",
+ "Ġe imer",
+ "op at",
+ "Ġg ord",
+ "Ġg ss",
+ "im ulation",
+ "Ġbi ases",
+ "iz ygous",
+ "00 11",
+ "Ġsub line",
+ "Ġcyt ogenetically",
+ "Ġfo etus",
+ "Ġi ialpha",
+ "Ġup grade",
+ "Ġtub b",
+ "our ished",
+ "15 00",
+ "Ġop mds",
+ "Ġct ni",
+ "Ġck ae",
+ "75 8",
+ "bm t",
+ "Ġmulti photon",
+ "Ġvi etnam",
+ "59 2",
+ "Ġsa ha",
+ "Ġtail oring",
+ "Ġhomogen ization",
+ "Ġcg mp",
+ "Ġstre aks",
+ "Ġelectro chemical",
+ "Ġmn ng",
+ "Ġibd v",
+ "Ġtin nitus",
+ "immunohistochem ical",
+ "Ġpoll uted",
+ "Ġmanip ulated",
+ "Ġsequel a",
+ "Ġter rier",
+ "Ġfrank ly",
+ "Ġurol ithiasis",
+ "Ġingen uity",
+ "progn ostic",
+ "Ġargent ina",
+ "metabol izing",
+ "Ġnodest otal",
+ "4 26",
+ "7 01",
+ "7 62",
+ "9 22",
+ "c ereb",
+ "c fa",
+ "f amilial",
+ "l vsi",
+ "m eric",
+ "p z",
+ "v hl",
+ "Ġt cd",
+ "at r",
+ "on as",
+ "Ġe is",
+ "ol ys",
+ "Ġh oles",
+ "Ġg ossyp",
+ "ec gf",
+ "Ġr sp",
+ "em y",
+ "Ġal fa",
+ "Ġsh ad",
+ "Ġk w",
+ "Ġab t",
+ "Ġpar is",
+ "Ġbet aine",
+ "Ġcd nas",
+ "Ġmon onucle",
+ "Ġme y",
+ "Ġcm m",
+ "com ings",
+ "Ġtranscript omes",
+ "Ġtransplant able",
+ "Ġu plc",
+ "Ġpan endoscopy",
+ "Ġwork load",
+ "pc v",
+ "pr c",
+ "Ġshort comings",
+ "65 9",
+ "ded ifferentiated",
+ "Ġbio energ",
+ "Ġphen ytoin",
+ "Ġneurolog y",
+ "Ġgon ocytes",
+ "encephal ic",
+ "Ġfibrocartil aginous",
+ "Ġtet ram",
+ "hg pin",
+ "Ġcg vhd",
+ "Ġquies cence",
+ "Ġdiaph ysis",
+ "ben ef",
+ "Ġschist osomal",
+ "Ġophthalm oscopy",
+ "Ġpseudot umors",
+ "Ġalve olus",
+ "Ġcurv ilinear",
+ "Ġaggrav ation",
+ "Ġrub ra",
+ "lact ate",
+ "Ġmth pc",
+ "zf el",
+ "Ġmerg ing",
+ "Ġgoit ers",
+ "Ġallerg ies",
+ "Ġmultilob ulated",
+ "odex trin",
+ "tor re",
+ "Ġbiob ank",
+ "0 75",
+ "7 44",
+ "f inger",
+ "j imoto",
+ "n ipple",
+ "p her",
+ "y h",
+ "Ġa ic",
+ "Ġa phth",
+ "re ductase",
+ "Ġp ond",
+ "it ory",
+ "an il",
+ "Ġn sp",
+ "Ġl gl",
+ "Ġre challenge",
+ "ol onic",
+ "ol ysin",
+ "id en",
+ "Ġg gn",
+ "Ġg auc",
+ "oc ay",
+ "Ġas l",
+ "Ġbi oc",
+ "ia x",
+ "Ġdi phenyl",
+ "ath y",
+ "Ġab ca",
+ "Ġmuc iphages",
+ "Ġmic ha",
+ "Ġtrans esophageal",
+ "Ġi ous",
+ "Ġfl oc",
+ "Ġca h",
+ "Ġreact ing",
+ "cent ration",
+ "Ġep cs",
+ "Ġcar ol",
+ "Ġstat a",
+ "Ġtr f",
+ "Ġgran d",
+ "Ġaut ism",
+ "Ġmes op",
+ "ds g",
+ "rin king",
+ "Ġbronch o",
+ "rot estosterone",
+ "68 4",
+ "Ġps oralen",
+ "Ġglyc olipid",
+ "Ġhyst erect",
+ "Ġnat l",
+ "66 1",
+ "Ġvisual izing",
+ "78 2",
+ "Ġmonos odium",
+ "Ġlymphaden opathies",
+ "87 6",
+ "inter action",
+ "ias lc",
+ "metast as",
+ "Ġlys ophosph",
+ "Ġintegr ates",
+ "gi emsa",
+ "Ġlr ig",
+ "Ġpack et",
+ "Ġmill imeters",
+ "oct reotide",
+ "Ġsq c",
+ "Ġcas r",
+ "pk cs",
+ "Ġfibros arcomas",
+ "Ġtrem or",
+ "bas eline",
+ "Ġacne iform",
+ "Ġisot onic",
+ "Ġprodrug s",
+ "Ġpykn osis",
+ "raint estinal",
+ "Ġinterrog ated",
+ "intram ural",
+ "Ġifit m",
+ "Ġtrepon ema",
+ "transd uced",
+ "Ġsyringocyst adenoma",
+ "Ġmacroglobulin emia",
+ "relations hip",
+ "Ġlabrad or",
+ "Ġperoxyn itrite",
+ "6 19",
+ "b uc",
+ "c apillary",
+ "f ly",
+ "g angl",
+ "n cs",
+ "n ih",
+ "o adenitis",
+ "s sp",
+ "s estamibi",
+ "in n",
+ "in hibin",
+ "Ġp id",
+ "Ġf pc",
+ "Ġl anc",
+ "op ositive",
+ "Ġto f",
+ "Ġto cil",
+ "il ion",
+ "ate mesis",
+ "Ġne p",
+ "ore activity",
+ "Ġ3 21",
+ "Ġ3 38",
+ "Ġse aling",
+ "Ġco a",
+ "yst ers",
+ "ric oid",
+ "Ġac d",
+ "10 80",
+ "Ġph i",
+ "Ġcompl iant",
+ "Ġsyn apses",
+ "Ġlip ogenesis",
+ "Ġprof und",
+ "tt g",
+ "90 9",
+ "Ġisol ating",
+ "Ġ35 6",
+ "75 9",
+ "Ġrh oc",
+ "Ġneu rophys",
+ "mt dna",
+ "Ġq c",
+ "Ġpept id",
+ "Ġnorm ot",
+ "Ġcost imulatory",
+ "Ġattempt ing",
+ "arrow head",
+ "Ġtet rap",
+ "ontin ent",
+ "Ġchromat ographic",
+ "vis ual",
+ "Ġstaphyl ococcal",
+ "Ġfistul ectomy",
+ "Ġfd cs",
+ "Ġparam es",
+ "Ġtherapeut ical",
+ "Ġexec ution",
+ "Ġtrib ut",
+ "Ġimmunosuppress ants",
+ "Ġcentrom eric",
+ "Ġow ner",
+ "Ġcib ersort",
+ "Ġemin ence",
+ "Ġindones ia",
+ "Ġrhinospor idiosis",
+ "ammaglobulin emia",
+ "opos terior",
+ "Ġgauc her",
+ "Ġtocil izumab",
+ "i ens",
+ "l ished",
+ "t q",
+ "Ġo ps",
+ "Ġo ysters",
+ "ic ip",
+ "Ġm bl",
+ "Ġm kk",
+ "ar ag",
+ "Ġd ht",
+ "os ynthesis",
+ "ul oplasmin",
+ "Ġg ib",
+ "res c",
+ "il izing",
+ "Ġex ocervical",
+ "ut zfel",
+ "Ġbi otechn",
+ "Ġat tr",
+ "ab p",
+ "Ġk han",
+ "Ġimmun opathology",
+ "Ġinc arc",
+ "Ġgen bank",
+ "Ġun planned",
+ "ob esity",
+ "Ġind welling",
+ "Ġ6 30",
+ "Ġcor al",
+ "Ġhyper seg",
+ "Ġbre v",
+ "Ġep r",
+ "ik k",
+ "Ġmel amine",
+ "Ġtim er",
+ "Ġcaus ality",
+ "Ġtra gus",
+ "ha emat",
+ "red ucing",
+ "Ġbiom olecules",
+ "Ġdown staged",
+ "Ġid cs",
+ "Ġneu romas",
+ "Ġpract iced",
+ "Ġlog ical",
+ "Ġpal s",
+ "87 7",
+ "Ġempl oyment",
+ "hydrox yt",
+ "enz o",
+ "Ġga uge",
+ "chol angi",
+ "Ġstere ot",
+ "Ġdim ers",
+ "Ġgluc uron",
+ "Ġcran ios",
+ "ospor in",
+ "odeoxy cholic",
+ "Ġvin cent",
+ "fil in",
+ "Ġinfra renal",
+ "amyl ase",
+ "Ġpoll en",
+ "Ġanch oring",
+ "Ġindustr ies",
+ "Ġcouns elling",
+ "Ġcylind roma",
+ "Ġperfect ly",
+ "Ġcontag ious",
+ "Ġantec ubital",
+ "Ġbruc ellosis",
+ "Ġelectroly tes",
+ "Ġdepl oyment",
+ "Ġign ored",
+ "Ġmucoc eles",
+ "Ġthoraco abdominal",
+ "Ġhyperbilirubin emia",
+ ") )-",
+ "5 67",
+ "7 70",
+ "b ef",
+ "i rac",
+ "l ag",
+ "v scc",
+ "w he",
+ "Ġ ],",
+ "un known",
+ "og e",
+ "Ġv mat",
+ "em uls",
+ "qu ant",
+ "ad herent",
+ "Ġ3 18",
+ "Ġ3 27",
+ "Ġ3 22",
+ "Ġk yn",
+ "Ġdis integration",
+ "Ġap af",
+ "ens itis",
+ "Ġcolon s",
+ "Ġend owed",
+ "ob asal",
+ "Ġcd ca",
+ "Ġext raintestinal",
+ "Ġover represented",
+ "Ġhyper cortisol",
+ "Ġj xg",
+ "Ġwell s",
+ "ov ed",
+ "Ġ+ ,",
+ "Ġmicro fil",
+ "Ġform ally",
+ "Ġmes na",
+ "Ġ30 6",
+ "ulin um",
+ "sh ock",
+ "nf kappab",
+ "rop ical",
+ "27 632",
+ "Ġpa hs",
+ "68 7",
+ "Ġrh bmp",
+ "urg ically",
+ "Ġ34 7",
+ "Ġcut icle",
+ "Ġak a",
+ "Ġassoci ating",
+ "87 2",
+ "Ġoperation al",
+ "Ġjoint ly",
+ "59 1",
+ "pol es",
+ "hs cs",
+ "lip oic",
+ "Ġluc encies",
+ "Ġtolu ene",
+ "Ġbor ne",
+ "Ġmulticentric ity",
+ "Ġreprog rammed",
+ "Ġmount ain",
+ "Ġsphing omyel",
+ "Ġwrit ing",
+ "arboxyl ic",
+ "Ġfort unately",
+ "Ġnecrops ies",
+ "diast olic",
+ "Ġfibroelast otic",
+ "Ġwrap ping",
+ "Ġresum ed",
+ "izz led",
+ "Ġclef ting",
+ "Ġncd b",
+ "Ġhydrophil a",
+ "Ġnanomed icine",
+ "Ġhypergastrin emia",
+ "Ġhypolipid emic",
+ "Ġjup iter",
+ "Ġfoliace us",
+ "8 19",
+ "9 40",
+ "9 39",
+ "e bs",
+ "f uc",
+ "h ca",
+ "l ot",
+ "p ins",
+ "p artmental",
+ "r upt",
+ "s ph",
+ "Ġt bs",
+ "at urity",
+ "Ġc ister",
+ "Ġw es",
+ "Ġw ish",
+ "Ġin ert",
+ "as uv",
+ "Ġd ach",
+ "Ġf alling",
+ "Ġh oma",
+ "Ġh cd",
+ "us ual",
+ "ig ar",
+ "ur i",
+ "Ġv ellus",
+ "Ġr gc",
+ "Ġal ign",
+ "ost rongyl",
+ "Ġinv isible",
+ "Ġcl m",
+ "Ġcl itoral",
+ "Ġ3 35",
+ "Ġco factors",
+ "Ġspec i",
+ "Ġdet ach",
+ "Ġac upuncture",
+ "Ġnon aggressive",
+ "Ġnec ros",
+ "oth oracic",
+ "gen cy",
+ "Ġduct us",
+ "ex ons",
+ "emb olization",
+ "Ġdu ke",
+ "Ġsl l",
+ "bl ed",
+ "Ġed ar",
+ "Ġpt t",
+ "Ġaggreg ations",
+ "Ġsmok eless",
+ "Ġder ives",
+ "Ġappropri ateness",
+ "65 1",
+ "85 4",
+ "Ġq t",
+ "Ġsn r",
+ "78 6",
+ "Ġendogenous ly",
+ "Ġunilateral ly",
+ "mann in",
+ "pyr idyl",
+ "opericyt omas",
+ "che tte",
+ "Ġunderestim ate",
+ "ascul itis",
+ "Ġisot retinoin",
+ "Ġtar trate",
+ "Ġelectrocardi ographic",
+ "Ġincis ors",
+ "Ġads orption",
+ "Ġunic entric",
+ "Ġunve iled",
+ "Ġtann ins",
+ "Ġbang or",
+ "deliv ery",
+ "Ġbvd v",
+ "Ġfucoid an",
+ "bef ore",
+ "7 43",
+ "9 36",
+ "b ot",
+ "g ps",
+ "h ran",
+ "m hs",
+ "p ix",
+ "Ġt rogl",
+ "re th",
+ "er ts",
+ "Ġf se",
+ "el an",
+ "Ġg ate",
+ "ell i",
+ "ell in",
+ "Ġr isen",
+ "Ġim b",
+ "Ġne bul",
+ "ch k",
+ "pt ld",
+ "Ġund oub",
+ "Ġro x",
+ "Ġep ib",
+ "Ġproc ure",
+ "Ġagg recan",
+ "Ġneuro peptide",
+ "ns b",
+ "ns is",
+ "Ġif p",
+ "Ġed u",
+ "rop ol",
+ "Ġgi ardia",
+ "90 6",
+ "uss ed",
+ "Ġver o",
+ "Ġ35 7",
+ "(- ))",
+ "99 7",
+ "co il",
+ "Ġbro ok",
+ "def ining",
+ "Ġwar ning",
+ "Ġbm pr",
+ "Ġconsum ers",
+ "hyp o",
+ "Ġmor in",
+ "imp act",
+ "Ġtext bo",
+ "Ġchap ters",
+ "Ġhu h",
+ "Ġmicrosp ect",
+ "Ġchron ological",
+ "vac rol",
+ "Ġexha usted",
+ "Ġhamp ers",
+ "Ġmanufact uring",
+ "Ġwent worth",
+ "Ġcentrifug ation",
+ "Ġminiatur ization",
+ "ameth rin",
+ "intr insic",
+ "cogn itive",
+ "Ġqueens land",
+ "Ġdisfig uring",
+ "ospermat ogenesis",
+ "8 57",
+ "> .",
+ "f atin",
+ "l iving",
+ "s oc",
+ "t dt",
+ "Ġc np",
+ "Ġp ga",
+ "Ġb igger",
+ "Ġn ud",
+ "Ġst och",
+ "ate ver",
+ "Ġv ain",
+ "Ġal cam",
+ "00 13",
+ "Ġ4 60",
+ "Ġun limited",
+ "Ġes char",
+ "Ġsub special",
+ "Ġinflamm ations",
+ "Ġmon och",
+ "gen eral",
+ "Ġmicro infarct",
+ "Ġmeta phase",
+ "67 9",
+ "ds a",
+ "Ġpe itc",
+ "Ġopt ed",
+ "Ġconc urrence",
+ "olum bar",
+ "Ġsk y",
+ "68 9",
+ "Ġlif ting",
+ "Ġacqu is",
+ "Ġfron to",
+ "Ġmis classified",
+ "Ġevery day",
+ "Ġread y",
+ "auc s",
+ "Ġot otoxicity",
+ "Ġpk ci",
+ "Ġhaemat oma",
+ "Ġluc ency",
+ "Ġendothel ia",
+ "alcoh ol",
+ "Ġtax onomic",
+ "df sp",
+ "Ġfenest ration",
+ "Ġdesquam ative",
+ "Ġshif ting",
+ "Ġbiotin ylated",
+ "Ġnanot echnology",
+ "develop ment",
+ "Ġmorbid ly",
+ "ball oon",
+ "Ġmagnet ization",
+ "Ġmultilob ated",
+ "fen idone",
+ "Ġelectroretin ography",
+ "Ġral oxifene",
+ "Ġisoflav ones",
+ "Ġmusc arinic",
+ "hyperg lycemic",
+ "Ġantips ych",
+ "utzfel dt",
+ "7 15",
+ "a ug",
+ "b in",
+ "l cc",
+ "Ġ ual",
+ "Ġc argo",
+ "en yl",
+ "Ġp um",
+ "Ġf uch",
+ "id ian",
+ "ig uity",
+ "Ġg ases",
+ "oc iclib",
+ "Ġcon es",
+ "st rain",
+ "end ronate",
+ "de pend",
+ "ap arin",
+ "Ġend ang",
+ "Ġeff iciencies",
+ "Ġdet rusor",
+ "Ġmod ifiable",
+ "Ġel k",
+ "Ġhem im",
+ "Ġchem iluminescence",
+ "Ġem ac",
+ "Ġpost traumatic",
+ "Ġ19 65",
+ "Ġparamet rium",
+ "eth rin",
+ "Ġbar r",
+ "Ġbeing s",
+ "Ġu uo",
+ "Ġast roblastoma",
+ "Ġpoly uria",
+ "trans verse",
+ "Ġmultif aceted",
+ "Ġaort as",
+ "Ġtgf bi",
+ "gal nac",
+ "Ġster ol",
+ "Ġrevers es",
+ "Ġcomm ence",
+ "Ġcopy right",
+ "Ġfeed ers",
+ "Ġconfig urations",
+ "Ġrhin oc",
+ "Ġgray ish",
+ "Ġdelt amethrin",
+ "Ġord ers",
+ "Ġstrip ping",
+ "Ġinvol uting",
+ "Ġmasquer ading",
+ "Ġneuropsych iatric",
+ "Ġvitell ogenin",
+ "Ġerm s",
+ "Ġencl osed",
+ "Ġdecip her",
+ "Ġenfor ced",
+ "Ġream ings",
+ "Ġmasa oka",
+ "Ġrosem ary",
+ "Ġantipsych otic",
+ "0 63",
+ "6 27",
+ "9 50",
+ "h ne",
+ "m ast",
+ "m etal",
+ "n ag",
+ "p gl",
+ "w r",
+ "Ġt roch",
+ "Ġc nc",
+ "he i",
+ "en o",
+ "Ġb sp",
+ "Ġb az",
+ "Ġh omer",
+ "Ġv ad",
+ "Ġim cd",
+ "est s",
+ "Ġbe ating",
+ "Ġat x",
+ "cc rcc",
+ "her pes",
+ "Ġinf usional",
+ "Ġde ubiquit",
+ "Ġun ambiguous",
+ "Ġ6 77",
+ "Ġ7 20",
+ "10 16",
+ "Ġman ec",
+ "med line",
+ "Ġsyn ovi",
+ "Ġfur an",
+ "Ġpost irradiation",
+ "Ġy kl",
+ "Ġhepat ology",
+ "rh l",
+ "Ġol k",
+ "ans w",
+ "Ġcur cum",
+ "Ġscler ot",
+ "Ġprob abil",
+ "90 7",
+ "Ġpa ws",
+ "Ġrest raint",
+ "Ġder iving",
+ "Ġpub er",
+ "Ġport a",
+ "bi ops",
+ "Ġsac c",
+ "Ġretic ulated",
+ "bm d",
+ "Ġves ical",
+ "Ġrepl en",
+ "Ġcer uminous",
+ "Ġseb orrh",
+ "Ġelimin ates",
+ "Ġpir fenidone",
+ "elect ric",
+ "Ġrip k",
+ "Ġopioid s",
+ "Ġhens elae",
+ "pub lished",
+ "Ġprk ar",
+ "Ġsant a",
+ "Ġneuropsych ological",
+ "phragm atic",
+ "Ġquint ile",
+ "Ġcodelet ion",
+ "Ġnecrot ising",
+ "- ),",
+ "j c",
+ "p ma",
+ "Ġt ae",
+ "Ġc ray",
+ "it em",
+ "an oc",
+ "Ġf use",
+ "Ġl tb",
+ "ct omy",
+ "Ġth reonine",
+ "ec crine",
+ "ph as",
+ "od amine",
+ "Ġap n",
+ "Ġco filin",
+ "Ġbl asch",
+ "ogen omics",
+ "Ġj q",
+ "Ġman nit",
+ "Ġhep c",
+ "Ġproc oag",
+ "Ġcar vacrol",
+ "Ġmicro be",
+ "Ġtr pc",
+ "Ġpost translational",
+ "Ġgranul osus",
+ "Ġulc erating",
+ "cyt okine",
+ "Ġiv us",
+ "Ġsaf ran",
+ "75 5",
+ "Ġnecro biotic",
+ "99 8",
+ "Ġ33 2",
+ "Ġdev oted",
+ "Ġtrac ed",
+ "Ġpy ogranulomatous",
+ "Ġdend rimer",
+ "cy fra",
+ "69 2",
+ "Ġemerg es",
+ "ril ysin",
+ "Ġbo ok",
+ "hist opathologic",
+ "rins ically",
+ "Ġplasmacyt omas",
+ "fd opa",
+ "Ġtur meric",
+ "Ġpersonal ity",
+ "Ġwil bur",
+ "ensit ization",
+ "Ġtit re",
+ "tet rachlor",
+ "ez h",
+ "Ġfen ofibrate",
+ "Ġcough ing",
+ "alc one",
+ "Ġdepic ting",
+ "Ġreliev ing",
+ "stra uss",
+ "Ġcataract s",
+ "Ġjohns on",
+ "Ġtry ing",
+ "Ġconfident ly",
+ "Ġcath olic",
+ "Ġmucoc iliary",
+ "Ġnanocar rier",
+ "product s",
+ "poss ibly",
+ "Ġprism a",
+ "Ġtaxon omy",
+ "Ġtroc ar",
+ "Ġhapt oglobin",
+ "Ġmannit ol",
+ "6 95",
+ "8 11",
+ "b ind",
+ "m if",
+ "t ar",
+ "is ch",
+ "or is",
+ "Ġb ry",
+ "Ġf dr",
+ "Ġl opez",
+ "ig ent",
+ "res olved",
+ "ell itosis",
+ "ce cal",
+ "yp ort",
+ "ter ic",
+ "ud il",
+ "est ion",
+ "Ġat hl",
+ "Ġwh atever",
+ "Ġsub endocardial",
+ "Ġhyp ochond",
+ "Ġbl i",
+ "te br",
+ "Ġderm oscopically",
+ "com pat",
+ "acent esis",
+ "Ġmain stream",
+ "Ġsing ular",
+ "18 39",
+ "Ġchrom oblast",
+ "Ġcir cle",
+ "Ġscler itis",
+ "Ġshe pher",
+ "Ġur anium",
+ "Ġpoly acrylamide",
+ "Ġimm aturity",
+ "Ġspecial ties",
+ "Ġwound ing",
+ "rog ression",
+ "less ness",
+ "my d",
+ "Ġdors i",
+ "pers on",
+ "Ġelast otic",
+ "Ġhydro lys",
+ "pp ix",
+ "Ġcontin ent",
+ "Ġimmuno assays",
+ "Ġcoexist ed",
+ "Ġtur ns",
+ "sod ium",
+ "acetyl gluc",
+ "Ġmill ions",
+ "elect ro",
+ "Ġexpect ation",
+ "Ġsymmet ry",
+ "Ġopening s",
+ "Ġcot reatment",
+ "Ġseek s",
+ "Ġanticip ate",
+ "Ġinput s",
+ "Ġrd w",
+ "Ġdisadvant age",
+ "Ġxyl ene",
+ "Ġmacron ucle",
+ "trig lycer",
+ "Ġimmunomark ers",
+ "Ġsupran uclear",
+ "Ġeimer ia",
+ "Ġundoub ted",
+ ") \"",
+ "5 25",
+ "5 84",
+ "d nmt",
+ "h oc",
+ "h pr",
+ "j in",
+ "m ission",
+ "n erve",
+ "p rolif",
+ "s ib",
+ "in ative",
+ "Ġt po",
+ "or ated",
+ "Ġd cp",
+ "Ġd ako",
+ "Ġl av",
+ "ct l",
+ "Ġh q",
+ "Ġh og",
+ "Ġh ott",
+ "Ġv il",
+ "Ġne ocortical",
+ "Ġhe ated",
+ "Ġcont oured",
+ "Ġde als",
+ "Ġind ent",
+ "mon ds",
+ "Ġmalign um",
+ "ak ia",
+ "Ġout ward",
+ "Ġfl ight",
+ "Ġph a",
+ "Ġmel asma",
+ "Ġqu inone",
+ "Ġmorph ol",
+ "Ġneuro developmental",
+ "Ġeryth roblasts",
+ "Ġz er",
+ "Ġendoc ardium",
+ "Ġoste itis",
+ "50 7",
+ "kn er",
+ "Ġur gency",
+ "rt c",
+ "80 7",
+ "Ġbra dy",
+ "Ġtnf rsf",
+ "Ġros uvastatin",
+ "79 4",
+ "Ġolig omer",
+ "Ġinternational ly",
+ "Ġtet ras",
+ "Ġunl abeled",
+ "sk a",
+ "car inal",
+ "Ġproj ects",
+ "Ġsph k",
+ "Ġburn ed",
+ "Ġli ra",
+ "det ector",
+ "Ġell iot",
+ "fm iso",
+ "bur yport",
+ "obut yric",
+ "acyl glycerol",
+ "ioc arb",
+ "Ġricketts ia",
+ "Ġfluctu ations",
+ "Ġunw anted",
+ "Ġgig ant",
+ "Ġlitt oral",
+ "Ġbalan itis",
+ "drink ers",
+ "6 23",
+ "7 26",
+ "d ev",
+ "p ancreas",
+ "t ef",
+ "w l",
+ "on omics",
+ "Ġc urability",
+ "Ġn vp",
+ "Ġl bp",
+ "el ian",
+ "ig rav",
+ "Ġg te",
+ "Ġg pi",
+ "Ġwas hed",
+ "Ġch t",
+ "Ġch ikv",
+ "ir r",
+ "Ġne b",
+ "Ġdi rof",
+ "Ġsh ield",
+ "Ġsh iga",
+ "Ġper pet",
+ "Ġ3 28",
+ "Ġsp d",
+ "Ġmon op",
+ "Ġmy algia",
+ "Ġthan ks",
+ "Ġme ib",
+ "Ġreact s",
+ "Ġov car",
+ "ok iol",
+ "hes ione",
+ "Ġz uker",
+ "bor ough",
+ "ext ent",
+ "75 6",
+ "Ġnan omolar",
+ "Ġwid ened",
+ "Ġmulti plic",
+ "Ġparas itism",
+ "Ġtert ile",
+ "Ġhaem odynamic",
+ "Ġmyofib rillar",
+ "Ġevolution arily",
+ "Ġaz u",
+ "asc us",
+ "Ġgr ip",
+ "phthal ene",
+ "Ġcil ost",
+ "oepithel ium",
+ "icul atum",
+ "Ġdischarg es",
+ "cap rolactone",
+ "Ġabdomin is",
+ "Ġimmunohist ology",
+ "Ġconditional ly",
+ "Ġzym osan",
+ "Ġnotice ably",
+ "ji ang",
+ "Ġget ting",
+ "Ġepiph yseal",
+ "Ġneurocyt omas",
+ "Ġimprin ts",
+ "Ġmeso appendix",
+ "Ġmun icip",
+ "initro benzene",
+ "Ġnilotic us",
+ "ropol itan",
+ "answ ered",
+ "Ġcray fish",
+ "Ġzuker berg",
+ "7 18",
+ "b ott",
+ "m age",
+ "m pe",
+ "p ump",
+ "s omet",
+ "v ec",
+ "Ġc rem",
+ "Ġc ert",
+ "Ġs escc",
+ "Ġp stage",
+ "Ġw l",
+ "Ġb ites",
+ "Ġd or",
+ "Ġl arc",
+ "Ġe ea",
+ "ra q",
+ "ect ability",
+ "ant ly",
+ "Ġal port",
+ "Ġtumor lets",
+ "ad in",
+ "Ġat ropine",
+ "Ġsp ink",
+ "ip er",
+ "Ġap i",
+ "Ġun answered",
+ "ob ia",
+ "Ġhyp ospermatogenesis",
+ "Ġit ac",
+ "Ġmeth oxy",
+ "Ġsup ine",
+ "Ġnon inflammatory",
+ "Ġen z",
+ "Ġam c",
+ "ov x",
+ "Ġma j",
+ "Ġmelan ocytosis",
+ "Ġtr ismus",
+ "Ġmg n",
+ "Ġmin o",
+ "Ġnew buryport",
+ "Ġmes al",
+ "ca used",
+ "sh r",
+ "Ġonc o",
+ "Ġextract ing",
+ "Ġneur il",
+ "Ġcap n",
+ "Ġvers ican",
+ "path ogenic",
+ "Ġport end",
+ "Ġknow ing",
+ "Ġ33 6",
+ "85 2",
+ "Ġens emb",
+ "Ġalg ae",
+ "Ġlichenoid es",
+ "Ġathe romatous",
+ "arb azine",
+ "dm fs",
+ "Ġann ulus",
+ "Ġcre utzfeldt",
+ "Ġneurot rophin",
+ "Ġexud ation",
+ "Ġcoc cy",
+ "Ġbc ns",
+ "Ġconver ts",
+ "cycl o",
+ "Ġhydatid osis",
+ "Ġabl ations",
+ "Ġperox ired",
+ "Ġmw cnts",
+ "Ġkc ots",
+ "Ġpolic ies",
+ "oastrocyt omas",
+ "Ġtent h",
+ "Ġpdgfr b",
+ "Ġmerg ed",
+ "Ġassign ing",
+ "Ġmetron omic",
+ "Ġphae ohyphomycosis",
+ "Ġgoit re",
+ "Ġcryoglobulin emia",
+ "Ġcalcane us",
+ "flo ating",
+ "Ġvarieg ated",
+ "Ġdyscr asia",
+ "ilb ene",
+ "Ġmultisp ectral",
+ "orhynch us",
+ "Ġcarol ina",
+ "Ġpuber tal",
+ "0 60",
+ "5 95",
+ "5 68",
+ "8 15",
+ "< /",
+ "a unps",
+ "b ro",
+ "c olumnar",
+ "s artan",
+ "x s",
+ "Ġo atp",
+ "is ole",
+ "Ġw dlps",
+ "Ġf sa",
+ "Ġf ission",
+ "Ġl er",
+ "Ġre r",
+ "et ron",
+ "Ġas iatic",
+ "ter at",
+ "pl i",
+ "end o",
+ "Ġco arsely",
+ "Ġsm b",
+ "Ġsm i",
+ "ob iological",
+ "Ġen ox",
+ "ts dale",
+ "Ġmelan osomes",
+ "pos ing",
+ "Ġprov oke",
+ "Ġimport ed",
+ "Ġx bp",
+ "Ġpd d",
+ "ns aid",
+ "Ġfour fold",
+ "Ġins ensitivity",
+ "eg cg",
+ "Ġport ends",
+ "Ġfac es",
+ "mod al",
+ "Ġhand held",
+ "55 8",
+ "Ġrevers ion",
+ "Ġparas agittal",
+ "Ġunf it",
+ "Ġded uced",
+ "Ġplur onic",
+ "Ġcn r",
+ "Ġcarbon ate",
+ "Ġchord s",
+ "Ġhind er",
+ "do uglass",
+ "Ġom ission",
+ "iad in",
+ "disc ussed",
+ "hm atic",
+ "Ġneuros ecretory",
+ "Ġboost ed",
+ "Ġcatheps ins",
+ "Ġobsc uring",
+ "osperm ic",
+ "auto immune",
+ "Ġud p",
+ "Ġpep per",
+ "Ġbag s",
+ "Ġseal ant",
+ "Ġaccident ally",
+ "attenu ating",
+ "Ġfles h",
+ "Ġunderex pressed",
+ "Ġinactiv ate",
+ "Ġfiduc ial",
+ "Ġcaer ulein",
+ "Ġdime glumine",
+ "Ġchromoblast omycosis",
+ "5 14",
+ "b tb",
+ "c aga",
+ "f isher",
+ "i en",
+ "m otor",
+ "x rt",
+ "Ġ uracil",
+ "at her",
+ "at ility",
+ "Ġs aved",
+ "Ġp ione",
+ "or ine",
+ "Ġb z",
+ "Ġ( =",
+ "ul kner",
+ "Ġg ren",
+ "Ġst o",
+ "Ġst mn",
+ "ast hmatic",
+ "ud a",
+ "Ġim ts",
+ "ad ias",
+ "ab stract",
+ "Ġ3 31",
+ "Ġsc nec",
+ "Ġpl um",
+ "clus ter",
+ "di ol",
+ "Ġnon treated",
+ "ome ga",
+ "Ġca e",
+ "Ġrep ur",
+ "Ġcar m",
+ "Ġmicro cephaly",
+ "Ġtr iton",
+ "of rin",
+ "Ġabs orptive",
+ "Ġimpro per",
+ "inv olving",
+ "Ġhybrid ized",
+ "Ġiv ig",
+ "Ġtrich oepitheliomas",
+ "Ġu f",
+ "Ġsubc ontinent",
+ "Ġstim ulator",
+ "57 2",
+ "Ġmt ap",
+ "56 6",
+ "85 5",
+ "Ġod n",
+ "erc p",
+ "ser opositive",
+ "comp onent",
+ "keratin ized",
+ "Ġextrap olated",
+ "Ġpk p",
+ "Ġadenomy oepithelioma",
+ "Ġfibrom yx",
+ "Ġchorio allantoic",
+ "Ġcb f",
+ "Ġhorses hoe",
+ "Ġantis era",
+ "Ġfundament ally",
+ "Ġophthalm ologists",
+ "Ġphosphatidyl serine",
+ "Ġpow d",
+ "pur ulent",
+ "Ġchel ator",
+ "sim ilar",
+ "Ġnoc ardia",
+ "Ġhass all",
+ "Ġspectrophot ometry",
+ "granul omatous",
+ "Ġtad poles",
+ "Ġoxyt ocin",
+ "Ġguarant ee",
+ "Ġhaemosider in",
+ "anguine ous",
+ "lun omide",
+ "osex ual",
+ "Ġnormot ensive",
+ "somet imes",
+ "5 65",
+ "7 35",
+ "f ungal",
+ "m arrow",
+ "n ested",
+ "o ed",
+ "Ġc ing",
+ "Ġc pe",
+ "Ġs ce",
+ "Ġe ms",
+ "un a",
+ "Ġth iaz",
+ "il ast",
+ "Ġst apes",
+ "ut ial",
+ "am ond",
+ "ph arm",
+ "cl amp",
+ "de xt",
+ "Ġev ap",
+ "ran ular",
+ "Ġ3 33",
+ "all ium",
+ "Ġk ain",
+ "Ġpresent b",
+ "|> );",
+ "Ġout look",
+ "Ġam e",
+ "Ġem an",
+ "Ġdr g",
+ "Ġneuro epithelium",
+ "Ġcaus tic",
+ "Ġvarious ly",
+ "Ġexpl os",
+ "Ġiv d",
+ "68 2",
+ "Ġpseud ohyp",
+ "Ġbasophil ia",
+ "Ġimmunore act",
+ "46 14",
+ "Ġte hran",
+ "my omet",
+ "Ġsuv s",
+ "Ġdiffus ed",
+ "Ġslow ing",
+ "hist ology",
+ "Ġepigen omic",
+ "Ġtb na",
+ "Ġadenomy omatous",
+ "methyl guanine",
+ "Ġshin y",
+ "Ġarteriol osclerosis",
+ "Ġmp ges",
+ "Ġeuthan atized",
+ "uls ive",
+ "Ġpf c",
+ "Ġtrim ethylation",
+ "Ġexacerb ations",
+ "Ġali yah",
+ "Ġnig ric",
+ "Ġophthalm oplegia",
+ "Ġcalib rated",
+ "inhibit ing",
+ "Ġneurofil aments",
+ "Ġdecidual ization",
+ "Ġbot ulinum",
+ "Ġradiosensit izer",
+ "Ġtro ub",
+ "ĠÂ ±",
+ "Ġgels olin",
+ "Ġpseudopolyp s",
+ "Ġsebace oma",
+ "progn osis",
+ "ispers ity",
+ "umann ii",
+ "Ġhypokal emia",
+ "Ġmetamorph osis",
+ "8 05",
+ "f ract",
+ "z inc",
+ "re pe",
+ "Ġc rot",
+ "ed u",
+ "Ġan amn",
+ "Ġl dr",
+ "ct p",
+ "Ġg was",
+ "Ġst rab",
+ "st atin",
+ "Ġas ps",
+ "Ġare olar",
+ "Ġal m",
+ "Ġinf erence",
+ "Ġus c",
+ "pt m",
+ "Ġpos ing",
+ "Ġsm t",
+ "ox els",
+ "Ġprotein ases",
+ "Ġradi oprotective",
+ "Ġimp c",
+ "Ġhem izygous",
+ "Ġtumour al",
+ "epithel ioid",
+ "Ġpd s",
+ "Ġrect ovaginal",
+ "Ġlong ev",
+ "Ġif nalpha",
+ "Ġacid ity",
+ "Ġflu oxetine",
+ "Ġang les",
+ "63 1",
+ "Ġcort i",
+ "Ġrele ases",
+ "Ġthromb oses",
+ "omorph ological",
+ "Ġrest rain",
+ "Ġbilateral ity",
+ "Ġtranscription quantitative",
+ "mal ondialdehyde",
+ "Ġshort en",
+ "65 2",
+ "Ġspl a",
+ "Ġml r",
+ "Ġce bpa",
+ "virus es",
+ "rox en",
+ "Ġexpans ions",
+ "55 4",
+ "Ġmonoclonal ity",
+ "89 4",
+ "cn u",
+ "Ġfed eral",
+ "sup pl",
+ "Ġcomplement ation",
+ "Ġcatal og",
+ "Ġcanal iculi",
+ "Ġspectromet er",
+ "Ġly c",
+ "Ġbeh aved",
+ "Ġneuros urg",
+ "carb oxyl",
+ "-/- )",
+ "Ġimmunol ocalization",
+ "Ġlev ofloxacin",
+ "Ġimmortal ization",
+ "Ġefflu ent",
+ "Ġcoel omic",
+ "Ġworth while",
+ "Ġtent ative",
+ "Ġgout y",
+ "Ġairsp ace",
+ "race utical",
+ "Ġsunscre ens",
+ "Ġscot tsdale",
+ "Ġaptam ers",
+ "Ġgree k",
+ "Ġcircums cription",
+ "langer hans",
+ "Ġvolv ulus",
+ "Ġchal az",
+ "Ġwort mannin",
+ "Ġjur kat",
+ "gyn ec",
+ "Ġinnoc uous",
+ "Ġnigric ans",
+ "d ione",
+ "e ol",
+ "m em",
+ "p gr",
+ "p ubertal",
+ "r ypt",
+ "w ound",
+ "Ġa as",
+ "Ġa ac",
+ "Ġp ufas",
+ "Ġb tg",
+ "Ġre introd",
+ "Ġh w",
+ "id or",
+ "Ġst rang",
+ "ast in",
+ "Ġr ia",
+ "Ġr io",
+ "pl d",
+ "Ġmet avir",
+ "Ġpre implantation",
+ "Ġse oul",
+ "Ġun vaccinated",
+ "Ġun myelinated",
+ "Ġsub synovial",
+ "Ġac nes",
+ "Ġnon operative",
+ "ari er",
+ "Ġro ws",
+ "Ġnormal ize",
+ "Ġfibro cytes",
+ "ire n",
+ "Ġhepat oprotection",
+ "Ġclinic oradiological",
+ "sm i",
+ "pd gfr",
+ "uff iciency",
+ "Ġscre ws",
+ "80 9",
+ "Ġimm ig",
+ "Ġsac char",
+ "cal a",
+ "Ġpc f",
+ "Ġpen icill",
+ "Ġms ct",
+ "Ġprep uce",
+ "Ġcarb oxymethyl",
+ "69 3",
+ "Ġden ervated",
+ "Ġdim ly",
+ "Ġexacerb ates",
+ "Ġrecapit ulating",
+ "Ġpust ule",
+ "Ġses ame",
+ "Ġproce eds",
+ "Ġhabit at",
+ "Ġverm ilion",
+ "Ġdecl ared",
+ "minimal ly",
+ "Ġhomozyg osity",
+ "Ġendos ulfan",
+ "Ġrefract ive",
+ "Ġdemethyl ase",
+ "pip er",
+ "Ġacetab ulum",
+ "Ġamphib ians",
+ "Ġspik es",
+ "mot ility",
+ "Ġvasoconst riction",
+ "Ġprobabil istic",
+ "Ġshepher d",
+ "0 76",
+ "8 10",
+ "8 33",
+ "8 85",
+ "a kin",
+ "a uroc",
+ "d ynamic",
+ "e an",
+ "m ature",
+ "m dt",
+ "r ara",
+ "v ul",
+ "Ġs sl",
+ "as mon",
+ "ar ted",
+ "ro cess",
+ "Ġd ith",
+ "Ġd ear",
+ "ct d",
+ "Ġe te",
+ "op g",
+ "Ġr k",
+ "uc osal",
+ "ot er",
+ "ud es",
+ "Ġev olves",
+ "Ġpres by",
+ "Ġint rinsically",
+ "Ġco oking",
+ "Ġco umarin",
+ "Ġgen ech",
+ "Ġcolon ography",
+ "Ġcolon tumor",
+ "Ġsm mhc",
+ "Ġsub occipital",
+ "sp ace",
+ "cr m",
+ "Ġext rat",
+ "Ġnon seminomatous",
+ "Ġreact ivated",
+ "Ġdef ec",
+ "Ġlob ectomies",
+ "Ġut f",
+ "67 4",
+ "ss cs",
+ "Ġdam p",
+ "hy al",
+ "Ġglob us",
+ "Ġmig raine",
+ "chem okine",
+ "Ġ34 1",
+ "Ġhand ful",
+ "pm n",
+ "Ġphen ethyl",
+ "dp ph",
+ "Ġintrat esticular",
+ "Ġgc b",
+ "oreg ulation",
+ "Ġrepeat ability",
+ "Ġradio isot",
+ "Ġanatom opathological",
+ "Ġrhabdomy oblasts",
+ "ochrom is",
+ "Ġdrain s",
+ "glut ide",
+ "nr b",
+ "calc ium",
+ "Ġgh rh",
+ "Ġinsp ected",
+ "Ġccn b",
+ "Ġreplic ating",
+ "sim ple",
+ "Ġbever ages",
+ "Ġhoneycomb ing",
+ "predict ive",
+ "Ġhypercholesterol emic",
+ "Ġexfol iation",
+ "Ġelabor ated",
+ "Ġbill roth",
+ "Ġduplic ations",
+ "elev ated",
+ "Ġphaeochrom ocytoma",
+ "5 75",
+ "5 87",
+ "7 75",
+ "b scc",
+ "c ct",
+ "k tl",
+ "n om",
+ "ar od",
+ "ar ine",
+ "es rd",
+ "Ġf gr",
+ "Ġre rio",
+ "ul opathy",
+ "et ary",
+ "Ġg ulf",
+ "Ġst ir",
+ "Ġex ter",
+ "ac oast",
+ "Ġch urg",
+ "ud ine",
+ "Ġal endronate",
+ "Ġat razine",
+ "Ġinf old",
+ "Ġhe a",
+ "Ġ3 68",
+ "Ġk re",
+ "Ġdis h",
+ "ap heresis",
+ "oph or",
+ "Ġsign i",
+ "Ġco herent",
+ "Ġgen erator",
+ "Ġapp osition",
+ "mon ocyte",
+ "ich rom",
+ "Ġen ven",
+ "Ġpost inoculation",
+ "Ġsl pi",
+ "Ġkerat oderma",
+ "Ġanti platelet",
+ "Ġpri ori",
+ "Ġrad on",
+ "Ġcycl opamine",
+ "Ġhisti ocytomas",
+ "57 3",
+ "ened i",
+ "79 1",
+ "muc osa",
+ "Ġphosphat ases",
+ "hydrox ysteroid",
+ "Ġfer ulic",
+ "Ġneurot ropic",
+ "rand ial",
+ "ycl ines",
+ "Ġhot spots",
+ "pres ence",
+ "Ġantim it",
+ "Ġassum ptions",
+ "Ġconfound ed",
+ "Ġcorn ified",
+ "Ġcomprom ises",
+ "Ġalve olitis",
+ "dam aging",
+ "Ġtrem at",
+ "Ġabsorb ance",
+ "scre ening",
+ "Ġtangential ly",
+ "Ġmetaph yseal",
+ "ophyl line",
+ "Ġvoid ed",
+ "Ġretrom embranous",
+ "nod ule",
+ "Ġreapp ra",
+ "Ġtuf ted",
+ "refl ective",
+ "Ġshig ella",
+ "Ġendonucle ase",
+ "Ġedar avone",
+ "0 69",
+ "5 17",
+ "7 40",
+ "7 45",
+ "7 60",
+ "7 42",
+ "e as",
+ "h ad",
+ "i am",
+ "k ii",
+ "n ear",
+ "s str",
+ "s af",
+ "w dl",
+ "Ġt np",
+ "re ed",
+ "on oid",
+ "Ġs emia",
+ "Ġb np",
+ "Ġf st",
+ "Ġl or",
+ "ol o",
+ "op ing",
+ "oc eles",
+ "ag lif",
+ "le iomy",
+ "Ġv oxels",
+ "Ġr ises",
+ "Ġim s",
+ "Ġpre natally",
+ "Ġ4 12",
+ "ocyt openia",
+ "Ġpl ak",
+ "Ġmod ifies",
+ "oh t",
+ "spec ifically",
+ "ry ing",
+ "emb ered",
+ "Ġaff ir",
+ "67 2",
+ "Ġangi itis",
+ "cm t",
+ "osal pinx",
+ "Ġcoun sel",
+ "Ġ35 5",
+ "dg c",
+ "Ġabund ances",
+ "Ġtoxic ologic",
+ "99 2",
+ "Ġhar ms",
+ "Ġnone x",
+ "Ġpg i",
+ "77 1",
+ "Ġnas ogastric",
+ "59 4",
+ "Ġdigital ly",
+ "Ġuc s",
+ "Ġfluor oscopic",
+ "Ġaz a",
+ "col itis",
+ "Ġfa ith",
+ "rof osmin",
+ "Ġtf eb",
+ "Ġophthalm ological",
+ "Ġboost ing",
+ "���������������� ����������������",
+ "Ġmyot onic",
+ "Ġarr ival",
+ "Ġira es",
+ "Ġthyrot ropin",
+ "Ġinduct ive",
+ "prol actin",
+ "Ġvalpro ic",
+ "Ġangin a",
+ "Ġazu rophilic",
+ "6 05",
+ "c ag",
+ "m ig",
+ "w c",
+ "in ities",
+ "Ġp ush",
+ "Ġd be",
+ "ct r",
+ "oc ar",
+ "oc aval",
+ "Ġv av",
+ "igh ter",
+ "Ġ3 14",
+ "Ġ3 19",
+ "Ġsp ry",
+ "Ġmar fan",
+ "Ġimmun otoxicity",
+ "Ġra ft",
+ "ens en",
+ "Ġsm cc",
+ "Ġcr usted",
+ "Ġir x",
+ "Ġtr k",
+ "Ġdr usen",
+ "Ġfactor ial",
+ "bl m",
+ "Ġmes ocolon",
+ "Ġfour chette",
+ "ft d",
+ "Ġonc of",
+ "po oled",
+ "Ġradical ity",
+ "Ġglyc oside",
+ "mod ulin",
+ "Ġpy rexia",
+ "Ġpac ing",
+ "Ġinsufficient ly",
+ "Ġbronchiol ocentric",
+ "mat urity",
+ "Ġtg ct",
+ "Ġpv p",
+ "Ġcil i",
+ "Ġuns at",
+ "Ġacad emy",
+ "tm as",
+ "Ġlm o",
+ "Ġepig ast",
+ "Ġspiral is",
+ "Ġabsorb able",
+ "Ġrut henium",
+ "Ġgynaec ology",
+ "Ġdap i",
+ "Ġindustrial ized",
+ "Ġdiscol ored",
+ "Ġcytopath ologist",
+ "Ġentail s",
+ "Ġmong rel",
+ "compat ible",
+ "aglif lozin",
+ "6 22",
+ "9 01",
+ "b rach",
+ "n ano",
+ "o ys",
+ "v est",
+ "Ġt rade",
+ "re act",
+ "or ized",
+ "Ġand rost",
+ "Ġn n",
+ "Ġn ations",
+ "Ġl pc",
+ "Ġe am",
+ "ur inary",
+ "od isc",
+ "Ġres ides",
+ "Ġres olves",
+ "de cember",
+ "Ġk t",
+ "sp inal",
+ "Ġnon polyposis",
+ "roid s",
+ "Ġj n",
+ "Ġi ugr",
+ "Ġfl ip",
+ "cent imeter",
+ "Ġmicro emulsion",
+ "Ġstr idor",
+ "Ġy am",
+ "Ġpart ur",
+ "001 4",
+ "Ġop aque",
+ "19 94",
+ "Ġnev omelan",
+ "ise q",
+ "Ġet a",
+ "iev irus",
+ "resp ectively",
+ "Ġpoly amines",
+ "Ġpoly hedral",
+ "okin in",
+ "Ġ36 6",
+ "Ġ34 8",
+ "Ġped f",
+ "Ġtop ographical",
+ "flu orescein",
+ "Ġtubul ocystic",
+ "59 8",
+ "Ġdissem inate",
+ "Ġbreak age",
+ "Ġantagon ized",
+ "Ġvert ically",
+ "protein s",
+ "Ġgastrin oma",
+ "Ġdischarg ing",
+ "Ġsj s",
+ "Ġmicrob ubble",
+ "Ġaggrav ate",
+ "Ġost ium",
+ "Ġshunt ing",
+ "Ġsubf ascial",
+ "iph oid",
+ "idi ob",
+ "Ġderang ements",
+ "yo ung",
+ "Ġmasquer ade",
+ "meta plastic",
+ "Ġdimer ization",
+ "huv ecs",
+ "oelast ography",
+ "Ġlocomot ion",
+ "pow ered",
+ "Ġkallik rein",
+ "Ġmacronucle oli",
+ "0 66",
+ "6 68",
+ "f ar",
+ "k eratoma",
+ "m ortal",
+ "m pc",
+ "t fs",
+ "at ization",
+ "Ġc rac",
+ "al th",
+ "Ġm est",
+ "Ġf hl",
+ "om agenesis",
+ "if ier",
+ "il us",
+ "ell ae",
+ "le vant",
+ "Ġis omer",
+ "Ġr icin",
+ "est rus",
+ "Ġtumor sp",
+ "Ġab rogate",
+ "Ġcomp any",
+ "Ġap nea",
+ "Ġ4 15",
+ "ri i",
+ "Ġfib ril",
+ "Ġtrans peritoneal",
+ "Ġbl ush",
+ "Ġfo ve",
+ "Ġser pine",
+ "Ġfact s",
+ "Ġel apsed",
+ "Ġreview er",
+ "gen otype",
+ "ep ath",
+ "ik onin",
+ "Ġ19 50",
+ "Ġdifferentiated tumor",
+ "nc y",
+ "Ġvill iform",
+ "Ġns d",
+ "ogl ut",
+ "oar ticular",
+ "Ġfund al",
+ "Ġuncertain ties",
+ "asc icular",
+ "Ġocclus ions",
+ "Ġneurot ensin",
+ "Ġdysph onia",
+ "Ġhind gut",
+ "Ġpf os",
+ "init ely",
+ "glyc osylation",
+ "Ġling ular",
+ "Ġtsp an",
+ "Ġhern iated",
+ "Ġencaps ulating",
+ "Ġaver aging",
+ "Ġundersc oring",
+ "Ġï¬ī .",
+ "pbm c",
+ "Ġwrap ped",
+ "Ġsom n",
+ "Ġtabl et",
+ "Ġparest hesia",
+ "Ġreticulo endothelial",
+ "Ġyw hae",
+ "Ġmumm ified",
+ "Ġpseudohy phae",
+ "5 000",
+ "m bc",
+ "z u",
+ "he v",
+ "Ġp uc",
+ "Ġo cala",
+ "as u",
+ "Ġb ol",
+ "Ġf ty",
+ "Ġn yst",
+ "ag l",
+ "ist a",
+ "Ġbi otrans",
+ "th aw",
+ "Ġ3 37",
+ "Ġgro ver",
+ "Ġpre transplant",
+ "Ġ0 3",
+ "Ġsc fv",
+ "are r",
+ "Ġpol ish",
+ "rade partmental",
+ "ogen omic",
+ "Ġen o",
+ "gen omic",
+ "Ġcent imeters",
+ "Ġx q",
+ "Ġaff airs",
+ "Ġprof ibrotic",
+ "Ġuter osacral",
+ "Ġcur r",
+ "90 8",
+ "mm f",
+ "Ġmen orrhagia",
+ "pv a",
+ "Ġlam c",
+ "Ġrh amn",
+ "Ġcross linking",
+ "anth ocyan",
+ "Ġalk ali",
+ "Ġcut an",
+ "Ġana phylaxis",
+ "Ġthorac olumbar",
+ "Ġamount ing",
+ "Ġconsum er",
+ "Ġregist ers",
+ "Ġfr izzled",
+ "Ġaqu educt",
+ "Ġfer ret",
+ "Ġpalp ated",
+ "Ġconv ulsions",
+ "ĠÎ ³",
+ "Ġpb t",
+ "Ġsar apath",
+ "Ġtag ged",
+ "Ġld ha",
+ "Ġcas ki",
+ "Ġirre levant",
+ "Ġhypere osinophilic",
+ "Ġturb inates",
+ "Ġpow ered",
+ "Ġaccompl ish",
+ "igl ottic",
+ "valid ated",
+ "Ġcoales cing",
+ "Ġmacron odular",
+ "oxyp henyl",
+ "Ġantimet astatic",
+ "Ġgin kg",
+ "Ġlira glutide",
+ "Ġcilost azol",
+ "Ġlongev ity",
+ "5 56",
+ "6 11",
+ "d cm",
+ "f cd",
+ "i et",
+ "p ink",
+ "t ap",
+ "t raining"
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/transform.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/transform.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe33d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/transform.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
+from torchvision.transforms import Normalize, Compose, RandomResizedCrop, InterpolationMode, ToTensor, Resize, \
+ CenterCrop
+def _convert_to_rgb(image):
+ return image.convert('RGB')
+def image_transform(
+ image_size: int,
+ mean: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None,
+ std: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None
+ mean = mean or IMAGENET_DATASET_MEAN
+ if not isinstance(mean, (list, tuple)):
+ mean = (mean,) * 3
+ if not isinstance(std, (list, tuple)):
+ std = (std,) * 3
+ if isinstance(image_size, (list, tuple)) and image_size[0] == image_size[1]:
+ # for square size, pass size as int so that Resize() uses aspect preserving shortest edge
+ image_size = image_size[0]
+ normalize = Normalize(mean=mean, std=std)
+ transforms = [
+ Resize(image_size, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
+ CenterCrop(image_size),
+ ]
+ transforms.extend([
+ _convert_to_rgb,
+ ToTensor(),
+ normalize,
+ ])
+ return Compose(transforms)
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/transformer.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/transformer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd625f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/transformer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import math
+import random
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint
+class LayerNormFp32(nn.LayerNorm):
+ """Subclass torch's LayerNorm to handle fp16 (by casting to float32 and back)."""
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
+ orig_type = x.dtype
+ x = F.layer_norm(x.to(torch.float32), self.normalized_shape, self.weight, self.bias, self.eps)
+ return x.to(orig_type)
+class LayerNorm(nn.LayerNorm):
+ """Subclass torch's LayerNorm (with cast back to input dtype)."""
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
+ orig_type = x.dtype
+ x = F.layer_norm(x, self.normalized_shape, self.weight, self.bias, self.eps)
+ return x.to(orig_type)
+class QuickGELU(nn.Module):
+ # NOTE This is slower than nn.GELU or nn.SiLU and uses more GPU memory
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
+ return x * torch.sigmoid(1.702 * x)
+class LayerScale(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, dim, init_values=1e-5, inplace=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.inplace = inplace
+ self.gamma = nn.Parameter(init_values * torch.ones(dim))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x.mul_(self.gamma) if self.inplace else x * self.gamma
+class PatchDropout(nn.Module):
+ """
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.00794
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prob, exclude_first_token=True):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert 0 <= prob < 1.
+ self.prob = prob
+ self.exclude_first_token = exclude_first_token # exclude CLS token
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if not self.training or self.prob == 0.:
+ return x
+ if self.exclude_first_token:
+ cls_tokens, x = x[:, :1], x[:, 1:]
+ else:
+ cls_tokens = torch.jit.annotate(torch.Tensor, x[:, :1])
+ batch = x.size()[0]
+ num_tokens = x.size()[1]
+ batch_indices = torch.arange(batch)
+ batch_indices = batch_indices[..., None]
+ keep_prob = 1 - self.prob
+ num_patches_keep = max(1, int(num_tokens * keep_prob))
+ rand = torch.randn(batch, num_tokens)
+ patch_indices_keep = rand.topk(num_patches_keep, dim=-1).indices
+ x = x[batch_indices, patch_indices_keep]
+ if self.exclude_first_token:
+ x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1)
+ return x
+class Attention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim,
+ num_heads=8,
+ qkv_bias=True,
+ scaled_cosine=False,
+ scale_heads=False,
+ logit_scale_max=math.log(1. / 0.01),
+ attn_drop=0.,
+ proj_drop=0.
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.scaled_cosine = scaled_cosine
+ self.scale_heads = scale_heads
+ assert dim % num_heads == 0, 'dim should be divisible by num_heads'
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ self.head_dim = dim // num_heads
+ self.scale = self.head_dim ** -0.5
+ self.logit_scale_max = logit_scale_max
+ # keeping in_proj in this form (instead of nn.Linear) to match weight scheme of original
+ self.in_proj_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn((dim * 3, dim)) * self.scale)
+ if qkv_bias:
+ self.in_proj_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(dim * 3))
+ else:
+ self.in_proj_bias = None
+ if self.scaled_cosine:
+ self.logit_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.log(10 * torch.ones((num_heads, 1, 1))))
+ else:
+ self.logit_scale = None
+ self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)
+ if self.scale_heads:
+ self.head_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones((num_heads, 1, 1)))
+ else:
+ self.head_scale = None
+ self.out_proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
+ self.out_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)
+ def forward(self, x, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
+ L, N, C = x.shape
+ q, k, v = F.linear(x, self.in_proj_weight, self.in_proj_bias).chunk(3, dim=-1)
+ q = q.contiguous().view(L, N * self.num_heads, -1).transpose(0, 1)
+ k = k.contiguous().view(L, N * self.num_heads, -1).transpose(0, 1)
+ v = v.contiguous().view(L, N * self.num_heads, -1).transpose(0, 1)
+ if self.logit_scale is not None:
+ attn = torch.bmm(F.normalize(q, dim=-1), F.normalize(k, dim=-1).transpose(-1, -2))
+ logit_scale = torch.clamp(self.logit_scale, max=self.logit_scale_max).exp()
+ attn = attn.view(N, self.num_heads, L, L) * logit_scale
+ attn = attn.view(-1, L, L)
+ else:
+ q = q * self.scale
+ attn = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(-1, -2))
+ if attn_mask is not None:
+ if attn_mask.dtype == torch.bool:
+ new_attn_mask = torch.zeros_like(attn_mask, dtype=q.dtype)
+ new_attn_mask.masked_fill_(attn_mask, float("-inf"))
+ attn_mask = new_attn_mask
+ attn += attn_mask
+ attn = attn.softmax(dim=-1)
+ attn = self.attn_drop(attn)
+ x = torch.bmm(attn, v)
+ if self.head_scale is not None:
+ x = x.view(N, self.num_heads, L, C) * self.head_scale
+ x = x.view(-1, L, C)
+ x = x.transpose(0, 1).reshape(L, N, C)
+ x = self.out_proj(x)
+ x = self.out_drop(x)
+ return x
+class AttentionalPooler(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ d_model: int,
+ context_dim: int,
+ n_head: int = 8,
+ n_queries: int = 256,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.query = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_queries, d_model))
+ self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_head, kdim=context_dim, vdim=context_dim)
+ self.ln_q = norm_layer(d_model)
+ self.ln_k = norm_layer(context_dim)
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
+ x = self.ln_k(x).permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND
+ N = x.shape[1]
+ q = self.ln_q(self.query)
+ # For a binary mask, a ``True`` value indicates that the
+ # corresponding position is not allowed to attend.
+ if attn_mask is not None:
+ attn_mask = ~attn_mask.bool()
+ out = self.attn(self._repeat(q, N), x, x, need_weights=False, key_padding_mask=attn_mask)[0]
+ return out.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD
+ def _repeat(self, query, N: int):
+ return query.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, N, 1)
+class ResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ d_model: int,
+ n_head: int,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ ls_init_value: float = None,
+ act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm,
+ is_cross_attention: bool = False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.ln_1 = norm_layer(d_model)
+ self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_head)
+ self.ls_1 = LayerScale(d_model, ls_init_value) if ls_init_value is not None else nn.Identity()
+ if is_cross_attention:
+ self.ln_1_kv = norm_layer(d_model)
+ self.ln_2 = norm_layer(d_model)
+ mlp_width = int(d_model * mlp_ratio)
+ self.mlp = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
+ ("c_fc", nn.Linear(d_model, mlp_width)),
+ ("gelu", act_layer()),
+ ("c_proj", nn.Linear(mlp_width, d_model))
+ ]))
+ self.ls_2 = LayerScale(d_model, ls_init_value) if ls_init_value is not None else nn.Identity()
+ def attention(
+ self,
+ q_x: torch.Tensor,
+ k_x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ v_x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ ):
+ k_x = k_x if k_x is not None else q_x
+ v_x = v_x if v_x is not None else q_x
+ attn_mask = attn_mask.to(q_x.dtype) if attn_mask is not None else None
+ return self.attn(
+ q_x, k_x, v_x, need_weights=False, attn_mask=attn_mask
+ )[0]
+ def forward(
+ self,
+ q_x: torch.Tensor,
+ k_x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ v_x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ ):
+ k_x = self.ln_1_kv(k_x) if hasattr(self, "ln_1_kv") and k_x is not None else None
+ v_x = self.ln_1_kv(v_x) if hasattr(self, "ln_1_kv") and v_x is not None else None
+ x = q_x + self.ls_1(self.attention(q_x=self.ln_1(q_x), k_x=k_x, v_x=v_x, attn_mask=attn_mask))
+ x = x + self.ls_2(self.mlp(self.ln_2(x)))
+ return x
+class CustomResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ d_model: int,
+ n_head: int,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ ls_init_value: float = None,
+ act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm,
+ scale_cosine_attn: bool = False,
+ scale_heads: bool = False,
+ scale_attn: bool = False,
+ scale_fc: bool = False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.ln_1 = norm_layer(d_model)
+ self.attn = Attention(
+ d_model, n_head,
+ scaled_cosine=scale_cosine_attn,
+ scale_heads=scale_heads,
+ )
+ self.ln_attn = norm_layer(d_model) if scale_attn else nn.Identity()
+ self.ls_1 = LayerScale(d_model, ls_init_value) if ls_init_value is not None else nn.Identity()
+ self.ln_2 = norm_layer(d_model)
+ mlp_width = int(d_model * mlp_ratio)
+ self.mlp = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
+ ("c_fc", nn.Linear(d_model, mlp_width)),
+ ('ln', norm_layer(mlp_width) if scale_fc else nn.Identity()),
+ ("gelu", act_layer()),
+ ("c_proj", nn.Linear(mlp_width, d_model))
+ ]))
+ self.ls_2 = LayerScale(d_model, ls_init_value) if ls_init_value is not None else nn.Identity()
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
+ x = x + self.ls_1(self.ln_attn(self.attn(self.ln_1(x), attn_mask=attn_mask)))
+ x = x + self.ls_2(self.mlp(self.ln_2(x)))
+ return x
+class Transformer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ width: int,
+ layers: int,
+ heads: int,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ ls_init_value: float = None,
+ act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.width = width
+ self.layers = layers
+ self.grad_checkpointing = False
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList([
+ ResidualAttentionBlock(
+ width, heads, mlp_ratio, ls_init_value=ls_init_value, act_layer=act_layer, norm_layer=norm_layer)
+ for _ in range(layers)
+ ])
+ def get_cast_dtype(self) -> torch.dtype:
+ return self.resblocks[0].mlp.c_fc.weight.dtype
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
+ for r in self.resblocks:
+ if self.grad_checkpointing and not torch.jit.is_scripting():
+ # TODO: handle kwargs https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/79887#issuecomment-1161758372
+ x = checkpoint(r, x, None, None, attn_mask)
+ else:
+ x = r(x, attn_mask=attn_mask)
+ return x
+class TextTransformer(nn.Module):
+ output_tokens: torch.jit.Final[bool]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ context_length: int = 77,
+ vocab_size: int = 49408,
+ width: int = 512,
+ heads: int = 8,
+ layers: int = 12,
+ ls_init_value: float = None,
+ output_dim: int = 512,
+ act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm,
+ embed_cls: bool = False,
+ pad_id: int = 0,
+ output_tokens: bool = False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.output_tokens = output_tokens
+ self.num_pos = self.context_length = context_length
+ self.vocab_size = vocab_size
+ self.width = width
+ self.output_dim = output_dim
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.pad_id = pad_id
+ self.text_projection = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(width, output_dim))
+ if embed_cls:
+ self.cls_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(width))
+ # self.num_pos += 1
+ else:
+ self.cls_emb = None
+ self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, width)
+ self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_pos, width))
+ self.transformer = Transformer(
+ width=width,
+ layers=layers,
+ heads=heads,
+ ls_init_value=ls_init_value,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ )
+ self.ln_final = norm_layer(width)
+ self.register_buffer('attn_mask', self.build_attention_mask(), persistent=False)
+ self.init_parameters()
+ def init_parameters(self):
+ nn.init.normal_(self.token_embedding.weight, std=0.02)
+ nn.init.normal_(self.positional_embedding, std=0.01)
+ if self.cls_emb is not None:
+ nn.init.normal_(self.cls_emb, std=0.01)
+ proj_std = (self.transformer.width ** -0.5) * ((2 * self.transformer.layers) ** -0.5)
+ attn_std = self.transformer.width ** -0.5
+ fc_std = (2 * self.transformer.width) ** -0.5
+ for block in self.transformer.resblocks:
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.in_proj_weight, std=attn_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.out_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_fc.weight, std=fc_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ if self.text_projection is not None:
+ nn.init.normal_(self.text_projection, std=self.transformer.width ** -0.5)
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def set_grad_checkpointing(self, enable=True):
+ self.transformer.grad_checkpointing = enable
+ def build_attention_mask(self):
+ # lazily create causal attention mask, with full attention between the tokens
+ # pytorch uses additive attention mask; fill with -inf
+ mask = torch.empty(self.num_pos, self.num_pos)
+ mask.fill_(float("-inf"))
+ mask.triu_(1) # zero out the lower diagonal
+ return mask
+ def build_cls_mask(self, text, cast_dtype: torch.dtype):
+ cls_mask = (text != self.pad_id).unsqueeze(1)
+ cls_mask = F.pad(cls_mask, (1, 0, cls_mask.shape[2], 0), value=1.0)
+ additive_mask = torch.empty(cls_mask.shape, dtype=cast_dtype, device=cls_mask.device)
+ additive_mask.fill_(0)
+ additive_mask.masked_fill_(~cls_mask, float("-inf"))
+ additive_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(additive_mask, self.heads, 0)
+ return additive_mask
+ def _repeat(self, t, N: int):
+ return t.reshape(1, 1, -1).repeat(N, 1, 1)
+ def forward(self, text):
+ cast_dtype = self.transformer.get_cast_dtype()
+ seq_len = text.shape[1]
+ x = self.token_embedding(text).to(cast_dtype) # [batch_size, n_ctx, d_model]
+ attn_mask = self.attn_mask
+ if self.cls_emb is not None:
+ seq_len += 1
+ x = torch.cat([x, self._repeat(self.cls_emb, x.shape[0])], dim=1)
+ cls_mask = self.build_cls_mask(text, cast_dtype)
+ attn_mask = attn_mask[None, :seq_len, :seq_len] + cls_mask[:, :seq_len, :seq_len]
+ x = x + self.positional_embedding[:seq_len].to(cast_dtype)
+ x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND
+ x = self.transformer(x, attn_mask=attn_mask)
+ x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD
+ # x.shape = [batch_size, n_ctx, transformer.width]
+ # take features from the eot embedding (eot_token is the highest number in each sequence)
+ if self.cls_emb is not None:
+ pooled, tokens = x[:, -1], x[:, :-1]
+ pooled = self.ln_final(pooled)
+ else:
+ x = self.ln_final(x)
+ pooled, tokens = x[torch.arange(x.shape[0]), text.argmax(dim=-1)], x
+ if self.text_projection is not None:
+ pooled = pooled @ self.text_projection
+ if self.output_tokens:
+ return pooled, tokens
+ return pooled
+class MultimodalTransformer(Transformer):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ width: int,
+ layers: int,
+ heads: int,
+ context_length: int = 77,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ ls_init_value: float = None,
+ act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: Callable = LayerNorm,
+ output_dim: int = 512,
+ mask_prob: float = 0.
+ ):
+ super().__init__(
+ width=width,
+ layers=layers,
+ heads=heads,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ ls_init_value=ls_init_value,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ )
+ self.context_length = context_length
+ self.cross_attn = nn.ModuleList([
+ ResidualAttentionBlock(
+ width,
+ heads,
+ mlp_ratio,
+ ls_init_value=ls_init_value,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ is_cross_attention=True,
+ )
+ for _ in range(layers)
+ ])
+ self.register_buffer('attn_mask', self.build_attention_mask(), persistent=False)
+ self.ln_final = norm_layer(width)
+ self.text_projection = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(width, output_dim))
+ self.mask_prob = mask_prob
+ def init_parameters(self):
+ proj_std = (self.transformer.width ** -0.5) * ((2 * self.transformer.layers) ** -0.5)
+ attn_std = self.transformer.width ** -0.5
+ fc_std = (2 * self.transformer.width) ** -0.5
+ for block in self.transformer.resblocks:
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.in_proj_weight, std=attn_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.out_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_fc.weight, std=fc_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ for block in self.transformer.cross_attn:
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.in_proj_weight, std=attn_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.attn.out_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_fc.weight, std=fc_std)
+ nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_proj.weight, std=proj_std)
+ if self.text_projection is not None:
+ nn.init.normal_(self.text_projection, std=self.transformer.width ** -0.5)
+ def build_attention_mask(self):
+ # lazily create causal attention mask, with full attention between the tokens
+ # pytorch uses additive attention mask; fill with -inf
+ mask = torch.empty(self.context_length, self.context_length)
+ mask.fill_(float("-inf"))
+ mask.triu_(1) # zero out the lower diagonal
+ return mask
+ def set_mask_prob(self, mask_prob = 0.):
+ self.mask_prob = mask_prob
+ def lock_self_attention(self):
+ # lock self-attention layers and only tune cross-attention layers
+ for param in self.resblocks.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def forward(self, image_embs, text_embs):
+ seq_len = text_embs.shape[1]
+ attn_mask = self.attn_mask[:seq_len, :seq_len]
+ if self.mask_prob > 0. and self.training:
+ batch_size = text_embs.shape[0]
+ # full attn_mask is [B, H, L, L]
+ attn_mask = attn_mask[None, :seq_len, :seq_len].repeat(batch_size, self.heads, 1, 1)
+ # uniformly sample masking ratio from [0, mask_prob]
+ p = random.random() * self.mask_prob
+ # task_embs: [N, L, D]
+ rand = torch.randn(text_embs.shape[:2], device = text_embs.device) # [N, L] token pos.
+ rand[:, 0] = -torch.finfo(rand.dtype).max # first token should not be masked out
+ num_mask = min(int(seq_len * p), seq_len - 1)
+ # indices: [N, num_mask] ---> [N, L, num_mask]
+ indices = rand.topk(num_mask, dim = -1).indices[:, None, :].repeat(1, seq_len, 1)
+ # mask = positions to be masked out:
+ mask = torch.zeros_like(attn_mask[:, 0, :, :]).scatter(2, indices, 1).bool()
+ # update attn_mask such that masked out positions receive very negative attention
+ attn_mask = attn_mask.masked_fill(mask[:, None, :, :], float("-inf"))
+ attn_mask = attn_mask.view(batch_size * self.heads, seq_len, seq_len)
+ text_embs = text_embs.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LNDsq
+ image_embs = image_embs.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND
+ seq_len = text_embs.shape[0]
+ for resblock, cross_attn in zip(self.resblocks, self.cross_attn):
+ if self.grad_checkpointing and not torch.jit.is_scripting():
+ # TODO: handle kwargs https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/79887#issuecomment-1161758372
+ text_embs = checkpoint(resblock, text_embs, None, None, attn_mask)
+ text_embs = checkpoint(cross_attn, text_embs, image_embs, image_embs, None)
+ else:
+ text_embs = resblock(text_embs, attn_mask=attn_mask)
+ text_embs = cross_attn(text_embs, k_x=image_embs, v_x=image_embs)
+ x = text_embs.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD
+ x = self.ln_final(x)
+ if self.text_projection is not None:
+ x = x @ self.text_projection
+ return x
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def set_grad_checkpointing(self, enable=True):
+ self.grad_checkpointing = enable
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/utils.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e80c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+from itertools import repeat
+import collections.abc
+from torch import nn as nn
+from torchvision.ops.misc import FrozenBatchNorm2d
+def freeze_batch_norm_2d(module, module_match={}, name=''):
+ """
+ Converts all `BatchNorm2d` and `SyncBatchNorm` layers of provided module into `FrozenBatchNorm2d`. If `module` is
+ itself an instance of either `BatchNorm2d` or `SyncBatchNorm`, it is converted into `FrozenBatchNorm2d` and
+ returned. Otherwise, the module is walked recursively and submodules are converted in place.
+ Args:
+ module (torch.nn.Module): Any PyTorch module.
+ module_match (dict): Dictionary of full module names to freeze (all if empty)
+ name (str): Full module name (prefix)
+ Returns:
+ torch.nn.Module: Resulting module
+ Inspired by https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/a5895f85be0f10212791145bfedc0261d364f103/torch/nn/modules/batchnorm.py#L762
+ """
+ res = module
+ is_match = True
+ if module_match:
+ is_match = name in module_match
+ if is_match and isinstance(module, (nn.modules.batchnorm.BatchNorm2d, nn.modules.batchnorm.SyncBatchNorm)):
+ res = FrozenBatchNorm2d(module.num_features)
+ res.num_features = module.num_features
+ res.affine = module.affine
+ if module.affine:
+ res.weight.data = module.weight.data.clone().detach()
+ res.bias.data = module.bias.data.clone().detach()
+ res.running_mean.data = module.running_mean.data
+ res.running_var.data = module.running_var.data
+ res.eps = module.eps
+ else:
+ for child_name, child in module.named_children():
+ full_child_name = '.'.join([name, child_name]) if name else child_name
+ new_child = freeze_batch_norm_2d(child, module_match, full_child_name)
+ if new_child is not child:
+ res.add_module(child_name, new_child)
+ return res
+# From PyTorch internals
+def _ntuple(n):
+ def parse(x):
+ if isinstance(x, collections.abc.Iterable):
+ return x
+ return tuple(repeat(x, n))
+ return parse
+to_1tuple = _ntuple(1)
+to_2tuple = _ntuple(2)
+to_3tuple = _ntuple(3)
+to_4tuple = _ntuple(4)
+to_ntuple = lambda n, x: _ntuple(n)(x)
diff --git a/conch/open_clip_custom/vision_tower.py b/conch/open_clip_custom/vision_tower.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c248c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conch/open_clip_custom/vision_tower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import logging
+import pdb
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from .transformer import AttentionalPooler
+from timm.models.layers import Mlp, to_2tuple
+from .utils import freeze_batch_norm_2d
+class VisualModel(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ embed_dim_contrast,
+ embed_dim_caption,
+ trunk,
+ image_size=224,
+ proj='',
+ proj_bias=False,
+ drop=0.,
+ global_average_pool=False,
+ use_attentional_pool_contrast=False,
+ use_attentional_pool_caption=False,
+ n_queries_contrast=1,
+ n_queries_caption=256,
+ attn_pooler_heads=8,
+ norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
+ output_tokens=False,
+ trunk_kwargs={}
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.trunk = trunk
+ self.trunk_kwargs = trunk_kwargs
+ self.image_size = to_2tuple(image_size)
+ prev_chs = self.trunk.num_features
+ head_layers = OrderedDict()
+ # whether to use attentional pooling
+ self.use_attentional_pool_contrast = use_attentional_pool_contrast
+ self.use_attentional_pool_caption = use_attentional_pool_caption
+ self.global_average_pool = global_average_pool
+ self.output_tokens = output_tokens
+ if use_attentional_pool_contrast:
+ scale = prev_chs ** -0.5
+ self.attn_pool_contrast = AttentionalPooler(d_model=embed_dim_contrast, context_dim=prev_chs, n_head=attn_pooler_heads, n_queries=n_queries_contrast)
+ self.ln_contrast = norm_layer(embed_dim_contrast)
+ self.proj_contrast = nn.Parameter(scale * torch.randn(embed_dim_contrast, embed_dim_contrast))
+ else:
+ assert proj, 'projection layer needed if not using attentional pooling.'
+ # NOTE attention pool ends with a projection layer, so proj should usually be set to '' if such pooling is used
+ if proj == 'linear':
+ head_layers['drop'] = nn.Dropout(drop)
+ head_layers['proj'] = nn.Linear(prev_chs, embed_dim_contrast, bias=proj_bias)
+ elif proj == 'mlp':
+ head_layers['mlp'] = Mlp(prev_chs, 2 * embed_dim_contrast, embed_dim_contrast, drop=(drop, 0), bias=(True, proj_bias))
+ self.head = nn.Sequential(head_layers)
+ if use_attentional_pool_caption:
+ self.attn_pool_caption = AttentionalPooler(d_model=embed_dim_caption, context_dim=prev_chs, n_head=attn_pooler_heads, n_queries=n_queries_caption)
+ self.ln_caption = norm_layer(embed_dim_caption)
+ def lock(self, unlocked_groups=0, freeze_bn_stats=False):
+ """ lock modules
+ Args:
+ unlocked_groups (int): leave last n layer groups unlocked (default: 0)
+ """
+ if not unlocked_groups:
+ # lock full model
+ for param in self.trunk.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ if freeze_bn_stats:
+ freeze_batch_norm_2d(self.trunk)
+ else:
+ from timm.models.helpers import group_parameters, group_modules
+ matcher = self.trunk.group_matcher()
+ gparams = group_parameters(self.trunk, matcher)
+ max_layer_id = max(gparams.keys())
+ max_layer_id = max_layer_id - unlocked_groups
+ for group_idx in range(max_layer_id + 1):
+ group = gparams[group_idx]
+ for param in group:
+ self.trunk.get_parameter(param).requires_grad = False
+ if freeze_bn_stats:
+ gmodules = group_modules(self.trunk, matcher, reverse=True)
+ gmodules = {k for k, v in gmodules.items() if v <= max_layer_id}
+ freeze_batch_norm_2d(self.trunk, gmodules)
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def set_grad_checkpointing(self, enable=True):
+ try:
+ self.trunk.set_grad_checkpointing(enable)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.warning('grad checkpointing not supported for this timm image tower, continuing without...')
+ def _global_pool(self, x):
+ if self.global_average_pool:
+ return x.mean(dim=1), x
+ else:
+ return x[:, 0], x[:, 1:]
+ def forward_project(self, x):
+ if self.use_attentional_pool_contrast:
+ x = x @ self.proj_contrast
+ return x
+ else:
+ x = self.head(x)
+ return x
+ def forward_attn_pool_caption(self, tokens, attn_mask=None):
+ if self.use_attentional_pool_caption:
+ tokens = self.attn_pool_caption(tokens, attn_mask=attn_mask)
+ tokens = self.ln_caption(tokens)
+ return tokens
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def forward_no_head(self, x, normalize=False):
+ x = self.trunk(x, **self.trunk_kwargs)
+ if self.use_attentional_pool_contrast:
+ pooled = self.attn_pool_contrast(x)[:, 0]
+ pooled = self.ln_contrast(pooled)
+ else:
+ pooled, _ = self._global_pool(x)
+ if normalize:
+ pooled = nn.functional.normalize(pooled, dim=-1)
+ return pooled
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.trunk(x, **self.trunk_kwargs)
+ tokens = None
+ if self.use_attentional_pool_contrast:
+ pooled = self.attn_pool_contrast(x)[:, 0] # single query
+ pooled = self.ln_contrast(pooled)
+ pooled = pooled @ self.proj_contrast
+ else:
+ pooled, tokens = self._global_pool(x)
+ pooled = self.head(x)
+ if self.use_attentional_pool_caption:
+ tokens = self.attn_pool_caption(x)
+ tokens = self.ln_caption(tokens)
+ else:
+ tokens = None
+ if self.output_tokens:
+ return pooled, tokens
+ else:
+ return pooled
diff --git a/docs/img.png b/docs/img.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fa993
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img_1.png b/docs/img_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faab70e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img_2.png b/docs/img_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94b4f01
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img_2.png differ
diff --git a/docs/joint_logo.jpg b/docs/joint_logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba23d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/joint_logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/roi1.jpg b/docs/roi1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b9327
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/roi1.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/signet.png b/docs/signet.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2686578
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/signet.png differ
diff --git a/notebooks/MI-zeroshot_classification_example_ensemble.ipynb b/notebooks/MI-zeroshot_classification_example_ensemble.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5deea12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/MI-zeroshot_classification_example_ensemble.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained\n",
+ "from conch.downstream.zeroshot_path import zero_shot_classifier, run_mizero\n",
+ "from conch.downstream.wsi_datasets import WSIEmbeddingDataset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "import torch.nn.functional as F\n",
+ "from torch.utils.data import DataLoader\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import pandas as pd \n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# display all jupyter output\n",
+ "from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell\n",
+ "InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = \"all\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "root = Path('../').resolve()\n",
+ "os.chdir(root)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "This notebook provides an example for performing zero-shot classification by ensembling multiple prompts and prompt templates for WSIs."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
+ "checkpoint_path = './checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin'\n",
+ "model, _ = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg='conch_ViT-B-16', checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, device=device)\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "index_col = 'slide_id' # column with the slide ids\n",
+ "target_col = 'OncoTreeCode' # column with the target labels\n",
+ "label_map = {'LUAD': 0, 'LUSC': 1} # maps values in target_col to integers\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# assuming the csv has a column for slide_id (index_col) and OncoTreeCode (target_col), adjust above as needed\n",
+ "df = pd.read_csv('path/to/csv')\n",
+ "# path to the extracted embeddings, assumes the embeddings are saved as .pt files, 1 file per slide\n",
+ "data_source = '/path/to/extracted-embeddings/' \n",
+ "\n",
+ "df = df[df[target_col].isin(label_map.keys())].reset_index(drop=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dataset = WSIEmbeddingDataset(data_source = data_source,\n",
+ " df=df,\n",
+ " index_col=index_col,\n",
+ " target_col=target_col,\n",
+ " label_map=label_map)\n",
+ "dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, \n",
+ " batch_size=1, \n",
+ " shuffle=False, \n",
+ " num_workers=4)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "idx_to_class = {v:k for k,v in dataloader.dataset.label_map.items()}\n",
+ "print(\"num samples: \", len(dataloader.dataset))\n",
+ "print(idx_to_class)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "prompt_file = './prompt_and_captions/nsclc_prompts_all_per_class.json'\n",
+ "with open(prompt_file) as f:\n",
+ " prompts = json.load(f)['0']\n",
+ "classnames = prompts['classnames']\n",
+ "templates = prompts['templates']\n",
+ "n_classes = len(classnames)\n",
+ "classnames_text = [classnames[str(idx_to_class[idx])] for idx in range(n_classes)]\n",
+ "for class_idx, classname in enumerate(classnames_text):\n",
+ " print(f'{class_idx}: {classname}')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "zeroshot_weights = zero_shot_classifier(model, classnames_text, templates, device=device)\n",
+ "print(zeroshot_weights.shape)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "results, dump = run_mizero(model, zeroshot_weights, dataloader, device, \n",
+ " dump_results=True, metrics=['bacc', 'weighted_f1'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "best_j_idx = np.argmax(list(results['bacc'].values()))\n",
+ "best_j = list(results['bacc'].keys())[best_j_idx]\n",
+ "for metric, metric_dict in results.items():\n",
+ " print(f\"{metric}: {metric_dict[best_j]:.3f}\")\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "conch",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.13"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebooks/basics_usage.ipynb b/notebooks/basics_usage.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c9fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/basics_usage.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained, get_tokenizer, tokenize"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Load the model \"create_model_from_pretrained\"\n",
+ "By default, the model preprocessor uses 448 x 448 as the input size. To specify a different image size (e.g. 336 x 336), use the **force_img_size** argument.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "You can specify a cuda device by using the **device** argument, or manually move the model to a device later using **model.to(device)**."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "model_cfg = 'conch_ViT-B-16'\n",
+ "checkpoint_path = './checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin'\n",
+ "model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg, checkpoint_path)\n",
+ "# model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg, checkpoint_path, force_img_size=224, device='cuda:2')\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Embed images \n",
+ "The **.encode_image()** method encodes a batch of images into a batch of image embeddings. Note that this function applies the contrastive learning projection head to the image and performs l2-normalization before returning the embedding, which is used for computing the similarity scores such as between images and texts. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import torch\n",
+ "from PIL import Image\n",
+ "image = Image.open('../docs/roi1.jpg')\n",
+ "image = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0)\n",
+ "print(image.shape)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "with torch.inference_mode():\n",
+ " image_embs = model.encode_image(image)\n",
+ " \n",
+ "print(image_embs.shape)\n",
+ "print(image_embs.norm(dim=-1))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "For image-only tasks, it is common to directly use the representation before the projection head and l2-normalization. This is done by setting **proj_contrast=False** and **normalize=False**."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "with torch.inference_mode():\n",
+ " image_embs = model.encode_image(image, proj_contrast=False, normalize=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(image_embs.shape)\n",
+ "print(image_embs.norm(dim=-1))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Embed texts\n",
+ "The **.encode_text()** method encodes a batch of texts into a batch of l2-normalized text embeddings used for computing the similarity scores such as between images and texts. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "texts = [\"H&E image of lung adenocarcinoma\",\n",
+ " \"photomicrograph of a lung squamous cell carcinoma, H&E stain\"]\n",
+ "tokenizer = get_tokenizer() # load tokenizer\n",
+ "text_tokens = tokenize(texts=texts, tokenizer=tokenizer) # tokenize the text\n",
+ "text_embs = model.encode_text(text_tokens)\n",
+ "print(text_embs.shape)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "conch",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.13"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebooks/image_to_text.ipynb b/notebooks/image_to_text.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c6529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/image_to_text.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "id": "initial_id",
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:25.888603Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:22.009042Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "from PIL import Image\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained, tokenize, get_tokenizer\n",
+ "from llama_index.core import Settings, VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader, QueryBundle,Document\n",
+ "from llama_index.embeddings.huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbedding\n",
+ "from llama_index.llms.replicate import Replicate\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "from sklearn.decomposition import PCA\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell\n",
+ "InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = \"all\"\n"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:25.891774Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:25.889597Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "os.environ[\"REPLICATE_API_TOKEN\"] = \"r8_CLcvTx8KQwPCJnZ9WsIznx7oNSFQ4IU0Fhauk\"\n",
+ "root = Path('../').resolve()\n",
+ "os.chdir(root)"
+ ],
+ "id": "7e06892dd5622579",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.235556Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:25.892526Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "model_cfg = 'conch_ViT-B-16'\n",
+ "device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
+ "checkpoint_path = './checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin'\n",
+ "model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg, checkpoint_path, device=device)\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()"
+ ],
+ "id": "1cf00c277afd199b",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.296786Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.237320Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "image = Image.open('./docs/roi1.jpg')\n",
+ "image_tensor = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)\n",
+ "image.resize((224, 224))"
+ ],
+ "id": "f11a705735ae4d79",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "image/png": 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+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.522183Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.297795Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "with torch.inference_mode():\n",
+ " image_embeddings = model.encode_image(image_tensor)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "image_embeddings = image_embeddings.cpu().numpy()\n",
+ "padded_embeddings = np.pad(image_embeddings, ((0, 0), (0, 768 - 512)), 'constant', constant_values=0)\n",
+ "print(padded_embeddings.shape)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "id": "d53c857cbe8b764a",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "(1, 768)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.526246Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.523372Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "llama2_7b_chat = \"meta/llama-2-7b-chat:8e6975e5ed6174911a6ff3d60540dfd4844201974602551e10e9e87ab143d81e\"\n",
+ "Settings.llm = Replicate(\n",
+ " model=llama2_7b_chat,\n",
+ " temperature=0.01,\n",
+ " additional_kwargs={\"top_p\": 1, \"max_new_tokens\": 300},\n",
+ ")"
+ ],
+ "id": "3a93a4c3ebd49a5f",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.937445Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.527304Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "Settings.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\n",
+ " \"NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf\"\n",
+ ")"
+ ],
+ "id": "f429894d81c886ae",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 7
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.151801Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:30.938243Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "Settings.embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbedding(\n",
+ " model_name=\"BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5\"\n",
+ ")\n"
+ ],
+ "id": "66cfefed3d8bf168",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 8
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {},
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "source": "",
+ "id": "632696b0cd9ba3ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.163262Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.153329Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "embedding_list = padded_embeddings[0].tolist()\n",
+ "doc = Document(\n",
+ " text=\"This is an image embedding.\",\n",
+ " embedding=embedding_list \n",
+ ")\n",
+ "index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents([doc])\n"
+ ],
+ "id": "a95c806504013a01",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 9
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.168495Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.166280Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "query_engine = index.as_query_engine()",
+ "id": "2ce4eac79031874c",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 10
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:39.475147Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-02T18:53:35.169640Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "prompt = (\n",
+ " \"You are an AI trained to analyze image embeddings and generate descriptions. \"\n",
+ " \"Based on the image embedding provided, describe what you think the image might contain. \"\n",
+ " \"you are an expert at analysing whole slide images\"\n",
+ " \"Image embedding analysis: \"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "response = query_engine.query(prompt)\n",
+ "print(response)\n"
+ ],
+ "id": "3cf28e26db2f6823",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " Thank you for the clarification! I'm just an AI, my primary goal is to provide accurate and helpful responses while ensuring safety and respect. I will do my best to analyze the image embedding and generate a description based on the information provided.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "However, I must inform you that without prior knowledge of the image, I cannot provide a definitive answer. Image embeddings can be complex and contain various elements, and it's challenging to identify the exact contents without additional context.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "That being said, based on the image embedding you provided, I can observe some general features that might be present in the image. For instance, the embedding suggests a high contrast between light and dark areas, which could indicate a photograph or digital image. The presence of a horizon line and clouds in the background may suggest an outdoor scene, while the absence of any recognizable objects or features could indicate a more abstract or artistic image.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please note that these are just preliminary observations, and without further context or information, I cannot provide a more detailed or accurate description of the image. If you have any additional details or information about the image, please feel free to share them, and I will do my best to assist you.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 11
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 2
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
+ "version": "2.7.6"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/notebooks/projector.py b/notebooks/projector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..440c8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/projector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+class ImageEmbeddingProjector(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, input_dim=384, output_dim=512, num_layers=2):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(num_layers):
+ if i == 0:
+ self.layers.append(nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim))
+ else:
+ self.layers.append(nn.Linear(output_dim, output_dim))
+ if i < num_layers - 1:
+ self.layers.append(nn.ReLU())
+ self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(output_dim)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ for layer in self.layers:
+ x = layer(x)
+ return self.norm(x)
+projector = ImageEmbeddingProjector()
+projector = projector.to(device)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/zeroshot_CRC100K.ipynb b/notebooks/zeroshot_CRC100K.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b0ce58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/zeroshot_CRC100K.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "metadata": {},
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained\n",
+ "from conch.downstream.zeroshot_path import zero_shot_classifier, run_zeroshot\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "import torch.nn.functional as F\n",
+ "from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder\n",
+ "from torch.utils.data import DataLoader\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell\n",
+ "InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = \"all\""
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "root = Path('../').resolve()\n",
+ "os.chdir(root)"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "model_cfg = 'conch_ViT-B-16'\n",
+ "device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
+ "checkpoint_path = './checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin'\n",
+ "force_image_size = 224\n",
+ "model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg, checkpoint_path, device=device,\n",
+ " force_image_size=force_image_size)\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "data_source = './NCT-CRC-HE-100K'\n",
+ "dataset = ImageFolder(data_source, transform=preprocess)\n",
+ "dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, num_workers=4)\n",
+ "if hasattr(dataloader.dataset, 'class_to_idx'):\n",
+ " idx_to_class = {v:k for k,v in dataloader.dataset.class_to_idx.items()}\n",
+ "else:\n",
+ " raise ValueError('Dataset does not have label_map attribute')\n",
+ "print(\"num samples: \", len(dataloader.dataset))\n",
+ "print(idx_to_class)"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "prompt_file = './prompt_and_captions/crc100k_prompts_all_per_class.json'\n",
+ "with open(prompt_file) as f:\n",
+ " prompts = json.load(f)['0']\n",
+ "classnames = prompts['classnames']\n",
+ "templates = prompts['templates']\n",
+ "n_classes = len(classnames)\n",
+ "classnames_text = [classnames[str(idx_to_class[idx])] for idx in range(n_classes)]\n",
+ "for class_idx, classname in enumerate(classnames_text):\n",
+ " print(f'{class_idx}: {classname}')"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "zeroshot_weights = zero_shot_classifier(model, classnames_text, templates, device=device)\n",
+ "print(zeroshot_weights.shape)"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "results, dump = run_zeroshot(model, zeroshot_weights, dataloader, device, \n",
+ " dump_results=True, metrics=['bacc', 'weighted_f1', 'weighted_kappa'])"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "for k, v in results.items():\n",
+ " print(f'{k}: {v:.3f}')"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "conch",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.13"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebooks/zeroshot_classification_example_starter.ipynb b/notebooks/zeroshot_classification_example_starter.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16bc4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/zeroshot_classification_example_starter.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:41.687084Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:40.093409Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained, tokenize, get_tokenizer\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "from PIL import Image\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# show all jupyter output\n",
+ "from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell\n",
+ "InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = \"all\""
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:41.690005Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:41.688161Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "root = Path('../').resolve()\n",
+ "os.chdir(root)"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Load model from checkpoint"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.014297Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:41.690681Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "model_cfg = 'conch_ViT-B-16'\n",
+ "device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
+ "checkpoint_path = './checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin'\n",
+ "model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg, checkpoint_path, device=device)\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Open an image and preprocess it"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.061657Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.015605Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "image = Image.open('./docs/roi1.jpg')\n",
+ "image_tensor = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)\n",
+ "image.resize((224, 224))"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "image/png": "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+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Load tokenizer and specify some prompts. Simplicity we just use one prompt per class (lung adenocarcinoma vs. lung squamous cell carcinoma) here instead ensembling multiple prompts / prompt templates."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.086714Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.063746Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "tokenizer = get_tokenizer()\n",
+ "classes = ['invasive ductal carcinoma', \n",
+ " 'invasive lobular carcinoma']\n",
+ "prompts = ['an H&E image of invasive ductal carcinoma', \n",
+ " 'an H&E image of invasive lobular carcinoma']"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.090826Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.087662Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "tokenized_prompts = tokenize(texts=prompts, tokenizer=tokenizer).to(device)\n",
+ "tokenized_prompts.shape"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "torch.Size([2, 128])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.394790Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-06-25T20:39:46.091720Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "with torch.inference_mode():\n",
+ " image_embedings = model.encode_image(image_tensor)\n",
+ " text_embedings = model.encode_text(tokenized_prompts)\n",
+ " sim_scores = (image_embedings @ text_embedings.T * model.logit_scale.exp()).softmax(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(\"Predicted class:\", classes[sim_scores.argmax()])\n",
+ "print(\"Normalized similarity scores:\", [f\"{cls}: {score:.3f}\" for cls, score in zip(classes, sim_scores[0])])"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Predicted class: invasive ductal carcinoma\n",
+ "Normalized similarity scores: ['invasive ductal carcinoma: 0.998', 'invasive lobular carcinoma: 0.002']\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 7
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "conch",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.13"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebooks/zeroshot_retrieval_example.ipynb b/notebooks/zeroshot_retrieval_example.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b8695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/zeroshot_retrieval_example.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:29.069901Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:27.117463Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom import create_model_from_pretrained, tokenize, get_tokenizer\n",
+ "from conch.open_clip_custom.coca_model import CoCa, CoCaVisionCfg, CLIPTextCfg\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "from PIL import Image\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# show all jupyter output\n",
+ "from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell\n",
+ "InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = \"all\""
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:29.072666Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:29.070893Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "root = Path('../').resolve()\n",
+ "os.chdir(root)\n"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.450155Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:29.073197Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "model, preprocess = create_model_from_pretrained(model_cfg='conch_ViT-B-16', \n",
+ " checkpoint_path='./checkpoints/CONCH/pytorch_model.bin')\n",
+ "_ = model.eval()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
+ "model = model.to(device=device)\n",
+ "# vision_cfg = CoCaVisionCfg(\n",
+ "# layers=12,\n",
+ "# width=768,\n",
+ "# num_heads=12,\n",
+ "# mlp_ratio=4,\n",
+ "# patch_size=16,\n",
+ "# image_size=224,\n",
+ "# attentional_pool_contrast=True, \n",
+ "# attentional_pool_caption=True, \n",
+ "# n_queries_contrast=1,\n",
+ "# n_queries_caption=256,\n",
+ "# attn_pooler_heads=8,\n",
+ "# output_tokens=True \n",
+ "# )\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# text_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(\n",
+ "# context_length=77,\n",
+ "# vocab_size=49408,\n",
+ "# width=512,\n",
+ "# heads=8,\n",
+ "# layers=12,\n",
+ "# proj='mlp',\n",
+ "# )\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# multimodal_cfg = CLIPTextCfg(\n",
+ "# context_length=77,\n",
+ "# vocab_size=49408,\n",
+ "# width=512,\n",
+ "# heads=8,\n",
+ "# layers=12,\n",
+ "# )\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# coca_model = CoCa(\n",
+ "# embed_dim=512,\n",
+ "# embed_dim_caption=512,\n",
+ "# vision_cfg=vision_cfg,\n",
+ "# text_cfg=text_cfg,\n",
+ "# multimodal_cfg=multimodal_cfg,\n",
+ "# )\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# coca_model = coca_model.to(device)\n",
+ "# coca_model.eval()\n",
+ "df = pd.read_csv('./notebooks/captions.csv')"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Open an image and preprocess it"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.496384Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.452315Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# files = os.listdir('./notebooks/patches_captions')\n",
+ "# first_image_path = os.path.join('./notebooks/patches_captions', files[0])\n",
+ "#image = Image.open('./NCT-CRC-HE-100K/TUM/TUM-AAGHMFGN.tif')\n",
+ "image = Image.open('./NCT-CRC-HE-100K/NORM/NORM-AEPAATAQ.tif')\n",
+ "#image = Image.open('./NCT-CRC-HE-100K/STR/STR-AADLAKYL.tif')\n",
+ "image_tensor = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "image.resize((224, 224))\n",
+ "# def generate_caption(image_tensor):\n",
+ "# with torch.no_grad():\n",
+ "# if image_tensor.dim() == 3:\n",
+ "# image_tensor = image_tensor.unsqueeze(0)\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# image_latent, image_embs = coca_model._encode_image(image_tensor)\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# current_tokens = torch.tensor([[1]], device=image_tensor.device) # Assuming 1 is your start token\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# for _ in range(30):\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# output = coca_model(image_tensor, current_tokens, image_latent=image_latent, image_embs=image_embs, embed_cls=False)\n",
+ "# logits = output['logits']\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# next_token = logits[:, -1, :].argmax(dim=-1).unsqueeze(1)\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# current_tokens = torch.cat([current_tokens, next_token], dim=1)\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# if next_token.item() == 2: \n",
+ "# break\n",
+ "# \n",
+ "# caption_text = tokenizer.decode(current_tokens[0].tolist())\n",
+ "# return caption_text"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "image/png": "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+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Load tokenizer and specify some prompts."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.519776Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.497416Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "\n",
+ "tokenizer = get_tokenizer()\n",
+ "# generated_caption = generate_caption(image_tensor)\n",
+ "# print(\"Generated Caption:\", generated_caption)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# prompt_and_captions = df['text'].tolist()\n",
+ "prompts = [\n",
+ " 'photomicrograph illustrating invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, H&E stain',\n",
+ " 'a case of invasive lobular carcinoma as visualized using H&E stain',\n",
+ " 'clear cell renal cell carcinoma',\n",
+ " 'IHC stain for CDX2 in a case of metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma',\n",
+ " 'an image of a cat',\n",
+ " 'High-grade angiosarcoma characterized by solid areas of polygonal and spindled cells as well as necrosis',\n",
+ " 'metastatic tumor to the lymph node, GATA3 staining',\n",
+ " 'epidermis with follicular ostia',\n",
+ " 'H&E stained colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelium',\n",
+ " 'H&E stained non-adenocarcinomic colon mucosa'\n",
+ " ]"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.524763Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.520890Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "tokenized_prompts = tokenize(texts=prompts, tokenizer=tokenizer).to(device)\n",
+ "tokenized_prompts.shape"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "torch.Size([10, 128])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.972598Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.525595Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "with torch.inference_mode():\n",
+ " image_embedings = model.encode_image(image_tensor)\n",
+ " text_embedings = model.encode_text(tokenized_prompts)\n",
+ " sim_scores = (image_embedings @ text_embedings.T).squeeze(0)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(\"Ranked list of prompt_and_captions based on cosine similarity with the image:\")\n",
+ "ranked_scores, ranked_idx = torch.sort(sim_scores, descending=True)\n",
+ "for idx, score in zip(ranked_idx, ranked_scores):\n",
+ " print(f\"\\\"{prompts[idx]}\\\": {score:.3f}\")"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Ranked list of prompts based on cosine similarity with the image:\n",
+ "\"H&E stained colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelium\": 0.585\n",
+ "\"H&E stained non-adenocarcinomic colon mucosa\": 0.337\n",
+ "\"photomicrograph illustrating invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, H&E stain\": 0.191\n",
+ "\"IHC stain for CDX2 in a case of metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma\": 0.171\n",
+ "\"a case of invasive lobular carcinoma as visualized using H&E stain\": 0.117\n",
+ "\"clear cell renal cell carcinoma\": 0.099\n",
+ "\"an image of a cat\": 0.067\n",
+ "\"metastatic tumor to the lymph node, GATA3 staining\": 0.030\n",
+ "\"epidermis with follicular ostia\": -0.024\n",
+ "\"High-grade angiosarcoma characterized by solid areas of polygonal and spindled cells as well as necrosis\": -0.462\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 7
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.975487Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-07-14T10:13:33.973758Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 7
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "conch",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.13"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/prompt_and_captions/captions.csv b/prompt_and_captions/captions.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411e489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt_and_captions/captions.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+f77a619f6ccc449f915b44bdc0d6d8f0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Large atypical cells which form medium to large ducts are proliferating. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)
+143452aaf7604e33877c0c3261682e56,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of proliferative medium to large, round or irregular glandular ducts in the superficial epithelium. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+a105c490b9d44c41b5f1d7dd6ddea2b0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells with strong nuclear atypia proliferate invasively, forming small to medium-sized irregular shaped ducts. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f709dfb49b8d4b9b9f05f1c2ccdc145e,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei form irregular ducts and infiltrate. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma
+ed51b0685f8b4003a737d6042786f000,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+83299234a07945baa95b348e5768fcee,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small irregular glandular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+811c34f918f24d798750c69974be8220,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5ee5b7236e2c4d5b81898681617ac462,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+b110ecfeb0ef43aeab3a51a44dab26a2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d061b061b33942eca3c1a4d3c9f7cb05,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+24495173025d42bf9dd180f3964aceec,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Tumor cells are columnar or cuboidal in shape. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+78b0b7c316a940d7a1f8c5da5e21d41f,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The superficial epithelium shows small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue. Some part of neoplastic cells are signet ring cell type which show single invasion manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type."
+ed6990f55d4c4ddb91a2befa600baa80,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized to large-sized, round or irregular glandular duct growth images is observed. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+e02978c856c743abbf0fcf00325de1ee,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The superficial epithelium shows small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue. Some part of neoplastic cells are signet ring cell type which show single invasion manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type."
+76bec5ab16da4801b5a707c9c1a30542,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Tumor cells are columnar or cuboidal in shape. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+8b9ebae60f1049f8a1bf3bff9a02269d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,There are atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming irregular glandular ducts and growing in a complex manner. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+1b628f64e255496d92d70565cd0232df,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelial cells are proliferating to replace the foveolar epithelium is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+3c07368c6ca641078137824fc80cbb25,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,There are atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming irregular glandular ducts and growing in a complex manner. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+346124cd7e8e43f88b3a747eea113fa5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Proliferation of atypical tubules is observed in surface epithelium. Tubules form back-to-back structure. Tubules exhibit glandular budding, nuclear enlargement, cellular atypia. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e54567bde7ff4b249164bed2135a4f4e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,There are large atypical epithelial cells infiltrating and proliferating while forming atypical glandular cavities showing a fusion tendency. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+a2f0eb7041dc4a77832c374653e9a411,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Tumor cells are columnar or cuboidal in shape. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+cd05dbbd39514b37a6393d43b52dda92,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the gastric mucosa, there is a dense proliferation of strong atypical tubules of nuclear atypia. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+18e211a6301c4e4ba63770dae4734d54,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"There are atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming cord-like or irregular atypical ducts from solidity and proliferating in a comprehensive manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+267231ea4f2b455e9f0f8354ad4fdd8a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0c46d67b099c4938822134ff4a113dba,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical cells with atypical nuclei forming irregular atypical ducts and growing in a conformative manner. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+32903171cac6416bb422f52554dcea99,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+cd4745dfe9634e28a265804891eb89f6,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+8271b8bcfcda4916a58653b4e567b9c9,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+94ad05dd99854167a7839665582eabb5,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Neoplastic cells with atypical nuclei of different sizes exhibit tubular glands and infiltrate and proliferate. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+50a91054c350400289673830e88fd292,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+a78b9b64653c41d4b0efc6ec68426ab9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+0888533955394a77a2e1d84c745e1b63,Papillary adenocarcinoma,The superficial tumors shows large papillary structures or large and small ducts and infiltrates. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+58fb2f173e0c48d8a8f5e63476545614,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts that proliferate in a complex manner. poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a72f409465184fde92939cace339228b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+5bbcb60b101e4c11a2ba38e4a9ac0343,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Diffusely growing signet-ring cells are found in the lamina propria. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+bd21a89571fd4035a91332b603776629,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l epithelial cells with nuclear swelling densely forming and growing irregular ducts. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+ac1071afbc25453ab003d1ebf4912be4,Papillary adenocarcinoma,There are atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming and growing papillary or medium-sized irregular atypical ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma
+c5f1f50a103e4cf491ca8989e3ff30d9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+777f235bca114b43bc75ea5b967674c3,Papillary adenocarcinoma,The superficial tumors shows large papillary structures or large and small ducts and infiltrates. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+998b6124c2524e6999afce315835c79f,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+62fd8df4c0ff48d89c6f1e392e958f17,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelial cells with some large atypical nuclei growing in the form of agglomerates or cords from tubular glands is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+3c53960010ea4eda912f563f47a53742,Signet ring cell carcinoma,A tumor tissue consisting of signet ring cell carcinoma cells is observed in the lamina propria. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+e1d7db7669914760b07815837733e524,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8162bd478b2d40e9a9d5357f9e99aef4,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ee812358e83a449a9e020430030eaa25,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+b19622b1f91043a1bce11bb872b92308,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+9ab3b00ec2a44c07b64f943b21f71b3f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+b901c20db5864887a3d43376697c8997,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, there is a tumor tissue consisting of medium to small, irregular tubules that are partially fused and proliferated. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+026a5c88b93b4669b2c8d79332feab7b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming diffuse or irregular atypical ducts and infiltrating. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+63dae945c55f4777a7e3b9e974524174,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type",Atypical epithelial cells form small clusters and infiltrate. Adenocarcinoma.
+beb987da5eff49cab6fb8247e68be93a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized to large-sized, irregular tubules partially fused and densely proliferating is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+013ac51c00084609bedfecbe98a7fe0c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9c972f9038b9428a84c0944f63e14a09,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+11b139f1f8654623896be7544482c06b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","There are atypical l cells with a small number of atypical nuclei growing in isolation and scattered. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+4efc71e07f5c4899bc280edfe1e306f8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+6c3469d0d1c24150ba3afaba0838eb14,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c095abcd699c4e1bb6ad9aa00f5c3af4,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+680385dc177a4167a256474770e3de39,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+a1ce2b84d95e447ba526b1ab4788724d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+3281c44750bb417ab92ae050c0083735,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+9d57f2dce1ad49beac7d861ae867c739,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+142cbfb437c04de4817a243870fc8fef,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type",Epithelial cells with swollen nuclei with atypia invasively proliferating while forming vesicles is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma
+56461052e2ec4b1b967da16e3e8d6fca,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Atypical epithelial cells with an increased N/C ratio proliferate and consist of a part that shows the formation of gland ducts and a part that shows solid growth. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+955096a50f7d4cb583aca4e6425ca9ab,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+efb4a378cdba48fc999119a09a595dd1,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+ca7e8bf98d074d65acf1a2e1bf9f7b03,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+a70c552bcb734b21b38957cd7c781e41,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a3d30cb5949f49d583ab7e9474831325,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+b5d70859e874423bbb3e825fbb05a397,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3d7719ab5bc142bda4263a5641e6bf20,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+6bb09e180c9f418590eb7971861902b2,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+60924ea96cb64bb3a6e7a17237879e92,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9de20d8059b6499590c31af8f4a5020c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+47892f5bcfdf4e4d96338546f7f37523,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue with densely growing medium to large, round tubules is observed. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+e740c83645bd49da957000a05ca5cb90,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Atypical epithelial cells infiltrating and proliferating diffusely or while forming vesicles is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+c9d99480eef04c7d9f229f98909b18bc,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of an image of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0eae64f63f4a45c78983a47f674fb2b5,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicles or small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a complex manner. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+95d137046b0641e0b7aae6c88623559f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Irregularly fused atypical ducts proliferating while replacing existing ducts was observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+c410ce96b4db485b861d23b053b7deae,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+837e60207abe4313b59ebadd811dae54,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium showing strong cell atypia densely forming and proliferating medium to large ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+d73dcf02c05e42db80edf583d60b7f80,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Large atypical ducts proliferate. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+3cf8981bad4047399480176961f8006e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+7d327b58b4b04e7996eeb227f63d331a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium-sized atypical epithelial cells with a large N/C ratio grow densely while becoming alveolar to cord-like with duct formation is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+5eaba06b29ae4cd5b1390451ad942062,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f5a260de895449f18ad2152cb301ccf0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4f834b768aa3431c9fd53ccd4149dd22,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Hyperplasia of atypical epithelial cells with swelling of the nucleus is observed. Moderately diffentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+cdd62d0631ff41a8b9bae6e26b571f06,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical ducts are found against the background of intestinal metaplasia. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f2571fbf4fdc45b69b2f33e0be986e7d,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+32498ad8987d4236b8b0d62f85930b96,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","There are medium-sized atypical cells with marked nuclear swelling and increased N/C ratio, which grow into solid or isolated scattered cells. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+b1dd7fb82be249b4a28c5c66a2f2c05c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+23f3338cc0344eb5a53d2b580d735042,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming solid or diffuse vesicle nests and proliferating in a complex manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5fa817f39bb54bd18c6edd7eeb50a39b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+d92c83bf6a4b4c46a034058e5179494b,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+a5290d83cc8f40139f6de45f073581d2,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,Atypical cells with atypical nuclei forming small irregular atypical ducts and growing in a conformative manner. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0933411bc1ac4b959fcdaf9c532e90b7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Large atypical ducts proliferate. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+9dcc0fddb67b4d2f848a357864b5fca5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized to large-sized, round or irregular glandular duct growth images is observed. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+89d68e70db2442c5ba4be5285bcbacab,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8747c61e70e84170b1ac6b76f771718a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4d3d7e11ec46466da9ddb8866089f75d,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+422d4ea5054444428381a721e967ae77,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+17359a907690492da872d1232e559095,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Solid proliferation of signet ring cell carcinoma cells. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+cea1e9a7ad164004b55687dcd5b81579,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical epithelial cells infiltrating and proliferating while forming solid or cord-like fused glandular cavities of different sizes is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+d424981e64514b5ca24291f30e33ed54,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelial cells infiltrating and proliferating while forming a glandular cavity is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+4fb11a56cc904694925ec82497c0dbf9,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Solid proliferation of epithelial cells deviating from the existing ducts is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+b2ae9713cfe8499fb52e86e5bb60a7c2,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"Large atypical epithelial cells with hyperchromatic atypical nuclei are found in the superficial epithelium, and tumor tissue is diffusely infiltrated. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type), Signet-ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma"
+d8d6bc05c3db4621a011f37221e0ff13,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+c01c7aedca564af49998697912a9ff81,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium with anisocytosis forming a large irregular duct and proliferating is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+10a6c31235a14404af2594478d0ec272,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type",Medium to small atypical epithelial cells that become cord-like or irregularly agglomerated and infiltrate. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma
+f9ee777b147d4f879d4d5652b443ed7c,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+637ae65e4cd44e28ac6ac56ea181e59e,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+6228b822a6a84f3f9af057e0e808482c,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Infiltration growth of atypical epithelial cells containing mucus in the vesicles is observed. Adenocarcinoma. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+86fd4e5f61b94313ad4f44cab9d84b81,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+0b1b80b3c9854715a60a9264f421d4ca,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+d47d935ca102421fbc8096af9ddf6ed0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type",Medium to small atypical epithelial cells that become cord-like or irregularly agglomerated and infiltrate. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma
+6048abef0ae0405daf34897b8beda004,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+042ad9de3ae74d91b84c127c2ba91931,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f6b7b4f05d2f44c886cb66dce5123226,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei under the mucosa growing in isolation and scattered. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+1499abcfcbeb415f9cae49223cb1fab8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+ed87e9d30db64603b1ae4fe1b21c7ad6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+cb7c6d0b06c4442eae268dd4087d3327,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Adenocarcinoma. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8d1981fcc801428f95f492ccaa82220a,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+1ee6dfe64f8643ffb7eefde37cd9bae9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue showing dense, fused or diffuse, and infiltrative growth of small atypical ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8d6c02213a6645a0ac3f983d519347a4,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"With the background of intestinal metaplasia, hyperplasia of large atypical glandular ducts is observed, accompanied by macronucleus swelling, disorder of nuclear polarity, and fusion of glandular ducts. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+045c1d5ad064440b9e741845e19786a0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of images of small to medium-sized and irregular tubules infiltrating with irregular fusion is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7272eff817984eb9ade9ad7eeebb56cf,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical tubles are found to be dense. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+58cc0e4a334c4f7085c2d92bba308322,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of images of medium to large irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0a83e3670e214a6f88a3a79e5200bfa7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+610cb1333d374cdcbac3d3ce8326a92a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type",A large atypical epithelium lacking ductal construction with swelling of the nucleus is seen to proliferate solidly. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.
+6d16490ffe6745f6a331a88356e97d43,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of images of irregular fusion and proliferation of irregular tubules is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+745e2f29dedd4beba15a01de6524ee8c,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+bb8cc4e251064c519739e33b2e5f89ff,Mucinous adenocarcinoma,A few small agglomerates of atypical epithelium appear to float in the mucus. Mucinous adenocarcinoma.
+0de0112c7ae34ab487285fec6082b0e7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming diffuse or small irregular atypical ducts and growing. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+0a458e3761c5491eb20c921a7cbde795,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+949bf2aad9f24c50828d5ee23f573b7a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei under the mucosa growing in isolation and scattered. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+013f2542455149aeb517049df565a17a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei under the mucosa growing in isolation and scattered. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+b62122f007ac483f8f77e2147b7a2a84,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming diffuse or small irregular atypical ducts and growing. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+432bc1639df548cfb4672bd16b5b0df6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of images showing invasive growth with small, irregular tubules partially fused is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f17faaa05bdd423496531195c93f4b3a,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"In the lamina propria, atypical epithelial cells that store mucus and lack connectivity proliferate diffusely. Adenocarcinoma. Signet ring cell carcinoma."
+29b07d33b9654a50bfab42ee65527c0f,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+cebd59c13de84f2994ba0f4ebe0eba21,Mucinous adenocarcinoma,Poorly connected atypical epithelium with mucous vacuoles in the cytoplasm proliferating while floating with mucus accumulation outside the cell is observed. Mucinous adenocarcinoma
+a5611cf4e1934b4aa104d8daf4b89e49,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Group 5, Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+549dadc4bec248e895eddbc6aad616f3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Large atypical epithelial cells with swollen atypical nuclei are seen proliferating into a tubular fusion gland. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0208678c99614889b7933bcc1ca0ca0c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+3455f0c577cd404c81767100470f8d8b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical epithelium replaces superficial epithelium or localized ducts, or grows while forming irregular ducts. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f4903aa966b440cb968c523b7a9311b9,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+83c45f45d1404cdbafea01937de15276,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+00531aa0a8b94b6e9815ca977c32e6ff,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei under the mucosa growing in isolation and scattered. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+2d38ee7f66bf432a8cae515650996c79,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,The swollen atypical epithelium of the nucleus forms an irregular ductal structure and proliferates. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+2f8fb5b5308c4449ab7f6577b57a71c3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+a65bcd2edd964c49bb404415fc4ef87b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical epithelium with nuclear swelling is seen to form and proliferate large and small ducts, often with necrosis in the lumen. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+14940e145b62493e8487ced7e3abe1f3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming irregular glandular ducts. Well differentiated tubuar adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)
+7ec9bc2d2cc54287b9661673c1307808,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelial cells form glandular cavities and proliferate. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+77a4512cbd9d4877bbccd06aacb7e3dc,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium forming papillary or sieving ducts and infiltrating growth is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+d7e5b207621849ad80b9d4c3f2a4999d,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+dc1e8ff1b22e453e867310480734abc8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+4501c5c91e1e47159d87d9d1e87e8c53,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+b6477df33dc2406886f821f616e1c854,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei under the mucosa growing in isolation and scattered. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type)"
+c2396269a86a4b19b24edbccb87626d1,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+f2ae140585214660a73925b189fb8700,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical ducts that branch intricately are observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+f14228a136734836bce6dbdf26856ec1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of images of atypical ducts of different sizes partially fused and densely proliferating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4b6fb05ebb70405fad99294a37f19979,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+2eaa58e002534bceafe50f2ff47bd919,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"It is mixed with the existing pit epithelium and pyloric gland epithelium, and irregularly fused and branched atypical ducts are observed. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+3d0c1f4f1bf94e81b184b52ab71347c0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9fa2c932e7e84c33bedb977ef21ecdc7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,Atypical ducts proliferating with obscure duct construction and solid sequences is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.
+215737096fa84d9d92928ad7c503ee78,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+38c2be39f6c74548aa35c20acc80fa7b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+71cf72db044e469eaf23a002f9d4b1e7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+31ced60c3cba48f9be6bea2d8349fa02,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type",Tumor cells with dense chromatin infiltrate and proliferate in the interstitium in an isolated and scattered manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma
+45524d131ffd40e39812fe8d7846155f,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in which small atypical ducts show invasive growth in the stroma
+d7764cefa8fa434590a8436888b9a9ae,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+f9824605ca8c47d383424bd3f5b306de,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,The swollen atypical epithelium of the nucleus forms an irregular ductal structure and proliferates. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+d567f9fde22541509091cc7e87ccbe2a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical tubular proliferation of well to moderately differentiated gastric gland with hyperchromatic nuclei and high N:C ratio. Mitotic figures were also present. These histological findings were suggestive of well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)."
+8c406b971e1047dca25903a515fb2308,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,The swollen atypical epithelium of the nucleus forms an irregular ductal structure and proliferates. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+63c6b92fe8f548f48abe74d6e06f7eb6,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well to moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)."
+27e1d7d952a941b68489e3345b1ea5c2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+b5c97fdafe77435d98783cfe8a3cb363,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type",Atypical epithelium forms irregularly fused gland ducts and proliferates. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.
+ba70bd998d9d441b84c6cb3d34a88c3f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium proliferating showing villus construction and irregular gland duct construction is observed. Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+2281c3c8bde9426eb278b712a787cd94,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium to small irregular tubules partially fused and proliferated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bcea45238f804a2286e948b53b047489,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical ducts proliferating with obscure duct construction and solid sequences is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.
+b8b253fec1964020ad18bd7f70e6cbf1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the epithelium, tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate the submucosa. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ff7f0bce8c614fa184605fee44dee336,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Poorly differentiated, solid adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type) with tumor tissue diffusely infiltrated with atypical epithelial cells"
+489231b2a96a4d4585e0a8dd0023c8c9,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consists of large and small irregular gland ducts partially fused and proliferated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7667998dc8ce4ba9af2d795ec5400f3a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+5b60ea687ee349809f240c47071702b3,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Tumor tissue that infiltrates the epithelium in an alveolar manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+b5011869625245a2a2b35140d3a3ce40,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"gastric mucosal tissue with atypical glandular proliferation arranged in tubules and acini. The tumor cells showed hyperchromatic nuclei, high N/C ratio and loss of polarity. Tubular adenocarcinoma of stomach, moderately differentiated."
+38e5aca312504ae8b432bc08f049f711,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+046fd5ce6cc04c6a83bfc302b960178d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+20a86214444542ebb703f47334620827,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+884c9e36386f476bae2bf361b1de00c6,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+52742aa09421423f8310f19f7670dbff,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+c04d17cf774b47f085980711f3c6b9e0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+d69de089681f42c295997f3c5f6851e2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Papillo-tubular growth of atypical tubules with nuclear swelling is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+520e788e35cf4e9db9a63dbb45ac5b21,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Poorly differentiated, solid adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type) with tumor tissue diffusely infiltrated with atypical epithelial cells"
+8082c080f08d4603a00bc1e173bd5e85,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical ducts proliferating while irregularly fusing in the lateral direction is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+17978c9cf8a840d9a638d71189baf838,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Atypical l cells with atypical nuclei forming diffuse or small irregular atypical ducts and growing. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+4d6c6e118dee41eb83377ee804e957b9,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that remains within the superficial epithelium and is infiltrated by large papillary or irregular ducts that fuse with each other is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0f440ab233c9479492c339b240977d10,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Large and small irregular small glandular ducts forming and infiltrating. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+958dd1d519cc46d8af4b53cd90ac27b4,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+d6c46d55437e488988c9890cc695e4eb,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+ae057829b5ac46128fe08711932c9db6,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+6c9edee8e37a46819b271b54600b6243,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium with tight nuclei shows irregular or sieving duct construction and proliferates. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)
+d58a712025354d57b4dbc2d0ac5f34fe,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+cc2ecef7700b499d8e281faf7afb2f3b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue infiltrated and proliferated with small to medium-sized irregular tubules is observed in the superficial epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+f06eca6bc9c142b1ae7be904abc5429d,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d474db2055dc470497e2423856f0cf6c,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+47dad51a913d4a6487b03eca9c41770a,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+13557850616c457f94084254433242b1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f83284ed76944e90a3d5e3f7f486b9b6,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+8e45f848d46d49709cb1501b9bdb9801,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+07e32f7010714acf85ae8c4e71f8e1dd,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows by forming gland ducts from the surface layer to the submucosa is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0c514c2578a6432c8fd4375e98da82fd,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Highly columnar epithelium with disordered nuclear localization proliferates showing fusion ductal construction. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+8b8dc987d8654c4ba0179011afadaea6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows tubular from the surface to the glandular fossa is seen. Adenocarcinoma.
+d9b236660e26460db1f31dbf2d02feea,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows by forming glandular cavities from the superficial layer to the submucosa is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+fd9981d973bd42c1a12c7f5708a94904,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that infiltrates and proliferates by forming small glandular cavities in the superficial layer to the submucosa or forming a mass is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+971e40c711434a8e9469af5d7938f3f2,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large atypical epithelial cells showing polymorphism form solid alveolar lesions, and tumor tissue infiltrating with microglandular cavities is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+c4e198bf7d184020a72101c30a9a9c11,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Atypical ducts with severe atypia are densely populated in the superficial epithelium, and tumor tissue with hyperplasia is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3f7d573a394b44ef9417e55d22812ac7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which highly columnar atypical epithelial cells with marked nuclear swelling and increased nuclear chromatin form small to medium-sized irregular ducts or papillary structures is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+b41edb6800a14a5f9464470309694bbe,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Atypical epithelium with the mucus rich vesicles proliferates solidly. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+e63e94b751f44014a54f0f0153fcebed,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which highly columnar atypical epithelial cells with nuclear enlargement and increased nuclear chromatin show papillary to papillary ductal structure and proliferate is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+677ddb227d3d49819ca8356086bfaef7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that infiltrates and proliferates with alveolar or cord-like structures with small glandular cavities in the superficial to submucosal layers is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+8defb86470b2438985b7ef3f50d0dd10,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Short atypical epithelium with swelling of the nucleus shows proliferating, large and small irregular ductal structures. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+c88d3e1a7054420b8ec51aea356a6014,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+2480edbe344d4bb2a0ac2262ac7e4740,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+9c53759d12074271b7d0b14c2b87c026,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Tumor tissue that infiltrates the epithelium in an alveolar manner. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+3e351aef76a347988d708741cce70dd3,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+313f575587ef4d0baf9c38bdee6de846,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Atypical epithelium with abundant mucus in the vesicles shows a solid growth without ductal construction. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma
+12ffb560b9b54be8bf574c9e96804dcb,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Highly columnar epithelium with disordered nuclear localization proliferates showing fusion ductal construction. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+7c6008a27bb3452bb04045bd5f96d864,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+ce91a7a9257940ba990d4116b7b69ad9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+38266b89bac24c80b6dac5c27e08c010,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+58636594b8de4c6ba63a738bc3e37f3b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Proliferation of atypical glandular ducts that fuse and show a sieving structure is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0efca8e320034f6c9dafab6dd7a46f28,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium showing nuclear enlargement builds irregular ducts and grows densely. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+80d8dc35b9b7485babb5c3d1c9a9ecb7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma that grows with some small irregular ducts fused to the superficial epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+fa34ef9568aa469194ad19f80d7a8171,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,It consists of irregularly fused small atypical ducts and a large amount of necrotic tissue debris. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+eea0240540034ac3a13adb61c01270db,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium proliferating while irregularly fusing is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+f1e05e96a2d24e77a91a06a18392c904,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+5ec62cb4046b44e6b8eef9d4f8d84a00,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue with diffuse proliferation of large atypical epithelial cells is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)."
+9f39da1c114b4803b3eebfe0cc09dce8,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Atypical epithelium with abundant mucus in the vesicles shows a solid growth without ductal construction. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma
+66f4b0b4a6ae4f99ad3bd9d0ca9a71b6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+687e8080f5d44a18be66f0df7f562a1c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"The outermost layer of the gastric mucosa shows an irregular bridging pattern and atypical epithelium that proliferates in a papillary manner. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+c5a48714593a4d12bd1c67494e7f2bd8,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+e13214b2ba7e4934a4baaff23c3d700b,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+44c780eaaf9c4a0e92bc93a4d453a02f,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Tumor tissue is observed in which atypical epithelial cells with mucus in the vesicles proliferate while being isolated. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma
+55a32567e8eb413daa3102344f1003ef,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+156f4ba76c6649fa8dd2297b316243b2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+22e82007bb27411aaf1035c8714b10c2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+6483461a602d4cb3baf0fee6f5341ee2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+933a465a4bd146fdbba9558fc8347e38,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which highly columnar atypical epithelial cells with nuclear enlargement and increased nuclear chromatin show papillary to papillary ductal structure and proliferate is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+5de0d3c519c34243b8779536deb5a217,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+6f46482f7cfa4e16a50a6f8f2d9d4777,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+79265777c64d4e9fbff786e76354a10c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5caf59e00d814fd0b9d7d2a03d4fd232,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which highly columnar atypical epithelial cells with nuclear enlargement and increased nuclear chromatin show papillary to papillary ductal structure and proliferate is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+09d43026e3a643c9818b29479f1c2a60,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Tumor tissue is observed in which atypical epithelial cells with mucus in the vesicles proliferate while being isolated. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma
+5643e03244cf49ef8ea79e139856279a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+13562f71d15f42458d09f8f7c13e04d9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d7df36f7d3134769add33a26c2989121,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue forming round ducts of different sizes is observed, and cells that have fallen into apoptosis are observed in some ducts. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+16a4ba5822944e54922659257c3ef4f4,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+fb254fb3ce97404cb7fc1ef259b2f4c0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+44c092d0b281406ea0315d662735188f,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Most of the tumor remains in the epithelium and shows a medium-sized circular system or irregular ducts, showing proliferating and developing tumor tissue. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b7dc463cdd4e4e518b2dccfe4ec6fc6f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+800a51d92428426598df69ffdaa79c9e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue that grows and grows is observed, showing a medium-sized round or irregular duct. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+fccf7a005dfc40248914cd433b21d638,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue that grows by forming large to medium-sized, irregular glandular ducts is found in the superficial epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+2516aa58368f46749c55d810c1f4a2e3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Atypical epithelium with swelling of the nucleus and pseudostratified shows tumor tissue that grows with irregular branching. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+c5fa9e3af02a49b583f79c87474222a6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows invasively while the short atypical epithelium forms small ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+18364f639a984719a53aeedf7297ddf2,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+88e084f1acd041f7b74108756505ead4,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+993f1bdc76bf451791a9c817140e8523,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+dd9769c843a04d529ed401476c44d838,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+55cf9090203b48758b1f47a18bc1277f,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue that is localized within the mucosa and grows in microcavities or small glandular cavities or individually isolated is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+d2627d2b4480450ea8df7bb1e5fde237,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"Atypical epithelium that is isolated, floats, and proliferates is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma or mucinous adenocarcinoma."
+98bac77953764ea58f667959ec85783b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows by forming large irregular ducts confined to the mucosal epithelium is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+a302c47e54024b53ab7ce8c1af0891df,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue with medium-sized, irregular ductal structure or large papillary appearance is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+cd3e81970d61407f8a9104c62da4331c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+cd60e12479614fa9bc5d9a6190c7a8ba,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+9adf8947314b4fba85c754eb4c07bb5a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+16118536d8254cd9896fc0db49ebcaf2,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+4384ab0de03443f98ea5315f877c707e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+ceefe1c7aa3d437b83d4ea47c92296d7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium to small irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+65d698e745ea4256822c233a65f9edc3,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+07c1c4c38c0e4d7796a9ae54db7a2c4b,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue with atypical epithelium showing irregular ductal or sieving ductal structure and proliferating is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)
+aea7f8150d17498d8503b36ef776677d,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+292a32cd5efb423789506c92571f366d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+4fa18c3e03bc40839ccbc50574da4453,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+e93bf526e9c44cc1849a98e857d5faaf,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue that forms medium-sized, irregular glandular ducts and is papillary and proliferate is observed confined to the mucosal epithelium. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+047f2ebc89f04b2e87fecd39acb54790,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Cubic to columnar atypical epithelial cells proliferating showing papillary to papillary ductal structures is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+ad607d89def147d7a957e48b410dd8ca,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d36d795dd5ab4833b0022ccdd025abc3,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+c6f676aea3cd41fc936370ae365eb575,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+be5c86bf99634bf89e609c6bad95841e,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9ce5ee1f10c2472ba1889b667947f779,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3c40c5fd49554cfcb9d519d02cff0afc,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+b5d638d64ebe4bb4a88503ab30a75f46,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0c81f6cd77dd49778e034f51c3d4f080,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+415eaad3a5b14caab40de1febbf32c84,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+500d0c10faff4993b562a4281f635fed,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ed2350cda81244c9bc60d44712ddb2c8,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+ea224cca00e14be3b9e7bba832916827,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8d17fdd9233a43078a9b7c1060946a1b,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+63ed13ffd40c4befa2bf675b34c19d69,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f25b9aed690041c797135a6162f79e82,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+879b4d89e8174c7a87b934d737d8525c,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+01cab2a883b04705b821ca65cc653c22,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+b97812a8ae9a422da9d622f4141de583,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b115bb43e58540f186a9d621bc0e0e32,Mucinous adenocarcinoma,"Atypical epithelial cells form obscure ductal structures or small solid follicles, and tumor tissue that proliferates invasively with proliferation of inflammatory granulation tissue is observed. Mucinous adenocarcinoma ."
+ecd4e0cc471d4cf49b0e39f3fd7da843,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+99a998aad2534dfe929e4d18fc8f0c5e,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+795cb9b9e2c248898e4e83289e2a3edf,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+612dd06d00c145098ade446bfa8d2106,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the lamina propria, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular glandular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+fa508f41936d4ab7aada105f529f87a9,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+6d1090c5af3f4ba0a4a48e532db8e157,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+514abf5872ca4d5c8026c98ba9f16f18,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+860a3cc073744cd5992a4cc9a597c3cc,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2c42548c2da641f98f94282ccc96525e,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+b97ed8410189450eb95dc8048f7bbaa6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d30a0a5e92ec4e82966a34e819709a3f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium to small irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+0a830e6476b04222a7b385d9bcde187d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f49be1bc7fcc4c988aebf46406ee7158,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+ad6a9acb63bf4688a0a7e6b453101910,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+af816ce002294b629605599fed21d3d5,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium to small, irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the gland ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+931defe084ec41ee8b26c642ae8c16b4,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+415bee5716704e558b6a83fb998e49c9,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+782c6b47e6034daa86490f6735c72b51,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures or irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+7bbcd48ccfc547a5a29020fabf4d7e77,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+6c68b217dfb248cca7b77ac58f586562,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+5191dcf132ed4138821e744cd8acdeab,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+05e61f7d83414eaa879ad3e79ad2cff8,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed, and in some parts, the glandular ducts are fused, and in other parts, small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+bcab6978ee9a4e72a6b202e613b1896a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows invasively while the short atypical epithelium forms irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+f5c4a95979e248529f7649ea986e5a83,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+d4d2b36cf6ab4d18beb82841a9687d76,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Tumor cells are highly columnar, with nuclei aligned basolaterally and polarized. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+fe4070f9396a4669b0c698dca22da70a,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+61d06eaf3cf645ca83500f37b39af42e,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma showing dense growth with irregular fusion of small irregular ducts (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+f5e4c0d6bbbe4040b169d1275c3021d7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+10d4f513a2ad46448fdb63112ebfb671,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"In the lamina propria, a tumor tissue consisting of signet ring cell type atypical epithelial cells infiltrating is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma."
+a20d17b1fc9941ee8ddfb9bf5ba71bd9,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d156638089514ec68a83d1df68c269ea,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+db167c65559b4aeeaf849a520effb49e,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8ab33c7c1f40496f8348814acc1d0d07,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular gland ducts infiltrated is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+685bd07738e94c14b4cf0acd1a973115,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+e1600200fb26466d863d473fe4897ae7,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+325ab5d05a90416bb39262d38f91f4b2,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+36a471ecd31e4986a399cdcb81be8201,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+402e760b5edd4c8598e1b4a84c6f47e4,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue infiltrated by irregular fusion of small cord-like structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+8ef306b1e25c4da1bbb3b326a0385c65,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue that invades by forming small, irregular ducts is found in the superficial epithelium. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+32612c877a204bf0a0fe88d1b54d0821,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+bfbf60bd6fe345f49dca8e392d0983d8,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2ae21236a718482495c4c01a4e118a7e,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+35dc86c502ed47a5a4036765131e2e29,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+201c2964395347b9baf9e791ad59e08d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized to large-sized, round or irregular glandular duct growth images is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+429a45cb1cf248688ae494c48d6bd57f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+46bd0e781b2e428898a27978d6f7e84f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+741e227c2d6a4073bf216183ec0daf2a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissues infiltrate with a small cord-like structure. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type)"
+6dceaa4cd60a4f7f891b89c4b6fb22e2,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+45d0a1c49911411786a1cc04eb166a2b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9563fb738ad54a5a8deab3c8e5e220dd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+932fc2549fb74c90bf6c1332a503c2eb,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular fusion and infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+84eafd5f45e34c738b392d29d1bc7eb9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a7ca28d313744db6849aede4dce409a1,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+0f09922ab2104922b796921ef8a93359,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+6881f4d2e7144138acaac7fc03eeb5d8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0e4935c821f24ab689520c4bfdc9195d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3cebdc2f6f5b4e34969b4f3352a900e4,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ce10baeb88aa45f5855f61acde078cd7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that grows invasively while the short atypical epithelium forms irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+2220ae7c85364881bf1a6b71518dca87,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a231cba388f349dbb9050fa03e7c2495,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8bd473e505804272b35e253cdb21e1c0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+55a1fca9053f4478998604a1e9823c9c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f85c0c7af1784f019cb35a2f3a5b702c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","In the lamina propria, small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+962cf48a027744889b5e80003dfd1e3d,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+18a3cb83ee194743a5aeda7f6ef1f4f4,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2ab4bc359e3946e9a3a56e56fa86b1de,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f1d5dfc0d13947b699e4cf710e99f895,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+48c1397a285e41c4a8d07680ba65f8bb,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+82a2ee925f71463ebdb64572e2f43a1a,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts, centered on the submucosa, infiltrated by fusion with each other is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+8a6f1e2028c3460c820feaca4abdb0c3,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+f57b4faec39c42baba58e0093ad462c0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the lamina propria, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+faa32c78956a437b892454182bb4ab93,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Proliferation of small, irregular tubular glandular ducts with fusion is seen just above the muscularis mucosae in the lamina propria. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+990226eec19c413288183de2006f5c86,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+5ada16a9c57c4d5e884de694f9231cb7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+80b0a4c39da74e3f9dbf8305c8b2da98,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c97dfd06a41341579cc8959ee2e48147,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the gastric mucosal tissue, tumor tissue that forms irregular glandular cavities of medium to small size or shows small cords and infiltrates is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8af6749721234df29e8fef3215d0dfd0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+61886e8543404bbdb8593031d848f797,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8056cdbabb244461b90d7c2c1be23393,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0f4db70636c14c249712a6e113f3c8e3,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+17625cc91f11415e91b0d0357967bdbd,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+bad8c41bd8b242698d6226a28899abd3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+896620cab4e54b179182647fa17aee94,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+4b89d594689643aca85c1f49e44b602d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+33cff9c0d37e4dcf8dafc86ec06a83a0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+7f73bfacc2a14ded94d6c3e0c9455c10,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+6ce7d9eca1fd401188776a1e553f1cf1,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+10d3e40eb49248a7bd7328fd4ec9f479,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+747e2e25951946009a0891ea41987bdd,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+afccc66aa25c40509f6b7d40f91f39b5,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+70ad8c44648445b7ac4d350d29e80273,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ac51d7cb26464704b6f78fbe58ab2483,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1010ba11b8064785a76a21e025fc54ad,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+6a638ebee17a436885180019a7cd2acf,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+49dbddbdb0d54edbb6d98aa18b9755d7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c22d86097d4e46acbd7c0c99f18a4db9,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+9664514bed35447f88414e401b43110e,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+42638b9b9d914a149b6619899d44f135,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a148fae206974c3fb9c2c9f0f9956904,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9afafa8a9660444daf04f702e9065225,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing small cord-like or irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4e4b7760ed574d5a8976623f25857d56,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+b59d3e5d088a4020b4007a36159de5f4,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a1ed33cd23654f7ea1088dde85543021,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+0e16330f1c4046a484d7603b49ebf2cf,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+68dfd4f680e24b049f346a59c08aaca7,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+e57306f3a0d740988027eb5f1c316ada,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of growth of medium-sized to large-sized, round or irregular glandular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+477402fb5317479d84d9e9b3522fc065,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9767d089b4d843e5921a0961a623770e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+4837dbe0f23849fd94e293f4ea4d039c,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+5da438b7cdc44f56b0d0b5fef6fd6773,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+48e7c987216e4745a693a57cf4f65193,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+299938d4cdc44cbba27b078a6828f66b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ca51a07086254baa96b2743fbe39a81b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5bcb34e01de542cb9b59c2f5a9776470,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+084efc3cb04b45dbb939da273c8418df,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+1a58f17d50374140833e330a29bcb1d2,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized to small, irregular glandular ducts are partially fused and infiltrated. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ea6c536b461744a5b135ec564ff83cc3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+cacc154f734b49a7981ad8d3202ec383,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+3161a80a8ac54d8cabda15026bd705f2,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+be4547bba86c40bfb5d730a4251ac4fb,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium to small irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+d583d03ac6c44f9a961ec365684fcfec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f91ab724c83a43d0bea6bda3591a07cf,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+11230d8a34a94ccd819c26601c5e091a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+dd2c9ae70a704100b07f382b5446abce,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+8cd932fc0c904d11b41366646b77df77,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+d64e7afd169b4246bb2ccc6dcfba8db1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+4b801ce12a8645588a9c4b821aad994f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+56a6062fd2b341898ba69299ef8bde36,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+a161f558ff5440b9a3b46e398d936654,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of proliferative images of medium-sized to small-sized round or irregular glandular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0ab157d2df894cd887b4695360052f36,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+a5c00deae8a147a4919cff4321ad7ee1,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+fa53e0f525e14f0e82f446cd9607217b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+264ecd0e39164c35aa6fc16fa205122b,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+012b64f9a776447fa0e439d8dd1d0bdd,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized round or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+21bc8d1891a242baaeb599847364e973,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized round or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+d967a531deaa47499df4b4f672d12220,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+819e0279cadf41c6833853116763433e,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2902c2baed91409982535e03efa04aef,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+58bf46ae72324487a332e93ac0becf88,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized round or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+9ca220de81594cef87443807d245d803,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+afa12e16d75f4cc290f657088cfc9d89,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"A large irregular tubular structure is exhibited in the epithelium, and tumor tissue that partially fuses and infiltrates and proliferates is observed. Large columnar tumor cells exhibit enlarged nucleus, hyperchromatism, and mitotic figures. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0fca3b64e5214eb89038168eb4120806,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+79693adea9114eee9d13f5f850fe7eab,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1db5be9db7ee497f8cd8cf1e10442e15,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e88b061401b64810ae2159c19dd71181,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+54458e6a57a24797b97e370a60008051,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+f64d9fd8946e44b086fa7be3fca9faea,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e6b30b154a8a4a1e8c3ab9ec2eadbe26,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f08d5634b42943d394713e5134573557,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"A large irregular tubular structure is exhibited in the epithelium, and tumor tissue that partially fuses and infiltrates and proliferates is observed. Large columnar tumor cells exhibit enlarged nucleus, hyperchromatism, and mitotic figures. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+85bcd2ef10854393bf2bcac996ec0a78,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+1d2165f0ef634da39d3825326bc868b6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a87536d9dc294c5daecbdecd13a5a5e7,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+afc04a0e4cc749118c9982e3c8949128,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+ca9f3390b84e44cfbc6e28531c7c7e38,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the lamina propria, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7033900be6f84d05857a176303bc2d93,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+fbf84a918fa142d5bbfccf304a5fec88,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+75378f83a70d4b7abd69f84fa67d8cde,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ad71ea2983a84cf0b751a01ecab4b619,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+20c5165948114932bf8520f96e01ae37,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+dabbc8ac49f24735b20dedd2f00945e7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d24a9c388c7042d5b53f1eef69721697,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+42e5d5e71edc453aa72b6daca4de64a0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+6914835f44eb41c7af6ca388b1e11871,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+b1fac07120fa49a2889b3871f0de6c44,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9d4bbd847551461a89a47203d15b50a4,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+fe12411bf182468c94fa0ff044c61a5f,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+6e6a51da233846b68a286639b4bcfcab,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+665a242661044f1cb756d2fa31d0bd33,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Most remain in the superficial epithelium, forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts and proliferating, and some tumor tissue invades the muscularis mucosae. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+1106cde73f4e4b62b8c668f192563f2e,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+74b85c5871814417804d3f9a2ad0dced,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3a8518ce6ddf43c5af5afda555d5d6a5,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+7b247506419749709084e0c89beb5229,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+da1f93519d734704a42872d86598f1f0,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+f36688586d2c4b5aa72193bf7e3cceb3,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a small alveolar shape, and some tumor tissues infiltrate with a cord-like structure. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+82899843d7364e1883205906b943a18e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+b1c4ca822e3d41619df1177767df8ee5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+065fc2a7b72643918b31c35cdfd631a9,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+b7f36de5028e4a68a87444cdf1dd4461,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+adbb04d1d43e4dfaacd789d1889df364,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0370d465854043cba4062f6c694c45b4,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+bc9f79ec279241eabe7c4478b188e164,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+2a2c4c4d4c414e40b3328f06083fa6ff,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4fd0a59e4ff44e83b54577499ab81d9d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue infiltrated by partial fusion of medium-sized to small, irregular glandular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3ca9801befdf48ba844d0125dbe36ce3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, medium-sized to small irregular glandular ducts are formed, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused or small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+107368ed98474e3997b1949b42611067,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3419db86633b4a2fb6e2983051d60868,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","In the coagulative necrotic tissue, tumor tissue in which large atypical cells are individually isolated and infiltrated is observed. Some of the tumor cells exhibit signet ring cell carcinoma cell morphology. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+9608db80fbdb4c709829a3de4de72dd5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+38e2cf61ac604d03a13407028ed976af,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue infiltrated by partial fusion of medium-sized to small, irregular glandular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ea789fce2fce4ca6936307aaba07f304,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+7d9ab7dc188b478c849561828a198919,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+0d5bdead0f3d4cd783299efe51de263f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+a6da6d31ef184fceae0e5e11eaa3aa22,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+b20f0bde42cb435792832252054edfaa,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f3c7df9576e94926a7d24a76160c03ae,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+eb9050aaae5e44a680034a9beb0e489c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a2a5143fc5fc42f997e0f096074c84ce,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+eb3b7a592b9846aea321f0b7e7d336ba,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+997b2206880241d2a3eb580e4b2ee2f5,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+4b5a1eea5c954477b94f43a1d163650d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+e0f1859dddaa4381abf57cd3331917df,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+0539157664a648929de90ed21d49ac73,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+46e7d0b61907433c8a8083d98eb32322,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+97ccad2315464c01835b63e61889f031,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+3e9cd59edd6b417dafbe70f667d41b01,Signet ring cell carcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of signet ring cell type atypical epithelial cells invading the lymphatic vessels of the lamina propria is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma.
+d58a8f21e49f43ddb0d61a4a28ca1657,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+b1a5a304715e454783a9646288b314cd,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+b35c55ffaee54978b40d40cb34228b5e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+5a044662cec844978e2d8554a544b6b7,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+cc071e86c6b44261a9d883f6f59f395c,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+f6d349d8a8e34a1ab364092c48b26fb8,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+92d58f23ad4b4f03b5b56596a744dd38,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+6529c4ab076248b78d978d014c1a8b13,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1dcf6801099d40b886251ed9eb46bb45,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+60e354bce3004cbca08fa2f81b90c887,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+5dbc9864d0e84db4883797402d9e19d0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+fc2fad27b6f84821a23a18c080b30e34,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+9d18e783479e47c89191e9de6081948e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+5f8de6294d6c4cef8fb77ca6305f72f6,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4b8fd99bb063404bb020eedf0f4e4b85,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+4a44a4622bfb4d6d86456a33d2294913,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+004cabe20bdb47fcae3022dab96f7f51,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8078c335da08422587b203a958b4397d,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+b7d49b629c054c1193de4923c3e9c388,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ec05deb16a79412baf9ac9bee501e1b9,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+d9ebd845a4e94d7ab6d808b488cb3c4b,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+394e63bf87dd4738bcea0b6d401e5e09,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+b2989dbbe6174e3c9ba999b1f0713ed0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+31182a7cc6e54d6f9aa0fbc749d89f25,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+e104f4ab1b374968a10bbb26ebba6b39,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+e4983bf6f51a4a6cae9007a41ba3f4a6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e18c57606bff469ab39c9a44de4f7a6e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+fa505004781c49ee8e943bd7851fad77,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+43f9321e8cd0442b80efa67f3809fc72,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+79b3c366ea0a4cc7b0a51b397266ab29,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a06d116a369f478fa35705bec8534513,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+820b9d8ada9d4d15a89a6f04ede04e9c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+642147765a8c4b0dafae19c2a4a83898,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+1b56e0b5cb8646698c1af9a10d48f96f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9805b950ec8a4af5aca45fc2f7766794,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5fdf08e23bae4c15b41ca5074090c654,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d9eb5226773541d5923f0306831a6419,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+4790bd8c45bf466382b9ce38845341ee,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+c1634392e47749deb588a434cabca533,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c77538e06042413097169b78117555f1,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1997521f8b8e4898a12d977158ba518f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+2c385f377378473987bd6ef244fe8b9d,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+ebae28024bb1400fabee9c93290a6ff2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1ed93912d5424d27915bd495e5392681,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e9b41535519f4f60848171ba0a4fcabe,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8fe9340a60db41808c6cd77d86e04498,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Large tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and hyperchromatism. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ec2e3113ee374ebc85e218903340a9db,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5dc29201ade74aab9d1d719541a5ebd7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+8f77d27e87fc44b4949eff929d057e3b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+c4fd4f94f8eb480f900c161b5ec46d02,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c02208d9966845b3a1442bbde9160f6e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5224cc0192234af9b1c36fed116a8988,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"In the lamina propria, a tumor tissue consisting of signet ring cell type atypical epithelial cells infiltrating is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma."
+a390e8efd952412396df1ec936d62c9b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+f85af7984bcf468ab031474c1cbe7212,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+a8a9e66ba4d74872898fc32cb259a240,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+ca1383d052df42e99cc84427c7d48683,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)."
+1d770c029a6243d2b5120430cebc2ee9,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9d8c8fa283974ee3bca6ac770ef54d6b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+a9213001d6b34ba2aa5e140d2586251d,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4ff0c8b9cdd74e87a674bbdb6cc3c52b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8d05c37afd69414d8764703e0059fc94,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3e5a36b6635b4714bc257afc9f1c8d55,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Tumor cells are medium to large, cuboidal, and have little tendency to differentiate. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3b2604a8acf042d3a1611e61df57f767,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type)"
+17c604a74e304d72aab43a2118e6025f,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+62d6eb74a68244758a9891052b4c89ad,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ec03006332eb404d8eddafd797c2da01,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+36e435694d794bf6841538a0b13919f9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8f163ca21fd64185b64d2d2c1b367623,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+714e547dbdef44e98b929c59e41840a2,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a714fa51e9e044638954c34f97fb5ee5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+66dbc9a8cb634e93af6ee6e289b76d3f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4949015b97794cf7b28de23b62b7dfa9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0a11cea22a1040ae8fa43a913af092c5,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+e965a85e3c964865b83f76d40ed224e7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+53d65a16ef884d859d02bd701fc7fc97,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+acb6f52dd1b046528420d92983bdddee,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+a4a025440ecc4beeb379a24333105638,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5e2684e716e64b54ab7520c391a2eb72,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+aae33eced8de4feb8603dc01b66c8208,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9d7c6bfe01524639b20a3193c6ea5269,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+77fae6ec3b0d435d849f5f7ef7609f63,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f96c1b7a0497457db34c6a67591b9702,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Most are composed of coagulative necrotic tissue, but some show a large sheet-like shape, and some show tumor tissue infiltrating with a small cord-like structure. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+2e8e06c36ad544ad943fbf2c4cf72884,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2c0c2af7664c421eafcab6da4df801a0,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3507f4d81cb44a6ca89ae98a5af5453d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bd81b503bdae4e97ab430ff89075424d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e9bcfad6c2f046868b086cc6203578e7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+7c7921432ab24d7b984f8bb7ba4eca3f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+b2fb376f253e40dbb4e632d87c93341c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large alveolar shape and infiltrates tumor tissue. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+4009af0d75ad4bf599574a59f566222d,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+52c38de546b4442988d562c62aee37af,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b940f8c13c9b44c9bcf5d7a125595ca6,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+1a74d24cc7f74a5eb6908194342074b2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+6f902a1a06cc4f8989ff39611cb51560,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+039e0d25c4c14ba2bcf4e539d1c949b7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ed778fe0959c49189a30978ba690e524,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+d0d0cbeb36ba4e76a1c2d3abc8a7dc9f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+f8488fecb9e14489b0c6a1509c3e3ca1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9c327f34c3ea41b1bf71676eddba8bec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1695e10045b840b39bbacf16d45bc8c3,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+a1df8fd8fb7149cbb4bc559e842f03d1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ec53fcf34e664b279b0a3346f6f69456,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+20d96188b0a844ce802049c4f2e02eb0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Irregular shaped atypical ductal structures are observed. Tumor cells exhibit large nucleus and mitotic figures. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+76f496d4a43b407c9de530bc69230402,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+63cb53515a08447a9cc5248664a37915,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7a63cd0e42af4af7b04ccc6ee06d9c5c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5ff88488f9ec4e7c9e8f16662c2c75a2,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+92b5e790ba5a4896a0f1cbbdef67349b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+06f9a6977ba9433fada86003379bfb8c,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+738f9a4828e4457199ac13fe78b94e1f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+894d4f97d9184984ae3f547fb5dc5698,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+f298174663a3469186e26e5ca353cbd0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+372a8a50e8b542d182fba20cdf7e83e6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a74bc1bd39244eb2a5691270272dca2d,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f68f148d02eb4f2cb37103b2a1eab494,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+a0dce764461c473abc038c96a464caae,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+272733c1e5b24a53bf0e99bc13557656,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue in which medium to small irregular ducts infiltrate and proliferate in the submucosa can be seen in the epithelium. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+2041ab61e12e48d9aee05e8c9d2af1f6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+6351986c59eb4ecba2ca614f610dfdc5,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f3852f465de7492a8442bb2849b871e6,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+70c5ee0500e44b3088e4c12bb16894ed,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1e123eafee4a469bbbbb2548e6b7ffa7,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+991fbe8eeeee4c99abe84eaea1e2681e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+acea2e08ea4a4d09a7057156baa78962,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+871766bd3b394223a2484e3b450c863a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3cc6b9c635164213bd03c97b142768b7,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+2f63ab7aff7f425881b37d62e9701627,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue infiltrated by partial fusion of medium-sized to small, irregular glandular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+90eb5272182341caadb8d03c858385e6,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma-moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+8bdce224bd3b4e649d53cd475176fcd5,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+95672d8860a54f51b572655077468212,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+40dd56cbb80e4aacabee78e0d124841c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5c221f066df34676b3c44529d7e58586,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4ed5ca3865b84a53b8e71ee366d50cf0,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3977fe4dff3647d7808e62bf89b55158,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c60303c238894d5499bac04fda4f78d2,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+27bbb10e2a4a434bbab371c79adb2313,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+7424a420bdc74be2bee733ba384e1fe0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4150536d3a2e438d983f447d1eac13d4,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+43d62145b6ff40a49876fd39a3605427,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma (Papillary adenocarcinoma)"
+787572cb82a04fab895e90871f2b1f76,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+6232d9cd21d24422b64b7b4d6e7b8dd1,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+dc0f4ce5b616431da94ea68a6a2ea795,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+fd6b6ae37a764113b6d36338b58a96ed,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5baced50e72b4002bd57810875c2be89,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+805f2eac93ab487195940dc954851ae6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+3e929b35671b451e806e6e4bfcbd9b09,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+b2a0661830e046d494de876b734e2dc9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type)"
+6e7d423f7bb34ba2a13ec09ed8ab7560,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+907d96c713984be5b84810ba0ad535ab,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+38c5481687664180a024e9791e043030,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+80445326ae164b029b3e52b3d7dc9cad,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9f9cd3f1adad4a858dad70aa9114a5d9,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+55b60ebd522c48f5b9daf891c3aa7be7,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+327dcbdcf6294d56a281e5258bce84d7,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0dee732d4534462d90dd57bc0cc1d1f1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+20852c7676c44c39b7270682e0aaa1c0,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+7996ab36f1434c72a1684746a4dc6d76,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a3a82a06b73346a9a67cb1ddc2c57c7a,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of diffusely infiltrated large atypical epithelial cells or signet ring atypical cells is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+a07472685bb244529b95b97323bce0c7,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+7f8e7f03ec63444abce61b8288134f12,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+59893bbcc7fd49e7b3b58ee0fe5dc156,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+19a31f118eb3405fb02b8a6a3281c537,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3a50a7cb18514d0b8921b1e5d62f9b2f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+6176ec9db1c54ea89611ebd1284d61a0,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+469d90c7a9684454b5fd0727848c3fdc,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Cells with elliptical or atypical nuclei form dense ducts with relatively clear growth. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+fdd207efd4ea498c863d6048f0dda5fd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Cells with elliptical or atypical nuclei form dense ducts with relatively clear growth. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+895051f1f62c483880572e4669639c7e,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+4b494ba69a9048d29f7d1c4f0510114b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+543b2b3a10364d40b90349c079f69314,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+4eeff5cf689c4b689867174bdbc0788c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized irregular or small round gland ducts showing a small cord-like shape and infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+6fea71f6883e48a38163b1273d079faa,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and in some cases, the glandular ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma."
+debebb808a1e45ea95656599098fea9c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+e761a64c5a5b4790bc75170acbd9a9cd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ca4a27c5ccb24dbd88fb46a65a85a3aa,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4324f5ba74504a18bba721a6a7786d11,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+66e3e876e80a46f4ae810cb0f32a86b7,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+c79c8d60b3804708b0653d42559c937f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+821e47034a0844c1adf794f90b163dda,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+aac91e4afb3d48e8b6705fcbfd95c157,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+351ebb1d7c0a4d1c80bf7a6c66e9dee0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+ac44f940cda04b13978fe051dc2c27c7,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+62e908bc081e4922bc95cac030bc3649,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet or alveolar shape, and tumor tissue infiltrating without irregular ducts is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+53bc6dc5ae0b4aae98c65fdd25d99be9,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+049740ff578049ed9183657576fff11e,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, a tumor tissue consisting of a large, irregular glandular duct partially fused and infiltrating with a small alveolar shape is observed. Well or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+b036dd05f95a47578ce4b56f53bdfaea,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet or alveolar shape, and tumor tissue infiltrating without irregular ducts is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+25914ad2520d4e4fa1d0555970e8d4ac,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+88d5d54aadc9456e959428b99f77b517,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+eca1e232a7db444fb4eaa25ab181ba9d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Cancer cells with strongly atypical nuclei grow while forming ducts showing lumens of various sizes. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+0f86f9a52e634537b6886df564d370c2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3af89f91f2f04e0282c6de0be03a125c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e8deb9100aeb4a919b296259c51c7f6c,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming large papillary or large irregular glandular ducts is observed confined to the mucosa. Papillary adenocarcinoma
+dd99be633f194a5db7994d5d91df84cb,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+7da0493dd9fb48c195ed8490ab6b3e59,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0644408993a449a9bb7985db91ca0d0a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a22b2aba768948cb8768af235d7b6849,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+122060b8608d42529b94c98861ea0008,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet or alveolar shape, and tumor tissue infiltrating without irregular ducts is observed. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+aaad7659ffb94b20828b04d6ca05bbd8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1e8cca6dabeb4615b16416beb21f83a3,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+a7807fa54ca74168bed46957e0a09709,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+c3d2d9e64e6b4db1ac1b3fd0e5090227,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+dcf0bbd4aad747e68ccc9e5d02c20c08,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+de0edd41e3d042299c15209ab3a07887,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+86411bc30b454e0bb1d0a9f4758dde7b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1c260429f2ce4ee396093d4326293315,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+be8e0168480c436c863c11ce54c9aee6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+02845cadec10469c9d8e1f7d0ef2e250,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+93bd807b748e4658848a2e2f5b80e31b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+17770d23ffc8494c829b82591a73f7a5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d0d8c92ad1da457daf1a33d1602582c3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+df1656e620c44e15abbfdebcbcdc8e6b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+1964e176cea1424982a305a34ff636e8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+412d71677fb44936b8602f5d11e78ad6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+15d873d170d04eafa8a9ec9c2cd13ba1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3481317086f34b4ab09cb87ae4a4a767,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+811d2b909a46420c89128e9b6e8736a6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+58fb9f68c67a47489fe5980a537a0928,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+9d5fd70783c34facbf5ab80102fac0ec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+dcf9352340ae47f68acb0b6cf71a4f58,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+22676d5ffe5542c89f3486e12c80cfb1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+7186248fb0eb429ba7d592fc6cb31a64,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1a2c27a2ada04f60a165195c5c7e4ae9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+daf6dad917354972bbb2d87e2014cb64,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+d1e7f1fe149d41a3bf484053507141c9,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+6f052ae7ac2e4c9e89ccd31234f0d450,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+894026d41e2c4ca297ab18c66589b346,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3e11d51be8464f3d947dfc09fa169bc4,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+e79cbaad2ef74daea39550239e590578,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c8ede631b0e84c24b8218337d3a0cdc6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue infiltrating by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4267aa229ad5445dbcbaeee65c8b1646,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing large papillary structures or large and small ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+5f4d67b6688a4240b63623ad4e159030,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+e46f188c4c704189a67e301beaf02d5a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c075c59284a2486aaff20d0b5f2a5748,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+716a9e4cb5aa4c31b7a64c2b0c279a10,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+e0d87dc5714f456ca48d56486e524798,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+0717d91508e84dfaa721bbe18f21747c,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+b40d8210e1d04f528597c7793c9e684e,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+302a3c4bec0e4b10ae30165a873e33cc,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+89e04f630845405082b5b873b37b3a16,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+4fe320cf50a041e88e0165008a7aa904,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d376a89a52c642a99c76d6dfee72ee1a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3af4a072227d4ed781cbc3cabd38ed59,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Cancers with polygonal nuclei do not show glandular formation and are densely, in part, cord-like and proliferate. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma"
+19c7589d54a347bb81d010dd4b74003b,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing large papillary structures or large and small ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+9f50b2ab16dc4e7586f417874084017d,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing large papillary structures or large and small ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+35d8c375cd184e17b6b69d9d0ca78e30,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b129ed5344894f7d93bcdb445dcc42db,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing large papillary structures or large and small ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+31b0ad02c50a48259ffc8d935bcdb4ec,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+15d22f5066974983bf6f010c565242b2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+2d2ca384a3de4d778e8ceddb6b3002b3,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b0016598c3ef4bad9e481d542a528a96,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5a99818ff8e24904b21c6387e9c498ab,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the superficial epithelium, showing large papillary structures or large and small ducts. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+3968de7774234b7f9a1829753a1333f3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9aaed618c99d498baeaea1b95220f786,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+3f3d6c0c4ad4432f8fc6633d176e0173,Signet ring cell carcinoma,"In the lamina propria, a tumor tissue consisting of signet ring cell type atypical epithelial cells infiltrating is observed. Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma."
+c100a9f741f0475a875e20f2467e1e86,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+06d63f3b64094eb99d0f53cdbbb3f491,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+3aff85b6e592472f8f3d4c09db501f63,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+85acb142d4954dc7a503a3578fdbc269,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+b7c8a3498461426d94394b82d07886f0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+601f4cfac4f346768028345e1a6902db,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+89d581e2a65f4a38aef1f5080123c991,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+7b1ff64312bd45e4a36cc0cefd384c12,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+15bd272a4f5347d2b2c976078a31a058,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+84ee7d10cf8c417aad224e62dd0732cc,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e3ace33d8de44cc1b254adcf8fede952,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Dense proliferation of irregularly polarized neoplastic ducts was observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma.
+be8632f6bc744bb29aee72031dd940c9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+84fbc7bb58bd4030981aa26761fbfcb6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+00437a576a4e4d1d86e62536d85fa03c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+3bf28254bf724e2d9df8cd96d8449204,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+77d69dc1309b4d258253182be1a4d723,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+12ff3c402a7343c0ab7e0cebe3f41922,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+62529fdb1228412c855951e4c0a25bd6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+450947c587a3469e9d42362d3fcc0fa5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+e9413c1fda804295ae8a690c8b6ab7ad,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+a322445eca934c0ba843d0a54bc02812,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+0d45e76ce53b47fda7920000656732aa,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8ae1870fb9a842f185419e89468ff0df,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows large alveolar or sheet-like forms, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+da36d5b94ec34913ad6a34de7b249bd6,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+9b59c9d82442462e9a767a0c896b5683,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The superficial epithelium shows small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue. Tumor cells are invading single cell manner without mucin production. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+c69b285c4d0d46318334ddcb920d413e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+e5f45649c86647c496ce4ceb3362b997,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+4d7fecc8ea07471f879a24e71b1943ef,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma infiltrates in the submucosa massively.
+7c8fe9c091664e39950cd9092264d459,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+38b48b37761847fc8d25b684f59ca2db,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The superficial epithelium shows small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue. Tumor cells are invading single cell manner without mucin production. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+eed71cebe1d34176986ab9f0d8552048,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ef74bbc62cc0416689c99431f29cfb43,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3a1424debcda4fb893a55ba619c92ade,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ae68a3fb262d428599897044f48094bc,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+df20479dccb74d7dbc96188a5b340785,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ed1f589510ea4a37a20f148d2c1e7ccd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4bce1606de554a13b19b7df4b4020296,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5725a6bd33134be39aaa921a4bbfc4ed,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+335e8ed7361f476393c8b06581b9b009,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1e76e11d75b54bb886672ac2feda3ce5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+30f71a32fb0d434ca52a7910898667a2,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+02a1bc61b0de4e47b205be28f8df64be,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1a52e2b3f46b48b1b5dbc8c1b2d499df,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+6c8a3ba7963249e9a8a6dc03c7c8abc0,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+b7b02cb80124426c9e3c078126b75afc,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+bb10c1955aaa4da9af0a1ff91c4cc782,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b5a5c66b01524b95b456e9068f453a33,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+ab22265e4a754191ad96246484dc4ce4,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9ef688ae3630489cb5af57f0d38c8121,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bbffbac919684403b447490f14f1e734,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+05952c8c0e714fd180b4a97f4d91aceb,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+9ae32686508f46338ae7da4379ad521c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+5143dbbcf34b4b229cea4355851f81d8,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+79e9a1e4dcad403f81dca9643c8afc58,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+23ba62868c22435ea41d70daf67cae36,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0e334fc211d7434fb34776182ff442e4,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+65c55c91c33f4a338424d43e226b12e8,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+90a3d705f1204dc98ada44ea00655ff9,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+af5c644f517e4ada80ba3483fade9833,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+ff84dea81f1e477b9df2e5ab9be5382e,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+4cc04aaf771d4649beca899b5a906cb9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+cc94d326b10c474585f3af388d0f6511,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+a270981108534636bfa8d1754438d1a8,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+1e5f7c7c397d412281d92977ef3898e3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+915940e355074d2e8cb1a4e62ae5cb2b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+8a4bceee9d674a82a50ae3401765a36f,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+31ebc237941f4fabb140d30e6872dd1f,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+7d6e23d6a7424cc4b0bd65759ab6bdbd,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and some tumor tissues show small cords and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4b026e1b74d34f31af298f91923129a3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+03336910ad8a4feead71b010f787ddd2,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+46bf1c7e61d44002bc16cc4ddae98ab9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and some tumor tissues show small cords and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+71f6cde986994601b59f5e06467e1c5e,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+7d4755e132cd45db8ff3e3ecf60c4342,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"Medium to small, irregular glandular ducts are formed in the superficial epithelium, and some tumor tissues show small cords and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+915ba5fa2db644d9ad93c7ab7e5016fd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f2bd1f9f0b444877b886bf0b4c2fd9ad,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+c34f38f7700846109d7121d6f6769472,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+d9367cbc190047f0958fdc29f65358c8,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c1a8d9543bfb432b8376b76e21c6927f,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+00f1cbc53aa4498eb1a77e3289aa7d5a,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+d342845d01e04bbc938e88e0593bd7c0,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1af2df83f1fd4198880a19ac0e438f18,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f31c04bf52f7496badad04e90371a8da,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small irregular glandular ducts fused is observed infiltrating in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+ac426470e443483cb78702feca8f2374,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+e6f1e74c55ae45579b3bb5e5e271830b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+5ba46e54d08a49ee9273dc86c5bd7b24,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+b8956c5c666a4a2989d29849cc742839,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8e523c95c77c4250b583b7acb6469696,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c9e25b8e1a1a473fac9c64acc6521146,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+ac77531ad43242ba9427222d7750a02a,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+9177a46b09984ef59ea9e088741e5074,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+3ba6dc045b4c47918c68974be9cf7911,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ee255b52bbf84108b6e82667f3845e62,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+97bbb483b0e74126908ca05722a4a0c9,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+ef95216e19904f0b843d0c4ea74caa8b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a74f39d647134f93b846a674ce1c792a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0fa2e9cd9321445198c8acd5d90ebe33,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+fb4c068fd55a49b48fe333b3f7deea0c,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+d802ade862e04396b360b850830795a8,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8cf88f968043463c87a0dd1e39973f7a,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+db28e44a9810443f9c01346cfaf926b1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c8ae06004a54451aaaadb81c0f2c53f7,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+9eb015bed894401ea5b0f46d51a2875c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ebee643708a144d38f690be4a544ff62,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7d46d6500ee446d8a6fcd78b5b0959fe,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+890f64c5666d4d2296ddd61c0820c5d8,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+ef272d5eab5b49faa5102e52c2a8f02c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ce960b13c39745f49bc6d9250e6ddfec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d619fa2a805740dbb1e125448cfb9b8d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+07aa37238fd047b88084c8d51b8eb0fc,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4df2f90fe02f4ec48d3eb5b411905174,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a62e6e8faa3a4939ad62f67aa975bead,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","In the superficial epithelium, medium to small irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type)"
+75a1a9656ef44c0bae8e7726a20eaa51,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+a0e76f3d1d9d49d9af4ea520e48f5c4b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+998d0051ee53402eb02a1a0847790797,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+709fcb69231349dcbb3e0e6087a04860,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+fde9835403c94c15a951b24ca0c82b7b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f5b4ca3659d94bca884aee56b51a1b33,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+dbfb2235b21f41ad9e2b4257d114b2d1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c7b909c16a5f4f1da7008b38d9a0fd66,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f2f8784848c4475da856afdd67fe4c95,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8d6009f9393042b6939e7907be1ae389,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b2eca2fbf568402f8454e3f314031bc5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bab5fc354ede40b5bb316a13ed5590e6,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7c9258a90a9c4b72835c30058a2662b3,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1271d1c25d434c999cfad1462c06d91b,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+28af49dcd00b4247be628cc6c20fd9cc,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+54ba80a278bd4041b954c691c4ab423a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0cab1e8bd4e24de5a0d8883e29c7deec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+66277b5367cd41b5bd0754bbb905d740,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8b9692e363534c09bd5de31a920f4145,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+f74ec01f291247ebb2d05499dcb52d40,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Tumor cells are medium-sized polygonal with no extracellular mucus production or duct formation. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+5e01b8597a274b068dcee6b06c130e67,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+404c480908f44337bad1701edf3581b5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0ae7f32bdd3d415d9a53915025ae085d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+1d0e3515d9054d2d8d46890c48d715d1,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1e237d89641a4b89931bc45edaf91c4d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+539d6371bf8b4690a055804514f153b2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d520c87ac8584e92a746826568d9457a,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+57278f152e0d4832b947468e61e914fb,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,Cells with atypical nuclei are densely hyperplasia while forming sieve-like ducts of various sizes. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
+ce0ba40661fb428584e873e3e0917a72,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+73a94984cc6d4640aafeb8e4fe02a54e,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+c69a4c2bc25f493ba0f3a02d15d36703,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0ed0537e5c724757888fe879bc9b9353,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+14fc7e4cf75b4b498ca371ebd87ab37b,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+3402be05519448ad80417ace5ddc5bc3,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2a0ced28198047fbac54cf8645b0c074,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+8b4b350b78a34c51bc345de08e7b1dec,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7e49515b56a7471d8010a3a13c209170,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+93af8811214f4c87b2c5024ed2096725,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ea96383b66974c91bf9988be3fdf5689,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+2c09e5e6ee474e1c9f2504370392f687,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f1cebd2a4c784f4bbde701a7a4438388,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7b89f5a921174302adbb03a05ac9bec3,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+e5ac60509a2e46a9b9652c77919b85b9,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+ab8608572a514803b9707decf936c6f6,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+d6bfdd1ec5a34baabea66f4167196d51,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+da7a6305d2634d62bc906e95ba3c6f78,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+2ad1f67d41494b8f9554e485530c2c28,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+3779bbcb2b63437998d5b93a331680fd,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f46c7e779d2140c08c9329abc061bbc1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0dc34ca6db174796bb61e9788ae51758,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+de2c595dcfa948de8c81b2a6f8f7d634,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+340e3307bd5f4c668394923b0e471566,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+791653b6c2b947a39246976c842ec8b9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+1685153e90a74602a835bf8ae91e5cd2,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+913bbfd45bef4786b04f0285b4439c6d,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+ce51fbe04a3748b4998df3ff83beef3b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4666a6e874ba4b2d98aa566879b122ae,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+451391df2d814852a4e844d4941e3531,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+3e3cbd01bd724ce2851affefeda6370c,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+550eb29048ff488f9e352cabd63d2281,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+680dfe8e1e5f4f079ea42010f8fd16a8,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+fe56bec48766424087237a30bb559895,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4359da1a1af344388c0061f0c9ef55c0,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+80c13b42809841d2a6b165ae66a5358d,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+620b5ebffd87475a996e4d3501216234,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+787743df89bc4bc8a30b68e71c6e8e6c,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+09953a37fc0545a2aa9649e170573f99,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bf4a664a2edc4a12a30c263f5e809870,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4967eac05e1b4bed8fcc272b91099636,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+839fa0f0e36c4099a1bdf3e4d602dfba,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+10f7a42055014667860810a84280922e,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+bad639c4dcd54979b9ad1b3fa100a5e5,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+52a0e113c71e4b46b01afc095d2c2638,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"Tumor cells are large, highly columnar, large club-shaped nuclei, and are associated with chromatin aggregation. Papillary adenocarcinoma."
+3f3985e65a184849968628203d5ed3b5,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","Large sheet-like or diffusely infiltrating tumor tissue is found in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+39da6f2639f84fbd8aa9bf0e09c389d8,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+6ea33204aedd47adabd608887c3cea30,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+4f4a1c4e748545969f912dcb3e203f00,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"Tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized, cord-like or irregular glandular infiltration is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type or moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a7343f1a417d466aa30a06d59d18c85b,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+a052986b1eb74281950ee27701355cbc,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0fc87cf791fb430a9881c457c19fbe8c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+d1e8b41a5b91403c98d9ead26e463ab3,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+e58dc777ab1c4e8ea98ccd176eee7d87,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+c86a653bc4ce4fa389e9e4e65a4b733c,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+d56ab1fd228e43e6bea15f69d2da2490,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized irregular gland ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+7e759d21c30e40dc838e8582817db238,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+0b55781a671c424a9c6f63cedce6097e,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+ce3c3a8dfcbe459eacf0a9f569faa450,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+d67d39f314ba49b98caaf1ca5ae02952,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+ee2ff4316c6f4516ab3d9959c448321b,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
+776d1a3c9e9443e893ce0c6e9f60aee5,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+45d3881171d44e9094ee19c697bd3792,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small irregular gland ducts is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+9428cc34084f4c8f9516b2908d2f34a0,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The superficial epithelium shows small cord-like infiltrating tumor tissue. There is no mucin production in tumor cells. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+13c4e14e2a3e4b899970c306fbaa0ebd,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","The superficial epithelium shows a large sheet-like shape, and some tumor tissue infiltrates with small irregular ducts. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type "
+ccd1ccc2520d488cb43e61ff60564181,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+84c813ef8d9948ee9beb91b617c6fe56,Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue consisting of large, irregular glandular ducts partially fused and infiltrated is observed. Well to moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma (well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma)"
+05f5754797ed43a88871a08ece587b07,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"In the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that invades by forming medium-sized to small, irregular ducts is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma."
+0e08547e9b7e41b9b27b82f1ff5e6ec1,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f00194df47c24522afc68ed6d32f4bbe,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","A small amount of infiltrating tumor tissue is observed in the lamina propria, showing a small cord-like shape. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+5c3413d19dcf4df5b22e2cf724671e1c,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type","In the superficial epithelium, medium to small irregular gland ducts are formed, and in some cases, the ducts are fused to show solid alveolar lesions and infiltrating tumor tissue is observed. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid-type (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid type)"
+86968e9c0b1b479282d6df1dc2f94577,Papillary adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue that infiltrates by forming medium-sized papillary or small irregular ducts is observed. Papillary adenocarcinoma"
+2d6184e750f549289622f29330762d38,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+f8ad390181ab41d299e8d5e4748f5f47,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+43fa740dfdeb43e8b05312e45d735ebb,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","The lamina propria shows small cord-like tumor tissue that infiltrates with fibrosis and marked chronic inflammatory cell infiltration. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+eb87000d310b4c81931b51f005bd78b9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+27ce170f5fe84931a98da5399da318b1,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b845bb41d02a4c5ebd097d715bd834c2,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a5122248a79c48bfb935dc0d435ce31b,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+ba98d0d40c0e4b7485fa1a7e028954fd,Moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma or Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+f1bfebda4c854c318685f7696b839c35,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+02e745b05dd24a0987f10064b407fe82,"Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type","Tumor tissue consisting of cord-like or small, irregular glandular ducts fused and infiltrated is observed in the superficial epithelium. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, non-solid type"
+d4fd29032c0649a18d79ca462ea33589,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4be7b8116a9149d7ade4b6512165c9aa,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+190094b738c6464e869d68a21ebc2d92,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+b01e65b8988f4c09a5215c5126f3ee1c,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+a41bd0ece2614ccda662cea7b27c63da,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+497bc8b2c36349b781f9e5e461cbc494,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4b70ba7ab3f242eebfb42d4711d930d9,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"On the superficial epithelium, tumor tissue is found in which medium-sized irregular gland ducts fuse with each other and infiltrate. moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+4292538b49d2459ba8fd0755319bc04d,Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,"From the superficial epithelium to the muscularis mucosae, tumor tissue consisting of medium-sized and irregular glandular ducts infiltrating is observed. Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma"
+bb85e4e1d5a549a7bf19abc9f3012ac0,Papillary adenocarcinoma,Tumor tissue consisting of large papillary structures is found in the superficial epithelium. Papillary adenocarcinoma.
diff --git a/prompt_and_captions/crc100k_prompts_all_per_class.json b/prompt_and_captions/crc100k_prompts_all_per_class.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d416629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt_and_captions/crc100k_prompts_all_per_class.json
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ "0": {
+ "classnames": {
+ "ADI": [
+ "adipose",
+ "adipose tissue",
+ "adipocytes",
+ "fat",
+ "fat cells"
+ ],
+ "BACK": [
+ "background",
+ "penmarking",
+ "empty space",
+ "background artifacts"
+ ],
+ "DEB": [
+ "debris",
+ "colorectal adenocarcinoma debris and necrosis",
+ "necrosis",
+ "necrotic debris"
+ ],
+ "LYM": [
+ "lymphocytes",
+ "lymphoid aggregate",
+ "immune cells",
+ "lymphoid infiltrate",
+ "inflammatory cells"
+ ],
+ "MUC": [
+ "mucus",
+ "mucin",
+ "mucus pool",
+ "mucin pool"
+ ],
+ "MUS": [
+ "smooth muscle",
+ "smooth muscle tissue",
+ "muscle",
+ "muscularis propria",
+ "muscularis mucosa"
+ ],
+ "NORM": [
+ "normal colon mucosa",
+ "uninvolved colon mucosa",
+ "normal colonic mucosa",
+ "benign epithelium"
+ ],
+ "STR": [
+ "cancer-associated stroma",
+ "tumor-associated stroma",
+ "stromal cells",
+ "stromal tissue",
+ "stroma"
+ ],
+ "TUM": [
+ "colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelium",
+ "colorectal adenocarcinoma",
+ "tumor",
+ "adenocarcinoma",
+ "malignant epithelium"
+ ]
+ },
+ "templates": [
+ "a photomicrograph showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "a photomicrograph of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an example of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME is shown.",
+ "this is CLASSNAME.",
+ "there is CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological photograph of CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological photograph showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "shows CLASSNAME.",
+ "presence of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME is present.",
+ "an H&E stained image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E stained image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME, H&E stain.",
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prompt_and_captions/nsclc_prompts_all_per_class.json b/prompt_and_captions/nsclc_prompts_all_per_class.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be70e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt_and_captions/nsclc_prompts_all_per_class.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ "0": {
+ "classnames": {
+ "LUAD": [
+ "adenocarcinoma",
+ "lung adenocarcinoma",
+ "adenocarcinoma of the lung",
+ "LUAD"
+ ],
+ "LUSC": [
+ "squamous cell carcinoma",
+ "lung squamous cell carcinoma",
+ "squamous cell carcinoma of the lung",
+ "LUSC"
+ ]
+ },
+ "templates": [
+ "a photomicrograph showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "a photomicrograph of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an example of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME is shown.",
+ "this is CLASSNAME.",
+ "there is CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological photograph of CLASSNAME.",
+ "a histopathological photograph showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "shows CLASSNAME.",
+ "presence of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME is present.",
+ "an H&E stained image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E stained image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E image showing CLASSNAME.",
+ "an H&E image of CLASSNAME.",
+ "CLASSNAME, H&E stain.",
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0c210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+name = "conch"
+version = "0.1.0"
+description = "CONCH: a vision language foundation model for human pathology."
+readme = "README.md"
+requires-python = ">=3.9"
+classifiers = [
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "License :: CC BY-NC 4.0",
+dependencies = [
+ "torch>=2.0.1", "torchvision",
+ "transformers==4.31.0", "tokenizers>=0.12.1,<0.14",
+ "numpy", "scikit-learn", "timm==0.9.8",
+ "regex", "ftfy", "h5py", "pandas"
+exclude = ["assets*", "benchmark*", "docs", "dist*", "scripts*", "tests*", "checkpoints*"]
+exclude = ["assets*", "benchmark*", "docs", "dist*", "scripts*", "tests*", "checkpoints*"]