This subject is the subject where we learn how to build independent back-end services that can be used by all sorts of clients such as front-end apps, mobile apps, smart devices, and other services. We will learn how to make our own Web API application, the different methods of working with data as well as testing our solution. Here are the topics we will cover in detail on this subject:
- What is a Web API project and how to build one
- Communication through the HTTP protocol
- Using tools to make requests and test APIs
- Connecting to a database with ADO.NET and Dapper frameworks
- Writing unit tests for applications
- Securing a Web API application
- Implementing Logging in a web application
This repository will contain every piece of material about the subject. It will include:
- Documentation for the classes
- Code that we write in the classes
- Homework
- Trainer: [email protected]
- Co-Trainer: [email protected]