Utilities for variant calling and manipulating VCFs and BCFs
mamba install -c bioconda bcftools=1.15
bcftools filter -i 'FILTER="PASS" && INFO/PE>=1' 22Rv1.5X.vcf > test.vcf
# This will include the variants that meet the conditions at the same time
bcftools sort 10X_long.vcf > 10X_long.sort.vcf
bgzip -c 10X_long.vcf > 10X_long.vcf.gz
bcftools sort 10X_long.vcf.gz > 10X_long.sor.vcf.gz
bcftools index 10X_long.sort.vcf.gz > 10X_long.sort.vcf.gz.csi
# You should to build indexes for them:
# Try to run isec:
bcftools isec isec.a.vcf.gz isec.b.vcf.gz -p dir
I don't like bcftools isec for intersection of SVs, it doesn't work well. It needs the two vcf files to be exactly the same. I recommend surpyvor, a SURVIVOR wrapper.